require_relative './spec_helper' require 'norikra/query' include Norikra::SpecHelper describe Norikra::Query do context 'when instanciate' do describe '#initialize' do context 'with simple query' do it 'returns query instances collectly parsed' do expression = 'SELECT count(*) AS cnt FROM sec) WHERE path="/" AND size > 100 and param.length() > 0' q = :name => 'TestTable query1', :expression => expression ) expect( eql('TestTable query1') expect( be_nil expect(q.expression).to eql(expression) expect(q.targets).to eql(['TestTable']) expect(q.fields).to eql(['param', 'path', 'size'].sort) expect(q.fields('TestTable')).to eql(['param','path','size'].sort) expect(q.fields(nil)).to eql([]) end end context 'with order by' do it 'returns query instances, collectly parsed, without AS_names for fields' do expression = 'SELECT name.string, count(*) AS cnt FROM sec) WHERE path="/" AND size > 100 and param.length() > 0 GROUP BY name.string ORDER BY cnt' q = :name => 'TestTable query1', :expression => expression ) expect( eql('TestTable query1') expect( be_nil expect(q.expression).to eql(expression) expect(q.targets).to eql(['TestTable']) expect(q.fields).to eql(['name.string', 'param', 'path', 'size'].sort) expect(q.fields('TestTable')).to eql(['name.string', 'param','path','size'].sort) expect(q.fields(nil)).to eql([]) end end context 'with query including Static lib call' do it 'returns query instances collectly parsed' do expression = 'SELECT count(*) AS cnt FROM sec) AS source WHERE source.path="/" AND Math.abs(-1 * source.size) > 3' q = :name => 'TestTable query2', :group => 'label1', :expression => expression ) expect( eql('TestTable query2') expect( eql('label1') expect(q.expression).to eql(expression) expect(q.targets).to eql(['TestTable']) expect(q.fields).to eql(['path', 'size'].sort) expect(q.fields('TestTable')).to eql(['path', 'size'].sort) expect(q.fields(nil)).to eql([]) end end context 'with query with join' do it 'returns query instances collectly parsed' do expression = 'select product, max(sta.size) as maxsize from as sta, StreamB(size > 10).win:time(20 sec) as stb where,8) = stb.header AND Math.abs(sta.size) > 3' q = :name => 'TestTable query3', :expression => expression ) expect( eql('TestTable query3') expect(q.expression).to eql(expression) expect(q.targets).to eql(['StreamA', 'StreamB']) expect(q.fields).to eql(['product', 'size', 'data', 'header'].sort) expect(q.fields('StreamA')).to eql(['size','data'].sort) expect(q.fields('StreamB')).to eql(['size','header'].sort) expect(q.fields(nil)).to eql(['product']) end end context 'with query with subquery (where clause)' do it 'returns query instances collectly parsed' do expression = 'select * from RfidEvent as RFID where "Dock 1" = (select name from Zones.std:unique(zoneName) where zoneId = RFID.zoneId)' q = :name => 'TestTable query4', :expression => expression ) expect( eql('TestTable query4') expect(q.expression).to eql(expression) expect(q.targets).to eql(['RfidEvent', 'Zones']) expect(q.fields).to eql(['name','zoneName','zoneId'].sort) expect(q.fields('RfidEvent')).to eql(['zoneId']) expect(q.fields('Zones')).to eql(['name','zoneName','zoneId'].sort) expect(q.fields(nil)).to eql([]) end end context 'with query with subquery (select clause)' do it 'returns query instances collectly parsed' do expression = 'select zoneId, (select name from Zones.std:unique(zoneName) where zoneId = RfidEvent.zoneId) as name from RfidEvent' q = :name => 'TestTable query5', :expression => expression ) expect( eql('TestTable query5') expect(q.expression).to eql(expression) expect(q.targets).to eql(['RfidEvent', 'Zones'].sort) expect(q.fields).to eql(['name','zoneName','zoneId'].sort) expect(q.fields('RfidEvent')).to eql(['zoneId']) expect(q.fields('Zones')).to eql(['name','zoneName','zoneId'].sort) expect(q.fields(nil)).to eql([]) end end context 'with query with subquery (from clause)' do it 'returns query instances collectly parsed' do