[P["unobtrusive_flash-0.0.2u:Gem::Specification[" 1.4.0i"unobtrusive_flashU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time %")Unobtrusive flash messages for RailsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Leonid Shevtsov"/unobtrusive_flash takes your flash messages for the backend and automagically passes them to the frontend via HTTP cookies. This works with both regular page loads and AJAX requests, does not tamper with the page body and requires about 3 extra lines of code in your app - how's that for unobtrusive? 0T" ruby[["not_a_mock-1.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"not_a_mockU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time "GA cleaner and DRYer alternative to mocking and stubbing with RSpecU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Pete Yandell"0T" ruby[["/jpzwarte-activerecord-jdbc-adapter-;[" 1.4.0i"'jpzwarte-activerecord-jdbc-adapterU:Gem::Version[" Time n"BJDBC adapter for ActiveRecord, for use within JRuby on Rails.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Nick Sieger"$Ola Bini and JRuby contributors"activerecord-jdbc-adapter is a database adapter for Rails' ActiveRecord component that can be used with JRuby[http://www.jruby.org/]. It allows use of virtually any JDBC-compliant database with your JRuby on Rails application.0T" ruby[["guard-rspec-0.1.9u;[" 1.4.0i"guard-rspecU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.9u: Time "Guard gem for RSpecU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 2.2.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.7; " bundler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.2; " guard; @3;F00["Thibaud Guillaume-Gentil"CGuard::RSpec automatically run your specs (much like autotest)0T" ruby[["typogruby-1.0.8u;F[" 1.4.0i"typogrubyU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.8u: Time "4Improves web typography like Django's TypogrifyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" yard:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " jeweler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rubypants; @3;F00["Arjan van der Gaag"Improve web typography using various text filters. This gem prevents widows and applies markup to ampersans, consecutive capitals and initial quotes.0T" ruby[["scrollysign-1.0.1u;o[" 1.4.0i"scrollysignU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time "*Driver to write to Adaptive LED signsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"ruby-serialport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Roger Nesbitt"*Driver to write to Adaptive LED signs0T" ruby[["rspec-check-auth-0.5.2u;[" 1.4.0i"rspec-check-authU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.2u: Time $"GQuickly check your rails controller actions require authenticationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Caius Durling"GQuickly check your rails controller actions require authentication0T" ruby[["rcon-0.2.1u;l[" 1.4.0i" rconU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time "[Ruby class to work with Quake 1/2/3, Half-Life and Source Engine rcon (remote console)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.1: @name"ip:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Erik Hollensbe"0T" ruby[["rack-1.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i" rackU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.1u: Time ĕ"'a modular Ruby webserver interfaceU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" thin:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " bacon; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mongrel; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " fcgi; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "memcache-client; @Q;F00["Christian Neukirchen"[Rack provides minimal, modular and adaptable interface for developing web applications in Ruby. By wrapping HTTP requests and responses in the simplest way possible, it unifies and distills the API for web servers, web frameworks, and software in between (the so-called middleware) into a single method call. Also see http://rack.rubyforge.org. 0T" ruby[["dirge-0.0.5u;x[" 1.4.0i" dirgeU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time "4Relative require, relative autoload and __DIR__U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.2: @name" callsite:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Joshua Hull"4Relative require, relative autoload and __DIR__0T" ruby[["devry-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i" devryU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time d"+scrape jobs off of devry's career siteU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.8: @name" fakeweb:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; "mechanize; @3;F00["Michael Guterl"+scrape jobs off of devry's career site0T" ruby[["net-purge-0.1.0u;D[" 1.4.0i"net-purgeU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "7Adds PURGE to net/http for cache-busting requests.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.1: @name" jeweler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @=;F00["Austin Robert Bales"^Adds PURGE to net/http for cache-busting requests in accelerators like Varnish and Squid.0T" ruby[["alchemy_api-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"alchemy_apiU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time D"yProvides a client API library for AlchemyAPI's awesome NLP services. Allows you to make parallel or serial requests.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.1; "monster_mash; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.2; "typhoeus_spec_cache; @3;F00["David Balatero"yProvides a client API library for AlchemyAPI's awesome NLP services. Allows you to make parallel or serial requests.0T" ruby[["show_me_the_cookies-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"show_me_the_cookiesU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time "-Cookie manipulation for Capybara driversU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" cucumber:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.2; " jeweler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @3;F00["Nicholas Rutherford"GCookie manipulation for Capybara drivers -- viewing, deleting, ...0T" ruby[["gemmirrorping-0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"gemmirrorpingU:Gem::Version["0.1u: Time d"A gem mirror ping testerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Tom Copeland"0T" ruby[["bus-scheme-0.7.6u;[" 1.4.0i"bus-schemeU:Gem::Version[" 0.7.6u: Time  ";Bus Scheme is a Scheme in Ruby, imlemented on the bus.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.1: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Phil Hagelberg"gBus Scheme is a Scheme written in Ruby, but implemented on the bus! Every programmer must implement Scheme as a rite of passage; this is mine. Note that at least half of the implementation of Bus Scheme must be written while on a bus. Documentation, tests, and administrivia may be accomplished elsewhere, but the majority of actual implementation code is strictly bus-driven. Bus Scheme is primarily a toy; using it for anything serious is (right now) ill-advised. Bus Scheme aims for general Scheme usefulness optimized for learning and fun. It's loosely targeting R5RS, but varies in huge ways. (For the purposes of this project we pretend that R6RS never happened.) See the file R5RS.diff for ways in which Bus Scheme differs from the standard, both things that are yet unimplemented and things that are intentionally different. == Usage $ bus # drop into the REPL0T" ruby[["osheet-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" osheetU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "]A DSL for generating spreadsheets that doesn't totally suck - pronounced 'Oh sheeeeeet!'U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.0: @name"kelredd-useful:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.4; "spreadsheet; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.10.0; " shoulda; @3;F00["Kelly Redding"0T" ruby[["structr-0.1.0u;q[" 1.4.0i" structrU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "&Parse plain text to Ruby classes.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" riot:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["0.3; "riot_notifier; @);F00["Peter Suschlik"0T" ruby[["remote_executor-0.6.0u;[" 1.4.0i"remote_executorU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.0u: Time e"PA very simple gem that helps to launch remote commands over SSH connectionsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0: @name" net-ssh:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.0; " choice; @);F00["Javier Juarez":A little remote command launcher over SSH connections0T" ruby[["munkres-0.1.0u;0[" 1.4.0i" munkresU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time E"5A Ruby implementation of the Hungarian AlgorithmU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Paul Damer and Jim Wood"_A ruby implementation of the kuhn-munkres or 'hungarian' algorithm for bipartite matching.0T" ruby[[""webget_ruby_person_name-1.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"webget_ruby_person_nameU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2u: Time e"eWebGet Ruby Gem: PersonName mixin methods to calculate a person's full name, sortable name, etc.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" WebGet"0T" ruby[["sds-rest-0.1.6u;[" 1.4.0i" sds-restU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.6u: Time d'"8A ruby library for accessing the SDS Rest interfaceU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0; "hoe; @);F00["James Avery"8A ruby library for accessing the SDS Rest interface0T" ruby[["pfsc-gruff-0.3.6u;[" 1.4.0i"pfsc-gruffU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.6u: Time D"3Beautiful graphs for one or multiple datasets.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.0: @name"gemcutter:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.5.0; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.3; "rubyforge; @3;F00["Geoffrey Grosenbach"\Beautiful graphs for one or multiple datasets. Can be used on websites or in documents.0T" ruby[["dry_scaffold-0.3.8u; [" 1.4.0i"dry_scaffoldU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.8u: Time "}A DRYer scaffold generator for Rails. Generates dry semantic and standards compliant views, and dry RESTful controllers.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" haml:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jonas Grimfelt"}A DRYer scaffold generator for Rails. Generates dry semantic and standards compliant views, and dry RESTful controllers.0T" ruby[["devise_invitable-0.4.rcu;[" 1.4.0i"devise_invitableU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.rcu: Time "&An invitation strategy for DeviseU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["1.0.0.rc.3: @name" steak:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.1.0; "rspec-rails; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.0; " rails; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.2.rc; " devise; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.7; " bundler; @G;F00["Sergio Cambra"It adds support for send invitations by email (it requires to be authenticated) and accept the invitation by setting a password.0T" ruby[["rcor-0.9.5u;-[" 1.4.0i" rcorU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.5u: Time %E"Ruby based concordionU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0.6: @name" hpricot:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Ben Goodspeed"0T" ruby[["libjtp-0.2.16u;[" 1.4.0i" libjtpU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.16u: Time D#"Ygeneral purpose files (perhaps someday to be included in nano or something like thatU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["John Prince"general purpose0T" ruby[["madrox-0.2.0u;o[" 1.4.0i" madroxU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time Ĩ"/Distributed Twitter implementation on Git.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.7.7: @name"yajl-ruby:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Rick Olson"/Distributed Twitter implementation on Git.0T" ruby[["ig3client-0.6.0u;:[" 1.4.0i"ig3clientU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.0u: Time d"#base client library of ig3toolU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.4.0: @name" facets:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Kevin Pinte"0T" ruby[["purchase-1.0.15u;[" 1.4.0i" purchaseU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.15u: Time "A carbon modelU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" cucumber:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["3; "activerecord; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.4.0; " jeweler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rdoc; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2; " rspec; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["0.3; " emitter; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["0.3; " earth; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["3; "actionpack; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " sniff; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @~;F00[ "Andy Rossmeissl"Seamus Abshere"Ian Hough"Matt Kling"Derek Kastner"LA software model in Ruby for the greenhouse gas emissions of a purchase0T" ruby[["active_collection-0.2.6u;[" 1.4.0i"active_collectionU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.6u: Time e"iA lazy-loading, Array-like collection proxy for ActiveRecord that understands conditions and paging.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Martin Emde"iA lazy-loading, Array-like collection proxy for ActiveRecord that understands conditions and paging.0T" ruby[["curb-0.7.10u;z[" 1.4.0i" curbU:Gem::Version[" 0.7.10u: Time "Ruby libcurl bindingsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Ross Bamford"Todd A. Fisher"Curb (probably CUrl-RuBy or something) provides Ruby-language bindings for the libcurl(3), a fully-featured client-side URL transfer library. cURL and libcurl live at http://curl.haxx.se/0T" ruby[["forforf-aws-sdb-0.5.2u;[" 1.4.0i"forforf-aws-sdbU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.2u: Time E"Amazon SDB APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"uuidtools:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.4; " curb-fu; @);F00["Tim Dysinger" Dave M"HUpdate to the aws-sdb gem to support current AWS SimpleDB interface0T" ruby[["sort_by_str-0.5.0u;h[" 1.4.0i"sort_by_strU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.0u: Time "'SQL-like sorts on your EnumerablesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Ben Koski"'SQL-like sorts on your Enumerables0T" ruby[["simpleconsole-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"simpleconsoleU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "8Microframework for developing console apps quickly.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Hugh Bien"0T" ruby[["vapir-common-1.7.2u;[" 1.4.0i"vapir-commonU:Gem::Version[" 1.7.2u: Time "ICommon basis for Vapir libraries for automating web browsers in RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"user-choices:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" Ethan") Vapir Common is a library containing common code shared among browser-specific Vapir implementations which programatically drive the web browsers, exposing a simple-to-use and powerful API to make automated testing a simple and joyous affair. Forked from the Watir library. 0T" ruby[["reviewr-0.2.1u; [" 1.4.0i" reviewrU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time $"Easy git code reviewsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" cucumber:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " termios; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " pony; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @=;F00["Ryan Burrows"V Reviewr makes git code reviews easy using Github to manage code and comments 0T" ruby[["resque-exceptional-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"resque-exceptionalU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "4A Resque failure backend for getexceptional.comU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.0: @name"simplecov:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "test-unit; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0; " resque; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; "rr; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " webmock; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @Q;F00["Luke Antins"z resque-exceptional provides a Resque failure backend that sends exceptions raised by jobs to getexceptional.com. 0T" ruby[["rack-oauth2-provider-0.0.3u;2[" 1.4.0i"rack-oauth2-providerU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time "cRack Middleware that authenticates users based on the different profiles of oAuth 2.0 standardU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"ruby-hmac:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "information_card; @);F00["'Johnny G. Halife & Ezequiel Morito"bA simple implementation of provider protocols of oAuth 2.0 (right now just AssertionProfile).0T" ruby[["haproxy_join-0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"haproxy_joinU:Gem::Version["0.1u: Time eh"haproxy config managementU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["joe williams"0T" ruby[["bumpspark-1.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"bumpsparkU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.1u: Time f"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"actionpack:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "activesupport; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rmagick; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "thoughtbot-shoulda; @=;F00["Bruce Williams"Generates transparent PNG "bumpspark"-style sparklines. Use from Ruby directly or as a Rails helper generating an image tag w/ built-in data, as conceived by whytheluckystiff.0T" ruby[["bunny-ext-0.6.5u;\[" 1.4.0i"bunny-extU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.5u: Time %"4Reliable socket timeouts for the Bunny amqp gemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 0.6.0: @name" bunny:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Stefan Kaes"Pascal Friederich"0T" ruby[["tabular-0.0.7u;<[" 1.4.0i" tabularU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.7u: Time d"BRead, write, and manipulate CSV, tab-delimited and Excel dataU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Scott Willson"hTabular is a Ruby library for reading, writing, and manipulating CSV, tab-delimited and Excel data.0T" ruby[["rulebook-0.3.3u;[" 1.4.0i" rulebookU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.3u: Time D"QAllows you to define a set of 'rules' or dynamic methods to apply to a classU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Ryan Lewis";Lets you define methods with regex for dynamic methods0T" ruby[["rubyonacid-0.4.0u;g[" 1.4.0i"rubyonacidU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.0u: Time ",A framework for creating trippy visualsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jay McGavren",A framework for creating trippy visuals0T" ruby[["rcov-0.9.9u;[" 1.4.0i" rcovU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.9u: Time o")Code coverage analysis tool for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[ "Relevance"Chad Humphries (spicycode)"Aaron Bedra (abedra)" Jay McGaffigan(hooligan495)"Mauricio Fernandez"rcov is a code coverage tool for Ruby. It is commonly used for viewing overall test unit coverage of target code. It features fast execution (20-300 times faster than previous tools), multiple analysis modes, XHTML and several kinds of text reports, easy automation with Rake via a RcovTask, fairly accurate coverage information through code linkage inference using simple heuristics, colorblind-friendliness...0T" ruby[["panmind-tarantula-0.3.3u;E[" 1.4.0i"panmind-tarantulaU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.3u: Time $"CA big hairy fuzzy spider that crawls your site, wreaking havocU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 4.2.0: @name"htmlentities:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "log_buddy; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.1; " hpricot; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "micronaut; @=;F00["Relevance" Inc."CA big hairy fuzzy spider that crawls your site, wreaking havoc0T" ruby[["dm-trimmer-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"dm-trimmerU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time c"RDataMapper plugin to remove leading and trailing blanks from property values.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" dm-core:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Simon Harris"RDataMapper plugin to remove leading and trailing blanks from property values.0T" ruby[["ovni-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i" ovniU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time d"6Simple wrapper for the Flying Saucer Java libraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Henning Kiel"XSimple wrapper helping to use the Flying Saucer Java library to convert HTML to PDF0T" ruby[["culturegrid-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"culturegridU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time ")Simple access to the CultureGrid APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rcov:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " weary; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " nokogiri; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.2; " jeweler; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " weary; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " hashie; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " hashie; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " nokogiri; @y;F00["steflewandowski")Simple access to the CultureGrid API0T" ruby[["cool.io-websocket-0.1.4u;K[" 1.4.0i"cool.io-websocketU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time "%WebSocket server based on CoolioU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.7: @name" thin:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.2; " cool.io; @);F00["FURUHASHI Sadayuki"Max Justus Spransy"Cool.io-WebSocket is a WebSocket server implementation based on Cool.io, a high performance event-driven I/O library for Ruby. This library conforms to WebSocket draft-75 and draft-76.0T" ruby[["rails_tinymce-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"rails_tinymceU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "{A Tiny MCE Rich text Editor for ruby on rails applications using jquery, paperclip with image and media upload supportU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[ "Core contributors"Sandip Ransing"Ilake Flake" Anstorm"GEasy to integrate with blogs, CMS, messages & mailers, newsletters0T" ruby[[" nyc-ruby-meetup_cijoe-0.5.1u;[" 1.4.0i"nyc-ruby-meetup_cijoeU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.1u: Time E"&An extension of the cijoe projectU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " unicorn; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " sinatra; @=;F00["Chris Wanstrath";An extension of the cijoe project now more descriptive0T" ruby[["sexy_bookmarks-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"sexy_bookmarksU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time ě"/An easy to use rails port of sexybookmarksU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Enrique Vidal"SSexyBookmarks is only a rails port of wordpress popular plugin sexy bookmarks.0T" ruby[["iii-0.1.1u;r[" 1.4.0i"iiiU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time $"[A Simplified way to access the Innovative Interfaces Patron API written by Aaron BedraU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.4: @name"rubyful_soup:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Aaron Bedra"0T" ruby[["ontomde-uml2-struts-1.0.6u;8[" 1.4.0i"ontomde-uml2-strutsU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.6u: Time  "'OntoMDE struts generator cartridgeU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 1.0.6: @name"ontomde-uml2-java:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.0.6; "ontomde-uml2-apaCom; @);F00["Stephane (Pierre) Carrie"ontomde-uml2-struts is library for generating a struts application. == SYNOPSIS: use commande line provided in ontomde-uml2-javaFrontEnd. == INSTALL:0T" ruby[["PrettyException-0.9.5u;[" 1.4.0i"PrettyExceptionU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.5u: Time ."UPrettyException is a library to output pretty html output for raised exceptions.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["0T" ruby[["websolr-0.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i" websolrU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.0u: Time De"/Placeholder for a gem to be migrated laterU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Kyle Maxwell"0T" ruby[["steamprofile-0.0.1u;q[" 1.4.0i"steamprofileU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time em"(Loads a given steam profile in rubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.0: @name" nokogiri:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Adam "Arcath" Laycock"(Loads a given steam profile in ruby0T" ruby[["scam-0.2.0u;k[" 1.4.0i" scamU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time "/Really basic fake model for type-ish stuffU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["2.3: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["John Nunemaker"/Really basic fake model for type-ish stuff0T" ruby[["net-reactor-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"net-reactorU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time $"2An simple async network-engine for plain textU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Tassilo Schweyer"0T" ruby[["envie-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" envieU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time e"!Simple api on feature toggleU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 2.3.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.2; " jeweler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @=;F00["Guilherme Silveira"!Simple api on feature toggle0T" ruby[["patternmatching-0.2.5u;[" 1.4.0i"patternmatchingU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.5u: Time d"Provide a pure ruby module that can build structured objects easily, can enable pattern match of objects, and can define method as a partial function style.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["ICHIYAMA Ryoichi"Provide a pure ruby module that can build structured objects easily, can enable pattern match of objects, and can define method as a partial function style.0T" ruby[["watcher-1.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i" watcherU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.0u: Time "mWatcher provides advanced integrated exception handling and logging functionality to your Ruby programs.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.7.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.7.0; "hoe; @);F00["Karrick McDermott"mWatcher provides advanced integrated exception handling and logging functionality to your Ruby programs.0T" ruby[["right_scraper-1.0.26u;9[" 1.4.0i"right_scraperU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.26u: Time d",Download and update remote repositoriesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Raphael Simon"m RightScraper provides a simple interface to download and keep local copies of remote repositories up-to-date using the following protocols: * git: RightScraper will clone then pull repos from git * SVN: RightScraper will checkout then update SVN repositories * tarballs: RightScraper will download, optionally uncompress and expand a given tar file 0T" ruby[["bobby-0.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i" bobbyU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time "~Have the Ol' Bobby Tit Head take his turns at watching over the access to actions on controllers and instances of models?U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" cucumber:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @);F00["Enrique Phillips"1Bobby is all about guarding the access to actions on controllers and model instances on your Rails projects, and requires you to setup some authentication regime in advance - like Devise, Authlogic et al - with a User model, and preferably a GroupUser and GroupUsersUsers models too.0T" ruby[["nimboids-workflow-0.8.0u;[" 1.4.0i"nimboids-workflowU:Gem::Version[" 0.8.0u: Time "-A replacement for acts_as_state_machine.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Vladimir Dobriakov" Workflow is a finite-state-machine-inspired API for modeling and interacting with what we tend to refer to as 'workflow'. * nice DSL to describe your states, events and transitions * robust integration with ActiveRecord and non relational data stores * various hooks for single transitions, entering state etc. * convenient access to the workflow specification: list states, possible events for particular state 0T" ruby[["markshi-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i" markshiU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time Ġ"!Markdown to HTML (previewer)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"rdiscount:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " coderay; @);F00["Daniel Cestari"WTool to make Markdown authoring easier by providing fast and good looking previews0T" ruby[["semr-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" semrU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time d"description of gemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["FIXME full name"description of gem0T" ruby[["redis-objective-0.1.0u;7[" 1.4.0i"redis-objectiveU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "Store objects in RedisU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" redis:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Michael Grosser"0T" ruby[["cornell_netid-1.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"cornell_netidU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.0u: Time "Cornell Net Id ExtensionsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Ari Epstein"Toolkit for handling Cornell University Net Ids. Extends the String class with several methods that make it easier to parse net ids.0T" ruby[["papersync-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"papersyncU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "5Download your Instapaper content in mobi format.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["James Fairbairn"0T" ruby[["gdocs4ruby-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"gdocs4rubyU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time "EA full featured wrapper for interacting with the Google Docs APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.1: @name"gdata4ruby:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Mike Reich"4GDocs4Ruby is a full featured wrapper for version 2.0 of the Google Documents API (aka DocList). GDocs4Ruby provides the ability to create, update and delete google documents, metadata and content. The gem also includes support for folders, modifying permissions for documents via ACL feeds, and much more.0T" ruby[["kbaum-rchardet-1.3u;[" 1.4.0i"kbaum-rchardetU:Gem::Version["1.3u: Time "VCharacter encoding auto-detection in Ruby. As smart as your browser. Open source.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jeff Hodges"0T" ruby[["mult-0.2.5u;[" 1.4.0i" multU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.5u: Time "5a few handy extensions to mess with ruby objectsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["John Mair (banisterfiend)"5a few handy extensions to mess with ruby objects0T" ruby[["ruby-audioinfo-0.1.7u;[" 1.4.0i"ruby-audioinfoU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.7u: Time $"&Unified audio info access libraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 1.1.2: @name" apetag:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0.4; "flacinfo-rb; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.7.3; " mp4info; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.3; "ruby-mp3info; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0.5; "wmainfo-rb; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.1; "ruby-ogginfo; @Q;F00["Guillaume Pierronnet"Marcello Barnaba"fruby-audioinfo glues together various audio libraries and presents a single API to the developer.0T" ruby[["bencoding-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"bencodingU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time e"6BitTorrent encoding (bencoding) support for Ruby.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Mikkel Kroman"0T" ruby[["glyph-0.4.2u;[" 1.4.0i" glyphU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.2u: Time "9Glyph -- A Ruby-powered Document Authoring FrameworkU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.1: @name"gli:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.2; "directory_watcher; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.0; " yard; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 4.2.3; " RedCloth; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.4.0; " jeweler; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.15; " haml; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0; " rspec; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.3; " coderay; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.7; " rake; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.7; "bluecloth; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.15; " extlib; @~;F00["Fabio Cevasco"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.0: @name"ffi:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Martin Hess"0T" ruby[["stomp-1.1.7u;[" 1.4.0i" stompU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.7u: Time "1Ruby client for the Stomp messaging protocolU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["2.3: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Brian McCallister"Marius Mathiesen"Thiago Morello"1Ruby client for the Stomp messaging protocol0T" ruby[["rails-erd-0.4.3u;[" 1.4.0i"rails-erdU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.3u: Time E"7Entity-relationship diagram for your Rails models.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["3.0: @name"activerecord:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.9.18; "ruby-graphviz; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.2; " jeweler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["3.0; "activesupport; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " sqlite3; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "jruby-openssl; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "activerecord-jdbc-adapter; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "jdbc-sqlite3; @y;F00["Rolf Timmermans"WAutomatically generate an entity-relationship diagram (ERD) for your Rails models.0T" ruby[["freerange-cli-0.0.13u;>[" 1.4.0i"freerange-cliU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.13u: Time Ġ"+Simple commands to help with FreerangeU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" thor:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" Tom Ward"0T" ruby[["ngpod-scraper-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"ngpod-scraperU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "8National Geographic Photo of the Day Screen ScraperU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.8; " fakeweb; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.2; " valuable; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.13.1; " rmagick; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.3; "pow; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.2; " nokogiri; @Q;F00["George Mendoza"?A tool for scraping National Geographic's Photo of the Day0T" ruby[["html_matchers-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"html_matchersU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "#HTML entity matchers for RSpecU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["bendycode" helabed"listrophy"#HTML entity matchers for RSpec0T" ruby[["mac-spotlight-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"mac-spotlightU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time đ"4Spotlight - Ruby interface to Mac OSX SpotlightU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " echoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rake-compiler; @3;F00[" Li Xiao"4Spotlight - Ruby interface to Mac OSX Spotlight0T" ruby[["curl-0.0.8u;[" 1.4.0i" curlU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.8u: Time Ŭ"shell CURL ruby wrapper.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.1: @name"unidecoder:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.1; "awesome_print; @);F00["tg0"*Some simple methods to use shell curl0T" ruby[["date_range-0.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"date_rangeU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.0u: Time De"/Placeholder for a gem to be migrated laterU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Kyle Maxwell"0T" ruby[["sys-uname-0.8.5u;[" 1.4.0i"sys-unameU:Gem::Version[" 0.8.5u: Time e";An interface for returning system platform informationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.6: @name"test-unit:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Daniel J. Berger"O The sys-uname library provides an interface for gathering information about your current platform. The library is named after the Unix 'uname' command but also works on MS Windows. Available information includes OS name, OS version, system name and so on. Additional information is available for certain platforms. 0T" ruby[[" stonegao-mongoid-2.0.0.rc.6u;[" 1.4.0i"stonegao-mongoidU:Gem::Version["2.0.0.rc.6u: Time "-Elegant Persistance in Ruby for MongoDB.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.pre: @name"will_paginate:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;["0.6; " watchr; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.2; " bson_ext; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.3.22; " tzinfo; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.2; " mongo; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.9.8; " mocha; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["3.0; "activemodel; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2.4; " rspec; @e;F00["Durran Jordan"WMongoid is an ODM (Object Document Mapper) Framework for MongoDB, written in Ruby.0T" ruby[["shawty-client-1.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"shawty-clientU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2u: Time d"5Easily connect to a Shawty url-shortening serverU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jack Danger Canty"DConnects any Ruby app to a Shawty-powered url-shortening server0T" ruby[["flash-header-0.1u; [" 1.4.0i"flash-headerU:Gem::Version["0.1u: Time ">Library for parsing the headers of a Shockwave Flash fileU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Manfred Stienstra"IPure ruby library for parsing the headers of a Shockwave Flash file.0T" ruby[["hoptoadr-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" hoptoadrU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time e"#Unofficial Hoptoad API in RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" hashie:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " httparty; @);F00["Dejan Simic"#Unofficial Hoptoad API in Ruby0T" ruby[["better_prime-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"better_primeU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time l",An Uber-fast primality testing library.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Burke Libbey"Ryan Neufeld",An Uber-fast primality testing library.0T" ruby[["dbmodel-0.1.0u;S[" 1.4.0i" dbmodelU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time $[";A program that generates Rails files from a data modelU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.12.0: @name" rails:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["William T Katz"0T" ruby[["json-1.5.1u;[" 1.4.0i" jsonU:Gem::Version[" 1.5.1u: Time %"!JSON Implementation for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Florian Frank"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.9.10: @name" mocha:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "test-unit; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.0.2; " minitest; @3;F00["Rafael Souza"GGem that adds same fail-fast functionality from rspec to test-unit0T" ruby[["sexy_pg_constraints-0.2.0u;![" 1.4.0i"sexy_pg_constraintsU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time %".If you're on PostgreSQL and see the importance of data-layer constraints - this gem/plugin is for you. It integrates constraints into PostgreSQL adapter so you can add/remove them in your migrations. You get two simple methods for adding/removing constraints, as well as a pack of pre-made constraints.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Maxim Chernyak"MUse migrations and simple syntax to manage constraints in PostgreSQL DB.0T" ruby[["reittiopas-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"reittiopasU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time "Reittiopas is a Ruby library for accessing the {Reittiopas Developer API}[http://developer.reittiopas.fi/pages/fi/reittiopas-api.php]U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.1: @name" webmock:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "darkfish-rdoc; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.0; "hoe; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " nokogiri; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "addressable; @Q;F00["Raine Virta" Reittiopas is a Ruby library for accessing the {Reittiopas Developer API}[http://developer.reittiopas.fi/pages/fi/reittiopas-api.php]. Requires an account to the service that can be requested through {the account request page}[http://developer.reittiopas.fi/pages/fi/accountrequest.php].0T" ruby[["rack-jekyll-0.3.5u;[" 1.4.0i"rack-jekyllU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.5u: Time $"rack-jekyllU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rack:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " bacon; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " jekyll; @3;F00["Bryan Goines"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" NAKAMURA" Hiroshi"0T" ruby[["velir_kaltura-ruby-0.4.9u;[" 1.4.0i"velir_kaltura-rubyU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.9u: Time "+Ruby gem for accessing the Kaltura APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.1: @name"rest-client:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.8; "activesupport; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " json; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.8; "activeresource; @=;F00["Patrick Robertson"0T" ruby[["validatable-1.6.7u;[" 1.4.0i"validatableU:Gem::Version[" 1.6.7u: Time "5Validatable is a library for adding validations.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jay Fields"5Validatable is a library for adding validations.0T" ruby[["snowman_meltdown-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"snowman_meltdownU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time $"JA simple middleware for Rails 3 to vanish _snowman parameter☃☃☃U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["2.0.0.beta.19: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Akira Matsuda"!goodbye _snowman...☃☃☃0T" ruby[["pangel-testy-0.5.0u;[" 1.4.0i"pangel-testyU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.0u: Time " testyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"orderedhash:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Ara T. Howard"a minimalist BDD testing framework for ruby that's mad at the world and plans to kick its ass by ruthlessly removing lines of testing framework code.0T" ruby[["merb-flash-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"merb-flashU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time ď"8Merb plugin that provides rails-like flash messagesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["1.1: @name"merb-core:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Tymon Tobolski"8Merb plugin that provides rails-like flash messages0T" ruby[["moody-0.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i" moodyU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time ""State Pattern for your rubiesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Nicolás Sanguinetti"eSimple and straightforward implementation of the state pattern, inspired by the StatePattern gem0T" ruby[["mayfly-0.0.1u;)[" 1.4.0i" mayflyU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time Df"2A tiny HTTP server with a very short lifespanU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 1.5.1: @name" highline:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.0.3; " growl; @);F00["Matt Haynes"mayfly is a tiny HTTP server with a very short lifespan, existing only to serve a single file for a predefined number of times, it then quietly shuffles off this mortal coil. 0T" ruby[["kut-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"kutU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time b"BKiCAD utils & tools for generation, manipulation KiCAD files.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Alexey Pavlyukov"0T" ruby[["ajaxful_rating-3.0.0.beta3u;I[" 1.4.0i"ajaxful_ratingU:Gem::Version["3.0.0.beta3u: Time ĥ"KProvides a simple way to add rating functionality to your application.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[00["Edgar J. Suarez"Denis Odorcic"KProvides a simple way to add rating functionality to your application.0T" ruby[["%seamusabshere-daemon-spawn-0.2.6u;K[" 1.4.0i"seamusabshere-daemon-spawnU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.6u: Time "RA simple, flexible daemon management library. (re-released by Seamus Abshere)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Alex Vollmer"Ugem 0.3.0 re-release... originally at http://github.com/alexvollmer/daemon-spawn0T" ruby[["find_method-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"find_methodU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time D"CFind a method on a class or an instance using part of the nameU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["David Padilla"CFind a method on a class or an instance using part of the name0T" ruby[["cruyff-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" cruyffU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "/Ajax CRUD solution for Rails applications.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.2.6: @name"jquery-rails:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Charger Tec";Cruyff is a Ajax CRUD solution for Rails applications.0T" ruby[["zuora4r-1.0.8u;k[" 1.4.0i" zuora4rU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.8u: Time E" Zuora4rU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.6: @name"json_pure:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.8; " soap4r; @);F00[" Cloocher"A client for Zuora API0T" ruby[["scandb-0.1.3u;1[" 1.4.0i" scandbU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time %A"qScanDB is a library for importing and analyzing information generated by various network scanning utilities.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.2: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.9; " dm-core; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.2; "hoe; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.9; " dm-types; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.9; "do_sqlite3; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.9; "dm-serializer; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "libxml-ruby; @[;F00["Postmodern"qScanDB is a library for importing and analyzing information generated by various network scanning utilities.0T" ruby[["rubyMorphbank-0.2.5u;[" 1.4.0i"rubyMorphbankU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.5u: Time %"?Simple Morphbank (http://morphbank.net) services accessor.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["mjy"TUses the Morphbank API to query and return results from the Morphbank database.0T" ruby[["dummy_urls-0.9u;p[" 1.4.0i"dummy_urlsU:Gem::Version["0.9u: Time "2Generates dummy URLs for Rails 3 applicationsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0.9: @name" dummy:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0.9; "dummy_data; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["3.0.0.beta; " rails; @3;F00["Gonçalo Silva"Generates dummy URLs to hit Rails 3 applications' routes. Since POST and PUT requests require more information than an URL, it uses dummy to generate appropriate data for these requests0T" ruby[["comcetera-1.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"comceteraU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time "KWrapper class for Comcetera mobile operator detection based on msisdn.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" fakeweb:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @);F00["Wes Oldenbeuving"KWrapper class for Comcetera mobile operator detection based on msisdn.0T" ruby[["jrmey-eventmachine-0.12.12u;[" 1.4.0i"jrmey-eventmachineU:Gem::Version[" 0.12.12u: Time "Ruby/EventMachine libraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Francis Cianfrocca"Jeremy Suriel"EventMachine implements a fast, single-threaded engine for arbitrary network communications. It's extremely easy to use in Ruby. EventMachine wraps all interactions with IP sockets, allowing programs to concentrate on the implementation of network protocols. It can be used to create both network servers and clients. To create a server or client, a Ruby program only needs to specify the IP address and port, and provide a Module that implements the communications protocol. Implementations of several standard network protocols are provided with the package, primarily to serve as examples. The real goal of EventMachine is to enable programs to easily interface with other programs using TCP/IP, especially if custom protocols are required. 0T" ruby[["excellent-1.5.4u;[" 1.4.0i"excellentU:Gem::Version[" 1.5.4u: Time \"0Source Code analysis gem for Ruby and RailsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["3.0: @name"sexp_processor:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["2.0; "ruby_parser; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["2.7; " facets; @3;F00["Marco Otte-Witte"0T" ruby[["xhr-president-news-0.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"xhr-president-newsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.0u: Time e"9Colectează ştirile despre alegerile prezidenţialeU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " cucumber; @);F00["Andrei Maxim"Aplicaţie Ruby care colectează toate ştirile despre alegerile prezidenţiale şi le grupează în funcţie de candidat.0T" ruby[["anyplayer-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"anyplayerU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time %"+Interact with the running music playerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Sunny Ripert"9Play/pause/skip songs in iTunes, Rythmbox, MPD, XMMS0T" ruby[["r3_plugin_toolbox-0.4.1u;[" 1.4.0i"r3_plugin_toolboxU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.1u: Time %"5Toolbox to facilitate Rails 3 plugin developmentU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.3.0; "sugar-high; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["3.0; " rails; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.2.0; "require_all; @=;F00["Kristian Mandrup"Provides a more intuitive DSL for Rails 3 plugin configuration and a specialized RSpec 2 matcher. Makes it much easier to develop Rails 3 plugins!0T" ruby[["isaac-0.2.6u;[" 1.4.0i" isaacU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.6u: Time n"*The smallish DSL for writing IRC botsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Harry Vangberg"$Small DSL for writing IRC bots.0T" ruby[["milkshake-0.1.9u;P[" 1.4.0i"milkshakeU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.9u: Time E"&Make composite rails applicationsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " thor; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rack-gem-assets; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "snapshots; @G;F00["Simon Menke"HCompose rails applications using several smaller rails applications0T" ruby[[" merb_hoptoad_notifier-1.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"merb_hoptoad_notifierU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.1u: Time "=Merb plugin that provides hoptoad exception notificationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.7: @name"merb-core:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.9.1; "toadhopper; @);F00["Corey Donohoe"=Merb plugin that provides hoptoad exception notification0T" ruby[["truffle-hog-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"truffle-hogU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time b"lFinds RSS and Atom feed urls in html like a hog finds truffles. Tasty, delicious feeds... er, truffles.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" Paul Dix"0T" ruby[["todoly-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i" todolyU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time "Todo.ly REST API LibraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">U;["0: @name"rest-client:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.1; " jeweler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.1.0; " rspec; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " fakeweb; @G;F00["nagachika"Todo.ly REST API Library0T" ruby[["post_policy-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"post_policyU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time e""Postfix Policy Server in RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Michał Łomnicki"aPostPolicy uses ACL system, which allow administrators to create rules based on mail source.0T" ruby[["amphibian-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"amphibianU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time W"Amphibian is a ruby library for accessing and interacting with an Apache mod_proxy_balancer via the web GUI created by the balancer_manager directiveU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.1: @name" newgem:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.1; " newgem; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0; "hoe; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0; "hoe; @=;F00["Nick Stielau"CAmphibian is a ruby library for accessing and interacting with an Apache mod_proxy_balancer via the web GUI created by the balancer_manager directive. Amhpbian works by scraping the balancer-manager page, and sending get requests with appropriate query strings to the balancer manager in order to enable and disable hosts.0T" ruby[["rubyful_soup-1.0.4u; [" 1.4.0i"rubyful_soupU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.4u: Time %"TAn HTML/XML parser that handles bad markup and provides tree traversal methods.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0: @name"htmltools:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Leonard Richardson"Rubyful Soup is a *ML parser that makes screen-scraping easy. It won't choke on bad markup, and it's easy to locate the part of a document you want.0T" ruby[["ruby_extensions-1.0.14u;[" 1.4.0i"ruby_extensionsU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.14u: Time "ruby_extensionsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["markbates"0ruby_extensions was developed by: markbates0T" ruby[["lint_report-0.0.1u;F[" 1.4.0i"lint_reportU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "7Run gem_lint against the complete rubygems archiveU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["2.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " roodi; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.4; " gem_lint; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @=;F00["James Healy"kcollates the output generated by running gem_lint against the most recent version of every public gem.0T" ruby[["gistup-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i" gistupU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time E"Gistup: Use The Gists.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 0.8.7: @name" rake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.4.0; " rspec; @3;F00["Dmitry A. Ustalov"Gistup: Use The Gists.0T" ruby[["anvl-0.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i" anvlU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time "8Ruby implementation of A Name-Value Language (ANVL)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.1; " jeweler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @=;F00["Chris Beer"0T" ruby[["&sprout-flashplayer-bundle-10.22.8u;[" 1.4.0i"sprout-flashplayer-bundleU:Gem::Version[" 10.22.8u: Time D"7Supporting tasks for Flash Player Rake integrationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.189: @name" sprout:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 10.22.0; "sprout-flashplayer-tool; @);F00["Pattern Park"4Shared Project to support the Flash Player task0T" ruby[["ruby-snarl-0.0.8u;I[" 1.4.0i"ruby-snarlU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.8u: Time "Snarl (http://www.fullphat.net/snarl.html) is a simple notification system, similar to Growl under OSX. This is a simple pure Ruby wrapper to the native API (using DL).U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Patrick Hurley"0T" ruby[["cards-0.10u;[" 1.4.0i" cardsU:Gem::Version[" 0.10u: Time K"CardWallGen is a program that reads a requirements map and generates a view of it. Typically it reads it from excel or csv and generates a graphical view in visio or omnigraffle, though it may also generate another csv view of it.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.11.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0.9; "rest-client; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.1; "rb-appscript; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.11.0; "hoe; @=;F00["Jeremy Lightsmith"CardWallGen is a program that reads a requirements map and generates a view of it. Typically it reads it from excel or csv and generates a graphical view in visio or omnigraffle, though it may also generate another csv view of it.0T" ruby[["environmentalist-0.2.4u;-[" 1.4.0i"environmentalistU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.4u: Time O"Provides an executable that converts a rails app's config structure. The basic idea is that environments themselves are now first-class citizens, allowing you to create several environments (e.g. staging, prodtest, demo, etc.) in a clean, organized fashion. Each environment is given its own folder where it can store its own set of configuration files (think mongrel configs, apache configs, etc.) without polluting the top-leve config/ directory.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["John Trupiano"Provides an executable that converts a rails app's config structure. The basic idea is that environments themselves are now first-class citizens, allowing you to create several environments (e.g. staging, prodtest, demo, etc.) in a clean, organized fashion. Each environment is given its own folder where it can store its own set of configuration files (think mongrel configs, apache configs, etc.) without polluting the top-leve config/ directory.0T" ruby[["XDCC-Fetch-1.409u;[" 1.4.0i"XDCC-FetchU:Gem::Version[" 1.409u: Time E"XDCC-Fetch, written entirely in Ruby, is an intuitive, no-nonsense tool for searching, collecting and downloading XDCC announcements within IRC channels. XDCC-Fetch is released under the BSD license and available for free.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.0: @name" fxruby:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["XDCC-Fetch Team"0T" ruby[["bloggit-1.0.7u;[[" 1.4.0i" bloggitU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.7u: Time D "9A static site generator for a blog with static pagesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" markaby:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "BlueCloth; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " cmdparse; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " builder; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " RedCloth; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "activesupport; @Q;F00["M@ McCray"You can find the source at: http://repo.or.cz/w/bloggit.git == FEATURES: * Static generation of blog * Tags * Archives * ERb based layout support * ERb processing in pages/posts * Simple static pages * Comments (via Haloscan) * Searching (using JavaScript) == SYNOPSIS:0T" ruby[["legislation-uk-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"legislation-ukU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time Dd"0Ruby API for http://www.legislation.gov.uk/U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.7: @name" morph:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.1; " hpricot; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @3;F00["Rob McKinnon"SRuby API for accessing UK Legislation hosted at http://www.legislation.gov.uk/0T" ruby[[""mongoid_embedded_helper-0.3.0u;I[" 1.4.0i"mongoid_embedded_helperU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time %"PFacilitates performing queries on collections in embedded Mongoid documentsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.1: @name"mongoid_adjust:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.1; "mongoid_adjust; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.1; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["2.0.0.beta.14; " mongoid; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.8; " bson_ext; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["2.0.0.beta.18; " mongoid; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.1; " bson_ext; @[;F00["Kristian Mandrup"wFacilitates performing queries on collections in embedded Mongoid documents by performing query from the root node0T" ruby[["dhaka-2.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i" dhakaU:Gem::Version[" 2.2.1u: Time ".An LALR1 parser generator written in RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Mushfeq Khan"0T" ruby[["!AbsoluteRenamer-system-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"AbsoluteRenamer-systemU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time $f"'AbsoluteRenamer extension - SystemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Simon COURTOIS"~AbsoluteRenamer extension that provides system informations (such as username, OS name, ...) to include in the filename format0T" ruby[["bovespa-0.5.3u;}[" 1.4.0i" bovespaU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.3u: Time E"%Ruby wrapper for the Bovespa APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 1.4.4: @name" nokogiri:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["#Marco Antonio Fogaça Nogueira"4A Ruby wrapper for the Bovespa stock quotes API0T" ruby[["validates_as_uri-0.1.1u;K[" 1.4.0i"validates_as_uriU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time ħ"#URI validation for ActiveModelU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.0: @name"activemodel:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Gabriel Sobrinho"0T" ruby[["saikuro_treemap-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"saikuro_treemapU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time Ě"3Generate CCN Treemap based on saikuro analysisU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" Saikuro:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "json_pure; @);F00["ThoughtWorks Studios"3Generate CCN Treemap based on saikuro analysis0T" ruby[["reverse_captcha-0.0.1u;6[" 1.4.0i"reverse_captchaU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "6simple solution for reverse captcha in Rails appsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Daniel Lopes"gSimple reverse captcha solution that consist in create a hidden field that should be always empty.0T" ruby[["'radiant-navigation-extension-2.0.3u;([" 1.4.0i"!radiant-navigation-extensionU:Gem::Version[" 2.0.3u: Time "*Navigation Generation for Radiant CMSU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Phil Schilter"Dirk Kelly"KNavigation provides a way to generate navigation (with useful classes)0T" ruby[["rack-streaming-proxy-1.0.3u;D[" 1.4.0i"rack-streaming-proxyU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.3u: Time %"DStreaming proxy for Rack, the rainbows to Rack::Proxy's unicornU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.5.1: @name"rack-test:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.2.0; " bones; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.0; " rack; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.8.1; " servolux; @=;F00["Nathan Witmer"EStreaming proxy for Rack, the rainbows to Rack::Proxy's unicorn.0T" ruby[["lettr-1.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i" lettrU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.1u: Time "lettr.de ApiU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"vcr:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " webmock; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "actionmailer; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.6.1; "rest-client; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" cchayden" vadimj" jashmenn"0T" ruby[["libexcel-0.1.4u;[" 1.4.0i" libexcelU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time d".A library that create Xml Excel documentsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.3: @name"libxml-ruby:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @);F00["Silas Baronda".A library that create Xml Excel documents0T" ruby[["kuahyeow-sunspot-0.10.3u;=[" 1.4.0i"kuahyeow-sunspotU:Gem::Version[" 0.10.3u: Time De"MLibrary for expressive, powerful interaction with the Solr search engineU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 0.9.6: @name"mwmitchell-rsolr:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.2.1; "technicalpickles-jeweler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.0; " daemons; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.1; " rspec; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.10; "ruby-debug; @G;F00["Mat Brown"Peer Allan"Dmitriy Dzema"Benjamin Krause"Marcel de Graaf"Brandon Keepers"Peter Berkenbosch"Brian Atkinson"Tom Coleman"jSunspot is a library providing a powerful, all-ruby API for the Solr search engine. Sunspot manages the configuration of persistent Ruby classes for search and indexing and exposes Solr's most powerful features through a collection of DSLs. Complex search operations can be performed without hand-writing any boolean queries or building Solr parameters by hand. 0T" ruby[["papermill-agent-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"papermill-agentU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "*The client agent for papermillapp.comU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.6.1: @name"rest-client:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "json_pure; @);F00["Alex Sharp"*The client agent for papermillapp.com0T" ruby[["dr-merb_cucumber-0.6u;%[" 1.4.0i"dr-merb_cucumberU:Gem::Version["0.6u: Time m""Cucumber integration for MerbU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["1.1.0.pre: @name" merb-gen:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.0; " cucumber; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.1.0.pre; "merb-core; @=;F00["Roman Gonzalez"David Leal"Jacques Crocker""Cucumber integration for Merb0T" ruby[["%litecreations-recaptcha-;[" 1.4.0i"litecreations-recaptchaU:Gem::Version[" Time f""Helpers for the reCAPTCHA APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jason L. Perry"4This plugin adds helpers for the reCAPTCHA API 0T" ruby[["PageTemplate-2.2.3u;[" 1.4.0i"PageTemplateU:Gem::Version[" 2.2.3u: Time ".A simple templating system for Web sites.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Brian Wisti"0T" ruby[["has_many_booleans-0.9.4u;&[" 1.4.0i"has_many_booleansU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.4u: Time "This Rails plugin/gem allows you to generate virtual boolean attributes, which get saved in the database as a single bitset integerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jan Lelis"0T" ruby[["migrant-0.2.2u;[" 1.4.0i" migrantU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.2u: Time "YAll the fun of ActiveRecord, without writing your migrations, and a dash of mocking.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" bundler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " ansi; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "thoughtbot-shoulda; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " ansi; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "sqlite3-ruby; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " jeweler; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " turn; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " jeweler; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " turn; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "sqlite3-ruby; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "thoughtbot-shoulda; @~;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " migrant; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " bundler; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "simplecov; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "simplecov; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " jeweler; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " turn; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rails; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "simplecov; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "sqlite3-ruby; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " bundler; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "thoughtbot-shoulda; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " ansi; @;F00["Pascal Houliston"Migrant gives you a super-clean DSL to describe your ActiveRecord models (somewhat similar to DataMapper) and generates all your migrations for you so you can spend more time coding the stuff that counts!0T" ruby[["easy-sitemaps-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"easy-sitemapsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time $"Easy Sitemaps for RailsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["3.0; " roxml; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.2; "action_controller; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.2; "action_view; @=;F00[" varchar" robustdj"0T" ruby[["twm-cms-bindings-3.0.1u;![" 1.4.0i"twm-cms-bindingsU:Gem::Version[" 3.0.1u: Time D",Binding library for TWM CMS v3 platformU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Three Wise Men"YUse this library in a Ruby application to draw content from the TWM CMS v3 platform.0T" ruby[["ruby-recaptcha-1.0.2u;R[" 1.4.0i"ruby-recaptchaU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2u: Time E"U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.5.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.5.0; "hoe; @);F00["McClain Looney"0T" ruby[["'rspec-file-transfer-matchers-1.0.0u;m[" 1.4.0i"!rspec-file-transfer-matchersU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time M"pFileTransferMatchers are able to verify file movement, copying and deletion in RSpec based automated tests.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.12.1; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.12.1; "hoe; @3;F00["Alexander E. Fischer"pFileTransferMatchers are able to verify file movement, copying and deletion in RSpec based automated tests.0T" ruby[["albino-1.2.3u;P[" 1.4.0i" albinoU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.3u: Time "!Ruby wrapper for pygmentize.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" mocha:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Chris Wanstrath"!Ruby wrapper for pygmentize.0T" ruby[["nlp_backpack-0.0.0u;W[" 1.4.0i"nlp_backpackU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.0u: Time "#A backpack full of useful toysU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" reddavis"#A backpack full of useful toys0T" ruby[["nera-0.7.0u;q[" 1.4.0i" neraU:Gem::Version[" 0.7.0u: Time ŀ"`This is an application which helps you to manage a database for the Monte Carlo simulationsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.3: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.2; " net-sftp; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.11; " net-ssh; @3;F00["Yohsuke Murase"This is an application which helps you to manage a database for the Monte Carlo simulations. For the dtailed usage, see http://nera.rubyforge.com0T" ruby[["irb_callbacks-0.1.0u;U [" 1.4.0i"irb_callbacksU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "GAdds three callbacks to the prompt, eval, and output phases of irbU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.1: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Mike Judge"* http://rubysideshow.rubyforge.org/irb_callbacks == DESCRIPTION: This gem adds callbacks to irb, intended for you to override at your discretion. == FEATURES: irb's control flow looks like this: loop: * prompt * eval * output This gem adds three callbacks to each phase. module IRB: * self.before_prompt * self.around_prompt (call yield) * self.after_prompt * self.before_eval * self.around_eval (call yield) * self.after_eval * self.before_output * self.around_output (call yield) * self.after_output == SYNOPSIS: # Here's my ~/.irbrc file (which is run at irb startup) require 'rubygems' require 'irb_callbacks' require 'benchmark' # This little snippet will time each command run via the console. module IRB def self.around_eval(&block) @timing = Benchmark.realtime do block.call end end def self.after_output puts "=> #{'%.3f' % @timing} seconds" end end # And a sample irb session: $ irb irb(main):001:0> 1_000_000.times { |x| x + 1 } => 1000000 => 0.330 seconds == CAVEATS: The three around_* callbacks all require you to call the block that's passed in. If you don't do it, undefined behavior may occur. == INSTALL: * sudo gem install irb_callbacks == LICENSE: (The MIT License) Copyright (c) 2008 Mike Judge Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the 'Software'), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED 'AS IS', WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.0T" ruby[["staticmatic-0.11.1u;[" 1.4.0i"staticmaticU:Gem::Version[" 0.11.1u: Time "&Lightweight Static Site FrameworkU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.10.0: @name" compass:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0; " haml; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.0; " rack; @3;F00["Stephen Bartholomew"&Lightweight Static Site Framework0T" ruby[["rack-debug19-1.4.2u;[" 1.4.0i"rack-debug19U:Gem::Version[" 1.4.2u: Time d":Rack::Debug adds a middleware interface to ruby-debugU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.11.6: @name"ruby-debug19:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.0; " rack; @);F00["David Dollar"b Rack::Debug adds a middlerware interface to ruby-debug http://github.com/github/rack-debug 0T" ruby[["primehosting-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"primehostingU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time "?Capistrano recipes for deployment to Primehosting accountsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.0: @name" highline:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0; "capistrano; @);F00["Geoff Garside"Anthony Underwood"0T" ruby[["capidiem-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i" capidiemU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time D"5Deploying diem PHP applications with Capistrano.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.5.10: @name"capistrano:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Konstantin Kudryashov"Mickael Kurmann"\ Capistrano is an open source tool for running scripts on multiple servers. It’s primary use is for easily deploying applications. While it was built specifically for deploying Rails apps, it’s pretty simple to customize it to deploy other types of applications. This package is a deployment “recipe” to work with diem PHP applications. 0T" ruby[["juliocesar-harmony-0.5.2u;[" 1.4.0i"juliocesar-harmonyU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.2u: Time "2Javascript + DOM in your ruby, the simple wayU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;["2.0.0.pre2: @name" johnson:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.1.4; " envjs; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " minitest; @3;F00["Julio Cesar Ody"3Javascript + DOM in your ruby, the simple way.0T" ruby[["custom_benchmarks-0.0.3u; [" 1.4.0i"custom_benchmarksU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time ũ"jEasily allows custom information to be included in the benchmark log line at the end of each request.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Tyler Kovacs"0T" ruby[["wireframe-jira4r-0.4.1u;[" 1.4.0i"wireframe-jira4rU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.1u: Time "JIRA Soap Interface GemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " soap4r; @);F00[ "James Stuart"Andrew Erickson"Andrew Cantino"Ryan Sonnek"JIRA Soap Interface Gem0T" ruby[["prawn-0.11.1.preu;[" 1.4.0i" prawnU:Gem::Version["0.11.1.preu: Time $"-A fast and nimble PDF generator for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.1: @name"pdf-reader:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Gregory Brown"@ Prawn is a fast, tiny, and nimble PDF generator for Ruby 0T" ruby[["chef-deploy-0.2.6.bu;[" 1.4.0i"chef-deployU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.6.bu: Time $"A gem that provides...U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[00["Ezra Zygmuntowicz"A gem that provides...0T" ruby[["acts_as_blamable-0.0.6u;[" 1.4.0i"acts_as_blamableU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.6u: Time "8Stores the creator and updater of a database recordU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.1: @name"sqlite3-ruby:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.0; "activerecord; @3;F00["Philipp Ullmann"7Automatically set created_by and updated_by fields0T" ruby[["motorcycle-0.0.13u;=[" 1.4.0i"motorcycleU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.13u: Time "A carbon modelU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["2: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["3; "activerecord; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.4.0; " jeweler; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.8.3; " cucumber; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rdoc; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["0.3; " emitter; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " sniff; @o;F00[ "Andy Rossmeissl"Seamus Abshere"Ian Hough"Matt Kling"Derek Kastner"OA software model in Ruby for the greenhouse gas emissions of an motorcycle0T" ruby[["has_price-1.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"has_priceU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.1u: Time E"KProvides a convenient DSL for organizing a price breakdown in a class.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"rr:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @);F00["Maxim Chernyak"A convenient DSL for defining complex price reader/serializer in a class and organizing a price breakdown. Price can be declared with items and groups which depend on other attributes. Price is a very simple subclass of Hash. This provides for easy serialization and flexibility in case of implementation changes. This way you can conveniently store the whole price breakdown in your serialized receipts. It also provides magic methods for convenient access, but can be fully treated as a regular Hash with some sprinkles on top.0T" ruby[[""sumskyi-google-checkout-0.3.0u;4[" 1.4.0i"sumskyi-google-checkoutU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time "MAn experimental library for sending payment requests to Google Checkout.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"ruby-hmac:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.3; "hoe; @);F00["Peter Elmore"Geoffrey Grosenbach"{== DESCRIPTION: Experimental library for working with GoogleCheckout. Currently in use for payment at http://peepcode.com.0T" ruby[["mongomatic-rails3-0.0.2u;y[" 1.4.0i"mongomatic-rails3U:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time "#Mongomatic support for rails 3U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.6.0: @name"mongomatic:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jordan West"8Mongomatic is a simple Ruby object mapper for Mongo0T" ruby[["factory_toys-0.4.2u;b[" 1.4.0i"factory_toysU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.2u: Time " Simplify Feature ManagementU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["David Henry"Thomas Brand" Simplify Feature Management0T" ruby[["pooled-curb-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"pooled-curbU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "DHigh-performance HTTP requests for a multi-threaded environmentU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"common-pool:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " curb; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "thoughtbot-shoulda; @3;F00["Angel Faus"When consuming web services, HTTP performance can be greatly improved if you enable keep-alive and the right HTTP library. Pooled-curb helps to solve this implementing a pool of Curb (libcurl) objects and providing a pleasent API to do HTTP requests through the pool.0T" ruby[["meyer-reset-2.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"meyer-resetU:Gem::Version[" 2.0.0u: Time e",Eric Meyer CSS Reset stylesheet as SassU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.10.5: @name" compass:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Adam Stacoviak"Eric Meyer CSS Reset stylesheet as Sass to reduce browser inconsistencies such as default line heights, margins and font sizes of headings, etc.0T" ruby[["'memcached-northscale-heroku-0.17.7u;N[" 1.4.0i" memcached-northscale-herokuU:Gem::Version[" 0.17.7u: Time n"CAn interface to the libmemcached C client + sasl auth support.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["3Evan Weaver - updated by NorthScale for Heroku"CAn interface to the libmemcached C client + sasl auth support.0T" ruby[[""refinerycms-inquiries-;[" 1.4.0i"refinerycms-inquiriesU:Gem::Version[" Time "AInquiry handling functionality for the Refinery CMS project.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["0.2: @name"filters_spam:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Resolve Digital"Inquiry handling functionality extracted from Refinery CMS to allow you to have a contact form and manage inquiries in the Refinery backend.0T" ruby[["fuzzyhash-0.0.11u;[" 1.4.0i"fuzzyhashU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.11u: Time l"7A weird hash with special semantics for regex keysU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Joshua Hull"7A weird hash with special semantics for regex keys0T" ruby[["iso_country_codes-0.2.2u;[" 1.4.0i"iso_country_codesU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.2u: Time \"EProvides ISO 3166-1 country codes/names and ISO 4217 currencies.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" alex"*ISO country code and currency library0T" ruby[["carats-0.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i" caratsU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time M"0Collection of classes, modules, and mixins.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Trans Onoma"0T" ruby[["fsync-client-0.0.3.preu;[" 1.4.0i"fsync-clientU:Gem::Version["0.0.3.preu: Time "(gem to communicate with financesyncU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 1.4.6: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @);F00["Vanderson Mota"(gem to communicate with financesync0T" ruby[["nirvdrum-jekyll-0.7.0u;[" 1.4.0i"nirvdrum-jekyllU:Gem::Version[" 0.7.0u: Time ";Jekyll is a simple, blog aware, static site generator.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 4.2.1: @name" RedCloth:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.1; "directory_watcher; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.1; "classifier; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.9.0; " liquid; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.9; " maruku; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.6; " open4; @Q;F00["Tom Preston-Werner";Jekyll is a simple, blog aware, static site generator.0T" ruby[["smsnger-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i" smsngerU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time E">A Ruby library to send text messenges for free via email.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0.6: @name" pony:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["watsonian"vA Ruby library to send text messenges for free via email (extracted from the SMS-Fu Rails plugin by Brendan Lim).0T" ruby[["refine-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" refineU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time %"6Start using refine, today. Be ready for Ruby 2.0!U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Konstantin Haase"6Start using refine, today. Be ready for Ruby 2.0!0T" ruby[["compressible-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"compressibleU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time "HCompressible: Quick asset compression for Ruby - Perfect for HerokuU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"yui-compressor:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.5; "activesupport; @);F00["Lance Pollard":Quick asset compression for Ruby - Perfect for Heroku0T" ruby[["mixlib-cli-1.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"mixlib-cliU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.0u: Time "@A simple mixin for CLI interfaces, including option parsingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" Opscode" Inc."0T" ruby[["zentest-goodies-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"zentest-goodiesU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time $&"#Goodies for ZenTest (autotest)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.7.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.7.0; "hoe; @);F00["Jose Peleteiro"At the moment this package contains only a Gnome Notification but the intention is to have a collection of goodies for ZenTest (@autotest@). h2. Requirements0T" ruby[["symboltable-1.0.0u;T[" 1.4.0i"symboltableU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time "!A Symbols-only Hash for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Michael Jackson"!A Symbols-only Hash for Ruby0T" ruby[["rubot-0.2u;[" 1.4.0i" rubotU:Gem::Version["0.2u: Time " A Ruby Bot framwork for IRCU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Chris Thorn"MA Ruby Bot framwork for IRC featuring reloadable commands and listeners.0T" ruby[["rocksteady-0.8.0u; [" 1.4.0i"rocksteadyU:Gem::Version[" 0.8.0u: Time "HRun arbitrary scenarios across disparate sets of git repo revisionsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" ruport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.0; "mojombo-grit; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @3;F00["Bruce Williams"HRun arbitrary scenarios across disparate sets of git repo revisions0T" ruby[["rails_currency-1.2u;|[" 1.4.0i"rails_currencyU:Gem::Version["1.2u: Time "*Real time currency converter for rubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Naveen Joshi"?A ruby lib to real time convert among different currencies0T" ruby[["has_one_autocreate-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"has_one_autocreateU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time el"?Automatic creation and building for has_one relationships.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Elijah Miller"?Automatic creation and building for has_one relationships.0T" ruby[["jettr-0.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i" jettrU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time %"Use Jetty from JRuby.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.1: @name"configatron:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " thor; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.4; " log4r; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.3.5; "activesupport; @=;F00["Ryan Heimbuch"0T" ruby[["*fishman-eventmachine_httpserver-0.2.2u;[" 1.4.0i"$fishman-eventmachine_httpserverU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.2u: Time "EventMachine HTTP ServerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Francis Cianfrocca"0T" ruby[["s3file-0.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i" s3fileU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time E"+Use s3cmd to interact with Amazon's S3U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.1: @name" open4:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" glen"hUse methods similar to the File class of Ruby to interact with the S3 objects of your Amazon bucket0T" ruby[["legalese-0.0.1u;~[" 1.4.0i" legaleseU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time o".parser and grammar for german legal textsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" yard:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "thoughtbot-shoulda; @);F00["Levin Alexander"0T" ruby[["DrQueueRubyBindings-0.4.1u;[" 1.4.0i"DrQueueRubyBindingsU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.1u: Time "7Ruby extension library providing an API to DrQueueU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Andreas Schroeder"This gem is a Ruby extension library providing an API to DrQueue, the open source render queue. Git, SWIG and SCons are required for building. See https://ssl.drqueue.org/redmine/projects/drqueue/wiki/RubyBindingsHowto for more information.0T" ruby[["(capistrano_auto_multi_install-1.0.6u;[" 1.4.0i""capistrano_auto_multi_installU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.6u: Time "9A set of tasks helping you to deploy with capistranoU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" yamler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " i18n; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0; "capistrano; @3;F00["Stefano Grioni"0T" ruby[["KindDom-0.9.0u;[" 1.4.0i" KindDomU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.0u: Time "_Gracefully use XML content with node-type neutrality, content closure & default valuesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.2: @name"object_proxy:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["; "libxml-ruby; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.2; "activesupport; @3;F00["Mars Hall"0T" ruby[["brstring-3.0.2u;"[" 1.4.0i" brstringU:Gem::Version[" 3.0.2u: Time %";brstring é uma das gems que compoem o Brazilian RailsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.0: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @);F00[ "Marcos Tapajós"Celestino Gomes"Andre Kupkosvki"Vinícius Teles"Felipe Barreto"Rafael Walter"Cassio Marques";brstring é uma das gems que compoem o Brazilian Rails0T" ruby[["rd_searchlogic-3.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"rd_searchlogicU:Gem::Version[" 3.0.1u: Time "RSearchlogic makes using ActiveRecord named scopes easier and less repetitive.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.0: @name"activerecord:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" Ben Johnson of Binary Logic"Roman Smirnov of RailsDog"RSearchlogic makes using ActiveRecord named scopes easier and less repetitive.0T" ruby[["print-links-0.1.0u;v[" 1.4.0i"print-linksU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time Eh"$Print http links at a given URLU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Chris Blackburn"2Print formatted http links for the passed URL0T" ruby[["phprpc-3.0.5u;[" 1.4.0i" phprpcU:Gem::Version[" 3.0.5u: Time $I"PHPRPC is a Remote Procedure Calling protocol that works over the Internet. It is secure and fast. It has a smaller overhead. It is powerful and easy to use. This project is the client and server implementations of the PHPRPC for Ruby.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["MA Bingyao ( andot )"0T" ruby[["firewatir-1.7.1u;^[" 1.4.0i"firewatirU:Gem::Version[" 1.7.1u: Time %"GAutomated testing tool for web applications using Firefox browser.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 2.3.9: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.7.1; "commonwatir; @);F00["Angrez Singh" FireWatir stands for "Web Application Testing in Ruby for Firefox". FireWatir (pronounced firewater) is a free, open-source functional testing tool for automating browser-based tests of web applications. It works with applications written in any language. FireWatir drives the Firefox browser the same way an end user would. It clicks links, fills in forms, presses buttons. FireWatir also checks results, such as whether expected text appears on the page, or whether a control is enabled. FireWatir is a Ruby library that works with Firefox on Windows. It also works on Linux, Mac but without support for JavaScript popups (currently support will be there shortly). 0T" ruby[["$radiant-layouts-extension-1.1.3u;[" 1.4.0i"radiant-layouts-extensionU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.3u: Time "bExtends Radiant Layouts to support nesting, sharing with Rails Controllers and rendering HAMLU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.2: @name"rspec-rails:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.5; " cucumber; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.2; "cucumber-rails; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.1; " radiant; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0; " rspec; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.3; "database_cleaner; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.10.3; "ruby-debug; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.10.3; " webrat; @e;F00[ "Michael Klett" Jim Gay"William Ross"Tony Issakov"Dirk Kelly"bExtends Radiant Layouts to support nesting, sharing with Rails Controllers and rendering HAML0T" ruby[["property-2.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i" propertyU:Gem::Version[" 2.1.2u: Time e"8model properties wrap into a single database columnU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"activerecord:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @);F00["Renaud Kern"Gaspard Bucher"fWrap model properties into a single database column and declare properties from within the model.0T" ruby[["fingerrails-0.1.2u;"[" 1.4.0i"fingerrailsU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time Eh">A self contained version of the Fingertips Rails templateU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Manfred Stienstra"Eloy Duran">A self contained version of the Fingertips Rails template0T" ruby[["acts_as_commentable-3.0.1u;)[" 1.4.0i"acts_as_commentableU:Gem::Version[" 3.0.1u: Time "3Plugin/gem that provides comment functionalityU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[ "Cosmin Radoi"Jack Dempsey" Xelipe"Chris Eppstein"3Plugin/gem that provides comment functionality0T" ruby[["aunderwo-gdata4ruby-0.1.6u;[" 1.4.0i"aunderwo-gdata4rubyU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.6u: Time "JA full featured wrapper for interacting with the base Google Data APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Mike Reich"Anthony Underwood"0T" ruby[["webget_ruby_unaccent-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"webget_ruby_unaccentU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time %"FWebGet Ruby Gem: Unaccent to replace a string's accent charactersU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" WebGet"0T" ruby[["rubytter-1.4.2u;[" 1.4.0i" rubytterU:Gem::Version[" 1.4.2u: Time E"Simple twitter client.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.3; " json; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.6; " oauth; @3;F00[" jugyo")Rubytter is a simple twitter client.0T" ruby[["robot_rules-0.9.3u;[" 1.4.0i"robot_rulesU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.3u: Time "qA tool to determine if the robots.txt would prevent a given user agent from making a request to a given URI.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.2: @name"addressable:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["James Edward Gray II"Jeremy Friesen"Edgar Gonzalez"0T" ruby[["deputy-0.1.46u;4[" 1.4.0i" deputyU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.46u: Time "Report to the sheriffU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"SystemTimer:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Michael Grosser"0T" ruby[["wristband-1.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"wristbandU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2u: Time %"An authentication engineU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.25: @name" haml:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; "formatted_form; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.3; " rails; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 3.0.3; " rails; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " jeweler; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 3.0.25; " haml; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.0.0; "formatted_form; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " sqlite3; @e;F00["Jack Neto"The Working Group Inc"6Provides a starting point for user authentication0T" ruby[["correlate-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"correlateU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time m"EHelp correlate individual documents in a No/Less-SQL environmentU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.2; "activerecord; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.33; "couchrest; @=;F00["Kenneth Kalmer"0T" ruby[["frivol-0.1.7u;[" 1.4.0i" frivolU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.7u: Time "*Simple Redis backed temporary storageU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.11.1: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.10; " redis; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.0; " json; @3;F00["Marc Heiligers"qSimple Redis backed temporary storage intended primarily for use with ActiveRecord models to provide caching0T" ruby[["ggeocode-0.0.3u;|[" 1.4.0i" ggeocodeU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time e" ggeocodeU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.9: @name"yajl-ruby:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.0; "map; @);F00["Ara T. Howard"(description: ggeocode kicks the ass0T" ruby[["tranexp-1.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" tranexpU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time "?Uses tranexp.com to perform translations between languagesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.5: @name"mechanize:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Dr Nic Williams"?Uses tranexp.com to perform translations between languages0T" ruby[["forker-1.0.1u;a[" 1.4.0i" forkerU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time d"(Fork your ruby code with confidenceU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["1.2: @name"SystemTimer:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Ben Marini"(Fork your ruby code with confidence0T" ruby[["arsecurity-0.1.3u;:[" 1.4.0i"arsecurityU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time W"*A security component for ActiverecordU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.0: @name"rinterceptor:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" Leon Li" A security component for Activerecord, it can manage CRUD permissions with attribute level by configuration, you can implement RBAC easily with it. It depend on the AOP framework Rinter(Rinterceptor) and the OO query tool Rquerypad(Optinal) 0T" ruby[["dcu-devise-1.0.7u;[" 1.4.0i"dcu-deviseU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.7u: Time ė";Flexible authentication solution for Rails with WardenU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.10.3: @name" warden:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["José Valim"Carlos Antônio";Flexible authentication solution for Rails with Warden0T" ruby[[""moneypools-rake_helpers-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"moneypools-rake_helpersU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time k"Some rake extrasU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["moneypools"0T" ruby[["--1u;[" 1.4.0i"-U:Gem::Version["1u: Time D"ace is the highest cardU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Ace Johnson"10T" ruby[["rspec-cleverbacktrace-0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"rspec-cleverbacktraceU:Gem::Version["0.1u: Time "4A backtrace tweaker too clever for its own goodU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Judson Lester" The default backtrace handling for rspec is ... okay. It would be nice if you could find the source of exceptions during test runs without having to see *all* the backtraces, right? That's what this thing is for: it compacts backtraces, skims out things that should be ignored (and respects ignore_patterns), then trims filenames and contracts repetition into a legible format. 0T" ruby[["prune-0.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i" pruneU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time "7Prune is a library to build pdf documents in Ruby.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4; "rubyforge; @);F00[" tomojiri"7Prune is a library to build pdf documents in Ruby.0T" ruby[["acts_as_ferret-0.5.2u;[" 1.4.0i"acts_as_ferretU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.2u: Time $"Nacts_as_ferret - Ferret based full text search for any ActiveRecord modelU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.11.8: @name"jk-ferret:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["3.0; " rails; @);F00["Jens Kraemer"ZRails plugin that adds powerful full text search capabilities to ActiveRecord models.0T" ruby[["autoproj-1.7.5u;[" 1.4.0i" autoprojU:Gem::Version[" 1.7.5u: Time %":Easy installation and management of robotics softwareU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.0: @name" highline:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.4.0; " rdoc; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; " rmail; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.9; " webgen; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.3; " utilrb; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.33; "autobuild; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.8.0; "hoe; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.3; " nokogiri; @e;F00["Sylvain Joyeux"%What is Autoproj ---------------- Autoproj allows to easily install and maintain software that is under source code form (usually from a version control system). It has been designed to support a package-oriented development process, where each package can have its own version control repository (think "distributed version control"). It also provides an easy integration of the local operating system (Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, maybe MacOSX at some point). This tool has been developped in the frame of the RubyInMotion project (http://sites.google.com/site/rubyinmotion), to install robotics-related software -- that is often bleeding edge. Unlike [the ROS build system](http://ros.org), it is not bound to one build system, one VCS and one integration framework. The philosophy behind autoproj is: * supports both CMake and autotools, and can be adapted to other tools * supports different VCS: cvs, svn, git, plain tarballs. * software packages are plain packages, meaning that they can be built and installed /outside/ an autoproj tree, and are not tied *at all* to the autoproj build system. * leverage the actual OS package management system. Right now, only Debian-like systems (like Ubuntu) are supported, simply because it is the only one I have access to. * handle code generation properly0T" ruby[["check_slony-0.0.6u;^[" 1.4.0i"check_slonyU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.6u: Time %"(This is an check plugin for Nagios.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.8.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" kakikubo"(This is an check plugin for Nagios.0T" ruby[["guuby-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" guubyU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "/a couple of utilities for www.goofymob.comU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.6: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.4; " duration; @);F00[" ajax"/a couple of utilities for www.goofymob.com0T" ruby[["jetty-;f[" 1.4.0i" jettyU:Gem::Version[" Time Z"A gem packaging of the {Jetty Web Server}[http://www.mortbay.org/jetty/] for JRuby: * Provides jetty, jetty-util, servlet-api, and jetty-rewrite-handler jarsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.12.2: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["; " logback; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["; " logback; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.12.2; "hoe; @=;F00["David Kellum" A gem packaging of the {Jetty Web Server}[http://www.mortbay.org/jetty/] for JRuby: * Provides jetty, jetty-util, servlet-api, and jetty-rewrite-handler \ jars. * A Jetty::ServerFactory for simple programmatic server setup in ruby. * A set of Jetty::TestServlets containing a SnoopServlet and PerfTestServlet (implemented in Java). * A jetty-service bin script for easy testing from the command line. Note that JSP support is provided separately in the companion jetty-jsp[http://rjack.rubyforge.org/jetty-jsp/] gem.0T" ruby[["pirate-0.1.3u;9[" 1.4.0i" pirateU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time "(Custom search function for 58PhasesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.5: @name" amatch:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.4.27; "searchlogic; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "actionpack; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.2; " jeweler; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.4.27; "searchlogic; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.3.0; " rspec; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.2.5; " amatch; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "activesupport; @y;F00["David Hsu"(Custom search function for 58Phases0T" ruby[["amqp-0.7.0u;[" 1.4.0i" amqpU:Gem::Version[" 0.7.0u: Time E"5AMQP client implementation in Ruby/EventMachine.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.12.4: @name"eventmachine:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Aman Gupta" Jakub Stastny aka botanicus"tAn implementation of the AMQP protocol in Ruby/EventMachine for writing clients to the RabbitMQ message broker.0T" ruby[["jonnii-yelp-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"jonnii-yelpU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.1: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Josh Nichols" The yelp rubygem provides a Ruby object-oriented interface to the Yelp REST API described in detail at: http://www.yelp.com/developers/getting_started0T" ruby[["sinatra-pages-1.5.3u;~[" 1.4.0i"sinatra-pagesU:Gem::Version[" 1.5.3u: Time "4A Sinatra extension for static pages rendering.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.6: @name"rack-test:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.21; " haml; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.0; " tilt; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; " sinatra; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0; " rspec; @G;F00["Julio Javier Cicchelli"Y A Sinatra extension for static pages rendering using the HAML rendering engine. 0T" ruby[["screen_share-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"screen_shareU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time d"*Simple screen sharing for conferencesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;["1.0: @name" sinatra:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.18; " haml; @);F00["Jordan Byron"- Simple screen sharing for conferences 0T" ruby[["rdbi-driver-mock-0.9.1u;q[" 1.4.0i"rdbi-driver-mockU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.1u: Time E"+Mock Driver for RDBI, used for testingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"test-unit:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Erik Hollensbe"+Mock Driver for RDBI, used for testing0T" ruby[["pilha-0.1.9u;[" 1.4.0i" pilhaU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.9u: Time E"KA ruby wrapper to the Stack Exchange (Stack Overflow and friends) API.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Dalto Curvelano Junior"KA ruby wrapper to the Stack Exchange (Stack Overflow and friends) API.0T" ruby[["virtop-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" virtopU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time %",The top for virtual machines (libvirt).U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" @name" ncursesw:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.0; "ruby-libvirt; @);F00["henning mueller"bvirtop provides an overview of virtual machines runned with a solution abstracted by libvirt.0T" ruby[["redish-0.0.1u;|[" 1.4.0i" redishU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time e"Redis command-line shellU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.2; " redis; @);F00["Filip Tepper"Redis command-line shell0T" ruby[["ohac-ditz-0.5.2u;a[" 1.4.0i"ohac-ditzU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.2u: Time "A simple issue tracker designed to integrate well with distributed version control systems like git and darcs. State is saved to a YAML file kept under version control, allowing issues to be closed/added/modified as part of a commit.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0.3: @name"yaml_waml:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.9; " trollop; @);F00["OHASHI Hideya"#Ditz is a simple, light-weight distributed issue tracker designed to work with distributed version control systems like git, darcs, Mercurial, and Bazaar. It can also be used with centralized systems like SVN. Ditz maintains an issue database directory on disk, with files written in a line-based and human-editable format. This directory can be kept under version control, alongside project code. Ditz provides a simple, console-based interface for creating and updating the issue database files, and some basic static HTML generation capabilities for producing world-readable status pages (for a demo, see the ditz ditz page). Ditz includes a robust plugin system for adding commands, model fields, and modifying output. See PLUGINS.txt for documentation on the pre-shipped plugins. Ditz currently offers no central public method of bug submission. == USING DITZ There are several different ways to use Ditz: 1. Treat issue change the same as code change: include it as part of commits, and merge it with changes from other developers, resolving conflicts in the usual manner. 2. Keep the issue database in the repository but in a separate branch. Issue changes can be managed by your VCS, but is not tied directly to code commits. 3. Keep the issue database separate and not under VCS at all.0T" ruby[["qui-common-helpers-0.0.8u;[" 1.4.0i"qui-common-helpersU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.8u: Time d"0qUI: some common helpers used by other gemsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Marcin Lewandowski"0qUI: some common helpers used by other gems0T" ruby[["jaws-0.6.0u; [" 1.4.0i" jawsU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.0u: Time d"Just Another Web ServerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0: @name" rack:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.1.3; "http_parser; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @3;F00["Graham Batty"A Ruby web server designed to have a predictable and simple concurrency model, and to be capable of running in a pure-ruby environment.0T" ruby[["king_dtaus-1.0.0u;W[" 1.4.0i"king_dtausU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time "%Generate DTAUS strings and filesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Georg Leciejewski"Georg Ledermann"DTAUS is a text-based format, to create bank transfers for german banks. This gem helps with the creation of those transfer files.0T" ruby[["kontrol-0.3.3u;[" 1.4.0i" kontrolU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.3u: Time "a micro frameworkU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Matthias Georgi"0Small web framework running on top of rack.0T" ruby[["chatterbox-email-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"chatterbox-emailU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time d"Send emails via chatterboxU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"spicycode-micronaut:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Rob Sanheim"ISend emails via chatterbox - see chatterbox main project for details0T" ruby[["assert_valid_html-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"assert_valid_htmlU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time e">Check HTML validity without using an external web serviceU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Paul Battley"0T" ruby[["book-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" bookU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time %" StubU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Paper Cavalier" Stub0T" ruby[["howlr-;m[" 1.4.0i" howlrU:Gem::Version[" Time ">Daemon for sending out messages/emails via a RESTful API.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" @name" picnic:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.1; "gemcutter; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.3; "rubyforge; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.5.0; "hoe; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "actionmailer; @G;F00["Matt Zukowski">Daemon for sending out messages/emails via a RESTful API.0T" ruby[["simple_mailer-1.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"simple_mailerU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.1u: Time o".Simple email library with testing supportU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jeremy Evans"0T" ruby[["redisk-0.2.2u;0[" 1.4.0i" rediskU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.2u: Time "9An interface to Redis that mimic's Ruby's IO classesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.0; "redis-namespace; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.1; " redis; @3;F00["Aaron Quint"yRedisk includes Redisk::IO which is ~ Ruby's stdlib IO. It can be used with stdlib's Logger to log directly to redis0T" ruby[["agilelamp-driver-0.1.5u;[" 1.4.0i"agilelamp-driverU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.5u: Time "'Userland driver for USB Agile LampU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Joseph Method"'Userland driver for USB Agile Lamp0T" ruby[[" ghazel-rpm_contrib-;[" 1.4.0i"ghazel-rpm_contribU:Gem::Version[" Time "2Contributed Instrumentation for New Relic RPMU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.13.1: @name"newrelic_rpm:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Bill Kayser"{Community contributed instrumentation for various frameworks based on the New Relic Ruby monitoring gem newrelic_rpm. 0T" ruby[["mtik-3.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i" mtikU:Gem::Version[" 3.1.2u: Time e"?MTik implements the MikroTik RouterOS API for use in Ruby.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Aaron D. Gifford"?MTik implements the MikroTik RouterOS API for use in Ruby.0T" ruby[["liangzan-comma-0.3.1u;[" 1.4.0i"liangzan-commaU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.1u: Time m"3Ruby Comma Seperated Values generation libraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.2.2; "activesupport; @);F00["Marcus Crafter"3Ruby Comma Seperated Values generation library0T" ruby[["chinook-0.0.0u;K[" 1.4.0i" chinookU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.0u: Time "WIPU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" parka:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @);F00["Bryan Goines"WIP0T" ruby[["gambit-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i" gambitU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time da"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["James Edward Gray II"Gambit is a pure Ruby framework for building Web games. Gambit can manage player accounts and game hosting and ships with a wide assortment of game design tools. With Gambit, developers can write the game specific code and launch.0T" ruby[["tinder-1.4.3u;[" 1.4.0i" tinderU:Gem::Version[" 1.4.3u: Time "&Ruby wrapper for the Campfire APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" fakeweb:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "eventmachine; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "twitter-stream; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "mime-types; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "multipart-post; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.5.1; " faraday; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "activesupport; @e;F00["Brandon Keepers"NA Ruby API for interfacing with Campfire, the 37Signals chat application.0T" ruby[["spruz-0.2.2u;[" 1.4.0i" spruzU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.2u: Time E"Useful stuff.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Florian Frank"AAll the stuff that isn't good/big enough for a real library.0T" ruby[["cubrid-0.64u;[" 1.4.0i" cubridU:Gem::Version[" 0.64u: Time "(CUBRID Database API Module for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["NHN"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.9.9: @name" mocha:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.7.8; "yajl-ruby; @);F00["Zach Holman"God it's about every day where I think to myself, gadzooks, I keep typing *REPETITIVE_BORING_TASK* over and over. Wouldn't it be great if I had something like boom to store all these commonly-used text snippets for me? Then I realized that was a worthless idea since boom hadn't been created yet and I had no idea what that statement meant. At some point I found the code for boom in a dark alleyway and released it under my own name because I wanted to look smart.0T" ruby[["cuts-1.0.0u;5[" 1.4.0i" cutsU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time X"8Cuts is an expiremental implementation of cut-basedU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["%tigerops-community@rubyforge.org"[Cuts is an expiremental implementation of cut-based AOP for Ruby written in pure Ruby.0T" ruby[["tlattr_accessors-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"tlattr_accessorsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time DI",thread-local accessors for your classesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Maximilian Schöfmann",thread-local accessors for your classes0T" ruby[["skating-system-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"skating-systemU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "-Dancesport skating system implementationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Wildfalcon"@Convert judges scores from a dance-competition into results0T" ruby[["primer-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" primerU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time %"0Intelligent caching, no observers necessaryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" tilt:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.1.0; " sinatra; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " sqlite3; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.1.1; " redis; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.6.7; " amqp; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "activerecord; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0.5; " faye; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "actionpack; @o;F00["James Coglan"0T" ruby[["detect_browser_os-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"detect_browser_osU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "Xadd css classes to your markup based on the end users browser and operating system.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Ryan Sonnek"Xadd css classes to your markup based on the end users browser and operating system.0T" ruby[["kenshoo-0.1.7u; [" 1.4.0i" kenshooU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.7u: Time ">Append Kenshoo tracking id after the given affiliate linkU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["David Hsu">Append Kenshoo tracking id after the given affiliate link0T" ruby[["multi_auth-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"multi_authU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time "9This Rails plugin provides basic login fanctionalityU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"!okkez-open_id_authentication:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "validates_email_format_of; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "nayutaya-active-form; @3;F00[" okkez" nayutaya"0T" ruby[["rcstorable-0.4.0u;[" 1.4.0i"rcstorableU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.0u: Time d"2Ruby C implementation of perl Storable's thawU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Burke Libbey"=Super-fast Ruby C implementation of perl Storable's thaw0T" ruby[["peterc-sanitize-1.0.8u;A[" 1.4.0i"peterc-sanitizeU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.8u: Time d"$Whitelist-based HTML sanitizer.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.8.1: @name" hpricot:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Ryan Grove"0T" ruby[["jruby-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" jrubyU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time $"SJRuby is an implementation of the Ruby language atop the Java virtual machine.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.7.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.7.0; "hoe; @);F00["Charles Oliver Nutter"SJRuby is an implementation of the Ruby language atop the Java virtual machine.0T" ruby[["uploadcolumn-0.3.2u;l[" 1.4.0i"uploadcolumnU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.2u: Time "8Enables easy uploading of files, especially images.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Dave Hrycyszyn"Jonas Nicklas"Sebastian Kanthak"zUploadColumn is a gem/plugin for the Ruby on Rails framework that enables easy uploading of files, especially images.0T" ruby[["toamqp-0.3.1u;[" 1.4.0i" toamqpU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.1u: Time ")Allows thrift RPC via an AMQP brokerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" flexmock:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " metaid; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.6.0; " bunny; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @=;F00["Kaspar Schiess"Transports thrift RPC calls via an AMQP broker. This is really the ruby way of using a message broker – enterprise class messaging combined with simple setup and DRY code.0T" ruby[["ruby-plsql-0.4.4u;[" 1.4.0i"ruby-plsqlU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.4u: Time "3Ruby API for calling Oracle PL/SQL procedures.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.3.1: @name")activerecord-oracle_enhanced-adapter:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.3.8; "activerecord; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.3.0; " rspec; @3;F00["Raimonds Simanovskis"ruby-plsql gem provides simple Ruby API for calling Oracle PL/SQL procedures. It could be used both for accessing Oracle PL/SQL API procedures in legacy applications as well as it could be used to create PL/SQL unit tests using Ruby testing libraries. 0T" ruby[[" rage-0.2u;[" 1.4.0i" rageU:Gem::Version["0.2u: Time "$The Ruby Advanced Gaming EngineU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.3.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.4.1; " rxsd; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.1.1; " rubysdl; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.60.1; "ruby-opengl; @=;F00["Mohammed Morsi"$The Ruby Advanced Gaming Engine0T" ruby[["capushka-0.0.2u;f[" 1.4.0i" capushkaU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time E"]Combines Babushka with Capistrano to allow you to run Babushka deps inside your recipes.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.8.7: @name" rake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.0.0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.5.1; "capistrano; @3;F00["Ivan Vanderbyl"Combines Babushka with Capistrano to allow you to run Babushka deps inside your recipes. See https://github.com/ivanvanderbyl/capushka0T" ruby[["blanket-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" blanketU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time E"{Blanket is a flexible backup framework designed to get the drudgery out of the way and to make automated backups easy.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.0["=U;[" 2.0.0["=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.2: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Fabio Rehm"AutotestForPHP is based off of ZenTest autotest which is a popular Ruby tool for running tests as soon as files get changed: * http://www.zenspider.com/ZSS/Products/ZenTest/ Code for displaying notifications is based on Carlos Brando autotest-notification gem: * http://github.com/carlosbrando/autotest-notification The tool was written on Ruby but you don't need to be a Ruby programmer in order to use it, just make sure you have Ruby and RubyGems installed: * http://www.ruby-lang.org * http://rubygems.org/read/chapter/30T" ruby[["twtr-0.1.4u;[" 1.4.0i" twtrU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time $"Atwtr is a twitter client for Linux, OSX and Windows Console.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0: @name" highline:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Ryota Maruko"Atwtr is a twitter client for Linux, OSX and Windows Console.0T" ruby[["rep.jquery-1.4.3u;[" 1.4.0i"rep.jqueryU:Gem::Version[" 1.4.3u: Time "9Hyperstudio bundle containing 3rd-party jQuery toolsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.2.0: @name"repertoire-assets:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Christopher York"9Hyperstudio bundle containing 3rd-party jQuery tools0T" ruby[["profanalyzer-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"profanalyzerU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time Č"XAnalyzes a block of text for profanity. It is able to filter profane words as well.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.2: @name"rubyforge:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.1; "gemcutter; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.5.0; "hoe; @3;F00["Michael J. Edgar"0T" ruby[["gembox-0.2.3u;[" 1.4.0i" gemboxU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.3u: Time "CA sinatra based interface for browsing and admiring your gems.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 2.3.7: @name"will_paginate:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.0.9; " haml; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.2.2; "activesupport; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.4.3; " rdoc; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.1.0; " vegas; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.0; " sinatra; @Q;F00["Aaron Quint"CA sinatra based interface for browsing and admiring your gems.0T" ruby[["audited_change_set-0.0.4u; [" 1.4.0i"audited_change_setU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time d"#change_set for acts_as_auditedU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.1: @name"acts_as_audited:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.5; "sqlite3-ruby; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["2.0.0.beta.8; " rspec; @3;F00[ "David Chelimsky"Brian Tatnall"Nate Jackson"Corey Haines"#change_set for acts_as_audited0T" ruby[["kasket-0.9.1u;[" 1.4.0i" kasketU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.1u: Time "0A write back caching layer on active recordU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 2.3.4: @name"activerecord:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "sqlite3-ruby; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.3.0; " temping; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mocha; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " bundler; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @[;F00["Mick Staugaard"Eric Chapweske"puts a cap on your queries0T" ruby[["featherdust-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"featherdustU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time e."WFeatherdust is a simple Twitter gem that grabs and parses data via the Twitter APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0: @name" nokogiri:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.2; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.2; "hoe; @3;F00["Michael Tierney"Featherdust is a simple Twitter gem that grabs and parses data via the Twitter API. NOTE: This gem does not (and will not) support posting to twitter, adding/removing followers, etc. This is a data grabber only. If you want more interaction with Twitter, check out the Twitter gem (http://twitter.rubyforge.com) or Twitter4R (http://twitter4r.rubyforge.com). If you have questions (or suggestions), please feel free to shoot them off to mike [at] panpainter [dot] com and I'll be happy to help.0T" ruby[["insightful-;[" 1.4.0i"insightfulU:Gem::Version[" Time ".Insightful: DRY, SEO-friendly Rails ViewsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Lance Pollard""DRY, SEO-friendly Rails Views0T" ruby[["wadl-0.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i" wadlU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time D">Ruby client for the Web Application Description Language.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"mime-types:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rest-open-uri; @);F00["Leonard Richardson"Jens Wille">Ruby client for the Web Application Description Language.0T" ruby[["foreverman-ar_mailer-2.1.9u;m[" 1.4.0i"foreverman-ar_mailerU:Gem::Version[" 2.1.9u: Time "0A two-phase delivery agent for ActionMailerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.0: @name" minitest:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.8; " mocha; @);F00["Eric Hodel"Adam Meehan"Even delivering email to the local machine may take too long when you have to send hundreds of messages. ar_mailer allows you to store messages into the database for later delivery by a separate process, ar_sendmail.0T" ruby[[""nested_restful_scaffold-0.1.0u;w[" 1.4.0i"nested_restful_scaffoldU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time $b"jNestedRestfulScaffold allows you to generate controller, views, model and routes of nested resources.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Mahmoud Khaled"jNestedRestfulScaffold allows you to generate controller, views, model and routes of nested resources.0T" ruby[["azebiki-0.0.2u;.[" 1.4.0i" azebikiU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time "A DSL for validating HTMLU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" webrat:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Eric Allam"0T" ruby[["session-view-helper-0.2.2u;[" 1.4.0i"session-view-helperU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.2u: Time "pA simple view helper to print out the session hash at the bottom of your website whilst in development modeU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" phonk64"pA simple view helper to print out the session hash at the bottom of your website whilst in development mode0T" ruby[["katsuya-rcov-;[" 1.4.0i"katsuya-rcovU:Gem::Version[" Time o")Code coverage analysis tool for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[ "Relevance"Chad Humphries (spicycode)"Aaron Bedra (abedra)"Jay McGaffigan"Mauricio Fernandez"rcov is a code coverage tool for Ruby. It is commonly used for viewing overall test unit coverage of target code. It features fast execution (20-300 times faster than previous tools), multiple analysis modes, XHTML and several kinds of text reports, easy automation with Rake via a RcovTask, fairly accurate coverage information through code linkage inference using simple heuristics, colorblind-friendliness...0T" ruby[["auto_hash-0.3.1u; [" 1.4.0i"auto_hashU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.1u: Time ĝ"{A Ruby on Rails plugin to automate hashing an activerecord field using bcrypt; an activerecord wrapper for bcrypt-rubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"bcrypt-ruby:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Kevin Swope"{A Ruby on Rails plugin to automate hashing an activerecord field using bcrypt; an activerecord wrapper for bcrypt-ruby0T" ruby[["appfactory-0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"appfactoryU:Gem::Version["0.1u: Time %l"$Mac OS X StatusBar App Builder!U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.3: @name" choice:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0.7; " bundler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.3; "hoe; @3;F00["Sergio Rubio"7Easily create Status Bar Applications for Mac OS X0T" ruby[["rspec_tag_matchers-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"rspec_tag_matchersU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time j"?Implementation of have_tag() RSpec matcher using Nokogiri.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.0: @name" nokogiri:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.6; "rspec-rails; @);F00["Kyle Hargraves"d rspec_tag_matchers provides an implementation of rspec_on_rails' have_tag() matcher which does not depend on Rails' assert_select(). Using Nokogiri instead, the matcher is available to non-Rails projects, and enjoys the full flexibility of Nokogiri's advanced and blazing fast CSS and XPath selector support. Forked from rspec_hpricot_matchers. 0T" ruby[["ragi-1.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" ragiU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time En"`RAGI allows you to create useful telephony applications using Asterisk and Ruby [on Rails].U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Joe Heitzeberg"RAGI allows you to create useful telephony applications using Asterisk and Ruby [on Rails]. Please see the included README file for more information0T" ruby[["iniparse-1.1.4u;U[" 1.4.0i" iniparseU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.4u: Time $"3A pure Ruby library for parsing INI documents.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["2.0.0.beta.20: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Anthony Williams"0T" ruby[["as3signals-0.7.1u;l[" 1.4.0i"as3signalsU:Gem::Version[" 0.7.1u: Time $"]AS3-Signals wrapped in a Sprout::Specification for implementation into a sprout project.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" asunit4:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.0.0.pre; " flashsdk; @);F00["Robert Penner"Amos Lanka"AS3-Signals wrapped in a Sprout::Specification for implementation into a sprout project. Signals is a new approach for AS3 events, inspired by C# events and signals/slots in Qt.0T" ruby[["fluxx_engine-0.0.20u;O[" 1.4.0i"fluxx_engineU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.20u: Time "Fluxx EngineU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" liquid:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " compass; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.2.0; " aasm; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.2; "acts_as_audited_rails3; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.7; " thin; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.1; " jsmin; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.3.7; " capybara; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.1; "thinking-sphinx; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.1; " faker; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.1.0; "formtastic; @~;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.pre2; "will_paginate; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["3; " haml; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 3.0.3; " rails; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "sqlite3-ruby; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.6; "machinist; @;F00["Eric Hansen"0T" ruby[["detabulator-0.1.0u; [" 1.4.0i"detabulatorU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time $":Extract columnar data from tabulated fixed-width textU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Paul Battley":Extract columnar data from tabulated fixed-width text0T" ruby[["advanced_errors-1.1.0u; [" 1.4.0i"advanced_errorsU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.0u: Time e"V[Rails] Extentions to ActiveRecord's error handling features which I find useful.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"activerecord:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Mark Catley"Disabling the rendering of the attribute name for errors by the error_messages_for helper. Simply place a caret as the first character in the message.0T" ruby[["acts_as_label-1.0.2u;@[" 1.4.0i"acts_as_labelU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2u: Time "/Gem version of acts_as_label Rails plugin.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.4: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.4; "activerecord; @);F00["Coroutine"John Dugan"This acts_as extension implements a system label and a friendly label on a class and centralizes the logic for performing validations and accessing items by system label.0T" ruby[["render_radiant-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"render_radiantU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time E"?ActionController overrides for using Radiant for renderingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 2.3.8: @name"actionpack:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Chase James"uRenderRadiant allows you to send variables and other settings declared in your action to be rendered in Radiant.0T" ruby[["markup_validity-1.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"markup_validityU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.0u: Time \"dMarkupValidity provides test/unit and rspec helpers for checking the validity of your documentsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.2: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.2; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.1; " nokogiri; @3;F00["Aaron Patterson"-MarkupValidity provides test/unit and rspec helpers for checking the validity of your documents. Shortcuts for verifying xhtml-transitional and xhtml-strict documents are provided as well. MarkupValidity will not only tell you when your document is invalid, but it will tell you what it *should* be.0T" ruby[["bookingstudio-ruby-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"bookingstudio-rubyU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time %"7ruby interface to the Bookingstudio SOAP InterfaceU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" soap4r:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Andi Bade"Dirk Breuer"Dominik Ehret"7ruby interface to the Bookingstudio SOAP Interface0T" ruby[["gbuesing-toadhopper-0.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i"gbuesing-toadhopperU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time "(Post error notifications to HoptoadU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Geoff Buesing"OFork of toolmantim-toadhopper, with Haml and Nokogiri dependencies removed0T" ruby[["msleep-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" msleepU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time $["Pause for N milliseconds.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["winebarrel"0T" ruby[["ip_address_simple-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"ip_address_simpleU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time "+Simple IP address manipulation libraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Andre Ben Hamou"0T" ruby[["task-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" taskU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "ECommand line program to keep track of time invested in projects.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0: @name"simpleconsole:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Michel Martens"ECommand line program to keep track of time invested in projects.0T" ruby[["svn-transform-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"svn-transformU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time Eh"@Copy Subversion repository, with the ability to alter filesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"spicycode-micronaut:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.3.0; "svn-fixture; @);F00["Jared Morgan"OGiven a Subversion repository, svn-transform creates a new repo that is by default identical, but allows changes to files, for example all or some of the properties on each file can be moved from the properties to YAML prepended to the body of the file. Primarily useful prior to conversions to other repository types such as git. 0T" ruby[["revolt-0.8.6u;[" 1.4.0i" revoltU:Gem::Version[" 0.8.6u: Time *"BLibrary for managing Re-Volt game, and some Commandline toolsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Arto Jalkanen"0T" ruby[["plastic-0.2.2u;C[" 1.4.0i" plasticU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.2u: Time $""Credit card library for Ruby.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[ "Randy Reddig"Cameron Walters"Chris Kampmeier"Erica Kwan"Matthew O'Connor"Damon McCormick"Brian Jenkins"0Handle credit, debit, bank and other cards.0T" ruby[["json-rpc-objects-0.3.2u;[" 1.4.0i"json-rpc-objectsU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.2u: Time e"Implementation of JSON-RPC objects with respect to specifications compliance and API backward compatibility. Implements all versions of the protocol and support for ability to communicate by the same protocol version which other side uses by a transparent way.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.0: @name" types:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.2.2; "addressable; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.0; "hash-utils; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.8; "yajl-ruby; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.0; "multitype-introspection; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.2; " jeweler; @[;F00["Martin Kozák"0T" ruby[["pg_creditcard-0.2.1u;`[" 1.4.0i"pg_creditcardU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time Ū"ADependency library for handling Psigate's credit card objectU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0: @name" bundler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "creditcard; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.1; " jeweler; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @G;F00["Simon Chiu"ADependency library for handling Psigate's credit card object0T" ruby[[""delicious-api-via-oauth-0.1.0u;][" 1.4.0i"delicious-api-via-oauthU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time ">Ruby wrapper for the Delicious v2 API using the OAuth gemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" oauth:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["James Mead"0T" ruby[["yard-sinatra-0.5.1u;[" 1.4.0i"yard-sinatraU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.1u: Time ğ"SDisplays Sinatra routes (including comments) in YARD output (part of BigBand).U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.6.0; " yard; @);F00["Konstantin Haase"SDisplays Sinatra routes (including comments) in YARD output (part of BigBand).0T" ruby[["rails_jumpstart-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"rails_jumpstartU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time d"This gem was created so that you can easily defined and plugins and install the ones you use on a regular into your rails aplication.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Rahsun McAfee"This gem was created so that you can easily defined and plugins and install the ones you use on a regular into your rails aplication.0T" ruby[["bencode_blatyo-1.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"bencode_blatyoU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time E"@This gem has been renamed to bencodr. Use that one instead.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" yard:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @);F00["Allen Madsen"@This gem has been renamed to bencodr. Use that one instead.0T" ruby[["pale-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" paleU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time ĕ"Dpale is an activerecord-esque wrapper, to interface with riakpbU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4: @name"rubyforge:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.0; "hoe; @);F00["Scott Gonyea" FIX (describe your package)0T" ruby[["hector-1.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" hectorU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time "Private group chat serverU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.12.10: @name"eventmachine:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.9; " mocha; @);F00["Sam Stephenson"gA private group chat server for people you trust. Implements a limited subset of the IRC protocol.0T" ruby[["simple_oauth-0.1.4u;l[" 1.4.0i"simple_oauthU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time e"-Simply builds and verifies OAuth headersU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" mocha:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Steve Richert"-Simply builds and verifies OAuth headers0T" ruby[["oracle_enhanced-1.3.0.pre2u;S[" 1.4.0i"oracle_enhancedU:Gem::Version["1.3.0.pre2u: Time D"-Oracle enhanced adapter for ActiveRecordU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0; "activerecord; @);F00["Raimonds Simanovskis"Oracle "enhanced" ActiveRecord adapter contains useful additional methods for working with new and legacy Oracle databases. This adapter is superset of original ActiveRecord Oracle adapter. 0T" ruby[["uaenv-0.0.6u;[" 1.4.0i" uaenvU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.6u: Time E"+Simple processing of Ukrainian stringsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Anton Maminov"0T" ruby[["skelerl-0.0.5u;[" 1.4.0i" skelerlU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time $^"8The most awesomenest erlang skeleton and generator!U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Ari Lerner"Michael Fairchild"Nate Murray" Erlang skeleton application0T" ruby[["aws-s3-0.6.2u;[" 1.4.0i" aws-s3U:Gem::Version[" 0.6.2u: Time O"BClient library for Amazon's Simple Storage Service's REST APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"mime-types:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " builder; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "xml-simple; @3;F00["Marcel Molina Jr."BClient library for Amazon's Simple Storage Service's REST API0T" ruby[["dm-sqlserver-adapter-1.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"dm-sqlserver-adapterU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2u: Time "0Microsoft SQL Server Adapter for DataMapperU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["1.3: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.2; "dm-do-adapter; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.10.2; "do_sqlserver; @3;F00["Clifford Heath"0Microsoft SQL Server Adapter for DataMapper0T" ruby[["mrhyde-0.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i" mrhydeU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.0u: Time f"TMr. Hyde aims to be a simple yet powerful comment system for Jekyll-based blogsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.2.2: @name" haml:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.2; " sinatra; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.25; "ohm; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; " evri_rpx; @G;F00["Keith Hanson"Mr. Hyde is a companion to Jekyll, the blog-aware, static site generator in Ruby. It provides methods of generating the site via github hooks, providing commenting functions, as well as various other niceties.0T" ruby[["auspost-0.8.6u;[" 1.4.0i" auspostU:Gem::Version[" 0.8.6u: Time E"{Give you the ability to search the Australia Post Web site with either Suburb or Postcode, and return an array of LocationsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 3.2.0: @name" bones:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.1; " nokogiri; @);F00["Cameron Barrie"Give you the ability to search the Australia Post Web site with either Suburb or Postcode, and return an array of Locations. Also add's validation methods to ActiveRecord Objects to allow you to validate that A Postcode + State + Suburb is correct0T" ruby[["padrino-core-0.9.20u;[" 1.4.0i"padrino-coreU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.20u: Time e""The required Padrino core gemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.14.3: @name" thor:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.5.0; "http_router; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " tzinfo; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.0; "activesupport; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.0; " sinatra; @G;F00[ "Padrino Team"Nathan Esquenazi"Davide D'Agostino"Arthur Chiu"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.7.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.7.0; "hoe; @);F00["Nguyen Tien Dung"ASimplest Ruby binding for Hunspell spelling checking library0T" ruby[["rcss-0.3.1u;[" 1.4.0i" rcssU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.1u: Time f"4Rcss - CSS Server-side Constants for Ruby/RailsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Bragi Ragnarson"0T" ruby[["atomlog-1.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i" atomlogU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.1u: Time eG"AA library for parsing ruby's Logger format into an Atom feedU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" uuid:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "file-tail; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " builder; @3;F00[" jcapote"AA library for parsing ruby's Logger format into an Atom feed0T" ruby[["drysql-0.2.2u;[" 1.4.0i" drysqlU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.2u: Time "FDynamic, Reflective, Invisible Object-Relational Mapping for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.15.1: @name"activerecord:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Bryan Evans"+DrySQL uses your DB's information schema to identify keys, and generate associations and validations for ActiveRecord objects. You defined the schema on your DB ... don't re-define it in your application code. Legacy DB Tables, Ruby Desktop apps, Rails apps...DrySQL's got all your databases covered0T" ruby[["trestle_generator-;Z[" 1.4.0i"trestle_generatorU:Gem::Version[" Time $"[Rails] A drop-in replacement for the scaffold generator that produces production-ready controllers that are safe from state-changing HTTP GET requests and that have streamlined URLs.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Nils Jonsson"Industrial-strength scaffolding for Ruby on Rails application development. A drop-in replacement for the scaffold generator that produces production-ready controllers that are safe from state-changing HTTP GET requests and that have streamlined URLs.0T" ruby[["rufus-google-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"rufus-googleU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time E,"5snippets of Ruby code for accessing Google stuffU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"atom-tools:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rufus-verbs; @);F00["John Mettraux"0T" ruby[["delayed_job_groups-0.2.2u;[" 1.4.0i"delayed_job_groupsU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.2u: Time "#Adds job groups to delayed_jobU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" opsb"#Adds job groups to delayed_job0T" ruby[["gab-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"gabU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "The gift for gabU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Collin Schaafsma"Ryan Cook"The gift for gab0T" ruby[["multigiri-0.0.5u;*[" 1.4.0i"multigiriU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time "U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" nokogiri:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" Jakub Stastny aka Botanicus"0T" ruby[["acronym-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" acronymU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time e" acronymU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["0T" ruby[["agnostic_presenters-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"agnostic_presentersU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time D"Agnostic PresentersU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Nicolas Mérouze"0T" ruby[["coop_to_ofx-1.1.0u;`[" 1.4.0i"coop_to_ofxU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.0u: Time $Y"7Convert Co-operative bank HTML statements into OFXU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.3.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.1.0; " builder; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.4.0; " nokogiri; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.9.0; " mocha; @=;F00["Matt Patterson"uConvert statement HTML from the Co-operative bank's online banking system to OFX for import into financial apps.0T" ruby[["posixlock-0.0.1u;1[" 1.4.0i"posixlockU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time %("VMethods to add posix (fcntl based and nfs safe) locking to the builtin File classU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["VMethods to add posix (fcntl based and nfs safe) locking to the builtin File class0T" ruby[["kisaweb-0.0.10u;[" 1.4.0i" kisawebU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.10u: Time $"$Ruby client for SSL Kisaweb APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.1.31: @name" typhoeus:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.0; "fastercsv; @);F00["Jarkko Laine"6Ruby Gem for interfacing with the SSL Kisaweb API0T" ruby[["%sprout-papervision-library-1.5.1u;[" 1.4.0i"sprout-papervision-libraryU:Gem::Version[" 1.5.1u: Time g"-Open Source realtime 3D engine for FlashU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[ " neoriley"C4RL054321"r.hauwert" tim.knip"0T" ruby[["formidable-0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"formidableU:Gem::Version["0.1u: Time D"U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" Jakub Stastny aka Botanicus"Pavel Kunc"0T" ruby[["husk-0.0.1u;d[" 1.4.0i" huskU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "Guard your preciousU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jon Morton"CHusk provides capability token style security for your objects0T" ruby[["akismet-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i" akismetU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time %"&A Ruby client for the Akismet APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jonah Burke"&A Ruby client for the Akismet API0T" ruby[["ops_routes-0.6.0u;~[" 1.4.0i"ops_routesU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.0u: Time "VPlugin or middleware that provides version and heartbeat pages for app monitoringU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["1.0: @name" rack:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rack-test; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rspec_tag_matchers; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.0; " haml; @G;F00["Primedia Team"CInstalls as Rails plugin or Rack middleware for non-Rails apps0T" ruby[[")resource_controller_extensions-0.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i"#resource_controller_extensionsU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time E"VProvides sensible defaults action for XML, JSON, and FBML to Resource Controller.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Blake Watters"0T" ruby[["postgis_adapter-0.7.8u;[" 1.4.0i"postgis_adapterU:Gem::Version[" 0.7.8u: Time E"&PostGIS Adapter for Active RecordU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Marcos Piccinini"/Execute PostGIS functions on Active Record0T" ruby[["pdftoruby-0.0.6u;[" 1.4.0i"pdftorubyU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.6u: Time "fConvert pdf files into ruby classes - allow creation of complex pdf files from existing pdf filesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.3: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["glennswest"fConvert pdf files into ruby classes - allow creation of complex pdf files from existing pdf files0T" ruby[["git-gc-cron-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"git-gc-cronU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time "0Let cron run "git gc" on all your git reposU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" cucumber:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " aruba; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @3;F00["Thomas Ritz"git-gc-cron recursively searches for git repos in the directories specified on the command line and runs "git gc" on them.0T" ruby[["palm-0.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i" palmU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time "BPure Ruby library for reading and writing Palm PDB databases.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.6: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Adam Sanderson"BPure Ruby library for reading and writing Palm PDB databases.0T" ruby[["deprec-2.1.18u;-[" 1.4.0i" deprecU:Gem::Version[" 2.1.18u: Time e"&deployment recipes for capistranoU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.1: @name"capistrano-ext:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">U;[" 2.5.0; "capistrano; @);F00["Mike Bailey" This project provides libraries of Capistrano tasks and extensions to remove the repetative manual work associated with installing services on linux servers. 0T" ruby[["jiveapps-0.0.9u;[" 1.4.0i" jiveappsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.9u: Time "dThe "jiveapps" gem is a set of command line tools for building and hosting Jive App front-ends.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 1.6.1: @name"rest-client:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.6.1; " webmock; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.2.0; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.3.5; "activesupport; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.5.5; " rubigen; @G;F00["Scott Becker"qThese tools are all about making Jive App development as easy as possible. After you install the tools, it only takes a single command to: 1. Create a new app - a simple Hello World application. 2. Set up version control for your code using Git. 3. Host the app code online at Jive's AppHosting server. 4. Register the app on the Jive Apps Marketplace as an app "in development". 5. Install the app on your default app dashboard in the Jive Apps Sandbox. After you install, use this simple workflow to make changes and see them reflected in the sandbox: 1. Make a change to the code on your local machine. 2. Commit the changes to your local Git repository. 3. Push the changes to the remote Jive Apps repository. This automatically updates the hosted copy on the Jive AppHosting server. 4. Refresh the app dashboard or canvas page on the Jive Apps Sandbox and see your changes.0T" ruby[["jakewendt-pages-0.1.2u;C[" 1.4.0i"jakewendt-pagesU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time Ħ"!one-line summary of your gemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" RedCloth:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "jakewendt-authorized; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "thoughtbot-factory_girl; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "jakewendt-rails_helpers; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "#jakewendt-calnet_authenticated; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.3.7; " i18n; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2; " rails; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ryanb-acts-as-list; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2; "actionmailer; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ruby-hmac; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "jakewendt-ruby_extension; @~;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " jrails; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "#jakewendt-assert_this_and_that; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2; "activerecord; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2; "actionpack; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2; "activeresource; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ssl_requirement; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2; "activesupport; @;F00["George 'Jake' Wendt"#longer description of your gem0T" ruby[["mitten-0.0.5u;-[" 1.4.0i" mittenU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time "IRC Bot FrameworkU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.10: @name" daemons:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.7; " rake; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.0; "json_pure; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.9; " net-irc; @G;F00[" Tomohiro" TAIRA"1Mitten is A Ruby IRC Bot Pluggable Framework0T" ruby[["gecoder-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i" gecoderU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time ""IRuby interface to Gecode, an environment for constraint programming.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Gecode/R Development Team"Gecode/R is a Ruby interface to the Gecode constraint programming library. Gecode/R is intended for people with no previous experience of constraint programming, aiming to be easy to pick up and use.0T" ruby[["munya-faker-0.3.2u;[" 1.4.0i"munya-fakerU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.2u: Time $"EA port of Perl‘s Data::Faker library that generates fake data.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Benjamin Curtis"Faker, a port of Data::Faker from Perl, is used to easily generate fake data: names, addresses, phone numbers, etc. The port was motivated by a need for a bunch of fake data to make good-looking screenshots for Catch the Best. :)0T" ruby[["validates_date_time-1.0.0u;l[" 1.4.0i"validates_date_timeU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time "SA Rails plugin adds the ability to validate dates and times with ActiveRecord.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jonathan Viney"Nick Stenning"kA Rails plugin that adds an ActiveRecord validation helper to do range and start/end date checking in.0T" ruby[["eassl-0.1.1643u;[" 1.4.0i" easslU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1643u: Time %"oEaSSL is a library aimed at making openSSL certificate generation and management easier and more ruby-ish.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Paul Nicholson"0T" ruby[[""iphone-style-checkboxes-0.0.2u;\[" 1.4.0i"iphone-style-checkboxesU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time $"3Compass plugin for the iPhone-style checkboxesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.10: @name" compass:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Thomas Reynolds"0T" ruby[["dm-is-pageable-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"dm-is-pageableU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "QAdds pagination support to DataMapper models (compatible with will_paginate)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"will_paginate:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "thoughtbot-shoulda; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " dm-core; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "activesupport; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "dm-aggregates; @G;F00["Ryan Evans"QAdds pagination support to DataMapper models (compatible with will_paginate)0T" ruby[[",mongrel_secure_download-redux-;[" 1.4.0i""mongrel_secure_download-reduxU:Gem::Version[" Time "=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" mongrel:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "gem_plugin; @);F00["Jens Wille"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Pellanda Flavio"Copyright Logintas AG"6Library for easy and fast shell script developing0T" ruby[["sprout-flex4-bundle-0.1.4u;[" 1.4.0i"sprout-flex4-bundleU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time a"7Project and Code Generators for Flex 4 DevelopmentU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.211: @name" sprout:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.28; "sprout-as3-bundle; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["4.1.60109; "sprout-flex4sdk-tool; @3;F00["Pattern Park"8Code Generation and Rake Tasks for MXML Development0T" ruby[["country-0.0.1u;v[" 1.4.0i" countryU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time Ŭ"U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" i18n:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 3.0.0; " rails; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @3;F00["Michael Voigt"0T" ruby[["ffi-opengl-0.2.1u;$[" 1.4.0i"ffi-openglU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time l"bffi-opengl is an autogenerated[1] ruby FFI interface towards OpenGL libraries (GL, GLU, GLUT)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.5.1: @name" bones:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.0; "ffi; @);F00["Andrea Fazzi"wffi-opengl is an autogenerated[1] ruby FFI interface towards OpenGL libraries (GL, GLU, GLUT). The FFI layer ensures compatibility among all Ruby implementation that support it. At the moment, this means that you can run the same ffi-opengl script with MRI Ruby and JRuby. ffi-opengl API aims to be a 1:1 tranposition of the OpenGL C API: don't expect idiomatic ruby inside!0T" ruby[["simple_machine-1.0.2u; [" 1.4.0i"simple_machineU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2u: Time "oSimpleMachine is module for Ruby which injects simple state machine behavior in any class that includes itU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Milan Burmaja"0T" ruby[["fb_rails-0.5.0u;X[" 1.4.0i" fb_railsU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.0u: Time E"Facebook on RailsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.0: @name" rails:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Matthew Higgins".A Rails 3 gem for the latest facebook API0T" ruby[["*activemessaging-kestrel-adapter-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"$activemessaging-kestrel-adapterU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time "ZThis is an adapter to the kestrel messaging server for the ActiveMessaging framework.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 3.6.2: @name" bones:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.1; "activemessaging; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.8.3; "memcache-client; @3;F00["Douglas A. Seifert"This is an adapter to the kestrel messaging server for the ActiveMessaging framework. It is in the early stages of development.0T" ruby[["ec-pairing-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"ec-pairingU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time %"ESimple interface for tying both members of a pair to git commitsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Ryan Briones"Jon Distad"Adam McCrea"0T" ruby[["has_messages-0.4.1u;[" 1.4.0i"has_messagesU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.1u: Time "_Demonstrates a reference implementation for sending messages between users in ActiveRecordU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.0: @name"state_machine:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Aaron Pfeifer"_Demonstrates a reference implementation for sending messages between users in ActiveRecord0T" ruby[["has_alter_ego-0.0.8u;[" 1.4.0i"has_alter_egoU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.8u: Time ĥ"RA Rails plugin which makes it possible to keep seed and live data in parallelU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["André Duffeck" has_alter_ego makes it possible to keep seed and live data transparently in parallel. In contrast to other seed data approaches has_alter_ego synchronizes the seed definitions with your database objects automagically unless you've overridden it in the database. 0T" ruby[["Musix-1.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" MusixU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time "CA simplified API for searching iTunes, Grooveshark and SpotifyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" plist:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " httparty; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " metaid; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " nokogiri; @=;F00["Kim Burgestrand"0T" ruby[["right_data-0.7.13u;|[" 1.4.0i"right_dataU:Gem::Version[" 0.7.13u: Time $"RightData helpersU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" escape:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "thoughtbot-shoulda; @);F00["Jonathan Siegel"RightData helpers0T" ruby[["rack-rescue-0.1.2u;p[" 1.4.0i"rack-rescueU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time "Rescue Handler for RackU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["0.3: @name" pancake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.10; " tilt; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rack; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " hashie; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " extlib; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0.2; " any_view; @[;F00["Daniel Neighman"Rescue Handler for Rack0T" ruby[["hipchat-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i" hipchatU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time "*Ruby library to interact with HipChatU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " httparty; @);F00[" david"*Ruby library to interact with HipChat0T" ruby[["cucumber_factory-1.7.4u;r[" 1.4.0i"cucumber_factoryU:Gem::Version[" 1.7.4u: Time %"LCreate records from Cucumber features without writing step definitions.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Henning Koch"Cucumber Factory allows you to create ActiveRecord models from your Cucumber features without writing step definitions for each model.0T" ruby[["delayed_job-2.1.3u;[" 1.4.0i"delayed_jobU:Gem::Version[" 2.1.3u: Time "QDatabase-backed asynchronous priority queue system -- Extracted from ShopifyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" mysql:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2.0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " sqlite3; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["3.0; " rails; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["3.0; "activesupport; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " daemons; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @[;F00["Chris Gaffney"Brandon Keepers"Tobias Lütke"+Delayed_job (or DJ) encapsulates the common pattern of asynchronously executing longer tasks in the background. It is a direct extraction from Shopify where the job table is responsible for a multitude of core tasks. This gem is collectiveidea's fork (http://github.com/collectiveidea/delayed_job).0T" ruby[["dash-mario-0.17u;[" 1.4.0i"dash-marioU:Gem::Version[" 0.17u: Time "@Hopping around collecting data, keeping your dashes dashingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" nokogiri:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " i18n; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "activesupport; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " json; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rack; @G;F00["Assaf Arkin"0T" ruby[["jslint-1.0.5u;[" 1.4.0i" jslintU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.5u: Time d"Wrapping of jslintU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Geraud Boyer"This gem provides an easy way to use jslint with your programs. It comes with rhino and it will use nodes.js if it is present.0T" ruby[["elasticsearch-0.0.0u;l[" 1.4.0i"elasticsearchU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.0u: Time "the ruby clientU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Adrian Pacała"@A Ruby client for ElasticSearch (http://elasticsearch.com/)0T" ruby[["file-stash-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"file-stashU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time $"XA utility to get rid of files that are no longer interesting without deleting them.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" ronn:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Alex McHale"XA utility to get rid of files that are no longer interesting without deleting them.0T" ruby[["ts-datetime-delta-1.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"ts-datetime-deltaU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2u: Time El"&Thinking Sphinx - Datetime DeltasU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" yard:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " cucumber; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.8; "thinking-sphinx; @=;F00["Pat Allan"BManage delta indexes via datetime columns for Thinking Sphinx0T" ruby[["spree-enriquez-0.9.4u;[" 1.4.0i"spree-enriquezU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.4u: Time o"-Open Source E-Commerce for Ruby on RailsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 0.0.1: @name" tlsmail:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.3.5; " rails; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.0; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.0; "rspec-rails; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.5; "searchlogic; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.1; " rake; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.0; "activerecord-tableless; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.4.1; "activemerchant; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.1; " rack; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.3; " chronic; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.37; "haml-edge; @~;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.2; " treetop; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.0; " highline; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.15; "calendar_date_select; @;F00["Sean Schofield"zThe most flexible commerce platform available - designed from the ground up to be as open and extensible as possible.0T" ruby[["!selenium-webdriver-0.1.3.devu;P[" 1.4.0i"selenium-webdriverU:Gem::Version["0.1.3.devu: Time e"PThe next generation developer focused tool for automated testing of webappsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["2.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "json_pure; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.0; " rack; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.6.3; "ffi; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.1.5; "childprocess; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.6.2; "ci_reporter; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rubyzip; @[;F00["Jari Bakken"WebDriver is a tool for writing automated tests of websites. It aims to mimic the behaviour of a real user, and as such interacts with the HTML of the application.0T" ruby[["parallelpipes-;[" 1.4.0i"parallelpipesU:Gem::Version[" Time d"9MPI-like Parallel Processing Implementation for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Edmund Highcock"Parallel Pipes is a simple, easy to use, MPI-like implentation for Ruby, allowing you to create and send messages between multiple ruby processes and allowing your code to run on multiple processors. Also provides parallel iterators.0T" ruby[[""kyusik-google_analytics-1.1.5u;l[" 1.4.0i"kyusik-google_analyticsU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.5u: Time O"N[Rails] Easily enable Google Analytics support in your Rails application.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "actionpack; @);F00["Graeme Mathieson"By default this gem will output google analytics code forevery page automatically, if it's configured correctly.This is done by adding: Rubaidh::GoogleAnalytics.tracker_id = 'UA-12345-67' 0T" ruby[["torrent_crawler-0.0.0u;X[" 1.4.0i"torrent_crawlerU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.0u: Time d"!Crawl multiple torrent sitesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 2.0.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["rspeicher""Crawl multiple torrent sites.0T" ruby[["code_filtered-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"code_filteredU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "Efilter Markdown or Textile to html with code syntax highlightingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Brock Whitten"== DESCRIPTION: Filters from your choice of Markdown, Textile or Plain HTML into HTML and gives appropriate markup for syntax highlighting on code. == FEATURES/PROBLEMS: * Formats Textile or Markdown * Applies markup to code for syntax highlighting. * requires a filter(string) column0T" ruby[["reflexive-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"reflexiveU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time d"ReflexiveU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 1.1.0: @name" rack:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.2.7; " thin; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.4.1; "sinatra-reloader; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.5.3; "rack-test; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.7.1; " webrat; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;["2.0.0.beta.8; " rspec; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;["1.0; " sinatra; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;["3.0.0.beta3; " rails; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.3.40; "sinatra_more; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.9.3; " coderay; @y;F00["Evgeniy Dolzhenko"0T" ruby[["awestruct-0.1.3u;5[" 1.4.0i"awestructU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time $"Static site-baking utilityU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" haml:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " org-ruby; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " compass; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "compass-960-plugin; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " hpricot; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "bluecloth; @Q;F00["Bob McWhirter"0T" ruby[["fast_gettext-0.5.10u;[" 1.4.0i"fast_gettextU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.10u: Time "=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Michael Grosser"0T" ruby[["bufferaffects-0.2.0u;r[" 1.4.0i"bufferaffectsU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time N"iBufferAffects makes it easy to set up automatic resetting of buffers when certain methods are calledU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["PaweÅ‚ Wilk"iBufferAffects makes it easy to set up automatic resetting of buffers when certain methods are called0T" ruby[["'darkhelmet-sanitize-;[" 1.4.0i"darkhelmet-sanitizeU:Gem::Version[" Time h"$Whitelist-based HTML sanitizer.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.8.0: @name" rake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.4.0; " nokogiri; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.1.0; " bacon; @3;F00["Ryan Grove"0T" ruby[[" Q-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"QU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time ".Fast, fun, east HTML generation from RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.5: @name"escape_utils:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.0.0.rc.3; " bundler; @);F00[".Fast, fun, east HTML generation from Ruby0T" ruby[["epic-0.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i" epicU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time Ń"0Epic validation of HTML, JavaScript and CSSU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"w3c_validators:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.6; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "progressions-g; @3;F00["Jeff Coleman"CEpic validator, wraps validation for HTML, JavaScript and CSS.0T" ruby[["win_user32_ruby-0.1.0u;~[" 1.4.0i"win_user32_rubyU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time T"0Ruby wrapper for the user32.dll on Windows.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.2: @name"win32-api:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jerry Fernholz"0Ruby wrapper for the user32.dll on Windows.0T" ruby[["why_not-0.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i" why_notU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time D";Comprehensive negation for all Ruby predicate methods.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.0["=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["henning mueller"transmission-rss is basically a workaround for transmission's lack of the ability to monitor RSS feeds and automatically add enclosed torrent links. Devoted to Ann.0T" ruby[["tagged-0.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i" taggedU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.0u: Time n"!Simple ORM agnostic tagging.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["toastyapps"!Simple ORM agnostic tagging.0T" ruby[["ms-sequest-0.0.16u;^[" 1.4.0i"ms-sequestU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.16u: Time D"=An mspire library supporting SEQUEST, Bioworks, SQT, etcU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.2: @name" ms-core:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.1; " ms-fasta; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "spec-more; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.18.0; "ms-testdata; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.0; "arrayclass; @G;F00["John T. Prince".reads .SRF, .SQT and supports conversions0T" ruby[["jsss-0.1.0u;a[" 1.4.0i" jsssU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time $"JSon Simple SpecificationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "json_pure; @);F00["Roman Kamyk jr"0T" ruby[["toll_booth-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"toll_boothU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time j"&API Wrapper for Google DirectionsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.5: @name" httparty:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.5; "chronic_duration; @);F00["Dan Pickett"&API Wrapper for Google Directions0T" ruby[["simple-templater-0.2.preu;[" 1.4.0i"simple-templaterU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.preu: Time m"ESimpleTemplater is dead-simple solution for creating generators.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" erubis:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rubyexts; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "cli; @3;F00["#Jakub Šťastný aka Botanicus"SimpleTemplater is dead-simple solution for creating generators. It strongly uses convention over configuration, so you don't have to write loads of code to generate one stupid plain text README.0T" ruby[["reenhanced-paperclip-2.3.8u;[" 1.4.0i"reenhanced-paperclipU:Gem::Version[" 2.3.8u: Time %"4File attachments as attributes for ActiveRecordU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "sqlite3-ruby; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "appraisal; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "activerecord; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " aws-s3; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mocha; @[;F00["Jon Yurek",Easy upload management for ActiveRecord0T" ruby[["cattr-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i" cattrU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time ",cattr like attr_* but for class methodsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Daniel Bretoi"bcattr like attr_* but for class methods. we know rails has it, but it's useful eleswhere too.0T" ruby[["mounce-0.1.1u;v[" 1.4.0i" mounceU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time d""Music annOUNCEr for PresentlyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.3: @name"pbosetti-rubyosa:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Adam Bair"=Mounce will post your current itunes track to Presently.0T" ruby[["compass-0.11.beta.2u;[" 1.4.0i" compassU:Gem::Version["0.11.beta.2u: Time %" A Real Stylesheet FrameworkU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.12.0: @name"chunky_png:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["3.1.0.alpha.218; " sass; @);F00[ "Chris Eppstein"Eric A. Meyer"Brandon Mathis"Nico Hagenburger"hCompass is a Sass-based Stylesheet Framework that streamlines the creation and maintainance of CSS.0T" ruby[["beanstreamy-0.2.2u;[" 1.4.0i"beanstreamyU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.2u: Time ">A Beanstream utility library for Rails and ActiveMerchantU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.1: @name"activemerchant:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jeff Siegel"|Adds activemerchant gateway support for hash validation, querying transactions, and submitting payment via hosted forms0T" ruby[["#ruby-string-match-scorer-0.1.0u;)[" 1.4.0i"ruby-string-match-scorerU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time Em"*Quicksilver-like string match scoringU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Bodaniel Jeanes"Flex matching short abbreviations against longer strings is a boon in productivity for typists. Applications like Quicksilver, LaunchBar, and Launchy have made this method of keyboard entry a popular one.0T" ruby[["lazy-searchlogic-2.4.10u;[" 1.4.0i"lazy-searchlogicU:Gem::Version[" 2.4.10u: Time E"jSearchlogic makes using ActiveRecord named scopes easier and less repetitive. (lazy polymorphic eval)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0: @name"activerecord:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" Ben Johnson of Binary Logic"Michael Deering"jSearchlogic makes using ActiveRecord named scopes easier and less repetitive. (lazy polymorphic eval)0T" ruby[["ingamer_rhc-1.2.6u;[" 1.4.0i"ingamer_rhcU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.6u: Time ģ"?Slight repackaging of the RightScale right_http_connectionU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["RightScale"1RightScale's robust HTTP/S connection module0T" ruby[["laforge-0.8u;[" 1.4.0i" laforgeU:Gem::Version["0.8u: Time Ej""POM-aware Rubyforge front-endU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["0T" ruby[["camellia-rb-1.2u;r[" 1.4.0i"camellia-rbU:Gem::Version["1.2u: Time %C"description of gemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0; "hoe; @);F00["FIXME full name"description of gem0T" ruby[["raccept-0.0.1u;^[" 1.4.0i" racceptU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time e"GTransforms Ruby objects into xml or json based on accepts headers.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Sam Schenkman-Moore"This middleware turns Ruby objects that are not acceptable Rack bodies into xml or json depending upon the accepts header.0T" ruby[["kirby-4.2.2u;[" 1.4.0i" kirbyU:Gem::Version[" 4.2.2u: Time Ej"iA super-clean IRC bot with sandboxed Ruby evaluation, svn watching, and link-logging to del.icio.us.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" daemons:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " hpricot; @);F00["iA super-clean IRC bot with sandboxed Ruby evaluation, svn watching, and link-logging to del.icio.us.0T" ruby[["imw-0.2.17u;9[" 1.4.0i"imwU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.17u: Time %"qThe Infinite Monkeywrench (IMW) makes acquiring, extracting, transforming, loading, and packaging data easy.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Dhruv Bansal"Philip (flip) Kromer"The Infinite Monkeywrench (IMW) is a Ruby frameworks to simplify the tasks of acquiring, extracting, transforming, loading, and packaging data. It minimizes programmer time by encapsulating common data workflows and patterns and creating interfaces to many other useful Ruby libraries.0T" ruby[["gat-0.2.14u;[" 1.4.0i"gatU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.14u: Time Ď"PGAT is a Ruby gem that tries to provide a script fast development frameworkU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.3: @name" tmail:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.0; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4; "rubyforge; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.0; " open4; @=;F00[" gnoxys"GAT is a Ruby gem that tries to provide a script fast development framework. Based on a YML structure, GAT allows you to write basic and advanced scripts with a whole set of tools that scripting need. More info can be found at http://gat.rubyforge.org0T" ruby[["autosel_http_proxy-0.0.5u;[" 1.4.0i"autosel_http_proxyU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time "6Auto select http_proxy setting with a config fileU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Kiwamu Okabe"6Auto select http_proxy setting with a config file0T" ruby[["bullet-2.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" bulletU:Gem::Version[" 2.0.1u: Time E"AA rails plugin to kill N+1 queries and unused eager loading.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0: @name"uniform_notifier:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Richard Huang"AA rails plugin to kill N+1 queries and unused eager loading.0T" ruby[["mongoid_atomic-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"mongoid_atomicU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time $",Atomic updates for your Mongoid models.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["2.0.0.beta4: @name" mongoid:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jason Coene"cA collection of instance methods to more easily perform atomic updates to your Mongoid models.0T" ruby[["using_yaml-1.1.1u;z[" 1.4.0i"using_yamlU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.1u: Time "$"Load, save and use YAML files"U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Marc Bowes"<"Load, save and use YAML files as if they were objects"0T" ruby[["unit-hosting-0.0.5u;[" 1.4.0i"unit-hostingU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time "#unit-hosting command line toolU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">U;["1.6; " highline; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.1; "command-line-utils; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.0; "progressbar; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["; "httpclient; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">U;["0.1; "keystorage; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.2; " jeweler; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mutter; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; "mechanize; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @~;F00["Yoshihiro TAKAHARA"]This is a command to manage virtual servers on UnitHosting(http://www.unit-hosting.com).0T" ruby[["dnz-client-0.1.4u;[" 1.4.0i"dnz-clientU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time d"U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.2: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.3; " nokogiri; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.0; "hoe; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4; "rubyforge; @=;F00["Jeremy Wells"PRuby library for accessing Digital New Zealand's search API (digitalnz.org)0T" ruby[["em-jack-0.1.3u;U[" 1.4.0i" em-jackU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time %"!An evented Beanstalk client.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"eventmachine:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["dan sinclair"!An evented Beanstalk client.0T" ruby[["erubis_rails_helper-1.0.0u;.[" 1.4.0i"erubis_rails_helperU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time D"mDrop in replacement for the Rails integration in the Erubis gem so that Erubis will work with Rails 2.3.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.2: @name" erubis:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.2.2; "actionpack; @);F00["Dave Elkins"mDrop in replacement for the Rails integration in the Erubis gem so that Erubis will work with Rails 2.3.0T" ruby[["rubsh-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i" rubshU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time $"A ruby shellU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Daniel Bretoi"A ruby shell0T" ruby[["%rack-supported-media-types-0.9.4u;S[" 1.4.0i"rack-supported-media-typesU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.4u: Time ŀ"?Rack middleware to specify an app's supported media types.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" nanotest:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0.6; "rack-accept-media-types; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rack; @3;F00[" mynyml"Rack middleware to specify an app's supported media types. Returns '406 Not Acceptable' status when unsuported type is requested.0T" ruby[["blogmarks-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"blogmarksU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time Ń"/Library to access BlogMarks.net bookmarks.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.4: @name" builder:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jonathan Tron"MBlogMarks provide a simple way to access BlogMarks.net bookmarks system.0T" ruby[["autotest-images-0.0.7u;[" 1.4.0i"autotest-imagesU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.7u: Time "Incomplete and abandonedU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"autotest-growl:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " cucumber; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " ZenTest; @=;F00["David Workman"Incomplete and abandoned0T" ruby[["name_dot_com_api-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"name_dot_com_apiU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "2An easy to use unterface for the name.com apiU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0: @name" bundler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Nicholas Barthelemy"DThis gem allows you to interact with the name.com api via ruby.0T" ruby[["netz-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" netzU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time d")Networking library for use in games.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" bundler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " gosu; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " jeweler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @=;F00["Shawn Anderson"-P2P Networking library for us in games. 0T" ruby[["cloud-utils-1.2u;i[" 1.4.0i"cloud-utilsU:Gem::Version["1.2u: Time ě"-Deploy artifacts in a cloud environment.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.7: @name" amqp:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["J. Brisbin"-Deploy artifacts in a cloud environment.0T" ruby[["bartender-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"bartenderU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time E"*A Ruby client for Open Beer Database.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0: @name" bourne:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.9; "bluecloth; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.8; "yajl-ruby; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.8; " mocha; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.3; " yard; @[;F00["*A Ruby client for Open Beer Database.0T" ruby[["oa-basic-0.2.0.beta3u;I[" 1.4.0i" oa-basicU:Gem::Version["0.2.0.beta3u: Time e"(HTTP Basic strategies for OmniAuth.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.0.8: @name"mg:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.3.4; " webmock; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;["0.2.0.beta3; " oa-core; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.3.0; " rspec; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.6.0; "rest-client; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.4.3; " json; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.5.4; "rack-test; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.0.2; "multi_json; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.4.2; " nokogiri; @y;F00["Michael Bleigh"(HTTP Basic strategies for OmniAuth.0T" ruby[["lineage-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" lineageU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "iAn STI implementation of parent/child (i.e. nested set/ordered set) relationships for Active Record.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.0: @name" rails:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Brooke Kuhlmann"An STI implementation of parent/child (i.e. nested set/ordered set) relationships for Active Record (as originally found in awesome_nested_set).0T" ruby[["businessdotgov-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"businessdotgovU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time $"-Ruby gem for the Business.gov Search APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.2; " weary; @);F00["Chip Castle"-Ruby gem for the Business.gov Search API0T" ruby[["gdata_plus-0.1.0u;t[" 1.4.0i"gdata_plusU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time E"hSimple, easy to use GData API that supports OAuth, Ruby 1.8/1.9 and uses Typhoeus as an HTTP clientU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" oauth:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " sinatra; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "activesupport; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mocha; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.1; " jeweler; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " typhoeus; @o;F00["Brian Alexander"hSimple, easy to use GData API that supports OAuth, Ruby 1.8/1.9 and uses Typhoeus as an HTTP client0T" ruby[["circus-deployment-0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"circus-deploymentU:Gem::Version["0.2u: Time Ĩ"2Deploying the circus that is your applicationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.0.22; " net-ssh; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.0.2; " net-scp; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.13.4; " thor; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.0.1; " uuid; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.4.6; "json_pure; @Q;F00["Paul Jones"NCircus provides the ability to deploy multi-component applications easily0T" ruby[["buildr-ipojo-0.0.1u;s[" 1.4.0i"buildr-ipojoU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "5Buildr tasks to process OSGi bundles using IPojoU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Peter Donald"This is a buildr extension that processes OSGi bundles using the iPojo "pojoization" tool that generates appropriate metadata from annotations and a config file. 0T" ruby[["mini_magick-3.2u;[" 1.4.0i"mini_magickU:Gem::Version["3.2u: Time e"RManipulate images with minimal use of memory via ImageMagick / GraphicsMagickU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.0.4: @name" subexec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Corey Johnson"Hampton Catlin"Peter Kieltyka"0T" ruby[["gizzmo-0.11.3u;[" 1.4.0i" gizzmoU:Gem::Version[" 0.11.3u: Time E"CGizzmo is a command-line client for managing gizzard clusters.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Kyle Maxwell"CGizzmo is a command-line client for managing gizzard clusters.0T" ruby[["encoda-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i" encodaU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time ŀ"Encoding converterU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.0: @name" chardet:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @);F00[" Zipme"+It's a simple file encoding converter 0T" ruby[["warmup-; [" 1.4.0i" warmupU:Gem::Version[" Time ę"%WarmuP - Template your Solution!U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[00["0Dru Sellers and Rob "FerventCoder" Reynolds"+WarmuP - Your Templates, your choices!0T" ruby[["!hopsoft-acts-as-lookup-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"hopsoft-acts-as-lookupU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time f"-Lookup tables made easy for ActiveRecordU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Nathan Hopkins":Powerful lookup table behavior added to ActiveRecord.0T" ruby[["davclient-0.0.8u;[" 1.4.0i"davclientU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.8u: Time f"1Command line WebDAV client and Ruby library.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Thomas Flemming"1Command line WebDAV client and Ruby library.0T" ruby[["hancock-client-0.0.8u;"[" 1.4.0i"hancock-clientU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.8u: Time X"3Hancock SSO rack middleware written in sinatraU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 2.0.9: @name" haml:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.1.6; "ruby-openid; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["0.2; "rack-openid; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.9.2; " sinatra; @=;F00["Corey Donohoe"3Hancock SSO rack middleware written in sinatra0T" ruby[[""couchrest_model-radiant-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"couchrest_model-radiantU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time Ħ";Extends the CouchRest Document for advanced modelling.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.1: @name"couchrest:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.0.rc; " railties; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2.0.0.beta.19; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.0.rc; "activemodel; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.3.22; " tzinfo; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.15; "mime-types; @Q;F00[ "J. Chris Anderson"Matt Aimonetti"Marcos Tapajos"Will Leinweber" Sam Lown"3CouchRest Model for radiantcms-couchrest_model0T" ruby[["amqp-failover-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"amqp-failoverU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time E"8Add multi-server failover and fallback to amqp gem.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.0: @name" amqp:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.0; " json; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.7; " rake; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ruby-debug; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.3; " yard; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.0; " rspec; @Q;F00["Jim Myhrberg"8Add multi-server failover and fallback to amqp gem.0T" ruby[["css_parser_master-1.2.4u;y[" 1.4.0i"css_parser_masterU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.4u: Time d"DParse CSS files, access and operate on a model of the CSS rulesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Kristian Mandrup"Alex Dunae"Parse a CSS file and access/operate on rulesets, selectors, declarations etc. Includes specificity calculated according to W3C spec.0T" ruby[["lifestream-0.1.5u;![" 1.4.0i"lifestreamU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.5u: Time dd"Wdownloads and parses lifestream information from sources like facebook and twitterU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 0.9.4: @name" mocha:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.0.0; " redgreen; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.10.1; "thoughtbot-shoulda; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.4.0; "jnunemaker-matchy; @=;F00["Adam Hunter"0T" ruby[["svnproj-0.6.1u;[" 1.4.0i" svnprojU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.1u: Time E-"2Adds rake tasks for viewing/creating svn tagsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" echoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " echoe; @);F00["Steven Hansen"2Adds rake tasks for viewing/creating svn tags0T" ruby[["*sortable_element_for_nested_set-0.1.3u;x[" 1.4.0i"$sortable_element_for_nested_setU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time S"]Rails plugin for using script.aculo.us sortable_element for trees backed by nested sets.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0["=U;[" 0.9.5: @name" mocha:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0["=U;[" 1.2.4; "rspec-rails; @.;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0["=U;[" 1.2.4; " rspec; @=;F00["Robin Spainhour"]Rails plugin for using script.aculo.us sortable_element for trees backed by nested sets.0T" ruby[["knut_tools-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"knut_toolsU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "Some usefull scripts.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">U;[" 0.0.2: @name"more_unit_test:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Knut Lickert"The knut_tools-gem contains some usefull scripts, including rake/testtask in selected directory, open ruby-files after __END__. 0T" ruby[["w3mrefe-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i" w3mrefeU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time k"Han interface to the on-line ruby reference manuals by w3m and refe.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["TANAKA Shin-ya"0T" ruby[["unit_record-0.9.1u;[" 1.4.0i"unit_recordU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.1u: Time N"BUnitRecord enables unit testing without hitting the database.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Dan Manges"BUnitRecord enables unit testing without hitting the database.0T" ruby[["todorb-1.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i" todorbU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.0u: Time "Hcomprehensive command-line todo list manager with subtasks and moreU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.5: @name"subcommand:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.5; "subcommand; @);F00["Rahul Kumar"dcommand-line program that manages a todo list text file, incl subtasks, status, priorities etc 0T" ruby[["sassator-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i" sassatorU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time "4Automatic SASS compilator for non-ruby projectsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " cucumber; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " cucumber; @=;F00["Jakub Arnold"5Automatic SASS compilator for non-ruby projects.0T" ruby[["real_include-0.2.2u;[" 1.4.0i"real_includeU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.2u: Time "8Fixing the limitation in traditional Module#includeU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["John Mair (banisterfiend)"8Fixing the limitation in traditional Module#include0T" ruby[["muri-1.1.5u;[" 1.4.0i" muriU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.5u: Time "Media URI ParserU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["William Schneider"6Automatically get media information from the URL.0T" ruby[["atech-1.0.17u;[" 1.4.0i" atechU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.17u: Time D"+Libraries & Utilities from aTech MediaU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["aTech Media"0T" ruby[["active_olap-0.0.5u;[[" 1.4.0i"active_olapU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time E"7Extend ActiveRecord with OLAP query functionality.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Willem van Bergen"Extends ActiveRecord with functionality to perform OLAP queries on your data. Includes helper method to ease displaying the results.0T" ruby[["heater-0.2.0u;J[" 1.4.0i" heaterU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time ".A simple gem for interacting with heater.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.2: @name"rest-client:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Chris Chandler"0T" ruby[["yui-compressor-0.9.3u;[" 1.4.0i"yui-compressorU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.3u: Time E",JavaScript and CSS minification libraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Sam Stephenson"PA Ruby interface to YUI Compressor for minifying JavaScript and CSS assets.0T" ruby[["mplayer-ruby-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"mplayer-rubyU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time %"Ruby wrapper for MPlayerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.10.11: @name" riot:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.1; " open4; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.10.5; "rr; @3;F00["Arthur Chiu"A Ruby wrapper for MPlayer0T" ruby[["avatar-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i" avatarU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time Z" Multi-source avatar supportU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["James Rosen"BAdds support for rendering avatars from a variety of sources.0T" ruby[["banana_split-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"banana_splitU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time d"AB testing for RailsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Dennis Plougman Buus"Rasmus Rønn Nielsen"!Description not written yet.0T" ruby[["rain-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" rainU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time %"It will be a great gemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["0T" ruby[["alphasights-prawn-0.10.4u;[" 1.4.0i"alphasights-prawnU:Gem::Version[" 0.10.4u: Time d"-A fast and nimble PDF generator for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.1: @name"pdf-reader:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Gregory Brown"@ Prawn is a fast, tiny, and nimble PDF generator for Ruby 0T" ruby[["openwferu-extras-0.9.17u;[" 1.4.0i"openwferu-extrasU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.17u: Time  "%OpenWFEru extras (sqs, csv, ...)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["John Mettraux"0T" ruby[[" _-1.2u;t[" 1.4.0i"_U:Gem::Version["1.2u: Time Ei"7_ allows you to write Ruby script by using only _.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.3: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Yusuke Endoh"7_ allows you to write Ruby script by using only _.0T" ruby[["tagger-0.1.1u;][" 1.4.0i" taggerU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "'Add tagging support for Rails appsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.0: @name" rails:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Nando Vieira"'Add tagging support for Rails apps0T" ruby[["rwebspec-1.6.5u;[" 1.4.0i" rwebspecU:Gem::Version[" 1.6.5u: Time "WExecutable functional specification for web applications in RSpec syntax and WatirU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.6.5: @name"commonwatir:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.1.12; " rspec; @);F00["Zhimin Zhan"0T" ruby[["riak-model-0.0.1.preu;B[" 1.4.0i"riak-modelU:Gem::Version["0.0.1.preu: Time e"Simple ODM for Riak.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" riak:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" Jakub Stastny aka Botanicus"0T" ruby[["%authentication_system-0.1.0.pre1u;[" 1.4.0i"authentication_systemU:Gem::Version["0.1.0.pre1u: Time Ĝ":Bolt-on authentication system for use with authlogic.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Michael Deering"AWell rounded authenticication system for use with authlogic.0T" ruby[[")micahwedemeyer-acts_as_archive-0.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i"#micahwedemeyer-acts_as_archiveU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time ">Don't delete your records, move them to a different tableU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.1: @name" jeweler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.3.0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @3;F00["Winton Welsh"0T" ruby[["snapshots-0.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i"snapshotsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time c"1Make snapshots of your ActiveRecord databaseU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" yard:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "thoughtbot-shoulda; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " thor; @3;F00["Simon Menke"DDump your rails databases in a database agnostic format (ruby).0T" ruby[["geo-distance-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"geo-distanceU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time "Calculates the geo distance between two locations using longitude and latitude, using Haversine, Speherical or Vincenty formulaU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.2: @name" jeweler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @=;F00["Kristian Mandrup"Calculates the geo distance between two locations using longitude and latitude using Haversine, Speherical or Vincenty formula. This is done using Math formulas without resorting to Active Record or SQL DB functionality0T" ruby[["diff2xml-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i" diff2xmlU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time "Generate xml (xhtml, rss, etc.) from unified diff. This package contains diff2xml command-line tool and reusable diff-parser framework.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" xoinu"Generate xml (xhtml, rss, etc.) from unified diff. This package contains diff2xml command-line tool and reusable diff-parser framework.0T" ruby[["javascript_i18n-0.2.2u;[" 1.4.0i"javascript_i18nU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.2u: Time f" Dead simple JavaScript i18nU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jakub Kuźma"0T" ruby[["agri-controller-0.0.0u;8[" 1.4.0i"agri-controllerU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.0u: Time D"LAgriController easily controls the greenhouse with a Personal Computer.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Takayasu Hayashi"H graphic draw recommend 'gruff' for this controller, but it's rely on gruff ver.(RMagick ver.). I installed below. Rmagick(6.5.6-Q8) on the systemroot(/magick) gruff(0.3.6) ruby1.8.7p174(i386-mswin32) ASR gem(1.3.5) It can not yet available on Linux,but I think it's not difficult. 0T" ruby[["mall-1.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i" mallU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2u: Time "=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["1.5: @name" wrongdoc:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Mall hackers"This library provides access to the SysV mallinfo(3) and mallopt(3) functions as well as (optionally) several glibc-specific malloc_*() functions. Mall.opt, Mall.trim and Mall.xml are the most interesting.0T" ruby[["ephemeral_response-0.4.0u;[" 1.4.0i"ephemeral_responseU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.0u: Time E">Save HTTP responses to give your tests a hint of reality.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0: @name" unicorn:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.1; " fakefs; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.0; " yard; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.0; " jeweler; @G;F00["Sandro Turriate" Les Hill" Save HTTP responses to give your tests a hint of reality. Responses are saved into your fixtures directory and are used for subsequent web requests until they expire. 0T" ruby[[" a-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"aU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time d" SummaryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" Author"0T" ruby[["tasklist-0.2.0u;o[" 1.4.0i" tasklistU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time D"/Tasklist is a ruby DSL to create tasklistsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Kevin Colyar"/Tasklist is a ruby DSL to create tasklists0T" ruby[["scgi-0.9.1u;[" 1.4.0i" scgiU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.1u: Time (">Simple support for using SCGI in ruby apps, such as RailsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jeremy Evans"0T" ruby[["google_visualization-0.5.2u;[" 1.4.0i"google_visualizationU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.2u: Time $"SA Ruby interface to manipulate and populate data for Google Interactive ChartsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Miguel Fonseca"0T" ruby[["persevere-1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"persevereU:Gem::Version["1.1u: Time e"{This gem provides a simple ruby wrapper around the persevere JSON document data store available from http://www.persvr.org.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.3: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Ivan R. Judson"{This gem provides a simple ruby wrapper around the persevere JSON document data store available from http://www.persvr.org.0T" ruby[["paddock-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i" paddockU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time ";Paddock is an environment-based feature switch system.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["!Pat Nakajima & Brandon Keene"0T" ruby[["indy-0.1.5u;y[" 1.4.0i" indyU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.5u: Time "Log Search LibraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.4: @name" yard:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.5.0; " flog; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.4.0; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.4.0; "rspec-mocks; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.9; " rcov; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.7.7; "cucumber-in-the-yard; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.3; "rspec-prof; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.5; "activesupport; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.2; " cucumber; @o;F00["Franklin Webber"Brandon Faloona" Indy is a log archelogy library that treats logs like data structures. Search fixed format or custom logs by field and/or time. 0T" ruby[["rubst-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" rubstU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time e("jRewrite of Kenji's subst (http://www-cryst.bioc.cam.ac.uk/~kenji/subst/) in Ruby programming languageU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.5; " newgem; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0; "hoe; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.5; " newgem; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.4.5; " facets; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.1; "bio; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["; " narray; @[;F00["Semin Lee"jRewrite of Kenji's subst (http://www-cryst.bioc.cam.ac.uk/~kenji/subst/) in Ruby programming language0T" ruby[["git_cleaner-0.1.0u;6[" 1.4.0i"git_cleanerU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time D"FAutomatic cleanup of Git branches– with Lighthouse integration!U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.0: @name"lighthouse-api:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @);F00["Leigh Caplan"Git Cleaner allows you to easily remove stale branches based on a number of factors, such as date modified, branch name, and even Lighthouse ticket state.0T" ruby[["mr_keychain-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"mr_keychainU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "@Example code of how to use the Mac OS X keychain in MacRubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0: @name" bundler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.2; " jeweler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.4.0; " rspec; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.6.0; " yard; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.0.0; "bluecloth; @Q;F00["Mark Rada"OUses APIs new in Snow Leopard to create, read, and update keychain entries0T" ruby[["compass-susy-plugin-0.8.1u;[" 1.4.0i"compass-susy-pluginU:Gem::Version[" 0.8.1u: Time "1A responsive grid system plugin for Compass.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.10.0: @name" compass:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Eric Meyer"AResponsive web design with grids the quick and reliable way.0T" ruby[["doorman-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i" doormanU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time f"7Super simple (aka stupid) white/black list managerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Diego Fernández"0T" ruby[["#hawkerb-thinking-sphinx-1.3.18u;a[" 1.4.0i"hawkerb-thinking-sphinxU:Gem::Version[" 1.3.18u: Time Ĕ"&ActiveRecord/Rails Sphinx libraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.15.6: @name"activerecord:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.8; " riddle; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.5; "after_commit; @3;F00["Pat Allan"Jaroslaw Skrzypek"A concise and easy-to-use Ruby library that connects ActiveRecord to the Sphinx search daemon, managing configuration, indexing and searching.0T" ruby[[" d-1.2.0u;D[" 1.4.0i"dU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.0u: Time "Kernel.d'U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"ruby-debug:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" jugyo"2Kernel.d that is an alias of Kernel.debugger.0T" ruby[["dm-sanitizer-0.2.0u;|[" 1.4.0i"dm-sanitizerU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time "JDataMapper plugin for automated/configurable user input sanitization.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["1.0: @name"dm-migrations:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.3; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.0; " sanitize; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.4; " jeweler; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.0; " dm-core; @G;F00["Sergei Zimakov"JDataMapper plugin for automated/configurable user input sanitization.0T" ruby[["sskirby-hydra-0.21.0u;)[" 1.4.0i"sskirby-hydraU:Gem::Version[" 0.21.0u: Time " Distributed testing toolkitU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 0.7.4: @name"therubyracer:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;["2.0.0.beta.19; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.10.3; " shoulda; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.8.5; " cucumber; @=;F00["Nick Gauthier"GSpread your tests over multiple machines to test your code faster.0T" ruby[["rserve-client-0.2.5u;G[" 1.4.0i"rserve-clientU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.5u: Time "NRuby client for Rserve, a Binary R server (http://www.rforge.net/Rserve/)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4: @name"rubyforge:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.1; "hoe; @);F00["Claudio Bustos"Ruby client for Rserve, a Binary R server (http://www.rforge.net/Rserve/). Follows closely the new Java client API, but maintains all Ruby conventions when possible.0T" ruby[["grok-itunes-0.1.2u;([" 1.4.0i"grok-itunesU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time %."* A regex based parser that processes the ITunes Music Library.xml file and generates a sqlite3 database for additional data miningU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.2: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.4; "sqlite3-ruby; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.2; "hoe; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.1; "scrobbler; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.3; "ruby-treemap; @G;F00["John Howe"* A regex based parser that processes the ITunes Music Library.xml file and generates a sqlite3 database for additional data mining. Also generates treemaps from data parsed.0T" ruby[["broadway-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i" broadwayU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time "HPluggable, portable, framework-friendly Ruby Static Site Generator.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.5: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " nokogiri; @);F00["Lance Pollard"gPluggable, portable, framework-friendly static site generator. Setting the Stage for the Ruby CMS.0T" ruby[["fake_droid-0.0.1u;t[" 1.4.0i"fake_droidU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time Ĝ"$Fake data generator for AndroidU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.1: @name" faker:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jan Berkel"?Create fake data in an Android emulator (for dev purposes)0T" ruby[["jakewendt-authorized-0.1.4u;7[" 1.4.0i"jakewendt-authorizedU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time $"!one-line summary of your gemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"jakewendt-ruby_extension:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "jakewendt-rails_helpers; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2; "activerecord; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2; "activesupport; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2; "activeresource; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2; "actionpack; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2; "actionmailer; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2; " rails; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.3.7; " i18n; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "thoughtbot-factory_girl; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "#jakewendt-assert_this_and_that; @~;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ryanb-acts-as-list; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "#jakewendt-calnet_authenticated; @;F00["George 'Jake' Wendt"#longer description of your gem0T" ruby[["tap-gen-0.8.0u;`[" 1.4.0i" tap-genU:Gem::Version[" 0.8.0u: Time %"Generators for TapU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.4.0: @name"tap:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.7.0; " tap-test; @);F00["Simon Chiang"0T" ruby[["rubyscriptwriter-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"rubyscriptwriterU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time $"NA small library for programmatically creating well formatted ruby scriptsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Thomas Counsell"Green on Black Ltd"0T" ruby[["rainbows-3.