window.wagn ||= {} #needed to run w/o *head. eg. jasmine $.extend wagn, editorContentFunctionMap: { '.tinymce-textarea' : -> tinyMCE.get(@[0].id).getContent() '.pointer-select' : -> pointerContent @val() '.pointer-multiselect' : -> pointerContent @val() '.pointer-radio-list' : -> pointerContent @find('input:checked').val() '.pointer-list-ul' : -> pointerContent @find('input' ).map( -> $(this).val() ) '.pointer-checkbox-list' : -> pointerContent @find('input:checked').map( -> $(this).val() ) '.pointer-select-list' : -> pointerContent @find('.pointer-select select').map( -> $(this).val() ) '.pointer-mixed' : -> pointerContent @find('.pointer-checkbox-sublist input:checked, .pointer-sublist-ul input').map( -> $(this).val() ) '.perm-editor' : -> permissionsContent this # must happen after pointer-list-ul, I think } editorInitFunctionMap: { '.date-editor' : -> @datepicker { dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd' } 'textarea' : -> wagn.initAce $(this)#$(this).autosize() '.tinymce-textarea' : -> wagn.initTinyMCE @[0].id '.pointer-list-editor' : -> @sortable({handle: '.handle', cancel: ''}); wagn.initPointerList @find('input') '.file-upload' : -> @fileupload( add: wagn.chooseFile )#, forceIframeTransport: true ) '.etherpad-textarea' : -> $(this).closest('form').find('.edit-submit-button').attr('class', 'etherpad-submit-button') } initPointerList: (input)-> optionsCard = input.closest('ul').attr('options-card') input.autocomplete { source: wagn.prepUrl wagn.rootPath + '/' + optionsCard + '.json?view=name_complete' } setTinyMCEConfig: (string)-> setter = ()-> try $.parseJSON string catch {} wagn.tinyMCEConfig = setter() initAce: (textarea) -> type_code = textarea.attr "data-card-type-code" hash = {} hash["java_script"] = "javascript" hash["coffee_script"] = "coffee" hash["css"] = "css" hash["scss"] = "scss" hash["html"] = "html" hash["search_type"] = "json" hash["layout_type"] = "html" mode = hash[type_code] unless mode textarea.autosize() return editDiv = $("
", position: "absolute" width: textarea.width() height: textarea.height() class: textarea.attr("class") ).insertBefore(textarea) textarea.css "visibility", "hidden" textarea.css "height", "0px" ace.config.set('basePath','/assets/ace') editor = ace.edit(editDiv[0]) editor.renderer.setShowGutter true editor.getSession().setValue textarea.val() editor.setTheme "ace/theme/github" editor.getSession().setMode "ace/mode/" + mode editor.setOption "showPrintMargin", false editor.getSession().setTabSize 2 editor.getSession().setUseSoftTabs true editor.setOptions maxLines: 30 textarea.closest("form").submit -> textarea.val editor.getSession().getValue() return return initTinyMCE: (el_id) -> # verify_html: false -- note: this option needed for empty paragraphs to add space. conf = { plugins: 'autoresize' autoresize_max_height: 500 } user_conf = if wagn.tinyMCEConfig? then wagn.tinyMCEConfig else {} hard_conf = { mode: 'exact' elements: el_id #CSS could be made optional, but it may involve migrating old legacy *tinyMCE settings to get rid of stale stuff. content_css: wagn.cssPath entity_encoding: 'raw' } $.extend conf, user_conf, hard_conf tinyMCE.init conf # Can't get this to work yet. Intent was to tighten up head tag. # initGoogleAnalytics: (key) -> # window._gaq.push ['_setAccount', key] # window._gaq.push ['_trackPageview'] # # initfunc = ()-> # ga = document.createElement 'script' # ga.type = 'text/javascript' # ga.async = true # ga.src = `('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + ''` # s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0] # s.parentNode.insertBefore ga, s # initfunc() chooseFile: (e, data) -> file = data.files[0] # $(this).fileupload '_normalizeFile', 0, file # so file objects have same fields in all browsers $(this).closest('form').data 'file-data', data # stores data on form for use at submission time if name_field = $(this).slot().find( '.name-editor input' ) # populates card name if blank if name_field[0] and name_field.val() == '' name_field.val /\..