# # The right-rails scripts generator # class RightRails::JavaScriptGenerator def initialize(template, thread=nil) @util = Util.new(template, thread) end # the top-level constants that the generator should respond to transparently JS_CONSTANTS = [:top, :RR] # method calls catchup def method_missing(name, *args) cmd = if JS_CONSTANTS.include?(name) name elsif name.to_s[name.to_s.size-1, name.to_s.size] == '=' "#{name.to_s[0, name.to_s.size-1]}=#{@util.to_js_type(args.first)}" else "#{name}(#{@util.to_js_args(args)})" end @util.record(cmd) end # returns the result script def to_s @util.build_script end # # This module contains the predefined methods collection # module Methods # referring an element by an id or a record def [](record_or_id) @util.record("#{RightRails::Helpers.prefix}$(\"#{@util.dom_id(record_or_id)}\")") end # just pushes a line of code into the thread def << (code) @util.write(code) self end # builds a css-select block def find(css_rule) @util.record("#{RightRails::Helpers.prefix}$$(\"#{css_rule}\")") end # access to the javascript variables def get(name) @util.record(name) end # variables initializing method def set(name, value) @util.record("var #{name}=#{@util.to_js_type(value)}") end def document @util.record('$(document)') end def window @util.record('$(window)') end # generates the redirection script def redirect_to(location) self.get(:document)[:location].href = (location.is_a?(String) ? location : @util.template.url_for(location)) self end # generates the page reload script def reload self.get(:document)[:location].reload self end # builds the record HTML code and then insterts it in place def insert(record, position=nil) self.RR.insert(*[record.class.table_name, @util.render(record), position].compact) end # generates a script that inserts the record partial, then updates the form and the flashes block def insert_and_care(record, position=nil) insert(record, position) @util.template.instance_variable_set("@#{record.class.table_name.singularize}", record.class.new) replace_form_for(record.class.new) update_flash end # replaces the record element on the page def replace(record) self.RR.replace(@util.dom_id(record), @util.render(record)) end # replaces the record partial and updates the flash def replace_and_care(record) replace(record) update_flash end # removes the record element from the page def remove(record) self.RR.remove(@util.dom_id(record)) end # renders and shows a form for the record def show_form_for(record) self.RR.show_form_for(@util.dom_id(record), @util.render('form')) end # renders and updates a form for the record def replace_form_for(record) self.RR.replace_form(@util.form_id_for(record), @util.render('form')) end # updates the flashes block def update_flash(content=nil) self.RR.update_flash(content || @util.template.flashes) @util.template.flash.clear end end include Methods protected # # Keeps the javascript method calls sequence and then represents iteslf like a string of javascript # class MethodCall def initialize(this, util, parent) @this = this @util = util @parent = parent end # catches the properties request def [](name) @child = @util.make_call(".#{name}", self) end # attribute assignment hook def []=(name, value) send "#{name}=", value end OPERATIONS = %w{+ - * / % <<} # catches all the method calls def method_missing(name, *args, &block) name = name.to_s args << block if block_given? cmd = if name[name.size-1, name.size] == '=' # assignments ".#{name[0,name.size-1]}=#{@util.to_js_type(args.first)}" # operation calls elsif OPERATIONS.include?(name) name = "+=" if name == '<<' "#{name}#{@util.to_js_type(args.first)}" # usual method calls else ".#{name}(#{@util.to_js_args(args)})" end @child = @util.make_call(cmd, self) end # exports the whole thing into a javascript string def to_s nodes = [] node = self while node nodes << node node = node.instance_variable_get(@parent.nil? ? "@child" : "@parent") end # reversing the calls list if building from the right end nodes.reverse! unless @parent.nil? nodes.collect{|n| n.instance_variable_get("@this").to_s }.join('') end end # # We use this class to cleanup the main namespace of the JavaScriptGenerator instances # So that the mesod_missing didn't interferate with the util methods # class Util attr_reader :template def initialize(template, thread=nil) @template = template @thread = thread || [] end # returns a conventional dom id for the record def dom_id(record) if [String, Symbol].include?(record.class) "#{record}" else @template.dom_id(record) end end # generates the form-id for the given record def form_id_for(record) record.new_record? ? "new_#{record.class.table_name.singularize}" : "edit_#{dom_id(record)}" end # retnders the thing def render(what) @template.render(what) end # builds a new method call object def make_call(string, parent=nil) MethodCall.new(string, self, parent) end # Records a new call def record(command) @thread << (line = make_call(command)) line end # writes a pline script code into the thread def write(script) @thread << script end # builds the end script def build_script list = @thread.collect do |line| line.is_a?(String) ? line : (line.to_s + ';') end list.join('') end # converts the list of values into a javascript function arguments list def to_js_args(args) list = args.collect do |value| to_js_type(value) end list.join(',') end # converts any ruby type into an javascript type def to_js_type(value) case value.class.name.to_sym when :Float, :Fixnum, :TrueClass, :FalseClass, :Symbol then value.to_s when :NilClass then 'null' when :Array then "[#{to_js_args(value)}]" when :Proc then proc_to_function(&value) else # the other method-calls processing if value.is_a?(MethodCall) # removing the call out of the calls thread top = value parent = value while parent top = parent parent = parent.instance_variable_get('@parent') end @thread.reject!{ |item| item == top } value.to_s # converting all sorts of strings elsif value.is_a?(String) "\"#{@template.escape_javascript(value)}\"" # simple hashes processing elsif value.is_a?(Hash) pairs = [] value.each do |key, value| pairs << "#{to_js_type(key)}:#{to_js_type(value)}" end "{#{pairs.sort.join(',')}}" # JSON exportable values processing elsif value.respond_to?(:to_json) to_js_type(value.to_json) # throwing an ansupported class name else throw "RightRails::JavaScriptGenerator doesn't support instances of #{value.class.name} yet" end end end # converts a proc into a javascript function def proc_to_function(&block) thread = [] args = [] names = [] name = 'a' page = RightRails::JavaScriptGenerator.new(@template, thread) block.arity.times do |i| args << page.get(name) names << name name = name.succ end # swapping the current thread with the block's one old_thread = @thread @thread = thread yield(*args) # swapping the current therad back @thread = old_thread "function(#{names.join(',')}){#{page.to_s}}" end end end