expression = "select * from BarData(ticker='MSFT', sub(closePrice, (select movAgv from SMA20Stream(ticker='MSFT').std:lastevent())) > 0)" q = :name => 'TestTable query6', :expression => expression ) expect( eql('TestTable query6') expect(q.expression).to eql(expression) expect(q.targets).to eql(['BarData', 'SMA20Stream'].sort) expect(q.fields).to eql(['ticker','closePrice','movAgv'].sort) expect(q.fields('BarData')).to eql(['ticker','closePrice'].sort) expect(q.fields('SMA20Stream')).to eql(['movAgv','ticker'].sort) expect(q.fields(nil)).to eql([]) end end context 'with simple query including container field accesses' do it 'returns query instances collectly parsed' do expression = 'SELECT count(*) AS cnt FROM sec) WHERE params.path="/" AND size > 100 and opts.$0 > 0' q = :name => 'TestTable query7', :expression => expression ) expect( eql('TestTable query7') expect( be_nil expect(q.expression).to eql(expression) expect(q.targets).to eql(['TestTable']) expect(q.fields).to eql(['params.path', 'size', 'opts.$0'].sort) expect(q.fields('TestTable')).to eql(['params.path', 'size', 'opts.$0'].sort) expect(q.fields(nil)).to eql([]) end end context 'with simple query including deep depth container field accesses and function calls' do it 'returns query instances collectly parsed' do expression = 'SELECT count(*) AS cnt FROM sec) WHERE params.$$path.$1="/" AND size.$0.bytes > 100 and opts.num.$0.length() > 0' q = :name => 'TestTable query8', :expression => expression ) expect( eql('TestTable query8') expect( be_nil expect(q.expression).to eql(expression) expect(q.targets).to eql(['TestTable']) expect(q.fields).to eql(['params.$$path.$1', 'size.$0.bytes', 'opts.num.$0'].sort) expect(q.fields('TestTable')).to eql(['params.$$path.$1', 'size.$0.bytes', 'opts.num.$0'].sort) expect(q.fields(nil)).to eql([]) end end end describe '#dup' do context 'for queries without group (default group)' do it 'returns query object with default group' do e1 = 'SELECT max(num) AS max FROM sec)' query = => 'q1', :group => nil, :expression => e1) q = query.dup expect( eql('q1') expect( be_nil expect(q.expression).to eql(e1) end end context 'for queries with group' do it 'returns query object with specified group' do e2 = 'SELECT max(num) AS max FROM sec)' query = => 'q2', :group => 'g2', :expression => e2) q = query.dup expect( eql('q2') expect( eql('g2') expect(q.expression).to eql(e2) end end end describe '.rewrite_event_field_name' do context 'without any container field access' do expression = 'select count(*) as cnt from seconds) where path = "/" and size > 100 and (param.length()) > 0' it 'returns same query with original' do with_engine do model = administrator.compileEPL(expression) expect(Norikra::Query.rewrite_event_field_name(model, {'TestTable' => 'T1'}).toEPL).to eql(expression) end end end context 'with container field access' do expression = 'select max(result.$0.size) as cnt from seconds) where req.path = "/" and result.$0.size > 100 and (req.param.length()) > 0' expected = 'select max(result$$0$size) as cnt from seconds) where req$path = "/" and result$$0$size > 100 and (req$param.length()) > 0' it 'returns query with encoded container fields' do with_engine do model = administrator.compileEPL(expression) expect(Norikra::Query.rewrite_event_field_name(model, {'TestTable' => 'T1'}).toEPL).to eql(expected) end end end context 'with container field access with joins' do expression = 'select product, max(sta.param.size) as maxsize from as sta, StreamB(size > 10).win:time(20 seconds) as stb where ($0.