#include "stdafx.h" #include "NetRequestImpl.h" #include "common/RhoFile.h" #include "common/RhoFilePath.h" #include "NetRequest.h" #include "common/StringConverter.h" #include "net/URI.h" #include "common/RhoConf.h" #if defined(_WIN32_WCE) #include <connmgr.h> #endif #ifdef OS_WINCE extern "C" int strnicmp( const char *s1, const char *s2, size_t count ); #endif namespace rho { namespace net { IMPLEMENT_LOGCLASS(CNetRequestImpl,"Net"); common::CMutex CNetRequestImpl::m_mxInternet; HINTERNET CNetRequestImpl::m_hInternet; HANDLE CNetRequestImpl::m_hWceConnMgrConnection; CNetRequestImpl::CNetRequestImpl(CNetRequest* pParent, const char* method, const String& strUrl, IRhoSession* oSession, Hashtable<String,String>* pHeaders, boolean sslVerifyPeer) { m_pParent = pParent; m_pParent->m_pCurNetRequestImpl = this; m_pHeaders = pHeaders; m_bCancel = false; m_pSession = oSession; m_sslVerifyPeer = sslVerifyPeer; m_pszErrFunction = NULL; m_hConnection = NULL; m_hRequest = NULL; memset(&m_uri, 0, sizeof(m_uri) ); m_strUrl = strUrl; CAtlStringW strUrlW(strUrl.c_str()); LOG(INFO) + "Method: " + method + ";Url: " + strUrl; do { if ( !initConnection(URI::isLocalHost(strUrl.c_str()), strUrlW) ) break; DWORD dwUrlLength = 1024; CAtlStringW strCanonicalUrlW; if ( !InternetCanonicalizeUrl( strUrlW, strCanonicalUrlW.GetBuffer(dwUrlLength), &dwUrlLength, 0) ) { m_pszErrFunction = _T("InternetCanonicalizeUrl"); break; } strCanonicalUrlW.ReleaseBuffer(); alloc_url_components( &m_uri, strCanonicalUrlW ); if( !InternetCrackUrl( strCanonicalUrlW, strCanonicalUrlW.GetLength(), 0, &m_uri ) ) { m_pszErrFunction = L"InternetCrackUrl"; break; } #ifdef OS_WINDOWS if (RHOCONF().isExist("http_proxy_host")) { rho::String login, password; if (RHOCONF().isExist("http_proxy_login")) login = RHOCONF().getString ("http_proxy_login"); else login = "anonymous"; if (RHOCONF().isExist("http_proxy_password")) password = RHOCONF().getString("http_proxy_password"); m_hConnection = InternetConnect(m_hInternet, m_uri.lpszHostName, m_uri.nPort, //rho::common::convertToStringW(login).c_str(), //password.length() ? rho::common::convertToStringW(password).c_str() : NULL, _T("baran"), _T("baran"), INTERNET_SERVICE_HTTP, 0, 0); } else { m_hConnection = InternetConnect(m_hInternet, m_uri.lpszHostName, m_uri.nPort, _T("anonymous"), NULL, INTERNET_SERVICE_HTTP, 0, 0); } #else m_hConnection = InternetConnect( m_hInternet, m_uri.lpszHostName, m_uri.nPort, _T("anonymous"), NULL, INTERNET_SERVICE_HTTP, 0, 0 ); #endif if ( !m_hConnection ) { m_pszErrFunction = L"InternetConnect"; break; } m_strReqUrlW = m_uri.lpszUrlPath; m_strReqUrlW += m_uri.lpszExtraInfo; DWORD dwFlags = INTERNET_FLAG_KEEP_CONNECTION|INTERNET_FLAG_NO_CACHE_WRITE|INTERNET_FLAG_NO_COOKIES; if ( m_uri.lpszScheme && wcsicmp(m_uri.lpszScheme,L"https")==0) dwFlags |= INTERNET_FLAG_SECURE; if ( !m_sslVerifyPeer ) dwFlags |= INTERNET_FLAG_IGNORE_CERT_CN_INVALID|INTERNET_FLAG_IGNORE_CERT_DATE_INVALID; m_hRequest = HttpOpenRequest( m_hConnection, CAtlStringW(method), m_strReqUrlW, NULL, NULL, NULL, dwFlags, NULL ); if ( !m_hRequest ) { m_pszErrFunction = L"HttpOpenRequest"; break; } if (oSession!