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i" rainbowsU:Gem::Version[" 3.0.0u: Time "/- Unicorn for sleepy apps and slow clientsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["1.1: @name" wrongdoc:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.1; " rack; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.0; " isolate; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["3.3; " unicorn; @=;F00["Rainbows! hackers"\Rainbows! is an HTTP server for sleepy Rack applications. It is based on Unicorn, but designed to handle applications that expect long request/response times and/or slow clients.0T" ruby[["!rafaels-wysihat-engine-0.1.8u;&[" 1.4.0i"rafaels-wysihat-engineU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.8u: Time el"aA Rails engine to help integrate the 37signals WysiHat rich text editor to your application.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.1: @name"yui-compressor:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.1; "paperclip; @);F00["Jeff Kreeftmeijer"aA Rails engine to help integrate the 37signals WysiHat rich text editor to your application.0T" ruby[["adva-static-0.0.7u;[" 1.4.0i"adva-staticU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.7u: Time " Static engine for adva-cms2U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" watchr:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "adva-core; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rack-cache; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " nokogiri; @=;F00["Sven Fuchs" Static engine for adva-cms20T" ruby[["beholder-3.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i" beholderU:Gem::Version[" 3.0.0u: Time ^"JAn ancient beholder that watches your treasure, and deals with thiefsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " fsevents; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.0; "rr; @=;F00["Chad Humphries"Rob Sanheim" beholder0T" ruby[["authorize_cim-0.1.2u;z[" 1.4.0i"authorize_cimU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time %"NRuby Gem for integrating Authorize.net Customer Information Manager (CIM)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" webmock:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " jeweler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " crack; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " builder; @G;F00["Tyler Flint"Lyon Hill"NRuby Gem for integrating Authorize.net Customer Information Manager (CIM)0T" ruby[[" f-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"fU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time %" Common file utility methodsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jeff Coleman"hCommon file utility methods including nicer filename display and querying specific lines in a file.0T" ruby[["fetch_in-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i" fetch_inU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time ĥ";simple value fetching in nested associative structuresU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.10.5: @name"rr:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.8; " rspec; @);F00["(mccraig mccraig of the clan mccraig"ffetch values from nested associative structures without worring about nils, a la clojure's get-in0T" ruby[["userstamps-0.0.2u;7[" 1.4.0i"userstampsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time d"NExtending ActiveRecord with stamping for created_by and updated_by fieldsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Stephan Kaag"UGem that extends ActiveRecord with stamping for created_by and updated_by fields0T" ruby[["tweepml-0.3u;5[" 1.4.0i" tweepmlU:Gem::Version["0.3u: Time c"QTweepML is an XML format used to represent a list of Tweeps (Twitter users).U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Damon P. Cortesi"QTweepML is an XML format used to represent a list of Tweeps (Twitter users).0T" ruby[["sinatra-pagin-0.0.3u;}[" 1.4.0i"sinatra-paginU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time $"cSmall utility to process paginated urls without modifying the mapped paths in your Sinatra appU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.0: @name" webrat:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.8; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.2; "rack-test; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.4; " sinatra; @=;F00["Yung Hwa Kwon"cSmall utility to process paginated urls without modifying the mapped paths in your Sinatra app0T" ruby[["regex_replace-1.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i"regex_replaceU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.4u: Time Y"A multi-line search and replace utility that uses Ruby regular expressions for searching and allows back references to captured groups from the pattern to appear in the replacement text.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.12.2: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.12.2; "hoe; @);F00["Joseph Pecoraro"A multi-line search and replace utility that uses Ruby regular expressions for searching and allows back references to captured groups from the pattern to appear in the replacement text.0T" ruby[[" g-1.4.0u;}[" 1.4.0i"gU:Gem::Version[" 1.4.0u: Time "g is like pU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.1: @name"ruby-growl:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @);F00[" jugyo"6The Kernel.g that works like Kernel.p on growl :)0T" ruby[["pano-0.0.9u;[" 1.4.0i" panoU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.9u: Time eo"!Just prepare photos for panoU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Yury Korolev"#Split and fuse images for pano0T" ruby[["rspec-action_view-0.3.5u;[" 1.4.0i"rspec-action_viewU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.5u: Time %",RSpec for Rails 3 ActionView extensionsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.0; "r3_plugin_toolbox; @3;F00["Kristian Mandrup"LRSpec 2 library to make it simple to spec Rails 3 ActionView extensions0T" ruby[["rack-oauth2-server-2.2.0u;6[" 1.4.0i"rack-oauth2-serverU:Gem::Version[" 2.2.0u: Time E"4OAuth 2.0 Authorization Server as a Rack moduleU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" bson_ext:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.1; " sinatra; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1; " mongo; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.1; " rack; @=;F00["Assaf Arkin"WBecause you don't allow strangers into your app, and OAuth 2.0 is the new awesome.0T" ruby[["useful_functionality-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"useful_functionalityU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time Df"useful_functionalityU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" echoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "nifty-generators; @);F00["Vesov Ilya"useful_functionality 0T" ruby[["mongoid_pk_factory-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"mongoid_pk_factoryU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time "-Adds Mongo PK factory support to MongoidU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["1.2: @name" mongoid:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " riot; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @3;F00[" gabrielg"MAllows for using a primary key factory other than the default in Mongoid0T" ruby[["gondorlibrary-0.1.1u;6[" 1.4.0i"gondorlibraryU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "(A library for agent based computingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Phillip Gawlowski"rGondor Libraray provides a framework to work with agent based computing, from game AIs, to swarm simulations.0T" ruby[["bangkok-0.1.2u;S[" 1.4.0i" bangkokU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time EK"FChess game file reader and player; can turn games into MIDI filesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.4: @name" midilib:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jim Menard"Bangkok can read chess game descriptions and re-play the games. Notice of events (moves, captures, checks, etc.) are sent to a listener. Bangkok comes with a listener that generates a MIDI file. In other words, the chess game is turned into music.0T" ruby[["list-utils-0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"list-utilsU:Gem::Version["0.1u: Time "6A collection of syntactically sweet Array methodsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Kevin C. Baird"list-utils adds several list-related methods and method aliases to the Array class. Among its inspirations are the List::Util and List::MoreUtils CPAN modules for Perl at http://cpan.org and the Haskell 98 Prelude (http://www.haskell.org/onlinereport/prelude-index.html).0T" ruby[["malt-0.3.0u;L[" 1.4.0i" maltU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time "1Multi-template/multi-markup rendering engineU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" tenjin:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " erubis; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " kramdown; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " haml; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " liquid; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rtals; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " erector; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " markaby; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " builder; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mustache; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " redcloth; @~;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "bluecloth; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rdoc; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "qed; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " syckle; @;F00["Thomas Sawyer"gMalt provides a factory framework for rendering a variety of template and markup document formats.0T" ruby[["weft-qda-1.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" weft-qdaU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time D"(GUI Qualitative Data Analysis Tool.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.2.0: @name"sqlite-ruby:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0; "PageTemplate; @);F00["Alex Fenton"Weft QDA is a tool for the analysis of text data. It provides generic 'code and retrieve' functionality through a simple graphical user interface.0T" ruby[["squishit-;+[" 1.4.0i" squishitU:Gem::Version[" Time "JSquishIt - SquishIt lets you squish your css and javascript! For .NETU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Justin Etheredge"@SquishIt lets you squish your css and javascript! For .NET 0T" ruby[["-sprout-flexunit4uilistener-library-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"'sprout-flexunit4uilistener-libraryU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time %"7ActionScript 3.0 / Flex framework for unit testingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Adobe Systems Incorporated"0T" ruby[["rubysync-0.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i" rubysyncU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time D"1Event driven identity synchronization engineU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.7: @name" contacts:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.4; "ruby-net-ldap; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.0; "activesupport; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.1; "hoe; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.15.3; "activerecord; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.1; "simpleconsole; @Q;F00["Ritchie Young"== DESCRIPTION: RubySync is a tool for synchronizing part or all of your directory, database or application data with anything else. It's event driven so it will happily sit there monitoring changes and passing them on. Alternatively, you can run it in one-shot mode and simply sync A with B. You can configure RubySync to perform transformations on the data as it syncs. RubySync is designed both as a handy utility to pack into your directory management toolkit or as a fully-fledged provisioning system for your organization. == FEATURES/PROBLEMS: * Event-driven synchronization (if connector supports it) with fall-back to polling * Ruby DSL for "configuration" style event processing * Clean separation of connector details from data transformation * Connectors available for CSV files, XML, LDAP and RDBMS (via ActiveRecord) * Easy API for writing your own connectors == SYNOPSIS:0T" ruby[["ruby-saferpay-0.0.9u;[" 1.4.0i"ruby-saferpayU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.9u: Time "?Ruby interface to the saferpay e-commerce payment providerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0: @name" hpricot:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0; " log4r; @3;F00["!David Palm (ELC Tecnologies)"The SCAI interface is used when the merchant wishes to keep the acquirer on her/his own website for the whole duration of the transaction (client payment details transits through *both* the merchant site and the saferpay database ) whereas VT implies a redirect to the saferpay site. == FEATURES/PROBLEMS: * supports both common credit cards and direct debit cards ("Lastschrift") * support for VT style payments is incomplete == SYNOPSIS: Init (info from saferpay test account; they're the same for all test accounts): @pan = "9451123100000004" # Saferpay test PAN @accountid = "99867-94913159" # Saferpay test ACCOUNTID @exp = "1107" # This will change for other test accounts I guess... Might just be three months ahead of Time.now @sfp = Saferpay.new( @accountid, @pan, @exp ) Reserve: <tt>@sfp.reserve(30000, "USD")</tt> Amounts are divided by 100. We're talking cents here, not dollars... Capture last transaction: <tt>@sfp.capture</tt> Capture with a transacaton ID "4hj34hj4hh34h4j3hj4h334": <tt>@sfp.capture("4hj34hj4hh34h4j3hj4h334")</tt> == REQUIREMENTS:0T" ruby[[" rbpl-0.2u; [" 1.4.0i" rbplU:Gem::Version["0.2u: Time ")Execute Perl code from a Ruby scriptU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Ayose Cazorla"ULoads a Perl interpreter and evaluates inside it code generated in the Ruby side0T" ruby[["PureMVC_Ruby-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"PureMVC_RubyU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time C"PureMVC is a lightweight framework for creating applications based upon the classic Model-View-Controller design meta-pattern. This is the specific implementation for the Ruby language based on the Standard Version AS3 reference.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jake Dempsey"0T" ruby[["guard-coffeescript-0.1.7u;r[" 1.4.0i"guard-coffeescriptU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.7u: Time %"Guard gem for CoffeeScriptU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.3.0: @name" guard:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.4.0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.1.9; "guard-rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.1.1; "coffee-script; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.9; " bundler; @G;F00["Michael Kessler"YGuard::CoffeeScript automatically generates your JavaScripts from your CoffeeScripts0T" ruby[["pdftohtmlr-0.4.1u;|[" 1.4.0i"pdftohtmlrU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.1u: Time En"#Convert PDF documents to HTML.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.3: @name" nokogiri:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Kit Plummer"DUses command-line pdftohtml tools to convert PDF files to HTML.0T" ruby[["KappaCUDA-1.5.0u;;[" 1.4.0i"KappaCUDAU:Gem::Version[" 1.5.0u: Time "DAllows Ruby scripts to use NVIDIA CUDA using the Kappa Library.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Psi Lambda LLC"bKappaConfig is a module to give easy access to NVIDIA CUDA from Ruby using the Kappa Library.0T" ruby[["git_tracking-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"git_trackingU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time %"6Better integration between git and PivotalTrackerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" highline:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "pivotal-tracker; @);F00["Steve Hull"Derrick Camerino"RUsage: after installing the gem, in your project directory, run: git_tracking0T" ruby[["rbpm-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i" rbpmU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time "/lightweight (jbpm-like) workflow frameworkU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Christian Tschenett"0T" ruby[["htmlfilter-1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"htmlfilterU:Gem::Version["1.1u: Time k"=Sanitize and sterilize HTML, also includes a CSS filter.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["=Sanitize and sterilize HTML, also includes a CSS filter.0T" ruby[["jsonbuilder-0.3.1u;[" 1.4.0i"jsonbuilderU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.1u: Time D"(Builder::XmlMarkup like JsonBuilderU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rcov:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.2; "activesupport; @3;F00["nov matake"(Builder::XmlMarkup like JsonBuilder0T" ruby[["smugmugr-0.3.1u;[" 1.4.0i" smugmugrU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.1u: Time S"&smugmugr, the smugmug API wrapperU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Rob Sterner"0T" ruby[["Nabaztag-0.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i" NabaztagU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time "-Nabaztag communication library for Ruby.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Paul Battley"0T" ruby[["bosh-1.3.0u;b[" 1.4.0i" boshU:Gem::Version[" 1.3.0u: Time ĕ"A BOSH session builderU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" typhoeus:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " nokogiri; @);F00["Julien Genestoux"0T" ruby[["couch-quilt-0.5.1u;[" 1.4.0i"couch-quiltU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.1u: Time "$Access CouchDB from filesystem.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.0: @name" fusefs:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.1; "rest-client; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.2; "json_pure; @=;F00["Johannes Jörg Schmidt"3Access CouchDB JSON documents from filesystem.0T" ruby[[" l-0.1.0u;c[" 1.4.0i"lU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "TA commandline application that combines ls and less for easier shell navigationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Kristoffer Lundén"ql is a frontend for ls and less, invoking either depending on if it is fed directories or files. This makes navigating a shell a bit smoother and easier, as it is common to switch between the two commands while poking around the file system (see Sample session). The program filters the switches for ls and less, keeping the most useful and common for each. Sample session: user@box:~ l Documents Music Projects user@box:~ l Documents/ Personal some_doc.pdf example.txt Work user@box:~ l Documents/example.txt This is just an example Documents/example.txt (END) user@box:~ l Documents/Work/ proposal.odt document.pdf user@box:~ l -l Documents/Work/ -rw-r--r-- 1 user user 32974 2006-03-31 12:29 proposal.odt -rw-r--r-- 1 user user 451726 2006-04-13 10:33 document.pdf Aliases: Most aliases for ls as used in .bashrc will work as usual if ls is replaced with l, but there's more: you can combine switches for both ls and less in your alias and l will filter out the inappropriate ones. The following will set ll to use long lists for directories and to ignore case for searches when displaying files: alias ll='l -I -l' Because ls and less can't safely share the same switches, there are a few cases where a workaround is needed: For ls: -i doesn't work, use --inode instead -I doesn't work, use --ignore=PATTERN For less: -r and -R doesn't work, use --raw-control-chars instead0T" ruby[["fetch_it-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" fetch_itU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time e".Fetch an asset over http and save locallyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Matt Swasey".Fetch an asset over http and save locally0T" ruby[["wukong-2.0.0u; [" 1.4.0i" wukongU:Gem::Version[" 2.0.0u: Time "Hadoop Streaming for Ruby. Wukong makes Hadoop so easy a chimpanzee can use it, yet handles terabyte-scale computation with ease.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"configliere:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "addressable; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "htmlentities; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " extlib; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @Q;F00["Philip (flip) Kromer"f Treat your dataset like a: * stream of lines when it's efficient to process by lines * stream of field arrays when it's efficient to deal directly with fields * stream of lightweight objects when it's efficient to deal with objects Wukong is friends with Hadoop the elephant, Pig the query language, and the cat on your command line. 0T" ruby[["sfzer-0.5.0u;p[" 1.4.0i" sfzerU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.0u: Time %F"SFZer recursively scans through directories of Multisamples (.wav, .aiff, .ogg, etc) and automagically generates SFZ soundfonts from what it finds.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.3: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.3; "hoe; @);F00["Chris Tessmer"SFZer recursively scans through directories of Multisamples (.wav, .aiff, .ogg, etc) and automagically generates SFZ soundfonts from what it finds.0T" ruby[["revisionable-0.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"revisionableU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.0u: Time "-Revision control for ActiveRecord modelsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jeffrey Wilcke"4Revision control for Rails' ActiveRecord models0T" ruby[["repertoire-assets-0.2.1u;}[" 1.4.0i"repertoire-assetsU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time d" Hyperstudio Asset frameworkU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.1: @name" rack:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Christopher York"@Repertoire Assets javascript and css distribution framework0T" ruby[["rack-cache-purge-0.0.2u;:[" 1.4.0i"rack-cache-purgeU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time D"[summary]U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["0.5: @name"rack-cache:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Sven Fuchs"[description]0T" ruby[["prowler-1.3.0u;u[" 1.4.0i" prowlerU:Gem::Version[" 1.3.0u: Time "=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Andrew White"A plugin/gem that provides access to the Prowl API (http://prowlapp.com). Works with Rails 2 or 3 as well as any other Ruby web frameworks or in your own scripts.0T" ruby[["pho-utensil-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"pho-utensilU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time d" Talis Platform Admin ClientU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.2: @name"pho:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.0; " sinatra; @);F00["Leigh Dodds" Talis Platform Admin Client0T" ruby[[" hash_key_as_attribute-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"hash_key_as_attributeU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time d"MAllow hash values to be set and retrieved as if they were its attributesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Niranjan Sarade"0T" ruby[["backup_tasks-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"backup_tasksU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time d"+Simple rake task for backing up to S3.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Richard Hart"+Simple rake task for backing up to S3.0T" ruby[["hebruby-2.0.3u;<[" 1.4.0i" hebrubyU:Gem::Version[" 2.0.3u: Time $"WHebruby is a Ruby library to convert julian dates to hebrew dates, and vice-versa.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Ron Evans"WHebruby is a Ruby library to convert julian dates to hebrew dates, and vice-versa.0T" ruby[[" n-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"nU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time k""n" is like "g"U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"rr:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "thoughtbot-shoulda; @);F00[" jugyo">The "n" is like Kernel.p but it uses notify-send instead.0T" ruby[["focus-0.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i" focusU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time DN" TODOU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" Mark G"0T" ruby[["chemcaster-0.5.1u;[" 1.4.0i"chemcasterU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.1u: Time f"]A hypertext-driven Ruby client for the Chemcaster cheminformatics Web services platform.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.4: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Richard Apodaca"]A hypertext-driven Ruby client for the Chemcaster cheminformatics Web services platform.0T" ruby[["codex-1.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i" codexU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.2u: Time eh"This is a remarkably trivial package that makes simply HTML-based presentations from a set up source files written using TextileU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.3: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Dave Thomas"This is a remarkably trivial package that makes simply HTML-based presentations from a set up source files written using Textile. It's designed to help when creating slides that contain lots of code, as it allows code to be embedded from external source files. This means that the code that you embed can come from running (and tested) programs. The code in the resulting slides is syntax highlighted, and is hyperlinked to the original source file, allowing that file to be brought up in Textmate.0T" ruby[["method-args-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"method-argsU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "HGet back more detailed information about the arguments for a methodU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.4: @name"sexp_processor:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " phocus; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " minitest; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.2.4; "ruby2ruby; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.0.4; " callsite; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2.0; "ruby_parser; @e;F00["Joshua Hull"HGet back more detailed information about the arguments for a method0T" ruby[["(openhood-simple_state_machine-1.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i""openhood-simple_state_machineU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time "Same as acts_as_state_machine but on multiple columns and with more strict validation, allow creation of complex events with parameters, used successfully on critical financial applications for quite a long timeU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.2.2: @name"activerecord:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Joseph Halter"Same as acts_as_state_machine but on multiple columns and with more strict validation, allow creation of complex events with parameters, used successfully on critical financial applications for quite a long time0T" ruby[["key-installer-1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"key-installerU:Gem::Version["1.1u: Time ę":Tiny utility to install SSH keys onto remote machinesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Adam Cooke"0T" ruby[["hoe-manualgen-0.0.1u;M[" 1.4.0i"hoe-manualgenU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "'A manual-generation plugin for HoeU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" @name"rcodetools:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.2.0; "hoe-mercurial; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.8.0; "hoe; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.1.10; " tidy-ext; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.4.0; " rspec; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 4.2.3; " RedCloth; @Q;F00["Michael Granger"A manual-generation plugin for Hoe. This is a plugin for [Hoe][hoe] that adds tasks and resources for generating a manual or cookbook. It's self-documenting, so for more, see [the latest manual for hoe-manualgen itself][hoe-manualgen-manual].0T" ruby[["'sensis-formtastic-rails3-1.d4e5326u;[" 1.4.0i"sensis-formtastic-rails3U:Gem::Version["1.d4e5326u: Time "QA Rails form builder plugin/gem with semantically rich and accessible markupU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.0: @name" i18n:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.6; "rspec-rails; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.0; "actionpack; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.0; "activesupport; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; "rspec_tag_matchers; @G;F00["Justin French"QA Rails form builder plugin/gem with semantically rich and accessible markup0T" ruby[["jsus-0.2.2u;[" 1.4.0i" jsusU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.2u: Time "0Javascript packager and dependency resolverU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"json_pure:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " bundler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " jeweler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "activesupport; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " murdoc; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rgl; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " cucumber; @e;F00["Mark Abramov"0Javascript packager and dependency resolver0T" ruby[["atechtools-1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"atechtoolsU:Gem::Version["1.0u: Time "`Tools for aTech employees, if you aren't an aTech employee this gem will be mostly useless.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Adam Cooke"0T" ruby[["maildiode-0.2.5u;[" 1.4.0i"maildiodeU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.5u: Time dP"7MailDiode is a simple incoming SMTP server daemon.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.10: @name" daemons:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.10.0; "gurgitate-mail; @);F00["Kevin Smith"0T" ruby[["dynect-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i" dynectU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time e"(Simple wrapper for Dynect SOAP API.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0; " soap4r; @);F00["Dave Hoover"Colin Harris"(Simple wrapper for Dynect SOAP API.0T" ruby[["basic_tree-1.0.0u;K[" 1.4.0i"basic_treeU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time "A basic tree structure.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["2: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Austin Schneider"A basic tree structure.0T" ruby[["exception2db-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"exception2dbU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "8Store exceptions in local datbase using Hoptoad APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.5: @name"hoptoad_notifier:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.7; " flexmock; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.pre2; "will_paginate; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["; " nokogiri; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "factory_girl_rails; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.11.3; " shoulda; @Q;F00["Neeraj Singh"8Store exceptions in local datbase using Hoptoad API0T" ruby[["voomify_tasks-0.1.6u;[" 1.4.0i"voomify_tasksU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.6u: Time $"Common Voomify tasks.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Russell Edens"BThis gem contains common tasks for the voomify rails projects0T" ruby[["slidedown-0.2.0u;v[" 1.4.0i"slidedownU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time c" Create slides with MarkdownU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" nokogiri:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "makers-mark; @);F00["Pat Nakajima"Dan Croak"0T" ruby[["shanel-autotest-4.2.3u;[" 1.4.0i"shanel-autotestU:Gem::Version[" 4.2.3u: Time "Autotest, without ZenTestU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Ryan Davis"Shane Liebling"0T" ruby[["!compass-primary-plugin-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"compass-primary-pluginU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time E"TCollection of mixins inspired by / based on PrimaryCSS (http://primarycss.com/)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Raving Genius"0T" ruby[["maca-fork-csspool-2.0.2u;1[" 1.4.0i"maca-fork-csspoolU:Gem::Version[" 2.0.2u: Time g"CSSPool is a CSS parserU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.1: @name" newgem:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ffi; @3;F00["Aaron Patterson"John Barnette"CSSPool is a CSS parser. CSSPool provides a SAC interface for parsing CSS as well as a document oriented interface for parsing CSS.0T" ruby[["kramdown-0.13.1u;b[" 1.4.0i" kramdownU:Gem::Version[" 0.13.1u: Time "?kramdown is a fast, pure-Ruby Markdown-superset converter.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Thomas Leitner"kramdown is yet-another-markdown-parser but fast, pure Ruby, using a strict syntax definition and supporting several common extensions. 0T" ruby[["sifar-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i" sifarU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time e"HA library to generate strong passwords and check password strength.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rcov:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.2.0; " text; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.3.0; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.2; " jeweler; @=;F00["Suman Debnath"Sifar can be used to check for strong passwords. Apart from the standard tests for length and homogeneity, it can check passwords that sound and spell similar to a given word. Sifar can also generate passwords that satisfy the same criteria.0T" ruby[[" r-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"rU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time %"*My second gem, and most minimalistic.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Riccardo C."*My second gem, and most minimalistic.0T" ruby[[""get-twitter-oauth-token-1.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"get-twitter-oauth-tokenU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time $"CThe "get-twitter-oauth-token" is a command to get OAuth token.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" oauth:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" jugyo"ZThe "get-twitter-oauth-token" is a command to get OAuth token. Let's get OAuth token!0T" ruby[["beef-text_elements-0.1.7u;[" 1.4.0i"beef-text_elementsU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.7u: Time ":For all those bits of text that don't need a full cmsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Steve England"0T" ruby[["wikitext-2.1.1u;9[" 1.4.0i" wikitextU:Gem::Version[" 2.1.1u: Time " Wikitext-to-HTML translatorU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " wopen3; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.8; " yard; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.0.0; " rspec; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " thor; @G;F00["Wincent Colaiuta"F Wikitext is a fast wikitext-to-HTML translator written in C. 0T" ruby[["rxsd-0.4.1u;[" 1.4.0i" rxsdU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.1u: Time "YA library to translate xsd schemas and xml implementations into ruby classes/objectsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.3.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.1.4; "libxml-ruby; @);F00["Mohammed Morsi"YA library to translate xsd schemas and xml implementations into ruby classes/objects0T" ruby[["resource_awareness-0.2.2u; [" 1.4.0i"resource_awarenessU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.2u: Time "6Makes Rails applications aware of their resourcesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 3.0.0: @name" rails:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2.1; " builder; @);F00["Ingo Weiss"Makes information about a Rails application's resources (as defined via the 'resource(s)' routing DSL methods) available via Rails.application.resources 0T" ruby[["propertybuilder-1.0.0u;j[" 1.4.0i"propertybuilderU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time $ "fProperty Builder is a small library for building chains of symbols that will silently fail on nilU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.1: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Erik Peterson"Property Builder is a small library for building chains of symbols that will silently fail on nil. This is meant as an alternative to Object#andand and the ilk. This is mostly a theoretical approach, meant to encourage discussion.0T" ruby[["opsb-email_spec-0.6.2u;[" 1.4.0i"opsb-email_specU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.2u: Time D",Easily test email in rspec and cucumberU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Ben Mabey"Aaron Gibralter"Mischa Fierer",Easily test email in rspec and cucumber0T" ruby[["dnif-0.1.3u;:[" 1.4.0i" dnifU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time "'dnif is the new find... for sphinxU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.0: @name" riddle:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.2; " builder; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.0; "activerecord; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.0; "activesupport; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "sqlite3-ruby; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "database_cleaner; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["2.0.0.beta.20; " rspec; @e;F00["Rafael Souza"|dnif is a gem to index data using ActiveRecord finders, letting you index your custom methods and not only your table fields0T" ruby[["dm-serializer-1.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"dm-serializerU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2u: Time "@DataMapper plugin for serializing Resources and CollectionsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["1.4: @name"json_pure:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.4.3; " nokogiri; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.3; "fastercsv; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.3; " rspec; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.2; "dm-validations; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.2; " dm-core; @Q;F00["Guy van den Berg"@DataMapper plugin for serializing Resources and Collections0T" ruby[["!commonservicelocator-;)[" 1.4.0i"commonservicelocatorU:Gem::Version[" Time ĝ":Microsoft Patterns & Practices Common Service LocatorU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["#Microsoft Patterns & Practices"=commonservicelocator is a DI abstract container for .NET0T" ruby[["paypal_adaptive-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"paypal_adaptiveU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "initial importU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "jsonschema; @);F00["Tommy Chheng"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.10.0: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.0; " hpricot; @);F00["Christoph Olszowka"SA simple gem to find retrieve all people a specified Twitter user is following0T" ruby[[" t-0.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"tU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.0u: Time "%Ruby wrapper for the Twitter APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["2.4: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.0.5; "multi_json; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["0.8; " rake; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.2.0; "multi_xml; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.4; " json; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["0.6; " maruku; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.1.3; "simple_oauth; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.4; " nokogiri; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.0; " bundler; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.3.1; "faraday_middleware; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["0.3; "simplecov; @~;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.5.4; " faraday; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.6; " webmock; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["0.6; " yard; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " hashie; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["4.4; " ZenTest; @;F00[ "John Nunemaker"Wynn Netherland"Erik Michaels-Ober"Steve Richert"8A Ruby wrapper for the Twitter REST and Search APIs0T" ruby[["shorturl-0.8.8u;[" 1.4.0i" shorturlU:Gem::Version[" 0.8.8u: Time "ZShortens URLs using services such as RubyURL, urlTea, bit.ly, moourl.com, and TinyURLU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Robby Russell"0T" ruby[["rake-0.8.7u;"[" 1.4.0i" rakeU:Gem::Version[" 0.8.7u: Time Q""Ruby based make-like utility.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jim Weirich"sRake is a Make-like program implemented in Ruby. Tasks and dependencies are specified in standard Ruby syntax.0T" ruby[["letsshop_mapper-1.1.1u;P[" 1.4.0i"letsshop_mapperU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.1u: Time "^Let's Shop Mapper is a Ruby library that allows to search and parse on Let's Shop ServiceU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" happun"_Let's Shop Mapper is a Ruby library that allows to search and parse on Let's Shop Service.0T" ruby[["oauth-cli-twitter-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"oauth-cli-twitterU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time ħ"1Twitter OAuth Interface for CLI ApplicationsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"pit:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " oauth; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " termtter; @=;F00[" tily"1Twitter OAuth Interface for CLI Applications0T" ruby[["bewildr-0.1.9u;^[" 1.4.0i" bewildrU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.9u: Time "#Test WPF UI apps with IronRubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.0: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Nat Ritmeyer"#Test WPF UI apps with IronRuby0T" ruby[["solr-ruby-0.0.8u;[" 1.4.0i"solr-rubyU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.8u: Time e".Ruby library for working with Apache SolrU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Apache Solr"0T" ruby[["railsless-deploy-1.0.2u;0[" 1.4.0i"railsless-deployU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2u: Time "nReplacement for the default Capistrano tasks, designed to make life easier for PHP/Perl/Python developersU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Lee Hambley""Replacement for the rails deploy strategy which ships with Capistrano, allows you to deploy any platform with ease; some people have had huge success with this deploying rails projects where they needed to customise their deploy strategy beyond the code which ships with the Capistrano gem.0T" ruby[["eager_load_methods-0.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"eager_load_methodsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.0u: Time Ń"0eager loading when :include isn't an optionU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["richmolj@gmail.com"Qwhen an association or :include isn't possible, generate a custom eager load0T" ruby[[" v-0.1.1u;A[" 1.4.0i"vU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time l"&'florian' says: v is talking git.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" riot:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.7; "fastthread; @3;F00["Florian Aßmann"v is for versioned. It's is currently only a threaded wrapper for the git commands or procedures. In the future it should provide a generic interface for diverse VCSs.0T" ruby[["has_breadcrumb-0.1.0u; [" 1.4.0i"has_breadcrumbU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time %"chas_breadcrumbs is a simple plugin that adds a `breadcrumb` object into controllers and views.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Gabriel Sobrinho"Daniel Lopes"Nando Vieira"0T" ruby[["dango-0.5.2u;<[" 1.4.0i" dangoU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.2u: Time -"KRealtime communications network framework for Ruby and Flash on Rails.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.2; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "dango_generator; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.2; "hoe; @=;F00["Keisuke Minami"KRealtime communications network framework for Ruby and Flash on Rails.0T" ruby[["fixture_background-0.9.3u;H[" 1.4.0i"fixture_backgroundU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.3u: Time e"LGenerate fixtures from factories _in_ you testcode to speedup test-runsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Thies C. Arntzen"Norman Timmler"LGenerate fixtures from factories _in_ you testcode to speedup test-runs0T" ruby[["tropo_rest-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"tropo_restU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time e".Library to interact with Tropo's REST APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.6.4: @name" yard:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.6.1; " webmock; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.3.0; " rspec; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.5.3; " faraday; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.8.7; " rake; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.2.4; "autotest-fsevent; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.4; " json; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.4.4; " nokogiri; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ruby-debug19; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.0.5; "multi_json; @~;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.2.0; "multi_xml; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.2.9; "autotest-growl; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.3.1; "faraday_middleware; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.4.0; " hashie; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 4.3.2; " autotest; @;F00["Christopher Durtschi"hA simple wrapper for the Tropo REST API to manipulate applications, addresses, exchanges, sessions.0T" ruby[["rabies-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" rabiesU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "_A library which replaces hotspots in Rails with C implementations to increase performance.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Nicholas Seckar"0T" ruby[["hobo_openid-0.4.2u; [" 1.4.0i"hobo_openidU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.2u: Time Ğ"OpenID login for HoboU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0: @name" hobo:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.7; "ruby-openid; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.5; " rails; @3;F00[""Joachim Filip Ignacy Bartosik"`Adds ability to login with OpenID to Hobo-based applications. See README to start using it.0T" ruby[["#cache-with-yuicompressor-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"cache-with-yuicompressorU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time D"KAutomatically compress javascript and CSS bundles using YUI CompressorU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Amol Kelkar"K"This gem sets up javascript and CSS bundle file compression using the YUI Compressor. For example, using [javascript_include_tag "prototype", "cart", "checkout", :cache => "shop"] creates a combined javascript file named shop.js. With this gem, YUI compressor will also be run on shop.js, resulting in a smaller, obfuscated file."0T" ruby[[" boss-0.4u;[" 1.4.0i" bossU:Gem::Version["0.4u: Time ."Yahoo BOSS for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" UiPoet"0T" ruby[["fbgraph_rails-0.1.7u;G[" 1.4.0i"fbgraph_railsU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.7u: Time ".Rails plug-in integrating the fbgraph gemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.5: @name" erubis:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.2; " json; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.5; " fbgraph; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.8; " oauth2; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.0; " jeweler; @G;F00["Victor Costan"1Support for sessions tied to Facebook users.0T" ruby[[" x-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"xU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time "Ruby utilities.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Dan Croak"Ruby utilities.0T" ruby[["prawn-format-0.2.3u;[" 1.4.0i"prawn-formatU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.3u: Time %j"8an extension of Prawn that allows inline formattingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"prawn-core:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " echoe; @);F00["Jamis Buck"8an extension of Prawn that allows inline formatting0T" ruby[["amulet-0.0.2u;/[" 1.4.0i" amuletU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time "3Brings you good luck and happy with your setupU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" cucumber:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.13.4; " thor; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.2.0; "activesupport; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @=;F00["Cezary Baginski"JCheck your current setup before you waste time debugging known issues0T" ruby[["hackerdude-aws-2.3.26u;U[" 1.4.0i"hackerdude-awsU:Gem::Version[" 2.3.26u: Time "?AWS Ruby Library for interfacing with Amazon Web Services.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "xml-simple; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "http_connection; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "uuidtools; @=;F00["Travis Reeder"Chad Arimura"RightScale"?AWS Ruby Library for interfacing with Amazon Web Services.0T" ruby[["periodic_counter-0.1.4u;[" 1.4.0i"periodic_counterU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time "CMaintains period fields on any counter column in your databaseU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 0.2.7: @name" require:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.2.7; "active_wrapper; @);F00["Winton Welsh"0T" ruby[["!castle.core-;[" 1.4.0i"castle.coreU:Gem::Version[" Time D";Castle Project (Core) - Simplify your .NET developmentU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" @name" nlog:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;["; " log4net; @);F00["Jonathon Rossi"Krzysztof Kozmic"%Castle is an open source project for .NET that aspires to simplify the development of enterprise and web applications. Offering a set of tools (working together or independently) and integration with others open source projects, Castle helps you get more done with less code and in less time. 0T" ruby[["riddler-;[" 1.4.0i" riddlerU:Gem::Version[" Time "6A simple math game with a command line interface.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.0: @name"rest-client:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.0; " hpricot; @);F00[" Soleone"TRuby Riddler is a simple quiz game. Just type 'riddler' to start a new session.0T" ruby[["bean_machine-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"bean_machineU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time ".Kick accounting in the mean bean machine!U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"activerecord:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "activemerchant; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " cucumber; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "machinist; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " faker; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " money; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @e;F00[" hexorx"AAccounting sucks. Well if you are trying to do it right it does. Bean machine gives you the power of an immutable double entry accounting system through the use of a simple transfer method. The idea is to make accounting easy by breaking it into easy to follow steps. Transfer this much from this account to that account.0T" ruby[["load_model-0.2.2u;[" 1.4.0i"load_modelU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.2u: Time dT"hRails Controller plugin that provides easy and useful macros for tying models and requests togetherU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Justin Knowlden"Gabriel Gironda"Dan Hodos"hRails Controller plugin that provides easy and useful macros for tying models and requests together0T" ruby[["crappy_gem-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"crappy_gemU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time Ģ" UselessU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Matthew Higgins" Useless0T" ruby[[" z-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"zU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time d" SummaryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" Author"0T" ruby[["youthtree-helpers-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"youthtree-helpersU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time e"QA exceedingly simple set of helpers used across Youth Tree web applications.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"youthtree-settings:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "youthtree-js; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.2; "formtastic; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.0.rc; "actionpack; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.0.rc; "activesupport; @G;F00["Darcy Laycock"MHelpers to make life easier when coding YT-specific apps. see the code..0T" ruby[["sensei-0.0.1u;8[" 1.4.0i" senseiU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time f"*Sensei runs your coding dojo for you.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.0: @name" flog:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.3; " cucumber; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.6; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.7; " rake; @=;F00["Alex Scordellis"[Sensei runs your dojo for you. You start with a single failing cucumber feature. As you make each feature pass, the next feature is brought into play. While you have failing features, you have the opportunity to write rspec specifications. Sensei will encourage you to refactor at appropriate moments, showing you your flog score as encouragement.0T" ruby[["ruck-midi-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"ruck-midiU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time D"Qreal-time and offline ruck shredulers for MIDI (thanks midiator and midilib)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" midilib:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " ruck; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " midiator; @3;F00["Tom Lieber"V Real-time and offline ruck shredulers for MIDI using midiator and midilib. 0T" ruby[["rb_prob-0.0.3u;:[" 1.4.0i" rb_probU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time D"/monadic probabilistic programming for rubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Steffen Siering"wmonad programming programming library for ruby. for examples see github repository: http://github.com/urso/rb_prob0T" ruby[["rails-ext-0.3.29u;l[" 1.4.0i"rails-extU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.29u: Time "+Set of common Ruby on Rails extensionsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" ruby-ext:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Alexey Petrushin"+Set of common Ruby on Rails extensions0T" ruby[["proxy_machine-0.0.5u;[" 1.4.0i"proxy_machineU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time D"0A cool proxy implementation pattern in rubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.1: @name"rspec-core:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.1; " rspec; @);F00["Túlio Ornelas"0A cool proxy implementation pattern in ruby0T" ruby[["FaceToFace-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"FaceToFaceU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time E"[Standardize object conversion and messaging, e.g. '5.to( String )' instead 'of 5.to_s'U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Marc René Arns"0T" ruby[["assert-random-0.4.0u;[" 1.4.0i"assert-randomU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.0u: Time "1Adds an assert random assertion to test/unitU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Stewart Matheson"This gem adds an assert random assertion that will allow the testing of random sequences. This is handy for game development and anyone working with random numbers with out a way of testing them.0T" ruby[["forward-rbase-0.2.1u;w[" 1.4.0i"forward-rbaseU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time "+Simple lib for executing hbase lookupsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.0: @name" thrift:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Forward Internet Group"+Simple lib for executing hbase lookups0T" ruby[["envoy-0.0.1u;Z[" 1.4.0i" envoyU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time %"@A simple, extendable messaging system built for deploymentsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;["1.1: @name" pony:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.5.0; " i18n; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.2.1; " broach; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.3.0; " fakeweb; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.1.0; " rspec; @G;F00["Carlos Rodriguez"@A simple, extendable messaging system built for deployments0T" ruby[["svn_project-0.6.2u;[" 1.4.0i"svn_projectU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.2u: Time -"2Adds rake tasks for viewing/creating svn tagsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" echoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " echoe; @);F00["Steven Hansen"2Adds rake tasks for viewing/creating svn tags0T" ruby[[" railsware-passenger-;r[" 1.4.0i"railsware-passengerU:Gem::Version[" Time "4Easy and robust Ruby web application deploymentU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.1: @name" rake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.5; "daemon_controller; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.1; "fastthread; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rack; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "file-tail; @G;F00["%Phusion - http://www.phusion.nl/"5Easy and robust Ruby web application deployment.0T" ruby[["directory_watcher-1.3.2u;i[" 1.4.0i"directory_watcherU:Gem::Version[" 1.3.2u: Time $"`A class for watching files within a directory and generating events when those files changeU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.12.10: @name"eventmachine:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.2; "rev; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.4.1; " bones; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.1; "bones-git; @=;F00["Tim Pease"GThe directory watcher operates by scanning a directory at some interval and generating a list of files based on a user supplied glob pattern. As the file list changes from one interval to the next, events are generated and dispatched to registered observers. Three types of events are supported -- added, modified, and removed.0T" ruby[["testconsole-1.0.3928.2198u;m[" 1.4.0i"testconsoleU:Gem::Version["1.0.3928.2198u: Time d"2Redirect and capture all .NET console output.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Ron Jacobs" This is a part of the workflow simulation library released on the MSDN Code Gallery. The Test Console redirects and captures all .NET console output. 0T" ruby[["sundawg_premailer-0.0.1u;~[" 1.4.0i"sundawg_premailerU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time %"[Fork of premailer project to accomodate in memory HTML (http://premailer.dialect.ca/).U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0: @name"css_parser:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 4.0.0; "htmlentities; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.0; "text-reform; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0.6; " hpricot; @=;F00["Christopher Sun"[Fork of premailer project to accomodate in memory HTML (http://premailer.dialect.ca/).0T" ruby[["rroonga-1.0.9u;`[" 1.4.0i" rroongaU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.9u: Time e"XRuby bindings for groonga that provides full text search and column store features.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.7: @name"pkg-config:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[ "Kouhei Sutou"Tasuku SUENAGA" daijiro"Yuto HAYAMIZU"SHIDARA Yoji"rroonga is a extension library to use groonga's DB-API layer. rroonga provides Rubyish readable and writable API. You can use groonga's first and highly functional features from Ruby.0T" ruby[["conform-;u[" 1.4.0i" conformU:Gem::Version[" Time $"$ConfOrm - NHibernate un-MappingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" @name"nhibernate3:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Fabio Maulo")Nhibernate ORM configuration by code0T" ruby[["appcast-1.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" appcastU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time D"=Simple mongrel-based messaging system using ActiveRecordU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0: @name" builder:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0; "activerecord; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0; "activesupport; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0; " mongrel; @G;F00["Tobi Lütke"Rick Olson"== FEATURES/PROBLEMS: * FIX (list of features or problems) == SYNOPSIS: Use mongrel_appcast, like the mongrel_rails command. == REQUIREMENTS:0T" ruby[["authoxy-1.2.1u;:[" 1.4.0i" authoxyU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.1u: Time h"5A ruby version of Authoxy (www.hrsoftworks.net).U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Elia Schito"uA Ruby version of the popular Authoxy program by Heath Raftery (http://www.hrsoftworks.net/Products.php#authoxy)0T" ruby[["oyster-0.9.4u;N[" 1.4.0i" oysterU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.4u: Time "U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4: @name"rubyforge:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.0; "hoe; @);F00["James Coglan"0T" ruby[[""voomify_utility_drawer-0.1.11u;[" 1.4.0i"voomify_utility_drawerU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.11u: Time Ħ"9Voomify useful classes that most of our projects useU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Russell Edens"3This gem contains a bunch of useful utilities.0T" ruby[["devstructure-0.5.4u;[" 1.4.0i"devstructureU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.4u: Time "*Ruby bindings to the DevStructure APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"archive-tar-minitar:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " ronn; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rocco; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.4.6; " json; @=;F00["Richard Crowley"*Ruby bindings to the DevStructure API0T" ruby[["kbaum-rails_sequel-0.2.2u;[" 1.4.0i"kbaum-rails_sequelU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.2u: Time m"$Sequel plugin for Ruby on RailsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Piotr Usewicz"Wrails_sequel allows you to quickly use Sequel Toolkit as your ORM in Ruby on Rails0T" ruby[["isrcs2mb-0.1.0u;w[" 1.4.0i" isrcs2mbU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "GSimple command line tool to submit ISRCs from a CD to MusicBrainz.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.4: @name"mb-discid:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.6.1; " highline; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.1; " rbrainz; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.5; " launchy; @=;F00["Philipp Wolfer"y Simple command line tool to submit ISRCs from a CD to MusicBrainz. For usage details run "isrcs2mb --help". 0T" ruby[["data_frame-0.1.8u;[" 1.4.0i"data_frameU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.8u: Time e"(Data Frames with memoized transposeU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"(davidrichards-just_enumerable_stats:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "activesupport; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "fastercsv; @3;F00["David Richards"(Data Frames with memoized transpose0T" ruby[["active_enum-0.9.1u;:[" 1.4.0i"active_enumU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.1u: Time e"SDefine enum classes in Rails and use them to enumerate ActiveRecord attributesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Adam Meehan"SDefine enum classes in Rails and use them to enumerate ActiveRecord attributes0T" ruby[["bcms_seo_sitemap-1.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"bcms_seo_sitemapU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.3u: Time %"$A Sitemap Module for BrowserCMSU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.0.1: @name"bcms_settings:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.1.2; "browsercms; @);F00["BrowserMedia"?This module generates XML Sitemaps for BrowserCMS Projects0T" ruby[["money-3.5.5u;M[" 1.4.0i" moneyU:Gem::Version[" 3.5.5u: Time E"1Money and currency exchange support library.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" yard:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " json; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["0.4; " i18n; @=;F00[ "Tobias Luetke"Hongli Lai"Jeremy McNevin"Shane Emmons"Simone Carletti"FThis library aids one in handling money and different currencies.0T" ruby[["adjustable_mime_type-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"adjustable_mime_typeU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time $"8Deal with mime-type aliases in Rails more conciselyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Brad Gessler"~This plugin moves the repetitive logic of adjusting mime-types from the controller into your project's mime-type declarations.0T" ruby[["simple_cache-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"simple_cacheU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "General purpose cacheU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rcov:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.2; " jeweler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.3.0; " rspec; @=;F00[" lfborjas"@Pure ruby caching solution, inspired by ActiveRecord::Cache0T" ruby[["-seamusabshere-scriptaculous_slider-1.2.2u;[" 1.4.0i"'seamusabshere-scriptaculous_sliderU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.2u: Time $" Scriptaculous slider pluginU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[ "Nico Bounga"Marty Haught"Thomas Fuchs"Nicolas Cavigneaux" Scriptaculous slider plugin0T" ruby[["rails-crud-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"rails-crudU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time ")Making CRUD based controllers easierU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jon Moses"0T" ruby[["bcms_tools-0.2.4u;[" 1.4.0i"bcms_toolsU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.4u: Time $"Tools for BrowserCms.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.2: @name" buzzcore:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "browsercms; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;["; "paperclip; @=;F00[" buzzware"Tools for BrowserCms.0T" ruby[["guard-test-0.1.6u;m[" 1.4.0i"guard-testU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.6u: Time "Guard gem for Test::UnitU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.7: @name" bundler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.4.0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.1.9; "guard-rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.3.0; " guard; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.1.2; "test-unit; @G;F00["Rémy Coutable"cGuard::Test automatically run your tests and notify you of the result when a file is modified.0T" ruby[["warbler-1.3.0.beta1u;'[" 1.4.0i" warblerU:Gem::Version["1.3.0.beta1u: Time e"GWarbler chirpily constructs .war files of your Rails applications.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.0: @name"jruby-jars:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.7; " rake; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.4; " rubyzip; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; "jruby-rack; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4; "rubyforge; @G;F00["Nick Sieger"Warbler is a gem to make a Java jar or war file out of any Ruby, Rails, Merb, or Rack application. Warbler provides a minimal, flexible, Ruby-like way to bundle up all of your application files for deployment to a Java environment.0T" ruby[["deactivatable-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"deactivatableU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time ċ"_Adds methods and scopes to ActiveRecord objects to allow deactivation instead of deletion.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["2.3: @name"activerecord:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "thoughtbot-shoulda; @);F00["Greg Fitzgerald"Deactivatable provides methods and a default_scope to allow ActiveRecord objects to be deactivated instead of deleted. This is useful if an object needs to be removed from general use, but it's data needs to be retained. Additionally, Deactivatable provides the ability to specify dependencies which also need to be deactivated. Deactivation is determined by populating a deactivated_at field with the date time at which deactivation happened. 0T" ruby[["ironhide-0.0.1u;k[" 1.4.0i" ironhideU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time ŭ"BAllows you to include an external html file inside your view.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" @name"httpclient:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.6.1; " webmock; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["2.3; " rails; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["2.2; " rspec; @G;F00["Felipe Oliveira"BAllows you to include an external html file inside your view.0T" ruby[["ae_users-0.6.0u;[" 1.4.0i" ae_usersU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.0u: Time d"9An authentication and authorization system for RailsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Nat Budin"0T" ruby[["nested_liquid-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"nested_liquidU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time ŭ"BBypass liquids saniziation and render nested liquid templatesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rcov:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.1; " jeweler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " bacon; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.6.0; " yard; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0; " liquid; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.0; "activesupport; @[;F00["Mark Turner"\Bypass liquids saniziation and render nested liquid templates inside certian namespaces0T" ruby[["gazette-0.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i" gazetteU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time "6Ruby library to interact with the Instapaper API.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" yard:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @);F00["Jeff Pollard"Simple Ruby wrapper gem to interact with the Instapaper API. Supports authenticate and add API methods, as well as https, jsonp and all other features of the API.0T" ruby[["bowtie-mongo-0.1.6u;[" 1.4.0i"bowtie-mongoU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.6u: Time D"bowtie-mongoU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.4: @name" sinatra:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.2; "mongo_mapper; @);F00["Tomás Pollak"$Admin scaffold for MongoMapper.0T" ruby[["wubmail-1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" wubmailU:Gem::Version["1.0u: Time %"/Send emails with a CSV and an ERB templateU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Sunny Ripert"QTool to quickly send emailings with a CSV file of users and an ERB template.0T" ruby[["kavlax-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" kavlaxU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "+A tool for Hengband, a rogue-like gameU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Yutaka HARA"+A tool for Hengband, a rogue-like game0T" ruby[["wulffeld_authlogic-2.1.3u;[" 1.4.0i"wulffeld_authlogicU:Gem::Version[" 2.1.3u: Time "rCopy of https://github.com/odorcicd/authlogic - rails3 branch. Just to put it in a gem with a version number.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" Ben Johnson of Binary Logic"0T" ruby[["stringup-0.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i" stringupU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time "#A test harness for executablesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" thor:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @);F00["Bruce Williams"\An easy-to-use test harness that runs assertions before and after and executable is run0T" ruby[["simplenote-0.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i"simplenoteU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time "/Simple wrapper for the SimpleNote HTTP APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"vcr:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.6.0; " httparty; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " fakeweb; @=;F00["Simon Jefford"@Uses HTTParty to present a nice Ruby wrapper for SimpleNote0T" ruby[["rjack-httpclient-3-3.1.5u;E[" 1.4.0i"rjack-httpclient-3U:Gem::Version[" 3.1.5u: Time "_A gem packaging of {Commons HttpClient 3.x}[http://hc.apache.org/httpclient-3.x] for JRubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.8["=U;[" 0.9.18["U;[" 1.4.0; "rjack-commons-codec; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.2.2; "rjack-tarpit; @G;F00["David Kellum"A gem packaging of {Commons HttpClient 3.x}[http://hc.apache.org/httpclient-3.x] for JRuby. * Provides commons-httpclient jar. * Provides a RJack::HTTPClient3::ManagerFacade for client and connection manager setup, start, shutdown.0T" ruby[["grumblr-2.3.4u;[" 1.4.0i" grumblrU:Gem::Version[" 2.3.4u: Time "a Tumblr companionU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.6.0: @name"rest-client:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "libxml-ruby; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ppds-libs; @3;F00["Paul Philippov"1Grumblr is a message poster to Tumblr blogs.0T" ruby[["&web_server_config_generator-0.1.3u;F[" 1.4.0i" web_server_config_generatorU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time č"Nautomatically generate web server config files for you projects directoryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Expected Behavior"Nautomatically generate web server config files for you projects directory0T" ruby[["rlibsphinxclient-0.2.2u;[" 1.4.0i"rlibsphinxclientU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.2u: Time e":A Ruby wrapper for pure C searchd client API library.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Dmytro Shteflyuk"0T" ruby[["rjack-httpclient-4-;I[" 1.4.0i"rjack-httpclient-4U:Gem::Version[" Time "]A gem packaging of the {HttpComponents}[http://hc.apache.org/] HTTP Client 4.x for JRubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.8["=U;[" 0.9.18["U;[" 1.4.0; "rjack-commons-codec; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.2.3; "rjack-tarpit; @G;F00["David Kellum"A gem packaging of the {HttpComponents}[http://hc.apache.org/] HTTP Client 4.x for JRuby. * Provides httpclient and httpcore jars. * Provides a RJack::HTTPClient4::ManagerFacade for client and connection manager setup, start, shutdown.0T" ruby[["rack-geo-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i" rack-geoU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time D"2Rack middleware for Geo-Position HTTP headersU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; " rack; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.3; "rack-test; @3;F00["Randy Reddig"Cameron Walters"Paul McKellar"1Parse and serialize geospatial HTTP headers.0T" ruby[["paperclip-meta-0.2u;|[" 1.4.0i"paperclip-metaU:Gem::Version["0.2u: Time "'Thumbnail dimensions for paperclipU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"paperclip:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Alexey Bondar"?Add width, height and size methods to paperclip thumbnails0T" ruby[["tuna-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" tunaU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time E"HThe new DataMapper Cutie, being re-written at the DataObjects layerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Cory ODaniel"HThe new DataMapper Cutie, being re-written at the DataObjects layer0T" ruby[["giant_bomb-0.3.2u;[" 1.4.0i"giant_bombU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.2u: Time e"9Simple library to talk to the awesome GiantBomb dataU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " fakeweb; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.3; " httparty; @3;F00["Jon Maddox"8Simple library to talkto the awesome GiantBomb data0T" ruby[["DeliciousRuby-1.0.0u;J[" 1.4.0i"DeliciousRubyU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time "\Delicious API wrapper for Ruby.You can use all posts medhods. And access data of Array.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" ichiroc"\Delicious API wrapper for Ruby.You can use all posts medhods. And access data of Array.0T" ruby[["bertrpc-1.3.0u;Z[" 1.4.0i" bertrpcU:Gem::Version[" 1.3.0u: Time "/BERTRPC is a Ruby BERT-RPC client library.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.0["=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" jerryluk"-Generates username suggestions for users0T" ruby[["simple-rss-1.2.3u;[" 1.4.0i"simple-rssU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.3u: Time Ę"A simple, flexible, extensible, and liberal RSS and Atom reader for Ruby. It is designed to be backwards compatible with the standard RSS parser, but will never do RSS generation.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Lucas Carlson"A simple, flexible, extensible, and liberal RSS and Atom reader for Ruby. It is designed to be backwards compatible with the standard RSS parser, but will never do RSS generation.0T" ruby[["rubb-0.9.4u;[" 1.4.0i" rubbU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.4u: Time $":BBCode gem for Ruby that supports nested BBCode tags.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Peter Jihoon Kim":BBCode gem for Ruby that supports nested BBCode tags.0T" ruby[["grate-handle-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"grate-handleU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time $_"2A ruby library and a CLI client to GoGrid APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " jeweler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " json; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " jeweler; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " json; @Q;F00["Kirill Ishanov" Grate Handle is a small gem which simplifies the with GoGrid's API from ruby code. Also ships with a CLI tool called 'gh' which allows to perform most of the actions from http://my.gogrid.com but using true Unix CLI way. 0T" ruby[["iptc-0.0.2u;/[" 1.4.0i" iptcU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time "#Pure ruby IPTC metadata readerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Pierre Baillet"Jens Kraemer"nOriginal code from http://raa.ruby-lang.org/project/jpeg-jfif-iptc/, gemified and updated by Jens Kraemer0T" ruby[["rateable_attributes-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"rateable_attributesU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time e";Rate multiple attributes of models with Active Record.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Sascha Depold";Rate multiple attributes of models with Active Record.0T" ruby[["Schmock-0.9u;[" 1.4.0i" SchmockU:Gem::Version["0.9u: Time DW"Simple mock objectsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Ben Griffiths"0T" ruby[["flare-tools-0.1.4u;[" 1.4.0i"flare-toolsU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time "Management Tools for FlareU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.2: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4; "rubyforge; @);F00[" kgws"3Flare is a collection of tools for management.0T" ruby[["maya2-0.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i" maya2U:Gem::Version[" 0.0.0u: Time "9Don't keep doing things repeatedly, just do it once!U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " cucumber; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @3;F00[" ajsie";Don't keep doing things repeatedly, just do it once!!!0T" ruby[["favg-0.0.1u;w[" 1.4.0i" favgU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time č"5Fetch websites' favicons via Google's S2 serviceU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Filip Tepper"5Fetch websites' favicons via Google's S2 service0T" ruby[["sinatra-compass-0.5.0u;[" 1.4.0i"sinatra-compassU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.0u: Time ">Better Compass integration for Sinatra (part of BigBand).U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.5.0: @name"sinatra-sugar:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.5.0; "monkey-lib; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.17; " compass; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.0; " sinatra; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.5.0; "haml-more; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.5.0; "sinatra-test-helper; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0; " rspec; @[;F00["Konstantin Haase">Better Compass integration for Sinatra (part of BigBand).0T" ruby[["ruby-dzen-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"ruby-dzenU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time $"7A small wrapper DSL for dzen2's in-text formattingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" badboy"4 ruby-dzen is a small wrapper for dzen2's in-text formatting With its simple DSL you can define what dzen2 display by using pure ruby code. Just define your app modules in a file, execute it and pipe the output to dzen. The simplest example is the following: app :hello do "hello" end 0T" ruby[["rube-0.1.2u;m[" 1.4.0i" rubeU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time Z"Rube -- Slightly smarter erb front-end Rube allows you to apply erb to templates, interspersed with other ruby code, either as inline source or as ruby files (e.gU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.1: @name" newgem:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.1; " newgem; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0; "hoe; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0; "hoe; @=;F00["Richard LeBer"Rube -- Slightly smarter erb front-end Rube allows you to apply erb to templates, interspersed with other ruby code, either as inline source or as ruby files (e.g. requires). Rube can be invoked from the command line as a command in the form: rube [options] task ...0T" ruby[["maya3-0.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i" maya3U:Gem::Version[" 0.0.0u: Time " hejsanU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " cucumber; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @3;F00[" ajsie" hejsanas0T" ruby[["asset-pocket-0.2.1u; [" 1.4.0i"asset-pocketU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time "&Manages assets in a versatile wayU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Ayose Cazorla"OUsing a config file (pocket) you can create multiple kind of assets groups0T" ruby[["goat-0.3.37u;[" 1.4.0i" goatU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.37u: Time "%Pre-release beta version of GoatU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["1.1: @name" tilt:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.5; "term-ansicolor; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.2; " diff-lcs; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.12.10; "eventmachine; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.7; " thin; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.8.6; "RubyInline; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.2; " io-extra; @[;F00["Patrick Collison"Sinatra live0T" ruby[["maptp-service-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"maptp-serviceU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time "7This gem provides access to the MapTP web servicesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.6: @name" savon:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.0; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4; "rubyforge; @3;F00["Christian Bäuerlein"WThis gem provides access to the MapTP web services. In order to use them, you need your MapTP credentials aka your Map24 id. For more information head over to http://www.nn4d.com You should consider that this client solely works with WGS´84 coordinates in the Decimal Degrees format. Usually MapTP services work with the Decimal Minutes format, but because Decimal Degrees are much more established we use it for this lib. To work with MapTP the parameters as well as the responses are converted internally. *Note*: This is *not* an official client of MapTP or NAVTEQ, but a private project. :)0T" ruby[["flickr.rb-1.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"flickr.rbU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.0u: Time "An insanely easy interface to the Flickr photo-sharing service. Also available as a Rails plugin! By Scott Raymond. Maintainer: Patrick Plattes, Rafal PiekarskiU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.7: @name"xml-simple:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Scott Raymond"Patrick Plattes"Rafal Piekarski"0T" ruby[["localized_scaffold-0.9.7u;[" 1.4.0i"localized_scaffoldU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.7u: Time ".Localized Rails scaffolding with style...U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jan Ulbrich"0T" ruby[["hypodermic-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"hypodermicU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time "mOpens a .docx file and returns a plain text string of the contents and optionally returns the thumbnail.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.1: @name" rubyzip:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["W. Andrew Loe III"0T" ruby[["SwfUtil-0.01u;[" 1.4.0i" SwfUtilU:Gem::Version[" 0.01u: Time d "Ma light weight tool for read swf header,compress/decompress swf for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Dennis Zane"0T" ruby[["sbdb-0.0.9u;Z[" 1.4.0i" sbdbU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.9u: Time "Simple Ruby Berkeley DBU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" dk-bdb:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Denis Knauf"5Simple Ruby Berkeley DB wrapper library for bdb.0T" ruby[["capistrano-helpers-0.6.2u;[" 1.4.0i"capistrano-helpersU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.2u: Time e"LA set of optional extensions to capistrano to make common tasks easier.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 2.5.19: @name"capistrano:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.2.5; "git; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.4.3; " tinder; @3;F00["Scott Woods"LA set of optional extensions to capistrano to make common tasks easier.0T" ruby[["igo-ruby-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i" igo-rubyU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time "6Ruby port of Igo Japanese morphological analyzer.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rcov:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.1; " jeweler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.1.0; " rspec; @=;F00[" K.Nishi" Ruby port of Igo Japanese morphological analyzer. Igo-ruby needs Igo's binary dictionary files. These files created by Java programs. See: http://igo.sourceforge.jp/ 0T" ruby[["trackzor-0.1.5u;[" 1.4.0i" trackzorU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.5u: Time %".Track ATTR_updated_at and ATTR_updated_byU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["David Cornelius".Track ATTR_updated_at and ATTR_updated_by0T" ruby[["buggy-0.4u;[" 1.4.0i" buggyU:Gem::Version["0.4u: Time " Buggy!U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0: @name" camping:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0; "activerecord; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0; " hpricot; @3;F00["Christian Carter"Buggy! A simple bugtraker0T" ruby[["defstr-0.1.1u;a[" 1.4.0i" defstrU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time ,"defstr converts text to a C string literal that parses (by a C compiler) to the original text, and creates a C macro that defines it as a constantU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.7.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.2; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.7.0; "hoe; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.2; "hoe; @=;F00["dragonmeteor""defstr converts text to a C string literal that parses (by a C compiler) to the original text, and creates a C macro that defines it as a constant. The liternal preserves the original text's structure (line breaks, paragraphs, etc). defstr can be used as a tool for C/C++ code generation.0T" ruby[["gen-0.41.0u;][" 1.4.0i"genU:Gem::Version[" 0.41.0u: Time "$A simple code generation systemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 0.41.0: @name" glue:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["George K. Moschovitis"$A simple code generation system0T" ruby[["crypt-isaac-0.9.1u;[" 1.4.0i"crypt-isaacU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.1u: Time E"*Ruby implementation of the ISAAC PRNGU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Kirk Haines"============0T" ruby[["umount-many-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"umount-manyU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time "-Unmount several devices based on filtersU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Hagbard Celine"-Unmount several devices based on filters0T" ruby[["docubot-0.6.1u;[" 1.4.0i" docubotU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.1u: Time E"9Create documentation from a hierarchy of text files.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" minitest:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " haml; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " nokogiri; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "bluecloth; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " RedCloth; @G;F00["Gavin Kistner"Harold Hausman"~DocuBot creates HTML or CHM documentation from a hierarchy of files, supporting markups like Markdown, Textile, and Haml.0T" ruby[["geo-0.1.7u;[" 1.4.0i"geoU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.7u: Time D"A 2D geometry engine.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Martin Kihlgren"0T" ruby[["*dominiquebrezinski-sinatra-rest-0.4.0u;[" 1.4.0i"$dominiquebrezinski-sinatra-restU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.0u: Time D"gGenerates RESTful routes for the models of a Sinatra application (ActiveRecord, DataMapper, Stone)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.1: @name" sinatra:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.0; " english; @);F00["blindgaenger"kyledrake"dominiquebrezinski"0T" ruby[["babypool-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" babypoolU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time f"A ruby thread pool.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jeremy T Hopple"Benjamin P Blackburne">Simple thread pool implementation for Ruby green threads.0T" ruby[["merb-cloudbridge-0.9.5u;[" 1.4.0i"merb-cloudbridgeU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.5u: Time E"CloudBridge is a self-healing minimal-configuration bridge between front-end and backend web servers. This library provides the tools needed to take advantage of it in ruby.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.5: @name"cloudbridge:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Graham Batty"CloudBridge is a self-healing minimal-configuration bridge between front-end and backend web servers. This library provides the tools needed to take advantage of it in ruby.0T" ruby[["LogSimple-0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"LogSimpleU:Gem::Version["0.1u: Time d"(LogSimple is a Ruby logging libraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" Netuxo"0T" ruby[["tender-0.3u;Q[" 1.4.0i" tenderU:Gem::Version["0.3u: Time "Talk to tender.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 2.2.1: @name"addressable:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.4.5; " httparty; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.1.8; " hashie; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.3.0; " rspec; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.3.9; "activesupport; @G;F00["Nash Kabbara"RA simple API wrapper to talk to tender. We use this all over ZipZoomAut's app0T" ruby[["gluestick-0.3.1u;|[" 1.4.0i"gluestickU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.1u: Time ņ"'A simple interface to the Glue APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.3: @name" httparty:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Justin Poliey"HeresTomWithTheWeather"'A simple interface to the Glue API0T" ruby[["orderable-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"orderableU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time ".Add user defined ordering to ActiveRecordU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rcov:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.2; " jeweler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @=;F00["Darcy Laycock"John Barker".Add user defined ordering to ActiveRecord0T" ruby[["attribute_mapper-1.3.1u;[" 1.4.0i"attribute_mapperU:Gem::Version[" 1.3.1u: Time DI"FMap symbolic types to primitive types and stash them in a column.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Marcel Molina Jr."Bruce Williams"Adam Keys"{Provides a transparent interface for mapping symbolic representations to a column in the database of a more primitive type.0T" ruby[["fixed_point_field-1.2u;v[" 1.4.0i"fixed_point_fieldU:Gem::Version["1.2u: Time $"2ActiveRecord plugin for dealing with currencyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["$Todd Willey "Store numeric amounts with a known number of decial points, such as currency, as a whole number, for more precise (non-floating point) operations.0T" ruby[[")yellowlab-princely-1.2.5.yellowlab.2u;*[" 1.4.0i"yellowlab-princelyU:Gem::Version["1.2.5.yellowlab.2u: Time "EA simple Rails wrapper for the PrinceXML PDF generation library.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[00["Michael Bleigh"8A wrapper for the PrinceXML PDF generation library.0T" ruby[["tunl-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i" tunlU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time "EC2 Proxy ServiceU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["David Crockett"EC2 Proxy Service0T" ruby[["taggie-0.0.0u;b[" 1.4.0i" taggieU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.0u: Time D""A tiny little HTML/XML parserU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.10.3: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Sean Huber"0A tiny little HTML/XML parser...using regex0T" ruby[["sprout-swfmill-tool-0.2.26u;[" 1.4.0i"sprout-swfmill-toolU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.26u: Time g" SWFMillU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.1: @name" sprout:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Daniel Fischer"]The SWFMill Rubygem is brought to you by Project Sprouts (http://www.projectsprouts.org)0T" ruby[["brontes3d-amqp-;[" 1.4.0i"brontes3d-amqpU:Gem::Version[" Time "4AMQP client implementation in Ruby/EventMachineU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.12.4: @name"eventmachine:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Aman Gupta"Jacob Burkhart"sAn implementation of the AMQP protocol in Ruby/EventMachine for writing clients to the RabbitMQ message broker0T" ruby[["eimxml-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i" eimxmlU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time "Easy IMplemented XMLU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["KURODA Hiraku"0T" ruby[["hanoi-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i" hanoiU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time E"&Automated jQuery tests with QUnitU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Luca Guidi"&Automated jQuery tests with QUnit0T" ruby[["yahoo-video-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"yahoo-videoU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time ">A Ruby object-oriented interface to Yahoo! Video content.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Walter Korman"0T" ruby[["asciimo-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i" asciimoU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time "'create awesome ascii art with rubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.4: @name"therubyracer:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Charles Lowell"uses asciimo.js to generate colored ascii art text in 300+ fonts. It can be used from the commandline or inside Ruby code.0T" ruby[["dbarison_curriculum-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"dbarison_curriculumU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time e"%Davide Barison's Curriculm VitaeU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "term-ansicolor; @);F00["Davide Barison"NGet Davide Barison's Curriculm Vitae typing 'dbarison' from your terminal0T" ruby[["crisp-0.0.8u;[" 1.4.0i" crispU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.8u: Time "=a tiny lisp-like language written in ruby using treetop.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.4.9: @name" treetop:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.4.0; " rspec; @);F00["Markus Gerdes"0T" ruby[["ri_for-0.5.1u;F[" 1.4.0i" ri_forU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.1u: Time %"}ruby method describer to make it possible to inspect methods [rdoc, signature, etc.] at runtime, for example while debugging.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"rubydoctest:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.20.1; " sane; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["2.3; " rdoc; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ffi; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.4; "rdp-arguments; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ParseTree; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ruby2ruby; @[;F00["Roger Pack"}ruby method describer to make it possible to inspect methods [rdoc, signature, etc.] at runtime, for example while debugging.0T" ruby[["raccdoc-0.0.10u;[" 1.4.0i" raccdocU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.10u: Time e",Ruby interface into the Raccdoc BBS APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["H. Wade Minter"-A Ruby way to speak the Raccdoc protocol0T" ruby[["class_loader-0.3.10u;[" 1.4.0i"class_loaderU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.10u: Time "*Automatically finds and loads classesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Alexey Petrushin"0T" ruby[["blogeen-0.0.1u;,[" 1.4.0i" blogeenU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time T"A simple blog systemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"rdiscount:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["JJ Buckley"0T" ruby[["mongo-1.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i" mongoU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.0u: Time E" Ruby driver for the MongoDBU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.0: @name" bson:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jim Menard"Mike Dirolf"Kyle Banker"]A Ruby driver for MongoDB. For more information about Mongo, see http://www.mongodb.org.0T" ruby[["mm-devise-1.1.10u;_[" 1.4.0i"mm-deviseU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.10u: Time E"2Support for using MongoMapper ORM with deviseU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.10.7: @name" warden:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.2; "bcrypt-ruby; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.1; "jnunemaker-validatable; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.3.0; "sugar-high; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.1; " devise; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.13.0; "rails3-generators; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.9; " bson; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.4; "mongo_mapper; @e;F00["Kristian Mandrup"dm-devise adds MongoMapper support to devise (http://github.com/plataformatec/devise) for authentication support for Rails0T" ruby[["grandstand-0.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i"grandstandU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time "\A blog / gallery gem for Rails 3 that's dead-simple to configure, override, and rebuildU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.2: @name" aws-s3:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["2.3; "will_paginate; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.11.2; " mustache; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.3; "paperclip; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.3; "paperclip; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.11.2; " mustache; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["2.3; "will_paginate; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.2; " aws-s3; @e;F00["Flip Sasser" Grandstand is a simple blog and photo gallery application. It takes a minimal amount of configuration and can be built installed as a gem and used within minutes. It's totally cool. Seriously. 0T" ruby[["keychain_services-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"keychain_servicesU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time %"Ruby Keychain ServicesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Joshua Peek"1Ruby bindings for OS X Keychain Services API0T" ruby[["icu_ratings-1.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"icu_ratingsU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.0u: Time E""For rating chess tournaments.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" Mark Orr"lBuild an object that represents a chess tournament then get it to calculate ratings of all the players.0T" ruby[["amazon-hacks-0.5.1u;[" 1.4.0i"amazon-hacksU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.1u: Time "?A collection of useful snippets against the Amazon websiteU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0: @name"color-tools:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.6; "hoe; @);F00["Jacob Harris"MMainly the product of messing around, this gem comprises Ruby code for a few useful "Amazon Hacks" -- common techniques for manipulating Amazon product URLs and Images. This is mainly useful if you find yourself creating a site where you might link to Amazon product pages and display images for them. Examples of this might include: * Social consumption sites like {All Consuming}[http://www.allconsuming.net/] * Blogs or tumbleblogs with book/music/etc. reviews * Normalizing Amazon links or create associate IDs This GEM is NOT related to using the Amazon Web Services and there is already an excellent gem for that if you need more heavy-duty use of the Amazon website (this gem does not even communicate with Amazon at all). Also, note this gem is meant in the spirit of fun hackery. You can use it to create interesting images from Amazon on demand, but if you are going to use it on a serious website, please consider caching and attributing that image to Amazon (I also have no idea what the official legal policy for using Amazon's book images is). And of course, do not even consider using this for fraud. It is possible to generate "20% off" or "Look Inside!" badges on Amazon images, but this gem does not support that since I can not think of any reason why outside sites would use that. == FEATURES/PROBLEMS:0T" ruby[["g1nn13-image_science-1.2.9u;i[" 1.4.0i"g1nn13-image_scienceU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.9u: Time D"Zg1nn13 fork changes: * added buffer() method to get image buffer for writing (to Amazon S3) * added fit_within() method to resize an image to fit within a specified height and width without changing the image's aspect ratio * added resize_with_crop() to resize and crop images where the target aspect ratio differs from the original aspect ratioU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0: @name"hoe-telicopter:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.0; " minitest; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0; " hoe-git; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.0; "gemcutter; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.0; "hoe; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.5.0; "hoe; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; "hoe-doofus; @[;F00[" jim nist"g1nn13 fork changes: * added buffer() method to get image buffer for writing (to Amazon S3) * added fit_within() method to resize an image to fit within a specified height and width without changing the image's aspect ratio * added resize_with_crop() to resize and crop images where the target aspect ratio differs from the original aspect ratio. This is for converting portrait to landscape and landscape to portrait. ImageScience is a clean and happy Ruby library that generates thumbnails -- and kicks the living crap out of RMagick. Oh, and it doesn't leak memory like a sieve. :) For more information including build steps, see http://seattlerb.rubyforge.org/0T" ruby[["yard-doc-core-1.9.1u;A[" 1.4.0i"yard-doc-coreU:Gem::Version[" 1.9.1u: Time m",Ruby core documentation yardoc databaseU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" yard:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Loren Segal"0T" ruby[["picky-client-1.3.2u;O[" 1.4.0i"picky-clientU:Gem::Version[" 1.3.2u: Time "$picky Ruby Search Engine ClientU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.8: @name"yajl-ruby:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Florian Hanke"Picky Client0T" ruby[["jesus-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i" jesusU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time m"2A web interface for god to speak with mankindU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Damien MATHIEU"2A web interface for god to speak with mankind0T" ruby[["zipcodematch-1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"zipcodematchU:Gem::Version["1.0u: Time "(Validates hungarian zipcode easily.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 2.3.5: @name"activerecord:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Csiszár Attila"OA rails plugin for searching and validating hungarian cities and zipcodes.0T" ruby[["!sprout-puremvc-library-2.0.4u;:[" 1.4.0i"sprout-puremvc-libraryU:Gem::Version[" 2.0.4u: Time g"PureMVC is a lightweight framework for creating applications in ActionScript 3, based upon the classic Model-View-Controller design meta-pattern.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Cliff Hall"0T" ruby[["sass-tools-0.1.12u;j[" 1.4.0i"sass-toolsU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.12u: Time D">A set of Mixins and Classes to aid your Sass Development.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Mario 'Kuroir' Ricalde"0T" ruby[["bio-graphics-1.4u;;[" 1.4.0i"bio-graphicsU:Gem::Version["1.4u: Time ",Library for visualizing genomic regionsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["1: @name"bio:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jan Aerts"0T" ruby[["BitStructEx-0.0.91u;[" 1.4.0i"BitStructExU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.91u: Time d"?Simple DSL for defining bit-based structures on byte data.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["The.French.DJ"Allows the specification of bit-based structures and provides an intuitive way of access data. Example: class Flags < StructBase unsigned :direction, 4 unsigned :multiplier, 2 unsigned :offset, 2 end class Entry < StructBase unsigned :offset, 4 nested :flags, Flags unsigned :address, 24 unsigned :cache_id, 16 end In contrast to the already available http://raa.ruby-lang.org/project/bit-struct/ implementation, BitStructEx allows nested structures which are not aligned on byte boundaries.0T" ruby[["yard-rest-plugin-0.2.5u;[" 1.4.0i"yard-rest-pluginU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.5u: Time E"QA plugin for Yardoc that produces API documentation for Restful web servicesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.6.1: @name" yard:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Aisha Fenton"wA plugin for Yardoc that produces API documentation for Restful web services. See README.markdown for more details0T" ruby[["stupid_auth-0.0.5u;[" 1.4.0i"stupid_authU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time E")Really basic authentication library.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" Dev Fu!",Authenticate users the stupid easy way.0T" ruby[["paraphraser-1.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i"paraphraserU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.4u: Time "Pprovides a rake task to convert migrations to sql statements for *the dba*.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0: @name" bundler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.2; " jeweler; @);F00["Vinay Patel"Paraphraser, is a very simple gem. It adds a rake task that will drop, re-create and migrate a database (default is test) and will output the sql generated in the migration process. It will output the sql to screen as well as to a file ./migration.sql. 0T" ruby[["jetty-rails-0.8.1u;F[" 1.4.0i"jetty-railsU:Gem::Version[" 0.8.1u: Time Y"Jetty Rails aims to run Ruby on Rails and Merb applications with the Jetty Container, leveraging the power of JRuby and jruby-rackU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.2; "activesupport; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.1; " newgem; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.1; " newgem; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0; "hoe; @G;F00["Fabio Kung"Jetty Rails aims to run Ruby on Rails and Merb applications with the Jetty Container, leveraging the power of JRuby and jruby-rack. {Jetty}[http://jetty.mortbay.com/jetty/] is an excellent Java Web Server, being and at the same time extremely lightweight. This makes jetty-rails a good alternative for JRuby on Rails or Merb development and deployment. The project has born from my own needs ({read more}[http://fabiokung.com/2008/05/14/jetty-rails-gem-simple-jruby-on-rails-development-with-servlet-containers/]). I needed to run {JForum}[http://jforum.net] in the same context of my JRuby on Rails application. I had also to integrate HttpSessions (avoiding single sign on) and use ServletContext in-memory cache store.0T" ruby[["junior-0.1.1u;K[" 1.4.0i" juniorU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time %"An MVC Web FrameworkU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.1.0: @name" rack:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.4.0; " tilt; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.6.3; " usher; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.5.2; " yard; @G;F00["Michael Wood"ZA Mini MVC Web Framework for Ruby built on Rack and a lot of inspiration from Sinatra0T" ruby[[" rami-0.4u;[" 1.4.0i" ramiU:Gem::Version["0.4u: Time Ej"AA proxy server/client api for the Asterisk Manager InterfaceU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Chris Ochs"0T" ruby[["qrpc-0.2.1u;r[" 1.4.0i" qrpcU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time "Queued JSON-RPC client and server. Works as normal RPC server, but through queue interface, so allows highly scalable, distributed and asynchronous remote API implementation and fast data processing. It's based on eventmachine and beanstalkd, so it's fast and thread safe.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0.4: @name" depq:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.3; " em-jack; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.12.10; "eventmachine; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.1; " uuid; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.2; " jeweler; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.1; "json-rpc-objects; @[;F00["Martin Kozák"0T" ruby[["pog19-1.1.2u;g[" 1.4.0i" pog19U:Gem::Version[" 1.1.2u: Time ň":A Ruby gem for simplifying random password generationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Operis Systems"LLC"A Ruby gem for simplifying random password generation, password strength testing, password hashing and salting, and password-hash authentication.0T" ruby[["photoviewer-1.1.2u;o[" 1.4.0i"photoviewerU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.2u: Time $"#PhotoViewer Sample ApplicationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0.6: @name" hpricot:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.0; " rmobio; @);F00["Jenny Chang"0T" ruby[["pages-0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" pagesU:Gem::Version["0.1u: Time g""Structured In-Browser TestingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Philippe Hanrigou"0T" ruby[["nullify_blanks-1.0.0u;+[" 1.4.0i"nullify_blanksU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time d"*Nullify blank columns in ActiveRecordU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Andrew White"iRuby on Rails plugin to ensure nullable databases columns are set to null rather than empty strings.0T" ruby[["auto_html-1.3.4u;E[" 1.4.0i"auto_htmlU:Gem::Version[" 1.3.4u: Time ")Transform URIs to appropriate markupU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Dejan Simic"Automatically transforms URIs (via domain) and includes the destination resource (Vimeo, YouTube movie, image, ...) in your document0T" ruby[["file_sandbox-0.5u;v[" 1.4.0i"file_sandboxU:Gem::Version["0.5u: Time "File sandbox creates a space for your tests to safely hit the file system. It also makes it easier for them to do so. By cleaning up after them.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.7.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.7.0; "hoe; @);F00["Jeremy Stell-Smith"File sandbox creates a space for your tests to safely hit the file system. It also makes it easier for them to do so. By cleaning up after them.0T" ruby[["AmazonMarketplace-0.2.0u;$[" 1.4.0i"AmazonMarketplaceU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time T"RThis gem provides a Rails interface to the Amazon Simple Pay payment service.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.2; "activesupport; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0; " newgem; @3;F00["Charlie White"JRails ready gem for Marketplace Transactions using Amazon Simple Pay.0T" ruby[["ribusb-0.0.1u;;[" 1.4.0i" ribusbU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time V"-Access USB devices from Ruby via libusb.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["András G. Major"zRibUSB is a Ruby extension that makes USB devices accessible from Ruby via the libusb library (API version >=1.0).0T" ruby[["irb_hacks-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"irb_hacksU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time "!Yet another set of IRB hacksU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Alex Fortuna"!Yet another set of IRB hacks0T" ruby[["browser_detect-0.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i"browser_detectU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time ",A simple rails browser detection pluginU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["1.0.0.rc.6: @name" bundler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[ " rlivsey" faunzy" tmlee" ggilder"Q Simple rails browser detection based on original plugin by Richard Livsey" 0T" ruby[["date_easter-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"date_easterU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time ū".Calculate the date on which Easter falls.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Rick Scott"This module calculates the date upon which Easter falls, a date upon which many holidays in the Western world depend. It extends the Date class available in the Ruby standard library, adding the class method Date::easter(year) and the instance method easter().0T" ruby[["rlogin-1.0.1u; [" 1.4.0i" rloginU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time _"8Net::Rlogin package to connect with rlogind serversU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Vincent Landgraf"?Ruby library to connect to a BSD Rlogin server (RFC 1282).0T" ruby[["quora-client-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"quora-clientU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time "=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.3: @name"json_pure:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.1.0; "test-unit; @);F00["Juan de Bravo"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"mongo_mapper:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @);F00["Richard Livsey"0T" ruby[["mongoid_adjust-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"mongoid_adjustU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time ")Add simple adjust! method to MongoidU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["2.0.0.beta.15: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["2.0.0.beta.14; " mongoid; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.3; " bson; @3;F00["Kristian Mandrup"*Add simple adjust! method to Mongoid.0T" ruby[["guards-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" guardsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time $",HTML forms validation plugin for jQueryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["On-Site.com"9Guard your forms with class (or any other selectors)0T" ruby[["sinatra_rake_tasks-0.2.0u;=[" 1.4.0i"sinatra_rake_tasksU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time %" OpenHood Sinatra Rake TasksU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" bond:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0.a; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.2; " cucumber; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.8.0; " sequel; @G;F00["Jonathan Tron"Joseph Halter"*Default tasks we're using in our apps0T" ruby[["merb_active_record-0.4.0u;[" 1.4.0i"merb_active_recordU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.0u: Time "=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.0: @name" merb:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Duane Johnson"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0: @name"englishext:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0; "extensions; @);F00["Francis Hwang"The ContextualService library makes it easy to manage and set services to a single, global resource such as a database or file system.0T" ruby[["special_fried_links-2.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"special_fried_linksU:Gem::Version[" 2.0.0u: Time "5Extend Rails link_to with a cool CRUD based dsl.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Brent Greeff"5Extend Rails link_to with a cool CRUD based dsl.0T" ruby[["callbacks-0.0.3u;"[" 1.4.0i"callbacksU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time %"4This package makes it simple to add callbacks aU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Leon Bogaert"[This package makes it simple to add callbacks a.k.a. "hooks" to ruby classes0T" ruby[["Linguistics-1.0.5u; [" 1.4.0i"LinguisticsU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.5u: Time "^A generic, language-neutral framework for extending Ruby objects with linguistic methods.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Michael Granger"Martin Chase"0T" ruby[["chrisb-pony-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"chrisb-ponyU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "hiroshi/pony + headers.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Chris Bielinski"hiroshi/pony + headers.0T" ruby[["geoipdb-0.1.4u;b[" 1.4.0i" geoipdbU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time "UFast (>3 Mio queries/sec!!!) GeoIpDb implementation for Ruby using C-Extensions.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rcov:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.1; " jeweler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.1.0; " rspec; @=;F00["Eugen Martin"eReturns a GeoLocation to a given IP. Reads Data from CSV-Files and uses internal binary caching.0T" ruby[[")bmpercy-exception_notification-2.0.5u;[" 1.4.0i"#bmpercy-exception_notificationU:Gem::Version[" 2.0.5u: Time i"QAllows unhandled (and handled!) exceptions to be captured and sent via emailU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"actionmailer:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[ "Brian Percival"Peter Boling"Scott Windsor"Ismael Celis"Jacques Crocker"Jamis Buck"Allows customization of: * Specify which level of notification you would like with an array of optional styles of notification (email, webhooks) * the sender address of the email * the recipient addresses * the text used to prefix the subject line * the HTTP status codes to notify for * the error classes to send emails for * alternatively, the error classes to not notify for * whether to send error emails or just render without sending anything * the HTTP status and status code that gets rendered with specific errors * the view path to the error page templates * custom errors, with custom error templates * define error layouts at application or controller level, or use the controller's own default layout, or no layout at all * get error notification for errors that occur in the console, using notifiable method * Override the gem's handling and rendering with explicit rescue statements inline. * Hooks into `git blame` output so you can get an idea of who (may) have introduced the bug * Hooks into other website services (e.g. you can send exceptions to to Switchub.com) * Can notify of errors occurring in any class/method using notifiable { method } * Can notify of errors in Rake tasks using NotifiedTask.new instead of task * * NOTE: in environment.rb, specify :lib => 'exception_notifier'0T" ruby[["#achdirect-activemerchant-1.5.1u;[" 1.4.0i"achdirect-activemerchantU:Gem::Version[" 1.5.1u: Time ċ"CFramework and tools for dealing with credit card transactions.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.2: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0; " builder; @);F00["Tobias Luetke"LActive Merchant is a simple payment abstraction library used in and sponsored by Shopify. It is written by Tobias Luetke, Cody Fauser, and contributors. The aim of the project is to feel natural to Ruby users and to abstract as many parts as possible away from the user to offer a consistent interface across all supported gateways.0T" ruby[[""ktheory-juicer-1.0.0.ktheory1u;J[" 1.4.0i"ktheory-juicerU:Gem::Version["1.0.0.ktheory1u: Time "8Command line tool for CSS and JavaScript developersU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.1: @name" fakefs:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rubyzip; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " nokogiri; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.10.2; " shoulda; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " cmdparse; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.8; " mocha; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.1; " jeweler; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.2; " redgreen; @e;F00["Christian Johansen"Resolve dependencies, merge and minify CSS and JavaScript files with Juicer - the command line tool for frontend engineers0T" ruby[["allocine-0.4.2u;[" 1.4.0i" allocineU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.2u: Time "Parser for Allocine.frU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0; " vegas; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0; " sinatra; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0; "activesupport; @=;F00["Jordan Bracco"Florian Lamache"Sunny Ripert"3Get data about movies and shows on allocine.fr0T" ruby[[""db_migration_scaffolder-0.0.2u;0[" 1.4.0i"db_migration_scaffolderU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time e"XDatabase Migration Scaffolder (for the sorry people that doesn't have a proper one)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.8.7: @name" rake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Kristoffer Roupé"The scaffolder mimics the regular rails one and posts new 'sql' files to a specified folder with unique names. The 'number' generated can be as either an integer or a 'date'.0T" ruby[["opsb-RubyInline-3.8.6u;[" 1.4.0i"opsb-RubyInlineU:Gem::Version[" 3.8.6u: Time ū"BInline allows you to write foreign code within your ruby codeU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.2: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["4.3; " ZenTest; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4; "rubyforge; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0; " minitest; @=;F00["Ryan Davis"Inline allows you to write foreign code within your ruby code. It automatically determines if the code in question has changed and builds it only when necessary. The extensions are then automatically loaded into the class/module that defines it. You can even write extra builders that will allow you to write inlined code in any language. Use Inline::C as a template and look at Module#inline for the required API.0T" ruby[["ya2yaml-0.30u;Z[" 1.4.0i" ya2yamlU:Gem::Version[" 0.30u: Time d"An UTF8 safe YAML dumper.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Akira FUNAI"Ya2YAML is "yet another to_yaml". It emits YAML document with complete UTF8 support (string/binary detection, "\u" escape sequences and Unicode specific line breaks). 0T" ruby[["wwmd-;[" 1.4.0i" wwmdU:Gem::Version[" Time "WWMD was originally intended to provide a console helper tool for conducting web application security assessments (which is something I find myself doing alot of)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.5.1: @name" bones:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["; " curb; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.1; " nokogiri; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.10.3; "ruby-debug; @=;F00["Michael L. Tracy"&WWMD was originally intended to provide a console helper tool for conducting web application security assessments (which is something I find myself doing alot of). I've spent alot of time and had alot of success writing application specific fuzzers + scrapers to test with. WWMD provides a base of useful code to help you work with web sites both in IRB and by writing scripts that can be as generic or as application specific as you choose. There's alot of helpful stuff crammed in here and its usage has evolved alot. It's not intended to replace, remove or be better than any of the tools you currently use. In fact, WWMD works best *with* the tools you currently use to get stuff done. You get convenience methods for getting, scraping, spidering, decoding, decrypting and munging user inputs, pages and web applications. It doesn't try to be smart. That's up to you. What's here is the basic framework for getting started. There's a raft of cookbook scripts and examples that are coming soon so make sure you check the wiki regularly.0T" ruby[[" spree_email_to_friend-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"spree_email_to_friendU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time "?Spree extension to send product recommendations to friendsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.30.1: @name"spree_core:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.1; "recaptcha; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.30.1; "spree_auth; @3;F00["Jorge Calás Lozano"Roman Smirnov"0T" ruby[["$simple_model_translations-0.2.3u;m[" 1.4.0i"simple_model_translationsU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.3u: Time e"1Simple ActiveRecord translations for Rails 3U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.0: @name"activerecord:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.5.2; "database_cleaner; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.3.1; "sqlite3-ruby; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.11.3; " shoulda; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.0.0; " rspec; @G;F00["Pavel Forkert"1Simple ActiveRecord translations for Rails 30T" ruby[["rb_cdio-0.2.1u;-[" 1.4.0i" rb_cdioU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time $"PBindings for libcdio and libcddb: Cross-platform CD-ROM reading and controlU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Claudio Bustos"Crb_cdio is a library for Ruby that creates a module CdIo and several classes to use the libcdio and libccdb library. The use of libcddb is optional. The libcdio package contains a library which encapsulates CD-ROM reading and control. Applications wishing to be oblivious of the OS- and device-dependent properties of a CD-ROM can use this library. Libcddb is a C library to access data on a CDDB server (freedb.org). It allows you to: 1. search the database for possible CD matches; 2. retrieve detailed information about a specific CD; 3. submit new CD entries to the database.0T" ruby[["lazyscript-0.3.4u;[" 1.4.0i"lazyscriptU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.4u: Time "Scripting for lazy peopleU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.0: @name"FaceToFace:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.1; " highline; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.0; " lazytest; @3;F00["Marc Rene Arns"0T" ruby[["edave-gdata4ruby-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"edave-gdata4rubyU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time e"JA full featured wrapper for interacting with the base Google Data APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.4: @name" oauth:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Mike Reich"Anthony Underwood"David Pitman"0T" ruby[["yard-slipstream-0.1.23u;][" 1.4.0i"yard-slipstreamU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.23u: Time D"9Streamlined Navigation for the default yard templateU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " json; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " cucumber; @G;F00["Dreamcat4"Kyard-slipstream is a yard plugin for Yard-0.5.3 and higher. Slipstream gives users an option for faster page navigation in their yard documents. We just want to optimize the most frequent lookups and remove any duplicate info. Other than that its just plain straight Yard, with all the same "look and feel" as the default template.0T" ruby[["!aihs_devise_invitable-0.4.rcu;l[" 1.4.0i"aihs_devise_invitableU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.rcu: Time e"&An invitation strategy for deviseU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.9: @name" capybara:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.0; " rails; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "sqlite3-ruby; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.8; " mocha; @=;F00["Sergio Cambra"~It adds support for send invitations by email (it requires to be authenticated) and accept the invitation setting the password0T" ruby[["ambient-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" ambientU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time f"6Control an Ambient Orb or Beacon from a Ruby app.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Tom Fakes"Allow the color and animation settings to be changed on an Ambient Ord or Beacon - http://www.ambientdevices.com/developer/OrbWDK.pdf. This code uses the Ambient HTTP developer interface.0T" ruby[["hubless-0.3.1u;[" 1.4.0i" hublessU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.1u: Time E"gSearch your local gem repository for gems installed from GitHub that have since moved to GemcutterU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.1: @name" mocha:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Greg Sterndale"gSearch your local gem repository for gems installed from GitHub that have since moved to Gemcutter0T" ruby[["accessorize-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"accessorizeU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time E"5Log all data access for your ActiveRecord modelsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jeff Rafter"Sometimes you need to keep rigid logs of who created, updated and even accessed the data in your database. Accessorize simplifies the process.0T" ruby[[" rally_workspace_utils-0.0.6u;[" 1.4.0i"rally_workspace_utilsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.6u: Time "HA utility to translate a UseCase workspace to a UserStory workspaceU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.4; "rally_rest_api; @);F00[" bcotton"HA utility to translate a UseCase workspace to a UserStory workspace0T" ruby[["activesalesforce-1.1.6u;U[" 1.4.0i"activesalesforceU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.6u: Time "ActiveSalesforce (ASF) is a Rails connection adapter that provides direct access to Salesforce.com hosted data and metadata via the ActiveRecord model layer. Objects, fields, and relationships are all auto surfaced as active record attributes and rels.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.4: @name" builder:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; " rails; @);F00["Doug Chasman"0T" ruby[["nogara-rubber-1.7.2u;[" 1.4.0i"nogara-rubberU:Gem::Version[" 1.7.2u: Time "SA capistrano plugin for managing multi-instance deployments to the cloud (ec2)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" nettica:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.0; "amazon-ec2; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " aws-s3; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.4.0; "capistrano; @=;F00["Matt Conway" The rubber plugin enables relatively complex multi-instance deployments of RubyOnRails applications to Amazon's Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2). Like capistrano, rubber is role based, so you can define a set of configuration files for a role and then assign that role to as many concrete instances as needed. One can also assign multiple roles to a single instance. This lets one start out with a single ec2 instance (belonging to all roles), and add new instances into the mix as needed to scale specific facets of your deployment, e.g. adding in instances that serve only as an 'app' role to handle increased app server load. 0T" ruby[["bundler08-0.8.5u;[" 1.4.0i"bundler08U:Gem::Version[" 0.8.5u: Time "+An easy way to vendor gem dependenciesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Yehuda Katz"Carl Lerche"+An easy way to vendor gem dependencies0T" ruby[["facebooker-fbg1-;[" 1.4.0i"facebooker-fbg1U:Gem::Version[" Time ł"Facebooker is a Ruby wrapper over the Facebook[http://facebook.com] {REST API}[http://wiki.developers.facebook.com/index.php/API]U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.4.0; "hoe; @);F00[ "Chad Fowler"Patrick Ewing"Mike Mangino"Shane Vitarana"Corey Innis"Mike Mangino"Facebooker is a Ruby wrapper over the Facebook[http://facebook.com] {REST API}[http://wiki.developers.facebook.com/index.php/API]. Its goals are: * Idiomatic Ruby * No dependencies outside of the Ruby standard library (This is true with Rails 2.1. Previous Rails versions require the JSON gem) * Concrete classes and methods modeling the Facebook data, so it's easy for a Rubyist to understand what's available * Well tested0T" ruby[["eve_gate-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" eve_gateU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time d"!A Ruby interface to EVE GateU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0: @name"mechanize:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "activesupport; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "thoughtbot-shoulda; @3;F00["Dominik Sander"!A Ruby interface to EVE Gate0T" ruby[["gem_raker-0.1.3u;[" 1.4.0i"gem_rakerU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time !"1Eymiha standard rake-based gem assembly lineU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Dave Anderson"0T" ruby[["redismodel-0.1.8u;_[" 1.4.0i"redismodelU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.8u: Time $"%Atomic object syncing with RedisU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4: @name" redis:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Ashley Williams"$Syncs you ruby objects to Redis0T" ruby[["pseudoxml-0.1.0u;1[" 1.4.0i"pseudoxmlU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time %"5PseudoXml -- A not-quite Xml parser in pure-rubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Sam Smoot"Scott Bauer"_Fast, low memory requirements for the streaming version, but no CDATA or Attribute support0T" ruby[["gem-github-0.5.0u;[" 1.4.0i"gem-githubU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.0u: Time d`"CShow Github-related stats of the same gem from different usersU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.0: @name"fcoury-octopi:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "thoughtbot-shoulda; @);F00["David Dollar"CShow Github-related stats of the same gem from different users0T" ruby[[""dm-is-counter_cacheable-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"dm-is-counter_cacheableU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.6.0: @name" yard:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " dm-core; @3;F00["Postmodern"OA DataMapper plugin for adding counter-cache properties to related models.0T" ruby[["haml-sass-converters-0.2.2u;R[" 1.4.0i"haml-sass-convertersU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.2u: Time "WProvides convenient converters for HAML/SASS as plugin for RubyMine IDE (Summary).U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 0.8.3: @name" hpricot:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.6.6; " erubis; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 3.0.5; "sexp_processor; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "gemcutter; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " jeweler; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "jruby-openssl; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.0.5; "ruby_parser; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.0.0; " abstract; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.0.0; " abstract; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 3.0.24; " haml; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.6.6; " erubis; @~;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "jruby-openssl; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 3.0.5; "sexp_processor; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.0.5; "ruby_parser; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "gemcutter; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " jeweler; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 3.0.24; " haml; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.8.3; " hpricot; @;F00["Alexander Shvets"MProvides convenient converters for HAML/SASS as plugin for RubyMine IDE.0T" ruby[["future_agent-0.1u;,[" 1.4.0i"future_agentU:Gem::Version["0.1u: Time "$Computes values asynchronously.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Sven Riedel"uCompute values asynchronously as seen with Clojure agents, but uses multi-processing instead of multi-threading.0T" ruby[["strsyntax-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"strsyntaxU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time d"^A library to return the syntax/structure of a word in term of consonant and vowel groups.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Matt Mower"0T" ruby[["rumake-0.1.3u;z[" 1.4.0i" rumakeU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time ")A tiny Make/Rake-like build utility.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Austin Gatchell"Rumake is a tiny Make/Rake-like build utility. Rumake files are just regular Ruby scripts named "rumakefile.rb" that can be run by using "rumake" in the directory containing that file.0T" ruby[["rapuncel-0.0.2u;+[" 1.4.0i" rapuncelU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time "Simple XML-RPC ClientU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.0: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " nokogiri; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mocha; @3;F00["Michael Eickenberg"Marian Theisen"{Rapuncel is a simple XML-RPC Client based on Nokogiri, thus provides a fast and easy way to interact with XML-RPC services.0T" ruby[["bannister-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"bannisterU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time ĥ"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"bluecloth:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Alex Young"tAn application launcher which maintains a tree of processes to keep background processes tied to the launcher. 0T" ruby[["isi-1.2.1u;w[" 1.4.0i"isiU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.1u: Time Ņ"\ISI Export Format to BibTeX Format converter. (Formerly named isi.rb or isi2bibtex.rb.)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0: @name"text-format:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Takeshi Nishimatsu" "isi" is a set of Ruby libraries and scripts for ISI Export Format. isi2bibtex converts ISI Export Format to BibTeX Format. isi2html generates a list of articles in an HTML file. The package also includes isi2kakenhi and isi2tohoku. 0T" ruby[["ruboss4ruby-1.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"ruboss4rubyU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.2u: Time eA"MRuboss Framework Code Generation Engine / Rails 2.1+ Integration SupportU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.2.0: @name" bones:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.2.0; " bones; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0; "activesupport; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.0; " rubigen; @=;F00["Dima Berastau"The Ruboss Framework brings the design principles and productivity of Rails to Flex development, and makes integration with RESTful APIs as simple as possible. Here's some of the things you can do: * *Create* a complete _Adobe_ _Flex_ or _AIR_ application in less than 5 minutes. Use our lightweight Ruby-based code generation toolkit to create a fully functional CRUD application. Simply do: sudo gem install ruboss4ruby And then run: ruboss-gen -h * *Integrate* with _Ruby_ _On_ _Rails_, _Merb_ or _Sinatra_ applications that use _ActiveRecord_, _DataMapper_, _CouchRest_, _ActiveCouch_, etc. * *Communicate* between your Flex/AIR rich client and service providers using either _XML_ or _JSON_. * *Persist* your data directly in Adobe AIR's _SQLite_ database or _CouchDB_ without any additional infrastructure or intermediate servers. * *Deploy* your Ruboss application on the Google App Engine and use Google DataStore for persistence.0T" ruby[["bonsai-1.3.2u;X[" 1.4.0i" bonsaiU:Gem::Version[" 1.3.2u: Time e"AA static site generator that uses the best toolset availableU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" launchy:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.0; " watch; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.9.0; " tilt; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.4; " sinatra; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.17; " less; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.1; " rack; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0.5; " tilt; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.0; " mustache; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.2; " builder; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.3; " launchy; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "activesupport; @~;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " maruku; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " jeweler; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.7.0; " mustache; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2.3; " rspec; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " sinatra; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " builder; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0; " rspec; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " i18n; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.5; "activesupport; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " watch; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.0; " maruku; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " less; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @ ;F00["Ben Schwarz"AA static site generator that uses the best toolset available0T" ruby[["avo-setup-0.0.33u;[" 1.4.0i"avo-setupU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.33u: Time "Avo-setup generatorU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" Avocado"@Set up an Avocado Enviromnment to start a new rails project0T" ruby[["sapo-rb-0.0.13u;\[" 1.4.0i" sapo-rbU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.13u: Time ċ" Ruby interface to SAPO APIsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Tiago Pinto"1SAPO APIs ruby binding. Developed by @tpinto0T" ruby[["rchardet-1.3u;[" 1.4.0i" rchardetU:Gem::Version["1.3u: Time dZ"VCharacter encoding auto-detection in Ruby. As smart as your browser. Open source.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jeff Hodges"0T" ruby[["rack-proxy-0.3.4u;[" 1.4.0i"rack-proxyU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.4u: Time d"9A request/response rewriting HTTP proxy. A Rack app.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"rack-test:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rack; @);F00["Jacek Becela"[A Rack app that provides request/response rewriting proxy capabilities with streaming.0T" ruby[["ruby-elf-1.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i" ruby-elfU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.3u: Time e",Pure Ruby ELF file parser and utilitiesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Diego Elio Pettenò"Ruby-Elf is a pure-Ruby library for parse and fetch information about ELF format used by Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris and other Unix-like operating systems, and include a set of analysis tools helpful for both optimisations and verification of compiled ELF files. 0T" ruby[["$rack-google-custom-search-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"rack-google-custom-searchU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time %"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0: @name" bundler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.1; " jeweler; @);F00["Jerome Riga"ASimple rack middleware to copies google custom search script0T" ruby[[")balinterdi-activewarehouse-etl-0.9.2u;@[" 1.4.0i"#balinterdi-activewarehouse-etlU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.2u: Time e"ActiveWarehouse ETLU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Anthony Eden"Balint Erdi"s ActiveWarehouse ETL is a pure Ruby Extract-Transform-Load application for loading data into a database. 0T" ruby[["%flockonus-nifty-generators-0.0.8u;E[" 1.4.0i"flockonus-nifty-generatorsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.8u: Time "FA collection of useful Rails generator scripts. Forked from ryanbU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 2.1.2: @name"bcrypt-ruby:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.3.1; "sqlite3-ruby; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">U;[" 3.0.0; " rails; @3;F00["Fabiano PS"lA collection of useful Rails generator scripts for scaffolding, layout files, authentication, and more.0T" ruby[["nachof-premailer-1.5.5u;[" 1.4.0i"nachof-premailerU:Gem::Version[" 1.5.5u: Time el"Preflight for HTML e-mail.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0.6: @name" hpricot:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 4.0.0; "htmlentities; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.1; "css_parser; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.0; "text-reform; @=;F00["Alex Dunae"Improve the rendering of HTML emails by making CSS inline, converting links and warning about unsupported code. This version has support for loading HTML straight from a string.0T" ruby[["tap-suite-0.3.0u;_[" 1.4.0i"tap-suiteU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time l"=A collection of modules to rapidly develop Tap workflowsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.0: @name" tap-test:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.0; " tap-gen; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.0; "tap-server; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.15.0; "rap; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.0; "tap-tasks; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.19.0; "tap; @Q;F00["Simon Chiang"0T" ruby[["*steamcannon-deltacloud-client-;[" 1.4.0i""steamcannon-deltacloud-clientU:Gem::Version[" Time "Deltacloud REST ClientU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.6.1: @name"rest-client:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.3; " nokogiri; @3;F00[" Red Hat" Inc."#Deltacloud REST Client for API0T" ruby[["ffi-libfreenect-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"ffi-libfreenectU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time Ů"8FFI bindings for the libfreenect OpenKinect libraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.0: @name"ffi:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Josh Grunzweig"Eric Monti"8FFI bindings for the libfreenect OpenKinect library0T" ruby[["+nginx_config_generator_kthompson-0.2.2u;&[" 1.4.0i"%nginx_config_generator_kthompsonU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.2u: Time "1Creates Nginx config files from YAML optionsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Kevin Thompson"Chris Wanstrath"8You got Nginx in my YAML! You got YAML in my Nginx!0T" ruby[["'btucker-google_visualization-0.5.3u;[" 1.4.0i"!btucker-google_visualizationU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.3u: Time D"TA Ruby interface to manipulate and populate data for Google Interactive Charts.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Ben Tucker"Miguel Fonseca"NDiffers from original in that it uses the JSON gem to provide valid JSON.0T" ruby[["merb_viewfu-0.5.1u;[" 1.4.0i"merb_viewfuU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.1u: Time e"NView Helpers for Title, Meta tags, Browser Detect, and Common Tag HelpersU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["1.0: @name"merb-core:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jacques Crocker"NView Helpers for Title, Meta tags, Browser Detect, and Common Tag Helpers0T" ruby[["rbtk-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" rbtkU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "%The Ruby Cheminformatics ToolkitU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Richard L. Apodaca"%The Ruby Cheminformatics Toolkit0T" ruby[["dm-validations-1.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"dm-validationsU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2u: Time "ILibrary for performing validations on DM models and pure Ruby objectU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["1.3: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.2; " dm-types; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.2; " dm-core; @3;F00["Guy van den Berg"ILibrary for performing validations on DM models and pure Ruby object0T" ruby[["nanotest_spec-0.9u;[" 1.4.0i"nanotest_specU:Gem::Version["0.9u: Time eh"Gnanotest extension that allows asserting using obj.must / obj.wontU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" nanotest:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Martin Aumont"Hnanotest extension that allows asserting using obj.must / obj.wont.0T" ruby[["cukeforker-0.1.0u;>[" 1.4.0i"cukeforkerU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time e">Library to maintain a forking queue of Cucumber processesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"simplecov:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " vnctools; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " cucumber; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @=;F00["Jari Bakken"[Library to maintain a forking queue of Cucumber processes, with optional VNC displays.0T" ruby[["jretlang-0.2.3u;[" 1.4.0i" jretlangU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.3u: Time f" A JRuby package of jretlangU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Gareth Reeves" A JRuby package of jretlang0T" ruby[["authlogic-2.1.6u;m[" 1.4.0i"authlogicU:Gem::Version[" 2.1.6u: Time "CA clean, simple, and unobtrusive ruby authentication solution.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" Ben Johnson of Binary Logic"0T" ruby[["mem_mappr-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"mem_mapprU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time D"9Quick and dirty way to memcache ActiveRecord objectsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "memcache-client; @);F00["Luke van der Hoeven"|This is a simple way to memcache ActiveRecord objects, mostly by serializing them into objects that memcache can understand.0T" ruby[["memory-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i" memoryU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time Ej"/Some libraries for reporting memory usage.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Evan Weaver"/Some libraries for reporting memory usage.0T" ruby[["!restaurant_week_boston-1.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"restaurant_week_bostonU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.0u: Time ĝ"XA fast, easy way to search the Boston Restaurant Week site and mark your favorites.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" @name" nokogiri:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Gabe Berke-Williams"XA fast, easy way to search the Boston Restaurant Week site and mark your favorites.0T" ruby[["ramhoj-scruffy-0.2.8u;[" 1.4.0i"ramhoj-scruffyU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.8u: Time "?Scruffy is a library for outputting graphs to image or SVGU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["2.0: @name" builder:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2.0; " rmagick; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.1; " rspec; @3;F00["Jonas Nicklas"?Scruffy is a library for outputting graphs to image or SVG0T" ruby[["autotest-growl-0.2.9u;[" 1.4.0i"autotest-growlU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.9u: Time ",Growl notification support for autotestU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " ZenTest; @3;F00["Sven Schwyn"JThis gem aims to improve support for Growl notifications by autotest.0T" ruby[["airport-0.0.1u;C[" 1.4.0i" airportU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time $"An MVC frameworkU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["svicalifornia"More to come...0T" ruby[["itest-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" itestU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time " itestU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["ZhongXingDou"# 前端测试HELPER类库 0T" ruby[["albacore-deployment-0.1.0u;"[" 1.4.0i"albacore-deploymentU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time D"?Dolphin-Safe Rake Tasks For The Deployment Of .NET SystemsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.8: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.1; " jeweler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.5; " rake; @3;F00["James Hollingworth"ZEasily deploy your .NET solutions with Ruby and Rake, using this suite of Rake tasks.0T" ruby[["tricycle-model_sync-0.2.0u; [" 1.4.0i"tricycle-model_syncU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time dZ";Sync changes to an ActiveRecord model to another modelU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Anton Jenkins"0Fork of the model_sync gem by Anton Jenkins0T" ruby[["rsolr-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i" rsolrU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time ""A Ruby client for Apache SolrU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.2: @name" builder:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Matt Mitchell"PRSolr aims to provide a simple and extensible library for working with Solr0T" ruby[["rmathguard-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"rmathguardU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time "U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jakub Dušek"0T" ruby[["!camelpunch-rest-client-1.1.0u;z[" 1.4.0i"camelpunch-rest-clientU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.0u: Time df"[Simple REST client for Ruby, inspired by microframework syntax for specifying actions.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Andrew Bruce"A simple REST client for Ruby, inspired by the Sinatra microframework style of specifying actions: get, put, post, delete.0T" ruby[["hubbard-0.0.18u;[" 1.4.0i" hubbardU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.18u: Time $"BHubbard is a command line tool for managing git repositories.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Matthew Foemmel"BHubbard is a command line tool for managing git repositories.0T" ruby[["mongomapper_ext-0.5.1u;g[" 1.4.0i"mongomapper_extU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.1u: Time "MongoMapper extensionsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.10.2: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.4.0; "jnunemaker-matchy; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " timecop; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.4; " mocha; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["0.8; "mongo_mapper; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0; "uuidtools; @Q;F00["David A. Cuadrado"MongoMapper extensions0T" ruby[["capserverext-0.0.5u;[" 1.4.0i"capserverextU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time "SEasily setup postgresql & nginx (http://sysoev.ru/nginx/) on ubuntu hosts.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.1: @name" deprec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.0; "capistrano; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.0; "hoe; @3;F00["Saimon Moore"FEasily setup postgres, mysql databases and the nginx (http://sysoev.ru/nginx/) and apache web servers in any combination and on any posix host (ubuntu for now) using capistrano. == FEATURES/PROBLEMS: * install nginx from source/binary * setup & configure nginx * add init script * tasks to start/stop nginx == SYNOPSIS:0T" ruby[["tdiff-0.3.2u;[" 1.4.0i" tdiffU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.2u: Time "ACalculates the differences between two tree-like structures.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.3.0: @name"ore-tasks:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.6.0; " yard; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.1.0; " rspec; @3;F00["Postmodern"iCalculates the differences between two tree-like structures. Similar to Rubys built-in TSort module.0T" ruby[["linen-0.8.3u;[" 1.4.0i" linenU:Gem::Version[" 0.8.3u: Time "7Linen - A pluggable command-line interface libraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" LAIKA" Inc."Linen is a library which can be used to build a command-line interface for any purpose. It features a plugin architecture to specify new tasks, Readline support, history, and more.0T" ruby[["dojo_generator-0.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i"dojo_generatorU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time ď"&Generates a dojo project scaffoldU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Felipe Mathies"0T" ruby[["updraft-0.5.2u;[" 1.4.0i" updraftU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.2u: Time %"PDF generation libraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Steve Shreeve"=Umpteenth Portable Document Renderer And Formatting Tool0T" ruby[["sync-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i" syncU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time $Y"HSync provides a set of classes, equivalent to built-in Ruby classesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" facets:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["George Moschoviti"Sync provides a set of classes, equivalent to built-in Ruby classes but autmatically synchronized for use in multi-threaded applications.0T" ruby[["logrotate-1.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i"logrotateU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.1u: Time %"]This package is a library of methods that perform log rotation on files and directoriesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.5.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.3; "rubyforge; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.0; "gemcutter; @3;F00["DesigningPatterns"This package is a library of methods that perform log rotation on files and directories. The log rotate methods allow the caller to specify options (via parameters) such as how many rotated files to keep, what type of extension to place on the rotated file (date or a simple count), and whether to zip the rotated files. Live log files (currently being written to by a live process) can be rotated as well. The post_rotate option is useful in that context, as it can be used to send a HUP signal to notify the live process to reopen its log file. This package was inspired by the need to have a library version of the unix logrotate tool. The unix logrotate tool requires the user to specify options in a config file, and is usually invoked through cron. Directories can be rotated with this library. However, the gzip option does not work with directories. In this case, please zip/tar the directory in question before invoking this library.0T" ruby[["#activerecord_execute_raw-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"activerecord_execute_rawU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time "iexecute raw sql on db from ActiveRecord [without fetching inserted ids as done by ActiveRecord-JDBC]U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" yard:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @);F00["(mccraig mccraig of the clan mccraig"ActiveRecord-JDBC fetches ids of inserted records when you call connection.execute(). this gem adds a connection.execute_raw() method which does not fetch inserted ids0T" ruby[["Commatose-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"CommatoseU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time e,"=Commatose makes it easy to split your numbers by commas.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["+Acts as Buffoon (A.K.A. Michael Tomer)"0T" ruby[["shellcast-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"shellcastU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time "!Screencasts for Shell NinjasU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" jeweler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " bundler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "xdg; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mocha; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " colored; @[;F00["Antono Vasiljev"1Screencast utility for unix shell junkies :)0T" ruby[["em-handlersocket-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"em-handlersocketU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time "5Asynchronous (EventMachine) HandlerSocket clientU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"eventmachine:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @);F00["Ilya Grigorik"5Asynchronous (EventMachine) HandlerSocket client0T" ruby[["djberg96-krb5-auth-;[" 1.4.0i"djberg96-krb5-authU:Gem::Version[" Time "2A Ruby interface for the the Kerberos libraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"rake-compiler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.6; " dbi-dbrc; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.6; "test-unit; @3;F00["Daniel Berger" The krb5-auth library is an interface for the Kerberos 5 network authentication protocol. It wraps the Kerberos C API. This particular version was created by Daniel Berger as a fork of the krb5-auth project. 0T" ruby[["jruby-enginize-0.9u;[" 1.4.0i"jruby-enginizeU:Gem::Version["0.9u: Time "HA package for generating Google AppEngine compliant JRuby projects.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jan Ulbrich"0T" ruby[["be9-context-0.5.5u;r[" 1.4.0i"be9-contextU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.5u: Time $"*Contexts and DSL sugar for your testsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jeremy McAnally"If you've ever wanted contexts in your Test::Unit tests, then context is for you. Your tests will be easier to read and write without all the magic and extra code smell!0T" ruby[["kitty-0.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i" kittyU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time "EHaving a bad day? Install and run `kitty` to print some kittens.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Bryan Woods" Kittens!0T" ruby[["artemk-migration_fu-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"artemk-migration_fuU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "Add and remove FK in MYSQLU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Add and remove FK in MYSQL0T" ruby[["better_error_message-3.0.0u;C[" 1.4.0i"better_error_messageU:Gem::Version[" 3.0.0u: Time e"SBetter error message for Ruby on Rails. Use instead of Rails error_message_on.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Brent Greeff"RBetter error message for Ruby on Rails. Use instead of Rails error_message_on0T" ruby[["ruby-feedparser-0.7u;[" 1.4.0i"ruby-feedparserU:Gem::Version["0.7u: Time D["-Ruby library to parse ATOM and RSS feedsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["-Ruby library to parse ATOM and RSS feeds0T" ruby[["rails_bridge-0.0.11u;[" 1.4.0i"rails_bridgeU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.11u: Time "0Bridges Rails with an external application.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"eventmachine:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["3.0; " rails; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " syntax; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "sqlite3-ruby; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " jeweler; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " capybara; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.2.0; " typhoeus; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.2.3; "wdd-ruby-ext; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rails_bridge; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "activesupport; @~;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " dalli; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rspec-rails; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.2.0; " typhoeus; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "tm_helper; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.8; "activesupport; @;F00[" shock"|Allows for easy embedding of content from a remote HTTP server and exporting of the Rails HTML layout into another template.0T" ruby[["metrixapp-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"metrixappU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time d"MetrixApp Ruby APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "net-http-persistent; @);F00["Keith McDonnell"/MetrixApp Ruby API: send data to MetrixApp0T" ruby[["myflickr-0.1.5u;[" 1.4.0i" myflickrU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.5u: Time e"TA flickr wrapper that removes all community aspects, only your data is returnedU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"openuri_memcached:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0.6; " hpricot; @);F00["Ben Schwarz"TA flickr wrapper that removes all community aspects, only your data is returned0T" ruby[["'davidyang-resque-scheduler-1.10.11u;'[" 1.4.0i"davidyang-resque-schedulerU:Gem::Version[" 1.10.11u: Time d"1Light weight job scheduling on top of ResqueU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" jeweler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rufus-scheduler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mocha; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rack-test; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.1; " redis; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0; " resque; @Q;F00["Ben VandenBos"Brian Landau"David Yang"Light weight job scheduling on top of Resque. Adds methods enqueue_at/enqueue_in to schedule jobs in the future. Also supports queueing jobs on a fixed, cron-like schedule.0T" ruby[["ontomde-uml2-crank-1.0.6u;[" 1.4.0i"ontomde-uml2-crankU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.6u: Time  "&OntoMDE Crank generator cartridgeU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 1.0.6: @name"ontomde-uml2-java:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.0.6; "ontomde-uml2-apaCom; @);F00["Philippe Dubosc" FIX (describe your package)0T" ruby[["jogger-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" joggerU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "Edytor szablonów JoggeraU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.0: @name"mechanize:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.0; " ezcrypto; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " thin; @3;F00["Tymon Tobolski"Edytor szablonów Joggera0T" ruby[["sylvaing-seer-0.7.1u;x[" 1.4.0i"sylvaing-seerU:Gem::Version[" 0.7.1u: Time D"WSeer is a lightweight, semantically rich wrapper for the Google Visualization API.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Corey Ehmke / SEO Logic" Seer is a lightweight, semantically rich wrapper for the Google Visualization API. It allows you to easily create a visualization of data in a variety of formats, including area charts, bar charts, column charts, gauges, line charts, and pie charts.0T" ruby[["inflame-0.1.1u;Q[" 1.4.0i" inflameU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "7Command line utility to send books to your kindle.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rcov:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.4; " gmail; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.2; " jeweler; @G;F00["rodrigo franco (caffo)"7Command line utility to send books to your kindle.0T" ruby[["residence-0.0.18u;=[" 1.4.0i"residenceU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.18u: Time "A carbon modelU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["0.3: @name" emitter:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " sniff; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.8.3; " cucumber; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2; " rspec; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rdoc; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["3; "activerecord; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.4.0; " jeweler; @o;F00[ "Andy Rossmeissl"Seamus Abshere"Ian Hough"Matt Kling"Derek Kastner"NA software model in Ruby for the greenhouse gas emissions of an residence0T" ruby[["request_log-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"request_logU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time E"yRack middleware for logging web requests to a MongoDB database. Provides a profiler for monitoring logging overhead.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.2.1: @name" rack:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.9.8; " mocha; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.0.0; " rspec; @3;F00["Peter Marklund"0T" ruby[["anthonygarcia-db2s3-0.4.1u;8[" 1.4.0i"anthonygarcia-db2s3U:Gem::Version[" 0.4.1u: Time E"CFork of xaviershay/db2s3 that provides option to ignore tablesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Xavier Shay"Anthony Garcia"Idb2s3 provides rake tasks for backing up and restoring your DB to S30T" ruby[["kbaum-mail-;[" 1.4.0i"kbaum-mailU:Gem::Version[" Time %"JMail provides a nice Ruby DSL for making, sending and reading emails.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"mime-types:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.4; "activesupport; @);F00["Mike Lindsaar" A really Ruby Mail handler.0T" ruby[["io-like-0.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i" io-likeU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time O"vA module which provides the functionality of an IO object to any class which provides a couple of simple methods.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jeremy Bopp"The IO::Like module provides the methods of an IO object based upon on a few simple methods provided by the including class: unbuffered_read, unbuffered_write, and unbuffered_seek. These methods provide the underlying read, write, and seek support respectively, and only the method or methods necessary to the correct operation of the IO aspects of the including class need to be provided. Missing functionality will cause the resulting object to appear read-only, write-only, and/or unseekable depending on which underlying methods are absent. Additionally, read and write operations which are buffered in IO are buffered with independently configurable buffer sizes. Duplexed objects (those with separate read and write streams) are also supported.0T" ruby[["language_switcher-0.1.0u;p[" 1.4.0i"language_switcherU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["2.0.0.beta.13: @name"rspec-core:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["3.0.0.beta4; "activerecord; @);F00["Stefano Diem Benatti"This gem adds a few methods to switch between locales, and a helper to be used with jquery tabs or some other js tabbing behavior, to be able to change locales within a view for Rails0T" ruby[["blazy-0.1.3u;k[" 1.4.0i" blazyU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time "CProvides fluent extensions and aliases to active record modelsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 3.0.1: @name"activerecord:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.1.0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.3.2; "factory_girl; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 3.0.1; "active_support; @=;F00[" Deepak N"rBlazy(be lazy) is a fluent extension to active record models to reduce number of key strokes in rails console0T" ruby[["aetherical_utils-0.0.5u;[" 1.4.0i"aetherical_utilsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time d"1Utility methods from aetherical; used by WARU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Matt Williams"1Utility methods from aetherical; used by WAR0T" ruby[["ytljit-0.0.6u;;[" 1.4.0i" ytljitU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.6u: Time E",native code generator for ruby compilerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" iseq:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Hideki Miura"0T" ruby[["cisco-0.0.1u;:[" 1.4.0i" ciscoU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time A";Library for accessing Cisco devices via Telnet and SSHU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" net-ssh:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jake Douglas"This tool aims to provide transport-flexible functionality, for easy communication with Cisco devices. It currently allows you to execute commands on a device and get back the output of those commands.0T" ruby[["pastie-api-0.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i"pastie-apiU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time d"Simple Pastie.org APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Dan Sosedoff".Simple API and shell access to Pastie.org0T" ruby[["chipmunk-5.2.2u;&[" 1.4.0i" chipmunkU:Gem::Version[" 5.2.2u: Time "8ruby bindings for the chipmunk 5.1.0 physics engineU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Scott Lembcke" Beoran"John Mair (banisterfiend)"8ruby bindings for the chipmunk 5.1.0 physics engine0T" ruby[["rjhead-2.88.6u;-[" 1.4.0i" rjheadU:Gem::Version[" 2.88.6u: Time Eo" stuffU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Michael Dwan" stuff0T" ruby[["laydown-0.4.0u;[" 1.4.0i" laydownU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.0u: Time E"4Pure Ruby HTML5 layout DSL for microframeworks.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"backports:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " tenjin; @);F00["jbe"Provides a simple Ruby DSL for defining HTML5 layouts for web apps. For those of us who has written basically the same html head 200 times and feels like minimalism.0T" ruby[["gepub-0.2.2u;x[" 1.4.0i" gepubU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.2u: Time e""a good-enough EPUB generator.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["2: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.1; " jeweler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.4; " rubyzip; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.4; "libxml-ruby; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.7; " bundler; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.0; "epubcheck; @Q;F00["KOJIMA Satoshi";an easy-to-use (and easy-to-implement) EPUB generator.0T" ruby[["earth-0.3.15u;[" 1.4.0i" earthU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.15u: Time "Land, sky, and seaU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.8: @name"loose_tight_dictionary:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " bueller; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["3; "activerecord; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " errata; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.5; "conversions; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.0; " geokit; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.7; "cohort_scope; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.4; "weighted_average; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.1.1; "data_miner; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.3; "falls_back_on; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.5.3; " sniff; @~;F00["Seamus Abshere"Derek Kastner"Andy Rossmeissl"FAn earth-simulation environment with ActiveRecord models and data0T" ruby[["datizzle-0.1.1u;j[" 1.4.0i" datizzleU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "+Ruby DateTime formatting made legible.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jessica Suttles"+Ruby DateTime formatting made legible.0T" ruby[["!campaign_monitor_party-0.2.1u;k[" 1.4.0i"campaign_monitor_partyU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time f"JLightweight wrapper for Campaign Monitor API over HTTP using HTTPartyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" httparty:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Tim Morgan"0T" ruby[["insight_rails-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"insight_railsU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time E"(Customer Support and Knowledge BaseU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"gravtastic:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "recaptcha; @);F00["Kieran Johnson"(Customer Support and Knowledge Base0T" ruby[["solid-0.1.8u;[" 1.4.0i" solidU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.8u: Time D"ssh deployment applicationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"json_pure:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " crack; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " net-ssh; @3;F00[" Thing-3"ssh deployment application0T" ruby[["omniboard_jqtouch-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"omniboard_jqtouchU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time %"CProvides a jQTouch companion application for the Omniboard appU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.1.0: @name" sinatra:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Matt Yoho"O Provides a jQTouch companion application for the Omniboard app 0T" ruby[["drogus-oauth-0.3.7u;[" 1.4.0i"drogus-oauthU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.7u: Time %"#OAuth Core Ruby implementationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"actionpack:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mocha; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rack; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.1; "ruby-hmac; @=;F00["Piotr Sarnacki"#OAuth Core Ruby implementation0T" ruby[["fetchapi-ruby-1.1.1u;g[" 1.4.0i"fetchapi-rubyU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.1u: Time P"This Ruby library allows you to integrate your site with http://fetchapp.com for seamless digital delivery so you can build additional functionality while retaining the core features of Fetch. Credit for the bulk of the code goes to Thomas Reynolds.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" httparty:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Michael Larkin"PIntegrate your site with http://fetchapp.com for seamless digital delivery.0T" ruby[["TextualRegexp-1.8.6u;d[" 1.4.0i"TextualRegexpU:Gem::Version[" 1.8.6u: Time "/An english wrapper for Regular ExpressionsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" Ari Brown and Robert Kremme" == FEATURES/PROBLEMS: Incompatible with 1.9, as far as we know. Technically, it supports everything current RegExp does. == SYNOPSIS: Password = TextualRegexp.new do anchor :beginning group :capture do any :letter repeat(4..13) do any :char end any :digit end end0T" ruby[["not_naughty-0.5.1u;j[" 1.4.0i"not_naughtyU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.1u: Time $ "(Heavily armed validation framework.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.2: @name" rubytree:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Florian Aßmann"(Heavily armed validation framework.0T" ruby[["osgi-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" osgiU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "4An implementation of the OSGi framework in RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 0.0.8: @name" manifest:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Antoine Toulme"The OSGi framework offers an unique way for Java bundles to communicate and depend on each other. This implementation of the OSGi framework is supposed to represent the framework as it should be in Ruby. 0T" ruby[["biborg-0.1.au;[" 1.4.0i" biborgU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.au: Time "%.bib file browser and organizer.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.11.6: @name" ferret:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.1.0; " rack; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.4; " mongrel; @3;F00["Ayan Chakrabarti"%.bib file browser and organizer.0T" ruby[["marc-0.4.1u; [" 1.4.0i" marcU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.1u: Time "@A ruby library for working with Machine Readable CatalogingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[ "Kevin Clarke"Bill Dueber"William Groppe"Ross Singer"Ed Summers"0T" ruby[["serious-0.3.0u;Q[" 1.4.0i" seriousU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time "wSerious is a simple, file-driven blog engine inspired by toto and driven by sinatra with an emphasis on easy setupU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.2: @name" builder:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.0; "stupid_formatter; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.10.0; " shoulda; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; " sinatra; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.0; " hpricot; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.0; "rack-test; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.0; " jeweler; @[;F00["Christoph Olszowka"xSerious is a simple, file-driven blog engine inspired by toto and driven by sinatra with an emphasis on easy setup.0T" ruby[["cpuid-0.4.0u;[" 1.4.0i" cpuidU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.0u: Time en"+Access x86 CPUID information from RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Michael Edgar"x Access x86 CPUID information from Ruby, including vendor name, brand information, processor family, and so on. 0T" ruby[["monit-0.1.2u;Y[" 1.4.0i" monitU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time "Connect to MonitU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.1.8: @name" crack:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.7.8; " curb; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2.0.0.beta.20; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "awesome_print; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @Q;F00["Matias Korhonen",Retrieve server information from Monit.0T" ruby[["sho-mongrel-1.1.5u;[" 1.4.0i"sho-mongrelU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.5u: Time g"XA small fast HTTP library and server that runs Rails, Camping, Nitro and Iowa apps.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["2.4: @name"cgi_multipart_eof_fix:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.3; " daemons; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.1; "fastthread; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.3; "gem_plugin; @=;F00["Zed A. Shaw"gMongrel patched to run on Ruby 1.9 and respect Rails cache directives. Nothing more, nothing less.0T" ruby[["ruby-multipart-post-0.3.0u;Y[" 1.4.0i"ruby-multipart-postU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time D"_Multipart form post thru Ruby script, headers content-type and content-length properly setU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Amit Kumar"_Multipart form post thru Ruby script, headers content-type and content-length properly set0T" ruby[["nestoria-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i" nestoriaU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time %"6A simple library to interface with Nestoria's APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.2: @name" jeweler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " json; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " json; @Q;F00["Dan Wentworth"WA simple library to interface with Nestoria's API, currently compatible with v1.190T" ruby[["merb_threshold-0.1.4u;[" 1.4.0i"merb_thresholdU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time G"JMerb plugin that provides resource access rate limits and captcha'ingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" @name" merb:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Cory O'Daniel"JMerb plugin that provides resource access rate limits and captcha'ing0T" ruby[["html_min-0.1.4u;`[" 1.4.0i" html_minU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time %"Riassence HTMLMinU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Domen Puncer"Simple C extension that squeezes HTML files quickly by removing white space. This used to be a fixed part of the Riassence Framework, but it's distributed as a separate gem now. 0T" ruby[[" fotonauts-facebooker-1.0.67u; [" 1.4.0i"fotonauts-facebookerU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.67u: Time ċ"Facebooker is a Ruby wrapper over the Facebook[http://facebook.com] {REST API}[http://wiki.developers.facebook.com/index.php/API]U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0: @name"json_pure:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.4.0; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.5; "yajl-ruby; @3;F00[ "Chad Fowler"Patrick Ewing"Mike Mangino"Shane Vitarana"Corey Innis"Mike Mangino"Facebooker is a Ruby wrapper over the Facebook[http://facebook.com] {REST API}[http://wiki.developers.facebook.com/index.php/API]. Its goals are: * Idiomatic Ruby * No dependencies outside of the Ruby standard library (This is true with Rails 2.1. Previous Rails versions require the JSON gem) * Concrete classes and methods modeling the Facebook data, so it's easy for a Rubyist to understand what's available * Well tested0T" ruby[["sysbench-graph-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"sysbench-graphU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time "*A tool for graphing SysBench IO testsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.0: @name" sinatra:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.2; " json; @);F00["Chetan Sarva"LA tool for parsing the output of SysBench IO tests and then graphing it0T" ruby[["reptile-0.0.6u;[" 1.4.0i" reptileU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.6u: Time "/Cold blooded mysql replication monitoring.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"activerecord:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " tlsmail; @);F00["Nick Stielau"/Cold blooded mysql replication monitoring.0T" ruby[["$radiant-library-extension-2.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"radiant-library-extensionU:Gem::Version[" 2.0.3u: Time d"&Library Extension for Radiant CMSU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.0: @name" radiant:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.0; "radiant-taggable-extension; @);F00[" spanner"SCombines paperclipped and taggable to create a general purpose faceted library0T" ruby[["acts_as_time_frame-0.0.1u;b[" 1.4.0i"acts_as_time_frameU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "=Useful operations on time frames brought the class levelU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" cucumber:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jacob Mitchell"Any Ruby class with a start time and an end time will be more intuitive with ActsAsTimeFrame. It supports determining how two time frames relate. There will soon be support for: * generating recurring time frames * Rails-specific features like named scopes0T" ruby[["gappster-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" gappsterU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time d"Google Apps authenticationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["David Padilla"Google Apps authentication0T" ruby[["textile_editor-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"textile_editorU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time ")Provide textile toolbar to textareasU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Ben Mills"0T" ruby[["taverna-t2flow-0.2.0u;K[" 1.4.0i"taverna-t2flowU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time D"ISupport for interacting with the Taverna 2 workflow system (T2Flow).U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.3: @name"libxml-ruby:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Mannie Tagarira"David Withers"This a gem developed by myGrid for the purpose of interacting with Taverna 2 workflows. An example use would be the image genaration for the model representing Taverna 2 workflows as used in myExperiment.0T" ruby[["ruby-ldapserver-0.3.1u;[" 1.4.0i"ruby-ldapserverU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.1u: Time "4A pure-Ruby framework for building LDAP serversU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Brian Candler"druby-ldapserver is a lightweight, pure-Ruby skeleton for implementing LDAP server applications.0T" ruby[["rack-abstract-format-0.9.9u;[" 1.4.0i"rack-abstract-formatU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.9u: Time "TRack middleware that abstracts format (extension) away from the path (into env)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rack:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " nanotest; @);F00[" mynyml"URack middleware that abstracts format (extension) away from the path (into env).0T" ruby[["bracket_notation-1.0.3u;9[" 1.4.0i"bracket_notationU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.3u: Time "Provides a parser for strings that have been marked up with the bracket notation commonly used by syntacticians. The parser generates an abstract tree representation of the syntax of the string.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.11.3: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Cody Brimhall"TGenerates a representation of a syntax tree using a string of bracket notation.0T" ruby[["jrtm-0.3.1u;n[" 1.4.0i" jrtmU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.1u: Time d"kRuby Topic Maps is a Topic Maps engine written in Ruby. This metagem pulls all JRuby-related rtm-gems.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.1: @name"rtm-tinytim:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.1; "rtm-javatmapi; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.1; "rtm-ontopia; @3;F00[ "Benjamin Bock"Arnim Bleier"Uta Schulze"Daniel Exner"RRuby Topic Maps is a Topic Maps engine written in Ruby with several backends.0T" ruby[["hornetseye-rmagick-0.4.0u;P[" 1.4.0i"hornetseye-rmagickU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.0u: Time %"'RMagick integration for HornetseyeU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.15: @name"multiarray:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.4; " malloc; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2.0; " rmagick; @=;F00["Jan Wedekind"wThis Ruby extension implements the necessary conversions to save and load images stored in Hornetseye::MultiArray.0T" ruby[["fadvise-1.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i" fadviseU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2u: Time $V"/A binding to the posix_fadvise system callU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Ken Bloom"0T" ruby[[""ruby-process-controller-1.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i"ruby-process-controllerU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.4u: Time k"Staging for console ruby apps - ARGV parser, logger, pids, 2nd instance run prevention, privileges, signals, graceful shutdown for multithreaded appU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"senotrusov-ruby-toolkit:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ruby-threading-toolkit; @);F00["Stanislav Senotrusov"0T" ruby[["magickwand-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"magickwandU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time $^"A binding to ImageMagickU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Tim Hunter"RMagickWand for Ruby is a binding to the ImageMagick image processing library.0T" ruby[["methopara-0.3.2u;[" 1.4.0i"methoparaU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.2u: Time T"%Method#parameters for ruby-1.9.1U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Koichi Sasada"Genki Takiuchi"%Method#parameters for ruby-1.9.10T" ruby[["genie-0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" genieU:Gem::Version["0.1u: Time "CNo summary: please specify a summary in metainfo/properties.rbU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0: @name"log4r-1.0.5:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0; "stream-0.5; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0; " common; @3;F00["0T" ruby[["gglib-1.3.0u;p[" 1.4.0i" gglibU:Gem::Version[" 1.3.0u: Time $R"0A GUI Library for the Gosu graphics engine.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.12: @name" gosu:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Praneeth Sadda"0A GUI library for the Gosu graphics engine.0T" ruby[["knights_tour-0.3.5u;[" 1.4.0i"knights_tourU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.5u: Time e""Solves Knight's Tour problem.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.10.0: @name" trollop:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Tuomas Kareinen"MA program that attempts to find a solution to the Knight's Tour problem.0T" ruby[["fancypath-0.5.13u;[" 1.4.0i"fancypathU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.13u: Time \")Extensions for the Pathname library.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Myles Byrne"Chris Lloyd")Extensions for the Pathname library.0T" ruby[[""translatable_attributes-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"translatable_attributesU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time E"6Automagic attribute translations for ActiveRecordU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.2: @name"i18n-active_record:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["JJ Buckley"KA Ruby module which fakes out internationalised attributes on the fly.0T" ruby[["rudy-;[" 1.4.0i" rudyU:Gem::Version[" Time "6Rudy: Not your grandparents' EC2 deployment tool.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.1: @name" aws-s3:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.8; " tryouts; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.4; " gibbler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.5; " storable; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.9; " drydock; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.1; " highline; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.2; "rye; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.10; "amazon-ec2; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.4; " caesars; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.6; " annoy; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.3; " sysinfo; @~;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.1; " storable; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.2; " attic; @;F00["Delano Mandelbaum"6Rudy: Not your grandparents' EC2 deployment tool.0T" ruby[["extract-curves-0.1.1u;z[" 1.4.0i"extract-curvesU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time m"xGUI digitizer of a raster trace of the geometric curve corresponding to the characteristics of motion of a process.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Pavel Minev Penev"^Extract Curves a simplistic GTK Ruby-based appliaction which can convert the raster image file result of a geometric-trace-producing process's interaction with the characteristic of motion of another (interesting) process into a list of rectangular coordinates (in raster image's system) representing the inferred characteristic of motion of the midline of an image blob. Blob recognition is done by color: * by maximum pixel neighbor-to-neighbor difference * by maximum difference from blob's average color * by maximum difference from a pixel neighborhood's average color (using RGB or HSV). Use other software to pre-process (e.g. enhance contrast, or even reduce to gray scale), but Extract Curves's skeletonization is done based on the hypothesis of a recognized image blob, as opposed to a collection of pixels. Output is human-readable (tab-separated).0T" ruby[["java-autotest-0.0.2u;<[" 1.4.0i"java-autotestU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time ģ"Java AutoTestU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["rodolfoliviero"Java AutoTest0T" ruby[["%delayed_job_data_mapper-1.0.0.rcu;)[" 1.4.0i"delayed_job_data_mapperU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0.rcu: Time "'DataMapper backend for delayed_jobU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " dm-core; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2.1; "delayed_job; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "dm-aggregates; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "dm-observer; @G;F00["Brandon Keepers"0T" ruby[["acts-as-linkable-;[" 1.4.0i"acts-as-linkableU:Gem::Version[" Time ė"-ActsAsLinkable: Menus, Links, SEO, RailsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Lance Pollard"Menus, Links, SEO, Rails0T" ruby[["RGnuchess-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"RGnuchessU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time R"NAn interface for working with gnuchess, providing some basic chess tools.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["0T" ruby[["path-1.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i" pathU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.0u: Time "0Integrated set of a path-related libraries.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Thomas Sawyer"Path is all about paths. It's provides a reimplementation of the Ruby standard Pathname library, Path::Name, a superior globbing facility, Path::List and an isolated shell-evironment, Path::Shell.0T" ruby[["webapp-0.0.8u;[" 1.4.0i" webappU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.8u: Time ł")Cmd that generates a webapp skeletonU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"geminstaller:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " haml; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " sequel; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " sinatra; @=;F00["George Malamidis"0T" ruby[["rdf-bert-0.3.0u;t[" 1.4.0i" rdf-bertU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time E"*BERT-RPC repository proxy for RDF.rb.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0: @name" bertrpc:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.3.0; "rdf; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.3.0; " rdf-spec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.0; " yard; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.0; " rspec; @G;F00["Arto Bendiken"jRDF.rb plugin for proxying repository operations over the Erlang-compatible BERT-RPC binary protocol.0T" ruby[["libaaron-1.1.1u;=[" 1.4.0i" libaaronU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.1u: Time D"@libaaron is a Ruby convenince library of common operations.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Aaron Lynch"llibaaron implements convenience methods in Dir, Regexp, Object, Hash, Array, Numeric, Struct and Kernel0T" ruby[["collecta-0.1.3u;[" 1.4.0i" collectaU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time e"0Ruby library to query the Collecta.com API.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jim Myhrberg"NA quick and rough Ruby/Rails library to query info from the Collecta API.0T" ruby[["akkordarbeit-0.0.5u;[" 1.4.0i"akkordarbeitU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time "5Formats ChordPro leadsheets as HTML or plaintextU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.6.2: @name" cucumber:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.3.0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.1.0; " roodi; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.1.5; "jscruggs-metric_fu; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.2.6; " reek; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.4.3; " rdoc; @Q;F00["Jörg W Mittag"Marc Rummel"Akkordarbeit is a program for formatting simple leadsheets in a simplified ChordPro format to various other formats such as HTML or plaintext. 0T" ruby[["saag-0.3.5u;i[" 1.4.0i" saagU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.5u: Time ]"2SAss Automatic monitor and Generate css file.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" haml:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["sugamasao"2SAss Automatic monitor and Generate css file.0T" ruby[["detest-3.1.2u; [" 1.4.0i" detestU:Gem::Version[" 3.1.2u: Time D"'Assertion testing library for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 5.0.1["=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 3.8.0: @name" sequel:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["3.0.0.beta3; "friendly_id; @);F00["Norman Clarke"8An adapter for using Sequel::Model with FriendlyId.0T" ruby[["monde-paperclip-;s[" 1.4.0i"monde-paperclipU:Gem::Version[" Time $e"4File attachments as attributes for ActiveRecordU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" @name"jferris-mocha:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "activesupport; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "thoughtbot-shoulda; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " aws-s3; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "activerecord; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "sqlite3-ruby; @Q;F00["Jon Yurek"0T" ruby[["attr_bucket-0.3.0u;.[" 1.4.0i"attr_bucketU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time e"6Your model can has a bucket (for its attributes).U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" sqlite3:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.0; "activerecord; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.4.0; " rspec; @3;F00["Ernie Miller"yStore a few extra (non-searchable) attributes away in a bucket. This is probably a horrible idea, but try it anyway.0T" ruby[["htty-1.2.1u;%[" 1.4.0i" httyU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.1u: Time %"The HTTP TTYU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "bluecloth; @=;F00["Nils Jonsson"|htty is a console application for interacting with HTTP servers. It is something of a cross between cURL and a browser.0T" ruby[["modem_protocols-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"modem_protocolsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time k")a pure ruby implementation of XMODEMU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jonno Downes"0T" ruby[["object2module-0.5.1u;6[" 1.4.0i"object2moduleU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.1u: Time %"Iobject2module enables ruby classes and objects to be used as modulesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["John Mair (banisterfiend)"Iobject2module enables ruby classes and objects to be used as modules0T" ruby[["iso_codes-0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"iso_codesU:Gem::Version["0.1u: Time d["RGem for finding and listing ISO codes for countries, currencies and languagesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"fastercsv:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @);F00[" Dan Webb"RGem for finding and listing ISO codes for countries, currencies and languages0T" ruby[["em-mysql-0.4.2u;[" 1.4.0i" em-mysqlU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.2u: Time V"1Async MySQL client API for Ruby/EventMachineU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.12.9: @name"eventmachine:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Aman Gupta"Andrew Rudenko">Async MySQL client API for Ruby/EventMachine. prepor fork0T" ruby[["cukecooker-0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"cukecookerU:Gem::Version["0.2u: Time "&Write cucumber scenarios with aidU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Ary Borenszweig"0T" ruby[[" gimme-octo-kitty-wiki-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"gimme-octo-kitty-wikiU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time g">A script to pull down a project's wiki on GitHub locally.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "git; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " stringex; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " nokogiri; @=;F00["Joshua Nichols"GitHub's wiki doesn't currently have an API to call it's own, so this gem was created as a stopgap. For now, it lets you pull down the content of a project's GitHub wiki0T" ruby[[")webformsmvp-windsor-;[" 1.4.0i"webformsmvp-windsorU:Gem::Version[" Time "cWeb Forms MVP (Castle Windsor) - A simple Model-View-Presenter framework for ASP.NET Web FormsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" @name"webformsmvp:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;["; "castle.windsor; @);F00["Tatham Oddie"Damian Edwards" Web Forms MVP is a simple Model-View-Presenter framework for ASP.NET Web Forms to aid in building testable and maintainable ASP.NET projects. Features support for normal server controls, data-binding and async pages. This is the Castle Windsor adapter for Web Forms MVP. 0T" ruby[["sqlup-0.0.13u;[" 1.4.0i" sqlupU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.13u: Time "?A backup tool for saving MySQL data to Amazon's S3 serviceU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.0: @name" aws-s3:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.1; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0; "activerecord; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.5; " optiflag; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.6; " daemons; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.5; "named_arguments; @Q;F00["James Moore"3The author was too lazy to write a description0T" ruby[["silence_log_tailer-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"silence_log_tailerU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "0Silence rails/server log tailing to consoleU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Sven Fuchs"1Silence rails/server log tailing to console.0T" ruby[["AddressBookImporter-0.0.13u;[" 1.4.0i"AddressBookImporterU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.13u: Time e"(Mechanize scraper for address booksU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0: @name" hpricot:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0; "hoe; @);F00["adocca Entertainment AB"3The author was too lazy to write a description0T" ruby[["collectd-0.0.15u;[" 1.4.0i" collectdU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.15u: Time e"'Send collectd statistics from RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Stephan Maka"0T" ruby[["json-jruby-1.5.0u;[" 1.4.0i"json-jrubyU:Gem::Version[" 1.5.0u: Time "=JSON implementation for JRuby (merged into the json gem)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 1.5.0: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Daniel Luz"WA JSON implementation as a JRuby extension. You may now use the json gem directly.0T" ruby[[" sevenwire-http_client-0.1.0u;^[" 1.4.0i"sevenwire-http_clientU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time N"Simple HTTP/REST client for Ruby, inspired by microframework syntax for specifying actions. Forked from RestClient http://rest-client.heroku.com see README for reasonsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Adam Wiggins"Nate Sutton"0T" ruby[["binary_search_tree-0.0.4u;<[" 1.4.0i"binary_search_treeU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time E"A self balancing avl binary search tree class. Also includes BinarySearchTreeHash which is a hash like class that internally uses binary search tree.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Misha Conway"0T" ruby[["json_builder-2.0.6u;[" 1.4.0i"json_builderU:Gem::Version[" 2.0.6u: Time "JSON BuilderU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.0: @name"actionpack:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.0; "activesupport; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " json; @3;F00["Garrett Bjerkhoel"JSON Builder for Rails0T" ruby[["easy-gtalk-bot-1.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"easy-gtalk-botU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2u: Time d"3A very easy tool for creating Google Talk botsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0.5: @name" xmpp4r:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Daniel Vartanov"Beasy-gtalk-bot lets you create and run GTalk bot in 5 minutes0T" ruby[["active_presenter-1.3.1u;c[" 1.4.0i"active_presenterU:Gem::Version[" 1.3.1u: Time d"]ActivePresenter is the presenter library you already know! (...if you know ActiveRecord)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" James Golick & Daniel Haran"]ActivePresenter is the presenter library you already know! (...if you know ActiveRecord)0T" ruby[["lipsiadmin-5.1.5u;M[" 1.4.0i"lipsiadminU:Gem::Version[" 5.1.5u: Time "Lipsiadmin is a new revolutionary admin for your projects.Lipsiadmin is based on Ext Js 2.0. framework (with prototype adapter) and is ready for Rails 2.0. This admin is for newbie developper but also for experts, is not entirely written in javascript because the aim of developper wose build in a agile way web/site apps so we use extjs in a new intelligent way a mixin of 'old' html and new ajax functions, for example ext manage the layout of page, grids, tree and errors, but form are in html code.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["<=U;[" 3.0.18: @name" haml:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.2.1; " rails; @);F00["Davide D'Agostino"0T" ruby[["autospec.watchr-0.0.6u;[" 1.4.0i"autospec.watchrU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.6u: Time ģ"4Intelligently runs your specs as you edit filesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" watchr:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @);F00["Andrew Timberlake"5Intelligently runs your specs as you edit files.0T" ruby[["google-storage-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"google-storageU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time ħ",Ruby bindings for the GoogleStorage APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.31: @name" typhoeus:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["; " nokogiri; @=;F00["Juris Galang" Ruby bindings for the GoogleStorage API Google Storage lets you store, share, and manage your data on Google's storage infrastructure. You can use Google Storage to store all sizes of files. 0T" ruby[["filecache-1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"filecacheU:Gem::Version["1.0u: Time _"!A file-based caching libraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Simon Whitaker"0T" ruby[["curb-fu-0.4.4u;y[" 1.4.0i" curb-fuU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.4u: Time D"Friendly wrapper for curbU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" @name" curb:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.0; "rack-test; @);F00["Derek Kastner"Matt Wilson"0T" ruby[["startups-;[" 1.4.0i" startupsU:Gem::Version[" Time $"$Rails Generators from InfoEtherU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.4: @name" rails:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Ryan Owens"John Athayde"cRails generators for basic infoether apps including file setup, base working styles, and more.0T" ruby[["saal-0.2.2u;[" 1.4.0i" saalU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.2u: Time "xThin abstraction layer for interfacing and recording sensors (currently onewire) and actuators (currently dinrelay)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" mysql:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.0; " ownet; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " nokogiri; @3;F00["Pedro Côrte-Real"A daemon and libraries to create an abstraction layer that interfaces with sensors and actuators, recording their state, responding to requests for current and historical values, and allowing changes of state. 0T" ruby[["coderay-;M[" 1.4.0i" coderayU:Gem::Version[" Time D"5Fast syntax highlighting for selected languages.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[00[" murphy"|Fast and easy syntax highlighting for selected languages, written in Ruby. Comes with RedCloth integration and LOC counter. 0T" ruby[["jquelpers-0.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i"jquelpersU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time "]Jquery is really great, rails too, but I want more Ruby and less Javascript in my code !U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" El Matou"-Provide Rails helpers for jquery plugins0T" ruby[["mysql2_model-0.1.2u;,[" 1.4.0i"mysql2_modelU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time e"sMysql2Model provides a container for creating model code based on MySQL Statements utilizing the Mysql2 clientU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["0.2: @name" mysql2:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.1.2; " builder; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1; " logging; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2.3; "activesupport; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.3; " rspec; @G;F00[" donnoman"Provides a class suitable to be used as a model, that includes connection management, variable interpolation, object coercion and helper methods to support using direct MySQL statements for database interaction.0T" ruby[["mars-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i" marsU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time "+Microframework built on top of SinatraU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" maruku:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " faker; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; " sinatra; @3;F00["Tom Wilson"Disclaimer: this is build for pleasure it is not meant to replace any of the high quality webframeworks like Sinatra and Rails....0T" ruby[["pinkie-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i" pinkieU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time "0Pinkie adds default stylesheets to web appsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Alexander Sviridoff"6Pinkie is a starting point for personal discovery0T" ruby[["contactlist-client-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"contactlist-clientU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time $"The contactlist-client gem is a ruby client to contactlist service which retrieves contact list of email(hotmail, gmail, yahoo, sohu, sina, 163, 126, tom, yeah, 189 and 139) and im(msn)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Richard Huang"The contactlist-client gem is a ruby client to contactlist service which retrieves contact list of email(hotmail, gmail, yahoo, sohu, sina, 163, 126, tom, yeah, 189 and 139) and im(msn)0T" ruby[["jdrowell-paperclip-;^[" 1.4.0i"jdrowell-paperclipU:Gem::Version[" Time $e"4File attachments as attributes for ActiveRecordU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "sqlite3-ruby; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "activerecord; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " aws-s3; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mocha; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "activesupport; @Q;F00["Jon Yurek"0T" ruby[["qips-extras-0.1.3u;[" 1.4.0i"qips-extrasU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time D"'Extra scripts for QIPS worker nodeU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.2: @name" erubis:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.0; " json; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.5.1; "rest-client; @3;F00["David Austin"Andrew Brader"0T" ruby[["pusher-0.7.0u;[" 1.4.0i" pusherU:Gem::Version[" 0.7.0u: Time Ū"Pusherapp clientU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.2.7: @name"em-http-request:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.1.0; " crack; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " webmock; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.4.0; " json; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2.0; " rspec; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.1.2; "signature; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.4.0; "ruby-hmac; @[;F00["New Bamboo"'Wrapper for pusherapp.com REST api0T" ruby[["derailer-0.1.0u;U[" 1.4.0i" derailerU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time $"=Derailer is a small program built out of a peculiar needU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4: @name"rubyforge:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.1; "hoe; @);F00["Corey Woodcox"Derailer is a small program built out of a peculiar need. It started as a script to publish content generated using a Ruby on Rails application without actually running the application on the server. An over-enthusiastic Rails developer once made a quick site for a friend using a database and Rails simply because it was easier than hand-coding anything else, but didn't really think about the number of resources it would consume. Thus, derailer was born.0T" ruby[["zenoss_client-0.1.0u;,[" 1.4.0i"zenoss_clientU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "-A Ruby API for accessing Zenoss via RESTU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" tzinfo:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Dan Wanek" This is a Ruby library for accessing Zenoss through its REST interface. It is a work in progress and as functionality is testing it will be added. For documentation on what the method calls do see the official Zenoss API docs. 0T" ruby[["sudokusolver-1.4u;[" 1.4.0i"sudokusolverU:Gem::Version["1.4u: Time "?Commandline program and library for solving Sudoku puzzlesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Martin-Louis Bright"0T" ruby[["PlaydARR-0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" PlaydARRU:Gem::Version["0.1u: Time h"Query Playdar from RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" Shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " httparty; @);F00["JP Hastings-Spital"-A Library for querying Playdar from Ruby0T" ruby[["laika-1.2.1u;.[" 1.4.0i" laikaU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.1u: Time ]"=Barks about new blog posts via the Yammer API and OAuth.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.7: @name" oauth:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.1; "feed-normalizer; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.10.2; " trollop; @3;F00["Mark Cornick"pLaika is a simple script to monitor an RSS or Atom feed, and post to Yammer when new articles are detected.0T" ruby[[",paperclip_mogilefs_storage_ennder-0.9.5u;J[" 1.4.0i"&paperclip_mogilefs_storage_ennderU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.5u: Time "Modifies the support of a Mogilefs server to store the images with the Paperclip Plugin : To get the url of the images on the Mogilefs serverU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 3.5.4: @name" bones:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" Ennder"Modifies the support of a Mogilefs server to store the images with the Paperclip Plugin : To get the url of the images on the Mogilefs server0T" ruby[["ironbuildrake-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"ironbuildrakeU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time Eo"?Adds support for using msbuild tasks in ironruby with rakeU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Bruno Lopes"0T" ruby[[" gil-0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"gilU:Gem::Version["0.2u: Time d"'Gil. What have you resolved today?U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "activeresource; @3;F00["Simon Jefford"'Gil. What have you resolved today?0T" ruby[["rjack-protobuf-;[" 1.4.0i"rjack-protobufU:Gem::Version[" Time $"NA gem packaging of {Protocol Buffers}[http://code.google.com/p/protobuf/]U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.2.2: @name"rjack-tarpit:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["David Kellum"NA gem packaging of {Protocol Buffers}[http://code.google.com/p/protobuf/]0T" ruby[["link2-0.1.10u;O[" 1.4.0i" link2U:Gem::Version[" 0.1.10u: Time E"]Generation next link_to-helper for Rails: Spiced with intelligence, and semantic beauty.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.3: @name"leftright:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.0; "activerecord; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "sqlite3-ruby; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.2.3; "test-unit; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.0; " webrat; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.8; " mocha; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.0; "actionpack; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.0; "activesupport; @e;F00["Jonas Grimfelt"]Generation next link_to-helper for Rails: Spiced with intelligence, and semantic beauty.0T" ruby[["nc-freebase-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"nc-freebaseU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time "quick freebase queriesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 0.7.8: @name"yajl-ruby:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " httparty; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.0.0.rc; " rspec; @3;F00["Namit Chadha"0T" ruby[["enum_column-0.1.1u;}[" 1.4.0i"enum_columnU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time $"0Ruby on Rails Enumerated Column ConstraintsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Stephan Kaag"0Ruby on Rails Enumerated Column Constraints0T" ruby[["netsuite_client-0.0.2u;d[" 1.4.0i"netsuite_clientU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time "'Ruby soap4r-based Netsuite client.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.3: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Vlad Jebelev"'Ruby soap4r-based Netsuite client.0T" ruby[["mongoid-rspec-1.3.2u;[" 1.4.0i"mongoid-rspecU:Gem::Version[" 1.3.2u: Time E"RSpec matchers for MongoidU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["2: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.0.0; " mongoid; @);F00["Evan Sagge"TRSpec matches for Mongoid models, including association and validation matchers0T" ruby[["vienna-0.3.1u;[" 1.4.0i" viennaU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.1u: Time ".Ruby compiler and runtime for the browserU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Adam Beynon"/Ruby compiler and runtime for the browser.0T" ruby[["srawlins-scruffy-0.2.9u;[" 1.4.0i"srawlins-scruffyU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.9u: Time B"1A powerful, clean graphing library for Ruby.