#!/usr/bin/env ruby # frozen_string_literal: true # encoding=utf-8 require 'English' require 'clipboard' require 'fileutils' require 'open3' require 'optparse' require 'shellwords' require 'tmpdir' require 'tty-prompt' require 'yaml' require_relative 'ansi_formatter' require_relative 'block_label' require_relative 'cached_nested_file_reader' require_relative 'cli' require_relative 'colorize' require_relative 'directory_searcher' require_relative 'env' require_relative 'exceptions' require_relative 'fcb' require_relative 'filter' require_relative 'fout' require_relative 'hash_delegator' require_relative 'markdown_exec/version' require_relative 'mdoc' require_relative 'option_value' require_relative 'saved_assets' require_relative 'saved_files_matcher' require_relative 'shared' require_relative 'tap' include CLI include Tap tap_config envvar: MarkdownExec::TAP_DEBUG $stderr.sync = true $stdout.sync = true ARGV_SEP = '--' # custom error: file specified is missing # class FileMissingError < StandardError; end def dp(str) lout " => #{str}", level: DISPLAY_LEVEL_DEBUG end def rbi pp(caller.take(4).map.with_index { |line, ind| " - #{ind}: #{line}" }) binding.irb end def rbp rpry pp(caller.take(4).map.with_index { |line, ind| " - #{ind}: #{line}" }) binding.pry end def bpp(*args) pp '+ bpp()' pp(*args.map.with_index { |line, ind| " - #{ind}: #{line}" }) rbi end def rpry require 'pry-nav' require 'pry-stack_explorer' end public # convert regex match groups to a hash with symbol keys # # :reek:UtilityFunction def extract_named_captures_from_option(str, option) str.match(Regexp.new(option))&.named_captures&.sym_keys end # :reek:UtilityFunction def list_recent_output(saved_stdout_folder, saved_stdout_glob, list_count) SavedFilesMatcher.most_recent_list(saved_stdout_folder, saved_stdout_glob, list_count) end # :reek:UtilityFunction def list_recent_scripts(saved_script_folder, saved_script_glob, list_count) SavedFilesMatcher.most_recent_list(saved_script_folder, saved_script_glob, list_count) end # execute markdown documents # module MarkdownExec include Exceptions ## # # rubocop:disable Layout/LineLength # :reek:DuplicateMethodCall { allow_calls: ['block', 'item', 'lm', 'opts', 'option', '@options', 'required_blocks'] } # rubocop:enable Layout/LineLength # :reek:MissingSafeMethod { exclude: [ read_configuration_file! ] } # :reek:TooManyInstanceVariables ### temp # :reek:TooManyMethods ### temp class MarkParse attr_reader :options, :prompt, :run_state include ArrayUtil include StringUtil def initialize(options = {}) @option_parser = nil @options = HashDelegator.new(options) @fout = FOut.new(@delegate_object) end private def error_handler(name = '', opts = {}) Exceptions.error_handler( "CachedNestedFileReader.#{name} -- #{$!}", opts ) end def warn_format(name, message, opts = {}) Exceptions.warn_format( "CachedNestedFileReader.#{name} -- #{message}", opts ) end # return arguments before ARGV_SEP # arguments after ARGV_SEP are passed to the generatede script # def arguments_for_mde(argv = ARGV) case ind = argv.find_index(ARGV_SEP) when nil argv when 0 [] else argv[0..ind - 1] end end ## # options necessary to start, parse input, defaults for cli options # def base_options menu_iter do |item| next unless item[:opt_name].present? item_default = item[:default] value = if item_default.nil? item_default else env_str(item[:env_var], default: OptionValue.for_hash(item_default)) end [item[:opt_name], item[:proccode] ? item[:proccode].call(value) : value] end.compact.to_h end def calculated_options { bash: true, # bash block parsing in get_block_summary() saved_script_filename: nil # calculated } end public ## Determines the correct filename to use for searching files # def determine_filename(specified_filename: nil, specified_folder: nil, default_filename: nil, default_folder: nil, filetree: nil) if specified_filename&.present? return specified_filename if specified_filename.start_with?('/') File.join(specified_folder || default_folder, specified_filename) elsif specified_folder&.present? File.join(specified_folder, filetree ? @options[:md_filename_match] : @options[:md_filename_glob]) else File.join(default_folder, default_filename) end end private # def error_handler(name = '', event = nil, backtrace = nil) # warn(error = "\n * ERROR * #{name}; #{$!.inspect}") # warn($@.take(4).map.with_index { |line, ind| " * #{ind}: #{line}" }) # binding.pry if $tap_enable # raise ArgumentError, error # end # Reports and executes block logic def execute_block_logic(files) @options[:filename] = select_document_if_multiple(files) @options.document_menu_loop end ## Executes the block specified in the options # def execute_block_with_error_handling finalize_cli_argument_processing execute_code_block_based_on_options(@options) rescue FileMissingError warn "File missing: #{$!