### BROWSER_TYPE contains browser types. Used for quick checks mostly in layout code ### BROWSER_TYPE = version: 0.0 mac: false win: false ie: false ie6: false ie7: false ie8: false ie9: false ie10: false opera: false safari: false chrome: false firefox: false firefox2: false firefox3: false firefox4: false # version 4 or newer ios: false iphone: false # also true for iPod touch ipad: false ### The DOM Element abstraction engine ### ELEM = HClass.extend constructor: null ### Main control for refresh speed ### ELEMTickerInterval: 33 ### Sets up object members ### reset: -> # Startup queue stuff @_domLoadQueue = [] @_domLoadTimer = null # Flag which turns to true, when the document body is detected as loaded @_domLoadStatus = false @_flushTime = 0 @_flushCounter = 0 @_idleDelay = 500 @_timer = null @_minDelay = @ELEMTickerInterval @_flushing = false @_needFlush = false @_slowness = 1 @_elements = {} @_nextElemId = 0 @_freeElemIds = [] @_styleCache = {} @_styleTodo = {} @_attrTodo = {} @_attrCache = {} @_elemTodo = [] @_elemTodoH = {} @_blockElems = ",ADDRESS,BLOCKQUOTE,CENTER,DIR,DIV,DL,FIELDSET,FORM,H1,H2,H3,H4,H5,H6,HR,ISINDEX,MENU,NOFRAMES,NOSCRIPT,OL,P,PRE,TABLE,UL," null ### Adds an element reference Returns the element id ### _add: (_elem)-> if @_freeElemIds.length != 0 _id = @_freeElemIds.shift() else _id = @_nextElemId @_nextElemId++ @_elements[_id] = _elem _id ### Initializes cache object helpers ### _initCache: (_id)-> @_styleTodo[_id] = [] @_styleCache[_id] = {} @_attrTodo[_id] = [] @_attrCache[_id] = {} @_elemTodoH[_id] = false null ### Adds an existing document element by its id attribute ### bindId: (_attrId)-> _elem = document.getElementById( _attrId ) _id = @_add( _elem ) @_initCache( _id ) _id ### Binds the document element ### bind: (_elem)-> _id = @_add( _elem ) @_initCache( _id ) _id ### Returns an element by its id ### get: (_id)-> @_elements[_id] ### Sets the innerHTML contents of the element ### setHTML: (_id, _html)-> @_elements[_id].innerHTML = _html unless @_elements[_id].innerHTML == _html null ### Returns the innerHTML of the element ### getHTML: (_id)-> @_elements[_id].innerHTML ### Deletes an element and its associated metadata ### del: (_id)-> _elem = @_elements[_id] i = @_elemTodo.indexOf( _id ) @_elemTodo.splice( i, 1 ) if ~i delete @_attrTodo[_id] delete @_styleCache[_id] delete @_attrCache[_id] delete @_elemTodoH[_id] delete @_elements[_id] @_freeElemIds.push(_id) _parent = _elem.parentNode if _parent? _parent.removeChild( _elem ) else if !@isProduction console.warn( 'ELEM.del(',_id,'): Invalid parent: ', _parent, " for elem:",_elem ) null ### Places the source element inside the target element ### append: (_srcId, _tgtId)-> @_elements[_tgtId].appendChild @_elements[_srcId] moveToParent: (_id,_parentId)-> _elem = @_elements[_id] _elem.parentNode.removeChild( _elem ) @_elements[_parentId].appendChild( _elem ) ### Replaces all styles of an element with a block of css text ### setCSS: (_id, _css)-> @_elements[_id].style.cssText = _css null ### Returns the current css text of an element ### getCSS: (_id)-> @_elements[_id].style.cssText ### Returns the visible size of an element as a [ width, height ] tuple ### getVisibleSize: (_id)-> _elem = @_elements[_id] [ _body, _visible, _overflow ] = [ 'body', 'visible', 'overflow' ] [ w, h ] = [ _elem.offsetWidth, _elem.offsetHeight ] _parent = _elem.parentNode while _parent and _parent.nodeName.toLowerCase() != _body if _visible == @_getComputedStyle( _parent, _overflow ) [ _parentClientWidth, _parentClientHeight ] = [ _parent.clientWidth, _parent.clientHeight ] w = _parentClientWidth - _elem.offsetLeft if w > _parentClientWidth h = _parentClientWidth - _elem.offsetTop if h > _parentClientHeight _elem = _elem.parentNode break unless _parent.parentNode _parent = _parent.parentNode [ w, h ] ### Returns the full offset size of the element as a [ width, height ] tuple ### getSize: (_id)-> _elem = @_elements[_id] [ _elem.offsetWidth, _elem.offsetHeight ] ### Returns the position of the element as a [ x, y ] tuple ### getPosition: (_id)-> _elem = @_elements[_id] [ _elem.offsetLeft, _elem.offsetTop ] ### Returns the scroll position of the element as a [ x, y ] tuple ### getScrollPosition: (_id)-> _elem = @_elements[_id] [ _elem.scrollLeft, _elem.scrollTop ] ### Returns the scroll size of the element as a [ width, height ] tuple ### getScrollSize: (_id)-> _elem = @_elements[_id] [ _elem.scrollWidth, _elem.scrollHeight ] ### Calculates the visible left position of an element ### _getVisibleLeftPosition: (_id)-> _elem = @_elements[_id] x = 0 while _elem != document.body x += _elem.offsetLeft - _elem.scrollLeft _elem = _elem.parentNode x ### Calculates the visible top position of an element ### _getVisibleTopPosition: (_id)-> _elem = @_elements[_id] y = 0 while _elem != document.body y += _elem.offsetTop - _elem.scrollTop _elem = _elem.parentNode y ### Returns the visible position of the element as a [ left, top ] tuple ### getVisiblePosition: (_id)-> [ @_getVisibleLeftPosition(_id), @_getVisibleTopPosition(_id) ] ### Returns the opacity on the element as a number equaling or between 0 and 1 ### getOpacity: (_id)-> _elem = @_elements[_id] _opacity = @_getComputedStyle( _elem, 'opacity' ) parseFloat( _opacity ) ### Sets ActiveX alpha filter for IE6-8 ### _setOpacityIE: (_id, _opacity)-> _prevFilter = @getStyle( _id, 'filter', true ) if _opacity == 1 @_elements[_id].style.setAttribute('filter', _prevFilter.replace(/alpha([^)]*)/gi, '') ) else @_elements[_id].style.setAttribute('filter', _prevFilter.replace(/alpha([^)]*)/gi, '') + 'alpha(opacity='+(_opacity*100)+')') null ### Sets the opcity of the element as a number equaling or between 0 and 1 ### setOpacity: (_id, _opacity)-> if BROWSER_TYPE.ie7 or BROWSER_TYPE.ie8 @_setOpacityIE( _id, _opacity) else @_elements[_id].style.setProperty('opacity', _opacity.toString(), '') null ### Wrapper for getStyle, returns an integer number instead of a string ### getIntStyle: (_id, _key)-> parseInt( @getStyle(_id, _key), 10 ) ### Sets element position ( id, [ x, y ] ) ### setPosition: (_id, x, y )-> unless y? [ x, y ] = x @setStyle( _id, 'left', x+'px' ) @setStyle( _id, 'top', y+'px' ) ### Shortcut for filling parent dimensions with optional offset(s) ### stretchToParentBounds: (_id, l, t, r, b )-> if not l? [ l, t, r, b ] = [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ] else if l instanceof Array [ l, t, r, b ] = l else if not t? [ l, t, r, b ] = [ l, l, l, l ] @setStyle( _id, 'position', 'absolute' ) @setStyle( _id, 'display', 'block' ) @setStyle( _id, 'left', l+'px' ) @setStyle( _id, 'top', t+'px' ) @setStyle( _id, 'width', 'auto' ) @setStyle( _id, 