module Webgen class Node def flagged(key) warn("Deprecation warning: this method will be removed in one of the next releases - use Node#flagged? instead!") flagged?(key) end end def self.const_missing(const) if const.to_s == 'Block' warn("Deprecation warning: Webgen::Block name will be removed in one of the next releases - use Webgen::Page::Block instead!") Webgen::Page::Block elsif const.to_s == "WebgenPageFormatError" warn("Deprecation warning: Webgen::WebgenPageFormatError name will be removed in one of the next releases - use Webgen::Page::FormatError instead!") Webgen::Page::FormatError else super end end module ContentProcessor def self.const_missing(const) if const.to_s == 'Context' warn("Deprecation warning: Webgen::ContentProcessor::Context is now named Webgen::Context! This alias will be removed in one of the next releases.") Webgen::Context else super end end module Deprecated def deprecate(old, new, obj) klass = {|m| m.to_s !~ /^(__|instance_eval|object_id)/}.each {|m| klass.__send__(:undef_method, m)} result = result.instance_eval { @old, @new, @obj = old, new, obj } def result.method_missing(sym, *args, &block) Kernel::warn("Deprecation warning (~ #{caller.first}): The alias '#{@old}' will be removed in one of the next releases - use '#{@new}' instead!") @obj.send(sym, *args, &block) end result end end end end