# frozen_string_literal: true # This class exists as a bridge (or boundary) between our handlers and the outside world. # # It is concerned with all the Language Server Protocol constructs. i.e. # # - sending Hash messages as JSON # - reading JSON messages as Hashes # - preparing, sending and resolving requests # - preparing and sending responses # - preparing and sending notifications # - preparing and sending progress notifications # # But it _not_ concerned by _how_ those messages are sent to the # outside world. That's the job of the messenger. # # This enables us to have all the language server protocol logic # in here living independently of how we communicate with the # client (STDIO or websocket) module ThemeCheck module LanguageServer class Bridge attr_writer :supports_work_done_progress def initialize(messenger) # The messenger is responsible for IO. # Could be STDIO or WebSockets or Mock. @messenger = messenger # Whether the client supports work done progress notifications @supports_work_done_progress = false end def log(message) @messenger.log(message) end def read_message message_body = @messenger.read_message message_json = JSON.parse(message_body, symbolize_names: true) @messenger.log(JSON.pretty_generate(message_json)) if ThemeCheck.debug? message_json end def send_message(message_hash) message_hash[:jsonrpc] = '2.0' message_body = JSON.dump(message_hash) @messenger.log(JSON.pretty_generate(message_hash)) if ThemeCheck.debug? @messenger.send_message(message_body) end # https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/specifications/specification-current/#requestMessage def send_request(method, params = nil) channel = Channel.create message = { id: channel.id } message[:method] = method message[:params] = params if params send_message(message) channel.pop ensure channel.close end def receive_response(id, result) Channel.by_id(id) << result end # https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/specifications/specification-current/#responseMessage def send_response(id, result = nil, error = nil) message = { id: id } if error message[:error] = error else message[:result] = result end send_message(message) end # https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/specifications/specification-3-17/#responseError def send_internal_error(id, e) send_response(id, nil, { code: ErrorCodes::INTERNAL_ERROR, message: <<~EOS, #{e.class}: #{e.message} #{e.backtrace.join("\n ")} EOS }) end # https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/specifications/specification-current/#notificationMessage def send_notification(method, params) message = { method: method } message[:params] = params send_message(message) end # https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/specifications/specification-current/#progress def send_progress(token, value) send_notification("$/progress", token: token, value: value) end def supports_work_done_progress? @supports_work_done_progress end def send_create_work_done_progress_request(token) return unless supports_work_done_progress? send_request("window/workDoneProgress/create", { token: token, }) end def send_work_done_progress_begin(token, title) return unless supports_work_done_progress? send_progress(token, { kind: 'begin', title: title, cancellable: false, percentage: 0, }) end def send_work_done_progress_report(token, message, percentage) return unless supports_work_done_progress? send_progress(token, { kind: 'report', message: message, cancellable: false, percentage: percentage, }) end def send_work_done_progress_end(token, message) return unless supports_work_done_progress? send_progress(token, { kind: 'end', message: message, }) end end end end