Then /^I should be able to get the options available of it$/ do @browser.select_get_options.should == ["...","Cello","Cucumber","Ruby","Rspec","QA Rocks!"] @browser.close end Then /^I should be able to select an option on it$/ do @browser.select_select("Cucumber") end Then /^be sure that the option setted is the option selected$/ do @browser.select_is("Cucumber").should be true @browser.close end Given /^the option "(.*?)" is selected$/ do |option| @browser.select_select option end Then /^I should be able to know the option "(.*?)" is selected$/ do |option| @browser.select_selected.should == option @browser.close end Then /^I should fail when ask if the option "(.*?)" is selected$/ do |option| @browser.select_selected.should_not == option @browser.close end Then /^I should be able to go to the default option of it$/ do @browser.select_clear @browser.select_selected.should == "..." end