'height', 'auto' ) @setStyle( _id, 'right', r+'px' ) @setStyle( _id, 'bottom', b+'px' ) ### Sets box coordinates [ x, y, width, height ] ### setBoxCoords: (_id, _coords)-> [ x, y, w, h ] = _coords @setStyle( _id, 'left', x+'px' ) @setStyle( _id, 'top', y+'px' ) @setStyle( _id, 'width', w+'px' ) @setStyle( _id, 'height', h+'px' ) null ### Gets box coordinates [ x, y, width, height ) ### getBoxCoords: (_id)-> [ x, y ] = @getPosition( _id ) [ w, h ] = @getSize( _id ) [ x, y, w, h ] ### Computes extra size (padding and border size) of element ### _getExtraSize: (_id, _side)-> @getIntStyle( _id, 'padding-'+_side ) + @getIntStyle( _id, 'border-'+_side+'-width' ) ### Returns left-side padding and border size ### _getExtraLeftWidth: (_id)-> @_getExtraSize( _id, 'left' ) ### Returns right-side padding and border size ### _getExtraRightWidth: (_id)-> @_getExtraSize( _id, 'right' ) ### Returns top-side padding and border size ### _getExtraTopWidth: (_id)-> @_getExtraSize( _id, 'top' ) ### Returns right-side padding and border size ### _getExtraBottomWidth: (_id)-> @_getExtraSize( _id, 'bottom' ) ### Returns extra width of element (caused by padding and borders) ### getExtraWidth: (_id)-> @_getExtraSize( _id, 'left' ) + @_getExtraSize( _id, 'right' ) ### Returns extra height of element (caused by padding and borders) ### getExtraHeight: (_id)-> @_getExtraSize( _id, 'top' ) + @_getExtraSize( _id, 'bottom' ) ### Sets delay between refreshes based on the target frame rate ### setFPS: (_fps)-> @_minDelay = 1000/_fps @_minDelay = @ELEMTickerInterval if @_minDelay < @ELEMTickerInterval null ### Sets slowness (weighted additional multiplier for slow browsers; frame-skip) The d-efault 1.0 does not change the FPS, larger numbers gives more time for logic by skipping frames ### setSlowness: (_slow)-> @_slowness = _slow null ### Sets the idle delay in ms This is the maximum time between setting a style or property into the buffer and flushing the buffer to the DOM ### setIdleDelay: (_idleDelay)-> @_idleDelay = _idleDelay null ### Re-sets the flushLoop ### _resetFlushLoop: (_delay, _timeDelay)-> _timeDelay = _delay unless _timeDelay @_timer = setTimeout( -> ELEM.flushLoop( _delay ) , _timeDelay ) null ### Computes a default delay time based on various params ### _defaultDelay: -> _delay = Math.round( @_slowness * (@_flushTime / @_flushCounter) ) # + @ELEMTickerInterval ?? _delay = @_minDelay if _delay < @_minDelay or !_delay _delay ### Flushes buffered styles and properties into the DOM ### flushLoop: (_delay)-> _delay = @_defaultDelay() unless _delay? clearTimeout(@_timer) if @_flushing _delay *= 2 @_resetFlushLoop( _delay ) else unless @_needFlush # go into 'sleep mode' @_resetFlushLoop( _delay, @_idleDelay ) return _delay = @_defaultDelay() @_flushing = true @_resetFlushLoop( _delay ) @_performFlush() @_flushing = false null # Alias for flushLoop flush: -> @flushLoop() flushElem: (_elemIds)-> _elemIds = [_elemIds] if typeof _elemIds == 'number' for _id in _elemIds continue unless @_elemTodoH[_id] @_elemTodoH[_id] = false @_flushStyleCache(_id) @_flushAttrCache(_id) ### Performs the flush of flushLoop ### _performFlush: -> _flushStartTime = new Date().getTime() @_flushTime -= _flushStartTime _loopMaxL = @_elemTodo.length if _loopMaxL > 0 _currTodo = @_elemTodo.splice( 0, _loopMaxL ) for i in [ 1.._loopMaxL ] @_flushLoopFlushed++ _id = _currTodo.shift() if _id == null console.log('no id:',_id) continue @_elemTodoH[_id] = false @_flushStyleCache( _id ) @_flushAttrCache( _id ) @_flushCounter++ @_flushTime += new Date().getTime() @_needFlush = @_elemTodo.length != 0 # unless @_needFlush null ### Flushes the attribute cache ### _flushAttrCache: (_id)-> _attrTodo = @_attrTodo[_id] return null if _attrTodo.length == 0 _attrCache = @_attrCache[_id] _elem = @_elements[_id] _loopMaxL = _attrTodo.length _currTodo = _attrTodo.splice( 0, _loopMaxL ) for i in [ 1.._loopMaxL ] _key = _currTodo.shift() _val = _attrCache[_key] _elem[_key] = _val null ### Gets an element attribute directly from the element ### _getAttrDirect: (_id, _key)-> _elem = @_elements[_id] _attr = _elem[_key] return _attr if _attr? and _attr != null return _elem.getAttribute(_key) ### Gets a named element attribute from the cache or selectively direct ### getAttr: (_id, _key, _noCache)-> return null unless @_attrCache[_id]? _key = 'className' if _key == 'class' _val = @_attrCache[_id][_key] if _noCache or not _val? _val = @_getAttrDirect( _id, _key ) @_attrCache[_id][_key] = _val _val ### Sets a named element attribute into the cache and buffer or selectively direct ### setAttr: (_id, _key, _value, _noCache)-> return null unless @_elements[_id]? # item is deleted _attrTodo = @_attrTodo[_id] _attrCache = @_attrCache[_id] @_elements[_id][_key] = _value if _noCache _reCache = ( _value != @getAttr( _id, _key ) ) if _reCache or _noCache _attrCache[_key] = _value unless _noCache _attrTodo.push( _key ) unless ~_attrTodo.indexOf( _key ) unless @_elemTodoH[_id] @_elemTodo.push( _id ) @_elemTodoH[ _id ] = true @_checkNeedFlush() true ### Deletes a named element attribute ### delAttr: (_id, _key)-> return null unless @_elements[_id]? # item is deleted _attrTodo = @_attrTodo[_id] _attrCache = @_attrCache[_id] delete _attrCache[_key] @_elements[_id].removeAttribute( _key ) _todoIndex = _attrTodo.indexOf( _key ) _attrTodo.splice( _todoIndex, 1 ) if ~_todoIndex @_checkNeedFlush() true ### Checks if the element has a named CSS className ### hasClassName: (_id, _className)-> return null unless @_elements[_id]? # item is deleted _classNames = @_elements[_id].className.split(' ') return !!~_classNames.indexOf( _className ) ### Adds a named CSS className to the element ### addClassName: (_id, _className)-> return null unless @_elements[_id]? # item is deleted unless @hasClassName( _id, _className ) _elem = @_elements[_id] if _elem.className.trim() == '' _elem.className = _className else _classNames = _elem.className.trim().split(' ') _classNames.push(_className) _elem.className = _classNames.join(' ') @_attrCache[_id]['className'] = _elem.className null ### Removes a named CSS className of the element ### delClassName: (_id, _className)-> return null unless @_elements[_id]? # item is deleted if @hasClassName( _id, _className ) _elem = @_elements[_id] _classNames = _elem.className.split(' ') _classNames.splice( _classNames.indexOf( _className ), 1 ) _elem.className = _classNames.join(' ') @_attrCache[_id]['className'] = _elem.className null removeClassName: (_id, _className)-> console.log( 'ELEM.removeClassName is deprecated. Use ELEM.delClassName instead.' ) return @delClassName( _id, _className ) ### Checks if buffers need to be flushed ### _checkNeedFlush: -> unless @_needFlush @_needFlush = true unless @_flushing clearTimeout( @_timer) @_resetFlushLoop( @_minDelay ) null ### Low-level style property setter ### _setElementStyle: (_elem, _key, _value)-> _elem.style.setProperty( _key, _value, '' ) null ### Camelizes string (mostly used for IE attribute name conversions) ### _camelize: (_str)-> _str.replace( /((-)([a-z])(\w))/g, ($0, $1, $2, $3, $4)-> $3.toUpperCase()+$4 ) ### Decamelizes string (used for js property to css property conversion) ### _deCamelize: (_str)-> _str.replace( /(([A-Z])(\w))/g, ($0, $1, $2, $3)-> '-'+$2.toLowerCase()+$3 ) ### IE version of _setElementStyle ### _setElementStyleIE: (_elem, _key, _value)-> try _elem.style[@_camelize(_key)] = _value catch e console.log('ie setstyle error:'+_key+', '+_value+', '+e) null ### Sets and buffers the named style attribute value or selectively direct ### setStyle: (_id, _key, _value, _noCache)-> return null unless @_elements[_id]? # item is deleted if _id == undefined console.log('ERROR; undefined id in ELEM#setStyle(',_id, _key, _value, _noCache,')') try _cached = @_styleCache[_id] catch e console.error( e, this ) _elem = @_elements[_id] if _cached == undefined @_initCache( _id ) _cached = @_styleCache[_id] _key = @_deCamelize( _key ) unless _value == _cached[_key] _cached[_key] = _value if _noCache if _key == 'opacity' @setOpacity( _id, _value ) else @_setElementStyle( _elem, _key, _value ) else _styleTodo = @_styleTodo[_id] _styleTodo.push( _key ) unless ~_styleTodo.indexOf( _key ) unless @_elemTodoH[_id] @_elemTodo.push( _id ) @_elemTodoH[_id] = true @_checkNeedFlush() null ### Sets multiple styles at once ### setStyles: (_id, _styles, _noCache )-> if _styles instanceof Array for [ _key, _value ] in _styles @setStyle( _id, _key, _value, _noCache ) else if typeof _styles == 'object' for _key, _value of _styles @setStyle( _id, _key, _value, _noCache ) null ### Creates a new element inside another element ### make: (_targetId, _tagName, _options)-> _targetId = 0 if _targetId == undefined if _tagName == undefined _tagName = 'DIV' else _tagName = _tagName.toUpperCase() _elem = document.createElement( _tagName ) _id = @_add( _elem ) @_initCache( _id ) if _options? _attrs = _options.attrs if _options.attrs? _attrs = _options.attr if _options.attr? and not _attr? if _attrs? if _attrs instanceof Array for _attr in _attrs @setAttr( _id, _attr[0], _attr[1], true ) else for _attrName, _attrValue of _attrs @setAttr( _id, _attrName, _attrValue, true ) if _options.styles @setStyles( _id, _options.styles ) if _options.html @setHTML( _id, _options.html ) @_elements[_targetId].appendChild(_elem) _id ### Returns inner size of the browser window as [ width, height ] ### windowSize: -> _size = [ window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight ] if _size[0] == undefined or _size[1] == undefined _docElem = document.documentElement _size = [ _docElem.clientWidth, _docElem.clientHeight ] _size ### Returns computed style of element ### _getComputedStyle: (_elem, _key)-> document.defaultView.getComputedStyle( _elem, null ).getPropertyValue( _key ) ### IE version of _getComputedStyle ### _getComputedStyleIE: (_elem, _key)-> return _elem.clientWidth if _key == 'width' return _elem.clientHeight if _key == 'height' if _elem.currentStyle? return _elem.currentStyle[@_camelize(_key)] else