require 'ymdt' # include YMDP::Config begin CATEGORIES = YAML.load_file("./config/categories.yml")["categories"] unless defined?(CATEGORIES) rescue CATEGORIES = {} unless defined?(CATEGORIES) end Dir.mkdir(TMP_DIR) rescue Errno::EEXIST def set_application_variables(application) @application = application @application_id = SERVERS[@application]["application_id"] @assets_id = SERVERS[@application]["assets_id"] @dir = @application rescue end def create_from_servers SERVERS.each do |key, values| yield key.to_sym, "set_#{key}".to_sym end end def create_from_default_server yield @default_server end def create_from_categories(task_name) CATEGORIES.keys.each do |category| desc "#{task_name.to_s.capitalize} the #{category}" task category.to_sym => ["set_#{category}", task_name] end end # rake deploy app=staging PATH=views/settings # rake deploy app=my @username = CONFIG["username"] @password = CONFIG["password"] unless @username puts puts "Enter your username in ./config/config.yml" puts raise "Username not found." end unless @password puts puts "Enter your password in ./config/config.yml" puts raise "Password not found." end @default_server = CONFIG["default_server"] || "staging" @application = ENV["app"] || @default_server set_application_variables(@application) @path = ENV["path"] || ENV["p"] || "" @dry_run = ENV["dry_run"] @confirm = ENV["confirm"] @build_message = ENV["build"] @view = ENV["view"] @lang = ENV["lang"] @sync = ENV["sync"] # @validate_html = (ENV["validate_html"] || CONFIG["validate_html"].to_s) != "false" # @validate_js_assets = (ENV["validate_js_assets"] || CONFIG["validate_js_assets"].to_s) != "false" # @validate_json_assets = (ENV["validate_json_assets"] || CONFIG["validate_json_assets"].to_s) != "false" # @validate_embedded_js = (ENV["validate_embedded_js"] || CONFIG["validate_embedded_js_deploy"].to_s) != "false" create_from_servers do |key, set_task| task set_task do set_application_variables(key.to_s) end end desc "Default task shows documentation" task :default do docs = <<-DOCS USAGE: rake TASK [app={application}] [path={path}], [dry_run=true], [dir={directory}], [application_id={app_id}] [skip_validation=true] GETTING STARTED: 1. First, copy the config.yml.example file to config.yml with the command: ./script/config 2. Enter the correct username and password in ./config/config.yml 3. Download local copies of all our remote applications from YMDP: rake create:all 4. Edit the HTML template in the subdirectories "app/views" and "app/assets". 5. To build the views and javascript files from edited templates, and commit the changes: ./script/build -m "" 6. To deploy your local changes to the staging server: rake deploy:views rake deploy:javascripts DOCS puts docs end desc "Some more help" task :help do docs = <<-DOCS #{please_install_rhino} FOR HELP: To list reference for all tasks: rake tasks To get help for a specific command (this is still in progress): rake create:help rake deploy:help rake validate:help DOCS puts docs end desc "Show usage for tasks" task :tasks do docs = <<-DOCS USAGE: rake TASK [app={application}] [path={path}], [dry_run=true], [dir={directory}], [application_id={app_id}] VALID TASKS: create creates a new local copy of an existing YMDP application deploy deploys local copy of YMDP application to remote server validate validates javascript assets The "create" and "deploy" tasks can be subtasked with the name of a server: create:my create a new local copy of the production application deploy:staging deploy local changes to the staging application The "validate" task can be subtasked with "all" to validate all the javascripts for the given server: validate:all validates all our javascript assets for the given server (including JSON) DOCS # TODO: add more documentation puts docs end desc "Deploys application to YMDP servers" task :deploy do time("Deployed #{@application}: #{@path}") do deploy(@application, @path) end end desc "Deploys application to YMDP servers, matching a path" task :deploy_path do time("Deployed #{@application}: #{@path}") do