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0: @name" builder:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[ "Brasten Sager"Jeremy Green"samhendley" delano" srawlins"Scruffy is a Ruby library for generating high quality, good looking graphs. It is designed to be easy to use and highly customizable.0T" ruby[["dm-rest-adapter-1.0.2u;B[" 1.4.0i"dm-rest-adapterU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2u: Time " REST Adapter for DataMapperU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["1.3: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.3; " fakeweb; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.2; "dm-validations; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.2; " dm-core; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.2; "dm-serializer; @G;F00["Scott Burton @ Joyent Inc" REST Adapter for DataMapper0T" ruby[[" acts_as_content_node-0.1.13u;a[" 1.4.0i"acts_as_content_nodeU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.13u: Time "`Common functions for a record used as content of a website. Generator for cms and front endU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Steve England"aCommon functions for a record used as content of a website. Generator for cms and front end.0T" ruby[["cine-passion-0.10.2u;[" 1.4.0i"cine-passionU:Gem::Version[" 0.10.2u: Time Ġ"*Ruby binding for Cine Passion scraperU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.1: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4; "rubyforge; @);F00["Nicolas Ledez"~Use Cine Passion scraper http://passion-xbmc.org/scraper-cine-passion-support-francais/ http://passion-xbmc.org/scraper/.0T" ruby[["bio-assembly-0.1.0u;}[" 1.4.0i"bio-assemblyU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "BioRuby Assembly pluginU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rcov:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.1; "bio; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.1; "bio; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.2; " jeweler; @Q;F00["Chase Miller"Francesco Strozzi"Abioruby plugin to parse, write, and manipulate assembly data0T" ruby[[" wand-0.4u;[" 1.4.0i" wandU:Gem::Version["0.4u: Time "5Mime-Type gem with fallback to unix file commandU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mocha; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "mime-types; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; "safe_shell; @=;F00["John Nunemaker"5Mime-Type gem with fallback to unix file command0T" ruby[["point-cli-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"point-cliU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time g"2CLI client for the PointHQ DNS Hosting SystemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.7: @name" hirb:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.5; " json; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.0; " highline; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; " point; @=;F00["Adam Cooke"0T" ruby[[" dotr-0.3u;[" 1.4.0i" dotrU:Gem::Version["0.3u: Time E";Produce directed graph images using the 'dot' utility.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["0T" ruby[["'jeffkreeftmeijer-delayed_job-1.7.0u;C[" 1.4.0i"!jeffkreeftmeijer-delayed_jobU:Gem::Version[" 1.7.0u: Time En"SDatabase-backed asynchronous priority queue system -- With MongoMapper supportU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Tobias Lütke"Zachary Belzer"Jeff Kreeftmeijer"Delated_job (or DJ) encapsulates the common pattern of asynchronously executing longer tasks in the background. It is a direct extraction from Shopify where the job table is responsible for a multitude of core tasks. This is a fork of Zachary Belzer's fork of Tobias Lütke's DelayedJob.0T" ruby[["Active-0.0.34u;[" 1.4.0i" ActiveU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.34u: Time E""Search api for Active NetworkU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.9: @name" savon:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.4.7; " bones; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.8; " dalli; @3;F00["Jonathan Spooner"Brian Levine""Search api for Active Network0T" ruby[["hidlib-;[" 1.4.0i" hidlibU:Gem::Version[" Time d"Usb Hid .NET ComponentU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Mike O'Brien"cThis library enables you to enumerate and communicate with Hid compatible USB devices in .NET.0T" ruby[["mikeg-vanity-1.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i"mikeg-vanityU:Gem::Version[" 1.3.0u: Time "6Experience Driven Development framework for RailsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Assaf Arkin"#Mirror, mirror on the wall ...0T" ruby[["assertions-1.4.1u;$[" 1.4.0i"assertionsU:Gem::Version[" 1.4.1u: Time "This package adds some additional assertions to Test::Unit::Assertions, including: * Assertions for all of the comparison operators (Test::Unit::Assertions#assert_greater_than, Test::Unit::Assertions#assert_less_than_or_equal_to, etc.)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.3: @name"rubyforge:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.5.0; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.0; "gemcutter; @3;F00["DesigningPatterns"This project adds some additional assertions to Test::Unit::Assertions, including assert_raise_message (allowing verification of error messages) and assert_greater_than.0T" ruby[["txpadmin-0.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i" txpadminU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time %o"=Txpadmin helps textpattern management from command line.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Fabrizio Regini"Textpattern admin tool.0T" ruby[["rmilk-0.1.6u;[" 1.4.0i" rmilkU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.6u: Time j"3This gem provides console ui for RMilk serviceU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"rufus-rtm:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " flexmock; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "require_all; @3;F00["Victor Savkin"0T" ruby[["dots-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i" dotsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time l"(Free progress dots for your scriptsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Stephen Celis")Free progress dots for your scripts.0T" ruby[["authoritah-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"authoritahU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time "4A really simple authorization plugin for Rails.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.8: @name" mocha:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; "rspec-rails; @3;F00["Steven Mohapi-Banks"EA description of a really simple authorization plugin for Rails.0T" ruby[["action_auditor-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"action_auditorU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time Ek"7Keep an audit trail of actions in your applicationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Matt Powell"7Keep an audit trail of actions in your application0T" ruby[["lingq-0.3.1u;[" 1.4.0i" lingqU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.1u: Time "API Wrapper for Lingq.comU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" mocha:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "test-unit; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " bundler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " httparty; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "thoughtbot-shoulda; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " webmock; @Q;F00["Ethan Vizitei"~Gem for interacting with the API of lingq.com. It's a language learning website, and it's pretty useful, but I want to be able to work on my flashcards offline. This gem is being written to be included in a desktop client (and maybe eventually a mobile client), but will certainly still be useful as a standalone api wrapper for other projects that want to interact with Lingq.com0T" ruby[["header-inserter-1.0.3u;D[" 1.4.0i"header-inserterU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.3u: Time dK"iThis project was created to help me insert the EPLv1.0 license into all Archimedes source code filesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0: @name" newgem:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0; " newgem; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0; "hoe; @=;F00["FIXME full name""This project was created to help me insert the EPLv1.0 license into all Archimedes source code files. It should recover data from the subversion repository if needed and generated a header with the license, the years in which the copyright apply and the list of contributors for each file.0T" ruby[["css_graphs-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"css_graphsU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "8Generates a configurable, CSS-tagged HTML calendar.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.1: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Geoffrey Grosenbach"vA simple method to create an HTML calendar for a single month. Can be styled with CSS. Usable with Ruby on Rails.0T" ruby[["rwv2-0.6.0u;;[" 1.4.0i" rwv2U:Gem::Version[" 0.6.0u: Time "=Wrapper for the wv2 library: parses Microsoft Word filesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.8.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Masaomi Hatakeyama"Zeno R.R. Davatz"Wrapper for the wv2 library: parses Microsoft Word files. So far it fires callbacks to a TextHandler, SubDocumentHandler, TableHandler and InlineReplacementHandler if any of these are registered with the Parser.0T" ruby[[" gameplan-subdomain-fu-0.5.4u;[" 1.4.0i"gameplan-subdomain-fuU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.4u: Time d"[SubdomainFu is a Rails plugin that provides subdomain routing and URL writing helpers.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Michael Bleigh"SubdomainFu is a Rails plugin to provide all of the basic functionality necessary to handle multiple subdomain applications (such as Basecamp-esque subdomain accounts and more).0T" ruby[["device_aware-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"device_awareU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time č"!Make your Rails device awareU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Dean Strelau"9A Rails plugin for accessing device_aware_server API0T" ruby[["tumbler-0.0.16u;[" 1.4.0i" tumblerU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.16u: Time "/Common gem generation and management tasksU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " callsite; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rainbow; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " thor; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " bundler; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "versionomy; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "blockenspiel; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " riot; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " fakeweb; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mocha; @~;F00["Joshua Hull"Let's make gem development fun! Tumbler provides common gem management tasks using a common set of 'best practices' out of the box.0T" ruby[["slack-utils-0.6.0u;a[" 1.4.0i"slack-utilsU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.0u: Time e"?Accessing information for the Slackware Linux distributionU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Vincent Batts" slack-utils is a means by which to access package information on the Slackware Linux OS. See the examples/ for more information. 0T" ruby[["puke-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" pukeU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "jPuke is a minimal grooveshark library for ruby, using the Tinysong.com api instead of grooveshark.comU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Mikkel Kroman"0T" ruby[["deepbeige-0.2.3u;[" 1.4.0i"deepbeigeU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.3u: Time "'An AI learning algorithm for gamesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["David Bochenski":An AI learning program that plays noughts and crosses0T" ruby[["title_estuary-1.2.0u;E[" 1.4.0i"title_estuaryU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.0u: Time `"(Easy, internationalized page titlesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["James Rosen"Title Estuary speeds up development by giving you good default titles and simple customizability, including internationalization.0T" ruby[["timetrap-1.7.3u;[" 1.4.0i" timetrapU:Gem::Version[" 1.7.3u: Time "Command line time trackerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.3.3: @name" sqlite3:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.3.0; " chronic; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.9.0; " sequel; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.28; "getopt-declare; @=;F00["Sam Goldstein"Command line time tracker0T" ruby[["sonic_death_monkey-1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"sonic_death_monkeyU:Gem::Version["1.0u: Time )")Battleship Player:Sonic Death MonkeyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Anonymous"A battleship player0T" ruby[["ruby-station-0.1.6u;s[" 1.4.0i"ruby-stationU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.6u: Time "=Create, Distribute, and Install Ruby applications easilyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0: @name" dm-core:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; "dm-sqlite-adapter; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.5.3; " webrat; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2009.07; " ramaze; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.2.3; " culerity; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.5.0; "rack-test; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.4.2; " cucumber; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; "dm-migrations; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " json; @y;F00["Yutaka HARA"=Create, Distribute, and Install Ruby applications easily0T" ruby[["captain_oveur-0.8.15u;[" 1.4.0i"captain_oveurU:Gem::Version[" 0.8.15u: Time "Admins for ClearanceU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.10: @name"formtastic:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.8; "clearance; @);F00["Jerry Richardson"Zachery Maloney"Admins for Clearance0T" ruby[["gjman-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" gjmanU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time ě"/Gjman is a handyman with some useful toolsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" bacon:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["NgTzeYang" Gjman is my neighbourhood friendly handyman with some useful tools. Tools available will remain diverse, and are added as and when i need them. 0T" ruby[["twitter_bot-0.0.2u;![" 1.4.0i"twitter_botU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time "BTwitter integration for your app using the Twitter Jabber botU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.2: @name" xmpp4r:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.6; " twitter; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.9; " daemons; @3;F00["Jade Meskill"Curtis Miller"Curtis Edmond"BTwitter integration for your app using the Twitter Jabber bot0T" ruby[["turn-0.8.1u;[" 1.4.0i" turnU:Gem::Version[" 0.8.1u: Time D"BTest::Unit Reporter (New) -- new output format for Test::UnitU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.0: @name"bones-git:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.4.7; " bones; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.2; " ansi; @3;F00["Tim Pease"3TURN is a new way to view Test::Unit results. With longer running tests, it can be very frustrating to see a failure (....F...) and then have to wait till all the tests finish before you can see what the exact failure was. TURN displays each test on a separate line with failures being displayed immediately instead of at the end of the tests. If you have the 'ansi' gem installed, then TURN output will be displayed in wonderful technicolor (but only if your terminal supports ANSI color codes). Well, the only colors are green and red, but that is still color.0T" ruby[["stowaway-0.2.5u;[" 1.4.0i" stowawayU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.5u: Time ň":Locate files in a web project that aren't being used.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Emilio Cavazos"0T" ruby[["rocking_chair-0.2.5u;[[" 1.4.0i"rocking_chairU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.5u: Time "5In-memory CouchDB for Couchrest and SimplyStoredU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.12: @name"simply_stored:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.6.1; "rest-client; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.1; "couchrest; @3;F00["Jonathan Weiss"In-memory CouchDB for Couchrest and SimplyStored. Works for database and document API, by_attribute views, and for SimplyStored generated views0T" ruby[["git-1.2.5u;[" 1.4.0i"gitU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.5u: Time $f"Ruby/Git is a Ruby library that can be used to create, read and manipulate Git repositories by wrapping system calls to the git binaryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Scott Chacon"0T" ruby[["warden-github-0.0.7u;[" 1.4.0i"warden-githubU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.7u: Time "9A warden extension that integrates with github oauthU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.0.8; " oauth2; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.10; " warden; @3;F00["Corey Donohoe"9A warden extension that integrates with github oauth0T" ruby[["rails-footnotes-3.6.7u;y[" 1.4.0i"rails-footnotesU:Gem::Version[" 3.6.7u: Time "pEvery Rails page has footnotes that gives information about your application and links back to your editor.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Keenan Brock"pEvery Rails page has footnotes that gives information about your application and links back to your editor.0T" ruby[["generate-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" generateU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time %"Rails 3 generatorsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Richard Smith"BA selection of Rails 3 generators. Useful to somebody, maybe.0T" ruby[["colored-1.2u; [" 1.4.0i" coloredU:Gem::Version["1.2u: Time E"!Add some color to your life.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Chris Wanstrath"f >> puts "this is red".red >> puts "this is red with a blue background (read: ugly)".red_on_blue >> puts "this is red with an underline".red.underline >> puts "this is really bold and really blue".bold.blue >> logger.debug "hey this is broken!".red_on_yellow # in rails >> puts Color.red "This is red" # but this part is mostly untested 0T" ruby[["firstdirect-0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"firstdirectU:Gem::Version["0.2u: Time "2Internet banking with First Direct using RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.7.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "mechanize; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.7.0; "hoe; @3;F00["Edward Speyer"0T" ruby[["PriorityQueue-0.1.2u;h[" 1.4.0i"PriorityQueueU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time g";This is a fibonacci-heap priority-queue implementationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Brian Schroeder"This is a fibonacci-heap priority-queue implementation. That means insert: O(1) decrease_priority: Amortized O(1) delete_min: Amortized O(log n) This project is different from K. Kodamas PQueue in that it allows a decrease key operation. That makes PriorityQueue usable for algorithms like dijkstras shortest path algorithm, while PQueue is more suitable for Heapsort and the like.0T" ruby[["bundlemate-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"bundlemateU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time $",A command-line TextMate bundle manager.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.1: @name"simpleconsole:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.0; " plist; @3;F00["Luke Redpath"== FEATURES/PROBLEMS: * List bundles available in the Macromates repository * Install, uninstall and update bundles * Install bundles from third-party repositories * Automatic reloading of TextMate bundles. == SYNOPSIS: Run 'bundlemate help' for instructions. == REQUIREMENTS:0T" ruby[["demolisher-0.5.2u;n[" 1.4.0i"demolisherU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.2u: Time Ĕ"OGem for extracting information from XML files, think Builder but backwardsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.3: @name"libxml-ruby:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Geoff Garside"0T" ruby[["genpass-1.0.0u;\[" 1.4.0i" genpassU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time "%Minimalistic password generator.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Christoffer Lejdborg"GenPass is a minimalistic password generator that works in the terminal. "genpass {length}" will return a safe, random password at the specified length.0T" ruby[["carps-0.3.2u;[" 1.4.0i" carpsU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.2u: Time ũ"/Computer Assisted Role-Playing Game SystemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.2: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.6.1; " highline; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4; "rubyforge; @3;F00["John Morrice"BCARPS, the Computer Assisted Role-Playing Game System, is a tool for playing pen and paper RPGs over the internet. CARPS is: extensible; game rules are provided by extensions to CARPS. decentralized; CARPS' protocol is a layer on top of email. secure; CARPS messages are cryptographically signed to prevent spoofing. 0T" ruby[["monkeytest-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"monkeytestU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time "1A command line tool for at-a-glance testing.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.1: @name" rake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.2; "term-ansicolor; @);F00[""Geoff Parsons & Marshall Huss"0T" ruby[["commander-4.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"commanderU:Gem::Version[" 4.0.3u: Time Č"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.0: @name" highline:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["TJ Holowaychuk"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"mime-types:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" Dan Webb"!Dirt simple API for twaud.io0T" ruby[["spackle-0.0.3u;\[" 1.4.0i" spackleU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time l"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"project_scout:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @);F00["Rick Lee-Morlang" Spackle tells your editor about the errors in your code. No more need to visually scan your test output for errors, filenames, and line numbers. Just tell your editor to jump to the next error location. 0T" ruby[[" sinatra_debug_console-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"sinatra_debug_consoleU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time m"Debug console for sinatraU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" jugyo"'Web base debug console for sinatra0T" ruby[["ga_cookie_parser-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"ga_cookie_parserU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "(Google Analytics Cookie Parsing GemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Simon Robson"OGem to parse the utmz and utma tracking coockies used by Google Analytics.0T" ruby[["gitrb-0.2.8u;^[" 1.4.0i" gitrbU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.8u: Time "!Pure ruby git implementationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" bacon:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Daniel Mendler"1Fast and lightweight ruby git implementation0T" ruby[["clieop-0.2.1u;p[" 1.4.0i" clieopU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time "5A pure Ruby implementation to write CLIEOP filesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["2.2: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["4.4; " ZenTest; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @3;F00["Willem van Bergen"Leon Berenschot"This library is a pure Ruby, MIT licensed implementation of the CLIEOP03 transaction format. CLIEOP03 can be used to communicate direct debt transactions with your (Dutch) bank.0T" ruby[["noodall-0.0.4u;0[" 1.4.0i" noodallU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time E":Noodall meta-gem that depends on the other componentsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0: @name" bundler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "noodall-ui; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "noodall-core; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.1; " rails; @=;F00["UNoodall meta-gem that depends on the other components. UI and Core data objects.0T" ruby[["$moneypools-capistrano-ext-1.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i"moneypools-capistrano-extU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.1u: Time el"5Useful task libraries and methods for CapistranoU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0: @name"capistrano:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jamis Buck"5Useful task libraries and methods for Capistrano0T" ruby[["masterdatacore-0.4.0u; [" 1.4.0i"masterdatacoreU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.0u: Time o"Masterdata Core provides an easy way to define applications unchangeable constant data and generate different output from the definition, like SQL, Java and Ruby filesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.6.1: @name" ruport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.3; "hoe; @);F00["Klaas Prause"Masterdata Core provides an easy way to define applications unchangeable constant data and generate different output from the definition, like SQL, Java and Ruby files. With masterdata you can use the same constants in your code and in your DB without manual duplication.0T" ruby[["#apsoto-sitemap_generator-1.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"apsoto-sitemap_generatorU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.0u: Time "iEasily generate enterprise class Sitemaps for your Rails site using a familiar Rails Routes-like DSLU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"sqlite3-ruby:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " nokogiri; @3;F00["Alex Soto"Karl Varga"Adam Salter"SitemapGenerator is a Rails gem that makes it easy to generate enterprise-class Sitemaps readable by all search engines. Generated Sitemaps adhere to the Sitemap protocol specification. When you generate new Sitemaps, SitemapGenerator can automatically ping the major search engines (including Google, Yahoo and Bing) to notify them. SitemapGenerator includes rake tasks to easily manage your sitemaps.0T" ruby[["tvdb_party-0.6.0u;[" 1.4.0i"tvdb_partyU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.0u: Time e"5Simple Ruby library to talk to thetvdb.com's apiU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.1: @name" httparty:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "thoughtbot-shoulda; @);F00["Jon Maddox"5Simple Ruby library to talk to thetvdb.com's api0T" ruby[["jruby-am-api-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"jruby-am-apiU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time " android market api in jrubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Mason Chang"+a port of android market api from java0T" ruby[["publishing_logic-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"publishing_logicU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time d"-Publishing logic for ActiveRecord modelsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0: @name"rspec-rails:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.0; "factory_girl; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " cucumber; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.0; "database_cleaner; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.0; "activesupport; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.0; "activerecord; @[;F00["Unboxed Consulting"-Publishing logic for ActiveRecord models0T" ruby[["pleasevalidate-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"pleasevalidateU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time J"A little markup validator.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" colored:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "mime-types; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.3; " newgem; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0; "hoe; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0; "hoe; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " nokogiri; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.3; " newgem; @[;F00["Dylan Fogarty-MacDonald"A little markup validator.0T" ruby[["mate-;[" 1.4.0i" mateU:Gem::Version[" Time ŭ">TextMate project builder using git ignores for exclusionsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" plist:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.1; " jeweler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rake-gem-ghost; @3;F00["Ivan Kuchin"0T" ruby[["ngrams-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" ngramsU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time Ě"TA library for manipulating bigrams and trigrams to generate pronouncable words.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Matt Mower"0T" ruby[["coupa-libxml-ruby-1.1.4u;`[" 1.4.0i"coupa-libxml-rubyU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.4u: Time D",Fork of libXML with some extra featuresU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Victor Lin" Patches have been submitted to the LibXML-Ruby project on rubyforge, but until they get merged in we have this fork. Currently adds c14n support. 0T" ruby[["dm-yaml-adapter-1.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"dm-yaml-adapterU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2u: Time " YAML Adapter for DataMapperU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["1.3: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.2; " dm-core; @);F00[" Dan Kubb" YAML Adapter for DataMapper0T" ruby[["librarything-api-0.1.1u;A[" 1.4.0i"librarything-apiU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "+Gem for accessing the LibraryThing APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.8; " fakeweb; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.1; " nokogiri; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.2; " httparty; @G;F00["Jason Wadsworth"+Gem for accessing the LibraryThing API0T" ruby[["clockwork_mango-0.1.7u;[" 1.4.0i"clockwork_mangoU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.7u: Time e")Temporal expression toolkit in Ruby.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["3.0: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Emmanuel Gomez"m An(other) implementation of Temporal Expressions in Ruby. Describe recurrence in plain english! 0T" ruby[["thor-ext-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i" thor-extU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time ń"-Extends Thor::Actions with some nicetiesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Kristian Mandrup"TImproves Thor::Actions by adding some extra funcitionaly and fixes a few 'bugs'0T" ruby[["rubytree-0.8.1u;[" 1.4.0i" rubytreeU:Gem::Version[" 0.8.1u: Time $"IRubyTree is a Ruby implementation of the generic tree data structureU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4: @name"rubyforge:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.2; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.2; " hoe-yard; @3;F00["Anupam Sengupta"RubyTree is a Ruby implementation of the generic tree data structure. It provides a node-based model to store keyed node-elements in the tree and simple APIs to access, modify and traverse the structure. RubyTree is node-centric, where individual nodes on the tree are the primary compositional and structural elements. This implementation also mixes in the Enumerable module to allow standard access to the tree as a collection.0T" ruby[["ruby_ptdc-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"ruby_ptdcU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time ģ"HAPI wrapper for Public Transit Data Community API (commuterapi.com)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "json_pure; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " echoe; @3;F00["Albert Ogonevskiy"HAPI wrapper for Public Transit Data Community API (commuterapi.com)0T" ruby[["ruby-flickr-0.1.2u;S[" 1.4.0i"ruby-flickrU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time "9Provides a ruby interface to flickr via the REST apiU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"xml-magic:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Ben Wyrosdick"0T" ruby[["beer_mapping-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"beer_mappingU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time D"%Ruby wrapper for beermapping.comU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Phil McClure"@Allows you to find where pubs are, how they are rating etc.0T" ruby[["couch-replicate-0.0.3u;Z[" 1.4.0i"couch-replicateU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time d"7Set-up automatic CouchDB replication between hostsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.2; "rest-client; @);F00["Chris Strom"Command line and ruby interface for linking a set of CouchDB hosts for automatic replication. Includes three rudimentary replication schemes: cicular link, reverse cicular link and link to every nth host.0T" ruby[["tokyocabinet-1.29u;`[" 1.4.0i"tokyocabinetU:Gem::Version[" 1.29u: Time f"3Tokyo Cabinet: a modern implementation of DBM.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Tokyo Cabinet is a library of routines for managing a database. The database is a simple data file containing records, each is a pair of a key and a value. Every key and value is serial bytes with variable length. Both binary data and character string can be used as a key and a value. There is neither concept of data tables nor data types. Records are organized in hash table, B+ tree, or fixed-length array.0T" ruby[["strophe_ruby-0.0.5u;[" 1.4.0i"strophe_rubyU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time -"hRuby bindings for Strophe 'http://code.stanziq.com/strophe/', a C library for writing XMPP clientsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.0; " newgem; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0; "hoe; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.0; " newgem; @=;F00["François Lamontagne"Ruby bindings for Strophe 'http://code.stanziq.com/strophe/', a C library for writing XMPP clients. If all you need is a simple XMPP bot that react to message and presence notifications, you might be better off with XMPPBot, which is an implementation I wrote on top of StropheRuby. IMPORTANT : This gem is quite experimental currently... it is not ready for production! Strophe 'http://code.stanziq.com/strophe/' is a robust and well written C library that allows the developer to implement XMPP clients. I wanted to be able to use the power of this library with the ruby syntax. I didn't use SWIG to generate the bindings for 2 reasons : 1. I wanted to learn how to write a C extension for ruby 2. I didn't like how SWIG generate gazilions of lines of code My other project, XMPPBot, is an implementation of Strophe Ruby that allows the ruby developer to write a XMPP bot in a few lines of code.0T" ruby[["simple-statistics-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"simple-statisticsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time d"$Library to work with statisticsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " timecop; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @3;F00["Gleb Pomykalov"DSL for statistics0T" ruby[["math-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" mathU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "+Set of common Ruby language extensionsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Alexey Petrushin"+Set of common Ruby language extensions0T" ruby[["memcachedb-client-0.0.2u;![" 1.4.0i"memcachedb-clientU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time "-A Ruby library for accessing memcachedb.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[ "Eric Hodel"Robert Cottrell"Mike Perham"Julien Guimont"-A Ruby library for accessing memcachedb.0T" ruby[["rwdziprwdwshell-1.04u;+[" 1.4.0i"rwdziprwdwshellU:Gem::Version[" 1.04u: Time "Irwdshell is operating system tools for rwdtinker and RubyWebDialogs.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Steven Gibson"Irwdshell is operating system tools for rwdtinker and RubyWebDialogs.0T" ruby[[" emipair-delayed_job-;u[" 1.4.0i"emipair-delayed_jobU:Gem::Version[" Time "DelayedJob Merb portU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"dm-validations:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "dm-observer; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "sqlite3-ruby; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " dm-core; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "dm-aggregates; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "blankslate; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " daemons; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "do_sqlite3; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "mongo_mapper; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "database_cleaner; @~;F00["EMI"6DelayedJob for use form within a Merb application0T" ruby[["adapter-mongo-0.5.1u;y[" 1.4.0i"adapter-mongoU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.1u: Time e"Adapter for mongoU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.5.1: @name" adapter:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.2.0; " mongo; @);F00["John Nunemaker"Adapter for mongo0T" ruby[["castanet-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" castanetU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time e"A CAS client libraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rack:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ci_reporter; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " cucumber; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2.0; " rspec; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " webmock; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "mechanize; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " autotest; @e;F00["David Yip"AA small, snappy CAS 2.0 client library for Ruby applications0T" ruby[["drujensen-browsercms-3.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"drujensen-browsercmsU:Gem::Version[" 3.2.0u: Time $"BrowserCMS is a general purpose, open source Web Content Management System (CMS) written in Ruby on Rails. Designed for web developers who want to create great looking websites while using standard Rails tools for customizing it.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["BrowserMedia" Modified to play well with Paperclip. BrowserCMS is a general purpose, open source Web Content Management System (CMS) written in Ruby on Rails. Designed for web developers who want to create great looking websites while using standard Rails tools for customizing it.0T" ruby[["orange-sparkles-0.7.1u;[" 1.4.0i"orange-sparklesU:Gem::Version[" 0.7.1u: Time d"*Adding some prettiness to orange-coreU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" kramdown:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.7; "orange-core; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.7; "orange-more; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rack-abstract-format; @=;F00["David Haslem"'This gem is a CMS theme for orange0T" ruby[["win32-nio-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"win32-nioU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time "Native IO for MS WindowsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.3: @name"test-unit:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.5; "windows-pr; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.0; "win32-event; @3;F00["Daniel J. Berger" The win32-nio library implements certain IO methods using native Windows function calls rather than using the POSIX compatibility layer that MRI typically uses. In addition, some methods provide additional event handling capability. 0T" ruby[["tuwien_logon-0.3.1u;[" 1.4.0i"tuwien_logonU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.1u: Time "5Ruby client for Vienna UT authentication serviceU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Clemens Helm"pProvides an authentication solution for ruby applications being used at the Vienna University of Technology0T" ruby[["score-fu-0.1.1u;3[" 1.4.0i" score-fuU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time El" score-fuU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" roodi:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " flay; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " reek; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " Saikuro; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " flog; @G;F00["Bryan Goines"^score-fu - measure your project using reek, saikuro, roodi, flay, and flog (text version)0T" ruby[["toodledo-1.3.5u;v[" 1.4.0i" toodledoU:Gem::Version[" 1.3.5u: Time ".A command line client and API to ToodledoU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" cmdparse:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " flexmock; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4; "rubyforge; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " highline; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.2; "hoe; @G;F00["Will Sargent"e== DESCRIPTION: This is a Ruby API and client for http://toodledo.com, a task management website. It implements all of the calls from Toodledo's developer API, and provides a nice wrapper around the functionality. The client allows you to work with Toodledo from the command line. It will work in either interactive or command line mode. You can also use the client in your shell scripts, or use the API directly as part of a web application. Custom private RSS feed? Want to have the Mac read out your top priority? Input tasks through Quicksilver? Print out tasks with a BetaBrite? It can all happen.0T" ruby[["time-tracker-1.0.0u;`[" 1.4.0i"time-trackerU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time $ "HA command line time tracker interface for time logging in Basecamp.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"xml-simple:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Eric Mill"0T" ruby[["lafcadio-0.9.5u;:[" 1.4.0i" lafcadioU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.5u: Time d"3Lafcadio is an object-relational mapping layerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0: @name"extensions:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0; " log4r; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0; "queuehash; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0; " month; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0; "uscommerce; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0; "englishext; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0; "contxtlservice; @[;F00["Francis Hwang"Lafcadio is an object-relational mapping layer for Ruby. It lets you treat database rows like first-class Ruby objects, minimizing the amount of time you have to spend thinking about database vagaries so you can spend more time thinking about your program's logic. It also offers extensive support for unit-testing complex database logic without running cumbersome setup scripts. It currently supports MySQL and PostgreSQL.0T" ruby[["cipango-jars-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"cipango-jarsU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time $"+Cipango and Jetty minimal dependenciesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Dominique Broeglin"+Cipango and Jetty minimal dependencies0T" ruby[["spartan-1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" spartanU:Gem::Version["1.0u: Time g"Lean and Mean Unit TestingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Philippe Hanrigou"0T" ruby[["&jquery-auto-session-timeout-0.5.1u;([" 1.4.0i" jquery-auto-session-timeoutU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.1u: Time N"?Provides automatic session timeout in a Rails application.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Matthew Bass"Mike Gunderloy"4Adds automatic timeout with checking via jQuery0T" ruby[["authlogic-connect-0.0.6u;[" 1.4.0i"authlogic-connectU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.6u: Time ę"9Authlogic Connect: Oauth and OpenID made dead simpleU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"authlogic:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ruby-openid; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.1; "rack-openid; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " oauth; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " oauth2; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.2; "activesupport; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.2; "activerecord; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " json; @e;F00["Lance Pollard"&Oauth and OpenID made dead simple0T" ruby[["$spectator-validates_email-0.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i"spectator-validates_emailU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time "/Rails 3 plugin to validate email addressesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0: @name" bundler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.3.1; "sqlite3-ruby; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.0.0; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.0; "actionpack; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.0; "activemodel; @G;F00["Yury Velikanau"MRails 3 plugin to validate email addresses against RFC 2822 and RFC 36960T" ruby[["sequel_mappable-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"sequel_mappableU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time ğ"(Usefull geo data filters for SequelU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.0: @name" geokit:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @);F00["Corin Langosch"nSequel plugin which provides geo distance-based filters and distance calculation functionality for model.0T" ruby[[" delayed_form_observer-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"delayed_form_observerU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time ě"gDelayed Form Observer provides Rails with timed form observers that do not create race conditions.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.4: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.4; "actionpack; @);F00["Coroutine"Tim Lowrimore"John Dugan"Delayed Form Observer provides Rails with timed form observers that do not create race conditions. The gem extends Prototype and adds a Rails PrototypeHelper to use this new object.0T" ruby[["wav-file-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i" wav-fileU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time %"-Read wav file format and Edit data chunkU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.7.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4; "rubyforge; @);F00["Sho Hashimoto"-Read wav file format and Edit data chunk0T" ruby[["redef-0.4.2u;[" 1.4.0i" redefU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.2u: Time )" redefU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" fattr:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Ara T. Howard"0T" ruby[["procrastinate-0.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i"procrastinateU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time E"2Framework to run tasks in separate processes.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.9.4: @name"state_machine:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " flexmock; @3;F00["Kaspar Schiess"Patrick Marchi"0T" ruby[["colorer-0.7.0u;[" 1.4.0i" colorerU:Gem::Version[" 0.7.0u: Time %"(Easy ANSI code coloring for stringsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0: @name"irt:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Domizio Demichelis"^Colorer adds the basic ANSI styles to any string, allowing also to define your own stiles0T" ruby[["dm-cutie-extras-0.4.0u;[" 1.4.0i"dm-cutie-extrasU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.0u: Time e"DM Cutie's ExtrasU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.10.0: @name" dm-types:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.12; " extlib; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.10.0; " dm-core; @3;F00["Cory ODaniel"(Cool additional hooks for DM Cutie.0T" ruby[["ipizza-0.4.4u;A[" 1.4.0i" ipizzaU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.4u: Time Ŭ"BImplements iPizza protocol to communicate with Estonian BanksU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Priit Haamer"o Simplifies generating payment requests and parsing responses from banks when using iPizza protocol. 0T" ruby[["scissor-echonest-0.0.8u;[" 1.4.0i"scissor-echonestU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.8u: Time "6Scissor extension to use Echo Nest Developers APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.22: @name" scissor:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.1; "ruby-echonest; @);F00[" youpy"6Scissor extension to use Echo Nest Developers API0T" ruby[["galaxy-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i" galaxyU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time E"'Report parser for Galaxy Plus PBEMU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" cucumber:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @);F00[" arvicco"'Report parser for Galaxy Plus PBEM0T" ruby[["(active_scaffold_generator_gem-0.1.2u;c[" 1.4.0i""active_scaffold_generator_gemU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time "7Generate new active_scaffold controllers with easeU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Tyler Rick"This generator creates a controller with the given name and adds an active_scaffold declaration inside of it, listing all column names and association names, so that you can quickly start customizing it (reordering or removing columns, for example).0T" ruby[["oauth2-core-0.1.4u;Z[" 1.4.0i"oauth2-coreU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time D"U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.0; "activesupport; @);F00["Alexander Flatter"0T" ruby[["sleeping-wolf-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"sleeping-wolfU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "-A synchronizer for gh-issues and ticgit.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "mg; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " ticgit; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " octopi; @=;F00["James Pearson"-A synchronizer for gh-issues and ticgit.0T" ruby[["ragweed-0.2.0.pre1u;q[" 1.4.0i" ragweedU:Gem::Version["0.2.0.pre1u: Time e"Scriptable debuggerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"ffi:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" tduehr" struct" tqbf"?General debugging tool written in Ruby for OSX/Win32/Linux0T" ruby[["gem_init-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" gem_initU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "My new gem boilerplate.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Norman Clarke"5This is the code I use to set up a new Ruby Gem.0T" ruby[["bacuwatch-1.5u;H[" 1.4.0i"bacuwatchU:Gem::Version["1.5u: Time e"=An app to periodically report on a Bacula backup system.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["John Kodis"|Bacuwatch is an application normally run from a cron job to email out reports on the status of a series of bacula jobs.0T" ruby[["autopilot-0.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i"autopilotU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time d"0AutoPilot is a Selenium Fitrunner launcher.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jamie Orchard-Hays"0T" ruby[["cpr_adressematch-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"cpr_adressematchU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time "LInterface for generating and parsing the Danish CPR Registry data filesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Anders Johannsen"Interface for generating and parsing the Danish CPR Registry data files. Support the 'adressematch' protocol, which can be used to query by name and adress as well as by the personal identifical number (CPR) 0T" ruby[["mongomapper_i18n-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"mongomapper_i18nU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "2I18n for MongoMapper, just as in ActiveRecordU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.0: @name"jnunemaker-matchy:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.0; "mongo_mapper; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.10.3; " shoulda; @3;F00["Julio Monteiro"2I18n for MongoMapper, just as in ActiveRecord0T" ruby[["ruby-prolog-0.0.5u;[" 1.4.0i"ruby-prologU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time %E"A Prolog-ish Ruby DSL.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Preston Lee"A Prolog-ish Ruby DSL.0T" ruby[["geonames-with-proxy-0.2.3u;[" 1.4.0i"geonames-with-proxyU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.3u: Time e"MRuby library for Geonames Web Services (http://www.geonames.org/export/)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @);F00["Adam Wisniewski" alex"0T" ruby[["acts_as_bits-0.2.2u;[" 1.4.0i"acts_as_bitsU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.2u: Time Df"CActiveRecord plugin that maintains massive flags in one columnU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" maiha"CActiveRecord plugin that maintains massive flags in one column0T" ruby[["calendar-1.11.4u;[" 1.4.0i" calendarU:Gem::Version[" 1.11.4u: Time e)"$Calendrical calculation modulesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Tadayoshi Funaba"0T" ruby[["watcher_in_the_water-0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"watcher_in_the_waterU:Gem::Version["0.1u: Time ("kWant to know when the page at a given URL changes? The Watcher in the Water will tell you over Jabber.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.2: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.2; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " xmpp4r; @3;F00["Phil Hagelberg"0T" ruby[["test_startup-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"test_startupU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time %"RAdds Ruby 1.9-style startup and shutdown mechanisms to test/unit (or shoulda)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["James Adam"0T" ruby[["pillboxr-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i" pillboxrU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time "5Access the NLM Pillbox API using ActiveResource.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">U;[" 2.3.5: @name"activeresource:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">U;[" 2.3.5; "activeresource; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @3;F00["Keith Gautreaux"David Hale"Darius Roberts"Pillboxr is a subclass of ActiveResource::Base that provides additional convenience methods and some parameter wrapping for querying the Pillbox API Service located at http://pillbox.nlm.nih.gov/PHP/pillboxAPIService.php 0T" ruby[["activequeue-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"activequeueU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time %"iActiveQueue is a Rails abstraction of queue configuration and background job creation/specification.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Matthew Jording"Queues and Background Job Runners are becoming as ubiquitous to Rails applications as Databases. Why not treat each of them as the same generic component, conforming to an interface and convention that is well understood.0T" ruby[["Ron-0.1.2u;4[" 1.4.0i"RonU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time e"ZRuby Object Notation (Ron) is a ruby-based textual format for representing Ruby data.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Caleb Clausen"EWell, who needed another serialization format? Not me, but that's what I've made. Ruby Object Notation (Ron) is a textual format for the representation of Ruby data structures. It's somewhat like YAML, XML, or (most of all) JSON. However, since it is defined entirely within and as a subset of Ruby, it has the slick property that Ron expressions are legal Ruby. Thus it is very like JSON, except that it's Ruby-centered instead of being JavaScript-centered. Another way to look at Ron is as a purely declarative language for creating (almost) any type of Ruby data structure.0T" ruby[["indefinite_article-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"indefinite_articleU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "7Indefinite articles for stringlike classes in RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Andy Rossmeissl"HAdds indefinite article ('a' vs. 'an') methods to String and Symbol0T" ruby[["mongomatic-0.7.3u;[" 1.4.0i"mongomaticU:Gem::Version[" 0.7.3u: Time e"8Mongomatic is a simple Ruby object mapper for MongoU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["1.1: @name" bson:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2.0; " minitest; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.5; "activesupport; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.1; " mongo; @=;F00["Ben Myles"8Mongomatic is a simple Ruby object mapper for Mongo0T" ruby[["xapian-indexer-;[" 1.4.0i"xapian-indexerU:Gem::Version[" Time "GXapian::Indexer provides a flexible spider for indexing resources.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"xapian-core:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " nokogiri; @);F00["Samuel Williams"0T" ruby[["warcraft-armory-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"warcraft-armoryU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time D"~The warcraft-armory gem allows your ruby application to easily access information from the World of Warcraft Armory site.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.3: @name" newgem:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0; "hoe; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.164; " hpricot; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.3; " newgem; @G;F00["Ariejan de Vroom"~The warcraft-armory gem allows your ruby application to easily access information from the World of Warcraft Armory site.0T" ruby[["shortly-0.3.2u;[" 1.4.0i" shortlyU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.2u: Time %"'Url Shortner Services Ruby WrapperU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" httparty:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " json; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " fakeweb; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.1.0; " rspec; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.1; " jeweler; @[;F00["Bagwan Pankaj"BRuby Wrapper for different Url Shortner Services Ruby Wrapper0T" ruby[["rmetaweblog-1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"rmetaweblogU:Gem::Version["1.0u: Time "XA ruby class for interacting with the MetaWebLog API used by many blogging systems.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Pieter Steyn and Jae Hess"0T" ruby[["%refinerycms-image_rotators-0.1.2u;>[" 1.4.0i"refinerycms-image_rotatorsU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time "8Ruby on Rails image rotator engine for RefineryCMS.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jacob Swanner"aAn open source Ruby on Rails image rotator engine designed for integration with RefineryCMS.0T" ruby[["libcruisecontrol-0.1.3u;[" 1.4.0i"libcruisecontrolU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time D"!Interact with Cruise ControlU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.0: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jonas Alves"^libcruisecontrol is a library to interact with Cruise Control continuous integration tool0T" ruby[["packrat-0.1.6u;+[" 1.4.0i" packratU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.6u: Time "TPackrat is a gem for merging all css rules to inline for html emails and files.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.1: @name"css_parser:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "thoughtbot-shoulda; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0.6; " hpricot; @3;F00["Mike Hansen"TPackrat is a gem for merging all css rules to inline for html emails and files.0T" ruby[["project-root-1.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"project-rootU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.0u: Time j"Add library pathsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["David Dollar"Add library paths0T" ruby[["coinage-0.2.0u;S[" 1.4.0i" coinageU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time $ "#Handle and convert your Money!U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" hpricot:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Chris Lloyd"#Handle and convert your Money!0T" ruby[["deploytool-0.0.0u;([" 1.4.0i"deploytoolU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.0u: Time ĥ">Deploy code from SVN or GIT repositories capastrano styleU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.8; " chef; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " trollop; @3;F00["Jeremy Deininger"pCommand line tool for deploying code from SVN or GIT repositories using a capastrano style directory layout0T" ruby[["sinatra-respond_to-0.6.0u;[" 1.4.0i"sinatra-respond_toU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.0u: Time "OA respond_to style Rails block for baked-in web service support in SinatraU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["2.0: @name" haml:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.0.1; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.1; " sinatra; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.5.6; "rack-test; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.9.8; " rcov; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["2.0; " builder; @[;F00["Chris Hoffman"0T" ruby[["select_extra_columns-0.0.7u;[" 1.4.0i"select_extra_columnsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.7u: Time e"uEnhances the ActiveRecord finders to return join/aggregate/calculated columns along with standard table columns.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Kandada Boggu"uEnhances the ActiveRecord finders to return join/aggregate/calculated columns along with standard table columns.0T" ruby[["libxml-jruby-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"libxml-jrubyU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time "!Libxml replacement for JRubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Michael Guterl"Uwe L. Korn"-Lixml replacement for JRuby in 100% Java0T" ruby[["XMLCanonicalizer-1.0.1u;V[" 1.4.0i"XMLCanonicalizerU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time "6Implementation of w3c xml canonicalizer standart.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.4: @name" log4r:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Roland Schmitt"0T" ruby[["blingee-0.0.1u;K[" 1.4.0i" blingeeU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time f",A Ruby interface to the Blingee.com APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" fakeweb:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "activesupport; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mocha; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.3; " relax; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "thoughtbot-shoulda; @G;F00["Nathaniel Bibler"8blingee is a Ruby interface to the Blingee.com API.0T" ruby[["configloader-0.2.2u;[" 1.4.0i"configloaderU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.2u: Time "eConfigLoader makes it easy to load the values of a custom configuration file in a Rails project.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Vinicius Teles"~If you need to create a custom config file for you project, ConfigLoader will help you to load the contents of this file.0T" ruby[["msg-chumby-display-0.2.1u;*[" 1.4.0i"msg-chumby-displayU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time "MDisplays various information from the mySmartGrid project on your ChumbyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.5: @name" mongrel:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.1; "msg-flukso-localinterface; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.1; " flukso4r; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.12; "xml-simple; @=;F00["Mathias Dalheimer"The mySmartGrid project provides means to manage your household energy consumption. This gem provides the runtime environment for the Chumby: it queries the mySmartGrid webservice and forwards that information to a Flash application running on the Chumby.0T" ruby[["spacer-0.5.1u;[" 1.4.0i" spacerU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.1u: Time "/Ruby API for the MySpace Platform REST APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0; " oauth; @);F00["Shane Vitarana"/Ruby API for the MySpace Platform REST API0T" ruby[["parameters_extra-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"parameters_extraU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time "IGet back more detailed information about the parameters for a methodU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" phocus:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2.0; "ruby_parser; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.4; "sexp_processor; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.0.4; " callsite; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.2.4; "ruby2ruby; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " minitest; @e;F00["Joshua Hull"JGet back more detailed information about the parameters for a method.0T" ruby[["!sundbp-dm-polymorphic-0.10.2u;[" 1.4.0i"sundbp-dm-polymorphicU:Gem::Version[" 0.10.2u: Time "FDataMapper plugin enabling simple ActiveRecord style polymorphismU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.10.2: @name" dm-core:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Daniel Neighman"Wayne E. Seguin"Ripta Pasay"FDataMapper plugin enabling simple ActiveRecord style polymorphism0T" ruby[["spaces-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" spacesU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "+Set of common Ruby language extensionsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Alexey Petrushin"+Set of common Ruby language extensions0T" ruby[["sinatra-extension-0.5.0u;[" 1.4.0i"sinatra-extensionU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.0u: Time "CMixin to ease Sinatra extension development (part of BigBand).U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["1.0: @name" sinatra:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.5.0; "sinatra-sugar; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.5.0; "sinatra-test-helper; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.5.0; "monkey-lib; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0; " rspec; @G;F00["Konstantin Haase"CMixin to ease Sinatra extension development (part of BigBand).0T" ruby[["simplecov-rcov-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"simplecov-rcovU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time %"'Rcov style formatter for SimpleCovU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"simplecov:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["1Fernando Guillen http://fernandoguillen.info"'Rcov style formatter for SimpleCov0T" ruby[["imap_processor-1.3u;B[" 1.4.0i"imap_processorU:Gem::Version["1.3u: Time \"HIMAPProcessor is a client for processing messages on an IMAP serverU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.2: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.2; "hoe; @);F00["Eric Hodel"IMAPProcessor is a client for processing messages on an IMAP server. It provides some basic mechanisms for connecting to an IMAP server, determining capabilities and handling messages. IMAPProcessor ships with the executables imap_keywords which can query an IMAP server for keywords set on messages in mailboxes, imap_idle which can show new messages in a mailbox and imap_archive which will archive old messages to a new mailbox.0T" ruby[["key_value_ext-0.0.3u;"[" 1.4.0i"key_value_extU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time "TGood for laying out complex nested views and forms when group_by is not enough.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jeff Patmon"8Array and hash extensions for key-value operations.0T" ruby[["activemerchant-est-;[" 1.4.0i"activemerchant-estU:Gem::Version[" Time "CFramework and tools for dealing with credit card transactions.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0: @name" builder:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.2; "activesupport; @);F00["Tobias Luetke"0T" ruby[["hashcash-0.1u;Q[" 1.4.0i" hashcashU:Gem::Version["0.1u: Time "EA library to create hash cash stamps as defined on hashcash.org.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Alexander Klink"yA library for creating and verifying so-called »hash cash stamps«, i.e. proof of work as defined on hashcash.org. 0T" ruby[["%sauberia-aws-s3-;[" 1.4.0i"sauberia-aws-s3U:Gem::Version[" Time c"CClient library for Amazon's Simple Storage Service's REST API.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"mime-types:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "xml-simple; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " builder; @3;F00["marcel@vernix.org"CClient library for Amazon's Simple Storage Service's REST API.0T" ruby[["%trinidad_logging_extension-0.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i"trinidad_logging_extensionU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time "#Logging extension for TrinidadU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.1: @name" trinidad:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mocha; @3;F00["David Calavera"+Configure logging service for Trinidad0T" ruby[["tidy_table-0.0.5u;t[" 1.4.0i"tidy_tableU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time "DYet another library for converting a struct into an HTML table.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Geoffrey Grosenbach"TidyTable by Geoffrey Grosenbach http://topfunky.com == DESCRIPTION: Yet another library to convert an array of structs (such as an ActiveRecord object) into an HTML table. Simple, with a few options. Includes automatic tags for first_column, first_row, even, odd, etc.0T" ruby[["redwood-0.1.2u;h[" 1.4.0i" redwoodU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time č"Ruby treesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.19: @name" bundler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Mark Wunsch"GA simple library to create and manage basic tree-esque structures.0T" ruby[["printing_labels-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"printing_labelsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time d"Dcreate pdf labels sheet defining template and label start pointU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 1.1.3: @name"pdf-writer:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Duccio Giovannelli"Dcreate pdf labels sheet defining template and label start point0T" ruby[["ppds-libs-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"ppds-libsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time %"IA collection of ruby code shared between different projects of PPDS.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"ppds-libs:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Paul Philippov"IA collection of ruby code shared between different projects of PPDS.0T" ruby[["ffi-wingui-core-0.2.0u;w[" 1.4.0i"ffi-wingui-coreU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time "=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.5: @name"ffi:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Radoslav Peev"$#0T" ruby[["dexter-0.1.0u;B[" 1.4.0i" dexterU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "NDexter helps you organize your tv series with well, you know... DexterityU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" trollop:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " aruba; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " cucumber; @=;F00["Josep Jaume Rey Peroy"NDexter helps you organize your tv series with well, you know... Dexterity0T" ruby[["ruhl-1.3.6u;[" 1.4.0i" ruhlU:Gem::Version[" 1.3.6u: Time "Ruby Hypertext LanguageU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.2: @name" nokogiri:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @);F00["Andrew Stone"GMake your HTML dynamic with the addition of a data-ruhl attribute.0T" ruby[["dyndyndong-0.0.4u;t[" 1.4.0i"dyndyndongU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time "JRuby written client to update dynamic dns, it supports many services.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" daemons:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" shura" Ruby written dyndns client.0T" ruby[["asset_bundler-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"asset_bundlerU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time "&A simple asset bundling solution.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.1: @name"asset_timestamps_cache:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Geoff Buesing"=Adapted from asset bundling functionality in ActionPack.0T" ruby[["webget_gemini-1.2.3u;[" 1.4.0i"webget_geminiU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.3u: Time dg"RWebGet Gemini: provides gem initial setup method to see if a gem is installedU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.1: @name"webget_commander:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.6; " open4; @);F00[" WebGet"0T" ruby[["rufus-sqs-0.8u;c[" 1.4.0i"rufus-sqsU:Gem::Version["0.8u: Time E"KA Ruby library for Amazon SQS (gem previously known as 'openwferu-sqs'U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"rufus-verbs:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["John Mettraux"0T" ruby[["resque-ranger-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"resque-rangerU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time D"TSuper fast evented daemon to process resque jobs, some built in job metrics tooU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 0.12.0: @name"eventmachine:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.8.0; " resque; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.0.4; " redis; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "thoughtbot-shoulda; @=;F00["brianthecoder"Super fast evented daemon to process resque jobs, some built in job metrics too, just cause your app might not be on 1.9.1, your bot might be able to0T" ruby[["confetti-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" confettiU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time %"%Generate mobile app config filesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" aruba:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.1.0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.14.3; " thor; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " cucumber; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.11.2; " mustache; @G;F00["Andrew Lunny" A little library to generate platform-specific mobile app configuration files from a W3C widget spec compliant config.xml0T" ruby[["myshows-0.2.2u;[" 1.4.0i" myshowsU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.2u: Time "MyShows APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" httparty:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " memoize; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " crack; @=;F00["Vladimir Parfinenko":Object-oriented wrapper over API of http://myshows.ru0T" ruby[["trainbbcode-1.1.0u;m[" 1.4.0i"trainbbcodeU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.0u: Time "Provides BBCode for Ruby.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" coderay:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @);F00["Adam "Arcath" Laycock"0T" ruby[["smulube-notifo-0.1.1u;w[" 1.4.0i"smulube-notifoU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time e"AA library for using the Notifo iPhone notifications service.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.4.5: @name" httparty:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " fakeweb; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @3;F00["Jonathan Markwell"A library for using Notifo. Notifo is a way for users to receive mobile notifications for anything, more at http://notifo.com. This gem uses John Nunemaker's awesome HTTParty.0T" ruby[["capistrano-campfire-0.1.2u;B[" 1.4.0i"capistrano-campfireU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time "%Post to Campfire from capistranoU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" tinder:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @);F00["Joshua Nichols" capistrano-tinder is a very simple library for making a Campfire room accessible from capistrano. All it does is provide said access, and nothing more, preferring to let other gems do that trickery. 0T" ruby[["odf-report-0.3.3u;[" 1.4.0i"odf-reportU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.3u: Time "JGenerates ODF files, given a template (.odt) and data, replacing tagsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0[">=U;[" 0.9.4: @name" rubyzip:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Sandro Duarte"JGenerates ODF files, given a template (.odt) and data, replacing tags0T" ruby[["daeltar-enum_field-0.2.1u;4[" 1.4.0i"daeltar-enum_fieldU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time g"(ActiveRecord enum fields on steroidU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["James Golick"Mathieu Martin"`enum_field encapsulates a bunch of common idioms around ActiveRecord validates_inclusion_of0T" ruby[["auto-session-timeout-0.5u;+[" 1.4.0i"auto-session-timeoutU:Gem::Version["0.5u: Time N"?Provides automatic session timeout in a Rails application.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Matthew Bass"PAdds several handy expectations for testing ActiveRecord model validations.0T" ruby[["'active_record_serialize_json-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"!active_record_serialize_jsonU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "7Serialize an ActiveRecord::Base attribute via JSONU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["1.4: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2.3; "activerecord; @);F00["Florian Frank"HSerialize an ActiveRecord::Base attribute via JSON in Ruby on Rails0T" ruby[["vorbis_comment-1.0.1u;H[" 1.4.0i"vorbis_commentU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time ")Vorbis Comment Reader/Writer LibraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0: @name" cicphash:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jeremy Evans"0T" ruby[["kch-dominion-0.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i"kch-dominionU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time "0Extract TLD information from a domain name.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Caio Chassot"0T" ruby[["croc-1.0.0u;+[" 1.4.0i" crocU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time %B"aCroc indexes your locally installed rdocs and generates an HTML page with a quick search boxU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.2.0: @name" bones:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.2.0; " bones; @);F00["Dan Hensgen"Croc indexes your locally installed rdocs and generates an HTML page with a quick search box. The search works a bit like gotapi.com.0T" ruby[["kemen-ruby-odbc-0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"kemen-ruby-odbcU:Gem::Version["0.1u: Time %"6Fork of ruby-odbc-0.99994 - ODBC binding for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Christian Werner"0T" ruby[["bigrecord-driver-0.0.7u;f[" 1.4.0i"bigrecord-driverU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.7u: Time "7Bigrecord drivers implemented as JRuby DRb serversU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["openplaces.org"Bigrecord drivers that use JRuby DRb servers to connect with databases through their native Java APIs. Currently supported database is HBase.0T" ruby[[" wapl-0.1u;t[" 1.4.0i" waplU:Gem::Version["0.1u: Time "sLibrary and helper for communicating with Wapple.net Architect web service, more information: http://wapl.infoU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Lukasz Korecki"sLibrary and helper for communicating with Wapple.net Architect web service, more information: http://wapl.info0T" ruby[["session_countdown-0.5.0u;4[" 1.4.0i"session_countdownU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.0u: Time Ĝ"MA Ruby on Rails plugin that puts a countdown timer on the session objectU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Kevin Swope"MA Ruby on Rails plugin that puts a countdown timer on the session object0T" ruby[["HEMiDEMi4r-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"HEMiDEMi4rU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "HEMiDEMi LibraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["CFC"0T" ruby[["cream-;[" 1.4.0i" creamU:Gem::Version[" Time %"OIntegrates Devise, CanCan with permits and Roles generic for multiple ORMsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[#o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.0: @name"logging_assist:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.0; "cancan-rest-links; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.1; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.8; " colorize; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.2; "rails3_artifactor; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.8; " colorize; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.3.2; "rails3_artifactor; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.0; "r3_plugin_toolbox; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.1; " rails; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.0; "devise-links; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.1; "cancan-rest-links; @~;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.5; " devise; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.1; "sugar-high; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.5; " devise; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.0; " cancan; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.1; " rails; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.0; "generator-spec; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.1; " cancan; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.10; "cancan-permits; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.1; "devise-links; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.2.0; "require_all; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.3; "devise-spec; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.1; "rspec-action_view; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.3.1; "sugar-high; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.0; "logging_assist; @ ;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.4; "cancan-permits; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.3; "roles-spec; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.0; "r3_plugin_toolbox; @(;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.0; "rails-app-spec; @2;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.2.0; "require_all; @<;F00["Kristian Mandrup"wAn integrated Authentication, Authorization and Roles solution for your Rails 3 app with support for multiple ORMs0T" ruby[["treebank-3.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i" treebankU:Gem::Version[" 3.0.0u: Time "LTreebank implements support for ordered n-ary branching tree structuresU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["W.P. McNeill"This module implements ordered n-ary branching tree structures. It includes support for breadth- and depth- first iteration, and serialization to and from a bracketed tree string.0T" ruby[["rash-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i" rashU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time "8simple extension to Hashie::Mash for rubyified keysU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.0; " hashie; @);F00[" tcocca"{simple extension to Hashie::Mash for rubyified keys, all keys are converted to underscore to eliminate horrible camelCasing0T" ruby[["metajp-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i" metajpU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time "(Shared functionality for rails appsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["John Paul Narowski"/These tools help setup and install plugins0T" ruby[["deals_with-0.0.6u;[" 1.4.0i"deals_withU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.6u: Time e":Automaticaly find any appropriately scoped resources.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Simon Menke":Automaticaly find any appropriately scoped resources.0T" ruby[["nilsimsa-1.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" nilsimsaU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time "AComputes Nilsimsa values. Nilsimsa is a distance based hashU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jonathan Wilkins"0T" ruby[["remote-0.0.1u;_[" 1.4.0i" remoteU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time %"DHelpers to execute complex commands in multiple servers via SSHU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Rico Sta. Cruz"Remote lets you define a YAML config file with your servers and command aliases, and let you run them easily from the command line.0T" ruby[["iab-RailsGlue-0.1.4u;[" 1.4.0i"iab-RailsGlueU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time K"VRailsGlue is a series hooks that allow other iab components to work atop of RAILSU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.2: @name" diff-lcs:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.15; "mime-types; @);F00["Gary Mawdsley"VRailsGlue is a series hooks that allow other iab components to work atop of RAILS0T" ruby[["sentry-0.5.3u;[" 1.4.0i" sentryU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.3u: Time Eh"\Sentry provides painless encryption services with a wrapper around some OpenSSL classesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Rick Olson"0T" ruby[["rackspace-apps-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"rackspace-appsU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time D"3REST Bindings for Rackspace Email and Apps APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " json; @);F00["Carl Hicks"3REST Bindings for Rackspace Email and Apps API0T" ruby[["ffi-1.0.5u;[" 1.4.0i"ffiU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.5u: Time "Ruby-FFI is a ruby extension for programmatically loading dynamic libraries, binding functions within them, and calling those functions from Ruby codeU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.7: @name" rake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Wayne Meissner"RRuby-FFI is a ruby extension for programmatically loading dynamic libraries, binding functions within them, and calling those functions from Ruby code. Moreover, a Ruby-FFI extension works without changes on Ruby and JRuby. Discover why should you write your next extension using Ruby-FFI here[http://wiki.github.com/ffi/ffi/why-use-ffi].0T" ruby[["db2s3-0.3.2u;[" 1.4.0i" db2s3U:Gem::Version[" 0.3.2u: Time "Summarize your gemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Xavier Shay"Idb2s3 provides rake tasks for backing up and restoring your DB to S30T" ruby[["chatterbox-0.8.5u;[" 1.4.0i"chatterboxU:Gem::Version[" 0.8.5u: Time "Notifications and messagesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"actionpack:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "micronaut; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "micronaut-rails; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mocha; @=;F00["Rob Sanheim"8Send notifications and messages. However you want.0T" ruby[["kensa-1.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i" kensaU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.1u: Time E"DTool to help Heroku add-on providers integrating their servicesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.2: @name" launchy:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; "mechanize; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.5; " timecop; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.0; "term-ansicolor; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.0["=U;["0; " turn; @V;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0.9; " sinatra; @`;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " contest; @j;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["0.6; "yajl-ruby; @t;F00["Blake Mizerany"Pedro Belo"Adam Wiggins"Kensa is a command-line tool to help add-on providers integrating their services with Heroku. It manages manifest files, and provides a TDD-like approach for programmers to test and develop their APIs.0T" ruby[["refacebook-0.4.8u;[" 1.4.0i"refacebookU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.8u: Time M"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.4: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.3; "json-jruby; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.7.1; "memcache-client; @3;F00["Abhi Yerra"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"rdbi-driver-mock:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rdbi; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " json; @3;F00["Erik Hollensbe" JSON result output for RDBI0T" ruby[["rask-0.0.6u;[" 1.4.0i" raskU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.6u: Time E"Terminatable Task EngineU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["mewlist / Hidenori Doi"0T" ruby[["em-proxy-0.1.5u;[" 1.4.0i" em-proxyU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.5u: Time "EventMachine Proxy DSLU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "em-http-request; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " ansi; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "eventmachine; @=;F00["Ilya Grigorik"EventMachine Proxy DSL0T" ruby[["paperclipdb-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"paperclipdbU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "CDatabase storage support for paperclip file attachment plugin.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Martin Caruso"BDatabase storage support for paperclip file attachment plugin0T" ruby[["ruby-bugzilla-0.3.2u;[" 1.4.0i"ruby-bugzillaU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.2u: Time ".Ruby binding for Bugzilla WebService APIsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" highline:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " gruff; @3;F00["Akira TAGOH"aThis aims to provide similar features to access to Bugzilla through WebService APIs in Ruby.0T" ruby[["rscm-accurev-0.0.8u;[" 1.4.0i"rscm-accurevU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.8u: Time ")RSCM::Accurev - RSCM API for AccurevU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["0.3: @name" rscm:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Greg Fast"URSCM::Accurev is an RSCM API for the SCM tool Accurev (http://www.accurev.com/).0T" ruby[["rhomobile-cijoe-0.2.14u;[" 1.4.0i"rhomobile-cijoeU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.14u: Time "6CI Joe is a simple Continuous Integration server.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" sinatra:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " systemu; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " choice; @3;F00["Chris Wanstrath"Brian Moore"Lars Burgess"6CI Joe is a simple Continuous Integration server.0T" ruby[["hyrarchy-0.3.3u;[" 1.4.0i" hyrarchyU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.3u: Time d"=A gem and Rails plugin for working with hierarchic data.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Dana Contreras"0T" ruby[["!devise_aes_encryptable-0.2.2u;[" 1.4.0i"devise_aes_encryptableU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.2u: Time "AES Encryption for DeviseU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rcov:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.2; " jeweler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.3; " devise; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.0; " rails; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.0; "aes; @[;F00["Carl Hicks"RAdds Devise::Encryptors::Aes256.digest and Devise::Encryptors::Aes256.decrypt0T" ruby[[")halorgium-auth-hmac-;[" 1.4.0i"halorgium-auth-hmacU:Gem::Version[" Time $"7A gem providing HMAC based authentication for HTTPU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.2: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[ "Sean Geoghegan" ascarter"Wes Morgan"Adrian Cushman"SA gem providing HMAC based authentication for HTTP. This is the DNC Labs fork.0T" ruby[["alphadecimal-1.1.0u;x[" 1.4.0i"alphadecimalU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.0u: Time "cConvert integers to base62 strings (A-Za-z0-9) and back. A handy way to shorten long numbers.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Mike Mondragon"Jack Danger Canty"jConvert integers to base62 strings (A-Za-z0-9) and back. Ideal for url shorteners like Shawty-server.0T" ruby[["interfacelift-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"interfaceliftU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time j"-Installs templates in rails applicationsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"git:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "commander; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "thoughtbot-shoulda; @3;F00["Michel de Graaf"Jeroen van Schagen"AInstalls themes and other layout/interface related resources0T" ruby[["rwdziprwdwlanguage-0.01u;"[" 1.4.0i"rwdziprwdwlanguageU:Gem::Version[" 0.01u: Time &"Crwdeliza is linguistic tools for rwdtinker and RubyWebDialogs.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Steven Gibson"Crwdeliza is linguistic tools for rwdtinker and RubyWebDialogs.0T" ruby[["#panztel-actionwebservice-2.3.5u;[" 1.4.0i"panztel-actionwebserviceU:Gem::Version[" 2.3.5u: Time El")Web service support for Action Pack.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 2.3.5: @name"actionpack:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.3.5; "activerecord; @);F00["Leon Breedt"Kent Sibilev"BAdds WSDL/SOAP and XML-RPC web service support to Action Pack0T" ruby[[" buildr-package-as-exe-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"buildr-package-as-exeU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time El"DA plugin for creating .exe installers with Buildr and makeNSIS.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Antoine Toulme"A plugin for creating .exe installers with Buildr and makeNSIS. You still are in full control, creating your nsi file, but you can wire it easily to your build system.0T" ruby[["!vitalish-factory_girl-1.2.10u;[" 1.4.0i"vitalish-factory_girlU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.10u: Time "_factory_girl provides a framework and DSL for defining and using model instance factories.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Joe Ferris" Vitalish"factory_girl provides a framework and DSL for defining and using factories - less error-prone, more explicit, and all-around easier to work with than fixtures.0T" ruby[["shinobi-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" shinobiU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "Backup NinjaU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Stephen Bartholomew"Backup Ninja0T" ruby[["response_logger-1.0.0u;t[" 1.4.0i"response_loggerU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time e")Logs responses of Net::HTTP requestsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Ryan Bigg"Bodaniel Jeanes")Logs responses of Net::HTTP requests0T" ruby[["graticule-2.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"graticuleU:Gem::Version[" 2.0.0u: Time $"6API for using all the popular geocoding services.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" mocha:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.0; "happymapper; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " i18n; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "activesupport; @G;F00["Brandon Keepers"Daniel Morrison"Graticule is a geocoding API that provides a common interface to all the popular services, including Google, Yahoo, Geocoder.us, and MetaCarta.0T" ruby[["do-jdbc_sqlserver-1.2.4u; [" 1.4.0i"do-jdbc_sqlserverU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.4u: Time E""SQL Server JDBC (jTDS) DriverU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["alin_sinpalean"bheineman" ickzon"9JDBC Driver for SQL Server (jTDS), packaged as a Gem0T" ruby[["bitpack-0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" bitpackU:Gem::Version["0.1u: Time "6Library for packing and unpacking binary strings.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Corey Burrows"0T" ruby[["actionpack-3.0.4.rc1u;[" 1.4.0i"actionpackU:Gem::Version["3.0.4.rc1u: Time "LWeb-flow and rendering framework putting the VC in MVC (part of Rails).U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 2.1.2: @name" builder:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["0.4; " i18n; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.2.1; " rack; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;["3.0.4.rc1; "activemodel; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;["3.0.4.rc1; "activesupport; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.3.23; " tzinfo; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.5.7; "rack-test; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.6.6; " erubis; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.6.13; "rack-mount; @o;F00["David Heinemeier Hansson"Web apps on Rails. Simple, battle-tested conventions for building and testing MVC web applications. Works with any Rack-compatible server.0T" ruby[["hoster-0.1.3u;[" 1.4.0i" hosterU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time "OAllows you to easily modify your local hosts file using one simple commandU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jerod Santo"0T" ruby[["$ShadowBelmolve-formtastic-0.9.7u;~[" 1.4.0i"ShadowBelmolve-formtasticU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.7u: Time l"QA Rails form builder plugin/gem with semantically rich and accessible markupU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.0: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.0; "actionpack; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.6; "rspec-rails; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; "rspec_tag_matchers; @=;F00["Justin French"QA Rails form builder plugin/gem with semantically rich and accessible markup0T" ruby[[" in_memory_enumeration-0.3.0u;I[" 1.4.0i"in_memory_enumerationU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time "ZProvide a similar API to acts_as_enumerable but in memory instead of database tables.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Pivotal Labs"PUse in_memory_enumeration instead of hashes and statics for your enum data.0T" ruby[["godhead-0.0.10u;[" 1.4.0i" godheadU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.10u: Time $"sGod recipes that separate configuration for processes, site policy and notifications; comes with many examplesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" yard:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "activesupport; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "god; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @=;F00["Philip (flip) Kromer"Dhruv Bansal"Carl Knutson"Configure God monitored processes according to their concerns the servers (path and so forth), site policy (number, ports, etc), and notification (email groups, mailserver, etc).0T" ruby[["otaku-0.4.0u;[" 1.4.0i" otakuU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.0u: Time ġ"8Dead simple service framework built on eventmachineU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.12.10: @name"eventmachine:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.0; "serializable_proc; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " bacon; @3;F00["NgTzeYang"0T" ruby[["ventilation-0.3.1u;#[" 1.4.0i"ventilationU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.1u: Time "=Fancy ESI integration for your high prefomance web apps.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.8: @name" mocha:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "thoughtbot-shoulda; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.8; " fakeweb; @3;F00["Blake Taylor"aHelper methods for building esi tags, simplifies development bypassing the need for varnish.0T" ruby[["sorcerer-0.0.7u; [" 1.4.0i" sorcererU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.7u: Time "%Generate Source from Ripper ASTsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jim Weirich"W Generate the original Ruby source from a Ripper-style abstract syntax tree. 0T" ruby[["rvol-0.1.12u;[" 1.4.0i" rvolU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.12u: Time "yRvol enables you to study market volatility from free data on the internet. I trade stocks, options and futures as a hobby. Often some of the strategies that i have used include looking at earnings dates for stocks and investing in these dates with different options strategies. Rvol downloads options chains, calculates implied volatilites for them and has features to list top 10 type of lists for potential investment opportunities. Put call ratios are calculated , total amount of puts or calls for a particular company etc are available. These can be used to measure market sentiment. Different filters can be used to find stocks/options with high volatilities, stocks with high options volume for the day etc which are indicators of forthcoming events. Rvol concentrates on the S&P500 at the moment. At anytime rvol can be used to download a snapshot from the market including stock prices, options chains, and earnings events for the month ahead. Install: gem install rvol Usage: rvol -h (displays options) **rvol is under development at the moment and is not in a stable state. Tested to work with ruby 1.9.2 on Mac os x.**U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" hpricot:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "dm-sqlite-adapter; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " typhoeus; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " dm-core; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " cucumber; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " nokogiri; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "dm-migrations; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " ruport; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rufus-scheduler; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "dm-validations; @~;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ruport-util; @;F00["Toni Karhu"0T" ruby[["magic_metaclass-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"magic_metaclassU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time D "tThe metaclass/singleton/eigenclass of classes is available via <classname>Metaclass, e.g. PersonMetaclassU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Dr Nic Williams"tThe metaclass/singleton/eigenclass of classes is available via <classname>Metaclass, e.g. PersonMetaclass0T" ruby[["$mysql_replication_adapter-0.4.0u;[" 1.4.0i"mysql_replication_adapterU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.0u: Time D"uAn ActiveRecord database adapter that allows you to specify a single write master and multiple read-only slaves.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Bryan Duxbury"uAn ActiveRecord database adapter that allows you to specify a single write master and multiple read-only slaves.0T" ruby[["aws-auth-0.9.1u;[" 1.4.0i" aws-authU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.1u: Time "(AWS Style authentication middlewareU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" sinatra:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "activerecord; @);F00["David Ricciardi"SRack middleware that provides AWS (Amazon Web Services) style authentication. 0T" ruby[["jruby-poi-0.6.1u;4[" 1.4.0i"jruby-poiU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.1u: Time $"'Apache POI class library for jrubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Scott Deming"Jason Rogers"lA rubyesque library for manipulating spreadsheets and other document types for jruby, using Apache POI.0T" ruby[["blipfm-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" blipfmU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time U"A ruby library for the Blip.fm API. Developed to facilitate the development of Blip.fm (social media service centered around music) applications in ruby.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.2: @name"ruby-hmac:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.1; " uuid; @);F00["Chris Koehler"A ruby library for the Blip.fm API. Developed to facilitate the development of Blip.fm (social media service centered around music) applications in ruby.0T" ruby[["juiced-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" juicedU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time $"Coming soonU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jacques Crocker" an idea0T" ruby[["authenticates_rpi-0.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i"authenticates_rpiU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time "3CAS Authentication and Authorization on Rails!U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Michael DiTore"CRails plugin to manage CAS, Authentication, and LDAP name info0T" ruby[["ec2_userdata-1.3u;\[" 1.4.0i"ec2_userdataU:Gem::Version["1.3u: Time e"dA simple Ruby library that reads UserData on EC2 with graceful fallback when not running on EC2U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Carl Mercier"dA simple Ruby library that reads UserData on EC2 with graceful fallback when not running on EC20T" ruby[["sinatra-scopes-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"sinatra-scopesU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time l"/Simple request handler scoping for sinatraU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.4: @name" sinatra:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2000.0.0; " exemplor; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.4.0; "rack-test; @3;F00["Myles Byrne"0T" ruby[["simple-password-gen-0.1.5u;v[" 1.4.0i"simple-password-genU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.5u: Time "LSimple password generator to create pronounceable or random passowords.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Dominik Menke"Simple password generator to create pronounceable or random passowords. This gem comes with an executable and might also be required.0T" ruby[["ruby_http_parser-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"ruby_http_parserU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "6Ruby bindings to http://github.com/ry/http-parserU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Marc-Andre Cournoyer"0T" ruby[["capistrano-java-0.0.2u;i[" 1.4.0i"capistrano-javaU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time %i")supports java build file or directorU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0: @name"capistrano:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["keebeom kim"$build and deploy the java file 0T" ruby[["+activerecord-mysql-adapter-flags-0.0.3u; [" 1.4.0i"%activerecord-mysql-adapter-flagsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time E",Add mysql driver flags to MysqlAdpater.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.2: @name"activerecord:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.8.1; " mysql; @3;F00["David Bradford"EAllow setting mysql driver flags in database.yml for Rails apps.0T" ruby[["pakada-dispatch-0.0.3u; [" 1.4.0i"pakada-dispatchU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time ".Routing And Action Controllers For PakadaU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" pakada:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "yajl-ruby; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rack-mount; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " fakefs; @G;F00["Lars Gierth"0T" ruby[["mkfifo-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" mkfifoU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time ġ"U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" shura"0T" ruby[["logworm_client-0.7.2u;[" 1.4.0i"logworm_clientU:Gem::Version[" 0.7.2u: Time ė"logworm client utilitiesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.7: @name" logworm:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " json; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.7; " logworm; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " json; @=;F00[" Pomelo"LLC"logworm client utilities0T" ruby[["event_machine-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"event_machineU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time d"!an observer to record eventsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" tim.teng"NEvent Machine is observer to record any action you want to keep an eye on0T" ruby[["mattmatt-validatable-1.8.4u;[" 1.4.0i"mattmatt-validatableU:Gem::Version[" 1.8.4u: Time d"5Validatable is a library for adding validations.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jay Fields"John Nunemaker"5Validatable is a library for adding validations.0T" ruby[["imagesize-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"imagesizeU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "/measure image size(GIF, PNG, JPEG ,,, etc)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Keisuke Minami"/measure image size(GIF, PNG, JPEG ,,, etc)0T" ruby[["meimei-0.1.2u;h[" 1.4.0i" meimeiU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time " A simple IRC bot framework.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Albert Yi"Meimei is a simple IRC bot framework. It is designed to be easily extensible. In the interest of simplicity it only implements a subset RFC 1459, mainly those dealing with PRIVMSGs.0T" ruby[["gme-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"gmeU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "gme for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Carlos Beltrán-Recabarren"libgme interface for Ruby0T" ruby[["!tasty-cucumber-client-0.1.10u;[" 1.4.0i"tasty-cucumber-clientU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.10u: Time Ė"\Remote feature management for Cucumber designed to work with the Tasty Cucumber serviceU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.3: @name" httparty:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Ivan Schneider"Jessy Bernal"0T" ruby[["sexy_validations-0.5.4u;r[" 1.4.0i"sexy_validationsU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.4u: Time " Sexy validations for ModelsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Corin Langosch"7Module which provides sexy validations for models.0T" ruby[["outpost-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" outpostU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time %"BSimple service monitoring with a clean DSL for configuration.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.3.7: @name" net-ping:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Vinicius Baggio Fuentes"BSimple service monitoring with a clean DSL for configuration.0T" ruby[["formosa-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i" formosaU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time e"AA collection of libraries for Taiwanese languages processingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Lukhnos D. Liu"AA collection of libraries for Taiwanese languages processing0T" ruby[["tunecore-announcer-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"tunecore-announcerU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time %*" FIX (describe your package)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.0: @name" newgem:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.0; " newgem; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0; "hoe; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0; "hoe; @=;F00["Alex Kane" FIX (describe your package)0T" ruby[["tableless_model-0.0.7u;[" 1.4.0i"tableless_modelU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.7u: Time "A serialisable and validatable table-less model with support for associations, useful to store settings, options, etc in a serialized form in a parent objectU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" sqlite3:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " ansi; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "validatable; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " minitest; @=;F00["Vito Botta"A serialisable and validatable table-less model with support for associations, useful to store settings, options, etc in a serialized form in a parent object0T" ruby[["YAMLiner-0.3.2u;[" 1.4.0i" YAMLinerU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.2u: Time D" inline YAML CRUD operationsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 2.0.1: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Selman ULUG"`Simple gem that supplies inline YAML CRUD operations that usable by all kind of text files.0T" ruby[["acts_as_votable-0.0.5u;[" 1.4.0i"acts_as_votableU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time ů"0Rails gem to allowing records to be votableU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.0; " rails; @);F00[" Ryan"0Rails gem to allowing records to be votable0T" ruby[["%griffordson-georuby-extras-0.6.0u;#[" 1.4.0i"griffordson-georuby-extrasU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.0u: Time ė"CNative extensions and extra functions for the GeoRuby library.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.0: @name" GeoRuby:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["David Troy"Matt Griffith"Provides native implementations of Vincenty ellipsoidal functions and a native implementation of a ray casting algorithm to detect if a point is contained in a polygon.0T" ruby[[",boxgrinder-build-fedora-os-plugin-0.0.6u;S[" 1.4.0i"&boxgrinder-build-fedora-os-pluginU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.6u: Time "#Fedora Operating System PluginU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.0.9: @name")boxgrinder-build-rpm-based-os-plugin:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.7.0; "boxgrinder-build; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.7.0; "boxgrinder-build; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0; " hashery; @=;F00["Marek Goldmann"4BoxGrinder Build Fedora Operating System Plugin0T" ruby[["#anideo-authlogic-connect-0.0.6u;[" 1.4.0i"anideo-authlogic-connectU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.6u: Time "9Authlogic Connect: Oauth and OpenID made dead simpleU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.2: @name"activerecord:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ruby-openid; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " oauth; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.2; "activesupport; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " oauth2; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "authlogic; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " json; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.1; "rack-openid; @e;F00["Lance Pollard"POauth and OpenID made dead simple, added custom token settings for Facebook0T" ruby[["#sequel_migration_builder-0.2.2u;[" 1.4.0i"sequel_migration_builderU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.2u: Time "IBuild Sequel Migrations based on the differences between two schemasU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 3.18.0: @name" sequel:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @);F00["Roland Swingler"IBuild Sequel Migrations based on the differences between two schemas0T" ruby[["rules_engine_users-0.0.3u;~[" 1.4.0i"rules_engine_usersU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time $"1Manage rules engine users and authenticationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Chris Douglas"1Manage rules engine users and authentication0T" ruby[["rhtml2pdf-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"rhtml2pdfU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time D"A set of convenience classes integrated with Ruby on Rails to transparently and flexibly convert html to PDF, in particular output nice PDFs direct from rhtml templatesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Dave Nolan"A set of convenience classes integrated with Ruby on Rails to transparently and flexibly convert html to PDF, in particular output nice PDFs direct from rhtml templates0T" ruby[["puppetry-0.0.0.initu;[" 1.4.0i" puppetryU:Gem::Version["0.0.0.initu: Time Ŭ" puppetryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["1.2: @name"selenium-client:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["2.2; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.4; " nokogiri; @3;F00["Yunsang Choi" puppetry0T" ruby[["moro-miso-0.0.6u;[" 1.4.0i"moro-misoU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.6u: Time $f"dip cukes into me.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["MOROHASHI Kyosuke"dip cukes into me.0T" ruby[["mynyml-redgreen-0.7.1u;[" 1.4.0i"mynyml-redgreenU:Gem::Version[" 0.7.1u: Time k"AStandalone redgreen eye candy for test results, ala autotestU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.10.1: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.2; " nanotest; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.5; "jeremymcanally-context; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.4; "term-ansicolor; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.1; " minitest; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.1; " contest; @Q;F00["Martin Aumont"BStandalone redgreen eye candy for test results, ala autotest.0T" ruby[["sydparse-1.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i" sydparseU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.0u: Time ū"0A standalone ruby parser with sexp support.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Evan Webb"0T" ruby[["social_widgets-0.1.0u;H[" 1.4.0i"social_widgetsU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "'display widgets of social networksU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["David A. Cuadrado"0T" ruby[[",brontes3d-rubycas-server-;[" 1.4.0i"brontes3d-rubycas-serverU:Gem::Version[" Time P"XProvides single sign-on authentication for web applications using the CAS protocol.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"activerecord:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "activesupport; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.2; "hoe; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " gettext; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.999; " picnic; @G;F00["Matt Zukowski"XProvides single sign-on authentication for web applications using the CAS protocol.0T" ruby[["alternate-folder-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"alternate-folderU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time "CQuickly switch to pre-defined remote folders with one command.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Andy Moreland"0T" ruby[["promise-0.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i" promiseU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time ""Promises and futures for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.8: @name" yard:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0; " rspec; @);F00["Ben Lavender" A glimpse of a promising future in which Ruby supports delayed execution. Provides global 'promise' and 'future' methods. 0T" ruby[["camping_generator-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"camping_generatorU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time e"+A Rails generator to make Camping appsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["(Parasite is currently at version 0.2. The Parasite package is composed of two gems: parasite and the camping_generator. The first provides a way to hook into the Rails development environment, while the second provides a generator for creating Camping apps quickly and painlessly. *** Installation To install parasite and the camping_generator fire up a terminal and: $ sudo gem install parasite parasite will require the camping_generator, along with Rails and Camping. More details on installing those packages can be found at their project pages.0T" ruby[["&jspooner-authlogic-connect-0.0.20u;[" 1.4.0i"jspooner-authlogic-connectU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.20u: Time "9Authlogic Connect: Oauth and OpenID made dead simpleU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"authlogic:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " oauth2; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.1; "rack-openid; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " oauth; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " json; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ruby-openid; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.2; "activesupport; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.2; "activerecord; @e;F00["Lance Pollard"&Oauth and OpenID made dead simple0T" ruby[["hoe-bundler-1.0.0u;1[" 1.4.0i"hoe-bundlerU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time "DGenerate a Gemfile based on a Hoe spec's declared dependencies.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.2.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4; "rubyforge; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.1; "hoe; @=;F00["Mike Dalessio"DGenerate a Gemfile based on a Hoe spec's declared dependencies.0T" ruby[["params_debugger-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"params_debuggerU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time d"Paramameters debuggerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Bruno Grasselli"IPrints the last parameters line from your log file giving the action0T" ruby[["grockit-resque-1.5.0u;[" 1.4.0i"grockit-resqueU:Gem::Version[" 1.5.0u: Time E"U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" redis:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.2; " sinatra; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " jeweler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "redis-namespace; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.2; " vegas; @G;F00[" Grockit"0T" ruby[["basic_ssl-1.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"basic_sslU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.3u: Time %")Basic encryption and signing wrapperU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Adam Cooke"0T" ruby[["etest-0.6.0u;+[" 1.4.0i" etestU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.0u: Time "Embedded testingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" dlog:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" pboy"Embedded testing0T" ruby[["boxgrinder-build-0.7.1u; [" 1.4.0i"boxgrinder-buildU:Gem::Version[" 0.7.1u: Time E"bA tool for creating appliances from simple plain text files for various virtual environments.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 4.0.3: @name"commander:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.1.5; "boxgrinder-core; @);F00["Marek Goldmann"bA tool for creating appliances from simple plain text files for various virtual environments.0T" ruby[["tkellem-0.7.1u;B[" 1.4.0i" tkellemU:Gem::Version[" 0.7.1u: Time E"*IRC bouncer with multi-client supportU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"eventmachine:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Brian Palmer"0T" ruby[["require_paranoia-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"require_paranoiaU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time d"9Temporarily disable require to ensure thread safety.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Christopher J. Bottaro"@Temporarily disable Kernel.require to ensure thread safety.0T" ruby[["crow-0.1.2u;L[" 1.4.0i" crowU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time "Easy API mocking with CrowU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" sinatra:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Will Leinweber" Easy API mocking with Crow!0T" ruby[["blindfold-0.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i"blindfoldU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time D"6API/XML focused integration testing for Rack appsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.2: @name" nokogiri:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.4; " forgery; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.6; "machinist; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.4; "rack-test; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0; " rspec; @G;F00["James Bunch (fallwith)"Blindfold brings together RSpec, Rack::Test, and Machinist for the express purpose of providing integration test coverage for web based API services (especially those with an XML response).0T" ruby[["columnizer-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"columnizerU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time "Neat columnsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["John Crepezzi"3Put multi-dimensional arrays into neat columns0T" ruby[["ziggy-0.1.7u;[" 1.4.0i" ziggyU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.7u: Time DZ""Cache any method on any classU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Oliver Searle-Barnes"cziggy can be used to cache any method on any class and allows custom keys and expiration times0T" ruby[["postmark-rails-0.4.1u; [" 1.4.0i"postmark-railsU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.1u: Time "&Postmark adapter for ActionMailerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "actionmailer; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.0; " postmark; @3;F00["Petyo Ivanov"Ilya Sabanin"WUse this plugin in your rails applications to send emails through the Postmark API0T" ruby[["nendo-0.4.1u;c[" 1.4.0i" nendoU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.1u: Time E" Nendo is a dialect of Lisp.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Kiyoka Nishiyama"5Nendo is a programming language written in Ruby.0T" ruby[["jsparrow-1.1.4u;[" 1.4.0i" jsparrowU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.4u: Time ",JSparrow is a JMS client based on JRubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Leandro Silva"0T" ruby[["fastgeoip-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"fastgeoipU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time d"1Wrapper for MaxMind GeoIP based on net/geoipU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Martin Karlsch".A much longer description will follow ...0T" ruby[["get-formidable-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"get-formidableU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time %"!one-line summary of your gemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0: @name" bundler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.3.0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.2; " jeweler; @=;F00["Andrew Kane"#longer description of your gem0T" ruby[["retry-this-1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"retry-thisU:Gem::Version["1.1u: Time ū"RetryThis provides a method that takes a block which it will invoke a given number of times before giving up for specified errorsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Aman King"RetryThis provides a method that takes a block which it will invoke a given number of times before giving up for specified errors0T" ruby[[" Aplo-0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" AploU:Gem::Version["0.1u: Time ")A Ruby wrapper for Apache log files.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Tim Fletcher"0T" ruby[["paperclip-env_aware-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"paperclip-env_awareU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time "AAllow paperclip attachments to have a per environment configU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"paperclip:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["3.0; "activesupport; @);F00["Juan Manuel Barreneche"ZThis gem allows, for example, to have different stores configurations per environment0T" ruby[["dm-is-published-0.0.6u;q[" 1.4.0i"dm-is-publishedU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.6u: Time "ZA DataMapper plugin that provides an easy way to add different states to your models.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0: @name" dm-core:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; "dm-migrations; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.3; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; "dm-validations; @=;F00[" kematzy"ZA DataMapper plugin that provides an easy way to add different states to your models.0T" ruby[["ward-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" wardU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time $" WardU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["3.0.0.beta: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0.5; " yard; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0.3; " cucumber; @=;F00["Anthony Williams")Object validation inspired by RSpec.0T" ruby[["autotest-fsevent-0.2.4u;+[" 1.4.0i"autotest-fseventU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.4u: Time %"LUse FSEvent (on Mac OS X 10.5 or higher) instead of filesystem polling.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"sys-uname:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " ZenTest; @=;F00["Sven Schwyn"2Autotest relies on filesystem polling to detect modifications in source code files. This is expensive for the CPU, harddrive and battery - and unnecesary on Mac OS X 10.5 or higher which comes with the very efficient FSEvent core service for this very purpose. This gem teaches autotest how to use FSEvent.0T" ruby[["orlydb-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" orlydbU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time ",A small library for querying orlydb.comU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Dominik Honnef",A small library for querying orlydb.com0T" ruby[["gradients-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"gradientsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "cColours! Colours! The creeping chaos fucks my mind. Generate gradients because colors are fun.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @);F00["Joshua Hull"cColours! Colours! The creeping chaos fucks my mind. Generate gradients because colors are fun.0T" ruby[["scarlet-0.1.2u; [" 1.4.0i" scarletU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time d"%Slideshow Generator with TextileU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.1: @name" rtex:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 4.2.2; " RedCloth; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.6; " open4; @3;F00["Joao Carlos Cardoso"|Generates XHTML slideshows from text files using Textile for markup. Does syntax highlighting if Pygments is installed.0T" ruby[["gitty-0.4.4u;[" 1.4.0i" gittyU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.4u: Time "Unobtrusively extend gitU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Tim Harper"Unobtrusively extend git0T" ruby[["formtastic_jquery_ui-0.0.3u;f[" 1.4.0i"formtastic_jquery_uiU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time "AProvides Formtastic input helpers for some jQuery UI widgetsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.0: @name"formtastic:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Paul Smith"0T" ruby[["mdown_handler-0.1u;0[" 1.4.0i"mdown_handlerU:Gem::Version["0.1u: Time "0MdownHandler: markdown views out of the boxU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" nokogiri:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " etest; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " sanitize; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " json; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "htmlentities; @G;F00[" pboy"0MdownHandler: markdown views out of the box0T" ruby[["colorize-0.5.8u;I[" 1.4.0i" colorizeU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.8u: Time %l"'Add colors methods to string classU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" fazibear"Ruby string class extension. It add some methods to set color, background color and text effect on console easier. Uses ANSI escape sequences.0T" ruby[["deep_cloneable-1.2.0u;q[" 1.4.0i"deep_cloneableU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.0u: Time d"WThis gem gives every ActiveRecord::Base object the possibility to do a deep clone.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Reinier de Lange"~Extends the functionality of ActiveRecord::Base#clone to perform a deep clone that includes user specified associations. 0T" ruby[["yummy-0.0.2u;=[" 1.4.0i" yummyU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time "ruby del.icio.us apiU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.1: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Bryan Liles"ruby del.icio.us api0T" ruby[["subwrap-0.5.1u;[[" 1.4.0i" subwrapU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.1u: Time A"EA nifty wrapper command for Subversion's command-line svn clientU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" colored:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.4.4; " facets; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.0; "quality_extensions; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rscm; @=;F00["Tyler Rick"hThis is a wrapper command for Subversion's command-line svn client that adds a few new subcommands.0T" ruby[["report_ui-0.0.1.alphau;[" 1.4.0i"report_uiU:Gem::Version["0.0.1.alphau: Time %"Reporting engine for RailsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0: @name" bundler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " haml; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " compass; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.4.0; " jeweler; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.0; "activesupport; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " nokogiri; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rspec-rails; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rspec-mocks; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "cucumber-rails; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rspec-expectations; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " cucumber; @~;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.0.1; " rspec; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "machinist; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "meta_search; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "orm_adapter; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ruby-debug; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.0; "actionpack; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " webrat; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "formtastic; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.0.0.rc1; "decent_exposure; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " capybara; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "capybara-envjs; @;F00["Bernardo Telles"Reporting engine for rails0T" ruby[["rack_spellchecker-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"rack_spellcheckerU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "9A rack spellchecker to support TinyMCE spellcheckingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.2.8: @name" reek:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.6.0; " yard; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " capybara; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " raspell; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rack; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.3.0; " rspec; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.2; " jeweler; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.1.0; " roodi; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " cucumber; @~;F00["Dan Pickett"BSpellcheck your text entry with TinyMCE and Rack SpellChecker0T" ruby[["heyzap-contacts-1.2.2u;"[" 1.4.0i"heyzap-contactsU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.2u: Time "jRidiculously easy contact list information from various providers including Yahoo, Gmail, and HotmailU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.1: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.1.1; " gdata; @);F00["Lucas Carlson"n Ridiculously easy contact list information from various providers including Yahoo, Gmail, and Hotmail 0T" ruby[["lpmp-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i" lpmpU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time g"Linux Proc Monitor PortalU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Charles Cui"Linux Proc Monitor Portal0T" ruby[["juicer-1.0.9u;[" 1.4.0i" juicerU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.9u: Time Ŭ"8Command line tool for CSS and JavaScript developersU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" cmdparse:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.1; " jeweler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.10.2; " shoulda; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.1; " fakefs; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.8; " mocha; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rubyzip; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " nokogiri; @[;F00["Christian Johansen"Resolve dependencies, merge and minify CSS and JavaScript files with Juicer - the command line tool for frontend engineers0T" ruby[["omroep_auth-1.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"omroep_authU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.0u: Time "!one-line summary of your gemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Bart Zonneveld"#longer description of your gem0T" ruby[["chatchart-1.0.0u;,[" 1.4.0i"chatchartU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time j"#ASCII drawing and graph layoutU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Christopher Abad"rThis is a package of various crappy ruby code which generally revolves around ASCII drawing and graph layout.0T" ruby[["gmp-0.5.41u;[" 1.4.0i"gmpU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.41u: Time %"/Provides Ruby bindings to the GMP library.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Tomasz Wegrzanowski" srawlins"6gmp - providing Ruby bindings to the GMP library.0T" ruby[["'jerryvos-acts-as-taggable-on-1.0.6u;[" 1.4.0i"!jerryvos-acts-as-taggable-onU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.6u: Time Eh"nActsAsTaggableOn is a tagging plugin for Rails that provides multiple tagging contexts on a single model.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Michael Bleigh"With ActsAsTaggableOn, you could tag a single model on several contexts, such as skills, interests, and awards. It also provides other advanced functionality.0T" ruby[["spore-0.0.5u;\[" 1.4.0i" sporeU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time e"$A Ruby implementation for SPOREU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"httpclient:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.6; " json; @);F00["0Alexis Sukrieh [sukria]" [hallelujah]"Spore is a specification for describing ReST API that can be parsed and used automatically by client implementations to communicate with the descibed API0T" ruby[["machinist_callbacks-0.2.0u;w[" 1.4.0i"machinist_callbacksU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time d",Callback hooks for machinist blueprintsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.5.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.0; "gemcutter; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.3; "rubyforge; @3;F00[""Pascal Belloncle (nano RAILS)";Provide validation/generation for UPC/EAN/GTIN numbers0T" ruby[["if-vlad-recipes-0.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i"if-vlad-recipesU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time "-Innovation Factory Specific Vlad RecipesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rainbow:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0; " vlad; @);F00["Sam Aaron"Sjoerd Andringa"lInnovation Factory's deployment specific vlad recipes. We use them, perhaps they're useful for you too?0T" ruby[["stories_sync-0.0.6u;[" 1.4.0i"stories_syncU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.6u: Time e"Stories SyncU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 2.3.3: @name"activeresource:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.3; "rest-client; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.11; " thor; @3;F00["Evelin Garcia"Lucas Nasif";Manage and syncrhonize your UATs with Pivotal Tracker.0T" ruby[["RedGreen-1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" RedGreenU:Gem::Version["1.0u: Time D"2RedGreen: A colorizing filter for Test::UnitU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Pat Eyler"0T" ruby[["vat_validator-1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"vat_validatorU:Gem::Version["1.1u: Time "AValidator for european countries VAT numbers for ActiveModelU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" soap:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " soap4r; @);F00["Aurélien Malisart"AValidator for european countries VAT numbers for ActiveModel0T" ruby[["backitup-0.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i" backitupU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.0u: Time Ę" A Backup Tool built on RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Utkarsh Sengar"TDB0T" ruby[[" rack-useragent-filter-0.1.9u;[" 1.4.0i"rack-useragent-filterU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.9u: Time "0Rack Middleware for filtering by user agentU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0: @name" tilt:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.1; " rack; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.5; "useragent; @3;F00["Tomasz Mazur"Sergio Gil"Luismi Cavallé"0T" ruby[["property_sets-0.3.2u;1[" 1.4.0i"property_setsU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.2u: Time "#Property sets for ActiveRecordU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 2.3.10: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "thoughtbot-shoulda; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ruby-debug; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.1; " jeweler; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.3.10; "activerecord; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.3.10; "actionpack; @e;F00["Morten Primdahl"pThis gem is an ActiveRecord extension which provides a convenient interface for managing per row properties0T" ruby[["!ghazel-truncate_html-;*[" 1.4.0i"ghazel-truncate_htmlU:Gem::Version[" Time En"fUses an API similar to Rails' truncate helper to truncate HTML and close any lingering open tags.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" hgimenez"(Truncates html so you don't have to0T" ruby[["+active_record_base_without_table-0.1.2u; [" 1.4.0i"%active_record_base_without_tableU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time d"JAllows to use ActiveRecord::Base functionality without database tableU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jonathan Viney"Dmitry Ratnikov"0T" ruby[["data-calendar-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"data-calendarU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time i"HGenerates the data needed to represent a given schedule a calendar.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["José Galisteo Ruiz"0T" ruby[["have-code-0.2.0u;m[" 1.4.0i"have-codeU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time e"QAdd clever little base36 codes for your DataMapper and ActiveRecord objects.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"bkerley-affine:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Bryce Kerley"0T" ruby[["smsc_manager-0.5.6u;x[" 1.4.0i"smsc_managerU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.6u: Time $"-connection to smsc via http using kannelU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.5: @name"stomp_message:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["scott sproule"-connection to smsc via http using kannel0T" ruby[["constant_cache-0.0.2u;K[" 1.4.0i"constant_cacheU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time "xPatches ActiveRecord::Base to add a caches_constants class method that will cache lookup data for your application.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.2: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.2; "activerecord; @);F00["Patrick Reagan"xPatches ActiveRecord::Base to add a caches_constants class method that will cache lookup data for your application.0T" ruby[["jsdoc-0.1.0u;L[" 1.4.0i" jsdocU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time e"a wrapper around jsdocU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Aaron Hamid"a wrapper around jsdoc0T" ruby[["homeschool-;T[" 1.4.0i"homeschoolU:Gem::Version[" Time "The homeschool gemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["1.0: @name" metaid:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Paul Nicholson"Austin Taylor"The Homeschool Way0T" ruby[["ipaddress-0.7.0u;[" 1.4.0i"ipaddressU:Gem::Version[" 0.7.0u: Time "-IPv4/IPv6 addresses manipulation libraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Marco Ceresa" IPAddress is a Ruby library designed to make manipulation of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses both powerful and simple. It mantains a layer of compatibility with Ruby's own IPAddr, while addressing many of its issues. 0T" ruby[["process_monitor-0.2.3u;[" 1.4.0i"process_monitorU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.3u: Time "A gem to monitor processesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Sriram Varahan"2A gem to simplify process/service monitoring.0T" ruby[["fxruby-1.6.20u;|[" 1.4.0i" fxrubyU:Gem::Version[" 1.6.20u: Time %i"7FXRuby is the Ruby binding to the FOX GUI toolkit.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.3: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Lyle Johnson"7FXRuby is the Ruby binding to the FOX GUI toolkit.0T" ruby[["current_gem-0.0.2u;%[" 1.4.0i"current_gemU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time m"IMaintain symlinks to the most recent versions of installed RubyGems.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jens Wille"IMaintain symlinks to the most recent versions of installed RubyGems.0T" ruby[["marcosinger-kilt-0.5.2u;[" 1.4.0i"marcosinger-kiltU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.2u: Time %"VA client that listens to Pivotal Tracker activities and notifies them with Growl.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"rest-client:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " fakeweb; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " crack; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rufus-scheduler; @G;F00["Original - Diego Carrion"Marco Singer"VA client that listens to Pivotal Tracker activities and notifies them with Growl.0T" ruby[["spork-0.9.0.rc3u;[" 1.4.0i" sporkU:Gem::Version["0.9.0.rc3u: Time " sporkU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[00["Tim Harper"Donald Parish"A forking Drb spec server0T" ruby[["remove_stale_gems-;[" 1.4.0i"remove_stale_gemsU:Gem::Version[" Time ŭ"Remove unused gemsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.1: @name" jeweler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rake-gem-ghost; @);F00["Ivan Kuchin"3Remove gems for which last use time is too old0T" ruby[["eat-0.0.5u;[" 1.4.0i"eatU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time "MA more trustworthy open-uri for use with RSS feeds, config scripts, etc.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"test-unit:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Seamus Abshere"^Lets you open local and remote files by immediately returning their contents as a string.0T" ruby[["git-deployer-0.0.2u;Q[" 1.4.0i"git-deployerU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time E"*Easy deploy system based on Git hooksU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" nake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["#Jakub Šťastný aka Botanicus"0T" ruby[["scrypt-1.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i" scryptU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2u: Time "'scrypt password hashing algorithm.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Patrick Hogan" The scrypt key derivation function is designed to be far more secure against hardware brute-force attacks than alternative functions such as PBKDF2 or bcrypt. 0T" ruby[["amq-protocol-0.0.1.preu;[" 1.4.0i"amq-protocolU:Gem::Version["0.0.1.preu: Time ""AMQP 0.9.1 encoder & decoder.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[00["Jakub Stastny"This is an AMQP encoder & decoder for AMQP 0.9.1. It isn't an AMQP client, just the parser, so if you want to write your own AMQP client without digging into the protocol, this gem can help you with that.0T" ruby[["linky-0.0.5u;[" 1.4.0i" linkyU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time "GA library for safely linking keywords to urls within HTML content.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" @name" nokogiri:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Matt Parker"GA library for safely linking keywords to urls within HTML content.0T" ruby[["cheeba-1.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i" cheebaU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.4u: Time %m"TSimple data serialization serialization for only the Ruby Programming Language.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.3: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["So Awesome Man"TSimple data serialization serialization for only the Ruby Programming Language.0T" ruby[["kfold-0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" kfoldU:Gem::Version["0.1u: Time "eCreate k-fold splits from datafiles (useful for cross-validation in supervised machine learning)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"commander:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Christian Rishøj"eCreate k-fold splits from datafiles (useful for cross-validation in supervised machine learning)0T" ruby[["fastprowl-0.3.1u;[" 1.4.0i"fastprowlU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.1u: Time e"ERuby Prowl library that uses libcurl-multi for parallel requestsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" mocha:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.0; " typhoeus; @);F00["Matthew Riley MacPherson"0T" ruby[["!iab-ActiveRecordBDBXml-0.2.0u; [" 1.4.0i"iab-ActiveRecordBDBXmlU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time K"XActiveRecordBDBXml is a ActiveRecord RAILS adapter for the Berkeley DB Xml - BDBXmlU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.15: @name"mime-types:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.2; " diff-lcs; @);F00["Gary Mawdsley"XActiveRecordBDBXml is a ActiveRecord RAILS adapter for the Berkeley DB Xml - BDBXml0T" ruby[["sinatra-rest-helpers-0.5.2u;$[" 1.4.0i"sinatra-rest-helpersU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.2u: Time g"FAdds useful helpers for REST applications developed with Sinatra.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Cyril Rohr"BA set of helpers for sinatra apps that expose REST resources.0T" ruby[[""schema_qualified_tables-1.0.0u;#[" 1.4.0i"schema_qualified_tablesU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time l"1Logical schema names for ActiveRecord modelsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["2.3: @name"activerecord:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.2; " rspec; @);F00["Rhett Sutphin"Peter Nyberg"An ActiveRecord mix-in that makes it easier to use AR in an application which contains models which map to tables in different schemas.0T" ruby[["retrograph-0.5.1u;k[" 1.4.0i"retrographU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.1u: Time D[" Retrograph, a retrodisplay.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["!MenTaLguY "Retrograph is a software scanline renderer which simulates a late-era 8-bit display. Its graphical capabilities are similar to those of the Sega Master System. 0T" ruby[["$acts_as_static_controller-0.1.0u;1[" 1.4.0i"acts_as_static_controllerU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time k"HRails Plugin: Creates StaticPages Controller to serve static pages.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Vlad Alive"HRails Plugin: Creates StaticPages Controller to serve static pages.0T" ruby[["extmath-2.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i" extmathU:Gem::Version[" 2.3.0u: Time "DExtmath is a library that extends Ruby's built-in math library.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Josef Schugt" Extmath is a library that extends Ruby's built-in math library. This gem reflects the current version (2.3.0) of the extmath library originally written by Josef Schugt. 0T" ruby[["autorefresh-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"autorefreshU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time E"RAutomatically refresh your browser when a file has changed (using WebSockets)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0: @name" bundler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0.7; " watchr; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " bacon; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.0; " pusher; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.2; " jeweler; @Q;F00["Logan Koester"?Automatically refresh your browser when a file has changed0T" ruby[[""norwegian-county-select-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"norwegian-county-selectU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time ek"/Rails select helper for Norwegian CountiesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Amund Sivertsen"/Rails select helper for Norwegian Counties0T" ruby[["minescope-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"minescopeU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time ";Minescope is an interactive HTML5 Minecraft map viewerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["2.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.1; " rack; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.8; " nbtfile; @3;F00["MenTaLguY"XMinescope is a rack application providing an interactive HTML5 Minecraft map viewer0T" ruby[["bsm-breadcrumbs-0.3.1u;[" 1.4.0i"bsm-breadcrumbsU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.1u: Time "^Breadcrumbs is a simple plugin that adds a `breadcrumbs` object to controllers and views.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.0: @name"actionpack:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Nando Vieira"Dimitrij Denissenko"^Breadcrumbs is a simple plugin that adds a `breadcrumbs` object to controllers and views.0T" ruby[["devise_ennder-;[" 1.4.0i"devise_ennderU:Gem::Version[" Time "MFlexible authentication solution for Rails with Warden, translated in FRU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.10.7: @name" warden:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["José VALIM"Carlos ANTÔNIO"Jérôme BATAILLE"WFlexible authentication solution for Rails with Warden, translated in FR by Ennder0T" ruby[["tecnh-chef-0.9.9.vpcu;[" 1.4.0i"tecnh-chefU:Gem::Version["0.9.9.vpcu: Time "|A systems integration framework, built to bring the benefits of configuration management to your entire infrastructure.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"uuidtools:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.0; "mixlib-authentication; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.0; "mixlib-cli; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " extlib; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.0; "mixlib-log; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " moneta; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.4["<=U;[" 1.5.1; "rest-client; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.0; "mixlib-config; @j;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.0; " bunny; @t;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["<=U;[" 1.4.2; " json; @~;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " highline; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.6; " ohai; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " erubis; @;F00["Adam Jacob"|A systems integration framework, built to bring the benefits of configuration management to your entire infrastructure.0T" ruby[["scene-toolkit-0.1.8u; [" 1.4.0i"scene-toolkitU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.8u: Time "1Tool to assist scene MP3 library maintenanceU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.0: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.5.0; " i18n; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.2.2; " optitron; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.1; " rainbow; @=;F00["Víctor Martínez"1Tool to assist scene MP3 library maintenance0T" ruby[["lyrics-ebook-0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"lyrics-ebookU:Gem::Version["0.1u: Time D"Lyrics-EbookU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.6.12: @name"ruby-mp3info:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.1.0; " zippy; @);F00[" maner"9Build ebooks (in epub format) containing song lyrics0T" ruby[["'nayutaya-googlemaps-polyline-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"!nayutaya-googlemaps-polylineU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time Ċ"!Google Maps Polyline UtilityU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Yuya Kato"1Polyline Encoder/Decoder for Google Maps API0T" ruby[["kayak-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" kayakU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "FRuby wrapper for Kayak.com's API for searching flights and hotelsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Brandon Keepers"FRuby wrapper for Kayak.com's API for searching flights and hotels0T" ruby[["glader-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i" gladerU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time "LA utility script for quickly converting a .glade file to a Ruby programU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.3: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Leslie Viljoen"+Glader is a tiny helper script that works with ruby-glade-create-template to create a Ruby program that will show a Glade form. ruby-glade-create-template only creates a class and doesn't actually show the window, and if you change that class subsequent runs of the script will overwrite your changes. Glader makes a main file that uses the class and extends it, so you can change your glade file and regenerate it as often as you like, keeping code changes in the main file. ruby-glade-create-template is part of libglade2-ruby1.8 on my Ubuntu system.0T" ruby[["ensemble-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" ensembleU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time $"Make it winU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["0T" ruby[["fauna-mysql-;[" 1.4.0i"fauna-mysqlU:Gem::Version[" Time Ej"7The MySQL API module for Ruby, with Twitter fixes.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Evan Weaver"7The MySQL API module for Ruby, with Twitter fixes.0T" ruby[["text-reform-0.2.0u;c[" 1.4.0i"text-reformU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time eB"BText::Reform reformats text according to formatting pictures.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0: @name"text-hyphen:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Kaspar Schiess"0T" ruby[["saga-0.5.2u;[" 1.4.0i" sagaU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.2u: Time "MSaga is a tool to convert stories syntax to a nicely formatted document.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["2.6: @name" erubis:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["2.3; "activesupport; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "mocha-on-bacon; @3;F00["Manfred Stienstra"MSaga is a tool to convert stories syntax to a nicely formatted document.0T" ruby[["remodel-0.1.4u;[" 1.4.0i" remodelU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time ė"(a minimal ORM (object-redis-mapper)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Tim Lossen"Dbuild your domain model in ruby, persist your objects to redis.0T" ruby[["kuaiqian-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i" kuaiqianU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time d"2A Ruby wrapper of Kauqian(快钱) Payment APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Yuanyi Zhang"2A Ruby wrapper of Kauqian(快钱) Payment API0T" ruby[["bcms_page_comments-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"bcms_page_commentsU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time DX",The Page Comments Module for BrowserCMSU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["BrowserMedia",The Page Comments Module for BrowserCMS0T" ruby[[""younker-ssl_requirement-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"younker-ssl_requirementU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "JSSL Requirement, forked from https://github.com/rails/ssl_requirementU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" younker"1See https://github.com/rails/ssl_requirement0T" ruby[["mixlib-json-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"mixlib-jsonU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "DSelects best-available JSON library, and provides a common API.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @);F00["Adam Jacob"DSelects best-available JSON library, and provides a common API.0T" ruby[["dm-money-0.2.0u;w[" 1.4.0i" dm-moneyU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time $"-BigMoney backed DataMapper money plugin.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["1.0: @name" dm-core:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.1; "big_money; @);F00["Shane Hanna"0T" ruby[["luhnacy-0.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i" luhnacyU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time "FA gem tohelp with the tedium of validating Luhn-compliant stringsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Rory McKinley"luhnacy can be used to validate strings for Luhn compliance as well as generating valid or invalid strings for the purposes of testing 0T" ruby[["merb_meta-0.0.4u;M[" 1.4.0i"merb_metaU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time %"]A plugin for the Merb framework that provides easy access to setting per-page meta tags.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Cory ODaniel"]A plugin for the Merb framework that provides easy access to setting per-page meta tags.0T" ruby[["net-github-upload-0.0.5u;+[" 1.4.0i"net-github-uploadU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time E"(ruby porting of Net::GitHub::UploadU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "httpclient; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.0; " nokogiri; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "faster_xml_simple; @=;F00["Constellation"HRuby Net::GitHub::Upload is upload user agent for GitHub Downloads 0T" ruby[["integrator-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"integratorU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time "$Numerical integration frameworkU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Noah Gibbs"$Numerical integration framework0T" ruby[["buildr-iidea-0.0.10u;[" 1.4.0i"buildr-iideaU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.10u: Time "9Buildr tasks to generate Intellij IDEA project filesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Rhett Sutphin"Peter Donald"This is a buildr extension that provides tasks to generate Intellij IDEA project files. The iidea task generates the project files based on the settings of each project and extension specific settings. 0T" ruby[["tree-0.2.1u;[[" 1.4.0i" treeU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time o"4Ruby implementation of the Tree data structure.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Anupam Sengupta"Provides a generic tree data structure with ability to store keyed node elements in the tree. The implementation mixes in the Enumerable module.0T" ruby[["t9n-0.4.0u;[" 1.4.0i"t9nU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.0u: Time E"pTranslation package including I18n AR backend, translatable attributes and Language database by PerfectLineU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Tanel Suurhans"Tarmo Lehtpuu"A custom AR backend for I18n, translatable model columns and virtual attributes, languages database with integration and some utilities.0T" ruby[["skinny-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i" skinnyU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time "Thin WebSocketsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" thin:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "eventmachine; @);F00["Samuel Cochran"3 Simple, upgradable WebSockets for Thin. 0T" ruby[["sandofsky-typhoeus-0.1.3u;q[" 1.4.0i"sandofsky-typhoeusU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time dX"WA library for interacting with web services (and building SOAs) at blinding speed.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">U;[" 0.9.0: @name" rack:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" Paul Dix"0T" ruby[["httpauth-0.1u;l[" 1.4.0i" httpauthU:Gem::Version["0.1u: Time "=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Manfred Stienstra"HTTPauth is a library supporting the full HTTP Authentication protocol as specified in RFC 2617; both Digest Authentication and Basic Authentication.0T" ruby[["monkey_patcher-0.0.1u;![" 1.4.0i"monkey_patcherU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time Ĕ"SDead simple - not so useful gem helping you keep track of your monkey patches.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Matt Aimonetti"4Keep track of where you monkey patch your code.0T" ruby[["hash_magic-0.1.0u;s[" 1.4.0i"hash_magicU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "oAdds Hash#ordered and Hash#slashed to Hash, which flavor a hash to behave in certain more humanly manners.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Daniel Parker"oAdds Hash#ordered and Hash#slashed to Hash, which flavor a hash to behave in certain more humanly manners.0T" ruby[["'compass-drupal-plugin-0.2.0.beta.3u;[" 1.4.0i"compass-drupal-pluginU:Gem::Version["0.2.0.beta.3u: Time "5a compass extension providing drupal integrationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0.11.alpha.1: @name" compass:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Capi /. Etheriel"\a compass extension providing drupal integration, supporting the popular base theme Zen0T" ruby[["waz-storage-1.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i"waz-storageU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.4u: Time "@Client library for Windows Azure's Storage Service REST APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"ruby-hmac:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rest-client; @);F00["Johnny G. Halife""A simple implementation of Windows Azure Storage API for Ruby, inspired by the S3 gems and self experience of dealing with queues. The major goal of the whole gem is to enable ruby developers [like me =)] to leverage Windows Azure Storage features and have another option for cloud storage.0T" ruby[["tent_steak-0.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i"tent_steakU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time "TentSteak is a meaty extension for the Camping web framework, seasoned with Markaby helper methods, stylesheet management, and bootstrappy goodness.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" jsheets"TentSteak is a meaty extension for the Camping web framework, seasoned with Markaby helper methods, stylesheet management, and bootstrappy goodness.0T" ruby[["-sprout-flexunit4cilistener-library-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"'sprout-flexunit4cilistener-libraryU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time %"7ActionScript 3.0 / Flex framework for unit testingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Adobe Systems Incorporated"0T" ruby[["ruby-shout-2.2.0u;q[" 1.4.0i"ruby-shoutU:Gem::Version[" 2.2.0u: Time "5Send audio over the network to an Icecast serverU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jared Jennings"Niko Dittmann"Ruby bindings for libshout 2, a "Library which can be used to write a source client like ices" for Icecast (http://www.icecast.org/download.php).0T" ruby[["ruby-bitly-0.1.3u;[" 1.4.0i"ruby-bitlyU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time D"(This is a simple bit.ly ruby clientU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 1.6.0: @name"rest-client:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.4.3; "json_pure; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.8.7; " rake; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.3.0; " rspec; @=;F00["rafaeldx7"(This is a simple bit.ly ruby client0T" ruby[["doug-chargify-0.2.5u;[" 1.4.0i"doug-chargifyU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.5u: Time ";Ruby wrapper for the chargify.com SAAS and billing APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 0.4.0: @name"jnunemaker-matchy:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.5.2; " httparty; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.10.1; " shoulda; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.9.8; " mocha; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.2; " redgreen; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.1.3; " hashie; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.5; " fakeweb; @[;F00["Doug Youch"VRuby wrapper for the chargify.com SAAS and billing API designed to be thread safe0T" ruby[["bitlys_r_us-0.0.0u;e[" 1.4.0i"bitlys_r_usU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.0u: Time "bitly gemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" httparty:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @);F00[" reddavis"bitly gem whoop!0T" ruby[["sugar_mama-0.0.1u;M[" 1.4.0i"sugar_mamaU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time d"Sweet, sweet ruby sugarU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Joshua Szmajda"Sweet, sweet ruby sugar0T" ruby[["sortable_table-0.1.0u;>[" 1.4.0i"sortable_tableU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "RRails plugin to produce a sortable, paginated, searchable table for any modelU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Michael Kovacs"RRails plugin to produce a sortable, paginated, searchable table for any model0T" ruby[["lytix-0.1.3u;y[" 1.4.0i" lytixU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time "6Easily include Google Analytics in your Rails appU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Steve Richert"6Easily include Google Analytics in your Rails app0T" ruby[["libarchive-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"libarchiveU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time e""Ruby bindings for Libarchive.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["winebarrel"Ruby bindings for Libarchive. Libarchive is a programming library that can create and read several different streaming archive formats, including most popular tar variants, several cpio formats, and both BSD and GNU ar variants.0T" ruby[["'kerryb-right_http_connection-1.2.5u;[" 1.4.0i"!kerryb-right_http_connectionU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.5u: Time E"1RightScale's robust HTTP/S connection moduleU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["RightScale"1RightScale's robust HTTP/S connection module0T" ruby[["crawdad-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" crawdadU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time Ď"&Knuth-Plass linebreaking for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Brad Ediger"\ Crawdad is an implementation of Knuth-Plass linebreaking (justification) for Ruby. 0T" ruby[["*default-url-options-for-mailers-0.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i"$default-url-options-for-mailersU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time "MDefault or infer the :protocol, :host, and :port values for ActionMailerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Joe Moore"Pivotal Labs"0T" ruby[["clamp-0.1.8u;P[" 1.4.0i" clampU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.8u: Time "3a minimal framework for command-line utilitiesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Mike Williams"Clamp provides an object-model for command-line utilities. It handles parsing of command-line options, and generation of usage help. 0T" ruby[["ore-example-0.1.3u;[" 1.4.0i"ore-exampleU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time ũ"Example library using OreU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0: @name" bundler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.6.0; " yard; @);F00["Postmodern";An example / testing library using Ore and Ore::Tasks.0T" ruby[["rubtella-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i" rubtellaU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time e"!Library for Gnuttale in RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Mateusz Zawisza"!Library for Gnuttale in Ruby0T" ruby[["rack-directory-index-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"rack-directory-indexU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "TActs like DirectoryIndex is set to index.html for all public folders in Heroku.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Craig Smith"0T" ruby[["god-0.11.0u;/[" 1.4.0i"godU:Gem::Version[" 0.11.0u: Time $""Process monitoring framework.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.7: @name" twitter:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.0; " xmpp4r; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.10["=U;[" 0.0.3; " dike; @B;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0["=U;[" 0.9.8; " rcov; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.1; " mocha; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.1; " prowly; @o;F00["Tom Preston-Werner"Kevin Clark"Eric Lindvall"OAn easy to configure, easy to extend monitoring framework written in Ruby.0T" ruby[["SuperRewards-0.5.1u;}[" 1.4.0i"SuperRewardsU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.1u: Time %"4A Ruby client for the Super Rewards web serviceU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Shane Vitarana"4A Ruby client for the Super Rewards web service0T" ruby[["model_un-0.2u;[" 1.4.0i" model_unU:Gem::Version["0.2u: Time "6Quick and easy country and US State abbreviationsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Uh Huh Yeah"hConverts US State names and (most) country names to their normally accepted abbreviations and back.0T" ruby[["loofah-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i" loofahU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time D"cLoofah is a general library for manipulating and transforming HTML/XML documents and fragmentsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.1: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.3; " nokogiri; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4; "rubyforge; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.10; " shoulda; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0.9; " mocha; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0.8; " rake; @Q;F00["Mike Dalessio"Bryan Helmkamp"2Loofah is a general library for manipulating and transforming HTML/XML documents and fragments. It's built on top of Nokogiri and libxml2, so it's fast and has a nice API. Loofah excels at HTML sanitization (XSS prevention). It includes some nice HTML sanitizers, which are based on HTML5lib's whitelist, so it most likely won't make your codes less secure. (These statements have not been evaluated by Netexperts.) ActiveRecord extensions for sanitization are available in the `loofah-activerecord` gem (see http://github.com/flavorjones/loofah-activerecord).0T" ruby[["jk-ferret-;l[" 1.4.0i"jk-ferretU:Gem::Version[" Time Ġ"Ruby indexing library.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["David Balmain"@Ferret is a super fast, highly configurable search library.0T" ruby[["emissary-1.3.5u;,[" 1.4.0i" emissaryU:Gem::Version[" 1.3.5u: Time $"2EventMachine/AMQP based event handling clientU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.4: @name" servolux:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.0; " inifile; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; "work_queue; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.0; " uuid; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.12.10; "eventmachine; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.2; " bert; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.2; " sys-cpu; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.1; " carrot; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.10; " daemons; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.7; " amqp; @y;F00["Carl P. Corliss"0T" ruby[["slugoid-0.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i" slugoidU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time Ů"7Drop-in solution to pretty urls when using MongoidU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 2.11.3: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["2.0.0.beta.17; " mongoid; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.1.1; " bson_ext; @3;F00["David Padilla"Emmanuel Delgado"7Drop-in solution to pretty urls when using Mongoid0T" ruby[["observational-0.2.5u;[" 1.4.0i"observationalU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.5u: Time \"NUse the observer pattern to better divide your objects' responsibilities.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["James Golick"0T" ruby[["easy-rack-open-id-0.2.2u;[" 1.4.0i"easy-rack-open-idU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.2u: Time %"+Super easy OpenID protection for Rack.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" yard:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rack-openid; @);F00["Sam Schenkman-Moore"You supply OpenIDs, this keeps anyone but people with access to those ids from getting through. You don't even have to make a form. :)0T" ruby[["simpleconfig-1.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"simpleconfigU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.2u: Time "FSimple object-oriented application settings for Ruby applicationsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Luke Redpath"SimpleConfig is a plugin designed to make application-wide configuration settings (e.g. in a Rails app) easy to set and access in an object-oriented fashion.0T" ruby[["yard-amp-0.4.0u;[" 1.4.0i" yard-ampU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.0u: Time đ">Automatically create YARD documentation for Amp commands.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.0: @name" yard:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @);F00["Michael Edgar"wyard-amp is a YARD plugin that enables the automatic creation of YARD documentation from amp command declarations.0T" ruby[["rjack-xerces-;[" 1.4.0i"rjack-xercesU:Gem::Version[" Time "KA gem packaging of {Xerces2 Java}[http://xerces.apache.org/xerces2-j/]U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.2.2: @name"rjack-tarpit:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["David Kellum"KA gem packaging of {Xerces2 Java}[http://xerces.apache.org/xerces2-j/]0T" ruby[["kurs-1.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i" kursU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2u: Time DQ"bRuby API for converting currency using official exchange rate list of National Bank Of SerbiaU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" hpricot:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Dejan Simic"bRuby API for converting currency using official exchange rate list of National Bank Of Serbia0T" ruby[["awesome-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i" awesomeU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time E"4This is a namespace for my summer 2010 project.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.5.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.0; "gemcutter; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.3; "rubyforge; @3;F00[" awesome"4This is a namespace for my summer 2010 project.0T" ruby[["ruby-libnotify-;T[" 1.4.0i"ruby-libnotifyU:Gem::Version[" Time E"3ruby-libnotify is a ruby binding for libnotifyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.7: @name"pkg-config:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Luca Russo"0T" ruby[["frulo-0.2.1u;N[" 1.4.0i" fruloU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time "API Wrapper to Frulo.co.zaU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" httparty:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Ryan Oberholzer"API Wrapper to Frulo.co.za0T" ruby[["DRbServe-0.1.2u;M[" 1.4.0i" DRbServeU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time %i"/Share a module between processes using DRbU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Miguel Vazquez"One process loads the module and serves some methods unsing DRb. Other processes mangle those methods to hook up with the DRb server0T" ruby[["cwords-0.1.14u;[" 1.4.0i" cwordsU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.14u: Time "Word correlation analysisU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.0: @name"progressbar:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Anders Jacobsen"NWord correlation analysis in ranked nucleotide sequences (bioinformatics)0T" ruby[["sgfparser-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"sgfparserU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time Ħ".A ruby library for working with SGF filesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Pete Schwamb"LThis library reads sgf files, described at http://www.red-bean.com/sgf/0T" ruby[["htmlentities-4.2.4u;[" 1.4.0i"htmlentitiesU:Gem::Version[" 4.2.4u: Time "9A module for encoding and decoding (X)HTML entities.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Paul Battley"0T" ruby[["jaconda-1.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i" jacondaU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2u: Time e".The official ruby wrapper for Jaconda APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "activeresource; @);F00["Anton Mironov"0T" ruby[["yahoofinance-1.2.2u;[" 1.4.0i"yahoofinanceU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.2u: Time "JA package for retrieving stock quote information from Yahoo! Finance.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Nicholas Rahn"0T" ruby[["trac4r-1.2.3u;[" 1.4.0i" trac4rU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.3u: Time "!Ruby Client Library for TracU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.4: @name" rainbow:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.0; "gli; @);F00["Niklas Cathro"David Copeland"jBasic ruby client library and command line interface for accessing Trac instances via its XML RPC API0T" ruby[["rholdem-0.1.0u;Q[" 1.4.0i" rholdemU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "+Ruby Texas Hold'em Simulations LibraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Russell Authur"== FEATURES/PROBLEMS: - Simulate limit games of 2 to 11 players - Provide custom AI players to test out ideas - Track totals for each player to use with AI fitness evaluation == SYNOPSIS: # run a sample game, 5/10 limit, 10 players require 'rubygems' require 'rholdem'0T" ruby[["htty-rack-0.0.5u;o[" 1.4.0i"htty-rackU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time ",htty-rack is htty for rack applicationsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0: @name" htty:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Florian Gilcher"/A CLI for rack applications based on htty.0T" ruby[["merb-admin-0.8.8u;[" 1.4.0i"merb-adminU:Gem::Version[" 0.8.8u: Time "]MerbAdmin is a Merb plugin that provides an easy-to-use interface for managing your dataU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["2.3: @name"activerecord:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.1; "merb-slices; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.1; "merb-helpers; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.18; " sequel; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["0.7; " webrat; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2.1; " builder; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.0; "dm-aggregates; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.1; "merb-assets; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.0; " dm-core; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.0; "dm-validations; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.0; "dm-sqlite-adapter; @~;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.3; " rspec; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.0; "dm-migrations; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.0; " dm-types; @;F00["Erik Michaels-Ober"]MerbAdmin is a Merb plugin that provides an easy-to-use interface for managing your data0T" ruby[["brdinheiro-3.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"brdinheiroU:Gem::Version[" 3.0.2u: Time %"=brdinheiro é uma das gems que compoem o Brazilian RailsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 3.0.2: @name"brnumeros:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.0; "actionpack; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.0; "activerecord; @=;F00[ "Marcos Tapajós"Celestino Gomes"Andre Kupkosvki"Vinícius Teles"Felipe Barreto"Rafael Walter"Cassio Marques"=brdinheiro é uma das gems que compoem o Brazilian Rails0T" ruby[["fsattr-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i" fsattrU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time "=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Yannick Koechlin"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.4.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.0; "drnic-haml; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.2; " rubigen; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.1; " hpricot; @=;F00["Dr Nic Williams"DUse any HTML template as a theme generator for your Rails app. Installs an HTML template, and its CSS, JavaScript and image assets into your Rails app, ready to go in an instant. You just tell it which DOM elements are special, e.g. where to put the <%= yield %>, load your app in the browser and see the theme in action.0T" ruby[["signal_tools-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"signal_toolsU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time "6Create technical analysis data for a given stock.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "yahoofinance; @);F00["Matt White"yGem to create technical analysis data for a given security (like MACD, stochastic, and exponential moving averages).0T" ruby[["rack-zombie_shotgun-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"rack-zombie_shotgunU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time E"5Rack middleware that kills zombie requests dead!U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Brandon Hauff"5Rack middleware that kills zombie requests dead!0T" ruby[[""johnreitano-ntlm-http-;[" 1.4.0i"johnreitano-ntlm-httpU:Gem::Version[" Time "Ruby/NTLM HTTP library.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["'Kohei Kajimoto,Kingsley Hendrickse";Ruby/NTLM HTTP provides NTLM authentication over http.0T" ruby[["durran-validatable-2.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"durran-validatableU:Gem::Version[" 2.0.1u: Time E"5Validatable is a library for adding validations.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jay Fields"John Nunemaker"Durran Jordan"0T" ruby[[" machinist_mongomapper-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"machinist_mongomapperU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time E"&Machinist adapter for MongoMapperU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.6.1: @name"mongo_mapper:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.4; "machinist; @);F00["Nicolas Mérouze"Cyril Mougel"0T" ruby[["not-naughty-0.6.2u;p[" 1.4.0i"not-naughtyU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.2u: Time '"(Heavily armed validation framework.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.2: @name" rubytree:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Florian Aßmann"(Heavily armed validation framework.0T" ruby[["cuketagger-1.4u;~[" 1.4.0i"cuketaggerU:Gem::Version["1.4u: Time "5batch tagging of cucumber features and scenariosU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.2: @name" cucumber:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" Jari" Bakken"5batch tagging of cucumber features and scenarios0T" ruby[["echi-converter-0.4.2u;[" 1.4.0i"echi-converterU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.2u: Time F"ECHI Conversion Utility - Provides a utility to fetch Avaya CMS / ECHI binary files, convert them and insert into a database table via ActiveRecordU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.7: @name" daemons:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.2; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.2; "hoe; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.1; "uuidtools; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.0; "fastercsv; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.3; " rake; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.15.3; "activerecord; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.2; "activesupport; @e;F00["Jason Goecke"ECHI Conversion Utility - Provides a utility to fetch Avaya CMS / ECHI binary files, convert them and insert into a database table via ActiveRecord0T" ruby[["rbyte-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" rbyteU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time o"Ruby byte compile libU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Alex MacCaw"Ruby byte compile lib0T" ruby[["newbamboo-rvideo-0.9.6u;[" 1.4.0i"newbamboo-rvideoU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.6u: Time "1Inspect and transcode video and audio files.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @);F00["Peter Boling"%Jonathan Dahl (Slantwise Design)"Seth Thomas Rasmussen"1Inspect and transcode video and audio files.0T" ruby[["em-powerdns-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"em-powerdnsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time D"ERuby EventMachine PowerDNS Protocol for PDNS custom pipe backendU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"eventmachine:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Martin Emde"ERuby EventMachine PowerDNS Protocol for PDNS custom pipe backend0T" ruby[["dup_eval-0.1.4u;[" 1.4.0i" dup_evalU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time e."?souped up version of instance_eval in the vein of mix_evalU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 3.6.7: @name"RubyInline:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.4; "object2module; @);F00[" banister" coderrr"8see http://github.com/banister/dup_eval/tree/master0T" ruby[["facteur-1.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i" facteurU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.0u: Time d"!Messaging system for Rails 3U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Rawane ZOSSOU"Facteur allows you add a messaging system in your Rails 3. You can create many mailboxes for your users. They will be able to send and receive messages.0T" ruby[["zliby-0.0.5u;[" 1.4.0i" zlibyU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time "%Compression Library In Pure RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Michael Letterle"0T" ruby[["gom-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"gomU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time e"gGeneral Object Mapper - maps any ruby object to different kinds of storage engines and vice versa.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["2: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.2; " reek; @);F00["Philipp Brüll"/Core package of the General Object Mapper.0T" ruby[["nutshell-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i" nutshellU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time "EA light weight ssh client that wraps the ssh and rsync commands.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.3: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.1; " open4; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.1; " highline; @3;F00["Jeremie Castagna"EA light weight ssh client that wraps the ssh and rsync commands.0T" ruby[["sdb_service-0.4.1u;-[" 1.4.0i"sdb_serviceU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.1u: Time "Eeven simpler wrapper around aws_sdb, with builtin serialization.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0.3.2.caring.1: @name"caring-aws-sdb:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.1; "uuidtools; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.1; "json_pure; @3;F00["Derek Perez"Chris Eppstein"Eeven simpler wrapper around aws_sdb, with builtin serialization.0T" ruby[["rtodoist-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i" rtodoistU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time "URTodoist allows easy access to the Todoist todo list manager (http://todoist.comU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Robin Wilson"0T" ruby[["rcov_plugin-3.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"rcov_pluginU:Gem::Version[" 3.0.1u: Time d"?The easiest way to measure coverage for your Rails projectU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.6: @name" rcov:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["3.0.0.beta2; " rails; @);F00["Alan Johnson"\rcov_plugin adds the rake tasks that you need to measure coverage in your Rails project0T" ruby[["koala-1.0.0.betau;}[" 1.4.0i" koalaU:Gem::Version["1.0.0.betau: Time %"A lightweight, flexible library for Facebook with support for the Graph API, the old REST API, realtime updates, and OAuth validation.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["1.0: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.0; "multipart-post; @);F00[ "Alex Koppel"Chris Baclig"Rafi Jacoby"Context Optional"qKoala is a lightweight, flexible Ruby SDK for Facebook. It allows read/write access to the social graph via the Graph API and the older REST API, as well as support for realtime updates and OAuth and Facebook Connect authentication. Koala is fully tested and supports Net::HTTP and Typhoeus connections out of the box and can accept custom modules for other services.0T" ruby[["ensure_connected-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"ensure_connectedU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time ģ"?ensure database connection is valid before performing workU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.2.3; "activerecord; @);F00["Ryan Sonnek"?ensure database connection is valid before performing work0T" ruby[["CapistranoTrac-0.5.0u;[" 1.4.0i"CapistranoTracU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.0u: Time d"2A collection of Trac related Capistrano tasksU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.10: @name"mechanize:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0; "hoe; @);F00[" HandleIT"== FEATURES/PROBLEMS: * Failure is incredibly ungraceful, though generally unlikely, given that the requirements for accessing the Trac site are roughly the same as those for accessing the repository. * Currently, the trac user/pass must be the same as the SCM user/pass. It remains to be seen how much of a problem this will be. == SYNOPSIS: Include the recipes: require 'capistrano_trac/recipes' For the trac tasks to work, the :trac_url variable must be set to the root of your trac site. For example: set :trac_url, "http://www.yourtrachost/trac/yourproject" The 2 trac ticketing tasks are designed to be run in conjunction with a deployment or rollback, although this isn't mandatory. To automatically document deployments and rollbacks in your capistrano deployment, add the lines: * after "deploy", "trac:record_deployment" * before "deploy:rollback", "trac:record_rollback" Order is important, otherwise the tasks will be looking at the wrong revisions. To manually record changes, simply run the record_deployment task to document the most recent deployment changes, or the record_rollback task to document a rollback that is about to be run. == REQUIREMENTS: * capistrano >= 2.0.0 * mechanize >= 0.6.10 == INSTALL: * sudo gem install capistrano_trac == LICENSE: (The MIT License) Copyright (c) 2007 FIX Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the 'Software'), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:0T" ruby[["lperichon-formtastic-0.9.2u;Q[" 1.4.0i"lperichon-formtasticU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.2u: Time i"QA Rails form builder plugin/gem with semantically rich and accessible markupU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[""Justin French / Luis Perichon"QA Rails form builder plugin/gem with semantically rich and accessible markup0T" ruby[["michel-dry_scaffold-0.3.5u;[" 1.4.0i"michel-dry_scaffoldU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.5u: Time g"}A DRYer scaffold generator for Rails. Generates dry semantic and standards compliant views, and dry RESTful controllers.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["#Jonas Grimfelt,Michel de Graaf"}A DRYer scaffold generator for Rails. Generates dry semantic and standards compliant views, and dry RESTful controllers.0T" ruby[["#sprout-flexunit-library-0.85.1u;[" 1.4.0i"sprout-flexunit-libraryU:Gem::Version[" 0.85.1u: Time g"0ActionScript 3.0 framework for unit testingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Core Library Group"0T" ruby[["rsence-deps-963u;[" 1.4.0i"rsence-depsU:Gem::Version["963u: Time E"RSence dependency packageU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.5: @name" mongrel:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.7; " rake; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.3; "jscompress; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.5; " jsmin_c; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.0; " rack; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.2; " highline; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.5; " randgen; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.1; " json; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.8.0; " sequel; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.4; " html_min; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.2; " cssmin; @~;F00["Juha-Jarmo Heinonen"yThis is a dummy gem containing a list of dependencies for the Riassence Framework. More info: http://riassence.org/ 0T" ruby[["ircguerilla-irc-1.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i"ircguerilla-ircU:Gem::Version[" 1.3.0u: Time "AA Ruby framework for the Internet Relay Chat (IRC) protocol.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Roman Scherer"0T" ruby[["cache_advance-2.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"cache_advanceU:Gem::Version[" 2.0.1u: Time e"7A declarative system for caching with ActiveRecordU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Aubrey Holland"hmm0T" ruby[["!cbrunnkvist-psd_logger-0.1.5u;.[" 1.4.0i"cbrunnkvist-psd_loggerU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.5u: Time Ġ"8A Sanger/PSD specific fork of the SyslogLogger gem.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" mocha:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @);F00["Conny Brunnkvist"An improved Logger replacement that logs to syslog, with custom tweaks added & defaults set. For a generic one please see http://github.com/cpowell/sysloglogger0T" ruby[["weekend_warrior-1.0.0u;?[" 1.4.0i"weekend_warriorU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time "LA gem for handling 5-day weeks by separating weekend days from weekdaysU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Ben Moss and James Cropcho"LA gem for handling 5-day weeks by separating weekend days from weekdays0T" ruby[["url_mount-0.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i"url_mountU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time Ĕ"4Universal mounting points for rack applicationsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rack:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @);F00["Daniel Neighman"JGlue to allow mounted rack applications to know where they're mounted0T" ruby[[" tpitale-mongo_mapper-0.6.10u;[" 1.4.0i"tpitale-mongo_mapperU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.10u: Time "AAwesome gem for modeling your domain and storing it in mongoU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 0.4.0: @name"jnunemaker-matchy:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.10.2; " shoulda; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.9.8; " mocha; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.3.1; " timecop; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.18.2; " mongo; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["2.3; "activesupport; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.8.1; "jnunemaker-validatable; @[;F00["John Nunemaker"0T" ruby[["streamly-0.1.4u;[" 1.4.0i" streamlyU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time D",A streaming REST client for Ruby, in C.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Brian Lopez"0T" ruby[["soap-lc-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i" soap-lcU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time %"YSOAP Lite Client provides support for developing clients interfaces from WSDL files.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Grégoire Lejeune"YSOAP Lite Client provides support for developing clients interfaces from WSDL files.0T" ruby[["scsv-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i" scsvU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time ł"RA simple CSV(and TSV) parser to convert line into the Hash using header info.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.5.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.3; "rubyforge; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.0; "gemcutter; @3;F00[" kinumi"RA simple CSV(and TSV) parser to convert line into the Hash using header info.0T" ruby[["rtex-2.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i" rtexU:Gem::Version[" 2.1.1u: Time f"8LaTeX preprocessor for PDF generation; Rails pluginU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" echoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " Shoulda; @);F00["Bruce Williams"Wiebe Cazemier"8LaTeX preprocessor for PDF generation; Rails plugin0T" ruby[["mp3renamer-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"mp3renamerU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time I"oThis program takes an MP3 audiobook and renames the subdirs and files using a consistent naming conventionU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.12: @name"ruby-mp3info:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.4.2; " bones; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.1; "cooloptions; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.4.2; " bones; @=;F00["Garry A Offord"This program takes an MP3 audiobook and renames the subdirs and files using a consistent naming convention. It also updates the ID3v1 and ID3v2 tags for artist, album, track number, track title, genre, and year.0T" ruby[["curl_ffi-0.0.8u;[" 1.4.0i" curl_ffiU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.8u: Time "#An FFI based libCurl interfaceU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ffi; @);F00["Arthur Schreiber"Scott Gonyea"mAn FFI based libCurl interface, intended to serve as a common backend for existing interfaces to libcurl0T" ruby[[" verb-0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" verbU:Gem::Version["0.1u: Time "Serve RHTML in RackU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Nick Chapman"5Verb is Rack middleware that serves RHTML files.0T" ruby[["unicorn_horn-0.2.2u;X[" 1.4.0i"unicorn_hornU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.2u: Time ">An extraction of the process monitoring code from UnicornU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"configurer:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Joe Edelman"0T" ruby[["redis-2.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i" redisU:Gem::Version[" 2.1.1u: Time "@Ruby client library for Redis, the key value storage serverU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[ "Ezra Zygmuntowicz"Taylor Weibley"Matthew Clark"Brian McKinney"Salvatore Sanfilippo"Luca Guidi"Michel Martens"Damian Janowski"@Ruby client library for Redis, the key value storage server0T" ruby[["module_ext-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"module_extU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "#Convenience module extensions.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Ryan Cook"#Convenience module extensions.0T" ruby[["twitter4r-0.6.0u;[" 1.4.0i"twitter4rU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.0u: Time d"XA clean Twitter client API in pure Ruby. Will include Twitter add-ons also in Ruby.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.1: @name" oauth:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.1; " json; @);F00["Susan Potter"0T" ruby[["ruby-freshbooks-0.4.0u;.[" 1.4.0i"ruby-freshbooksU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.0u: Time "Tsimple FreshBooks API wrapper. supports both OAuth and API token authenticationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.0: @name" httparty:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.2; " builder; @3;F00["Justin Giancola"Tsimple FreshBooks API wrapper. supports both OAuth and API token authentication0T" ruby[["rack-test-0.5.7u;?[" 1.4.0i"rack-testU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.7u: Time %"%Simple testing API built on RackU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["1.0: @name" rack:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Bryan Helmkamp"Rack::Test is a small, simple testing API for Rack apps. It can be used on its own or as a reusable starting point for Web frameworks and testing libraries to build on. Most of its initial functionality is an extraction of Merb 1.0's request helpers feature.0T" ruby[["spell_checker-0.0.2u;1[" 1.4.0i"spell_checkerU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time "Word spell checkerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" stemmer:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Stewart McKee"0T" ruby[[""railslove-rack-throttle-0.0.1u;4[" 1.4.0i"railslove-rack-throttleU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time ę"RExtension of rack-throttle - HTTP request rate limiter for Rack applications.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.3; "rack-test; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; " rack; @3;F00["Arto Bendiken"Brendon Murphy" reddavis">Rack middleware for rate-limiting incoming HTTP requests.0T" ruby[["encosion-0.3.2u;[" 1.4.0i" encosionU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.2u: Time "5Ruby library for working with the Brightcove APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" @name"httpclient:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.7; " json; @);F00["The Active Network"0T" ruby[["tfe-cache-money-0.2.5u;[" 1.4.0i"tfe-cache-moneyU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.5u: Time +"=Write-through and Read-through Cacheing for ActiveRecordU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.2.0: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.0; "memcache-client; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.2.0; "activerecord; @3;F00["Nick Kallen"Cache utilities.0T" ruby[["rdoc-tags-1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"rdoc-tagsU:Gem::Version["1.2u: Time "GA TAGS file generator based on http://ctags.sourceforge.net/FORMATU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.7.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " ZenTest; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["3; " isolate; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["3.4; " rdoc; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.2; " minitest; @G;F00["Eric Hodel"A TAGS file generator based on http://ctags.sourceforge.net/FORMAT. rdoc-tags handles namespaced classes and modules, ! and ? methods, constants and attributes better than Exuberant Ctags. rdoc-tags includes a Hoe plugin +:rdoc_tags+ making it easy to add tag support to your ruby project. If you don't use Hoe you can instead use RDoc::TagsTask to add rake tasks for building TAGS to your ruby project.0T" ruby[["iching-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" ichingU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "DGenerate an Iching hexagram and access various things about it.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Matt Mills"DGenerate an Iching hexagram and access various things about it.0T" ruby[["merb_component-0.2.3u;[" 1.4.0i"merb_componentU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.3u: Time DK":Merb plugin that provides composition of controllers.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.2: @name"merb_full_url:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["; " merb; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.2; "merb_full_url; @3;F00["Genki Takiuchi":Merb plugin that provides composition of controllers.0T" ruby[["gattica-0.4.3u;[" 1.4.0i" gatticaU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.3u: Time "QGattica is a Ruby library for extracting data from the Google Analytics API.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.164: @name" hpricot:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["The Active Network"QGattica is a Ruby library for extracting data from the Google Analytics API.0T" ruby[["spox-plist-3.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"spox-plistU:Gem::Version[" 3.0.1u: Time d" plistU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" spox"Ruby plist library0T" ruby[["rextra-2.0.5u;[" 1.4.0i" rextraU:Gem::Version[" 2.0.5u: Time "Ruby extras.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Michael Garriss"0T" ruby[["merb_datamapper-1.1.2u;F[" 1.4.0i"merb_datamapperU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.2u: Time D"EMerb plugin that allows you to use datamapper with your merb appU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.1; "merb-core; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.10.2; " dm-core; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.10.2; "dm-migrations; @=;F00["Jason Toy"Jonathan Stott"5Merb plugin that provides support for datamapper0T" ruby[["graffik-0.0.1u; [" 1.4.0i" graffikU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time $"@Graffik is a fast, light-weight image manipulation library.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jeremy Boles"9Graffik is a Ruby wrapper for the FreeImage library.0T" ruby[["hubish-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" hubishU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time Ġ".A rubbish github issues importer/exporterU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.1: @name" nokogiri:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @);F00["Russell Garner"7Imports and exports issues from github per-project0T" ruby[["trimmable-0.1.1u;D[" 1.4.0i"trimmableU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "VTrimmable removes leading and trailing white spaces from the AR attribute values.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Wioletta Holownia"VTrimmable removes leading and trailing white spaces from the AR attribute values.0T" ruby[["splat-0.1.2u;)[" 1.4.0i" splatU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time "=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.8.7: @name" rake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.0.4; " gemesis; @);F00["Mark Ryall"An adapter to get access to the following features across different platforms: * the clipboard * a default application launcher * a media player * text to speech 0T" ruby[["radiant-0.9.1u;[" 1.4.0i" radiantU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.1u: Time d"CA no-fluff content management system designed for small teams.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 4.0.0: @name" RedCloth:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.1.0; " rack; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.3.11; "will_paginate; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.3; " rake; @=;F00["Radiant CMS dev team"Radiant is a simple and powerful publishing system designed for small teams. It is built with Rails and is similar to Textpattern or MovableType, but is a general purpose content managment system--not merely a blogging engine.0T" ruby[["geo_foo-0.0.3u;e[" 1.4.0i" geo_fooU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time "9An experimental and extensible Rails/Postgis libraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" agnat" hukl"Geo makes it easy to interact with Postgis without hacking too deep into AR. It is in a very early stage and should be considered experimental at most0T" ruby[["cinchize-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i" cinchizeU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time "5Create dynamic Cinch IRC-bots and daemonize themU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" daemons:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " json; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " cinch; @3;F00["Victor Bergöö"[Create dynamic Cinch IRC-bots and daemonize them, without the need of writing any code0T" ruby[["win32-file-0.6.6u;f[" 1.4.0i"win32-fileU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.6u: Time d">Extra or redefined methods for the File class on Windows.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.7: @name"test-unit:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.8; "windows-pr; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.1; "win32-api; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.2; "win32-file-stat; @=;F00["Daniel J. Berger"Park Heesob"M The win32-file library adds several methods to the core File class which are specific to MS Windows, such as the ability to set and retrieve file attributes. In addition, several core methods have been redefined in order to work properly on MS Windows, such as File.blksize. See the README file for more details. 0T" ruby[["sinatra-gen-0.4.1u;[" 1.4.0i"sinatra-genU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.1u: Time "tsinatra-gen generates a common file structure and basic app files for a web app utilizing the sinatra frameworkU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.1: @name"rack-test:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.2; " newgem; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.0; "hoe; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.5.2; " rubigen; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.4; " sinatra; @G;F00["Aaron Quint"sinatra-gen generates a common file structure and basic app files for a web app utilizing the sinatra framework. For more information on sinatra, check out http://sinatrarb.com0T" ruby[["redix-0.0.4u;p[" 1.4.0i" redixU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time "QT GUI for RedisU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" redis:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @);F00["Marcos Piccinini"QT GUI for Redis Beta0T" ruby[["hpdf-2.0.8u;[" 1.4.0i" hpdfU:Gem::Version[" 2.0.8u: Time "@Bindings for libharu2: a C language PDF generation library.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Takeshi Kanno"Emmanuel Oga"0T" ruby[["bcms_twitter_module-1.1.3u;s[" 1.4.0i"bcms_twitter_moduleU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.3u: Time "Twitter in BrowserCMSU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.0: @name" twitter:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Freddy Andersen"8A BrowserCMS module which fetches Twitter timelines0T" ruby[["&bpardee-net-http-persistent-1.0.0u; [" 1.4.0i" bpardee-net-http-persistentU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time D"zThis is an experimental branch that implements a connection pool of Net::HTTP objects instead of a connection/threadU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.2: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4; "rubyforge; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.0; "gene_pool; @3;F00["Eric Hodel"This is an experimental branch that implements a connection pool of Net::HTTP objects instead of a connection/thread. C/T is fine if you're only using your http threads to make connections but if you use them in child threads then I suspect you will have a thread memory leak. Also, I want to see if I get less connection resets if the most recently used connection is always returned. Also added a :force_retry option that if set to true will retry POST requests as well as idempotent requests. This branch is currently incompatible with the master branch in the following ways: * It doesn't allow you to recreate the Net::HTTP::Persistent object on the fly. This is possible in the master version since all the data is kept in thread local storage. For this version, you should probably create a class instance of the object and use that in your instance methods. * It uses a hash in the initialize method. This was easier for me as I use a HashWithIndifferentAccess created from a YAML file to define my options. This should probably be modified to check the arguments to achieve backwards compatibility. * The method shutdown is unimplemented as I wasn't sure how I should implement it and I don't need it as I do a graceful shutdown from nginx to finish up my connections. For connection issues, I completely recreate a new Net::HTTP instance. I was running into an issue which I suspect is a JRuby bug where an SSL connection that times out would leave the ssl context in a frozen state which would then make that connection unusable so each time that thread handled a connection a 500 error with the exception "TypeError: can't modify frozen". I think Joseph West's fork resolves this issue but I'm paranoid so I recreate the object. Compatibility with the master version could probably be achieved by creating a Strategy wrapper class for GenePool and a separate strategy class with the connection/thread implementation.0T" ruby[["is_gd-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" is_gdU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time %"YA lightweight ruby wrapper around the is.gd service. It will minify and expand urls.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.7.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.7.0; "hoe; @);F00[" JT Zemp"YA lightweight ruby wrapper around the is.gd service. It will minify and expand urls.0T" ruby[["twin_validator-0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"twin_validatorU:Gem::Version["0.1u: Time D"/A simple twin field validator for Rails 3.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["3.0.0.beta4: @name"activemodel:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Nathan Kleyn"/A simple twin field validator for Rails 3.0T" ruby[["summarizer-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"summarizerU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time ń"4Make sums and subtotals of your database tablesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" cucumber:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "database_cleaner; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "active_record; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "factory_girl; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @Q;F00["Christoph Petschnig"4Make sums and subtotals of your database tables0T" ruby[[" spree_active_shipping-1.0.0u;O[" 1.4.0i"spree_active_shippingU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time Ů"YSpree extension for providing shipping methods that wrap the active_shipping plugin.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.30.1: @name"spree_core:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.9.0; "activemerchant; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.9.3; "active_shipping; @3;F00["Sean Schofield"YSpree extension for providing shipping methods that wrap the active_shipping plugin.0T" ruby[["rtm-ontopia-0.3.1u;[" 1.4.0i"rtm-ontopiaU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.1u: Time d"%Ruby Topic Maps: Ontopia backendU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 0.3.1: @name"rtm-javatmapi:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[ "Benjamin Bock"Arnim Bleier"Uta Schulze"Daniel Exner"wThe Ontopia backend for Ruby Topic Maps. See http://code.google.com/p/ontopia/ for more information about Ontopia.0T" ruby[["rack-aggregate-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"rack-aggregateU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time %"8Rack response-time statistics aggregator middlewareU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rack; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "aggregate; @3;F00["Ilya Grigorik"8Rack response-time statistics aggregator middleware0T" ruby[["enhanced_migrations-1.2.1u;C[" 1.4.0i"enhanced_migrationsU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.1u: Time "&Timestamp based migration supportU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.6: @name" rails:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" RHG Team"0T" ruby[["cappy-taffy-1.0.0u;t[" 1.4.0i"cappy-taffyU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time "DCapistrano task to pull production database to local using tapsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Eric Boehs"Cappy Taffy is based on cap taffy which uses the heroku gem to generate the database and taps urls; this gem however does not depend on the heroku gem.0T" ruby[["encrypted_attributes-0.4.1u;[" 1.4.0i"encrypted_attributesU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.1u: Time "FAdds support for automatically encrypting ActiveRecord attributesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.3: @name"encrypted_strings:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Aaron Pfeifer"FAdds support for automatically encrypting ActiveRecord attributes0T" ruby[["hoe-hg-1.0.5u;v[" 1.4.0i" hoe-hgU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.5u: Time "+A Hoe plugin for Mercurial integrationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.5.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.0; "gemcutter; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.2.0; "hoe; @3;F00["McClain Looney"A Hoe plugin for Mercurial integration. Provides tasks to automate release tagging and pushing and changelog generation. I expect it'll learn a few more tricks in the future. Stolen wholesale from hoe-git.0T" ruby[["ec2onrails-multiapp-0.9.11u;f[" 1.4.0i"ec2onrails-multiappU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.11u: Time i"aClient-side libraries (Capistrano tasks) for managing and deploying to EC2 on Rails servers.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.2: @name"archive-tar-minitar:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.5; " optiflag; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.5.3; "capistrano; @3;F00["Paul Dowman"Adam Greene"Ivan Nemytchenko"NEc2onrails fork to allow multiple apps to be deployed on one EC2 instance0T" ruby[[" sinatra-static-assets-0.5.0u;[" 1.4.0i"sinatra-static-assetsU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.0u: Time j"WSinatra extension providing helper methods to output tags for static assetgemspec.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0: @name" rack:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.0; "rack-test; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.1; "emk-sinatra-url-for; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.1; " sinatra; @=;F00["Wlodek Bzyl"{This Sinatra extensions provides following helper methods: - image_tag - stylesheet_link_tag - javascript_script_tag 0T" ruby[["queue_map-0.5u;[" 1.4.0i"queue_mapU:Gem::Version["0.5u: Time ĥ"^Map a task across a pool of consumers, and recieve the result when the consumers are doneU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"background_process:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ruby-debug; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.5.3; " bunny; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.0.0.rc; " rspec; @=;F00["Tim Harper"Queue Map0T" ruby[["linguara-0.0.7u;v[" 1.4.0i" linguaraU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.7u: Time "'Gem to integrate with linguara apiU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Aleksander Dabrowski"Piotr Barczuk"'Gem to integrate with linguara api0T" ruby[["blammo-0.2.6u;[" 1.4.0i" blammoU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.6u: Time $"CHANGELOG from Blammo.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rcov:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " thor; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rr; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " timecop; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "git; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " hirb; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @e;F00["Josh Bassett"Changelog generator.0T" ruby[[" alex-sinatra_warden-;[" 1.4.0i"alex-sinatra_wardenU:Gem::Version[" Time "8authentication system for using warden with sinatraU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.4: @name" sinatra:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.10.3; " warden; @);F00["Justin Smestad"Daniel Neighman"vbasic helpers and authentication methods for using warden with sinatra also providing some hooks into Rack::Flash0T" ruby[["longurl-0.1.6u;[" 1.4.0i" longurlU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.6u: Time g"7LongURL expands shorten urls (tinyurl, is.gd, ...)