*$/, '' ).replace( /_/g, ' ') editor = $(this).closest '.card-editor' editor.find('.choose-file').hide() editor.find('.chosen-filename').text editor.find('.chosen-file').show() contentFieldName = /attach\]$/, 'content]' ) editor.append '' # we add and remove the contentField to insure that nothing is added / updated when nothing is chosen. $(window).ready -> $('body').on 'click', '.cancel-upload', -> editor = $(this).closest '.card-editor' editor.find('.chosen-file').hide() editor.find('.choose-file').show() $(this).closest('form').data 'file-data', null contentField = editor.find( '.upload-card-content' ).remove() #navbox mod $('.navbox').autocomplete { html: 'html', source: navbox_results, select: navbox_select # autoFocus: true, # this makes it so the first option ("search") is pre-selected. # sadly, it also causes odd navbox behavior, resetting the search term } #pointer mod $('body').on 'click', '.pointer-item-add', (event)-> last_item = $(this).closest('.content-editor').find '.pointer-li:last' new_item = last_item.clone() input = new_item.find('input') input.val '' last_item.after new_item wagn.initPointerList(input) event.preventDefault() # Prevent link from following its href $('body').on 'click', '.pointer-item-delete', -> item = $(this).closest 'li' if item.closest('ul').find('.pointer-li').length > 1 item.remove() else item.find('input').val '' $('body').on '', 'a.load[data-toggle=tab][data-url]', (e) -> tab_id = $('href') url = $('url') $('load') $(tab_id).load(url) # toolbar mod $('body').on 'click', ' > a', (e) -> e.preventDefault() $(this).blur() $('.edit-toolbar-pin').removeClass('active').addClass('inactive') $.ajax '/*edit_toolbar_pinned', type : 'PUT' data : 'card[content]=false' $('body').on 'click', '.edit-toolbar-pin.inactive > a', (e) -> e.preventDefault() $('.edit-toolbar-pin').removeClass('inactive').addClass('active') $.ajax '/*edit_toolbar_pinned', type : 'PUT' data : 'card[content]=true' $('body').on 'click', ' > a', (e) -> e.preventDefault() $(this).blur() $('.toolbar-pin').removeClass('active').addClass('inactive') $.ajax '/*toolbar_pinned', type : 'PUT' data : 'card[content]=false' $('body').on 'click', '.toolbar-pin.inactive > a', (e) -> e.preventDefault() $('.toolbar-pin').removeClass('inactive').addClass('active') $.ajax '/*toolbar_pinned', type : 'PUT' data : 'card[content]=true' # following mod $('body').on 'click', '.btn-item-delete', -> $(this).find('.glyphicon').addClass("glyphicon-hourglass").removeClass("glyphicon-remove") $('body').on 'click', '.btn-item-add', -> $(this).find('.glyphicon').addClass("glyphicon-hourglass").removeClass("glyphicon-plus") $('body').on 'mouseenter', '.btn-item-delete', -> $(this).find('.glyphicon').addClass("glyphicon-remove").removeClass("glyphicon-ok") $(this).addClass("btn-danger").removeClass("btn-primary") $('body').on 'mouseleave', '.btn-item-delete', -> $(this).find('.glyphicon').addClass("glyphicon-ok").removeClass("glyphicon-remove") $(this).addClass("btn-primary").removeClass("btn-danger") $('body').on 'click', '.update-follow-link', (event) -> anchor = $(this) url = wagn.rootPath + '/' +'card_key') + '.json?view=follow_status' modal = anchor.closest('.modal') modal.removeData() $.ajax url, { type : 'GET' dataType : 'json' success : (data) -> tags = $(modal).parent().find('.follow-link') tags.find('.follow-verb').html data.verb tags.attr 'href', data.path tags.attr 'title', data.title 