{ "resourceType": "Patient", "id": "f201", "text": { "status": "generated", "div": "

Generated Narrative with Details

id: f201

identifier: BSN = 123456789 (OFFICIAL), BSN = 123456789 (OFFICIAL)

active: true

name: Roel(OFFICIAL)

telecom: ph: +31612345678(MOBILE), ph: +31201234567(HOME)

gender: male

birthDate: 13/03/1960

deceased: false

address: Bos en Lommerplein 280 Amsterdam 1055RW NLD (HOME)

maritalStatus: Legally married (Details : {SNOMED CT code '36629006' = '36629006', given as 'Legally married'}; {http://hl7.org/fhir/v3/MaritalStatus code 'M' = 'Married)

multipleBirth: false



*Wife (Details : {SNOMED CT code '127850001' = '127850001', given as 'Wife'}; {http://hl7.org/fhir/patient-contact-relationship code 'partner' = 'Partner)Ariadne Bor-Jansmaph: +31201234567(HOME)


*Dutch (Details : {urn:ietf:bcp:47 code 'nl-NL' = '??', given as 'Dutch'})true

managingOrganization: AUMC

" }, "identifier": [ { "use": "official", "_use": { "fhir_comments": [ " The identifier for the person as this patient (fictive) " ] }, "type": { "text": "BSN" }, "system": "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.", "value": "123456789" }, { "fhir_comments": [ " Demographics " ], "use": "official", "_use": { "fhir_comments": [ " The identifier for this individual " ] }, "type": { "text": "BSN" }, "system": "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.", "value": "123456789" } ], "active": true, "_active": { "fhir_comments": [ " Indicates that the patient is not part of a multiple birth " ] }, "name": [ { "use": "official", "_use": { "fhir_comments": [ " The name associated with the individual (fictive) " ] }, "text": "Roel", "family": [ "Bor" ], "given": [ "Roelof Olaf" ], "prefix": [ "Drs." ], "suffix": [ "PDEng." ] } ], "telecom": [ { "system": "phone", "_system": { "fhir_comments": [ " The mobile contact detail for the individual " ] }, "value": "+31612345678", "use": "mobile" }, { "system": "phone", "_system": { "fhir_comments": [ " The home contact detail for the individual " ] }, "value": "+31201234567", "use": "home" } ], "gender": "male", "birthDate": "1960-03-13", "deceasedBoolean": false, "_deceasedBoolean": { "fhir_comments": [ " The date and time of birth for the individual " ] }, "address": [ { "fhir_comments": [ " Indicates that the individual is not deceased ", " ISO 3166 3 letter code " ], "use": "home", "_use": { "fhir_comments": [ " Home address for the individual " ] }, "line": [ "Bos en Lommerplein 280" ], "city": "Amsterdam", "postalCode": "1055RW", "country": "NLD" } ], "maritalStatus": { "coding": [ { "fhir_comments": [ " Marital status of the person " ], "system": "http://snomed.info/sct", "code": "36629006", "display": "Legally married" }, { "system": "http://hl7.org/fhir/v3/MaritalStatus", "code": "M" } ] }, "multipleBirthBoolean": false, "photo": [ { "contentType": "image/jpeg", "url": "Binary/f006" } ], "contact": [ { "relationship": [ { "fhir_comments": [ " Contact of the patient " ], "coding": [ { "fhir_comments": [ " Indicates that the contact is the patient's wife " ], "system": "http://snomed.info/sct", "code": "127850001", "display": "Wife" }, { "system": "http://hl7.org/fhir/patient-contact-relationship", "code": "partner" } ] } ], "name": { "use": "usual", "_use": { "fhir_comments": [ " The name of the contact " ] }, "text": "Ariadne Bor-Jansma" }, "telecom": [ { "system": "phone", "_system": { "fhir_comments": [ " The home contact detail " ] }, "value": "+31201234567", "use": "home" } ] } ], "communication": [ { "language": { "coding": [ { "system": "urn:ietf:bcp:47", "code": "nl-NL", "display": "Dutch" } ] }, "preferred": true } ], "managingOrganization": { "reference": "Organization/f201", "display": "AUMC" } }