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Fabien Jakimowicz"LongURL expands short urls (tinyurl, is.gd, ...) to original ones, using on LongURL.org, internal resolution or direct resolution0T" ruby[["agilezen-0.1.0u; [" 1.4.0i" agilezenU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "&Ruby wrapper for the AgileZen APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.5.4: @name" faraday:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["0.8; " rake; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.10.0; " cucumber; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2.4; " rspec; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.3.0; " fakeweb; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.4.0; " hashie; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.3.0; "faraday_middleware; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.0; " bundler; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.0.5; "multi_json; @o;F00["Adam McDonald"&Ruby wrapper for the AgileZen API0T" ruby[["xebec-2.6.1u;[" 1.4.0i" xebecU:Gem::Version[" 2.6.1u: Time "Navigation helpersU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 2.10.3: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.9.8; " mocha; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["3.0; " rails; @3;F00["James A. Rosen"+Helpers for generating navigation bars0T" ruby[["'validates_and_formats_phones-0.0.7u;[" 1.4.0i"!validates_and_formats_phonesU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.7u: Time "rAllows you to easily format and validate phone numbers in any format you desire (sensible defaults provided).U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Bernie Telles"0T" ruby[["$goldstar-sunspot_rails-;[" 1.4.0i"goldstar-sunspot_railsU:Gem::Version[" Time $b":Rails integration for the Sunspot Solr search libraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.4: @name" escape:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.2; "rspec-rails; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.2; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.0; " jeweler; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.10; "ruby-debug; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.2; " sunspot; @Q;F00[ "Mat Brown"Peer Allan"Michael Moen"Benjamin Krause"Adam Salter"Brandon Keepers":Rails integration for the Sunspot Solr search library0T" ruby[["config_loader-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"config_loaderU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time "Configuration files loaderU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" RHG Team"0T" ruby[["batik-rasterizer-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"batik-rasterizerU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "$Rasterize SVG files using BatikU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Chris Lloyd"6Exposes API to use the Batik Rasterizer from Ruby0T" ruby[["phene-backgrounded-0.6.2u;[" 1.4.0i"phene-backgroundedU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.2u: Time d"6Simple API to run Model methods in the backgroundU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.2.3; "activerecord; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.2.3; "activesupport; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "resque_unit; @=;F00["Ryan Sonnek"0T" ruby[["alter-ego-1.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"alter-egoU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time dZ"\AlterEgo is a Ruby implementation of the State pattern as described by the Gang of FourU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0: @name" hookr:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0; "hoe; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0; " newgem; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0; " newgem; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.1.0; "fail-fast; @Q;F00["Avdi Grimm"@AlterEgo is a Ruby implementation of the State pattern as described by the Gang of Four. It differs from other Ruby state machine libraries in that it focuses on providing polymorphic behavior based on object state. In effect, it makes it easy to give an object different personalities depending on the state it is in.0T" ruby[["downer-0.3.2u;[" 1.4.0i" downerU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.2u: Time $"Bulk downloading utitlityU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" nokogiri:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @);F00["Nate Miller"RDowner is a tool used to download a list of urls from a website thorugh HTTP.0T" ruby[["objectpool-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"objectpoolU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time d"'Magical thread pool implementationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" yard:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @);F00["Kriss Kowalik"TLittle bit different and magical implementation of thread pool pattern in ruby.0T" ruby[["yourgem-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" yourgemU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time ]" FIX (describe your package)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0; " newgem; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0; " newgem; @=;F00[" axgle" FIX (describe your package)0T" ruby[["schleyfox-lockfile-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"schleyfox-lockfileU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time "Because everyone needs their own lockfile implementation. Helps you to maintain lock files that indicate that some resource is occupied by an other processU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" pavlo"This Ruby gem helps to manage processes in your application so that new process won’t start while the previous one is still running. It uses so known 'lock file' approach to figure out whether a process is running or not.0T" ruby[["robworley-rack-noie-1.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"robworley-rack-noieU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time dQ"@A Rack middleware to redirect IE6 users out of your websiteU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Julio Cesar Ody"Rob Worley"0T" ruby[["doohickey-0.2.2u;%[" 1.4.0i"doohickeyU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.2u: Time D"/Easy to use SASS mixins for Rails projectsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Trond Arve Nordheim"\Contains SASS mixins and a default SASS configuration for use in Ruby on Rails projects0T" ruby[["hostip-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i" hostipU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time "cGet geolocation, ip, country and city information for current or any other ip from hostip.infoU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" httparty:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Philipp Fehre"*A simple Ruby wrapper for hostip.info0T" ruby[[" hcatlin-image_science-1.2.2u;[" 1.4.0i"hcatlin-image_scienceU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.2u: Time e"yImageScience is a clean and happy Ruby library that generates thumbnails -- and kicks the living crap out of RMagickU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.7.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4; "rubyforge; @);F00["Ryan Davis"ImageScience is a clean and happy Ruby library that generates thumbnails -- and kicks the living crap out of RMagick. Oh, and it doesn't leak memory like a sieve. :) For more information including build steps, see http://seattlerb.rubyforge.org/0T" ruby[["latest_branch-1.0.3u;,[" 1.4.0i"latest_branchU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.3u: Time "KReturn the most-recently-updated folder starting with a common prefix.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["nicwilliams"KReturn the most-recently-updated folder starting with a common prefix.0T" ruby[["superators-0.9.1u;W[" 1.4.0i"superatorsU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.1u: Time "=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jay Phillips"== FEATURES/PROBLEMS: * Presently a superator operand must support having a singleton class. Because true, false, nil, Symbols, and Fixnums are all specially optimized for in MRI and cannot have singleton classes, they can't be given to a superator. There are ways this can be potentially accounted for, but nothing is in place at the moment, causing this to be classified as a bug. * When defining a superator in a class, any operators overloaded after the superator definition will override a superator definition. For example, if you create the superator "<---" and then define the <() operator, the superator will not work. In this case, the superator's definition should be somewhere after the <() definition. * Superators work by handling a binary Ruby operator specially and then building a chain of unary operators after it. For this reason, a superator must match the regexp /^(\*\*|\*|\/|%|\+|\-|<<|>>|&|\||\^|<=>|>=|<=|<|>|===|==|=~)(\-|~|\+)+$/. == SYNOPSIS:0T" ruby[["socky-client-rails-0.4.3u;[" 1.4.0i"socky-client-railsU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.3u: Time d"4Socky is a WebSocket server and client for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["2.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.4.2; "socky-client; @);F00["Bernard Potocki"4Socky is a WebSocket server and client for Ruby0T" ruby[["lvm-mysql-backup-0.0.2u;;[" 1.4.0i"lvm-mysql-backupU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time ej"+script for making lvm backups of mysqlU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mysql; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " aws-s3; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " thor; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "activerecord; @G;F00["James Golick"+script for making lvm backups of mysql0T" ruby[["eyeballs-0.5.15u;k[" 1.4.0i" eyeballsU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.15u: Time E",A lightweight javascript MVC framework.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " thor; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "activesupport; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " jeweler; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " thor; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " sinatra; @[;F00["Paul Campbell"0T" ruby[["do_oracle-0.10.3u;[" 1.4.0i"do_oracleU:Gem::Version[" 0.10.3u: Time "DataObjects Oracle DriverU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 0.7.0: @name"rake-compiler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.1; " bacon; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2.0; "ruby-oci8; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.10.3; "data_objects; @=;F00["Raimonds Simanovskis".Implements the DataObjects API for Oracle0T" ruby[["iyyov-1.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" iyyovU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.0u: Time ".Down-to-earth job control and monitoring.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.2.2: @name"rjack-tarpit:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.2; "hashdot-test-daemon; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; "rjack-logback; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.6.1; "rjack-slf4j; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.2.1; "logrotate; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.0["=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"split_logger:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["markbates"Adds support for Hoptoad and is_paranoid to Delayed::Job. Additionally it also adds 'stats' for your workers, and it even includes a base worker that encapsulates a some common functionality.0T" ruby[["seamus-0.3.1u;[" 1.4.0i" seamusU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.1u: Time č" Seamus is not an Irish monkU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Scott Burton"mSeamus is not an Irish monk. Instead, it inspects a file and returns whatever metadata it can determine.0T" ruby[[""javascript_auto_include-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"javascript_auto_includeU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time ">Rails helper for automatically including javascript filesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.2: @name" jeweler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.0; "actionpack; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.0; "actionpack; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @=;F00["Ulf Moehring"Rails helper for automatically including javascript files. Looks up assets in public/javascripts based on the current controller/action pair.0T" ruby[["traktor-;W[" 1.4.0i" traktorU:Gem::Version[" Time E"%Formrausch vlad deploy additionsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" tilt:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " renfield; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rack; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " thin; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " haml; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "vlad-extras; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " racksh; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " vlad; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " vlad-git; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.6.2; "hoe; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @~;F00["Thomas Winkler"?Formrausch addtions to vlad deployment. Many new defaults.0T" ruby[["fabricator-0.0.5u;[" 1.4.0i"fabricatorU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time H"This gem can generate a scaffold flex application based on PureMVC Multicore using the pipes utility abstracted by the fabrication frameworkU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.3: @name" newgem:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.3; " newgem; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.5.2; " rubigen; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0; "hoe; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.2; "activesupport; @Q;F00["Steffen Egelund Jensen"This gem can generate a scaffold flex application based on PureMVC Multicore using the pipes utility abstracted by the fabrication framework. The initial application will be generated based on custom project name, title, src folder and package. Plus will include two modules: an authentication module and a dashboard module. It is intended that the gem in the future will be able to add new scaffold modules integrated with the application. New commands, proxies etc.0T" ruby[["persia-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" persiaU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time ġ"LAlternative view layer for Rails based on separation of HTML and logic.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Michiel de Mare"0T" ruby[["talia_core-0.7.0u;e[" 1.4.0i"talia_coreU:Gem::Version[" 0.7.0u: Time ":The core elements of the Talia Digital Library systemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.2.0: @name"semantic_naming:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.2; " builder; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.3.10; "activerecord; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["; "rdf; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.1; " rake; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.2; "bjj; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.15; "oai_talia; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.1; " guid; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.2; " assit; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.1; " hpricot; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.5; " optiflag; @~;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.3.10; "activesupport; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.7.0; "activerdf_net7; @;F00[ "Danilo Giacomi"Roberto Tofani"Luca Guidi"Michele Nucci"Daniel Hahn"MThis is the core plugin for building a digital library with Talia/Rails.0T" ruby[["pngrammar-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"pngrammarU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "&Render EBNF as a railroad diagramU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"mechanize:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @3;F00["Run Paint Run Run")ConvertEBNF to PNG via a web service0T" ruby[["findable_by-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"findable_byU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time %"*Improving a way how you find records!U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Thiago Moretto"!Even easier to find records!0T" ruby[["extract_curves-0.0.1u;k[" 1.4.0i"extract_curvesU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time i"xGUI digitizer of a raster trace of the geometric curve corresponding to the characteristics of motion of a process.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Pavel Minev Penev"OExtract Curves a simplistic GTK Ruby-based appliaction which can convert the raster image file result of a geometric-trace-producing process's interaction with the characteristic of motion of another (interesting) process into a list of rectangular coordinates (in raster image's system) representing the inferred characteristic of motion of an image blob. Blob recognition is done by color: * by maximum pixel neighbor-to-neighbor difference * by maximum difference from blob's average color * by maximum difference from a pixel neighborhood's average color (using RGB or HSV). Use other software to pre-process (e.g. enhance contrast, or even reduce to gray scale), but Extract Curves's skeletonization is done based on the hypothesis of a recognized image blob, as opposed to a collection of pixels. Output is human-readable (tab-separated).0T" ruby[["chronograph-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"chronographU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time E"3Chronograph is a Ruby DSL for making timelinesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.7.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4; "rubyforge; @);F00["Indigo Casson"3Chronograph is a Ruby DSL for making timelines0T" ruby[["supermarket-0.0.4u;y[" 1.4.0i"supermarketU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time "*JRuby bindings for android-market-apiU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"json-jruby:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jan Berkel"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rubyzip:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.5.4; " bones; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "user-choices; @3;F00["James Britt"Logan Barnett"David Koontz"-James Britt, Logan Barnett, David Koontz0T" ruby[["random_value_sampler-0.1.2u;\[" 1.4.0i"random_value_samplerU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time l"@Class for sampling from arbitrary probability distributionsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" bmpercy"}Class for sampling from arbitrary probability distributions, particular discrite random variables with lookup-table-like PMFs0T" ruby[["chewbacca-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"chewbaccaU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time "Schewbacca is a set of rake tasks to facilitate the management of remote files.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" capotej"chewbacca is a set of rake tasks that read a manifest file and synchronize the current directory to the remote server according to a specified mapping.0T" ruby[["markview-0.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i" markviewU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time "=A markup viewer that renders on the fly in your browser.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.4: @name" vegas:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.4; " sinatra; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.6.3; "rdiscount; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.6; " json; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.2; " contest; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.2; "github-markup; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.3; "rack-test; @[;F00["Mark Sands"VConeveniently renders and launches any markup formatted file within your browser.0T" ruby[["Rug-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"RugU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time "A simple game framework.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Rob Britton"0T" ruby[["trinidad-1.0.5u;[" 1.4.0i" trinidadU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.5u: Time "ESimple library to run rails applications into an embedded TomcatU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.0: @name"trinidad_jars:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.2; "jruby-rack; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " fakefs; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mocha; @G;F00["David Calavera"iTrinidad allows you to run a rails or rackup applications within an embedded Apache Tomcat container0T" ruby[["!test_equality_with_lcs-0.1.1u;P[" 1.4.0i"test_equality_with_lcsU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "fCompare two strings, or arrays, and get failed results back in an easy to distinguish LCS output.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" colored:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " diff-lcs; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @3;F00["Scott Noel-Hemming"fCompare two strings, or arrays, and get failed results back in an easy to distinguish LCS output.0T" ruby[["superfeedr-blather-0.2.2u;[" 1.4.0i"superfeedr-blatherU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.2u: Time "asuperfeedr-blather implements a Superfeedr PubSub XMPP client in Ruby using the Blather gem.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["0.4: @name" blather:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["dave@kapoq.com"#You get some patches for Blather and some classes that wrap the stuff you want from Superfeedr (entries, authors etc.). Under-the-hood, Blather uses EventMachine and Nokogiri so it’s fast and convenient. If you want to daemonize your client, daemon-kit comes ready with a blather template.0T" ruby[["riddle-1.2.2u;[" 1.4.0i" riddleU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.2u: Time "0An API for Sphinx, written in and for Ruby.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @);F00["Pat Allan"GA Ruby API and configuration helper for the Sphinx search service.0T" ruby[["raws-0.0.11u;[" 1.4.0i" rawsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.11u: Time " rawsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.14: @name" typhoeus:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.1; " nokogiri; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.7; " ht2p; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.1; "uuidtools; @G;F00["Jun Kikuchi" raws0T" ruby[["heredoc_unindent-1.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"heredoc_unindentU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.1u: Time "iThis gem removes common margin from indented strings, such as the ones produced by indented heredocsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.8.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Adriano Mitre"This gem removes common margin from indented strings, such as the ones produced by indented heredocs. In other words, it strips out leading whitespace chars at the beggining of each line, but only as much as the line with the smallest margin. It is acknowledged that many strings defined by heredocs are just code and fact is that most parsers are insensitive to indentation. If, however, the strings are to be used otherwise, be it for printing or testing, the extra indentation will probably be an issue and hence this gem.0T" ruby[["nolman-jetty-rails-0.9.6u;[" 1.4.0i"nolman-jetty-railsU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.6u: Time $W"Jetty Rails aims to run Ruby on Rails and Merb applications with the Jetty Container, leveraging the power of JRuby and jruby-rackU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.2: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.1; " newgem; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0; "hoe; @3;F00["Fabio Kung"Mike Wadhera"Nolan Evans"Jetty Rails aims to run Ruby on Rails and Merb applications with the Jetty Container, leveraging the power of JRuby and jruby-rack. {Jetty}[http://jetty.mortbay.com/jetty/] is an excellent Java Web Server, being and at the same time extremely lightweight. This makes jetty-rails a good alternative for JRuby on Rails or Merb development and deployment. The project has born from my own needs ({read more}[http://fabiokung.com/2008/05/14/jetty-rails-gem-simple-jruby-on-rails-development-with-servlet-containers/]). I needed to run {JForum}[http://jforum.net] in the same context of my JRuby on Rails application. I had also to integrate HttpSessions (avoiding single sign on) and use ServletContext in-memory cache store.0T" ruby[["ruby-sesame-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"ruby-sesameU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time ,">A Ruby interface to OpenRDF.org's Sesame RDF triple storeU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.7.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.7.0; "hoe; @);F00["Paul Legato"0T" ruby[["Polar-0.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i" PolarU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time "#Access control for polar bearsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Grzegorz Kazulak"Lukasz Tackowiak"Control access like a bear0T" ruby[["brute-fuzzy-2.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"brute-fuzzyU:Gem::Version[" 2.0.0u: Time "Provides set-like containers of 64-bit keys, constrained such that no two keys have bit difference (aka Hamming distance) less than some threshold number of bitsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.2.2: @name"rjack-tarpit:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.2; "gravitext-util; @);F00["David Kellum"Provides set-like containers of 64-bit keys, constrained such that no two keys have bit difference (aka Hamming distance) less than some threshold number of bits. A performance test driver is also included.0T" ruby[["net_dav-0.5.0u;&[" 1.4.0i" net_davU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.0u: Time "4WebDAV client library in the style of Net::HTTPU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["1.0: @name"webrick-webdav:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0; " nokogiri; @3;F00["Miron Cuperman"Thomas Flemming"_WebDAV client library in the style of Net::HTTP, using Net::HTTP and libcurl, if installed0T" ruby[["twitpic-0.3.1u;[" 1.4.0i" twitpicU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.1u: Time X"Library for TwitPic API.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.0: @name" rubytter:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.1; " highline; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.15; "mime-types; @3;F00[" jugyo"Library for TwitPic API.0T" ruby[["feminizer-1.0.4u;m[" 1.4.0i"feminizerU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.4u: Time "?Programmatically swap the gender of an English text stringU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.9.0; "without_accents; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " nokogiri; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @=;F00["Jack Danger Canty"tThis library can take a piece of English text as a string and swap masculine words for feminine and vice-versa.0T" ruby[["address_extractor-0.1.4u;[" 1.4.0i"address_extractorU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time *"-Give it text. It finds addresses in it.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jim Garvin"-Give it text. It finds addresses in it.0T" ruby[["0averell-exception_notification-1.0.20110124u;[" 1.4.0i"#averell-exception_notificationU:Gem::Version["1.0.20110124u: Time "\Gemified exception_notification rails plugin, compatible with Rails 2.3.5 with RailsXssU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" Averell"Rails Core Team"0T" ruby[["vagrant-sandbox-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"vagrant-sandboxU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time e"3run sandbox commands inside a VM using vagrantU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rcov:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.1; " jeweler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @=;F00["matt tanase"3A plugin to use sandbox commands with vagrant.0T" ruby[["dm-is-voteable-0.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i"dm-is-voteableU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time "Makes a model voteableU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Brian Pearce"Makes a model voteable0T" ruby[["ftpfxp-0.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i" ftpfxpU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time "=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" Alex Lee"0T" ruby[["alovak-network-1.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"alovak-networkU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.0u: Time "NHTTP/HTTPS communication module based on ruby net/http, net/https modulesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.7: @name" mocha:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Pavel Gabriel"WHTTP/HTTPS communication module with logging, filtering and easy SSL configuration0T" ruby[["every-1.1u;[" 1.4.0i" everyU:Gem::Version["1.1u: Time o"cSymbol#to_proc's hot cousin. Simple and elegant alternative to using &:method with enumerablesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" minitest:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Martin Aumont"dSymbol#to_proc's hot cousin. Simple and elegant alternative to using &:method with enumerables.0T" ruby[["guard-spork-0.1.3u;B[" 1.4.0i"guard-sporkU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time %"Guard gem for SporkU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.4: @name" spork:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.7; " bundler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.0; " guard; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2.1; " rspec; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.1.8; "guard-rspec; @G;F00["Thibaud Guillaume-Gentil"8Guard::Spork automatically manage Spork DRb servers0T" ruby[["pcaprub-0.9.2u;[" 1.4.0i" pcaprubU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.2u: Time E"libpcap bindings for rubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" shadowbq"libpcap bindings for ruby0T" ruby[["orange-more-0.7.3u;[" 1.4.0i"orange-moreU:Gem::Version[" 0.7.3u: Time d"Plugins for OrangeU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"rack-test:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " i18n; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.7; "orange-core; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rest-client; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "openid_dm_store; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " gattica; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " radius; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; "dm-timestamps; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mail; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.11.0; "dm-is-awesome_set; @~;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rack-openid; @;F00["David Haslem"\Orange is a Ruby framework for building managed websites with code as simple as Sinatra0T" ruby[["rdavila_friendly_id-2.2.6u;[" 1.4.0i"rdavila_friendly_idU:Gem::Version[" 2.2.6u: Time "EA comprehensive slugging and pretty-URL plugin for ActiveRecord.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" contest:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.2.3; "activesupport; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.2.3; "activerecord; @3;F00["Norman Clarke"Adrian Mugnolo"Emilio Tagua" FriendlyId is the "Swiss Army bulldozer" of slugging and permalink plugins for Ruby on Rails. It allows you to create pretty URL’s and work with human-friendly strings as if they were numeric ids for ActiveRecord models. 0T" ruby[["prawn-security-0.8.4u;3[" 1.4.0i"prawn-securityU:Gem::Version[" 0.8.4u: Time "=Popular Password Protection & Permissions for Prawn PDFsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Brad Ediger"_ Prawn/Security adds document encryption, password protection, and permissions to Prawn. 0T" ruby[["admapper-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i" admapperU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time "@Friendly mixin for working with Microsoft's ActiveDirectoryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 0.1.1: @name" net-ldap:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.9.8; " mocha; @);F00["Brian Hogan"0T" ruby[["tm_helper-0.0.1u;E[" 1.4.0i"tm_helperU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "-Helper for Ruby development in TextMate.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.8: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" shock"0T" ruby[["computron-0.2.1u;q[" 1.4.0i"computronU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time $"An evented HTTP computronU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" yard:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.1; " colored; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.12.10; "eventmachine; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.7; "em-http-request; @G;F00["Brad Gessler"gComputron was created to help Poll Everywhere peform load tests that simulate how real users work.0T" ruby[["kamel-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i" kamelU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time dg"HCreate KML files for tasty overlays on google earth and google mapsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.4: @name"schleyfox-ruby_kml:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Xavier Shay"HCreate KML files for tasty overlays on google earth and google maps0T" ruby[["desperados-0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"desperadosU:Gem::Version["0.1u: Time "3Ruby library for interacting with Ceph's RADOSU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0: @name"ffi:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["John Leach"yRuby library for Ceph's Reliable Autonomic Distributed Object Store. Wraps the C++ librados library with Ruby love. 0T" ruby[["loganb-nestegg-0.0.6u;5[" 1.4.0i"loganb-nesteggU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.6u: Time em"Nested exceptions for rubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["John D. Hume"Logan Bowers"Matt Scilipoti"`Module to add a 'cause' field to exceptions and automatically chains exceptions on re-raise0T" ruby[["man_parser-0.1.3u;[" 1.4.0i"man_parserU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time j"3Parse unix man pages into ruby-readable formatU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Michael Grosser"0T" ruby[["coded_options-0.2.7u;[" 1.4.0i"coded_optionsU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.7u: Time e"Making options easierU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.0: @name" rails:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.0.0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rr; @3;F00["Jason Dew"5A gem for making fields with coded values easier0T" ruby[[""cleverua-best_thumbnail-1.0.0u;*[" 1.4.0i"cleverua-best_thumbnailU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time "RA tool that detects the best looking thumbnail from a list of images suppliedU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.11: @name" rmagick:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" pavlo"Do you have a bunch of thumbnails extracted out of a movie and you'd like to find out which one looks best comparing to others? All you need is to leverage the Best Thumbnail ruby gem!0T" ruby[["call_stack-;"[" 1.4.0i"call_stackU:Gem::Version[" Time "VCall stack information and Binding.of_caller/breakpoint workaround for Ruby 1.8.5U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Mauricio Fernandez")call_stack can be used to obtain backtrace information in a running program. It also contains a new Binding.of_caller implementation that works with Ruby 1.8.5. It can be used with Rails' breakpointer as follows: ruby -rbreakpoint185 script/server and then, in another console script/breakpointer0T" ruby[["url_safe_base64-0.2.1u;S[" 1.4.0i"url_safe_base64U:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time Ě"_Converts strings to/from a slightly modified base64 that contains only url-safe charactersU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" Joe Noon"_Converts strings to/from a slightly modified base64 that contains only url-safe characters0T" ruby[["firetower-0.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i"firetowerU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time D"/A command-line interface to Campfire chatsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.1.6: @name"twitter-stream:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.4; " json; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.0; " hookr; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["4.2; " main; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.9.4; " servolux; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.5; " highline; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.4.7; " bones; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.12.10; "eventmachine; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2.1; "addressable; @o;F00["Avdi Grimm"0T" ruby[["hashtoxml-0.0.5u;Z[" 1.4.0i"hashtoxmlU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time ""FIXME (describe your package)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.5: @name"merb-core:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Leon Bogaert""FIXME (describe your package)0T" ruby[["scuby-wars-0.2.0u;f[" 1.4.0i"scuby-warsU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time "HLibrary for programming little AI-Bots, fighting against each otherU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.3: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.0; " i18n; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.8; "yajl-ruby; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.1; " httparty; @=;F00["Andi Bade"Dirk Breuer"Sebastian Cohnen"HLibrary for programming little AI-Bots, fighting against each other0T" ruby[["git-hub-1.5.0u;[" 1.4.0i" git-hubU:Gem::Version[" 1.5.0u: Time e"!hub introduces git to GitHubU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Chris Wanstrath"a `hub` is a command line utility which adds GitHub knowledge to `git`. It can used on its own or as a `git` wrapper. Normal: $ hub clone rtomayko/tilt Expands to: $ git clone git://github.com/rtomayko/tilt.git Wrapping `git`: $ git clone rack/rack Expands to: $ git clone git://github.com/rack/rack.git 0T" ruby[["magic-commenter-0.0.3u;H[" 1.4.0i"magic-commenterU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time ġ"*Add magic comments to your ruby filesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0: @name" bundler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Albert llop"0T" ruby[["!localization_generator-1.0.8u;|[" 1.4.0i"localization_generatorU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.8u: Time S"$[Rails] Localization generator.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.13.1: @name" rails:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Andreas Schwarz"Joe Hosteny"(Localization utility for Rails apps0T" ruby[[" jruby-memcache-client-1.7.0u;_[" 1.4.0i"jruby-memcache-clientU:Gem::Version[" 1.7.0u: Time "6A drop in replacement for Ruby's memcache-client.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[ "Abhi Yerra" Ikai Lan"Frederic Jean"Lennon Day-Reynolds" slyphon"Brayn Helmkamp"Travis Tilley"6A drop in replacement for Ruby's memcache-client.0T" ruby[["spacify-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i" spacifyU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time "Format code with spacesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"test_equality_with_lcs:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @);F00["Scott Noel-Hemming"Format code with spaces0T" ruby[["santey_vote-0.1.1u;Q[" 1.4.0i"santey_voteU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time " Vote gemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Alexander Shamne"#longer description of your gem0T" ruby[[" lib_string_encryption-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"lib_string_encryptionU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time D"=A library that allows for super simple string encryptionU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" yard:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @);F00["Jason Rogers"String Encryption library0T" ruby[["nimboids-shoulda-2.11.3u;,[" 1.4.0i"nimboids-shouldaU:Gem::Version[" 2.11.3u: Time ŭ".Making tests easy on the fingers and eyesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[ "Tammer Saleh"Joe Ferris"Ryan McGeary"Dan Croak"Matt Jankowski".Making tests easy on the fingers and eyes0T" ruby[["encodingdotcom-0.2.1u;}[" 1.4.0i"encodingdotcomU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time dg"0a library for integrating with encoding.comU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.10: @name" httparty:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Mick Staugaard"0a library for integrating with encoding.com0T" ruby[["traited-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i" traitedU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time e"GAdd traits to your classes and access them from children/ancestorsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.0: @name" bacon:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Lee Jarvis"Michael Fellinger"GAdd traits to your classes and access them from children/ancestors0T" ruby[["tap-tasks-0.8.0u;k[" 1.4.0i"tap-tasksU:Gem::Version[" 0.8.0u: Time %" A set of standard Tap tasksU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.7.0: @name" tap-test:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.4.0; "tap; @);F00["Simon Chiang"0T" ruby[[" rdmopensource-warbler-1.1.0u;.[" 1.4.0i"rdmopensource-warblerU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.0u: Time "GWarbler chirpily constructs .war files of your Rails applications.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.7: @name" rake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.8; "jruby-rack; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4; "rubyforge; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.0; "jruby-jars; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.4; " rubyzip; @G;F00["Nick Sieger"Warbler is a gem to make a .war file out of a Rails, Merb, or Rack-based application. The intent is to provide a minimal, flexible, ruby-like way to bundle up all of your application files for deployment to a Java application server.0T" ruby[["0activerecord-activesalesforce-adapter-2.0.0u;j[" 1.4.0i"*activerecord-activesalesforce-adapterU:Gem::Version[" 2.0.0u: Time %"ActiveSalesforce (ASF) is a Rails connection adapter that provides direct access to Salesforce.com hosted data and metadata via the ActiveRecord model layer. Objects, fields, and relationships are all auto surfaced as active record attributes and rels.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.4: @name" builder:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.2; " rails; @);F00["Doug Chasman"0T" ruby[["oa-openid-0.2.0.beta3u;[" 1.4.0i"oa-openidU:Gem::Version["0.2.0.beta3u: Time e"$OpenID strategies for OmniAuth.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.4.3: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.5.4; "rack-test; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.0.8; "mg; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.3.4; " webmock; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.3.0; " rspec; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;["0.2.0.beta3; " oa-core; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ruby-openid-apps-discovery; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.2.0; "rack-openid; @o;F00["Michael Bleigh"$OpenID strategies for OmniAuth.0T" ruby[["peeping_tom-0.7.0u;[" 1.4.0i"peeping_tomU:Gem::Version[" 0.7.0u: Time E""a gem that peeps on your appsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Terry Heath"eAllows for scripts that look at different applications and notify you when something looks wrong0T" ruby[["wx_sugar-0.1.22u;[" 1.4.0i" wx_sugarU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.22u: Time I""Syntax extensions for WxRuby.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Alex Fenton"(Ruby-ifies the ruby API for WxRuby.0T" ruby[["gci-class-extensions-1.2.4u;[" 1.4.0i"gci-class-extensionsU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.4u: Time "A gem used by our internal team for common class extensions, like not_blank? and not_nil? counterparts to blank? and nil?.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"valid-date:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "activesupport; @);F00["Patrick Byrne"0T" ruby[["fuzzy-string-match-0.9.0u;[" 1.4.0i"fuzzy-string-matchU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.0u: Time ""fuzzy string matching libraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 3.8.6: @name"RubyInline:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " amatch; @3;F00["Kiyoka Nishiyama"%calculate Jaro Winkler distance.0T" ruby[["derobo-imdb_og-0.5.2u;&[" 1.4.0i"derobo-imdb_ogU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.2u: Time k"BFork of Jon Maddox's simple library to look up movies on IMDBU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rcov:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " hpricot; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "htmlentities; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @=;F00["Robert Mrasek"Jon Maddox"-Simple library to look up movies on IMDB0T" ruby[["zyps-0.7.6u;/[" 1.4.0i" zypsU:Gem::Version[" 0.7.6u: Time "A game library for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.9.2: @name" wxruby:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jay McGavren"0T" ruby[["scope_filters-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"scope_filtersU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time Ħ"CChainable, Toggleable Resource Filters for ActiveRecord ModelsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Patrick Klingemann"A Rails plugin that facilitates the creation of toggleable, chainable filter links in collection views, based on defined scopes.0T" ruby[["remote_api-0.2.1u;*[" 1.4.0i"remote_apiU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time "TProvides a basic framework for easily creating classes that access remote APIs.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.7: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0; "dsl_accessor; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0; "activesupport; @3;F00["Alex Wayne"TProvides a basic framework for easily creating classes that access remote APIs.0T" ruby[["easy_routing-0.0.1u;"[" 1.4.0i"easy_routingU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "/makes declaring rails 3 routes even easierU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jack Dempsey"]A collection of useful methods to make declaring a variety of rails 3 routes even easier0T" ruby[["jrexml-0.5.3u;-[" 1.4.0i" jrexmlU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.3u: Time "DJREXML speeds up REXML under JRuby by using a Java pull parser.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Nick Sieger"ZJREXML is an add-on for JRuby that uses a Java pull parser library to speed up REXML.0T" ruby[["sous_chef-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"sous_chefU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time e"Chef's prep-cookU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Martin Emde"Brian Donovan"8Create bash scripts using a simple chef-like syntax0T" ruby[["sinefunc-rstakeout-0.0.2u;8[" 1.4.0i"sinefunc-rstakeoutU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time D"(Watches a directory for any changesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" edvardw" topfunky"oThis gem watches a given directory for any changes and executes a given command when something is changed.0T" ruby[["has-bit-field-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"has-bit-fieldU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time "BProvides an easy way to work with bit fields in active recordU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"sqlite3-ruby:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.3.5; "activerecord; @);F00["Paul Barry"BProvides an easy way to work with bit fields in active record0T" ruby[["backzilla-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"backzillaU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time $"Multi-purpose backup toolU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Wojtek Piekutowski"Paweł Sobolewski"EBackzilla can backup multiple entities to multiple destinations.0T" ruby[["eyeballer-0.1.2u;9[" 1.4.0i"eyeballerU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time $"FooU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.12: @name" extlib:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Adam Groves"A simple observer library0T" ruby[["timecode-0.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i" timecodeU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time D"/Value class for SMPTE timecode informationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"test-spec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4; "rubyforge; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.0; "hoe; @3;F00[" Julik"/Value class for SMPTE timecode information0T" ruby[["sudden_motion_sensor-1.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"sudden_motion_sensorU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.0u: Time "1Reads data from Macbook Sudden Motion SensorU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 3.8.4: @name"RubyInline:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Matthew Nielsen"|Read orientation and acceleration data from the Sudden Motion Sensor inside many Apple Macbook and Macbook Pro laptops.0T" ruby[["prawn_commander-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"prawn_commanderU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time ":Command center for prawn commands that enable loggingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.4: @name" prawn:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["2.0.0.beta13; " rspec; @);F00["Kristian Mandrup"dCommand center for prawn commands that enable logging commands before or without executing them0T" ruby[["geodesic-1.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" geodesicU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time j"\Geodesic is a ruby library for calculating distance and bearing on the Earth's surface.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Mathew Cucuzella"Geodesic is a Ruby library for calculating distance and bearing on the Earth's surface. Positions are defined by longitude and latitude. The API uses Float values for all input and returned types. Distances are memasured in kilometers (km).0T" ruby[["sinatra-snap-0.3.2u;[" 1.4.0i"sinatra-snapU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.2u: Time "Sinatra NAmed Path supportU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" bcarlso"0T" ruby[["runo-0.2.2u;[" 1.4.0i" runoU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.2u: Time "*The laziest web application frameworkU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.1: @name" bike:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Akira FUNAI"NRuno has been renamed to Bike. See http://github.com/afunai/bike please. 0T" ruby[["ruby-cares-0.1.0u;1[" 1.4.0i"ruby-caresU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time Ġ" A Ruby extension for c-aresU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Andre Nathan"}Ruby/Cares is a C extension for the c-ares library, Providing an asynchronous DNS resolver to be used with ruby scripts.0T" ruby[["onlooker-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i" onlookerU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "OnLooker is a simple rails plugin that lets a user check the status of his or her website or server. OnLooker uses Ping's to check via TCP or HTTP whether the site, sites or servers that you specify are online and accessible. OnLooker also supports custom images to distinguish status.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jonathan Towell"#OnLooker is a simple rails plugin that lets a user check the status of his or her website or server. OnLooker uses Ping's to check via TCP or HTTP whether the site, sites or servers that you specify are online and accessible. OnLooker also supports custom images to distinguish status.0T" ruby[["colorme-0.1.2u;S[" 1.4.0i" colormeU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time "9A VERY SIMPLE helper for outputting strings in colorU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Patrick Morgan"A very simple helper for outputting strings in color. For exmaple, simply require 'colorme' and issue "Hello World!".color(:red)0T" ruby[["flex3sdk-3.5.0.preu;[" 1.4.0i" flex3sdkU:Gem::Version["3.5.0.preu: Time d"PAdobe Flex 3 SDK including mxmlc, compc, asdoc, adl, adt, optimizer and fdbU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["1.0.0.pre: @name" sprout:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" Adobe" Inc."\The Flex 3 SDK Rubygem is brought to you by Project Sprouts (http://projectsprouts.org)0T" ruby[["linked_in-0.0.21u;[" 1.4.0i"linked_inU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.21u: Time %k"[The linked_in gem wraps the LinkedIn API making it easy to read and write profile information and messages on http://linked_in.com. Full support for OAuth is provided including a wrapper for Pelle's oauth-plugin (http://github.com/pelle/oauth-plugin/). This gem borrowed heavily from junemakers twitter gem (http://github.com/jnunemaker/twitter/).U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.91: @name"jordi-xml-object:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.5; " oauth; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.3; "hoe; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.91; "jordi-xml-object; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.5; " oauth; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.3; "hoe; @Q;F00["Peter T. Brown"JThe linked_in gem wraps the LinkedIn API, including support for OAuth0T" ruby[["'association_collection_tools-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"!association_collection_toolsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time e" Adds fast_copy method to has_and_belongs_to_many associations cloning associations much faster than the assignment operator. Adds ids methods to has_many and has_and_belongs_to_many associations for retrieving object ids without instantiating ActiveRecord objects.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Tyler Kovacs"0T" ruby[["slingshot-1.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"slingshotU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.2u: Time d"=Set of server setup tasks for use with Slingshot HostingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Charles Brian Quinn"=Set of server setup tasks for use with Slingshot Hosting0T" ruby[["rdvd-slideshow-0.0.3u;"[" 1.4.0i"rdvd-slideshowU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time E"VA ruby interface for dvd-slideshow utility (http://dvd-slideshow.sourceforge.net)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.2: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.3; " rprogram; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.2; "hoe; @3;F00[" sdabet"VA ruby interface for dvd-slideshow utility (http://dvd-slideshow.sourceforge.net)0T" ruby[["acts_as_dashboard-0.4.1u; [" 1.4.0i"acts_as_dashboardU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.1u: Time ",Create dashboards in Rails apps easily.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.2: @name"rspec-rails:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @);F00["Nick Hoffman"acts_as_dashboard makes it easy to create dashboards in Rails apps. Very little configuration is required. Read the docs to get started.0T" ruby[["auditing-1.2.2u;[" 1.4.0i" auditingU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.2u: Time "4A gem to keep track of audit hisory of a recordU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Brad Cantin"Oacts_as_versioned is good. This allows an attribute level rollback instead0T" ruby[["zap-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"zapU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "=Zap is a simpler BOOM. Plus, it's one character shorter!U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0: @name" bundler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "yajl-ruby; @);F00["Zap is a simple command line key-value store. There are no collections, just a single namespace, and only three letters in the command. ZAP!0T" ruby[["verser-0.0.1u;z[" 1.4.0i" verserU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "5Verser is a bible verse/chapter reference parserU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 2.2.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Rawane ZOSSOU"5Verser is a bible verse/chapter reference parser0T" ruby[["brochure-0.5.2u;B[" 1.4.0i" brochureU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.2u: Time "Rack + ERB static sitesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.0: @name" tilt:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; " rack; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " haml; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rack-test; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.0; " hike; @G;F00["Sam Stephenson"Josh Peek"DA Rack application for serving static sites with ERB templates.0T" ruby[["decider-2.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i" deciderU:Gem::Version[" 2.0.0u: Time \"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Mike Skalnik"0T" ruby[["nanoc-video-filter-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"nanoc-video-filterU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time ""Nanoc3 item filter for videosU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Cameron Pope"NConverts videos into an html5-compatible format, including poster frames.0T" ruby[["timespeople-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"timespeopleU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time $c")A simple gem for the TimesPeople APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jacob Harris")A simple gem for the TimesPeople API0T" ruby[["langscan-1.2u;[" 1.4.0i" langscanU:Gem::Version["1.2u: Time "3program analyzer for source code search engineU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4: @name"rubyforge:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.1; "hoe; @);F00["mallowlabs"3program analyzer for source code search engine0T" ruby[["hobosupport-1.1.0.pre3u;[" 1.4.0i"hobosupportU:Gem::Version["1.1.0.pre3u: Time "/Core Ruby extensions from the Hobo projectU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[00["Tom Locke"0T" ruby[["-cleverua-client_timezone_detection-1.0.0u;u[" 1.4.0i"'cleverua-client_timezone_detectionU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time %":A rails gem aimed to simplify user timezone detectionU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.1: @name" jeweler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @);F00["Pavlo Lysov"Boris Babusenko"The gem gets timezone information from user browser, saves it in a cookie and then applies the TZ in controller. That way you always have application TZ set up for the region user is actually in.0T" ruby[[""voodoorai2000-ar_mailer-2.1.7u;p[" 1.4.0i"voodoorai2000-ar_mailerU:Gem::Version[" 2.1.7u: Time E"0A two-phase delivery agent for ActionMailerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.0: @name" minitest:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.8; " mocha; @);F00["Eric Hodel"Adam Meehan"Even delivering email to the local machine may take too long when you have to send hundreds of messages. ar_mailer allows you to store messages into the database for later delivery by a separate process, ar_sendmail.0T" ruby[["ikamusume-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"ikamusumeU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time ŭ"ikamusume invades Ruby.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Yusuke Endoh"ikamusume invades Ruby.0T" ruby[["lstrip-on-steroids-0.9.5u;[" 1.4.0i"lstrip-on-steroidsU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.5u: Time d"DIntelligently strips leading whitespace from a multiline stringU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Caius Durling"0T" ruby[["itunes-search-0.2.2u;[" 1.4.0i"itunes-searchU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.2u: Time "Itunes SearchU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["jeff durand"Pretty simple interface for the itunes search api will return results as array of results objects and offer reasonable accessor methods variables0T" ruby[["zack-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i" zackU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time ""Ruby RPC calls via beanstalkdU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" flexmock:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.2; "beanstalk-client; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @3;F00["Kaspar Schiess"Patrick Marchi"0T" ruby[["runt-0.7.0u;A[" 1.4.0i" runtU:Gem::Version[" 0.7.0u: Time "Ruby Temporal Expressions.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Matthew Lipper"Runt is a Ruby version of temporal patterns by Martin Fowler. Runt provides an API for scheduling recurring events using set-like semantics.0T" ruby[["ronimopi-0.1.3u;[" 1.4.0i" ronimopiU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time e" A simple extensible IRC botU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" isaac:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @);F00["Ilkka Laukkanen"Ronimopi (or Robot Ninja Monkey Pirate) is a simple IRC bot based on the Isaac framework. It is designed to be extensible, and is useful for e.g. simple bookkeeping and queries. 0T" ruby[["qfunction-0.1.6u;&[" 1.4.0i"qfunctionU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.6u: Time Ū"Nice FunctionU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.6.5: @name" watir:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.1; " tlsmail; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.1; "gmail_sender; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.0; " ocra; @=;F00[ " QuangMV"Cyworld VietNam"5th Floor"447 Lac Long Quan Street"Tay Ho Dist" Ha Noi" VietNam"Nice Function0T" ruby[["amazon-ses-0.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i"amazon-sesU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time ""Send a email with Amazon SES.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Guille Carlos",A easy way to interact with Amazon SES.0T" ruby[["cuke4duke-0.4.3u;[" 1.4.0i"cuke4dukeU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.3u: Time %"cuke4duke-0.4.3U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.7: @name" bundler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.2; "jruby-openssl; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.0; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.10.0; " cucumber; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.7; " celerity; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.7; " rake; @Q;F00["Aslak Hellesøy"^Write Cucumber Step Definitions in Java, Scala, Groovy, Rhino Javascript, Clojure or Ioke0T" ruby[["centostrano-0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"centostranoU:Gem::Version["0.2u: Time C"-CentOS deployment recipes for capistranoU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">U;[" 2.0.0: @name"capistrano:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Saulius Grigaitis"This project is port of deprec2 for CentOS. Centostrano provides libraries of Capistrano tasks and extensions to remove the repetative manual work associated with installing services on linux servers.0T" ruby[["libxsl-ruby-0.3.6u;[" 1.4.0i"libxsl-rubyU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.6u: Time "LibXSLT bindings for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.6: @name"libxml-ruby:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Sean Chittenden"UC-language bindings for Gnome LibXSLT and Ruby. Part of the LibXML-Ruby project.0T" ruby[["ringioAPI-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"ringioAPIU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time e"4Ruby wrapper for Ringio API with ActiveResourceU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.3: @name"activeresource:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Álvaro Martín Fraguas"@ IMPORTANT: this project has just started, so the functionality is not complete yet. Provides a wrapper for the Ringio API in Ruby, using ActiveResource. You can configure it for example by adding a file with this in config/initializers/ : require 'ringioAPI' RingioAPI::Base.user = 'RINGIO API TOKEN' 0T" ruby[["regexp_parser-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"regexp_parserU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time Ū":Scanner, lexer, parser for ruby's regular expressionsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Ammar Ali"LA library for tokenizing, lexing, and parsing Ruby regular expressions.0T" ruby[["jdbc-derby-;[" 1.4.0i"jdbc-derbyU:Gem::Version[" Time Ŭ"CDerby/JavaDB JDBC driver for Java and Derby/ActiveRecord-JDBC.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4: @name"rubyforge:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Nick Sieger"$Ola Bini and JRuby contributors"JInstall this gem and require 'derby' within JRuby to load the driver.0T" ruby[["codebase_san-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"codebase_sanU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time "6Integration between heroku_san and CodebaseHQ.comU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0: @name"heroku_san:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 4.0.4; " codebase; @3;F00["Neil Middleton"CProvides notifications of heroku deployments to CodebaseHQ.com0T" ruby[["em-websocket-proxy-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"em-websocket-proxyU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time ":A proxy for using websockets with unmodified servers.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.2: @name"em-websocket:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.12.10; "eventmachine; @);F00["Matt Colyer"KA lightweight proxy, for using websockets with unmodified TCP servers.0T" ruby[["attr_encrypted-1.1.2u;"[" 1.4.0i"attr_encryptedU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.2u: Time D"OGenerates attr_accessors that encrypt and decrypt attributes transparentlyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.0: @name"encryptor:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.1; "eigenclass; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.8; " mocha; @3;F00["Sean Huber"OGenerates attr_accessors that encrypt and decrypt attributes transparently0T" ruby[["trim-api-0.3u;y[" 1.4.0i" trim-apiU:Gem::Version["0.3u: Time g"6A simple Ruby library for accessing the tr.im APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.3: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Robin Fisher"6A simple Ruby library for accessing the tr.im API0T" ruby[["skip_database-0.1.0u;I[" 1.4.0i"skip_databaseU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "IDatabase skipping unility for Test::Unit and ActiveSupport::TestCaseU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"active_record:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rails; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "active_support; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "unit_record; @=;F00["Mike Bradford"IDatabase skipping unility for Test::Unit and ActiveSupport::TestCase0T" ruby[["s6y-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"s6yU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time D"S2e t1e e3h. S6y y2r w2d.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Ludo van den Boom"(Save the earth. Shortify your word.0T" ruby[["jsmestad-chargify-0.3.3u;[" 1.4.0i"jsmestad-chargifyU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.3u: Time D"&Ruby wrapper for the Chargify APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.0: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.1.8; " hashie; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.6.1; " httparty; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " json; @=;F00["Wynn Netherland"Justin Smestad"0T" ruby[["enterprisifier-0.0.2u;5[" 1.4.0i"enterprisifierU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time e"Makes things enterprisey.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " faker; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ruby-debug; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " riot; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " nokogiri; @Q;F00[" gabrielg"ENTERPRISE0T" ruby[["imitation-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"imitationU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time l"'random input generator for testingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.10.4; "rr; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.8; "linguistics; @3;F00[" okitan"'sample input generator for testing0T" ruby[["treetop-dcf-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"treetop-dcfU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time g"1Easy to use parser for Debian Control Files.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.5: @name" treetop:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Bjørn Arild Mæland"1Easy to use parser for Debian Control Files.0T" ruby[["micah-remit-0.0.5u;W[" 1.4.0i"micah-remitU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time D"@An API for using the Amazon Flexible Payment Service (FPS).U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.0.7: @name" relax:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Tyler Hunt"0T" ruby[["geminstaller-exec-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"geminstaller-execU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time E"DRun gem executable with proper version from geminstaller configU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.3: @name"geminstaller:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Andriy Yanko"CRun gem executable using geminstaller similar to 'bundle exec'0T" ruby[["ghost_attributes-0.0.0u;"[" 1.4.0i"ghost_attributesU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.0u: Time ĥ"CA silly example of how to use closures to mimic attr_accessor.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Alan O'Donnell"CA silly example of how to use closures to mimic attr_accessor.0T" ruby[["watchful-;[" 1.4.0i" watchfulU:Gem::Version[" Time "'Watchful, a tool for busy web devsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.1: @name" open4:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.10; "commandline; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.0; "extensions; @3;F00["K E Mitchell"1Applies intermediary tools to modified files0T" ruby[["stuff_to_do_plugin-0.4.0u;[" 1.4.0i"stuff_to_do_pluginU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.0u: Time d"NA Redmine plugin to order and prioritize tasks to do using drag and drop.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Eric Davis"The Stuff To Do plugin allows a user to order and prioritize the issues and projects they are doing into a specific order. It will also allow other privileged users to reorder the user's workload.0T" ruby[["netatlas-poller-0.0.0u; [" 1.4.0i"netatlas-pollerU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.0u: Time "Netatlas pollerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"amqp-spec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "activeresource; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "em-synchrony; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.1.0; " rspec; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "eventmachine; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " smi-ffi; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " amqp; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.1; " jeweler; @y;F00["Ron McClain"NetAtlas Poller0T" ruby[["iban-tools-0.0.6u;[" 1.4.0i"iban-toolsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.6u: Time h"IBAN validatorU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Iulian Dogariu"#Validates IBAN account numbers0T" ruby[["interval-quiz-0.0.1u;i[" 1.4.0i"interval-quizU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time %j"!a quiz for musical intervalsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" interval:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Nate Murray"4A gem that provides a quiz on musical intervals0T" ruby[["dns_guru-0.1.3u;[" 1.4.0i" dns_guruU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time "FParse hostnames into useful information with a routes-like syntaxU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" Dns Guru"0T" ruby[["m4dbi-0.6.2u;[" 1.4.0i" m4dbiU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.2u: Time DY"Models (and More) for DBIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"dbi:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " metaid; @);F00[" Pistos"TM4DBI provides models, associations and some convenient extensions to Ruby DBI.0T" ruby[["antlr3-1.8.8u;[" 1.4.0i" antlr3U:Gem::Version[" 1.8.8u: Time E"?Fully-featured ruby parser generation for ANTLR version 3.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Kyle Yetter"Fully-featured ANTLR 3 parser generation for Ruby. ANTLR (ANother Tool for Language Recognition) is a tool that is used to generate code for performing a variety of language recognition tasks: lexing, parsing, abstract syntax tree construction and manipulation, tree structure recognition, and input translation. The tool operates similarly to other parser generators, taking in a grammar specification written in the special ANTLR metalanguage and producing source code that implements the recognition functionality. While the tool itself is implemented in Java, it has an extensible design that allows for code generation in other programming languages. To implement an ANTLR language target, a developer may supply a set of templates written in the StringTemplate (http://www.stringtemplate.org) language. ANTLR is currently distributed with a fairly limited Ruby target implementation. While it does provide implementation for basic lexer and parser classes, the target does not provide any implementation for abstract syntax tree construction, tree parser class generation, input translation, or a number of the other ANTLR features that give the program an edge over traditional code generators. This gem packages together a complete implementation of the majority of features ANTLR provides for other language targets, such as Java and Python. It contains: * A customized version of the latest ANTLR program, bundling all necessary java code and templates for producing fully featured language recognition in ruby code * a ruby run-time library that collects classes used throughout the code that ANTLR generates * a wrapper script, `antlr4ruby', which executes the ANTLR command line tool after ensuring the ANTLR jar is Java's class path0T" ruby[["trie-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" trieU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time Dd"*Implemention of a trie data structureU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Daniel Erat"0T" ruby[["rulesy-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" rulesyU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time m";A super simple dsl for managing dynamic business rulesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @);F00["Gabe Varela";A super simple dsl for managing dynamic business rules0T" ruby[["rayo-0.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i" rayoU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time e"0Lightweight CMS based on Sinatra and RadiusU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" radius:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["2.0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rack-test; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.0; " sinatra; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " erubis; @G;F00["Alexey Noskov"Lightweight CMS based on Sinatra framework, where data are stored in file system (and so may be Git-powered) and enhanced using Radius gem.0T" ruby[["progress-1.1.3u;[" 1.4.0i" progressU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.3u: Time "(Show progress of long running tasksU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.1: @name" jeweler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rake-gem-ghost; @3;F00["Ivan Kuchin"0T" ruby[["paperclipftp-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"paperclipftpU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "6Ftp storage support for paperclip file attachmentU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" yard:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.0; "paperclip; @);F00["Damian Caruso"6Ftp storage support for paperclip file attachment0T" ruby[["opsb-octopussy-0.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i"opsb-octopussyU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time ""Wrapper for the Octopussy APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.5: @name" fakeweb:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.2; " httparty; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.10.0; " shoulda; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.4.0; "jnunemaker-matchy; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.4; " mocha; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.2.0; " hashie; @Q;F00["Wynn Netherland"Adam Stacoviak")Simple wrapper for the GitHub API v20T" ruby[["eotb-0.5.18u;[" 1.4.0i" eotbU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.18u: Time Ū"DRails plugin which allow you easily track and observe your appsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.3: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.0; " jeweler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0; " rspec; @3;F00["Ragnarson"DRails plugin which allow you easily track and observe your apps0T" ruby[["another-0.0.6u;5[" 1.4.0i" anotherU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.6u: Time *""My new Ruby project generatorU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" colored:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Pat Nakajima"0T" ruby[[" g_named_scope_filters-1.0.6u;L[" 1.4.0i"g_named_scope_filtersU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.6u: Time d"A UI component that generates an unordered list of filters that use named scopes within an ActiveRecord model to filter a list.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.8: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.2.0; " rails; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; " guilded; @3;F00["C. Jason Harrelson (midas)",A UI component that generates an unordered list of filters that use named scopes within an ActiveRecord model to filter a list. It is not tied to a table or list specifically as it simply manipulates the url, resulting in a manipulation of any collection (list, table, etc.) it may be coupled with.0T" ruby[["time_freeze-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"time_freezeU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "-The simplest possible way to freeze timeU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Matthew Rudy Jacobs"0T" ruby[["readorder-2.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"readorderU:Gem::Version[" 2.0.0u: Time _"FReadorder orders a list of files into a more effective read orderU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.8.3: @name" rake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.4; " hitimes; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.1.4; " logging; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.8.3; " main; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.11.0; "amalgalite; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.0.5; "configuration; @Q;F00["Jeremy Hinegardner"Readorder orders a list of files into a more effective read order. You would possibly want to use readorder in a case where you know ahead of time that you have a large quantity of files on disc to process. You can give that list off those files and it will report back to you the order in which you should process them to make most effective use of your disc I/O. Given a list of filenames, either on the command line or via stdin, readorder will output the filenames in an order that should increase the I/O throughput when the files corresponding to the filenames are read off of disc. The output order of the filenames can either be in inode order or physical disc block order. This is dependent upon operating system support and permission level of the user running readorder.0T" ruby[["parseinput-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"parseinputU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time D^"5Parse Input is a chain-saw tool for data mining.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["James Edward Gray II"Parse Input is a library that aids in parsing generic input with Ruby. This isn't intended to be a full-blown parser, but instead a chain-saw tool for data mining arbitrary inputs quickly and easily.0T" ruby[["malcolmx-0.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i" malcolmxU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time "7Find out if the domain name you want is available!U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" crack:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " httparty; @);F00["Khaja Minhajuddin"xMalcolmX is a gem which allows you to find out if a gem is available programmatically or through the command prompt0T" ruby[["mixpanel-0.8.1u;[" 1.4.0i" mixpanelU:Gem::Version[" 0.8.1u: Time "NSupports direct request api and javascript requests through a middleware.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rack:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " json; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " escape; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " fakeweb; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " nokogiri; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rack-test; @[;F00["Alvaro Gil"`Simple lib to track events in Mixpanel service. It can be used in any rack based framework.0T" ruby[["vaulted_billing-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"vaulted_billingU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time "=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.3.0: @name"factory_girl:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.6.0; " webmock; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.9.0; " faker; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.4.0; " rspec; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.2; " builder; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.0.0; " fuubar; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["2.3; "activesupport; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.0; "vcr; @e;F00["Nathaniel Bibler"4Several card processors and gateways support offloading the storage of credit card information onto their service. This offloads PCI compliance to the gateway rather than keeping it with each retailer. This library abstracts the interface to many of them, making it trivial to work with any or all of them.0T" ruby[["sake-1.0.15u;[" 1.4.0i" sakeU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.15u: Time "BSake tastes great and helps maintain system-level Rake files.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 1.1.8: @name"ruby2ruby:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.1.1; "ParseTree; @);F00["Chris Wanstrath"BSake tastes great and helps maintain system-level Rake files.0T" ruby[["capcode-render-sass-0.1.0u;g[" 1.4.0i"capcode-render-sassU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time ŀ"&Capcode plugin to render via SassU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" haml:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Gregoire Lejeune"&Capcode plugin to render via Sass0T" ruby[["&gscalzo-mongo_session_store-1.1.3u;[" 1.4.0i" gscalzo-mongo_session_storeU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.3u: Time "FRails session store class implemented for MongoMapper and MongoidU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.1: @name"mongo_mapper:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.0; " mongoid; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2.3; "actionpack; @3;F00["Nicolas Mérouze"Tony Pitale"Chris Brickley"0T" ruby[["subprocess-0.1.6u;[" 1.4.0i"subprocessU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.6u: Time Ē"O* Subprocess provides a clean wrapper class around the Kernel.exec method.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4; "rubyforge; @);F00["Bram Swenson"O* Subprocess provides a clean wrapper class around the Kernel.exec method.0T" ruby[["rpaste-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i" rpasteU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "@RPaste provides access to many of the online paste servicesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"mechanize:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.1; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " hpricot; @3;F00["Postmodern Modulus III"== FEATURES/PROBLEMS: * Supports posting and retrieving pastes from NoPaste. * Supports retrieving from PasteBin. * Provides HTTP access with custom User-Agent strings. * Provides proxy settings for HTTP access. == REQUIREMENTS: * Hpricot * WWW::Mechanize == INSTALL:0T" ruby[["redcar-0.11.0devu;[" 1.4.0i" redcarU:Gem::Version["0.11.0devu: Time "A JRuby text editor.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rubyzip:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " watchr; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " cucumber; @=;F00["Daniel Lucraft"0T" ruby[["periscope-0.1.0u;A[" 1.4.0i"periscopeU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time e"4Bring your models' scopes up above the surface.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.0: @name"activerecord:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " sqlite3; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.0; "activesupport; @=;F00["Steve Richert"XPeriscope acts like attr_accessible or attr_protected, but for your models' scopes.0T" ruby[[""jquery_underscore-rails-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"jquery_underscore-railsU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time E"+Use jQuery and Underscore with Rails 3U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0: @name" bundler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.3; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.14.4; " thor; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["3.0; " rails; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.4.0; " webmock; @G;F00["André Arko"Aaron Cruz"This is just an underscore add-on of André's jquery-rails which provides a Rails generator to install jQuery and the jQuery-ujs driver into your Rails 3 application, and then have them included automatically instead of Prototype.0T" ruby[["'activerecord-lazy-attributes-0.0.5u;[" 1.4.0i"!activerecord-lazy-attributesU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time ĥ"HAn ActiveRecord extension which allows attributes to be lazy-loadedU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2.3; "activerecord; @);F00["Moritz Heidkamp"WA useful ActiveRecord extension to handle columns containing large amounts of data0T" ruby[["simple_slugs-0.0.8u;n[" 1.4.0i"simple_slugsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.8u: Time e""Simple slugs for ActiveRecordU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 0.5.2: @name"database_cleaner:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "sqlite3-ruby; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "globalize3; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.3; "activerecord; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " i18n; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "test_declarative; @Q;F00["Sven Fuchs"#Simple slugs for ActiveRecord.0T" ruby[["aq1018-rforce-0.5.2u;[" 1.4.0i"aq1018-rforceU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.2u: Time "4A simple, usable binding to the SalesForce API.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["1.3: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0; " builder; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.4.4; " nokogiri; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " oauth; @=;F00[ " Ian Dees"Logan (henriquez)"Aaron Qian"Moritz Heidkamp"Rather than enforcing adherence to the sforce.com schema, RForce assumes you are familiar with the API. Ruby method names become SOAP method names. Nested Ruby hashes become nested XML elements.0T" ruby[[" ruby-protocol-buffers-0.8.5u;j[" 1.4.0i"ruby-protocol-buffersU:Gem::Version[" 0.8.5u: Time e"GRuby compiler and runtime for the google protocol buffers library.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Brian Palmer"0T" ruby[["rails-geocoder-0.9.7u;[" 1.4.0i"rails-geocoderU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.7u: Time %"MSimple, database-agnostic geocoding and distance calculations for Rails.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Alex Reisner"Geocoder adds object geocoding and distance calculations to ActiveRecord models. It does not rely on proprietary database functions so finding geocoded objects in a given area is easily done using out-of-the-box MySQL, PostgreSQL, or SQLite.0T" ruby[["cache-column-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"cache-columnU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "6Utilize the database to cache complex operations.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Brian Malinconico"6Utilize the database to cache complex operations.0T" ruby[["edi4r-;[" 1.4.0i" edi4rU:Gem::Version[" Time $"CEDI for Ruby: Parse, create, map, or validate EDI interchangesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Heinz W. Werntges"&edi4r turns Ruby into a powerful EDI mapping language: - create or process UN/EDIFACT interchanges intuitively - validate messages with information from the original UN/TDIDs - integrate classical EDI data and XML documents through edi4r's generic EDI/XML translator (add-on gem, DTD provided).0T" ruby[["yyyc514-httparty-;[" 1.4.0i"yyyc514-httpartyU:Gem::Version[" Time dZ"JMakes http fun! Also, makes consuming restful web services dead easy.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" echoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.1; " crack; @);F00["John Nunemaker"JMakes http fun! Also, makes consuming restful web services dead easy.0T" ruby[["saki-0.1.4u;[" 1.4.0i" sakiU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time "$Allows terse acceptance testingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Nate Kidwell"xCucumber scenarios are long and confusing sometimes. Release yourself from the tyranny of client-centered specing!0T" ruby[["$attribute_normalizer-1.0.0.pre2u;[" 1.4.0i"attribute_normalizerU:Gem::Version["1.0.0.pre2u: Time "3Attribute normalizer that excepts code blocks.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[00["Michael Deering"0T" ruby[["pedantic-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i" pedanticU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time $"Text CleanerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" yard:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.1; " stemmer; @3;F00["Pat Allan"-Pares text down to the words that matter0T" ruby[["butler-1.9.0u;[" 1.4.0i" butlerU:Gem::Version[" 1.9.0u: Time "$Butler - the IRC bot with classU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Stefan Rusterholz"$Butler - the IRC bot with class0T" ruby[["parent_resource-0.1.1u;0[" 1.4.0i"parent_resourceU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time ",auto set parent_resources in controllerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rcov:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rails; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.1; " jeweler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @G;F00["masarakki",auto set parent_resources in controller0T" ruby[["flt-1.3.0u;E[" 1.4.0i"fltU:Gem::Version[" 1.3.0u: Time "Floating Point NumbersU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.1: @name" bones:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Javier Goizueta"Floating Point Numbers0T" ruby[["fatsecret-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"fatsecretU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time e"FatSecret API ClientU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0: @name" bundler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.2; " jeweler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ruby-hmac; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rest-client; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ruby-debug; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " uuid; @e;F00["Umang Chouhan"FatSecret API Client0T" ruby[["teambox-permalink_fu-1.0.1u;_[" 1.4.0i"teambox-permalink_fuU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time ")Fork of permalink_fu used at TeamboxU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Gonçalo Silva"Charles Barbier"Same functionality as the original one, except now it doesn't accept numerical permalinks and is safer with unicode characters.0T" ruby[["sml-twitter-0.7.3u;[" 1.4.0i"sml-twitterU:Gem::Version[" 0.7.3u: Time j" wrapper for the twitter apiU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.1.1: @name" mash:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.10.1; "thoughtbot-shoulda; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.3.5; " oauth; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.4.3; " httparty; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.9.4; " mocha; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.5; " fakeweb; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.4.0; "jnunemaker-matchy; @[;F00["John Nunemaker"Wynn Netherland"0T" ruby[["ruby-fifo-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"ruby-fifoU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time " A library to use named pipeU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" shura" A library to use named pipe0T" ruby[["!refinerycms-multiform-0.1.11u;[" 1.4.0i"refinerycms-multiformU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.11u: Time ů"'Provides user generated HTML formsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jonathan Baughn"0T" ruby[["%jakewendt-simply_documents-1.1.6u;[" 1.4.0i"jakewendt-simply_documentsU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.6u: Time "!one-line summary of your gemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"ryanb-acts-as-list:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "jakewendt-simply_helpful; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ssl_requirement; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "jakewendt-ruby_extension; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " chronic; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " jakewendt-simply_authorized; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "paperclip; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2; " rails; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " aws-s3; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "#jakewendt-calnet_authenticated; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ruby-hmac; @~;F00["George 'Jake' Wendt"#longer description of your gem0T" ruby[["watchdir-1.0.4u;"[" 1.4.0i" watchdirU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.4u: Time "KWatchdir is a command for watching change of files to execute command.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0: @name" bundler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.3.0; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.2; " jeweler; @=;F00["Yoshihiro TAKAHARA"( watch command for multiple files. 0T" ruby[["friendly_digest-1.0u;"[" 1.4.0i"friendly_digestU:Gem::Version["1.0u: Time E"FRuby gem to send to convert integer IDs into easy to type stringsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Andrew Snow"FRuby gem to send to convert integer IDs into easy to type strings0T" ruby[["omgcsv-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" omgcsvU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time ĝ"Civilised CSV parsingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Edd Steel"0T" ruby[["google-translate-0.7.2u;[" 1.4.0i"google-translateU:Gem::Version[" 0.7.2u: Time "6Simple client for Google Translate API (Summary).U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"json_pure:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " jeweler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.4; "json_pure; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "gemcutter; @=;F00["Alexander Shvets",Simple client for Google Translate API.0T" ruby[["faraday_middleware-0.3.2u;3[" 1.4.0i"faraday_middlewareU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.2u: Time e"#Various middleware for FaradayU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["2.1: @name"test-unit:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.0; " hashie; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.11; " shoulda; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["0.0; "multi_json; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["0.1; " oauth2; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["0.3; "simplecov; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["0.8; " rake; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.4; " json; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.5.4; " faraday; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["0.2; "multi_xml; @y;F00["Wynn Netherland"#Various middleware for Faraday0T" ruby[["kwalify-0.7.2u;3[" 1.4.0i" kwalifyU:Gem::Version[" 0.7.2u: Time $"Ia parser, schema validator, and data-binding tool for YAML and JSON.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["makoto kuwata"X Kwalify is a parser, schema validator, and data binding tool for YAML and JSON. 0T" ruby[["zcc-0.2.0u;g[" 1.4.0i"zccU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time "Bzcc is a command line script for copy cataloging MARC recordsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.6: @name" marc:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0.1; " unicode; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.2; "term-ansicolor; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.1; " zoom; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " highline; @G;F00["Jason Ronallo"Bzcc is a command line script for copy cataloging MARC records0T" ruby[["uncertain-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"uncertainU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time %"}== DESCRIPTION: 'Uncertain' adds a Numeric class that encapsulates and handles numbers with uncertainty (e.g., 1.0 +/- 0.2).U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.7: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Kevin Olbrich"q'Uncertain' adds a Numeric class that encapsulates and handles numbers with uncertainty (e.g., 1.0 +/- 0.2).0T" ruby[["simplesem-0.1.4u;h[" 1.4.0i"simplesemU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time dc"SIMPLESEM InterpreterU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.4: @name" treetop:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Rob Olson"=Interpreter for parsing and executing SIMPLESEM programs0T" ruby[["reparcs-0.2.8u;[" 1.4.0i" reparcsU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.8u: Time !"&XHTML generation library for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Lee Caine"0T" ruby[["rails-cmds-0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"rails-cmdsU:Gem::Version["0.1u: Time El"Ruby On Rails CommandsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rails:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Bryan Goines"[Ruby On Rails Commands - extracted from rails' script/* into global executable scripts0T" ruby[["akephalos-nerian-0.2.4u;[" 1.4.0i"akephalos-nerianU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.4u: Time ";Headless Browser for Integration Testing with CapybaraU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.0; " capybara; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " sinatra; @3;F00["Bernerd Schaefer";Headless Browser for Integration Testing with Capybara0T" ruby[["invoicer-0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" invoicerU:Gem::Version["0.1u: Time "generate PDF invoicesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Harry Vangberg"generate PDF invoices0T" ruby[["group_by_hash-0.1.0u;<[" 1.4.0i"group_by_hashU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time Ě"/ruby hash with a sql-esque group by methodU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Paul Boone"xA ruby hash with a sql-esque group by method for when you can't do a group by in SQL because it is too complicated 0T" ruby[["myspace-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i" myspaceU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time E"FIXU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Fernando Barajas"== FEATURES/PROBLEMS: Sometimes it can be slow == SYNOPSIS: Credentials credentials = { :username => 'email@address.com', :password => 'SuperSecretPassword' }0T" ruby[["locale_selector-1.93.1u;[" 1.4.0i"locale_selectorU:Gem::Version[" 1.93.1u: Time E"cWraps and improves ruby-gettext, provides UI for locale selection, maintains user preferences.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 1.93.0: @name" gettext:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Vladimir Dobriakov"cWraps and improves ruby-gettext, provides UI for locale selection, maintains user preferences.0T" ruby[["teeth-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i" teethU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time đ""Fast log file parsing in RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Daniel DeLeo""Fast log file parsing in Ruby0T" ruby[["citygrid-0.1.2u;f[" 1.4.0i" citygridU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time "&Ruby wrapper for the CityGrid APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.0: @name" httparty:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Johnny Khai Nguyen"&Ruby wrapper for the CityGrid API0T" ruby[["one_click-0.1.2u;=[" 1.4.0i"one_clickU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time "SLet your users register with one click using open standards for authenticatingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Arjen Oosterkamp"SLet your users register with one click using open standards for authenticating0T" ruby[["fancy_irb-0.6.4u;}[" 1.4.0i"fancy_irbU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.4u: Time E"DFancyIrb patches your IRB to create a smooth output experience.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"unicode-display_width:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " wirb; @);F00["Jan Lelis"FancyIrb patches your IRB to create a smooth output experience. You can colorize the prompts, irb errors, stderr and stdout. Results can be putted as #=> (rocket). Furthermore, it's possible to apply filter procs to your output value.0T" ruby[["wizardly-;[" 1.4.0i" wizardlyU:Gem::Version[" Time d"RProduces controllers and wizard scaffolding for models with validation_groupsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jeff Patmon"1Create wizards from any model in three steps0T" ruby[["series_joiner-1.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i"series_joinerU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.1u: Time "EJoin items in arrays together into grammatically correct series.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rcov:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.2; " jeweler; @=;F00["Dan Gebhardt"Extends Array with a join_as_series() method for joining arrays of items together into grammatically correct series. Useful for joining series like 'a, b and c'. Custom delimiters and conjunctions can be specified.0T" ruby[["scashin133-syslogger-1.3.2u;[" 1.4.0i"scashin133-sysloggerU:Gem::Version[" 1.3.2u: Time $"#Dead simple Ruby Syslog loggerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Cyril Rohr"Sean Cashin"Same as SyslogLogger, but without the ridiculous number of dependencies and with the possibility to specify the syslog facility0T" ruby[["resque_mailer-1.0.1u;+[" 1.4.0i"resque_mailerU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time "MRails plugin for sending asynchronous email with ActionMailer and ResqueU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.3: @name" resque:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.4; "actionmailer; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @3;F00["Nick Plante"Marcin Kulik"MRails plugin for sending asynchronous email with ActionMailer and Resque0T" ruby[["crontab-parser-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"crontab-parserU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "crontab parser for rubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rcov:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.2.8; " reek; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.1.0; " rspec; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.1; " jeweler; @G;F00[" uu59"crontab parser for ruby0T" ruby[["fly-0.0.1u;?[" 1.4.0i"flyU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "An MVC frameworkU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["svicalifornia"More to come...0T" ruby[["librrd-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i" librrdU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time "Ruby bindings for librrdU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Bernd Ahlers"ARuby bindings for librrd. Extracted from the RRDtool source.0T" ruby[["erector-0.8.1u;B[" 1.4.0i" erectorU:Gem::Version[" 0.8.1u: Time $"Html Builder library.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Pivotal Labs"Html Builder library.0T" ruby[["spec_oompa_loompa-0.1.3u;R[" 1.4.0i"spec_oompa_loompaU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time $"*Helpful Spec Helpers with Orange HairU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Tom Meier"Spec helpers0T" ruby[["rglpk-0.2.4u;[" 1.4.0i" rglpkU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.4u: Time d"Rglpk is a package providing a Ruby wrapper to the [GNU GLPK](http://www.gnu.org/software/glpk/) library. The GLPK (GNU Linear Programming Kit) package is intended for solving large-scale linear programming (LP), mixed integer programming (MIP), and other related problems.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Alex Gutteridge"William Taysom"Rglpk is a package providing a Ruby wrapper to the [GNU GLPK](http://www.gnu.org/software/glpk/) library. The GLPK (GNU Linear Programming Kit) package is intended for solving large-scale linear programming (LP), mixed integer programming (MIP), and other related problems. Rglpk (pronounced as "wriggle-pick") is currently in alpha status and the API should be considered subject to change. Rglpk uses [Swig](http://www.swig.org/) to initially wrap the C GLPK library (using a Swig wrapper originally developed by Nigel Galloway) and then a pure Ruby library to wrap the Swig code in a more friendly OO-style. See [github](http://github.com/wtaysom/rglpk) for installation instructions. All bug reports, feature requests and patches are welcome. Enjoy!0T" ruby[["rape-me-6.6.9u;[" 1.4.0i" rape-meU:Gem::Version[" 6.6.9u: Time "!Funny game for your /usr/binU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Antono Vasiljev"!Funny game for your /usr/bin0T" ruby[["chaser-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i" chaserU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time i"*Unit test sadism, with less masochismU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[ "Andrew Grimm"Ryan Davis"Eric Hodel"Kevin Clark"7Lightweight mutation testing in any flavor of ruby0T" ruby[["gsl-1.14.5u;[" 1.4.0i"gslU:Gem::Version[" 1.14.5u: Time ũ"Ruby interface to GSLU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.9: @name" narray:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Yoshiki Tsunesada"David MacMahon"aRubyGSL is a Ruby interface to the GNU Scientific Library, for numerical computing with Ruby0T" ruby[["xhr-starling-0.10.0u;Z[" 1.4.0i"xhr-starlingU:Gem::Version[" 0.10.0u: Time h"GStarling is a lightweight, transactional, distributed queue serverU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.12.0: @name"eventmachine:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.7.0; "memcache-client; @);F00[ "Blaine Cook"Chris Wanstrath"Britt Selvitelle"Glenn Rempe"Abdul-Rahman Advany"Seth Fitzsimmons"Harm Aarts"Chris Gaffney"GStarling is a lightweight, transactional, distributed queue server0T" ruby[["qbfc-0.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i" qbfcU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time de"?A wrapper around the QBFC COM object of the Quickbooks SDKU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jared Morgan"QBFC-Ruby wraps the QBFC COM object of the QuickBooks SDK, providing ease-of-use improvements, such as lower-case method names, and find, save, delete, void, and create operations.0T" ruby[["heroku_plus-2.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"heroku_plusU:Gem::Version[" 2.0.0u: Time "+Enhances default Heroku functionality.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; " heroku; @);F00["Brooke Kuhlmann"WEnhances default Heroku functionality beyond what is provided with the Heroku gem.0T" ruby[["autotest-notify-osd-0.2.0u;"[" 1.4.0i"autotest-notify-osdU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time E"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Stephen H. Gerstacker"@This gem has been deprecated and replaced by autotest-growl0T" ruby[["hoshi-0.2.1u;n[" 1.4.0i" hoshiU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time Q".Nice, object-oriented, first-class views.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" hpricot:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " metaid; @);F00["Pete Elmore"0T" ruby[[""sinatra-default_charset-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"sinatra-default_charsetU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time $" helper.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["1.0: @name" sinatra:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; "hoe-doofus; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.0; "hoe; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0; " hoe-git; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; "hoe-gemcutter; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4; "rubyforge; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.3; "rack-test; @[;F00["James Tucker" helper.0T" ruby[[""rake-command-completion-0.0.1u;P[" 1.4.0i"rake-command-completionU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[ "Nicholas Seckar"Saimon Moore"Err the Blog"Lee Marlow"Tyler Rick"Rake tasks to check your Rails models for missing indexesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Flip Sasser"0T" ruby[["npa_lookup-1.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i"npa_lookupU:Gem::Version[" 1.3.0u: Time "MNPA|Nxx Lookup command line tool for CloudVox's Digits.cloundvox.com APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["1.4: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.4; "json_pure; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.4; "terminal-table; @3;F00["John Dyer"MNPA|Nxx Lookup command line tool for CloudVox's Digits.cloundvox.com API0T" ruby[["easypartials-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"easypartialsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time j"EasyPartials are a way to make partials in Rails even easier! This is an expansion of a blog post by Mike Stone at "http://smellsblue.blogspot.com/2009/11/easy-partials-in-rails.html".U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.3: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Noah Gibbs"EasyPartials are a way to make partials in Rails even easier! This is an expansion of a blog post by Mike Stone at "http://smellsblue.blogspot.com/2009/11/easy-partials-in-rails.html".0T" ruby[["flashatron-0.4.3u;[" 1.4.0i"flashatronU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.3u: Time "%There's a JS in my Flash MessageU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Dan Williams"Handle your flash notices etc via javascript. Why would you want to do this? It lets you easily handle flash notices from ajax calls.0T" ruby[["#bbrowning-virtualbox-0.7.6.devu;[" 1.4.0i"bbrowning-virtualboxU:Gem::Version["0.7.6.devu: Time d"ECreate and modify virtual machines in VirtualBox using pure rubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.1.2: @name" contest:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.6.3; "ffi; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.9.8; " mocha; @3;F00["Mitchell Hashimoto"ECreate and modify virtual machines in VirtualBox using pure ruby0T" ruby[["impawards-0.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i"impawardsU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time eh";Simple library to find high quality posters for moviesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " hpricot; @);F00["Jon Maddox";Simple library to find high quality posters for movies0T" ruby[["blackbird-1.0.0.preu;u[" 1.4.0i"blackbirdU:Gem::Version["1.0.0.preu: Time "(Migrations should be more adaptableU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.4: @name"activerecord:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Simon Menke".Blackbird are Migrations but then better.0T" ruby[["array_statistics-0.1.0u;E[" 1.4.0i"array_statisticsU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time '"JArray Statistics adds statistical operations to the ruby Array class.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.2: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.2; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.1; " newgem; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.1; " newgem; @=;F00["Bruce Goodwin"JArray Statistics adds statistical operations to the ruby Array class.0T" ruby[["rack-environment-1.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"rack-environmentU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.0u: Time %i"BRack middleware to set ENVironment variables around your app.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"rack-test:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @);F00["David Dollar"BRack middleware to set ENVironment variables around your app.0T" ruby[["Pickaxe-0.7.1u;[" 1.4.0i" PickaxeU:Gem::Version[" 0.7.1u: Time "UPickaxe allows to run tests (bundle of questions) written in simple text format.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 1.1.1: @name"unidecoder:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.3; " bundler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.4.2; " i18n; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 3.0.1; "activesupport; @=;F00["Dawid Fatyga"vPickaxe provides a simple way to load, solve and rate tests (bundle of questions) written in simple text format. 0T" ruby[["nano-0.8.2u;[" 1.4.0i" nanoU:Gem::Version[" 0.8.2u: Time _"Ruby's Atomic LibraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" Trans"0T" ruby[["mysql_backup-0.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i"mysql_backupU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time $h"A backup tool for MySQL.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" highline:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " sequel; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "thoughtbot-shoulda; @3;F00["Christian Hellsten"OA simple backup tool for MySQL that takes a backup of all MySQL databases.0T" ruby[["refinerycms-podcast-0.5u;[" 1.4.0i"refinerycms-podcastU:Gem::Version["0.5u: Time d"2Ruby on Rails podcast plugin for RefineryCMS.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["David Jones"EPlugin for Refinery CMS to manage and publish podcasts to iTunes0T" ruby[["$quickgraph-3.3.50603.0.20100822u;[" 1.4.0i"quickgraphU:Gem::Version["3.3.50603.0.20100822u: Time Ğ"KQuickGraph 3.0 - Generic Graph Data Structures and Algorithms for .NetU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jonathan de Halleux"QuickGraph provides generic directed/undirected graph datastructures and algorithms for .Net 2.0 and up. QuickGraph comes with algorithms such as depth first seach, breath first search, A* search, shortest path, k-shortest path, maximum flow, minimum spanning tree, least common ancestors, etc... QuickGraph supports MSAGL, GLEE, and Graphviz to render the graphs, serialization to GraphML, etc...0T" ruby[["launchr-1.1.0u;?[" 1.4.0i" launchrU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.0u: Time "5Dreamcat4's launchr. For managing launchd plistsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" yard:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.0; " jeweler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " cucumber; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " grancher; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.5; " bundler; @[;F00["Dreamcat4"--In development-- Launchr is meant as an easy-to-use stand in replacement for launchctl. Launchr is a companion tool to Brew (Mac Homebrew). Install launchr to manage launchd services in a convenient way.0T" ruby[["food_court-0.1.4u;[" 1.4.0i"food_courtU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time "8Bootstrap and provision your ubuntu slice with easeU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" yard:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.3.9; "activesupport; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.3.1; " sprinkle; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.5.5; "capistrano; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.4.0; " highline; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.4.6; " json; @[;F00["Gabe Varela"8Bootstrap and provision your ubuntu slice with ease0T" ruby[["couch-client-0.1.2u;9[" 1.4.0i"couch-clientU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time "iA Ruby interface for CouchDB that provides easy configuration, state management and utility methods.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 4.3.1; " echoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.6; " json; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.8; " curb; @=;F00["Robert Sosinski"!A Ruby interface for CouchDB0T" ruby[[" nogara-simple_captcha-0.1.1u;}[" 1.4.0i"nogara-simple_captchaU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time E"?SimpleCaptcha is the simplest and a robust captcha plugin.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Pavlo Galeta"Igor Galeta"SimpleCaptcha is available to be used with Rails 3 or above and also it provides the backward compatibility with previous versions of Rails.0T" ruby[["mussegam-csvscan-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"mussegam-csvscanU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time D]"?This is a packaged version of CSVScan, written by MoonWolfU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.3: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["MoonWolf,Ben Sandofsky"Javi Dolcet"qThis is a packaged version of CSVScan, written by MoonWolf. If you can read Japanese, checkout README.ja for whatever he said. On a 10,000 line file: time cat example.csv | ruby fastercsv_benchmark.rb real 0m8.804s user 0m8.502s sys 0m0.304s time cat example.csv | ruby csvscan_benchmark.rb real 0m0.860s user 0m0.782s sys 0m0.088s0T" ruby[["zipruby-0.3.6u;[" 1.4.0i" ziprubyU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.6u: Time "Ruby bindings for libzip.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["winebarrel"0T" ruby[["valerii-1.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" valeriiU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.0u: Time e"6Convert integers to short strings and vice versa.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Ariejan de Vroom"6Convert integers to short strings and vice versa.0T" ruby[["ruote-amqp-2.1.5u;[" 1.4.0i"ruote-amqpU:Gem::Version[" 2.1.5u: Time e"1AMQP participant/listener pair for ruote 2.1U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.6: @name" amqp:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.5; " ruote; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.0; "rufus-json; @=;F00["kenneth.kalmer@gmail.com"0T" ruby[["clickatell-ruby19-0.7.1u;[" 1.4.0i"clickatell-ruby19U:Gem::Version[" 0.7.1u: Time ĕ":Ruby interface to the Clickatell SMS gateway service.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Luke Redpath"Ahmed Al Hafoudh"0T" ruby[["cuporter-0.3.2u;[" 1.4.0i" cuporterU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.2u: Time "VScrapes Cucumber *.feature files to build reports on tag usage and test inventoryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.2: @name" builder:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Tim Camper"VScrapes Cucumber *.feature files to build reports on tag usage and test inventory0T" ruby[["viddlereo-0.1.4u;[" 1.4.0i"viddlereoU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time "(A ruby wrapper for Viddler's V2 APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.6.0: @name" yard:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.1.0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ruby-debug; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " webmock; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.1.0; " roodi; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rest-client; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "happymapper; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.2.8; " reek; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "vcr; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.1; " jeweler; @~;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "configatron; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @;F00["Dan Pickett")Viddler + Ruby = Great Video Success0T" ruby[["shuriken-0.2.1u;?[" 1.4.0i" shurikenU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time "VSimple Namespace support for JS + Other niceties, packaged as a Barista frameworkU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Darcy Laycock"VSimple Namespace support for JS + Other niceties, packaged as a Barista framework0T" ruby[["sdb_dal-0.0.12u;[" 1.4.0i" sdb_dalU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.12u: Time E" DAL Layer for Amazon's SDB.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["David Knight" SDB DAL.0T" ruby[["rake_dmg-0.0.2u;z[" 1.4.0i" rake_dmgU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time @"$Rake library to build DMG filesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " echoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " echoe; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.2; " rake; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.2; " rake; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @[;F00["Emanuele Vicentini"$Rake library to build DMG files0T" ruby[["rack-restful_submit-1.1.2u;.[" 1.4.0i"rack-restful_submitU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.2u: Time ŭ"JAllows RESTful routing without Javascript and multiple submit buttonsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 1.1.0: @name" rack:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.3.0; " rspec; @);F00["Ladislav Martincik"Implements support of RESTful resources with Rails MVC when Javascript is off and bulk operations are required with multiple submit buttons.0T" ruby[["jekyll_ext-0.1.4u;b[" 1.4.0i"jekyll_extU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time E"\Create Jekyll extensions that are local to your blog and that can be shared with othersU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"mg:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Raoul Felix" jekyll_ext allows you to extend the Jekyll static blog generator without forking and modifying it's codebase. With this code, not only do your extensions live in your blog directory, but they can also be shared and reutilized. 0T" ruby[["inflector_extension-0.0.5u;[" 1.4.0i"inflector_extensionU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time d"*Extension Methods for Inflector in C#U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Brendan Erwin"?Provides a nice set of extension methods offering tons of useful inflections of various types. Strings, Ints, Decimals, etc. For example: `37849590678.InflectTo().Phrase` outputs: Six Hundred and Thirty Seven Billion, Eight Hundred and Forty Nine Million, Five Hundred and Ninety Thousand, Six Hundred and Seventy Eight0T" ruby[["selenium-0.0.3u;g[" 1.4.0i" seleniumU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time "/Gem wrapper for selenium server (Summary).U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" jeweler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Alexander Shvets"%Gem wrapper for selenium server.0T" ruby[["rsdl-0.1.4u;[" 1.4.0i" rsdlU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time %"%SDL initialized ruby interpreterU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Ryuichi Sakamoto"Akinori MUSHA"RSDL is an SDL initialized ruby interpreter which makes SDL applications possible to run on such platforms as Mac OS X where SDL needs to be initialized before a ruby interpreter is invoked. 0T" ruby[["concierge-0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"conciergeU:Gem::Version["0.1u: Time "JConcierge is a minimal service discovery and configuration framework.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Chris O'Meara"0T" ruby[["sprocketizer-1.0.3u;|[" 1.4.0i"sprocketizerU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.3u: Time E"2A gem for integrating Sprockets with Rails 3.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 1.0.2: @name"sprockets:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Matt Hodgson"2A gem for integrating Sprockets with Rails 3.0T" ruby[["ruby-ext-0.4.6u;4[" 1.4.0i" ruby-extU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.6u: Time D"Ruby language extensionsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" facets:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Alexey Petrushin"0T" ruby[["roles_data_mapper-0.3.1u;[" 1.4.0i"roles_data_mapperU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.1u: Time %"7Implementation of Roles generic API for DataMapperU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["1.0: @name"dm-migrations:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.0; "logging_assist; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.2; "rails3_artifactor; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.0; "dm-validations; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.1; "sugar-high; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.1; "activesupport; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.2; "roles_generic; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.2.0; "require_all; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.1; "activesupport; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.0; "dm-sqlite-adapter; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.0; "dm-migrations; @~;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.1; " rspec; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.0; " dm-types; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.0; "generator-spec; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.0; " dm-core; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.0; "dm-validations; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.0; " dm-core; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.3.1; "sugar-high; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.0; " dm-types; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.3.2; "roles_generic; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.2.0; "require_all; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.0; "logging_assist; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.2; "rails3_artifactor; @;F00["Kristian Mandrup"JMakes it easy to set a role strategy on your User model in DataMapper0T" ruby[["drbproxy-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" drbproxyU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time Ń"5Invoke objects in another Ruby/JRuby VM via DRb.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jerry Luk"4Invoke objects in another Ruby/JRuby VM via DRb0T" ruby[["console_tweet-0.0.6u;[" 1.4.0i"console_tweetU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.6u: Time "CLI Twitter ClientU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"twitter_oauth:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @);F00["John Crepezzi"$CLI Twitter Client - with OAuth0T" ruby[["antiwordr-0.1.0u;q[" 1.4.0i"antiwordrU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "Convert Word Docs to text.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.3: @name" nokogiri:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Kit Plummer">Uses command-line antiword tools to convert Docs to text.0T" ruby[["laborantin-0.0.14u;[" 1.4.0i"laborantinU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.14u: Time Db"$A measurement batch facilitatorU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Di Cioccio Lucas"0T" ruby[["nant-;[" 1.4.0i" nantU:Gem::Version[" Time "A .NET Build ToolU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">U;[" @name" log4net:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[ "Gerry Shaw"Ian MacLean"Scott Hernandez"Gert Driesen"{NAnt is a free .NET build tool. In theory it is kind of like make without make's wrinkles. In practice it's a lot like Ant.0T" ruby[[" thorsson-mongo_mapper-0.8.2u;[" 1.4.0i"thorsson-mongo_mapperU:Gem::Version[" 0.8.2u: Time D"#A Ruby Object Mapper for MongoU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 2.10.2: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.3.1; " timecop; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.9.8; " mocha; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.2.3; " json; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.3.1; " plucky; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.4.0; "jnunemaker-matchy; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.4; "activesupport; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.8.4; "jnunemaker-validatable; @e;F00["Ivan Turkovic"0T" ruby[["*sinatra-facebook-signed-request-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"$sinatra-facebook-signed-requestU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time e"7Simple Facebook signature verification for SinatraU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rcov:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "yajl-ruby; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.1; " jeweler; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "yajl-ruby; @Q;F00["Kristofer Goss"BSee http://developers.facebook.com/docs/authentication/canvas0T" ruby[["rsh2-0.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i" rsh2U:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time "\Tiny wrapper over Net::SSH/SFTP + small rake addon for cluster configuration managementU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Alexey Petrushin"0T" ruby[["raystest-1.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i" raystestU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2u: Time Ĩ"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"progressbar:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "thoughtbot-shoulda; @);F00["Raymond Gao"pRaystest: This is RayGao's 1st test gem on RubyGems.org, now github is no longer supported as a GEM server.0T" ruby[["dbc-2.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"dbcU:Gem::Version[" 2.0.0u: Time DQ"#Design by Contract (DBC) for CU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["0T" ruby[["bandsintown-0.3.1u;T[" 1.4.0i"bandsintownU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.1u: Time "NBandsintown.com API gem A Ruby library for accessing the Bandsintown APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.0: @name"rest-client:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.1; " newgem; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0; "hoe; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.2; "activesupport; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.3; " json; @G;F00["Mike Costanza"Bandsintown.com API gem A Ruby library for accessing the Bandsintown API. The Bandsintown API lets any developer access the largest database of upcoming concert listings and concert tickets in the world. For more information visit http://www.bandsintown.com/api/requests.0T" ruby[["sprout-mtasc-tool-1.13.7u;[" 1.4.0i"sprout-mtasc-toolU:Gem::Version[" 1.13.7u: Time g"&Motion Twin ActionScript CompilerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.1: @name" sprout:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Nicholas Cannasse"[The MTASC Rubygem is brought to you by Project Sprouts (http://www.projectsprouts.org)0T" ruby[["sonofhash-0.12u;[" 1.4.0i"sonofhashU:Gem::Version[" 0.12u: Time e"ITrack the changes to a Hash, and then re-apply them to other hashes.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Tushar Pokle"Isolate changes to a Hash0T" ruby[["shella-0.1.0u;\[" 1.4.0i" shellaU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "'A basic shell commands interpreterU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Rawane ZOSSOU"'A basic shell commands interpreter0T" ruby[["ruby2cext-0.2.0u;^[" 1.4.0i"ruby2cextU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time "BRuby2CExtension is a Ruby to C extension translator/compiler.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.1: @name" rubynode:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Dominik Bathon"0T" ruby[["require_gist-0.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i"require_gistU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time ".Require code directly from GitHub's GistsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Evgeniy Dolzhenko"0T" ruby[["puts_finder-0.0.0u;@[" 1.4.0i"puts_finderU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.0u: Time "Find your lost putsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" reddavis"Find your lost puts0T" ruby[["ppe-postgis-adapter-0.7.8u;[" 1.4.0i"ppe-postgis-adapterU:Gem::Version[" 0.7.8u: Time %"&PostGIS Adapter for Active RecordU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Marcos Piccinini"Simon Tokumine"/Execute PostGIS functions on Active Record0T" ruby[["(ninjabutton_chargify_api_ares-0.3.1u;[" 1.4.0i""ninjabutton_chargify_api_aresU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.1u: Time "9A Chargify API wrapper for Ruby using ActiveResourceU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[ "Michael Klett""The Lab Rats @ Phase Two Labs"Brian Rose"Nathan Verni"0T" ruby[["angry_shell-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"angry_shellU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time " ShellU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Lachie Cox"0T" ruby[["ospfv2-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" ospfv2U:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "An OSPFv2 Emulator.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jean Michel Esnault"0T" ruby[["parsey-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i" parseyU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time "'Parsey matches strings to patternsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @);F00["Joshua Hawxwell"EParsey matches a string with a pattern to retrieve data from it.0T" ruby[["erlectricity-1.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"erlectricityU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.1u: Time g"JA library to interface erlang and ruby through the erlang port systemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Scott Fleckenstein"Tom Preston-Werner"0T" ruby[[".activerecord-jdbcpostgresql-adapter-1.1.1u;j[" 1.4.0i"(activerecord-jdbcpostgresql-adapterU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.1u: Time ".Postgres JDBC adapter for JRuby on Rails.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 1.1.1: @name"activerecord-jdbc-adapter:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 9.0.0; "jdbc-postgres; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.2; "hoe; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4; "rubyforge; @=;F00["Nick Sieger"$Ola Bini and JRuby contributors":Install this gem to use Postgres with JRuby on Rails.0T" ruby[["vidibus-resource-0.0.5u;1[" 1.4.0i"vidibus-resourceU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time E"*Provides handling of remote resourcesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"vidibus-service:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "vidibus-uuid; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.0; " rails; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rr; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rack-test; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "vidibus-api; @o;F00["André Pankratz"VAllows creation of proxy objects of remote resources on distributed applications.0T" ruby[["time_left-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"time_leftU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time "0Print out time that left doing some processU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Artur Meisters"0Print out time that left doing some process0T" ruby[["sbs2003_contacts-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"sbs2003_contactsU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time ."* A small utiltity library to help alleviate the tedium of managing the contacts and e-mail lists from a Small Business Server 2003 Active Directory.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.2: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.2; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.4; "ruby-net-ldap; @3;F00["John Howe"* A small utiltity library to help alleviate the tedium of managing the contacts and e-mail lists from a Small Business Server 2003 Active Directory.0T" ruby[["rack-obama-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"rack-obamaU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time f"@Rack middleware that accepts all nobel-prize/peace requestsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rack:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Simon Harris"@Rack middleware that accepts all nobel-prize/peace requests0T" ruby[["libxml-ruby-r19mingw-1.1.4u;[" 1.4.0i"libxml-ruby-r19mingwU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.4u: Time "Ruby libxml bindingsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Charlie Savage"O The Libxml-Ruby project provides Ruby language bindings for the GNOME Libxml2 XML toolkit. It is free software, released under the MIT License. Libxml-ruby's primary advantage over REXML is performance - if speed is your need, these are good libraries to consider, as demonstrated by the informal benchmark below. 0T" ruby[["ctype-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i" ctypeU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time %J":ctype provides Ruby-style methods known from ctype.h.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" murphy"ctype is a simple implementation of ctype.h. It provides methods like alpha? and digit? for Fixnums and Strings, so it can be used for string analysing (like scanners): 'c'.alpha? -> true0T" ruby[["auto_uuid-0.1.0u;w[" 1.4.0i"auto_uuidU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time $"5auto set uuid column with an universal unique idU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.2.0: @name" uuid:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" tim.teng"5auto set uuid column with an universal unique id0T" ruby[["dbf-1.5.2u;Q[" 1.4.0i"dbfU:Gem::Version[" 1.5.2u: Time Ū"Read xBase filesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 2.1.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.0; "activesupport; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.4.2; " i18n; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.0.1; "metric_fu; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.5.3; "fastercsv; @G;F00["Keith Morrison"VA small fast library for reading dBase, xBase, Clipper and FoxPro database files.0T" ruby[["launchy-0.3.7u;[" 1.4.0i" launchyU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.7u: Time d"bLaunchy is helper class for launching cross-platform applications in a fire and forget mannerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.5: @name"configuration:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.1; " rake; @);F00["Jeremy Hinegardner"`Launchy is helper class for launching cross-platform applications in a fire and forget manner. There are application concepts (browser, email client, etc) that are common across all platforms, and they may be launched differently on each platform. Launchy is here to make a common approach to launching external application from within ruby programs.0T" ruby[["exvo_warez-0.2.5u;[" 1.4.0i"exvo_warezU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.5u: Time D"ExvoWarezU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">U;[" 0.9.6: @name"exvo-auth:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.1.9; "rack-useragent-filter; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.0.1; "rack_referral; @3;F00["Tomasz Mazur"0T" ruby[["chronic18n-0.0.4u;{[" 1.4.0i"chronic18nU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time "i18n chronicU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.3; " chronic; @);F00["Marcos Piccinini"One 'way' to i18n chronic0T" ruby[["blendris-1.2u;I[" 1.4.0i" blendrisU:Gem::Version["1.2u: Time "A redis library for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.13: @name" redis:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Alex McHale"A redis library for Ruby0T" ruby[["rfc-3339-attributes-0.1.1u;<[" 1.4.0i"rfc-3339-attributesU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time d"MA tiny Rails plugin to allow validation on RFC-3339 datetime attributes.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Manfred Stienstra"MA tiny Rails plugin to allow validation on RFC-3339 datetime attributes.0T" ruby[["rebay-1.1.2u;M[" 1.4.0i" rebayU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.2u: Time Ĩ">Client for the RESTful JSON ebay finding and shopping apiU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Chuck Collins"0T" ruby[["js_spec-0.3.3u;[" 1.4.0i" js_specU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.3u: Time eC"`The JSSpec client library (http://code.google.com/p/jsspec/) plus a convenient ruby server.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" Selenium:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.8.1; " thin; @);F00["Brian Takita & Nathan Sobo"`The JSSpec client library (http://code.google.com/p/jsspec/) plus a convenient ruby server.0T" ruby[["#heroku-resque-auto-scale-0.1.2u;x[" 1.4.0i"heroku-resque-auto-scaleU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time ".Auto scale your resque workers on Heroku.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" heroku:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.10.0; " resque; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.2; " jeweler; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @Q;F00["Mark Quezada".Auto scale your resque workers on Heroku.0T" ruby[["hatenaapiauth-0.1.0u;:[" 1.4.0i"hatenaapiauthU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "Hatena Authentication API.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.1: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Yuichi Tateno"0T" ruby[["win32ole-pp-1.2.0u;r[" 1.4.0i"win32ole-ppU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.0u: Time "Mwin32ole-pp provides smart #to_s and pretty printer for WIN32OLE object.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["MIYAMUKO Katsuyuki"win32ole-pp provides smart #to_s and pretty printer for WIN32OLE object. This library helps to develop/debug WIN32OLE applications.0T" ruby[["smstraderb-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"smstraderbU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time Ħ"0client library for the smstrade.de HTTP APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " artifice; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rack-test; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.3.0; " rspec; @=;F00["Bernd Ahlers"Gsmstraderb provides a client library for the smstrade.de HTTP API.0T" ruby[["simple_autocomplete-0.3.7u;[" 1.4.0i"simple_autocompleteU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.7u: Time E">Rails: Simple, customizable, unobstrusive - auto completeU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Michael Grosser"0T" ruby[["rubineti-1.4.0u;^[" 1.4.0i" rubinetiU:Gem::Version[" 1.4.0u: Time "-Ruby bindings to Ganeti's v2 Remote API.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" webmock:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.3.0; " hugs; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " minitest; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "vcr; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "yajl-ruby; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " jeweler; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @[;F00[" retr0h"0T" ruby[["5persistent_cookie_authentication_generator-0.0.1u;J[" 1.4.0i"/persistent_cookie_authentication_generatorU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Wong Liang Zan"XGenerates Rails code for an authentication system and persistent cookie management.0T" ruby[["capricious-0.2.2u;[" 1.4.0i"capriciousU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.2u: Time ";Pseudorandom number generator classes and support codeU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Will Benton"~Pseudorandom number generator classes and support code, parameterized on a source of randomness and a probability distribution0T" ruby[[" bryanl-facebooker2-0.0.5.x1u;[" 1.4.0i"bryanl-facebooker2U:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5.x1u: Time $"=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"ruby-hmac:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.12; " mogli; @);F00["Mike Mangino"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[ "Jacob Henry"Stephen Augenstein"Joc O'Connor"Scott Tamosunas"0T" ruby[["rufus-rtm-0.1.3u;[" 1.4.0i"rufus-rtmU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time "(yet another RememberTheMilk wrapperU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0: @name"rufus-verbs:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @);F00["John Mettraux"0 yet another RememberTheMilk wrapper 0T" ruby[["rrd-ffi-0.2.5u;.[" 1.4.0i" rrd-ffiU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.5u: Time "%RRDTool gem using librrd and ffiU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ffi; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "activesupport; @3;F00[" morellon"Provides bindings for many RRD functions (using ffi gem and librrd), as well as DSLs for graphic and rrd building. You must have librrd in your system!0T" ruby[["enom-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i" enomU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time ""Ruby wrapper for the Enom APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " fakeweb; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.7.3; " httparty; @3;F00["James Miller"dEnom is a Ruby wrapper and command line interface for portions of the Enom domain reseller API.0T" ruby[["dbi-0.4.5u;[" 1.4.0i"dbiU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.5u: Time $"RA vendor independent interface for accessing databases, similar to Perl's DBIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 2.0.1: @name"deprecated:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Erik Hollensbe"Christopher Maujean"RA vendor independent interface for accessing databases, similar to Perl's DBI0T" ruby[["coneco-1.7.1u;[" 1.4.0i" conecoU:Gem::Version[" 1.7.1u: Time D$"*Library for coneco.net webservice APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.7.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.7.0; "hoe; @);F00[" kilynn"*Library for coneco.net webservice API0T" ruby[["authlogic_haapi-1.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i"authlogic_haapiU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.4u: Time X"gExtension of the Authlogic library to add support for HTTP Auth with API Key (single access token)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Joe Scharf"This gem Extends the Authlogic library and allows using an API key (single access token) with active resource as the login method0T" ruby[["twitter_atm-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"twitter_atmU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time "EUse the command line to navigate Twitter's PIN-based OAuth flow.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["0.4: @name"twitter_oauth:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.14; " thor; @);F00["Ben Hamill"{A simple command line tool for navigating Twitter's Pin-based OAuth path and outputting the credentials received to stdout.0T" ruby[["recho-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i" rechoU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time g"echo(1) in rubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Blake Mizerany"echo(1) in ruby0T" ruby[["rakismet-1.0.1u;)[" 1.4.0i" rakismetU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time $"8Akismet and TypePad AntiSpam integration for Rails.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Josh French"`Rakismet is the easiest way to integrate Akismet or TypePad's AntiSpam into your Rails app.0T" ruby[["rack-validate-0.1.4u;6[" 1.4.0i"rack-validateU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time $"XRack middleware that validates HTML with w3c validator and displays result in page.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"w3c_validators:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "thoughtbot-shoulda; @3;F00["Ed Schmalzle"XRack middleware that validates HTML with w3c validator and displays result in page.0T" ruby[["isolate-scenarios-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"isolate-scenariosU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time Ĩ"HTool for testing libraries using different senarios of gem versionsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.14.0: @name" thor:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.1.2; " isolate; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.3.0; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.6.0; " yard; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.5.0.pre5; " jeweler; @G;F00["Joshua Nichols"HTool for testing libraries using different senarios of gem versions0T" ruby[["rupy-0.4.2u;[" 1.4.0i" rupyU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.2u: Time E".Python inside Ruby, the unholly alliance!U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.3: @name"ffi:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["; "blankslate; @);F00["Steeve Morin".Python inside Ruby, the unholly alliance!0T" ruby[["glennr-email_spec-0.3.5u;[" 1.4.0i"glennr-email_specU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.5u: Time d",Easily test email in rspec and cucumberU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Ben Mabey"Aaron Gibralter"Mischa Fierer",Easily test email in rspec and cucumber0T" ruby[["trigraph_password-1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"trigraph_passwordU:Gem::Version["1.0u: Time d"DGenerates a pronounceable (and thus easy to remember) password.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Dana Contreras"0T" ruby[["falsework-0.2.3u;[" 1.4.0i"falseworkU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.3u: Time E"EA primitive scaffold generator for writing CLI programs in Ruby.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.5: @name"git:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.1; " open4; @);F00["Alexander Gromnitsky"EA primitive scaffold generator for writing CLI programs in Ruby.0T" ruby[["gub-0.0.0u;E[" 1.4.0i"gubU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.0u: Time ģ"the stupid bug trackerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" Rit Li"the stupid bug tracker0T" ruby[["csv_importer-0.0.4u;m[" 1.4.0i"csv_importerU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time "http://github.com/sparkboxx/csv_importer Ever needed to import csv files where every row needs to be converted into a model? The CSV importer turns every row of a CSV file into an objectU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4: @name"rubyforge:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.1; "hoe; @);F00["Sparkboxx"]http://github.com/sparkboxx/csv_importer Ever needed to import csv files where every row needs to be converted into a model? The CSV importer turns every row of a CSV file into an object. Each column is matched and tested against a given class. You can provide a dictionary with translations between the CSV column names and the object properties.0T" ruby[["rdf-sesame-0.3.0u;A[" 1.4.0i"rdf-sesameU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time E"#Sesame 2.0 adapter for RDF.rb.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.3.0: @name"rdf:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.0; " yard; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.0; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.3.0; " rdf-spec; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.2; "json_pure; @G;F00["Arto Bendiken":RDF.rb plugin providing a Sesame 2.0 storage adapter.0T" ruby[["dbm-0.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"dbmU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.0u: Time e"&DataBaseManager command line toolU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Wayne E. Seguin"FCommand line tool to allow for easy managing of database systems.0T" ruby[["'jakewendt-simply_commentable-0.1.0u;w[" 1.4.0i"!jakewendt-simply_commentableU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "!one-line summary of your gemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.8: @name"activerecord:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["George 'Jake' Wendt"#longer description of your gem0T" ruby[["grouped_validations-0.2.2u;\[" 1.4.0i"grouped_validationsU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.2u: Time $"`Define validation groups in ActiveRecord for greater control over which validations to run.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Adam Meehan"`Define validation groups in ActiveRecord for greater control over which validations to run.0T" ruby[["net-ssh-plus-0.0.2u;:[" 1.4.0i"net-ssh-plusU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time ġ"Enhancements to Net::SSH 2U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["2.0: @name" net-ssh:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Eric Anderson"0T" ruby[["libdevinput-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"libdevinputU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time d"@A ruby library to read input device events on linux systemsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Peter Rullmann"This ruby library makes it easy to read events from linux event devices. These device files, residing in /dev/input/ get created for a number of different human input devices like keyboards, mice, touchscreens, joysticks and the like.0T" ruby[["buddy-0.6.2u;[" 1.4.0i" buddyU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.2u: Time ""buddybrand's facebook libraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" httparty:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.2; " mini_fb; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "yajl-ruby; @3;F00["Ole Riesenberg""buddybrand's facebook library0T" ruby[["tspy-0.1.3u;{[" 1.4.0i" tspyU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time "bA Ruby API/screen-scraper for searching the site, torrentspy.com, and displaying the results.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.4: @name"rubyful_soup:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Doug Prostko"0T" ruby[["extlib-0.9.15u;[" 1.4.0i" extlibU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.15u: Time D",Support library for DataMapper and MerbU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["1.4: @name"json_pure:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.3; " rspec; @);F00[" Dan Kubb",Support library for DataMapper and Merb0T" ruby[["brcpfcnpj-3.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"brcpfcnpjU:Gem::Version[" 3.0.2u: Time %"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.0; "actionpack; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.0; "activesupport; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @=;F00[ "Marcos Tapajós"Celestino Gomes"Andre Kupkosvki"Vinícius Teles"Felipe Barreto"Rafael Walter"Cassio Marques"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Pedro Côrte-Real"HA simple client that interfaces with owserver from the owfs project0T" ruby[["draft-0.0.0u;H[" 1.4.0i" draftU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.0u: Time D"zDraft is a lightweight tool to get you up and running in your favorite close-to-the-metal Rack application of choice.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" sinatra:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " cutest; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " cuba; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rack-test; @=;F00["Michel Martens"Damian Janowski"Cyril David"  Instead of forcing a methodology, structure, and tons of naming conventions, Draft quickly allows you to get up and running during the early phases of your project and in no way prevents you from moving beyond it when your project becomes bigger. 0T" ruby[["cheddargetter-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"cheddargetterU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time c"+Ruby wrapper for the CheddarGetter APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" httparty:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " fakeweb; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @3;F00[" Atlantic Dominion Solutions"+Ruby wrapper for the CheddarGetter API0T" ruby[["&bbrowning-deltacloud-core-;[" 1.4.0i"bbrowning-deltacloud-coreU:Gem::Version[" Time "Deltacloud REST APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.3: @name"rack-test:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.1; " nokogiri; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; " rack; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.3; " json; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.17; " compass; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.2.17; " haml; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.7; " rake; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.4; " sinatra; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.3; " cucumber; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.8; " rcov; @y;F00[" Red Hat" Inc." The Deltacloud API is built as a service-based REST API. You do not directly link a Deltacloud library into your program to use it. Instead, a client speaks the Deltacloud API over HTTP to a server which implements the REST interface. 0T" ruby[["rack-bug-speedtracer-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"rack-bug-speedtracerU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "ARack::Bug Panel for server side information for Speed TracerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rack-bug:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "yajl-ruby; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " uuid; @3;F00["Ilya Grigorik"Judson Lester"9Rack-bug SpeedTracer panel for server side debugging0T" ruby[["cruisestatus-1.3.2u;[" 1.4.0i"cruisestatusU:Gem::Version[" 1.3.2u: Time e"1Check the build status on a cruise.rb serverU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.2; " highline; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.0; "json_pure; @3;F00["Toby Tripp"QAllows scripts and applications to check the status of your project's build.0T" ruby[["applix-0.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i" applixU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time k":build typed option hashed from command line argumentsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["dirk luesebrink"6 ApplixHash#from_argv builds hashes from ARGV like argument vectors according to following examples: '-f' --> { :f => true } '--flag' --> { :flag => true } '--flag:false' --> { :flag => false } '--flag=false' --> { :flag => 'false' } '--option=value' --> { :option => "value" } '--int=1' --> { :int => "1" } '--float=2.3' --> { :float => "2.3" } '--float:2.3' --> { :float => 2.3 } '--txt="foo bar"' --> { :txt => "foo bar" } '--txt:'"foo bar"'' --> { :txt => "foo bar" } '--txt:%w{foo bar}' --> { :txt => ["foo", "bar"] } '--now:Time.now' --> { :now => # } remaining arguments(non flag/options) are inserted as [:arguments, args], eg: Hash.from_argv %w(--foo --bar=loo 123 now) becomes { :foo => true, :bar => 'loo', :arguments => ["123", "now"] } 0T" ruby[["visible-cukes-0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"visible-cukesU:Gem::Version["0.2u: Time g"6Capture screenshots to illustrate Cucumber steps.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.102: @name" cucumber:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.3; " webrat; @);F00["Moss Collum"XVisibleCukes is a Cucumber formatter that saves screenshots after each Webrat step.0T" ruby[["tsukuru-0.4.4u;[" 1.4.0i" tsukuruU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.4u: Time d"Run Heroku bundles locallyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"ruby-unix-now:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " heroku; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rest-client; @3;F00["Tor Erik Linnerud"yTsukuru will fetch your latest bundle and prepare it for running locally. It keeps an archive of downloaded bundles.0T" ruby[["seleniumrc-0.0.2u;$[" 1.4.0i"seleniumrcU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time "HSelenium RC with enhanced assertions that also runs your rails app.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Pivotal Labs"HSelenium RC with enhanced assertions that also runs your rails app.0T" ruby[["easy-prof-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"easy-profU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time ņ".Simple and easy to use Ruby code profilerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Dmytro Shteflyuk"ZSimple Ruby code profiler to use both in Rails applications and generic Ruby scripts.0T" ruby[["docapi-0.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i" docapiU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time ʼn"4RDoc template for generating API documentation.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0: @name" rdoc:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " haml; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " maruku; @3;F00["Cyril Rohr"4RDoc template for generating API documentation.0T" ruby[["xml_to_json-0.0.1u;}[" 1.4.0i"xml_to_jsonU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "Transforms XML to JSONU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 2.1.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.5.0.pre6; " jeweler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 3.0.1; "activesupport; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.1.2; " builder; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.7.8; "yajl-ruby; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;["; " nokogiri; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " nokogiri; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 3.0.1; "activesupport; @~;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "yajl-ruby; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " builder; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.1.0; " rspec; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.5.0.pre6; " jeweler; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @;F00["Matt Todd"5Transforms a string of XML into a string of JSON0T" ruby[["resque-scheduler-2.0.0.au;[" 1.4.0i"resque-schedulerU:Gem::Version[" 2.0.0.au: Time E"1Light weight job scheduling on top of ResqueU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0: @name" resque:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rufus-scheduler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rack-test; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mocha; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.1; " redis; @Q;F00["Ben VandenBos"Light weight job scheduling on top of Resque. Adds methods enqueue_at/enqueue_in to schedule jobs in the future. Also supports queueing jobs on a fixed, cron-like schedule.0T" ruby[["nomad-0.0.0u;t[" 1.4.0i" nomadU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.0u: Time "&Personal configuration managementU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rcov:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.1; " jeweler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.1.0; " roodi; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.2.8; " reek; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.1.0; " rspec; @Q;F00["David Cuddeback"@A simple configuration management tool built on top of git.0T" ruby[["pedit-0.1.1u;9[" 1.4.0i" peditU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time e"SHelp to add configurations to a pom.xml without open the file and edit by handU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0: @name" bundler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.1; " jeweler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " nokogiri; @G;F00["Andre Ribeiro Goncalves"0T" ruby[["has_metadata-1.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"has_metadataU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.1u: Time "WReduce your table width by moving non-indexed columns to a separate metadata tableU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" yard:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " jeweler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["3.0; " rails; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " RedCloth; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " sqlite3; @Q;F00["Tim Morgan"has_metadata lets you move non-indexed and weighty columns off of your big tables by creating a separate metadata table to store all this extra information. Works with Ruby 1.9. and Rails 3.0.0T" ruby[["typeout-1.4.4u;A[" 1.4.0i" typeoutU:Gem::Version[" 1.4.4u: Time "-Dead simple plain text to HTML converterU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" sanitize:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Connor McKay"0T" ruby[["kinectaby-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"kinectabyU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time E"EKinectaby is a Ruby binding to the libfreenect OS Kinect libraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Scott Chacon"GKinectaby is a Ruby binding to the libfreenect OS Kinect library. 0T" ruby[["'panmind-http_accept_language-1.1.1u;F[" 1.4.0i"!panmind-http_accept_languageU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.1u: Time D"*Parse the HTTP Accept Language HeaderU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Iain Hecker"Marcello Barnaba"eFind out which locale the user preferes by reading the languages they specified in their browser0T" ruby[["+testability-driver-qt-sut-plugin-1.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"%testability-driver-qt-sut-pluginU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.3u: Time "DTestability Driver - Testability Driver Interface Qt SUT pluginU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.3: @name"testability-driver:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["TDriver team"0T" ruby[["soundcloud-0.1.8u;\[" 1.4.0i"soundcloudU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.8u: Time %"$A simple Soundcloud API wrapperU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.3: @name" httparty:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0.2; "httmultiparty; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " fakeweb; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " hashie; @G;F00["Johannes Wagener"UA simple Soundcloud API wrapper based of httparty, multipart-post, httmultiparty0T" ruby[["sinatra-dm-0.1.4u;p[" 1.4.0i"sinatra-dmU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time "2Sinatra Extension for working with DataMapperU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 0.1.6: @name"sinatra-tests:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.0.0; "dm-migrations; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "kematzy-tasks; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " sinatra; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.0.0; " dm-core; @G;F00[" kematzy"SSinatra Extension for working with DataMapper (another Sinatra-Sequel Rip-off)0T" ruby[["dotiw-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i" dotiwU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time Ů"/Better distance_of_time_in_words for RailsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.0: @name"actionpack:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2.0; " rspec; @3;F00["Ryan Bigg"/Better distance_of_time_in_words for Rails0T" ruby[["Staf-1.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" StafU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time $"2A simple ruby warapper around the staf c api.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Trampus Richmond"6A simple ruby module to call staf api functions..0T" ruby[["microsoft.composite-2.0.0u;B[" 1.4.0i"microsoft.compositeU:Gem::Version[" 2.0.0u: Time %"(Composite Application Block for WPFU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Microsoft"yPrism (Composite Application Guidance for WPF) is designed to help you more easily build enterprise-level Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) client applications. This guidance will help you design and build flexible composite WPF client applications-composite applications use loosely coupled, independently evolvable pieces that work together in the overall application. 0T" ruby[["layou2-0.1.0u;U[" 1.4.0i" layou2U:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "The layout helpers.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.8: @name" mocha:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.2.3; "test-unit; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.0; "activesupport; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.0; "actionpack; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.3; "leftright; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.0; " webrat; @Q;F00["Jonas Grimfelt"The layout helpers.0T" ruby[["classx-pluggable-0.0.1u;`[" 1.4.0i"classx-pluggableU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time (""make your class to pluggable.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.1: @name" classx:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" Keiji" Yoshimi""make your class to pluggable.0T" ruby[["dnet-ffi-0.1.4u;[" 1.4.0i" dnet-ffiU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time E""Ruby FFI bindings for libdnetU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " ffi_dry; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ffi-packets; @3;F00["Eric Monti":Ruby FFI bindings for the libdnet raw network library0T" ruby[["gem_bundler-0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"gem_bundlerU:Gem::Version["0.2u: Time Ę"Bundles gems into jars.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Martin Vielsmaier"0T" ruby[["appinstaller-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"appinstallerU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time d"description of gemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["FIXME full name"description of gem0T" ruby[["closure-compiler-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"closure-compilerU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time e"1Ruby Wrapper for the Google Closure CompilerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jeremy Ashkenas"Jordan Brough"9 A Ruby Wrapper for the Google Closure Compiler. 0T" ruby[["file_backup-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"file_backupU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time e"ESimple file backup mechanism written as extension to File class.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Marcin Nowicki"ESimple file backup mechanism written as extension to File class.0T" ruby[["pftg-jruby-openssl-0.5.3u;[" 1.4.0i"pftg-jruby-opensslU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.3u: Time i"OpenSSL add-on for JRubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["$Ola Bini and JRuby contributors"= JRuby-OpenSSL0T" ruby[["publicize-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"publicizeU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "kThe Publicize gem extends ActiveRecord to support features commonly needed by Rails-based web servicesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4: @name"rubyforge:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.2; "hoe; @);F00["David Keener"The Publicize gem extends ActiveRecord to support features commonly needed by Rails-based web services. When creating a web service, Publicize allows developers to specify how models will be exposed and, equally important, what fields will be exposed.0T" ruby[["hash-path-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"hash-pathU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time e"'path accessor to hierarchical hashU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" maiha"'path accessor to hierarchical hash0T" ruby[["marvin-0.8.2u;[" 1.4.0i" marvinU:Gem::Version[" 0.8.2u: Time l"GEvented IRC Library for Ruby, built on EventMachine and Perennial.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.12.8; "eventmachine; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " json; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.1; "perennial; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @G;F00["Darcy Laycock"Marvin is a library (also usable in framework / application form) that makes it simple and fast to build applications around IRC. With an emphasis on making common tasks (e.g. replies, bots using method call style syntax and the like) easy, whilst still making it possible to do more complex thing (1 connection, N worker processes, Multiple servers, etc) it aims to make working with IRC in an evented fashion fun and easy for all rubyists.0T" ruby[["httpbl-0.1.6u;[" 1.4.0i" httpblU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.6u: Time S"PA Rack middleware IP filter that uses Http:BL to exclude suspicious robots.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rack:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Brandon Palmen"PA Rack middleware IP filter that uses Http:BL to exclude suspicious robots.0T" ruby[["thoth_flickr-0.1.0u;|[" 1.4.0i"thoth_flickrU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time  "-Flickr plugin for the Thoth blog engine.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 0.0.1: @name"net-flickr:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.1.0; " thoth; @);F00["Ryan Grove"0T" ruby[["ruby-akismet-1.0.0u;6[" 1.4.0i"ruby-akismetU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time "4Ruby library for the Akismet anti-spam service.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Julien Portalier"hRuby library for Akismet and Typepad Antispam with simplified integration into a Rails application.0T" ruby[["qcms-2.1.0u;'[" 1.4.0i" qcmsU:Gem::Version[" 2.1.0u: Time "0A CMS built in collaberation with designersU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Kris Leech"kKey CMS features: extended template pathing, sitemap.yml, simple configurable, deeply nestable content0T" ruby[["hashidator-0.3.1u; [" 1.4.0i"hashidatorU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.1u: Time "3define schemas as a hash, and validate hashes!U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Harry Vangberg"Peter Suschlik"3define schemas as a hash, and validate hashes!0T" ruby[["berry-0.0.0u;I[" 1.4.0i" berryU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.0u: Time "WIPU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" parka:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @);F00["Bryan Goines"WIP0T" ruby[[" expiring_memory_store-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"expiring_memory_storeU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time d"CFallback when original is not present or somethings not right.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Matthew Rudy Jacobs"0T" ruby[["map_reduced-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"map_reducedU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "QEasily add MongoDB mapreduce functions and runners to your Mongo ORM classesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Scott Burton"QEasily add MongoDB mapreduce functions and runners to your Mongo ORM classes0T" ruby[["zendesk_remote_auth-0.9.0u;[" 1.4.0i"zendesk_remote_authU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.0u: Time $d"1Helper for Zendesk SSO/remote authenticationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mocha; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " matchy; @3;F00["Tobias Crawley"See the README.0T" ruby[["flexmls_api-0.3.2u;[" 1.4.0i"flexmls_apiU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.2u: Time "=A library for interacting with the flexmls web services.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 2.1.2: @name" builder:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "faraday_middleware; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " faraday; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " curb; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " json; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " jeweler; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "multi_json; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " curb; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.pre2; "will_paginate; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "yajl-ruby; @~;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " json; @;F00["Brandon Hornseth"=A library for interacting with the flexmls web services.0T" ruby[["nirvanahq-0.1.0u;B[" 1.4.0i"nirvanahqU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "Gem for NirvanaHQ.comU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" redgreen:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " json; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " uuid; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "simpleconsole; @G;F00["Mitchell Amihod"SGem for interacting with the NirvanaHQ API. Includes a CLI tool. Pretty alpha.0T" ruby[["bencview-0.0.1u;~[" 1.4.0i" bencviewU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time ů"+Torrent file viewer & metadata cleanerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.1: @name" open4:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.0; " bencode; @);F00["Alexander Gromnitsky"0T" ruby[["gem-patching-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"gem-patchingU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time "PBetter management of patches targeting specific versions of a specific gemsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Ingo Weiss"gem-patching provides a mechanism for marking code blocks as a patch targeting specific versions of a gem and be notified when that gem is updated, so that developers can assess whether the patch continues to be necessary0T" ruby[["waz-queues-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"waz-queuesU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time $e"HClient library for Windows Azure's Queue Storage Service's REST APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"ruby-hmac:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.3; "rest-client; @);F00["Johnny G. Halife"HClient library for Windows Azure's Queue Storage Service's REST API0T" ruby[["ruri-0.1.2u;1[" 1.4.0i" ruriU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time %"the るりま shellU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" cinatra:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " nokogiri; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.3.0; " rspec; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.2; "rr; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.2; "rr; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " nokogiri; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " cinatra; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.2; " jeweler; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.3.0; " rspec; @~;F00[" jugyo"!Ruri is the るりま shell.0T" ruby[["!factory_data_preloader-0.5.2u;[" 1.4.0i"factory_data_preloaderU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.2u: Time $Y">A library for preloading test data in rails applications.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" mocha:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " Shoulda; @);F00["Myron Marston"0T" ruby[["kramdown-rfc2629-0.13.1u;[" 1.4.0i"kramdown-rfc2629U:Gem::Version[" 0.13.1u: Time "4Kramdown extension for generating RFC 2629 XML.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.13: @name" kramdown:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Carsten Bormann"}An RFC2629 (XML2RFC) generating backend for Thomas Leitner's "kramdown" markdown parser. Mostly useful for RFC writers.0T" ruby[["site_meta-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"site_metaU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time ġ"Ihelpers for easy adding of html meta information in web applicationsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.5: @name" rails:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @);F00["Łukasz Piestrzeniewicz"Provides helpers for easy adding of html meta information to Rails applications. * Easily add default description and keywords meta tags. * Customize meta tags on per-view basis * Add head title tag with breadcrubms * Add page title0T" ruby[["csvgen-1.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" csvgenU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time $"simple CSV generationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["John Cromartie"Ca simple lib oriented towards CSV generation only (no parsing)0T" ruby[["geocoder-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i" geocoderU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time %"Geocoding library and CLI.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Paul Smith"0T" ruby[["tempdir-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" tempdirU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time e"ILibrary to facilitate creation and removal of temporary directories.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jim Freeze"0T" ruby[["sweatshop-1.5.2u;u[" 1.4.0i"sweatshopU:Gem::Version[" 1.5.2u: Time e"RSweatshop is a simple asynchronous worker queue build on top of rabbitmq/ampqU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 0.7.0: @name" carrot:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Amos Elliston"See summary0T" ruby[["railstar-0.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i" railstarU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.0u: Time E"+railstar is a core plugin for RAWHIDE.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Kazuya Yoshimi"0T" ruby[["$inherited_resources_views-0.4.1u;[" 1.4.0i"inherited_resources_viewsU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.1u: Time d"jA lot of times resources share the same views, so why not DRY 'em up using Inherited Resources Views!U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" hpricot:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ruby_parser; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.0; "inherited_resources; @3;F00[" Fred Wu"Using Inherited Resources is an excellent way to reduce the amount of repetition in your controllers. But what about views? A lot of times resources share the same views, so why not DRY 'em up using Inherited Resources Views!0T" ruby[["matrixorbital-glk-0.0.1u;h[" 1.4.0i"matrixorbital-glkU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time d"HA ruby gem to interface Matrix Orbital's GLK series of LCD Screens.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Nicholas J Humfrey"0T" ruby[["central_logger-0.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i"central_loggerU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time "Central Logger for RailsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" bson_ext:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mongo; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " i18n; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.5.0.pre5; " jeweler; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mocha; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "activesupport; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ruby-debug19; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @y;F00["Phil Burrows"Alex Stupka"Centralized logging for rails apps using MongoDB. The idea and the core code is from http://github.com/peburrows/central_logger0T" ruby[["rbmediawiki-;[" 1.4.0i"rbmediawikiU:Gem::Version[" Time DU"?Framework for developing bots and mediawiki tools in ruby.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.12.2: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.12.2; "hoe; @);F00["Chabacano"?Framework for developing bots and mediawiki tools in ruby.0T" ruby[["qnotifier-1.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"qnotifierU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time Ę">The server side agent for the QNotifier monitoring systemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.3: @name"json_pure:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.3; "json_pure; @);F00["Gersham Meharg"The server side agent for the QNotifier monitoring system. This software will monitor local Linux system parameters and upload them to the QNotifier servers where users can use iPhone/iPad applications to view those stats and recieve alerts.0T" ruby[["profig-0.06u;[" 1.4.0i" profigU:Gem::Version[" 0.06u: Time ".A YAML-based system configuration managerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Matthew Graham"EA YAML-based system configuration manager with no central server0T" ruby[["posterous_api-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"posterous_apiU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 0.6.1: @name" httparty:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.1; " httparty; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " jeweler; @3;F00["Tomas D'Stefano"0T" ruby[["imap_to_rss-1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"imap_to_rssU:Gem::Version["1.1u: Time $`"YIMAPToRSS turns messages on an IMAP server into RSS entries when the match a handlerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["1.1: @name"imap_processor:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.2; " tmail; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.2; " nokogiri; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.3; "hoe; @=;F00["Eric Hodel"IMAPToRSS turns messages on an IMAP server into RSS entries when the match a handler. Included handlers work for email from Amazon, HSBC and UPS. IMAPToRSS automatically loads handlers for any other mail.0T" ruby[["execute-0.4.0u;&[" 1.4.0i" executeU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.0u: Time D"Killer CommandlinesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" syckle:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "qed; @);F00["Thomas Sawyer"Executioner is an OCM (Object Command Mapper) CLI framework for Ruby. A subclass of the Executioner base class can define a complete command line tool using nothing more than Ruby's own method definitions.0T" ruby[["rfacebook-0.9.8u;[" 1.4.0i"rfacebookU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.8u: Time "|A Ruby interface to the Facebook API v1.0+. Works with RFacebook on Rails plugin (see http://rfacebook.rubyforge.org).U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.0: @name" hpricot:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.3; " mocha; @);F00["Matt Pizzimenti"0T" ruby[["quick_short-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"quick_shortU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time $",Rails Short URL Library - Employs MagicU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["John Crepezzi"`quick_short is a really awesome way to generate short URLs (especially for local resources)0T" ruby[["inflection-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"inflectionU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time Ę" Provies english inflection.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" Dan Kubb"Simon Hafner"$Support library for inflections0T" ruby[["monkey-patches-0.5.0u;[" 1.4.0i"monkey-patchesU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.0u: Time ę":Monkeypatches build on the monkey extension frameworkU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" monkey:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " version; @);F00["Stephen Touset"0T" ruby[["gus-0.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i"gusU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time "1Simple Ruby API for the Google Url ShortenerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.8: @name" crack:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.0.0.rc.5; " bundler; @);F00["HGus provides a simple Ruby wrapper around the Google Url shortener.0T" ruby[["multicast-0.2.2u;[" 1.4.0i"multicastU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.2u: Time "Multicasting in RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.4: @name" choice:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "thoughtbot-shoulda; @);F00["Marshall Huss"Multicasting in Ruby0T" ruby[["hostnet-0.1.1u;p[" 1.4.0i" hostnetU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time $">gem oficial para suporte a deploy de aplicaçõesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.2: @name"archive-tar-minitar:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.5.0; "capistrano; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.7.0; "hoe; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.7.0; "hoe; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.2; " rubigen; @G;F00["Sylvestre Mergulhao">gem oficial para suporte a deploy de aplicações0T" ruby[["pennytel-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" pennytelU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time $`"/A ruby wrapper for PennyTel WebService APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" yard:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.8; " soap4r; @3;F00["Kunal Parikh"/A ruby wrapper for PennyTel WebService API0T" ruby[[" zen-0.1au;[" 1.4.0i"zenU:Gem::Version[" 0.1au: Time "5Zen is a fully modular CMS written using Ramaze.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " sequel; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " defensio; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "sequel_sluggable; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " RedCloth; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rdiscount; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " thor; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " liquid; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " ramaze; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "bcrypt-ruby; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " json; @~;F00["Yorick Peterse"Zen is a fully modular CMS written using Ramaze. Unlike traditional Content Management Systems you are completely free to build whatever you want.0T" ruby[["youthtree-js-0.4.1u;[" 1.4.0i"youthtree-jsU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.1u: Time %"3Shared Javascript tools across YouthTree apps.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Darcy Laycock"3Shared Javascript tools across YouthTree apps.0T" ruby[["spree_reviews-0.30.0u;D[" 1.4.0i"spree_reviewsU:Gem::Version[" 0.30.0u: Time %"0Basic review and ratings facility for SpreeU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.30.1: @name"spree_core:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["0T" ruby[["sequel_sluggable-0.0.6u;)[" 1.4.0i"sequel_sluggableU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.6u: Time $"?Sequel plugin which provides Slug functionality for model.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"sqlite3-ruby:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.0; " sequel; @=;F00["Pavel Kunc"?Sequel plugin which provides Slug functionality for model.0T" ruby[["ruby-yui-0.0.7u;[" 1.4.0i" ruby-yuiU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.7u: Time $U"&A ruby wrapper for YUI compressorU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Cory O'Daniel"&A ruby wrapper for YUI compressor0T" ruby[["dynarex-parser-0.2.6u;&[" 1.4.0i"dynarex-parserU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.6u: Time "dynarex-parserU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"recordx-parser:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["0T" ruby[["html-me-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i" html-meU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time "[Converts text using RedCloth, and then syntax highlights all pre sections using SyntaxU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " hpricot; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " RedCloth; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " syntax; @=;F00["Ryan Bell"== DESCRIPTION: html-me converts text to html for posting in the web. It does this two ways. First, it processes the text unsing RedCloth (a textile engine), then it finds all of the _pre_ tags and adds syntax highlighting. == FEATURES/PROBLEMS: * The syntax highlighting embeds the styles in the HTML tags. I currently don't have access to my blog's stylesheet (damned Wordpress) so that's how it needed to be. CSS class names should be added soon.0T" ruby[["csvget-0.4.0u;>[" 1.4.0i" csvgetU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.0u: Time f"AUses parselets and rwget to generate csv files from websitesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.0: @name"fastercsv:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0; "activesupport; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0; "fizx-parsley-ruby; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">U;[" 0.2.3; "fizx-rwget; @=;F00["Kyle Maxwell";Super easy to use (but lots of dependencies :/) parser0T" ruby[["tfe-pox_paginate-;[" 1.4.0i"tfe-pox_paginateU:Gem::Version[" Time D"fTransparent support for pagination using WillPaginate with POX (Plain Old Xml) and ActiveResourceU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.3.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.3.12; "will_paginate; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.3.5; "activeresource; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.3.5; "activerecord; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.3.5; "activesupport; @G;F00["Sidu Ponnappa"Niranjan Paranjape"Transparent support for pagination using WillPaginate with POX (Plain Old Xml) and ActiveResource. This gem is based on C42 Engineering's experience building largish distributed systems consisting of multiple Rails apps integrated over POX (Plain Old XML).0T" ruby[["table-formatter-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"table-formatterU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time d"Ftable-formatter prints a table in plain text format from an arrayU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["0T" ruby[["radiustar-0.0.3u;>[" 1.4.0i"radiustarU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time ė"Ruby Radius LibraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 3.4.1: @name" bones:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" PJ Davis"Ruby Radius Library0T" ruby[["hdmake-0.0.1u;`[" 1.4.0i" hdmakeU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "Simple hdmake wrapperU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Tobias Matthies"4Hdmake is a ruby wrapper for Microsofts Hdmake'0T" ruby[["ffi-packets-0.1.0u;A[" 1.4.0i"ffi-packetsU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time E"6A collection of common network packets structuresU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " ffi_dry; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ffi; @3;F00["Eric Monti"A collection of common network packets structures in FFI::Struct form for use with bindings to raw network libraries such as libdnet, libnet, or libpcap.0T" ruby[["bob_test-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i" bob_testU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time "9bob_test is a testing strategy for people named bob.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" deathbob"bob_test is dangerous.0T" ruby[["#opentox-ruby-api-wrapper-1.6.5u; [" 1.4.0i"opentox-ruby-api-wrapperU:Gem::Version[" 1.6.5u: Time "*Ruby wrapper for the OpenTox REST APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["1: @name" dm-types:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1; "dm-timestamps; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["3; " haml; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "spreadsheet; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " nokogiri; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " jeweler; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rack-contrib; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1; " dm-core; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rinruby; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rjb; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1; "dm-mysql-adapter; @~;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " builder; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " cucumber; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " tmail; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rest-client; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1; "dm-validations; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rubyzip; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " sinatra; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "google-spreadsheet-ruby; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1; "dm-serializer; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "roo; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1; "dm-migrations; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "sinatra-respond_to; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "sinatra-static-assets; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rack-flash; @ ;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rack; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "emk-sinatra-url-for; @;F00["Christoph Helma"Martin Guetlein"CRuby wrapper for the OpenTox REST API (http://www.opentox.org)0T" ruby[["ampex-1.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i" ampexU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.2u: Time "OProvides a meta-variable X which can be used to create procs more prettilyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"blankslate:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Conrad Irwin"[Why would you want to write { |x| x['one'] } when you can write &X['one'], why indeed.0T" ruby[["typestrict-0.0.16u;[" 1.4.0i"typestrictU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.16u: Time "DStrict implements a static typesystem over dynamic ruby objectsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.1: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4; "rubyforge; @);F00["Raeez Lorgat"Static typesystem for ruby0T" ruby[["railsex-1.2u;[" 1.4.0i" railsexU:Gem::Version["1.2u: Time "U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["0T" ruby[["cmdline-fu-0.1.4u;p[" 1.4.0i"cmdline-fuU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time "3CLI frontend for http://www.commandlinefu.com/U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" colored:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" t9md"4CLI frontend for http://www.commandlinefu.com/ 0T" ruby[["access_control-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"access_controlU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "'Easily add Access-Control headers.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Sam Soffes"?Easily add Access-Control headers with a handy middleware.0T" ruby[["launchy_opensearch-1.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"launchy_opensearchU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.0u: Time H"This program allows to parse OpenSearch XML files and include them as search engines in the Weby plugin of the keystroke app launcher Launchy by editing Launchy's ini config file.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" hpricot:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "user-choices; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.2; "hoe; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " facets; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.2; "hoe; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "sys-uname; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "user-choices; @[;F00["Alexander E. Fischer"This program allows to parse OpenSearch XML files and include them as search engines in the Weby plugin of the keystroke app launcher Launchy by editing Launchy's ini config file.0T" ruby[["dlog-0.2.3u;[" 1.4.0i" dlogU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.3u: Time "{d,r,s}logU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" pboy"8A logging library mainly for development purposes. 0T" ruby[["$nayutaya-bookmark-utility-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"nayutaya-bookmark-utilityU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time ŀ"bookmark-utilityU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Yuya Kato"bookmark-utility0T" ruby[["honkster-jelly-0.8.14u;[" 1.4.0i"honkster-jellyU:Gem::Version[" 0.8.14u: Time "Ba sweet unobtrusive javascript framework for jQuery and RailsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.0: @name" rails:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Pivotal Labs"Inc"Jelly provides a set of tools and conventions for creating rich ajax/javascript web applications with jQuery and Ruby on Rails.0T" ruby[["userstamp-2.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"userstampU:Gem::Version[" 2.0.1u: Time "This Rails plugin extends ActiveRecord::Base to add automatic updating of created_by and updated_by attributes of your models in much the same way that the ActiveRecord::Timestamp module updates created_(at/on) and updated_(at/on) attributes.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["DeLynn Berry"0T" ruby[["uk_postcode-1.0.0u;>[" 1.4.0i"uk_postcodeU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time "'UK postcode parsing and validationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Paul Battley"0T" ruby[["dde-0.2.11u;[" 1.4.0i"ddeU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.11u: Time "DDE server for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" cucumber:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.1; "win; @3;F00[" arvicco"EServer that mimics Excel receiving XLTable data via DDE protocol0T" ruby[["!mjfreshyfresh-mini_fb-0.1.20u;[" 1.4.0i"mjfreshyfresh-mini_fbU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.20u: Time ņ"Tiny facebook libraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Travis Reeder"Aaron Hurley"8Tiny facebook library for direct queries to the API0T" ruby[["castle.windsor-;[" 1.4.0i"castle.windsorU:Gem::Version[" Time D"=Castle Project (Windsor) - Inversion of Control for .NETU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" @name"castle.core:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Ayende Rahien"tThe Castle MicroKernel is an inversion of control container that was designed towards extensibility. It combines facilities to grow orthogonally. These facilities work side-by-side, without interfering or depending on each other, to allow you to easily extend the container functionality by plugging in new concerns and semantics. You can use it as an embeddable container on tools that support extensions or plugin support, such as tools which exposes configurable pipelines or compilers. The container is set up and configured through code, and can be extended to work with a configuration system that your project supports. Castle Windsor aggregates the MicroKernel and exposes a powerful configuration support. It is suitable for common enterprise application needs. It is able to register facilities and components based on the configuration and adds support for interceptors. 0T" ruby[["nbuild-0.0.7u;[" 1.4.0i" nbuildU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.7u: Time "3miscellaneous helpers for creating .net buildsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.3.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.0.3; " gemesis; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.8.7; " rake; @3;F00["Mark Ryall"2Some helper classes for creating .net builds 0T" ruby[["masterview_parser-0.0.6u;[" 1.4.0i"masterview_parserU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.6u: Time D"eA (x)html friendly template engine for rails with the power of layouts, and partials. Parser gemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jeff Barczewski"0T" ruby[["merb-gen-1.1.3u;[" 1.4.0i" merb-genU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.3u: Time D"CMerb plugin that provides a suite of code generators for Merb.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.1.3: @name"merb-core:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; "templater; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @3;F00["Jonas Nicklas"2Merb plugin containing useful code generators0T" ruby[["data_transport-0.3.3u;[" 1.4.0i"data_transportU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.3u: Time d"@A gem for importing and exporting large quantities of data.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Dana Contreras"0T" ruby[["choco-0.1.3u;[" 1.4.0i" chocoU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time ě":A delicious Javascript web framework made in Belgium!U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rack:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "activesupport; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " fssm; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " thor; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "jim; @Q;F00["Anthony Heukmes"Choco brings the MVC to the client side! It allows you to easily develop maintainable Rich Internet Applications using Javascript.0T" ruby[["rspec-prof-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"rspec-profU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time $"YIntegrates ruby-prof with RSpec, allowing you to easily profile your RSpec examples.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.0: @name" jeweler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.2; " builder; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ruby-prof; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.1; "sc-core-ext; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @Q;F00["Colin MacKenzie IV"YIntegrates ruby-prof with RSpec, allowing you to easily profile your RSpec examples.0T" ruby[["method_finder-0.0.1u;8[" 1.4.0i"method_finderU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time $I"MMethod_Finder is a clone for the MethodFinder functionality of Smaltalk.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Fabricio Nascimento"MMethod_Finder is a clone for the MethodFinder functionality of Smaltalk.0T" ruby[["oreille_test-0.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i"oreille_testU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time "An IRC client for the PSP.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" Mon_Ouie"MAn IRC client for the PSP, written and configured in Ruby, using Joyau. 0T" ruby[["capistrano-ec2group-1.0.8u;[" 1.4.0i"capistrano-ec2groupU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.8u: Time DV"PCapistrano plugin for deploying to Amazon EC2 instances by security groups.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"right_aws:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.0; "capistrano; @);F00["Logan Raarup"0T" ruby[["coercion-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i" coercionU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time "]A plugin for ActiveRecord to strip string and coerce empty strings to nil on assignment.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.3: @name"activerecord:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.3; "activesupport; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.3; " railties; @3;F00["Tyler Hunt"0T" ruby[["javaobj-0.2u;p[" 1.4.0i" javaobjU:Gem::Version["0.2u: Time "4Decode Java Serialized Objects to Ruby Objects.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["William Sobel"Takes Java serialized objects in a file or stream and creates Ruby wrapper objects and decodes. The package can also write Java objects once UUID is read from sample.0T" ruby[["scrobbler2-0.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i"scrobbler2U:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time "=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.2; " httparty; @);F00["Gareth Andrew"Kurt Schrader"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " prawn; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " horo; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.1; " jeweler; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " prawn; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @[;F00["Drew Tempelmeyer"Easily create PDF invoices0T" ruby[["cache_column-0.1.4u;[" 1.4.0i"cache_columnU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time "6Utilize the database to cache complex operations.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Brian Malinconico"6Utilize the database to cache complex operations.0T" ruby[["timelord-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i" timelordU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time e"Pull dates out of stringsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Matthew Mongeau"Pull dates out of strings.0T" ruby[["oughtve-111u;A[" 1.4.0i" oughtveU:Gem::Version["111u: Time Ł"CCommand-line tool for notes associated by filesystem location.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.10.1: @name"do_sqlite3:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.10.1; "data_objects; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.10.2; " dm-core; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0; " rspec; @=;F00["Eero Saynatkari"CCommand-line tool for notes associated by filesystem location.0T" ruby[["gstore-0.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i" gstoreU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time D"@gstore is a Ruby client library for the Google Storage API.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Richard Taylor"@gstore is a Ruby client library for the Google Storage API.0T" ruby[["obbistrano-1.1.55u;;[" 1.4.0i"obbistranoU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.55u: Time Ŭ"XAdds extra namespaces to Capistrano to allow simple setup, deploys and maintenance.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["2: @name"activeresource:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.3; " httparty; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["2.5; "capistrano; @3;F00["Ross Riley"One Black Bear"PAn extension to Capistrano to allow deploys to Slicehost for One Black Bear0T" ruby[["nserver-1.1.4u;[" 1.4.0i" nserverU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.4u: Time "1Notification server for ruby using libnotifyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jon Moses"== DESCRIPTION: NServer is a set of classes that provide a flexible notification system for Linux based systems. It sits in the systray, waiting for messages to be submitted for display. X.org standards (via Gtk) and libnotify are used. Messages can be submitted from the localhost, or via remote hosts, depending on settings. == FEATURES/PROBLEMS: * Persistent server with notification queueing * Uses X.org SYSTRAY specification (via gtk2) == SYNOPSIS:0T" ruby[["completecrap-1.0.2u;T[" 1.4.0i"completecrapU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2u: Time h"!This does absolutely nothingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.3: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Joe Van Dyk"!This does absolutely nothing0T" ruby[["#tworgy-spaced-repetition-0.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i"tworgy-spaced-repetitionU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time %",Spaced repetition algorithms and mixinsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Mat Holroyd"LA collection of spaced-reptetition algorithms and mixins e.g. SuperMemo0T" ruby[["rtriplify-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"rtriplifyU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time "a ruby clone of triplifyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"configatron:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Nico Patitz"Ta ruby clone of triplify. it can provide rdf data out of your existing database0T" ruby[["dm-delayed-job-0.1.1u;3[" 1.4.0i"dm-delayed-jobU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "QDatabase-backed asynchronous priority queue system -- Extracted from ShopifyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" dm-core:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "activesupport; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.12; " extlib; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "dm-timestamps; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "dm-aggregates; @G;F00["Tobias Lütke"Delated_job (or DJ) encapsulates the common pattern of asynchronously executing longer tasks in the background. It is port to DataMapper of direct extraction from Shopify where the job table is responsible for a multitude of core tasks.0T" ruby[["happy-commit-0.1.0u;I[" 1.4.0i"happy-commitU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "happy commits!U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["David A. Cuadrado"happy commits!0T" ruby[["devise-edge-1.2.rcu;[" 1.4.0i"devise-edgeU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.rcu: Time D";Flexible authentication solution for Rails with WardenU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0: @name" warden:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.1.2; "bcrypt-ruby; @);F00["José Valim"Carlos Antônio";Flexible authentication solution for Rails with Warden0T" ruby[["wizard_machine-0.0.0u;0[" 1.4.0i"wizard_machineU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.0u: Time $_"MA Rails gem for managing the states of a model by defining wizard steps.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Ryan Owens"MA Rails gem for managing the states of a model by defining wizard steps.0T" ruby[["waveinfo-0.0.1u;F[" 1.4.0i" waveinfoU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time $I"PPure-ruby gem to get the information from the headers of Wave (.wav) files.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Nicholas J Humfrey"^waveinfo is a pure-ruby gem to get the information from the headers of Wave (.wav) files.0T" ruby[["sinatra-sequel-0.9.0u;3[" 1.4.0i"sinatra-sequelU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.0u: Time ]"DExtends Sinatra with Sequel ORM config, migrations, and helpersU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" bacon:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " bacon; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.4; " sinatra; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.2.0; " sequel; @=;F00["Ryan Tomayko"DExtends Sinatra with Sequel ORM config, migrations, and helpers0T" ruby[["rabbitcage-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"rabbitcageU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time n"QA AMQP firewall which allows to restrict user access to RabbitMQ using ACLs.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" bacon:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.5; " amqp; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.12.10; "eventmachine; @3;F00["Dominik Sander"RabbitMQ's access control capabilities are rather limited. RabbitCage enables fine-grained permission setups, you define which user can perform which AMQP method on which class.0T" ruby[["hostor-1.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" hostorU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time "system host file managerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Zhong Xingdou"" system host file manager 0T" ruby[["fpm-0.2.2u;[" 1.4.0i"fpmU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.2u: Time "(fpm - package building and manglingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jordan Sissel"ZTurn directories into packages. Fix broken packages. Win the package management game.0T" ruby[["uispecrunner-0.3.2u;[" 1.4.0i"uispecrunnerU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.2u: Time "+Flexible spec runner for UISpec on iOSU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Blake Watters"EProvides a simple Ruby interface for running UISpec iPhone tests0T" ruby[["goldmann-jeweler-1.4.0u;[" 1.4.0i"goldmann-jewelerU:Gem::Version[" 1.4.0u: Time Ņ"JSimple and opinionated helper for creating Rubygem projects on GitHubU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"devver-construct:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " redgreen; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " cucumber; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.5; " bundler; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "mhennemeyer-output_catcher; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.5; "git; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mocha; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rr; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @~;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.0; "gemcutter; @;F00["Josh Nichols"JSimple and opinionated helper for creating Rubygem projects on GitHub0T" ruby[["gemrage-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i" gemrageU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time $""Companion gem for gemrage.comU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Daniel Huckstep""Companion gem for gemrage.com0T" ruby[["$anthonygarcia-mailfactory-1.4.2u;9[" 1.4.0i"anthonygarcia-mailfactoryU:Gem::Version[" 1.4.2u: Time e"6Fork of tmm1/mailfactory to fix BlackBerry issuseU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["David Powers"Anthony Garcia"PCreate MIME email messages with multiple body parts and attachments in Ruby0T" ruby[["master_may_i-0.6.2u;[" 1.4.0i"master_may_iU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.2u: Time "\Simple model based authorization designed to work with AuthLogic and InheritedResourcesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"factory_girl:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "authlogic; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "inherited_resources; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rails; @Q;F00["Tammer Saleh"\Simple model based authorization designed to work with AuthLogic and InheritedResources0T" ruby[["fspath-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i" fspathU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time %"Better than PathnameU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" xattr:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rb-appscript; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.1; " jeweler; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rake-gem-ghost; @G;F00["Ivan Kuchin"0T" ruby[["localmemcache_store-0.0.8u;o[" 1.4.0i"localmemcache_storeU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.8u: Time "9A Rails cache store implementation for localmemcacheU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.4: @name"localmemcache:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Florian Dütsch (der_flo)"0T" ruby[[" nuatt_sunspot_rails-;[" 1.4.0i"nuatt_sunspot_railsU:Gem::Version[" Time ":Rails integration for the Sunspot Solr search libraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" @name"nuatt_sunspot:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.2; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.2; "rspec-rails; @3;F00["Mat Brown"Peer Allan"Michael Moen"Benjamin Krause"Adam Salter"Brandon Keepers"Paul Canavese"John Eberly"Gert Thiel"Sunspot::Rails is an extension to the Sunspot library for Solr search. Sunspot::Rails adds integration between Sunspot and ActiveRecord, including defining search and indexing related methods on ActiveRecord models themselves, running a Sunspot-compatible Solr instance for development and test environments, and automatically commit Solr index changes at the end of each Rails request. 0T" ruby[["bencode_ext-0.2.6u;[" 1.4.0i"bencode_extU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.6u: Time "&BitTorrent encoding parser/writerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.2: @name" jeweler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.7.5; "rake-compiler; @);F00[" naquad"UBEncodeExt is implementation of Bencode reader/writer (BitTorent encoding) in C.0T" ruby[[""jakewendt-simply_photos-1.1.4u;[" 1.4.0i"jakewendt-simply_photosU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.4u: Time E"!one-line summary of your gemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"jakewendt-ruby_extension:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "paperclip; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ryanb-acts-as-list; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " jakewendt-simply_authorized; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2; " rails; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "#jakewendt-calnet_authenticated; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "jakewendt-simply_helpful; @[;F00["George 'Jake' Wendt"#longer description of your gem0T" ruby[["lifestreamable-0.0.7u;`[" 1.4.0i"lifestreamableU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.7u: Time ">a rails plugin to collect and report user social actions.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Benoit Goyette"library to perform social network like lifestream functions, this is the code used on the social network http://legrandclub.rds.ca0T" ruby[[""multitype-introspection-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"multitype-introspectionU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time E"}Allows multiple type introspection. Extends the Object class with #kind_of_any? and other appropriate methods of this family.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.2: @name" jeweler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @);F00["Martin Kozák"0T" ruby[["sudo-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" sudoU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "+Give Ruby objects superuser privilegesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Guido De Rosa"ZGive Ruby objects superuser privileges. Based on dRuby and sudo (the Unix program). 0T" ruby[["autotvnzb-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"autotvnzbU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time h"(Automatically download tv shows nzbU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.1: @name" hpricot:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0.7; " optiflag; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.5; " httparty; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @=;F00[" Pirate"LRuby tool to automatically download tv shows nzb from http://tvnzb.com/0T" ruby[["nice_password-1.0.0u;M[" 1.4.0i"nice_passwordU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time Ę"-Generate easy to read/remember passwordsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Kevin Skoglund"Matthew Bergman"vNicePassword creates easy-to-remember, reasonably-secure passwords by mixing dictionary words and random numbers.0T" ruby[["splib-1.4.3u;"[" 1.4.0i" splibU:Gem::Version[" 1.4.3u: Time Č"Spox LibraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" spox"The spox library contains various useful tools to help you in your day to day life. Like a trusty pocket knife, only more computery.0T" ruby[["smart_chart-0.1.0u;![" 1.4.0i"smart_chartU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "FEasily create charts and graphs for the web (uses Google Charts).U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Alex Reisner"FEasily create charts and graphs for the web (uses Google Charts).0T" ruby[["pickle-dupe-0.3.1u;[" 1.4.0i"pickle-dupeU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.1u: Time "DPickle that works with Dupe, an Active Resource mocking/factoryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 0.5.1: @name" dupe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.2.1; " pickle; @);F00[" iawgens"wDupe is Active Resource mocking/factory for use with cucumber. Pickle-dupe is a pickle add-on that works with Dupe0T" ruby[["hamgen-0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" hamgenU:Gem::Version["0.1u: Time d"KHampton's preferred Rails 3.0 generator based off Shawn Allison's workU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.8.7: @name" rake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.0; " rails; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.2; " colored; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.18; " haml; @=;F00["Hampton Catlin" A Rails 3.0 generator (like for the whole project) that pre-generates a bunch of shit I like. Most of it is stolen directly from Shawn's Rails Template at http://github.com/shawn/shawns-rails3-template but with changes just for ole' me 0T" ruby[["font-stack-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"font-stackU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "!A library of CSS font stacksU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["3.0.0.rc.1: @name" haml:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Lloyd Kupchanko"OFont-stack is a Compass plugin that provides a library of CSS font stacks.0T" ruby[["evaluator-0.1.5u;=[" 1.4.0i"evaluatorU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.5u: Time M"&Mathematical expression evaluatorU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.3: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Daniel Mendler"0T" ruby[["luigi-httparty-;[" 1.4.0i"luigi-httpartyU:Gem::Version[" Time m"JMakes http fun! Also, makes consuming restful web services dead easy.