module Metricize class Forwarder include Metricize::SharedMethods def initialize(options) @password = options.fetch(:password) @username = options.fetch(:username) @remote_url = options[:remote_url] || '' @remote_timeout = (options[:remote_timeout] || 12).to_i @remote_requests = (options[:remote_requests] || 30).to_i @batch_size = (options[:batch_size] || 5000).to_i @batch_sleep = (options[:batch_sleep] || 1).to_i establish_logger(options) initialize_redis(options) end def go! process_metric_queue end private def process_metric_queue with_error_handling do @remote_requests.times do |n| batch = lshift_queue return if batch.empty? store_metrics(add_aggregate_info(batch)) sleep @batch_sleep # don't send a flood of small batches end end end def lshift_queue return [] unless queue_length > 0 current_batch = @redis.lrange(@queue_name, 0, @batch_size - 1) # ltrim indexes are 0 based and somewhat confusing -- see @redis.ltrim(@queue_name, 0, -1-@batch_size) {|metric| JSON.parse(metric, :symbolize_names => true) } end def queue_length log_message "queue_length=#{length = @redis.llen(@queue_name)}", :info length end def clear_queue log_message "clearing queue" @redis.del @queue_name end def store_metrics(data) log_message "remote_data_sent='#{data}'" start_time ="https://#{@username.sub('@','%40')}:#{@password}@#{@remote_url}", data.to_json, :timeout => @remote_timeout, :content_type => 'application/json') log_message "remote_data_sent_chars=#{data.to_s.length}, remote_request_duration_ms=#{time_delta_ms(start_time)}", :info end def add_aggregate_info(metrics) counters, measurements = metrics.partition {|metric| metric.fetch(:name) =~ /.count$/ } counters = consolidate_counts(counters) measurements = add_value_stats(measurements) { :gauges => counters + measurements, :measure_time => } end def consolidate_counts(counters) aggregated_counts = {} counters.each_with_index do |metric,i| # collect aggregate stats for each name+source combination key = [metric.fetch(:name), metric[:source]].join('|') aggregated_counts[key] = aggregated_counts[key].to_i + metric[:value] end do | key, count | add_stat_by_key(key, count).merge(counter_attributes) end end def counter_attributes { :attributes => {:source_aggregate => true, :summarize_function => 'sum'} } end def add_value_stats(gauges) value_groups = {} gauges.each do | metric | key = [metric.fetch(:name), metric[:source]].join('|') value_groups[key] ||= [] value_groups[key] << metric[:value] end value_groups.each do |key, values| with_error_handling do print_histogram(key, values) end gauges << add_stat_by_key(key, values.size, '.count').merge(counter_attributes) [0.50, 0.95].each do |p| percentile = values.extend(Stats).calculate_percentile(p) gauges << add_stat_by_key(key, percentile, ".#{(p*100).to_i}e") end end gauges end def print_histogram(name, values) return if values.size < 5 num_bins = [25, values.size].min.to_f bin_width = (values.max - values.min)/num_bins bin_width = 1 if bin_width == 0 bins = (values.min...values.max).step(bin_width).to_a freqs = {| bin |{|x| x >= bin && x <= (bin+bin_width) }.count } name = name.gsub('|','.').sub(/\.$/, '') values.extend(Stats) chart_data =!(&:floor).zip(freqs) chart_options = { :bar => true, :title => "\nHistogram for #{name} at #{}", :hide_zero => true } chart_output =, chart_options).draw + "\n#{name}.count=#{values.count}\n" + "#{name}.min=#{round(values.min, 2)}\n" + "#{name}.max=#{round(values.max, 2)}\n" + "#{name}.mean=#{round(values.mean, 2)}\n" + "#{name}.stddev=#{round(values.standard_deviation, 2)}\n" log_message(chart_output, :info) end def add_stat_by_key(key, value, suffix = "") metric = { :name => key.split('|')[0] + suffix, :value => value } metric.merge!(:source => key.split('|')[1]) if key.split('|')[1] metric end end end