module ActiveDataFrame class Database def self.batching !!Thread.current[:active_data_frame_batching] end def self.batching=(value) Thread.current[:active_data_frame_batching] = !!value end # Not thread safe! def self.execute(sql) if ActiveDataFrame::Database.batching Thread.current[:batch] << sql << ?; else ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute sql end end end def self.flush! execute(Thread.current[:batch]) Thread.current[:batch] = '' end def self.for_types(block:, df:) (@@configs ||= {})[[block, df]] ||=, df) end attr_reader :block_type, :data_frame_type def initialize(block_type, data_frame_type) @block_type = block_type @data_frame_type = data_frame_type end def self.batch self.batching, prev_batch = true, self.batching Thread.current[:batch] ||= '' ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do yield end ensure self.batching = prev_batch flush! unless self.batching end ## # Update block data for all blocks in a single call ## def bulk_update(existing) case ActiveRecord::Base.connection_config[:adapter] when 'postgresql'.freeze # Fast bulk update updates = '' existing.each do |period_index, (values, df_id)| updates << "(#{df_id}, #{period_index}, #{{|v| v.inspect.gsub('"',"'") }.join(',')})," end perform_update(updates) else ids = {|_, (_, id)| id} updates = do |column, column_idx| [column, "CASE period_index\n#{{|period_index, (values, _)| "WHEN #{period_index} then #{values[column_idx]}"}.join("\n")} \nEND\n"] end.to_h update_statement ={|cl, up| "#{cl} = #{up}" }.join(', ') Database.execute("UPDATE #{block_type.table_name} SET #{update_statement} WHERE #{block_type.table_name}.data_frame_id IN (#{ids.join(',')}) AND #{block_type.table_name}.data_frame_type = '#{}' AND #{block_type.table_name}.period_index IN (#{existing.keys.join(', ')}); " ) end end ## # Insert block data for all blocks in a single call ## def bulk_insert(new_blocks, instance) inserts = '' new_blocks.each do |period_index, (values)| inserts << \ case ActiveRecord::Base.connection_config[:adapter] when 'postgresql', 'mysql2' then "(#{{|v| v.inspect.gsub('"',"'") }.join(',')}, #{}, #{period_index}, '#{}')," else "(#{{|v| v.inspect.gsub('"',"'") }.join(',')}, #{}, #{period_index}, '#{}')," end end perform_insert(inserts) end def bulk_delete(blocks) binding.pry end def perform_update(updates) Database.execute( <<-SQL UPDATE #{block_type.table_name} SET #{{|col| "#{col} = t.#{col}" }.join(", ")} FROM( VALUES #{updates[0..-2]}) as t(data_frame_id, period_index, #{block_type::COLUMNS.join(',')}) WHERE #{block_type.table_name}.data_frame_id = t.data_frame_id AND #{block_type.table_name}.period_index = t.period_index AND #{block_type.table_name}.data_frame_type = '#{}' SQL ) true end def perform_insert(inserts) sql = "INSERT INTO #{block_type.table_name} (#{block_type::COLUMNS.join(',')}, data_frame_id, period_index, data_frame_type) VALUES #{inserts[0..-2]}" Database.execute sql end end end