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["1.1: @name" mongrel:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["0.4; " cucumber; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.2; " fakeweb; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2.3; "activesupport; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.1; " crack; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @Q;F00["John Nunemaker"Sandro Turriate"JMakes http fun! Also, makes consuming restful web services dead easy.0T" ruby[["typer-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" typerU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "3Touch typing practice for developers/sysadminsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Levente Bagi"3Touch typing practice for developers/sysadmins0T" ruby[["slipmate-0.1.7u;[" 1.4.0i" slipmateU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.7u: Time ")Create and manage orders in SlipmateU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Spencer Markowski"Slipmate API0T" ruby[["simple_phone_number-0.1.9u;[" 1.4.0i"simple_phone_numberU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.9u: Time ")Validate and set phone number formatU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Andrew Kennedy")Validate and set phone number format0T" ruby[["ruby-libgtop2-0.1.3u;[" 1.4.0i"ruby-libgtop2U:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time &"0Ruby bindings for GNOME libgtop version2.x.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" date"0Ruby bindings for GNOME libgtop version2.x.0T" ruby[["rtml-2.0.4u;g[" 1.4.0i" rtmlU:Gem::Version[" 2.0.4u: Time "pRubyTML (or just RTML) is a Ruby framework for communicating with Ingenico's Incendo-based payment devices.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.2: @name" rubigen:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.2; " hpricot; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.5; " rails; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.0; " webrat; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0; " rspec; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.1; "sc-core-ext; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.5.0; "hoe; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.2; "rspec-rails; @e;F00["Colin MacKenzie IV"pRubyTML (or just RTML) is a Ruby framework for communicating with Ingenico's Incendo-based payment devices.0T" ruby[["microengine-0.2.2u;U[" 1.4.0i"microengineU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.2u: Time "@MicroEngine is a fast, simple and minimalistic site engine.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0: @name" fcgi:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Andrey "A.I." Sitnik"MicroEngine is a fast, simple and minimalistic site engine. It contain good i18n support and web interface to edit, create and delete pages. It be created for simple sites, which only share information (maybe in some languages) like homepages.0T" ruby[["candy-0.2.10u;N[" 1.4.0i" candyU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.10u: Time D"(Transparent persistence for MongoDBU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.20.1: @name" bson:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.20.1; " bson_ext; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.20.1; " mongo; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.8; " mocha; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @G;F00["Stephen Eley"?Candy provides simple, transparent object persistence for the MongoDB database. Classes that include Candy modules save all properties to Mongo automatically, can be recursively embedded, and can retrieve records with chainable open-ended class methods, eliminating the need for method calls like 'save' and 'find.' 0T" ruby[["notation-0.1.0u;F[" 1.4.0i" notationU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time m"1Unicode symbols that can be used as methods.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Daniel J. Berger" The notation library provides unicode symbols that you can use as methods instead of using standard method names. 0T" ruby[["javaobs-0.3.1u;r[" 1.4.0i" javaobsU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.1u: Time $"4Decode Java Serialized Objects to Ruby Objects.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["William Sobel"Takes Java serialized objects in a file or stream and creates Ruby wrapper objects and decodes. The package can also write Java objects once UUID is read from sample.0T" ruby[["barby-chunky_png-0.3.3u;h[" 1.4.0i"barby-chunky_pngU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.3u: Time $"?A pure-Ruby barcode generator that works in 1.9.2, for me!U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 0.8.0: @name"chunky_png:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Tore Darell" Darwin"0T" ruby[["multimap-1.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i" multimapU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.2u: Time o"!Ruby multimap implementationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Joshua Peek": Multimap includes a Ruby multimap implementation 0T" ruby[["types-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i" typesU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time E"Introduces group of classes as eqivalent to some data types in other languages such as boolean and allows introspection according to type of class too. In fact, partially replaces multiple inheritance because introduces unlimited formal genericity for every class.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.2: @name" jeweler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.0; "multitype-introspection; @3;F00["Martin Kozák"0T" ruby[["frank-1.0.7u;@[" 1.4.0i" frankU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.7u: Time "Static Site Non-FrameworkU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["2.0: @name" net-ssh:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ruby-debug; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.0; " net-scp; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["3.0; " haml; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.2.0.pre2; " mongrel; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.0; " rack; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "coffee-script; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " contest; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;["0.9; " tilt; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.10.2; " compass; @~;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " liquid; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " RedCloth; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0.5; "rack-test; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " jeweler; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " less; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " builder; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["2.0.0.beta.19; " rspec; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " erubis; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rdiscount; @;F00[" blahed" nwah"IRapidly develop static sites using any supported templating language0T" ruby[[" crossroads_capistrano-1.1.0u;)[" 1.4.0i"crossroads_capistranoU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.0u: Time ""Crossroads capistrano recipesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Steve Kenworthy"Ben Tillman"Nathan Broadbent"FA Crossroads Foundation collection of generic capistrano recipes.0T" ruby[["pacman-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" pacmanU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "%Log parser for large Apache logsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Andrei Maxim"%Log parser for large Apache logs0T" ruby[["activerdf_rules-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"activerdf_rulesU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time E"NA rulebase and forward chaining production system for activerdf databasesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.6: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" pjstadig"NA rulebase and forward chaining production system for activerdf databases0T" ruby[["usdo-0.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i" usdoU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.0u: Time d"6adds usdo command to ridicule mispellings of sudoU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Nick Howard"...0T" ruby[["tracepoint-1.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"tracepointU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.0u: Time "/The perfect alternative to #set_trace_funcU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Thomas Sawyer"A TracePoint is a Binding with the addition of event information. Among other things, it functions very well as the join-point for AOP. In practice it provides a better alternative to using0T" ruby[["di-simple_auth-0.3.5u;[" 1.4.0i"di-simple_authU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.5u: Time "!one-line summary of your gemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "bcrypt-ruby; @);F00["Dieinzige"$ longer description of your gem0T" ruby[["merb-core-1.1.3u;[" 1.4.0i"merb-coreU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.3u: Time D"GMerb plugin that provides caching (page, action, fragment, object)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.16: @name"mime-types:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.1; " webrat; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.13; " extlib; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rack; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.2; " erubis; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " bundler; @e;F00["Ezra Zygmuntowicz"'Merb. Pocket rocket web framework.0T" ruby[["callcache-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"callcacheU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time e"8Ruby library for caching results of a function callU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Adam Wisniewski"0T" ruby[["steamer-0.1.2u;{[" 1.4.0i" steamerU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time "dwhen you want to dup a db for use in factories without the hassle of creating factories by handU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"activerecord:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Dave Rogers"0T" ruby[["simple_deployer-0.1.3u;[" 1.4.0i"simple_deployerU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time "Appoxy simple_deployer GemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"aws:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "appoxy_rails; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "zip; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "simple_record; @G;F00["Roman Kononov"Appoxy simple_deployer Gem0T" ruby[[" rjack-commons-dbutils-1.3.2u;[" 1.4.0i"rjack-commons-dbutilsU:Gem::Version[" 1.3.2u: Time $"MA gem packaging of {Commons DbUtils}[http://commons.apache.org/dbutils/]U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.2.2: @name"rjack-tarpit:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["David Kellum"MA gem packaging of {Commons DbUtils}[http://commons.apache.org/dbutils/]0T" ruby[["picombo-0.4.2u;[" 1.4.0i" picomboU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.2u: Time "$A lightweight MVC web frameworkU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.10.0: @name" mustache:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; " rack; @);F00["Jeremy Bush"aPicombo is a lightweight Ruby MVC web framework that enables you to create websites quickly.0T" ruby[["css-annotate-2.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"css-annotateU:Gem::Version[" 2.0.0u: Time ":The Annotated CSS tells you which style to use where.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["3.0: @name" haml:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.1; " rack; @);F00["Assaf Arkin"DUses in-line docs to map the stylesheet. Supports CSS and SCSS.0T" ruby[["client_validations-0.1.0u;![" 1.4.0i"client_validationsU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time e"@Translates the validations of model to the jQuery ValidatorU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Willian Fernandes"@Translates the validations of model to the jQuery Validator0T" ruby[["no_peeping_toms-1.1.0u; [" 1.4.0i"no_peeping_tomsU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.0u: Time ŀ"zDisables observers during testing, allowing you to write model tests that are completely decoupled from the observer.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["1.1: @name"activerecord:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Pat Maddox"Brandon Keepers"zDisables observers during testing, allowing you to write model tests that are completely decoupled from the observer.0T" ruby[["formattedstring-0.1.1u; [" 1.4.0i"formattedstringU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time $"CBrings all parsing of Formatted Strings into one common place.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Daniel Parker"CBrings all parsing of Formatted Strings into one common place.0T" ruby[["common-pool-0.3.1u;?[" 1.4.0i"common-poolU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.1u: Time "!Common Pool - Object PoolingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0.4: @name" hpricot:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Herryanto Siatono"0T" ruby[["model-graph-0.1.4u;[" 1.4.0i"model-graphU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time *"When run from the trunk of a Rails project, produces # {DOT}[http://www.graphviz.org/doc/info/lang.html] output which can be # rendered into a graph by programs such as dot and neato and viewed with # Graphviz (an {Open Source}[http://www.graphviz.org/License.php] viewer).U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Rob Biedenharn"When run from the trunk of a Rails project, produces # {DOT}[http://www.graphviz.org/doc/info/lang.html] output which can be # rendered into a graph by programs such as dot and neato and viewed with # Graphviz (an {Open Source}[http://www.graphviz.org/License.php] viewer).0T" ruby[["object-stash-1.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"object-stashU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2u: Time "t"Permanently stash your Ruby objects" Serializes your ruby objects and writes them to disk (gziped)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.1: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Marcus Westin""Permanently stash your Ruby objects" Serializes your ruby objects and writes them to disk (gziped). Easily load stashed object.0T" ruby[["wichr-0.0.1u; [" 1.4.0i" wichrU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time ";include whichr and use r_type or wich_r? :ruby methodsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Peter Schröder"?whichr is a simple helper for checking running Ruby engine0T" ruby[["snmp4em-0.2.1u;H[" 1.4.0i" snmp4emU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time $"GA high-performance SNMP engine built on EventMachine and Ruby-SNMPU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Norman Elton"pA high-performance SNMP engine built on EventMachine and Ruby-SNMP, supporting SNMPv1 and SNMPv2 operations0T" ruby[["samdorr-db-0.2.7u;x[" 1.4.0i"samdorr-dbU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.7u: Time "RDatabase-related helper modules including JDBC wrapper and simple SQL parser.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" Choi" Junegunn" samdorr-db is a bundle of helper modules designed to facilitate the development of database applications. Currently, it includes a JDBC-wrapper which makes it easier to develop JDBC applications with JRuby and a simple SQL parser. New features will be added on demand.0T" ruby[["authlogic-oauth-1.0.8u;a[" 1.4.0i"authlogic-oauthU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.8u: Time D\"NAn authlogic extension for authenticating via OAuth. (I.E. Twitter login)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.12.2: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "activesupport; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.12.2; "hoe; @3;F00["John Allison"An authlogic extension for authenticating via OAuth. This can be helpful for adding support for login/registration with Twitter credentials.0T" ruby[["narf-0.7.3u;[" 1.4.0i" narfU:Gem::Version[" 0.7.3u: Time EG"pNARF is a replacement for and derivative of the Ruby CGI library. It exists to trivialize web development .U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["These are the basic goals of narf: * To make it easy, really easy to write Web applications. * To make it easy, really easy to test them. * To run everywhere0T" ruby[["jsdoc-rails-0.0.2u;8[" 1.4.0i"jsdoc-railsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time "?Rails 3 plugin to include JSDoc documentation on your siteU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.0: @name" rails:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Ryan Williams"Uses an included copy of jsdoc-toolkit to parse your JavaScript documentation and then load it into your site's database. This means you can have far more dynamic documentation as you no longer need to rely on static HTML.0T" ruby[["lab_bench-0.3.1u;[" 1.4.0i"lab_benchU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.1u: Time %"*A browser-based runner for Test::UnitU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.1.0: @name" sinatra:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.1.0; " sinatra; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.12.10; "eventmachine; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.7.8; "yajl-ruby; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.2.0; " thin; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.2.0; "em-websocket; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.1; " jeweler; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " hpricot; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @~;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.2.0; "em-websocket; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.12.10; "eventmachine; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.2.0; " thin; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.7.8; "yajl-ruby; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.2.0; " haml; @;F00["Bradley Buda"PLike autotest, but in your browser. Currently unsuitable for use by anyone.0T" ruby[["skiplist-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i" skiplistU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time "0Lock-free skip list implementation by ruby.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.1: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4; "rubyforge; @);F00["KISHIMOTO" Makoto"0Lock-free skip list implementation by ruby.0T" ruby[["site-skel-0.1.4u;[" 1.4.0i"site-skelU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time n"wGenerate skeleton web sites based on predefined layouts and variants. Support for static HTML, PHP and Javascript.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jason Frame"0T" ruby[["kicker-2.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i" kickerU:Gem::Version[" 2.3.0u: Time D"IA lean, agnostic, flexible file-change watcher, using OS X FSEvents.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Eloy Duran"0T" ruby[["failtale-reporter-0.2.3u;l[" 1.4.0i"failtale-reporterU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.3u: Time d"!A ruby reporter for FailtaleU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" httparty:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Simon Menke"3A Ruby error reporter for the Failtale service0T" ruby[["fingercap-0.4.4u;K[" 1.4.0i"fingercapU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.4u: Time "WFingercap is a set of recipes and tasks meant for deploying to Fingertips servers.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Manfred Stienstra"\ Fingercap is a set of recipes and tasks meant for deploying to Fingertips servers. 0T" ruby[["thorero-parts-0.9.4u;[" 1.4.0i"thorero-partsU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.4u: Time $";Merb More: Merb plugin that provides Part Controllers.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.4: @name"merb-core:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Daniel Neighman";Merb More: Merb plugin that provides Part Controllers.0T" ruby[["remote_table-1.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"remote_tableU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.0u: Time E"DOpen local or remote XLSX, XLS, ODS, CSV and fixed-width files.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.0: @name"fastercsv:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ruby-debug; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "test-unit; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.0; " errata; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.4; " escape; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.1; " nokogiri; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "zip; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " builder; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.9; "roo; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.4; "activesupport; @~;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "google-spreadsheet-ruby; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "spreadsheet; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.99.4; " slither; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " i18n; @;F00["Seamus Abshere"Andy Rossmeissl"\Gives you a standard way to parse various formats and treat them as an array of hashes.0T" ruby[["mm-carrierwave-0.0.1u;?[" 1.4.0i"mm-carrierwaveU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "$Mongomapper ORM for CarrierwaveU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"carrierwave:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "mongo_mapper; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "jnunemaker-validatable; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.0; " rails; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2.3; "mini_magick; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.1.5; " bson_ext; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "activemodel; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " timecop; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " json; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.1.0; " rspec; @y;F00["Robert Beekman"$Mongomapper ORM for Carrierwave0T" ruby[["capcode-all-plugins-1.0.0u;6[" 1.4.0i"capcode-all-pluginsU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time E")This gem install all Capcode pluginsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"capcode-render-mail:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "capcode-render-xml; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "capcode-render-redirect; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "capcode-render-webdav; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "capcode-base-sequel; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "capcode-render-static; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "capcode-render-erb; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "!capcode-render-coffee-script; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "capcode-render-haml; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "capcode-render-binary; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "capcode-base-mongoid; @~;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "capcode-base-datamapper; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "capcode-base-couchrest; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "capcode-base-activerecord; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "capcode-render-sass; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "capcode-render-less; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "capcode-render-json; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "capcode-base-couch_foo; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "capcode-render-mustache; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "capcode-render-markaby; @;F00["Gregoire Lejeune")This gem install all Capcode plugins0T" ruby[["tommygun-0.4.01u;:[" 1.4.0i" tommygunU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.01u: Time "`Shotgun with default port of 4567. Everything else should be the same as rtomayko's shotgunU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.1: @name" rack:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.3["=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"mixlib-config:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.3.0; "rest-client; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " open4; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " json; @=;F00["joe williams"0T" ruby[["&nayutaya-webhook-dispatcher-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i" nayutaya-webhook-dispatcherU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time Dg"webhook-dispatcherU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Yuya Kato"webhook-dispatcher0T" ruby[["apnserver-0.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i"apnserverU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time %"$Apple Push Notification ToolkitU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.12.8: @name"eventmachine:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.0; "activesupport; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @3;F00["Ben Poweski"@A toolkit for proxying and sending Apple Push Notifications0T" ruby[["exceptionist-0.2.0u;\[" 1.4.0i"exceptionistU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time ĥ"#Ask Rails application to crashU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" alto"#Ask Rails application to crash0T" ruby[["berty-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i" bertyU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time D"Berty the backup gemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Adam Cooke"0T" ruby[["*mongo_mapper_acts_as_versioned-0.0.11u;[" 1.4.0i"#mongo_mapper_acts_as_versionedU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.11u: Time "?Basic MongoMapper port of technoweenie's acts_as_versionedU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" Gigamo"?Basic MongoMapper port of technoweenie's acts_as_versioned0T" ruby[["gosu-0.7.27u;[" 1.4.0i" gosuU:Gem::Version[" 0.7.27u: Time "!2D game development library.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Julian Raschke"Jan Luecker"1 2D game development library. Gosu features easy to use and game-friendly interfaces to 2D graphics and text (accelerated by 3D hardware), sound samples and music as well as keyboard, mouse and gamepad/joystick input. Also includes demos for integration with RMagick, Chipmunk and Ruby-OpenGL. 0T" ruby[["fluther-1.0.0u;}[" 1.4.0i" flutherU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time D"4Ruby interface to the Fluther discussion systemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"em-http-request:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Steve Sloan"4Ruby interface to the Fluther discussion system0T" ruby[["vpim-rails-0.664u;[" 1.4.0i"vpim-railsU:Gem::Version[" 0.664u: Time K"*iCalendar and vCard support for railsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Sam Roberts"Fraser Newton":This is vPim updated for use with Rails applications.0T" ruby[["ubxd_support_rota-0.0.2u;A[" 1.4.0i"ubxd_support_rotaU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time %"SAn easy way to generate the support rota for Unboxed Consulting in wiki markupU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Tom ten Thij"SAn easy way to generate the support rota for Unboxed Consulting in wiki markup0T" ruby[["tlhelper-0.5.2u;[" 1.4.0i" tlhelperU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.2u: Time "Travel APIs interfaceU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Ricardo Portugal"cA helper library for Services Engineering built in order to allow interfacing with travel APIs0T" ruby[["silhouette-2.0.0u;`[" 1.4.0i"silhouetteU:Gem::Version[" 2.0.0u: Time "A 2 stage profilerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0: @name" builder:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0; " syntax; @);F00["Evan Webb"0T" ruby[["poppycock-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"poppycockU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time ")gibberish for merb...and other stuffU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["raspberry lemon"0T" ruby[["json2env-0.0.3u;G[" 1.4.0i" json2envU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time $"convert json to an envdirU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Orion Henry"convert json to an envdir0T" ruby[["'activerecord-postgres-hstore-0.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i"!activerecord-postgres-hstoreU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time "$Goodbye serialize, hello hstoreU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Juan Maiz"This gem adds support for the postgres hstore type. It is the _just right_ alternative for storing hashes instead of using seralization or dynamic tables.0T" ruby[["simplerdb-0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"simplerdbU:Gem::Version["0.2u: Time $ "+Test your SimpleDB application offlineU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.2.1: @name" dhaka:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["2.0; " builder; @);F00["Gary Elliott"+Test your SimpleDB application offline0T" ruby[["groem-0.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i" groemU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time "0Eventmachine-based Ruby Growl (GNTP) clientU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" minitest:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "uuidtools; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "eventmachine; @3;F00["Eric Gjertsen"0T" ruby[["gwo-0.1.4u;$[" 1.4.0i"gwoU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time Da"bPlugin to easily make use of Server-Side Dynamic Section Variations with Google Web OptimizerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[ "Alex MacCaw"Daniel Bornkessel"Johannes Mentz"Yan Minagawa"0T" ruby[["drnic-liquid-2.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"drnic-liquidU:Gem::Version[" 2.1.0u: Time _"HA secure non evaling end user template engine with aesthetic markupU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.3: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Tobias Luetke"A secure non evaling end user template engine with aesthetic markup. Liquid is a template engine which I wrote for very specific requirements. * It has to have beautiful and simple markup. Template engines which don't produce good looking markup are no fun to use. * It needs to be non evaling and secure. Liquid templates are made so that users can edit them. You don't want to run code on your server which your users wrote. * It has to be stateless. Compile and render steps have to be seperate so that the expensive parsing and compiling can be done once and later on you can just render it passing in a hash with local variables and objects.0T" ruby[["blocklist-0.1.4u;;[" 1.4.0i"blocklistU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time Db"!Blocklist manages /etc/hostsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Wes Oldenbeuving"}Blocklist manages /etc/hosts with the goal of routing distracting websites to localhost. It also works well as an ad blocker.0T" ruby[["dynaload-0.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i" dynaloadU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time " dynaloadU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Ara T. Howard"0T" ruby[["syntax-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i" syntaxU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time DV"FSyntax is Ruby library for performing simple syntax highlighting.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jamis Buck"0T" ruby[["stick-1.3.3u;[" 1.4.0i" stickU:Gem::Version[" 1.3.3u: Time "UStick is an comprehensive science library including a units system providing botU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.0: @name" facets:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Peter Vanbroekhoven"=Stick is an comprehensive science library including a units system providing both SI units and web-updated currency units, via a very easy to use method-based interface. It also include a large set of real world contants, provided in "m kg s" and "cm kg s" measures. More science libs are to come.0T" ruby[["#rspec-quickfix-formatter-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"rspec-quickfix-formatterU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time ħ"2Integrates rspec with vim's quickfix feature.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["1.2: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Andy Hartford"Provides a rspec formatter that outputs a file vim's quickfix feature will understand. This allows nice integration between rspec test failures and the vim editor. 0T" ruby[["railscheck-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"railscheckU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time d"/Static verifier for Ruby On Rails projectsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.2: @name"w3c_validators:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["'Morten M. Christensen / 41concepts"/Static verifier for Ruby On Rails projects0T" ruby[["memcache_do-0.1.1u;)[" 1.4.0i"memcache_doU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time $"'Execute ad hoc memcached commands.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["watsonian"pThis is a lightweight library that lets you execute ad hoc memcache commands to a designated host and port.0T" ruby[["/benhoskings-ambitious-activerecord-;u[" 1.4.0i"'benhoskings-ambitious-activerecordU:Gem::Version[" Time f"*An ambitious adapter for ActiveRecordU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.15.6: @name"activerecord:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Chris Wanstrath"Ben Hoskings"0T" ruby[["action_requires-1.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"action_requiresU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2u: Time "action_requiresU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["markbates"0action_requires was developed by: markbates0T" ruby[["syncftp-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i" syncftpU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time "&Sync via FTP, only modified filesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" fakefs:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "mime-types; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @3;F00["Gregoire Lejeune"&Sync via FTP, only modified files0T" ruby[["styler-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i" stylerU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time $"0This implements view-aware models, yet not.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Simon Hafner aka Tass"NThis gem implements the presenter pattern with a mixin to use with rango.0T" ruby[["mega_mutex-0.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i"mega_mutexU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time "Distributed mutex for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.7.4: @name"memcache-client:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.4; " logging; @);F00["Matt Johnson"Matt Wynne"Distributed mutex for Ruby0T" ruby[["#ghart-nifty-generators-;[" 1.4.0i"ghart-nifty-generatorsU:Gem::Version[" Time c"8A collection of useful generator scripts for Rails.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Ryan Bates"Greg Hart"8A collection of useful generator scripts for Rails.0T" ruby[["ripl-padrino-0.0.1u;K[" 1.4.0i"ripl-padrinoU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time %"ripl for padrinoU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.3.0: @name" ripl:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Arthur Chiu"#ripl for the padrino framework0T" ruby[["gsolr_ext-0.12.3u;[" 1.4.0i"gsolr_extU:Gem::Version[" 0.12.3u: Time ũ"-A query/response extension lib for GSolrU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" gsolr:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @);F00["Scott Gonyea"LA query/response extension lib for the Generic Solr Gem (fork of RSolr)0T" ruby[["cukemin-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i" cukeminU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time "?Simple admin controllers and views, with cucumber featuresU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Paul Campbell"0T" ruby[["clipboard-0.9.5u;[" 1.4.0i"clipboardU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.5u: Time e")Access the clipboard on all systems.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jan Lelis"LAccess the clipboard on all systems (Clipboard.copy & Clipboard.paste).0T" ruby[["cohi-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" cohiU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time ">Cohi is a tiny library for aiding functional programming.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["TANAKA Shin-ya(id:ha-tan)">Cohi is a tiny library for aiding functional programming.0T" ruby[["k_means-0.0.7u;g[" 1.4.0i" k_meansU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.7u: Time D"K Means algorithmU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.0: @name"distance_measures:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" reddavis"9Attempting to create a fast, memory efficient KMeans0T" ruby[["wireframe-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"wireframeU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time ",Generate images suitable for wireframesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.13.1: @name" rmagick:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rr; @);F00["Bryan Liles",Generate images suitable for wireframes0T" ruby[["srcforge-1.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i" srcforgeU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2u: Time "0Download tool for files at sourceforge.net.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.3: @name" narf:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.12; "getopt-declare; @);F00["Gonzalo Garramuno"$This script allows you to easily automate the downloading of the latest version of any sourceforge project (as stored up to 31/12/2006) from any of sourceforge server by having it parse the web pages for the project and extract the latest release. It supports connecting through a proxy if either the environment variable HTTP_PROXY or http_proxy is defined. Also, downloads can be resumed like wget, in case the download is abruptly terminated. If .md5 checksums are available, they will also be downloaded and verified using ruby's digest/md5.0T" ruby[["sql_output-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"sql_outputU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time $" SQL output in Rails consoleU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jordi Noguera"DPrint SQL statements generated by ActiveRecord in Rails console0T" ruby[["language-0.6.0u;[" 1.4.0i" languageU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.0u: Time "Language Support LibraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Thomas Sawyer"Language is a support library for other langauge libraries. While some of it's contents are prefectly usable on there own, most are generally intended to be subclassed and extended by specific language modules, such as English.0T" ruby[["beef-active_form-1.2.0u;\[" 1.4.0i"beef-active_formU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.0u: Time "-Validations for Non Active Record ModelsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 1.8.1: @name"jnunemaker-validatable:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Steve England"0T" ruby[["webpulser-habtm_list-0.1.2u;+[" 1.4.0i"webpulser-habtm_listU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time ]"&has_and_belongs_to_many list-likeU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["James Healy"Cyril LEPAGNOT"XAdds list-like position functionality to Rails has_and_belongs_to_many associations0T" ruby[["vanities-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i" vanitiesU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "wGive each of your models a simple 'vanity' URL. Makes example.com/users/1 into something like example.com/foobarU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["J. Austin Hughey"Give each of your models a simple 'vanity' URL. Makes example.com/users/1 into something like example.com/foobar0T" ruby[["telenorsms-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"telenorsmsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time "hSend sms from Telenor's webpage www.telenor.no with Ruby. This lib is screen scraping the web page.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"mechanize:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Gøran Hansen"hSend sms from Telenor's webpage www.telenor.no with Ruby. This lib is screen scraping the web page.0T" ruby[["contacts_cn-1.2.5u;[" 1.4.0i"contacts_cnU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.5u: Time d"A universal interface to grab contact list information from various providers including Yahoo, AOL, Gmail, Hotmail, 126, 163, Yeah, Sohu, Sina and Plaxo.It is extended from contacts gem.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 1.1.1: @name" gdata:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.1; " json; @);F00["Lucas Carlson" Wolfer" A universal interface to grab contact list information from various providers including Yahoo, AOL, Gmail, Hotmail, 126, 163, Yeah, Sohu, Sina and Plaxo.It is extended from contacts gem. 0T" ruby[["creditcard-1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"creditcardU:Gem::Version["1.0u: Time A"}These functions tell you whether a credit card number is self-consistent using known algorithms for credit card numbers.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Lucas Carlson"These functions tell you whether a credit card number is self-consistent using known algorithms for credit card numbers. All non-integer values are removed from the string before parsing so that you don't have to worry about the format of the string.0T" ruby[["clinical-0.2.11u;[" 1.4.0i" clinicalU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.11u: Time i"9a library for accessing data from ClinicalTrials.govU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.5: @name"jnunemaker-happymapper:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.11; "mislav-will_paginate; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.3; "jnunemaker-httparty; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.3; " nokogiri; @=;F00["Dan Pickett"0T" ruby[["ruby-gdsii-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"ruby-gdsiiU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time ,"mGDSII reader and writer with both high-level (easier to use) and low-level (faster performance) methods.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["James Masters"Jim Freeze" et al"0T" ruby[["roogle-0.1.4u; [" 1.4.0i" roogleU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time ģ"%Google stuff on the command lineU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.7: @name" launchy:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "thoughtbot-shoulda; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; "mechanize; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.5; "term-ansicolor; @=;F00["Ehren Murdick"%Google stuff on the command line0T" ruby[["right_api-0.1.3u;[" 1.4.0i"right_apiU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time Ł"*A ruby wrapper for the RightScale apiU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" hpricot:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "activesupport; @);F00["MoneyPools"*A ruby wrapper for the RightScale api0T" ruby[["rack-locale_chooser-1.8u;[" 1.4.0i"rack-locale_chooserU:Gem::Version["1.8u: Time %"Rack Based Locale SelectorU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"rack-test:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " i18n; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2.0.0.beta.22; " rspec; @3;F00[""Jefferson Jean Martins Girão"Rack Based Locale Selector0T" ruby[["aspirin-0.0.1u;X[" 1.4.0i" aspirinU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "&evhttp wrapper and Rack interfaceU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" fistfvck"&evhttp wrapper and Rack interface0T" ruby[["erroneous-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"erroneousU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time "2An easy way to display inline errors in formsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Kevin Sylvestre"SErroneous adds inline errors to Rails views in a simple, sentence like format.0T" ruby[["RXAAL-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" RXAALU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time d^"QA library for creating eXtensible Algorithm Animation Language (XAAL) files.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"darkfish-rdoc:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Eric Schultz"QA library for creating eXtensible Algorithm Animation Language (XAAL) files.0T" ruby[["invo-sporknife-;[" 1.4.0i"invo-sporknifeU:Gem::Version[" Time E"invo-sporknifeU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" gten">A forking Drb spec server. Forked from Timcharper's spork0T" ruby[["role_play-1.1.2u;|[" 1.4.0i"role_playU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.2u: Time ""Simple roles for ActiveRecordU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 3.0.3: @name"activerecord:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Krzysztof Zylawy"Mint Digital"0Rails 3-ified version of the beloved plugin0T" ruby[["ripl-rack-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"ripl-rackU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time e".A script/console for rack apps using riplU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["1.0: @name" rack:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0.5; "rack-test; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.7; " ripl; @3;F00["Gabriel Horner"7This ripl plugin provides a console for rack apps.0T" ruby[["rangetastic-0.3.4u;[" 1.4.0i"rangetasticU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.4u: Time j"5Simple filtering by date ranges for ActiveRecordU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Chris Herring"DFilter dates for ActiveRecord using very simple _between syntax0T" ruby[["good_sort-0.2.4u;[" 1.4.0i"good_sortU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.4u: Time "README.markdownU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jason King"=Simple column sorting for tables of data, AJAX or plain.0T" ruby[["lore-0.9.2u;[" 1.4.0i" loreU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.2u: Time _"'A flexible ORM based on PostgreSQLU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0.2: @name"aurita-gui:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Tobias Fuchs"Lore is an object-relational mapping (ORM) implementation providing many features like prepared statements, (multiple) inheritance, true polymorphism, a comfortable query syntax, highly customizable automated form generation, and result caching. It aims at performance, usability and - unlike most ORMs - high coverage of object oriented paradigms. Lore is currently using PostgreSQL as database backend.0T" ruby[["mongo_rails_cache-0.1.1u;z[" 1.4.0i"mongo_rails_cacheU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "0Rails3 ActiveSupport Cache built on MongoDBU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Ashley Streb"0Rails3 ActiveSupport Cache built on MongoDB0T" ruby[["averager-0.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i" averagerU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time ŭ"-RubyGem to track long running processes.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" autotest:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "autotest-growl; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["2.0.0.beta.19; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " timecop; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ruby-debug; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.5.0.pre3; " jeweler; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.5.0.pre3; " jeweler; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["2.0.0.beta.19; " rspec; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @~;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @;F00["Tobias Schwab"-RubyGem to track long running processes.0T" ruby[["httpi-0.7.9u;[" 1.4.0i" httpiU:Gem::Version[" 0.7.9u: Time %"&Interface for Ruby HTTP librariesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.9.9: @name" mocha:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.4.0; " webmock; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2.2; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.7.8; " curb; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.1.5; "httpclient; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " autotest; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rack; @[;F00["Daniel Harrington"Martin Tepper"?HTTPI provides a common interface for Ruby HTTP libraries.0T" ruby[["three_sixty-1.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"three_sixtyU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2u: Time Ċ"+Ruby bindings for Sorenson 360 BackendU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " echoe; @);F00["Sorenson Media"+Ruby bindings for Sorenson 360 Backend0T" ruby[["pidfile-0.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i" pidfileU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time d"9A basic library for creating lockfiles for processesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Samuel Mullen" false0T" ruby[["opds-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i" opdsU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time ğ" ruby lib to read OPDS feedsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " nokogiri; @);F00["Benoit Larroque""ruby lib to access OPDS feeds0T" ruby[["vidibus-realm-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"vidibus-realmU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time "2Basic realm handling for Vidibus applicationsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"rr:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rack-test; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.0; "activesupport; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "vidibus-service; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @[;F00["Andre Pankratz"7Provides realm accessor for application controller0T" ruby[["roogli-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" roogliU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "'Ruby Object Oriented Graph LIbraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" v01d"'Ruby Object Oriented Graph LIbrary0T" ruby[["diff_dirs-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"diff_dirsU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time R"(Ruby helper to diff two directoriesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Carl Mercier"(Ruby helper to diff two directories0T" ruby[["netaddr-1.5.0u;[" 1.4.0i" netaddrU:Gem::Version[" 1.5.0u: Time ("2A package for manipulating network addresses.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Dustin Spinhirne"0T" ruby[["tdd-attachment_fu-0.9.9.bu;[" 1.4.0i"tdd-attachment_fuU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.9.bu: Time ʼn"]attachment_fu with more geometries, polymorphic-based settings and JPEG quality control.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[00["Rick Olson"Christophe Porteneuve"This is a fork of Rick Olson’s attachment_fu adding '!' geometry support, JPEG quality control and polymorphic-relation-based thumbnailing.0T" ruby[["system-builder-0.0.18u;[" 1.4.0i"system-builderU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.18u: Time d" FIX (describe your package)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.2: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4; "rubyforge; @);F00["Alban Peignier" FIX (describe your package)0T" ruby[["$compressed-gzipped-assets-0.0.3u;'[" 1.4.0i"compressed-gzipped-assetsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time E")compressed-gzipped-assets is a drop-in to use google closure compiler or yui compressor to compress/minify your css/js when caching is enabled, it will also save a gzipped version of the file in the same dirctory so your webserver doesnt have to gzip "on the fly" every time the file is requested.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.6: @name"closure-compiler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.1; "yui-compressor; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.0; " rails; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "thoughtbot-shoulda; @=;F00["Ryan Shaw""for more info see the readme.0T" ruby[["contacts-gdiggs-;c[" 1.4.0i"contacts-gdiggsU:Gem::Version[" Time D"~A universal interface to grab contact list information from various providers including Yahoo, AOL, Gmail, Hotmail, and Plaxo.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.1: @name" gdata:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.1; " json; @);F00["Lucas Carlson"Gordon Diggs"~A universal interface to grab contact list information from various providers including Yahoo, AOL, Gmail, Hotmail, and Plaxo.0T" ruby[[",gravelpup-rails3_acts_as_paranoid-0.0.5u;T[" 1.4.0i"&gravelpup-rails3_acts_as_paranoidU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time "nActive Record (>=3.0) plugin which allows you to hide and restore records without actually deleting them.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["3.0: @name"activerecord:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Gonçalo Silva"Jonathan Vaught"Active Record (>=3.0) plugin which allows you to hide and restore records without actually deleting them. Check its GitHub page for more in-depth information.0T" ruby[["padrino-helpers-0.9.20u;[" 1.4.0i"padrino-helpersU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.20u: Time e"Helpers for padrinoU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.1: @name" i18n:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.9.20; "padrino-core; @);F00[ "Padrino Team"Nathan Esquenazi"Davide D'Agostino"Arthur Chiu"^Tag helpers, asset helpers, form helpers, form builders and many more helpers for padrino0T" ruby[["mack-haml-;[" 1.4.0i"mack-hamlU:Gem::Version[" Time eC"Rendering EngineU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Darsono Sutedja"-Haml Rendering Engine for Mack Framework0T" ruby[["tmdas-0.0.12u;l[" 1.4.0i" tmdasU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.12u: Time "!Musical livecoding with RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.3: @name"ffi:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Evan Hanson"?A livecoding environment and musical experimentation tool.0T" ruby[["restfully-0.6.2u;[" 1.4.0i"restfullyU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.2u: Time E"tExperimental code for auto-generation of wrappers on top of RESTful APIs that follow some specific conventions.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" webmock:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.0; " json; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.4; "rest-client; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "backports; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " json; @Q;F00["Cyril Rohr"Experimental code for auto-generation of wrappers on top of RESTful APIs that follow HATEOAS principles and provide OPTIONS methods and/or Allow headers.0T" ruby[["playfair-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" playfairU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "&A Ruby data-visualization libraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Chris Dinn"0T" ruby[["langtag-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" langtagU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time D"Support for IETF Language Tags (BCP 47, currently RFC 4646): Wellformedness check, read/write access to parts such as language, script, region, etc.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.0: @name"composite:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Martin J. Du"rst"0T" ruby[["em-dns-0.1.1u;~[" 1.4.0i" em-dnsU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time h"4Resolve domain names from EventMachine nativelyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"eventmachine:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Aman Gupta"Stephan Maka",DNS::Resolv made ready for EventMachine0T" ruby[["crypt-rot13-1.0.4u;l[" 1.4.0i"crypt-rot13U:Gem::Version[" 1.0.4u: Time c"6Character rotation encryption, i.e. Caesar CipherU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Daniel J. Berger" The crypt-rot13 library provides an interface for a simple character substitution cipher known as ROT13, a variation on the Caesar cipher. 0T" ruby[["#nbrew-simple_time_select-0.2.0u;V[" 1.4.0i"nbrew-simple_time_selectU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time d"yTwelve hour time select from a single input for hour, minute and second. Does not modify month, day and year inputs.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Anthony Amoyal"9A time select component using only ONE select field.0T" ruby[["ruby-adt-0.5.0u;[" 1.4.0i" ruby-adtU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.0u: Time "Read ADT filesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.0: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Chase Gray"UA small fast library for reading Advantage Database Server database files (ADT).0T" ruby[["rshoeboxed-0.1.4u;[" 1.4.0i"rshoeboxedU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time g"(Ruby wrapper for the Shoeboxed API.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.2; " builder; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.0; " newgem; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.4; " mocha; @=;F00["Ben Curren"William Chow"Mike Gunderloy"(Ruby wrapper for the Shoeboxed API.0T" ruby[["project-1.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i" projectU:Gem::Version[" 1.3.0u: Time d"HA streamlined approach to working with multiple projects and tasks.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Josh Nesbitt"Project aims to make working with multiple projects as simple as possible. By registering projects with workflows you can quickly create a set of commands that will be run against each project.0T" ruby[["neo4j-rails-0.5.1u;[" 1.4.0i"neo4j-railsU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.1u: Time Ĕ"Neo4j adapter for Rails 3U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["3.0.0.beta2: @name" rails:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.3; " neo4j; @);F00["Nick Sieger"4Adapts Neo4j for Rails 3 apps using ActiveModel0T" ruby[["mousetrap-0.5.0u;8[" 1.4.0i"mousetrapU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.0u: Time $g"%CheddarGetter API Client in RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.3: @name"factory_girl:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.3; "activesupport; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.2; " httparty; @=;F00[ "Jon Larkowski"Sandro Turriate"Wolfram Arnold"Corey Grusden"%CheddarGetter API Client in Ruby0T" ruby[["fake-resque-0.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i"fake-resqueU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time D")A fake resque. Use it in your tests.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jacob Atzen")A fake resque. Use it in your tests.0T" ruby[["persistent_http-1.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"persistent_httpU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time "8Persistent HTTP connections using a connection poolU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.1: @name"gene_pool:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Brad Pardee"8Persistent HTTP connections using a connection pool0T" ruby[["wkhtmltopdf-binary-;[" 1.4.0i"wkhtmltopdf-binaryU:Gem::Version[" Time $"OProvides binaries for WKHTMLTOPDF project in an easily accessible package.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["!Research Information Systems"The University of Iowa"0T" ruby[["vtk-ruby-;[" 1.4.0i" vtk-rubyU:Gem::Version[" Time $K"#VTK-Ruby is a ruby port of VTKU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Seiya Nishizawa"0T" ruby[["light_mongo-0.4.0u;[" 1.4.0i"light_mongoU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.0u: Time "?A lightweight Ruby object persistence library for Mongo DBU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Elliot Crosby-McCullough"LightMongo is a lightweight Mongo object persistence layer for Ruby which makes use of Mongo's features rather than trying to emulate ActiveRecord.0T" ruby[["i18n-tools-0.0.6u;[" 1.4.0i"i18n-toolsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.6u: Time DS"Tools for Ruby/Rails I18nU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Sven Fuchs"Tools for Ruby/Rails I18n0T" ruby[["Buildr-0.17.0u;w[" 1.4.0i" BuildrU:Gem::Version[" 0.17.0u: Time "%A build system that doesn't suckU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0: @name" net-ssh:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.2; " rake; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0; " facets; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0; " builder; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.7; " highline; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.0; " net-sftp; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.0; " rubyzip; @[;F00["Assaf Arkin"0T" ruby[["sambala-0.9.8u;[" 1.4.0i" sambalaU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.8u: Time I"jruby samba client, interactive smbclient commands session and multi-threaded smb transfer queued modeU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.5: @name"abundance:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.3; " globalog; @);F00["Louis-Philippe Perron"0T" ruby[["ruty-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" rutyU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "3A Template-Engine inspired by the jinja engineU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Armin Ronacher"0T" ruby[["railsdog-less-1.2.17u;s[" 1.4.0i"railsdog-lessU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.17u: Time ek"LESS compilerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.2: @name" mutter:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.2; " treetop; @);F00["cloudhead"LESS is leaner CSS0T" ruby[[".activerecord-mysql2legacydb-adapter-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"(activerecord-mysql2legacydb-adapterU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time "9Translates table and field names of legacy databasesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["1.5.0.pre3: @name" jeweler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.4; " mysql2; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["2.0.0.beta.19; " rspec; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.5.0.pre3; " jeweler; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["2.0.0.beta.19; " rspec; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.0; "activerecord; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.2.4; " mysql2; @~;F00["Anders Johannsen"cIf you are stuck with a MySQL database where the naming is, well, unrailslike, activerecord-mysql2-legacy-db-adapter offers a way to do the translation. It works at the driver level and doesn't require you ro change the structure of the database. Also there are no database views which should be kept up to date as you add or remove fields. 0T" ruby[["%devise_pam_authenticatable-1.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"devise_pam_authenticatableU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.3u: Time "0Devise PAM authentication module using rpamU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">U;[" 1.1.0: @name" devise:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rpam; @);F00["James Wilson"FFor authenticating against PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules)0T" ruby[["abingo_port-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"abingo_portU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time Ĝ"A/B Testing for RailsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Wildfalcon"0Incorperate AB Testing into your rails apps0T" ruby[["glennr-devise-;[" 1.4.0i"glennr-deviseU:Gem::Version[" Time Ņ";Flexible authentication solution for Rails with WardenU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.9.0: @name" warden:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["José Valim"Carlos Antônio"Glenn Roberts"xFlexible authentication solution for Rails with Warden. Now with added support for changing email content_type yay!0T" ruby[["yard-dm-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i" yard-dmU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time E"7A YARD plugin for parsing DataMapper model syntax.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.0; " yard; @);F00["Postmodern"{Once yard-dm is installed, YARD will automatically load the plugin when ever the `yardoc` utility is ran on a project.0T" ruby[["sim_launcher-0.1.0u;S[" 1.4.0i"sim_launcherU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time ";tiny HTTP server to launch an app in the iOS simulatorU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" sinatra:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Pete Hodgson"0T" ruby[["gravis-typhoeus-0.1.36u;[" 1.4.0i"gravis-typhoeusU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.36u: Time d"WA library for interacting with web services (and building SOAs) at blinding speed.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " jeweler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " sinatra; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " json; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rack; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " diff-lcs; @Q;F00[" Paul Dix"Like a modern code version of the mythical beast with 100 serpent heads, Typhoeus runs HTTP requests in parallel while cleanly encapsulating handling logic.0T" ruby[["coderay_bash-0.1.3u;[" 1.4.0i"coderay_bashU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time "7Simple bash scanner for highlighting with coderay.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "jferris-mocha; @);F00["Tony Pitale"Patrick Reagan"0T" ruby[["!unhaddins-;[" 1.4.0i"unhaddinsU:Gem::Version[" Time Ě"-uNhAddIns - Unofficial NHibernate AddInsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["!Unofficial NHibernate AddIns0T" ruby[["rd_stump-0.0.2u;1[" 1.4.0i" rd_stumpU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time '"-Stubbing and mocking that isn't painful.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jeremy McAnally"oStubbing and mocking that isn't painful, fanciful, and doesn't inspire any sort of contempt or bitterness.0T" ruby[["AsteriskRuby-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"AsteriskRubyU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time d"+A full featured Asterisk AGI FrameworkU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Michael Komitee"0T" ruby[["nazca-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i" nazcaU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "!Meta tags for Rails 3 views.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["2.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["3.0; " rails; @);F00["Jacek Galanciak"_Rails 3 plugin that makes title and meta tags (keywords, description) easy and manageable.0T" ruby[["daemon-kit-;[" 1.4.0i"daemon-kitU:Gem::Version[" Time d"+Opinionated framework for Ruby daemonsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.12.10: @name"eventmachine:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " cucumber; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @3;F00["kenneth.kalmer@gmail.com"daemon-kit aims to simplify creating Ruby daemons by providing a sound application skeleton (through a generator), task specific generators (jabber bot, etc) and robust environment management code.0T" ruby[["activesupport-3.0.4.rc1u;[" 1.4.0i"activesupportU:Gem::Version["3.0.4.rc1u: Time "`A toolkit of support libraries and Ruby core extensions extracted from the Rails framework.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[00["David Heinemeier Hansson"A toolkit of support libraries and Ruby core extensions extracted from the Rails framework. Rich support for multibyte strings, internationalization, time zones, and testing.0T" ruby[["lipsiahosting-1.0.2u;b[" 1.4.0i"lipsiahostingU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2u: Time D"$The Lipsia Hosting task libraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" cmdparse:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Davide D'Agostino"$The Lipsia Hosting task library0T" ruby[["mollie-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i" mollieU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time D"'Interface to SMS gateway Mollie.nlU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " nokogiri; @);F00[" Arie" iain"'Interface to SMS gateway Mollie.nl0T" ruby[["vikinggem-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"vikinggemU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time $"*Gemified version of the Viking pluginU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["James Herdman"*Gemified version of the Viking plugin0T" ruby[["sparkfly-foreigner-0.7.0u;I[" 1.4.0i"sparkfly-foreignerU:Gem::Version[" 0.7.0u: Time "dForeign keys for Rails migrations for PostgreSQL, MySQL and Sqlite3. Based on dwilkie-foreignerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Ho-Sheng Hsiao"GAllows you to add foreign keys to your migrations and enforce them0T" ruby[["rubyforge-2.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i"rubyforgeU:Gem::Version[" 2.0.4u: Time %"CA script which automates a limited set of rubyforge operationsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.7: @name"json_pure:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[ "Ryan Davis"Eric Hodel"Ara T Howard"Tom Copeland"wA script which automates a limited set of rubyforge operations. * Run 'rubyforge help' for complete usage. * Setup: For first time users AND upgrades to 0.4.0: * rubyforge setup (deletes your username and password, so run sparingly!) * edit ~/.rubyforge/user-config.yml * rubyforge config * For all rubyforge upgrades, run 'rubyforge config' to ensure you have latest.0T" ruby[["hoe-gemcutter-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"hoe-gemcutterU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time i".Adds gemcutter release automation to Hoe.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.3: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.3; "gemcutter; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0; " hoe-git; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.3; "hoe; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; "hoe-gemcutter; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; "hoe-doofus; @Q;F00["James Tucker".Adds gemcutter release automation to Hoe.0T" ruby[["messenger-0.3.6u;[" 1.4.0i"messengerU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.6u: Time "$Messenger: easy message sendingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mocha; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " webmock; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " httparty; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mail; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " trollop; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "xmpp4r-simple; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "SystemTimer; @e;F00["Brandon Arbini"Nathan Sutton";Messenger: easy message sending for various protocols.0T" ruby[["memcache-auth-1.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"memcache-authU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.3u: Time "/An interface to the libmemcached C client.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Evan Weaver"/An interface to the libmemcached C client.0T" ruby[[" dylanvaughn-bluepill-0.0.40u;a[" 1.4.0i"dylanvaughn-bluepillU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.40u: Time Ĝ"MA process monitor written in Ruby with stability and minimalism in mind.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.4: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.0; "state_machine; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.9; " daemons; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["; "blankslate; @=;F00["Arya Asemanfar"Gary Tsang"Rohith Ravi""Bluepill keeps your daemons up while taking up as little resources as possible. After all you probably want the resources of your server to be used by whatever daemons you are running rather than the thing that's supposed to make sure they are brought back up, should they die or misbehave.0T" ruby[["#madebyrocket-mousetrap-;G[" 1.4.0i"madebyrocket-mousetrapU:Gem::Version[" Time $g"%CheddarGetter API Client in RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.3: @name"factory_girl:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.2; " httparty; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.3; "activesupport; @=;F00[ "Jon Larkowski"Sandro Turriate"Wolfram Arnold"Corey Grusden"%CheddarGetter API Client in Ruby0T" ruby[["rpc-mapper-0.2.1u;i[" 1.4.0i"rpc-mapperU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time e"8Ruby library for querying and mapping data over RPCU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.0: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0; " bertrpc; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "factory_girl; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.6; "leftright; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0; " fakeweb; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.10.0; " shoulda; @Q;F00["Travis Petticrew"0T" ruby[["dbackeus-rvideo-0.9.7u;0[" 1.4.0i"dbackeus-rvideoU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.7u: Time E"1Inspect and transcode video and audio files.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.2.0; "activesupport; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.1; " open4; @3;F00[ "David Backeus"Peter Boling"%Jonathan Dahl (Slantwise Design)"Seth Thomas Rasmussen"1Inspect and transcode video and audio files.0T" ruby[["metrocot-1.0.2u;O[" 1.4.0i" metrocotU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2u: Time A"IAn Hpricot based tool for harvesting list-like data from HTML pages.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.2: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.2; "hoe; @);F00["Helmut Hissen"Metrocot builds on Hpricot to allow scraping of list data from HTML pages with a minimum of code and page specific information. The specification is done in a very compact readable format.0T" ruby[["samuel-0.3.2u;C[" 1.4.0i" samuelU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.2u: Time "2An automatic logger for HTTP requests in RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " fakeweb; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "httpclient; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mocha; @=;F00["Chris Kampmeier"mAn automatic logger for HTTP requests in Ruby, supporting the Net::HTTP and HTTPClient client libraries.0T" ruby[["adapter-redis-0.5.1u;y[" 1.4.0i"adapter-redisU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.1u: Time %"Adapter for redisU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.5.1: @name" adapter:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.1.1; " redis; @);F00["John Nunemaker"Adapter for redis0T" ruby[["thorero-jquery-0.9.4u;x[" 1.4.0i"thorero-jqueryU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.4u: Time $"-Merb plugin that provides jQuery supportU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.4: @name"merb-core:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Michael D. Ivey"-Merb plugin that provides jQuery support0T" ruby[["remarkable-4.0.0.alpha4u;[" 1.4.0i"remarkableU:Gem::Version["4.0.0.alpha4u: Time d"RRemarkable: a framework for rspec matchers and macros, with support for I18n.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["2.0.0.alpha11: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Ho-Sheng Hsiao"Carlos Brando"José Valim"RRemarkable: a framework for rspec matchers and macros, with support for I18n.0T" ruby[["base31_guid-0.0.0u;6[" 1.4.0i"base31_guidU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.0u: Time "-base10 to base31 guid conversion libraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.2; " jeweler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @=;F00[" foomip"eused (primarily) for converting auto-incrementing integer values to a base31 hyman-readable form0T" ruby[["Babelfish-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"BabelfishU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time H"@A plugin supporting Globalize2 and I18n in Rails 2.2+ apps.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["David Lazar"0T" ruby[["RTask-0.7.4u;[" 1.4.0i" RTaskU:Gem::Version[" 0.7.4u: Time "0simple task library similar to rake or thorU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Justin Baker"RTask is a simple task library similar to rake or thor. RTask wraps your tasks into a class, with a simple DSL to allow for easy creation of task. Tasks are namespaced via modules and classes.0T" ruby[["tron-0.1.0u;d[" 1.4.0i" tronU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "A Ruby based schedulerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" sinatra:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Seth Jackson">A Ruby based scheduler for running jobs within a process.0T" ruby[["simple_descriptor-0.2.3u;:[" 1.4.0i"simple_descriptorU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.3u: Time "Sadd description to your classes and make your ActiveRecord validations smarterU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" blank"Sadd description to your classes and make your ActiveRecord validations smarter0T" ruby[["chuyeow-memcached-0.17.7u;[" 1.4.0i"chuyeow-memcachedU:Gem::Version[" 0.17.7u: Time m"}Fork of the interface to the libmemcached C client - adds experimental support for items bigger than the 1MB memcached limit.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Cheah Chu Yeow"}Fork of the interface to the libmemcached C client - adds experimental support for items bigger than the 1MB memcached limit.0T" ruby[["message_block-1.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"message_blockU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.3u: Time D"KFlash message and error_messages_for handling with a common interface.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.9.2: @name" cucumber:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.0; " rails; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.3.9; " capybara; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.3.1; "sqlite3-ruby; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2.0; " rspec; @G;F00["Ben Hughes"Implements the common view pattern by which a list of messages are shown at the top, often a combination of flash messages and ActiveRecord validation issues on one or more models.0T" ruby[["meta_code_commenter-0.0.0u;q[" 1.4.0i"meta_code_commenterU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.0u: Time n"Comments your meta codeU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"riot_notifier:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " riot; @);F00["Peter Suschlik"0T" ruby[["creole-0.3.8u;[" 1.4.0i" creoleU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.8u: Time E"nCreole is a Creole-to-HTML converter for Creole, the lightwight markup language (http://wikicreole.org/).U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" bacon:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Lars Christensen"Daniel Mendler"nCreole is a Creole-to-HTML converter for Creole, the lightwight markup language (http://wikicreole.org/).0T" ruby[["cinch-basic_ctcp-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"cinch-basic_ctcpU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "=Implement the most important CTCP replies for Cinch botsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["1.0: @name" cinch:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Dominik Honnef"=Implement the most important CTCP replies for Cinch bots0T" ruby[["cul-fedora-0.6.0.preu;[" 1.4.0i"cul-fedoraU:Gem::Version["0.6.0.preu: Time Ħ"%Columbia University Fedora HooksU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rsolr:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rsolr-ext; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.8; " mocha; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "httpclient; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " nokogiri; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "activesupport; @[;F00["James Stuart"'Columbia-specific Fedora libraries0T" ruby[["scrubby-0.3.1u;[" 1.4.0i" scrubbyU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.1u: Time E"9Clean up your incoming ActiveRecord model attributesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "activerecord; @);F00["Steve Richert"9Clean up your incoming ActiveRecord model attributes0T" ruby[["!webbynode-mongo_mapper-0.6.4u;[" 1.4.0i"webbynode-mongo_mapperU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.4u: Time %l"AAwesome gem for modeling your domain and storing it in mongoU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 0.9.8: @name" mocha:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.3.1; " timecop; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.10.2; " shoulda; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.8.1; "jnunemaker-validatable; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.17.1; " mongo; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["2.3; "activesupport; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.4.0; "jnunemaker-matchy; @[;F00["John Nunemaker"Felipe Coury"0T" ruby[["systemu_j-1.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i"systemu_jU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.1u: Time m"System UniversalU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["*Ara T. Howard (ara.t.howard@noaa.gov)"&Daniel Hahn (JRuby modifications)",Special version for JRuby compatibility0T" ruby[["#strikeroff-helpful_utils-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"strikeroff-helpful_utilsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time Dg",collection of helpful utils,hacks , etcU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Ilya Vesov"Anatoly Lapshin",collection of helpful utils,hacks , etc0T" ruby[["mongoid-sphinx-0.0.6u;[" 1.4.0i"mongoid-sphinxU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.6u: Time "IA full text indexing extension for MongoDB using Sphinx and Mongoid.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;["2.0.0.beta.19: @name" mongoid:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.1.0; " riddle; @);F00["Matt Hodgson"IA full text indexing extension for MongoDB using Sphinx and Mongoid.0T" ruby[["zenweb-2.18.1u;[" 1.4.0i" zenwebU:Gem::Version[" 2.18.1u: Time V"LZenWeb is a set of classes/tools for organizing and formating a websiteU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.0; "hoe; @);F00["Ryan Davis"ZenWeb is a set of classes/tools for organizing and formating a website. It is website oriented rather than webpage oriented, unlike most rendering tools. It is content oriented, rather than style oriented, unlike most rendering tools. It provides a plugin system of renderers and filters to provide a very flexible, and powerful system. Documentation is available in the docs directory, and can be generated into html (in docshtml) simply by running make. See QuickStart and YourOwnWebsite for setup and starting to build a website. (EXPERIMENTAL) If you are running apache, you might try 'make apache' which will run a private version of apache that points to the generated documenation. Point your browser to port 8080 of localhost or whatever machine you are running on.0T" ruby[["server_remote-0.3.1u;s[" 1.4.0i"server_remoteU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.1u: Time E"RA gem that provides script/remote to a project for executing remote commands.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.5: @name"simplecli:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Tobias Crawley"0T" ruby[["#handles_sortable_columns-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"handles_sortable_columnsU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time "Sortable Table ColumnsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Alex Fortuna"Sortable Table Columns0T" ruby[["ruvi-0.4.12u;[" 1.4.0i" ruviU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.12u: Time d'"Pure Ruby Vim-wannabeU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Ruvi includes a large subset of Vim/Vi functionality. Due to the fact that its written in pure Ruby it is trivial to extend and to implement missing vi functionality as plugins. It includes a gtk2 frontend and curses frontend.0T" ruby[["iwannagothere-0.0.2u;d[" 1.4.0i"iwannagothereU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time Ū"'Ruby wrapper for iwannagothere APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" httparty:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jordi Villar"(Ruby wrapper for iwannagothere API 0T" ruby[["brauchbar-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"brauchbarU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "_adj, German. practical, convenient, utilizable, feasible AKA a decent HTTP client for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["2.0.0.beta.5: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.4.6; " patron; @);F00["Luca Spiller"0T" ruby[["table_for-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"table_forU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time $".Renders a table for your model collectionU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["2.0.0.beta.20: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["3.0; " rails; @);F00["Nicklas Ramhöj"Jonas Nicklas".Renders a table for your model collection0T" ruby[["r7z-1.0.2u; [" 1.4.0i"r7zU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2u: Time S"EPermet d'extraire les fichiers, les repertoires d'une archive 7zU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Yohan BARUKH":Utilitaire de compression/decompression base sur 7zip0T" ruby[["diagnostics-0.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i"diagnosticsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time "diagnostics-0.0.4U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 0.2.2: @name" aruba:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.4.0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.8.3; " cucumber; @3;F00["Justin Ko":A Rails Engine that let's you make diagnostic checks.0T" ruby[["bindata-1.3.1u; [" 1.4.0i" bindataU:Gem::Version[" 1.3.1u: Time "=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " maruku; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " haml; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " syntax; @=;F00["Dion Mendel"-BinData is a declarative way to read and write binary file formats. This means the programmer specifies *what* the format of the binary data is, and BinData works out *how* to read and write data in this format. It is an easier ( and more readable ) alternative to ruby's #pack and #unpack methods. 0T" ruby[["kerberos-0.3u;[" 1.4.0i" kerberosU:Gem::Version["0.3u: Time "Kerberos binding for rubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Chris Ochs"0T" ruby[["b_named-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i" b_namedU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time c"+A Ruby wrapper for the bNamed.net API.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.3; " httparty; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.0.3; " mash; @3;F00[" wout"MCurrently it enables you to retrieve a list of domains and their status.0T" ruby[["layout-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" layoutU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time Ĩ":Specify which layout will be rendered on Rails 3 appsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 2.0.1: @name"rspec-rails:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ruby-debug19; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.0; " rails; @3;F00["Nando Vieira":Specify which layout will be rendered on Rails 3 apps0T" ruby[["threadsafe_benchmark-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"threadsafe_benchmarkU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time "(Allows for thread-safe benchmarkingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" RHG Team"0T" ruby[["shiny-0.3.2u;[" 1.4.0i" shinyU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.2u: Time "(Shiny ansi and html format methods.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Samuel Tonini"ySome common nice and shiny ansi escapse sequences and html format tags for the daily grind in the shell and browser.0T" ruby[["ruby_gpg-0.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i" ruby_gpgU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time "$Ruby wrapper for the gpg binaryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.8: @name" mocha:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " cucumber; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @=;F00["Justin Blake"$Ruby wrapper for the gpg binary0T" ruby[["fcoury-aasm-2.1.5u;[" 1.4.0i"fcoury-aasmU:Gem::Version[" 2.1.5u: Time e")State machine mixin for Ruby objectsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" sdoc:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @3;F00["Scott Barron"Scott Petersen"Travis Tilley"dAASM is a continuation of the acts as state machine rails plugin, built for plain Ruby objects.0T" ruby[["alkesh-ghost-0.2.8u;[" 1.4.0i"alkesh-ghostU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.8u: Time ";Allows you to create, list, and modify local hostnamesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Bodaniel Jeanes";Allows you to create, list, and modify local hostnames0T" ruby[["elastic_rails-2.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"elastic_railsU:Gem::Version[" 2.0.2u: Time f".U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Ivan Torres".0T" ruby[["rsolr-nokogiri-0.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"rsolr-nokogiriU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.0u: Time "=Gives RSolr the power to use Nokogiri instead of BuilderU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.12.1: @name" rsolr:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @);F00["Matt Mitchell"MGives RSolr the power to use Nokogiri instead of Builder... it's faster.0T" ruby[["'retroactive_module_inclusion-1.2.5u;E[" 1.4.0i"!retroactive_module_inclusionU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.5u: Time E"!This gem circumvents the "dynamic module include" (aka "double inclusion") problem, which is the fact that M.module_eval { include N } does not make the methods of module N available to modules and classes which had included module M beforehand, only to the ones that include it thereafterU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.8.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Adriano Mitre"This gem circumvents the "dynamic module include" (aka "double inclusion") problem, which is the fact that M.module_eval { include N } does not make the methods of module N available to modules and classes which had included module M beforehand, only to the ones that include it thereafter. This behaviour hurts the least surprise principle, specially because if K is a class, then K.class_eval { include M } *does* make all methods of M available to all classes which had previously inherited it. 0T" ruby[["redis-shelf-0.1.1.preu;[" 1.4.0i"redis-shelfU:Gem::Version["0.1.1.preu: Time "Redis key browserU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[00["Joseph Hsu"Redis key browser0T" ruby[["rack-cat-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i" rack-catU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time D"KRack middleware to concatenate yor assets (static, dynamic and remote)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"rack-test:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rack; @);F00["Jacek Becela"Rack middleware to concatenate yor assets (static, dynamic and remote). Use it to serve your javascripts and stylesheets faster!0T" ruby[["foodie-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" foodieU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time " For foodU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" cucumber:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " aruba; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " thor; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "activesupport; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2.0.0.beta.22; " rspec; @Q;F00[" For food0T" ruby[["XRay-1.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i" XRayU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.3u: Time "$Dump backtrace for all threads.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Philippe Hanrigou"0T" ruby[["!selectable_attr_rails-0.3.13u;[" 1.4.0i"selectable_attr_railsU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.13u: Time "Uselectable_attr_rails makes possible to use selectable_attr in rails applicationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" autotest:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.2; "actionpack; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.11; "selectable_attr; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.2; " jeweler; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.2; "activerecord; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.11; "selectable_attr; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " sqlite3; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " sqlite3; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.3.0; " rspec; @~;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.2; "actionpack; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.2; "activesupport; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.3.0; " rspec; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.2; "activerecord; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " autotest; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.2; " jeweler; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.2; "activesupport; @;F00["Takeshi Akima"Uselectable_attr_rails makes possible to use selectable_attr in rails application0T" ruby[["elia-2.4.2.preu;F[" 1.4.0i" eliaU:Gem::Version["2.4.2.preu: Time d"Elia Schito's utility beltU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Elia Schito"useful stuff...0T" ruby[["ar-extensions-0.9.3u;[" 1.4.0i"ar-extensionsU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.3u: Time "(Extends ActiveRecord functionality.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["2.1: @name"activerecord:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Zach Dennis"Mark Van Holstyn"Blythe Dunham"Extends ActiveRecord functionality by adding better finder/query support, as well as supporting mass data import, foreign key, CSV and temporary tables0T" ruby[["emp-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"empU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time "3A number of extensions that Evan Phoenix uses.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Evan Phoenix"0T" ruby[["omnifocus-github-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"omnifocus-githubU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time ["DPlugin for omnifocus gem to provide github BTS synchronization.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"omnifocus:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.3; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.3; "hoe; @3;F00["Ryan Davis"DPlugin for omnifocus gem to provide github BTS synchronization.0T" ruby[["do_mysql-0.10.3u;>[" 1.4.0i" do_mysqlU:Gem::Version[" 0.10.3u: Time "DataObjects MySQL DriverU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 5.0.4: @name"jdbc-mysql:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.10.3; " do_jdbc; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.1; " bacon; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.7.0; "rake-compiler; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.10.3; "data_objects; @G;F00["Dirkjan Bussink"-Implements the DataObjects API for MySQL0T" ruby[["copyright-0.1.5u;[" 1.4.0i"copyrightU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.5u: Time eo"8Ruby gem/Rails plugin for copyright-related methodsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.10.2: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.2; " yard; @);F00["Takaaki Kato"'Adds a method for copyright period0T" ruby[["#active_resource_throttle-1.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"active_resource_throttleU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time ."-A throttler for ActiveResource requests.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Kyle Banker"Alexander Interactive" Inc."0T" ruby[["git-cleanup-0.1.1u;j[" 1.4.0i"git-cleanupU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "*Simplify cleaning up old git branchesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 2.2.0: @name" grit:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Martyn Loughran"*Simplify cleaning up old git branches0T" ruby[["auditrail-0.0.4u;v[" 1.4.0i"auditrailU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time "IAn easy and unobtrusive way to track changes on Active Record modelsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"sqlite3-ruby:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.1; "activerecord; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.0.1; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.1; " railties; @=;F00["Luis Galaviz"Emmanuel Delgado"cTrack changes on Active Record models based on ActiveSupport::Callbacks and ActiveModel::Dirty0T" ruby[["page_title_helper-2.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"page_title_helperU:Gem::Version[" 2.0.0u: Time "JSimple, internationalized and DRY page titles and headings for rails.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.0: @name" rails:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @);F00["Lukas Westermann"0T" ruby[["i18n_js-0.5u;[" 1.4.0i" i18n_jsU:Gem::Version["0.5u: Time "Rails I18n to JavaScriptU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Aleksandr Koss"5Render Ruby on Rails I18n to JavaScript via Rack0T" ruby[["tallakt-picopc-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"tallakt-picopcU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time E"4Pico OPC: very tiny OPc implementation for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Tallak Tveide"iA simple DCOM OPC library for ruby that allows simple access to OPC servers but with poor efficiency0T" ruby[["postini-0.2.0preu;R[" 1.4.0i" postiniU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0preu: Time D"8Library to make the Postini SOAP API more palatableU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" cucumber:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " handsoap; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " nokogiri; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " curb; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @G;F00["kenneth.kalmer@gmail.com"8Library to make the Postini SOAP API more palatable0T" ruby[["common_interface-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"common_interfaceU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time ĥ";Rapid Web Interface Creation for the Crystal frameworkU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Alexey Petrushin"0T" ruby[["class_factory-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"class_factoryU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "RClass Factory: Factory_girl-like syntax for dynamically creating Ruby classesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Pat Shaughnessy"~Use syntax similar to factory_girl to create new ActiveRecord or other test classes (vs. instances of an existing model).0T" ruby[["'moretea-awesome_nested_set-;[" 1.4.0i"moretea-awesome_nested_setU:Gem::Version[" Time ğ";An awesome nested set implementation for Active RecordU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.0: @name"activerecord:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Brandon Keepers"Daniel Morrison";An awesome nested set implementation for Active Record0T" ruby[["nats-0.3.12u;[" 1.4.0i" natsU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.12u: Time ".Simple Publish-Subscribe Messaging SystemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.12.10: @name"eventmachine:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.8; "yajl-ruby; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.0; " daemons; @3;F00["Derek Collison"=A lightweight, fast, publish-subscribe messaging system.0T" ruby[["yardstick-0.2.0u;z[" 1.4.0i"yardstickU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time "5A tool for verifying YARD documentation coverageU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.3.1: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.2.8; " reek; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.5.0; " flog; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.1.0; " roodi; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.1; "metric_fu; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.4.1; " flay; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.6.1; " yard; @[;F00[" Dan Kubb"0T" ruby[["rackjson-0.4.2u;[" 1.4.0i" rackjsonU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.2u: Time d"1A rack end point for storing json documents.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.0: @name" mongo:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.19.1; "mongo_ext; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.3; " json; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.1; " rack; @=;F00["Oliver Nightingale"1A rack end point for storing json documents.0T" ruby[["passenger-recipes-0.1.2u;q[" 1.4.0i"passenger-recipesU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time !"rAn opinionated set of capistrano recipes built on top of capistrano-extensions tailored for Phusion PassengerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.4: @name"capistrano-extensions:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.7.0; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.7.0; "hoe; @3;F00["John Trupiano"rAn opinionated set of capistrano recipes built on top of capistrano-extensions tailored for Phusion Passenger0T" ruby[[" capcode-render-binary-0.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i"capcode-render-binaryU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time ")Capcode plugin to render binary fileU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Gregoire Lejeune")Capcode plugin to render binary file0T" ruby[["zip-2.0.2u;b[" 1.4.0i"zipU:Gem::Version[" 2.0.2u: Time $"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Postmodern"Thomas Sondergaard" Sam Lown"}zip is a Ruby library for reading and writing Zip files. Unlike the official rubyzip, zip is compatible with Ruby" ruby[["rubygoo-0.0.8u;8[" 1.4.0i" rubygooU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.8u: Time %E"2Easy to use gui library for Rubygame or Gosu.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"constructor:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.3; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.3; "hoe; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "publisher; @G;F00["Shawn Anderson".GUI library for use with Gosu or Rubygame0T" ruby[["loofah-activerecord-1.0.0u; [" 1.4.0i"loofah-activerecordU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time D"[loofah-activerecord extends loofah's HTML sanitization into Rails ActiveRecord models.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 1.0.0: @name" bundler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4; "rubyforge; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.5; "acts_as_fu; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; " loofah; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0.9; " mocha; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.10; " shoulda; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.1; "hoe; @[;F00["Mike Dalessio"[loofah-activerecord extends loofah's HTML sanitization into Rails ActiveRecord models.0T" ruby[["ontomde-demos-2.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"ontomde-demosU:Gem::Version[" 2.0.0u: Time $"OntoMDE demonstrations.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["/Orange-labs BIZZ/CIL/SAM / Philippe Dubosc"Installer for all ontomde demos. == FEATURES: Please refer to each specific enclosed demo. === INSTALLATION: 1) download and install a ruby distribution (>=1.8.6) ( http://rubyforge.org/frs/?group_id=167&release_id=17128 ) 2) update ruby plateform $ set HTTP_PROXY=http://yourproxy:yourport (in case you need one) $ gem update --system 3) install ontomde-demo $ set HTTP_PROXY=http://yourproxy:yourport (in case you need one) $ gem install ontomde-demo0T" ruby[["kyotocabinet-1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"kyotocabinetU:Gem::Version["1.0u: Time D"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Mikio Hirabayashi"Kyoto Cabinet is a library of routines for managing a database. The database is a simple data file containing records, each is a pair of a key and a value. Every key and value is serial bytes with variable length. Both binary data and character string can be used as a key and a value. Each key must be unique within a database. There is neither concept of data tables nor data types. Records are organized in hash table or B+ tree.0T" ruby[["dcuddeback-octopi-0.2.12u;[" 1.4.0i"dcuddeback-octopiU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.12u: Time "&A Ruby interface to GitHub API v2U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.0: @name" httparty:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "api_cache; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.1; " nokogiri; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.3; "mechanize; @=;F00["Felipe Coury"David Cuddeback"0T" ruby[["gemstub-2.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" gemstubU:Gem::Version[" 2.0.1u: Time "Gemstub is a very simple tool for creating the stub code you need to build a gem. Usage: at a command prompt simply type: gemstub your_gem_name_here That's it, after that, you all you have to do is the actual coding of your gem! Enjoy!U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.0; "activesupport; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "mark_facets; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "genosaurus; @=;F00["Mark Bates"Gemstub is a very simple tool for creating the stub code you need to build a gem. Usage: at a command prompt simply type: gemstub your_gem_name_here That's it, after that, you all you have to do is the actual coding of your gem! Enjoy!0T" ruby[["cawer-hello-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"cawer-helloU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time %"Gem de exemplo.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Carlos Werberich"Gem de exemplo.0T" ruby[["postview-0.9.2u;+[" 1.4.0i" postviewU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.2u: Time dg"0Simple blogware that render Markdown files.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.5: @name"sinatra-mapping:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["; " postage; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["; " sinatra; @3;F00["Hallison Batista"nPostview is a simple blogware written in Ruby using the Sinatra DSL for render files written in Markdown.0T" ruby[["brisk-bills-0.7.0u;t[" 1.4.0i"brisk-billsU:Gem::Version[" 0.7.0u: Time Ĥ"}A full-featured, rails-based system for basic accounting, with a particular focus on invoicing and automatic bill generation.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.0: @name"extensions:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.3; " rake; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.2.0; " money; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.8; "pdf-writer; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.2; " rails; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["2.7; " mysql; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.4; "slimtimer4r; @[;F00["Chris DeRose"DeRose Technologies" Inc."}A full-featured, rails-based system for basic accounting, with a particular focus on invoicing and automatic bill generation.0T" ruby[["dragonfly_extensions-1.0.4u;G[" 1.4.0i"dragonfly_extensionsU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.4u: Time D"UCollection of Dragonfly Depot Extensions [Probably not useful for anybody, ever]U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Hans Masing"UCollection of Dragonfly Depot Extensions [Probably not useful for anybody, ever]0T" ruby[[")sprout-purepdf-library-0.23.20100210u; [" 1.4.0i"sprout-purepdf-libraryU:Gem::Version["0.23.20100210u: Time %"Vpurepdf is a complete pdf library for actionscript. Package without font support.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Alessandro Crugnola"0T" ruby[["rjack-jms-spec-1.1.1u;0[" 1.4.0i"rjack-jms-specU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.1u: Time "A gem packaging of JMS 1.1 specification classes (javax.jms) as implemented by the {Geronimo}[http://geronimo.apache.org/] project.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.3.0: @name"rjack-tarpit:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["David Kellum"A gem packaging of JMS 1.1 specification classes (javax.jms) as implemented by the {Geronimo}[http://geronimo.apache.org/] project.0T" ruby[["mack-facets-;[" 1.4.0i"mack-facetsU:Gem::Version[" Time eC"&Ruby language extensions for MackU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["markbates",mack-facets was developed by: markbates0T" ruby[["elif-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" elifU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["James Edward Gray II"A port of File::ReadBackwards, the Perl module by Uri Guttman, for reading a file in reverse, line by line. This can often be helpful for things like log files, where the interesting information is usually at the end.0T" ruby[["emoji-0.1u;c[" 1.4.0i" emojiU:Gem::Version["0.1u: Time Df"mEmoji provides simple way to get the correct Unicode character for a give mobile carrier implementation.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" Ryan Orr"mEmoji provides simple way to get the correct Unicode character for a give mobile carrier implementation.0T" ruby[["workpattern-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"workpatternU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time V"xPerform simple addition and subtraction of minutes on dates taking account of real-life working and resting periodsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.1: @name" newgem:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0; "hoe; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.1; " newgem; @=;F00["Barrie Callender"uPerform simple addition and subtraction of minutes on dates taking account of real-life working and resting periods. This gem has the potential to serve as the engine for scheduling algorithms that are the core of products such as Microsoft Project and Primavera as well as other applications that need to know what dates the can perform work on and what dates they can't.0T" ruby[["spree_promo-0.40.2u;k[" 1.4.0i"spree_promoU:Gem::Version[" 0.40.2u: Time %"0Promotion functionality for use with Spree.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 0.40.2: @name"spree_core:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["David North""Required dependancy for Spree0T" ruby[["RedNails-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i" RedNailsU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time "#A template driven data scraperU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" Zev Blut"0T" ruby[["eycap-0.5.9u;[" 1.4.0i" eycapU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.9u: Time ":Capistrano tasks for Engine Yard private cloud slicesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.2.0: @name"capistrano:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.8.0; "hoe; @);F00["Engine Yard"UA bunch of useful recipes to help deployment to Engine Yard private cloud slices0T" ruby[["ydd-0.1.0u;s[" 1.4.0i"yddU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "?ydd dumps / loads rails app databases for backup purposes.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["2.3: @name"activerecord:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.14; " thor; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "activesupport; @3;F00["Adam Wiggins"Orion Henry"Darcy Laycock" YDD is a tool (a fork of yaml_db really) to make it generally easy to use it for things like copying databases from production to staging and the like. 0T" ruby[[" spob_browser_detector-1.1.1u;$[" 1.4.0i"spob_browser_detectorU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.1u: Time %"ODetermines the name and version of the browser currently making a request.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.10.2: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["C. Jason Harrelson (midas)"Determines the name and version of the browser currently making a request. I forked this because gemcutter did not appear to have the latest version of the gem.0T" ruby[["rails_datamapper-1.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"rails_datamapperU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2u: Time " Rails Plugin for DataMapperU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 2.3.5: @name" rails:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.3; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["0.6; " yard; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.2; " dm-core; @=;F00["Tom Malone" Rails Plugin for DataMapper0T" ruby[["aggregate-0.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i"aggregateU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time a"cAggregate is a Ruby class for accumulating aggregate statistics and includes histogram supportU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Joseph Ruscio"Aggregate is a Ruby class for accumulating aggregate statistics and includes histogram support. For a detailed README see: http://github.com/josephruscio/aggregate0T" ruby[["workflow-0.8.0u;[" 1.4.0i" workflowU:Gem::Version[" 0.8.0u: Time "-A replacement for acts_as_state_machine.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Vladimir Dobriakov" Workflow is a finite-state-machine-inspired API for modeling and interacting with what we tend to refer to as 'workflow'. * nice DSL to describe your states, events and transitions * robust integration with ActiveRecord and non relational data stores * various hooks for single transitions, entering state etc. * convenient access to the workflow specification: list states, possible events for particular state 0T" ruby[["spread-client-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"spread-clientU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time Em"1ruby bindings for libspread (built with ffi)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Tim Lossen";portable ruby bindings for libspread (built with ffi).0T" ruby[["#radiant-people-extension-1.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"radiant-people-extensionU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.0u: Time $"!Manage People in Radiant CMSU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"searchlogic:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " merger; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "will_paginate; @3;F00[" Jim Gay"AA generic and extendable way to manage people in Radiant CMS0T" ruby[["ftl-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"ftlU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "5Easily launch ec2 instances for pair programmingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Matt Petty"DFTL spins up and down Amazon EC2 instances for pair programming0T" ruby[["ipsum-1.0.4u;&[" 1.4.0i" ipsumU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.4u: Time "6Quickly generate text-like filler ala Lorem IpsumU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.7: @name" rake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @);F00["Clive Crous"Generate words or sentences for filler text while developing anything which requires text. Most people know this as "Lorem Ipsum". eg: require 'ipsum'; puts 10.sentences0T" ruby[["cashboard-1.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"cashboardU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time "/Ruby wrapper library for the Cashboard APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.12: @name"xml-simple:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.8; " mocha; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.1; " httparty; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.5; "activesupport; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.8; " fakeweb; @G;F00["Subimage LLC"For more information see the homepage. Support and discussion can be found on the Cashboard forum (http://forum.getcashboard.com/)0T" ruby[["!sinatra-request-logger-0.2.2u;[" 1.4.0i"sinatra-request-loggerU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.2u: Time $"(Log all request and error on LoggerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0: @name" sinatra:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Cyril Mougel"8Log request and error on Logger send it by settings0T" ruby[["rbwowhead-0.0.2u;^[" 1.4.0i"rbwowheadU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time "#Gem to search items on WowheadU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0: @name" bundler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Francesco Ceccon"#Gem to search items on Wowhead0T" ruby[["Scratch-1.1u;[" 1.4.0i" ScratchU:Gem::Version["1.1u: Time EH"#Excessively minimalist weblog.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.11: @name" RedCloth:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0; "sqlite-ruby; @);F00["Scott Barron"CScratch is an excessively minimalist, painfully simple weblog.0T" ruby[["enum-1.0.0u;|[" 1.4.0i" enumU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time ġ"$A java like Enum class for rubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4: @name"rubyforge:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.2; "hoe; @);F00["capnregex"A java like Enum class for ruby. A while ago I was exploring Java, and came across the Enum class, which had some interesting functionality, and I decided that I would like something like it. Conceptually if you just need a unique identifier you may be perfectly happy using a :symbol, and that would likely be a simpler way of having a controll flag. However, if you want to have a set of unique identifiers that you can address, iterate over, assign properties to, etc, then this may be something you would be interested in.0T" ruby[["smparkes-watchr-;[" 1.4.0i"smparkes-watchrU:Gem::Version[" Time %i"AModern continious testing (flexible alternative to autotest)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"mynyml-redgreen:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "mynyml-every; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mocha; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "jeremymcanally-pending; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "jeremymcanally-matchy; @G;F00[" mynyml"BModern continious testing (flexible alternative to autotest).0T" ruby[["ruby-which-0.5.2u;e[" 1.4.0i"ruby-whichU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.2u: Time EG"=Like the UNIX "which" tool for Ruby libraries.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" Pistos"Use ruby-which for those times when you don't know which version of a library you're require-ing, or from what path on your system it's coming from.0T" ruby[["rmtools-1.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" rmtoolsU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.0u: Time E"'Yet another Ruby applied frameworkU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.8: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.7; " rake; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.9.0; "hoe; @3;F00["Shinku Templar"^== RMTools Methods for basic classes addon collection. == CHANGES :include: History.txt 0T" ruby[["rgauge-1.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i" rgaugeU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.4u: Time dJ"!Ultra slick benchmarking DSLU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["TJ Holowaychuk"!Ultra slick benchmarking DSL0T" ruby[["archive-tar-external-1.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i"archive-tar-externalU:Gem::Version[" 1.3.0u: Time "=A simple way to create tar archives using external callsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.7: @name" ptools:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.3; "test-unit; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.1; "win32-open3; @3;F00["Daniel Berger" The archive-tar-external is a simple wrapper interface for creating tar files using your system's tar command. You can also easily compress your tar files with your system's compression programs such as zip, gzip, or bzip2. 0T" ruby[["runtastic-tiny_mce-0.1.5u;[" 1.4.0i"runtastic-tiny_mceU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.5u: Time "Vruntastic version for current source. TinyMCE editor for your rails applications.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[ "Blake Watters"Kieran Pilkington"Sergio Cambra"Alexander Semyonov"Marian Theisen"Walter McGinnis"#Frederico Macedo de Assunção"VGem that allows easy implementation of the TinyMCE editor into your applications.0T" ruby[["dotstore-0.0.1u;C[" 1.4.0i" dotstoreU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time E"dotstore is an easy way to keep your dotfiles in synch between computers, using git for all the things that make sense to use git for, and scripts for the rest.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["John Joseph Bachir"0T" ruby[["SqlStatement-2.0u;i[" 1.4.0i"SqlStatementU:Gem::Version["2.0u: Time "UA library for generating arbitrary SQL statements using convenient Ruby objects.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rubynode:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Ken Bloom"0T" ruby[["kaltura-ruby-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"kaltura-rubyU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "+Ruby gem for accessing the Kaltura APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"activeresource:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "activesupport; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " json; @3;F00["papyromancer"0T" ruby[["%sequel_proc_error_handling-0.5.0u;P[" 1.4.0i"sequel_proc_error_handlingU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.0u: Time d"Proc based error recovery.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 3.11.0: @name" sequel:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" daicoden"  Proc Error Handling allows you to specify a proc for most of the database oriented operations. If an error occurs, the klass and values are passed to the proc. The proc may attempt to fix the error and retry, or pass the error on up the chain. 0T" ruby[["scriptaculous_slider-1.0.0u;-[" 1.4.0i"scriptaculous_sliderU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time EC"aA Ruby on Rails extension to provide provides helpers for the script.aculo.us slider controlU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"actionpack:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Nicolas Cavigneaux"This extension is of fork of the original scriptaculous slider plugin which is not maintained anymore. It provides helpers for the script.aculo.us slider control.0T" ruby[["rutty-2.4.2u;[" 1.4.0i" ruttyU:Gem::Version[" 2.4.2u: Time e"!A DSH implementation in RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0: @name" bundler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.12; "xml-simple; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ruby-debug; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.1.2; " builder; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.4; " net-scp; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.0.23; " net-ssh; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.4.6; " json; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.4.2; "terminal-table; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 4.0.3; "commander; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.7; "fastthread; @~;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.4.8; " treetop; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.1; " jeweler; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @;F00["Josh Lindsey" RuTTY is a DSH (distributed / dancer's shell) written in Ruby. It's used to run commands on multiple remote servers at once, based on a tagging system. Also allows for multiple SCP-style uploads. 0T" ruby[["charleston-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"charlestonU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time d"Static HTML site frameworkU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["3.0: @name" haml:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["0.8; " rake; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.11; " shoulda; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["0.2; " fakefs; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["0.9; " mocha; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["0.6; " yard; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.6; "rdiscount; @[;F00["Bryce Kerley"Charleston is a framework to build static HTML/CSS/JavaScript sites with any combination of HTML, HAML, CSS, SASS, JavaScript, and CoffeeScript, that's easy to put together and maintain.0T" ruby[["fto-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"ftoU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time l"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.5: @name" locale:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.0; " gettext; @);F00["Rodent of Unusual Size"@FTO is an extensible Ruby library for formatting text strings. In function it is similar to printf(3); however, the syntax of the format effectors (sometimes called 'format descriptors') and the selection of effectors bundled with the package are based on the SYS$FAO user-mode system service found on OpenVMS.0T" ruby[["menutree-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i" menutreeU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "$a simple hierachical REPL shellU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Mat Trudel"Grant McInnes"Menutree is a framework for presenting a recursive REPL shell, inspired by the CLI found in Cisco IOS and similar products0T" ruby[["optics-ansi-0.3.7u;[" 1.4.0i"optics-ansiU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.7u: Time dV"5Flexible, easy colorization for terminal output.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.12.2: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.12.2; "hoe; @);F00["Mike Zazaian"[A flexible, easy-to-use module for adding color and effects to text in ANSI terminals.0T" ruby[["nofxx-money-2.5.0u;[" 1.4.0i"nofxx-moneyU:Gem::Version[" 2.5.0u: Time "FThis library aids one in handling money and different currencies.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Money Team"FThis library aids one in handling money and different currencies.0T" ruby[["tendersync-1.0.10u;J[" 1.4.0i"tendersyncU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.10u: Time $"DUtility for syncing and indexing files from ENTP's Tender site.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.3: @name"mechanize:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Bill Kayser"Tendersync is a utility for syncing files from ENTP's Tender site for managing customer facing documentation. It can be used to pull and push documents to a local repository as well as create indexes for each documentation section. 0T" ruby[["static_auth-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"static_authU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time "ZStatic authentication && authorization in rails. Supports roles and static passwords.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">U;["3: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "bcrypt-ruby; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">U;["3; "activemodel; @3;F00["Victor Sokolov"4Static authentication && authorization in rails0T" ruby[["rdfobjects-changeset-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"rdfobjects-changesetU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "HAn extension to RDFObjects to more easily work with RDF ChangeSets.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"rdfobjects:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " uuid; @);F00["Ross Singer"mAn extension to RDFObjects to more easily work with RDF ChangeSets: http://n2.talis.com/wiki/Changesets0T" ruby[["ftp-0.069u;[" 1.4.0i"ftpU:Gem::Version[" 0.069u: Time "fuck tha policeU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Lincoln Stoll"fuck tha police0T" ruby[["zergling-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" zerglingU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time +"EUmbrella for the software driving a computer in the Zerg system.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.1: @name"zerg_support:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " echoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " echoe; @3;F00["Victor Costan"EUmbrella for the software driving a computer in the Zerg system.0T" ruby[["simplekiss-0.2.0u;2[" 1.4.0i"simplekissU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time ņ":A simple library for adding KISSmetrics to your pagesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jamie Lawrence"bA simple library which adds KISSMetrics javascript to your pages, based on a YAML config file0T" ruby[["rake-dir-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" rake-dirU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time ",Run rake tasks in different directoriesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " main; @);F00[",Run rake tasks in different directories0T" ruby[["httpadapter-0.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i"httpadapterU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time "Package SummaryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.1.31: @name" typhoeus:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.1.11; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.2.0; "addressable; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.2.0; " rack; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.8.3; " rake; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.1.2; " diff-lcs; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.3.2; " launchy; @[;F00[" Bob Aman"sA library for translating HTTP request and response objects for various clients into a common representation. 0T" ruby[["archive-tar-0.9.0u;[" 1.4.0i"archive-tarU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.0u: Time "AAn interface library for reading and writing UNIX tar files.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["James R Hunt"0T" ruby[["bosdk-1.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i" bosdkU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.1u: Time "+JRuby Business Object Java SDK wrapperU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.4: @name" yard:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0; " rspec; @);F00["Shane Emmons"6A JRuby wrapper for the Business Objects Java SDK0T" ruby[["csv_pirate-4.1.4u;[" 1.4.0i"csv_pirateU:Gem::Version[" 4.1.4u: Time ģ"^Easily create CSVs of any data that can be derived from instance methods on your classes.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Peter Boling"CsvPirate is the easy way to create a CSV of essentially anything in Ruby, in full pirate regalia. It works better if you are wearing a tricorne!0T" ruby[["gmapper-0.2.1u;a[" 1.4.0i" gmapperU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time Ģ"NA version agnostic, dependency free Ruby library for the Google Maps API.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" TJ Peden"A (mostly) version agnostic, dependency free Ruby library for the Google Maps API. Currently only supports Google Static Maps. 0T" ruby[["lcclasses-0.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i"lcclassesU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time ">Library of Congress Classification classes and subclassesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["William Melody">Library of Congress Classification classes and subclasses0T" ruby[["cmpa_auth-1.0.6u;[" 1.4.0i"cmpa_authU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.6u: Time "EAdiciona uma solução completa de autenticação e permissões.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.1: @name" net-ldap:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["$CMPA Assessoria de Informática"KBiblioteca de autenticação para a Assessoria de Informática (CMPA).0T" ruby[["ivanvc-dictionary-0.0.2u;C[" 1.4.0i"ivanvc-dictionaryU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time $"DictionaryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Iván Valdés (@ivanvc)"Dictionary0T" ruby[[""tinymce_splitblockquote-0.0.5u;[" 1.4.0i"tinymce_splitblockquoteU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time d"BA tiny_mce gem's plugin installing my splitblockquote plugin.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.4: @name" tiny_mce:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Guiran Patrick"XThis plugin splits (nested) blockquotes when the user try to break lines into them.0T" ruby[["include_behaviors-0.0.5u;+[" 1.4.0i"include_behaviorsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time Dd"+A wrapper for handeling sort_by paramsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Nathan Verni"eA quick helper for auto-loading /public/javascripts/behaviors/{controller_name}/{action_name}.js0T" ruby[["date_time-duration-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"date_time-durationU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time ""Handle datetime duration easyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" Keiji" Yoshimi""Handle datetime duration easy0T" ruby[["dm-cutie-0.4.0u; [" 1.4.0i" dm-cutieU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.0u: Time e")DataMapper's Original Query Tracker'U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.12: @name" extlib:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.10.0; " dm-types; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.10.0; " dm-core; @3;F00["Cory ODaniel"bDataMapper's Query Tracker; She is super thorough and easy as hell, just the way you like it.0T" ruby[["TWSMS-0.2.1u;?[" 1.4.0i" TWSMSU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time $"´£¨Ñ¤@­Ó¤â¾÷²°Tµo°eªº¨ç¦¡®w(TWSMSª©¥»)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["CFC"0T" ruby[["zabbix_agent-0.1.1u;m[" 1.4.0i"zabbix_agentU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "-Class for creating Zabbix agents in RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"bit-struct:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["A. Nelson"-Class for creating Zabbix agents in Ruby0T" ruby[["xbmc-jsonrpc-0.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i"xbmc-jsonrpcU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time ĥ"9A module for interacting with xbmc's json-rpc serverU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "thoughtbot-shoulda; @);F00["atom smith"9A module for interacting with xbmc's json-rpc server0T" ruby[["simredis-0.0.5u;[" 1.4.0i" simredisU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time "URedis 'simulator' that allows you to use redis-rb without a Redis daemon runningU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Peter Cooper"Redis 'simulator' that allows you to use redis-rb without a Redis daemon running. Useful in situations where you want to deploy basic Redis-based apps quickly or to people who haven't got the ability to set up the Redis daemon.0T" ruby[["rdoc-shomen-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"rdoc-shomenU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time ģ"+Standardized Ruby Documentation FormatU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["2.5: @name" rdoc:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " syckle; @);F00["(Thomas Sawyer "Shomen defines a standardized documentaiton format for Ruby programs which is used by other systems as a common source for rendering.0T" ruby[["lijab-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i" lijabU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "+Extensible line oriented jabber clientU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"term-ansicolor:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " xmpp4r; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "file-tail; @3;F00["Pablo Flouret"0T" ruby[["kerio-ical-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"kerio-icalU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "4A Ruby interface to Kerio Mail server calendarsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.5: @name"icalendar:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4; "rubyforge; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.2; "hoe; @3;F00["Thomas Tinnesand Eng"4A Ruby interface to Kerio Mail server calendars0T" ruby[["hydeweb-0.0.8.pre2u;[" 1.4.0i" hydewebU:Gem::Version["0.0.8.pre2u: Time "Website preprocessorU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.2.20: @name" haml:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.21; " less; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; " sinatra; @3;F00["Rico Sta. Cruz" Sinefunc" Inc."Website preprocessor0T" ruby[["lotu-0.1.14u;[" 1.4.0i" lotuU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.14u: Time "5A simple, agile Ruby game development framework.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.18: @name" gosu:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["lobo_tuerto"lotu aims to bring an agile and simple game development framework to life. It provides useful abstractions so you can concentrate on developing your game.0T" ruby[[")anthonymoralez-apn_on_rails-0.3.1preu;w[" 1.4.0i" anthonymoralez-apn_on_railsU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.1preu: Time "apn_on_railsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"configatron:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["markbates"anthonymoralez"-apn_on_rails was developed by: markbates0T" ruby[[" wulffeld-capistrano-;q[" 1.4.0i"wulffeld-capistranoU:Gem::Version[" Time đ"sCapistrano is a utility and framework for executing commands in parallel on multiple remote machines, via SSH.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0: @name"net-ssh-gateway:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " highline; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; " net-scp; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0; " net-sftp; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.10; " net-ssh; @G;F00["Jamis Buck"0T" ruby[["tournament-3.3.3u;[" 1.4.0i"tournamentU:Gem::Version[" 3.3.3u: Time "iSmall library, command line program and Rails web GUI for managing a NCAA basketball tournament poolU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.7: @name" rake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.5; " rails; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 4.2.0; " main; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.3.0; " bones; @=;F00["Douglas A. Seifert"jSmall library, command line program and Rails web GUI for managing a NCAA basketball tournament pool.0T" ruby[["mimemagic-0.1.8u;@[" 1.4.0i"mimemagicU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.8u: Time Q"+Mime detection by extension or contentU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" bacon:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Daniel Mendler"0T" ruby[["yahoo-geoplanet-0.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i"yahoo-geoplanetU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time $"1A Ruby wrapper for the Yahoo! GeoPlanet API.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">U;[" 2.1.0: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">U;["0.6; " hpricot; @);F00["Mattt Thompson"A Ruby wrapper for the Yahoo! GeoPlanet API. See http://developer.yahoo.com/geo/ for more information about the API.0T" ruby[["rb-trace-0.4u;[" 1.4.0i" rb-traceU:Gem::Version["0.4u: Time %"Trace hook extensionsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.32: @name"rb-threadframe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["R. Bernstein" rb-trace adds a trace_hook object, translates hooks bitmasks to sets and vice versa, and extends set_trace_func to ignore frames or functions. 0T" ruby[[" omni_auth_myfc_id-1.0.2.preu;B[" 1.4.0i"omni_auth_myfc_idU:Gem::Version["1.0.2.preu: Time " summaryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 0.1.6: @name" oa-oauth:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Marcos Tapajós"description0T" ruby[["juscr-0.12.0u;[" 1.4.0i" juscrU:Gem::Version[" 0.12.0u: Time $"A Javascript compilerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Dayton Nolan"ICompiles and compresses multiple javascript files into a single file0T" ruby[["houdini-rails3-0.1.5u;M[" 1.4.0i"houdini-rails3U:Gem::Version[" 0.1.5u: Time "=Rails 3 Engine for using the Houdini Mechanical Turk APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"sqlite3-ruby:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.0; " rails; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.1; " tilt; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.5.0.pre3; " jeweler; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.9; " capybara; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["2.0.0.beta; "rspec-rails; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.1; " tilt; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.10.3; "ruby-debug; @~;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.5.0.pre3; " jeweler; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["2.0.0.beta.19; " rspec; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @;F00["Chris Conley"=Rails 3 Engine for using the Houdini Mechanical Turk API0T" ruby[["subexec-0.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i" subexecU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time "6Subexec spawns an external command with a timeoutU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Peter Kieltyka"6Subexec spawns an external command with a timeout0T" ruby[["scriptlandia-r-0.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i"scriptlandia-rU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time D(".U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Alexander Shvets"Scriptlandia launcher.0T" ruby[["shipt-0.0.6u;[" 1.4.0i" shiptU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.6u: Time D"!one-line summary of your gemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["2.0.0.beta.22: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.2.30; "fog; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.16.2; " trollop; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @=;F00["Justin Smestad"#longer description of your gem0T" ruby[["bliptv-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i" bliptvU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time T" A Ruby library from Blip.tvU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Michael Kelly Sutton" A Ruby library from Blip.tv0T" ruby[[" openlogic-resourceful-1.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"openlogic-resourcefulU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.0u: Time "SAn HTTP library for Ruby that takes advantage of everything HTTP has to offer.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.1: @name" options:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " sinatra; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.0; "addressable; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " httpauth; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " thin; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @[;F00["OpenLogic"SAn HTTP library for Ruby that takes advantage of everything HTTP has to offer.0T" ruby[["scrapin-a-livin-0.1.4u;[[" 1.4.0i"scrapin-a-livinU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time El"Scrape to find a jobU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0.6; " hpricot; @);F00["Kevin S Kirkup"Are you in the technology industry? The you have probably lost a job during your career. This script helps you scrape the most common job sites for your search criteria, and save the lists on you local computer. You can then use other tools to display updates, send out resumes or search your LinkedIn account to see who you may know at that company. Please feel free to contribute make. All suggestions are welcome. Hopefully this will help you find the career you are looking for. 0T" ruby[["rgithook-3.0.3u;q[" 1.4.0i" rgithookU:Gem::Version[" 3.0.3u: Time ED"You can deploy updated code, restart the web server, run the tests, email the diff, etc... You can use a cron to pull or a githook to run when pushed to the repo.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" tmail:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " echoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " grit; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " echoe; @=;F00["Guillermo Álvarez"$Ruby gem specify for git hooks.0T" ruby[[""jeremyevans-postgres-pr-0.6.4u;[" 1.4.0i"jeremyevans-postgres-prU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.4u: Time ">A pure Ruby interface to the PostgreSQL (>= 7.4) databaseU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jeremy Evans"0T" ruby[["mm_partial_update-0.1.7u;[" 1.4.0i"mm_partial_updateU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.7u: Time "$Partial updates for MongoMapperU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"log_buddy:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.1.2; "observables; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " tzinfo; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.1.1; "mm_dirtier; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.11; " shoulda; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.4.0; "jnunemaker-matchy; @[;F00["Nathan Stults"0T" ruby[["behavior-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i" behaviorU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time ņ"JA Rails plugin for storing application configuration in the database.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Paul Campbell"0T" ruby[["!filipegiusti-yajl-ruby-0.6.4u;[" 1.4.0i"filipegiusti-yajl-rubyU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.4u: Time g"LRuby C bindings to the excellent Yajl JSON stream-based parser library.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Brian Lopez"Lloyd Hilaiel"0T" ruby[["sunspot_rails-1.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i"sunspot_railsU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.1u: Time ":Rails integration for the Sunspot Solr search libraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["1.2: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.2; "rspec-rails; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.2.1; " sunspot; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " nokogiri; @=;F00["Mat Brown"Peer Allan"Michael Moen"Benjamin Krause"Adam Salter"Brandon Keepers"Paul Canavese"John Eberly"Gert Thiel"Sunspot::Rails is an extension to the Sunspot library for Solr search. Sunspot::Rails adds integration between Sunspot and ActiveRecord, including defining search and indexing related methods on ActiveRecord models themselves, running a Sunspot-compatible Solr instance for development and test environments, and automatically commit Solr index changes at the end of each Rails request. 0T" ruby[["six-uac-0.1.5u;u[" 1.4.0i" six-uacU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.5u: Time d"Your summary hereU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.0: @name"win32-process:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.4.6; "win32-api; @);F00[" Sickboy"Your summary here0T" ruby[["guard-minitest-0.3.0u;7[" 1.4.0i"guard-minitestU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time D"%Guard gem for MiniTest frameworkU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.2: @name" bundler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.9.8; " mocha; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.7.2; " minitest; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.2; " guard; @=;F00["Yann Lugrin"^Guard::Minitest automatically run your tests with MiniTest framework (much like autotest)0T" ruby[[")activerecord-cassandra-adapter-0.1.0u;v[" 1.4.0i"#activerecord-cassandra-adapterU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time Ĕ"Lactiverecord-cassandra-adapter is a Cassandra adapter for ActiveRecord.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"cassandra:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["winebarrel"0T" ruby[["glennfu-contacts-;I[" 1.4.0i"glennfu-contactsU:Gem::Version[" Time "~A universal interface to grab contact list information from various providers including Yahoo, Gmail, Hotmail, and Plaxo.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.1: @name" gdata:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.1; " json; @);F00["Glenn Sidney"~A universal interface to grab contact list information from various providers including Yahoo, Gmail, Hotmail, and Plaxo.0T" ruby[["mofo-0.2.16u;`[" 1.4.0i" mofoU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.16u: Time E"&mofo is a ruby microformat parserU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.59: @name" hpricot:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Chris Wanstrath"&mofo is a ruby microformat parser0T" ruby[["smspromote-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"smspromoteU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time $"Cthis gem helps sending sms using the smspromote.de sms gatewayU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.6.0; "rest-client; @3;F00["Vincent Landgraf"0T" ruby[["dbd-pg-0.3.9u;~[" 1.4.0i" dbd-pgU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.9u: Time ň"PostgreSQL DBI DBDU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.0: @name"dbi:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "pg; @);F00["Erik Hollensbe"Christopher Maujean"PostgreSQL DBI DBD0T" ruby[["caulfield-0.0.7u;[" 1.4.0i"caulfieldU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.7u: Time ")A Rack middleware for Rails testing.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Chris Hanks"HA Rack middleware to aid in integration testing for Rails 3 and up.0T" ruby[["sinatra-js-0.1.5u;\[" 1.4.0i"sinatra-jsU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.5u: Time $"9A Sinatra Extension that makes working with JS easy.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["1.0: @name" sinatra:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "sinatra-tags; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.6; "sinatra-tests; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "sinatra-assets; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0; " rspec; @G;F00[" kematzy"9A Sinatra Extension that makes working with JS easy.0T" ruby[[""sequel_simple_callbacks-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"sequel_simple_callbacksU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time $"BSequel Plugin to add ActiveRecord style callback declarationsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" sequel:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" tadman"yThis plugin makes it possible to declare simple before and after callbacks on the class level just like ActiveRecord0T" ruby[[""pickle-has_many_support-0.4.2u;+[" 1.4.0i"pickle-has_many_supportU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.2u: Time "@Easy model creation and reference in your cucumber featuresU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" yard:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.3; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0.8; " cucumber; @=;F00["Ian White"@Easy model creation and reference in your cucumber features0T" ruby[["merb_rubi18n-0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"merb_rubi18nU:Gem::Version["0.1u: Time !"mA plugin for the Merb framework that provides i18n support to translate your site in several languages.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rubi18n:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "merb-core; @);F00["Andrey "A.I." Sitnik"$A plugin for the Merb framework that provides i18n support to translate your site in several languages. It can localize your site, has translation for commons words, storage translation in rich YAML format with pluralization and procedures and has sublocales list for each supported locale.0T" ruby[["pepper-0.0.2u;([" 1.4.0i" pepperU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time "8Provides a simple interface to Nominets EPP serviceU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rr; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " nokogiri; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "sax-machine; @=;F00["Theo Cushion"PCurrently supports connecting to Nominet and running checks on domain names0T" ruby[["permit_yo-2.1.3u; [" 1.4.0i"permit_yoU:Gem::Version[" 2.1.3u: Time "1A Rails 3 engine for managing authorization.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Bill Katz"Ian Terrell"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.7.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mongrel; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " json; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " daemons; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.7.0; "hoe; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rack; @Q;F00["Ryan King"E* Like TiVo for your data * A distributed rewindable multi-queue0T" ruby[["macruby-asl-logger-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"macruby-asl-loggerU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "7A MacRuby wrapper of the Apple System Log facilityU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Eloy Duran"7A MacRuby wrapper of the Apple System Log facility0T" ruby[["tuxdroid-0.1.0u;x[" 1.4.0i" tuxdroidU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time $"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Ryan Davis"(== FEATURES/PROBLEMS: * Simple interface to all basic actions * No sound support yet * No reading the status of any motors or sensors yet == SYNOPSIS: require 'tuxdroid' tux = TuxDroid::Tux.new tux.mouth :open tux.mouth :close tux.wings :flap, :times => 2, :speed => 3 == REQUIREMENTS:0T" ruby[["sass-3.1.0.alpha.221u;[" 1.4.0i" sassU:Gem::Version["3.1.0.alpha.221u: Time "BA powerful but elegant CSS compiler that makes CSS fun again.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.9: @name" maruku:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.3; " yard; @);F00["Nathan Weizenbaum"Chris Eppstein"Hampton Catlin" Sass makes CSS fun again. Sass is an extension of CSS3, adding nested rules, variables, mixins, selector inheritance, and more. It's translated to well-formatted, standard CSS using the command line tool or a web-framework plugin. 0T" ruby[["ready_for_i18n-0.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i"ready_for_i18nU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time o"uready_for_i18n is a tool helping for the very first step of transfering your local Rails project to an i18n one.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.26; " ya2yaml; @);F00[" zigzag" ready_for_i18n will help you extract visible hard-coded text from your ERB view files, then choose a proper key and replace them with the I18n.translate method like t(:login) 0T" ruby[["queuehash-0.1.0u;J[" 1.4.0i"queuehashU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time U"[A QueueHash is an ordered hash: Keys are ordered according to when they were inserted.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Francis Hwang"[A QueueHash is an ordered hash: Keys are ordered according to when they were inserted.0T" ruby[["qoobaa-oauth-0.3.8u;[" 1.4.0i"qoobaa-oauthU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.8u: Time "#OAuth Core Ruby implementationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" mocha:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rack; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "actionpack; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.1; "ruby-hmac; @=;F00["Piotr Sarnacki"Jakub Kuźma"#OAuth Core Ruby implementation0T" ruby[["howlingmine-client-0.1.5u;[" 1.4.0i"howlingmine-clientU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.5u: Time n"/Client library for the Howling Mine ServerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.4.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.0; "rest-client; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.0; " json; @3;F00["Sergio Rubio"/Client library for the Howling Mine Server0T" ruby[["socket_accept_filter-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"socket_accept_filterU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time "8Allows use of FreeBSD's accept filters for sockets.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 3.5.0: @name"RubyInline:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Eric Hodel"iA library that makes setting the SO_ACCEPTFILTER socket option easy. Only known to work on FreeBSD.0T" ruby[["em-beanstalk-0.0.10u;^[" 1.4.0i"em-beanstalkU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.10u: Time "'EventMachine client for BeanstalkdU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"eventmachine:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Dan"'EventMachine client for Beanstalkd0T" ruby[["cool_extensions-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"cool_extensionsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time $"CSome interesting extensions to your favorite ruby object typesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"fastercsv:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.5.0; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.0; "gemcutter; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.2; "activesupport; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.3; "rubyforge; @Q;F00["Jason Amster"CSome interesting extensions to your favorite ruby object types0T" ruby[["gem_dir-1.0.0u;z[" 1.4.0i" gem_dirU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time g"-Gem Command to easily locate a ruby gem.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.9.5: @name" mocha:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Mike Perham"> Prints the install directory for the selected gem. 0T" ruby[["backbone_rails-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"backbone_railsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time %"LI am backbone_rails, I make working with backbone.js and rails3 easier.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.1: @name" rails:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.1; " jeweler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.1; "activerecord; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.1; "activerecord; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.1; " rails; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @e;F00["Chas Lemley"backbone_rails does two things: 1. tell active record to exclude the root element from the to_json response. 2. Adds a class method to ActionController::Base to initialize the backbone.js integration.0T" ruby[["InsuranceBizLogic-0.2.5u;5[" 1.4.0i"InsuranceBizLogicU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.5u: Time K"pInsuranceBizLogic contains biz logic for stand four insurance processes of NB, MTA, Cancellations, RenewalsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.2: @name" diff-lcs:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.15; "mime-types; @);F00["Gary Mawdsley"pInsuranceBizLogic contains biz logic for stand four insurance processes of NB, MTA, Cancellations, Renewals0T" ruby[["-noodall-components-general-content-0.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i"'noodall-components-general-contentU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time E"(Noodall Components: General ContentU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0: @name" bundler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.15; "noodall-ui; @);F00["+A text and image component for Noodall0T" ruby[["rack-http-enforcer-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"rack-http-enforcerU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time "-A simple Rack middleware to enforce HTTPU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.2.1: @name" rack:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.1; " jeweler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.5.6; "rack-test; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.1.2; "test-unit; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.11.3; " shoulda; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.7; " bundler; @Q;F00["Rudolf Schmidt"ORack::HttpEnforcer is a simple Rack middleware to enforce http connections0T" ruby[["dm-freebase-adapter-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"dm-freebase-adapterU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time h"9DataMapper adapter to access data stored in FreebaseU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Yves Senn"TThis Adapter allows you to access any Freebase data with your DataMapper models0T" ruby[["isoelectric_point-0.0.6u;[" 1.4.0i"isoelectric_pointU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.6u: Time Ĥ"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" mocha:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @);F00[" GeorgeG"pascalbetz"$Calculate the Isoelectric point0T" ruby[["activerdf_sesame-0.2.2u;[" 1.4.0i"activerdf_sesameU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.2u: Time "@jruby adapter to sesame2 datastore (for usage in ActiveRDF)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["1.2: @name"activerdf:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.1; "gem_plugin; @);F00["3Benjamin Heitmann "@jruby adapter to sesame2 datastore (for usage in ActiveRDF)0T" ruby[[" formtastic_validation-0.1.3u;[" 1.4.0i"formtastic_validationU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time "+Client side validation with formtasticU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0: @name"validation_reflection:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.3.2; "rspec-rails; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.3.0; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.1.0; "formtastic; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.3.8; "activesupport; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.3.8; "actionpack; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.0.0; "rspec_tag_matchers; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.4.2; " nokogiri; @e;F00["Wong Liang Zan"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.2: @name" bivouac:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Grégoire Lejeune"#A plugin generator for Bivouac0T" ruby[["empp-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i" emppU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time "%API for sending or receiving smsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 1.2.1: @name" bindata:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.2; " jeweler; @G;F00["lijianjun"%API for sending or receiving sms0T" ruby[["wsio-0.0.5u;[" 1.4.0i" wsioU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time D"!Web stream input/output toolU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.4: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["; "httpclient; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.2; " highline; @3;F00["Jeff Lindsay"!Web stream input/output tool0T" ruby[["sample_tasks-0.11.0u;-[" 1.4.0i"sample_tasksU:Gem::Version[" 0.11.0u: Time D("Sample Tap TasksU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.11: @name"tap:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Simon Chiang"0T" ruby[["redmine_client-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"redmine_clientU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time D"Redmine API clientU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.3.0; "activeresource; @);F00["Eric Davis"4Access the Redmine REST API with ActiveResource0T" ruby[["q4m-0.0.8u;}[" 1.4.0i"q4mU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.8u: Time "'Queue job for the Q4M MySQL engineU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["kazuyoshi tlacaelel":Interface to pragmatically setup a queue job for Q4M!0T" ruby[["merb-photos-0.4.2u;[" 1.4.0i"merb-photosU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.2u: Time /""Flickr Photo Gallery for MerbU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0.5: @name" flickraw:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0.4; " merb-ui; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; "merb-slices; @3;F00[" UiPoet"0T" ruby[["classx-0.0.7u;[" 1.4.0i" classxU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.7u: Time G"HMeta Framework extending and flexible attribute like Moose ( perl )U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.4: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.4; " rspec; @);F00[" Keiji" Yoshimi"HMeta Framework extending and flexible attribute like Moose ( perl )0T" ruby[["win32-changejournal-0.3.3u;z[" 1.4.0i"win32-changejournalU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.3u: Time D^";A library for monitoring files and directories on NTFSU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.3: @name"test-unit:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.3; "test-unit; @);F00["Daniel J. Berger"Park Heesob" The win32-changejournal library provides an interface for MS Windows change journals. A change journal is a record of any changes on a given volume maintained by the operating system itself. 0T" ruby[["tabnav-1.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i" tabnavU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.3u: Time d"(Rails helper for generating navbarsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; "rspec-rails; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.2; "actionpack; @3;F00[" Unboxed"@Rails helper for generating navbars in a declarative manner0T" ruby[["+sprout-as3httpclient-src-library-0.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"%sprout-as3httpclient-src-libraryU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.0u: Time ".AS3 HTTP Client Library for Flex as a GemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Gabriel Handford"0T" ruby[["sinatra-iphone-views-1.0.0u;j[" 1.4.0i"sinatra-iphone-viewsU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time "XDetects an iPhone/iPod browser and renders templates in views/iphone automatically.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.a; " sinatra; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.3; "rack-test; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.2.17; " haml; @=;F00["Julio Cesar"XDetects an iPhone/iPod browser and renders templates in views/iphone automatically.0T" ruby[["classy-1.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i" classyU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.1u: Time "YA collection of modules to enhance the capabilities of Ruby classes in various ways.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["John Hyland"FClassy is a collection of metaprogramming-heavy modules which you can extend in order to give various capabilities to your Ruby classes. For example, SubclassAware lets a class know about all of its subclasses (and sub-subclasses, etc), and Aliasable lets you refer to classes via symbols (useful for creating friendly DSLs).0T" ruby[["jruby-serviceproxy-0.1.4u;[" 1.4.0i"jruby-serviceproxyU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time -"&Lightweight SOAP library for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" hpricot:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " builder; @);F00["Jeremy Durham"&Lightweight SOAP library for Ruby0T" ruby[["ovh_soapi-0.0.10u;[" 1.4.0i"ovh_soapiU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.10u: Time "Ruby client for OVH Soapi.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Dumitru Ceban"Beniamino Faggian"Ruby client for OVH Soapi.0T" ruby[["validators-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"validatorsU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time e"3Add some nice Rails 3 ActiveRecord validators.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"sqlite3-ruby:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.0; "activerecord; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ruby-debug19; @=;F00["Nando Vieira"3Add some nice Rails 3 ActiveRecord validators.0T" ruby[["tracker-ical-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"tracker-icalU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time D"Pivotal Tracker meets iCalU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.5; "icalendar; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.0; "pivotal-tracker; @3;F00["Niels Meersschaert"9Get your iterations and releases in iCalendar format0T" ruby[["extra_assertions-0.1.2u;k[" 1.4.0i"extra_assertionsU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time %"'Some simple extra rails assertionsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Justin Weiss"There's a few blocks of code I had to write in tests over and over again. To save time and effort, I made them assertions. These are the ones I came up with so far.0T" ruby[["&dnclabs-httparty-;[" 1.4.0i"dnclabs-httpartyU:Gem::Version[" Time D"JMakes http fun! Also, makes consuming restful web services dead easy.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["1.2: @name" fakeweb:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.3; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["0.7; " cucumber; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.1; " mongrel; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.1.8; " crack; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2.3; "activesupport; @Q;F00[ "John Nunemaker"Sandro Turriate"Wes Morgan"Adrian Cushman"eMakes http fun! Also, makes consuming restful web services dead easy. This is the DNC Labs fork.0T" ruby[["love-0.0.5u;[" 1.4.0i" loveU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time ū"0Ruby library to access the Tender REST API.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "activesupport; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "yajl-ruby; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2; " rspec; @=;F00["Willem van Bergen" A simple API wrapper for Tender, that handles paged results, uses yajl-ruby for JSON parsing, and manually handles UTF-8 encoding to circumvent the invalid UTF-8 character problem in Ruby 1.9. 0T" ruby[["eor-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"eorU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time ě" Adds #eor to the Proc classU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Ben Weissmann"hProc#eor allows you to specify any number of Procs, and get the result of the first successful Proc0T" ruby[["thin_http-0.1.1u;K[" 1.4.0i"thin_httpU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time %*"6Lightweight and user-friendly HTTP client libraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.0: @name" mime:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Clint Pachl"0T" ruby[["pk-merb_sequel-1.0.8u;[" 1.4.0i"pk-merb_sequelU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.8u: Time $f"CMerb plugin that provides support for Sequel and Sequel::ModelU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.7.0: @name" sequel:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.9; "merb-core; @);F00[ "Wayne E. Seguin"Lance Carlson"Lori Holden"Pavel Kunc"CMerb plugin that provides support for Sequel and Sequel::Model0T" ruby[["fpdf-1.53u;[" 1.4.0i" fpdfU:Gem::Version[" 1.53u: Time ""Library fpdfU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Olivier Plathey's"0T" ruby[[")activerecord-jdbcdbf-adapter-;[" 1.4.0i"!activerecord-jdbcdbf-adapterU:Gem::Version[" Time D")DBF JDBC adapter for JRuby on Rails.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 0.9.7: @name"activerecord-jdbc-adapter:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4; "rubyforge; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.0; "hoe; @3;F00["Nick Ricketts"5Install this gem to use DBF with JRuby on Rails.0T" ruby[["harvest-ruby-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"harvest-rubyU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "GRuby wrapper around the Harvest API http://www.getharvest.com/apiU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.1: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Brian Cooke"GRuby wrapper around the Harvest API http://www.getharvest.com/api0T" ruby[["net-scp-1.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i" net-scpU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.4u: Time $":A pure Ruby implementation of the SCP client protocolU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.99.1: @name" net-ssh:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jamis Buck"Delano Mandelbaum":A pure Ruby implementation of the SCP client protocol0T" ruby[["flex4sdk-4.0.0.preu;[" 1.4.0i" flex4sdkU:Gem::Version["4.0.0.preu: Time "PAdobe Flex 4 SDK including mxmlc, compc, asdoc, adl, adt, optimizer and fdbU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.pre: @name" sprout:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" Adobe" Inc."\The Flex 4 SDK Rubygem is brought to you by Project Sprouts (http://projectsprouts.org)0T" ruby[["bitfields-0.2.2u;[" 1.4.0i"bitfieldsU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.2u: Time e"RSave migrations and columns by storing multiple booleans in a single integer.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Michael Grosser"0T" ruby[["mizugumo-0.1.4u;[" 1.4.0i" mizugumoU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time e"-Seamless UJS for Rails using NinjaScriptU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rcov:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.5; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.2; " jeweler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @=;F00["Evan Dorn"Seamless UJS for Rails using NinjaScript. Get RESTFul delete links that work without JavaScript and AJAXy behavior that degrades gracefully right out of your scaffold! 0T" ruby[["tonto-0.0.0u;D[" 1.4.0i" tontoU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.0u: Time "=stupid key-value document store ( that uses git as DB ).U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" grit:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " json; @);F00["Ermenegildo Fiorito"**tonto** ( which can be translated from Italian to *git* ) is a _simple_, _high-level_ and a bit _stupid_ document-oriented store that allows you to use git repos as schema-less NoSQL databases.0T" ruby[["rexle-0.8.9u;[" 1.4.0i" rexleU:Gem::Version[" 0.8.9u: Time " rexleU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"rexleparser:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "polyrex-parser; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "dynarex-parser; @3;F00["0T" ruby[["capistrano-drupal-0.1.3u;L[" 1.4.0i"capistrano-drupalU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time "AA set of tasks for deploying Drupal projects with CapistranoU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Kim Pepper"rA set of tasks for deploying Drupal projects with Capistrano. Includes tasks for configuring apache and mysql0T" ruby[["trufina-0.2.5u;[" 1.4.0i" trufinaU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.5u: Time e";DSL to easily interact with Trufina's verification APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"kdonovan-happymapper:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Kali Donovan"qProvides a DSL to easily interact with the XML API offered by Trufina.com, an identity verification company.0T" ruby[["thumbit-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i" thumbitU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time e")A simple 'like' plugin/gem for railsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Madhusudhan Srinivasa")A simple 'like' plugin/gem for rails0T" ruby[["tabby-0.0.1u;g[" 1.4.0i" tabbyU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time e"-Simple iTerm2 project environment setup.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 2.1.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Matte Noble"-Simple iTerm2 project environment setup.0T" ruby[["spy-satelite-0.0.2u;$[" 1.4.0i"spy-sateliteU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time "*Watch your website traffic from orbitU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.2: @name" pusher:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " cucumber; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @3;F00["Wildfalcon"{A rack middlewear that watches incoming requests and pushes data (via pusher) so that they can be graphed on a moving globe0T" ruby[["ruote-extras-0.9.18u;[" 1.4.0i"ruote-extrasU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.18u: Time "%OpenWFEru extras (sqs, csv, ...)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["John Mettraux"0T" ruby[["numb-0.186.0u;f[" 1.4.0i" numbU:Gem::Version[" 0.186.0u: Time $"IExperiments in number theory with new predicate methods for Integer.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.0: @name"gemcutter:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Run Paint Run Run"0T" ruby[["legacy_woes-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"legacy_woesU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time C"0Tools for legacy databases and ActiveRecordU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Amos King"0Tools for legacy databases and ActiveRecord0T" ruby[["irc_cat-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i" irc_catU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time "Birccat is like `cat`, but here, the STDOUT is an IRC channel.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.3: @name" mongrel:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jordan Bracco"Birccat is like `cat`, but here, the STDOUT is an IRC channel.0T" ruby[["opensprints-core-0.6.2u;%[" 1.4.0i"opensprints-coreU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.2u: Time Ģ"=A lib for interacting with opensprints race records dataU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" sequel:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " bacon; @);F00["Evan Farrar"A lib for interacting with opensprints race records data. If you want to write a new application to display opensprints stats or run races, this is your gem. 0T" ruby[["state-fu-0.13.5u;4[" 1.4.0i" state-fuU:Gem::Version[" 0.13.5u: Time "RA rich library for state-oriented programming with state machines / workflowsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["David Lee"RA rich library for state-oriented programming with state machines / workflows0T" ruby[["rb-pygments-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"rb-pygmentsU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "8A Ruby wrapper for the Pygments syntax highlighter.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.5.3: @name" yard:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Nathan Weizenbaum"8A Ruby wrapper for the Pygments syntax highlighter.0T" ruby[["drank-0.0.0u;V[" 1.4.0i" drankU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.0u: Time "Drunkelizes your strings.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Isaac Priestley"Drunkelizes your strings.0T" ruby[["couchio-0.1.0u;F[" 1.4.0i" couchioU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "7Virtual filesystem support for a CouchDB database.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Loren Segal"0T" ruby[["html_reader-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"html_readerU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time E"}This is a gem to find out all the Procon's address info on the website of it and generate a worksheet with that content.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.1: @name" jeweler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">U;["0; "rest-open-uri; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.1.0; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">U;["0; " hpricot; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">U;["0; "spreadsheet; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">U;["0; " rcov; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">U;["0; " hpricot; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">U;["0; "spreadsheet; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">U;[" 1.2.3; " rspec; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">U;["0; "rest-open-uri; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @~;F00["mauriciovoto"This gem was created to generate a worksheet with some informations about Procon and off course, my first gem, so it was my lab0T" ruby[["git_autocomplete-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"git_autocompleteU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time "qContains a git CLI autocompletion script for bash users. Currently, it autocompletes on local branch names.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Dr Nic Williams"qContains a git CLI autocompletion script for bash users. Currently, it autocompletes on local branch names.0T" ruby[["chattr-0.9.1u;[" 1.4.0i" chattrU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.1u: Time d"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Clifford Heath"0T" ruby[["oos4ruby-0.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i" oos4rubyU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time %l"1oos4ruby is a ruby binding for the 11870 APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.3: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.5; "mime-types; @);F00["David Calavera"1oos4ruby is a ruby binding for the 11870 API0T" ruby[["populator-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"populatorU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time %"-Mass populate an Active Record database.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.9.10: @name" mocha:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.1.0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.3; " rails; @3;F00["Ryan Bates"-Mass populate an Active Record database.0T" ruby[["merb-more-1.0.15u;X[" 1.4.0i"merb-moreU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.15u: Time h"`(merb - merb-core) == merb-more. The Full Stack. Take what you need; leave what you don't.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 1.0.15: @name"merb-mailer:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.0.15; "merb-cache; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.0.15; "merb-slices; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.0.15; "merb-param-protection; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.0.15; "merb-exceptions; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.0.15; " merb-gen; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.0.15; "merb-haml; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.0.15; "merb-assets; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.0.15; "merb-auth; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.0.15; "merb-helpers; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.15; "merb-core; @~;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.0.15; "merb-action-args; @;F00["Engine Yard"`(merb - merb-core) == merb-more. The Full Stack. Take what you need; leave what you don't.0T" ruby[["jyurek-prawn-layout-0.8.4u;[" 1.4.0i"jyurek-prawn-layoutU:Gem::Version[" 0.8.4u: Time %"UAn extension to Prawn that provides table support and other layout functionalityU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"prawn-core:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Gregory Brown"X An extension to Prawn that provides table support and other layout functionality 0T" ruby[["zaml-0.1.3u;F[" 1.4.0i" zamlU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time Ĕ"PA partial replacement for YAML, writen with speed and code clarity in mind.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[ "Markus Roberts"Jesse Hallett"Ian McIntosh"Igal Koshevoy"Simon Chiang"%A partial replacement for YAML, writen with speed and code clarity in mind. ZAML fixes one YAML bug (loading Exceptions) and provides a replacement for YAML.dump() unimaginatively called ZAML.dump(), which is faster on all known cases and an order of magnitude faster with complex structures.0T" ruby[["shire-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" shireU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time %"Shire time.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Stephen Arneil")Time and Date extensions for hobbits0T" ruby[["plugems_deploy-0.2.0u;J[" 1.4.0i"plugems_deployU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time "Plugems deployment scriptsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["1.0: @name"capistrano:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Plugems deployment scripts0T" ruby[["big_band-0.5.0u;[" 1.4.0i" big_bandU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.0u: Time "Making Sinatra swing.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.5.0: @name"sinatra-extension:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.5.0; "async-rack; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.5.0; "sinatra-sugar; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.5.0; "yard-sinatra; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.5.0; "sinatra-reloader; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.0; "sinatra-default_charset; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.5.0; "sinatra-more-server; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.5.0; "sinatra-config-file; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.5.0; "haml-more; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.1; "rack-flash; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.5.0; "sinatra-namespace; @~;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0; " rspec; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.5.0; "sinatra-test-helper; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.5.0; "sinatra-advanced-routes; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.5.0; "monkey-lib; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.5.0; "sinatra-compass; @;F00["Konstantin Haase"Making Sinatra swing.0T" ruby[["copyrb-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i" copyrbU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time "Ruby objects to goU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0: @name" bundler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.2; " jeweler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @=;F00["Milan Dobrota"1Copy and paste ruby objects across terminals0T" ruby[["switchy-0.2.2u;_[" 1.4.0i" switchyU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.2u: Time $Y"%Switchy USB serial load switcherU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"ruby-serialport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["David Brady"%Switchy USB serial load switcher0T" ruby[["instrumentation-0.8.0u;[" 1.4.0i"instrumentationU:Gem::Version[" 0.8.0u: Time "EProvides a simple API for instrumenting Ruby method invocations.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["FiveRuns Development Team"EProvides a simple API for instrumenting Ruby method invocations.0T" ruby[["oniguruma-1.1.0u;g[" 1.4.0i"onigurumaU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.0u: Time D":Bindings for the oniguruma regular expression libraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Dizan Vasquez"Nikolai Lugovoi"Ruby bindings to the Oniguruma[http://www.geocities.jp/kosako3/oniguruma/] regular expression library (no need to recompile Ruby).0T" ruby[["edave-gcal4ruby-0.7.0u;[" 1.4.0i"edave-gcal4rubyU:Gem::Version[" 0.7.0u: Time %"IA full featured wrapper for interacting with the Google Calendar APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.0: @name"edave-gdata4ruby:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Mike Reich"Anthony Underwood"David Pitman"0T" ruby[["casket-0.1.4u;Q[" 1.4.0i" casketU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time "7Packaging project for Ruby similar to JAR for JavaU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" bundler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.0; " jeweler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0; " rspec; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.0; " jeweler; @G;F00["Paweł Placzyński"7Packaging project for Ruby similar to JAR for Java0T" ruby[["merb-sampleplugin-0.3.999u;i[" 1.4.0i"merb-samplepluginU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.999u: Time "An empty Merb pluginU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Michael D. Ivey"3The author was too lazy to write a description0T" ruby[["inequal_opportunity-0.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i"inequal_opportunityU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time "NAdds mergable, stackable inequality statements to ActiveRecord conditionsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 2.3.5: @name"activerecord:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Ryan Angilly"NAdds mergable, stackable inequality statements to ActiveRecord conditions0T" ruby[["xml-sax-machines-0.4.2u;a[" 1.4.0i"xml-sax-machinesU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.2u: Time e"3Assorted XML SAX readers, filters and writers.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["1.4: @name" nokogiri:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Shane Hanna"XML SAX Machines0T" ruby[["sauce-0.16.2u;H[" 1.4.0i" sauceU:Gem::Version[" 0.16.2u: Time "(Ruby access to Sauce Labs' featuresU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.2: @name"selenium-webdriver:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.0; " highline; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.2; " cmdparse; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.0; " json; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.6; "childprocess; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "net-ssh-gateway; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rest-client; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " net-ssh; @e;F00["Sean Grove"Eric Allen"Steven Hazel"uA Ruby interface to Sauce Labs' services. Start/stop tunnels, retrieve Selenium logs, access video replays, etc.0T" ruby[["ruby-linkedin-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"ruby-linkedinU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time %",A Yahoo! BOSS derived Ruby LinkedIn APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Chang Sau Sheong"0T" ruby[["rhodes-framework-1.2.1u;S[" 1.4.0i"rhodes-frameworkU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.1u: Time \"U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.2: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.2; "hoe; @);F00["Rhomobile Dev"0T" ruby[["rbase-0.1.3u;[" 1.4.0i" rbaseU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time dO"BLibrary to create/read/write to XBase databases (*.DBF files)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Maxim Kulkin"Leonardo Augusto Pires"0T" ruby[["muck-invites-3.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"muck-invitesU:Gem::Version[" 3.1.0u: Time E"*The invite engine for the muck systemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" contacts:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "muck-engine; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " hpricot; @3;F00["Justin Ball"Joel Duffin"+The invite engine for the muck system.0T" ruby[["fvm-0.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i"fvmU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time %"Flex SDK version managerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["1.0: @name"mechanize:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.6; " highline; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.1; " rainbow; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.14.3; " thor; @=;F00["Jeremy Ruppel"Flex SDK version manager0T" ruby[["amazonian-0.2.0u;*[" 1.4.0i"amazonianU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time "CEasy to use ruby module for the Amazon Product Advertising APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" hashie:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " patron; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " crack; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @=;F00["Robert L. Carpenter"CEasy to use ruby module for the Amazon Product Advertising API0T" ruby[["lazer-0.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i" lazerU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.0u: Time D"Lazy Enumerators for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Isaac Camberon"Jonathan Palmer"=Lazer is a set lazy implemetations of Enumerable methods0T" ruby[["greek_easter-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"greek_easterU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "1Never wonder again when easter is in Greece.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jim Myhrberg"1Never wonder again when easter is in Greece.0T" ruby[["tomk32-flickr_fu-;[" 1.4.0i"tomk32-flickr_fuU:Gem::Version[" Time Ę"9Provides a ruby interface to flickr via the REST apiU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0: @name"mime-types:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0; "xml-magic; @);F00["Ben Wyrosdick"Maciej Bilas"Thomas R. Koll"9Provides a ruby interface to flickr via the REST api0T" ruby[["sum-notify-1.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"sum-notifyU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2u: Time "Notification system for being notified when things happen on the aTech Management Interface. Authtorised users only (don't waste your time...)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.6: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.10; " daemons; @);F00["Adam Cooke"0T" ruby[["openils-mapper-0.9.9u;[" 1.4.0i"openils-mapperU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.9u: Time "@EDIFACT<->JSON middleware for the Evergreen Open Source ILSU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.1: @name" rcov:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.7; "yajl-ruby; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.0; " rake; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.5; "edi4r-tdid; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.4; " edi4r; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.2; " rspec; @Q;F00["Michael B. Klein"]Middleware layer to provide translation between high-level JSON and raw EDIFACT messages0T" ruby[["%PaperclipAttachmentRemover-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"PaperclipAttachmentRemoverU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time d"mPlugin that observe attachments and delete them when you trigger deletion by checking box in update formU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" v.valgis"0T" ruby[["test-unit-notify-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"test-unit-notifyU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "HTest::Unit::Notify - A test result notify extention for Test::Unit.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.1: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4; "rubyforge; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.2; "test-unit; @3;F00["Kouhei Sutou"HTest::Unit::Notify - A test result notify extention for Test::Unit.0T" ruby[["ok-extensions-1.0.15u;[" 1.4.0i"ok-extensionsU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.15u: Time $"+A set of extensions to the ruby stdlibU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.1: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.1.2; " facets; @);F00[" coderrr"|OkExtensions by steved http://code.google.com/p/ok-extensions/ == DESCRIPTION: A set of extensions to the ruby stdlib0T" ruby[["redisearch-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"redisearchU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time D"+REDIS backed full-text search for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["2: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["2; " redis; @);F00["Craig P Jolicoeur"=Full-text search system for Ruby using REDIS for storage0T" ruby[["g4s_client-0.1.6u;[" 1.4.0i"g4s_clientU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.6u: Time "G4S SOAP ClientU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Rob Tierney"G4S SOAP Client0T" ruby[["linesetter-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"linesetterU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time %"0A paragraph (re)formatter for text editing.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Brad Fults"lReformats a given paragraph to fit on 78-character-wide lines, retaining the left indent in spaces.0T" ruby[["yahoo-geocode-1.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"yahoo-geocodeU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.1u: Time e""A Ruby Yahoo Geocoder LibraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.4: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.1; " yahoo; @);F00["Eric Hodel".An interface to Yahoo's Geocoder service.0T" ruby[[""terminal-display-colors-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"terminal-display-colorsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time $"MAdds color methods to String for easily adding color to terminal output.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4: @name"rubyforge:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.0; "hoe; @);F00["David Cole"MAdds color methods to String for easily adding color to terminal output.0T" ruby[["michael_hintbuble-1.0.5u;7[" 1.4.0i"michael_hintbubleU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.5u: Time d"3Dead simple, beautiful hint bubbles for Rails.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.4: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.4; "actionpack; @);F00["Coroutine"Tim Lowrimore"John Dugan"Michael HintBuble allows you to generate hint bubbles and tooltips in Rails applications using the same syntax used for rendering templates.0T" ruby[["multistockphoto-0.9.2u;[" 1.4.0i"multistockphotoU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.2u: Time "WDieses Programm kann eigene Photos an mehrere definierte Photo-Sites (wie fotoliaU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 3.4.6: @name" bones:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Thomas Preymesser"Dieses Programm kann eigene Photos an mehrere definierte Photo-Sites (wie fotolia.de, zoonar.de, photocase.de, etc.) hochladen um sie dort zum Verkauf anzubieten.0T" ruby[["cloudsponge-0.9.6u;\[" 1.4.0i"cloudspongeU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.6u: Time "0A library wrapper for Cloudsponge.com's APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Graeme Rouse" Usage: contacts = nil importer = Cloudsponge::ContactImporter.new(DOMAIN_KEY, DOMAIN_PASSWORD) importer.begin_import('YAHOO') loop do events = importer.get_events break unless events.select{ |e| e.is_error? }.empty? unless events.select{ |e| e.is_completed? }.empty? contacts = importer.get_contacts break end end 0T" ruby[["jasnode-;[" 1.4.0i" jasnodeU:Gem::Version[" Time d"Jasmine Ruby RunnerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.0: @name" jeweler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 4.0.2; "commander; @);F00["Cory Ondrejka""Easy Jasmine BDD with Node.js0T" ruby[["SQLDependencyGrapher-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"SQLDependencyGrapherU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time dT";Graphs table dependencies based on usage from SQL logsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Eric Hodel"0T" ruby[["port_upgrade-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"port_upgradeU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time D"#Cleanly upgrade your MacPorts.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.3: @name" newgem:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.0; "sqlite3-ruby; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0.2; "bz2; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.0; "hoe; @=;F00["Tony Doan"0T" ruby[["orderedhash-0.0.6u;[" 1.4.0i"orderedhashU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.6u: Time %."orderedhashU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Ara T. Howard"0T" ruby[["cpsn-0.6.2u;%[" 1.4.0i" cpsnU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.2u: Time j")Query PSN friend status from the CLIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.7: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.3; "mechanize; @);F00["James Bowes" Query PSN friend status from the CLI. Shows useful information like the game being played, and what mode or map your friend is playing (if available). 0T" ruby[["bulkdom-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" bulkdomU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time $"7An efficient domain name availability bulk checkerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.1: @name" whois:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Nicholas Brochu"An efficient domain name availability bulk checker that looks for the presence of DNS Records before querying the Whois Server to save on requests and lower the chance of temporarily getting IP banned.0T" ruby[["UPnP-1.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i" UPnPU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.0u: Time V"+An implementation of the UPnP protocolU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" soap4r:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.0; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " builder; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.0; "hoe; @=;F00["Eric Hodel"+An implementation of the UPnP protocol0T" ruby[["hangman-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i" hangmanU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time e"Solve hangman puzzlesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Ben Olive"3 Comes up with guesses to hangman puzzles. 0T" ruby[["rev_httpserver-0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"rev_httpserverU:Gem::Version["0.1u: Time E"6Rev HTTP Server. Fork of EventMachine HTTP ServerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Andrew Rudenko"0T" ruby[["mcmire-context-0.5.6u;[" 1.4.0i"mcmire-contextU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.6u: Time ŀ"*Contexts and DSL sugar for your testsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jeremy McAnally"*Contexts and DSL sugar for your tests0T" ruby[["cambric-0.9.0u;o[" 1.4.0i" cambricU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.0u: Time "EOpinionated management and usage of CouchDB from your Ruby apps.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0: @name"couchrest:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Zachary Zolton"Geoff Buesing"0T" ruby[[" colouringcode-passenger-0.2u;E[" 1.4.0i"colouringcode-passengerU:Gem::Version["0.2u: Time $"EApache module for Ruby on Rails support, custom template supportU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rack:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.1; "fastthread; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.1; " rake; @3;F00["3Colouring Code - http://www.colouringcode.com/"[Passenger is an Apache module for Ruby on Rails support, custom error template support0T" ruby[["rtsp-0.0.1.alphau;[" 1.4.0i" rtspU:Gem::Version["0.0.1.alphau: Time "?Library to allow RTSP streaming from RTSP-enabled devices.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.1: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.2.0; "sdp; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.2; " hoe-yard; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.2; " hoe-yard; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " cucumber; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.8.0; "hoe; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.4; " yard; @[;F00[" Steve Loveless & Mike Kirby"+* https://github.com/turboladen/rtsp 0T" ruby[["zmb-0.3.2u;n[" 1.4.0i"zmbU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.2u: Time $"ZMB, messenger botU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "thoughtbot-shoulda; @);F00[" kylef"ZMB, messenger bot0T" ruby[["warp-clamav-0.3.1u;[" 1.4.0i"warp-clamavU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.1u: Time e"ClamAV Ruby bindingsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Alexander Oryol"0T" ruby[["sqlite-ruby-2.2.3u;[" 1.4.0i"sqlite-rubyU:Gem::Version[" 2.2.3u: Time C"WSQLite/Ruby is a module to allow Ruby scripts to interface with a SQLite database.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jamis Buck"0T" ruby[["rpm-utils-0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"rpm-utilsU:Gem::Version["0.1u: Time "RPM Utils libraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Sergio Rubio"!Useful RPM handling routines0T" ruby[["rinterceptor-0.2.0u;M[" 1.4.0i"rinterceptorU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time I"0it is a inheritable, reusable AOP frameworkU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" Leon Li"it is a inheritable, reusable AOP framework with regex rule support, let your interceptor simple, flexible and with high expandability0T" ruby[["revo-ssl_requirement-1.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"revo-ssl_requirementU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.0u: Time e"IAllow controller actions to force SSL on specific parts of the site.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[ "RailsJedi"David Heinemeier Hansson" jcnetdev" bcurren" bmpercy"SSL requirement adds a declarative way of specifying that certain actions should only be allowed to run under SSL, and if they're accessed without it, they should be redirected.0T" ruby[["facter-1.5.8u;[" 1.4.0i" facterU:Gem::Version[" 1.5.8u: Time d"$Facter, a system inventory toolU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Puppet Labs"0T" ruby[["happening-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"happeningU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time d"$An EventMachine based S3 clientU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "em-http-request; @);F00["Jonathan Weiss"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rcov:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.1; " jeweler; @=;F00["Marek Jelen"Android client for Mac0T" ruby[["xmpp4r-0.5u; [" 1.4.0i" xmpp4rU:Gem::Version["0.5u: Time Y"/XMPP4R is an XMPP/Jabber library for Ruby.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Lucas Nussbaum"Stephan Maka"Glenn Rempe"/XMPP4R is an XMPP/Jabber library for Ruby.0T" ruby[["thorero-slices-0.9.4u;[" 1.4.0i"thorero-slicesU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.4u: Time $"yMerb-Slices is a Merb plugin for using and creating application 'slices' which help you modularize your application.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.4: @name"merb-core:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Fabien Franzen"yMerb-Slices is a Merb plugin for using and creating application 'slices' which help you modularize your application.0T" ruby[["real-growl-0.4.1u;X[" 1.4.0i"real-growlU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.1u: Time "=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Justin DeWind"A Growl notification library that uses native c bindings to interact with GrowlApplicationBridge rather than Growl's network API.0T" ruby[["rap_enumerable-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"rap_enumerableU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time ">Module to facilitate the creation of enumeration classes.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jeremy Lizt"0T" ruby[["common_view_helpers-0.3.1u; [" 1.4.0i"common_view_helpersU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.1u: Time d"'Common view helpers for Rails appsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 4.1.0: @name" RedCloth:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0; "activesupport; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @3;F00["Zeke Sikelianos"Mauricio Gomes"CCommon view helpers used by Gemini in most of our applications0T" ruby[["adva-cache-0.0.7u;[" 1.4.0i"adva-cacheU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.7u: Time "Cache engine for adva-cms2U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 0.0.4: @name"reference_tracking:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.0.2; "rack-cache-purge; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "adva-core; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.0.6; "rack-cache-tags; @=;F00["Sven Fuchs"Cache engine for adva-cms20T" ruby[["couch-0.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i" couchU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time E")Depricated: this project went to ridU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Johannes J. Schmidt"*Depricated: this project went to rid.0T" ruby[["dynamicmatic-0.1.0u;Y[" 1.4.0i"dynamicmaticU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time j",Dynamic StaticMatic pages with Sinatra.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.10.7: @name"staticmatic:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.10.1; " sinatra; @);F00["Nathan Weizenbaum"DynamicMatic is a tiny Sinatra extension that integrates Sinatra with StaticMatic. It allows most of your site to be static while having a few dynamic pages that can use the StaticMatic layouts and partials. 0T" ruby[["silentale-on-rails-0.6.2u;F[" 1.4.0i"silentale-on-railsU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.2u: Time E"&Silentale API interface for RailsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.6: @name" oauth:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Nick Pellant"0T" ruby[["resource_proxy-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"resource_proxyU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "GA utility wrapper for making ActiveResource more like ActiveRecordU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Nate Miller"An implementation of the Proxy design pattern for handling ActiveResource objects. Designed to ease the burden of working with ActiveResource objects in forms.0T" ruby[["randgen-1.0.5u;m[" 1.4.0i" randgenU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.5u: Time E"Riassence RandGenU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Juha-Jarmo Heinonen"Simple C extension that produces variable-length random ascii-safe strings quickly. This used to be a fixed part of the Riassence Framework, but it's distributed as a separate gem now. 0T" ruby[["amp-git-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i" amp-gitU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time e"The git plugin for Amp.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.0: @name"amp-front:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.7; " minitest; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.0; " amp-core; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.0; "devver-construct; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " cucumber; @[;F00["Michael Edgar"IThis gem provides git support to Amp. It is bundled with Amp itself.0T" ruby[["em-websocket-server-0.15u;[" 1.4.0i"em-websocket-serverU:Gem::Version[" 0.15u: Time ğ"BAn evented ruby websocket server built on top of EventMachineU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.12.10: @name"eventmachine:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Dan Simpson"BAn evented ruby websocket server built on top of EventMachine0T" ruby[["libxml-xmlrpc-0.1.5u;y[" 1.4.0i"libxml-xmlrpcU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.5u: Time D("WProvides a alternative and faster XML-RPC layer through libxml's parsing frameworkU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0: @name"libxml-ruby:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Erik Hollensbe"0T" ruby[["gameday_api-0.5.3u;[" 1.4.0i"gameday_apiU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.3u: Time D"/An API for processing live MLB statistics.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" timothyf"/An API for processing live MLB statistics.0T" ruby[["bueller-0.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i" buellerU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time e"5Tools for building gems with bundler and friendsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.9: @name" bundler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.5; "git; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.6.0; " yard; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.3.5; "activesupport; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " timecop; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "bluecloth; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " sandbox; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.0.0; " rspec; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " cucumber; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "mhennemeyer-output_catcher; @~;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " redgreen; @;F00["Derek Kastner"Bueller provides a command to create new gem project directories. Code to help you start testing is generated according to the testing framework you choose. Bueller also provides handy tools for versioning and releasing your gem to github and rubygems.0T" ruby[["growl_mailer-0.0.1u;X[" 1.4.0i"growl_mailerU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time ""Will Growl Message DeliveriesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" growl:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Michael Deering""Will Growl Message Deliveries0T" ruby[["cond-0.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i" condU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time a"0Resolve errors without unwinding the stack.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["James M. Lawrence"Cond allows errors to be handled near the place where they occur, before the stack unwinds. It offers several advantages over exceptions while peacefully coexisting with the standard exception behavior.0T" ruby[["!scoped_search_paranoid-0.0.3u;#[" 1.4.0i"scoped_search_paranoidU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time %"PHandles deleting and archiving of records in conjunction with scoped_searchU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.2; " jeweler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.1; "scoped-search; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @G;F00[" Stevo"With ssp you no longer need to care about if deleted or archived entries are displayed in your listings. You can still use automatically generated scopes to access these records. oh.. and destroy method is overwritten as well :)0T" ruby[["cloudelete-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"cloudeleteU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time "AR3 soft deletionU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Eli Fox-Epstein"AR3 soft deletion0T" ruby[["seamless-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i" seamlessU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time d"^Seam(less) on Rails. Seam(less) is a web2.0, ajax web application framework by Hakano.orgU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.3: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.3; " rails; @);F00["Jeff Haynie"0T" ruby[[" credit_card_validator-0.1.0u;=[" 1.4.0i"credit_card_validatorU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time l"/A gem that provides credit card validationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.3; " newgem; @);F00["Tobias Crawley"A gem that provides credit card validation. It is basically a ruby port of the javascript credit card validator by Thomas Fuchs (madrobby) (http://github.com/madrobby/creditcard_js).0T" ruby[["conf-0.0.10u;[" 1.4.0i" confU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.10u: Time ";Simple configuraton library that supports inheritance.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @);F00["Jari Bakken";Simple configuraton library that supports inheritance.0T" ruby[["cool_debug-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"cool_debugU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time $"Nicer debug in rails viewsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Ignacy Moryc"0T" ruby[["BodyBuilder-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"BodyBuilderU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time "XHMTL 1.1 generatorU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Exiquio Cooper-Anderson"XHMTL 1.1 generator0T" ruby[["xml_node_stream-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"xml_node_streamU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time "rSimple XML parser wrapper that provides the benefits of stream parsing with the ease of using document nodes.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " jeweler; @);F00["Brian Durand"0T" ruby[["wilson-1.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i" wilsonU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.1u: Time V"(Wilson is a pure ruby x86 assemblerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.0; "hoe; @);F00["Ryan Davis"[Wilson is a pure ruby x86 assembler. No, really. Worst Idea Evar. Why "wilson"? I wanted to name it "metal", but there is an existing project with that name... So I'm naming it after Wilson Bilkovich, who is about as metal as you can get (and it is easier to spell than "bilkovich", even tho that sounds more metal).0T" ruby[["thorero-cache-;[" 1.4.0i"thorero-cacheU:Gem::Version[" Time $"GMerb plugin that provides caching (page, action, fragment, object)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0: @name" builder:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.4; "merb-core; @);F00["Alex Boussinet"GMerb plugin that provides caching (page, action, fragment, object)0T" ruby[["rpgem-0.1.4u;[" 1.4.0i" rpgemU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time D"(A gem-to-rpm converter, done right.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" erubis:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jay Adkisson"pRPGem will create a binary RPM with the compiled extensions, which you can install on a machine painlessly.0T" ruby[["restful-logger-0.1.1u;k[" 1.4.0i"restful-loggerU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time e"restful-logger is used for sending the logs generated by Rails.logger to a restful logging service which logs them in the database.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.6.1; "rest-client; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.3; " rails; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.2; " jeweler; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @Q;F00["Pratik Khadloya"Mainly useful for aggregating the logs of all the rails applications in your organization at one place. All the rails app connect to a restful logger where the logs are stored in the database.0T" ruby[["rentjuicer-0.4.4u;[" 1.4.0i"rentjuicerU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.4u: Time "#ruby api wrapper for rentjuiceU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.0: @name" hashie:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2.3; "activesupport; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.4; " webmock; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.0; " rash; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.4; "will_paginate; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.1; " httparty; @[;F00[" tcocca";Ruby API wrapper for rentjuice.com built with httparty0T" ruby[["google-weather-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"google-weatherU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time d"=stupid simple fetching of the weather using google's apiU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 0.5.2: @name" httparty:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @);F00["John Nunemaker"=stupid simple fetching of the weather using google's api0T" ruby[["pdf_gen-0.8u;y[" 1.4.0i" pdf_genU:Gem::Version["0.8u: Time "PDF generator for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.8: @name"pdf-writer:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Sphere Consulting Inc."A Sph_pdf_gen is a wrapper on PDF Writer generator for Ruby 0T" ruby[["klass_name_types-1.0.9u;[" 1.4.0i"klass_name_typesU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.9u: Time "klass_name_typesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["markbates"1klass_name_types was developed by: markbates0T" ruby[["mqtt-0.0.4u;r[" 1.4.0i" mqttU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time F"LImplementation of the MQTT (Message Queue Telemetry Transport) protocolU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Nicholas J Humfrey"Pure Ruby gem that implements the MQTT (Message Queue Telemetry Transport) protocol, a lightweight protocol for publish/subscribe messaging.0T" ruby[["geeo_code-0.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i"geeo_codeU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time e"EQuick gem to do google geocoding based on the json/xml api (v3).U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.3: @name" bundler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["0.7; "yajl-ruby; @);F00["Luke van der Hoeven" This gem is has a simple, singular purpose to wrap itself warmly around google's geocoding apis and give you back cleanly parsed hashes of the data. Maybe, one day, this will send back Ruby objects rather than simple hashes, but this does the trick for now.0T" ruby[["jabber4r-0.8.0u;[" 1.4.0i" jabber4rU:Gem::Version[" 0.8.0u: Time ]"2Jabber4r is a pure-Ruby Jabber client libraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Richard Kilmer"The purpose of this library is to allow Ruby applications to talk to a Jabber IM system. Jabber is an open-source instant messaging service, which can be learned about at http://www.jabber.org0T" ruby[["deltacloud-core-0.1.2u;e[" 1.4.0i"deltacloud-coreU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time "Deltacloud REST APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.3: @name" cucumber:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.8; " rcov; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.7; " rake; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.17; " compass; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.1["=U;[" 0.5.3; "rack-test; @V;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.9; " json; @`;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.2.17; " haml; @j;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.4.3; "rack-accept; @t;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0["<=U;[" 1.1.0; " rack; @~;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.4; " sinatra; @;F00[" Red Hat" Inc." The Deltacloud API is built as a service-based REST API. You do not directly link a Deltacloud library into your program to use it. Instead, a client speaks the Deltacloud API over HTTP to a server which implements the REST interface. 