$$body.substr(0, 8)) = stb.header and (Math.abs(sta.size)) > 3' expected = 'select product, max(sta.param$size) as maxsize from as sta, StreamB(size > 10).win:time(20 seconds) as stb where ($$0$$$body.substr(0, 8)) = stb.header and (Math.abs(sta.size)) > 3' it 'returns query with encoded container fields' do with_engine do model = administrator.compileEPL(expression) expect(Norikra::Query.rewrite_event_field_name(model, {'StreamA' => 'S1', 'StreamB' => 'S2'}).toEPL).to eql(expected) end end end context 'without any container field access, but with alias specification, without joins' do expression = 'select count(*) as cnt from seconds) where path = "/" and TestTable.size > 100 and (param.length()) > 0' expected = 'select count(*) as cnt from seconds) where path = "/" and T1.size > 100 and (param.length()) > 0' it 'returns query expression' do with_engine do model = administrator.compileEPL(expression) expect(Norikra::Query.rewrite_event_field_name(model, {'TestTable' => 'T1'}).toEPL).to eql(expected) end end end context 'with subquery in select clause' do expression = 'select RfidEvent.zoneId.$0, (select name.x from Zones.std:unique(zoneName) where zoneId = RfidEvent.zoneId.$0) as name from RfidEvent' expected = 'select Z2.zoneId$$0, (select name$x from Zones.std:unique(zoneName) where zoneId = Z2.zoneId$$0) as name from RfidEvent' it 'returns query model which have replaced stream name, for only targets of fully qualified field name access' do with_engine do model = administrator.compileEPL(expression) expect(Norikra::Query.rewrite_event_field_name(model, {'Zones' => 'Z1', 'RfidEvent' => 'Z2'}).toEPL).to eql(expected) end end end context 'with container field accesses, with targets, aliases and joins' do expression = 'select StreamA.product, max(sta.param.size) as maxsize from as sta, StreamB(size > 10).win:time(20 seconds) as stb where ($0.$$body.substr(0, 8)) = StreamB.header.$0 and (Math.abs(StreamA.size.$0.$$abs)) > 3' expected = 'select S1.product, max(sta.param$size) as maxsize from as sta, StreamB(size > 10).win:time(20 seconds) as stb where ($$0$$$body.substr(0, 8)) = S2.header$$0 and (Math.abs(S1.size$$0$$$abs)) > 3' it 'returns query model which have replaced stream name, for only targets of fully qualified field name access' do with_engine do model = administrator.compileEPL(expression) expect(Norikra::Query.rewrite_event_field_name(model, {'StreamA' => 'S1', 'StreamB' => 'S2'}).toEPL).to eql(expected) end end end end describe '.rewrite_event_type_name' do context 'with simple query' do expression = 'select count(*) as cnt from seconds) where path = "/" and size > 100 and (param.length()) > 0' it 'returns query model which have replaced stream name' do with_engine do model = administrator.compileEPL(expression) expect(Norikra::Query.rewrite_event_type_name(model, {'TestTable' => 'hoge'}).toEPL).to eql(expression.sub('TestTable','hoge')) end end end context 'with subquery in select clause' do expression = 'select zoneId.$0, (select name.x from Zones.std:unique(zoneName) where zoneId = RfidEvent.zoneId.$0) as name from RfidEvent' expected = 'select zoneId.$0, (select name.x from Z1.std:unique(zoneName) where zoneId = RfidEvent.zoneId.$0) as name from Z2' it 'returns query model which have replaced stream name, for only From clause' do with_engine do model = administrator.compileEPL(expression) expect(Norikra::Query.rewrite_event_type_name(model, {'Zones' => 'Z1', 'RfidEvent' => 'Z2'}).toEPL).to eql(expected) end end end context 'with subquery in from clause' do expression = "select * from BarData(ticker='MSFT', sub(closePrice, (select movAgv from SMA20Stream(ticker='MSFT').std:lastevent())) > 0)" expected = 'select * from B1(ticker = "MSFT" and (sub(closePrice, (select movAgv from B2(ticker = "MSFT").std:lastevent()))) > 0)' it 'returns query model which have replaced stream name' do with_engine do model = administrator.compileEPL(expression) expect(Norikra::Query.rewrite_event_type_name(model, {'BarData' => 'B1', 'SMA20Stream' => 'B2'}).toEPL).to eql(expected) end end end context 'with joins' do expression = 'select product, max(sta.size) as maxsize from as sta, StreamB(size > 10).win:time(20 seconds) as stb where (, 8)) = stb.header and (Math.abs(sta.size)) > 3' it 'returns query model which have replaced stream name' do with_engine do model = administrator.compileEPL(expression) mapping = {'StreamA' => 'sa', 'StreamB' => 'sb'} expect(Norikra::Query.rewrite_event_type_name(model, mapping).toEPL).to eql(expression.sub('StreamA','sa').sub('StreamB','sb')) end end end end describe '.rewrite_query' do it 'rewrites all of targets and container-field-accesses' do with_engine do e1 = 'select count(*) as cnt from seconds) where path = "/" and size > 100 and (param.length()) > 0' x1 = 'select count(*) as cnt from seconds) where path = "/" and size > 100 and (param.length()) > 0' model = administrator.compileEPL(e1) mapping = {'TestTable' => 'T1'} expect(Norikra::Query.rewrite_query(model, mapping).toEPL).to eql(x1) e2 = 'select max(result.$0.size) as cnt from seconds) where req.path = "/" and result.$0.size > 100 and (req.param.length()) > 0' x2 = 'select max(result$$0$size) as cnt from seconds) where req$path = "/" and result$$0$size > 100 and (req$param.length()) > 0' model = administrator.compileEPL(e2) mapping = {'TestTable' => 'T1'} expect(Norikra::Query.rewrite_query(model, mapping).toEPL).to eql(x2) e3 = 'select product, max(sta.param.size) as maxsize from as sta, StreamB(size > 10).win:time(20 seconds) as stb where ($0.$$body.substr(0, 8)) = stb.header and (Math.abs(sta.size)) > 3' x3 = 'select product, max(sta.param$size) as maxsize from as sta, S2(size > 10).win:time(20 seconds) as stb where ($$0$$$body.substr(0, 8)) = stb.header and (Math.abs(sta.size)) > 3' model = administrator.compileEPL(e3) mapping = {'StreamA' => 'S1', 'StreamB' => 'S2'} expect(Norikra::Query.rewrite_query(model, mapping).toEPL).to eql(x3) e4 = 'select count(*) as cnt from seconds) where path = "/" and TestTable.size > 100 and (param.length()) > 0' x4 = 'select count(*) as cnt from seconds) where path = "/" and T1.size > 100 and (param.length()) > 0' model = administrator.compileEPL(e4) mapping = {'TestTable' => 'T1'} expect(Norikra::Query.rewrite_query(model, mapping).toEPL).to eql(x4) e5 = 'select RfidEvent.zoneId.$0, (select name.x from Zones.std:unique(zoneName) where zoneId = RfidEvent.zoneId.$0) as name from RfidEvent' x5 = 'select R1.zoneId$$0, (select name$x from Z1.std:unique(zoneName) where zoneId = R1.zoneId$$0) as name from R1' model = administrator.compileEPL(e5) mapping = {'RfidEvent' => 'R1', 'Zones' => 'Z1'} expect(Norikra::Query.rewrite_query(model, mapping).toEPL).to eql(x5) e6 = 'select StreamA.product, max(sta.param.size) as maxsize from as sta, StreamB(size > 10).win:time(20 seconds) as stb where ($0.$$body.substr(0, 8)) = StreamB.header.$0 and (Math.abs(StreamA.size.$0.$$abs)) > 3' x6 = 'select S1.product, max(sta.param$size) as maxsize from as sta, S2(size > 10).win:time(20 seconds) as stb where ($$0$$$body.substr(0, 8)) = S2.header$$0 and (Math.abs(S1.size$$0$$$abs)) > 3' model = administrator.compileEPL(e6) mapping = {'StreamA' => 'S1', 'StreamB' => 'S2'} expect(Norikra::Query.rewrite_query(model, mapping).toEPL).to eql(x6) e7 = 'select count(*) as cnt from seconds) where path = "/" and size > 100 and (param.length()) > 0' x7 = 'select count(*) as cnt from seconds) where path = "/" and size > 100 and (param.length()) > 0' model = administrator.compileEPL(e7) mapping = {'TestTable' => 'T1'} expect(Norikra::Query.rewrite_query(model, mapping).toEPL).to eql(x7) e8 = 'select RfidEvent.zoneId.$0, (select name.x from Zones.std:unique(zoneName) where zoneId = RfidEvent.zoneId.$0) as name from RfidEvent' x8 = 'select R1.zoneId$$0, (select name$x from Z1.std:unique(zoneName) where zoneId = R1.zoneId$$0) as name from R1' model = administrator.compileEPL(e8) mapping = {'Zones' => 'Z1', 'RfidEvent' => 'R1'} expect(Norikra::Query.rewrite_query(model, mapping).toEPL).to eql(x8) e9 = 'select * from BarData(ticker = "MSFT" and (sub(closePrice, (select movAgv from SMA20Stream(ticker = "MSFT").std:lastevent())) > 0))' x9 = 'select * from B1(ticker = "MSFT" and (sub(closePrice, (select movAgv from S1(ticker = "MSFT").std:lastevent()))) > 0)' model = administrator.compileEPL(e9) mapping = {'BarData' => 'B1', 'SMA20Stream' => 'S1'} expect(Norikra::Query.rewrite_query(model, mapping).toEPL).to eql(x9) e10 = 'select product, max(sta.size) as maxsize from as sta, StreamB(size > 10).win:time(20 seconds) as stb where (, 8)) = stb.header and (Math.abs(sta.size)) > 3' x10 = 'select product, max(sta.size) as maxsize from as sta, S2(size > 10).win:time(20 seconds) as stb where (, 8)) = stb.header and (Math.abs(sta.size)) > 3' model = administrator.compileEPL(e10) mapping = {'StreamA' => 'S1', 'StreamB' => 'S2'} expect(Norikra::Query.rewrite_query(model, mapping).toEPL).to eql(x10) # GROUP BY clause e11 = 'select as campaign_id, member.region as region, member.lang as lang, count(*) as click, count(distinct as uu from minutes) where type = "click" group by, member.region, member.lang' x11 = 'select A1.campaign$id as campaign_id, member$region as region, member$lang as lang, count(*) as click, count(distinct member$id) as uu from minutes) where type = "click" group by A1.campaign$id, member$region, member$lang' model = administrator.compileEPL(e11) mapping = {'applog' => 'A1'} expect(Norikra::Query.rewrite_query(model, mapping).toEPL).to eql(x11) # ORDER BY clause e12 = 'select, member.region as region, member.lang as lang, count(*) as click, count(distinct as uu from minutes) where type = "click" group by, member.region, member.lang order by' x12 = 'select campaign$id, member$region as region, member$lang as lang, count(*) as click, count(distinct member$id) as uu from minutes) where type = "click" group by campaign$id, member$region, member$lang order by campaign$id' model = administrator.compileEPL(e12) mapping = {'applog' => 'A1'} expect(Norikra::Query.rewrite_query(model, mapping).toEPL).to eql(x12) # HAVING clause e13 = 'select path, max(response.duration) from seconds) where path.startsWith("/api/") group by path having max(response.duration) >= 100' x13 = 'select path, max(response$duration) from seconds) where path.startsWith("/api/") group by path having max(response$duration) >= 100' model = administrator.compileEPL(e13) mapping = {'logs' => 'L111'} expect(Norikra::Query.rewrite_query(model, mapping).toEPL).to eql(x13) end end end describe '.<=>' do it 'returns sort order by group,name' do q1 = => '211', :group => 'a1', :expression => 'x') q2 = => '111', :group => 'a1', :expression => 'x') q3 = => '011', :group => 'b1', :expression => 'x') q4 = => '011', :group => 'a1', :expression => 'x') q5 = => '999', :group => nil, :expression => 'x') q6 = => '899', :group => nil, :expression => 'x') expect([q1,q2,q3,q4,q5,q6].sort).to eql([q6,q5,q4,q2,q1,q3]) end it 'must be stable for sort' do q1 = "hoge", group: nil, expression: "select hoge from pos") q2 = "test1", group: nil, expression: "select hoge,count(*)\r\nfrom pos\r\nwhere age >= 20\r\ngroup by hoge") q3 = "test2", group: "sweep1", expression: "select moge\r\nfrom sec)\r\nwhere x=1\r\n") expect([q1,q2,q3].sort).to eql([q1, q2, q3]) end end end describe '.imported_java_class?' do it 'can do judge passed name exists under java package tree or not' do expect(Norikra::Query.imported_java_class?('String')).to be_true expect(Norikra::Query.imported_java_class?('Long')).to be_true expect(Norikra::Query.imported_java_class?('Void')).to be_true expect(Norikra::Query.imported_java_class?('BigDecimal')).to be_true expect(Norikra::Query.imported_java_class?('Format')).to be_true expect(Norikra::Query.imported_java_class?('Normalizer')).to be_true expect(Norikra::Query.imported_java_class?('Date')).to be_true expect(Norikra::Query.imported_java_class?('HashSet')).to be_true expect(Norikra::Query.imported_java_class?('Random')).to be_true expect(Norikra::Query.imported_java_class?('Timer')).to be_true expect(Norikra::Query.imported_java_class?('unexpected')).to be_false expect(Norikra::Query.imported_java_class?('parameter')).to be_false expect(Norikra::Query.imported_java_class?('param')).to be_false end end end