'follow', data } $('body').on 'click', '.follow-toggle', (event) -> anchor = $(this) url = wagn.rootPath + '/update/' +'rule_name') + '.json' $.ajax url, { type : 'POST' dataType : 'json' data : { 'card[content]' : '[[' +'follow').content + ']]' 'success[view]' : 'follow_status' 'success[id]' :'card_key') } success : (data) -> tags = anchor.closest('.modal').parent().find('.follow-toggle') tags.find('.follow-verb').html data.verb tags.attr 'title', data.title tags.removeClass( 'follow-toggle-on follow-toggle-off').addClass data.class 'follow', data } event.preventDefault() # Prevent link from following its href # permissions mod $('body').on 'click', '.perm-vals input', -> $(this).slot().find('#inherit').attr('checked',false) $('body').on 'click', '.perm-editor #inherit', -> slot = $(this).slot() slot.find('.perm-group input:checked').attr('checked', false) slot.find('.perm-indiv input').val('') # rstar mod $('body').on 'click', '.rule-submit-button', -> f = $(this).closest('form') checked = f.find('.set-editor input:checked') if checked.val() if checked.attr('warning') confirm checked.attr('warning') else true else f.find('.set-editor').addClass('attention') $(this).notify 'To what Set does this Rule apply?' false # $('body').on 'click', '.rule-cancel-button', -> # $(this).closest('tr').find('.close-rule-link').click() $('body').on 'click', '.submit-modal', -> $(this).closest('.modal-content').find('form').submit() #wagn_org mod (for now) $('body').on 'click', '.shade-view h1', -> toggleThis = $(this).slot().find('.shade-content').is ':hidden' toggleShade $(this).closest('.pointer-list').find('.shade-content:visible').parent() if toggleThis toggleShade $(this).slot() if firstShade = $('.shade-view h1')[0] $(firstShade).trigger 'click' # following not in use?? $('body').on 'change', '.go-to-selected select', -> val = $(this).val() if val != '' window.location = wagn.rootPath + escape( val ) toggleShade = (shadeSlot) -> shadeSlot.find('.shade-content').slideToggle 1000 shadeSlot.find('.glyphicon').toggleClass 'glyphicon-triangle-right glpyphicon-triangle-bottom' permissionsContent = (ed) -> return '_left' if ed.find('#inherit').is(':checked') groups = ed.find('.perm-group input:checked').map( -> $(this).val() ) indivs = ed.find('.perm-indiv input' ).map( -> $(this).val() ) pointerContent $.makeArray(groups).concat($.makeArray(indivs)) pointerContent = (vals) -> list = $.map $.makeArray(vals), (v)-> if v then '[[' + v + ']]' $.makeArray(list).join "\n" #navbox mod reqIndex = 0 #prevents race conditions navbox_results = (request, response) -> f = this.element.closest 'form' formData = f.serialize() + '&view=complete' this.xhr = $.ajax { url: wagn.prepUrl wagn.rootPath + '/:search.json' data: formData dataType: "json" wagReq: ++reqIndex success: ( data, status ) -> response navboxize(request.term, data) if this.wagReq == reqIndex error: () -> response [] if this.wagReq == reqIndex } navboxize = (term, results)-> items = [] $.each ['search', 'add', 'new'], (index, key)-> if val = results[key] i = { value: term, prefix: key, icon: 'plus', label: '' + term + '' } if key == 'search' i.icon = key i.term = term else if key == 'add' i.href = '/card/new?card[name]=' + encodeURIComponent(val) else if key == 'new' i.type = 'add' # for icon i.href = '/new/' + val[1] items.push i $.each results['goto'], (index, val) -> items.push { icon: 'share-alt', prefix: 'go to', value: val[0], label: val[1], href: '/' + val[2] } $.each items, (index, i) -> i.label = '' + i.prefix + ': ' + '' + i.label + '' items navbox_select = (event, ui) -> if ui.item.term $(this).closest('form').submit() else window.location = wagn.rootPath + ui.item.href $(this).attr('disabled', 'disabled')