0T" ruby[["bloodhound-0.3.1u;&[" 1.4.0i"bloodhoundU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.1u: Time %"EMap strings like 'user:foca age:23' to ActiveRecord named_scopesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Nicolás Sanguinetti"EMap strings like 'user:foca age:23' to ActiveRecord named_scopes0T" ruby[["'active_scaffold_sortable_vho-3.0.1u;Y[" 1.4.0i"!active_scaffold_sortable_vhoU:Gem::Version[" 3.0.1u: Time "+Drag n Drop Sorting for ActivescaffoldU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.2: @name" jeweler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["3.0; "active_scaffold_vho; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @G;F00["Volker Hochstein"0Sort Tree or List Structures by Drag n Drop0T" ruby[["yubinbang-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"yubinbangU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "5Japanese Postal Code Search / 郵便番号検索U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0: @name" bundler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "fastercsv; @);F00["7Do lookup based on Japanese Postal Code Database. 0T" ruby[["vimmer-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i" vimmerU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time "$Automated Vim plugin managementU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 2.3.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " fakefs; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.2.7; " aruba; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " bourne; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " webmock; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " fuubar; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.10.0; " cucumber; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " autotest; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mocha; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " thor; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @~;F00["Joe Fiorini"pInstall, update and remove Vim plugins without changing directories using this simple command line utility.0T" ruby[["stem-0.4.8u;[" 1.4.0i" stemU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.8u: Time "^an EC2 instance management library designed to get out of your way and give you instancesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 1.5.2: @name" swirl:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Peter van Hardenberg"Orion Henry"'minimalist EC2 instance management0T" ruby[["stderr-sentry-0.5.4u;[" 1.4.0i"stderr-sentryU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.4u: Time D"2Asymmetric encryption of active record fieldsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Josh Fenio">Asymmetric / Symmetric encryption of active record fields0T" ruby[["ruby-lzma-0.4.3u;[" 1.4.0i"ruby-lzmaU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.3u: Time "KSimple ruby and jruby wrappers for LZMA compression and decompression.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Ian Levesque"0T" ruby[[""jonathantron-paypal-3.0.0pre4u;[" 1.4.0i"jonathantron-paypalU:Gem::Version["3.0.0pre4u: Time "Paypal Express IntegrationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"bluecloth:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0.a; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; " rack; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.8; " rcov; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " nokogiri; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " fakeweb; @[;F00["Jonathan Tron"Joseph Halter"Tobias Luetke"Integrate Paypal Express0T" ruby[["handlebars-rails-0.1.1u;I[" 1.4.0i"handlebars-railsU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "*Rails Template Handler for HandlebarsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.2; " redgreen; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.8.0; "therubyracer; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mocha; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["3.0; " rails; @G;F00["James A. Rosen"Yehuda Katz".Use Handlebars.js client- and server-side0T" ruby[["gcstats-1.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" gcstatsU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time d"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rubyzip:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Aggelos Orfanakos"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Papa Pathé Séne"" some faker data for sunulamb0T" ruby[["dm-riak-adapter-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"dm-riak-adapterU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time " DataMapper adapter for RiakU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0: @name" dm-core:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.8.0; "riak-client; @3;F00["Mike Richards" DataMapper adapter for Riak0T" ruby[["suung-undress-0.2.5u;4[" 1.4.0i"suung-undressU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.5u: Time Ē"-Convert HTML into other markup languagesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" redgreen:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " sr-mg; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " contest; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " hpricot; @=;F00["Nicolás Sanguinetti"YSimply translate HTML to Textile, Markdown, or whatever other markup format you need0T" ruby[[""sinatra-advanced-routes-0.5.1u;[" 1.4.0i"sinatra-advanced-routesU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.1u: Time "?Make Sinatra routes first class objects (part of BigBand).U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.5.0; "sinatra-sugar; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.0; " sinatra; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.5.0; "sinatra-test-helper; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.5.0; "monkey-lib; @G;F00["Konstantin Haase"?Make Sinatra routes first class objects (part of BigBand).0T" ruby[["saucy-0.2.17u;[" 1.4.0i" saucyU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.17u: Time %"*Clearance-based Rails engine for SaaSU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.3: @name" railties:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.2.6; " aruba; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.1.2; " sinatra; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.3.3; "sham_rack; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.2; "braintree; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.2; "formtastic; @Q;F00[ "thoughtbot" inc."Joe Ferris"Mike Burns"oClearance-based Rails engine for Software as a Service (Saas) that provides account and project management0T" ruby[["ripl-profiles-0.1.4u;[" 1.4.0i"ripl-profilesU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time e"cThis ripl plugin adds a --profile option to ripl that loads profile files in ~/.ripl/profiles.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.8: @name" ripl:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jan Lelis"xThis ripl plugin adds a --profile option to ripl that loads profile files in ~/.ripl/profiles before starting ripl.0T" ruby[["couchrest-1.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"couchrestU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time $"+Lean and RESTful interface to CouchDB.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.1: @name"rest-client:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.6; " json; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.15; "mime-types; @3;F00[ "J. Chris Anderson"Matt Aimonetti"Marcos Tapajos"Will Leinweber" Sam Lown"CouchRest provides a simple interface on top of CouchDB's RESTful HTTP API, as well as including some utility scripts for managing views and attachments.0T" ruby[["sports_direct-0.0.7u;[" 1.4.0i"sports_directU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.7u: Time e"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 2.3.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.5.0; " i18n; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.6.1; " httparty; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.4.0; "vcr; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.4.4; " nokogiri; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.3.23; " tzinfo; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.6.1; " webmock; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 3.0.3; "activesupport; @e;F00["Tyler Hunt"0T" ruby[["redis_cache-0.0.1u;l[" 1.4.0i"redis_cacheU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time Đ"redis activesupport cacheU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Matthew Jording"7simple activesupport cache implementation in redis0T" ruby[["instanceoptions-1.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"instanceoptionsU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2u: Time "description of gemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" shairon"description of gem0T" ruby[["ar_connection_pool-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"ar_connection_poolU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time "ar_connection_poolU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["markbates"3ar_connection_pool was developed by: markbates0T" ruby[["RuTu-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" RuTuU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time d")a tool for visualizing object graphsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Luoh Ren-Shan"0T" ruby[["VanaClock-1.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"VanaClockU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.3u: Time "xVanaClock is a clock for Final Fantasy Online written in jruby and java swing. JRuby is required to run this clock.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.0: @name" VanaTime:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Travis Tilley"xVanaClock is a clock for Final Fantasy Online written in jruby and java swing. JRuby is required to run this clock.0T" ruby[["merb_gravatar-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"merb_gravatarU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time M";Merb plugin that provides a helper method for GRAVATARU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.9: @name"merb-core:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Genki Takiuchi";Merb plugin that provides a helper method for GRAVATAR0T" ruby[["&sprout-as3mapprlib-library-0.85.1u;W[" 1.4.0i"sprout-as3mapprlib-libraryU:Gem::Version[" 0.85.1u: Time g"Mappr is a service and application that combines images from Flickr with geolocational information. The Mappr ActionScript 3.0 API gives you access to Mappr's geo-tagged image data.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["0T" ruby[["simple_timer-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"simple_timerU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "Simple Ruby Timer classU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Ganesh Gunasegaran"Simple Ruby Timer class0T" ruby[["beefdump-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" beefdumpU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time Ę"AA testbed for non-player character AI in role-playing games.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"xml-simple:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Thorben Schröder"AA testbed for non-player character AI in role-playing games.0T" ruby[["sieve-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i" sieveU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time "Sieve of EratosthenesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Josh Clayton"3Ruby C Extension for the Sieve of Eratosthenes0T" ruby[["rlife-0.0.2u;G[" 1.4.0i" rlifeU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time "3A Ruby implementation of Conway's Game Of LifeU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 1.4.4: @name" fxruby:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jeff S. Brown"0T" ruby[["ncursesw-;[" 1.4.0i" ncurseswU:Gem::Version[" Time %"This wrapper provides access to the functions, macros, global variables and constants of the ncurses library. These are mapped to a Ruby Module named "Ncurses": Functions and external variables are implemented as singleton functions of the Module Ncurses.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Hacked up version of ncurses gem that supports wide characters and ruby1.9.2. Original ncurses gem by t-peters@users.berlios.de.0T" ruby[["isotope-1.0.1u;"[" 1.4.0i" isotopeU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time "4Ruby Hybrid (Server and Client sides) templatesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Elad Ossadon"]Isotope provides an easy way to use a signle EJS template on both server and client side0T" ruby[["liquid_cms-;[" 1.4.0i"liquid_cmsU:Gem::Version[" Time "HA context aware Rails CMS engine using the Liquid template library.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.3.0: @name"factory_girl:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.9.1; " rubyzip; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.3.1; "paperclip; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.0; " rails; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "sqlite3-ruby; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.3.12; "will_paginate; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.10.3; " shoulda; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.2.0; "simple_form; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "formatize; @y;F00["Andrew Kaspick"Redline Software Inc."HA context aware Rails CMS engine using the Liquid template library.0T" ruby[["rack-smusher-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"rack-smusherU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time "Smush your imagesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rack:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " smusher; @);F00["Ale Muñoz"Jrack-smusher uses the smusher gem to compress your images dinamically0T" ruby[["api_auth-;U[" 1.4.0i" api_authU:Gem::Version[" Time "NAPI_Auth handles generating secure tokens for authentication API requestsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["JGW Maxwell"tThe gem will handle adding API tokens to your user account, and handle the authentication of incoming requests.0T" ruby[["%activerecord-table_version-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"activerecord-table_versionU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time %"/Specify a table name with a version numberU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0: @name" bundler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.1.0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.8.7; " rake; @3;F00["Matt Todd"/Specify a table name with a version number0T" ruby[["dlc-1.1.3u;5[" 1.4.0i"dlcU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.3u: Time "QAllows the generation of DLC container files (of JDownloader fame) from rubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["JP Hastings-Spital"QAllows the generation of DLC container files (of JDownloader fame) from ruby0T" ruby[["jalalidate-0.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i"jalalidateU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time "HA library for working with Jalali Calendar (a.k.a Persian Calendar)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 2.1.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @);F00["Allen A. Bargi"HA library for working with Jalali Calendar (a.k.a Persian Calendar)0T" ruby[["zmq-;[" 1.4.0i"zmqU:Gem::Version[" Time "Ruby API for ZeroMQU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Martin Sustrik"Brian Buchanan"CThis gem provides a Ruby API for the ZeroMQ messaging library.0T" ruby[["scope-builder-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"scope-builderU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time d")Build up named scopes conditionally.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Ryan Bates")Build up named scopes conditionally.0T" ruby[["nagiosharder-0.2.3u;{[" 1.4.0i"nagiosharderU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.3u: Time "*Nagios access at your ruby fingertipsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.6.1; "rest-client; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.6.1; " httparty; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.4.3; " nokogiri; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " hashie; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @Q;F00["Joshua Nichols"*Nagios access at your ruby fingertips0T" ruby[["days_and_times-1.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"days_and_timesU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2u: Time e"GNatural language method chaining for Time, Durations and the like.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.3: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Daniel Parker"GNatural language method chaining for Time, Durations and the like.0T" ruby[["oauth-plugin-0.4.0.pre4u;[" 1.4.0i"oauth-pluginU:Gem::Version["0.4.0.pre4u: Time "9Ruby on Rails Plugin for OAuth Provider and ConsumerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.4: @name" oauth:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " twitter; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "opentransact; @3;F00["Pelle Braendgaard"@Rails plugin for implementing an OAuth Provider or Consumer0T" ruby[["universe-parsing-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"universe-parsingU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time e"!gem install universe-parsingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" treetop:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " stemmer; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "sexp_processor; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "sexp_path; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rexical; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " racc; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " pegarus; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " parslet; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ghostwheel; @o;F00["Konstantin Haase"0T" ruby[["trazzler-api-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"trazzler-apiU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time "WThe Trazzler API exposes RESTful interfaces for accessing trip page and user data.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.6.1: @name" httparty:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.0.1; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.4.0; " webmock; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.4.3; " json; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.2.0; " hashie; @Q;F00["Brian McManus"WThe Trazzler API exposes RESTful interfaces for accessing trip page and user data.0T" ruby[["#stateless-systems-paypal-2.1.3u;[" 1.4.0i"stateless-systems-paypalU:Gem::Version[" 2.1.3u: Time e"HPaypal IPN integration library for rails and other web applicationsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" money:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Tobias Luetke"HPaypal IPN integration library for rails and other web applications0T" ruby[["ruby-ajp-0.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i" ruby-ajpU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time ";An implementation of Apache Jserv Protocol 1.3 in RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" Yugui"0T" ruby[["rockstar-0.5.0u;[" 1.4.0i" rockstarU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.0u: Time Ū"6wrapper for audioscrobbler (last.fm) web servicesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.2: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.86; " hpricot; @);F00["Bodo Tasche"hThis gem is an updated version of jnunemakers scrobbler gem. Rockstar uses v2.0 of the last.fm api.0T" ruby[["redis-friendships-0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"redis-friendshipsU:Gem::Version["0.2u: Time "mA friendship library with a certain follower/following system utilizing the power of both Redis and SQL.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 2.1.2: @name"bcrypt-ruby:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.3.1; "sqlite3-ruby; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.9.2; " cucumber; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.9.8; " mocha; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.0.1; "rspec-rails; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.0; " rails; @Q;F00["Seivan Heidari"cA friendship library with a certain follower/following system utilizing the power of both Redis and SQL. Using SQL for the users and Redis for the followers and the followings. Redis uses sets of usernames for both your followers and followings. And can be used to retrieve more information about your e.g. followers from SQL with those unique usernames. 0T" ruby[["bborn-simplepay-0.2.3u;0[" 1.4.0i"bborn-simplepayU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.3u: Time T"RThis gem provides a Rails interface to the Amazon Simple Pay payment service.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.2: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0; " newgem; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0; "hoe; @3;F00["Nathaniel E. Bibler"RThis gem provides a Rails interface to the Amazon Simple Pay payment service.0T" ruby[["speaker_rate-0.0.5u;[" 1.4.0i"speaker_rateU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time "/Gem using HTTParty on the Speaker Rate APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " httparty; @);F00["Jonathan Birkholz"/Gem using HTTParty on the Speaker Rate API0T" ruby[["hi-lite-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i" hi-liteU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time o"+Textmate-like source code highlightingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"ultraviolet:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ultraviolet; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " nokogiri; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " nokogiri; @=;F00["Pavel Pravosud"+Textmate-like source code highlighting0T" ruby[["sys-host-0.6.2u;[" 1.4.0i" sys-hostU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.2u: Time ";Provides hostname and ip address info for a given hostU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.7: @name"test-unit:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Daniel J. Berger" The sys-host library provides information about the current machine that your program is running on. Specifically, it returns hostname, IP address information, aliases and so on. 0T" ruby[["s3gb-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i" s3gbU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time "(Backup stuff versioned in git to s3U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Michael Grosser"0T" ruby[["fbmygem-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" fbmygemU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "-Learning gem packaging and rspec testingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" Cari Bio"[This gem will verify some publicly avaiable info retrieved from the Facebook Graph API0T" ruby[["jasper-client-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"jasper-clientU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time d"Client for JasperServerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Andrew Libby"Client for JasperServer0T" ruby[["shattered_controller-0.3.2u;z[" 1.4.0i"shattered_controllerU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.2u: Time "MShattered Controller: Controls the game states and objects in Shattered.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Shattered Controller is used to create game states and objects within those gamestates. Shattered Controller is an integral part of any Shattered game.0T" ruby[["fastcluster-0.9u;[" 1.4.0i"fastclusterU:Gem::Version["0.9u: Time f"2A clustering library for 2 dimensional pointsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jeremy Wells"2A clustering library for 2 dimensional points0T" ruby[["jquery_tag-0.1.3u;[" 1.4.0i"jquery_tagU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time e"'jQuery script tag helper for RailsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["1.0: @name" bundler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2.4; " rspec; @);F00["Lucas Mazza"mHelper gem that toggles between local jquery script and Google CDN version based on your app environment0T" ruby[["pacer-0.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i" pacerU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time "=A very efficient and easy to use graph traversal engine.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["2.4: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.0; "rr; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.4; " nokogiri; @3;F00["Darrick Wiebe"OPacer defines routes through a graph and then traverses them very quickly.0T" ruby[["mm-friendable-1.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"mm-friendableU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time "XA very simple mongomapper plugin to add friendship functionaity to your applicationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"log_buddy:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.6.0; " yard; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ruby-debug; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.1.2; " bson_ext; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.1.0; " rspec; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.1.2; " mongo; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.1; " jeweler; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "mongo_ext; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "mongo_mapper; @~;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " i18n; @;F00["Luke Cunningham"YA very simple mongomapper plugin to add friendship functionality to your application0T" ruby[["conv-0.0.4u;S[" 1.4.0i" convU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time ń"ctest conv methodsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["codesponge"(Mainly testing gemcutter deployment0T" ruby[["cstruct-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i" cstructU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time Ĩ"8CStruct is a simulation of the C language's struct.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Wang Yong(skandhas)"0T" ruby[["Hebruby-1.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i" HebrubyU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.1u: Time %"WHebruby is a Ruby library to convert julian dates to hebrew dates, and vice-versa.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Ron Evans"0T" ruby[["convert_theme-0.3.1u;n[" 1.4.0i"convert_themeU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.1u: Time Dc"BUse any HTML template as a theme generator for your Rails appU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.1: @name" hpricot:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.2; " rubigen; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.3; "hoe; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.3.4; " rails; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " haml; @G;F00["Dr Nic Williams"DUse any HTML template as a theme generator for your Rails app. Installs an HTML template, and its CSS, JavaScript and image assets into your Rails app, ready to go in an instant. You just tell it which DOM elements are special, e.g. where to put the <%= yield %>, load your app in the browser and see the theme in action.0T" ruby[["termitter-2010.11.16u;a[" 1.4.0i"termitterU:Gem::Version["2010.11.16u: Time "EA simple terminal twitter client which prints the home timeline.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"twitter_oauth:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.0; " bundler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @=;F00["Pavlo Kerestey"oA terminal read-only twitter client. It prints the tweets along with the nicknames to the terminal output.0T" ruby[["rubydbc-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i" rubydbcU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time "(A Design by Contract mixin for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Martin Traverso"0T" ruby[["rtui-0.2.2u;3[" 1.4.0i" rtuiU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.2u: Time D"#Set of tools for TUI Eye CandyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Marcos Augusto"0T" ruby[["public-suffix-list-0.1.0u; [" 1.4.0i"public-suffix-listU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "|Public Suffix List is a small Ruby library designed to make the Public Suffix List (http://publicsuffix.org/) easier to use.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Todd Sundsted"The Public Suffix List (http://publicsuffix.org/) is "a cross-vendor initiative to provide an accurate list of domain name suffixes". Such a list is necessary because "there was and remains no algorithmic method of finding the highest level at which a domain may be registered for a particular top-level domain (the policies differ with each registry)...". Public Suffix List is also a small Ruby library designed to make the Public Suffix List (http://publicsuffix.org/) easier to use.0T" ruby[["heroscale-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"heroscaleU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time ũ"Autoscale your heroku appU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.8.7: @name" rake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2.0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " json; @3;F00["Jacques Crocker"XRack middleware that allows easy external querying of your heroku's app queue depth0T" ruby[["charnames-0.0.5u;n[" 1.4.0i"charnamesU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time ".Ryan Davis is too lazy to write a summaryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.2: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Ryan Davis"2Ryan Davis is too lazy to write a description0T" ruby[["browsercms_s3-3.0.5u;[" 1.4.0i"browsercms_s3U:Gem::Version[" 3.0.5u: Time Ei"BrowserCMS is a general purpose, open source Web Content Management System (CMS), written in Ruby on Rails. This is a fork where the facility to have attachments stored on Amazon S3 has been added. Also caching has been changed to suit herokuU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Anthony Underwood"0T" ruby[["barracuda-1.3u;[" 1.4.0i"barracudaU:Gem::Version["1.3u: Time `"EBarracuda is a wrapper library for OpenCL/CUDA GPGPU programmingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Loren Segal"0T" ruby[["thrift_client-0.6.0u;[" 1.4.0i"thrift_clientU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.0u: Time "MA Thrift client wrapper that encapsulates some common failover behavior.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.5.0: @name" thrift:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Evan Weaver"Ryan King"Jeff Hodges"MA Thrift client wrapper that encapsulates some common failover behavior.0T" ruby[["#therubyracer-heroku-0.8.1.pre3u;3[" 1.4.0i"therubyracer-herokuU:Gem::Version["0.8.1.pre3u: Time "CEmbed the V8 Javascript interpreter into Ruby built for HerokuU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rake-compiler; @);F00["Charles Lowell"Bill Robertson"}Call javascript code and manipulate javascript objects from ruby. Call ruby code and manipulate ruby objects from javascript.0T" ruby[["svnignore-0.0.1u;Z[" 1.4.0i"svnignoreU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time ł"&git style ignores with subversionU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Sean Huber"&git style ignores with subversion0T" ruby[["rpcjson-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" rpcjsonU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "0Modern JSON-RPC 1.1 and 2.0 implementation.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">U;["0.0; " json; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " json; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.2; " jeweler; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @Q;F00["Jonathan Jeffus"NThis module aims to be a complete implementation of JSON-RPC 1.1 and 2.0.0T" ruby[["handler_socket-0.0.1u;q[" 1.4.0i"handler_socketU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time $"0libhsclient(HandlerSocket) binding for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" miyucy"0libhsclient(HandlerSocket) binding for Ruby0T" ruby[["applescript-1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"applescriptU:Gem::Version["1.0u: Time e"+A simple AppleScript wrapper for Ruby.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Lucas Carlson"+A simple AppleScript wrapper for Ruby.0T" ruby[["fluffy-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i" fluffyU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time [".Makes writing to S3 tranparent using FileU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Ben Wyrosdick"0T" ruby[["social_feed-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"social_feedU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time P"?a ruby on rails plugin to create and display a social feedU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Alexander Lang"Thilo Utke"0T" ruby[["rack-esi-0.1.2u; [" 1.4.0i" rack-esiU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time Ek",ESI middleware implementation for Rack.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" nokogiri:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " riot; @3;F00["Florian Aßmann"rNokogiri based ESI middleware implementation for Rack with (limited) support for include, remove and comment.0T" ruby[["gitchart-1.0u;|[" 1.4.0i" gitchartU:Gem::Version["1.0u: Time "/Generate cool stats about Git repositoriesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.3: @name"schacon-grit:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0.8; " gchartrb; @);F00["Hans Engel"0T" ruby[["modulr-0.7.0u;a[" 1.4.0i" modulrU:Gem::Version[" 0.7.0u: Time "HA CommonJS module implementation in Ruby for client-side JavaScriptU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"coffee_machine:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Tobie Langel"0T" ruby[["at-the-movies-0.1.0u;_[" 1.4.0i"at-the-moviesU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time ^"Pulling that shit in yo!U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"mechanize:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Dylan Egan".Scraper for http://abc.net.au/atthemovies0T" ruby[["state_pattern-2.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"state_patternU:Gem::Version[" 2.0.0u: Time $"(A Ruby state pattern implementationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Daniel Cadenas"0T" ruby[["rdoc-rake-1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"rdoc-rakeU:Gem::Version["1.0u: Time d"+RDoc plugin for documenting rake tasksU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["2.5: @name" rdoc:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.0; "gemcutter; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.5.0; "hoe; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.3; "rubyforge; @=;F00["Eric Hodel"+RDoc plugin for documenting rake tasks0T" ruby[["foobar-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" foobarU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time ů" a gemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["0T" ruby[["active_assets-0.2.7u;[" 1.4.0i"active_assetsU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.7u: Time e"{A Railtie that provides an asset management system for css, javascript, and sprites in your Rails applications and engines.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"mini_magick:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 4.4.2; " ZenTest; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " oily_png; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rmagick; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.1.5; "css_parser; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.3; " rails; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "chunky_png; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">U;["2.0; "test-unit; @e;F00["Sam Woodard"A Railtie that provides an asset management system for css, javascript, and sprites in your Rails applications and engines. ActiveAssets includes two libraries, ActiveExpansions and ActiveSprites. ActiveSprites generates sprites defined by a dsl similar to a route definition. Similarly, ActiveExpansions' dsl creates ActionView::Helpers::AssetTagHelper javascript and stylesheet expansions, and adds additional features0T" ruby[["text-format-1.0.0u;[[" 1.4.0i"text-formatU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time W"2Text::Format formats fixed-width text nicely.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0: @name"text-hyphen:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Austin Ziegler"Text::Format is provides the ability to nicely format fixed-width text with knowledge of the writeable space (number of columns), margins, and indentation settings. Text::Format can work with either TeX::Hyphen or Text::Hyphen to hyphenate words when formatting.0T" ruby[["ronin-scanners-0.1.4u;[" 1.4.0i"ronin-scannersU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time Y"vRonin Scanners is a Ruby library for Ronin that provides Ruby interfaces to various third-party security scannersU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.2: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.2; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.4; " ronin; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.3; " scandb; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.6; " rprogram; @G;F00["Postmodern"HRonin Scanners is a Ruby library for Ronin that provides Ruby interfaces to various third-party security scanners. Ronin is a Ruby platform designed for information security and data exploration tasks. Ronin allows for the rapid development and distribution of code over many of the common Source-Code-Management (SCM) systems.0T" ruby[["bit-struct-0.13.6u;[" 1.4.0i"bit-structU:Gem::Version[" 0.13.6u: Time d[":Library for packed binary data stored in ruby StringsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.5.1: @name" bones:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.5.1; " bones; @);F00["Joel VanderWerf"}Library for packed binary data stored in ruby Strings. Useful for accessing fields in network packets and binary files. 0T" ruby[["imobile-0.0.9u;L[" 1.4.0i" imobileU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.9u: Time $]"5Library for servers backing iPhone applications.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 3.1.1: @name" echoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.6; " flexmock; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.6; " flexmock; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.7; " json; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.1.1; " echoe; @G;F00["Victor Costan"5Library for servers backing iPhone applications.0T" ruby[["ar_orderable-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"ar_orderableU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time D"TA small ActiveRecord addition that makes ordering of results easier and cleanerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 2.3.5: @name"activerecord:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Mikko Nylén"ar_orderable adds a consistent way to order results at database level using ActiveRecord. Supports ordering by multiple attributes and by associated model's attributes.0T" ruby[["toggler-0.2.4u;*[" 1.4.0i" togglerU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.4u: Time $"Toggl api ruby gemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 0.1.8: @name" crack:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.0; "chronic_duration; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.1; " hirb; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.6.1; " httparty; @=;F00["Caleb Harrelson"\Toggler provides a simple REST-style JSON API over standard HTTP - http://www.toggl.com0T" ruby[["select_with_include-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"select_with_includeU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time ":enables :select ActiveRecord option with the :includeU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Paolo Negri":enables :select ActiveRecord option with the :include0T" ruby[["puppet-rundeck-0.0.4u;G[" 1.4.0i"puppet-rundeckU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time "#Integrates Puppet with RunDeckU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0: @name" builder:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.24.8; " puppet; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " sinatra; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @G;F00["James Turnbull"BProvides a resource endpoint for RunDeck from a Puppet Server0T" ruby[["notprawn-0.4.1u;[" 1.4.0i" notprawnU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.1u: Time d""NOT OFFICIAL PRAWN DO NOT USEU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"notprawn-layout:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Gregory Brown" Prawn is a fast, tiny, and nimble PDF generator for Ruby. Hacked for one specific project with crazy requirements. DO NOT USE. 0T" ruby[["adva-blog-0.0.7u;[" 1.4.0i"adva-blogU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.7u: Time "Blog engine for adva-cms2U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"adva-core:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "truncate_html; @);F00["Ingo Weiss"Sven Fuchs"Blog engine for adva-cms20T" ruby[["conversational-0.3.2u;[" 1.4.0i"conversationalU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.2u: Time ğ"0Have conversations with your users over SMSU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["David Wilkie"0T" ruby[["eagleclaw-0.1.8u;L[" 1.4.0i"eagleclawU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.8u: Time "$A small screen-scraping libraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.4; " yard; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; "mechanize; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.1; " nokogiri; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.3; "fastercsv; @G;F00["Zachary Voase"?eagleclaw is a small library to help build screen-scrapers0T" ruby[["unsupported-0.0.0.pre1u;[" 1.4.0i"unsupportedU:Gem::Version["0.0.0.pre1u: Time k"LRack middleware that filters out the browsers your app doesn't support.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Brad Whitcomb"LRack middleware that filters out the browsers your app doesn't support.0T" ruby[["imanip-0.1.4u;[" 1.4.0i" imanipU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time &"HSuper-quick image resizing using the ImageMagick command line toolsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.7.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.7.0; "hoe; @);F00["Aaron Quint"HSuper-quick image resizing using the ImageMagick command line tools0T" ruby[["mongo_persist-0.1.0u;T[" 1.4.0i"mongo_persistU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time %n">Library to add MongoDB Persistance to normal Ruby objectsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rr; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "mharris_ext; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " fattr; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @G;F00["Mike Harris">Library to add MongoDB Persistance to normal Ruby objects0T" ruby[["irberize-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" irberizeU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "Run a ruby script with IRBU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Run a ruby script with IRB0T" ruby[["12_hour_time-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"12_hour_timeU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time "12 Hour TimeU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Nick Muerdter"Maurice Aubrey"AM/PM 12 Hour Time Helper0T" ruby[["fileq-0.1.3u;[" 1.4.0i" fileqU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time "OSimple transactional, persistent queue on top of Unix filesystem semanticsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Dru Nelson"0T" ruby[["honkster-giternal-0.2.3u;c[" 1.4.0i"honkster-giternalU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.3u: Time "Non-sucky git externalsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " cucumber; @);F00["Pat Maddox"Giternal provides dead-simple management of external git dependencies. It only stores a small bit of metadata, letting you actively develop in any of the repos. Come deploy time, you can easily freeze freeze all the dependencies to particular versions0T" ruby[[" mintdigital-youtube-g-0.5.1u;[" 1.4.0i"mintdigital-youtube-gU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.1u: Time E"*Ruby client for the YouTube GData APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.3: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " builder; @);F00[ "Shane Vitarana"Walter Korman"Aman Gupta"Filip H.F. Slagter"msp")youtube-g is a pure Ruby client for the YouTube GData API. It provides an easy way to access the latest YouTube video search results from your own programs. In comparison with the earlier Youtube search interfaces, this new API and library offers much-improved flexibility around executing complex search queries to obtain well-targeted video search results. More detail on the underlying source Google-provided API is available at: http://code.google.com/apis/youtube/overview.html. This version is the latest from Git HEAD as of 2010-02-02 (c26bf0).0T" ruby[[" moji-1.5u;[" 1.4.0i" mojiU:Gem::Version["1.5u: Time d":Character type classification/conversion for JapaneseU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Hiroshi Ichikawa":Character type classification/conversion for Japanese0T" ruby[["#angry_mob_common_targets-0.1.0u;/[" 1.4.0i"angry_mob_common_targetsU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time Ĝ"(Common targets to use with AngryMobU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Lachie Cox"gAngryMob Common Targets are a set of essential, reusable targets to get you started with AngryMob.0T" ruby[["mqrpc-0.0.7u;[" 1.4.0i" mqrpcU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.7u: Time j"*mqrpc - RPC over Message Queue (AMQP)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.7: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.2; " uuid; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.0; " amqp; @3;F00["Jordan Sissel"Pete Fritchman".RPC mechanism using AMQP as the transport0T" ruby[["raicebook-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"raicebookU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.3: @name" rails:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " koala; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "koala-rails; @3;F00["Bruno Wernimont"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Ben Mabey"Aaron Gibralter"Mischa Fierer",Easily test email in rspec and cucumber0T" ruby[["girror-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i" girrorU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time %"MRemote -> local directory 'mirror' using SFTP transport and Git storage.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.1: @name" jeweler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "bluecloth; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "bluecloth; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "syslog-logger; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " net-sftp; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " highline; @~;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "git; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "syslog-logger; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " highline; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "git; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " net-sftp; @;F00["Pavel Argentov"ORetrieves remote directory via SFTP and stores it in local Git repository.0T" ruby[["fancystruct-0.9.3u;9[" 1.4.0i"fancystructU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.3u: Time %i"Like Struct, but fancyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2000.0.0: @name" exemplor:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Myles Byrne"0T" ruby[["rb-fsevent-0.3.9u;[" 1.4.0i"rb-fseventU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.9u: Time E"&Very simple & usable FSEvents APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.1.4: @name"guard-rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.3; " bundler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.0.1; " rspec; @3;F00["Thibaud Guillaume-Gentil";FSEvents API with Signals catching (without RubyCocoa)0T" ruby[["newgem-1.5.3u;[" 1.4.0i" newgemU:Gem::Version[" 1.5.3u: Time e"Quickly bundle any Ruby libraries into a RubyGem and share it with the world, your colleagues, or perhaps just with yourself amongst your projectsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.3: @name" rubigen:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.3.4; "activesupport; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.4.0; "hoe; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 4.1.1; " RedCloth; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.4.0; "hoe; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.11; " cucumber; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; " syntax; @[;F00["Dr Nic Williams"Quickly bundle any Ruby libraries into a RubyGem and share it with the world, your colleagues, or perhaps just with yourself amongst your projects. RubyGems are centrally stored, versioned, and support dependencies between other gems, so they are the ultimate way to bundle libraries, executables, associated tests, examples, and more. Within this gem, you get one thing - newgem - an executable to create your own gems. Your new gems will include designated folders for Ruby code, test files, executables, and even a default website page for you to explain your project, and which instantly uploads to RubyForge website (which looks just like this one by default)0T" ruby[["mmedit-0.1.0u;s[" 1.4.0i" mmeditU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time ")A metamodel editor based on ConcreteU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.2: @name" rgen:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.0; " concrete; @);F00["Martin Thiede"0T" ruby[["dm-svn-0.2.4u;[" 1.4.0i" dm-svnU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.4u: Time D"DSync content from a Subversion repository to a DataMapper modelU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.2: @name"dm-aggregates:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.2; "dm-validations; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.2; "svn-fixture; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.2; " dm-core; @=;F00["Jared Morgan"dm-svn allows you to store data in a Subversion repository, then sync that data to a DataMapper model (for example, to a relational database. Essentially, it allows you app quicker access to the Subversion data.0T" ruby[["google_visualr-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"google_visualrU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "1Wrapper around the Google Visualization API.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Winston Teo"0T" ruby[["basecamp_wrapper-0.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i"basecamp_wrapperU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time ě".A wrapper for the 37 Signals Basecamp APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Chelsea Robb".A wrapper for the 37 Signals Basecamp API0T" ruby[[" yahoofinance-typhoeus-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"yahoofinance-typhoeusU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time E".Yahoo! Finance historic quotes from Ruby.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" typhoeus:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " minitest; @);F00["Paul Legato"PProvides high-performance access to historic stock data from Yahoo! Finance0T" ruby[["xcb-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"xcbU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "TXCB provides the xcb command to continuously build a project in the background.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"ruby-growl:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" Tom Lea"TXCB provides the xcb command to continuously build a project in the background.0T" ruby[["mollom-0.2.3u;x[" 1.4.0i" mollomU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.3u: Time $"sRuby class for easy interfacing with the mollom.com open API for spam detection and content quality assesment.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jan De Poorter"sRuby class for easy interfacing with the mollom.com open API for spam detection and content quality assesment.0T" ruby[["historian-0.0.1u;W[" 1.4.0i"historianU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time e"gAutomatically extract information from git commit messages and update your project's history file.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" autotest:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " bundler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " thor; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.3.0; " rspec; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.2; "project_scout; @G;F00["Richard Lee-Morlang"Historian uses git commit hooks to inject itself into Git's commit workflow. Historian checks your commit messages for certain markup tokens. If found, it updates your project's history file, and amends your commit with it, while also stripping out the markup.0T" ruby[["hashmodel-0.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i"hashmodelU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time "MStore nested hashes as records and easily search them (even nested ones)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" sourcify:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " cucumber; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "file-tail; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @=;F00["Mike Bethany"A simple MVC type model class for storing records based on nested hashes as an array of hashes. You can store deeply nested hashes and still easily flatten and query the records using flattened field names.0T" ruby[["yaml_waml-0.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i"yaml_wamlU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time df"5'to_yaml' workaround for multibyte UTF-8 string.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["KAKUTANI Shintaro"Akira Ikeda"Plugin gem to workaround for fixing output result of 'to_yaml' method treats multibyte UTF-8 string(such as japanese) as binary. 0T" ruby[["whois-ps-0.1.3u;C[" 1.4.0i" whois-psU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time e"3Domain Whois (information) for the .ps domain.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"mechanize:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "thoughtbot-shoulda; @);F00["Amr N Tamimi"Domain Whois (information) for the .ps domain. And it's because .ps TLD has no whois server. WhoisPs the best solution as a tool to get .ps domain data, ie, status, dns servers, and others.0T" ruby[["static_pages-0.0.5u;[" 1.4.0i"static_pagesU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time d"?plugin for sharing static content in a configurable folderU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Christian Weis"0T" ruby[["retlang-;[" 1.4.0i" retlangU:Gem::Version[" Time ĥ"8Retlang is a high performance C# threading library.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Mike Rettig"Graham Nash"Retlang is a high performance C# threading library. The library is intended for use in message based concurrency similar to event based actors in Scala. The library does not provide remote messaging capabilities. It is designed specifically for high performance in-memory messaging. 0T" ruby[["protomsg-0.8.0u;[" 1.4.0i" protomsgU:Gem::Version[" 0.8.0u: Time "#Protocol Message Buffers for CU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Will Cannings"Protocol Message Buffers for C. This gem generates C socket code for reading and writing messages described in the protomsg DSL.0T" ruby[["prawn-graph-0.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i"prawn-graphU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time e"kAn extension to Prawn that provides the ability to draw basic graphs and charts natively in your PDFs.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" prawn:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Ryan Stenhouse"n An extension to Prawn that provides the ability to draw basic graphs and charts natively in your PDFs. 0T" ruby[["!apache_secure_download-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"apache_secure_downloadU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "rApache module providing secure downloading functionality, just like Mongrel Secure Download does for mongrel.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jens Wille"rApache module providing secure downloading functionality, just like Mongrel Secure Download does for mongrel.0T" ruby[["orangutan-0.0.7u;&[" 1.4.0i"orangutanU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.7u: Time D"A mock objects libraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.0.3: @name" gemesis:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.1.0; " splat; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.8.7; " rake; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.3.0; " rspec; @=;F00["Mark Ryall"aYet another test spy style mocking library that happens to support clr testing via ironruby 0T" ruby[["diff-0.3.6u;[" 1.4.0i" diffU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.6u: Time ""Diff Algorithm ImplementationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Wayne Walter""Diff Algorithm Implementation0T" ruby[["#enterprise_time_extensions-1.0u;V[" 1.4.0i"enterprise_time_extensionsU:Gem::Version["1.0u: Time A"1Enterprisey extensions to Ruby's Time class.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Miles Z. Sterrett"~Enterprisey extensions to Ruby's Time class allowing you to quickly discover whether a time is a holiday, or after hours.0T" ruby[["quarter_time-0.3.2u;[" 1.4.0i"quarter_timeU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.2u: Time D"}library for measuring time in quarters (three month periods) and interacting with models that are tied to a specific quarter.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" evizitei"{A simple gem for dealing with quarter logic. I happen to have a project where half the models in the database recur every three months as part of a "quarter" of the year. Within the code, we constantly are asking "what quarter is this for?", or "show me all the records for this quarter". Well, now I need the same power on another application, so say hello to "quarter_time".0T" ruby[["polyglot-0.3.1u;[" 1.4.0i" polyglotU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.1u: Time "[Allows custom language loaders for specified file extensions to be hooked into requireU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.3: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Clifford Heath"[Allows custom language loaders for specified file extensions to be hooked into require0T" ruby[["fistface-1.0.0u;K[" 1.4.0i" fistfaceU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time "DIY @font-face web serviceU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["1.1: @name" sinatra:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Dan Croak"Pow. Right in the kisser.0T" ruby[["ffi-libc-0.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i" ffi-libcU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time e"!Useful FFI bindings for libcU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.3.0: @name"ore-tasks:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.4.0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.6.0; " yard; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.0["<=U;[" 1.1.0; "ffi; @=;F00["Postmodern"'Useful Ruby FFI bindings for libc.0T" ruby[["mplex-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i" mplexU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time e" mplexU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["FURUHASHI Sadayuki"0T" ruby[["mojo-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i" mojoU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time "$Interface to Mojo (mojo.bt.com)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Vincent Palmer"$Interface to Mojo (mojo.bt.com)0T" ruby[["xtdo-0.2.2u;q[" 1.4.0i" xtdoU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.2u: Time e"/Minimal and fast command line todo managerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" timecop:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.1.0; " rspec; @);F00["Xavier Shay"0T" ruby[["!js_namespace_framework-2.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"js_namespace_frameworkU:Gem::Version[" 2.0.0u: Time "9Use the power of Rails to namespace your JavaScript.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Brent Greeff"9Use the power of Rails to namespace your JavaScript.0T" ruby[["wombleton-holidays-0.9.9u;r[" 1.4.0i"wombleton-holidaysU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.9u: Time ď"dA collection of Ruby methods to deal with statutory and other holidays. You deserve a holiday!U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Alex Dunae"Rowan Crawford"dA collection of Ruby methods to deal with statutory and other holidays. You deserve a holiday!0T" ruby[["svicss-1.0.5u;[" 1.4.0i" svicssU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.5u: Time "Personal style web helperU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Alexander Sviridoff"Personal style web helper0T" ruby[["sample_models-1.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i"sample_modelsU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.1u: Time E"}A library for making it extremely fast for Rails developers to set up and save ActiveRecord instances when writing test casesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Francis Hwang" A library for making it extremely fast for Rails developers to set up and save ActiveRecord instances when writing test cases. It aims to: * meet all your validations automatically * only make you specify the attributes you care about * give you a rich set of features so you can specify associated values as concisely as possible * do this with as little configuration as possible 0T" ruby[["ruby2c-;[" 1.4.0i" ruby2cU:Gem::Version[" Time D^"3ruby_to_c translates a static ruby subset to CU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["2.0: @name"ruby_parser:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.3; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.3; "hoe; @3;F00["Ryan Davis"Eric Hodel"Wruby_to_c translates a static ruby subset to C. Hopefully it works. NOTE ! NOTE ! NOTE ! NOTE ! NOTE ! NOTE ! NOTE ! NOTE ! NOTE THIS IS BETA SOFTWARE! NOTE ! NOTE ! NOTE ! NOTE ! NOTE ! NOTE ! NOTE ! NOTE ! NOTE RubyToC has the following modules: * Rewriter - massages the sexp into a more consistent form. * TypeChecker - type inferencer for the above sexps. * RubyToRubyC - converts a ruby (subset) sexp to ruby interals C. * RubyToAnsiC - converts a ruby (subset) sexp to ANSI C. and the following tools: * translate.rb - Translates a given file to C.0T" ruby[["foam-0.0.5u;[" 1.4.0i" foamU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time "A scaffold meta-generatorU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 0.0.6: @name"ingoweiss_generators:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 3.0.0; " rails; @);F00["Ingo Weiss"Foam is a meta generator for generating scaffold for a Rails application from a description of the application's resource layout0T" ruby[["web-app-theme-rails-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"web-app-theme-railsU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time d"#web-app-theme rails3 generatorU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Thomas Volkmar Worm"qA template generator for Rails 3 providing the nice templates from WebAppTheme with support for ERB and Haml0T" ruby[["ruby2d-0.1.5u;k[" 1.4.0i" ruby2dU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.5u: Time ğ"Simple 2D libraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" fmod:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.60.1; "ruby-opengl; @);F00[" Darkleo"Simple 2D library0T" ruby[["octokit-0.5.2u;[" 1.4.0i" octokitU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.2u: Time "Wrapper for the GitHub APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["0.3: @name"simplecov:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["4.4; " ZenTest; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.5; " json; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.4; " nokogiri; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2.5; " rspec; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["0.8; " rake; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.5.4; " faraday; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.2.4; "addressable; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " hashie; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.2.0; "multi_xml; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.0.5; "multi_json; @~;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.3.2; "faraday_middleware; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.6; " webmock; @;F00["Wynn Netherland"Adam Stacoviak"Erik Michaels-Ober")Simple wrapper for the GitHub API v20T" ruby[["task_tempest-0.2.0u;$[" 1.4.0i"task_tempestU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time "7Framework for creating asychronous job processors.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Christopher J. Bottaro"MFramework for creating queue based, threaded asychronous job processors.0T" ruby[["'dm-accepts_nested_attributes-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"!dm-accepts_nested_attributesU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time "+Nested model assignment for datamapperU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["1.3: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["0.5; " yard; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " dm-core; @3;F00["Martin Gamsjaeger (snusnu)"OA datamapper plugin that allows nested model assignment like activerecord.0T" ruby[["jsduck-0.2u;[" 1.4.0i" jsduckU:Gem::Version["0.2u: Time %"/Simple JavaScript Duckumentation generatorU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"rdiscount:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " json; @);F00["Rene Saarsoo"EBetter ext-doc like JavaScript documentation generator for ExtJS0T" ruby[["neversaydie-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"neversaydieU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time D]";NEVER SAY DIE lets you rescue from segmentation faultsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.2: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.2; "hoe; @);F00["Aaron Patterson"NEVER SAY DIE lets you rescue from segmentation faults. Got a SEGV, don't worry about it anymore! Just rescue an exception and get on with life. Who cares about getting a SEGV anyway? It's just memory. I mean, when I was in school, I didn't need 100% to pass the class. Why should your memory need to be 100% correct to get the job done? A little memory corruption here and there doesn't hurt anyone. So go for it! Kick back, grab a beer, require the NEVER SAY DIE gem and let your problems go away sometimes!0T" ruby[["threaded_processor-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"threaded_processorU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time ":Threaded processor with specifiable thread pool size.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Patrick Morgan"6A simple wrapper for Ruby Threads and SizedQueue.0T" ruby[["kwaff-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i" kwaffU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time DV"*a friendly formatter to generate XHMLU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Makoto Kuwata"Kwaff is a pretty tool to convert Kwaff format document into XML document, and also convert XML into Kwaff. Kwaff format is a friendly format for human to read and write than XML. Kwaff format makes XML as easy as YAML to read and write.0T" ruby[["kalenteri-0.1.1u;U[" 1.4.0i"kalenteriU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time d"3General purpose library for building calendarsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Antti Koskinen"0T" ruby[[" ghazel-googlecharts-;[" 1.4.0i"ghazel-googlechartsU:Gem::Version[" Time "(Sexy Charts using Google API & RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Matt Aimonetti"(Sexy Charts using Google API & Ruby0T" ruby[["line-tree-0.3.3u;n[" 1.4.0i"line-treeU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.3u: Time "line-treeU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rexle:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["`Line-tree parses indented lines of text and returns an array representing a tree structure.0T" ruby[["mongoid-plugins-0.0.1u;"[" 1.4.0i"mongoid-pluginsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time e"1Easily add and configure plugins for MongoidU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 4.3.2: @name" autotest:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.12; " hanna; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["2.0.0.beta.20; " mongoid; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2.0; " rspec; @=;F00["Benedikt Deicke"1Easily add and configure plugins for Mongoid0T" ruby[["todd-0.0.9u;/[" 1.4.0i" toddU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.9u: Time ņ";A simple time-tracking todo-list for the command line.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.0: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.5; "active_record; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.2; "terminal_table; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 4.0.2; "commander; @=;F00["Carl Sverre";A simple time-tracking todo-list for the command line.0T" ruby[["resque-priority-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"resque-priorityU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time D"0Resque plugin that provides priority levelsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Brett Buddin"U Provides Resque with three levels of (named) priority for a single queue. 0T" ruby[["filecount-0.2.1u;L[" 1.4.0i"filecountU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time d"*Counts files in directory recursivelyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Markus Nilsson"0T" ruby[["htmldiff-0.0.1u;+[" 1.4.0i" htmldiffU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time *"LHTML diffs of text (borrowed from a wiki software I no longer remember)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Nathan Herald"LHTML diffs of text (borrowed from a wiki software I no longer remember)0T" ruby[["blog_helper-0.0.10u; [" 1.4.0i"blog_helperU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.10u: Time ":Some handy helpers for serious, toto and the likes...U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Sven Kräuter":Some handy helpers for serious, toto and the likes...0T" ruby[["activemodel-3.0.4.rc1u;[" 1.4.0i"activemodelU:Gem::Version["3.0.4.rc1u: Time "@A toolkit for building modeling frameworks (part of Rails).U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["0.4: @name" i18n:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.1.2; " builder; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;["3.0.4.rc1; "activesupport; @3;F00["David Heinemeier Hansson"A toolkit for building modeling frameworks like Active Record and Active Resource. Rich support for attributes, callbacks, validations, observers, serialization, internationalization, and testing.0T" ruby[["bike-0.2.3u;[" 1.4.0i" bikeU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.3u: Time $"*The laziest web application frameworkU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.5: @name"sqlite3-ruby:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.26; " ya2yaml; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0.9; " rack; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["3.0; " sequel; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.0; " gettext; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.0; " jeweler; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.8; " mocha; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.4; "quick_magick; @e;F00["Akira FUNAI"Bike is a web application framework that can make feature-rich apps by HTML files only. You need no database setup (by default), no scheme definition, no command-line voodoo. Just put a good old HTML file under skin/, and your new app is already running. 0T" ruby[["mguymon-whenever-0.6.2u;$[" 1.4.0i"mguymon-wheneverU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.2u: Time ""Write your cron jobs in ruby.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.1: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.9; "aaronh-chronic; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.4; "activesupport; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.5; " mocha; @=;F00["Javan Makhmali";Clean ruby syntax for writing and deploying cron jobs.0T" ruby[["4jeremyevans-exception_notification-1.0.20100406u;[" 1.4.0i"'jeremyevans-exception_notificationU:Gem::Version["1.0.20100406u: Time Č"\Gemified exception_notification rails plugin, compatible with Rails 2.3.5 with RailsXssU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Rails Core Team"0T" ruby[["cosell-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i" cosellU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time de"Cosell is a minimal implementation of the 'Announcements' observer framework, originally introduced in VisualWorks Smalltalk as a replacement for 'triggerEvent' style of event notificationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.5.1: @name" bones:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Steven Swerling" Cosell is a minimal implementation of the 'Announcements' observer framework, originally introduced in VisualWorks Smalltalk as a replacement for 'triggerEvent' style of event notification. Instead of triggering events identified by symbols, the events are first class objects. For rationale, please see the original blog posting by Vassili Bykov (refs below). *Lineage* This implementation is loosely based on Lukas Renggli's tweak of Colin Putney's Squeak implementation of Vassili Bykov's Announcements framework for VisualWorks Smalltalk. (Specifically Announcements-lr.13.mcz was used as a reference.) Liberties where taken during the port. In particular, the Announcer class in the Smalltalk version is implemented here as a ruby module which can be mixed into any object. Also, in this implementation any object (or class) can serve as an announcement, so no Announcement class is implemented. The ability to queue announcements in the background is built into cosell. The Name 'Cosell' I chose the name 'Cosell' because a. Howard Cosell is an iconic event announcer b. Googling for 'Ruby Announcements', 'Ruby Event Announcements', etc., produced scads of results about ruby meetups, conferences, and the like. So I went with something a bit cryptic but hopefully a little more searchable. *See* * {Original blog posting describing Announcments by Vassili Bykov}[http://www.cincomsmalltalk.com/userblogs/vbykov/blogView?entry=3310034894] * {More info on the Announcements Framework}[http://wiki.squeak.org/squeak/5734]0T" ruby[["mizuho-0.9.6u;[" 1.4.0i" mizuhoU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.6u: Time ")Mizuho documentation formatting toolU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" hpricot:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Hongli Lai"A documentation formatting tool. Mizuho converts Asciidoc input files into nicely outputted HTML, possibly one file per chapter. Multiple templates are supported, so you can write your own.0T" ruby[["(npd-activerecord-jdbc-adapter-0.9.2u;[" 1.4.0i""npd-activerecord-jdbc-adapterU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.2u: Time Dd"BJDBC adapter for ActiveRecord, for use within JRuby on Rails.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Nick Sieger"$Ola Bini and JRuby contributors"activerecord-jdbc-adapter is a database adapter for Rails' ActiveRecord component that can be used with JRuby[http://www.jruby.org/]. It allows use of virtually any JDBC-compliant database with your JRuby on Rails application.0T" ruby[["$dohmoose_auto_sprite-1.1.1.pre1u;e[" 1.4.0i"dohmoose_auto_spriteU:Gem::Version["1.1.1.pre1u: Time "%A fully-Automagic Sprite BuilderU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[00["Stephen Blackstone"Don Buchanan"CSS Sprites can get you down, don't let them. This gem automatically creates the CSS, Sprite and HTML tags so you don't have to0T" ruby[["swift_db-0.1.5u;[" 1.4.0i" swift_dbU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.5u: Time E"&Stores data in a B+tree structureU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Prasath V Ram"&Stores data in a B+tree structure0T" ruby[["snmpdumper-0.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i"snmpdumperU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time Ċ"0Dumps SNMP walk output in different format.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 1.0.2: @name" snmp:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.1.2; " builder; @);F00["Sebastian de Castelberg"'Dump snmp walks in various formats0T" ruby[["#netzke_widget_generators-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"netzke_widget_generatorsU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time $"*Rails 3 generators for Netzke widgetsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Kristian Mandrup"*Rails 3 generators for Netzke widgets0T" ruby[["alacarte-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i" alacarteU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time "-Provides a generic menu system for RailsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Stijn Mathysen"[This Rails plugin allows you to create a menu system, using a dsl (similar to routes).0T" ruby[["rbcdio-0.05u;[" 1.4.0i" rbcdioU:Gem::Version[" 0.05u: Time d"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Rocky Bernstein"A library for CD-ROM and CD image access. Applications wishing to be oblivious of the OS- and device-dependent properties of a CD-ROM or of the specific details of various CD-image formats may benefit from using this library. A library for working with ISO-9660 filesystems is included. 0T" ruby[["*compass-iphone-style-checkboxes-0.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"$compass-iphone-style-checkboxesU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.0u: Time $"3Compass plugin for the iPhone-style checkboxesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Thomas Reynolds"0T" ruby[["image_button_to-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"image_button_toU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time j"(Image equivalent to Rails button_toU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0: @name"actionpack:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["J. Pablo Fernández"Ruby on Rails provides a series of methods called button_to and image_submit_tag, but no image_button_to. This gem provides that.0T" ruby[["minty_scopes-0.9.1u;[" 1.4.0i"minty_scopesU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.1u: Time l"4Useful, reusable named_scopes for ActiveRecord.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.0: @name"activerecord:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.0; "activesupport; @);F00["Dean Strelau"Mint Digital"0T" ruby[["natedaiger-youtube-g-0.6.1u;[" 1.4.0i"natedaiger-youtube-gU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.1u: Time EH"*Ruby client for the YouTube GData APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" builder:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.3; "hoe; @);F00[ "Shane Vitarana"Walter Korman"Aman Gupta"Filip H.F. Slagter"msp"youtube-g is a pure Ruby client for the YouTube GData API. It provides an easy way to access the latest YouTube video search results from your own programs. In comparison with the earlier Youtube search interfaces, this new API and library offers much-improved flexibility around executing complex search queries to obtain well-targeted video search results. More detail on the underlying source Google-provided API is available at: http://code.google.com/apis/youtube/overview.html0T" ruby[["xmlsec-ruby-0.0.6u;.[" 1.4.0i"xmlsec-rubyU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.6u: Time ŭ"Ruby bindings for xmlsec1U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Victor Lin"} xmlsec-ruby is a project using SWIG to create ruby bindings for the xmlsec library (http://www.aleksey.com/xmlsec/). 0T" ruby[["#qualitysmith_extensions-0.0.64u;5[" 1.4.0i"qualitysmith_extensionsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.64u: Time $"EA collection of reusable Ruby methods developed by QualitySmith.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Tyler Rick and others"EA collection of reusable Ruby methods developed by QualitySmith.0T" ruby[["actiontimer-0.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i"actiontimerU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time "%Simple timer for a complex worldU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.2.3: @name"actionpool:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.4; " splib; @);F00[" spox"{ActionTimer is a simple timer for recurring actions. It supports single and recurring actions with an easy to use API.0T" ruby[["dbdiff-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i" dbdiffU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time d"DDbDiff performs diffs between two databases and applies changesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Eric Kolve"0T" ruby[["devver-rack-contrib-0.9.7u;[" 1.4.0i"devver-rack-contribU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.7u: Time E"This gem is the Devver fork of rack-contrib (http://github.com/rack/rack-contrib) so we can play around with new features we're building. You should not use this version and use the official rack-contrib gem instead.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.1: @name" rack:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.1; " json; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.2; " tmail; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.9.0; "test-spec; @=;F00["rack-devel"$The Devver fork of rack-contrib0T" ruby[["$sprout-flexsystemsdk-tool-0.1.2u;P[" 1.4.0i"sprout-flexsystemsdk-toolU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time j"6A sprout tool for interacting with your local sdkU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.1: @name" sprout:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["0T" ruby[["rbktoblzcheck-0.1.2u;N[" 1.4.0i"rbktoblzcheckU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time "rbktoblzcheck is an interface for libktoblzcheck, a library to check German account numbers and bank codes. See http://ktoblzcheck.sourceforge.net for details.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Sascha Loetz"Kim Rudolph"0T" ruby[["passenger_dyno-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"passenger_dynoU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time d"=Make tracking passenger server usage easier with MongoDbU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.19.3: @name" bson_ext:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.2; "mongo_mapper; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.12; "ghazel-daemons; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "thoughtbot-shoulda; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.19.3; " mongo; @G;F00["Bob Burbach" Store passenger memory usage and other useful statitics in MongoDb. Use passenger_dyno_clinet to see those stats rendered with javascript! 0T" ruby[["paperclip_cloudfiles-0.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i"paperclip_cloudfilesU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time c"%Cloudfiles storage for PaperclipU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"rackspace-cloudfiles:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @);F00["Erik Hansson":Provides a :cloudfiles storage options for Paperclip.0T" ruby[["wtth-1.4.1u;#[" 1.4.0i" wtthU:Gem::Version[" 1.4.1u: Time D"=Watches humans vs. zombies games and tweets new zombies.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.0: @name" twitter:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; " nokogiri; @3;F00["Matthew Donoughe"lWelcome to the Horde is a program that tweets when people join the zombie horde(in humans vs. zombies).0T" ruby[["roker-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" rokerU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time l"'Weather forecasts from weather.govU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.1: @name" mocha:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "thoughtbot-shoulda; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.164; " hpricot; @3;F00["Greg Sterndale"'Weather forecasts from weather.gov0T" ruby[["Reposh-0.1.5u;[" 1.4.0i" ReposhU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.5u: Time "Simple VCS ShellU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["yhara (Yutaka HARA)"0T" ruby[["fatigue-0.0.3u;[[" 1.4.0i" fatigueU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time E"0Import your Nike+ runs into Garmin Connect.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.0: @name" nokogiri:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.0.9; "ruby-progressbar; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.10.11; "rr; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.0.0; "mechanize; @=;F00["Zach Holman"uA tiny little gem that helps you load your Nike+ run history into Garmin Connect. Cool, huh?.0T" ruby[["esv-0.1.3u;[" 1.4.0i"esvU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time b"jWrapper for English Standard Version (ESV) Bible Web Service. See ESV API docs http://www.esvapi.org/U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" httparty:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " fakeweb; @3;F00["Geoffrey Dagley"0T" ruby[[""structuremap.autonotify-0.2.2u;D[" 1.4.0i"structuremap.autonotifyU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.2u: Time d"TA project to automatically implement INotifyPropertyChanged using DynamicProxy2U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" log4net:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "castle.dynamicproxy2; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "structuremap; @3;F00["Jon Fuller"Matt Burke"TA project to automatically implement INotifyPropertyChanged using DynamicProxy20T" ruby[["bbc-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"bbcU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time "/Ruby Library to interact with the BBC APIsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " webmock; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rest-client; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " json; @=;F00["Oliver Nightingale"0T" ruby[["cockatoo-0.1u;u[" 1.4.0i" cockatooU:Gem::Version["0.1u: Time D"%Cockatoo is a simple chat serverU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.0: @name" daemons:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.8; " log4r; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 4.2.1; "htmlentities; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.12.10; "eventmachine; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.0; "yajl-ruby; @G;F00["Yann Klis"bCockatoo is a simple chat server coded with EventMachine and using the Long Polling technique0T" ruby[["vertica-0.7.4u;[" 1.4.0i" verticaU:Gem::Version[" 0.7.4u: Time " A Ruby interface to VerticaU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Matt Bauer"0T" ruby[["base_app-1.0.4u;F[" 1.4.0i" base_appU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.4u: Time ".Base class for command line applications.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Kyle Burton"Trotter Cashion"vSimplified command line applications with a base class handling options parsing and other life cycle management. 0T" ruby[["cops-;[" 1.4.0i" copsU:Gem::Version[" Time "/Rails authentication by email and passwordU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 1.8.4: @name"delayed_job:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.1.0; "create-rails-dev-db; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.0.7; "mad_mimi_mailer; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.2.2; " mini_fb; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @G;F00["Brian Burridge"Rails authentication by email and password with integrated dependencies to MadMimi. Also provides administrative user impersonation. Based on BlueLightSpecial0T" ruby[["unicorn-fotopedia-0.99.1u;[" 1.4.0i"unicorn-fotopediaU:Gem::Version[" 0.99.1u: Time d"/Rack HTTP server for fast clients and UnixU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rack:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Unicorn hackers"Fotopedia"Z\Unicorn is an HTTP server for Rack applications designed to only serve fast clients on low-latency, high-bandwidth connections and take advantage of features in Unix/Unix-like kernels. Slow clients should only be served by placing a reverse proxy capable of fully buffering both the the request and response in between Unicorn and slow clients.0T" ruby[["rubyworks-ec2-0.1.4u;w[" 1.4.0i"rubyworks-ec2U:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time E"RubyWorks supportU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" aws-s3:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2.0; "capistrano; @);F00["George Malamidis"Markus Bengts"0T" ruby[["approval_tests-0.0.8u;[" 1.4.0i"approval_testsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.8u: Time dX"Approval testing libraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Dan Gilkerson"Llewellyn Falco"&Approval testing library for ruby0T" ruby[["allyourbase-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"allyourbaseU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time "5ActiveRecord-esque interface to Google Base APIsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.0: @name" httparty:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.3; " ratom; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @3;F00["Logan Bowers"oProvides access to Google's Base Base data feed. Currently read-only, public API; full CRUD is the goal. 0T" ruby[["koalemos-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i" koalemosU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time eo"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Tal Atlas"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Philippe Cantin"2Import Excel spreadsheet rows to ruby objects0T" ruby[["scashin133-s3-0.3.8u;j[" 1.4.0i"scashin133-s3U:Gem::Version[" 0.3.8u: Time "1Library for accessing S3 objects and bucketsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" proxies:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["2.0; "test-unit; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mocha; @=;F00["Jakub Kuźma"Sean Cashin"S3 library provides access to Amazon's Simple Storage Service. It supports both: European and US buckets through REST API.0T" ruby[["rghost_barcode-0.8u;f[" 1.4.0i"rghost_barcodeU:Gem::Version["0.8u: Time D"8RGhost adapter to Barcode Writer in Pure PostScriptU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.0: @name" rghost:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["$Shairon Toledo and Terry Burton"0T" ruby[["el_finder-1.0.9u;[" 1.4.0i"el_finderU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.9u: Time "-elFinder server side connector for Ruby.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0: @name"image_size:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Philip Hallstrom"Ruby library to provide server side functionality for elFinder. elFinder is an open-source file manager for web, written in JavaScript using jQuery UI.0T" ruby[["cmdr-0.3.2u;<[" 1.4.0i" cmdrU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.2u: Time d" cmdrU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" builder:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rscript; @);F00["0T" ruby[["wx-pac-0.0.1u;\[" 1.4.0i" wx-pacU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "FSome support for PAC (Presentation Abstraction Control) in wxrubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 0.1.15: @name" wx_sugar:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Paul Allton"0T" ruby[["static-0.1.3u;m[" 1.4.0i" staticU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time "/The author was too lazy to write a summaryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.1: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Ryan Davis"3The author was too lazy to write a description0T" ruby[["rack-p3p-0.5.0u;P[" 1.4.0i" rack-p3pU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.0u: Time "5Rack-P3p will insert a P3P header into your app.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.1: @name" rack:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Robert Vogel"Mat Schaffer"Trotter Cashion"Rack-P3p is rack middleware for inserting P3P headers into apps. This will allow your application to serve cookies to IE when in an iframe. It will also pull off the cookie on 304 responses, since IE does not like the cookie then.0T" ruby[["puremvc-ruby-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"puremvc-rubyU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time B"PureMVC is a lightweight framework for creating applications based upon the classic Model-View-Controller design meta-pattern. This is the specific implementation for the Ruby language based on the Standard Version AS3 reference.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jake Dempsey"0T" ruby[["pubbee-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i" pubbeeU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time "2A basic gem to help format publication titlesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rcov:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.1; " jeweler; @=;F00["Paul Beccio"#A handy gem for academic sites0T" ruby[["todo-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i" todoU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time d"*simple command line todo list managerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.8.2: @name" main:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.0; " highline; @);F00["Lakshan Perera"*simple command line todo list manager0T" ruby[["sage_party-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"sage_partyU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time "4Simple interface to the SagePay Server service.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" webmock:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.2; "party_resource; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.5; "activesupport; @G;F00["Tristan Harris"Steve Tooke"`sage_party is a simple interface to SagePay's Server service built on top of party_resource0T" ruby[["ghost-0.2.8u;[" 1.4.0i" ghostU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.8u: Time ";Allows you to create, list, and modify local hostnamesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Bodaniel Jeanes";Allows you to create, list, and modify local hostnames0T" ruby[["dmitryv-backup-2.4.0u;`[" 1.4.0i"dmitryv-backupU:Gem::Version[" 2.4.0u: Time $"ZBackup is a Ruby Gem that simplifies making backups for databases, files and folders.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0.5: @name" pony:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.7; "cloudfiles; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.2; " net-scp; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.5; "sqlite3-ruby; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.9; " hirb; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.5; "activerecord; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4; " net-sftp; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.15; " net-ssh; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.0; "s3; @o;F00["Michael van Rooijen"5Backup is a Ruby Gem written for Unix and Ruby on Rails (2 and 3) environments. It can be used both with and without the Ruby on Rails framework! This gem offers a quick and simple solution to backing up databases such as MySQL/PostgreSQL/SQLite and Files/Folders. All backups can be transferred to Amazon S3, Rackspace Cloud Files, any remote server you have access to (using either SCP, SFTP or regular FTP), or a Local server. Backup handles Compression, Archiving, Encryption (OpenSSL or GPG), Backup Cleaning (Cycling) and supports Email Notifications.0T" ruby[["garota_da_fabrica-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"garota_da_fabricaU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time D"2Cucumber steps em português para FactoryGirlU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"factory_girl:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " cucumber; @);F00["Jorge Falcão"PUtilize os "steps_definitions" do FactoryGirl em português com o Cucumber.0T" ruby[["zipcode-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" zipcodeU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time ei"ACreates a Zipcode object class used for validating zipcodes.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Tim Matheson"ACreates a Zipcode object class used for validating zipcodes.0T" ruby[["unicode-;[" 1.4.0i" unicodeU:Gem::Version[" Time ĥ"#Unicode normalization library.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Yoshida Masato"0T" ruby[["rack-footnotes-0.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i"rack-footnotesU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time "7Rack middleware to insert text comments into pagesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rack:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Ale Muñoz"Rack middleware to insert text comments into pages. First created to be used with jlong's serve, but should work with pretty much every rack app0T" ruby[["easystats-0.0.7u;[" 1.4.0i"easystatsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.7u: Time "%Easy to use statistics functionsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Matthew Grigajtis"DThis gem contains statistics functions that are very easy to use. The gem is still in its infancy, but it currently provides easy to use methods for sum, mean, standard deviation, median, range, mode, and variance. More functions will be added as the gem matures, please feel free to fork on Github or send me bug reports!0T" ruby[["lastgroov-0.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i"lastgroovU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time "@Scrobble recently played tracks from Grooveshark to last.fmU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Himanshu Chhetri",Now you can scrobble Grooveshark music!0T" ruby[["buggie-0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" buggieU:Gem::Version["0.1u: Time "+Helps poking around with pivotal statsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Guilherme Silveira"0T" ruby[["whitelist_params_for-0.1.1u;J[" 1.4.0i"whitelist_params_forU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time %"CController-level whitelisting of model batch update attributesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["2: @name"rspec-rails:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["3.0; " rails; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ruby-debug; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @=;F00["Glen Mailer"Mike Brown"CController-level whitelisting of model batch update attributes0T" ruby[["stumie-0.1.0u;F[" 1.4.0i" stumieU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time $"0API gem to pull information from stumie.comU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.3: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Dmitry Ratnikov"0T" ruby[["sparrowhawk-0.9.6u;[" 1.4.0i"sparrowhawkU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.6u: Time "9An MRI friendly war packaginer for rack applicationsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"jruby-jars:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " cucumber; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "jruby-rack; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " builder; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.6; " bundler; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " nokogiri; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rubyzip; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " aruba; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @y;F00["Ryan L. Bell"}Sparrowhawk uses bundler and vendor/cache to package rails applications into a war file, without executing Java or JRuby0T" ruby[[""rest-client-next-dshelf-1.6.1u;[" 1.4.0i"rest-client-next-dshelfU:Gem::Version[" 1.6.1u: Time "dSimple HTTP and REST client for Ruby, inspired by microframework syntax for specifying actions.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.16; "mime-types; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.1; " webmock; @3;F00["Adam Wiggins"Julien Kirch"A simple HTTP and REST client for Ruby, inspired by the Sinatra microframework style of specifying actions: get, put, post, delete.0T" ruby[["rails-serious-business-0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"rails-serious-businessU:Gem::Version["0.1u: Time "(Adds SERIOUS BUSINESS! to Rails 3.0U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["3.0.0.beta: @name" rails:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Carl Lerche"If you think about it, Rails 3.0 is really just a toy framework. But, never fear, you can always add SERIOUS BUSINESS to make it a reasonable tool to use for SERIOUS APPS.0T" ruby[["mole-1.0.15u;([" 1.4.0i" moleU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.15u: Time h"RA flexible way to track user's interactions within your ruby web applicationsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.3.0: @name"twitter4r:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.2.2; " logging; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.3.2; "activerecord; @3;F00["Fernand Galiana"RA flexible way to track user's interactions within your ruby web applications0T" ruby[["feature_flipper-1.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"feature_flipperU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.0u: Time "/FeatureFlipper helps you flipping featuresU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Florian Munz"FeatureFlipper is a simple library that allows you to restrict certain blocks of code to certain environments. This is mainly useful in projects where you deploy your application from HEAD and don't use branches. 0T" ruby[["ffi_dry-0.1.12u;[" 1.4.0i" ffi_dryU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.12u: Time "1Syntactic sugar and helper utilities for FFIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.0: @name"ffi:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Eric Monti"~Provides some useful modules, classes, and methods for FFI bindings as well as a DSL-like syntax for FFI::Struct layouts0T" ruby[["chimp_mailer-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"chimp_mailerU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time ";A Ruby library for interacting with the MailChimp API.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.2: @name" weary:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @);F00["Small Spark";A Ruby library for interacting with the MailChimp API.0T" ruby[["muruca_widgets-0.2.6u;[" 1.4.0i"muruca_widgetsU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.6u: Time "4Additional interface elements for Muruca Sites.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.0: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Daniel Hahn"CSome additional interface elements to be used on Muruca sites.0T" ruby[["vimgolf-0.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i" vimgolfU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time "CLI client for vimgolf.comU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" highline:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " json; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.14.6; " thor; @=;F00["Ilya Grigorik"CLI client for vimgolf.com0T" ruby[["sinatra-linkeddata-0.3.0u;j[" 1.4.0i"sinatra-linkeddataU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time e">Linked Data content negotiation for Sinatra applications.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.6: @name"rack-test:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.3.0; "rack-linkeddata; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.0; " sinatra; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.0; " yard; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.0; " rspec; @G;F00["Datagraph";Sinatra extension for Linked Data content negotiation.0T" ruby[["ruby-mythtv-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"ruby-mythtvU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "7Ruby implementation of the MythTV backend protocolU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Nick Ludlam"=Ruby implementation of the MythTV communication protocol0T" ruby[["rolando-comma-0.1.10u;[" 1.4.0i"rolando-commaU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.10u: Time %"?Germanified version with ; instead of , as field seperatorU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.0: @name"fastercsv:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.2.2; "activesupport; @);F00["Marcus Crafter"Roland Oth"0T" ruby[["rb-daspk-0.0.7u;[" 1.4.0i" rb-daspkU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.7u: Time en"DASPK Ruby Interface. Allows users to solve differential algebraic equations in Ruby, using Ruby constructs. Interfaces with the DASPK Fortran library. DASPK solves DAE's of the form G(t,y,y',p) = 0U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.3: @name"ffi:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Eric Meyers"Allows users to solve differential algebraic equations in Ruby, using Ruby constructs. Interfaces with the DASPK Fortran library. DASPK solves DAE's of the form G(t,y,y',p) = 00T" ruby[["rails_openid-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"rails_openidU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time "=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["J. Pablo Fernández"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mocha; @);F00["Norman Clarke"Matthew Van Horn"yIntegrates Disqus into your Ruby-powered site. Works with any Ruby website, and has view helpers for Rails and Merb.0T" ruby[["cudan-0.0.5u;C[" 1.4.0i" cudanU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time "functional test toolU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" nokogiri:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["takada-at" simple functinal test tool 0T" ruby[["fancyviews-1.4.2u;[" 1.4.0i"fancyviewsU:Gem::Version[" 1.4.2u: Time m"A views module for sinatraU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.0: @name"rack-test:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.13; "fancypath; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["2.2; " haml; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2000.0.0; " exemplor; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["; " sinatra; @G;F00["Myles Byrne"0T" ruby[["audrey2-0.3.0u;:[" 1.4.0i" audrey2U:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time $"$Feed processing and aggregationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.2: @name"feed-normalizer:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.8; " mocha; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.11.1; " shoulda; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.13; " haml; @=;F00[" Sven Aas"dAudrey 2.0 is a command-line utility for customizable feed processing, aggregation, and output.0T" ruby[["xml-object-0.9.93u;[" 1.4.0i"xml-objectU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.93u: Time D"/The Rubyista's way to do quick XML sit-upsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jordi Bunster"XMLObject is a library for reading (not writing) XML. It is particularly suited for cases where one is dealing with small documents of a known structure. While not devoid of caveats, it does have a very pleasant, idiomatic Ruby syntax.0T" ruby[["vzlimit-0.0.6u; [" 1.4.0i" vzlimitU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.6u: Time %"DA convenience way of managing OpenVZ container resource limits.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.9: @name" hirb:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.1; " highline; @);F00["Remo Fritzsche"Display and set OpenVZ container resource limits in a simple, convenience way without the need of understanding of how to create a CPU by hand!0T" ruby[["tpkg-2.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i" tpkgU:Gem::Version[" 2.2.1u: Time ",tpkg Application Packaging & DeploymentU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" net-ssh:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " facter; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ddao-kwalify; @3;F00["Darren Dao"Jason Heiss"0T" ruby[["&sprout-facebook-api-library-0.7.1u;6[" 1.4.0i" sprout-facebook-api-libraryU:Gem::Version[" 0.7.1u: Time g"The Facebook Actionscript API provides an interface between the Facebook REST based API and Flash/Flex based applications.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["jcrist.pbking"fabianhore"0T" ruby[["rutema-1.1.3u;l[" 1.4.0i" rutemaU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.3u: Time Ů"_rutema is a test execution and management framework for heterogeneous testing environmentsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 1.1.1: @name"acts_as_reportable:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.4; " patir; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.4.0; "mailfactory; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.8.0; "hoe; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.37; "couchrest; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.3.8; "activerecord; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.6.3; " ruport; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.5.2; " highline; @e;F00["Vassilis Rizopoulos"r== DESCRIPTION: rutema is a test execution tool with a twist. It allows you to combine test tools while it takes care of logging, reporting, archiving of results and formalizes execution of automated and manual tests. It's purpose is to make testing in heterogeneous environments easier. For more information look at http://patir.rubyforge.org/rutema == FEATURES/PROBLEMS: * Unified test execution environment for automated and manual tests * Extensible reports and notifications in various formats (email, rss, pdf, html etc.) * Web frontend and command line report generation tools for browsing the test results database (with rutemaweb) * Comprehensive history of test execution * A well defined way to create a project specific test specification format == SYNOPSIS: See http://patir.rubyforge.org/rutema/distro_test.html for an introductory example. == REQUIREMENTS: * patir (http://patir.rubyforge.org) * mailfactory (http://rubyforge.org/projects/mailfactory/) * activerecord (http://ar.rubyonrails.com/) * sqlite3 (http://rubyforge.org/projects/sqlite-ruby/) * ruport (http://rubyreports.org/) * acts_as_reportable * highline0T" ruby[["rspec-rr-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" rspec-rrU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time D"PHelping Rspec and Rspec-rails play nicely with RR the test double frameworkU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Joseph Wilk"QHelping Rspec and Rspec-rails play nicely with RR the test double framework.0T" ruby[["rack-httperflog-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"rack-httperflogU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time g"8generates a replay log in httperfs' wsesslog formatU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.3: @name" nokogiri:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; " rack; @3;F00["Emmanuel Oga"-rack middleware to generate a replay log0T" ruby[["capistrano_colors-0.5.3u;[" 1.4.0i"capistrano_colorsU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.3u: Time "7Simple gem to display colors in capistrano output.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.0: @name"capistrano:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Mathias Stjernstrom"Rob Biedenharn"7Simple gem to display colors in capistrano output.0T" ruby[["middleman-1.1.0.beta.4u;[" 1.4.0i"middlemanU:Gem::Version["1.1.0.beta.4u: Time "aA static site generator utilizing Haml, Sass and providing YUI compression and cache bustingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["1.0: @name" rack:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.2.0; " less; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.10.0; " cucumber; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.2.0; " thin; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.9.0; "padrino-core; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.8.0; " shotgun; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.14.0; " thor; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.3.0; " oily_png; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.2.0; " tilt; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.1.0; " sinatra; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.9.0; "yui-compressor; @~;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.5.0; "rack-test; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.9.0; "padrino-helpers; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["3.1.0.alpha.147; " haml; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["3.1.0.alpha.218; " sass; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;["0.11.beta.2; " compass; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.4.0; "json_pure; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.4.0; "compass-slickmap; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.1.0; "coffee-script; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.4.5; " smusher; @;F00["Thomas Reynolds"0T" ruby[["extjs-0.1.4u;[" 1.4.0i" extjsU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time d"&Gem for managing Ext JS resourcesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.13.4; " thor; @);F00["Christocracy"JGem for managing Ext JS resources including downloading from cachefly0T" ruby[["engorge-ostruct-0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"engorge-ostructU:Gem::Version["0.2u: Time "2Extends OpenStruct to add some useful methodsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Caius Durling"0T" ruby[["gollum-1.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i" gollumU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.1u: Time e" A simple, Git-powered wiki.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"rdiscount:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mocha; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2.3; " grit; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.1.1; " albino; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.11.2["=U;["0; " org-ruby; @`;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.4; " nokogiri; @j;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " RedCloth; @t;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.1; " sanitize; @~;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.0; " sinatra; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.0["=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.8.7: @name" rake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.0; " sinatra; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.4.0; " jeweler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.4.0; "json_pure; @=;F00["Postmodern"~The Web Spider Obstacle Course (WSOC) is an example web server that tests the thoroughness and resilience of Web Spiders.0T" ruby[["subduino-0.2.2u;[" 1.4.0i" subduinoU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.2u: Time ģ"Arduino Ruby HelpersU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" redis:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "eventmachine; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @3;F00["Marcos Piccinini"7Interface, compile, upload, play with arduino/ruby0T" ruby[["rbhive-0.1.15u;o[" 1.4.0i" rbhiveU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.15u: Time "*Simple lib for executing Hive queriesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.0: @name" thrift:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Forward Internet Group"*Simple lib for executing Hive queries0T" ruby[["msgpack-0.4.4u;[" 1.4.0i" msgpackU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.4u: Time e"CMessagePack, a binary-based efficient data interchange format.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["FURUHASHI Sadayuki"0T" ruby[["astrotrain-0.5.4u;[" 1.4.0i"astrotrainU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.4u: Time $"email => http postU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 2.0.2: @name"addressable:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rr; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;["; " tmail; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.9.11; "data_objects; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " context; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.9.11; "dm-aggregates; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rack-test; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.9.11; " dm-core; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " sinatra; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.9.11; "dm-validations; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "xmppr4-simple; @~;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.9.11; " dm-types; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.9.11; "dm-timestamps; @;F00["technoweenie"0T" ruby[["bourne-1.0u;>[" 1.4.0i" bourneU:Gem::Version["1.0u: Time "Adds test spies to mocha.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.9.8; " mocha; @);F00["Joe Ferris"Extends mocha to allow detailed tracking and querying of stub and mock invocations. Allows test spies using the have_received rspec matcher and assert_received for Test::Unit. Extracted from the jferris-mocha fork.0T" ruby[["cached_values-1.7.2u; [" 1.4.0i"cached_valuesU:Gem::Version[" 1.7.2u: Time "BMemoize and persist calculations into ActiveRecord attributesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"object_proxy:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "active_record; @);F00["Jack Danger Canty"tSpeedup your ActiveRecord by storing and updating the results of SQL or Ruby expressions into record attributes0T" ruby[["rubyhelpers-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"rubyhelpersU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time K"fRuby Helpers for Object, String and Hash. Ideal for use with lightweight frameworks like Sinatra.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" RedCloth:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " RedCloth; @);F00["Andrew Chalkley"fRuby Helpers for Object, String and Hash. Ideal for use with lightweight frameworks like Sinatra.0T" ruby[["mundo-pepino-0.2.2u;[" 1.4.0i"mundo-pepinoU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.2u: Time "WMundoPepino is a set of reusable step definitions to test Rails apps with CucumberU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.1: @name" nokogiri:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["; "string-mapper; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.2; " cucumber; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.0; "cucumber-rails; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0; " rails; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.3; "hoe; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0; "rspec-rails; @e;F00["Fernando García Samblas"0T" ruby[["custom_range-0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"custom_rangeU:Gem::Version["0.1u: Time ".A simple way to use custom ranges in RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Maurizio De Magnis"0T" ruby[["choices-0.2.0u;9[" 1.4.0i" choicesU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time "Easy settings for your appU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.0: @name" hashie:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Mislav Marohnić"0T" ruby[["twitterscrobble-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"twitterscrobbleU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time D":Posts recently played tracks from last.fm to Twitter.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.7.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.7.0; "hoe; @);F00["Nicholas E. Rabenau":Posts recently played tracks from last.fm to Twitter.0T" ruby[["sequel_sanitize-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"sequel_sanitizeU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time E"NSequel plugin which lets you set a sanitization method on specific fieldsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.0: @name" sequel:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Kevin Tom"NSequel plugin which lets you set a sanitization method on specific fields0T" ruby[["qui-index-table-0.0.8u;[" 1.4.0i"qui-index-tableU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.8u: Time D"3qUI: rails helpers for generating index tablesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Marcin Lewandowski"3qUI: rails helpers for generating index tables0T" ruby[["dm-mnesia-0.2.10u;[" 1.4.0i"dm-mnesiaU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.10u: Time ".DataMapper adapter for Erlang's mnesia dbU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Chad DePue"Manuel Gomez"0T" ruby[["mail_builder-0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"mail_builderU:Gem::Version["0.3u: Time n"LMailBuilder is a simple library for building RFC compliant MIME emails.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"uuidtools:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "mime-types; @);F00["Bernerd Schaefer"LMailBuilder is a simple library for building RFC compliant MIME emails.0T" ruby[["enginex-0.8.0u;[" 1.4.0i" enginexU:Gem::Version[" 0.8.0u: Time E"FCreates a Rails 3 engine with Rakefile, Gemfile and running testsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.3: @name" rails:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["0.8; " rake; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.14; " thor; @3;F00["José Valim"FCreates a Rails 3 engine with Rakefile, Gemfile and running tests0T" ruby[["druid-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" druidU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time D`"{I)ruidLib is a package of new classes and standard class extensions that I personally find useful and hope that you do too.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.3: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" I)ruid"{I)ruidLib is a package of new classes and standard class extensions that I personally find useful and hope that you do too.0T" ruby[["gchartrb-0.8u;[" 1.4.0i" gchartrbU:Gem::Version["0.8u: Time d "*Ruby Wrapper for the Google Chart APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Deepak Jois"Visit http://code.google.com/p/gchartrb to track development regarding gchartrb. == FEATURES: * Provides an object oriented interface in Ruby to create Google Chart URLs for charts. == INSTALL: === Ruby Gem:0T" ruby[["url_keyed_object-0.3.0u;*[" 1.4.0i"url_keyed_objectU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time D"6Making it easy to work with objects with URL keysU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["2.3: @name"activerecord:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0.5; " cucumber; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @3;F00["Matt Patterson"mMaking it easy to work with Rails objects which use a URL key in their URL instead of their database ID.0T" ruby[["supermodel-0.1.4u;c[" 1.4.0i"supermodelU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time d"#In memory DB using ActiveModelU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["3.0.0.beta: @name"activemodel:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Alex MacCaw"#In memory DB using ActiveModel0T" ruby[["secrets-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i" secretsU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time Ģ"Keeping secrets in rails.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Collin Miller"8Makes an object full of secrets out of a yaml file.0T" ruby[["matchstick-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"matchstickU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time e"GA simple framework for communicating with 37signals' Campfire API.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" cover_me:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.6.1; "rest-client; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.2; " jeweler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mocha; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.6.1; "rest-client; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @[;F00["Kyle Daigle"kA simple framework for communicating with 37signals' Campfire API. Currently still a work in progress.0T" ruby[["buzzville-0.1.4u;"[" 1.4.0i"buzzvilleU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time e"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.3: @name" buzzcore:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.1; " yore; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.2; " cmdparse; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @=;F00[" buzzware"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Hidetoshi Nagai"Elia Schito"gRubyTk bindings for windows bundled with tcltklib.so and tkutil.so for windows RubyInstaller 1.9.10T" ruby[["slippyd-colorist-0.0.5u;[" 1.4.0i"slippyd-coloristU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time e"UA library built to handle the easy conversion and simple manipulation of colors.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Michael Bleigh"oleg dashevskii"Slippy Douglas"Colorist is a library built to handle the easy conversion and manipulation of colors with a special emphasis on W3C standards and CSS-style hex color notation.0T" ruby[["rtmapi-0.6.3u;p[" 1.4.0i" rtmapiU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.3u: Time "=Simple library for interfacing with rememberthemilk.com.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" @name"libxml-ruby:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.3; " tzinfo; @);F00["Jason Yanowitz"Remember the Milk is a task management tool at http://www.rememberthemilk.com. The is a ruby library to ease interfacting with their REST API, documentation for which is found at http://www.rememberthemilk.com/services/api/0T" ruby[["i_flash-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" i_flashU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time ",Rails Flash Internationalization PluginU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Vlad Alive"0T" ruby[["code_buddy-0.0.8u;[" 1.4.0i"code_buddyU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.8u: Time e"+See the Ruby code running in your app.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.1.0: @name" sinatra:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.3.2; " aruba; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.9.6; " coderay; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ruby-debug; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.10.0; " cucumber; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.3.0; " rspec; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.8.7; " rake; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.9.10; " mocha; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.4.6; "json_pure; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " daemons; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rack; @~;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " launchy; @;F00["Pat Shaughnessy"Alex Rothenberg"Daniel Higginbotham"+See the Ruby code running in your app.0T" ruby[["eol_scenarios-0.3.4u;[" 1.4.0i"eol_scenariosU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.4u: Time D"HExecute arbitrary blocks of ruby code for loading testing scenariosU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jeremy Rice"Based on openrain-scenarios, q.v. Depends on hard-to-find gems at the moment: remi-indifferent-variable-hash and remi-simplecli0T" ruby[["table_builder-0.2.3u;M[" 1.4.0i"table_builderU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.3u: Time "ZRails builder for creating tables and calendars inspired by ActionView's FormBuilder.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Petrik de Heus"ZRails builder for creating tables and calendars inspired by ActionView's FormBuilder.0T" ruby[["geminabox-0.2.11u;[" 1.4.0i"geminaboxU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.11u: Time e""Really simple rubygem hostingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" builder:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " sinatra; @);F00[" Tom Lea"TA sinatra based gem hosting app, with client side gem push style functionality.0T" ruby[["activity-0.0.1u;*[" 1.4.0i" activityU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time E"'Logging engine for Ruby on Rails 3U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" haml:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["0T" ruby[[" cord-0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" cordU:Gem::Version["0.1u: Time Ħ"DWIP implementation of a Concat Tree / Rope / Cord for Ruby MRI.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Lourens Naudé"DWIP implementation of a Concat Tree / Rope / Cord for Ruby MRI.0T" ruby[["trac-export-wiki-1.0.1u;w[" 1.4.0i"trac-export-wikiU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time d"1Exports Trac wiki pages as local HTML files.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" hpricot:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Loren Segal"0Exports Trac wiki pages as local HTML files0T" ruby[["runtex-0.2.3u; [" 1.4.0i" runtexU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.3u: Time E"8runTeX - Translate (La)TeX-files as often as neededU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" log4r:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "more_unit_test; @);F00["Knut Lickert"runTeX - Translate (La)TeX-files as often as needed. The further development for this gem is stopped, please take a look to rake4latex. 0T" ruby[["rangify-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" rangifyU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "(Combine array elements into ranges.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" monocle"(Combine array elements into ranges.0T" ruby[["local_gem-0.1.4u;[" 1.4.0i"local_gemU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time D"tLoads any gem/library simply given its path. Great for nascent gems and/or for trying the latest code on a gem.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"mocha-on-bacon:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mocha; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " bacon; @3;F00["Gabriel Horner"You have the beginnings of a ruby library and you want to access it quick. You don't want to bother making a gemspec for it and uninstalling/reinstalling its gem while you mess with it. Simply tell LocalGem what paths it should load for your local gem and they will be loaded. Note that it doesn't matter how gem-like your project is ie lib and bin directories etc. LocalGem only needs to know the full path to your gem/library.0T" ruby[["cassandra_client-0.3u;W[" 1.4.0i"cassandra_clientU:Gem::Version["0.3u: Time Z"#A Ruby client for CassandraDB.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Evan Weaver"#A Ruby client for CassandraDB.0T" ruby[["my_awesome_gem-2.2.2u; [" 1.4.0i"my_awesome_gemU:Gem::Version[" 2.2.2u: Time ğ"%This gem does absolutely nothingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Bhupendra"PSometimes a person wants to do nothing. Well....here is the solution folks!0T" ruby[["core-0.0.6u;[" 1.4.0i" coreU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.6u: Time e"/Basic helpers used by other kinda projectsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Manuel Vila"/Basic helpers used by other kinda projects0T" ruby[["selenium-extjs-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"selenium-extjsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time Ej"FA framework in ruby to test your extjs applications with seleniumU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Ronald Andreu Kaiser"0T" ruby[["molo-0.7.6u;[" 1.4.0i" moloU:Gem::Version[" 0.7.6u: Time Ů"AA thin wrapper to use Rails Migrations in non Rails projectsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["0.8: @name" rake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.3; "activerecord; @);F00["Joel Moss"Todd Huss"Michael Grosser"0T" ruby[["bucks-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" bucksU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time Ŭ"7Find the currency used in any country in the worldU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0: @name" bundler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.1; " jeweler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @3;F00["Andrés Mejía"7Find the currency used in any country in the world0T" ruby[["wiretap-0.11u;,[" 1.4.0i" wiretapU:Gem::Version[" 0.11u: Time "WireTap driverU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["1.0: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Max Lapshin"0T" ruby[["validate-website-0.6.0u;N[" 1.4.0i"validate-websiteU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.0u: Time %"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0: @name" fakeweb:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.1; " rainbow; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.0; " anemone; @=;F00["Laurent Arnoud"Zvalidate-website is a web crawler for checking the markupvalidity and not found urls.0T" ruby[["s3asy-0.1.2u;t[" 1.4.0i" s3asyU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time "5Associate an s3 object to an active record modelU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" aws-s3:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Robert Oles"5Associate an s3 object to an active record model0T" ruby[["martin-0.1.3u;[" 1.4.0i" martinU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time d"?A Sinatra style DSL for creating command line applicationsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Ryan Lewis"|An ode to the Rat Pack (Dean Martin) with a Sinatra style DSL for creating command line interfaces to your applications0T" ruby[["!acts_as_mongo_rateable-0.2.1u;q[" 1.4.0i"acts_as_mongo_rateableU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time "gA ratings system for Rails apps using MongoDB, with bayesian and straight averages, and weighting.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["M. E. Patterson"gA ratings system for Rails apps using MongoDB, with bayesian and straight averages, and weighting.0T" ruby[["scrumninja-git-cli-0.0.6u;[" 1.4.0i"scrumninja-git-cliU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.6u: Time Č"2Workflow tools for git/ScrumNinja integrationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.9.8; " mocha; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.0.12; "xml-simple; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.3.5; "activesupport; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.0.0; " grit; @G;F00["John Wilger"Sam Livingston-Gray"JD Huntington"jA command-line interface to integrate the ScrumNinja (http://scrumninja.com) API with a git workflow.0T" ruby[["ruby_regex-0.0.7u;[" 1.4.0i"ruby_regexU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.7u: Time " noneU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Emili Parreno"%Ruby regular expressions library0T" ruby[["role-authz-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"role-authzU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time "@A merb plugin that provides simple role based authorizationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.3: @name"merb-core:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jorge Villatoro"@A merb plugin that provides simple role based authorization0T" ruby[["famili-0.0.6u;[" 1.4.0i" familiU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.6u: Time "Rails plugin for postgresU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" niquola"0T" ruby[["metadata_extractor-0.3.5u;[" 1.4.0i"metadata_extractorU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.5u: Time ""File-based metadata extractorU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Guillermo Domínguez":File-based metadata extractor for templates in Rails.0T" ruby[["breadcrumbs-0.1.5u;Q[" 1.4.0i"breadcrumbsU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.5u: Time D"^Breadcrumbs is a simple plugin that adds a `breadcrumbs` object to controllers and views.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Nando Vieira"^Breadcrumbs is a simple plugin that adds a `breadcrumbs` object to controllers and views.0T" ruby[["php_serialize-1.1.3u;[" 1.4.0i"php_serializeU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.3u: Time k"BRuby analogs to PHP's serialize() and unserialize() functionsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Thomas Hurst" This module provides two methods: PHP.serialize() and PHP.unserialize(), both of which should be compatible with the similarly named functions in PHP. It can also serialize and unserialize PHP sessions. 0T" ruby[["paul_revere-0.1.5u;[" 1.4.0i"paul_revereU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.5u: Time "[Simple announcement plugin to include 'one off' style announcements in Rails web apps.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" redgreen:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.0; " rails; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " bourne; @=;F00["Thoughtbot"0T" ruby[["ar_attr_lazy-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"ar_attr_lazyU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time e"9Rails gem that provides lazy-loading for attributes.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"mcmire-mocha:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "mocha-protest-integration; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "mcmire-protest; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "mcmire-matchy; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" httparty:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @);F00[" reddavis""Wrapper for http://embedit.me0T" ruby[["ryana-this-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"ryana-thisU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "1Add Object#this to stuff for private writersU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Ryan Angilly"1Add Object#this to stuff for private writers0T" ruby[["rails_seeder-0.0.6u;[" 1.4.0i"rails_seederU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.6u: Time "9Rake helper to generate models for testing rails appU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.2: @name"random_text:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rake-gem-ghost; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.1; " jeweler; @3;F00["Ivan Kuchin"0T" ruby[["arunthampi-friendly-0.5.1u;[" 1.4.0i"arunthampi-friendlyU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.1u: Time "NoSQL with MySQL in RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"will_paginate:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "memcached; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "activesupport; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "jferris-mocha; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " cucumber; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.7.0; " sequel; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " json; @e;F00["James Golick"0T" ruby[["RubyToC-;~[" 1.4.0i" RubyToCU:Gem::Version[" Time "#Ruby (subset) to C translator.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0: @name"ParseTree:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Ryan Davis"Hruby_to_c translates a static ruby subset to C. Hopefully it works.0T" ruby[["rqrcode-0.3.3u;Y[" 1.4.0i" rqrcodeU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.3u: Time %"!A library to encode QR CodesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Duncan Robertson"rQRCode is a library for encoding QR Codes. The simple interface allows you to create QR Code data structures ready to be displayed in the way you choose. 0T" ruby[["daemons-mikehale-1.0.14u;[" 1.4.0i"daemons-mikehaleU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.14u: Time "WA toolkit to convert your script to a controllable daemon (with Chris Kline's fix)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[ "Michael Hale"Thomas Uehlinger"Travis Whitton"Chris Kline"| This is Daemons 1.0.10 with the addition of Chris Kline's fix from http://blog.rapleaf.com/dev/?p=19 Includes ability to change the process uid/gid. Also logdir can be specified seperate from piddir. Daemons provides an easy way to wrap existing ruby scripts (for example a self-written server) to be run as a daemon and to be controlled by simple start/stop/restart commands. If you want, you can also use daemons to run blocks of ruby code in a daemon process and to control these processes from the main application. Besides this basic functionality, daemons offers many advanced features like exception backtracing and logging (in case your ruby script crashes) and monitoring and automatic restarting of your processes if they crash. Daemons includes the daemonize.rb script written by Travis Whitton to do the daemonization process. 0T" ruby[["Rack-2.0.0u;w[" 1.4.0i" RackU:Gem::Version[" 2.0.0u: Time $" RackU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" riot:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @);F00["bonghits heavy industries"_blindwhitecrabs"Rack generates racks0T" ruby[["cim-0.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i"cimU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time d">* Cim is a pure-Ruby implementation of the CIM meta modelU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.1: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4; "rubyforge; @);F00["Klaus Kämpf"^* Cim is a pure-Ruby implementation of the CIM meta model. Instances of Cim classes are used to define a CIM schema, often represented as a .mof file. See http://www.dmtf.org/standards/cim and http://www.dmtf.org/education/mof for details https://rubygems.org/gems/mof is a parser for .mof files and the primary consumer of the cim gem.0T" ruby[["devise_sequel-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"devise_sequelU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time e"Sequel support for DeviseU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"orm_adapter-sequel:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " sequel; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.rc; " devise; @3;F00["Rachot Moragraan"Sequel support for Devise0T" ruby[["monster_mash-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"monster_mashU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time ū"6Provides a fun HTTP interface on top of Typhoeus!U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 1.3.1: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.0; " typhoeus; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0; "vcr; @3;F00["David Balatero"6Provides a fun HTTP interface on top of Typhoeus!0T" ruby[["lapillus-0.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i" lapillusU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time e"1Component based webframework written in RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[ "Bram Buitendijk"Ronald Haentjens Dekker"Meindert Kroese"Joris van Zundert"0T" ruby[["sequel_rails3-0.0.3u;+[" 1.4.0i"sequel_rails3U:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time ">Use sequel as a replacement for activerecord with rails 3U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.0: @name" rails:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.0; " sequel; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @3;F00["Corin Langosch"nSequel plugin which provides geo distance-based filters and distance calculation functionality for model.0T" ruby[["secure_carrot-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"secure_carrotU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time "OA synchronous version of the ruby amqp client with added security featuresU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"encrypted_strings:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Sriram Varahan"QA fork of carrot with added features for encrypting and decrypting messages.0T" ruby[["irbtools-0.8.5u;H[" 1.4.0i" irbtoolsU:Gem::Version[" 0.8.5u: Time Ń"Xirbtools is a meta gem which installs some useful irb gems and configures your irb.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.4: @name"fancy_irb:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.2; " wirb; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "guessmethod; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.6; "interactive_editor; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " sketches; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["9; " zucker; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "g; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["0.9; " coderay; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["0.3; " boson; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.5; "clipboard; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["0.3; " hirb; @~;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["0.3; "awesome_print; @;F00["Jan Lelis"irbtools is a meta gem which installs some useful irb gems and configures your irb. Simply put a require 'irbtools' in the .irbrc file in your home directory.0T" ruby[["ordinalize-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"ordinalizeU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time %o"BGenerates long winded string versions of numbers, ordinalizedU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" humanize:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @);F00["Ryan Bigg"BGenerates long winded string versions of numbers, ordinalized0T" ruby[["watercooling-0.0.4u;/[" 1.4.0i"watercoolingU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time d""Asynchrnous webhook queueing.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0: @name"dm-migrations:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; "dm-timestamps; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.0; " sinatra; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.6; " json; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["; "httpclient; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; "dm-validations; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; " dm-core; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.12.10; "eventmachine; @o;F00[" @_ty">Asynchronous webhook queueing with skinny daemon support.0T" ruby[["tic-tac-toe-1.1.0u;{[" 1.4.0i"tic-tac-toeU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.0u: Time "A simple tic-tac-toe game!U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Mike Skalnik"?A very simple tic-tac-toe game. Run `tic-tac-toe` to play.0T" ruby[["theyoweme-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"theyowemeU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time Ġ"FTheyOweMe - your personal note book for tracking debts and loans.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Kristijan Sedlak"TheyOweMe allows you to easily store information about things your friends or business partners have borrowed from you or things you owe them. The service is the perfect debts tracking and management solution with the ability to notify debtors through email, SMS or regular post.0T" ruby[["auto_mock-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"auto_mockU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time e""auto define mock_xxxx methodsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0: @name" bundler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.1; " jeweler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rails; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @G;F00["masarakki"!auto define mock_xxx methods0T" ruby[["xcodeide-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i" xcodeideU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "3A Ruby library for parsing Xcode file formats.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jared Hanson"0T" ruby[["llip-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i" llipU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time ".LLIP is a tool to geneate a LL(k) parser.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.1; "hoe; @);F00["Matteo Collina"bThe LL(k) Interpreted Parser (llip) is an automated tool to easily create an LL(k) parser and the related scanner without the need of generating anything. Everything is done on the fly through a simple DSL. == A Little comparrison against other tools Tools like JavaCC, ANTLR, Coco/R and others use an external description file which they compile into the destination code. This file it's usually written using a complex product related language. Using Ruby metaprogramming, a parser generator can go one step further. In fact, the llip gem gives you the possibility to write a parser writing only Ruby code.0T" ruby[["epubcheck-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"epubcheckU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time D"!command-line ePub check toolU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" jugyo"mThis is a command-line ePub check tool. It is wrapper of epubcheck(http://code.google.com/p/epubcheck/).0T" ruby[["thread_storm-0.7.0u;:[" 1.4.0i"thread_stormU:Gem::Version[" 0.7.0u: Time E"5Simple thread pool with a few advanced features.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Christopher J. Bottaro"eSimple thread pool with timeouts, default values, error handling, state tracking and unit tests.0T" ruby[["super_map-1.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"super_mapU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time ".Swiss army knife of enum-based attributesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Marek Janukowicz"0T" ruby[["desc_method-0.1.8u;[" 1.4.0i"desc_methodU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.8u: Time i"}ruby method describer to make it possible to inspect methods [rdoc, signature, etc.] at runtime, for example while debugging.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"ParseTree:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ruby2ruby; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.2; " sane; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rdp-arguments; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.1; "require_all; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["2.3; " rdoc; @Q;F00["Roger Pack"}ruby method describer to make it possible to inspect methods [rdoc, signature, etc.] at runtime, for example while debugging.0T" ruby[["nameable-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i" nameableU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time "1Provides parsing and output of person names.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Chris Horn"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Bernard Grymonpon"Jan De Poorter"0T" ruby[["turquoise-0.0.8u;[" 1.4.0i"turquoiseU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.8u: Time "OThis is a custom extension for the Compass stylesheet authoring framework.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" compass:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Volkan Unsal"ECreates the optimal file structure to start a new Rails project.0T" ruby[["times_topics-0.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i"times_topicsU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time Ę"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" mocha:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @3;F00["Jacqui Maher"Interact with the TimesTags API (http://developer.nytimes.com/docs/timestags_api) with this rubygem. Find people, organizations, locations, and subjects matching queries. Find Times Topics pages for query matches along with related topics, when applicable.0T" ruby[["right_popen-1.0.11u;[" 1.4.0i"right_popenU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.11u: Time "9Provides a platform-independent popen implementationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.1: @name"win32-process:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.12.10; "eventmachine; @);F00["Scott Messier"Raphael Simon"Graham Hughes",RightPopen allows running external processes aynchronously while still capturing their standard and error outputs. It relies on EventMachine for most of its internal mechanisms. The Linux implementation is valid for any Linux platform but there is also a native implementation for Windows platforms. 0T" ruby[["!nateabbott-friendly-id-2.2.1u;I[" 1.4.0i"nateabbott-friendly-idU:Gem::Version[" 2.2.1u: Time $g"EA comprehensive slugging and pretty-URL plugin for ActiveRecord.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Norman Clarke"Adrian Mugnolo"Emilio Tagua"EA comprehensive slugging and pretty-URL plugin for ActiveRecord.0T" ruby[["authlogic_oauth2-1.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"authlogic_oauth2U:Gem::Version[" 1.1.2u: Time "Authlogic OAuth2 is an extension of the Authlogic library to add OAuth2 support. OAuth2 can be used to allow users to login with their Facebook credentials.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"authlogic:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " oauth2; @);F00["Andrew Hite"Authlogic OAuth2 is an extension of the Authlogic library to add OAuth2 support. OAuth2 can be used to allow users to login with their Facebook credentials.0T" ruby[["iab-Oil-0.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i" iab-OilU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time K"BOil is a RAILS based mini language for Financial ApplicationsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.2: @name" diff-lcs:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.15; "mime-types; @);F00["Gary Mawdsley"BOil is a RAILS based mini language for Financial Applications0T" ruby[["obs-recipes-0.5.1u;p[" 1.4.0i"obs-recipesU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.1u: Time c"OBS Capistrano recipesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.5.5: @name"capistrano:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Alexander Petrov"8Extend the Capistrano gem with these useful recipes0T" ruby[["word-salad-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"word-saladU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time h",Generate strings of random English textU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Alex Vollmer"Word Salad is a very simple Ruby library for generating random strings of English words based on the Unix dictionary file.0T" ruby[["uss_monte_carlo-2.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"uss_monte_carloU:Gem::Version[" 2.0.2u: Time %,"&Battleship Player:USS Monte CarloU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Joshua Ballanco" Flagship of the Monaco Navy0T" ruby[["remailer-0.4.2u;[" 1.4.0i" remailerU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.2u: Time e"Reactor-Ready SMTP MailerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Scott Tadman"&EventMachine SMTP Mail User Agent0T" ruby[["asproject-0.1.118u;e[" 1.4.0i"asprojectU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.118u: Time d"mAsProject is a tool set that simplifies the process of beginning and growing a new ActionScript project.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.1: @name"archive-tar-minitar:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.1; " rubyzip; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.1; " rake; @3;F00["Luke Bayes"qAsProject is a templating system for creating new projects and new classes (or files) within those projects.0T" ruby[["libacl-0.0.1u;c[" 1.4.0i" libaclU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "!Linux ACL for ruby using ffiU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" nice-ffi:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ffi; @);F00["Zachris Trolin"0T" ruby[["abiquo-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" abiquoU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time d"Abiquo API clientU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" webmock:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " steak; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "activesupport; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " nokogiri; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "resourceful; @G;F00[" Abiquo"0T" ruby[["mimer-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i" mimerU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time E"=Find the mime-type of a file using unix' `file` command.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Ariejan de Vroom"iFind the mime-type of a file using unix' `file` command. This does not look at file extension, ever.0T" ruby[["bdb-0.2.2u;[" 1.4.0i"bdbU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.2u: Time %n"Ruby Berkeley DBU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Justin Balthrop"'Advanced Ruby Berkeley DB library.0T" ruby[["ruby_flipper-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"ruby_flipperU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time "-Make switching features on and off easy.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.6.3: @name"ci_reporter:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.9.10; " mocha; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.0.1; " rspec; @3;F00["Thomas Jachmann"IMost flexible still least verbose feature flipper for ruby projects.0T" ruby[["rgd2-ffij-0.0.3u;([" 1.4.0i"rgd2-ffijU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time %"Kgd2-ffij is a refactoring of the Ruby/GD2 library implemented with FFIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Amar Daxini"Kgd2-ffij is a refactoring of the Ruby/GD2 library implemented with FFI0T" ruby[["pretty-fsm-0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"pretty-fsmU:Gem::Version["0.2u: Time D":Finite State Machine class with intuitive integrationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" v01d":Finite State Machine class with intuitive integration0T" ruby[["lomic-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" lomicU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time ""A Ruby DSL for the game NomicU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.0: @name" cucumber:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 4.0.3; "commander; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.3; " json; @3;F00["Gilbert B Garza"vLomic is a Domain Specific Language (DSL) intended to be used for Pomic, a programming version of the game Nomic.0T" ruby[["freescrape-0.0.9u;z[" 1.4.0i"freescrapeU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.9u: Time #"eA web-scraping interface to freebase.com, the open and shared database of the world's knowledge.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" hpricot:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "mechanize; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.7.0; "hoe; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.7.0; "hoe; @=;F00["Postmodern Modulus III"eA web-scraping interface to freebase.com, the open and shared database of the world's knowledge.0T" ruby[["corntrace-fakeweb-1.2.9u;\[" 1.4.0i"corntrace-fakewebU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.9u: Time "1A tool for faking responses to HTTP requestsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.5: @name" mocha:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" Kevin Fu"Chris Kampmeier"Blaine Cook"FakeWeb is a helper for faking web requests in Ruby. It works at a global level, without modifying code or writing extensive stubs.\nI added ERB template feature and regular expression matching capture feature for :body and :response options0T" ruby[["st-elsewhere-0.1.5u; [" 1.4.0i"st-elsewhereU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.5u: Time j"VSt. Elsewhere supports has_many :through relationships across different databasesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"rr:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Brian Doll"This gem provides has_many_elsewhere, an ActiveRecord class method to support many to many relationships in Rails applications, across multiple database connections.0T" ruby[["rack-auth-ip-0.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i"rack-auth-ipU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time !"-rack's moddleware to restrict ip addressU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"ipaddr_list:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.0; " rack; @);F00[" Keiji" Yoshimi"-rack's moddleware to restrict ip address0T" ruby[["pretty-xml-0.1.1u;S[" 1.4.0i"pretty-xmlU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time e"JPretty print XML depends upon Nokogiri to perform XML transformation.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" nokogiri:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["0T" ruby[["kelredd-pruview-0.2.2u;[" 1.4.0i"kelredd-pruviewU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.2u: Time "JA gem to ease generating image previews (thumbnails) of various filesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.6: @name"leftright:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " flvtool2; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.10.0; " shoulda; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.0; "kelredd-useful; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.0; "kelredd-simple-gem; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["3.0; "mini_magick; @Q;F00["Kelly Redding"0T" ruby[["haz_enum-0.5.0u;5[" 1.4.0i" haz_enumU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.0u: Time "*has_set and has_enum for ActiveRecordU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.3.1: @name" renum:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.0; "activerecord; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.3.0; " rspec; @3;F00[" thyphoon"use has_set and has_enum in your ActiveRecord models if you want to have one (has_enum) value from a defined enumeration or more (has_set))0T" ruby[["gonow-devise-1.2.rcu;[" 1.4.0i"gonow-deviseU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.rcu: Time Ĩ"=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0: @name" warden:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.1.2; "bcrypt-ruby; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.0.2; "orm_adapter; @3;F00["José Valim"Carlos Antônio" Gonow";Flexible authentication solution for Rails with Warden0T" ruby[["videoclip-0.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i"videoclipU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time f"FSave videos from popular sites alongside your ActiveRecord modelsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["laserlemon"FSave videos from popular sites alongside your ActiveRecord models0T" ruby[["require_options-1.1.1u;<[" 1.4.0i"require_optionsU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.1u: Time "QSimply extract named arguments from a hash. Require or allow a set of keys.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Atomic Object"QSimply extract named arguments from a hash. Require or allow a set of keys.0T" ruby[["deadlinez-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"deadlinezU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time Ě"LMakes it easy to handle After the Deadline AJAX proxying and their API.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " httparty; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " fakeweb; @3;F00["David Balatero"LMakes it easy to handle After the Deadline AJAX proxying and their API.0T" ruby[["ruby-miyako-2.1.20u;[" 1.4.0i"ruby-miyakoU:Gem::Version[" 2.1.20u: Time e"&Game programming library for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Cyross Makoto"?Miyako is Ruby library for programming game or rich client0T" ruby[["activemodel-error-0.0.1u;y[" 1.4.0i"activemodel-errorU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "6I18n for validation error messages in ActiveModelU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Sven Fuchs"Mateo Murphy"Provides I18n support for validation error messages in ActiveModel. With Rails 3 ActiveModel validation error messages are not backwards compatible with ActiveRecord 2.3.x. This Gem aims to restore this backwards compatiblity and provide a richer feature set and better implementation compared to ActiveRecord 2.3.x.0T" ruby[["janitor-0.2.0u;#[" 1.4.0i" janitorU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time "Wjanitor scans your code for leftover debug statements, console.logs, and vulgarityU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"rak:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Tim Harvey"Michael Krisher"ever leave a breakpoint in your code and do a deploy? not good, right? maybe you just want to remove the logger.info calls from your Rails project. janitor cleans your code.0T" ruby[["coolerator.vision-0.2.10u;@[" 1.4.0i"coolerator.visionU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.10u: Time ej"A Rails pluginU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Corey Innis"A Rails plugin0T" ruby[["ciridiri-0.8.1u;[" 1.4.0i" ciridiriU:Gem::Version[" 0.8.1u: Time ģ"Dead simple wiki engineU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.1: @name" sinatra:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.0; "rack-test; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.0; " contest; @3;F00["Vasily Polovnyov"Dead simple wiki engine0T" ruby[["schleyfox-ernie-2.2.3u;[" 1.4.0i"schleyfox-ernieU:Gem::Version[" 2.2.3u: Time "/Ernie is a BERT-RPC server implementation.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0: @name" bertrpc:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.0; " bert; @);F00["Tom Preston-Werner"UErnie is an Erlang/Ruby hybrid BERT-RPC server implementation packaged as a gem.0T" ruby[["edugem-0.0.1u;H[" 1.4.0i" edugemU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "FSomeday, goodness for K12 learning and assessment. Not there yet.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" Ed Jones"vFor now this offers nothing; it aims to help you focus on innovating education, not fiddling with infrastructure.0T" ruby[["multibyte-0.1.1u;q[" 1.4.0i"multibyteU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time E-"description of gemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0; "hoe; @);F00["matt aimonetti"description of gem0T" ruby[["pegasus-0.0.6u;[" 1.4.0i" pegasusU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.6u: Time d"Kpegasus: unicorn-steady, redis-backed, shared-nothing worker processesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"unicorn_horn:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "configurer; @);F00["Joe Edelman"Kpegasus: unicorn-steady, redis-backed, shared-nothing worker processes0T" ruby[["#mongoid_rails_migrations-0.0.8u;s[" 1.4.0i"mongoid_rails_migrationsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.8u: Time "LData migrations for Mongoid in Active Record style, minus column input.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["2.0.0.beta.17: @name" mongoid:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.0; " rails; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.0; " railties; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.19; " bundler; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.0; "activesupport; @G;F00["Alan Da Costa"!Migrations for the migrator.0T" ruby[["expression_parser-0.9.0u;[" 1.4.0i"expression_parserU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.0u: Time "A math parserU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Lukasz Wrobel"math parser0T" ruby[["malone-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i" maloneU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time %"=Dead-simple Ruby mailing solution which always delivers.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" cutest:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " flexmock; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "mailfactory; @3;F00["Cyril David"0T" ruby[["#athlite-actionwebservice-2.3.8u;[" 1.4.0i"athlite-actionwebserviceU:Gem::Version[" 2.3.8u: Time ")Web service support for Action Pack.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 2.3.8: @name"actionpack:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.3.8; "activerecord; @);F00["Leon Breedt"Kent Sibilev"BAdds WSDL/SOAP and XML-RPC web service support to Action Pack0T" ruby[["WIshMailer-0.11.25u;[" 1.4.0i"WIshMailerU:Gem::Version[" 0.11.25u: Time l"$Wish from heart,to best friend.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["CharlesCui"$Wish from heart,to best friend.0T" ruby[["oa-vkontakte-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"oa-vkontakteU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time %"7OmniAuth extension for vkontakte.ru authenticationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.6: @name" oa-core:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.1.0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.5.6; "rack-test; @=;F00["Nick Recobra"7OmniAuth extension for vkontakte.ru authentication0T" ruby[["trails-1.1.5u;>[" 1.4.0i" trailsU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.5u: Time D"@Makes developing twilio applications (even) easier in railsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.5.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.0; "gemcutter; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.3; "rubyforge; @3;F00["Hemant Bhanoo"|Makes developing twilio applications (even) easier in rails. Support for SMS, twiml MimeType alias, functional test helpers.0T" ruby[["textmate_fcsh-0.8.0u;g[" 1.4.0i"textmate_fcshU:Gem::Version[" 0.8.0u: Time "CCompile Flex in Textmate using FCSH. Advanced error reporting.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ruby-growl; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " fcsh; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "em-websocket; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @G;F00["Jaap van der Meer"CCompile Flex in Textmate using FCSH. Advanced error reporting.0T" ruby[["cap_gun_reloaded-0.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i"cap_gun_reloadedU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time V"GBang! You're deployed. And you work with Onehub's deploy strategy!U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" mocha:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "spicycode-micronaut; @);F00[ "Rob Sanheim"Muness Alrubaie"Relevance"Leigh Caplan"6Super simple capistrano deployment notifications.0T" ruby[["fedex_web_service-0.0.2u;D[" 1.4.0i"fedex_web_serviceU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time d"=A quick and easy interface to the Fedex Web Services APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["bryce mcdonnell"Provides an interface to several, but not all, of the FedEx web services. Currently provides Ship service and Address Verification. Utilizes the SOAP (blech) service so you must get a wsdl and production keys from FedEx0T" ruby[["RubyObjC-0.4.0u;P[" 1.4.0i" RubyObjCU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.0u: Time D"*A bridge between Ruby and Objective-CU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Tim Burks"RubyObjC allows Ruby and Objective-C code to be easily mixed. Among its benefits, it allows developers to write Cocoa applications in pure Ruby.0T" ruby[["corx-0.1.7u;1[" 1.4.0i" corxU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.7u: Time D"OHandful set of extensions to core ruby classes. NOT TESTED. CONTAINS BUGS.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Bohdan Schepansky"OHandful set of extensions to core ruby classes. NOT TESTED. CONTAINS BUGS.0T" ruby[["srvany_manager-0.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i"srvany_managerU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time ["IA quick and simple manager for running programs as services on win32U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " bacon; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " bones; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " bones; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.0; "win32-service; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " bacon; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @[;F00["James Tucker"A quick and simple manager for running programs as services on win32. Makes use of / requires the SRVANY.exe from the Windows Resource Kit.0T" ruby[["rpanel-0.0.6u;[" 1.4.0i" rpanelU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.6u: Time e"Ruby tool for cpanelU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" jayronc".Ruby tools for cpanel related admin tasks0T" ruby[["rdialogy-0.1.1u;v[" 1.4.0i" rdialogyU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "A wrapper for dialogU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4: @name"rubyforge:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.0; "hoe; @);F00["Ross Paine"A wrapper for dialog0T" ruby[["pgericson-handsoap-1.1.10u;=[" 1.4.0i"pgericson-handsoapU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.10u: Time "=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Troels Knak-Nielsen"Jimmi Westerberg"Peter Ericson"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"actionpack:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "activesupport; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "jferris-mocha; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " nokogiri; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "activerecord; @Q;F00["thoughtbot"inc"0T" ruby[["delayed_job_mongoid-1.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"delayed_job_mongoidU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2u: Time "$Mongoid backend for delayed_jobU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 2.0.0.rc: @name" mongoid:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.1.1; "delayed_job; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["2.0; " rspec; @3;F00["Chris Gaffney"Brandon Keepers"0T" ruby[["gemcutter-xss-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"gemcutter-xssU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time h"*Hax U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Your Name"*Hax 0T" ruby[["$super_exception_notifier-3.0.13u;[" 1.4.0i"super_exception_notifierU:Gem::Version[" 3.0.13u: Time ė"QAllows unhandled (and handled!) exceptions to be captured and sent via emailU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "actionmailer; @);F00[ "Peter Boling"Scott Windsor"Ismael Celis"Jacques Crocker"Jamis Buck"Allows customization of: * Specify which level of notification you would like with an array of optional styles of notification (email, webhooks) * the sender address of the email * the recipient addresses * the text used to prefix the subject line * the HTTP status codes to notify for * the error classes to send emails for * alternatively, the error classes to not notify for * whether to send error emails or just render without sending anything * the HTTP status and status code that gets rendered with specific errors * the view path to the error page templates * custom errors, with custom error templates * define error layouts at application or controller level, or use the controller's own default layout, or no layout at all * get error notification for errors that occur in the console, using notifiable method * Override the gem's handling and rendering with explicit rescue statements inline. * Hooks into `git blame` output so you can get an idea of who (may) have introduced the bug * Hooks into other website services (e.g. you can send exceptions to to Switchub.com) * Can notify of errors occurring in any class/method using notifiable { method } * Can notify of errors in Rake tasks using NotifiedTask.new instead of task * Works with Hoptoad Notifier, so you can notify via SEN and/or Hoptoad for any particular errors. * Tested with Rails 2.3.x, should work with rails 2.2.x, and is apparently not yet compatible with rails 3.0T" ruby[["kent-authlogic_rpx-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"kent-authlogic_rpxU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time n"Authlogic Plugin for RPXU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.1: @name"authlogic:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "thoughtbot-shoulda; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.11; "kent-rpx_now; @3;F00["Kent Fenwick"Authlogic Plugin for RPX0T" ruby[["AdoccaMemcache-0.1.12u;Z[" 1.4.0i"AdoccaMemcacheU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.12u: Time D"NA client library to simplify using memcached with Ruby on Rails projects.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.3: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["adocca Entertainment AB"Based on memcache-client by <a href="http://dev.robotcoop.com/">robotcoop</a>. We started out with their code, but ended up with an almost complete rewrite after having added code for our own needs and requirements. Apologies for not doing proper contributions to their project instead of building our own, but we are limited by commercial requirements rather than open source idealism. == FEATURES/PROBLEMS: * FIX (list of features or problems) == SYNOPSYS:0T" ruby[["keychain-0.2.3u;}[" 1.4.0i" keychainU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.3u: Time "/A simple shell tool for managing passwordsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.0: @name" highline:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.4; " crypt; @);F00["Mikio L. Braun"0T" ruby[["url_store-0.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i"url_storeU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time e""Data securely stored in urls.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Michael Grosser""Data securely stored in urls.0T" ruby[["textmagic-0.4.0u;[" 1.4.0i"textmagicU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.0u: Time "7Ruby interface to the TextMagic's Bulk SMS GatewayU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.8: @name" fakeweb:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.2; " httparty; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.2; "mcmire-matchy; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.10.3; " shoulda; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.8; " mocha; @G;F00[" Vladimír Bobeš Tužinský"J textmagic is a Ruby interface to the TextMagic's Bulk SMS Gateway. It can be used to easily integrate SMS features into your application. It supports sending messages, receiving replies and more. You need to have a valid TextMagic account to use this gem. You can get one at http://www.textmagic.com. 0T" ruby[["sage_pay-0.2.13u;[" 1.4.0i" sage_payU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.13u: Time ĝ"ARuby implementation of the SagePay payment gateway protocol.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.8: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.0; " uuid; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.6.7; "validatable; @=;F00["Graeme Mathieson"This is a Ruby library for integrating with SagePay. SagePay is a payment gateway for accepting credit card payments through your web app. 0T" ruby[[""bouncy-castle-java-1.5.0145.2u;O[" 1.4.0i"bouncy-castle-javaU:Gem::Version["1.5.0145.2u: Time "-Gem redistribution of Bouncy Castle jarsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Hiroshi Nakamura"}Gem redistribution of "Legion of the Bouncy Castle Java cryptography APIs" jars at http://www.bouncycastle.org/java.html0T" ruby[["forkcms_deploy-1.1.2u;}[" 1.4.0i"forkcms_deployU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.2u: Time d"(Deployment for Fork with CapistranoU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0: @name"capistrano:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Tijs Verkoyen"Jan De Poorter"(Deployment for Fork with Capistrano0T" ruby[["angels-0.0.9u;E[" 1.4.0i" angelsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.9u: Time "Wrapper for daemons gemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" daemons:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Peder Linder"Wrapper for daemons gem0T" ruby[["web_methods-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"web_methodsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time "#simple webMethods ruby bindingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.1.2: @name" log4r:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.4.0; " nokogiri; @);F00["Mark Ryall"bSome classes for encapsulating interaction with an instance of webMethods Integration Server 0T" ruby[["supr-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" suprU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "0Use the su.pr API to shorten or expand URLsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.2; " httparty; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.4; " crack; @=;F00["Blake Chambers"0Use the su.pr API to shorten or expand URLs0T" ruby[["sinatra-sindalli-0.0.2u;A[" 1.4.0i"sinatra-sindalliU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time "Dalli for SinatraU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" dalli:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["zacharyscott"Dalli for Sinatra0T" ruby[["x10-cm17a-1.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"x10-cm17aU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time %B"0Ruby based X10 CM17A Firecracker ControllerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jim Weirich"0T" ruby[["rdp-jruby-prof-;[" 1.4.0i"rdp-jruby-profU:Gem::Version[" Time Ŭ"$A Ruby level profiler for JRubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Daniel Lucraft"0T" ruby[["haphazard-0.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i"haphazardU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time Ĩ"1returns a random activerecord model instanceU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["3.0: @name"activerecord:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "acts_as_fu; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.5.0.pre5; " jeweler; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.0.0; " rspec; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @Q;F00["eddie cianci"]adds a random() method to your activerecord models. respects where conditions and joins.0T" ruby[[""ippy04-remarkable_mongo-0.1.3u;[" 1.4.0i"ippy04-remarkable_mongoU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time e")Remarkable Matchers for MongoDB ORMsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 3.1.8: @name"remarkable:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.7.0; "mongo_mapper; @);F00["Nicolas Merouze"Justin Ip"0T" ruby[["acts_as_lookup-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"acts_as_lookupU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time "2Helpful for creating lookup-table-like modelsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Brian Percival"CProvides an easy means for creating models that act like enumerations or lookup tables. You can specify the lookup values in your Rails models and can lazily push these to the associated db tables (or not). Also dynamically adds helpful class-level methods to access singleton instances of each value in your lookup table. 0T" ruby[["swfheader-0.22u;1[" 1.4.0i"swfheaderU:Gem::Version[" 0.22u: Time %":Reading swf headers and compress/decompress swf filesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Dennis Zhuang"James Smith"WA lightweight gem for reading swf headers and compressing/decompressing swf files.0T" ruby[["postcodeanywhere-0.10.3u;n[" 1.4.0i"postcodeanywhereU:Gem::Version[" 0.10.3u: Time d"*Interface with postcodeanywhere.co.ukU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" httparty:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["basedotextend"*Interface with postcodeanywhere.co.uk0T" ruby[["Martin-0.1.0u;I[" 1.4.0i" MartinU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time $"?A Sinatra style DSL for creating command line applicationsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Ryan Lewis"|An ode to the Rat Pack (Dean Martin) with a Sinatra style DSL for creating command line interfaces to your applications0T" ruby[["flowplayer-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"flowplayerU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time %""Flowplayer helper for Rails 3U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" nokogiri:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " json; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.0.0; " rspec; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mocha; @G;F00["Scott Davis""Flowplayer helper for Rails 30T" ruby[["xmlconv2-2.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i" xmlconv2U:Gem::Version[" 2.0.0u: Time e"%Converts XML files to flat filesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.8.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Masaomi Hatakeyama"Zeno R.R. Davatz"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.3: @name"test-unit:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.6; " ptools; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.3; "test-unit; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.6; " ptools; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.3; "windows-pr; @G;F00["Daniel J. Berger"Park Heesob" The win32-eventlog library provides an interface to the MS Windows event log. Event logging provides a standard, centralized way for applications (and the operating system) to record important software and hardware events. The event-logging service stores events from various sources in a single collection called an event log. This library allows you to inspect existing logs as well as create new ones. 0T" ruby[["monk-1.0.0.beta1u;$[" 1.4.0i" monkU:Gem::Version["1.0.0.beta1u: Time "Monk, the glue frameworkU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.11: @name" thor:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["0.1; " cutest; @);F00["Damian Janowski"Michel Martens"Monk is a glue framework for web development in Ruby. It’s truly modular by relying on the best tool for each job. It’s also pretty fast thanks to Rack and Sinatra.0T" ruby[["magic_xml-0.1.0u;O[" 1.4.0i"magic_xmlU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time dg"Bmagic/xml is a Ruby library for the convenient parsing of XMLU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" bkkbrad"taw"zThis is the gem version of the code originally by taw. See the orginal page at http://taw.chaosforge.org/magic_xml/.0T" ruby[["dhcp-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" dhcpU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time E"dhcp-0.0.1U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Aaron D. Gifford"[A pure-ruby library for parsing and creating IPv4 DHCP packets (requests or responses)0T" ruby[["ebcdic_converter-1.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i"ebcdic_converterU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.1u: Time $"RAdds a method (ebcdic_to_i) to String that converts it from ebcdic to integerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Bernie Telles"RAdds a method (ebcdic_to_i) to String that converts it from ebcdic to integer0T" ruby[["machine_translation-0.0.1u;2[" 1.4.0i"machine_translationU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "4gem for getting a machine generated translationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.4: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "thoughtbot-shoulda; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.6.0; "rest-client; @3;F00["Eric Woodward"mgem for getting a machine generated translation from Google and hopefully other sources too (eventually)0T" ruby[["%viva-resource_controller-;[" 1.4.0i"viva-resource_controllerU:Gem::Version[" Time $d"1Rails RESTful controller abstraction plugin.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["James Golick"0T" ruby[["texta-0.2.2u;[" 1.4.0i" textaU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.2u: Time E"%texta: heuristic text formattingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"rdiscount:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " nokogiri; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "htmlentities; @3;F00[" pboy"%texta: heuristic text formatting0T" ruby[["somefixtures-0.2.2u;<[" 1.4.0i"somefixturesU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.2u: Time "STesting fixture automator. Easies the pain of getting sample data for testing.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jason Watson"STesting fixture automator. Easies the pain of getting sample data for testing.0T" ruby[["jsonpretty-1.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"jsonprettyU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.0u: Time ":Command-line JSON pretty-printer, using the json gem.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Nick Sieger":Command-line JSON pretty-printer, using the json gem.0T" ruby[["keybox-1.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i" keyboxU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.1u: Time d"Secure pasword storage.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.0: @name" highline:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jeremy Hinegardner"oA set of command line applications and ruby libraries for secure password storage and password generation.0T" ruby[["usps-0.1.0u;"[" 1.4.0i" uspsU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "USPS Webtools API for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.8: @name" mocha:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.1; " nokogiri; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.18; " typhoeus; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.2; " builder; @G;F00["Chris Gaffney" USPS Webtools API for Ruby.0T" ruby[["query_diet-0.2.0u; [" 1.4.0i"query_dietU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time Ė"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Henning Koch"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.6: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.1; "rest-client; @);F00["Dan Sosedoff"?Unofficial ruby library for consuming the Grooveshark API.0T" ruby[["currency_spy-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"currency_spyU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time e"#A gem to fetch currency rates.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "mechanize; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " bundler; @3;F00["Lukasz Badura"LA simple gem to parse and fetch currency rates from different websites.0T" ruby[["wakame-vdc-dcmgr-10.12.0u;[[" 1.4.0i"wakame-vdc-dcmgrU:Gem::Version[" 10.12.0u: Time "YDatacenter management toolkit for IaaS Cloud: datacenter manager and support modulesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" bacon:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.7.0; "ipaddress; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;["1.0; " sinatra; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.8.1; " mysql; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " log4r; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.12.10; "eventmachine; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.1; " rack; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "configuration; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 3.16.0; " sequel; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.0["=U;["0; "ruby-hmac; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.0; " json; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.1.1; "statemachine; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.9.15; " extlib; @;F00["axsh Ltd."0T" ruby[["sermont-0.3.3u;[" 1.4.0i" sermontU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.3u: Time $U"Server MonitorU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.3: @name"term-ansicolor:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.10; " daemons; @);F00["Nugroho Herucahyono"DSermont is a command line based script to monitor your servers.0T" ruby[["rsence-2.1.8u;[" 1.4.0i" rsenceU:Gem::Version[" 2.1.8u: Time e"1Release 2.1 version of the RSence framework.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;["963: @name"rsence-deps:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Riassence Inc."RSence is a RIA ("HTML5" or "Ajax" if you like those terms better) framework designed for responsive GUI applications on the web. RSence is a flexible and high-performance RIA framework aimed on building responsive, scalable and over-all as high-performance GUI Applications as possible with the chosen technologies. RSence includes a server for backend tasks and client suppert as well as a Javascript GUI framework to provide responsive user interfaces. The purpose of the server is to provide a highly optimized yet easy to use Ruby framework for writing applications containing all their assets needed as self-contained plugins bundles. The bundles enable easy distribution and maintenance of RSence projects. RSence is not primarily targeted as an engine for plain old html web sites, there are plenty of other tools for that purpose and some of them are easily integrated into RSence. 0T" ruby[["rpam-1.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" rpamU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time `"PAM integration with ruby.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Andre Osti de Moura"RThis extension provides PAM - Pluggable Authentication Modules - integration0T" ruby[["hoe-gemspec2-1.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"hoe-gemspec2U:Gem::Version[" 1.1.0u: Time E"9Adds support for generation of gemspec files to Hoe.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.8.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "hoe-gemspec2; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.2; "hoe-seattlerb; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "hoe; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.6.0; " minitest; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.0; "hoe-doofus; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.3; " hoe-git; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4; "rubyforge; @e;F00[" raggi"9Adds support for generation of gemspec files to Hoe.0T" ruby[["bloopsaphone-0.4u;[" 1.4.0i"bloopsaphoneU:Gem::Version["0.4u: Time eE" arcade sounds and chiptunesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["why the lucky stiff" arcade sounds and chiptunes0T" ruby[["canhas-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i" canhasU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time đ"(Object can_has?(:can_has?) #=> trueU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Flip Sasser"4 Object can_has?(:can_has?) #=> true 0T" ruby[["a_b-0.1.1u;Y[" 1.4.0i"a_bU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time j"6A/B test data aggregator as a Sinatra web serviceU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.0.3; "rack_hoptoad; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.4.3; " cucumber; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.0.1; " rack; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.5.3; " webrat; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.5.1; "rack-test; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.9.4; " sinatra; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;["0.4; " shotgun; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.2.1; "active_wrapper; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.2.13; " haml; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.1.1; "rack-flash; @~;F00["Winton Welsh"0T" ruby[["sc2ranks-0.1.6u;[" 1.4.0i" sc2ranksU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.6u: Time E",A gem to access the api of sc2ranks.comU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" httparty:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.3.0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.2; " jeweler; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " cucumber; @Q;F00["Christopher Giroir"@This gem allows you to access data from http://sc2ranks.com0T" ruby[["ZenHacks-1.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" ZenHacksU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time Y":Tools and toys of mine that don't have a better home.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0: @name"ParseTree:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0; "RubyInline; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0; " RubyToC; @3;F00["Ryan Davis"9This package is not supported in the same sense that my other packages are, but since it is such a fun playground, I am very open to contributions, suggestions, and bug fixes. I just can't put this project at the top of my priority list the way I can/do the others, so it may take me longer to get to than normal.0T" ruby[["shared_should-0.5.2u;[" 1.4.0i"shared_shouldU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.2u: Time "=Share and reuse shoulds, contexts, and setup in Shoulda.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0: @name" bundler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.2; " jeweler; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @Q;F00["Michael Pearce"=Share and reuse shoulds, contexts, and setup in Shoulda.0T" ruby[["rugalytics-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"rugalyticsU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time M"3Rugalytics is a Ruby API for Google Analytics.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0.6: @name" hpricot:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.0; "googlebase; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.0; "fastercsv; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.2; "activesupport; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.0; " rack; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.7; " morph; @Q;F00["Rob McKinnon"3Rugalytics is a Ruby API for Google Analytics.0T" ruby[["!refinerycms-translations-0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"refinerycms-translationsU:Gem::Version["0.3u: Time d"7Ruby on Rails Translations engine for Refinery CMSU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" season"Victor Castell"JRuby on Rails Translations engine for Refinery CMS rails 3 compatible0T" ruby[["bincache-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" bincacheU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time ũ"bincache caches binariesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"right_aws:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Martin Rhoads" BinCache is a system designed to cache compiled binaries. It has support for bash, ruby , and chef. Please visit http://github.com/ermal14/bincache for more info 0T" ruby[["Text-1.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i" TextU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.2u: Time "$A collection of text algorithmsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Paul Battley"Michael Neumann"Tim Fletcher"0T" ruby[["clap-0.0.2u;$[" 1.4.0i" clapU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time ĥ";Command line argument parsing for simple applications.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["0.1: @name" cutest:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Michel Martens"Clap is a small library that can be bundled with your command line application. It covers the simple case of executing code based on the flags or parameters passed, and it does so with just under 30 lines of code.0T" ruby[["synfeld-0.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i" synfeldU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time de"ISynfeld is a web application framework that does practically nothingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.5.1: @name" bones:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rack-router; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rack; @3;F00["Steven Swerling"Synfeld is a web application framework that does practically nothing. Synfeld is little more than a small wrapper for Rack::Mount (see http://github.com/josh/rack-mount). If you want a web framework that is mostly just going to serve up json blobs, and occasionally serve up some simple content (eg. help files) and media, Synfeld makes that easy. The sample app below shows pretty much everything there is to know about synfeld, in particular: * How to define routes. * Simple rendering of erb, haml, html, json, and static files. * In the case of erb and haml, passing variables into the template is demonstrated. * A dynamic action where the status code, headers, and body are created 'manually' (/my/special/route below) * A simple way of creating format sensitive routes (/alphabet.html vs. /alphabet.json) * The erb demo link also demos the rendering of a partial (not visible in the code below, you have to look at the template file examples/public/erb_files/erb_test.erb).0T" ruby[["sinatra-head-0.1.2u;:[" 1.4.0i"sinatra-headU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time D"6A Sinatra extension that gets inside your .U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["3: @name" haml:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.8; " capybara; @=;F00["Stephen Eley"VSinatra::Head provides class methods and helpers for dynamically controlling the fields in your element that are usually preset in your layout: the page title, stylesheet and javascript assets, etc. Asset lists are inherited throughout superclasses, subclasses, and within action methods, and basic asset path management is supported.0T" ruby[["flickr-rest-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"flickr-restU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time *";A light interface to call flickr 'restful' api methodsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0.6: @name" hpricot:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Ben Schwarz";A light interface to call flickr 'restful' api methods0T" ruby[["data_mapper-1.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"data_mapperU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2u: Time ")An Object/Relational Mapper for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 1.0.2: @name"dm-aggregates:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4; "rubyforge; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.0.2; "dm-serializer; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.1; "hoe; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.0.2; "dm-constraints; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.0.2; " dm-core; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.0.2; "dm-timestamps; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.0.2; "dm-validations; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.0.2; " dm-types; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.0.2; "dm-transactions; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.0.2; "dm-migrations; @~;F00[" Dan Kubb"Faster, Better, Simpler.0T" ruby[["'adminpage_scaffold_generator-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"!adminpage_scaffold_generatorU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time "You can generate template files easy and beautiful by this scaffold generator for Ruby on Rails. These templates are based on http://www.webresourcesdepot.com/free-admin-template-for-web-applications/U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.7.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.7.0; "hoe; @);F00["Yusuke Ohmichi(Maimuzo)"You can generate template files easy and beautiful by this scaffold generator for Ruby on Rails. These templates are based on http://www.webresourcesdepot.com/free-admin-template-for-web-applications/0T" ruby[["GoogleReaderApi-0.3.5u;[" 1.4.0i"GoogleReaderApiU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.5u: Time "5a google reader api (unofficial) written in rubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Toon Willems"5a google reader api (unofficial) written in ruby0T" ruby[["share-me-0.0.1u; [" 1.4.0i" share-meU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "'Share your webpage on social sitesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Mohammed Siddick. E"KUsing the share_me plugin, you can share your web page on social sites0T" ruby[["rich_cms-2.1.7u;[" 1.4.0i" rich_cmsU:Gem::Version[" 2.1.7u: Time ":Enrichments (e9s) module for a pluggable CMS frontendU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.11: @name" jzip:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["3; " haml; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.0; "formtastic; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.2; "authlogic; @=;F00["Paul Engel"Rich-CMS is a module of E9s (http://github.com/archan937/e9s) which provides a frontend for your CMS content. You can use this gem to manage CMS content or translations (in an internationalized application). The installation and setup process is very easily done. You will have to register content at the Rich-CMS engine and also you will have to specify the authentication mechanism. Both are one-liners.0T" ruby[["redparse-0.8.4u;[" 1.4.0i" redparseU:Gem::Version[" 0.8.4u: Time e"4RedParse is a ruby parser written in pure ruby.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.8: @name"reg:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.7.7; "rubylexer; @);F00["Caleb Clausen"gRedParse is a ruby parser written in pure ruby. Instead of YACC or ANTLR, it's parse tool is a home-brewed "compiler-interpreter". (The tool is LALR(1)-equivalent and the 'parse language' is pretty nice, even in it's current crude form.) My intent is to have a completely correct parser for ruby, in 100% ruby. Currently, RedParse can parse all known ruby 1.8 constructions correctly. There might be some problems with unparsing or otherwise working with texts in a character set other than ascii. Some of the new ruby 1.9 constructions are supported in 1.9 mode. For more details on known problems, see below.0T" ruby[["quick_queue-0.1.2u; [" 1.4.0i"quick_queueU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time k"rquick_queue is a mix of Ruby's Queue and drb to produce an extremely simple to use queue system in pure Ruby.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Marcin Bunsch"0T" ruby[["dm-actionstamps-0.0.2u;G[" 1.4.0i"dm-actionstampsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time "hA DataMapper plugin that automatically adds/updates the created_?, updated_? fields of your models.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.0; " dm-core; @);F00[" kematzy"A DataMapper plugin that works similar to the dm-timestamps in that it 'automagically' adds/updates the created_?, updated_? fields of your models.0T" ruby[["jolt-0.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i" joltU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.0u: Time "(A Spark inspired templating system.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Charles C. Strahan"(A Spark inspired templating system.0T" ruby[["nu_wav-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i" nu_wavU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time ";NuWav is a pure ruby audio WAV file parser and writer.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.13: @name"ruby-mp3info:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" kookster"NuWav is a pure ruby audio WAV file parser and writer. It supports Broadcast Wave Format (BWF), inclluding MPEG audio data, and the public radio standard cart chunk.0T" ruby[["ur-product-1.0.3u;:[" 1.4.0i"ur-productU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.3u: Time ";API wrapper for the Utbildningsradion product servicesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.12.1: @name" rsolr:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.2; "rest-client; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.12.0; "rsolr-ext; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.6; "yajl-ruby; @=;F00["Peter Hellberg"AEnables searching and fetching of Utbildningsradion products0T" ruby[["scrabbler-0.1.3u;[" 1.4.0i"scrabblerU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time "+A bruteforce word finder for scrabble.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Peter Maas"0T" ruby[["clientperf-0.1.6u;[" 1.4.0i"clientperfU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.6u: Time "5Instrumentation for the FiveRuns TuneUp product.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Eric Falcao"5Instrumentation for the FiveRuns TuneUp product.0T" ruby[["lemon-0.8.2u;z[" 1.4.0i" lemonU:Gem::Version[" 0.8.2u: Time "Pucker-tight Unit TestingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"box:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " aruba; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " cucumber; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ae; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ae; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " syckle; @Q;F00["Thomas Sawyer"jLemon is a unit testing framework that tightly correlates class to test case and method to test unit.0T" ruby[["nested-layouts-0.1.2u;y[" 1.4.0i"nested-layoutsU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time Df"_Plugin allows to specify outer layouts for particular layout thus creating nested layouts.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["2.3: @name"actionpack:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" Sunteya"0T" ruby[["openMSX-builder-1.6.5u;S[" 1.4.0i"openMSX-builderU:Gem::Version[" 1.6.5u: Time $"Builds the latest openMSX and openMSX-Debugger for Mac OSX from SVN and publishes it via scp while tweeting about the new release.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.3: @name"twitter_oauth:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.3; " mail; @3;F00[" Filip H.F. "FiXato" Slagter"0openMSX-Builder is used for building the latest SVN checkouts of openMSX and openMSX-Debugger from their sourceforge repository. It also supports publishing the created builds to an external location via scp, announcing successfully published builds via Twitter and reporting build-errors via e-mail.0T" ruby[["bureaucrat-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"bureaucratU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time eh"5Form handling for Ruby inspired by Django forms.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Bruno Deferrari"0T" ruby[["temporals-2.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"temporalsU:Gem::Version[" 2.0.1u: Time ""We could develop some interpreter that would be able to parse and process a range of expressions that we might want to deal withU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.3: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Daniel Parker""We could develop some interpreter that would be able to parse and process a range of expressions that we might want to deal with. This would be quite flexible, but also pretty hard" (Martin Fowler, http://martinfowler.com/apsupp/recurring.pdf). Temporals is a Ruby parser for just that.0T" ruby[["reefer-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i" reeferU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time d"Ruby interface to EtherpadU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Adam Mckaig";Reefer is a tiny Ruby interface to a hosted Etherpad. 0T" ruby[["activerdf_redland-1.2.2u;[" 1.4.0i"activerdf_redlandU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.2u: Time !"+ActiveRDF adapter to Redland RDF storeU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.1: @name"gem_plugin:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.6.4; "activerdf; @);F00[""Eyal Oren =U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 1.16.2: @name" trollop:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.6.1; "rest-client; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.4.6; " json; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @=;F00["Josh Nesbitt"Google URL Shortener is a library to compress and expand goo.gl URL's. It also provides an interface to review the analytics of a short URL.0T" ruby[["time_of_day-0.1.1u;k[" 1.4.0i"time_of_dayU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time E"5Handle correctly times without dates in Rails 3.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0: @name" bundler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.11.3; " shoulda; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.0; "activerecord; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.0; "activesupport; @=;F00["Lailson Bandeira"qAdds time-only capabilities to the Time class and maps the Rails time type correctly to a time without date.0T" ruby[["syntax-on-0.1.13u;[" 1.4.0i"syntax-onU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.13u: Time ""vim-based syntax highlightingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0: @name"simplecli:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" remi"QSyntax-on is a library/cli/website for highlighting source by automating vim0T" ruby[["histograffle-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"histograffleU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time d"4Count the occurrence of each of several things.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jostein B.E."ICount the occurrence of each of several things. Pure and banal Ruby.0T" ruby[["fasterer-csv-1.6.0u;[" 1.4.0i"fasterer-csvU:Gem::Version[" 1.6.0u: Time D""Even fasterer than FasterCSV!U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" Mason"CSV parsing awesomeness0T" ruby[["af-cache-money-0.2.10u;[" 1.4.0i"af-cache-moneyU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.10u: Time "=Write-through and Read-through Cacheing for ActiveRecordU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.2.0: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.2.0; "activerecord; @);F00["Nick Kallen"Ashley Martens"Chad Ingram"Cache utilities.0T" ruby[["webby-0.9.4u;[" 1.4.0i" webbyU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.4u: Time L"4Awesome static website creation and management!U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.0: @name" hpricot:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.2; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.5.0; " bones; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.5.0; " bones; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.4; " rake; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.7; " logging; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0; "loquacious; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.2; " launchy; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.2; "directory_watcher; @o;F00["Tim Pease"*Webby* is a fantastic little website management system. It would be called a *content management system* if it were a bigger kid. But, it's just a runt with a special knack for transforming text. And that's really all it does - manages the legwork of turning text into something else, an *ASCII Alchemist* if you will. Webby works by combining the contents of a *page* with a *layout* to produce HTML. The layout contains everything common to all the pages - HTML headers, navigation menu, footer, etc. - and the page contains just the information for that page. You can use your favorite markup language to write your pages; Webby supports quite a few. Install Webby and try it out!0T" ruby[["#deferrable_gratification-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"deferrable_gratificationU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time "GMakes evented programming easier with composition and abstraction.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"eventmachine:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "bluecloth; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.0; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @G;F00["Sam Stokes"QDeferrable Gratification (DG) facilitates asynchronous programming in Ruby, by helping create abstractions around complex operations built up from simpler ones. It helps make asynchronous code less error-prone and easier to compose. It also provides some enhancements to the Deferrable API. Features include: * fluent (aka chainable) syntax for registering multiple callbacks and errbacks to the same Deferrable. * a #bothback method for registering code to run on either success or failure. * a combinator library for building up complex asynchronous operations out of simpler ones. 0T" ruby[["snarl-snp-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"snarl-snpU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time d"CSnarl Network Protocol Client. You can notify to Snarl on LAN.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["kitamomonga"Snarl Network Protocol Client. Snarl is the notification program for Windows. You can send notification messages to Snarl with SNP on LAN.0T" ruby[["pandemic-0.5.4u;[" 1.4.0i" pandemicU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.4u: Time `"PA framework for distributing work for real-time services and offline tasks.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" mocha:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @);F00["Arya Asemanfar"PA framework for distributing work for real-time services and offline tasks.0T" ruby[["json-stream-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"json-streamU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time d"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["David Graham"A finite state machine based JSON parser that generates events for each state change. This allows us to stream both the JSON document into memory and the parsed object graph out of memory to some other process. This is much like an XML SAX parser that generates events during parsing. There is no requirement for the document nor the object graph to be fully buffered in memory. This is best suited for huge JSON documents that won't fit in memory. For example, streaming and processing large map/reduce views from Apache CouchDB.0T" ruby[["xamplr-pp-1.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"xamplr-ppU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.0u: Time eo" A pure ruby XML pull parserU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Bob Hutchison"0T" ruby[["typefront-0.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i"typefrontU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time d";A Ruby library for interacting with the TypeFront API.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" mocha:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.3; " json; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.0; "rest-client; @=;F00["Small Spark";A Ruby library for interacting with the TypeFront API.0T" ruby[["that_old_cache-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"that_old_cacheU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time ">Serve old caches from memcached while you update in RailsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.x: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.x; "yajl-ruby; @);F00["Joey Robert"dAn ActiveSupport MemCache store that requires serves keys until they are explicitly overwritten0T" ruby[["seasoning-0.1.1u;![" 1.4.0i"seasoningU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "/Updates your Rails App Pepper for SecurityU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Aaron Kalin"`A Rails 3 generator to update your existing authentication peppers for additional security.0T" ruby[["plot_statistics-1.5.1u;[" 1.4.0i"plot_statisticsU:Gem::Version[" 1.5.1u: Time ".This is a gem to do a Ripley's K analysisU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.0: @name"fastercsv:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @);F00["Asa Wilson".This is a gem to do a Ripley's K analysis0T" ruby[["glebpom-db-charmer-1.4.3u;[" 1.4.0i"glebpom-db-charmerU:Gem::Version[" 1.4.3u: Time c"5ActiveRecord Connections Magic (qik.com version)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.2.0: @name" rails:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Alexey Kovyrin"Gleb Pomykalov"GActiveRecord Connections Magic (slaves, multiple connections, etc)0T" ruby[["inochi-5.1.0u;?[" 1.4.0i" inochiU:Gem::Version[" 5.1.0u: Time ĝ" Gives life to Ruby projectsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["1["=U;["1.4["=U;[" 0.8.4["=U;[" 0.5.8["=U;[" 3.1.0["=U;["1.5["=U;[" 0.3.0["=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.3; "rack-test; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mongo; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.4; " sinatra; @=;F00["Joshua Nichols"= sinatra-mongo Extends Sinatra with an extension method for dealing with monogodb using the ruby driver. Install it with gem: $ gem install sinatra-mongo Now we can use it an example application. require 'sinatra' require 'sinatra/mongo' # Specify the database to use. Defaults to mongo://localhost:27017/default, # so you will almost definitely want to change this. # # Alternatively, you can specify the MONGO_URL as an environment variable set :mongo, 'mongo://localhost:27017/sinatra-mongo-example' # At this point, you can access the Mongo::Database object using the 'mongo' helper: puts mongo["testCollection"].insert {"name" => "MongoDB", "type" => "database", "count" => 1, "info" => {"x" => 203, "y" => '102'}} get '/' do mongo["testCollection"].find_one end If you need to use authentication, you can specify this in the mongo uri: set :mongo, 'mongo://myuser:mypass@localhost:27017/sinatra-mongo-example' == Mongo Reference * http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/Ruby+Tutorial == Note on Patches/Pull Requests * Fork the project. * Make your feature addition or bug fix. * Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally. * Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull) * Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches. == Copyright Copyright (c) 2009 Joshua Nichols. See LICENSE for details. 0T" ruby[["rack-version-header-0.1.1u;>[" 1.4.0i"rack-version-headerU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time ":Rack middleware for adding a version response header.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Matthias Luedtke"cAdds an X-Version header to each response set to an arbitrary version string read from a file.0T" ruby[["goodwill-prawn-edge-0.10.0u;[" 1.4.0i"goodwill-prawn-edgeU:Gem::Version[" 0.10.0u: Time ě"\A fast and nimble PDF generator for Ruby: Packed by goodwill- Unsupported edge package!U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.1: @name"pdf-reader:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Gregory Brown"o Prawn is a fast, tiny, and nimble PDF generator for Ruby: Packed by goodwill- Unsupported edge package! 0T" ruby[["*alexspeller-calendar_date_select-1.17u;>[" 1.4.0i"%alexspeller-calendar_date_selectU:Gem::Version[" 1.17u: Time ["5calendar_date_select fork; includes highlightingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["!Enrique Garcia Cota (kikito)"Tim Charper"Lars E. Hoeg"5calendar_date_select fork; includes highlighting0T" ruby[["attribute_predicates-0.2.1u;#[" 1.4.0i"attribute_predicatesU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time "BAdds automatic generation of predicate methods for attributesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Aaron Pfeifer"BAdds automatic generation of predicate methods for attributes0T" ruby[["mack-notifier-;[" 1.4.0i"mack-notifierU:Gem::Version[" Time eC"2Notifier functionality for Mack applications.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Mark Bates"2Notifier functionality for Mack applications.0T" ruby[["firefly-1.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i" fireflyU:Gem::Version[" 1.3.0u: Time "6FireFly is a simple URL shortner for personal useU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.2: @name"dm-mysql-adapter:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.2; "dm-aggregates; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.5.4; "rack-test; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.3.0; " rspec; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.18; " haml; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.2; "dm-transactions; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.2; " dm-core; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.0; " sinatra; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.2; "dm-migrations; @o;F00["Ariejan de Vroom"{FireFly is a simple URL shortner for personal use. It's powered by Sinatra and can be run with any Rack-capable web server.0T" ruby[["clay-1.7.1u;P[" 1.4.0i" clayU:Gem::Version[" 1.7.1u: Time E"*A lightweight CMS for static websitesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.9: @name"bluecloth:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mustache; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rack; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @G;F00["Pavlo Kerestey"VA lightweight CMS to form a static website with layouts, files and text snippets.0T" ruby[["yandex_metrika-0.0.1u;`[" 1.4.0i"yandex_metrikaU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time de"L[Rails] Easily enable Yandex.Metrika support in your Rails application.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.3: @name"actionpack:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.3; "activesupport; @);F00["Andrey 'Zed' Zaikin"[Rails] Easily enable Yandex.Metrika support in your Rails application.

