# frozen_string_literal: true
require_relative '../../version_detector'
require_relative '../../presets/preset_builder'
require_relative 'config_helpers'
module CKEditor5::Rails
module Editor::Helpers::Editor
include Editor::Helpers::Config
include Cdn::Concerns::BundleBuilder
# Creates a CKEditor 5 editor instance in the view.
# @param preset [Symbol, PresetBuilder] The name of the preset or a PresetBuilder object
# @param config [Hash] Custom editor configuration that overrides preset configuration
# @param extra_config [Hash] Additional configuration to merge with preset/custom config
# @param type [Symbol] Editor type (:classic, :inline, :balloon, :decoupled, :multiroot)
# @param initial_data [String] Initial HTML content for the editor
# @param watchdog [Boolean] Enable/disable the editor crash recovery (default: true)
# @param editable_height [Integer] Set fixed height for editor in pixels
# @param language [Symbol] Set editor UI language (e.g. :pl, :es)
# @param html_attributes [Hash] Additional HTML attributes for editor element
# @example Basic usage with default preset
# <%= ckeditor5_editor %>
# @example Custom preset with specific height and initial content
# <%= ckeditor5_editor preset: :custom, editable_height: 300, initial_data: "
" %>
# @example Inline editor with custom styling
# <%= ckeditor5_editor type: :inline, style: 'width: 600px' %>
# @example Multiroot editor with multiple editable areas
# <%= ckeditor5_editor type: :multiroot do %>
# <%= ckeditor5_toolbar %>
# <%= ckeditor5_editable 'title', style: 'border: 1px solid gray' %>
# <%= ckeditor5_editable 'content' %>
# <% end %>
# @example Decoupled editor with custom UI layout
# <%= ckeditor5_editor type: :decoupled do %>
# <%= ckeditor5_toolbar %>
# <%= ckeditor5_editable %>
# <% end %>
# @example Editor with event handlers
# <%= ckeditor5_editor oneditorchange: 'handleChange',
# oneditorready: 'handleReady',
# oneditorerror: 'handleError' %>
# @example Form integration
# <%= form_for @post do |f| %>
# <%= f.ckeditor5 :content, required: true %>
# <% end %>
def ckeditor5_editor( # rubocop:disable Metrics/ParameterLists
preset: nil,
config: nil, extra_config: {}, type: nil,
initial_data: nil, watchdog: true,
editable_height: nil, language: nil,
**html_attributes, &block
validate_editor_input!(initial_data, block)
context = ckeditor5_context_or_fallback(preset)
preset = Engine.find_preset!(preset || context[:preset] || :default)
config = build_editor_config(preset, config, extra_config, initial_data)
type ||= preset.type
# Add some fallbacks
config[:licenseKey] ||= context[:license_key]
config[:language] = { ui: language } if language
editor_props = Editor::Props.new(
type, config,
bundle: context[:bundle],
watchdog: watchdog,
editable_height: editable_height || preset.editable_height
tag_attributes = html_attributes.merge(editor_props.to_attributes)
tag.public_send(:'ckeditor-component', **tag_attributes, &block)
# Creates an editable area for multiroot or decoupled editors.
# @param name [String] Identifier for the editable area
# @param kwargs [Hash] HTML attributes for the editable element
# @example Creating a named editable area in multiroot editor
# <%= ckeditor5_editable 'content', style: 'border: 1px solid gray' %>
def ckeditor5_editable(name = nil, **kwargs, &block)
tag.public_send(:'ckeditor-editable-component', name: name, **kwargs, &block)
# Creates a UI part component for the editor (toolbar, menubar).
# @param name [String] Name of the UI component ('toolbar', 'menuBarView')
# @param kwargs [Hash] HTML attributes for the UI component
# @example Creating a toolbar component
# <%= ckeditor5_ui_part 'toolbar' %>
def ckeditor5_ui_part(name, **kwargs, &block)
tag.public_send(:'ckeditor-ui-part-component', name: name, **kwargs, &block)
# Creates a toolbar component for decoupled editor.
# @param kwargs [Hash] HTML attributes for the toolbar element
# @example Creating a toolbar with custom class
# <%= ckeditor5_toolbar class: 'custom-toolbar' %>
def ckeditor5_toolbar(**kwargs)
ckeditor5_ui_part('toolbar', **kwargs)
# Creates a menubar component for decoupled editor.
# @param kwargs [Hash] HTML attributes for the menubar element
# @example Creating a menubar with custom styling
# <%= ckeditor5_menubar style: 'margin-bottom: 10px' %>
def ckeditor5_menubar(**kwargs)
ckeditor5_ui_part('menuBarView', **kwargs)
# Validates that initial_data and block are not provided simultaneously
# @param initial_data [String] Initial content for the editor
# @param block [Proc] Block containing nested components
# @raise [ArgumentError] If both initial_data and block are provided
def validate_editor_input!(initial_data, block)
return unless initial_data && block
raise ArgumentError, 'Cannot pass initial data and block at the same time.'
# Builds the complete editor configuration by merging preset, custom and extra configs
# @param preset [PresetBuilder] The preset configuration object
# @param config [Hash] Custom configuration that overrides preset config
# @param extra_config [Hash] Additional configuration to merge
# @param initial_data [String] Initial content for the editor
# @return [Hash] The merged configuration hash
def build_editor_config(preset, config, extra_config, initial_data)
editor_config = config || preset.config
editor_config = editor_config.deep_merge(extra_config)
editor_config[:initialData] = initial_data if initial_data
if preset.automatic_upgrades? && editor_config[:version].present?
detected_version = VersionDetector.latest_safe_version(editor_config[:version])
editor_config[:version] = detected_version if detected_version
# Retrieves or creates a context for the editor initialization
# @param preset [Symbol, PresetBuilder] The preset name or object
# @return [Hash] Context hash containing bundle and preset information
def ckeditor5_context_or_fallback(preset)
return @__ckeditor_context if @__ckeditor_context.present?
if preset.present?
found_preset = Engine.find_preset(preset)
return {
bundle: create_preset_bundle(found_preset),
preset: found_preset
bundle: nil,
preset: Engine.default_preset