return _elem.style[@_camelize(_key)] ### Gets the named element style attribute value. ### getStyle: (_id, _key, _noCache)-> return null unless @_styleCache[_id]? _cached = @_styleCache[_id] _key = @_deCamelize(_key) if _cached[_key] == undefined or _noCache if _key == 'opacity' _value = @getOpacity(_id) else _value = @_getComputedStyle( @_elements[_id], _key ) _value = -1 if _key == 'z-index' and _value == 'auto' _cached[_key] = _value else _value = _cached[_key] _value ### Style buffer flushing method ### _flushStyleCache: (_id)-> _elem = @_elements[_id] return unless _elem _styleTodo = @_styleTodo[_id] _cached = @_styleCache[_id] _loopMaxP = _styleTodo.length return null if _loopMaxP == 0 _currTodo = _styleTodo.splice( 0, _loopMaxP ) for i in [ 1.._loopMaxP ] _key = _currTodo.shift() if _key == 'opacity' @setOpacity( _id, _cached[_key] ) else console.log( 'invalid style key:',_elem, _key, _cached) unless _key @_setElementStyle( _elem, _key, _cached[_key] ) null ### Final phase of startup, when document is loaded ### _init: -> RSenceInit() if RSenceInit? if BROWSER_TYPE.ie @_getComputedStyle = @_getComputedStyleIE @_setElementStyle = @_setElementStyleIE @bind( document.body ) unless @_timer @_flushDomLoadQueue() until @_initDone @_resetFlushLoop( @_minDelay ) null ### Runs a cmd ### _runCmd: (_cmd)-> _type = ( typeof _cmd ) if _type == 'function' _cmd.call() else if _type == 'string' console.log("Evaluation of LOAD strings no longer supported. Please convert to anonymous function: "+_cmd) null ### Processes the queue for tasks to run upon completion of document load ### _flushDomLoadQueue: -> if @_domLoadQueue.length == 0 @_initDone = true return else @_runCmd( @_domLoadQueue.shift() ) null ### Returns an array of key, value style string pair containing the gradient style supported by the current browser. The format of the colorSteps Object with the following items: Key Description start Default background color in a valid hexadecimal color format, also the start color end Default gradient end color for dumber browsers type Currently only 'linearTopBottom' is supported steps An Array containing color, percent (number without suffix) pairs, like [ 10, '#fff'] ### _standardGradientSteps: (_startColor,_stepsIn,_endColor)-> _steps = [ "#{_startColor} 0%" ] if _stepsIn.length != 0 for _step in _stepsIn _steps.push "#{_step[1]} #{_step[0]}%" _steps.push "#{_endColor} 100%" return _steps _gradientIdCount: 0 _linearGradientStyle: (_gradient)-> # IE6-8 if BROWSER_TYPE.ie7 or BROWSER_TYPE.ie8 _key = 'filter' _value = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr='#{_gradient.start}', endColorstr='#{_gradient.end}',GradientType=0 )" # IE9 else if BROWSER_TYPE.ie9 # or BROWSER_TYPE.ie10 # IE9 SVG, needs conditional override of 'filter' to 'none' # Also static white-shaded svg, needs a svg source to base64 utility _key = 'background' _svg = """""" _svg += '' _svg += """""" _svg += """""" _svgSteps = '' for _step in _gradient.steps _svgSteps += """""" _svg += _svgSteps _svg += """""" _svg += '' _svg += """""" _svg += '' @_gradientIdCount++ _svg64 = @sha.str2Base64(_svg) _value = "url(data:image/svg+xml;base64,#{_svg64})" else if BROWSER_TYPE.ie10 _key = 'background' _steps = @_standardGradientSteps(_gradient.start,_gradient.steps,_gradient.end).join(',') _value = "-ms-linear-gradient(top, #{_steps})" # Firefox 3.6 and newer else if BROWSER_TYPE.firefox4 or BROWSER_TYPE.firefox3 _key = 'background' _steps = @_standardGradientSteps(_gradient.start,_gradient.steps,_gradient.end).join(', ') _value = "-moz-linear-gradient(top, #{_steps})" # Chrome and Safari else if BROWSER_TYPE.safari or BROWSER_TYPE.chrome _key = 'background' # Chrome10+,Safari5.1+ _steps = @_standardGradientSteps(_gradient.start,_gradient.steps,_gradient.end).join(',') _value = "-webkit-linear-gradient(top, #{_steps})" # Chrome,Safari4+ (unsupported) # -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0%,#ffffff), color-stop(9%,#efefef), color-stop(91%,#e0e0e0), color-stop(100%,#efefef)) # Opera 11.10+ else if BROWSER_TYPE.opera _key = 'background' _steps = @_standardGradientSteps(_gradient.start,_gradient.steps,_gradient.end).join(',') _value = "-o-linear-gradient(top, #{_steps})" else # Old browsers _key = 'background' _value = _gradient.start # W3C standard: # _steps = @_standardGradientSteps(_gradient.start,_gradient.steps,_gradient.end).join(',') # _value = "linear-gradient(to bottom, #{_steps})" return [ _key, _value ] _linearGradientCSS: (_gradient)-> @_linearGradientStyle(_gradient).join(': ')+';' ### Does browser version checks and starts the document loaded check poll ### _warmup: -> _ua = navigator.userAgent _browserType = BROWSER_TYPE _browserType.opera = !!~_ua.indexOf('Opera') _browserType.safari = !!~_ua.indexOf('KHTML') _browserType.chrome = !!~_ua.indexOf('Chrome') _isIE = document.all and not _browserType.opera if _isIE _browserType.ie = _isIE _browserType.ie6 = !!~_ua.indexOf('MSIE 6') location.href = 'http://www.ie6nomore.com' if _browserType.ie6 _browserType.ie7 = !!~_ua.indexOf('MSIE 7') _browserType.ie8 = !!~_ua.indexOf('MSIE 8') _browserType.ie9 = !!~_ua.indexOf('MSIE 9') _browserType.ie10 = !!~_ua.indexOf('MSIE 10') if _browserType.ie9 @sha = SHA.new(16) # SHA1 needed for IE9 SVG base64 encoding _browserType.mac = !!~_ua.indexOf('Macintosh') _browserType.win = !!~_ua.indexOf('Windows') _browserType.firefox = !!~_ua.indexOf('Firefox') _browserType.firefox2 = !!~_ua.indexOf('Firefox/2.') _browserType.firefox3 = !!~_ua.indexOf('Firefox/3.') _browserType.firefox4 = _browserType.firefox and not _browserType.firefox2 and not _browserType.firefox3 _iPhone = !!~_ua.indexOf('iPhone') or !!~_ua.indexOf('iPod') _iPad = !!~_ua.indexOf('iPad') _browserType.ios = _iPhone or _iPad _browserType.iphone = _iPhone _browserType.ipad = _iPad @_domWaiter() null ### Adds tasks to run when the document load check is completed ### _domLoader: (_cmd)-> if ELEM._initDone ELEM._runCmd( _cmd ) else ELEM._domLoadQueue.push( _cmd ) null ### Checks if the document is fully loaded ### _domWaiter: -> if BROWSER_TYPE.ie7 or BROWSER_TYPE.ie8 if location.protocol == 'https:' _ie_proto = 'src=//0' else _ie_proto = 'javascript:void(0)' _s1 = ' if this.readyState == 'complete' clearTimeout( ELEM._domLoadTimer ) ELEM._domLoadStatus = true ELEM._init() return else if BROWSER_TYPE.safari and document.readyState == 'complete' ELEM._domLoadStatus = true else if document.body ELEM._domLoadStatus = true if ELEM._domLoadStatus clearTimeout( @_domLoadTimer ) @_init() else ELEM._domLoadTimer = setTimeout( => @._domWaiter() , 10 ) null ELEM.reset() ElementManager = ELEM LOAD = ELEM._domLoader ELEM._warmup()