# # Author:: Daniel DeLeo () # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2011 Opscode, Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require 'spec_helper' require 'chef/knife/core/bootstrap_context' describe Chef::Knife::Core::BootstrapContext do let(:config) { {:foo => :bar} } let(:run_list) { Chef::RunList.new('recipe[tmux]', 'role[base]') } let(:chef_config) do { :validation_key => File.join(CHEF_SPEC_DATA, 'ssl', 'private_key.pem'), :chef_server_url => 'http://chef.example.com:4444', :validation_client_name => 'chef-validator-testing' } end let(:secret_file) { File.join(CHEF_SPEC_DATA, 'bootstrap', 'encrypted_data_bag_secret') } subject(:bootstrap_context) { described_class.new(config, run_list, chef_config) } it "installs the same version of chef on the remote host" do bootstrap_context.bootstrap_version_string.should eq "--version #{Chef::VERSION}" end it "runs chef with the first-boot.json in the _default environment" do bootstrap_context.start_chef.should eq "chef-client -j /etc/chef/first-boot.json -E _default" end describe "when in verbosity mode" do let(:config) { {:verbosity => 2} } it "adds '-l debug' when verbosity is >= 2" do bootstrap_context.start_chef.should eq "chef-client -j /etc/chef/first-boot.json -l debug -E _default" end end it "reads the validation key" do bootstrap_context.validation_key.should eq IO.read(File.join(CHEF_SPEC_DATA, 'ssl', 'private_key.pem')) end it "generates the config file data" do expected=<<-EXPECTED log_location STDOUT chef_server_url "http://chef.example.com:4444" validation_client_name "chef-validator-testing" # Using default node name (fqdn) EXPECTED bootstrap_context.config_content.should eq expected end it "does not set a default log_level" do expect(bootstrap_context.config_content).not_to match(/log_level/) end describe "alternate chef-client path" do let(:chef_config){ {:chef_client_path => '/usr/local/bin/chef-client'} } it "runs chef-client from another path when specified" do bootstrap_context.start_chef.should eq "/usr/local/bin/chef-client -j /etc/chef/first-boot.json -E _default" end end describe "validation key path that contains a ~" do let(:chef_config){ {:validation_key => '~/my.key'} } it "reads the validation key when it contains a ~" do IO.should_receive(:read).with(File.expand_path("my.key", ENV['HOME'])) bootstrap_context.validation_key end end describe "when an explicit node name is given" do let(:config){ {:chef_node_name => 'foobar.example.com' }} it "sets the node name in the client.rb" do bootstrap_context.config_content.should match(/node_name "foobar\.example\.com"/) end end describe "when bootstrapping into a specific environment" do let(:chef_config){ {:environment => "prodtastic"} } it "starts chef in the configured environment" do bootstrap_context.start_chef.should == 'chef-client -j /etc/chef/first-boot.json -E prodtastic' end end describe "when installing a prerelease version of chef" do let(:config){ {:prerelease => true }} it "supplies --prerelease as the version string" do bootstrap_context.bootstrap_version_string.should eq '--prerelease' end end describe "when installing an explicit version of chef" do let(:chef_config) do { :knife => { :bootstrap_version => '123.45.678' } } end it "gives --version $VERSION as the version string" do bootstrap_context.bootstrap_version_string.should eq '--version 123.45.678' end end describe "when JSON attributes are given" do let(:config) { {:first_boot_attributes => {:baz => :quux}} } it "adds the attributes to first_boot" do bootstrap_context.first_boot.to_json.should eq({:baz => :quux, :run_list => run_list}.to_json) end end describe "when JSON attributes are NOT given" do it "sets first_boot equal to run_list" do bootstrap_context.first_boot.to_json.should eq({:run_list => run_list}.to_json) end end describe "when an encrypted_data_bag_secret is provided" do context "via config[:secret]" do let(:chef_config) do { :knife => {:secret => "supersekret" } } end it "reads the encrypted_data_bag_secret" do bootstrap_context.encrypted_data_bag_secret.should eq "supersekret" end end context "via config[:secret_file]" do let(:chef_config) do { :knife => {:secret_file => secret_file} } end it "reads the encrypted_data_bag_secret" do bootstrap_context.encrypted_data_bag_secret.should eq IO.read(secret_file) end end end describe "to support compatibility with existing templates" do it "sets the @config instance variable" do bootstrap_context.instance_variable_get(:@config).should eq config end it "sets the @run_list instance variable" do bootstrap_context.instance_variable_get(:@run_list).should eq run_list end describe "accepts encrypted_data_bag_secret via Chef::Config" do let(:chef_config) { {:encrypted_data_bag_secret => secret_file }} it "reads the encrypted_data_bag_secret" do bootstrap_context.encrypted_data_bag_secret.should eq IO.read(secret_file) end end end describe "when a bootstrap_version is specified" do let(:chef_config) do { :knife => {:bootstrap_version => "11.12.4" } } end it "should send the full version to the installer" do bootstrap_context.latest_current_chef_version_string.should eq("-v 11.12.4") end end describe "when a pre-release bootstrap_version is specified" do let(:chef_config) do { :knife => {:bootstrap_version => "11.12.4.rc.0" } } end it "should send the full version to the installer and set the pre-release flag" do bootstrap_context.latest_current_chef_version_string.should eq("-v 11.12.4.rc.0 -p") end end describe "when a bootstrap_version is not specified" do it "should send the latest current to the installer" do # Intentionally hard coded in order not to replicate the logic. bootstrap_context.latest_current_chef_version_string.should eq("-v #{Chef::VERSION.to_i}") end end end