### 0.2.0 * Added the `Rimless.encode` (`.avro_encode`) and `Rimless.decode` (`.avro_decode`) helpers/shortcuts to simplify the interaction with the Apache Avro library * The `.encode` method automatically performs input data sanitation and supports deep relative (to the local namespace) schema resolution. This allows you to access deeply located schemes relative by just providing a leading period (eg. `.deep.a.b.c` becomes `development.your_app.deep.a.b.c`) * The `.message`, '.sync_message', '.async_message' helpers now make use of the new `.encode` functionality which adds transparent data sanitation and schema name features * At the `test` environment the compiled Avro schemas output path is not deleted anymore, instead the compiled schemas are overwritten. This may keep dead schemas, but it allows parallel test execution without flaws. The removal of the compiled schema directory caused previously file read errors when a parallel process started a recompilation. ### 0.1.4 * Reconfigure (reset) the AvroTurf instance on tests to avoid caching issues (on failed tests the message decoding was not working which results in unrelated errors, instead of showing the actual test failure) ### 0.1.3 * Check for unset and empty values while configuring dependencies ### 0.1.2 * Skip the configuration of the AvroTurf gem in case no schema registry URL is configured, this allows the smooth run of Rails asset precompilations without full environment configurations (eg. on CI) ### 0.1.1 * Skip the configuration of the WaterDrop gem in case no brokers are configured, this allows the smooth run of Rails asset precompilations without full environment configurations (eg. on CI) ### 0.1.0 * The first release with support for simple Apache Avro message producing on Apache Kafka/Confluent Schema Registry * Improved the automatic Avro Schema ERB template compiling and included a JSON validation for each file * Added a powerful RSpec helper/matcher to ease message producer logic tests * Added an extensive documentation