=null) { String strSession = oSession->getSession(); LOG(INFO) + "Cookie : " + strSession; if ( strSession.length() > 0 ) { String strHeader = "Cookie: " + strSession + "\r\n"; if ( !HttpAddRequestHeaders( m_hRequest, common::convertToStringW(strHeader).c_str(), -1, HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_ADD|HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_REPLACE ) ) m_pszErrFunction = L"HttpAddRequestHeaders"; } } }while(0); } boolean CNetRequestImpl::checkSslCertError() { DWORD dwError = GetLastError (); if (!m_sslVerifyPeer &&( (dwError == ERROR_INTERNET_INVALID_CA) || (dwError == ERROR_INTERNET_CLIENT_AUTH_CERT_NEEDED) || (dwError == ERROR_INTERNET_SEC_CERT_DATE_INVALID) || (dwError == ERROR_INTERNET_SEC_CERT_CN_INVALID))) { DWORD dwFlag; DWORD dwBuffLen = sizeof(dwFlag); InternetQueryOption (m_hRequest, INTERNET_OPTION_SECURITY_FLAGS,(LPVOID)&dwFlag, &dwBuffLen); dwFlag |= (SECURITY_FLAG_IGNORE_UNKNOWN_CA | SECURITY_FLAG_IGNORE_CERT_CN_INVALID | SECURITY_FLAG_IGNORE_CERT_DATE_INVALID ); InternetSetOption (m_hRequest, INTERNET_OPTION_SECURITY_FLAGS, &dwFlag, sizeof (dwFlag) ); /* INTERNET_CERTIFICATE_INFO sInfo; DWORD dwSize = sizeof(sInfo); if(!InternetQueryOption(m_hSess,INTERNET_OPTION_SECURITY_CERTIFICATE_STRUCT, &sInfo, &dwSize)) { dwError = GetLastError(); } */ return true; } return false; } String CNetRequestImpl::getBodyContentType() { if ( m_pSession ) return m_pSession->getContentType(); else return "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; } CNetResponseImpl* CNetRequestImpl::sendString(const String& strBody) { CNetResponseImpl* pNetResp = new CNetResponseImpl; do { if ( isError() ) break; if ( strBody.length() > 0 ) { CAtlStringW strHeaders = L"Content-Type: "; strHeaders += getBodyContentType().c_str(); strHeaders += L"\r\n"; if ( !HttpAddRequestHeaders( m_hRequest, strHeaders, -1, HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_ADD|HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_REPLACE ) ) { m_pszErrFunction = L"HttpAddRequestHeaders"; break; } } writeHeaders(m_pHeaders); if ( !HttpSendRequest( m_hRequest, NULL, 0, const_cast<char*>(strBody.c_str()), strBody.length() ) ) { if (!m_bCancel && checkSslCertError()) { if ( !HttpSendRequest( m_hRequest, NULL, 0, const_cast<char*>(strBody.c_str()), strBody.length() ) ) { m_pszErrFunction = L"HttpSendRequest"; break; } }else { m_pszErrFunction = L"HttpSendRequest"; break; } } readResponse(pNetResp); if ( isError() ) break; readInetFile(m_hRequest,pNetResp); }while(0); return pNetResp; } void CNetRequestImpl::writeHeaders(Hashtable<String,String>* pHeaders) { if ( pHeaders && pHeaders->size() > 0 ) { String strHeaders; for ( Hashtable<String,String>::iterator it = pHeaders->begin(); it != pHeaders->end(); ++it ) strHeaders += it->first + ":" + it->second + "\r\n"; if ( !HttpAddRequestHeaders( m_hRequest, common::convertToStringW(strHeaders).c_str(), -1, HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_ADD|HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_REPLACE ) ) { m_pszErrFunction = L"HttpAddRequestHeaders"; return; } } } boolean CNetRequestImpl::readHeaders(Hashtable<String,String>& oHeaders) { oHeaders.clear(); CAtlStringW strHeaders; DWORD dwLen = 0; DWORD nIndex = 0; if( !HttpQueryInfo( m_hRequest, HTTP_QUERY_RAW_HEADERS_CRLF, null, &dwLen, &nIndex) ) { DWORD dwErr = ::GetLastError(); if ( dwErr != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER ) { m_pszErrFunction = L"HttpQueryInfo"; return false; } } if( !HttpQueryInfo( m_hRequest, HTTP_QUERY_RAW_HEADERS_CRLF, strHeaders.GetBuffer(dwLen), &dwLen, &nIndex) ) { m_pszErrFunction = L"HttpQueryInfo"; return false; } strHeaders.ReleaseBuffer(); int nStart = 0; for(int nEnd = strHeaders.Find(L"\r\n", nStart); nEnd > 0; nStart = nEnd+2, nEnd = strHeaders.Find(L"\r\n", nStart) ) { CAtlStringW strHeader = strHeaders.Mid(nStart, nEnd-nStart); int nSep = strHeader.Find(':'); if (nSep < 0 ) continue; CAtlStringW strName = strHeader.Mid(0, nSep); strName.Trim(); strName.MakeLower(); CAtlStringW strValue = strHeader.Mid(nSep+1); strValue.Trim(); oHeaders.put(common::convertToStringA(strName.GetString()),common::convertToStringA(strValue.GetString())); } return true; } String CNetRequestImpl::makeClientCookie() { DWORD nIndex = 0; String cookie; while(true) { CAtlStringW strCookie; DWORD dwLen = 0; if( !HttpQueryInfo( m_hRequest, HTTP_QUERY_SET_COOKIE, null, &dwLen, &nIndex) ) { DWORD dwErr = ::GetLastError(); if ( dwErr == ERROR_HTTP_HEADER_NOT_FOUND ) break; if ( dwErr != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER ) { m_pszErrFunction = L"HttpQueryInfo"; break; } } if( !HttpQueryInfo( m_hRequest, HTTP_QUERY_SET_COOKIE, strCookie.GetBuffer(dwLen), &dwLen, &nIndex) ) { m_pszErrFunction = L"HttpQueryInfo"; break; } strCookie.ReleaseBuffer(); URI::parseCookie(common::convertToStringA(strCookie.GetString()).c_str(), cookie); } if (m_pszErrFunction) return ""; // if ( cookie.strAuth.length() > 0 || cookie.strSession.length() >0 ) // return cookie.strAuth + ";" + cookie.strSession + ";"; return cookie; } void CNetRequestImpl::readResponse(CNetResponseImpl* pNetResp) { DWORD dwLen = 10; wchar_t szHttpRes[10]; DWORD nIndex = 0; if ( m_bCancel ) return; if( !HttpQueryInfo( m_hRequest, HTTP_QUERY_STATUS_CODE, szHttpRes, &dwLen, &nIndex) ) { m_pszErrFunction = L"HttpQueryInfo"; return; } int nCode = _wtoi(szHttpRes); pNetResp->setResponseCode(nCode); if ( m_pHeaders ) { if ( !readHeaders(*m_pHeaders) ) return; } if ( nCode != 200 && nCode != 206 && nCode != 416 ) { LOG(ERROR) + "An error occured connecting to the sync source: " + szHttpRes + " returned."; // If we're unauthorized, delete any cookies that might have been // stored so we don't reuse them later if ( nCode == 401 && m_pSession ) { m_pSession->logout(); } } if (pNetResp->isOK()) pNetResp->setCookies(makeClientCookie()); } CNetResponseImpl* CNetRequestImpl::downloadFile(common::CRhoFile& oFile) { CNetResponseImpl* pNetResp = new CNetResponseImpl; const int nDownloadBufferSize = 1024*100; char* pDownloadBuffer = 0; do { writeHeaders(m_pHeaders); if ( isError() ) break; //if ( oFile.size() > 0 ) { CAtlStringW strHeaders = L"Range: bytes="; strHeaders += common::convertToStringW(oFile.size()).c_str(); strHeaders += L"-"; //strHeaders += common::convertToStringW(oFile.size()+30068032).c_str(); strHeaders += "\r\n"; if ( !HttpAddRequestHeaders( m_hRequest, strHeaders, -1, HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_ADD|HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_REPLACE ) ) { m_pszErrFunction = L"HttpAddRequestHeaders"; break; } } if ( !HttpSendRequest( m_hRequest, NULL, 0, NULL, 0 ) ) { if (!m_bCancel && checkSslCertError()) { if ( !HttpSendRequest( m_hRequest, NULL, 0, NULL, 0 ) ) { m_pszErrFunction = L"HttpSendRequest"; break; } }else { m_pszErrFunction = L"HttpSendRequest"; break; } } readResponse(pNetResp); if ( isError() ) break; if ( pNetResp->getRespCode() == 416 ) { pNetResp->setResponseCode(206); break; } if (!pDownloadBuffer) pDownloadBuffer = new char[nDownloadBufferSize]; readInetFile(m_hRequest,pNetResp, &oFile, pDownloadBuffer, nDownloadBufferSize); }while(0); if (pDownloadBuffer) delete pDownloadBuffer; return pNetResp; } static const wchar_t* szMultipartContType = L"Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----------A6174410D6AD474183FDE48F5662FCC5\r\n"; static const char* szMultipartPostfix = "\r\n------------A6174410D6AD474183FDE48F5662FCC5--"; int CNetRequestImpl::processMultipartItems( VectorPtr<CMultipartItem*>& arItems ) { int nSize = 0; for( int i = 0; i < (int)arItems.size(); i++ ) { CMultipartItem& oItem = *arItems.elementAt(i); if ( oItem.m_strName.length() == 0 ) oItem.m_strName = "blob"; if ( oItem.m_strFileName.length() == 0 ) { if ( oItem.m_strFilePath.length() > 0 ) { common::CFilePath oPath(oItem.m_strFilePath); oItem.m_strFileName = oPath.getBaseName(); } //else // oItem.m_strFileName = "doesnotmatter.txt"; } oItem.m_strDataPrefix = i > 0 ? "\r\n" : ""; oItem.m_strDataPrefix += "------------A6174410D6AD474183FDE48F5662FCC5\r\n" "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\""; oItem.m_strDataPrefix += oItem.m_strName + "\""; if (oItem.m_strFileName.length()>0) oItem.m_strDataPrefix += "; filename=\"" + oItem.m_strFileName + "\""; oItem.m_strDataPrefix += "\r\n"; if ( oItem.m_strContentType.length() > 0 ) oItem.m_strDataPrefix += "Content-Type: " + oItem.m_strContentType + "\r\n"; int nContentSize = 0; if ( oItem.m_strFilePath.length() > 0 ) { common::CRhoFile oFile; if ( oFile.open(oItem.m_strFilePath.c_str(),common::CRhoFile::OpenReadOnly) ) nContentSize = oFile.size(); } else nContentSize = oItem.m_strBody.length(); if ( oItem.m_strContentType.length() > 0 ) oItem.m_strDataPrefix += "Content-Length: " + common::convertToStringA(nContentSize) + "\r\n"; oItem.m_strDataPrefix += "\r\n"; nSize += oItem.m_strDataPrefix.length() + nContentSize; } nSize += strlen(szMultipartPostfix); return nSize; } CNetResponseImpl* CNetRequestImpl::sendMultipartData(VectorPtr<CMultipartItem*>& arItems) { CNetResponseImpl* pNetResp = new CNetResponseImpl; do { writeHeaders(m_pHeaders); if ( isError() ) break; if ( !HttpAddRequestHeaders( m_hRequest, szMultipartContType, -1, HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_ADD|HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_REPLACE ) ) { m_pszErrFunction = L"HttpAddRequestHeaders"; break; } INTERNET_BUFFERS BufferIn; memset(&BufferIn, 0, sizeof(INTERNET_BUFFERS)); BufferIn.dwStructSize = sizeof( INTERNET_BUFFERS ); // Must be set or error will occur BufferIn.dwBufferTotal = processMultipartItems( arItems ); if(!HttpSendRequestEx( m_hRequest, &BufferIn, NULL, 0, 0)) { if (checkSslCertError()) { if(!HttpSendRequestEx( m_hRequest, &BufferIn, NULL, 0, 0)) { m_pszErrFunction = L"HttpSendRequestEx"; break; } }else { m_pszErrFunction = L"HttpSendRequestEx"; break; } } //write all items for( int i = 0; i < (int)arItems.size(); i++ ) { CMultipartItem& oItem = *arItems.elementAt(i); if ( oItem.m_strFilePath.length() > 0 ) { common::CRhoFile oFile; if ( !oFile.open(oItem.m_strFilePath.c_str(),common::CRhoFile::OpenReadOnly) ) { m_pszErrFunction = L"InternetWriteFile"; return pNetResp; } common::InputStream* bodyStream = oFile.getInputStream(); if ( !internetWriteHeader( oItem.m_strDataPrefix.c_str(), "", "") ) { m_pszErrFunction = L"InternetWriteFile"; return pNetResp; } DWORD dwBytesWritten = 0; if ( bodyStream->available() > 0 ) { DWORD dwBufSize = 4096; char* pBuf = (char*)malloc(dwBufSize); int nReaded = 0; do { nReaded = bodyStream->read(pBuf,0,dwBufSize); if ( nReaded > 0 ) { if ( !InternetWriteFile( m_hRequest, pBuf, nReaded, &dwBytesWritten) ) { m_pszErrFunction = L"InternetWriteFile"; return pNetResp; } } }while(nReaded > 0); free(pBuf); } }else { if ( !internetWriteHeader( oItem.m_strDataPrefix.c_str(), oItem.m_strBody.c_str(), "") ) { m_pszErrFunction = L"InternetWriteFile"; return pNetResp; } } } if ( !internetWriteHeader( "", "", szMultipartPostfix) ) { m_pszErrFunction = L"InternetWriteFile"; return pNetResp; } if ( !HttpEndRequest(m_hRequest, NULL, 0, 0) ) { m_pszErrFunction = L"HttpEndRequest"; break; } if ( isError() ) break; readResponse(pNetResp); if ( isError() ) break; readInetFile(m_hRequest,pNetResp); }while(0); return pNetResp; } bool CNetRequestImpl::internetWriteHeader( const char* szPrefix, const char* szBody, const char* szPrefixEnd) { DWORD dwBytesWritten = 0; if ( szPrefix && *szPrefix && !InternetWriteFile( m_hRequest, szPrefix, strlen(szPrefix), &dwBytesWritten) ) return false; if ( szBody && *szBody && !InternetWriteFile( m_hRequest, szBody, strlen(szBody), &dwBytesWritten) ) return false; if ( szPrefixEnd && *szPrefixEnd && !InternetWriteFile( m_hRequest, szPrefixEnd, strlen(szPrefixEnd), &dwBytesWritten) ) return false; return true; } void CNetRequestImpl::cancel() { m_bCancel = true; if ( m_hRequest ) InternetCloseHandle(m_hRequest); if ( m_hConnection ) InternetCloseHandle(m_hConnection); /* if ( hInet ) InternetCloseHandle(hInet); */ /* hRequest = 0; hConnection = 0; hInet = 0;*/ } void CNetRequestImpl::close() { if (!m_bCancel && m_pszErrFunction) ErrorMessage(m_pszErrFunction); free_url_components(&m_uri); if ( m_hRequest ) InternetCloseHandle(m_hRequest); if ( m_hConnection ) InternetCloseHandle(m_hConnection); // if ( hInet ) // InternetCloseHandle(hInet); memset(&m_uri, 0, sizeof(m_uri)); m_hRequest = 0; m_hConnection = 0; // hInet = 0; } CNetRequestImpl::~CNetRequestImpl() { close(); m_pParent->m_pCurNetRequestImpl = null; } void CNetRequestImpl::readInetFile( HINTERNET hRequest, CNetResponseImpl* pNetResp, common::CRhoFile* pFile /*=NULL*/, char* pBuf, DWORD dwBufSize ) { if (m_bCancel) return; //if ( pNetResp->getRespCode() == 500 || pNetResp->getRespCode() == 