%h1{style: "text-align: center"} Your tickets have been confirmed! %p{style: "text-align: center"} %strong{style: "font-size: 18px"}= @event.title %br #{effective_events_event_schedule(@event)} - if @event.rich_text_confirmation_email.present? %hr = @event.rich_text_confirmation_email.to_s.html_safe - if @event.delayed_payment? %hr %p{style: "margin-bottom: 4px; font-weight: bold;"} Please note: %ul{style: "margin-top: 0;"} %li Your credit card will be charged on #{@event.delayed_payment_date.strftime("%A, %B %d, %Y")}. %li Changes and cancellations must be made before this date. %li A receipt will be sent after the transaction is completed. %hr - responses = Array(@event_registrants).any? { |er| er.responses.present? } %table.table %thead %tr %th{style: "text-align: left;"} Qty %th{style: "text-align: left;"} Ticket %th{style: "text-align: right;"} Price %tbody - Array(@event_registrants).each do |er| %tr %td{style: "text-align: left;"} 1 %td{style: "text-align: left;"} = er.purchasable_name = er.responses if responses %td{style: "text-align: right;"}= price_to_currency(er.price) - Array(@event_addons).each do |ea| %tr %td{style: "text-align: left;"} 1 %td{style: "text-align: left;"} = ea.purchasable_name = ea.notes if responses %td{style: "text-align: right;"}= price_to_currency(ea.price) %hr %p{style: "text-align: center;"} - if @event.delayed_payment? = link_to('View or modify your registration', effective_events.event_event_registration_url(@event, @event_registration)) - else = link_to('View your registration', effective_events.event_event_registration_url(@event, @event_registration))