module SpreadsheetArchitect module Utils def self.get_cell_data(options, klass) if options[:data] && options[:instances] raise SpreadsheetArchitect::Exceptions::MultipleDataSourcesError elsif options[:data] data = options[:data] end if options[:headers] == true headers = [] if !options[:data] needs_headers = true end elsif options[:headers].is_a?(Array) headers = options[:headers] else headers = false end if options[:column_types] column_types = options[:column_types] else column_types = [] needs_column_types = true end if !data if !options[:instances] if is_ar_model?(klass) options[:instances] = klass.where(nil).to_a # triggers the relation call, not sure how this works but it does else raise SpreadsheetArchitect::Exceptions::NoDataError end end if options[:spreadsheet_columns] if [String, Symbol].any?{|x| options[:spreadsheet_columns].is_a?(x)} cols_method_name = options[:spreadsheet_columns] if klass != SpreadsheetArchitect && !klass.instance_methods.include?(cols_method_name) raise, cols_method_name) end end else if klass != SpreadsheetArchitect && !klass.instance_methods.include?(:spreadsheet_columns) if is_ar_model?(klass) the_column_names = klass.column_names headers ={|x| str_titleize(x)} if needs_headers columns ={|x| x.to_sym} else raise end end end data = [] options[:instances].each do |instance| if columns data.push{|col| col.is_a?(Symbol) ? instance.send(col) : col} else row_data = [] if options[:spreadsheet_columns] if cols_method_name instance_cols = instance.send(cols_method_name) else instance_cols = options[:spreadsheet_columns].call(instance) end else if klass == SpreadsheetArchitect && !instance.respond_to?(:spreadsheet_columns) raise else instance_cols = instance.spreadsheet_columns end end instance_cols.each_with_index do |x,i| if x.is_a?(Array) headers.push(x[0].to_s) if needs_headers row_data.push(x[1].is_a?(Symbol) ? instance.send(x[1]) : x[1]) if needs_column_types column_types[i] = x[2] end else headers.push(str_titleize(x.to_s)) if needs_headers row_data.push(x.is_a?(Symbol) ? instance.send(x) : x) end end data.push row_data needs_headers = false needs_column_types = false end end end if headers && !headers[0].is_a?(Array) headers = [headers] end if column_types.compact.empty? column_types = nil end return options.merge(headers: headers, data: data, column_types: column_types) end def self.get_options(options, klass) verify_option_types(options) if options[:freeze] && options[:freeze_headers] raise'Cannot use both :freeze and :freeze_headers options at the same time') end if defined?(klass::SPREADSHEET_OPTIONS) if klass::SPREADSHEET_OPTIONS.is_a?(Hash) options = SpreadsheetArchitect.default_options.merge( klass::SPREADSHEET_OPTIONS.merge(options) ) else raise"#{klass}::SPREADSHEET_OPTIONS constant") end else options = SpreadsheetArchitect.default_options.merge(options) end if !options[:headers] options[:header_style] = false end if !options[:sheet_name] if klass == SpreadsheetArchitect options[:sheet_name] = 'Sheet1' else options[:sheet_name] = if options[:sheet_name].respond_to?(:pluralize) options[:sheet_name] = options[:sheet_name].pluralize end end end if options[:freeze] && options[:freeze].is_a?(Hash) && !options[:freeze][:rows] raise'Must provide a :rows key when passing a hash to the :freeze option') end return options end def self.convert_styles_to_ods(styles={}) styles = {} unless styles.is_a?(Hash) styles = stringify_keys(styles) property_styles = {} text_styles = {} text_styles['font-weight'] = styles.delete('bold') ? 'bold' : styles.delete('font-weight') text_styles['font-size'] = styles.delete('font_size') || styles.delete('font-size') text_styles['font-style'] = styles.delete('italic') ? 'italic' : styles.delete('font-style') if styles['underline'] styles.delete('underline') text_styles['text-underline-style'] = 'solid' text_styles['text-underline-type'] = 'single' end if styles['align'] text_styles['align'] = true end if styles['color'].respond_to?(:sub) && !styles['color'].empty? text_styles['color'] = "##{styles.delete('color').sub('#','')}" end text_styles.delete_if{|_,v| v.nil?} property_styles['text'] = text_styles cell_styles = {} styles['background_color'] ||= styles.delete('background-color') if styles['background_color'].respond_to?(:sub) && !styles['background_color'].empty? cell_styles['background-color'] = "##{styles.delete('background_color').sub('#','')}" end cell_styles.delete_if{|_,v| v.nil?} property_styles['cell'] = cell_styles return property_styles end private def self.is_ar_model?(klass) defined?(ActiveRecord) && klass.ancestors.include?(ActiveRecord::Base) end def self.str_titleize(str) str = str.sub(/\A_+/, '') .gsub(/[_\.]/,' ') .sub(' rescue nil','') .gsub(/(\A|\ )\w/){|x| x.upcase} return str end def self.check_option_type(options, option_name, type) val = options[option_name] if val if type.is_a?(Array) invalid = type.all?{|t| !val.is_a?(t) } elsif !val.is_a?(type) invalid = true end if invalid raise":#{option_name} option") end end end def self.verify_option_types(options) options = self.symbolize_keys(options, shallow: true) bad_keys = options.keys - ALLOWED_OPTIONS.keys if bad_keys.any? raise"Invalid options provided: #{bad_keys}") end ALLOWED_OPTIONS.each do |key, allowed_types| check_option_type(options, key, allowed_types) end end def self.stringify_keys(hash) new_hash = {} hash.each do |k,v| if v.is_a?(Hash) new_hash[k.to_s] = self.stringify_keys(v) else new_hash[k.to_s] = v end end return new_hash end def self.symbolize_keys(hash, shallow: false) new_hash = {} hash.each do |k,v| if v.is_a?(Hash) new_hash[k.to_sym] = shallow ? v : self.symbolize_keys(v) else new_hash[k.to_sym] = v end end return new_hash end def self.hash_array_symbolize_keys(array) new_array = [] array.each_with_index do |x,i| new_array[i] = x.is_a?(Hash) ? self.symbolize_keys(x) : x end return new_array end ALLOWED_OPTIONS = { borders: Array, column_styles: Array, conditional_row_styles: Array, column_widths: Array, column_types: Array, data: Array, freeze_headers: [TrueClass, FalseClass], freeze: Hash, headers: [TrueClass, FalseClass, Array], header_style: Hash, instances: Array, merges: Array, range_styles: Array, row_style: Hash, sheet_name: String, spreadsheet_columns: [Proc, Symbol, String], }.freeze end end