422 ) // return; char* pBufToFree = 0; if (!pBuf) { if ( dwBufSize==0) dwBufSize=1024*50; pBuf = (char*)malloc(dwBufSize); pBufToFree = pBuf; } //DWORD dwBufSize = 1024*100; //char* pBuf = (char*)malloc(dwBufSize); //char* pBufToFree = pBuf; DWORD dwBytesRead = 0; BOOL bRead = FALSE; do { bRead = InternetReadFile(hRequest, pBuf, dwBufSize, &dwBytesRead); if ( !bRead ) { m_pszErrFunction = L"InternetReadFile"; pNetResp->setResponseCode(408); break; } if (dwBytesRead > 0) { if ( pFile ) pFile->write(pBuf,dwBytesRead); else pNetResp->getRawData().append(pBuf,dwBytesRead); } pNetResp->setValid(true); }while(bRead && dwBytesRead > 0 && !m_bCancel ); if ( !pNetResp->isOK() ) LOG(TRACE) + "Server response: " + pNetResp->getCharData(); if ( pBufToFree ) free(pBufToFree); } void CNetRequestImpl::ErrorMessage(LPCTSTR pszFunction) { // Retrieve the system error message for the last-error code LPTSTR pszMessage = NULL; DWORD dwLastError = GetLastError(); DWORD dwLen = FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | //FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_HMODULE| FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, GetModuleHandle( _T("wininet.dll") ), dwLastError, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), (LPTSTR)&pszMessage, 0, NULL ); wchar_t* szExtError = 0; if ( dwLastError == ERROR_INTERNET_EXTENDED_ERROR ) { DWORD dwInetError =0, dwExtLength = 0; InternetGetLastResponseInfo( &dwInetError, NULL, &dwExtLength ); if ( dwExtLength > 0 ) { szExtError = (wchar_t*)malloc(sizeof(wchar_t)*(dwExtLength+1)); InternetGetLastResponseInfo( &dwInetError, szExtError, &dwExtLength ); } } rho::LogMessage oLogMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__, L_ERROR, LOGCONF(), getLogCategory() ); oLogMsg + "Call " + pszFunction + " failed. Url:" + m_strUrl.c_str() + ". With code : " + dwLastError; if ( pszMessage ) oLogMsg + ".Message: " + pszMessage; if ( szExtError && *szExtError ) oLogMsg + ".Extended info: " + szExtError; if ( szExtError ) free(szExtError); if ( pszMessage ) LocalFree(pszMessage); } void CNetRequestImpl::alloc_url_components(URL_COMPONENTS *uri, const wchar_t *url) { int dwLength = wcslen(url)*sizeof(wchar_t); memset(uri, 0, sizeof(URL_COMPONENTS)); uri->dwStructSize = sizeof(URL_COMPONENTS); uri->lpszScheme = (LPWSTR)malloc(dwLength); uri->dwSchemeLength = dwLength; uri->lpszHostName = (LPWSTR)malloc(dwLength); uri->dwHostNameLength = dwLength; uri->lpszUserName = (LPWSTR)malloc(dwLength); uri->dwUserNameLength = dwLength; uri->lpszPassword = (LPWSTR)malloc(dwLength); uri->dwPasswordLength = dwLength; uri->lpszUrlPath = (LPWSTR)malloc(dwLength); uri->dwUrlPathLength = dwLength; uri->lpszExtraInfo = (LPWSTR)malloc(dwLength); uri->dwExtraInfoLength = dwLength; } void CNetRequestImpl::free_url_components(URL_COMPONENTS *uri) { if ( uri->lpszScheme ) free(uri->lpszScheme); if ( uri->lpszHostName ) free(uri->lpszHostName); if (uri->lpszUserName) free(uri->lpszUserName); if (uri->lpszPassword) free(uri->lpszPassword); if (uri->lpszUrlPath) free(uri->lpszUrlPath); if (uri->lpszExtraInfo) free(uri->lpszExtraInfo); } bool CNetRequestImpl::initConnection(boolean bLocalHost, LPCTSTR