By default this gem will output Yandex.Metrika code for every page automagically, if it's configured correctly. This is done by adding:
Yandex::Metrika.counter_id = '123456'
to your `config/environment.rb`, inserting your own COUNTER_ID. This can be discovered by looking at the value of "new Ya.Metrika(123456)" in the Javascript code.0T" ruby[["shift-nanite-;q[" 1.4.0i"shift-naniteU:Gem::Version[" Time h"+self assembling fabric of ruby daemonsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.0: @name" amqp:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Ezra Zygmuntowicz"+self assembling fabric of ruby daemons0T" ruby[["rack-funky-cache-0.0.3u;~[" 1.4.0i"rack-funky-cacheU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time ".Funky caching for Rack based applicationsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Mika Tuupola".Funky caching for Rack based applications0T" ruby[["cul-fedora-arm-0.6.0u;/[" 1.4.0i"cul-fedora-armU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.0u: Time Ei"1Tools for dealing with Cul ARM specificationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"ruby-fedora:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "activesupport; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "thoughtbot-factory_girl; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "thoughtbot-shoulda; @=;F00["James Stuart"1Tools for dealing with Cul ARM specification0T" ruby[["oembed_links-0.1.9u;[" 1.4.0i"oembed_linksU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.9u: Time &"U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " json; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0; "hoe; @3;F00["Indianapolis Star MD&D"2Easy OEmbed integration for Ruby (and Rails).0T" ruby[["%modified_acts_as_versioned-0.5.2u;[" 1.4.0i"modified_acts_as_versionedU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.2u: Time "uSmall added functionality to technoweenie original gen for Rails 2 - Simple versioning with active record modelsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["David Henry"Thomas Brand"uSmall added functionality to technoweenie original gen for Rails 2 - Simple versioning with active record models0T" ruby[["rwdaddresses-1.05u;7[" 1.4.0i"rwdaddressesU:Gem::Version[" 1.05u: Time $!"Qrwdaddresses is contact book application using rwdtinker and RubyWebDialogs.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Steven Gibson"Prwdaddresses is contact book application using rwdtinker and RubyWebDialogs0T" ruby[["data_table-0.1.8u;[" 1.4.0i"data_tableU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.8u: Time "LSimple data preparation from AR/Mongoid to the jQuery DataTables pluginU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.0: @name" rails:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; "rr; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.0.0; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.11.0; " shoulda; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.pre2; "will_paginate; @G;F00["Jason Dew"LSimple data preparation from AR/Mongoid to the jQuery DataTables plugin0T" ruby[["coffee-script-source-1.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"coffee-script-sourceU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time "The CoffeeScript CompilerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jeremy Ashkenas". CoffeeScript is a little language that compiles into JavaScript. Underneath all of those embarrassing braces and semicolons, JavaScript has always had a gorgeous object model at its heart. CoffeeScript is an attempt to expose the good parts of JavaScript in a simple way. 0T" ruby[["AutoZest-0.0.2u;'[" 1.4.0i" AutoZestU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time e"Ia threadsafe non-blocking asynchronous configurable logger for Ruby.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Wayne E. Seguin"Ia threadsafe non-blocking asynchronous configurable logger for Ruby.0T" ruby[["merb-manage-0.4u;[" 1.4.0i"merb-manageU:Gem::Version["0.4u: Time d"wProvides easy configuration and management of Merb applications, including multiple servers and different adaptersU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.2: @name" merb:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["El Draper"0T" ruby[["wrtranslate-0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"wrtranslateU:Gem::Version["0.2u: Time @"Ztranslate provide an easy way to translate word or expression using wordreference.comU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" hpricot:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Martin Catty"translate make get requests and parse the result using hpricot. You can use it inside an other program or directly via command line.0T" ruby[["textamerica-0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"textamericaU:Gem::Version["0.1u: Time M"4A Ruby API for interacting with TextAmerica.comU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Mark Lussier"4A Ruby API for interacting with TextAmerica.com0T" ruby[["stemmer4jr-0.0.1u;;[" 1.4.0i"stemmer4jrU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "JRuby version of stemmer4rU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" Ola Bini"Stemmer4Jr0T" ruby[["rails-firephp-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"rails-firephpU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time $""ARails plugin to send messages to FirePHP (plugin of FireBug)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Stephan Toggweiler"0T" ruby[["ar-simple-idmap-0.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i"ar-simple-idmapU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time ")Simple identity map for ActiveRecordU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"activerecord:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[""Sokolov Yura aka funny_falcon"HAdd simple finegrained handcontrolled identity map for ActiveRecord0T" ruby[["#webget_ruby_secure_token-1.2.1u; [" 1.4.0i"webget_ruby_secure_tokenU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.1u: Time e"kWebGet Ruby Gem: SecureToken to generate a cryptographic string that is web-friendly and user-friendlyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" WebGet"0T" ruby[["pdfkit-0.5.0u;[" 1.4.0i" pdfkitU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.0u: Time e"HTML+CSS -> PDFU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.10: @name" mocha:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.6; "rack-test; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.2.0; " rspec; @3;F00["Jared Pace"Relevance"/Uses wkhtmltopdf to create PDFs using HTML0T" ruby[["nestor_growl-0.1.0u;r[" 1.4.0i"nestor_growlU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time %j"Growl extension for NestorU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.2.0: @name" nestor:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["François Beausoleil"5Growl as the state of the Nestor machine changes0T" ruby[[""rkj-character-encodings-0.4.1u;[" 1.4.0i"rkj-character-encodingsU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.1u: Time ł"+A pluggable character-encoding libraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Nikolai Weibull"+A pluggable character-encoding library0T" ruby[["flood-0.1.1u;C[" 1.4.0i" floodU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time Ņ",Ruby library to implement flood controlU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Neil Kohl"Flood is a Ruby library for flood control. Flood control is limiting events processed to a maximum number in a specified time period.0T" ruby[["lustr-mxml-0.1.0u;G[" 1.4.0i"lustr-mxmlU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "description of gemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0.1: @name"lustr-core:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["FIXME full name"description of gem0T" ruby[["Piggy-;[" 1.4.0i" PiggyU:Gem::Version[" Time "/(P)ick (i)mages and (g)enerate (g)alleriesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rubyzip:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " fxruby; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " exifr; @3;F00["Sascha Doerdelmann"0T" ruby[["deckard-0.5.10u;i[" 1.4.0i" deckardU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.10u: Time ")a monitoring system built on couchdbU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"mixlib-config:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " tmail; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "fog; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.3.0; "rest-client; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " notifo; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " json; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "mixlib-log; @[;F00["joe williams"0T" ruby[["packr-3.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" packrU:Gem::Version[" 3.1.0u: Time F"DPackR is a Ruby version of Dean Edwards' JavaScript compressor.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" oyster:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.2; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.2; "hoe; @3;F00["James Coglan"DPackR is a Ruby version of Dean Edwards' JavaScript compressor.0T" ruby[["tactful_tokenizer-0.0.2u;-[" 1.4.0i"tactful_tokenizerU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time "HA high accuracy naive bayesian sentence tokenizer based on Splitta.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Matthew Bunday"HA high accuracy naive bayesian sentence tokenizer based on Splitta.0T" ruby[["classy_resources-0.3.1u;'[" 1.4.0i"classy_resourcesU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.1u: Time j"Instant ActiveResource compatible resources. Think resource_controller, for sinatra. Now modified for gemcutter.org awesomeness.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 2.2.2: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["; " sinatra; @);F00["James Golick"Justin Lynn"=Instant ActiveResource compatible resources for sinatra.0T" ruby[[" jonbell-awesome_print-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"jonbell-awesome_printU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time "BPretty print Ruby objects with proper indentation and colors.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Michael Dvorkin"Jonathan Bell"Great Ruby dubugging companion: pretty print Ruby objects to visualize their structure. Supports MongoMapper objects via included mixin.0T" ruby[["virtuozzo-0.7.0u;[" 1.4.0i"virtuozzoU:Gem::Version[" 0.7.0u: Time *"5Ruby library for Parallels Virtuozzo Agent's APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["3.0: @name" echoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["3.0; " echoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.5; " soap4r; @3;F00["James Thompson"5Ruby library for Parallels Virtuozzo Agent's API0T" ruby[["valuedate-0.0.6u;g[" 1.4.0i"valuedateU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.6u: Time "Validates values.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.10.11: @name" riot:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "riot_notifier; @);F00["Peter Suschlik"0T" ruby[["simple-logger-0.0.2u;U[" 1.4.0i"simple-loggerU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time o"#Smarter clone of Extlib loggerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"term-ansicolor:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["#Jakub Šťastný aka Botanicus"0T" ruby[["rubyzip-0.9.4u;[" 1.4.0i" rubyzipU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.4u: Time o"?rubyzip is a ruby module for reading and writing zip filesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Thomas Sondergaard"0T" ruby[["hotmailer-1.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"hotmailerU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time %";Package for programatically accessing hotmail accountsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0: @name" hpricot:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0; "mechanize; @);F00["Amran Gaye"0T" ruby[["Sphincter-1.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"SphincterU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.0u: Time "PSphincter is an ActiveRecord extension for full-text searching with Sphinx.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.3: @name" rails:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.3; " rake; @3;F00["Eric Hodel"Sphincter uses Dmytro Shteflyuk's sphinx Ruby API and automatic configuration to make totally rad ActiveRecord searching. Well, you still have to tell Sphincter what models you want to search. It doesn't read your mind.0T" ruby[["httprb-0.1.5u;[" 1.4.0i" httprbU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.5u: Time %"4http the ruby way: sinatra-like http client DSLU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["thomas metge"*HTTP client DSL, inspired by sinatra.0T" ruby[["globalize2_sugar-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"globalize2_sugarU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time D"=Provide helper methods for globalize2 model translationsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Dan Carper"Updated from the original0T" ruby[["reenhanced-remixr-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"reenhanced-remixrU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time \"&wrapper for the BestBuy Remix apiU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" fakeweb:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mash; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mocha; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "jeremymcanally-matchy; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mash; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "thoughtbot-shoulda; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " httparty; @[;F00["Wynn Netherland"Jim Mulholland"&wrapper for the BestBuy Remix api0T" ruby[["chunky_baconfile-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"chunky_baconfileU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "(Tasty wrapper for the Baconfile APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" yard:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.9.4; " mocha; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.5; " fakeweb; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.4.0; "jnunemaker-matchy; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.10.1; " shoulda; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.4.5; " httparty; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.1.3; " hashie; @[;F00["Wynn Netherland"(Tasty wrapper for the Baconfile API0T" ruby[[" opengotham-rtranslate-1.3.1u;[" 1.4.0i"opengotham-rtranslateU:Gem::Version[" 1.3.1u: Time d"%Google translate ruby client apiU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mocha; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.3; " json; @3;F00["opengotham"FA simple, unofficial, ruby client API for using Google Translate.0T" ruby[["kode-0.1.0u;N[" 1.4.0i" kodeU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "9Code indenter and coding convention checker for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Antono Vasiljev"== DESCRIPTION: This module is fork (and rework) of "Ruby Script Beautifier" by P. Lutus. * Autoindenting of ruby code (Kode::Indenter) * Check code for coding conventions (Kode::Styler) * ... sometime erb/yaml formatter? == FEATURES/PROBLEMS:0T" ruby[["dismal-0.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i" dismalU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.0u: Time "Diff to pretty html.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Ethan Gunderson"(Transform diff text to pretty html.0T" ruby[["whuffiebank-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"whuffiebankU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time %")Ruby wrapper for the Whuffiebank APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.1.3: @name" hashie:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.4.5; " httparty; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.10.1; "thoughtbot-shoulda; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.4.0; "jnunemaker-matchy; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.9.4; " mocha; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.5; " fakeweb; @Q;F00["Ernesto Tagwerker")Ruby wrapper for the Whuffiebank API0T" ruby[["table-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i" tableU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time l"Rails Table GeneratorU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.13.1: @name" rails:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["table generator simply generates a database table for storing data from a model object. If the model and or scaffold do not exist, it creates them as well.0T" ruby[["!scaffolding_extensions-1.5.0u;[" 1.4.0i"scaffolding_extensionsU:Gem::Version[" 1.5.0u: Time "KAdministrative database front-end for multiple web-frameworks and ORMsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jeremy Evans"0T" ruby[["rubikon-0.6.0u;[" 1.4.0i" rubikonU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.0u: Time "+Rubikon - A Ruby console app frameworkU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.3.0: @name"ore-tasks:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.11.3; " shoulda; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.6.4; " yard; @3;F00["Sebastian Staudt"ZA simple to use, yet powerful Ruby framework for building console-based applications.0T" ruby[["rtokbox-0.3u;9[" 1.4.0i" rtokboxU:Gem::Version["0.3u: Time "*Gem for accessing the TokBox.com API.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Radu Spineanu"0T" ruby[["'rack-facebook-signed-request-0.1.0u;q[" 1.4.0i"!rack-facebook-signed-requestU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time E"QSimple Rack middle for parsing and validation Facebook signed_request param.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"yajl-ruby:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "yajl-ruby; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.1; " jeweler; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rack; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " jeweler; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rack; @y;F00["Kristofer Goss"BSee http://developers.facebook.com/docs/authentication/canvas0T" ruby[["qrtools-1.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" qrtoolsU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time G"/QRTools is a library for decoding QR CodesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.0: @name"png:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.9.0; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.9.0; "hoe; @3;F00["Aaron Patterson"XQRTools is a library for decoding QR Codes. It relies on libdecodeqr for decoding.0T" ruby[["backports-1.18.2u;V[" 1.4.0i"backportsU:Gem::Version[" 1.18.2u: Time $"-Backports of Ruby 1.8.7+ for older ruby.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Marc-André Lafortune" Essential backports that enable some of the really nice features of ruby 1.8.7, ruby 1.9 and rails from ruby 1.8.6 and earlier. 0T" ruby[["sinatra-cas-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"sinatra-casU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time B"CAS Plugin for Sinatra ...U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Galin Yordanov"CAS Plugin for Sinatra ...0T" ruby[["pacmon-0.3.1u;[" 1.4.0i" pacmonU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.1u: Time D"Pacmon clientU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"bluecloth:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " fakefs; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "mg; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @G;F00["Ørjan Blom"Pacmon client0T" ruby[["bucketface-0.2.1u;t[" 1.4.0i"bucketfaceU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time ")Provides a wrapper for Bitbucket APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.6.1: @name" httparty:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.3.0; " hashie; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["0.9; " mocha; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.11; " shoulda; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.3; " fakeweb; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.4.0; "jnunemaker-matchy; @Q;F00["Rafael George")Provides a wrapper for Bitbucket API0T" ruby[["simple_record-2.0.5u;[" 1.4.0i"simple_recordU:Gem::Version[" 2.0.5u: Time "NActiveRecord like interface for Amazon SimpleDB. By http://www.appoxy.comU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"aws:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Travis Reeder"Chad Arimura"RightScale"hActiveRecord like interface for Amazon SimpleDB. Store, query, shard, etc. By http://www.appoxy.com0T" ruby[["configuration_dsl-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"configuration_dslU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time E"/Configure classes and objects using a DSL.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.2: @name" jeweler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @3;F00["Christopher J Bottaro"5Easily configure a class (or object) with a DSL.0T" ruby[["formz-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" formzU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time %l"&Framework independant tag helpersU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-factory_girl:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; "rspec_hpricot_matchers; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.0; " rext; @3;F00["TJ Holowaychuk"&Framework independant tag helpers0T" ruby[["drp-0.0.6u;$[" 1.4.0i"drpU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.6u: Time "Ngenetic programming * grammatical evolution = directed (ruby) programmingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Christophe McKeon"=Directed Programming is a new generative programming technique developed by Christophe McKeon which is a generalisation of Grammatical Evolution (http://www.grammatical-evolution.org) allowing one not only to do GE, but also to do Genetic Programming (http://www.genetic-programming.org) in pure Ruby without explicitly generating a program string as output. DP even allows you to set up hybrids of GP and GE where part of a GE subtree is calculated using normal Ruby functions/operators/etc. via. GP. DRP is the first ever implementation of DP and is written in pure Ruby.0T" ruby[["zmack-ultraviolet-0.10.2u;[" 1.4.0i"zmack-ultravioletU:Gem::Version[" 0.10.2u: Time %"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"oniguruma:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.10.0; " textpow; @);F00["Dizan Vasquez" Ultraviolet is a syntax highlighting library and engine. It uses TextMate[http://macromates.com/] syntax files and parses them using the Textpow[http://textpow.rubyforge.org] library. It supports more than 60 programming languages out of the box. 0T" ruby[["polish-0.1.1u;L[" 1.4.0i" polishU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time Ě"/Polish language support for Ruby and RailsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.3: @name" i18n:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Grzesiek Kolodziejczyk"0T" ruby[["wsse-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i" wsseU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time $ " testU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Takafumi Nanao" test0T" ruby[["spidr-0.2.7u;H[" 1.4.0i" spidrU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.7u: Time $"+A versatile Ruby web spidering libraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.8.7: @name" rake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.3.0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.4.0; " jeweler; @3;F00["Postmodern"Spidr is a versatile Ruby web spidering library that can spider a site, multiple domains, certain links or infinitely. Spidr is designed to be fast and easy to use.0T" ruby[["s3upload-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" s3uploadU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time ">A jQuery plugin for direct upload to an Amazon S3 bucket.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Robert Sköld">A jQuery plugin for direct upload to an Amazon S3 bucket.0T" ruby[["rails_ip_validator-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"rails_ip_validatorU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "an ip validator for railsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.0: @name"activemodel:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.1; " jeweler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.0; "activemodel; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ipaddress; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " cover_me; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ipaddress; @[;F00["Marco Scholl"1a class to validate ip. it builded for rails0T" ruby[["purp-ruby-gmail-0.2.2u;[" 1.4.0i"purp-ruby-gmailU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.2u: Time "DA Rubyesque interface to Gmail, with all the tools you'll need.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.2.1: @name" mail:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "shared-mime-info; @);F00["BehindLogic"Justin Perkins"Jim Meyer"A Rubyesque interface to Gmail, with all the tools you'll need. Search, read and send multipart emails; archive, mark as read/unread, delete emails; and manage labels. [This is a fork of http://github.com/justinperkins/ruby-gmail which is a fork of http://github.com/dcparker/ruby-gmail]0T" ruby[["hooked-0.1.2u;K[" 1.4.0i" hookedU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time "1Ruby Library For Aspect Oriented ProgrammingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"test-unit:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "depression; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mocha; @3;F00["Lars Gierth"Hooked makes AOP a breeze. It lets you define and invoke code that gems or other parts of your application can hook onto.0T" ruby[["date-casually-0.2.0u;y[" 1.4.0i"date-casuallyU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time "^Easy on the eyes alternative to the Rails distance_of_time_in_words_to_now helper method.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.5: @name" timecop:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.3; " chronic; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.1; " i18n; @3;F00["Theo Mills"If you've never liked (and always seem to forget) the name of the Rails distance_of_time_in_words_to_now helper method, then it's time to date casually.0T" ruby[["newie-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i" newieU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time "/The fastest dependency injection frameworkU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.1: @name" jeweler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @=;F00["guilherme silveira"/The fastest dependency injection framework0T" ruby[["attr_symbol-0.0.4u;A[" 1.4.0i"attr_symbolU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time e"dDeclare one or more ActiveRecord attributes stored in string columns to be returned as symbols.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.5: @name"activerecord:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.11.3; " shoulda; @);F00["Justin Wienckowski"Attributes marked with the attr_symbol method can be set using strings or symbols, but when accessed will always return symbols.0T" ruby[["mongoid_data_table-0.1.4u;[" 1.4.0i"mongoid_data_tableU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time Ħ"ISimple data preparation from Mongoid to the jQuery DataTables pluginU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.0: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2.0.0.beta18; " mongoid; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; "rr; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.pre2; "will_paginate; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.0; "actionpack; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.11.0; " shoulda; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.0.0; " rspec; @[;F00["Jason Dew"ISimple data preparation from Mongoid to the jQuery DataTables plugin0T" ruby[["growl-atom-0.0.6u;G[" 1.4.0i"growl-atomU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.6u: Time Eo"1Creates growl notifications for Atom entriesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 1.0.3: @name" growl:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Matt Haynes"0T" ruby[["has_default-0.6.0u;[" 1.4.0i"has_defaultU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.0u: Time d"HSpecify a default instance to be returned for an ActiveRecord modelU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Brad Gessler"0T" ruby[["doozer-0.4.4u;[" 1.4.0i" doozerU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.4u: Time "2A little MVC framework for Rack applications.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" grippy"WThis GEM provides a small, barebones framework for creating MVC Rack applications.0T" ruby[["activespec-0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"activespecU:Gem::Version["0.1u: Time "Ruby Specification LibraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Luke Redpath"0T" ruby[[""senotrusov-ruby-toolkit-1.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"senotrusov-ruby-toolkitU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.3u: Time k"*Basis helpers for my ruby developmentU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Stanislav Senotrusov"0T" ruby[["cmd-0.7.2u;[" 1.4.0i"cmdU:Gem::Version[" 0.7.2u: Time dM"AA generic class to build line-oriented command interpreters.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Marcel Molina Jr."AA generic class to build line-oriented command interpreters.0T" ruby[["log-block-0.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i"log-blockU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time dK"-Automatic indenting of ruby log messagesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jon Moses"0T" ruby[["patrickod-raspell-1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"patrickod-raspellU:Gem::Version["1.1u: Time e"%A fork of raspell for ruby 1.9.1U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Patrick O'Doherty"%A fork of raspell for ruby 1.9.10T" ruby[["j-contacts-1.2.4u;N[" 1.4.0i"j-contactsU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.4u: Time "~A universal interface to grab contact list information from various providers including Yahoo, AOL, Gmail, Hotmail, and Plaxo.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.1: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.1; " gdata; @);F00["Lucas Carlson"~A universal interface to grab contact list information from various providers including Yahoo, AOL, Gmail, Hotmail, and Plaxo.0T" ruby[["jekyll-pagination-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"jekyll-paginationU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time "6Jekyll plugin to extend the pagination generator.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jens Wille"6Jekyll plugin to extend the pagination generator.0T" ruby[["vizir-0.2.6u;[" 1.4.0i" vizirU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.6u: Time \"+Growl notifications for Grid'5000 jobsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "net-ssh-gateway; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rest-client; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "eventmachine; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "growlnotifier; @G;F00["Pierre Riteau"Vizir is a simple Ruby script for Mac OS X that monitors your interactive jobs on Grid'5000. It triggers Growl notifications when your reservations are going to terminate, allowing you to save your work and/or your deployed environments.0T" ruby[["mimic-0.4.1u;[" 1.4.0i" mimicU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.1u: Time "
=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" sinatra:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " cucumber; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mocha; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rest-client; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " plist; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.4.0; " rspec; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " json; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rack; @e;F00["Luke Redpath"0T" ruby[["conditional_dcommit-0.1.3u;[" 1.4.0i"conditional_dcommitU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time f"}Loops through rebase and test until tests pass and there are no new changes in the repository, then issues a git svn dcommit.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" open4:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Alf Mikula"0T" ruby[["extjs-xtheme-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"extjs-xthemeU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "&Ext theme-generator and colorizerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["2.3; "haml-edge; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rmagick; @3;F00["Christocracy"NGenerates Sass-based Ext themes. Includes methods for colorizing themes.0T" ruby[["texvc-;[" 1.4.0i" texvcU:Gem::Version[" Time "*The wrapper utility for texvc commandU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.2: @name" redgreen:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " tempdir; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rmagick; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.4; " escape; @=;F00["Genki Takiuchi"*The wrapper utility for texvc command0T" ruby[["postgres-;[" 1.4.0i" postgresU:Gem::Version[" Time ":Ruby extension library providing an API to PostgreSQLU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[ "Yukihiro Matsumoto"Eiji Matsumoto"Noboru Saitou" Dave Lee"Jeff Davis"0T" ruby[["compass-themes-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"compass-themesU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "Themes using compassU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0: @name" bundler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["0.11.beta.1; " compass; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["3.1.0.alpha.218; " sass; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["3.1.alpha.214; " haml; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.0.0; " rspec; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mocha; @Q;F00["Scott Davis";Out of the box designs using the compass css framework0T" ruby[["jintastic-1.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"jintasticU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.0u: Time E"9jQuery based in-place editor generated by FormtasticU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"formtastic:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Nandor Komzak"9jQuery based in-place editor generated by Formtastic0T" ruby[["bloodymines-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"bloodyminesU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time "A minesweeper-like game.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Ömür Özkir"2Play a minesweeper-like game in your terminal0T" ruby[["mumboe-vpim-0.695u;j[" 1.4.0i"mumboe-vpimU:Gem::Version[" 0.695u: Time l"\iCalendar and vCard support for ruby with minor modification for Ruby 1.9 compatibilityU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Sam Roberts"zThis is a pure-ruby library for decoding and encoding vCard and iCalendar data ("personal information") called vPim. 0T" ruby[["snakeeyes-0.0.6u;[" 1.4.0i"snakeeyesU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.6u: Time Ů">snakeeyes reports to general hawk. he's the coolest cijoeU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Scott Chacon"g snakeeyes is a polling, command line based cijoe replacement that will report to generalhawk. 0T" ruby[["haddock-0.2.2u;[" 1.4.0i" haddockU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.2u: Time "(A more memorable password generatorU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Stephen Celis"[A more memorable password generator. Swordfish? No, I got tired of that. I changed it.0T" ruby[["buzzcore-0.5.1u;[" 1.4.0i" buzzcoreU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.1u: Time "Pbuzzcore is the ruby core library developed and used by Buzzware Solutions.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" POpen4:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @);F00[" buzzware"Pbuzzcore is the ruby core library developed and used by Buzzware Solutions.0T" ruby[["kwala-0.9.1u;[" 1.4.0i" kwalaU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.1u: Time "uKwala is a pluggable code quality build system with the ability to due CI + Mascot Driven Development MotivationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" Zev Blut"0T" ruby[["eymiha_test-1.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"eymiha_testU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time !"#Eymiha unit testing extensionsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Dave Anderson"0T" ruby[["bmaland-aegis-1.1.6u;m[" 1.4.0i"bmaland-aegisU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.6u: Time ei"1Role-based permissions for your user models.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Henning Koch"Aegis is a role-based permission system, where all users are given a role. It is possible to define detailed and complex permissions for each role very easily.0T" ruby[["drx-0.4.5u;[" 1.4.0i"drxU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.5u: Time "Object inspector for Ruby.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" Mooffie"0T" ruby[["nispack-0.0.2u;/[" 1.4.0i" nispackU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time "gem summaryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["2.3: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["tonypolik"gem description0T" ruby[["trunkly-0.2.0u;X[" 1.4.0i" trunklyU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time "!Ruby Client for Trunk.ly APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Filippo Diotalevi"#A Ruby Client for Trunk.ly API0T" ruby[["sparrow-0.4.1u; [" 1.4.0i" sparrowU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.1u: Time $"BSimple file based messagine queue using the memcache protocolU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.10.0: @name"eventmachine:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.2; "sqlite3-ruby; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.7.0; "hoe; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.7.0; "hoe; @=;F00["Alex MacCAw"$# Sparrow is a really fast lightweight queue written in Ruby that speaks memcached. # That means you can use Sparrow with any memcached client library (Ruby or otherwise). # # Basic tests shows that Sparrow processes messages at a rate of 850-900 per second. # The load Sparrow can cope with increases exponentially as you add to the cluster. # Sparrow also takes advantage of eventmachine, which uses a non-blocking io, offering great performance. # # Sparrow is a in-memory queue but will persist the data to disk when receiving a term signal. # # Sparrow comes with built in support for daemonization and clustering. # Also included are example libraries and clients. For example: # # require 'memcache' # m = MemCache.new('') # m['queue_name'] = '1' # Publish to queue # m['queue_name'] #=> 1 Pull next msg from queue # m['queue_name'] #=> nil # m.delete('queue_name) # Delete queue # # # or using the included client: # # class MyQueue < MQ3::Queue # def on_message # logger.info "Received msg with args: #{args.inspect}" # end # end # # MyQueue.servers = [ # MQ3::Protocols::Memcache.new({:host => '', :port => 11212, :weight => 1}) # ] # MyQueue.publish('test msg') # MyQueue.run # # Messages are deleted as soon as they're read and the order you add messages to the queue probably won't # be the same order when they're removed. # # Additional memcached commands that are supported are: # flush_all # Deletes all queues # version # quit # The memcached commands 'add', and 'replace' just call 'set'. # # Call sparrow with --help for usage options # # The daemonization won't work on Windows. # # Check out the code: # svn checkout http://sparrow.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ sparrow # # Sparrow was inspired by Twitter's Starling0T" ruby[["posterrrrous-0.0.2u;T[" 1.4.0i"posterrrrousU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time "3Quick and dirty Ruby API wrapper for PosterousU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" httparty:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["2.0.0.beta.19; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.5.0.pre3; " jeweler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @G;F00["Joshua Nichols"3Quick and dirty Ruby API wrapper for Posterous0T" ruby[["google-prediction-0.1.5u;:[" 1.4.0i"google-predictionU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.5u: Time $".Google Prediction API interface for Ruby.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" @name" curb:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.3; " json; @);F00[" Sam King"Generates an auth token from a google account Trains using the auth token and data uploaded to Google Storage for Developers Checks the training status Predicts outputs when given new input0T" ruby[["opencv-0.0.7u;[" 1.4.0i" opencvU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.7u: Time K"OpenCV wrapper for Ruby.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.11.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.11.0; "hoe; @);F00["Masakazu Yonekura" lsxi"OpenCV wrapper for Ruby0T" ruby[["raus22-happymapper-0.3.3u;[" 1.4.0i"raus22-happymapperU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.3u: Time k""object to xml mapping libraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 1.1.3: @name"libxml-ruby:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["John Nunemaker"Dobject to xml mapping library, (forked from dam5s-happymapper)"0T" ruby[["*alexspeller-acts-as-taggable-on-1.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"$alexspeller-acts-as-taggable-onU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.1u: Time i"nActsAsTaggableOn is a tagging plugin for Rails that provides multiple tagging contexts on a single model.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Michael Bleigh"With ActsAsTaggableOn, you could tag a single model on several contexts, such as skills, interests, and awards. It also provides other advanced functionality.0T" ruby[["annotate-models-1.0.4u;^[" 1.4.0i"annotate-modelsU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.4u: Time "cAdd a comment summarizing the current schema to the top of each ActiveRecord model source fileU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Dave Thomas"cAdd a comment summarizing the current schema to the top of each ActiveRecord model source file0T" ruby[["breadcrumbs_on_rails-1.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"breadcrumbs_on_railsU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time "UA simple Ruby on Rails plugin for creating and managing a breadcrumb navigation.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.8.7: @name" rake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.2.0; " echoe; @);F00["Simone Carletti" BreadcrumbsOnRails is a simple Ruby on Rails plugin for creating and managing a breadcrumb navigation for a Rails project. It provides helpers for creating navigation elements with a flexible interface. 0T" ruby[["witness-2.1.1u;)[" 1.4.0i" witnessU:Gem::Version[" 2.1.1u: Time Ů" WitnessU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0: @name" bundler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rack; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.1.0; " rspec; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.2; " sigil; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.0; "activesupport; @Q;F00["Steve Hoeksema" Witness0T" ruby[["template-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i" templateU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time "=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.1: @name" jeweler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">U;["3.0; "simple-navigation; @G;F00[" Yule"Creates a bunch of files that most apps will have. Shoudl be used at the beginning of the project. Stops the tedious job of having to set up page templates etc0T" ruby[["sinatra-sugar-0.5.0u;[" 1.4.0i"sinatra-sugarU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.0u: Time "nSome extensions to the sinatra default behavior (usefull for other Sintatra extensions, part of BigBand).U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.5.0: @name"monkey-lib:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.5.0; "sinatra-test-helper; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.0; " sinatra; @=;F00["Konstantin Haase"nSome extensions to the sinatra default behavior (usefull for other Sintatra extensions, part of BigBand).0T" ruby[["simple_pid-0.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i"simple_pidU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time $":A simple, but complete library for managing pidfiles.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["watsonian":A simple, but complete library for managing pidfiles.0T" ruby[[" ruby-debug-completion-0.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i"ruby-debug-completionU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time %"%Mission: autocomplete ruby-debugU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.3: @name" bond:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Gabriel Horner"Provides ruby-debug command and command arguments completion with a completion system more powerful than irb's, compliments of bond.0T" ruby[["rack-auth-kerberos-0.2.5u;7[" 1.4.0i"rack-auth-kerberosU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.5u: Time "=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.5: @name"djberg96-krb5-auth:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; " rack; @);F00["Daniel Berger"Charlie O'Keefe"Marty Haught"{ The rack-kerberos library provides a Rack middleware interface for authenticating users against a Kerberos server. 0T" ruby[["priority_queue-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"priority_queueU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time %k"%A simple priority queue in Ruby.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Justin Balthrop"%A simple priority queue in Ruby.0T" ruby[["fixture_builder-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"fixture_builderU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time "/Build YAML fixtures using object factoriesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" Ryan Dy"David Stevenson"FixtureBuilder allows testers to use their existing factories, like FactoryGirl, to generate high performance fixtures that can be shared across all your tests0T" ruby[["snowleopard-ncurses-1.2.4u;T[" 1.4.0i"snowleopard-ncursesU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.4u: Time $"Updated for Snow Leopard ruby 1.9.2 (Ralf Papenkordt). This wrapper provides access to the functions, macros, global variables and constants of the ncurses library. These are mapped to a Ruby Module named Ncurses.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Tobias Peters"Updated for Snow Leopard ruby 1.9.2 (Ralf Papenkordt). This wrapper provides access to the functions, macros, global variables and constants of the ncurses library. These are mapped to a Ruby Module named Ncurses.0T" ruby[["eveel-moneta-0.5.1u;[" 1.4.0i"eveel-monetaU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.1u: Time ",A unified interface to key/value storesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Yehuda Katz"Dmitry A. Ustalov",A unified interface to key/value stores0T" ruby[["frequency-0.1.5u;[" 1.4.0i"frequencyU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.5u: Time d"7Interpret and compare frequencies (such as hourly)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["David James"XInterpret strings that represent frequencies (once a day, hourly, biennially, etc.)0T" ruby[["googlepagerank-1.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i"googlepagerankU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.4u: Time "0Ruby gem for fetching Google PageRank®U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.86: @name" hpricot:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.3; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.2; "activesupport; @3;F00["frandieguez"0Ruby gem for fetching Google PageRank®0T" ruby[["open311-0.1.1u;W[" 1.4.0i" open311U:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time e"+A Ruby wrapper for the Open311 API v2.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.2.0: @name"multi_xml:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.5.4; " faraday; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["4.4; " ZenTest; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2.4; " rspec; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.0.5; "multi_json; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["0.3; "simplecov; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.5; " webmock; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " hashie; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["0.6; " yard; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.4; " nokogiri; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["0.8; " rake; @~;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.0; " bundler; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["0.6; " maruku; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.4; " json; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.3.1; "faraday_middleware; @;F00["Dan Melton"Erik Michaels-Ober"+A Ruby wrapper for the Open311 API v2.0T" ruby[["imagetiler-0.1.6u;4[" 1.4.0i"imagetilerU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.6u: Time ĥ"Simple image tilerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" Anna"Guilhem Vellut"{imagetiler is a simple command-line and ruby image tiler with support for multiple zoom levels and different image formats.0T" ruby[["twilio-ruby-0.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i"twilio-rubyU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time "@A simple library for communicating with the Twilio REST APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.2: @name" builder:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.8; " crack; @);F00["Andrew Benton"@A simple library for communicating with the Twilio REST API0T" ruby[["mozier-0.0.7u;[" 1.4.0i" mozierU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.7u: Time "6Small library to access backup info from mozy.comU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.3: @name" chronic:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; "mechanize; @);F00["Albert Llop"0T" ruby[["methlab-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" methlabU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "2A method construction and validation toolkit.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Erik Hollensbe"0T" ruby[["sprout-swfmill-0.2.17u;,[" 1.4.0i"sprout-swfmillU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.17u: Time " SWFMillU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.1: @name" sprout:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Daniel Fischer"0T" ruby[["crypt-1.1.4u;[" 1.4.0i" cryptU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.4u: Time Ĝ"The Crypt library is a pure-ruby implementation of a number of popular encryption algorithms. Block cyphers currently include Blowfish, GOST, IDEA, and Rijndael (AES). Cypher Block Chaining (CBC) has been implemented. Twofish, Serpent, and CAST256 are planned for release soon.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Richard Kernahan"0T" ruby[["daemons-1.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" daemonsU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.0u: Time d">A toolkit to create and control daemons in different waysU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Thomas Uehlinger"  Daemons provides an easy way to wrap existing ruby scripts (for example a self-written server) to be run as a daemon and to be controlled by simple start/stop/restart commands. You can also call blocks as daemons and control them from the parent or just daemonize the current process. Besides this basic functionality, daemons offers many advanced features like exception backtracing and logging (in case your ruby script crashes) and monitoring and automatic restarting of your processes if they crash. 0T" ruby[["gosen-0.2.0u;([" 1.4.0i" gosenU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time d"1A Ruby library for the Grid'5000 RESTful APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.8: @name" mocha:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.1; "restfully; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.10.2; " shoulda; @3;F00["Pierre Riteau"{Gosen is a Ruby library providing high-level operations using the Grid'5000 RESTful API, such as Kadeploy deployments.0T" ruby[["activerubic-0.8.2u;u[" 1.4.0i"activerubicU:Gem::Version[" 0.8.2u: Time d"QActiveRubic is a connector to semantic data stores, such as Jena and Joseki.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.6.8: @name"activerdf:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Mikael Lammentausta"0T" ruby[["schubert-ci_reporter-1.6.2u;J[" 1.4.0i"schubert-ci_reporterU:Gem::Version[" 1.6.2u: Time "bCI::Reporter allows you to generate reams of XML for use with continuous integration systems.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.0: @name"gemcutter:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4; "rubyforge; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.2; " builder; @3;F00["Michael Schubert"W(NOTE: This is a fork of the original, follow the link on github for the original)0T" ruby[["ruby-libnids-1.0u;O[" 1.4.0i"ruby-libnidsU:Gem::Version["1.0u: Time d$"Ruby binding for libnidsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["ruby-libnids is a Ruby binding for libnids library written in C programming language. libnids homepage: http://libnids.sourceforge.net libnids author: Rafal Wojtczuk0T" ruby[["rjack-slf4j-;[" 1.4.0i"rjack-slf4jU:Gem::Version[" Time "fA JRuby adaption and gem packaging of the {Simple Logging Facade for Java}[http://www.slf4j.org/]U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.2.2: @name"rjack-tarpit:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["David Kellum"A JRuby adaption and gem packaging of the {Simple Logging Facade for Java}[http://www.slf4j.org/]. Provides all jar dependencies and a Ruby Logger compatible facade. SLF4J is a java logging abstraction and set of adapters to various concrete logging implementations and legacy logging APIs. The slf4j gem adds a ruby core Logger compatible facade to SLF4J, and makes any needed adapters available to JRuby applications. This makes it possible to unify and control logging output of both java and ruby components in a JRuby application.0T" ruby[["inception-0.0.0u;`[" 1.4.0i"inceptionU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.0u: Time D"!one-line summary of your gemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Nick Quaranto"#longer description of your gem0T" ruby[["mailman-0.4.0u;[" 1.4.0i" mailmanU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.0u: Time d"/A incoming email processing microframeworkU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.3: @name" mail:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.4; "activesupport; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.0; " maildir; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.1; " i18n; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.4; " fssm; @Q;F00["Jonathan Rudenberg"OMailman makes it easy to process incoming emails with a simple routing DSL0T" ruby[["mizuno-0.3.6u;#[" 1.4.0i" mizunoU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.6u: Time D"fRack handler for Jetty 7 on JRuby. Features multithreading, event-driven I/O, and async support.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Don Werve"0Jetty-powered running shoes for JRuby/Rack.0T" ruby[["mm-nested-attributes-0.1.0u;&[" 1.4.0i"mm-nested-attributesU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time $"MA port of ActiveRecord's nested attributes functionality for MongoMapperU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.2: @name"mongo_mapper:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.4.3; " bones; @3;F00["Toni Tuominen"NA port of ActiveRecord's nested attributes functionality for MongoMapper.0T" ruby[["stagecoach-0.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i"stagecoachU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time "ZStagecoach is a Rack asset server that supports concatenation and templating via TiltU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0.2: @name" tilt:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.0; " rack; @);F00["Joshua Peek"[Stagecoach is a Rack asset server that supports concatenation and templating via Tilt.0T" ruby[["cmeiklejohn-aws-2.3.19u;[" 1.4.0i"cmeiklejohn-awsU:Gem::Version[" 2.3.19u: Time "AWS Ruby Library for interfacing with Amazon Web Services. Forked to resolve issues with using this outside of Rails, and with non-upcased locations.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"xml-simple:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "http_connection; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "uuidtools; @3;F00[ "Christopher Meiklejohn"Travis Reeder"Chad Arimura"RightScale"AWS Ruby Library for interfacing with Amazon Web Services. Forked to resolve issues with using this outside of Rails, and with non-upcased locations.0T" ruby[["buildr-gemjar-1.0.0u;@[" 1.4.0i"buildr-gemjarU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time "BProvides buildr support for packaging gems in a JAR for JRubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 1.4.3: @name"json_pure:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.0.4; " net-sftp; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.9.4; " rubyzip; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.8.7; " rake; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.3.3; "hoe; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.5.3; " minitar; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.1.2; " builder; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.0.12; "xml-simple; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.5.1; " highline; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.7.1; "atoulme-Antwrap; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.0.3; "rubyforge; @~;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.1.0; " rspec; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.3.3; "rjb; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["0.6; " braid; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.0.23; " net-ssh; @;F00["Rhett Sutphin"0T" ruby[["fechell-0.1.9u;f[" 1.4.0i" fechellU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.9u: Time Ċ",Parse electronically filed FEC reports.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"fastercsv:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jason Holt",Parse electronically filed FEC reports.0T" ruby[["sets_uuid-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"sets_uuidU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time d"UUID management for modelsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.0["=U;[" 2.0.0; "activerecord; @.;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.1; "simple_uuid; @8;F00["Emmanuel Oga"=Adds declarative uuid attribute initialization to models0T" ruby[["hooker-1.0.0u;:[" 1.4.0i" hookerU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time "Hooker provides a simple registry of hooks or extension points, enabling decoupled run time configuration in terse but straight ruby syntaxU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.7.1["U;[" 1.3.0; "rjack-tarpit; @.;F00["David Kellum"GHooker provides a simple registry of hooks or extension points, enabling decoupled run time configuration in terse but straight ruby syntax. Inspiration includes {Emacs Hook Functions}[http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/Hooks.html] (Lisp) and other applications which support configuration files in ruby.0T" ruby[["em-synchrony-0.2.0u;l[" 1.4.0i"em-synchronyU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time ħ"'Fiber aware EventMachine librariesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.12.9: @name"eventmachine:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Ilya Grigorik"'Fiber aware EventMachine libraries0T" ruby[["next-big-sound-0.8.2u;[" 1.4.0i"next-big-soundU:Gem::Version[" 0.8.2u: Time $"Next Big SoundU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["jeff durand"nA simple wrapper class for the Next Big Sound api. docs for the api can be found at api.nextbigsound.com0T" ruby[["toddler-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i" toddlerU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time Ŭ"Toddler GemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rcov:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.1; " jeweler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @=;F00["John E. Vincent"1A pure Ruby implementation of a two year old0T" ruby[["sqliki_generator-0.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i"sqliki_generatorU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time d`"&[Rails] SQL-based wiki generator.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.13.1: @name" rails:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0; " RedCloth; @);F00["Markus J. Q. Roberts"KGenerates code for (primative) a SQL-based wiki within your Rails app.0T" ruby[["snatch-1.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" snatchU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.0u: Time $"7wget your site and replace any nasty PHP CSS filesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" nokogiri:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @);F00["James Conroy-Finn"_Simple site downloaded that wraps wget and converts PHP CSS files in to regular CSS files.0T" ruby[["sga_enum-0.1.0u;|[" 1.4.0i" sga_enumU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "3simple enum collection for select dropdown etcU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" tim.teng"3It's an easy way to build your select box, etc0T" ruby[["rtlog-0.1.2u;R[" 1.4.0i" rtlogU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time E"U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.0: @name" rubytter:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.0; "activesupport; @);F00[" yuanying"0T" ruby[["rsift-0.3.5u;[" 1.4.0i" rsiftU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.5u: Time "&Ruby wrapper for the Datasift APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 0.8.7: @name" rake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.11.3; " shoulda; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.6.1; " webmock; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.1.95; " jakal; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.4.2; "rest-client; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.1.1; "test-unit; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.4.6; " json; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.2.15; "em-http-request; @e;F00["Steven Shingler"This is a Ruby client wrapper for the Datasift API. Right now, it just handles data, streams and comments. There's also a class to handle receiving data from Datasift using their websockets implementation. 0T" ruby[["regulate-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i" regulateU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "vRails 3 engine that provides a Git backed CMS that allows for an admin to define editable regions in a page view.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 2.3.0: @name" grit:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.1.3; "abstract_auth; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.4.0; " capybara; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.6.4; " yard; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.3.2; "sqlite3-ruby; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.0; " rails; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.0.9; "bluecloth; @e;F00["Collin Schaafsma"Ryan Cook"vRails 3 engine that provides a Git backed CMS that allows for an admin to define editable regions in a page view.0T" ruby[["pyrite-0.6.6u;[" 1.4.0i" pyriteU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.6u: Time d"Easy peasy browser testingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.4: @name"selenium_remote_control:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.5.2; "database_cleaner; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.2.18; "selenium-client; @3;F00["Adam Rogers"Dean Strelau"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rsruby; @);F00["Ben J Woodcroft"Brandom useful methods for working with Ruby arrays and hashes0T" ruby[["integritray-0.5.0u;X[" 1.4.0i"integritrayU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.0u: Time "!CCMenu support for IntegrityU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0: @name" sinatra:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Josh French"Justin Smestad"Gabe Varela"0T" ruby[["modusoperandi-1.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"modusoperandiU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time c",A utility to manage configuration filesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Simon Ordish"0T" ruby[[" gorges_capistrano_ext-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"gorges_capistrano_extU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time $"U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["0T" ruby[["markdownizer-0.1.3u;[" 1.4.0i"markdownizerU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time E"ARender any text as markdown, with code highlighting and all!U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" pygments:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.4.0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rdiscount; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "git; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.3; "activerecord; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rocco; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " coderay; @[;F00["Josep M. Bach"Josep Jaume Rey"Oriol Gual"ARender any text as markdown, with code highlighting and all!0T" ruby[[" ajaxful_rating_jquery-2.2.9u;[" 1.4.0i"ajaxful_rating_jqueryU:Gem::Version[" 2.2.9u: Time ģ"TAdd star rating functionality to your Rails 2.3.x application. Requires jQuery.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" Jack Chu"Edgar J. Suarez"Provides a simple way to add rating functionality to your application. This is a fork of ajaxful_ratings that works with jQuery instead of Prototype and uses unobtrusive javascript instead of link_to_remote.0T" ruby[["'brianjlandau-vestal_versions-1.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i"!brianjlandau-vestal_versionsU:Gem::Version[" 1.3.0u: Time "=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " jeweler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "sqlite3-ruby; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mocha; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.8; " rails; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.8; "activerecord; @e;F00["laserlemon"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.3: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Federico Builes"Shipping Calculator written in Ruby to get quick quotes from DHL and Freight Carriers. We hope to support FedEx and UPS in a near future.0T" ruby[["ruby-djbdns-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"ruby-djbdnsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time ""Ruby module to manage TinyDNSU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Christopher Boumenot"0T" ruby[["htmlclipping-0.1.8u;4[" 1.4.0i"htmlclippingU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.8u: Time "dHtmlClipping generates excerpts from an HTML page that has a link pointing to a particular URI.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Francis Hwang"2HtmlClipping generates excerpts from an HTML page that has a link pointing to a particular URI. It removes most HTML markup, bolds the link text, and trims the resulting text to a fixed number of characters. I developed it to help me track referers to my website, though I suppose it might have other uses.0T" ruby[["bookscan-0.5.4u;y[" 1.4.0i" bookscanU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.4u: Time "BookScan ScraperU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">U;["0.1: @name"keystorage:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; "mechanize; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mutter; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["; "httpclient; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.0; "progressbar; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">U;["1.6; " highline; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.2; " jeweler; @y;F00["Yoshihiro TAKAHARA"uThis is a scraper of Bookscan (http://www.bookscan.co.jp) Service.This is *NOT* a official software of Bookscan.0T" ruby[["daemonz-0.3.2u;[" 1.4.0i" daemonzU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.2u: Time d"FAutomatically starts and stops the daemons in a Rails applicationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"simple-daemon:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "zerg_support; @);F00["Victor Costan"0T" ruby[["crack-0.1.8u;[" 1.4.0i" crackU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.8u: Time "DReally simple JSON and XML parsing, ripped from Merb and Rails.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["John Nunemaker"Wynn Netherland"0T" ruby[["virtuoso-prototype-0.0.7u;[" 1.4.0i"virtuoso-prototypeU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.7u: Time "?A protoype for managing virtualbox VMs, scripts VBoxManageU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.1: @name" uuid:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.4; " choice; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.0; " systemu; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.5; "virtualbox; @=;F00["3Crowd Technologies" Inc."Justin Lynn"~A quick and dirty prototype for managing virtualbox virtual machines, only scripts VBoxManage to eliminate bringup of a raw VM0T" ruby[["utopia-0.9.43u;[" 1.4.0i" utopiaU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.43u: Time %"1Utopia is a framework for building websites.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"rack-contrib:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rack; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rmagick; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rack-cache; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "mime-types; @G;F00["Samuel Williams"0T" ruby[["authcan_easyroller-0.1.4u;[" 1.4.0i"authcan_easyrollerU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time "cRails 3 engine for user authentication/authorization utilizing Authlogic, CanCan and EasyRolesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0: @name"easy_roles:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.2; " cancan; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.3; "authlogic; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "thoughtbot-shoulda; @=;F00["Topher Fangio"This is a basic Rails engine utilizing Authlogic, CanCan and Easy Roles to create a starting point for simple Rails-based applications that need authentication and authorization. 0T" ruby[["ispusage-0.4.2u; [" 1.4.0i" ispusageU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.2u: Time "Fetch ISP quota UsageU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "time_travel; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "mechanize; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " nokogiri; @G;F00["Alan Harper"Fetch ISP qutoa usage0T" ruby[["rediline-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i" redilineU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time "Redis Backed TimelineU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 0.10.0: @name"redis-namespace:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " json; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " i18n; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["2; "activesupport; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.0.7; " redis; @G;F00["Damien MATHIEU"Timeline library0T" ruby[["progressions-g-1.3.1u;[" 1.4.0i"progressions-gU:Gem::Version[" 1.3.1u: Time E"g is like pU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.1: @name"ruby-growl:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @);F00[" jugyo"Jeff Coleman"6The Kernel.g that works like Kernel.p on growl :)0T" ruby[["gamebox-0.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i" gameboxU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time D"=Framework for building and distributing games using GosuU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"constructor:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " jeweler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " bundler; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "publisher; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " gosu; @Q;F00["Shawn Anderson"Jason Roelofs"Karlin Fox"=Framework for building and distributing games using Gosu0T" ruby[["file-birthtime-0.4u;[" 1.4.0i"file-birthtimeU:Gem::Version["0.4u: Time Ĩ"/Birthtime support for File and File::Stat.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Marcin Wisnicki"0T" ruby[["CloudyScripts-1.5.23u;[" 1.4.0i"CloudyScriptsU:Gem::Version[" 1.5.23u: Time "AScripts to facilitate programming for infrastructure clouds.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" net-scp:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " net-ssh; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "amazon-ec2; @3;F00["Matthias Jung"AScripts to facilitate programming for infrastructure clouds.0T" ruby[["epoch-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i" epochU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time E-"J* Ruby library used to create patterns of time (temporal expressions)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.0: @name" bones:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.0; " bones; @);F00[" Dan Ryan"J* Ruby library used to create patterns of time (temporal expressions)0T" ruby[["epilotto_curriculum-0.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i"epilotto_curriculumU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time $"%Enrico Pilotto's Curriculm VitaeU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "term-ansicolor; @);F00["Enrico Pilotto"NGet Enrico Pilotto's Curriculm Vitae typing 'epilotto' from your terminal0T" ruby[["usesguid_migrations-1.0.3u;m[" 1.4.0i"usesguid_migrationsU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.3u: Time đ"eMakes your migrations work with usesguid plugin without explicitly defining the keys migrations.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["2.3: @name"activerecord:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " usesguid; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @3;F00["Jason Harrelson"}Makes your migrations work with usesguid plugin without explicitly defining the primary key id or foreign keys in migrations.0T" ruby[["shopping-list-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"shopping-listU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time E"#A gem to mimic a shopping listU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Miguel Patino"0T" ruby[["rspec-expectations-2.5.0u;[" 1.4.0i"rspec-expectationsU:Gem::Version[" 2.5.0u: Time "rspec-expectations-2.5.0U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.1.2: @name" diff-lcs:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["David Chelimsky"Chad Humphries"3rspec expectations (should[_not] and matchers)0T" ruby[["csv_renderer-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"csv_rendererU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "BA Rails3 renderer for the Comma Seperated Value (CSV) format.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Mark Bennett"A Rails3 renderer for the Comma Seperated Value (CSV) format. Thank-you to @josevalim for his excellent Crafting Rails3 Applications book which inspired this gem.0T" ruby[["ezcrypter-0.2u;~[" 1.4.0i"ezcrypterU:Gem::Version["0.2u: Time f"4Wraps EZCrypto library with convenience methodsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;["0.7: @name" ezcrypto:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Tracy Flynn";ezcrypter is derived from mack-encryption (markbates) 0T" ruby[["audioboo-0.1.3u;[" 1.4.0i" audiobooU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time "Audioboo magic for railsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Dave Goodchild"Audioboo magic for rails0T" ruby[["kitten-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" kittenU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time n":kitten is an evented websocket server written in rubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Feisty Studios"kitten is an evented webserver written in ruby for exposing application logic, models and assets in ruby web apps over websockets0T" ruby[["sme_storage-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"sme_storageU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time "$SMEStorage file upload library.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["August Lilleaas"5 Uploads files to SMEStorage with theri API. 0T" ruby[["role_model-0.6.0u;3[" 1.4.0i"role_modelU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.0u: Time $".Declare, assign and query roles with easeU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Martin Rehfeld"Ever needed to assign roles to a model, say a User, and build conditional behaviour on top of that? Enter RoleModel -- roles have never been easier! Just declare your roles and you are done. Assigned roles will be stored as a bitmask.0T" ruby[["meth-math-1.0.0u;J[" 1.4.0i"meth-mathU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time d\"YMethodes mathematique permettant de simplifier le calcul des cubes, carres, logs....U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Bureaux Sebastien"YMethodes mathematique permettant de simplifier le calcul des cubes, carres, logs....0T" ruby[["json_response-1.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"json_responseU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time d"Json Response wrapperU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["kazuyoshi tlacaelel"CA simple object that keeps json responses clean and organized.0T" ruby[["xml-to-haml-0.1.5u;[" 1.4.0i"xml-to-hamlU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.5u: Time ē"/xml-to-haml converts an XML string to HAMLU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["0T" ruby[["mediainfo-ruby-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"mediainfo-rubyU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time Ě"7MediaInfo Ruby Bridge. Call MediaInfo lib directlyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rice:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["David Martinez"7MediaInfo Ruby Bridge. Call MediaInfo lib directly0T" ruby[["active_fulfillment-1.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"active_fulfillmentU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.3u: Time "\Framework and tools for dealing with shipping, tracking and order fulfillment services.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0: @name" builder:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.2; "activesupport; @);F00["Cody Fauser"James MacAulay"0T" ruby[["'elucid-merb_activerecord-1.1.0.preu;[" 1.4.0i"elucid-merb_activerecordU:Gem::Version["1.1.0.preu: Time Ħ"NThis plugin allows seamless integration of the ActiveRecord ORM with merbU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.2; "activerecord; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.1.1; "merb-core; @3;F00["Duane Johnson"3Merb plugin that provides ActiveRecord support0T" ruby[["kestrel-client-0.6.1u;o[" 1.4.0i"kestrel-clientU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.1u: Time e"Ruby Kestrel clientU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.19.6: @name"memcached:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Matt Freels"Rael Dornfest"-Ruby client for the Kestrel queue server0T" ruby[["pb-will_paginate-2.3.12u;[" 1.4.0i"pb-will_paginateU:Gem::Version[" 2.3.12u: Time "/Most awesome pagination solution for RailsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Mislav Marohnić" PJ Hyett"The will_paginate library provides a simple, yet powerful and extensible API for ActiveRecord pagination and rendering of pagination links in ActionView templates.0T" ruby[["bulldog-0.2.4u;[" 1.4.0i" bulldogU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.4u: Time "@A heavy-duty paperclip. File attachments for ActiveRecord.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 0.0.1: @name"rspec_outlines:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.9.8; " mocha; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.3.0; " rspec; @3;F00["George Ogata"WProvides file attachments for ActiveRecord objects. Designed for high-volume use. 0T" ruby[["git-notifier-0.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i"git-notifierU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time ei"cWatch one or more git repositories and receive a growl notification when a change is committedU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Marco Campana"git-notifier is a gem for Mac Os that allows you to watch one or more git repositories and receive a growl notification when a change is committed0T" ruby[["which_command-0.0.2u;\[" 1.4.0i"which_commandU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time D"...U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0: @name" facets:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0; "quality_extensions; @);F00["..."...0T" ruby[["semantic_antispam-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"semantic_antispamU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time Ů"KSimple semantic antispam solution for ActiveRecord-based applications.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.3.1: @name"sqlite3-ruby:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.0; "activerecord; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 4.4.1; " autotest; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.0.0.rc; " rspec; @=;F00["Jordi Romero"Define questions and answers in a YAML file and validate your models with a single line of code. No more captchas or other stupid tricks.0T" ruby[["more-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i" moreU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time $"LESS on RailsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" less:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["August Lilleaas"Logan Raarup" More is a plugin for Ruby on Rails applications. It automatically parses your applications .less files through LESS and outputs CSS files. 0T" ruby[["redis-retry-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"redis-retryU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "!Auto-retries Redis commands.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" redis:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Matt Duncan"Adds a Redis::Retry class which can be used to proxy calls to Redis while automatically retrying when a connection cannot be made. This is useful to ensure that your applications don't fail if Redis is temporarily unavailable. 0T" ruby[["howcast-0.7.4u;8[" 1.4.0i" howcastU:Gem::Version[" 0.7.4u: Time "Howcast API Ruby WrapperU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " hpricot; @);F00["Jingshen Jimmy Zhang"Ian Smith-Heisters" Howcast offers an Application Programming Interface (API) which allows developers to build applications that interface with Howcast. The Howcast API is RESTful (REpresentational State Transfer) and users of this API will be able: 1) Retreive detailed information about a single video, including metadata such as title, description, video views, rating etc; 2) Retrieve a list of videos restricted by a set of filters offered by Howcast and sorted using several metrics that you can specify (most recent, most views, etc); 3) Search for video; 4) And much more. Note: Before you can use our APIs, you must register an API key, that is submitted with each request. 0T" ruby[["interval-0.0.1u;S[" 1.4.0i" intervalU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time %j"ainterval is a tiny library that provides simple musicial note pitch and interval arithmetic.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Nate Murray"ainterval is a tiny library that provides simple musicial note pitch and interval arithmetic.0T" ruby[["Cartesian-0.4.2u;[" 1.4.0i"CartesianU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.2u: Time ":The Cartesian gem has become obsolete due to renamingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.8.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.0; "cartesian; @);F00["Adriano Mitre"The Cartesian gem has become obsolete due to renaming. Please refer to the new gem: cartesian (in all lowercase). The new gem was included as a dependency of this last version of this old gem, but from now on please refer to the gem by its new ortography.0T" ruby[["rubygems-bug-child-1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"rubygems-bug-childU:Gem::Version["1.1u: Time " Demonstrates a rubygems bugU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Yehuda Katz"VDemonstrates a rubygems bug that exists in 1.9 because of gem prelude but not 1.80T" ruby[["kibosh-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" kiboshU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time d"An XMPP BOSH connection manager, written in Ruby with EventMachine and usable as both a standalone connection manager and as part of a rack app (at least with Thin)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.1: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Steven Parkes"WAn XMPP BOSH connection manager, written in Ruby with EventMachine and usable as both a standalone connection manager and as part of a rack app (at least with Thin). Currently in an alpha-ish state. Has been used in a fair amount of testing, but not in production. ChessFlock (http://github.com/smparkes/chessflock) is the current client app.0T" ruby[["typus-3.0.6u;0[" 1.4.0i" typusU:Gem::Version[" 3.0.6u: Time e"\Effortless backend interface for Ruby on Rails applications. (Admin scaffold generator)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["1.5: @name"fastercsv:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.pre2; "will_paginate; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "render_inheritable; @3;F00["Francesc Esplugas"EAwesome admin scaffold generator for Ruby on Rails applications.0T" ruby[["stomper-1.0.0u;<[" 1.4.0i" stomperU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time d"URuby client for the stomp messaging protocol derived from the original stomp gemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Ian D. Eccles"URuby client for the stomp messaging protocol derived from the original stomp gem0T" ruby[["$role_based_authorization-0.1.16u;)[" 1.4.0i"role_based_authorizationU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.16u: Time E")Basic authorization module for railsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["2.2: @name" rails:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mocha; @);F00["Roberto Esposito"Provides a simple DSL for specifying the authorization logic of your application. Install the gem, add a role attribute to your user model and your almost ready to go.0T" ruby[["rlint-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" rlintU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time e"yRlint is a coding standard analyzer. Used to check method/class name pattern, columns limit and others.(like Pylint)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Rodrigo Mello Nardi"0T" ruby[["dm-constraints-1.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"dm-constraintsU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2u: Time "1DataMapper plugin constraining relationshipsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.2: @name"dm-migrations:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.3; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.2; " dm-core; @3;F00["Dirkjan Bussink"1DataMapper plugin constraining relationships0T" ruby[["geonames_local-0.3.1u;[" 1.4.0i"geonames_localU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.1u: Time ġ",Dump and feed a tokyo local geonames dbU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.7.1; "nofxx-georuby; @);F00["Marcos Piccinini"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["mashfeed developers team"*feed aggregator framework and plugins0T" ruby[["java_autotest-0.0.1.beta1u;E[" 1.4.0i"java_autotestU:Gem::Version["0.0.1.beta1u: Time d"Java AutoTestU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["rodolfoliviero"Java AutoTest0T" ruby[["refraction-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"refractionU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time %"0Rack middleware replacement for mod_rewriteU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[ "Pivotal Labs"Josh Susser"Sam Pierson"Wai Lun Mang"Reflection is a Rails plugin and standalone Rack middleware library. Give up quirky config syntax and use plain old Ruby for your rewrite and redirection rules.0T" ruby[["kofi-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" kofiU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time %"&Rails I18n command line interfaceU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" trollop:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @);F00["T.J. VanSlyke"RA utility for setting and retrieving Rails I18n strings from the command line0T" ruby[["sparkplug-2.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"sparkplugU:Gem::Version[" 2.1.0u: Time o"SRack module that dynamically generates sparkline graphs from a set of numbers.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" rick"0T" ruby[["riot-js-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" riot-jsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time g"-JS version of the Riot testing frameworkU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"xpcomcore-rubygem:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "jsdoc-toolkit; @);F00[" ggironda"-JS version of the Riot testing framework0T" ruby[["rack-xslview-0.2.6u;`[" 1.4.0i"rack-xslviewU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.6u: Time "XSL rack middleware.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Albert Lash"5A rack middleware for transforming XML with XSL.0T" ruby[["gurgitate-mail-1.10.5u;A[" 1.4.0i"gurgitate-mailU:Gem::Version[" 1.10.5u: Time E"@gurgitate-mail is a mail filter (and a mail-delivery agent)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Dave Brown"j gurgitate-mail is a mail filter. It can be used as a module or as a standalone application. 0T" ruby[["orochi-0.0.7u;[" 1.4.0i" orochiU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.7u: Time %">An easy way to ActiveRecord-ize directions and route dataU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 2.3.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " geokit; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "!nayutaya-googlemaps-polyline; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " json; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.2; " jeweler; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "geokit-rails; @e;F00["kellydunn"EA ruby gem that helps ActiveRecord-ize directions and route data0T" ruby[["elus-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" elusU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time E"9This is a support tool for winning SpaceRangers:ElusU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " cucumber; @);F00[" arvicco"9This is a support tool for winning SpaceRangers:Elus0T" ruby[["kbaum-cucumber-0.4.5.preu;[" 1.4.0i"kbaum-cucumberU:Gem::Version["0.4.5.preu: Time l"7Behaviour Driven Development with elegance and joyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.1.2; " builder; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.7.3; " spork; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.4.2; " treetop; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.4.0; " nokogiri; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.0.4; "term-ansicolor; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.2.9; " polyglot; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.5.1; " prawn; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.1.2; " diff-lcs; @o;F00["Aslak Hellesøy"A BDD tool written in Ruby0T" ruby[["gitjour-6.6.0u;0[" 1.4.0i" gitjourU:Gem::Version[" 6.6.0u: Time D"HAutomates ZeroConf-powered serving and cloning of git repositories.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["1.3: @name" dnssd:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4; "rubyforge; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.0; "hoe; @3;F00[ "Chad Fowler"Evan Phoenix"Rich Kilmer"Phil Hagelberg"HAutomates ZeroConf-powered serving and cloning of git repositories.0T" ruby[["adobeshare-0.0.4u;S[" 1.4.0i"adobeshareU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time "Adobe Share API for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.2: @name"httpclient:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["KATO Hideyuki"Adobe Share API for Ruby0T" ruby[["dtr-1.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"dtrU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.0u: Time ."fDTR is a distributed test runner to run tests on distributed computers for decreasing build time.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" Li Xiao"0T" ruby[["spider-0.4.4u;[" 1.4.0i" spiderU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.4u: Time R"A Web spidering libraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["John Nagro"lA Web spidering library: handles robots.txt, scraping, finding more links, and doing it all over again.0T" ruby[["irb-rake-task-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"irb-rake-taskU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time %"LProvides a rake task that startes an IRB session like the rails consoleU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.8.7: @name" rake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.8.7; " rake; @);F00["Martin Schuerrer"LProvides a rake task that startes an IRB session like the rails console0T" ruby[["AccessControl-0.2.6u;[" 1.4.0i"AccessControlU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.6u: Time j".Simple role based authorization for railsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Adam Hawkins".Simple role based authorization for rails0T" ruby[["csv-as-map-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"csv-as-mapU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time $"8A package for manipulating IPv4/IPv6 address space.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Michael Barton"0T" ruby[["subset_validator-0.4.2u;~[" 1.4.0i"subset_validatorU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.2u: Time Ū"aAn ActiveModel validation for checking if an attribute's values are a subset of another set.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.3: @name"activemodel:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.1; " jeweler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.1.0; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @=;F00["Nick Hoffman"aAn ActiveModel validation for checking if an attribute's values are a subset of another set.0T" ruby[["rpgdice-0.1.8u;[" 1.4.0i" rpgdiceU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.8u: Time Eh"An RPG dice rolling gemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Slan Dizier"An RPG dice rolling gem0T" ruby[["moneybags-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"moneybagsU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time S"5* Currency conversion API based on Yahoo FinanceU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.12.2: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.12.2; "hoe; @);F00["Douglas Tan"5* Currency conversion API based on Yahoo Finance0T" ruby[["voldemort-rb-0.1.5u;[" 1.4.0i"voldemort-rbU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.5u: Time E"@A Ruby client for the Voldemort distributed key value storeU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" @name" nokogiri:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.3; "ruby_protobuf; @);F00["Alejandro Crosa"Xvoldemort-rb allows you to connect to the Voldemort descentralized key value store.0T" ruby[["vlad-nginx-1.0.0u;=[" 1.4.0i"vlad-nginxU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time "'NGiNX recipe for Vlad the DeployerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["2: @name" vlad:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Kim Burgestrand"0T" ruby[["slither-ruby19-0.99.3u;2[" 1.4.0i"slither-ruby19U:Gem::Version[" 0.99.3u: Time V"(Temporary fork of slither gem that works with ruby 1.9) A simple, clean DSL for describing, writing, and parsing fixed-width text filesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.5.1: @name" bones:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Ryan Wood"(Temporary fork of slither gem that works with ruby 1.9) A simple, clean DSL for describing, writing, and parsing fixed-width text files.0T" ruby[["ppgit-0.7.3u;I[" 1.4.0i" ppgitU:Gem::Version[" 0.7.3u: Time d"git users' pairs switcherU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Alain Ravet"git users' pairs switcher0T" ruby[[" custom_rspec_matchers-0.0.3u;2[" 1.4.0i"custom_rspec_matchersU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time "Ea few custom rspec matchers we have created to help with testingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["2.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["3.0; "actionpack; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["3.0; "activemodel; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @=;F00["kenny ortmann"matt simpson"amos king"custopm rspec mathcers 0T" ruby[["contextr-1.0.3u;[[" 1.4.0i" contextrU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.3u: Time El".Context-oriented programming API for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.0: @name" jeweler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "literate_maruku; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " markaby; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @G;F00["Gregor Schmidt"QThe goal is to equip Ruby with an API to allow context-oriented programming.0T" ruby[["dotime-0.1.2u;r[" 1.4.0i" dotimeU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time E"0Cheap time tracking for Basecamp todo listsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.1: @name" highline:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.8; "xml-simple; @3;F00["Saimon Moore"This is a cheap time tracking substitute for those of us who can't afford the extra cash (or believe all basecamp projects require time tracking) for Basecamp (http://www.basecamphq.com) plans with the time tracking feature. How it works: DoTime cheats by keeping track of the time worked on a todo within the todo itself. It specifies a text format to keep track of the elapsed hours and then just updates it as necessary. == FEATURES/PROBLEMS:0T" ruby[["net-amazon-s3-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"net-amazon-s3U:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time %"Amazon S3 library.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Ryan Grove"0T" ruby[["(devise_meetup_authenticatable-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i""devise_meetup_authenticatableU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time "/meetups oauth strategy captured for deviseU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" cucumber:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @);F00["matthew jording"/meetups oauth strategy captured for devise0T" ruby[["toclip-0.2.0u;n[" 1.4.0i" toclipU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time "Object#to_clipU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"clipboard:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @);F00[" jugyo" An object to the Clipboard.0T" ruby[["route_dog-2.2.0u;o[" 1.4.0i"route_dogU:Gem::Version[" 2.2.0u: Time d"AWatch and Notify your not tested routes of a RoR ApplicationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rack:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.8; " rails; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.1.2; " contest; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;["; " nokogiri; @=;F00["Alvaro Gil"Watch and Notify your not tested routes of a RoR Application, it also has a simple report about Routes defines, used and tested0T" ruby[["has_image-;v[" 1.4.0i"has_imageU:Gem::Version[" Time "DLets you attach images with thumbnails to Active Record models.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["2.1: @name"mini_magick:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["2.1; "activesupport; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["2.1; "activerecord; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["0.9; " mocha; @=;F00["Norman Clarke"Adrián Mugnolo"fHas_image is a Ruby on Rails gem/plugin that allows you to attach images to Active Record models.0T" ruby[["kestrelrb-0.8.1u;[" 1.4.0i"kestrelrbU:Gem::Version[" 0.8.1u: Time g"'A Ruby interface to Kestrel queuesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.7.5: @name"memcache-client:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Kevin E. Hunt"bKestrel is a queue server written in Scala that runs on the JVM and has a memcached wire API.0T" ruby[["person-name-0.2.10u;![" 1.4.0i"person-nameU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.10u: Time d""Easy editing of person names.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Matthijs Groen"gManages all person name fields (prefix, first name, middle name, intercalation, last name, suffix)0T" ruby[["pickled_optparse-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"pickled_optparseU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time D"8Adds required switches to Ruby's OptionParser classU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0: @name" syntax:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.1; " rspec; @);F00["Mike Bethany"lAdds the ability to easily specify and test for required switches in Ruby's built-in OptionParser class0T" ruby[["&honkster-webrat-rspec-rails-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i" honkster-webrat-rspec-railsU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time d"%Webrat + rspec/rails integrationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Brian Takita"%Webrat + rspec/rails integration0T" ruby[[" jello-5u;[" 1.4.0i" jelloU:Gem::Version["5u: Time $("PA library to watch the OS X pasteboard, and process/modify incoming pastes.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"stringray:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0["=U;[" 3.0.2; "elliottcable-echoe; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0["=U;[" 3.0.2; "elliottcable-echoe; @L;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "stringray; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @~;F00["elliottcable"PA library to watch the OS X pasteboard, and process/modify incoming pastes.0T" ruby[["josh-splat-0.0.5u;8[" 1.4.0i"josh-splatU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time "PSPlat is an integration platform to make use of SMS integration really easyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Gautam Rege"Jiren Patel"Sethupathi Asokan" SPlat is an integration platform to make use of SMS integration really easy. Using this platform has the following advantages: * Single point of integration * Change vendors without changing code. * Send and receive SMS. * Generic Exception Handling. * Standardized reports. * SMS tagged user groups. * SMS bogus gateway for testing. * Scheduling SMS for delivery. 0T" ruby[["osmlib-export-0.1.4u;[" 1.4.0i"osmlib-exportU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time R"-Library for exporting OpenStreetMap dataU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0: @name"osmlib-base:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jochen Topf"|Flexible library for exporting OpenStreetMap data into other formats. Currently KML, Shapefiles, and CSV are supported.0T" ruby[["lokar-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i" lokarU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time d",Lokar is a simple fast template engine.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" Zoxc"0T" ruby[["dexquery-0.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i" dexqueryU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.0u: Time l"/Placeholder for a gem to be migrated laterU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Kyle Maxwell"0T" ruby[["goshrine_bot-0.1.1u;E[" 1.4.0i"goshrine_botU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time Ħ"4A client to connect GTP go programs to GoShrineU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.6: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.12.10; "eventmachine; @3;F00["Pete Schwamb"The GoShrine bot client is a library that allows you connect a local Go playing program that speaks GTP (like gnugo) to http://goshrine.com.0T" ruby[["packet-0.1.15u;[" 1.4.0i" packetU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.15u: Time L"FPacket, A Pure Ruby library for Event Driven Network Programming.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Hemant Kumar"FPacket, A Pure Ruby library for Event Driven Network Programming.0T" ruby[["gdirections-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"gdirectionsU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "$Simple google directions clientU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["1.3: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " httparty; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " hashie; @3;F00["Andrew Stevens"Pfetches directions from Google Maps API and returns the result as an object0T" ruby[["titanous-garb-0.8.7u;{[" 1.4.0i"titanous-garbU:Gem::Version[" 0.8.7u: Time "&Google Analytics API Ruby WrapperU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.2.0: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.6; " crack; @);F00["Tony Pitale"0T" ruby[["remodel-h-0.2.6u;[" 1.4.0i"remodel-hU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.6u: Time "&remodel variant which uses hashesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Tim Lossen"*persist your objects to redis hashes.0T" ruby[["rabidprawns-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"rabidprawnsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time "Rabid PrawnsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Chris Roberts"Rabid Prawns0T" ruby[["!capcode-render-markaby-0.2.0u;s[" 1.4.0i"capcode-render-markabyU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time ŀ")Capcode plugin to render via MarkabyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" Markaby:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Gregoire Lejeune")Capcode plugin to render via Markaby0T" ruby[["$localocracy-observational-0.2.5u;[" 1.4.0i"localocracy-observationalU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.5u: Time \"1Observational with :only and :except optionsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["James Golick"0T" ruby[["cast_attribute-1.0u;h[" 1.4.0i"cast_attributeU:Gem::Version["1.0u: Time d"IExtension to ActiveRecord for casting attributes as different types.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"activerecord:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Dana Contreras"0T" ruby[["resumerb-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i" resumerbU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "2Generates resumes in HTML and PDF (via LaTeX)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.6.0: @name" yard:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">U;[" 2.6.5; " erubis; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.1; " jeweler; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.1.0; " rspec; @Q;F00["Micah Wylde"Resume provides a DSL for defining resume data, which can be rendered via various backends (LaTeX currently supported, with Markdown and HTML planned).0T" ruby[[")radiant-page_factory-extension-1.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"#radiant-page_factory-extensionU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time "+Page Factory Extension for Radiant CMSU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.9.0: @name" radiant:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Josh French"YPage Factory is a small DSL for intelligently defining content types in Radiant CMS.0T" ruby[["merb-words-0.4.3u;h[" 1.4.0i"merb-wordsU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.3u: Time /"Word Management for MerbU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0.4: @name" merb-ui:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; "merb-slices; @);F00[" UiPoet"0T" ruby[["cappress-0.2.0u;o[" 1.4.0i" cappressU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time "/Deploy Wordpress websites using CapistranoU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["2.5: @name"capistrano:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jad Bitar"/Deploy Wordpress websites using Capistrano0T" ruby[["app-cli-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" app-cliU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time Ŭ"(framework for creating CLI tool setU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" shelling"(framework for creating CLI tool set0T" ruby[["mkuklis-webrat-0.6.rc1u;[" 1.4.0i"mkuklis-webratU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.rc1u: Time b"1Ruby Acceptance Testing for Web applicationsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["1.0: @name"merb-core:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " launchy; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.0; " nokogiri; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.0; " rack; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["2.3; " rails; @G;F00["Bryan Helmkamp"Webrat lets you quickly write expressive and robust acceptance tests for a Ruby web application. It supports simulating a browser inside a Ruby process to avoid the performance hit and browser dependency of Selenium or Watir, but the same API can also be used to drive real Selenium tests when necessary (eg. for testing AJAX interactions). Most Ruby web frameworks and testing frameworks are supported.0T" ruby[["magellan-0.1.3u;[" 1.4.0i" magellanU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time $M"MA web testing framework that embraces the discoverable nature of the webU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "mechanize; @);F00["Nolan Evans" TODO0T" ruby[["ach-0.3.0u;H[" 1.4.0i"achU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time k"*Helper for building ACH files in RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jared Morgan"ach is a Ruby helper for builder ACH files. In particular, it helps with field order and alignment, and adds padding lines to end of file. 0T" ruby[["extra-1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" extraU:Gem::Version["1.0u: Time D"CAdds useful methods to built-in/core Ruby classes and modules.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Matthew Harris"`ruby-extra' is a package full of simple/fun/useful methods that are added to the core classes and modules of Ruby. It is quite similar to Facets but is still minimal.0T" ruby[["gemspace-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i" gemspaceU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time "-Use spaces to isolate gems installationsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Nando Vieira"0T" ruby[["webfx-0.0.8u;[" 1.4.0i" webfxU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.8u: Time E"8Minimal, RESTful, json, sinatra-inspired framework.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["0T" ruby[["seed-fu-2.0.1u;@[" 1.4.0i" seed-fuU:Gem::Version[" 2.0.1u: Time ">Easily manage seed data in your Active Record applicationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 2.0.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " sqlite3; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "pg; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.0; "activerecord; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mysql2; @G;F00["Michael Bleigh"Jon Leighton"Seed Fu is an attempt to once and for all solve the problem of inserting and maintaining seed data in a database. It uses a variety of techniques gathered from various places around the web and combines them to create what is hopefully the most robust seed data system around.0T" ruby[["persona-0.0.5u;[" 1.4.0i" personaU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time E"%Minimal personal content managerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.0: @name" builder:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.0; " sinatra; @);F00["Filippo Diotalevi"'A minimal personal content manager0T" ruby[["apache_log_parser-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"apache_log_parserU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time e"7Library to easily parse standard Apache log files.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["watsonian"7Library to easily parse standard Apache log files.0T" ruby[["col-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"colU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time "(high-level console color formattingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["1.0: @name"term-ansicolor:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Gavin Sinclair" Console color formatting library with abbreviations (e.g. 'rb' for red and bold), and the ability to format several strings easily. 0T" ruby[["unicode_madness-1.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"unicode_madnessU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2u: Time d"@Madness? THIS.IS.UNICODE! (Plus some goodies for Japanese.)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Dana Contreras"0T" ruby[["rdf-ruby19-0.1.7u;p[" 1.4.0i"rdf-ruby19U:Gem::Version[" 0.1.7u: Time "OA Ruby library for working with Resource Description Framework (RDF) data.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.1: @name"addressable:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.6; " rdf-spec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.3; " yard; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0; " rspec; @=;F00["Arto Bendiken"Ben Lavender"^RDF.rb is a pure-Ruby library for working with Resource Description Framework (RDF) data.0T" ruby[["postrank-api-0.2.0u;#[" 1.4.0i"postrank-apiU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time "PostRank API WrapperU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"yajl-ruby:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " chronic; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "em-http-request; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "em-synchrony; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.12.9; "eventmachine; @G;F00["Ilya Grigorik"PostRank API Wrapper0T" ruby[["autotest-rails-pure-4.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"autotest-rails-pureU:Gem::Version[" 4.1.2u: Time Ĩ"UAutotest for Test::Unit on Rails, including plugins for migrations and fixtures.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Ryan Davis"0T" ruby[["pictrails-0.5.0u;[" 1.4.0i"pictrailsU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.0u: Time #"dA Web Photo Gallery, written with Rails on rails, Pictrails can manage several photo galleries.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Cyril Mougel"0T" ruby[["lightwave-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"lightwaveU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time "JLightwave is a package to read and manipulate Lightwave object files.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Alex Young"{A set of libraries that handle reading Lightwave object files and (for the moment) turning them into a set of Xaml objects.0T" ruby[["ganeti_client-0.0.11u;U[" 1.4.0i"ganeti_clientU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.11u: Time $"Google Ganeti ClientU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Michaël Rigart"'Google Ganeti RAPI client for Ruby0T" ruby[["interlock-1.4u;[" 1.4.0i"interlockU:Gem::Version["1.4u: Time Ej"AA Rails plugin for maintainable and high-efficiency caching.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["AA Rails plugin for maintainable and high-efficiency caching.0T" ruby[["'http_url_validation_improved-1.3.0u;o[" 1.4.0i"!http_url_validation_improvedU:Gem::Version[" 1.3.0u: Time e"Ea Rails gem that allows you to validate a URL entered in a formU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "addressable; @);F00["Erik Gregg"Walter McGinnis"Kieran Pilkington"a Rails gem that allows you to validate a URL entered in a form. It validates if the URL exists by hitting it with a HEAD request. The improved version includes retries for common patterns when the head request is refused before giving a failure notice. It also looks up a SITE_URL constant to the user agent in the headers. Also has the option to also check that the URL returns content of a specified type.0T" ruby[["yalab-ruby-ods-0.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"yalab-ruby-odsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.0u: Time Ek"@This is using OpenOffice SpreadSheet document file via rubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.0: @name" nokogiri:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.1; " rubyzip; @);F00[" yalab"0T" ruby[["siffer-0.1.2u;#[" 1.4.0i" sifferU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time Em"FSiffer 0.1.2 - School Interoperability Framework by h3o(software)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.2: @name" acdc:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.0; " uuid; @);F00["Clint Hill" Siffer is a SIF that plans to remove the complexity from the implementation. Siffer is SIF done easy. It's also the first entirely done in Ruby! 0T" ruby[["sedna-0.6.0u;:[" 1.4.0i" sednaU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.0u: Time ē"#Sedna XML DBMS client library.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Rolf Timmermans"Ruby extension that provides a client library for the Sedna XML DBMS, making use of the official C driver of the Sedna project.0T" ruby[["png_font-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i" png_fontU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time Ħ"Simple fonts.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.1: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0; "png; @);F00["Geoffrey Grosenbach"9Simple fonts for use with the pure Ruby PNG library.0T" ruby[["keeper-1.0.0u;"[" 1.4.0i" keeperU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time E"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 2.1.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.1; " jeweler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "bluecloth; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.6.0; " yard; @G;F00["Kim Burgestrand"0T" ruby[["optimus-prime-0.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i"optimus-primeU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time DY"Easy command line options.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Pat Nakajima"0T" ruby[["comment-ripper-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"comment-ripperU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "+Strip comments from your source files.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Max Aller"Strip comments from your source files. Useful removing potentially sensitive files before transferring to, say, clients, while preserving some readability.0T" ruby[["tunkrank-0.9.0u;[" 1.4.0i" tunkrankU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.0u: Time "#Interface to the TunkRank API.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jason Adams"+RESTful interface to the TunkRank API.0T" ruby[["thirtythirty-0.0.2u;,[" 1.4.0i"thirtythirtyU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time e"Marshalling customizationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.6.3: @name"ci_reporter:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.4.0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.1; " json; @3;F00["Benjamin Behr"Thomas Jachmann"|This gem allows for customization of which data to marshal, especially useful for selective session data serialization.0T" ruby[["quote-0.1.7u; [" 1.4.0i" quoteU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.7u: Time "*Awesome quotes from different sourcesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " riot; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "yajl-ruby; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " colored; @=;F00[" tjbladez"LAwesome quotes - maintain them, get them conviniently from command line0T" ruby[["messagepub-0.0.6u;[" 1.4.0i"messagepubU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.6u: Time _"'More info at http://messagepub.comU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 0.3.1: @name" httparty:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.2; " newgem; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.3; "hoe; @3;F00["Luc Castera"0T" ruby[["DateUtils-0.4u;[" 1.4.0i"DateUtilsU:Gem::Version["0.4u: Time "'Some handy utils to deal with DateU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Rene Paulokat"0T" ruby[["deja-vu-0.5u;O[" 1.4.0i" deja-vuU:Gem::Version["0.5u: Time m"ZA rack based session record / playback middleware for problemsolving web applicationsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Kristan "Krispy" Uccello"ZA rack based session record / playback middleware for problemsolving web applications0T" ruby[["opts-0.0.1u;\[" 1.4.0i" optsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "'Rack for command line applicationsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0: @name" bundler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Simon Menke"'Rack for command line applications0T" ruby[["jelly-0.8.10u;[" 1.4.0i" jellyU:Gem::Version[" 0.8.10u: Time "Ba sweet unobtrusive javascript framework for jQuery and RailsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.0: @name" rails:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Pivotal Labs"Inc"Jelly provides a set of tools and conventions for creating rich ajax/javascript web applications with jQuery and Ruby on Rails.0T" ruby[["gauntlet-1.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" gauntletU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.0u: Time V"hGauntlet is a pluggable means of running code against all the latest gems and storing off the data.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.0; "hoe; @);F00["Ryan Davis"hGauntlet is a pluggable means of running code against all the latest gems and storing off the data.0T" ruby[["quietbacktrace-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"quietbacktraceU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "|quiet_backtrace suppresses the noise in your Test::Unit backtrace. It also provides hooks for you to add additional filters.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Dan Croak"== Install sudo gem install quietbacktrace == Usage Quiet Backtrace works by adding new attributes to Test::Unit::TestCase. By default, their values are: self.quiet_backtrace = true self.backtrace_silencers = [:test_unit, :gem_root, :e1] self.backtrace_filters = [:method_name]0T" ruby[["1lmarburger-apn_on_rails-;l[" 1.4.0i"lmarburger-apn_on_railsU:Gem::Version[" Time m"apn_on_railsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"configatron:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["markbates"-apn_on_rails was developed by: markbates0T" ruby[["distributed_mutex-1.1.0u;][" 1.4.0i"distributed_mutexU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.0u: Time %"KAPI for using a unique mutex across all instances of your application.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Birkir A. Barkarson"pFramework for using a distributed mutex along with an implementation of a mutex stored on a MySQL database.0T" ruby[["file_instance_move-0.1u;N[" 1.4.0i"file_instance_moveU:Gem::Version["0.1u: Time l"YAdds some much needed (in my mind) copying and moving of files from a File instance.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Leif Newington"YAdds some much needed (in my mind) copying and moving of files from a File instance.0T" ruby[["db-copier-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"db-copierU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time E"DA DSL around Sequel to aid in copying or replicating databases.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 3.8.0: @name" sequel:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.0.4; "term-ansicolor; @);F00["Santosh Kumar"0T" ruby[["yrb-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"yrbU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "?Processes Yahoo! Resource Bundle format translation files.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.6: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jeff Coleman"[Processes Yahoo! Resource Bundle format translation files and converts them to a hash.0T" ruby[["right_aws-yodal-1.10.11u;w[" 1.4.0i"right_aws-yodalU:Gem::Version[" 1.10.11u: Time L"QInterface classes for the Amazon EC2/EBS, SQS, S3, SDB, and ACF Web ServicesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.4: @name"right_http_connection:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["RightScale" Inc." Yodal"== DESCRIPTION: The RightScale AWS gems have been designed to provide a robust, fast, and secure interface to Amazon EC2, EBS, S3, SQS, SDB, and CloudFront. These gems have been used in production by RightScale since late 2006 and are being maintained to track enhancements made by Amazon. The RightScale AWS gems comprise: - RightAws::Ec2 -- interface to Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) and the associated EBS (Elastic Block Store) - RightAws::S3 and RightAws::S3Interface -- interface to Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) - RightAws::Sqs and RightAws::SqsInterface -- interface to first-generation Amazon SQS (Simple Queue Service) (API version 2007-05-01) - RightAws::SqsGen2 and RightAws::SqsGen2Interface -- interface to second-generation Amazon SQS (Simple Queue Service) (API version 2008-01-01) - RightAws::SdbInterface and RightAws::ActiveSdb -- interface to Amazon SDB (SimpleDB) - RightAws::AcfInterface -- interface to Amazon CloudFront, a content distribution service == FEATURES:0T" ruby[["methodical-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"methodicalU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "3Automation framework for sequential operationsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.9.8: @name" mocha:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.9.14; " extlib; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["4.7; "arrayfields; @=;F00["Avdi Grimm"Sorry, no description yet0T" ruby[["cucover-0.1.4u;[" 1.4.0i" cucoverU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time "=Lazy coverage-aware running of Cucumber acceptance testsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.8: @name" rcov:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.1; " logging; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.4; " cucumber; @3;F00["Matt Wynne"Joseph Wilk"=Lazy coverage-aware running of Cucumber acceptance tests0T" ruby[[" tolk-1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" tolkU:Gem::Version["1.0u: Time Ĕ"FRails engine providing web interface for managing i18n yaml filesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.26: @name" ya2yaml:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 3.0.pre; "will_paginate; @);F00["David Heinemeier Hansson"fTolk is a web interface for doing i18n translations packaged as an engine for Rails applications.0T" ruby[["sinatra-views-0.4.1u;[" 1.4.0i"sinatra-viewsU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.1u: Time D"7Sinatra Plugin to provide a View layer to Sinatra.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["1.0: @name" sinatra:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Florian Gilcher": Sinatra Plugin to provide a View layer to Sinatra. 0T" ruby[["'rack-detailed_request_logger-0.1.3u;$[" 1.4.0i"!rack-detailed_request_loggerU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time Ĥ"?Log requests to your rack app along with the raw post dataU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Matt Fawcett"?Log requests to your rack app along with the raw post data0T" ruby[["mollie-ideal-0.1.0u;-[" 1.4.0i"mollie-idealU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time d"#Ruby API for iDEAL with MollieU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" fakeweb:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.1; " mash; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.4; " crack; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.5; " httparty; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @G;F00["PeRo ICT Solutions"#Ruby API for iDEAL with Mollie0T" ruby[["dsktool-0.5.1u;[" 1.4.0i" dsktoolU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.1u: Time d"da command line tool + libraries for manipulating DSK format images as used by Apple 2 emulatorsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 1.0.0: @name"png:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0; " hpricot; @);F00["Jonno Downes"0T" ruby[["entity_storage-2.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"entity_storageU:Gem::Version[" 2.0.0u: Time E"AAn easy to use Key/Value store for any Ruby on Rails projectU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.3: @name" rails:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.3; "activerecord; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.3; "hoe; @3;F00["Joshua Siler"An easy to use Key/Value store for any Ruby on Rails project. Like Memcache, only persistent. Stores config values & application wide state in the database in order to survive server restarts. Designed to allow you to add persistent value storage to any Rails project in about 5 minutes. Additionally, allows users to set a list of default keys that auto-initializes baseline key/value pairs in the database for easy initialization.0T" ruby[["sundbp-extlib-0.9.14u;[" 1.4.0i"sundbp-extlibU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.14u: Time ",Support library for DataMapper and MerbU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.2.0: @name"json_pure:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.4.0; " yard; @3;F00[" Dan Kubb",Support library for DataMapper and Merb0T" ruby[["shell_shock-0.0.5u;[" 1.4.0i"shell_shockU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time %"Blibrary for creating simple shell applications using readlineU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.0.4: @name" gemesis:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.8.7; " rake; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.4.0; " rspec; @3;F00["Mark Ryall"This is just some code extracted from a few command line gems i've created (shh and cardigan). I wanted to move the shared functionality (related to creating a shell with readline) to a seperate gem.' 0T" ruby[["rgarner-csv-mapper-0.7.0u;=[" 1.4.0i"rgarner-csv-mapperU:Gem::Version[" 0.7.0u: Time D"rgarner-CsvMapper is a fork of a small library intended to simplify the common steps involved with importing CSV files to a usable form in Ruby. It has support for null column names. When this is merged, this gem will be removed.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"fastercsv:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @);F00["Luke Pillow"Russell Garner"CSV Mapper makes it easy to import data from CSV files directly to a collection of any type of Ruby object. The simplest way to create mappings is declare the names of the attributes in the order corresponding to the CSV file column order.0T" ruby[["closure-1.1.620.preu;.[" 1.4.0i" closureU:Gem::Version["1.1.620.preu: Time E"Google Closure build toolsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0: @name" rack:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["0T" ruby[["friendly_format-0.7.3u;l[" 1.4.0i"friendly_formatU:Gem::Version[" 0.7.3u: Time "Nmake user input be valid xhtml and format it with gsub("\n", "
") etcU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["1.2: @name" nokogiri:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0.8; " hpricot; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.2.0; " bones; @3;F00["%Lin Jen-Shin (aka godfat 真常)" make user input be valid xhtml and format it with gsub("\n", "
") etc. you can partially allow some tags and don't escape them.0T" ruby[["bjf-0.7.0u;[" 1.4.0i"bjfU:Gem::Version[" 0.7.0u: Time %"$SEOmoz Background Job FrameworkU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.12.4; "eventmachine; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.6; " log4r; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.0; " amqp; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.3; " json; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0; "uuidtools; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.0; "algorithms; @[;F00[" SEOmoz"Inc"$SEOmoz Background Job Framework0T" ruby[["data_fabric-1.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i"data_fabricU:Gem::Version[" 1.3.0u: Time ":Sharding and replication support for ActiveRecord 2.xU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" flexmock:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Mike Perham":Sharding and replication support for ActiveRecord 2.x0T" ruby[["dvi-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"dviU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time %"CThis is a library to read DVI(DeVice Independent) file format.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Keita Yamaguchi"CThis is a library to read DVI(DeVice Independent) file format.0T" ruby[["wping-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" wpingU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "'ruby wrapper for win32api icmp.dllU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" rcorsaro"'ruby wrapper for win32api icmp.dll0T" ruby[[" vidibus-routing_error-0.1.5u;9[" 1.4.0i"vidibus-routing_errorU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.5u: Time "7Catches ActionController::RoutingError in Rails 3.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"relevance-rcov:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.0.rc; " rails; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rr; @=;F00["Andre Pankratz"LCatches ActionController::RoutingError and sends it to a custom method.0T" ruby[["true_test-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"true_testU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "4Ruby testing framework for writing *true* testsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.2: @name" jeweler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @3;F00["Ryan Sonnek"4Ruby testing framework for writing *true* tests0T" ruby[["swf_recompress-0.0.9u;[" 1.4.0i"swf_recompressU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.9u: Time $"@Recompress a swf file with more aggressive DEFLATE settingsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Duncan Beevers"@Recompress a swf file with more aggressive DEFLATE settings0T" ruby[["samlown-couchrest-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"samlown-couchrestU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time $"+Lean and RESTful interface to CouchDB.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0.5: @name"rest-client:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[ "J. Chris Anderson"Matt Aimonetti"Marcos Tapajos"Will Leinweber"CouchRest provides a simple interface on top of CouchDB's RESTful HTTP API, as well as including some utility scripts for managing views and attachments.0T" ruby[["locator-0.0.8u;[" 1.4.0i" locatorU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.8u: Time ":Generic html element locators for integration testingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 4.2.0: @name"htmlentities:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.1; " nokogiri; @);F00["Sven Fuchs";Generic html element locators for integration testing.0T" ruby[["has_many_emails-0.2.16u;[" 1.4.0i"has_many_emailsU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.16u: Time d"nAdd multiply emails features to models like User without changing common behaviour of the email attributeU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"validate_email:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "validate_email; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "attribute_normalizer; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "remarkable_activerecord; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "activerecord; @G;F00["Danil Pismenny"nAdd multiply emails features to models like User without changing common behaviour of the email attribute0T" ruby[["remote_table-ruby19-0.2.30u;[" 1.4.0i"remote_table-ruby19U:Gem::Version[" 0.2.30u: Time "BRemotely open and parse XLS, ODS, CSV and fixed-width tables.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.0: @name"fastercsv:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.1; " nokogiri; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.4; " escape; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.4; "activesupport; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.0; " errata; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.3.11; "roo; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.99.3; " slither; @[;F00["Seamus Abshere"Andy Rossmeissl"HRemotely open and parse Excel XLS, ODS, CSV and fixed-width tables.0T" ruby[["#myronmarston-rack-client-0.2.4u;[" 1.4.0i"myronmarston-rack-clientU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.4u: Time d"/A client wrapper around a Rack app or HTTPU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rack:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rack-test; @);F00["Tim Carey-Smith"/A client wrapper around a Rack app or HTTP0T" ruby[["2axtro-actionwebservice-;3[" 1.4.0i"axtro-actionwebserviceU:Gem::Version[" Time %")Web service support for Action Pack.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 2.3.0: @name"activerecord:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.3.0; "activesupport; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.3.0; "actionpack; @3;F00["Laurence A. Lee"Leon Breedt"Kent Sibilev"BAdds WSDL/SOAP and XML-RPC web service support to Action Pack0T" ruby[["jaf-s3-;[" 1.4.0i" jaf-s3U:Gem::Version[" Time "`Unsupported forked version of client library for Amazon's Simple Storage Service's REST APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"mime-types:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " builder; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "xml-simple; @3;F00["Marcel Molina Jr."Like the main version of this gem, this version is 100% unsupported. Use at your own risk. It is forked to remove the alias_method_chain on const_missing to autocreate S3::Bucket objects for any class that ends in Bucket.0T" ruby[["tiny_tds-0.3.2u;v[" 1.4.0i" tiny_tdsU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.2u: Time %"STinyTds - A modern, simple and fast FreeTDS library for Ruby using DB-Library.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Ken Collins"Erik Bryn"TinyTds - A modern, simple and fast FreeTDS library for Ruby using DB-Library. Developed for the ActiveRecord SQL Server adapter.0T" ruby[["getoptions-0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"getoptionsU:Gem::Version["0.3u: Time N"YYet another command line option parser in Ruby, based on Perl's Getopt::Long module.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Delaney Parker"0T" ruby[["msisdn-za-0.1.6u;[" 1.4.0i"msisdn-zaU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.6u: Time Ģ".Parses South Afican MSISDNs. That is all.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.11.1: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Craig Paterson";ZA MSISDN parser simplified, based on work by armanddp0T" ruby[["dirmon-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i" dirmonU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time "Simple Directory MonitorU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Ganesh Gunasegaran"Simple Directory Monitor0T" ruby[["find_or_redirect-0.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i"find_or_redirectU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time "(Refactor finder code in controllersU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Nick Gauthier"(Refactor finder code in controllers0T" ruby[["facebookcl-0.4.1u;[[" 1.4.0i"facebookclU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.1u: Time D"Facebook Command LineU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Justin Bishop"2Retrofacebook. Interact via the commandline.0T" ruby[["too_rendermonkey-0.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i"too_rendermonkeyU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time "3Forward HTML renderer to RendemonkeyToo serverU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.3: @name" rails:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " sqlite3; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.6.1; "rest-client; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.1; " jeweler; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.6.1; "rest-client; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @[;F00["Anthony Kirwan"This plugin allows the generation of pdf files from controllers using the pdf mime type. This plugin will not generate a pdf but will render the pages specified for the pdf format with the extension .pdf.erb as html and forward the request on to the RendermonkeyToo API which will generate this page as a PDF. This is useful for having a separate server generate PDF files from your Ruby on Rails application. This allows for custom PDF files to be generated for the specified page.0T" ruby[["bjj-1.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"bjjU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.3u: Time m"BackgroundjobU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.3: @name"orderedhash:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.0; "systemu_j; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.0; " main; @3;F00["*Ara T. Howard (ara.t.howard@noaa.gov)"&Daniel Hahn (JRuby modifications)" Special version for JRuby compatibility. Backgroundjob (Bj) is a brain dead simple zero admin background priority queue for Rails. Bj is robust, platform independent (including windows), and supports internal or external manangement of the background runner process.0T" ruby[["freebase-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" freebaseU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time e"Ruby wrapper for the Freebase.com API that makes interacting with freebase.com in your Ruby on Rails application as easy as using Active Record. Freebase is a free, collaborative semantic database.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.2: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.2; "activesupport; @);F00["Chris Eppstein"0T" ruby[[")mattscilipoti-cucumber-rails-;[" 1.4.0i"!mattscilipoti-cucumber-railsU:Gem::Version[" Time e".Cucumber Generators and Runtime for RailsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.2: @name" cucumber:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Dennis Blöte"Aslak Hellesøy"Rob Holland".Cucumber Generators and Runtime for Rails0T" ruby[["delish-1.0.0u;|[" 1.4.0i" delishU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time "TAllows use of del.icio.us bookmarksfrom the commandline with minimum keystrokesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0: @name"sqlite3-ruby:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Arthur Axel "fREW" Schmidt"0T" ruby[["ruby-watchcat-pure-1.1.1u;M[" 1.4.0i"ruby-watchcat-pureU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.1u: Time ".A pure-ruby implementation of libwatchcatU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Andre Nathan"} Ruby/Watchcat-Pure is a pure-ruby implementation of libwatchcat for the development of watchcatd-aware applications. 0T" ruby[["WikiCreole-0.1.3u;[" 1.4.0i"WikiCreoleU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time D"5A Creole-to-XHTML converter written in pure RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Gordon McCreight"5A Creole-to-XHTML converter written in pure Ruby0T" ruby[["git-ssh-wrapper-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"git-ssh-wrapperU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" open4:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @);F00["Martin Emde"}Generate a permissive GIT_SSH wrapper script using a private key string or file for use with git commands that need ssh.0T" ruby[["icu4r-;[" 1.4.0i" icu4rU:Gem::Version[" Time "1Ruby extension for Unicode support using ICUU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Nikolai Lugovoi"0T" ruby[["#ghazel-slim-attributes-;[" 1.4.0i"ghazel-slim-attributesU:Gem::Version[" Time n"HSlim-attributes - lazy instantiation of attributes for ActiveRecordU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Stephen Sykes"Slim attributes boosts speed in Rails/Mysql ActiveRecord Models by avoiding instantiating Hashes for each result row, and lazily instantiating attributes as needed.0T" ruby[["mozrepl_tools-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"mozrepl_toolsU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time $"Some mozrepl toolsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jorge Falcão"0T" ruby[["dataflow-0.3.1u;[" 1.4.0i" dataflowU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.1u: Time _"@Dataflow concurrency for Ruby (inspired by the Oz language)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Larry Diehl"@Dataflow concurrency for Ruby (inspired by the Oz language)0T" ruby[["cucumber-wordpress-1.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i"cucumber-wordpressU:Gem::Version[" 1.3.0u: Time ġ"OEnvironment setup and step definitions for testing WordPress with CucumberU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" cucumber:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " webrat; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "mechanize; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mysql; @=;F00["Tom Adams"0T" ruby[["siterest-0.1.0.pre6u;L[" 1.4.0i" siterestU:Gem::Version["0.1.0.pre6u: Time D"Siterest clientU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"rdiscount:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " sinatra; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["3.0.0.beta4; "activeresource; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " launchy; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rest-client; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "h2o; @Q;F00["Taylor luk"Simple content service0T" ruby[["sendgrid-0.1.4u;[" 1.4.0i" sendgridU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time "]A gem that allows simple integration of ActionMailer with SendGrid (http://sendgrid.com)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Stephen Blankenship"This gem allows simple integration between ActionMailer and SendGrid. SendGrid is an email deliverability API that is affordable and has lots of bells and whistles.0T" ruby[["rfeedparser-0.9.951u;[" 1.4.0i"rfeedparserU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.951u: Time d"%Parse RSS and Atom feeds in RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["1.1: @name" rchardet:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.10; "htmltools; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.1; " mongrel; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.4; "addressable; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.0; "character-encodings; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 4.0.0; "htmlentities; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;["0.6; " hpricot; @[;F00["Jeff Hodges"0T" ruby[["jhindle-jekyll-0.5.2u;[" 1.4.0i"jhindle-jekyllU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.2u: Time dO";Jekyll is a simple, blog aware, static site generator.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 4.0.4: @name" RedCloth:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.1; "classifier; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.9.0; " liquid; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.9; " maruku; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.1; "directory_watcher; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.6; " open4; @Q;F00["Tom Preston-Werner"Henrik Nyh";Jekyll is a simple, blog aware, static site generator.0T" ruby[["lastfm12-0.0.2u;e[" 1.4.0i" lastfm12U:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time "lastfm12 is a wrapper around the Last.fm protocol version 1.2. This library can manipulate the last.fm radio streams. So, you can implement easily the last.fm radio.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.1: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Keiichiro Ui"lastfm12 is a wrapper around the Last.fm protocol version 1.2. This library can manipulate the last.fm radio streams. So, you can implement easily the last.fm radio.0T" ruby[["couchsphinx-0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"couchsphinxU:Gem::Version["0.2u: Time h"GA full text indexing extension for CouchDB/CouchRest using Sphinx.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jan Ulbrich"0T" ruby[["fairy-0.6.0u;K[" 1.4.0i" fairyU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.0u: Time "fairy is a framework for distributed processing in Ruby, originally designed at Rakuten Institute of Technology with Yukihiro Matsumoto, the founder of Ruby.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.06: @name"DeepConnect:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.0; "fiber-mon; @);F00[" Rakuten" Inc."Tfairy is a framework for distributed processing in Ruby, originally designed at Rakuten Institute of Technology with Yukihiro Matsumoto, the founder of Ruby. Although fairy was inspired by MapReduce model, a well-known programming model for distributed processing, it's more flexible and suitable for wider use. That's due to fairy's programming model, called filter IF, and various built-in filters. fairy is implemented in Ruby and inherits its high productivity and simplicity. fairy's API is quite similar to Ruby. Therefore most programmers who know Ruby can easily understand and use it. 0T" ruby[["youtuber-1.2.0u;`[" 1.4.0i" youtuberU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.0u: Time "!YouTubeR: A YouTube Ruby APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["1: @name"xml-simple:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["carlosjhr64@gmail.com"This gem provides methods that return the raw XML/Atom file from http://gdata.youtube.com along with wrappers to make it's use simpler. It was developed for gtk2youtubeapp, verions 2. You'll want to read http://code.google.com/apis/youtube/2.0/developers_guide_protocol_audience.html0T" ruby[["sskirby-mongoid-1.9.1u;[" 1.4.0i"sskirby-mongoidU:Gem::Version[" 1.9.1u: Time "-Elegent Persistance in Ruby for MongoDB.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 1.3.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.1; " bson; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["<=U;[" 3.0.0; "activesupport; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.9.8; " mocha; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["U;[" 1.0.1; " mongo; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.1; "durran-validatable; @[;F00["Durran Jordan"WMongoid is an ODM (Object Document Mapper) Framework for MongoDB, written in Ruby.0T" ruby[["smeg2-0.0.1u; [" 1.4.0i" smeg2U:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time m"Simple CouchDB libraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"rest-client:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " hashie; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " json; @=;F00["Lincoln Stoll"LSimple library for working with CouchDB. Avoids magic, keeps it simple.0T" ruby[["readability-0.1.5u;:[" 1.4.0i"readabilityU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.5u: Time "2Run Arc90's Readability on Nokogiri documentsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["0.5: @name" harmony:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.4; " nokogiri; @3;F00["Gabor Ratky"Secret Sauce Partners" Inc."qExtends Nokogiri::HTML::Document to run Arc90's Readability script and produces easy to read HTML documents.0T" ruby[["klookup-0.4u;[" 1.4.0i" klookupU:Gem::Version["0.4u: Time "/A set of kanji lookup tools and a library.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Tom Adams"/A character dictionary for Japanese kanji.0T" ruby[["script_finder-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"script_finderU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time E"HA gem that provides tools to find and execute scripts in a project.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Tobias Crawley"0T" ruby[["rack-forceie7-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"rack-forceie7U:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time "xRack middleware to force Internet Explorer 8 to render pages in Internet Explorer 7 Compatibilty mode unobtrusivelyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Andrew Chalkley"Rack::ForceIE7 adds the X-UA-Compatible header with the value of IE=7 to the response headers so that there is no need to include anything in the head of your HTML document. Unlike some other middleware this doesn't edit your body - it just adds the additional header to the response.0T" ruby[["git2mite-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i" git2miteU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time D"9writes your git commit messages to your mite accountU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " builder; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rest-client; @3;F00["Alexander Lang"Thilo Utke"Robin Mehner"0T" ruby[["assert_xpath-0.4.6u;[" 1.4.0i"assert_xpathU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.6u: Time #"=assert_xpath and deny_xpath call assert_ and deny_tag_idU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rubynode:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "libxml-ruby; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " assert2; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "css_parser; @=;F00[" Phlip"0T" ruby[["WeightedSelection-1.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"WeightedSelectionU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time "BA simple library for obtaining weighted randomized selectionsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0: @name" rake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0; " rcov; @);F00["Blaine Cook"0T" ruby[["w3c_validators-1.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"w3c_validatorsU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.1u: Time "LWrapper for the World Wide Web Consortium's online validation services.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" nokogiri:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Alex Dunae"eW3C Validators is a Ruby wrapper for the World Wide Web Consortium's online validation services.0T" ruby[["svn_wc_tree-0.0.5u;[" 1.4.0i"svn_wc_treeU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time "xsvn_wc_tree is a web application (GUI) that enables basic operations on a working copy of a Subversion repository.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["David Wright"~svn_wc_tree provides an Web Application Front End GUI to a working copy of an remote SVN Repository.0T" ruby[["rong-server-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"rong-serverU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time d"*Ruby-based Pong server implementationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 0.2.0: @name"rong-elements:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2.0.0.beta.19; " rspec; @);F00["Matt Yoho"Rong-server is the server component for Rong, a Ruby implementation of Pong that consists of a server module for managing games, a client module for for interfacing with the server, and hopefully a few client implementations for playing some rad Pong, brah.0T" ruby[["resque-meta-1.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"resque-metaU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2u: Time d".A Resque plugin for storing job metadata.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["1.8: @name" resque:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Lee Marlow"A Resque plugin. If you want to be able to add metadata for a job to track anything you want, extend it with this module. For example: require 'resque-meta' class MyJob extend Resque::Plugins::Meta def self.perform(meta_id, *args) heavy_lifting end end meta0 = MyJob.enqueue('stuff') meta0.enqueued_at # => 'Wed May 19 13:42:41 -0600 2010' meta0.meta_id # => '03c9e1a045ad012dd20500264a19273c' meta0['foo'] = 'bar' # => 'bar' # later meta1 = MyJob.get_meta('03c9e1a045ad012dd20500264a19273c') meta1.job_class # => MyJob meta1.enqueued_at # => 'Wed May 19 13:42:41 -0600 2010' meta1['foo'] # => 'bar' 0T" ruby[["rb232-0.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i" rb232U:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time i"*A simple serial port library for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["James Smith"0T" ruby[["fakeweb-matcher-1.2.2u;y[" 1.4.0i"fakeweb-matcherU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.2u: Time "*RSpec matcher for the FakeWeb libraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.5: @name" fakeweb:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.0; " rspec; @);F00["Pat Allan"0T" ruby[["ooor-1.4.2u;[" 1.4.0i" ooorU:Gem::Version[" 1.4.2u: Time "OOOR - OpenObject On RailsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.1: @name"activeresource:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["%Raphael Valyi - www.akretion.com"OOOR exposes business object proxies to your Ruby (Rails or not) application, that map seamlessly to your remote OpenObject/OpenERP server using webservices. It extends the standard ActiveResource API.0T" ruby[["mheffner-cijoe-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"mheffner-cijoeU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time %"6CI Joe is a simple Continuous Integration server.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" sinatra:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " choice; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rack-test; @3;F00["Chris Wanstrath"6CI Joe is a simple Continuous Integration server.0T" ruby[["sanitized_attributes-1.1.1u;+[" 1.4.0i"sanitized_attributesU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.1u: Time e";HTML-sanitizing attribute accessors for Ruby and RailsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">U;["0; " sanitize; @);F00["Matthew Boeh"CrowdCompass" Inc."A wrapper to make automatic sanitization of incoming data easier. Uses the sanitize gem and works in both plain Ruby and Rails projects.0T" ruby[["rake-dotnet-0.1.20u;[" 1.4.0i"rake-dotnetU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.20u: Time k"%Build automation for .NET buildsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.3: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.3; " rake; @);F00["Peter MouncePeter Mounce"RMaking a .NET build-automation dev's life easier, one angle-bracket at a time0T" ruby[["hyves_oauth-0.0.1u;v[" 1.4.0i"hyves_oauthU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time E"0A Ruby client for the Hyves API using OAuthU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.4: @name" oauth:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Kevin van Dijk"0A Ruby client for the Hyves API using OAuth0T" ruby[["em_retry-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" em_retryU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "?A retry-method for Eventmachine and a convenience wrapper.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "eventmachine; @);F00["Niko Dittmann"0T" ruby[["bones-yard-1.0.0u;\[" 1.4.0i"bones-yardU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time $"sThe yard package for Mr Bones provides tasks to incorporate Yard based documentation into bones based projectsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.8: @name" yard:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.5.0; " bones; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.5.0; " bones; @3;F00["Tim Pease"tThe yard package for Mr Bones provides tasks to incorporate Yard based documentation into bones based projects.0T" ruby[["!active_merchant_mollie-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"active_merchant_mollieU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time $"UActiveMerchant extension to support the Dutch PSP Mollie with iDeal transactionsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"active_merchant:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " hpricot; @);F00["Edwin Vlieg"UActiveMerchant extension to support the Dutch PSP Mollie with iDeal transactions0T" ruby[["!rest-client-components-1.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"rest-client-componentsU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.0u: Time "RestClient on steroids ! Easily add one or more Rack middleware around RestClient to add functionalities such as transparent caching (Rack::Cache), transparent logging, etc.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" webmock:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.6.0["=U;[" 1.0.1; " rack; @8;F00["Cyril Rohr"RestClient on steroids ! Easily add one or more Rack middleware around RestClient to add functionalities such as transparent caching (Rack::Cache), transparent logging, etc.0T" ruby[[" rack-time-zone-header-0.1.1u;N[" 1.4.0i"rack-time-zone-headerU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time D"/Rack middleware for Time-Zone HTTP headersU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; " rack; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.14; " tzinfo; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.3; "rack-test; @=;F00["Randy Reddig"Cameron Walters"RAllow web service clients to specify the request time zone in an HTTP header.0T" ruby[["fws-first-gem-0.0.0u;?[" 1.4.0i"fws-first-gemU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.0u: Time f"my first gemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Frank Wöckener"and it's still empty0T" ruby[["$btakita-screw-unit-server-0.6.0u;=[" 1.4.0i"btakita-screw-unit-serverU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.0u: Time h"2Server and helpers for your Screw Unit tests.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.7: @name" erector:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "selenium-client; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.1; " thin; @3;F00["Pivotal Labs"Brian Takita"nThe Screw Unit server conveniently serves your Screw Unit specs and javascript files and css stylesheets.0T" ruby[["edango-0.5.4u;s[" 1.4.0i" edangoU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.4u: Time E"mEvil Dango is a small Ruby application that can extract torrent tickets from 'torrentpier'-enabled sitesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.3: @name"mechanize:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.4; " sinatra; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.3; "rubyforge; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.2.16; " haml; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.5.0; "hoe; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.0; "gemcutter; @Q;F00["$Toksaitov Dmitrii Alexandrovich"Evil Dango is a small Ruby application that can extract torrent tickets from 'torrentpier'-enabled sites. It fetches a ticket with a predefined account and replaces the initial passkey with the new defined one.0T" ruby[["phone_wrangler-0.1.3u;n[" 1.4.0i"phone_wranglerU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time Ł"'Handle phone numbers intelligentlyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Ryan Waldron"'Handle phone numbers intelligently0T" ruby[["noodall-core-0.5.1u;d[" 1.4.0i"noodall-coreU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.1u: Time e""Core data objects for NoodallU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"ruby-stemmer:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.8.6; "mongo_mapper; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.1.1; " canable; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.1.1; "%ramdiv-mongo_mapper_acts_as_tree; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.1.1; ""mm-multi-parameter-attributes; @G;F00["Steve England""Core data objects for Noodall0T" ruby[["avataree-0.6.3u;}[" 1.4.0i" avatareeU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.3u: Time "-Ruby DSL for Gravatar profile and imagesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rcov:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " json; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.5; "activesupport; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.1.0; " rspec; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.1; " jeweler; @Q;F00[""Bagwan Pankaj (a.k.a modulo9)"-Ruby DSL for Gravatar profile and images0T" ruby[["razyk-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" razykU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time e"#pure ruby LazyK implementationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ruby-graphviz; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rack; @3;F00["nagachika"1RazyK is a LazyK implementetion by pure ruby0T" ruby[[""automapper-;[" 1.4.0i"automapperU:Gem::Version[" Time D":AutoMapper - A convention-based object-object mapper.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[ "Jimmy Bogard"Eric Hexter"Jeffrey Palermo"Tom Jaeschke"AutoMapper uses a fluent configuration API to define an object-object mapping strategy. AutoMapper uses a convention-based matching algorithm to match up source to destination values. Currently, AutoMapper is geared towards model projection scenarios to flatten complex object models to DTOs and other simple objects, whose design is better suited for serialization, communication, messaging, or simply an anti-corruption layer between the domain and application layer. 0T" ruby[["growl-1.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i" growlU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.3u: Time $["growlnotify bindingsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["TJ Holowaychuk"growlnotify bindings0T" ruby[["dm-googlebase-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"dm-googlebaseU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time ł")A DataMapper adapter for Google BaseU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.2.8: @name" fakeweb:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.10.2; " dm-types; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.10.2; " dm-core; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.10.2; "dm-validations; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.10.0; "dm-sweatshop; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " nokogiri; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " gdata; @[;F00["Carl Porth"0T" ruby[["ipxact-ruby-0.13.0u;x[" 1.4.0i"ipxact-rubyU:Gem::Version[" 0.13.0u: Time Ŭ"XRuby library for parsing IPXACT specifications and extracting relevant information.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" nokogiri:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Guillaume Godet-Bar"0T" ruby[["mini_memory_store-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"mini_memory_storeU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "3Store a single value in memory with expirationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" jeweler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2; " rspec; @3;F00["Michael Grosser"0T" ruby[["hoptoad_notifier-2.4.5u;[" 1.4.0i"hoptoad_notifierU:Gem::Version[" 2.4.5u: Time E"OSend your application errors to our hosted service and reclaim your inbox.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " builder; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " bourne; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "activerecord; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " nokogiri; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "actionpack; @[;F00["thoughtbot"inc"0T" ruby[["akephalos-2s-0.2.4u;*[" 1.4.0i"akephalos-2sU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.4u: Time E";Headless Browser for Integration Testing with CapybaraU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"jruby-jars:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " sinatra; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.4.0; " capybara; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.2.0; " rspec; @=;F00["Bernerd Schaefer";Headless Browser for Integration Testing with Capybara0T" ruby[["!bcms_contact_us_module-1.1.3u;[" 1.4.0i"bcms_contact_us_moduleU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.3u: Time %"%Contact Us portlet in BrowserCMSU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Freddy Andersen"
=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["1.0: @name"merb-core:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jacques Crocker"Mislav Marohnić" PJ Hyett"gmerb_paginate is a fork of will_paginate agnostic branch, refocused to work specifically with Merb0T" ruby[["ofocus_sync-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"ofocus_syncU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time d"%A simple sync tool for OmniFocusU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Aaron Quint"%A simple sync tool for OmniFocus0T" ruby[["viking-sequel-3.10.0u;[" 1.4.0i"viking-sequelU:Gem::Version[" 3.10.0u: Time Ď""The Database Toolkit for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jeremy Evans""The Database Toolkit for Ruby0T" ruby[["rbvimeo-0.3.1u;:[" 1.4.0i" rbvimeoU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.1u: Time ņ"&A ruby wrapper for the vimeo api.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0.6: @name" hpricot:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Matt Pruitt"0T" ruby[["howl-0.6.0u;`[" 1.4.0i" howlU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.0u: Time "*A tiny static website/blog generator.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" nokogiri:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mustache; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rdiscount; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " hashie; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " haml; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.11; " riot; @Q;F00["Clinton R. Nixon"2Howl is a tiny static website/blog generator.0T" ruby[["friend-feed-0.1.1u;b[" 1.4.0i"friend-feedU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time d "'Ruby client for the FriendFeed APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Clinton R. Nixon"(Ruby client for the FriendFeed API.0T" ruby[["radiant-go-0.1.6u;l[" 1.4.0i"radiant-goU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.6u: Time "7a quicker and easier way to setup radiant projectsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.26: @name" bundler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.1; " radiant; @);F00["squaretalent"a quick an easy way to create radiant projects that are ready to use straight away, automatically perform bootstraps, migrations and updates for radiant and extensions, radiant-go is completely customizable little orphan awesome0T" ruby[[" public_suffix_service-0.8.1u; [" 1.4.0i"public_suffix_serviceU:Gem::Version[" 0.8.1u: Time Ŭ"7Domain Name parser based on the Public Suffix ListU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"rr:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Simone Carletti" Intelligent domain name parser based in the Public Suffic List. PublicSuffixService can parse and decompose a domain name into top level domain, domain and subdomains. 0T" ruby[["feedme-0.8.5u;d[" 1.4.0i" feedmeU:Gem::Version[" 0.8.5u: Time "DA simple, flexible, and extensible RSS and Atom parser for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["John Didion"A simple, flexible, and extensible RSS and Atom parser for Ruby. Based on the popular SimpleRSS library, but with many nice extra features.0T" ruby[["db_cull-0.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i" db_cullU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.0u: Time "5Cull seed data from a rails db into a seeds fileU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Mike DiTore"3Copies data from the database into db/seeds.rb0T" ruby[["%onemorecloud-websolr-rails-1.4.6u;[" 1.4.0i"onemorecloud-websolr-railsU:Gem::Version[" 1.4.6u: Time de",acts_as_solr compatible gem for websolrU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Kyle Maxwell",acts_as_solr compatible gem for websolr0T" ruby[["continued_fractions-1.2.2u;[" 1.4.0i"continued_fractionsU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.2u: Time d""Generate continued fractions.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["4.3: @name" echoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0; " rspec; @);F00["Jose Hales-Garcia""Generate continued fractions.0T" ruby[["trueskill-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"trueskillU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time E"3A ruby library for the trueskill rating systemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Lars Kuhnt"0T" ruby[["thread_tools-0.28u;[" 1.4.0i"thread_toolsU:Gem::Version[" 0.28u: Time e" Utilities for threaded appsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Daniel Tralamazza"[Thread tools is a collection of classes and utilities to help you write threaded code.0T" ruby[["extra_validators-1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"extra_validatorsU:Gem::Version["1.2u: Time "=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Aurélien Malisart"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Glenn McDonald"Alex Fortuna"Inverse Comparison Wrapper0T" ruby[["time-warp-1.0.7u;[" 1.4.0i"time-warpU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.7u: Time "Warp time in your testsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Barry Hess"JTimeWarp is a ruby library for manipulating times in automated tests.0T" ruby[["sk-api-1.1.0u;H[" 1.4.0i" sk-apiU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.0u: Time Ĩ"Interact with SalesKingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Georg Leciejewski"Interact with SalesKing0T" ruby[["picombo-auth-0.2.2u;[" 1.4.0i"picombo-authU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.2u: Time "*Auth module for the Picombo frameworkU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jeremy Bush"*Auth module for the Picombo framework0T" ruby[["machinify-0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"machinifyU:Gem::Version["0.1u: Time $"Software stack toolsetU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Bradley Taylor"Software stack toolset0T" ruby[["%delayed_acts_as_geocodable-1.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"delayed_acts_as_geocodableU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.3u: Time D"3Simple geocoding for Rails ActiveRecord modelsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.3: @name"delayed_job:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.0.0.pre2; "graticule; @);F00["Rubem Azenha"Daniel Morrison"Brandon Keepers"USimple geocoding for Rails ActiveRecord models. See the README for more details.0T" ruby[["munin-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" muninU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time e"!Create munin plugins in rubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.0: @name"gemcutter:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.5.0; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.3; "rubyforge; @3;F00["Alban Peignier"0T" ruby[["UCSAPI-0.0.9u;[" 1.4.0i" UCSAPIU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.9u: Time ",Simple Ruby interface to the UCS XMLAPIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"rubygems-update:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.2; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4; "rubyforge; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rest-client; @=;F00["Steve Chambers"4A simple ruby interface to the Cisco UCS XMLAPI0T" ruby[["tsearch-1.0.5u;c[" 1.4.0i" tsearchU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.5u: Time D"_Provides easy access to PostgreSQL's tsearch full text search for your ActiveRecord modelsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["David Harding"rProvides easy access to PostgreSQL's tsearch full text search for your ActiveRecord models using named scopes0T" ruby[["structured_warnings-0.1.3u;[" 1.4.0i"structured_warningsU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time ek"\Provides structured warnings for Ruby, using an exception-like interface and hierarchy.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.0; " jeweler; @);F00["Gregor Schmidt"[This is an implementation of Daniel Berger's proposal of structured warnings for Ruby.0T" ruby[["monetra-ruby-0.0.6u;[" 1.4.0i"monetra-rubyU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.6u: Time d"\Ruby library for accessing Main Street Softwork's Monetra credit card processing systemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["1.2: @name" builder:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["\Ruby library for accessing Main Street Softwork's Monetra credit card processing system0T" ruby[["rlirc-0.3.1u;n[" 1.4.0i" rlircU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.1u: Time $""4a replacement for irexec and irxevent from lircU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0.4: @name"libxosd2-ruby:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["4a replacement for irexec and irxevent from lirc0T" ruby[["picasa_plucker-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"picasa_pluckerU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time $"?PicasaPlucker downloads all images from a Picasa web albumU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.2: @name" hpricot:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.0; "gemcutter; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.5.0; "hoe; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.3; "rubyforge; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.9; "ruby-progressbar; @G;F00["Dr Nic Williams"PicasaPlucker downloads all images from a Picasa web album. Your friends use Picasa (http://picasaweb.google.com) but you don't, so you can't easily download all the images in their albums? PicasaPlucker fixes that. PicasaPlucker takes the URL of someone's Picasa album, and downloads all the original images into your local machine. You can then import them to your favourite images application (iPhoto, etc).0T" ruby[["faceoff-1.0.1u;>[" 1.4.0i" faceoffU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time D"TA scraper to backup your facebook account (albums, photos, notes, users, video)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.0: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.695; " vpim; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.1; "hoe; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; "mechanize; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.1; " highline; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4; "rubyforge; @Q;F00["Jeremie Castagna"A scraper to backup your facebook account (albums, photos, notes, users, video). Why a scraper instead of using facebook apps? Logging in as a user gives you access to more data and it's harder to block.0T" ruby[["addy-1.1.0u;d [" 1.4.0i" addyU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.0u: Time "&Prettier summations in your code.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" cucumber:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0; " rspec; @3;F00["Allen Madsen"# Addy Allows pretty summations. Instead of writing: (1..5).inject(0) do |memo, num| memo + (num**num) end You write: sum(1..5) do |num| num**num end Personally, I would rather write the latter. ## Usage Install the gem: gem install addy Then use it! require 'addy' class MyClass #include it in a class or in Object to get it everywhere include Addy def my_awesome_adder(range) sum(range) end end When you include addy on a class that implements inject, you don't even need to pass a value to it. Instead it calls sum on your class. require 'addy' class MyClass < Range include Addy def my_awesome_adder sum end end ### Calling It You can call either sum or summation. They're aliases for the same thing. Note: The following assumes Addy is included into Range. When you pass a block to sum it will execute the block on the current number before adding it to the sum. sum(1..5) {|num| num + 1} #=> 20 (1..5).sum {|num| num + 1} #=> 20 You don't have to pass a block though! #this sum(1..5) #=> 15 #and (1..5).sum #=> 15 #are equivalent to sum(1..5) {|num| num} #=> 15 #and (1..5).sum {|num| num} #=> 15 ### Input Ranges and numeric arrays both work well. sum(1..5) #=> 15 sum([1,2,3,4,5]) #=> 15 ## Note on Patches/Pull Requests * Fork the project. * Make your feature addition or bug fix. * Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally. * Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull) * Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches. ## Copyright Copyright (c) 2010 Allen Madsen. See LICENSE for details. PS: Isn't it ridiculous how much documentation I wrote for one function?0T" ruby[["loco_bill-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"loco_billU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time $"BA ruby wrapper for interacting with Bill.com's developer API!U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0.3: @name" hashie:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.3; " nokogiri; @);F00["chris mcc"Rob Kaufman"AA ruby wrapper for interacting with Bill.com's developer API0T" ruby[["spymemcached-0.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i"spymemcachedU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time "_A jruby-only memcached client and rails cache store that uses spymemcached under the hood.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["James Golick"_A jruby-only memcached client and rails cache store that uses spymemcached under the hood.0T" ruby[["reliable-msg-1.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"reliable-msgU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.0u: Time Ek"\Reliable messaging and persistent queues for building asynchronous applications in RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0: @name" uuid:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Assaf Arkin" This package provides reliable messaging and persistent queues for building asynchronous applications in Ruby. It supports transaction processing, message selectors, priorities, delivery semantics, remote queue managers, disk-based and MySQL message stores and more.0T" ruby[["freeagent_api_ares-0.0.1u;P[" 1.4.0i"freeagent_api_aresU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time D"0A FreeAgent client based on active_resourceU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"activeresource:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" charper"0T" ruby[["metamri-0.2.2u;[" 1.4.0i" metamriU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.2u: Time E"MRI metadataU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " dicom; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "sqlite3-ruby; @3;F00["Kristopher J. Kosmatka"PExtraction of MRI metadata and insertion into compatible sqlite3 databases.0T" ruby[["StompMq-0.4u;[" 1.4.0i" StompMqU:Gem::Version["0.4u: Time !"6Support for the STOMP messaging protocol in Ruby.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Sarah Nordstrom"0T" ruby[["unpacker-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i" unpackerU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time $"0Abstraction for extracting various archivesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"shellshot:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @);F00["Petyo Ivanov"?The tool relies on the presence of the command-line tools.0T" ruby[[" treyconnell-ruby-aaws-0.8.1u;[" 1.4.0i"treyconnell-ruby-aawsU:Gem::Version[" 0.8.1u: Time "FRuby/AWS is a Ruby wrapper to the Amazon Product Advertising API.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Ian McDonald"Ruby/AWS is a Ruby wrapper to the Amazon Product Advertising API. This version works with heroku as it looks for the .amazonrc file in Rails.root/config0T" ruby[["keyword_search-1.4.1u;E[" 1.4.0i"keyword_searchU:Gem::Version[" 1.4.1u: Time f"Generic library to parse GMail-style search strings for keyword/value pairs; supports definition of valid keywords and handling of quoted values.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Bruce Williams"Eric Lindvall"0T" ruby[["jdbc-postgres-9.0.801u;[" 1.4.0i"jdbc-postgresU:Gem::Version[" 9.0.801u: Time "FPostgreSQL JDBC driver for Java and PostgreSQL/ActiveRecord-JDBC.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4: @name"rubyforge:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Nick Sieger"$Ola Bini and JRuby contributors"MInstall this gem and require 'postgres' within JRuby to load the driver.0T" ruby[["fractals-1.2.2u;`[" 1.4.0i" fractalsU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.2u: Time "FA library for creating fractals in the Ruby programming language.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.0: @name"chunky_png:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Ryan Baxter"0T" ruby[["clearance-0.10.0u;[" 1.4.0i"clearanceU:Gem::Version[" 0.10.0u: Time "0Rails authentication with email & password.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.0: @name" rails:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.3.0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.10.0; " cucumber; @3;F00["Dan Croak"Mike Burns"Jason Morrison"Joe Ferris"Eugene Bolshakov"Nick Quaranto"Josh Nichols"Mike Breen"Marcel Görner"Bence Nagy"Ben Mabey"Eloy Duran" Tim Pope"Mihai Anca"Mark Cornick"Shay Arnett"Jon Yurek"Chad Pytel"0Rails authentication with email & password.0T" ruby[["walter-0.0.4u;7[" 1.4.0i" walterU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time e"MA small webapp to explore and read a bunch of quotes stored as textfilesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"rdiscount:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "erb; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yaml; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " sinatra; @=;F00["Duong Tam Kien"MA small webapp to explore and read a bunch of quotes stored as textfiles0T" ruby[["crypto64-1.0.0u;[[" 1.4.0i" crypto64U:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time "CEncrypt and decrypt text of arbitrary length using RSA cyphersU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["[Bart Teeuwisse]"| Encrypt and decrypt text of arbitrary length using RSA cyphers. Extends the RSA class from the openssl library. 0T" ruby[["autofac-;[" 1.4.0i" autofacU:Gem::Version[" Time ě".Autofac - An addictive .NET IoC containerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Nicholas Blumhardt"Rinat Abdulin"Autofac is an IoC container for Microsoft .NET. It manages the dependencies between classes so that applications stay easy to change as they grow in size and complexity. This is achieved by treating regular .NET classes as components.0T" ruby[["fastout-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i" fastoutU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time %"0Detect outliers in high-dimension data setsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" autotest:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "autotest-growl; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "fastercsv; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "autotest-fsevent; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rr; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " redgreen; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2.0; " rspec; @[;F00["Jason Dew"[Detect outliers in high-dimension data sets using the FASTOUT algorithm by Foss et. al0T" ruby[["twitterscour-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"twitterscourU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time "IClass for retrieving tweets directly from Twitter, not using the APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"json_pure:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " nokogiri; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " httparty; @3;F00["Brent Sowers"Search for tweets directly from the Twitter web site. Using the API (which most Twitter gems use) returns only what Twitter considers the "most popular" tweets in many cases, this will return everything that you can see by going to the web site directly. This probably shouldn't be relied upon for a production system, as Twitter can change the structure of their web page at any moment, and if so, this will not work until I update it.0T" ruby[["LMG_modbus-1.0.4u;N[" 1.4.0i"LMG_modbusU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.4u: Time "]Useful set of test automation classes for bulk polling and bulk writing modbus registersU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Scott Shanks"]Useful set of test automation classes for bulk polling and bulk writing modbus registers0T" ruby[["merb-ssl-requirement-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"merb-ssl-requirementU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time d'"Merb plugin that provides ssl_requirement from rails but ensures http protocol when in test or development mode to make it easier to develop and testU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.10: @name"merb-core:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Steve Tooke m7d"9Merb plugin that provides ssl_requirement from rails0T" ruby[["jamesgolick-ASS-0.1.0u;O[" 1.4.0i"jamesgolick-ASSU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time g"9Asynchronous Service Stages for Distributed ServicesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" amqp:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Howard Yeh"0T" ruby[["turkee-1.0.2u;4[" 1.4.0i" turkeeU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2u: Time d"@Turkee makes dealing with Amazon's Mechnical Turk a breeze.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.0; " rturk; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.3; " lockfile; @3;F00["Jim Jones"Turkee will help you to create your Rails forms, post the HITs, and retrieve the user entered values from Mechanical Turk.0T" ruby[["basiszwo-reflection-0.5.1u;[" 1.4.0i"basiszwo-reflectionU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.1u: Time ";Keep your development machine in sync with production.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.5: @name"git:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @);F00["Stefan Botzenhart"Andreas Wolff"A Reflection is designed to keep your development system in sync with your production system's files and database (by dumping). It uses a shared git repository to store these files, which allows you to mirror your production environment without the need of direct access to your production servers. 0T" ruby[["beanstalker-0.4.15u;R[" 1.4.0i"beanstalkerU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.15u: Time E"nBeanstalker provides deep integration with Beanstalk. Fork from http://github.com/kristjan/async_observerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"beanstalk-client:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.4.0; "daemonizer; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.2.0; " rails; @3;F00["Gleb Pomykalov"[Beanstalker is a tool for executing long tasks in background in our rails application.0T" ruby[["(mvcturbine-windsor-;[" 1.4.0i"mvcturbine-windsorU:Gem::Version[" Time "mMVC Turbine (Castle Windsor) - A simple, extensible framework to streamline your ASP.NET MVC developmentU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" @name"castle.windsor:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;["; "mvcturbine; @);F00["Javier Lozano"8MVC Turbine is a plugin for ASP.NET MVC that has IoC baked in and auto-wires controllers, binders, view engines, http modules, etc. that reside within your application. Thus you worry more about what your application should do, rather than how it should do it. This is the Castle Windsor adapter for MVC Turbine.0T" ruby[["facebooked-0.1.1u;u[" 1.4.0i"facebookedU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time D"8Facebook api wrapper for server side authenticationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" Lee Byrd".Facebooked is complimentary to connect-js0T" ruby[["sinbook-0.1.9u;[" 1.4.0i" sinbookU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.9u: Time ";simple sinatra facebook extension in 300 lines of rubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"yajl-ruby:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Aman Gupta"HA full-featured facebook extension for the sinatra webapp framework0T" ruby[["show_off_pdf-0.0.3.preu;$[" 1.4.0i"show_off_pdfU:Gem::Version["0.0.3.preu: Time E"ShowOff slides can now be translated into semi-useful PDF documents for printing out and handing out at your talks, using Markdown Prawn and the Prawn libary.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.10: @name" prawn:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.3.2; " showoff; @);F00["Ryan Stenhouse"' ShowOff2PDF converts ShowOff presentations into PDF files for use as handouts or to provide an easy-to-print version of your presentation. It was delveoped by Ryan Stenhouse and relies on Prawn and Ryan's Markdown Prawn library. Documentation is available at http://ryanstenhouse.eu 0T" ruby[[" puavo_authentication-0.0.10u;[" 1.4.0i"puavo_authenticationU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.10u: Time e"3Authentication solution for Puavo applicationsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jouni Korhonen"3Authentication solution for Puavo applications0T" ruby[["choctop-0.14.1u;[" 1.4.0i" choctopU:Gem::Version[" 0.14.1u: Time "|Build and deploy tools for Cocoa apps using Sparkle for distributions and upgrades; it’s like Hoe but for Cocoa appsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.1: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.1.2; " builder; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4; "rubyforge; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.2.1; "awesome_print; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.0.4; " escape; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 4.2.3; " RedCloth; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " bundler; @[;F00["Dr Nic Williams"Chris Bailey"Patrick Huesler"Build and deploy tools for Cocoa apps using Sparkle for distributions and upgrades; it’s like Hoe but for Cocoa apps. Package up your OS X/Cocoa applications into Custom DMGs, generate Sparkle XML, and upload. Instead of hours, its only 30 seconds to release each new version of an application. Build and deploy tools for Cocoa apps using Sparkle for distributions and upgrades; it's like Hoe but for Cocoa apps. The main feature is a powerful rake task "rake appcast" which builds a release of your application, creates a DMG package, generates a Sparkle XML file, and posts the package and XML file to your remote host via rsync. All rake tasks: rake build # Build Xcode Release rake dmg[automount] # Create the dmg file for appcasting (`rake dmg`, or `rake dmg[automount]` to automatically mount the dmg) rake feed # Create/update the appcast file rake upload # Upload the appcast file to the host rake version:bump:major # Bump the gemspec by a major version. rake version:bump:minor # Bump the gemspec by a minor version. rake version:bump:patch # Bump the gemspec by a patch version. rake version:current # Display the current version0T" ruby[["rubysspi-1.3.1u;[" 1.4.0i" rubysspiU:Gem::Version[" 1.3.1u: Time C"A library which implements Ruby bindings to the Win32 SSPI library. Also includes a module to add Negotiate authentication support to Net::HTTP.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Justin Bailey"This gem provides bindings to the Win32 SSPI libraries, primarily to support Negotiate (i.e. SPNEGO, NTLM) authentication with a proxy server. Enough support is implemented to provide the necessary support for the authentication. A module is also provided which overrides Net::HTTP and adds support for Negotiate authentication to it. This implies that open-uri automatically gets support for it, as long as the http_proxy environment variable is set.0T" ruby[["restfulx-1.3.1u;[" 1.4.0i" restfulxU:Gem::Version[" 1.3.1u: Time %"ORestfulX Framework Code Generation Engine / Rails 2.1+ Integration SupportU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.2: @name" rubigen:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0; "activesupport; @);F00["Dima Berastau"IRestfulX: The RESTful Way to develop Adobe Flex and AIR applications0T" ruby[["jota-0.9.0dev5u;[" 1.4.0i" jotaU:Gem::Version["0.9.0dev5u: Time Ū"=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[00["Derik van Zuetphen"0T" ruby[["memory-profiler-1.0.1u;C[" 1.4.0i"memory-profilerU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time "A Ruby Memory ProfilerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Matthew Kerwin"A rudimentary memory profiler that uses pure in-VM techniques to analyse the object space and attempt to determine memory usage trends.0T" ruby[["listalicious-0.3.3u;[" 1.4.0i"listaliciousU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.3u: Time "-Semantic lists (aka datagrids) for RailsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jeremy Jackson"LSemantic listing; a semantic way to build datagrid structures in Rails.0T" ruby[["slurper-1.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" slurperU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.0u: Time "@takes a formatted story file and puts it on Pivotal TrackerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 3.0.0: @name"activeresource:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.3.0; " rspec; @);F00[ "Wes Gibbs"Adam Lowe"Stephen Caudill" Tim Pope" Slurps stories from the given file (stories.slurper by default) and creates Pivotal Tracker stories from them. Useful during story carding sessions when you want to capture a number of stories quickly without clicking your way through the Tracker UI. 0T" ruby[["openid-0.0.1u;s[" 1.4.0i" openidU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time DY"OpenID support for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Mark Quinn"OpenID support for Ruby -- OpenID (http://openid.net) is a decentralized identification system that allows users to prove they own a url. OpenID for Ruby currently includes only consumer modules.0T" ruby[["has_handle_fallback-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"has_handle_fallbackU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time ė"eMake it easy to use handles (callsigns/monikers/usernames) in URLs, even if they might be blank.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.4: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.4; "activerecord; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.1; "validates_decency_of; @3;F00["Seamus Abshere"Make it easy to use handles (callsigns/monikers/usernames) in URLs, even if they might be blank. Provides sensible validations and a find_by_id_or_handle method.0T" ruby[["ricepaper-0.0.4u;;[" 1.4.0i"ricepaperU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time "2A small library for adding URLs to InstapaperU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Lee Hinman"xRicepaper is a library that allows you to add URLs to Instapaper, either by using it as a CLI or as a Ruby library.0T" ruby[["rexleparser-0.2.3u;[" 1.4.0i"rexleparserU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.3u: Time e"rexleparserU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["0T" ruby[[""memcached-northscale-;[" 1.4.0i"memcached-northscaleU:Gem::Version[" Time ":Fauna with some additional Rails compatibility fixes.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Sean Lynch":Fauna with some additional Rails compatibility fixes.0T" ruby[["content_scrapper-0.0.10u;[" 1.4.0i"content_scrapperU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.10u: Time e"bGem for those who want to screen scrap only the content part of web pages, blogs or articles.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.1: @name" nokogiri:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.8; " mocha; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.10.2; "thoughtbot-shoulda; @3;F00["Gyorgy Frivolt"If you want to cut only the content of pages, without any other part (like the menu, header, footer, commercials, etc.), you might find this gem very handy. A DSL is also defined for nifty definitions for your screen scrapping and sanitization.0T" ruby[["pdftoimage-0.1.4u;[" 1.4.0i"pdftoimageU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time "EA ruby gem for converting PDF documents into a series of images.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.6.0: @name" yard:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @);F00["Rob Flynn"}A ruby gem for converting PDF documents into a series of images. This module is based off poppler_utils and ImageMagick.0T" ruby[["myproject-1.0.0u;r[" 1.4.0i"myprojectU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time ĥ"* my project demoU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4: @name"rubyforge:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.2; "hoe; @);F00["Jason Zhang"* my project demo0T" ruby[["aes-0.4.0u;[" 1.4.0i"aesU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.0u: Time e"=AES#encrypt(key, data), AES#decrypt(key, data). Capiche?U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.1: @name" jeweler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @=;F00["Carl Hicks"An AES encrypt/decrypt gem built ontop of OpenSSL. Not as quick as FastAES, but it doesn't require building native extensions and supports Base64 encoded input and output.0T" ruby[["datamapper4rail-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"datamapper4railU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time dK"0collection of datamapper related extensionsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.3: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.3; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " slf4r; @3;F00["mkristian"Icollection of datamapper related extensions. mostly needed to run within rails. the restful transactions is around filter for rails. the restful adapter can be outside of rails. datamapper store is a session store for rails which uses datamapper as persistent layer. the generators produces datamapper models for your rails application. quite a few things are "stolen" from dm-more/rails_datamapper. a lot of things do not work there and patches are still in process to be applied so until dm-more/rails_datamapper catches up, ut I hope these two project merge someday again.0T" ruby[["hamster-0.4.0u;[" 1.4.0i" hamsterU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.0u: Time "BEfficient, Immutable, Thread-Safe Collection classes for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["2.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.1.2; " diff-lcs; @);F00["Simon Harris"BEfficient, Immutable, Thread-Safe Collection classes for Ruby0T" ruby[["engineyard-metadata-0.2.2u;[" 1.4.0i"engineyard-metadataU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.2u: Time %"NMake your EngineYard AppCloud (Amazon EC2) instances aware of each other.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.5: @name"eat:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " fakeweb; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " fakefs; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2; " rspec; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.4; "activesupport; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0.4; "nap; @Q;F00["Seamus Abshere"zPulls metadata from EC2 and EngineYard so that your EngineYard AppCloud (Amazon EC2) instances know about each other.0T" ruby[["fuzzyrb-1.2.3u;3[" 1.4.0i" fuzzyrbU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.3u: Time "Fuzzy Sets for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Roman Kamyk"== DESCRIPTION: Implements Fuzzy Sets in Ruby. I am very beginner at this topic, so it is very basic now. Any help will be appreciated. == FEATURES/PROBLEMS: * Fuzzy Sets defined as sequence of line segments. * Fuzzy Rules. Only conjunction of arguments is possible. * No error handling. * Defuzzification as center of gravity and first maximum * Minimum and Multiplication T-Norms. * Mamdani and Larsen aggregation methods. * Reasoning - apply matching rule and combine the results. Mamdani or Takagi-Sugeno system.0T" ruby[["vidly-0.1.0u;~[" 1.4.0i" vidlyU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time k"$Ruby wrapper for the Vid.ly APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.4.5: @name" httparty:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.10.1; "thoughtbot-shoulda; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.4.0; "jnunemaker-matchy; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.5; " fakeweb; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.1.3; " hashie; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.9.4; " mocha; @Q;F00["Wynn Netherland",Post your videos to Twitter with Vid.ly0T" ruby[["carmen-0.2.5u;7[" 1.4.0i" carmenU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.5u: Time "@A collection of geographic country and state names for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" mocha:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " hanna; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rails; @3;F00["Jim Benton"A collection of geographic country and state names for Ruby. Also includes replacements for Rails' country_select and state_select plugins0T" ruby[["best_in_place-0.1.8u;[" 1.4.0i"best_in_placeU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.8u: Time "|It makes any field in place editable by clicking on it, it works for inputs, textareas, select dropdowns and checkboxesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.0: @name" rails:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Bernat Farrero"BestInPlace is a jQuery script and a Rails 3 helper that provide the method best_in_place to display any object field easily editable for the user by just clicking on it. It supports input data, text data, boolean data and custom dropdown data. It works with RESTful controllers.0T" ruby[["'strikeroff-simple-navigation-2.0.2u;a[" 1.4.0i"!strikeroff-simple-navigationU:Gem::Version[" 2.0.2u: Time g"!strikeroff-simple-navigationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" echoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Vesov Ilya"!strikeroff-simple-navigation0T" ruby[["semantic_naming-2.2.3u;[" 1.4.0i"semantic_namingU:Gem::Version[" 2.2.3u: Time "?Semantic Naming Extensions for ActiveRDF, Talia and othersU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Daniel Hahn"0T" ruby[["cliaws-1.7.7u;[" 1.4.0i" cliawsU:Gem::Version[" 1.7.7u: Time ę"ZA command-line suite of tools to access Amazon Web Services, using the RightAws gems.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">U;[" 0.11["U;[" 1.10; "right_aws; @.;F00["François Beausoleil"ZA command-line suite of tools to access Amazon Web Services, using the RightAws gems.0T" ruby[["java_testing_guff-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"java_testing_guffU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time "Generates java source code that provides fluent interfaces to configure mock objects in particular states, or real objects in particular states. Intent is to make writing tests easier. Requires JRuby and QDox.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.3: @name" guff:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Mike Hogan"Generates java source code that provides fluent interfaces to configure mock objects in particular states, or real objects in particular states. Intent is to make writing tests easier. Requires JRuby and QDox.0T" ruby[["freighthopper-0.1.14u;[" 1.4.0i"freighthopperU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.14u: Time ")Some extensions for riding the railsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jacob Rothstein"More core ext0T" ruby[["traits-0.10.0u;[" 1.4.0i" traitsU:Gem::Version[" 0.10.0u: Time " traitsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Ara T. Howard"0T" ruby[["dm-activemodel-0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"dm-activemodelU:Gem::Version["0.1u: Time e"2Make sure DataMapper acts like an ActiveModelU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.10; " dm-core; @);F00["Andre Arko"2Make sure DataMapper acts like an ActiveModel0T" ruby[["remind-1.1.0u;v[" 1.4.0i" remindU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.0u: Time $h".Growl notifications when command finishesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Kyle Maxwell"0Simple command-line notifications via growl0T" ruby[["capfig-0.1.0u;a[" 1.4.0i" capfigU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "%Easily configure cap deploymentsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0: @name"capistrano:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Eli Fox-Epstein"%Easily configure cap deployments0T" ruby[["rsyncdiff-0.0.3u;9[" 1.4.0i"rsyncdiffU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time b"=rsyncdiff is a tool for comparing local and remote code.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Alex R. Young"hrsyncdiff is a tool for comparing local and remote code. It displays changes, deletions and diffs.0T" ruby[["has-versions-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"has-versionsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "5Adds versioning to existing active-record modelsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Sander Onland"0T" ruby[["clif-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" clifU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time f"9Ready-made command line interface for ruby librariesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" redgreen:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "thoughtbot-shoulda; @);F00["jameswilding"Zclif (Command Line InterFace) acts as a bridge between your code and the command line0T" ruby[["bcms_intensedebate-0.5.0u;[" 1.4.0i"bcms_intensedebateU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.0u: Time Ů"AIntegrate IntenseDebate commenting into your BrowserCMS siteU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Dan Collis-Puro"0T" ruby[["bankjob-0.5.2u;5[" 1.4.0i" bankjobU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.2u: Time $R"Bankjob is a command-line ruby program for scraping online banking sites and producing statements in OFX (Open Fincancial Exchange) or CSV (Comma Separated Values) formatsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.5: @name"mechanize:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.2; " builder; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0.6; " hpricot; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.3; "fastercsv; @=;F00[" rhubarb"Bankjob is a command-line ruby program for scraping online banking sites and producing statements in OFX (Open Fincancial Exchange) or CSV (Comma Separated Values) formats. Bankjob was created for people like me who want to get their bank data into a 3rd party application but whose bank does not support downloads in OFX format. It's also useful for keeping a permanent store of bank statements on your computer for reading in Excel (vs filing paper statements)0T" ruby[["gcal4ruby-0.5.5u;_[" 1.4.0i"gcal4rubyU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.5u: Time "IA full featured wrapper for interacting with the Google Calendar APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.5: @name"gdata4ruby:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Mike Reich"GCal4Ruby is a Ruby Gem that can be used to interact with the current version of the Google Calendar API. GCal4Ruby provides the following features: Create and edit calendar events, Add and invite users to events, Set reminders, Make recurring events.0T" ruby[["crags-2.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i" cragsU:Gem::Version[" 2.1.2u: Time %"CA library to help search across multiple craigslist locations.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" curb:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " hpricot; @);F00["Justin Marney"CA library to help search across multiple craigslist locations.0T" ruby[["ytl-0.0.2u;I[" 1.4.0i"ytlU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time %"7Very tiny subset of YARV to native code translatorU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.6: @name" ytljit:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Hideki Miura"0T" ruby[["smparkes-envjs-0.0.12u;[" 1.4.0i"smparkes-envjsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.12u: Time %k"4Browser environment for javascript interpretersU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" @name"smparkes-johnson:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["John Resig"Chris Thatcher"4Browser environment for javascript interpreters0T" ruby[["screeninator-1.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"screeninatorU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time "6Create and manage complex screen sessions easily.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jon Druse"6Create and manage complex screen sessions easily.0T" ruby[["-jruby_streaming_update_solr_server-0.5.3u;[" 1.4.0i"'jruby_streaming_update_solr_serverU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.3u: Time ":Simple jruby interface into StreamingUpdateSolrServerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" yard:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " bacon; @);F00["Bill Dueber"HSome sugar on top of StreamingUpdateSolrServer for use within JRuby0T" ruby[["knapo-i18n-;U[" 1.4.0i"knapo-i18nU:Gem::Version[" Time "3New wave Internationalization support for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[ "Sven Fuchs"Joshua Harvey"Matt Aimonetti"Stephan Soller"Saimon Moore"Krzysztof Knapik"?Add Internationalization support to your Ruby application.0T" ruby[["xml_fixtures-0.1.1u;C[" 1.4.0i"xml_fixturesU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time ",Adds support for XML fixtures in tests.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["QualitySmith Inc."|This gem provides your tests with the ability to load XML from fixture files and compare two XML documents using REXML.0T" ruby[["!webformsmvp-;[" 1.4.0i"webformsmvpU:Gem::Version[" Time "RWeb Forms MVP - A simple Model-View-Presenter framework for ASP.NET Web FormsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Tatham Oddie"Damian Edwards" Web Forms MVP is a simple Model-View-Presenter framework for ASP.NET Web Forms to aid in building testable and maintainable ASP.NET projects. Features support for normal server controls, data-binding and async pages. 0T" ruby[[" radiant-sns-extension-0.9.0u;[" 1.4.0i"radiant-sns-extensionU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.0u: Time "/Adds javascript and stylesheet management.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" cucumber:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @);F00["Swank Innovations"LLC"5SNS adds support for javascript and stylesheets.0T" ruby[["monitr-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" monitrU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time %E"Like monit, only awesomeU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.2: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.2; "hoe; @);F00["onesupercoder"YMonitr is an easy to configure, easy to extend monitoring framework written in Ruby.0T" ruby[[""objectreload-permalinks-0.2.4u;t[" 1.4.0i"objectreload-permalinksU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.4u: Time D"%Simple way to create permalinks.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["2.0: @name"test-unit:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Mateusz Drożdżyński"Ewa Limanówka"Jakub Kuźma"0T" ruby[["blm-0.1.5u;[" 1.4.0i"blmU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.5u: Time e"+A parser for the Rightmove .blm formatU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 2.1.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.1; " jeweler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @=;F00["Robert May"4Hurrah! Another pointless text format to parse.0T" ruby[["rack_konami-0.9.1u;[" 1.4.0i"rack_konamiU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.1u: Time "=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Mark Turner"JMixes the Konami code + JQuery to add Konami code effects to your app0T" ruby[["ghazel-daemons-1.0.13u;[" 1.4.0i"ghazel-daemonsU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.13u: Time D_">A toolkit to create and control daemons in different waysU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Thomas Uehlinger"Daemons provides an easy way to wrap existing ruby scripts (for example a self-written server) to be run as a daemon and to be controlled by simple start/stop/restart commands. You can also call blocks as daemons and control them from the parent or just daemonize the current process. Besides this basic functionality, daemons offers many advanced features like exception backtracing and logging (in case your ruby script crashes) and monitoring and automatic restarting of your processes if they crash.0T" ruby[["nilclass-maildir-0.5.1u;B[" 1.4.0i"nilclass-maildirU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.1u: Time "0Read & write messages in the maildir formatU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mail; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " json; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ktheory-fakefs; @=;F00["Aaron Suggs"Niklas E. Cathor"VA ruby library for reading and writing arbitrary messages in DJB's maildir format0T" ruby[["redmiso-0.0.0u;5[" 1.4.0i" redmisoU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.0u: Time Ł"Object Mapping for RedisU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Howard Yeh" Neato0T" ruby[["dirb-2.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i" dirbU:Gem::Version[" 2.0.2u: Time "Renamed to diffyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Sam Goldstein"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 2.0.10: @name" net-ssh:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.1; " net-scp; @);F00["Tony Pitale"0T" ruby[["copy_machine-0.1.0u;k[" 1.4.0i"copy_machineU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "KEasily copy production or slave records into your development databaseU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" minitest:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " growl; @);F00["Lee Richmond"For sprawling legacy apps, seeds.rb and fixtures are sometimes not enough. Copy machine eases development by copying records from a slave database as you move through your app, or as you execute predefined templates0T" ruby[["facebooker-1.0.75u;[" 1.4.0i"facebookerU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.75u: Time "Facebooker is a Ruby wrapper over the Facebook[http://facebook.com] {REST API}[http://wiki.developers.facebook.com/index.php/API]U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.4.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; "json_pure; @);F00[ "Chad Fowler"Patrick Ewing"Mike Mangino"Shane Vitarana"Corey Innis"Mike Mangino"Facebooker is a Ruby wrapper over the Facebook[http://facebook.com] {REST API}[http://wiki.developers.facebook.com/index.php/API]. Its goals are: * Idiomatic Ruby * No dependencies outside of the Ruby standard library (This is true with Rails 2.1. Previous Rails versions require the JSON gem) * Concrete classes and methods modeling the Facebook data, so it's easy for a Rubyist to understand what's available * Well tested0T" ruby[["jdbc-sqlite3-;[" 1.4.0i"jdbc-sqlite3U:Gem::Version[" Time d"@SQLite3 JDBC driver for Java and SQLite3/ActiveRecord-JDBC.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4: @name"rubyforge:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Nick Sieger"$Ola Bini and JRuby contributors"LInstall this gem and require 'sqlite3' within JRuby to load the driver.0T" ruby[["omnifocus-1.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i"omnifocusU:Gem::Version[" 1.3.0u: Time de"4Synchronizes bug tracking systems to omnifocus.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.9.0: @name"mechanize:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.5.3; "rb-appscript; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.3; "hoe; @3;F00["Ryan Davis"4Synchronizes bug tracking systems to omnifocus.0T" ruby[["debugserver-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"debugserverU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time $"OConsole server to provide external debug log for applications over networkU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.12.10: @name"eventmachine:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.4.3; "json_pure; @);F00["Dan Sosedoff"AConsole server to provide debugging for web/any applications0T" ruby[["cacheable-0.1.12u;u[" 1.4.0i"cacheableU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.12u: Time d"uLike ActiveSupport::Memoizable, but for caching. Uses Evan Weaver's memcached gem (i.e. libmemcached) for speed.