}" rescue StandardError error_handler('execute_block_with_error_handling') end # Main method to execute a block based on options and block_name def execute_code_block_based_on_options(options) options = calculated_options.merge(options) update_options(options, over: false) simple_commands = { doc_glob: -> { @fout.fout options[:md_filename_glob] }, # list_blocks: -> { list_blocks }, list_default_env: -> { @fout.fout_list list_default_env }, list_default_yaml: -> { @fout.fout_list list_default_yaml }, list_docs: -> { @fout.fout_list files }, list_recent_output: -> { @fout.fout_list list_recent_output( @options[:saved_stdout_folder], @options[:saved_stdout_glob], @options[:list_count] ) }, list_recent_scripts: -> { @fout.fout_list list_recent_scripts( options[:saved_script_folder], options[:saved_script_glob], options[:list_count] ) }, pwd: -> { @fout.fout File.expand_path('..', __dir__) }, run_last_script: -> { run_last_script }, select_recent_output: -> { select_recent_output }, select_recent_script: -> { select_recent_script }, tab_completions: -> { @fout.fout tab_completions }, menu_export: -> { @fout.fout menu_export } } return if execute_simple_commands(simple_commands) files = opts_prepare_file_list(options) execute_block_logic(files) return unless @options[:output_saved_script_filename] @fout.fout "script_block_name: #{@options.run_state.script_block_name}" @fout.fout "s_save_filespec: #{@options.run_state.saved_filespec}" rescue StandardError error_handler('execute_code_block_based_on_options') end # Executes command based on the provided option keys def execute_simple_commands(simple_commands) simple_commands.each_key do |key| if @options[key] simple_commands[key].call return true end end false end ## post-parse options configuration # def finalize_cli_argument_processing(rest = @rest) ## position 0: file or folder (optional) # if (pos = rest.shift)&.present? if Dir.exist?(pos) @options[:path] = pos elsif File.exist?(pos) @options[:filename] = pos else raise FileMissingError, pos, caller end end ## position 1: block name (optional) # block_name = rest.shift @options[:block_name] = block_name if block_name.present? @options[:input_cli_rest] = @rest rescue FileMissingError warn_format('finalize_cli_argument_processing', "File missing -- #{$!}", { abort: true }) # @options[:block_name] = '' # @options[:filename] = '' # exit 1 rescue StandardError error_handler('finalize_cli_argument_processing') end ## Sets up the options and returns the parsed arguments # def initialize_and_parse_cli_options # @options = base_options @options = HashDelegator.new(base_options) read_configuration_file!(@options, ".#{MarkdownExec::APP_NAME.downcase}.yml") @option_parser = OptionParser.new do |opts| executable_name = File.basename($PROGRAM_NAME) opts.banner = [ "#{MarkdownExec::APP_NAME}" \ " - #{MarkdownExec::APP_DESC} (#{MarkdownExec::VERSION})", "Usage: #{executable_name} [(path | filename [block_name])] [options]" ].join("\n") menu_iter do |item| opts_menu_option_append opts, @options, item end end @option_parser.load @option_parser.environment @rest = rest = @option_parser.parse!(arguments_for_mde) @options.pass_args = ARGV[rest.count + 1..] @options.merge(@options.run_state.to_h) rest end ## # Returns a lambda expression based on the given procname. # @param procname [String] The name of the process to generate a lambda for. # @param options [Hash] The options hash, necessary for some lambdas to access. # @return [Lambda] The corresponding lambda expression. def lambda_for_procname(procname, options) case procname when 'debug' ->(value) { tap_config value: value } when 'exit' ->(_) { exit } when 'find' ->(value) { find_path = @options[:find_path].present? ? @options[:find_path] : @options[:path] @fout.fout 'Searching in: ' \ "#{HashDelegator.new(@options).string_send_color(find_path, :menu_chrome_color)}" searcher = DirectorySearcher.new(value, [find_path]) @fout.fout 'In file contents' hash = searcher.search_in_file_contents