deploy_path(@application, @path) end end task :deploy_yrb do time("Deployed #{@application}: #{@path}") do deploy_yrb(@application, @path, {:lang => @lang, :view => @view}) end end desc "List files" task :list_assets do puts list(@application, @path) end desc "Quality-control to determine if all the assets have the same ID" task :check_assets do report_asset_ids(@application, @path) end desc "Update remote assets which don't match the correct asset ID" task :fix_assets do fix_assets(@application, @path) end desc "Validates all javascripts" task :validate => "validate:all" namespace :check_assets do create_from_servers do |key, set_task| desc "Check asset IDs on #{key} server" task key => [set_task, :check_assets] end end namespace :fix_assets do create_from_servers do |key, set_task| desc "Update remote assets which don't match the correct asset ID on #{key} server" task key => [set_task, :fix_assets] end end namespace :list_assets do create_from_servers do |key, set_task| desc "List files from #{key} application" task key => [set_task, :list] end create_from_servers do |key, set_task| namespace key do desc "Lists views from the #{key} server" task :views => [set_task, :set_views, :list_assets] desc "Lists all assets from the #{key} server" task :assets => [set_task, :set_assets, :list_assets] desc "Lists javascript assets from the #{key} server" task :javascripts => [set_task, :set_javascripts, :list_assets] desc "Lists image assets from the #{key} server" task :images => [set_task, :set_images, :list_assets] desc "Lists YRB bundles from the #{key} server" task :yrb => [set_task, :set_yrb, :list_assets] desc "Lists everything except images from the the #{key} server" task :code => ["list_assets:#{key}:views", :skip_validation, "list_assets:#{key}:javascripts", "list_assets:#{key}:yrb"] end end create_from_categories(:list) end namespace :validate do create_from_servers do |key, set_task| namespace key do desc "Validates all javascripts (excluding prototype/scriptaculous)" task :javascripts => [set_task, "validate:javascripts"] desc "Validates all JSON" task :json => [set_task, "validate:json"] do end desc "Validates all HTML" task :html => [set_task,"validate:html"] do end desc "Validates all embedded JavaScript" task :embedded_js => [set_task,"validate:embedded_js"] do end desc "Validates all javascripts and JSON and HTML" task :all => [set_task, "validate:all"] end end desc "Validates all javascripts (excluding prototype/scriptaculous)" task :javascripts do puts "\nValidating external JavaScript assets in #{@application}..." Dir["#{BASE_PATH}/servers/#{@application}/assets/javascripts/*.js"].each do |path| YMDP::Validator::JavaScript.validate(path) end end desc "Validates all JSON" task :json do puts "\nValidating JSON in #{@application}..." Dir["./servers/#{@application}/assets/yrb/*json"].each do |json| filename = json.split("/").last path = "#{BASE_PATH}/servers/#{@application}/assets/yrb/#{filename}" YMDP::Validator::JSON.validate(path) end end desc "Validates all HTML" task :html do puts "\nValidating HTML in #{@application}..." `rm -rf #{TMP_DIR}` Dir.mkdir(TMP_DIR) rescue Errno::EEXIST Dir["./servers/#{@application}/views/*"].each do |filename| YMDP::Validator::HTML.validate(filename) if filename =~ /#{@path}/ end end desc "Validates all JavaScript inside HTML" task :embedded_js do if @path =~ /views/ validate_path = @path.gsub(/views\/$/, "/*") else validate_path = "views/*" end puts "\nValidating embedded JavaScript in #{@application}..." Dir["./servers/#{@application}/views/*"].each do |filename| validated_embedded_js(filename) if filename =~ /#{@path}/ end end desc "Validates all javascripts and JSON" task :all => ["validate:javascripts", "validate:json", "validate:html", "validate:embedded_js"] end task :set_yrb do @path = "assets/yrb/" end task :set_sync do @sync = true end desc "Syncs default server" task :sync => [:set_sync, :deploy] namespace :sync do create_from_servers do |key, set_task| desc "Syncs application with #{key} server" task key => [set_task, :set_sync, :deploy] end