## --- BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK --- # Copyright (c) 2016-present WeWantToKnow AS # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. ## --- END LICENSE BLOCK --- require 'commander' require 'u3d_core' require 'u3d/commands' HighLine.track_eof = false module U3d # CLI using commander gem for u3d # rubocop:disable ClassLength class CommandsGenerator include Commander::Methods UI = U3dCore::UI UNICODE_FILE = File.expand_path('../../assets/utf8.txt', __FILE__) def self.start U3dCore::UpdateChecker.start_looking_for_update('u3d') check_locale new.run ensure U3dCore::UpdateChecker.show_update_status('u3d', U3d::VERSION) end def self.check_locale File.read(UNICODE_FILE).split("\n") rescue ArgumentError => _e UI.important "WARNING! Your Locale system appears to be incompatible with Unicode. Set you LOCALE appropriately" UI.important "See https://github.com/DragonBox/u3d#setup" end def extract_run_args(args = ARGV) both_args = [[], []] idx = 0 args.each do |arg| if arg == '--' idx = 1 next end both_args[idx] << arg end args.replace both_args[0] both_args[1] end def convert_options(options) o = options.__hash__.dup o.delete(:verbose) o end def run program :version, U3d::VERSION program :description, U3d::DESCRIPTION program :help, 'Authors', 'Jerome Lacoste , Paul Niezborala ' program :help, 'A word on Unity versions', U3d::UNITY_VERSIONS_NOTE global_option('--verbose', 'Run in verbose mode') { U3dCore::Globals.verbose = true } command :run do |c| # Intended for backward compatibilty purposes for run command # Meant to fetch options after '--' unknown by CommandsGenerator run_args = extract_run_args c.syntax = 'u3d run [-u | --unity_version ] [-r | --raw_logs] [ -- ]' c.summary = 'Run Unity, and parse its output through u3d\'s log prettifier' c.description = %( #{c.summary} The default prettifier rules file is packaged with u3d (#{U3d::LogAnalyzer::RULES_PATH}). You may which to pass your own using the environment variable U3D_RULES_PATH. E.g. U3D_RULES_PATH=my_rules.json u3d -- ... Fore more information about how the rules work, see https://github.com/DragonBox/u3d/blob/master/LOG_RULES.md ) c.option '-u', '--unity_version STRING', String, 'Version of Unity to run with. If not specified, it runs with the version of the project (either specified as -projectPath or current)' c.option '-r', '--raw_logs', 'Raw Unity output, not filtered by u3d\'s log prettifier' c.action do |args, options| UI.user_error! "Run doesn't take arguments. Did you forget '--' or did you mistake your command? (#{args})" if args.count > 0 U3dCore::Globals.log_timestamps = true Commands.run(options: convert_options(options), run_args: run_args) end end command :list do |c| c.syntax = 'u3d list [-p | --packages]' c.option '-p', '--packages', 'Lists installed packages as well' c.example 'List currently installed Unity versions, as well as installed packages', 'u3d list -p' c.summary = 'List installed versions of Unity' c.action do |_args, options| Commands.list_installed(options: convert_options(options)) end end command :available do |c| oses = U3dCore::Helper.operating_systems c.syntax = 'u3d available [-r | --release_level ] [-o | --operating_system ] [-u | --unity_version ] [-p | --packages] [-f | --force]' levels = Commands.release_levels c.option '--[no-]central', 'Use or not the central version cache' c.option '-f', '--force', 'Force refresh list of available versions' c.option '-r', '--release_level STRING', String, "Checks for availability on specific release level [#{levels.join(', ')}]" c.option '-o', '--operating_system STRING', String, "Checks for availability on specific OS [#{oses.join(', ')}]" c.option '-u', '--unity_version STRING', String, 'Checks if specified version is available. Can be a regular expression' c.option '-p', '--packages', 'Lists available packages as well' c.example 'List all versions available, forcing a refresh of the available packages from Unity servers', 'u3d available -f' c.example 'List stable versions available', 'u3d available -r stable -p' c.example 'List all versions available for Linux platform', 'u3d available -o linux' c.example 'List packages available for Unity version 5.6.0f3', 'u3d available -u 5.6.0f3 -p' c.example 'List packages available for Unity version containing the 5.6 string', 'u3d available -u \'5.6\' -p' c.summary = 'List download-ready versions of Unity' c.description = %( #{c.summary} This command interprets the information that are available on Unity's website and forums to fetch all the version that are available for download. It relies on a centralized cache (https://dragonbox.github.io/unities/v1/versions.json) that performs the fetching automatically so that you don't have to do it locally. If you do not want to use this central cache and wish to perform the fetching yourself, you can use the --no-central option. ) c.action do |_args, options| options.default packages: false options.default central: true Commands.list_available(options: convert_options(options)) end end command :install do |c| oses = U3dCore::Helper.operating_systems c.syntax = 'u3d install [] [ [-p | --packages , ...] | [-o | --operating_system ] [-a | --all] ] [--[no-]download] [ [--[no-]install] [-i | --installation_path ] ]' c.summary = 'Download (and/or) install Unity editor packages' c.description = %( #{c.summary} This