# fluent-plugin-filter_where

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Fluentd plugin to filter records with SQL-like WHERE statements

## Requirements

See [.travis.yml](.travis.yml)

`fluent-plugin-filter_where` supports both v0.14 API and v0.12 API in one gem.

## Installation

Use RubyGems:

    gem install fluent-plugin-filter_where

## Configuration

- where

    The SQL-like WHERE statements. See [SQL-like Syntax](#sql-like-syntax) for more details.

### Example

<filter foo.**>
  @type where
  where string_key = 'string' OR number_key >= 0.1

## SQL-like Syntax


where (string_key START_WITH 'str' AND number_key > 1.0) OR ("true_key" = true AND string_key REGEXP '^reg')

## Literals

### Boolean Literal

`true` or `TRUE` or `false` or `FALSE` are considered as a boolean literal

### Number Literal

Characters matching with a regular expression `-?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?` is considered as a number literal

### String Literal

Characters surrounded by `'` such as `'foo'` is considered as a string literal

### Json Literal

Not supported yet

### Identifier Literal

Characters matching with a regular expression `[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-z0-9_]*` such as `foobar`, and characters surrounded by `"` such as `"foo-bar"`, `"foo.bar"`, and `"foo\"bar"` are considred as an identifier literal, that is, fluentd's record key name.

## Operators

### Boolean Operator

* `=`
* `!=`

### Number Operator (Long and Double)

* `=`
* `!=`
* `>`
* `>=`
* `<=`
* `<`

### String Operator

* `=`
* `!=`

### Json Operator

Not supported yet

### unary operator

* "xxx IS NULL"
* "xxx IS NOT NULL"
* "NOT xxx"

## ChangeLog

See [CHANGELOG.md](CHANGELOG.md) for details.

## Development

Run test:

$ bundle exec rake test


Modify gemspec and CHANGELOG.md, then

$ bundle exec rake release

## Development of SQL-like Syntax

This plugin uses [rexical](https://github.com/tenderlove/rexical) for lexical scanner generator, and [racc](https://github.com/tenderlove/racc) for parser generator.

If you modify `praser.rex` or `praser.racc`, you must compile them as:

$ bundle exec rake compile

The `test` task runs the `compile` task before running.

## Contributing

1. Fork it
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
5. Create new [Pull Request](../../pull/new/master)

## Copyright

Copyright (c) 2017 - Naotoshi Seo. See [LICENSE](LICENSE) for details.