create_from_servers do |key, set_task| namespace key do desc "Syncs views to the #{key} server" task :views => [set_task, :set_views, :set_sync, :deploy] desc "Syncs all assets to the #{key} server" task :assets => [set_task, :set_assets, :set_sync, :deploy] desc "Syncs javascript assets to the #{key} server" task :javascripts => [set_task, :set_javascripts, :set_sync, :deploy] desc "Syncs image assets to the #{key} server" task :images => [set_task, :set_images, :set_sync, :deploy] desc "Syncs YRB bundles to the #{key} server" task :yrb => [set_task, :set_yrb, :set_sync, :deploy_yrb] desc "Syncs everything except images to the the #{key} server" task :code => [set_task, "deploy:#{key}:views", :skip_validation, "deploy:#{key}:javascripts", "deploy:#{key}:yrb"] end end task :yrb => [:set_yrb, :set_sync, :deploy_yrb] create_from_categories(:sync) end namespace :deploy do desc "Show shows documentation" task :help do docs = <<-DOCS USAGE: rake deploy [app={application}] [path={path}], [dry_run=true], [dir={directory}], [application_id={app_id}] Deploys the local application to the remote YMDP servers. Validates javascript assets beforehand, aborting the deploy in case of validation errors. Run without options, the default is to deploy everything to the staging server. Specify the application to deploy to: rake deploy app=staging rake deploy app=my rake deploy app=alpha NOTE: use subtasks to simplify specifying the application: rake deploy:my rake deploy:alpha rake deploy:staging VALID SUBTASKS: my, alpha, staging Specify files to deploy: rake deploy path=views rake deploy path=views/settings rake deploy path=assets/javascripts/application.js NOTE: use subtasks to simplify the subset of files to deploy, rake deploy:views rake deploy:javascripts VALID SUBTASKS: views, assets, javascripts, images, yrb DOCS # TODO: add more documentation puts docs end create_from_servers do |key, set_task| desc "Deploys application to #{key} server" task key => [set_task, :deploy] end create_from_servers do |key, set_task| namespace key do desc "Deploys views to the #{key} server" task :views => [set_task, :set_views, :deploy] desc "Deploys all assets to the #{key} server" task :assets => [set_task, :set_assets, :deploy] desc "Deploys javascript assets to the #{key} server" task :javascripts => [set_task, :set_javascripts, :deploy] desc "Deploys image assets to the #{key} server" task :images => [set_task, :set_images, :deploy] desc "Deploys YRB bundles to the #{key} server" task :yrb => [set_task, :set_yrb, :deploy_yrb] desc "Deploys everything except images to the the #{key} server" task :code => [set_task, "deploy:#{key}:views", :skip_validation, "deploy:#{key}:javascripts", "deploy:#{key}:yrb"] end end task :yrb => [:set_yrb, :deploy_yrb] create_from_categories(:deploy) end # rake create app=my path=./my # rake create app=staging path=staging desc "Creates a new local copy of a YMDP application" task :create do puts "about to create_directory for #{@application}" time("Created") do create_directory_from_application(@application, @path) end end # rake create:my path=./my # rake create:staging path=staging namespace :create do desc "Create all applications" task :all do time("Created all applications") do SERVERS.each do |key, values| create_directory_from_application(values["server"]) end end end create_from_servers do |key, set_task| desc "Creates local application from #{key} server" task key do @application = key.to_s Rake::Task["create"].invoke end end end # TASKS TO SET UP ENVIRONMENT CATEGORIES.each do |name, path| task "set_#{name}" do @path = "#{path}/#{@path}" end end # END OF RAKE TASKS def time(message="") => "YMDP", :growl => CONFIG.growl?).time(message) do yield end end def ymdt @ymdt ||= => @username, :password => @password) end def validated_embedded_js(path) # jslint only accepts files, later we can hack it to accept stdin pipes doc = open(path) { |f| Hpricot(f) } js_fragment_path = TMP_DIR + "/#{File.basename(path)}_js_fragment",'w') do |f| (doc / "script").each { |js| f.puts js.inner_html + "\n\n" } end YMDP::Validator::JavaScript.validate(js_fragment_path) system "rm #{js_fragment_path}" end def deploy(application, path) puts "\nDeploying #{application}: #{path}" Rake::Task["validate:html"].invoke if CONFIG.validate_html? Rake::Task["validate:embedded_js"].invoke if CONFIG.validate_embedded_js? Rake::Task["validate:#{application}:javascripts"].invoke if CONFIG.validate_js_assets? Rake::Task["validate:#{application}:json"].invoke if CONFIG.validate_json_assets? ymdt.put(:application => application, :path => path) end def deploy_path(application, path) puts "\nDeploying #{application}: #{path}" Rake::Task["validate:html"].invoke if CONFIG.validate_html? Rake::Task["validate:embedded_js"].invoke if CONFIG.validate_embedded_js? Rake::Task["validate:#{application}:javascripts"].invoke if CONFIG.validate_js_assets? Rake::Task["validate:#{application}:json"].invoke if CONFIG.validate_json_assets? dir = "./servers/#{application}" if path =~ /\/$/ deploy(application, path) else path =~ /^(.*)\/.*$/ short_path = $1 full_path = "#{dir}/#{short_path}/**" Dir[full_path].each do |file| new_path = file.gsub(/#{dir}\//, "") if file =~ puts file ymdt.put(:application => application, :path => new_path) end end end end def deploy_yrb(application, path, options={}) lang = options[:lang] view = options[:view] if lang new_path = "#{path}/keys_#{lang}.json" deploy_path(application, new_path) else deploy_path(application, path) end end def list(application, path) => application, :path => path, :return_results => true) end def check_asset_ids(application, path) result = list(application, path) lines = result.split("\n") wrong_lines = [] lines.each do |line| if line =~ /om\/assets\/(.*)\// match = $1 if match =~ /#{@assets_id}/ puts line else wrong_lines << line end end end wrong_lines end def report_asset_ids(application, path) time("Listed asset ids") do wrong_ids = [] wrong_lines = check_asset_ids(application, path) puts if wrong_lines.any? message = "Some assets do not have the specified asset ID of #{@assets_id}" puts message wrong_lines.each do |line| if line =~ /om\/assets\/(.*)\// match = $1 if match !~ /#{@assets_id}/ wrong_id = match.split("/").first wrong_ids << wrong_id unless wrong_ids.include?(wrong_id) end end puts line end puts puts "The above assets do not have the specified asset ID of #{@assets_id}" puts if wrong_ids.any? puts "Here are the other asset IDs used:" wrong_ids.each do |wrong_id| puts " " + wrong_id; first_index = @assets_id.split("_").last second_index = wrong_id.split("_").last if second_index.to_i > first_index.to_i puts puts " This index is higher than the stored application ID." puts " You can update your servers.yml with the following settings:" puts puts "servers:" puts " #{@application}:" puts " dir: #{@dir}" puts " application_id: #{@application_id}" puts " assets_id: #{wrong_id}" else puts puts " This index is lower than the stored application ID." puts puts " Run rake fix_assets:#{application} to update remote assets" end end end else message = "All assets have the specified asset ID of #{@assets_id}" end end end def fix_assets(application, path) time("Fixed assets") do Rake::Task["validate:all"].invoke unless @skip_validation @skip_validation = true wrong_lines = check_asset_ids(application, path) if wrong_lines.any? wrong_lines.each do |line| filename = line.split(" ")[0] puts deploy(application, filename) end else message = "All assets are up to date" end end end def create_directory_from_application(application, path="") time("Done creating #{application}: #{path}") do puts "Creating #{application}: #{path}" application_id = SERVERS[application]["application_id"] ymdt.get(:application => application, :path => path, :application_id => application_id) end end def please_install_rhino output = <<-DOC NOTE: You must have Rhino installed in your classpath to validate javascripts, which is required to deploy. Download Rhino from: To put Rhino into your Java classpath, run: mkdir -p ~/Library/Java/Extensions/ cp rhino****/js.jar ~/Library/Java/Extensions/ DOC end