url) { common::CMutexLock lock(m_mxInternet); if (!bLocalHost) { if ( !SetupInternetConnection(url) ) return false; } if (m_hInternet) return true; #ifdef OS_WINDOWS if (RHOCONF().isExist("http_proxy_host")) { rho::String proxyName = RHOCONF().getString("http_proxy_host"); if (RHOCONF().isExist("http_proxy_port")) { proxyName += ":" + RHOCONF().getString("http_proxy_port"); } LOG(ERROR) + "PROXY: " + proxyName; m_hInternet = InternetOpen(_T("rhodes-wm"), INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PROXY, rho::common::convertToStringW(proxyName).c_str(), NULL, NULL); } else { m_hInternet = InternetOpen(_T("rhodes-wm"), INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG, NULL, NULL, NULL ); } #else m_hInternet = InternetOpen(_T("rhodes-wm"), INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG, NULL, NULL, NULL ); #endif if ( !m_hInternet ) { m_pszErrFunction = L"InternetOpen"; return false; } return true; } /*static*/void CNetRequestImpl::deinitConnection() { common::CMutexLock lock(m_mxInternet); if (m_hInternet) InternetCloseHandle(m_hInternet); m_hInternet = NULL; #if defined (_WIN32_WCE) if ( m_hWceConnMgrConnection ) ConnMgrReleaseConnection(m_hWceConnMgrConnection, FALSE); m_hWceConnMgrConnection = NULL; #endif //_WIN32_WCE } bool CNetRequestImpl::SetupInternetConnection(LPCTSTR url) { #if defined (_WIN32_WCE) int iNetwork; HRESULT hResult = E_FAIL; DWORD dwStatus; // cleanup the old connection if(NULL != m_hWceConnMgrConnection) { hResult = ConnMgrConnectionStatus( m_hWceConnMgrConnection, &dwStatus ); if( SUCCEEDED(hResult) ) { LOG(INFO) + "Internet connection exist, use it"; if( dwStatus & CONNMGR_STATUS_CONNECTED ) return true; } ConnMgrReleaseConnection(m_hWceConnMgrConnection, FALSE); LOG(INFO) + "Internet connection droped, open new one"; m_hWceConnMgrConnection = NULL; } // get the right network to connect to iNetwork = 0; //CONNMGR_DESTINATION_INFO DestInfo; GUID pguid; if( FAILED( ConnMgrMapURL(url, &pguid, NULL) ) ) return false; //while( SUCCEEDED(ConnMgrEnumDestinations(iNetwork++, &DestInfo))) { LOG(INFO) + "Try establish Internet connection"; // actually try to establish the connection CONNMGR_CONNECTIONINFO ConnInfo; ZeroMemory(&ConnInfo, sizeof(ConnInfo)); ConnInfo.cbSize = sizeof(ConnInfo); ConnInfo.dwParams = CONNMGR_PARAM_GUIDDESTNET; ConnInfo.dwPriority = CONNMGR_PRIORITY_HIPRIBKGND;//CONNMGR_PRIORITY_USERBACKGROUND; #if ( _WIN32_WCE >= 0x500 ) ConnInfo.dwFlags = CONNMGR_FLAG_NO_ERROR_MSGS; #endif ConnInfo.guidDestNet = pguid; hResult = ConnMgrEstablishConnection(&ConnInfo, &m_hWceConnMgrConnection); // check to see if the attempt failed int count = 0; while(SUCCEEDED(hResult) && count++ < 60 ) { LOG(INFO) + "Wait for connect (" + count + ")"; DWORD dwResult = WaitForSingleObject(m_hWceConnMgrConnection, 1000); if (dwResult == (WAIT_OBJECT_0)) { hResult=ConnMgrConnectionStatus(m_hWceConnMgrConnection,&dwStatus); if( SUCCEEDED(hResult) ) { if( dwStatus & CONNMGR_STATUS_CONNECTED ) { LOG(INFO) + "Connected"; return true; } if( dwStatus & CONNMGR_STATUS_WAITINGCONNECTION ) { continue; } break; } } } } LOG(ERROR) + "Failed to connect"; return false; #else return true; #endif //_WIN32_WCE } } }