command allows you to either: * download and install packages * download packages but not install them * install already downloaded packages Already installed packages are skipped if asked to be installed again (except for the 'Example' package). The default download path is $HOME/Downloads/Unity_Packages/, but you may change that by specifying the environment variable U3D_DOWNLOAD_PATH. E.g. U3D_DOWNLOAD_PATH=/some/path/you/want u3d install ... ) c.option '--[no-]download', 'Perform or not downloading before installation. Downloads by default' c.option '--[no-]install', 'Perform or not installation after downloading. Installs by default' c.option '-p', '--packages PACKAGES', Array, 'Specifies which packages to download/install. Overriden by --all' c.option '-o', '--operating_system STRING', String, "Downloads packages for specific OS [#{oses.join(', ')}]. Requires the --no-install option." c.option '-a', '--all', 'Download all available packages. Overrides -p' c.option '-i', '--installation_path PATH', String, 'Specifies where package(s) will be downloaded/installed. Conflicts with --no-install' c.option '-k', '--keychain', 'Gain privileges right through the keychain. [OSX only]' c.example 'Download and install Unity, its Documentation and the Android build support and install them for version 5.1.2f1', 'u3d install 5.1.2f1 -p Unity,Documentation,Android' c.example 'Download but do not install all Unity version 2018.1.0b2 packages for platform Windows (while e.g. on Mac)', 'u3d install 2018.1.0b2 -o win -a --no-install' c.example "The 'version' argument can be a specific version number, such as 5.6.1f1, or an alias in [#{Commands.release_letter_mapping.keys.join(', ')}]. If not specified, u3d will download the unity version for the current project", 'u3d install latest' c.example "The admin password can be passed through the U3D_PASSWORD environment variable.", 'U3D_PASSWORD=mysecret u3d install a_version' c.example "On Mac, the admin password can be fetched from (and stored into) the keychain.", 'u3d install -k a_version' c.action do |args, options| options.default all: false options.default install: true options.default download: true Commands.install(args: args, options: convert_options(options)) end end command :uninstall do |c| c.syntax = 'u3d uninstall []' c.summary = 'Uninstall the specified Unity version' c.option '-k', '--keychain', 'Gain privileges right through the keychain. [OSX only]' c.example 'Uninstall Unity version 5.2.1f1', 'u3d uninstall 5.1.2f1' c.action do |args, options| Commands.uninstall(args: args, options: convert_options(options)) end end command :dependencies do |c| c.syntax = 'u3d dependencies' c.summary = 'Install Unity dependencies [Linux only]' c.description = %( #{c.summary} Regarding the package manager: if dpkg is installed, u3d uses apt-get else if rpm is installed yum is used. If none of them is insalled, fails. Regarding the dependencies themselves: only dependencies for the editor are installed. WebGL, Android and Tizen require others that you will have to install manually. More on that: https://forum.unity3d.com/threads/unity-on-linux-release-notes-and-known-issues.350256/ ) c.action do |_args, _options| Commands.install_dependencies end end command :credentials do |c| c.syntax = "u3d credentials <#{Commands.credentials_actions.join(' | ')}>" c.summary = 'Manage keychain credentials so u3d remembers them [OSX only]' c.action do |args, _options| Commands.credentials(args: args) end end command :licenses do |c| c.syntax = "u3d licenses" c.description = 'Prints Unity license information.' c.action do |_args, _options| Commands.licenses end end command :prettify do |c| c.syntax = 'u3d prettify ' c.summary = 'Prettify a saved Unity logfile' c.description = %( #{c.summary} The default prettifier rules file is packaged with u3d (#{U3d::LogAnalyzer::RULES_PATH}). You may which to pass your own using the environment variable U3D_RULES_PATH. E.g. U3D_RULES_PATH=my_rules.json u3d prettify ... Fore more information about how the rules work, see https://github.com/DragonBox/u3d/blob/master/LOG_RULES.md ) c.action do |args, _options| Commands.local_analyze(args: args) end end command :console do |c| c.syntax = 'u3d console' c.summary = "Run an interactive console" c.action do |_args, _options| Commands.console end end command :move do |c| c.syntax = 'u3d move [--dry_run] --long ' # c.option '-f', '--force', Array, 'Specifies which packages to download/install. Overriden by --all' c.option '-l', '--long', "Rename the installation dir into its long name pattern, namely #{U3d::UNITY_DIR_LONG} on Windows/Mac and #{U3d::UNITY_DIR_LINUX_LONG} on Linux" c.option '--dry_run', "show what would have happened" c.summary = "Move an existing Unity install to an optionally specified new folder, marking it as non moveable later on" c.description = %( #{c.summary} Sometimes you want to move Unity to a different folder/path and let u3d stop modifying trying to move it around. The current command only supports 'long' installation dir names, containing not only the version but also the build number. See https://github.com/DragonBox/u3d#unity-build-numbers for more information. ) c.action do |args, options| Commands.move(args: args, options: convert_options(options)) end end default_command :run run! end end # rubocop:enable ClassLength end