hash.each.with_index do |(key, v2), i1| @fout.fout format('- %3.d: %s', i1 + 1, key) @fout.fout AnsiFormatter.new(options).format_and_highlight_array( v2.map { |nl| format('=%4.d: %s', nl.index, nl.line) }, highlight: [value] ) end @fout.fout 'In directory names' @fout.fout AnsiFormatter.new(options).format_and_highlight_array( searcher.search_in_directory_names, highlight: [value] ) @fout.fout 'In file names' @fout.fout AnsiFormatter.new(options).format_and_highlight_array( searcher.search_in_file_names, highlight: [value] ).join("\n") exit } when 'help' ->(_) { @fout.fout menu_help exit } when 'how' ->(value) { @fout.fout(list_default_yaml.select { |line| line.include? value }) exit } when 'path' ->(value) { read_configuration_file!(options, value) } when 'show_config' ->(_) { finalize_cli_argument_processing(options) @fout.fout options.sort_by_key.to_yaml } when 'val_as_bool' ->(value) { value.instance_of?(::String) ? (value.chomp != '0') : value } when 'val_as_int' ->(value) { value.to_i } when 'val_as_str' ->(value) { value.to_s } when 'version' lambda { |_| @fout.fout MarkdownExec::VERSION exit } else procname end end # def list_blocks; end def list_default_env menu_iter do |item| next unless item[:env_var].present? [ "#{item[:env_var]}=#{value_for_cli item[:default]}", item[:description].present? ? item[:description] : nil ].compact.join(' # ') end.compact.sort end def list_default_yaml menu_iter do |item| next unless item[:opt_name].present? && item[:default].present? [ "#{item[:opt_name]}: #{OptionValue.for_yaml(item[:default])}", item[:description].present? ? item[:description] : nil ].compact.join(' # ') end.compact.sort end public ## Searches for files based on the specified or default filenames and folders # def list_files_specified(fn, filetree = nil) return Dir.glob(fn) unless filetree filetree.select do |filename| filename == fn || filename.match(/^#{fn}$/) || filename.match(%r{^#{fn}/.+$}) end end def list_markdown_files_in_path Dir.glob(File.join(@options[:path], @options[:md_filename_glob])) end private ## # Generates a menu suitable for OptionParser from the menu items defined in YAML format. # @return [Array] The array of option hashes for OptionParser. def menu_for_optparse menu_from_yaml.map do |menu_item| menu_item.merge( opt_name: menu_item[:opt_name]&.to_sym, proccode: lambda_for_procname(menu_item[:procname], options) ) end end def menu_help @option_parser.help end def menu_iter(data = menu_for_optparse, &block) data.map(&block) end def menu_export(data = menu_for_optparse) data.map do |item| item.delete(:procname) item end.to_yaml end def opts_menu_option_append(opts, options, item) return unless item[:long_name].present? || item[:short_name].present? opts.on(*[ # - long name if item[:long_name].present? "--#{item[:long_name]}#{item[:arg_name].present? ? " #{item[:arg_name]}" : ''}" end, # - short name item[:short_name].present? ? "-#{item[:short_name]}" : nil, # - description and default [item[:description], ("[#{value_for_cli item[:default]}]" if item[:default].present?)].compact.join(' '), # apply proccode, if present, to value # save value to options hash if option is named # lambda { |value| (item[:proccode] ? item[:proccode].call(value) : value).tap do |converted| options[item[:opt_name]] = converted if item[:opt_name] end } ].compact) end def opts_prepare_file_list(options) list_files_specified( determine_filename( specified_filename: options[:filename]&.present? ? options[:filename] : nil, specified_folder: options[:path], default_filename: 'README.md', default_folder: '.' ) ) end # :reek:UtilityFunction ### temp def read_configuration_file!(options, configuration_path) return unless File.exist?(configuration_path) options.merge!((YAML.load(File.open(configuration_path)) || {}) .transform_keys(&:to_sym)) end public def run initialize_and_parse_cli_options execute_block_with_error_handling rescue StandardError error_handler('run') ensure yield if block_given? end private def run_last_script filename = SavedFilesMatcher.most_recent(@options[:saved_script_folder], @options[:saved_script_glob]) return unless filename saved_name_split filename @options[:save_executed_script] = false @options.document_menu_loop rescue StandardError error_handler('run_last_script') end def saved_name_split(name) # rubocop:disable Layout/LineLength mf = /#{@options[:saved_script_filename_prefix]}_(?