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.18.0: @name"memcached:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.10.3; " shoulda; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.4; "activesupport; @3;F00["Seamus Abshere"uLike ActiveSupport::Memoizable, but for caching. Uses Evan Weaver's memcached gem (i.e. libmemcached) for speed.0T" ruby[[" yahoo_term_extraction-0.2.3u;[" 1.4.0i"yahoo_term_extractionU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.3u: Time d"BA library for accessing the Yahoo Term Extraction Web ServiceU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Deb Bassett"This library can be used to call the Yahoo Term Extraction Web Service from Ruby. The Term Extraction Web Service provides a list of significant words or phrases extracted from a larger content.0T" ruby[["roby-0.8.0u;[" 1.4.0i" robyU:Gem::Version[" 0.8.0u: Time ":A plan-based control framework for autonomous systemsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.3: @name"rubyforge:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.0; "gemcutter; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["2.4; " rdoc; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0.5; " webgen; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.1; " utilrb; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["2.0; " facets; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.5.0; "hoe; @[;F00["Sylvain Joyeux":A plan-based control framework for autonomous systems0T" ruby[["jenkins-war-1.396u;`[" 1.4.0i"jenkins-warU:Gem::Version[" 1.396u: Time e";fetch and use a specific jenkins version with rubygemsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Charles Lowell"download and install a specific version of the jenkins war file which can be used for either running a server, or for plugin development0T" ruby[[""devise_facebookable-0.0.0.preu;+[" 1.4.0i"devise_facebookableU:Gem::Version["0.0.0.preu: Time "CDevise module using the Facebook Graph API for authentication.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[00["Ryan McKillen"CDevise module using the Facebook Graph API for authentication.0T" ruby[["amee-rails-layer-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"amee-rails-layerU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time d"GAn abstraction layer for building applications around the AMEE APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["George Palmer"-We need a longer description of your gem0T" ruby[["authpwn_rails-0.6.0u;[" 1.4.0i"authpwn_railsU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.0u: Time %"2User authentication for Rails 3 applications.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0: @name"sqlite3-ruby:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.3; "fbgraph_rails; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.0; " rails; @3;F00["Victor Costan"Works with Facebook.0T" ruby[["darrell-geokit-;D[" 1.4.0i"darrell-geokitU:Gem::Version[" Time D\" noneU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"json_pure:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["$Andre Lewis and Bill Eisenhauer"Geokit Gem0T" ruby[["csd-0.4.3u;[" 1.4.0i"csdU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.3u: Time d"LInstallation and compilation handler for software used in CSD projects.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["&Technology Transfer Alliance Team"CSD stands for Communication Systems Design and is a project of the Telecommunication Systems Laboratory (TSLab) of the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden. Within CSD many software tools are used to build up various networks and services. This gem is supposed to automate processes to handle the compilation and installation of these software tools. Technology Transfer Alliance (TTA) is the project team, which maintains this code.0T" ruby[["zipster-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" zipsterU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "Map zip codes to statesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"algorithms:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @);F00["Ethan Vizitei"GGive zipster a zip code, it will tell you what state it belongs to0T" ruby[[" ruport_report_builder-0.1.1u;#[" 1.4.0i"ruport_report_builderU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time D"+Simple wrapper for common ruport tasksU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0; "activerecord; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "sqlite3-ruby; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.0; " ruport; @=;F00["Doug Bryant"John Riney"+Simple wrapper for common ruport tasks0T" ruby[["pg_scope_by_soundex-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"pg_scope_by_soundexU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time $"}This gem provides the soundex and difference postgresql functions to determine similarities and distance between stringsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Alejandro Juarez"iThe pg_scope_by_soundex gem uses the set of functions of contrib/fuzzystringmatching for PostgreSQL.0T" ruby[["etapper-0.0.5u;[" 1.4.0i" etapperU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time %"0Ruby gem to connect to eTapestry's SOAP APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "httpclient; @3;F00["Stephen Eley"0Ruby gem to connect to eTapestry's SOAP API0T" ruby[["-validation_reflection-active_model-0.3.1u;}[" 1.4.0i"'validation_reflection-active_modelU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.1u: Time "4ActiveModel Interface for validation_reflectionU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" bourne:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.3.7; "validation_reflection; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ruby-debug; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;["2.0.0.beta.17; " rspec; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.3.8; "activerecord; @G;F00["Brian Cardarella"4ActiveModel Interface for validation_reflection0T" ruby[["monkeytest-win32-0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"monkeytest-win32U:Gem::Version["0.1u: Time D":A set of rake tasks for pretty testing of rails apps.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.0: @name" color:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.1; " rake; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.0.8; "win32console; @3;F00["Marshall Huss"0T" ruby[["your_mom-0.1.2u;Q[" 1.4.0i" your_momU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time $"aA collection of words joined in sentence appropriately relevant to the title, ergo your mom.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Adam Bair"aA collection of words joined in sentence appropriately relevant to the title, ergo your mom.0T" ruby[["!repeated_auto_complete-0.1.3u;=[" 1.4.0i"repeated_auto_completeU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time E"Mauto_complete plugin refactored to handle complex forms and named scopesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Pat Shaughnessy"Mauto_complete plugin refactored to handle complex forms and named scopes0T" ruby[["go-rank-0.0.5u;[" 1.4.0i" go-rankU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time %A"*A class of ranks in the board game GoU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.2: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.2; "hoe; @);F00["Thomas Preymesser"*A class of ranks in the board game Go0T" ruby[["clio-0.3.0u;>[" 1.4.0i" clioU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time e*",Clio makes commandline interfaces easy.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" 7rans "uClio makes commandline interfaces easy. It provides both commandline parsing as well as console output routines.0T" ruby[["pablo-1.0.3u;5[" 1.4.0i" pabloU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.3u: Time P"pablo provides support for auto-generated help, license and version commands as well as command expansion and command definition import from YAML files.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.12.1: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.12.1; "hoe; @);F00["!Fabian Streitelkarottenreibe"HA Ruby commandline parser that follows the command/option paradigm.0T" ruby[["zsff-1.0.0u;4[" 1.4.0i" zsffU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time %"&A parser/validator for ZSFF feedsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Erik Peterson"== FEATURES/PROBLEMS: Right now, only one function: parse. This does the validation and parsing all in one step. This is intended to be used by any reader (who would take care of what links have been read, etc). == SYNOPSIS: results = Zsff.parse(url) results[:errors] #Any errors encountered while parsing results[:warnings] #Any warnings encountered while parsing results[:attrs] #A hash for the author, title, etc information from the feed results[:links] #List of links in the feed == REQUIREMENTS:0T" ruby[["truesenses-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"truesensesU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time Ġ"=implementation of the api for truesenses.com SMS gatewayU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.1: @name" httparty:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["pascalbetz"Himplementation of the http/https api for truesenses.com SMS gateway0T" ruby[["clip-1.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i" clipU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2u: Time dd".Command-line parsing made short and sweetU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.3: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Alex Vollmer"NYou like command-line parsing, but you hate all of the bloat. Why should you have to create a Hash, then create a parser, fill the Hash out then throw the parser away (unless you want to print out a usage message) and deal with a Hash? Why, for Pete's sake, should the parser and the parsed values be handled by two different objects?0T" ruby[["net-ssh-2.1.0u;.[" 1.4.0i" net-sshU:Gem::Version[" 2.1.0u: Time "FNet::SSH: a pure-Ruby implementation of the SSH2 client protocol.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jamis Buck"Delano Mandelbaum"FNet::SSH: a pure-Ruby implementation of the SSH2 client protocol.0T" ruby[["camcapture-0.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i"camcaptureU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time e"UCamera/Webcam capture using Video4Linux interface. Compatible with Ruby Threads.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Bruno STEUX"0T" ruby[["include_complete-0.1.3u;[" 1.4.0i"include_completeU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time "9Fixing the limitations in traditional Module#includeU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["John Mair (banisterfiend)"9Fixing the limitations in traditional Module#include0T" ruby[["xapian_db-0.5.2u;[" 1.4.0i"xapian_dbU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.2u: Time E"_Ruby library to use a Xapian db as a key/value store with high performance fulltext searchU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.7: @name"simplecov:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.0; "beanstalk-client; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.1; " rspec; @3;F00["Gernot Kogler"XapianDb is a ruby gem that combines features of nosql databases and fulltext indexing. It is based on Xapian, an efficient and powerful indexing library0T" ruby[["rubyknight-0.2.0u;1[" 1.4.0i"rubyknightU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time Eh"3Naive chess library and engine written in rubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Chris Moyer"kNaive chess library and engine written in ruby. Includes rubyknight and rubyknight-xboard executables0T" ruby[["ruby-aes-normal-1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"ruby-aes-normalU:Gem::Version["1.1u: Time "Bruby-aes is an implementation of the Rijndael algorithm (AES)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Alex Boussinet"Bruby-aes is an implementation of the Rijndael algorithm (AES)0T" ruby[["'rspec-rails-w-factory_girl-;$[" 1.4.0i"rspec-rails-w-factory_girlU:Gem::Version[" Time e"'rspec-rails-w-factory_girl[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0: @name" rack:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.5.0; "hoe; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.99; " cucumber; @=;F00["RSpec Development Team"4Behaviour Driven Development for Ruby on Rails.0T" ruby[["red-base-0.0.1u;a[" 1.4.0i" red-baseU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "Redis instance management.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.4: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.6; "arika-ruby-termios; @);F00["Sam Aaron"HCommunicate directly with your monome with this handy Ruby library.0T" ruby[["mite.cmd-0.1.10u;[" 1.4.0i" mite.cmdU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.10u: Time E":A simple command line interface for basic mite tasks.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Lukas Rieder"LA simple command line interface for mite, a sleek time tracking webapp.0T" ruby[["ssh-keyput-0.4.0u;[" 1.4.0i"ssh-keyputU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.0u: Time DW"ssh key put utilityU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Christopher Sexton"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " cucumber; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.7; " ri_cal; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " haml; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.2.7; " aruba; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.3.0; " rspec; @Q;F00["Steve Caney Martin"gSpecifiy you're recurrence pattern in symbols and strings and get an ical format recurrence string0T" ruby[["capistrano-notify-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"capistrano-notifyU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time ")System notifications with CapistranoU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Lee Jones"5Trigger growl messages with Capistrano callbacks0T" ruby[["ebayapi-0.12.0u;[" 1.4.0i" ebayapiU:Gem::Version[" 0.12.0u: Time X"4Ruby client for the eBay unified schema XML APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.1: @name"xml-mapping:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.7.1; " money; @);F00["Cody Fauser"0T" ruby[["gnucash2ledger-0.1u;4[" 1.4.0i"gnucash2ledgerU:Gem::Version["0.1u: Time "WConvert GnuCash files to a format supported by the ledger command line applicationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " builder; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " nokogiri; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "activesupport; @G;F00["Xavier Shay"0T" ruby[["unix-crypt-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"unix-cryptU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time "JPerforms the UNIX crypt(3) algorithm using DES, MD5, SHA256 or SHA512U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Roger Nesbitt"Performs the UNIX crypt(3) algorithm using DES (standard 13 character passwords), MD5 (starting with $1$), SHA256 (starting with $5$) and SHA512 (starting with $6$)0T" ruby[["rubydns-0.1.8u;:[" 1.4.0i" rubydnsU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.8u: Time d`"&A simple DNS server DSL for Ruby.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rexec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Samuel Williams"0T" ruby[["redis-model-0.1.3u; [" 1.4.0i"redis-modelU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time f"Minimal models for RedisU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.8: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.1; " redis; @);F00["Vladimir Kolesnikov"Minimal model support for redis-rb. Directly maps ruby properties to model_name:id:field_name keys in redis. Scalar, list and set properties are supported.0T" ruby[["maildiode-greylist-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"maildiode-greylistU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time -",Greylist anti-spam plugin for MailDiodeU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.0: @name"KirbyBase:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.1.1; "maildiode; @);F00["Kevin Smith"0T" ruby[["dirk-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" dirkU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time e"-Makes your file system act as a databaseU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["James Andrews"0T" ruby[["koi-vm-0.0.4u;H[" 1.4.0i" koi-vmU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time d"0A prototype Virtual Machine written in RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Aaron Gough"A prototype Virtual Machine written in Ruby. Why would anyone write such a thing? Because it's fun, and it's a great learning tool.0T" ruby[["kindlemail-0.2.8u;8[" 1.4.0i"kindlemailU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.8u: Time "DPush documents to your kindle via the personal document serviceU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.16.2: @name" trollop:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.4.5; "gmail-mailer; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.16.2; " trollop; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.2; " jeweler; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.4.5; "gmail-mailer; @Q;F00["Daniel Harper"Sends documents to a designated kindle address painlessly and via the CLI. No need to fumble around with clumsy attachment boxes so forth, just whack in the documents you want to send and hit enter0T" ruby[["things-client-0.2.4u;[" 1.4.0i"things-clientU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.4u: Time "MA Ruby client for Things' Applescript API. Things is a GTD app for OS X.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.3: @name"rb-appscript:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @);F00["Marcin Bunsch"0T" ruby[["screwcap-0.6.1u;[" 1.4.0i" screwcapU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.1u: Time Ů"fScrewcap is a library that wraps Net::SSH and makes it easy to perform actions on remote servers.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.1: @name"net-ssh-gateway:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.4; " net-scp; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.23; " net-ssh; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.7.0; "hoe; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4; "rubyforge; @G;F00["Grant Ammons"fScrewcap is a library that wraps Net::SSH and makes it easy to perform actions on remote servers.0T" ruby[["oily_png-1.0.0.beta1u;P[" 1.4.0i" oily_pngU:Gem::Version["1.0.0.beta1u: Time "'Native mixin to speed up ChunkyPNGU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"rake-compiler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.0.0.beta1; "chunky_png; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2; " rspec; @=;F00["Willem van Bergen"k This Ruby C extenstion defines a module that can be included into ChunkyPNG to improve its speed. 0T" ruby[[""betelgeuse-googlecharts-1.4.1u;[" 1.4.0i"betelgeuse-googlechartsU:Gem::Version[" 1.4.1u: Time g"(Sexy Charts using Google API & RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Matt Aimonetti"(Sexy Charts using Google API & Ruby0T" ruby[["mbailey-chef-;[" 1.4.0i"mbailey-chefU:Gem::Version[" Time e"|A systems integration framework, built to bring the benefits of configuration management to your entire infrastructure.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.2: @name"mixlib-config:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " moneta; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.7; " ohai; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.0; "mixlib-cli; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.0; "mixlib-log; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.0; " bunny; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "uuidtools; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.4["<=U;[" 1.4.6; " json; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " highline; @t;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.4["=U;["0; " erubis; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.0; "mixlib-authentication; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " extlib; @;F00["Adam Jacob"|A systems integration framework, built to bring the benefits of configuration management to your entire infrastructure.0T" ruby[["yahoo_ads_estimates-0.1.5u;o[" 1.4.0i"yahoo_ads_estimatesU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.5u: Time m"SRails plugin for querying Yahoo Ads for estimated CPC, impressions, and clicksU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Joshua Krall"0T" ruby[["sum_sum-0.0.5u;\[" 1.4.0i" sum_sumU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time E"SSumSum allows you to generate simple reports on the count of values in hashes.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.9: @name"rb-fsevent:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.3; " growl; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.4.0; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.9; "guard-rspec; @=;F00["Sebastian Munz"SSumSum allows you to generate simple reports on the count of values in hashes.0T" ruby[["spree_solr_search-0.30.0u;[" 1.4.0i"spree_solr_searchU:Gem::Version[" 0.30.0u: Time E"7Provides search via Apache Solr for a Spree store.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.30.0: @name"spree_core:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.0; "acts_as_solr_reloaded; @);F00["Roman Smirnov"7Provides search via Apache Solr for a Spree store.0T" ruby[["prawn-blank-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"prawn-blankU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time $"SThis is a experimental library. See the basic example for usage and abilities.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;["0.11.1.pre; " prawn; @);F00[" HannesG"$prawn-blank adds forms to prawn0T" ruby[[" nayutaya-msgpack-pure-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"nayutaya-msgpack-pureU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time "MessagePackU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Yuya Kato",pure ruby implementation of MessagePack0T" ruby[["digest-whirlpool-1.0.0u;W[" 1.4.0i"digest-whirlpoolU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time i"AA Digest module implementing the Whirlpool hashing algorithmU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Akinori MUSHA"{This is a Digest module implementing the Whirlpool hashing algorithm. The size of a Whirlpool hash value is 512 bits. 0T" ruby[["veritas-0.0.1u; [" 1.4.0i" veritasU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "Ruby Relational AlgebraU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.18.2: @name"backports:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.4.0; " jeweler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.8.7; " rake; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.3.1; " rspec; @=;F00[" Dan Kubb"DSimplifies querying of structured data using relational algebra0T" ruby[["validates_blacklist-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"validates_blacklistU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time E"3Validate Rails models against a database tableU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Bart Zonneveld"3Validate Rails models against a database table0T" ruby[["rack-speedtracer-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"rack-speedtracerU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time d"5SpeedTracer middleware for server side debuggingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rack:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "yajl-ruby; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " uuid; @3;F00["Ilya Grigorik"5SpeedTracer middleware for server side debugging0T" ruby[["mongo_space-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"mongo_spaceU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time ">Simple shared data for queueing and scratch using MongoDBU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mongo; @);F00["James Tippett"UAccepts and serves arbitrary namespaced queue entries atomically on a FIFO basis0T" ruby[["arrabiata-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"arrabiataU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time e"8dead simple conversion of roman <> arabian numeralsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["invadersmustdie"8dead simple conversion of roman <> arabian numerals0T" ruby[["xmlcanonicalizer-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"xmlcanonicalizerU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "'XML Canonicalizer for Ruby >= 1.92U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Andrew Ferk"bThis is taken from XMLCanonicalizer/WSS4R and http://github.com/borisnadion/xml-canonicalizer0T" ruby[["shin-irc_cat-0.4.0u;[" 1.4.0i"shin-irc_catU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.0u: Time "Birccat is like `cat`, but here, the STDOUT is an IRC channel.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rack:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " json; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @3;F00["Jordan Bracco"Birccat is like `cat`, but here, the STDOUT is an IRC channel.0T" ruby[["rodf-0.2.0u;q[" 1.4.0i" rodfU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time "$ODF generation library for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.2: @name" builder:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.1; " rubyzip; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.2; "activesupport; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.11; " rspec; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.0; "rspec_hpricot_matchers; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.2; " echoe; @Q;F00["Thiago Arrais"$ODF generation library for Ruby0T" ruby[["rdf-mongo-;[" 1.4.0i"rdf-mongoU:Gem::Version[" Time d"A storage adapter for integrating MongoDB and rdf.rb, a Ruby library for working with Resource Description Framework (RDF) data.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.3: @name" yard:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.1; "addressable; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.8; " rdf-spec; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.8; "rdf; @G;F00["Pius Uzamere"rdf-mongo is a storage adapter for integrating MongoDB and rdf.rb, a Ruby library for working with Resource Description Framework (RDF) data.0T" ruby[["kashflow-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i" kashflowU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time %"-A Ruby wrapper for the Kashflow SOAP APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0: @name" bundler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " i18n; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "activesupport; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.7.9; " savon; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " nokogiri; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.2; " jeweler; @e;F00[" Pogodan"7A Ruby wrapper for the Kashflow Accouting SOAP API0T" ruby[["model_graph-0.1.3u;[" 1.4.0i"model_graphU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time "When run from the trunk of a Rails project, produces # {DOT}[http://www.graphviz.org/doc/info/lang.html] output which can be # rendered into a graph by programs such as dot and neato and viewed with # Graphviz (an {Open Source}[http://www.graphviz.org/License.php] viewer).U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Rob Biedenharn"When run from the trunk of a Rails project, produces # {DOT}[http://www.graphviz.org/doc/info/lang.html] output which can be # rendered into a graph by programs such as dot and neato and viewed with # Graphviz (an {Open Source}[http://www.graphviz.org/License.php] viewer).0T" ruby[[" bartt-ssl_requirement-1.2.4u;[" 1.4.0i"bartt-ssl_requirementU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.4u: Time "IAllow controller actions to force SSL on specific parts of the site.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["RailsJedi"David Heinemeier Hansson" jcnetdev" bcurren" bmpercy" revo" nathany" bartt"Thorben Schröder"SSL requirement adds a declarative way of specifying that certain actions should only be allowed to run under SSL, and if they're accessed without it, they should be redirected.0T" ruby[["spotify-api-0.0.7u;'[" 1.4.0i"spotify-apiU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.7u: Time "(an api for spotify, based on jotifyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" sinatra:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " httparty; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "json-jruby; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rack-test; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rack; @G;F00["Jan Berkel"(an api for spotify, based on jotify0T" ruby[["brush-0.0.2u;Q[" 1.4.0i" brushU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time d"$Brush — the Bourne RUby SHellU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Michael H Buselli" Brush is intended to be an interactive shell with the power of Ruby. As it is in its infancy, it is very basic and much of the functionality is implemented by scaffolding that will later be replaced. For instance, presently commands are passed off to another shell for execution, but eventually all globing, pipe setup, forking, and execing will be handled directly by Brush. 0T" ruby[["yahoo_weatherman-1.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"yahoo_weathermanU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.2u: Time E"AA ruby wrapper to the Yahoo! Weather feed with i18n support.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" nokogiri:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " fakeweb; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @3;F00["Dalto Curvelano Junior"AA ruby wrapper to the Yahoo! Weather feed with i18n support.0T" ruby[["solver-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i" solverU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "/Numeric solver to exercise the Flt libraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0; "flt; @);F00["Javier Goizueta"8This numeric solver is an example of the use of Flt0T" ruby[["shadow-1.1u;[" 1.4.0i" shadowU:Gem::Version["1.1u: Time D"6A zero-configuration RESTful ActiveRecord server.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0: @name"activerecord:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0; " mongrel; @);F00["Evan Weaver"6A zero-configuration RESTful ActiveRecord server.0T" ruby[["rails_redis_cache-0.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i"rails_redis_cacheU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time d"xRails 3 cache store implementation using Redis. See http://github.com/phoet/rails_redis_cache for more information.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.0: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.0.0; " redis; @);F00["Peter Schröder"4Rails 3 cache store implementation using Redis.0T" ruby[["geminstaller_builder-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"geminstaller_builderU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time Ċ"+Generate valid geminstaller.yml files.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Adam Bachman"RA tool for creating valid geminstaller.yml files. Handy with Rails templates.0T" ruby[["csp-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"cspU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time Ń"$Concurrent Sequential ProcessesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Daniel Schierbeck"8Massive concurrency with message-passing and stuff.0T" ruby[["librevox-0.3u;[" 1.4.0i" librevoxU:Gem::Version["0.3u: Time "2Ruby library for interacting with FreeSWITCH.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.12.10: @name"eventmachine:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.1; " bacon; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1; "rr; @3;F00["Harry Vangberg"hEventMachine-based Ruby library for interacting with the open source telephony platform FreeSwitch.0T" ruby[["switchtower-ext-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"switchtower-extU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time "SwitchTower Extensions is a set of useful task libraries and methods that other developers may reference in their own recipe files.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0: @name"switchtower:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jamis Buck"0T" ruby[["!simplificator-withings-0.2.8u;[" 1.4.0i"simplificator-withingsU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.8u: Time "(API implementation for withings.comU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" mocha:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " httparty; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @3;F00["pascalbetz"UA withings API implementation in ruby. Created for the evita project at evita.ch0T" ruby[["gmailer-0.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i" gmailerU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time "7An class interface of the Google's webmail serviceU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Park Heesob"7An class interface of the Google's webmail service0T" ruby[["fomu-0.1.10u;9[" 1.4.0i" fomuU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.10u: Time ")A simple form builder for Rails appsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Nando Vieira"{A simple form builder for Rails apps that adds label, inline error and hint messages automatically with full I18n support. 0T" ruby[["ctioga-1.11u;v[" 1.4.0i" ctiogaU:Gem::Version[" 1.11u: Time O"CCTioga - command-line interface for the Tioga plotting libraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["1.9: @name" tioga:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["3Vincent Fourmond "0T" ruby[["file_share-0.1.7u;[" 1.4.0i"file_shareU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.7u: Time e"-Provides basic file management features.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"acts_as_fu:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "sqlite3-ruby; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "cucumber-rails; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " capybara; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rspec-rails; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 3.0.3; " rails; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "sqlite3-ruby; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "formtastic; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "acts_as_fu; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " capybara; @~;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 3.0.3; " rails; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rspec-rails; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "cucumber-rails; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " engineer; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "formtastic; @;F00["Jason LaPier"Jeremiah Heller"3Simple versioned event management for Rails 3.0T" ruby[["mongolytics-0.2.1u;_[" 1.4.0i"mongolyticsU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time _"AProvide basic analytics tracking, server-side, using mongodbU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.1: @name"mongomapper:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Tony Pitale"0T" ruby[["pandoc-ruby-0.4.1u;n[" 1.4.0i"pandoc-rubyU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.1u: Time "PandocRubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mocha; @);F00["William Melody"Ruby wrapper for Pandoc0T" ruby[["instapaper-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"instapaperU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time %F",A simple wrapper for the Instapaper APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0; "hoe; @);F00["Douglas Willcocks",A simple wrapper for the Instapaper API0T" ruby[["happy-titles-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"happy-titlesU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time "8A simple way to handle page titles in your layouts.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Andy Pearson"0T" ruby[["migratification-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"migratificationU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time %",Set up any project to use AR migrationsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["C. Jason Harrelson midas"{Generates a directory structure and assets to allow for using Active Record migrations within any project, Groovy, C#, etc.0T" ruby[["gallio-3.2.601u;[" 1.4.0i" gallioU:Gem::Version[" 3.2.601u: Time "%Gallio and Mbunit test frameworkU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Gallio.org" Framework for writing tests0T" ruby[["ago-0.1.5u;[" 1.4.0i"agoU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.5u: Time dV"EAllows easy conversion of Time objects to human-readable format.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.12.2: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.12.2; "hoe; @);F00["Mike Zazaian"EAllows easy conversion of Time objects to human-readable format.0T" ruby[["enumerabler-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"enumerablerU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time Ei"Genumerabler enhances Enumerable with methods returning enumerator.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.3: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Yusuke Endoh"Genumerabler enhances Enumerable with methods returning enumerator.0T" ruby[["universe-rails-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"universe-railsU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time e"gem install universe-railsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"formtastic:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.1.1; "universe-rack; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.1.1; "universe-rails-testing; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " devise; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rails; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "will_paginate; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.1.1; "universe-db; @[;F00["Konstantin Haase"0T" ruby[["rubycas-client-2.2.1u;\[" 1.4.0i"rubycas-clientU:Gem::Version[" 2.2.1u: Time "JClient library for the Central Authentication Service (CAS) protocol.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.3; "rubyforge; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.5.0; "hoe; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.1; "gemcutter; @=;F00["Matt Zukowski"Matt Walker"JClient library for the Central Authentication Service (CAS) protocol.0T" ruby[["rube-goldberg-0.0.1u;Q[" 1.4.0i"rube-goldbergU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time ")CI server with support for pipelinesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["2.0.0.beta.22: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Srushti Ambekallu"0T" ruby[["data_calendar-0.1.3u;n[" 1.4.0i"data_calendarU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time n"HGenerates the data needed to represent a given schedule a calendar.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["José Galisteo Ruiz"0T" ruby[["css-0.0.4u;g[" 1.4.0i"cssU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time "+Parse, create and work with CSS files.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["1.0: @name" bundler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Andrew Timberlake"+Parse, create and work with CSS files.0T" ruby[["onebody-updateagent-0.6.2u;[" 1.4.0i"onebody-updateagentU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.2u: Time "FCompanion to OneBody that handles sync with external data source.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"fastercsv:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " highline; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.3.8; "activeresource; @3;F00["Tim Morgan"0T" ruby[["dm-checked-types-0.0.1u;&[" 1.4.0i"dm-checked-typesU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "!CHECK constraints in your DBU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Xavier Shay"lProperty types that add CHECK constraints to your DB and validations to your model. Data integrity FTW.0T" ruby[["estraier-1.4.10u;[" 1.4.0i" estraierU:Gem::Version[" 1.4.10u: Time "(Native Ruby Hyperestraier interfaceU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Mikio Hirabayashi"(Native Ruby Hyperestraier interface0T" ruby[["cucumber-0.10.0u;[" 1.4.0i" cucumberU:Gem::Version[" 0.10.0u: Time "cucumber-0.10.0U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.1.2: @name" diff-lcs:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.8.4; " prawn; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.8.4; "prawn-layout; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.8.4; " spork; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " syntax; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.2.7; " aruba; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.3.7; "simplecov; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.2.0; " rspec; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.4.3; " nokogiri; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.2; " builder; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.8.7; " rake; @~;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.4.6; " json; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.3.2; " gherkin; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.5; "term-ansicolor; @;F00["Aslak Hellesøy"7Behaviour Driven Development with elegance and joy0T" ruby[["Wassruby-0.1.3u;[" 1.4.0i" WassrubyU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time k"0A Simple Wassr Client (RUBY_VERSIN > 1.9.0)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Takuya Mannami"A Simple Wassr Client0T" ruby[["stringvalidator-0.4u;[" 1.4.0i"stringvalidatorU:Gem::Version["0.4u: Time b"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Tomita Masahiro"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">U;["2: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " jsmin; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.2; " jeweler; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.0; " jsmin; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @[;F00["Peter Hoeg"GA set of standard tasks for various clean-up and housekeeping jobs0T" ruby[["anychart_helpers-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"anychart_helpersU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time %"aAnyChart will build the necessary XML files and some helpers to support some AnyChart chartsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.1: @name" nokogiri:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "thoughtbot-shoulda; @);F00[" jduarte"aAnyChart will build the necessary XML files and some helpers to support some AnyChart charts0T" ruby[["capistrano-ext-1.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i"capistrano-extU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.1u: Time "5Useful task libraries and methods for CapistranoU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0: @name"capistrano:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jamis Buck"5Useful task libraries and methods for Capistrano0T" ruby[["peachy-0.4.1u;t[" 1.4.0i" peachyU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.1u: Time "LPeachy gives a very simple object-style interface on top of an XML DOM.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["NJ Pearman"Peachy is an XML slurper that sits on top of existing XML parsers. It dynamically creates object-trees for simple integration of XML data sources. 0T" ruby[["vatman-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" vatmanU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "AA gem that checks VAT numbers against the Europa web serviceU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Neil Middleton"AA gem that checks VAT numbers against the Europa web service0T" ruby[["adhd-0.1.3u;[" 1.4.0i" adhdU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time o"@An experiment in distributed file replication using CouchDBU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.33; "couchrest; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.10.3; "ruby-debug; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.4; " sinatra; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.4; " thin; @G;F00[""dave.hrycyszyn@headlondon.com"FMore to say when something works! Do not bother installing this! 0T" ruby[["block-chainable-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"block-chainableU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "'tool for building DSLs with blocksU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.1: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.3; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.1; " need; @3;F00["Drew Olson"*== DESCRIPTION: BlockChainable is a module to aid in the creation of Domain Specific Languages using block structure. By including BlockChainable into your classes, you will be able to instantiate that class using the class name itself, followed by any parameters to be passed to initialize, followed by a block to be executed within the instantiated class. BlockChainable also allows methods to search up the chain of classes, meaning that although a block is executed in the scope of the instantiated class, any methods not found in the class but found in a class "up-scope" will be called successfully on the up-scope class. This chaining of method calls allows you to assert values within the blocks as well as calling any other methods from "up-scope" classes. == FEATURES/PROBLEMS:0T" ruby[["rbayes-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i" rbayesU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time "%An email-focused bayesian filterU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.6: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Eric Hodel"qAn bayesian filter fed by a tokenizer that throws crap out you'd find in emails. Originally by Dan Peterson0T" ruby[["kid80-cijoe-0.2.2u;[" 1.4.0i"kid80-cijoeU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.2u: Time En"6CI Joe is a simple Continuous Integration server.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" choice:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " sinatra; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " open4; @3;F00["Chris Wanstrath"6CI Joe is a simple Continuous Integration server.0T" ruby[["passenger-3.0.2u;f[" 1.4.0i"passengerU:Gem::Version[" 3.0.2u: Time "4Easy and robust Ruby web application deploymentU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.1: @name" rake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.1; "fastthread; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rack; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.5; "daemon_controller; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "file-tail; @G;F00["%Phusion - http://www.phusion.nl/"5Easy and robust Ruby web application deployment.0T" ruby[["bitcache-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" bitcacheU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.2.1: @name"addressable:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.0; " yard; @3;F00["Arto Bendiken"HBitcache is a distributed content-addressable storage (CAS) system.0T" ruby[["getopt-1.4.0u;l[" 1.4.0i" getoptU:Gem::Version[" 1.4.0u: Time `"9Getopt::Std and Getopt::Long option parsers for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.3: @name"test-unit:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Daniel J. Berger" The getopt library provides two different command line option parsers. They are meant as easier and more convenient replacements for the command line parsers that ship as part of the Ruby standard library. Please see the README for additional comments. 0T" ruby[["cap-ext-webistrano-0.1.4u;&[" 1.4.0i"cap-ext-webistranoU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time "A drop-in replacement for Capistrano to fire off Webistrano deployments transparently without losing the joy of using the cap command. You need a fully configured Webistrano installation.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"capistrano:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "activeresource; @);F00["Mathias Meyer"Jon Moses"0T" ruby[["*validates_against_stopforumspam-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"$validates_against_stopforumspamU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time %"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Richard Hirner"0T" ruby[["terracycle-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"terracycleU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time E"0A Ruby wrapper for the Terracycle REST APIsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Albert Mckeever"0A Ruby wrapper for the Terracycle REST APIs0T" ruby[["polymer-1.0.0.beta.7u;[" 1.4.0i" polymerU:Gem::Version["1.0.0.beta.7u: Time E")Creates sprites for web applicationsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["2.0.0.beta.19: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.12; "chunky_png; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.14.0; " thor; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.3; " ronn; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.18; " haml; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.5; " cucumber; @Q;F00["Anthony Williams"Polymer simplifies the creation of sprite images for web applications, while also generating nifty Sass mixins. CSS files are available for non-Sass users.0T" ruby[["merb_piece_cache-0.1.0u;n[" 1.4.0i"merb_piece_cacheU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time g"'Merb plugin to cache html fragmentU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.0: @name"called_from:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["makoto kuwata"'Merb plugin to cache html fragment0T" ruby[["vcr-1.6.0u;[" 1.4.0i"vcrU:Gem::Version[" 1.6.0u: Time e"{Record your test suite's HTTP interactions and replay them during future test runs for fast, deterministic, accurate tests.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.8.7: @name" rake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.4.0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.1.0; " sinatra; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.2.1; " aruba; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.3.5; " timecop; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.9.2; " shoulda; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.2.7; "em-http-request; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.7.8; " curb; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["; "httpclient; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.5.3; " faraday; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.3.0; " fakeweb; @~;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.2.1; " typhoeus; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.7; " bundler; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.6.0; " webmock; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.4.6; " patron; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.1.0; " rack; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.9.4; " cucumber; @;F00["Myron Marston"VCR provides helpers to record your test suite's HTTP interactions and replay them during future test runs for fast, deterministic, accurate tests. It works with any ruby testing framework, and provides built-in support for cucumber.0T" ruby[["isbn-tools-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"isbn-toolsU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time d"4A series of methods to manipulate ISBN numbers.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Thierry GODFROID"0T" ruby[["WxVanaClock-1.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"WxVanaClockU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.3u: Time "MWxVanaClock is a clock for Final Fantasy Online written using wxWidgets.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.9.0: @name" wxruby:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0; " VanaTime; @);F00["Travis Tilley"MWxVanaClock is a clock for Final Fantasy Online written using wxWidgets.0T" ruby[["mkmfmf-0.4u;[" 1.4.0i" mkmfmfU:Gem::Version["0.4u: Time "AFork of bundled mkmf.rb, should work as drop in replacement.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" Asher"Fork of bundled mkmf.rb, should work as drop in replacement. Modifications: * GDB and XCode path compatibility: relative path specified by mkmf (../../../../ext//...) confuses source-to-debug correspondence. The downside to this is that mkmfmf specifies absolute paths, which means that the project will have to be recompiled for debugging from an alternate location. This can be disabled by adding a use_relative_paths block. * CURRENTLY NOT WORKING: Sub-directory support for source code: all .c, .m, .cc, .cxx., .cpp files and if the filesystem is case sensitive, all .C files are automatically included, and any directories with .h files are added to INCFLAGS. * Automatically uses CC from ENV if set0T" ruby[["chef-server-0.9.12u;H[" 1.4.0i"chef-serverU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.12u: Time Ħ"\A meta-gem to install all server components of the Chef configuration management systemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 0.9.12: @name"chef-server-webui:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.9.12; "chef-server-api; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.9.12; "chef-solr; @3;F00[" Opscode"\A meta-gem to install all server components of the Chef configuration management system0T" ruby[["#ipizza-omniauth-provider-0.1.3u;[" 1.4.0i"ipizza-omniauth-providerU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time "9iPizza authentication strategy provider for OmniauthU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 0.4.2: @name" ipizza:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Priit Haamer"S Integrates iPizza authentication to your rails app almost effortlessly. 0T" ruby[["vcs-;W[" 1.4.0i"vcsU:Gem::Version[" Time e"+A wrapper over Version Control SystemsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.4.5: @name" ruby_ex:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Nicolas Pouillard"Version control systems (Subversion, CVS, PRCS...), however useful, are not very extensible: adding new features can be cumbersome, especially if you want them for different such systems at once. Vcs provide a simple dynamic hierarchy for Version Control Systems.0T" ruby[[""scaffolder-test-helpers-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"scaffolder-test-helpersU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "+Common methods for testing scaffolder.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["1.0: @name" bundler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["0.4; "scaffolder; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2.2; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["0.9; " cucumber; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.4; "bio; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["0.6; " yard; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.5; " jeweler; @[;F00["Michael Barton">Helper methods and cucumber steps for testing scaffolder.0T" ruby[["flex2sdk-2.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" flex2sdkU:Gem::Version[" 2.1.0u: Time %"QAdobe Flex 2 SDK including mxmlc, compc, asdoc, fdb and requisite rake tasksU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.1: @name" sprout:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.0; "flexsdk-tasks; @);F00[" Adobe"0T" ruby[["FixedWidthFields-0.1u;8[" 1.4.0i"FixedWidthFieldsU:Gem::Version["0.1u: Time "0Easily create files with fixed-width fieldsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Brett Norris"pThe FixedWidthFields library is designed to allow files containing fixed-width fields to be created easily.0T" ruby[["auswalk-uniquify-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"auswalk-uniquifyU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time "0Generate a unique token with Active Record.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Allen Walker"SGenerate a unique token with Active Record. Also a nice example of a Ruby Gem.0T" ruby[["term_extraction-0.1.7u;[" 1.4.0i"term_extractionU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.7u: Time "\Provides access to term extraction APIs such as Yahoo! Term Extraction API and Zemanta.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.6: @name" crack:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" alex"Daniel Huckstep"Term extraction library0T" ruby[["shapelib-0.7.0u;[" 1.4.0i" shapelibU:Gem::Version[" 0.7.0u: Time $"/Simple wrapper around the shapelib libraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.0: @name"rake-compiler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["#prasinos@users.sourceforge.net"Mike Mangino"Mike Perham"/Simple wrapper around the shapelib library0T" ruby[["hello-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" helloU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time d"#hello: An example Ruby projectU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[")This is a short project description.0T" ruby[["hungrynoodle-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"hungrynoodleU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time "sLibrary that provides a simple mechanism to find and cache a list of files on your system (much like slocate).U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.3: @name"sqlite3-ruby:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.3; " sqlite3; @);F00["Philip Mcmahon"0T" ruby[["cool.io-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i" cool.ioU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time "&The cool event framework for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.3; " iobuffer; @);F00["Tony Arcieri"CA Ruby wrapper around the libev high performance event library0T" ruby[["koinz-0.0.8u;C[" 1.4.0i" koinzU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.8u: Time "CThe koinz client library - for oauth & notification managementU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" redis:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " omniauth; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "multi_json; @3;F00["Gautam Rege"Koinz clients require authentication via oauth koinz provider. They can also publish/subscribe for notifications in the koinz environment. 0T" ruby[["&jarodluebbert-twitter_oauth-0.3.8u;[" 1.4.0i" jarodluebbert-twitter_oauthU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.8u: Time Đ"Wtwitter_oauth is a Ruby library for talking to twitter using the new oauth method.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.16: @name"mime-types:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mocha; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.9["<=U;[" 1.2.4; " json; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.6; " oauth; @L;F00["Richard Taylor"Wtwitter_oauth is a Ruby library for talking to twitter using the new oauth method.0T" ruby[["ktheory-vlad-git-2.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"ktheory-vlad-gitU:Gem::Version[" 2.1.1u: Time $" Vlad plugin for Git supportU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.0: @name" vlad:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.3; "hoe; @);F00["John Barnette"{Vlad plugin for Git support. This was previously part of Vlad, but all modules outside the core recipe have been extracted.0T" ruby[["zync-gen-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" zync-genU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time ŭ"Generators for ZyncU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.3: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.14.6; " thor; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " i18n; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.3.0; " rspec; @=;F00["Peter Kieltyka"Kevin Faustino":A Collection of generators for the Zync Web Framework0T" ruby[["wowheadr-0.0.6u;[" 1.4.0i" wowheadrU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.6u: Time "wowheadr 0.0.6U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Brandon Tilley":Leverage the power of Wowhead for your Ruby projects.0T" ruby[[" skinny_daemon_example-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"skinny_daemon_exampleU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time ""An example of a skinny daemonU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " thin; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.0.0; " sinatra; @3;F00["Dave Hrycyszyn"%Process daemonization with thin!0T" ruby[["rubber-jcarnegie-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"rubber-jcarnegieU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "SA capistrano plugin for managing multi-instance deployments to the cloud (ec2)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" nettica:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.4.0; "capistrano; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " aws-s3; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.17; "amazon-ec2; @=;F00["Matt Conway"Jeff Carnegie" The rubber plugin enables relatively complex multi-instance deployments of RubyOnRails applications to Amazon's Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2). Like capistrano, rubber is role based, so you can define a set of configuration files for a role and then assign that role to as many concrete instances as needed. One can also assign multiple roles to a single instance. This lets one start out with a single ec2 instance (belonging to all roles), and add new instances into the mix as needed to scale specific facets of your deployment, e.g. adding in instances that serve only as an 'app' role to handle increased app server load. Adding deployment tasks for Node.js and others. 0T" ruby[["rods-0.9.0u;z[" 1.4.0i" rodsU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.0u: Time "nAutomation of OpenOffice/LibreOffice by batch-processing of spreadsheets conforming to Open Document v1.1U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Dr. Heinz Breinlinger"nOpenOffice.org oocalc: Fast automated batch-processing of spreadsheets (*.ods) conforming to Open Document Format v1.1. used by e.g. OpenOffice.org and LibreOffice. Please see screenshot and Rdoc-Documentation at http://ruby.homelinux.com/ruby/rods/. You can contact me at rods.ruby@online.de (and tell me about your experiences or drop me a line, if you like it ;-)0T" ruby[["dooby-0.3.1u;Q[" 1.4.0i" doobyU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.1u: Time ">A very simplistic command-line to-do list manager in RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 1.5.0: @name" jeweler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.9.9; " rcov; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.6.1; " highline; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.3.0; " chronic; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.9.3; " cucumber; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.2.4; " aruba; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.2.0; " fattr; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.0.0; " rspec; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;["1.2; " colored; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 4.2.0; " main; @y;F00["Rafael Magaña":Handle your to-do/notes list through the command line0T" ruby[["bigbananajour-0.6u;U[" 1.4.0i"bigbananajourU:Gem::Version["0.6u: Time j"Bananajour mirroring FTW!U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 2.2.2: @name"bananajour:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.9.4; " sinatra; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.0.1; " rainbow; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.3.1; " dnssd; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.3.2; "activesupport; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.1.1; " grit; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.0.9; " haml; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.1.7; " json; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.0.0; " rack; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.5.13; "fancypath; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.0.0; " thin; @~;F00["James Sadler"Bananajour mirroring FTW!0T" ruby[["!msimkins-haml_scaffold-1.1.3u;[" 1.4.0i"msimkins-haml_scaffoldU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.3u: Time D"0Rails scaffolding with Haml rather than ERBU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.6: @name" haml:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.1; " newgem; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.10; "formtastic; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0; "hoe; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.2.2; "will_paginate; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.0; " mocha; @Q;F00["Norman Clarke"Caleb Harrelson"Mike Simkins"QRails scaffolding with Haml rather than ERB, and various other improvements.0T" ruby[["socket_dontwait-1.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"socket_dontwaitU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.0u: Time D"/socket methods using MSG_DONTWAIT and moreU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["socket_dontwait hackers"This library is a drop-in replacement that reimplements several IO methods with replacements using MSG_DONTWAIT for BasicSocket. This allows us to avoid unnecessary system calls and GVL bouncing.0T" ruby[["rdfobjects-0.11.4u;[" 1.4.0i"rdfobjectsU:Gem::Version[" 0.11.4u: Time "*A DSL for working with RDF resources.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"addressable:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rdfa_parser; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rdf; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " curies; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " nokogiri; @G;F00["Ross Singer"RDFObjects are intended to simplify working with RDF data by providing a (more) Ruby-like interface to resources (thanks to OpenStruct).0T" ruby[["prototype-2.0.0u;)[" 1.4.0i"prototypeU:Gem::Version[" 2.0.0u: Time "prototypeU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["3.3: @name"attributes:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Ara T. Howard"0T" ruby[["autometal-geoip-0.4.0u;[" 1.4.0i"autometal-geoipU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.0u: Time "ZA wrapper to MaxMind's GeoIP services, that can work with both free and paid versionsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.2: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4; "rubyforge; @);F00["Achillefs Charmpilas"A wrapper to MaxMind's GeoIP services, that can work with both free and paid versions. Also provides geo-location methods to Active Record and Sequel Models. This product includes GeoLite data created by MaxMind, available from http://www.maxmind.com/.0T" ruby[["configure_me-0.3.2u;[" 1.4.0i"configure_meU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.2u: Time "!Simple configuration libraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.9.9: @name" rcov:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.1; "activemodel; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.9.4; " cucumber; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.1; "activesupport; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.1; "activerecord; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.9.8; " mocha; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.0.1; " rspec; @[;F00["Josh Williams"=Simple gem to assist with persisting configuration data.0T" ruby[["codebutler-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"codebutlerU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time d "CEasily serve your highlighted codefiles from a local webserverU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.4: @name" coderay:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.0; " sinatra; @);F00["Markus Prinz"Simply run codebutler in a directory of your choice, and it will serve all the code files it supports on a local webserver, hilighted.0T" ruby[["objective_command-;=[" 1.4.0i"objective_commandU:Gem::Version[" Time "ObjectiveCommandU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.6.6: @name" core_ex:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Nicolas Pouillard"0T" ruby[["dwemthy-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" dwemthyU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time d"$$$ DWEMTHY_S ARRAY ^!^ A RUBY MINI_DUNGEON ^!^ ONLY 60 LINES OF CODE ^!^ DWEMTY IS WATCHING ^!^ A STALE BREATH IS ON YOUR NAPE, IS IT NOT ?? ^!^ DWEMTHY COMETH $$$U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["rodrigo franco (caffo)"DWEMTHY'S ARRAY is not a mind puzzle. It is a short 60 line role-playing game that is played with Ruby metaprogramming. The game comes from chapter six of Why's (Poignant) Guide to Ruby.0T" ruby[["rdbi-dbrc-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"rdbi-dbrcU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "(Implementation of dbi-dbrc for RDBIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"test-unit:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rdbi-driver-mock; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rdbi; @3;F00["Erik Hollensbe"(Implementation of dbi-dbrc for RDBI0T" ruby[["growltdf-0.4.5u;[" 1.4.0i" growltdfU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.5u: Time X" growltdfU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" main:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " nokogiri; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ruby-growl; @3;F00["Ara T. Howard"0T" ruby[["dynamic_variable-1.1.1u;;[" 1.4.0i"dynamic_variableU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.1u: Time "+Provides dynamically scoped variables.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["1.4: @name" jeweler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2.0; " rspec; @);F00["William Taysom"Occasionally a method's behavior should depend on the context in which it is called. What is happening above me on the stack? DynamicVariable helps you in these context dependent situations.0T" ruby[["spellingbee-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"spellingbeeU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time ")A spelling correction tool for ruby.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Nithin Bekal"0Suggests corrections for mis-spelled words.0T" ruby[["automobile-ruby19-0.0.13u;d[" 1.4.0i"automobile-ruby19U:Gem::Version[" 0.0.13u: Time "A carbon modelU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["2.0.0.beta.17: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.4.0; " jeweler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rdoc; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.1.17; " sniff; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.8.3; " cucumber; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.0; "activerecord; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.1.4; "emitter-ruby19; @o;F00[ "Andy Rossmeissl"Seamus Abshere"Ian Hough"Matt Kling"Derek Kastner"OA software model in Ruby for the greenhouse gas emissions of an automobile0T" ruby[["padrino-admin-0.9.20u;[" 1.4.0i"padrino-adminU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.20u: Time e" Admin Dashboard for PadrinoU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 0.9.20: @name"padrino-core:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.9.20; "padrino-helpers; @);F00[ "Padrino Team"Nathan Esquenazi"Davide D'Agostino"Arthur Chiu"(Admin View for Padrino applications0T" ruby[["doc_storage-1.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"doc_storageU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2u: Time "SSimple Ruby library for manipulating documents containing a text and metadata.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["David Majda"DocStorage is a simple Ruby library for manipulating documents containing text and metadata. These documents can be used to implement a blog, wiki, or similar application without a database.0T" ruby[["autobahn-0.3u;X[" 1.4.0i" autobahnU:Gem::Version["0.3u: Time Č"Enterprise Ruby on RailsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 4.0.2: @name"commander:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Matias Hermanrud Fjeld"Jørgen Hermanrud Fjeld"0T" ruby[["goactive-0.1.0u;>[" 1.4.0i" goactiveU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time " ActiveRecord models for GO.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.15.3: @name"activerecord:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Simon Chiang"0T" ruby[["n8-attr_encrypted-1.1.3u;([" 1.4.0i"n8-attr_encryptedU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.3u: Time D"OGenerates attr_accessors that encrypt and decrypt attributes transparentlyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.8: @name" mocha:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.1; "eigenclass; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.0; "encryptor; @3;F00["Sean Huber"KGenerates attr_accessors that encrypt and decrypt attributes transparently. A fork with a kludge to handle :if/:unless Procs with attr_encrypted that uses attributes that may have not been set yet before the original attr_encrypted does its thing. This basically just resaves all the encrypted_attributes in a before_save callback.0T" ruby[["herokugarden-0.4.2u;[" 1.4.0i"herokugardenU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.2u: Time A"BClient library and CLI to deploy Rails apps on Heroku Garden.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0.5: @name"rest-client:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Adam Wiggins"[Client library and command-line tool to manage and deploy Rails apps on Heroku Garden.0T" ruby[["ruby-processing-1.0.9u;[" 1.4.0i"ruby-processingU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.9u: Time "LCode as Art, Art as Code. Processing and Ruby are meant for each other.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jeremy Ashkenas"Peter Gassner"Martin Stannard"Andrew Nanton"Marc Chung"Peter Krenn"Florian Jenett"Andreas Haller"Juris Galang"y Ruby-Processing is a Ruby wrapper for the Processing code art framework. It's this thin little shim that squeezes between Processing and JRuby, passing along some neat goodies like: * Applet and Application exporting of your sketches. Hand them out to your party guests, ready-to-run. * Live Coding via JRuby's IRB. Loads in your sketch so you can futz with variables and remake methods on the fly. * Bare sketches. Write your Ruby-Processing sketches without having to define a class. Without defining methods, even. * A "Control Panel" library, so that you can easily create sliders, buttons, checkboxes and drop-down menus, and hook them into your sketch's instance variables. * "Watch" mode, where Ruby-Processing keeps an eye on your sketch and reloads it from scratch every time you make a change. A pretty nice REPL-ish way to work on your Processing sketches. 0T" ruby[["realtimebattle-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"realtimebattleU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time dd"RealTimeBattle RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Alex Lang"Lukas Rieder"Pat Allan"0T" ruby[["maxmind-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i" maxmindU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time R" TODOU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" httparty:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Adam Daniels"0T" ruby[["koi-lang-0.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i" koi-langU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time $"WA parser, compiler and virtual machine toolchain for the Koi programming language.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"koi-vm-ruby:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "koi-reference-parser; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "koi-reference-compiler; @3;F00["Aaron Gough"This package provides the reference implementations of the parser and compiler for Koi, as well as a basic virtual machine. This is the official package for installing Koi.0T" ruby[["rhype-0.1.0u;a[" 1.4.0i" rhypeU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time E+"ERHype is a commandline tool and reusable library for interfacingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" Trans "~RHype is a commandline tool and reusable library for interfacing with project management hosting services like Rubyforge.0T" ruby[["polynomial-0.7.1u;[" 1.4.0i"polynomialU:Gem::Version[" 0.7.1u: Time E"NRich-featured single and multiple variables polynomials classes for Ruby.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4: @name"rubyforge:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.2; "hoe; @);F00["Adriano Brito Mitre"NRich-featured single and multiple variables polynomials classes for Ruby.0T" ruby[["cubus-settingslogic-2.2.0u;x[" 1.4.0i"cubus-settingslogicU:Gem::Version[" 2.2.0u: Time "vA simple and straightforward settings solution that uses an ERB enabled YAML file and a singleton design pattern.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[ " Ben Johnson of Binary Logic""Mihai Târnovan of Cubus Arts"$Gabriel Târnovan of Cubus Arts"Ignacio Carrera"0T" ruby[["doculab-0.2.0u;c[" 1.4.0i" doculabU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time D"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" capybara:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "cucumber-rails; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " tilt; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.0.rc; " rails; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " jeweler; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["2.0.0.beta; "rspec-rails; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " RedCloth; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " cucumber; @e;F00["Michael Klett"A Rails Engine for a simple file-based CMS, suitable for a documentation site. Originally created to power the Chargify documentation at http://docs.chargify.com0T" ruby[["benchmarkable-1.0u;f[" 1.4.0i"benchmarkableU:Gem::Version["1.0u: Time a"jBenchmarkable allows monitoring the performance of instance methods and reporting those in csv formatU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Aman King"jBenchmarkable allows monitoring the performance of instance methods and reporting those in csv format0T" ruby[[" cbaclig-facebooker-;[" 1.4.0i"cbaclig-facebookerU:Gem::Version[" Time ċ"Facebooker is a Ruby wrapper over the Facebook[http://facebook.com] {REST API}[http://wiki.developers.facebook.com/index.php/API]U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.4.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; "json_pure; @);F00[ "Chad Fowler"Patrick Ewing"Mike Mangino"Shane Vitarana"Corey Innis"Mike Mangino"Facebooker is a Ruby wrapper over the Facebook[http://facebook.com] {REST API}[http://wiki.developers.facebook.com/index.php/API]. Its goals are: * Idiomatic Ruby * No dependencies outside of the Ruby standard library (This is true with Rails 2.1. Previous Rails versions require the JSON gem) * Concrete classes and methods modeling the Facebook data, so it's easy for a Rubyist to understand what's available * Well tested0T" ruby[["email_direct-0.0.1u;Y[" 1.4.0i"email_directU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "5Used to connect to the EmailDirect SOAP service.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 2.1.2: @name" builder:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.2.1; "serviceproxy; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.4.1; " nokogiri; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.0; "activesupport; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.0.0; " rspec; @G;F00["Tucker Connelly" wynst"To use this gem, initialize with your account name and password. All the SOAP calls (found here: http://dev.emaildirect.com/v1/) are functions of the module with the same function name and parameters (minus the credentials). This gem depends on the serviceproxy and activesupport gems.0T" ruby[["oops-null-0.3.1u;[" 1.4.0i"oops-nullU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.1u: Time "7A segfaulting native RubyGem for Windows and LinuxU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.6: @name"rake-compiler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jon Maken"pA native RubyGem for Windows and Linux that segfaults the Ruby interpreter by dereferencing a NULL pointer 0T" ruby[["wikiplex-;[" 1.4.0i" wikiplexU:Gem::Version[" Time ":The CodePlex wiki engine for use in .NET applicationsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Matt Hawley" WikiPlex is a regular expression based wiki engine that allows developers to integrate a wiki experience into an existing .NET application seamlessly and with little effort. Built and used by the CodePlex team, WikiPlex has been thoroughly tested in real-world scenarios! 0T" ruby[["twitter-lists-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"twitter-listsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time k"DA library and command-line tool for working with Twitter lists.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"jnunemaker-matchy:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " fakeweb; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "thoughtbot-shoulda; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "jeremymcanally-stump; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "jeremymcanally-context; @G;F00["Michael D. Ivey"CA library and command-line tool for working with Twitter lists0T" ruby[["symphony_cli-0.5.1u;w[" 1.4.0i"symphony_cliU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.1u: Time E,"ASymphony OS Content Management suite, Command Line InterfaceU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.2: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.0; "extensions; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.1; "restfulite; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.1; "symphony_core; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.2; "hoe; @G;F00["Stephen F Norledge"ASymphony OS Content Management suite, Command Line Interface0T" ruby[["slyphon-log4j-1.2.15u;[" 1.4.0i"slyphon-log4jU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.15u: Time E" the log4j jar file in a gemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jonathan D. Simms"A cast of thousands" the log4j jar file in a gem0T" ruby[["sa-tmail-;3[" 1.4.0i" sa-tmailU:Gem::Version[" Time $R"Ruby Mail HandlerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["+Mikel Lindsaar "oTMail is a Ruby-based mail handler. It allows you to compose stadards compliant emails in a very Ruby-way.0T" ruby[["rinject-0.1.2u;q[" 1.4.0i" rinjectU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time d""Dependency injection for rubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Stefan Nuxoll"@Simple dependency injection framework for ruby applications0T" ruby[["remit2-0.0.10u;[" 1.4.0i" remit2U:Gem::Version[" 0.0.10u: Time "lAn API for using the Amazon Flexible Payment Service (FPS) - updated for version 2008-09-17 of the API.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.0.7: @name" relax:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Micah Wedemeyer"Tyler Hunt"0T" ruby[["remarkable_paperclip-0.6.4u;[" 1.4.0i"remarkable_paperclipU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.4u: Time "'Remarkable matchers for Paperclip.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Lawrence Pit"0T" ruby[["i18n_tools-0.0.5u;[" 1.4.0i"i18n_toolsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time "MTasks for extracting missing and unused translations from Rails projectsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Thomas Kadauke"0T" ruby[["on_the_spot-0.0.6u;[" 1.4.0i"on_the_spotU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.6u: Time ŭ"!unobtrusive in place editingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0rc: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.6; "json_pure; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.0; "actionpack; @3;F00["Nathan Van der Auwera"IUnobtrusive in place editing, using jEditable; only works in Rails 30T" ruby[["mimetexrb-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"mimetexrbU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time ",Native bindings for the MimeTex libraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" 32leaves"0T" ruby[["$actionmailer_host_autoset-0.3.0u;2[" 1.4.0i"actionmailer_host_autosetU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time m"Sets :host for url_for calls within ActionMailer. A repackaged and renamed version of http://github.com/luke0x/retardase_inhibitorU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Tobias Crawley"0T" ruby[["changelog-0.4u;[" 1.4.0i"changelogU:Gem::Version["0.4u: Time E")Simple CHANGELOG parser for Ruby 1.9U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["#Jakub Šťastný aka Botanicus"0T" ruby[["paybox-0.0.1u;J[" 1.4.0i" payboxU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time e")Payment Gateway to Paybox's servicesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"activevalidators:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " httparty; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " fakeweb; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rspec-core; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rspec-expectations; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " bundler; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "activesupport; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "activemodel; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " i18n; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @y;F00["Franck Verrot"Guillaume Barillot")Payment Gateway to Paybox's services0T" ruby[["embedly-0.3.1u;[" 1.4.0i" embedlyU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.1u: Time " Ruby Embedly client libraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" cucumber:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " jeweler; @3;F00["Bob Corsaro" Ruby Embedly client library0T" ruby[["swiff-0.0.1u;O[" 1.4.0i" swiffU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "SWF Information LibraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Andrei Bocan"SWF Information Library0T" ruby[["stead-0.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i" steadU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time D"1Spreadsheets To Encoded Archival DescriptionU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.16.2; " trollop; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.1; " nokogiri; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.0; "fastercsv; @=;F00["Jason Ronallo":Converts CSV files of a specific schema into EAD XML.0T" ruby[["railhead_sanitize-0.2.2u;[[" 1.4.0i"railhead_sanitizeU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.2u: Time %"aRailheadSanitize is a Ruby on Rails plugin that automatically strips tags from input fields.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Bence Nagy"aRailheadSanitize is a Ruby on Rails plugin that automatically strips tags from input fields.0T" ruby[["(activerecord-informix-adapter-1.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i""activerecord-informix-adapterU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.1u: Time e"'Informix adapter for Active RecordU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.3: @name"ruby-informix:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["; "activerecord; @);F00[""Gerardo Santana Gomez Garrido"EActive Record adapter for connecting to an IBM Informix database0T" ruby[["ddollar-test-gem-0.1.0u;f[" 1.4.0i"ddollar-test-gemU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time c"!one-line summary of your gemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["David Dollar"#longer description of your gem0T" ruby[["iron_maiden-0.2.1u;q[" 1.4.0i"iron_maidenU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time De"JIron Maiden is a tool for easing deployment of IronRuby applications.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["James Thompson"Iron Maiden is a tool for easing deployment of IronRuby applications providing both a gem command and a convential command line interface.0T" ruby[["superhash-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"superhashU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time "!Magic powers for your hashesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " redgreen; @);F00["James Wilding"OAccess hash values with method calls. Easy on the eye! Not actually magic!0T" ruby[["resourcer-2.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"resourcerU:Gem::Version[" 2.1.0u: Time %"4Enhances Rails with default REST functionality.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.0; " rails; @);F00["Brooke Kuhlmann"iEnhances Rails with default REST functionality including unobtrusive jQuery and view helper support.0T" ruby[["#jakewendt-ruby_extension-1.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"jakewendt-ruby_extensionU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2u: Time "!one-line summary of your gemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" Jake"#longer description of your gem0T" ruby[["pagify-0.7.1u;[" 1.4.0i" pagifyU:Gem::Version[" 0.7.1u: Time $"zPagination tools for Array(or custom class), DataMapper and ActiveRecord Helpers for Innate/Ramaze and Rails includedU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.10.1: @name" dm-core:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.4.1; " bones; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.4; "activerecord; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.10.1; "dm-aggregates; @=;F00["%Lin Jen-Shin (aka godfat 真常)"} Pagination tools for Array(or custom class), DataMapper and ActiveRecord Helpers for Innate/Ramaze and Rails included.0T" ruby[["thoughtafter-vpim-;([" 1.4.0i"thoughtafter-vpimU:Gem::Version[" Time " vCard and iCalendar supportU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Sam Roberts"lvCard and iCalendar support, the standard for exchange and storage of contact information and calendars0T" ruby[["tasklet-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" taskletU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time %"@Handle one-off maintenance tasks in a migration-like mannerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Alexander Gräfe"@Handle one-off maintenance tasks in a migration-like manner0T" ruby[["tanuki-0.3.1u;[" 1.4.0i" tanukiU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.1u: Time "Web framework with balls!U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 3.14: @name" sequel:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.0; " rack; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.3; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["0.4; " i18n; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["0.1; "escape_utils; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["3.0; "activesupport; @Q;F00["Anatoly Ressin"Dimitry Solovyov"oTanuki is an MVVM-inspired web framework that fancies idiomatic Ruby, DRY and extensibility by its design.0T" ruby[["merrol-0.0.2u;x[" 1.4.0i" merrolU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time d"CMERROL - Minimalist Editor for Ruby, Rails and Other LanguagesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" autotest:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "activesupport; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "simplecov; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.0.0; " rspec; @=;F00["Phil Thompson"An editor for Ruby, Rails and supporting langauges, written in pure Ruby with an open design to allow customization and improvement.0T" ruby[["mailee-0.4.3u;[" 1.4.0i" maileeU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.3u: Time "%Gem de integração do Mailee.meU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Juan Maiz"lPermite sincronizar automaticamente seus modelos com o Mailee.me, inclusive com gerenciamento de optin.0T" ruby[["cashier-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" cashierU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time " Tag based caching for RailsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0: @name" bundler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "redis-namespace; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.3.0; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " redis; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.2; " jeweler; @Q;F00["Adam Hawkins"UAssociate different cached content with a tag, then expire by tag instead of key0T" ruby[["ruote-beanstalk-2.1.11u;[" 1.4.0i"ruote-beanstalkU:Gem::Version[" 2.1.11u: Time "NBeanstalk participant/receiver/storage for ruote (a Ruby workflow engine)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.0: @name"beanstalk-client:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " jeweler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.11; " ruote; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.20; "rufus-cloche; @Q;F00["John Mettraux"NBeanstalk participant/receiver/storage for ruote (a Ruby workflow engine)0T" ruby[["protest-0.4.2u;+[" 1.4.0i" protestU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.2u: Time Ħ"AProtest is a tiny, simple, and easy-to-extend test frameworkU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Nicolás Sanguinetti"Matías Flores"AProtest is a tiny, simple, and easy-to-extend test framework0T" ruby[["chef_cap-0.0.7u;[" 1.4.0i" chef_capU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.7u: Time "(capistrano + chef-solo == chef_cap"U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.5.5: @name"capistrano:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Case Commons"LLC"Tchef_cap uses chef"s JSON config format to drive both capistrano and chef-solo"0T" ruby[["faultinjection-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"faultinjectionU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time d "description of gemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["FIXME full name"description of gem0T" ruby[["livedoorauth-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"livedoorauthU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time "livedoor auth apiU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" zorio"livedoor auth api0T" ruby[["psp_hello_world-2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"psp_hello_worldU:Gem::Version["2.0u: Time ".Hello world for the PSP, written in ruby.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" Mon_Ouie".Hello world for the PSP, written in ruby.0T" ruby[["dm-devise-1.2.0.betau; [" 1.4.0i"dm-deviseU:Gem::Version["1.2.0.betau: Time e"1Support for using DataMapper ORM with deviseU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.2: @name"dm-migrations:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.2; "dm-serializer; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.2.rc; " devise; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.3; " dm-rails; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.2.10; "sugar-high; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.2; "dm-timestamps; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.2; " dm-core; @[;F00["Jared Morgan"~dm-devise adds DataMapper support to devise (http://github.com/plataformatec/devise) for authentication support for Rails0T" ruby[["thin-auth-ntlm-0.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i"thin-auth-ntlmU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time ]"AAllows you to force NTLM authentication on Thin TCP servers.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.1: @name"rubysspi-server:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; " thin; @);F00["Alexey Borzenkov"0T" ruby[["sk_api_schema-0.0.15u;[" 1.4.0i"sk_api_schemaU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.15u: Time E"SalesKing API JSON SchemaU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "activesupport; @);F00["Georg Leciejewski"2SalesKing API JSON schema and utility methods0T" ruby[["sinatra-redis-0.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i"sinatra-redisU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time b"=Extends Sinatra with redis helpers for instant redis useU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.4: @name" sinatra:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " redis; @);F00["Blake Mizerany"=Extends Sinatra with redis helpers for instant redis use0T" ruby[["rubycious-0.1.4u;[" 1.4.0i"rubyciousU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time ĕ"(Ruby wrapper to the del.icio.us APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0.5: @name" httparty:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0.5; " httparty; @);F00["Ratan Sebastian"(Ruby wrapper to the del.icio.us API0T" ruby[["couch_surfer-0.3.4u;[" 1.4.0i"couch_surferU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.4u: Time e""ORM based on CouchRest::ModelU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.33: @name"couchrest:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.2; " json; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.2; "rest-client; @3;F00["Adam Groves"lCouchSurfer provides an ORM for CouchDB, as well as supporting association and validation declarations.0T" ruby[["dmarkow-raspell-1.2.2u;[" 1.4.0i"dmarkow-raspellU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.2u: Time ":An interface binding for the Aspell spelling checker.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Evan Weaver"Dylan Markow">Update of Evan Weaver's raspell gem to support Ruby 1.9.20T" ruby[["phidgets4r-0.0.5u;A[" 1.4.0i"phidgets4rU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time $"%Interact with Phidgets via Ruby.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Kit Plummer"Just a simple Ruby library to provide Ruby-style abstraction around the Phidgets C library. Fork of the RubyForge phidget project.0T" ruby[["mongoid-tree-0.5.0u;7[" 1.4.0i"mongoid-treeU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.0u: Time e"+A tree structure for Mongoid documentsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 4.3.2: @name" autotest:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["2.0.0.beta.20; " mongoid; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.12; " hanna; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2.3; " rspec; @=;F00["Benedikt Deicke"OA tree structure for Mongoid documents using the materialized path pattern0T" ruby[["miracle_extensions-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"miracle_extensionsU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time En"&A bunch of useful Ruby extensionsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Mark Dodwell"0T" ruby[["steak-1.1.0u;z[" 1.4.0i" steakU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.0u: Time "2Minimalist acceptance testing on top of RSpecU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" capybara:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.0; " rails; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0; "rspec-rails; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.3; " rspec; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " webrat; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "sqlite3-ruby; @Q;F00["Luismi Cavallé".If you are not in Rails but use RSpec, then Steak is just some aliases providing you with the language of acceptance testing (feature, scenario, background). If you are in Rails, you also have a couple of generators, a rake task and full Rails integration testing (meaning Webrat support, for instance)0T" ruby[["vi_api_lib-0.1.2u;{[" 1.4.0i"vi_api_libU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time T"~A ruby library for accessing management information from VMware servers using the Virtual Infrastructure API version 2.5.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.11.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.11.0; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.8; " soap4r; @3;F00["Chris Waters" SebDE"~A ruby library for accessing management information from VMware servers using the Virtual Infrastructure API version 2.5.0T" ruby[["timesheet_plugin-0.6.0u;&[" 1.4.0i"timesheet_pluginU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.0u: Time D"EA Timesheet plugin for Redmine to show timelogs for all projectsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Eric Davis"IA plugin to show and filter timelogs across all projects in Redmine.0T" ruby[["raven-1.2.4u;>[" 1.4.0i" ravenU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.4u: Time E"-Java build system based on Rake and Gem.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0.7: @name" rake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Matthieu Riou"0T" ruby[["RSRuby-0.4.0u;[" 1.4.0i" RSRubyU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.0u: Time "An R to Ruby bridgeU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Alex Gutteridge"0T" ruby[["aim-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"aimU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time G"7Ruby gem for making AIM bots really easy to createU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" remi"7Ruby gem for making AIM bots really easy to create0T" ruby[["steam-0.0.8u; [" 1.4.0i" steamU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.8u: Time "ZHeadless integration testing w/ HtmlUnit: enables testing JavaScript-driven web sitesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.6: @name" locator:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.0; "rjb; @);F00["Sven Fuchs"qSteam is a headless integration testing tool driving HtmlUnit to enable testing JavaScript-driven web sites.0T" ruby[["ruby-mojeid-0.2.2u;m[" 1.4.0i"ruby-mojeidU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.2u: Time ".This gem help use ruby-openid more simpleU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 2.1.8: @name"ruby-openid:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.2; " jeweler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.1.8; "ruby-openid; @Q;F00["Robin Bortlik"$This gem extend ruby-openid gem0T" ruby[["blue_pages-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"blue_pagesU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "Pages Engine for Rails 3U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["2.0.0.beta.20: @name" mongoid:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "mongoid-tree; @);F00["Jiří Zajpt")Pages engine handles cms-like pages.0T" ruby[["SysVIPC-0.9u;[" 1.4.0i" SysVIPCU:Gem::Version["0.9u: Time dY"Builders for MarkUp.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Steven Jenkins"YSystem V Inter-Process Communication: message queues, semaphores, and shared memory.0T" ruby[["pageranker-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"pagerankerU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "$Check the PageRank of a websiteU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Enrico Pilotto"%Check the PageRank of a website.0T" ruby[["fleximage-1.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i"fleximageU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.4u: Time "yRails plugin for uploading images as resources, with support for resizing, text stamping, and other special effects.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" aws-s3:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.2.2; " rails; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rmagick; @3;F00["Alex Wayne"Andrew White"JJ Buckley"Jason Lee"Joshua Abbott"Koji Ando"Kouhei Sutou"Lasse Jansen"Loïc Guitaut"Martin Vielsmaier" Squeegy" Vannoy" ralph"^Fleximage is a Rails plugin that tries to make image uploading and rendering super easy. 0T" ruby[["without_accents-0.9.0u;[" 1.4.0i"without_accentsU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.0u: Time "^Strip accented characters from a text, replacing with their UTF-7-compatible counterpartsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"utf8_utils:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jack Danger Canty"^Strip accented characters from a text, replacing with their UTF-7-compatible counterparts0T" ruby[["state_machine-0.9.4u;4[" 1.4.0i"state_machineU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.4u: Time $"NAdds support for creating state machines for attributes on any Ruby classU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Aaron Pfeifer"NAdds support for creating state machines for attributes on any Ruby class0T" ruby[["rack_csrf-2.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"rack_csrfU:Gem::Version[" 2.1.0u: Time D"Anti-CSRF Rack middlewareU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"rack-test:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0.9; " rack; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.13; " cucumber; @=;F00["Emanuele Vicentini"Anti-CSRF Rack middleware0T" ruby[["fb_graph-1.4.0u;[" 1.4.0i" fb_graphU:Gem::Version[" 1.4.0u: Time "5A full-stack Facebook Graph API wrapper in Ruby.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["2.3: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.3; " json; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.0; " oauth2; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.4; "rest-client; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.3; " rspec; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0; " fakeweb; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @[;F00["nov matake"5A full-stack Facebook Graph API wrapper in Ruby.0T" ruby[["pdf-storycards-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"pdf-storycardsU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time E"VUtilities for generating printable story cards for agile planning and measurementU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.7; "pdf-writer; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.1; " rspec; @3;F00["Luke Melia"== DESCRIPTION: Provides a script and library to parse stories saved in the RSpec plain text story format and creates a PDF file with printable 3"x5" index cards suitable for using in Agile planning and prioritization. == FEATURES/PROBLEMS: * Create a PDF with each page as a 3x5 sheet, or as 4 cards per 8.5 x 11 sheet * Included script reads stories from STDIN and writes PDF to STDOUT * TODO: Improve test coverage * TODO: Improve documentation == SYNOPSIS: From the command line with stories2cards < /path/to/stories.txt Or via Ruby story_text = File.read('my_story') pdf_content = PDF::Storycards::Writer.make_pdf(story_text, :style => :card_1up) == REQUIREMENTS:0T" ruby[["amqp_logging-0.5.5u;K[" 1.4.0i"amqp_loggingU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.5u: Time D"^A ruby logger class that logs to an AMQP exchange in addition to your default log device.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.0: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mocha; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.0; " json; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.0; " bunny; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " redgreen; @G;F00["Pascal Friederich"0T" ruby[["twitter_instapaper-0.0.6u;[" 1.4.0i"twitter_instapaperU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.6u: Time "EExtract links from favourited tweets and send them to InstapaperU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.2: @name" twitter:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.3; " httparty; @);F00["Brad Bollenbach"0T" ruby[["svn_tools-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"svn_toolsU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time "svn_toolsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["markbates"*svn_tools was developed by: markbates0T" ruby[["gem-fast-;[" 1.4.0i" gem-fastU:Gem::Version[" Time "Gem for the restU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" dazuiba"LGem-fast, make your gem install faster!, Replace gem fetcher with curl 0T" ruby[["facebookie-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"facebookieU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time d";A Ruby interface for interacting with the Facebook APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" oauth2:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Rodrigo Alves Vieira"@Provides you a interface for the Facebook API through OAuth0T" ruby[["baretest-vows-0.2.0u;r[" 1.4.0i"baretest-vowsU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time Ě"!A sexier format for baretestU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0.5.0.pre: @name" baretest:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Danny Tatom"5A sexier format for baretest inspired by vows.js0T" ruby[["ms-in_silico-0.4.1u;[" 1.4.0i"ms-in_silicoU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.1u: Time ".in-silico calculations for mass spec dataU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.17.0: @name"tap:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.0; "molecules; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "spec-more; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.0; " tap-test; @=;F00["Simon Chiang"0peptide fragmentation and protein digestion0T" ruby[["hudson-war-1.395u;][" 1.4.0i"hudson-warU:Gem::Version[" 1.395u: Time ":fetch and use a specific hudson version with rubygemsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Charles Lowell"download and install a specific version of the hudson war file which can be used for either running a server, or for plugin development0T" ruby[[")danieljohnmorris-shadow_puppet-0.3.4u;/[" 1.4.0i"#danieljohnmorris-shadow_puppetU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.4u: Time "A Ruby Puppet DSLU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.24.8; " puppet; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.4; " facter; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.0; " highline; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.2; " builder; @G;F00["Jesse Newland"A Ruby Puppet DSL0T" ruby[["active_graph-0.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i"active_graphU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time "]Gem which makes filling data for Gruff graphs based on ActiveRecord objects much easier.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" metaid:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.0; "activesupport; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.1; " gruff; @=;F00["Kacper Bielecki"0T" ruby[["ar_pg_array-0.9.5u;[" 1.4.0i"ar_pg_arrayU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.5u: Time e"3Use power of PostgreSQL Arrays in ActiveRecordU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"activerecord:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[""Sokolov Yura aka funny_falcon"ar_pg_array includes support of PostgreSQL's int[], float[], text[], timestamptz[] etc. into ActiveRecord. You could define migrations for array columns, query on array columns.0T" ruby[["digestif-1.0.5u;[" 1.4.0i" digestifU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.5u: Time "+Easy digest generation for large filesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" aruba:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " cucumber; @);F00["Andrew Roberts"6Digestif lets you create fast checksums of large files by skipping sections of the file. It was created with compressed media files in mind, which generally have such a high information density that we can get away with a checksum that doesn't actually consider all the bits.0T" ruby[["me2day-ruby-0.2.1u;B[" 1.4.0i"me2day-rubyU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time "a me2day API clientU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" httparty:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Sukjoon Kim"a me2day API client0T" ruby[["clamav-0.4.1u;[" 1.4.0i" clamavU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.1u: Time $"ClamAV Ruby bindingsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Alexander Oryol"ClamAV Ruby bindings0T" ruby[["ruby-extensions-1.0u;~[" 1.4.0i"ruby-extensionsU:Gem::Version["1.0u: Time %"5A collection of custom classes that extend Ruby.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" bacon:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Yorick Peterse"5A collection of custom classes that extend Ruby.0T" ruby[["fnando-hello_world-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"fnando-hello_worldU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "Say hello!U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Nando Vieira"/A simple gem that says hello to the world!0T" ruby[[" air-0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"airU:Gem::Version["0.2u: Time "!AMQP-based Interoperable RPCU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["David Greaves"Air provides a consistent interface for calling services offered over AMQP. If you're using AMQP for messaging then AIR can supplement that.0T" ruby[["truncate_html-0.5.0u;[" 1.4.0i"truncate_htmlU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.0u: Time E"fUses an API similar to Rails' truncate helper to truncate HTML and close any lingering open tags.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 3.0.3: @name" rails:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " jeweler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;["2.3; "rspec-rails; @3;F00["Harold A. Gimenez"(Truncates html so you don't have to0T" ruby[["swift-0.8.1u;[" 1.4.0i" swiftU:Gem::Version[" 0.8.1u: Time E"1A rational rudimentary database abstraction.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"eventmachine:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.7.0; " minitest; @);F00["Shane Hanna"Bharanee 'Barney' Rathna"1A rational rudimentary database abstraction.0T" ruby[["statistics2-0.54u;[" 1.4.0i"statistics2U:Gem::Version[" 0.54u: Time E"kStatistical Distributions for Ruby. Based on Shin-ichiro Hara's original library, updated for Ruby 1.9U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.4.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Brendan Ribera"Shin-ichiro Hara"Statistics2 is a module that provides normal, Chi-square, t- and F- probability distributions for Ruby. It is a fork/continuation of Shin-ichiro Hara's original code. It provides a native, compiled extension and a pure Ruby implementation.0T" ruby[["placebo-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" placeboU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time d"It can do anything.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Joao Carlos"BYou can add me to your Gemfile and hope something gets fixed.0T" ruby[["!paperclip-time-stamped-1.0.6u;[" 1.4.0i"paperclip-time-stampedU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.6u: Time ">Allow to use time-stamped urls from paperclip attachmentsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name")Pr0d1r2-active_record_connectionless:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @);F00["Marcin Nowicki">Allow to use time-stamped urls from paperclip attachments0T" ruby[["mack-pdf_writer-;[" 1.4.0i"mack-pdf_writerU:Gem::Version[" Time eC"Rendering EngineU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Darsono Sutedja",PDF Rendering Engine for Mack Framework0T" ruby[["mongo_watchable-0.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i"mongo_watchableU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time $"7A ruby gem for adding watching to mongo documents.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.0: @name"mongo_mapper:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.10.0; " shoulda; @);F00["Jonathan Bell"7A ruby gem for adding watching to mongo documents.0T" ruby[["audit-0.5.0u;R[" 1.4.0i" auditU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.0u: Time %"6Audit logs changes to model objects to Cassandra.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.8.2: @name"cassandra:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.11.3; " shoulda; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["; " nokogiri; @3;F00["Adam Keys"Audit sits on top of your model objects and watches for changes to your data. When a change occurs, the differences are recorded and stored in Cassandra.0T" ruby[["mongrel_cow_cluster-0.3.7u;Q[" 1.4.0i"mongrel_cow_clusterU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.7u: Time D "{A Mongrel plugin that uses copy-on-write to lower resource impact and handle rolling restarts of several Mongrel processes.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"gem_plugin:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.1; " mongrel; @);F00["Eric Wong"{A Mongrel plugin that uses copy-on-write to lower resource impact and handle rolling restarts of several Mongrel processes.0T" ruby[["watts-0.0.3u;L[" 1.4.0i" wattsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time e"=Resource-oriented, Rack-based, minimalist web framework.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" metaid:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Pete Elmore"0T" ruby[["rake-debian-build-1.0.16u;[" 1.4.0i"rake-debian-buildU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.16u: Time "(Rake tasks to build debian packagesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Alban Peignier"9Build packages with pbuilder under debian and ubuntu0T" ruby[["ver-2010.08u;}[" 1.4.0i"verU:Gem::Version[" 2010.08u: Time Ğ"VER is Vim & Emacs in RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">U;[" 2010.02: @name" ffi-tk:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" Michael 'manveru' Fellinger"?An advanced text editor using tk and bringing world peace.0T" ruby[["retrograph_easy-0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"retrograph_easyU:Gem::Version["0.2u: Time \"8Retrograph/EASY, a simple API for Retrograph games.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0.5: @name"retrograph:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["!MenTaLguY "Retrograph/EASY is a simple API built atop Retrograph, a software renderer which simulates a late-era 8-bit display with capabilities similar to those of the Sega Master System. 0T" ruby[["rails_action_args-0.2.0u;s[" 1.4.0i"rails_action_argsU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time "(A port of merb-action-args to railsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.4: @name"ruby2ruby:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.pre; "actionpack; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.4; "ParseTree; @3;F00[ " ezmobius" mattetti" maiha"Yehuda Katz"Andy Delcambre"Janne Asmala"Collin Miller"uBig thanks to the original authors. Let me know if I missed you. Action args rocks and you deserve the credit :)0T" ruby[["prawn-layout-0.8.4u;D[" 1.4.0i"prawn-layoutU:Gem::Version[" 0.8.4u: Time "UAn extension to Prawn that provides table support and other layout functionalityU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Gregory Brown"X An extension to Prawn that provides table support and other layout functionality 0T" ruby[["%camelpunch-markup_validity-1.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"camelpunch-markup_validityU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.1u: Time %"dMarkupValidity provides test/unit and rspec helpers for checking the validity of your documentsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.1: @name" nokogiri:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.12.2; "hoe; @);F00["Aaron Patterson"Andrew Bruce"-MarkupValidity provides test/unit and rspec helpers for checking the validity of your documents. Shortcuts for verifying xhtml-transitional and xhtml-strict documents are provided as well. MarkupValidity will not only tell you when your document is invalid, but it will tell you what it *should* be.0T" ruby[["merb_app_config-1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"merb_app_configU:Gem::Version["1.2u: Time e"NMerb plugin that provides easy to use Application Configurations via YAMLU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["1.0: @name"merb-assets:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jacques Crocker"NMerb plugin that provides easy to use Application Configurations via YAML0T" ruby[["maventhought.units-0.3.1u;[" 1.4.0i"maventhought.unitsU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.1u: Time "3Unit Classes to describe distance, weight, etcU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"maventhought.commons:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Amir Barylko"^The Unit library provides classes to be able to express and use units in a fluid easy way0T" ruby[["backtrack-xpath-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"backtrack-xpathU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time d"Zbacktrack-xpath accepts a REXML::Element and returns the full XPath back to the root.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["0T" ruby[["xttc-0.2.0u;[[" 1.4.0i" xttcU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time "JA command line bot for working with XTT, ENTP's rad time tracking appU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.0: @name" highline:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.2.2; "activesupport; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.8.2; " main; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.2.2; "activeresource; @=;F00["Jesse Newland"Andy Henson"JA command line bot for working with XTT, ENTP's rad time tracking app0T" ruby[["visualruby-0.0.5u;[" 1.4.0i"visualrubyU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time "IDE for Ruby!U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.0: @name"dbi:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.0; "require_all; @);F00["Eric Cunningham"sIDE specifically designed for Ruby! Creates,installs and publishes gems. Just type 'vr' at the command line.0T" ruby[["svg-graph19-0.6.6u;[" 1.4.0i"svg-graph19U:Gem::Version[" 0.6.6u: Time "ESVG:::Graph is a pure Ruby library for generating charts in SVG.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["GSean Russell. Paolo Bosetti moved into gem and made 1.9-compatible"THIS VERSION IS RUBY 1.9.x COMPATIBLE! Gem version of SVG:::Graph. SVG:::Graph is a pure Ruby library for generating charts, which are a type of graph where the values of one axis are not scalar. SVG::Graph has a very similar API to the Perl library SVG::TT::Graph, and the resulting charts also look the same. This isn't surprising, because SVG::Graph started as a loose port of SVG::TT::Graph, although the internal code no longer resembles the Perl original at all. 0T" ruby[["surpass-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" surpassU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "MSurpass is writing (and eventually reading) excel workbooks in pure RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 3.4.3: @name" bones:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Ana Nelson"Surpass is writing (and eventually reading) excel workbooks in pure Ruby. Surpass is based on xlwt (and pyExcelerator). For comprehensive documentation, please refer to the PDF manual which is available from http://surpass.rubyforge.org or in the root directory of the source code repository. If you like to learn from playing with working examples, then there are plenty in the examples/ and webby/examples directories of the source code.0T" ruby[["ruby_ext-0.4.11u;8[" 1.4.0i" ruby_extU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.11u: Time ĥ"Ruby language extensionsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 2.9.0: @name" facets:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Alexey Petrushin"0T" ruby[["ar_dbcopy-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"ar_dbcopyU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time e"9copy data from one dbms to another via active_recordU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "activerecord; @);F00["Michael Siebert"9copy data from one dbms to another via active_record0T" ruby[[" ditz-0.5u;|[" 1.4.0i" ditzU:Gem::Version["0.5u: Time "A simple issue tracker designed to integrate well with distributed version control systems like git and darcs. State is saved to a YAML file kept under version control, allowing issues to be closed/added/modified as part of a commit.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.7.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.7.0; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.9; " trollop; @3;F00["William Morgan"Ditz is a simple, light-weight distributed issue tracker designed to work with distributed version control systems like git, darcs, Mercurial, and Bazaar. It can also be used with centralized systems like SVN. Ditz maintains an issue database directory on disk, with files written in a line-based and human-editable format. This directory can be kept under version control, alongside project code. Ditz provides a simple, console-based interface for creating and updating the issue database files, and some basic static HTML generation capabilities for producing world-readable status pages (for a demo, see the ditz ditz page). Ditz includes a robust plugin system for adding commands, model fields, and modifying output. See PLUGINS.txt for documentation on the pre-shipped plugins. Ditz currently offers no central public method of bug submission. == USING DITZ There are several different ways to use Ditz: 1. Treat issue change the same as code change: include it as part of commits, and merge it with changes from other developers, resolving conflicts in the usual manner. 2. Keep the issue database in the repository but in a separate branch. Issue changes can be managed by your VCS, but is not tied directly to code commits. 3. Keep the issue database separate and not under VCS at all.0T" ruby[["home_cleaner-;[" 1.4.0i"home_cleanerU:Gem::Version[" Time D"{HomeCleaner cleans the given home directory, besides blacklisted accounts and currently logged in users of your local disk.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Sandor Szuecs"home_cleaner deletes user directories on a Mac OS X computer when they are old enough and not blacklisted or not logged in. This can be useful for maintaining a pc lab.0T" ruby[["nwodkram-0.3u;[" 1.4.0i" nwodkramU:Gem::Version["0.3u: Time d"tConvert html into markdown - this might be useful when going from a traditional blog to a more text-based blog.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.1: @name" nokogiri:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Elise Huard"Convert html into markdown0T" ruby[["document_form-0.1.0u; [" 1.4.0i"document_formU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "7Form Builder for Rails3 and MongoID or MongoMapperU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Maurizio Casimirri"7Form Builder for Rails3 and MongoID or MongoMapper0T" ruby[["vet-0.1.1u;`[" 1.4.0i"vetU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "KValidate changes individually, not atomically. ORM/framework-agnostic.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.10.3: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Grant Heaslip"0T" ruby[["proxy_party-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"proxy_partyU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time $"(Add proxy functionality the fun wayU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Kristian Mandrup"!Method missing proxy pattern0T" ruby[["moment-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" momentU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time $"ZA scheduler (like cron) that will run specified ruby code at given intervals or timesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Visnu Pitiyanuvath"0T" ruby[["where-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" whereU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time d""A simple geolocation library.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Matt Venables"[A very simple geolocation library for searching based on postal address or ip address.0T" ruby[["svengali-;m[" 1.4.0i" svengaliU:Gem::Version[" Time D"zdistributed machine operating library of cloud age. please see http://sourceforge.jp/projects/svengali/wiki/FrontPageU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.17: @name" net-ssh:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4; " net-sftp; @3;F00["Ryo Kanbayashi"rSvengali offers means to manage and operate distributed machines easier than by other tools like shell script0T" ruby[["#ruby-postgres-;[" 1.4.0i"ruby-postgresU:Gem::Version[" Time Č":Ruby extension library providing an API to PostgreSQLU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[ "Yukihiro Matsumoto"Eiji Matsumoto"Noboru Saitou" Dave Lee"0T" ruby[["hashify-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i" hashifyU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time n"5Simple to_hash, to_json <-> from_hash, from_jsonU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Joshua Hull"5Simple to_hash, to_json <-> from_hash, from_json0T" ruby[["gorilla-0.0.1.betau;[" 1.4.0i" gorillaU:Gem::Version["0.0.1.betau: Time "/Big, strong, intelligent unit conversions.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rdoctest:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " scantron; @);F00["Stephen Celis"+A unit conversion and parsing library.0T" ruby[["ticket_network-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"ticket_networkU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time "=An interface library for the Ticket Network web service.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 0.0.15: @name"sax-machine:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.4.6; " patron; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["3.0.0.beta4; "activesupport; @3;F00["Tyler Hunt"0T" ruby[["stompmq-0.5u;[" 1.4.0i" stompmqU:Gem::Version["0.5u: Time !"6Support for the STOMP messaging protocol in Ruby.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Sarah Nordstrom"0T" ruby[["levenshteinish-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"levenshteinishU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "(An implementation of levenshteinishU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "hintable_levenshtein; @);F00["Linus Oleander".An basic implementation of levenshteinish0T" ruby[["fnm-recaptcha-0.2.4u;[" 1.4.0i"fnm-recaptchaU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.4u: Time f""Helpers for the reCAPTCHA APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jason L. Perry"4This plugin adds helpers for the reCAPTCHA API 0T" ruby[[" constant-redefinition-1.0.0u;R[" 1.4.0i"constant-redefinitionU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time E"fAllows you to define constants if not defined on an object and redefine constants without warningU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0: @name" bundler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.1; " jeweler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @3;F00["David Czarnecki"fAllows you to define constants if not defined on an object and redefine constants without warning0T" ruby[["affected_on_destroy-0.0.2u;|[" 1.4.0i"affected_on_destroyU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time $W"nRails plugin showing which related records will be deleted from DB when :dependent => :destroy is usedU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Marcin Urbanski"nRails plugin showing which related records will be deleted from DB when :dependent => :destroy is used0T" ruby[["push-client-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"push-clientU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "FA subscriber and publisher client for talking with a pubsubhubbubU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" httparty:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Peter Haza"GA subscriber and publisher client for talking with a pubsubhubbub.0T" ruby[["ldapmapper-1.5u;[" 1.4.0i"ldapmapperU:Gem::Version["1.5u: Time %m"Generic LDAP classU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Romain GEORGES"ALdapmapper : provide CRUD object for LDAP data manipulations0T" ruby[["buffered_syslogger-0.1.1u;,[" 1.4.0i"buffered_sysloggerU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time d"3Buffered syslogger based on the syslogger gem.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.0; "activesupport; @);F00["László Bácsi"Cyril Rohr"A drop-in replacement for the Rails 3 default BufferedLogger library, that logs to syslog instead of a log file. Builds on the syslogger gem. 0T" ruby[["color_namer-0.1.0u;-[" 1.4.0i"color_namerU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time ģ"?ColorNamer can name your color from RGB value or HTML hashU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.1; " color; @);F00[" retro"ColorNamer is a gem that allows you to name color from RGB value or from HTML hash. It will find the closest color and return a HTML hash, name and shade of that color.0T" ruby[["vex-0.4.4u;[" 1.4.0i"vexU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.4u: Time "Vex: some ruby extensionsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" nokogiri:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " json; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " etest; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "htmlentities; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " sanitize; @G;F00[" pboy"Vex: some ruby extensions0T" ruby[["slugalicious-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"slugaliciousU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time ħ"2Easy-to-use and powerful slugging for Rails 3U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["3.0: @name" rails:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " stringex; @);F00["Tim Morgan"PSlugalicious adds simple and powerful slugging to your ActiveRecord models.0T" ruby[["rack_format_response-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"rack_format_responseU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time ġ"AA Rack middleware for automatically formatting response bodyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" maiha"AA Rack middleware for automatically formatting response body0T" ruby[["-activerecord-mysql2spatial-adapter-0.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i"'activerecord-mysql2spatial-adapterU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time E"\An ActiveRecord adapter for MySQL Spatial Extensions, based on RGeo and the mysql2 gem.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.3.0: @name"rgeo-activerecord:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.6; " mysql2; @);F00["Daniel Azuma"This is an ActiveRecord connection adapter for MySQL Spatial Extensions. It is based on the stock MySQL2 adapter, but provides built-in support for spatial columns. It uses the RGeo library to represent spatial data in Ruby.0T" ruby[["dummy_files-0.0.10u;[" 1.4.0i"dummy_filesU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.10u: Time "$URLs for sample data generationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.2: @name" nokogiri:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "thoughtbot-shoulda; @);F00["Jordi Noguera"SPull urls of random images/files from google searches to generate sample data.0T" ruby[["dynamic_session_exp-0.0.1u;$[" 1.4.0i"dynamic_session_expU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time ";Dynamically set expiration time for memcache sessions.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Coda Hale"Phillip Goldenburg";Dynamically set expiration time for memcache sessions.0T" ruby[["notification_fu-0.4.0u;0[" 1.4.0i"notification_fuU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.0u: Time DW"9Easily build timelines, much like GitHub's news feedU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["James Golick"Mathieu Martin"Francois Beausoleil"9Easily build timelines, much like GitHub's news feed0T" ruby[["ar_fixtures-0.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i"ar_fixturesU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time "5Creates test fixtures from data in the database.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.1: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Geoffrey Grosenbach"5Creates test fixtures from data in the database.0T" ruby[["rake_server-0.0.9u;[" 1.4.0i"rake_serverU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.9u: Time D"3Run rake tasks in a client-server architectureU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Mat Brown"Cedric Howe"RakeServer is a library which allows Rake tasks to be run using client requests to a long-running rake server, which can eagerly load required code into memory for fast task invocation. 0T" ruby[["!module_creation_helper-0.2.1u;3[" 1.4.0i"module_creation_helperU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time "IAdds a helper method for creating new modules and classes at runtimeU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Aaron Pfeifer"IAdds a helper method for creating new modules and classes at runtime0T" ruby[["b001e-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" b001eU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time o"FMessage-sending based re-implementation of the Boolean operators.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jörg W Mittag"B001e is a message-sending based re-implementation of the Boolean operators 'if', 'unless', 'and', 'or' and 'not' in pure Ruby. Lazy Evaluation / Short-circuiting is achieved through the use of blocks and lambda expressions. 0T" ruby[["bear-0.0.4u;H[" 1.4.0i" bearU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time "bear-0.0.4U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" aruba:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.0; " rails; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " thor; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.0.0; " rspec; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " cucumber; @Q;F00["Russ Smith"7Generate a Rails 3 app with application templates.0T" ruby[["collapsed_routes-0.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"collapsed_routesU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.0u: Time De"/Placeholder for a gem to be migrated laterU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Kyle Maxwell"0T" ruby[["$skalee-thinking-sphinx-;[" 1.4.0i"skalee-thinking-sphinxU:Gem::Version[" Time d"&ActiveRecord/Rails Sphinx libraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.15.6: @name"activerecord:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.5; "after_commit; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.8; " riddle; @3;F00["Pat Allen"1slight modifications from Jarosław Skrzypek"Sebastian Skałacki"0T" ruby[["bento-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i" bentoU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time e"&A Rails account management engineU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.3.1: @name"sqlite3-ruby:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["0.2; " show_for; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["2.0.0.beta.20; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["0.3; " launchy; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["0.9; " mocha; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["2.0.0.beta.20; "rspec-rails; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["3.0; " rails; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.1; " devise; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["0.4; " ffaker; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.0.2; "table_for; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.9; " capybara; @~;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.0; "machinist; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.1; "inherited_resources; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["0.8; " cucumber; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["0.3; "cucumber-rails; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["0.5; "database_cleaner; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.2; "simple_form; @;F00["Nicklas Ramhöj"Jonas Nicklas"&A Rails account management engine0T" ruby[["rbuzz-0.3.1u;[" 1.4.0i" rbuzzU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.1u: Time E",Ruby wrapper for Google Buzz atom feedsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"libxml-ruby:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.3; " ratom; @);F00["Conor Hunt",Ruby wrapper for Google Buzz atom feeds0T" ruby[["proxy-1.3.5u;U[" 1.4.0i" proxyU:Gem::Version[" 1.3.5u: Time d"dA gem/plugin that allows rails applications to respond to multiple domains and proxied requestsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Sean Huber"dA gem/plugin that allows rails applications to respond to multiple domains and proxied requests0T" ruby[["ncal2gcal-0.1.6u;[" 1.4.0i"ncal2gcalU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.6u: Time Ė"=Sync your Lotus Notes calendar with your Google calendarU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.1: @name"gcal4ruby:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.5; " log4r; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.10.0; " dm-core; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.10.0; "do_sqlite3; @=;F00["Elias Kugler"This lib/tool syncs your IBM Lotus Notes calendar with your (private) Google calendar. The synchronisation is only one-way: Lotus Notes events are pushed to your Google Calendar. All types of events (including recurring events like anniversaries) are supported.0T" ruby[["heyzap-authlogic-oid-1.0.6u;[" 1.4.0i"heyzap-authlogic-oidU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.6u: Time l">Extension of the Authlogic library to add OpenID support.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.3: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "authlogic; @);F00[" Ben Johnson of Binary Logic">Extension of the Authlogic library to add OpenID support.0T" ruby[["win32-ipc-0.5.3u;A[" 1.4.0i"win32-ipcU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.3u: Time d"@An abstract base class for Windows synchronization objects.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.6: @name"windows-pr:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Daniel J. Berger"Park Heesob" The win32-ipc library provides the Win32::IPC class. This is meant to serve as an abstract base class for other IPC related libraries for MS Windows, such as win32-semaphore, win32-event, and so on. 0T" ruby[["unicorn-3.4.0u;8[" 1.4.0i" unicornU:Gem::Version[" 3.4.0u: Time "/Rack HTTP server for fast clients and UnixU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rack:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.5; " wrongdoc; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.0; " isolate; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2.2; " kgio; @=;F00["Unicorn hackers"[\Unicorn is an HTTP server for Rack applications designed to only serve fast clients on low-latency, high-bandwidth connections and take advantage of features in Unix/Unix-like kernels. Slow clients should only be served by placing a reverse proxy capable of fully buffering both the the request and response in between \Unicorn and slow clients.0T" ruby[["tyler-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" tylerU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time $"/Allows easy generation of tiling textures.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["2: @name" rmagick:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Lyndon Maydwell"HAllows easy generation of tiling textures, via files, or in memory!0T" ruby[["$mongo_mapper_acts_as_tree-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"mongo_mapper_acts_as_treeU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "5Port of classic Rails ActsAsTree for MongoMapperU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"mongo_mapper:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @);F00["Tomas Celizna"0T" ruby[["objectreload-roles-0.1.4u;[" 1.4.0i"objectreload-rolesU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time "*Simple way to create roles for users.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Mariusz Pietrzyk"Mateusz Drozdzynski"0T" ruby[["dm-migrations-1.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"dm-migrationsU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2u: Time ":DataMapper plugin for writing and speccing migrationsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.2: @name" dm-core:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.3; " rspec; @);F00["Paul Sadauskas":DataMapper plugin for writing and speccing migrations0T" ruby[["libxslt-ruby19-0.9.8u;[" 1.4.0i"libxslt-ruby19U:Gem::Version[" 0.9.8u: Time E"libxslt-ruby for ruby 1.9U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0: @name" bundler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.2; " jeweler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @=;F00["Maxime Picaud"libxslt-ruby for ruby 1.90T" ruby[["appli-0.0.12u;B[" 1.4.0i" appliU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.12u: Time e"1Gem for Appli shared Ruby hosting managementU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.5: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Adam Cooke"0T" ruby[["*boxgrinder-build-rhel-os-plugin-0.0.7u;u[" 1.4.0i"$boxgrinder-build-rhel-os-pluginU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.7u: Time "5Red Hat Enterprise Linux Operating System PluginU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.7.0: @name"boxgrinder-build:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.7.0; "boxgrinder-build; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0; " hashery; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.0.9; ")boxgrinder-build-rpm-based-os-plugin; @=;F00["Marek Goldmann"FBoxGrinder Build Red Hat Enterprise Linux Operating System Plugin0T" ruby[["validate_email-0.1.5u;[" 1.4.0i"validate_emailU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.5u: Time D">Library for validating email addresses in Rails 3 models.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.2.5; " mail; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["3.0; "activemodel; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "sqlite3-ruby; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.2; " diff-lcs; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.0; "active_record; @Q;F00["Tanel Suurhans"Tarmo Lehtpuu">Library for validating email addresses in Rails 3 models.0T" ruby[["#nimboids-rspec-instafail-0.1.3u;[" 1.4.0i"nimboids-rspec-instafailU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time "!Show failing specs instantlyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Michael Grosser"0T" ruby[["buildable-1.0.0u;j[" 1.4.0i"buildableU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time DY"9Build any kind hierachical structure programaticallyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" trans "Build any kind hierachical structure programatically via Ruby blocks. Buildable provides a backbone for easily creating hierachical DSLs.0T" ruby[["ipgeolocation-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"ipgeolocationU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time $K"{Remote, IP-Based Geolocation for everyone! Seriously, this gem gives you 3 different IP-location services as 1-linersU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.11.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.11.0; "hoe; @);F00["Michael J. Edgar"Remote, IP-Based Geolocation for everyone! Seriously, this gem gives you 3 different IP-location services as 1-liners. Example: IPGeolocation.locate("12.345.678.90", :blogama) That's all there is to it! And you get a bunch of information, especially from blogama's API.0T" ruby[["EFL-1.0.2u;/[" 1.4.0i"EFLU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2u: Time M"CA Ruby implementation of the Exemplar Flexibilization LanguageU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Ruben Heradio Gil"#Jose Antonio Cerrada Somolinos"8Jose Ramon Coz Fernandez and Jose Carlos Lopez Ruiz"0T" ruby[["cicphash-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i" cicphashU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time "*Case Insensitive Cash Preserving HashU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jeremy Evans"0T" ruby[["Traduire-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" TraduireU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time ĕ"!Translates locale yaml filesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Brian Hazzard"0T" ruby[["!websolr-acts_as_solr-;[" 1.4.0i"websolr-acts_as_solrU:Gem::Version[" Time "&Shim from websolr to acts_as_solrU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " json; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.3.3; "acts_as_solr; @3;F00["Kyle Maxwell"Nick Zadrozny"&Shim from websolr to acts_as_solr0T" ruby[["%trinidad_sandbox_extension-0.4.2u;[" 1.4.0i"trinidad_sandbox_extensionU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.2u: Time "!Sandbox console for TrinidadU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.1: @name" trinidad:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mocha; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " sinatra; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "sinatra-authorization; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["2.2; " rspec; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " haml; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "sinatra-flash; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "sinatra-respond_to; @e;F00["David Calavera"\Sandox console for Trinidad. It allows to manage the applications deployed on Trinidad.0T" ruby[["smartimage-0.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i"smartimageU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time $"fIt's like a Swiss Army Knife for images, but one of those tiny ones you can keep on your keychainU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.1; "imagesize; @);F00["Tony Arcieri" SmartImage provides a cross-platform solution for image compositing that works on both MRI and JRuby. If using RMagick feels like swatting a fly with a nucler missile, and ImageScience just doesn't get you there, SmartImage is hopefully at that sweet spot in the middle 0T" ruby[["rest_in_peace-0.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i"rest_in_peaceU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time "ReST in PeaceU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.26: @name" taps:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "thoughtbot-shoulda; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.11; " bundler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " builder; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.10.2; "datamapper; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.4; " sinatra; @Q;F00["Chinmay Garde"XMinimal web framework with a focus on simplicity. Powered by Sinatra and DataMapper0T" ruby[["rack-xsl-0.2.6u;Z[" 1.4.0i" rack-xslU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.6u: Time %"XSL rack middleware.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Albert Lash"3Rack middleware for transforming XML with XSL.0T" ruby[["netchecker-0.0.1u;3[" 1.4.0i"netcheckerU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time j"NNetchecker checks if you currently have an available internet connection.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jonathan Clarke"NNetchecker checks if you currently have an available internet connection.0T" ruby[["easy_admin_ui-0.2.11u;[" 1.4.0i"easy_admin_uiU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.11u: Time "Easy Admin UI.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.99: @name"will_paginate:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.0; "formtastic; @);F00["Martin Moen Wulffeld"Very simple DRY admin UI.0T" ruby[["dm-validations-i18n-0.3.1u;[" 1.4.0i"dm-validations-i18nU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.1u: Time Ĥ"localize dm-validationsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.11.3: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.2; "dm-validations; @);F00["Masaki KOMAGATA"/Localize error messages in dm-validations.0T" ruby[["collections-0.1.4u;[" 1.4.0i"collectionsU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time d"=Ruby Collection classes: SequencedHash, LRUMap and more.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Stefan Saasen"=Ruby Collection classes: SequencedHash, LRUMap and more.0T" ruby[["git-db-0.2.0u;z[" 1.4.0i" git-dbU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time a"Database-based git serverU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"couchrest:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @);F00["David Dollar"Database-based git server0T" ruby[["breadmachine-0.0.4u;b[" 1.4.0i"breadmachineU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time Eh"JMake dough with Bread Machine; a ruby library for payment processing.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " builder; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " nokogiri; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "activesupport; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " cucumber; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "notahat-machinist; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rest-client; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " money; @o;F00["Matt Southerden"kBreadMachine facilitates payment processing, including 3-D Secure, with the SecureTrading XPay gateway0T" ruby[["conversions-1.4.5u;[" 1.4.0i"conversionsU:Gem::Version[" 1.4.5u: Time "PA Ruby on Rails plugin that adds conversion capabilities to numeric objectsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.4: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Manfred Stienstra"Seamus Abshere"PA Ruby on Rails plugin that adds conversion capabilities to numeric objects0T" ruby[["ruby-svd-0.5.0u;[" 1.4.0i" ruby-svdU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.0u: Time "SVD for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Will Cannings"ESingular Value Decomposition with no dependency on GSL or LAPACK0T" ruby[["freightrain-0.7.1u;j[" 1.4.0i"freightrainU:Gem::Version[" 0.7.1u: Time $"'ruby desktop development made easyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.0: @name"require_all:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Andrea Dallera"'ruby desktop development made easy0T" ruby[["isaac-formatting-1.0.1u;x[" 1.4.0i"isaac-formattingU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time Dg"0Formatting for your isaac-powered IRC bots.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.5: @name" isaac:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Danny Tatom"0Formatting for your isaac-powered IRC bots.0T" ruby[["wwine-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i" wwineU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time "$wwine is a simple wine wrapper.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Eskild Hustvedt"$wwine is a simple wine wrapper.0T" ruby[["rautomation-0.5.1u;[" 1.4.0i"rautomationU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.1u: Time "LAutomate windows and their controls through user-friendly API with RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["2.3: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jarmo Pertman"RAutomation is a small and easy to use library for helping out to automate windows and their controls for automated testing. RAutomation provides: * Easy to use and user-friendly API (inspired by Watir http://www.watir.com) * Cross-platform compatibility * Easy extensibility - with small scripting effort it's possible to add support for not yet supported platforms or technologies0T" ruby[["rack_errorpage-1.0.0u;u[" 1.4.0i"rack_errorpageU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time h"[Simple Rack Middleware catching exceptions and rendering the error page of your choiceU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rack:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Michael Gorsuch"0T" ruby[["egg2ofx-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i" egg2ofxU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time i"RConverts the html statements and recent transactions from the egg site to ofxU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" builder:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mocha; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " hpricot; @3;F00["Chris Roos"0T" ruby[["#yard-examples-from-rspec-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"yard-examples-from-rspecU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time E"?Yard plugin to include rspec examples in the generated docU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.6.0: @name" yard:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.6.0; " yard; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.2; " jeweler; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.3.0; " rspec; @Q;F00["Jose Fernandez (magec)"?Fills up your documentation with examples taken from rspec0T" ruby[["php-serialize-1.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"php-serializeU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.0u: Time $L"BRuby analogs to PHP's serialize() and unserialize() functionsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Thomas Hurst"This module provides two methods: PHP.serialize() and PHP.unserialize(), both of which should be compatible with the similarly named functions in PHP. It can also serialize and unserialize PHP sessions.0T" ruby[["passwordsafe-0.0.4u;e[" 1.4.0i"passwordsafeU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time "1Small command line app for storing passwordsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" aruba:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " highline; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " thor; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " bundler; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " cucumber; @Q;F00["thecatwasnot"1Small command line app for storing passwords0T" ruby[["ruby-tmdb-0.1.4u;[" 1.4.0i"ruby-tmdbU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time Ĥ"9An ActiveRecord-style API wrapper for TheMovieDB.orgU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " webmock; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.2; "deepopenstruct; @3;F00["Aaron Gough"9An ActiveRecord-style API wrapper for TheMovieDB.org0T" ruby[["proteus-0.9.0u;x[" 1.4.0i" proteusU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.0u: Time dV"HTool for generating structured text documents from abstract markup.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["William Madden"Proteus is an abstraction of general document definition and display markup that allows you to create and reuse complex patterns of structured content.0T" ruby[["jruby_gc_stats-0.1u;Q[" 1.4.0i"jruby_gc_statsU:Gem::Version["0.1u: Time $"YA set of GC-monitoring methods for JRuby similar to those in Ruby Enterprise EditionU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Charles Oliver Nutter"YA set of GC-monitoring methods for JRuby similar to those in Ruby Enterprise Edition0T" ruby[["barcoder-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i" barcoderU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time $"ABarcode image generation library, for non-write filesystems.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Derek Perez"Jack Danger Canty"This library is designed to support streaming barcode information, from GBarcode, straight to the web browser using data urls. This is ideal for no-write filesystem scenarios.0T" ruby[["aruba-0.3.2u;[" 1.4.0i" arubaU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.2u: Time "aruba-0.3.2U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.10.0: @name" cucumber:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.1.6; "childprocess; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.3.0; " rspec; @3;F00["Aslak Hellesøy"David Chelimsky"Mike Sassak":CLI Steps for Cucumber, hand-crafted for you in Aruba0T" ruby[["andy_admin-0.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i"andy_adminU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time "'A generator for a nice admin styleU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["3.0: @name" rails:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Andy Jeffries"RA generator for a nice admin style, like many other popular Rails-based sites0T" ruby[["historical-0.2.2u;[" 1.4.0i"historicalU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.2u: Time ";DRY and serialization-free versioning for ActiveRecordU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Marcel Jackwerth"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" niquola"0T" ruby[["tequila-0.2.2u;[" 1.4.0i" tequilaU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.2u: Time "*Language for advanced JSON generationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Eugene Hlyzov"Ivan Nemytchenko"*Language for advanced JSON generation0T" ruby[["strokedb-;[" 1.4.0i" strokedbU:Gem::Version[" Time "5embeddable, distributed, document-based databaseU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0["=U;[" 1.1.2: @name" diff-lcs:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0["=U;[" 1.0.3; "uuidtools; @.;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0["=U;[" 1.1.2; " json; @=;F00["Yurii Rashkovskii"Oleg Andreev" StrokeDB is an embeddable, distributed, document-based database written in Ruby. It is schema-free (allowing you to define any attribute on any object at any time), it scales infinitely, it even allows free versioning and integrates perfectly with Ruby applications.0T" ruby[["selenium-proxy-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"selenium-proxyU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time "=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" Selenium:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.1; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4; "rubyforge; @3;F00["Taku AMANO"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.6: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "activesupport; @);F00["Jeff Coleman"[Smart enumeration of durations in natural language--"4 hours, 3 minutes and 2 seconds"0T" ruby[["rubitlash-0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"rubitlashU:Gem::Version["0.2u: Time dX";Rubitlash is a Ruby interface with Bitlash for ArduinoU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.0: @name"ruby-serialport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Paolo Bosetti";Rubitlash is a Ruby interface with Bitlash for Arduino0T" ruby[["ofx-parser-1.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"ofx-parserU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2u: Time ";ofx-parser is a ruby library for parsing OFX 1.x data.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0.6: @name" hpricot:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.1; "hoe; @);F00["Andrew A. Smith"H== DESCRIPTION: ofx-parser is a ruby library to parse a realistic subset of the lengthy OFX 1.x specification. == FEATURES/PROBLEMS: * Reads OFX responses - i.e. those downloaded from financial institutions and puts it into a usable object graph. * Supports the 3 main message sets: banking, credit card and investment accounts, as well as the required 'sign on' set. * Knows about SIC codes - if your institution provides them. See http://www.eeoc.gov/stats/jobpat/siccodes.html * Monetary amounts can be retrieved either as a raw string, or in pennies. * Supports OFX timestamps.0T" ruby[["dm-drupal-0.1.4u;y[" 1.4.0i"dm-drupalU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time m"Datamapper << DrupalU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.10.2: @name"datamapper:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Quinn Shanahan"FA datamapper wrapper for a drupal database.. great for migrations0T" ruby[["dirtyflash-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"dirtyflashU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time h"0Get dirty with your flash messages in RailsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @);F00["Anthony Burns"|Dirtyflash is a Rails plugin that allows you to easily add complex behavior, such as links and i18n, to your flash messages.0T" ruby[["simple_search_like-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"simple_search_likeU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time ".Simple hash-based search for ActiveRecordU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"will_paginate:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " bacon; @);F00["Nate Wiger"HSimple hash-based search for ActiveRecord. Also see Scoped Search.0T" ruby[["rutaci-0.1.2u; [" 1.4.0i" rutaciU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time ("EA command line tool for manupulating the metadata of music filesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" echoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " echoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0["=U;[" 0.1.2; " rtaglib; @3;F00["Jonas Bähr"EA command line tool for manupulating the metadata of music files0T" ruby[["ruby_parser-2.0.5u;[" 1.4.0i"ruby_parserU:Gem::Version[" 2.0.5u: Time $"uruby_parser (RP) is a ruby parser written in pure ruby (utilizing racc--which does by default use a C extension)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["3.0: @name"sexp_processor:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.2; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4; "rubyforge; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.7.1; " minitest; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["3.0; "ParseTree; @G;F00["Ryan Davis"$ruby_parser (RP) is a ruby parser written in pure ruby (utilizing racc--which does by default use a C extension). RP's output is the same as ParseTree's output: s-expressions using ruby's arrays and base types. As an example: def conditional1(arg1) if arg1 == 0 then return 1 end return 0 end becomes: s(:defn, :conditional1, s(:args, :arg1), s(:scope, s(:block, s(:if, s(:call, s(:lvar, :arg1), :==, s(:arglist, s(:lit, 0))), s(:return, s(:lit, 1)), nil), s(:return, s(:lit, 0)))))0T" ruby[["retryable_record-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"retryable_recordU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time E"WRetries an operation on an ActiveRecord until no StaleObjectError is being raised.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" yard:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "riot_notifier; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.10.11; " riot; @3;F00["Peter Suschlik"0T" ruby[["tdp4r-1.4.1u;[" 1.4.0i" tdp4rU:Gem::Version[" 1.4.1u: Time Ě"bTDP4R is a top-down parser library that consists of parser combinators and utility functions.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Takaaki Tateishi"0T" ruby[["dm-mapping-0.7.0u;[" 1.4.0i"dm-mappingU:Gem::Version[" 0.7.0u: Time "DataMapper plugin that helps you manipulate an existing database. It creates mappings between existing columns and model's properties.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.3: @name" extlib:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.3; " dm-core; @);F00[";Lin Jen-Shin (a.k.a. godfat 真常)"DataMapper plugin that helps you manipulate an existing database. It creates mappings between existing columns and model's properties.0T" ruby[["ffi-rzmq-0.7.1u;[" 1.4.0i" ffi-rzmqU:Gem::Version[" 0.7.1u: Time "bThis gem wraps the ZeroMQ networking library using the ruby FFI (foreign function interface).U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 3.6.2: @name" bones:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Chuck Remes"`This gem wraps the ZeroMQ networking library using the ruby FFI (foreign function interface). It's a pure ruby wrapper so this gem can be loaded and run by any ruby runtime that supports FFI. That's all of them: MRI 1.9.x, Rubinius and JRuby. The impetus behind this library was to provide support for ZeroMQ in JRuby which has native threads. Unlike MRI, IronRuby and Rubinius which all have a GIL, JRuby allows for threaded access to ruby code from outside extensions. ZeroMQ is heavily threaded, so until the other runtimes remove their GIL, JRuby will likely be the best environment to run this library.0T" ruby[["Flipper-1.1u;[" 1.4.0i" FlipperU:Gem::Version["1.1u: Time "Switch your Rails database on the fly for each HTTP request. Useful for integration and acceptance testing (test isolation & state management).U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.5: @name" dust:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.5; " mocha; @);F00["#Philippe Hanrigou & Dan Manges"Switch your Rails database on the fly for each HTTP request. Useful for integration and acceptance testing (test isolation & state management).0T" ruby[["uncool-1.0.1u;e[" 1.4.0i" uncoolU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time "Unit Test Coverage ToolU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" syckle:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ko; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "box; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " ansi; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.2; "tracepoint; @G;F00["Thomas Sawyer"Uncool is a unit testing coverage tool that monitors tests recording all the methods covered for the tarageted namespaces.0T" ruby[["sandbox-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i" sandboxU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time F"DAutomatically manages a filesystem sandbox area for your tests!U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Brandon Dimcheff"&A really small filesystem sandbox0T" ruby[["gimme-0.1.6u;[" 1.4.0i" gimmeU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.6u: Time E"@gimme — a low-specification test double library for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.2: @name" jeweler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.1; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.10.0; " cucumber; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.1; " rspec; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.10.0; " cucumber; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @Q;F00["Justin Searls"Ogimme attempts to bring to Ruby a test double workflow akin to Mockito in Java. Major distinctions include preserving arrange-act-assert in tests, fast feedback for methods the double's real counterpart may not know how to respond to, no string/symbolic representations of methods, argument captors, and strong opinions (weakly held). 0T" ruby[["jruby-jms-0.9.0u; [" 1.4.0i"jruby-jmsU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.0u: Time "JRuby interface into JMSU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Reid Morrison"oJRuby-JMS is a Java and Ruby library that exposes the Java JMS API in a ruby friendly way. For JRuby only.0T" ruby[["kbaum-resque-priority-0.1u;"[" 1.4.0i"kbaum-resque-priorityU:Gem::Version["0.1u: Time $"0Resque plugin that provides priority levelsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Brett Buddin"U Provides Resque with three levels of (named) priority for a single queue. 0T" ruby[["cheap_imports-0.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i"cheap_importsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time $"RImports delimited text files to Active Record or Datamapper, with validationsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 3.4.3: @name" bones:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Ana Nelson"SImports delimited text files to Active Record or Datamapper, with validations.0T" ruby[["sugarcrm-0.9.10u;Z[" 1.4.0i" sugarcrmU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.10u: Time ":A less clunky way to interact with SugarCRM via REST.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" i18n:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " json; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.2; " jeweler; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.0; "activesupport; @Q;F00["Carl Hicks"David Sulc"0T" ruby[["rightscaler-0.0.3u;T[" 1.4.0i"rightscalerU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time "6An ActiveResource interface to the Rightscale APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"activeresource:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Joshua Bates"0T" ruby[["resourceful_loader-0.0.3u; [" 1.4.0i"resourceful_loaderU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time d"lightweight before_filterU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["jbr"Zbefore_filter :load_foo; private def load_foo() @foo = Foo.find_by_id params[:id] end0T" ruby[["barcode-0.2u;[" 1.4.0i" barcodeU:Gem::Version["0.2u: Time Y"Barcode classes.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Clinton R. Nixon"*Simple classes for creating barcodes.0T" ruby[["peritor-bundler-0.7.0u;][" 1.4.0i"peritor-bundlerU:Gem::Version[" 0.7.0u: Time "\An easy way to vendor gem dependencies (with a tiny patch to allow shallow git cloning)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Yehuda Katz"Carl Lerche"\An easy way to vendor gem dependencies (with a tiny patch to allow shallow git cloning)0T" ruby[["cucumber-scout-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"cucumber-scoutU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time $"9Cucumber steps for verifing metrics from Scout's APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.0.4: @name"scout_scout:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jesse Newland"9Cucumber steps for verifing metrics from Scout's API0T" ruby[["amistad-0.6.0u;6[" 1.4.0i" amistadU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.0u: Time %"=Adds friendships management into a rails 3.0 applicationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 1.3.2: @name"sqlite3-ruby:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.3; "activerecord; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.7; " bundler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.4.0; " rspec; @=;F00["Rawane ZOSSOU"@Extends your user model with friendships management methods0T" ruby[["raakt-0.5.6u;[" 1.4.0i" raaktU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.6u: Time "DA toolkit to find basic accessibility issues in HTML documents.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0.6: @name" hpricot:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Peter Krantz"DA toolkit to find basic accessibility issues in HTML documents.0T" ruby[["nuntium_api-0.7u;[" 1.4.0i"nuntium_apiU:Gem::Version["0.7u: Time "#Access the Nuntium API in rubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" httparty:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" InsTEDD"Access the Nuntium API in ruby. Nuntium is an open source and free platform -developed by InSTEDD- that allows applications to send and receive all type of messages. Examples of messages are sms, emails and twitter direct messages.0T" ruby[["brb-0.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i"brbU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time "fBrB is a simple, fully transparent and extremely fast interface for doing simple distributed rubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">U;[" 0.12: @name"eventmachine:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Guillaume Luccisano"zBrB is a simple, fully transparent and extremely fast interface for doing simple distributed ruby and message passing0T" ruby[["twilio_contactable-0.8.8u;N[" 1.4.0i"twilio_contactableU:Gem::Version[" 0.8.8u: Time Ĥ"WHelp authorize the users of your Rails apps to confirm and use their phone numbersU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" mocha:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.5; "twiliolib; @3;F00["Jack Danger Canty"sDoes all the hard work with letting you confirm your user's phone numbers for Voice or TXT over the Twilio API0T" ruby[["test123-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i" test123U:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time %"BA library for calculating the strength of duophasic shieldingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" xyzz"This library calculates to high precision the physical and electrostatic strength of a duophasic shield. It knows about most real-world shield configurations, as well as many theoretical arrangements not yet built.0T" ruby[["sprockets_rails3-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"sprockets_rails3U:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "ASprockets engine for Rails 3, add it to your Gemfile and go!U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.3: @name"rack-sprockets:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.0; " rails; @);F00["Priit Tamboom"OMicro-engine wraps up rack-sprockets in order to avoid much configuration.0T" ruby[["spec-cuke-1.1.0u;g[" 1.4.0i"spec-cukeU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.0u: Time $"5Spice up your RSpec with Cucumber-flavored styleU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Bryan Goines"$RSpec + Cucumber-flavored style0T" ruby[["rwdziprwdwdialogmap-0.02u;9[" 1.4.0i"rwdziprwdwdialogmapU:Gem::Version[" 0.02u: Time d%"Nrwddialogmap is for knowlesge mapping under rwdtinker and RubyWebDialogs.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Steven Gibson"Nrwddialogmap is for knowlesge mapping under rwdtinker and RubyWebDialogs.0T" ruby[["portvcs-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i" portvcsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time ŭ"jFreeBSD ports commits history viewer that doesn't require neither local ports tree nor CVS checkouts.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.1: @name" open4:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Alexander Gromnitsky"0T" ruby[["escargot-0.0.2u; [" 1.4.0i" escargotU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time e"&ElasticSearch connector for RailsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0: @name" bundler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.5; "rubberband; @);F00["Angel Faus"Connects any Rails model with ElasticSearch, supports near real time updates, distributed indexing and models that integrate data from many databases.0T" ruby[["cinch-last_seen-0.0.1u;z[" 1.4.0i"cinch-last_seenU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "1A "last seen" plugin for the Cinch frameworkU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["1.0: @name" cinch:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Dominik Honnef"1A "last seen" plugin for the Cinch framework0T" ruby[["validation_scopes-0.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i"validation_scopesU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time "WCreate sets of validations independent of the life-cycle of an ActiveRecord objectU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Gabe da Silveira"Define additional sets of validations beyond the standard "errors" that is tied to the ActiveRecord life-cycle. These additional sets can be defined with all the standard ActiveRecord::Validation macros, and the resulting collection is a standard ActiveRecord::Errors object.0T" ruby[["cucumber-nagios-0.8.10u;[" 1.4.0i"cucumber-nagiosU:Gem::Version[" 0.8.10u: Time E"OSystems testing plugin for Nagios using Cucumber/Webrat/Mechanize/net-ssh.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.3: @name" rake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.0.0; "mechanize; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.0.18; " net-ssh; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.6.7; " amqp; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.0.7; " bundler; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; "templater; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.0; " rspec; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.7.2; " webrat; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.10.0; " cucumber; @o;F00["Lindsay Holmwood"cucumber-nagios helps you write high-level behavioural tests for your web applications and Unix infrastructure that can be plugged into Nagios.0T" ruby[["lokka-0.1.1u; [" 1.4.0i" lokkaU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "CMS for Cloud.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[1o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 3.0.0: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.0.2; "dm-is-tree; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 3.0.18; " haml; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.0.2; "dm-validations; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.1; " jeweler; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.0.2; "dm-timestamps; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "bluefeather; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.0.2; "dm-timestamps; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.0.2; "dm-migrations; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.1.2; " builder; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.0.2; "dm-validations; @~;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.1.0; " sinatra; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.1.1; "rack-flash; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;["0.2; "sinatra-content-for; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.4.1; " i18n; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.0.2; " dm-types; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;["0.2; "sinatra-content-for; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.1.0; " sinatra; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.0.2; "dm-is-tree; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.0.2; " dm-tags; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.1.0; " dm-pager; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.0.2; " dm-tags; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 3.0.0; "activesupport; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.11.3; " shoulda; @ ;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.4.1; " i18n; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.8.7; " rake; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.33; "bluefeather; @(;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.0.2; "dm-sqlite-adapter; @2;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.1.1; "rack-flash; @<;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.6.6; " erubis; @F;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.1.2; " builder; @P;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.0.2; "dm-migrations; @Z;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.0.25; "exceptional; @d;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.6.6; " erubis; @n;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.1.0; " dm-pager; @x;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;["; "sinatra-r18n; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.0.2; " dm-types; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.0.2; "dm-sqlite-adapter; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 3.0.18; " haml; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.8.7; " rake; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.0.25; "exceptional; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;["; "sinatra-r18n; @;F00["Masaki KOMAGATA"Teppei Machida"-CMS written in Ruby for cloud computing.0T" ruby[["acts_as_pack_rat-1.0.7u;[" 1.4.0i"acts_as_pack_ratU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.7u: Time $"acts_as_pack_ratU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["markbates"1acts_as_pack_rat was developed by: markbates0T" ruby[["beans_rails-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"beans_railsU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time m"7the 80beans rails project template (and generator)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jeff Kreeftmeijer"7the 80beans rails project template (and generator)0T" ruby[["#twitter-jruby-;[[" 1.4.0i"twitter-jrubyU:Gem::Version[" Time $")wrapper for the twitter api on JRubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"jruby-openssl:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "json-jruby; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.2.0; " hashie; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.5.0; " httparty; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.10.0; " shoulda; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.4.0; "jnunemaker-matchy; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.2.2; " redgreen; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.9.0; " mocha; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.2.0; " fakeweb; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.5; " oauth; @y;F00["John Nunemaker"Wynn Netherland"Koichi Fujikawa"0T" ruby[["right-rails-1.0.10u;[" 1.4.0i"right-railsU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.10u: Time "RightJS plugin for RailsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Nikolay Nemshilov"RightRails is a RubyOnRails plugin for the RightJS JavaScript framework. It has transparent Prototype helpers replacement, a new RJS generator, the most common ajax operations interface and RightJS own features support like remote files uploading handler, UI, plugins, etc.0T" ruby[["device_space_left-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"device_space_leftU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "hSmall ruby gem/plugin giving you the ability to retrieve easily the space available on your devicesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Guillaume Luccisano"vdevice_space_left is a small plugin giving you the ability to retrieve easily the space available on your devices0T" ruby[["ae_users_legacy-0.6.3u;[" 1.4.0i"ae_users_legacyU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.3u: Time "2Legacy authentication/authorization frameworkU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4: @name"ruby-openid:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "thoughtbot-shoulda; @);F00["Nat Budin"QDon't use this gem. Use something written in the last couple years instead.0T" ruby[["!sga_paperclippolymorph-0.2.4u;[" 1.4.0i"sga_paperclippolymorphU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.4u: Time "6gem version of paperclippolymorph for sga companyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.3: @name"paperclip:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" tim.teng"6gem version of paperclippolymorph for sga company0T" ruby[["active_tunes-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"active_tunesU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time em"DAutomated ID3 tagging for iTunes on a Mac, based on AppleScriptU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.3: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.3; "rb-appscript; @);F00["Robert Matei"Automated ID3 tagging for iTunes on a Mac, based on AppleScript. Alter for your needs. Features intelligent genre tagging.0T" ruby[["#capistrano-ext-projectdx-0.0.6u;([" 1.4.0i"capistrano-ext-projectdxU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.6u: Time ė"ALocal extensions to capistrano, which others may find usefulU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Darrell Fuhriman"ALocal extensions to capistrano, which others may find useful0T" ruby[["sql_server-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"sql_serverU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "1Fast and easy Microsoft Sql Server querying.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"win32ole-pp:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Ed Botzum"`Uses ole to interact with the Mocrosoft ADO objects and interface with Microsft SQL Server.0T" ruby[["cyrillizer-0.1.0u;O[" 1.4.0i"cyrillizerU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time Ē"\Character conversion from latin alphabet to Macedonian cyrillic alphabet and vice versaU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Dalibor Nasevic"\Character conversion from latin alphabet to Macedonian cyrillic alphabet and vice versa0T" ruby[["mysql-2.8.1u;H[" 1.4.0i" mysqlU:Gem::Version[" 2.8.1u: Time ^"*This is the MySQL API module for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["0.5: @name"rake-compiler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.3; "hoe; @);F00["TOMITA Masahiro"This is the MySQL API module for Ruby. It provides the same functions for Ruby programs that the MySQL C API provides for C programs. This is a conversion of tmtm's original extension into a proper RubyGems.0T" ruby[["merb-parts-0.9.8u;z[" 1.4.0i"merb-partsU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.8u: Time $"0Merb plugin that provides Part Controllers.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.8: @name"merb-core:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Daniel Neighman"0Merb plugin that provides Part Controllers.0T" ruby[["web_fixtures-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"web_fixturesU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time d"QWebFixtures lets you easily generate fixture files for web service responsesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jeff Tucker"QWebFixtures lets you easily generate fixture files for web service responses0T" ruby[["toto-0.4.9u;[" 1.4.0i" totoU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.9u: Time %""the tiniest blog-engine in OzU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" riot:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " builder; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rack; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rdiscount; @=;F00["cloudhead"#the tiniest blog-engine in Oz.0T" ruby[["cruby-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" crubyU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "CCRuby is a library that provids concurrent programming in RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" hattori"CCRuby is a library that provids concurrent programming in Ruby0T" ruby[["cloc-0.9.0u;[" 1.4.0i" clocU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.0u: Time $",Locates Ruby methods in C source files.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" Mooffie"0T" ruby[["backgem-0.3.2u;[" 1.4.0i" backgemU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.2u: Time el"6Back up your installed gems list into a file/gistU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Mitko Kostov"6Back up your installed gems list into a file/gist0T" ruby[["slim-rails-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"slim-railsU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time "$Provides generators for Rails 3U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Leonardo Almeida"#Provide generators for Rails 30T" ruby[["rstack-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" rstackU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "$Ruby Stack Exchange API WrapperU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @);F00["John Crepezzi"8rstack is a Ruby wrapper for the Stack Exchange API0T" ruby[["resat-0.8.1u;S[" 1.4.0i" resatU:Gem::Version[" 0.8.1u: Time "!Web scripting for the massesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.1: @name" kwalify:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Raphael Simon"!Web scripting for the masses0T" ruby[["arperftoolkit_base-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"arperftoolkit_baseU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "ActiveRecord enhancements to optimize queries and insertion functionality. Includes support for finder index hints, ignore and duplicate update, insert select, record duplicate deletion, bulk insert, and eager loading of selected columns.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.0: @name" rails:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Blythe Dunham"0T" ruby[["nvtristrip-ruby-0.5.0u;[" 1.4.0i"nvtristrip-rubyU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.0u: Time d">Interface for NvTriStrip triangle stripification library.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Mikko Lehtonen"0T" ruby[["bri-0.1.5u;[" 1.4.0i"briU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.5u: Time e"Beautified RI in the spirit of fastri/qri. Unlike fastri, bri builds on top of the rdoc 2.x backend, only output and formatting is handled by briU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 3.5.2: @name" rdoc:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.5; "term-ansicolor; @);F00["Sven Riedel"%An alternative to the ri command0T" ruby[["app-ctx-0.1.6u;[" 1.4.0i" app-ctxU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.6u: Time "ZEvery application needs configuration and app-ctx provides a concise way of doing it.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Ryan Davis"TFor all applications (you are not a mouseclicker, are u?), once in a while you need to supply some configuration values to overrule the built-in defaults. The app-ctx gem does unify and organize built-in constants, config files and commandline option with a clearly defined priority, from low to high: - procedural: set from your implementation App::Config#set_default_values - YAML default values file loaded from next to the $0 script - user supplied configuration file, eg.: --config=/tmp/foo.yml - command line options and flags: --foo --bar=foo But for your application it is of no interesst from where the values are coming: command line option: "--port=1234", a user configuration file or from the applications built-in default values. Therefor +app-ctx+ combines value settings from various sources into a single configuration hash.0T" ruby[["cramp-0.11u;[" 1.4.0i" crampU:Gem::Version[" 0.11u: Time D"$Async ORM and controller layer.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["3.0.0.beta3: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.12.10; "eventmachine; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["3.0.0.beta3; "activemodel; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.3.3; " arel; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.1.0; " rack; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.1.1; "mysqlplus; @Q;F00["Pratik Naik"` Cramp provides ORM and controller layers for developing asynchronous web applications. 0T" ruby[["rubinstein-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"rubinsteinU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time "$Ruby text-adventure game engineU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.2: @name" cucumber:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.9; " aruba; @3;F00["Kevin W. Gisi"$Ruby text-adventure game engine0T" ruby[["red_davis-0.0.1u;~[" 1.4.0i"red_davisU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time " My CVU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " pony; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " json; @3;F00[" reddavis" My CV0T" ruby[["hoe-reek-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i" hoe-reekU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time "JTasks to integrate the reek code smell engine into your hoe projects.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" reek:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.9.0; "hoe; @3;F00["Erik Hollensbe"JTasks to integrate the reek code smell engine into your hoe projects.0T" ruby[["thorero-;{[" 1.4.0i" thoreroU:Gem::Version[" Time $"'Merb. Pocket rocket web framework.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.3; " extlib; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "json_pure; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rack; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " erubis; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "mime-types; @[;F00[" test"'Merb. Pocket rocket web framework.0T" ruby[["radius19-radiant-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"radius19-radiantU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time e"A small, but powerful tag-based template language for Ruby modeled after the ones used in MovableType and TextPattern. It has tags similar to XML, but can be used to generate any form of plain text (HTML, e-mail, etc...) adapted to work on Ruby 1.9.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Davide Malgoli"0T" ruby[["cloudsync-2.4.0u;[" 1.4.0i"cloudsyncU:Gem::Version[" 2.4.0u: Time $"7Sync files between various clouds or sftp servers.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 2.0.4: @name" net-sftp:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 4.0.3; "commander; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.4.9; "cloudfiles; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.0.19; " net-ssh; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.0.4; " escape; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.0.0; "right_aws; @Q;F00["Cory Forsyth"Sync files between various clouds or sftp servers. Available backends are S3, CloudFiles, and SFTP servers. Can sync, mirror, and prune.0T" ruby[["brightbox-2.3.8u;y[" 1.4.0i"brightboxU:Gem::Version[" 2.3.8u: Time $"6Brightbox rails deployment scripts for CapistranoU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["2.5: @name"capistrano:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[ "John Leach"Neil Wilson"David Smalley"Caius Durling"0T" ruby[["user-choices-;T[" 1.4.0i"user-choicesU:Gem::Version[" Time "MUnified interface to command-line, environment, and configuration files.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.2: @name" builder:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.3; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.3; "s4t-utils; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.11; "xml-simple; @=;F00["Brian Marick"MUnified interface to command-line, environment, and configuration files.0T" ruby[["clog-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i" clogU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time "ILittle rails debugging gem for writing colorized output to log file.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"term-ansicolor:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Kevin Swope"ILittle rails debugging gem for writing colorized output to log file.0T" ruby[["attic-0.5.2u;[" 1.4.0i" atticU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.2u: Time "EA place to hide private instance variables in your Ruby objects.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Delano Mandelbaum"EA place to hide private instance variables in your Ruby objects.0T" ruby[["mongoid_slug-0.6.2u;[" 1.4.0i"mongoid_slugU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.2u: Time e"Generates a URL slugU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.2.0: @name" stringex:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2.0.0.rc.7; " mongoid; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.4.0; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.11.0; "ruby-debug19; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.2.0; " bson_ext; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.6.0; "database_cleaner; @Q;F00["Paper Cavalier"cMongoid Slug generates a URL slug or permalink based on one or more fields in a Mongoid model.0T" ruby[["zomgrss-1.1.0u;i[" 1.4.0i" zomgrssU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.0u: Time ",Create RSS feeds from Ruby collections.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" builder:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Federico Builes",Create RSS feeds from Ruby collections.0T" ruby[["zencoder-2.3.1u;U[" 1.4.0i" zencoderU:Gem::Version[" 2.3.1u: Time e"8Zencoder integration library.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " webmock; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "activesupport; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " i18n; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mocha; @G;F00["Nathan Sutton"Brandon Arbini"8Zencoder integration library.0T" ruby[["youtubescraper-0.0.9u;c[" 1.4.0i"youtubescraperU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.9u: Time "IThis gem provide function to scrape html of search result on youtubeU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0.4: @name" hpricot:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Yuki SHIDA"0T" ruby[["trinidad_jars-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"trinidad_jarsU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time %"&Tomcat's jars packed for TrinidadU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["David Calavera"2Bundled version of Tomcat packed for Trinidad0T" ruby[["solrstorm-0.0.41u;q[" 1.4.0i"solrstormU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.41u: Time %"3Searching made so simple that it is even a funU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.1: @name" nokogiri:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "will_paginate; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "feedzirra; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mysql; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " acl9; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " loofah; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.1; " sunspot; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "searchlogic; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " whenever; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " haml; @~;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "authlogic; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "configliere; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.11; "newscrapi; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.3.10; "activesupport; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.1.2; " builder; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " compass; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rchardet; @;F00["Gyorgy Fruhwald"Have a search motor built on the top of Solr, a highly customizable, scalable and well performing search engine. You are only few steps away from creating your own search motor.0T" ruby[["meeting-0.0.10u;m[" 1.4.0i" meetingU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.10u: Time "A carbon modelU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["0.3; " emitter; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " sniff; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.8.3; " cucumber; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rdoc; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.0.0; " rspec; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.4.0; " jeweler; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["3; "activerecord; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["0.3; " earth; @y;F00[ "Andy Rossmeissl"Seamus Abshere"Ian Hough"Matt Kling"Derek Kastner"KA software model in Ruby for the greenhouse gas emissions of a meeting0T" ruby[["acts_as_strip-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"acts_as_stripU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time "&Plugin to remove spaces on fieldsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.5: @name"activerecord:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "activerecord; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.5.0.pre5; " jeweler; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.5.0.pre5; " jeweler; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @e;F00["Marco Scholl"&Plugin to remove spaces on fields0T" ruby[["ansitags-0.1.2u;W[" 1.4.0i" ansitagsU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time "%Converts ANSI codes to HTML tagsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["David Trasbo"%Converts ANSI codes to HTML tags0T" ruby[["riess-0.0.8u;[" 1.4.0i" riessU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.8u: Time "5Riess is Ruby Internet Explorer Scripting SystemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Kingsley Hendrickse"ORiess is a library for automating and testing IE with a dsl like interface0T" ruby[["ramazon_advertising-0.3.2u;[" 1.4.0i"ramazon_advertisingU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.2u: Time g"NAmazon Advertising Wrapper - Use nokogiri to target the elements you wantU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.4.1: @name"configatron:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.3; " nokogiri; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.11; "mislav-will_paginate; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.3; "jnunemaker-httparty; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.2; "ruby-hmac; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.5; "jnunemaker-happymapper; @Q;F00["Dan Pickett"n Amazon Advertising Wrapper - Use nokogiri to target the elements you want. An object oriented approach0T" ruby[["rack-amf-2.0.0u;N[" 1.4.0i" rack-amfU:Gem::Version[" 2.0.0u: Time ".AMF gateway packaged as a rack middlewareU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.0: @name"RocketAMF:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Stephen Augenstein"0T" ruby[["TestLinkClient-0.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i"TestLinkClientU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time ."TestLink XMLRPC ClientU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["SADAHIKO Hantani"0T" ruby[["deploy-0.0.2u;4[" 1.4.0i" deployU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time " summaryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.13.4: @name" thor:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Carlos Brando"Longer description.0T" ruby[["multiarray-0.20.0u;$[" 1.4.0i"multiarrayU:Gem::Version[" 0.20.0u: Time E".Multi-dimensional and uniform Ruby arraysU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["1.1: @name" malloc:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @);F00["Jan Wedekind"This Ruby-extension defines Hornetseye::MultiArray and other native datatypes. Hornetseye::MultiArray provides multi-dimensional Ruby arrays with elements of same type. The extension is designed to be mostly compatible with Masahiro Tanaka's NArray. However it allows the definition of custom element types and operations on them. This work was also inspired by Ronald Garcia's boost::multi_array and by Todd Veldhuizen's Blitz++.0T" ruby[["wakame-vdc-webui-10.12.0u;[" 1.4.0i"wakame-vdc-webuiU:Gem::Version[" 10.12.0u: Time ">Datacenter management toolkit for IaaS Cloud: UI frontendU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 3.15.0: @name" sequel:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.4.6; " json; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.8.1; " mysql; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 3.0.0; " rails; @=;F00["axsh Ltd."0T" ruby[["terminator-0.4.4u;$[" 1.4.0i"terminatorU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.4u: Time ""terminatorU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" fattr:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Ara T. Howard"0T" ruby[["$send_to_friends_generator-1.0.0u;L[" 1.4.0i"send_to_friends_generatorU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time "9Rails generator for boiler plate send-to-friend codeU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jeroen Houben"== FEATURES/PROBLEMS: * a simple FriendMailer object * email templates for HTML and plain text alternative * configurable amount of friends * support for including a user submitted message in the email * support for HTML as well as XML (nice for Flash integration) * server-side validation * error messages in HTML or XML * future feature: search and replace script to replace all relative image tags with absolute ones (http://) == SYNOPSIS: ./script/generate send_to_friends [options]0T" ruby[["pomo-1.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" pomoU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time E"2Pomodoro time management for the command-lineU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.3: @name" growl:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 4.0.2; "commander; @);F00["TJ Holowaychuk"2Pomodoro time management for the command-line0T" ruby[["color-tools-1.3.0u;z[" 1.4.0i"color-toolsU:Gem::Version[" 1.3.0u: Time \"icolor-tools provides colour space definition and manpiulation as well as commonly named RGB colours.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Austin Ziegler"scolor-tools is a Ruby library to provide RGB, CMYK, and other colourspace support to applications that require it. It also provides 152 named RGB colours. It offers 152 named RGB colours (184 with spelling variations) that are commonly supported and used in HTML, SVG, and X11 applications. A technique for generating a monochromatic contrasting palette is also included.0T" ruby[["mail-sympa-0.1.1u;`[" 1.4.0i"mail-sympaU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time %"The mail-sympa library provides a Ruby interface to the Sympa mailing list server software. This is a convenient and pretty wrapper for the various SOAP functions that Sympa server publishes. See http://www.sympa.org for more information.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.8: @name" soap4r:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Daniel J. Berger"David Salisbury"Mark Sallee"5Ruby interface for the Sympa mailing list server0T" ruby[["mysql-inspector-0.0.6u;[" 1.4.0i"mysql-inspectorU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.6u: Time "4Tools for identifying changes to a MySQL schemaU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Ryan Carver"0T" ruby[["#kenhirakawa-googlecharts-1.5.3u; [" 1.4.0i"kenhirakawa-googlechartsU:Gem::Version[" 1.5.3u: Time %",Generate charts using Google API & RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Matt Aimonetti"Ken Hirakawa",Generate charts using Google API & Ruby0T" ruby[["uv_refactor-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"uv_refactorU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time "(Refactoring your rails application.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.4.2: @name" i18n:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.3; "activesupport; @);F00["Jan Riethmayer"Some refactoring helpers.0T" ruby[["simple_worker-0.3.20u;V[" 1.4.0i"simple_workerU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.20u: Time "ClassifiedU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"appoxy_api:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Travis Reeder".I could tell you, but then I'd have to...0T" ruby[["rack-coderay-0.2.0u;l[" 1.4.0i"rack-coderayU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time d`"MRack middleware that automatically formats code syntax using CodeRay gemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0: @name" rack:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.312; " coderay; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.1; " hpricot; @3;F00["Phil Misiowiec"This Rack middleware component uses the CodeRay gem to automatically format code syntax by detecting a specific container in the final rendered markup.0T" ruby[["fcoury-fakeweb-1.2.0u;][" 1.4.0i"fcoury-fakewebU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.0u: Time H"1A tool for faking responses to HTTP requestsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.5: @name" mocha:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Blaine Cook"Chris Kampmeier"0T" ruby[["facebox-render-0.9.9u;[" 1.4.0i"facebox-renderU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.9u: Time d"xFaceboxRender is a Rails plugin let you use lightbox seamlessly using Facebox library (http://famspam.com/facebox/)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Wen-Tien Chang"yFaceboxRender is a Rails plugin let you use lightbox seamlessly using Facebox library (http://famspam.com/facebox/) 0T" ruby[["miniskirt-mongoid-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"miniskirt-mongoidU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time E"/factory_girl, relaxed with Mongoid supportU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["2.2: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Stephen Celis"Alvaro Pereyra">Test::Unit begot MiniTest; factory_girl begets Miniskirt.0T" ruby[["is_listable-0.0.4u;G[" 1.4.0i"is_listableU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time Dd""Is Listable" is a gem that provides a way to implement a simple listing method by using generated view helpers to create up and down buttons.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"acts_as_list:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Michael van Rooijen"This will allow you to very quickly get the "Move Up" and "Move Down" button functionality to move your database records up and down in order. 0T" ruby[["hash_validations-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"hash_validationsU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time j"(A lib to help with hash validationsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Rodrigo Panachi">A lib to help with hash validations, based on Validatable0T" ruby[["rules_view-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"rules_viewU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time "@views and styles used in my rules engine and other projectsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" webrat:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.1; "rspec-rails; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " faker; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "machinist; @=;F00["Chris Douglas",Ruby Rails Rules Engine Framework Views0T" ruby[["rtimbl-0.1.2u;=[" 1.4.0i" rtimblU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time f"5Ruby bindings for TiMBL machine learning libraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Mark Shirley"xrtimbl provides Ruby language bindings to the TiMBL machine learning library. See the README for more information.0T" ruby[["padrino-mailer-0.9.20u;[" 1.4.0i"padrino-mailerU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.20u: Time e"Mailer system for padrinoU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 0.9.20: @name"padrino-core:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.2.0; " mail; @);F00[ "Padrino Team"Nathan Esquenazi"Davide D'Agostino"Arthur Chiu"KMailer system for padrino allowing easy delivery of application emails0T" ruby[["mathie-delayed_job-1.8.4u;[" 1.4.0i"mathie-delayed_jobU:Gem::Version[" 1.8.4u: Time e"QDatabase-backed asynchronous priority queue system -- Extracted from ShopifyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Brandon Keepers"Tobias Lütke"Delayed_job (or DJ) encapsulates the common pattern of asynchronously executing longer tasks in the background. It is a direct extraction from Shopify where the job table is responsible for a multitude of core tasks.0T" ruby[["slowgrowl-0.1.3u;[" 1.4.0i"slowgrowlU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time ĝ"FSurface slow code paths in your Rails 3 app via Growl / libnotifyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" growl:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Ilya Grigorik"Milan Dobrota"FSurface slow code paths in your Rails 3 app via Growl / libnotify0T" ruby[["rumai-3.3.1u;%[" 1.4.0i" rumaiU:Gem::Version[" 3.3.1u: Time d".Ruby interface to the wmii window managerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 3.1.0["=U;[" 5.0.2["=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">U;["3: @name" rails:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Eric Anderson" A UI plugin that sits on top of authlogic to provide basic security (i.e. restricted access to certain actions) and a login screen to allow the user to get through security. 0T" ruby[["loquacious-1.7.0u;[" 1.4.0i"loquaciousU:Gem::Version[" 1.7.0u: Time "=Descriptive configuration files for Ruby written in RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Tim Pease"+Descriptive configuration files for Ruby written in Ruby. Loquacious provides a very open configuration system written in ruby and descriptions for each configuration attribute. The attributes and descriptions can be iterated over allowing for helpful information about those attributes to be displayed to the user. In the simple case we have a file something like Loquacious.configuration_for('app') { name 'value', :desc => "Defines the name" foo 'bar', :desc => "FooBar" id 42, :desc => "Ara T. Howard" } Which can be loaded via the standard Ruby loading mechanisms Kernel.load 'config/app.rb' The attributes and their descriptions can be printed by using a Help object help = Loquacious.help_for('app') help.show :values => true # show the values for the attributes, too Descriptions are optional, and configurations can be nested arbitrarily deep. Loquacious.configuration_for('nested') { desc "The outermost level" a { desc "One more level in" b { desc "Finally, a real value" c 'value' } } } config = Loquacious.configuration_for('nested') p config.a.b.c #=> "value" And as you can see, descriptions can either be given inline after the value or they can appear above the attribute and value on their own line.0T" ruby[["sdbtools-0.5.0u;[" 1.4.0i" sdbtoolsU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.0u: Time E"1A high-level OO interface to Amazon SimpleDBU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["2.1: @name" fattr:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["4.7; "arrayfields; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2.1; "aws; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["4.2; " main; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @G;F00["Avdi Grimm"SDBTools layers a higher-level OO interface on top of RightAWS, as well as providing some command-line utilities for working with SimpleDB. 0T" ruby[["YurtCMS-0.4.1u;m[" 1.4.0i" YurtCMSU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.1u: Time " The Web CMS that does less!U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0: @name"BlueCloth:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.2; " camping; @);F00["Robert Hahn"0T" ruby[["gemfire-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" gemfireU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time d"8Allows you to easily bootstrap your Rubygem projectU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Rodrigo Alves Vieira"KProvides you a Command Line interface for generating your gem skeleton0T" ruby[["tweettail-1.1.0u; [" 1.4.0i"tweettailU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.0u: Time P"Get the latest search results streaming to your console: $ tweettail railsconf rubysolo: protip: it helps to actually READ the error messageU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.1: @name" newgem:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0; "hoe; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.1; " newgem; @=;F00[" Dr Nic"Get the latest search results streaming to your console: $ tweettail railsconf rubysolo: protip: it helps to actually READ the error message. #railsconf voxxit: So, everyone, how is #railsconf coming? When is the big 3.0 announcement? JesseGoldberg: @GavinStark I don't have as much to chat about as you do while you are at RailsConf. wndxlori: Anyone else not eaten yet #railsconf zenmatt: Great dinner and coversation with @heroku at n9ne in the palms. #railsconf Adkron: Damn you #railsconf why can I not visit you this year. I'm missing all the gitjour goodness. pengwynn: Meeting a lot of great folks at the open gov hackathon at #railsconf #gov20 davidjrice: Enjoying ordering taxis to our hotel... &quot;for the wynn!&quot; #railsconf quick noms at stripburger then whiskeys at the stage door with ey ftw! cricketgeek: as pointed out by @jnewland at sushi this evening... http://pic.im/2LY #railsconf paulog: had fun at gilt groupe coctail party. props. #railsconf Amuse_Bouche: I hope my two favorite people in the world form an alliance! (Swoon) RT: @dhh Loved talking to @tferris at #railsconf. So much resonates. abie: At open gov BOF #railsconf matthewcarriere: running a saas bof was great... I hope it gets some more time this week. #railsconf jdar: @tullytully RT @dgou:for the benefit of people at #railsconf keynote, here is penelope trunk on tim ferris: http://bit.ly/b81E yorzi: Reading: &quot;Rails 3 and the Real Secret to High Productivity: RailsConf 2009 - May 04 - 07, 2009, Las Vegas,NV&quot; ( http://tinyurl.com/czmkxn ) Or let it sit there all day with the -f option (like "tail -f"): tweettail -f railsconf0T" ruby[[" string_date_accessors-0.0.8u;[" 1.4.0i"string_date_accessorsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.8u: Time %">Get and set dates as strings on ActiveRecord-like objectsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Andrew Bruce" This gem is useful if you don't want to use Rails' standard date helpers and would rather set a text format for reading and writing dates. 0T" ruby[["spree_multi_domain-3.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"spree_multi_domainU:Gem::Version[" 3.0.2u: Time "(Adds multiple site support to SpreeU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0.30.0.beta1: @name"spree_core:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Brian Quinn"^Multiple Spree stores on different domains - single unified backed for processing orders.0T" ruby[["server-blender-core-0.0.1u;o[" 1.4.0i"server-blender-coreU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time e"-core recipes cookbook for server-blenderU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.15; "server-blender-manifest; @3;F00["Vitaly Kushner"This gem is part of the server-blender family (http://astrails.com/opensource/server-blender) It contains core recipes cookbook. See server-blender for more information. 0T" ruby[[" capcode-render-static-0.4.0u;u[" 1.4.0i"capcode-render-staticU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.0u: Time ")Capcode plugin to render static fileU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"mime-types:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Gregoire Lejeune")Capcode plugin to render static file0T" ruby[["epistle-manager-0.0.1u;&[" 1.4.0i"epistle-managerU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time j"U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.9.4: @name" sinatra:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["James Thompson"0T" ruby[["lather-1.4.0u;[" 1.4.0i" latherU:Gem::Version[" 1.4.0u: Time V"KLather is an easy way to watch files and do something when they changeU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.2.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.2.0; "hoe; @);F00["John Barnette"|Lather is an easy way to watch files and do something when they change. By default, it checks for changes every second.0T" ruby[["clop-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" clopU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "0A package for handling command line optionsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Piet Hut and Jun Makino"0T" ruby[["appswarm-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" appswarmU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time P"nAppSwarm is/will be an application framework for developing distributed applications across a p2p networkU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.12.2: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.12.2; "hoe; @);F00["David Kamphausen"AppSwarm is/will be an application framework for developing distributed applications across a p2p network. It will be possible to develop very different types of services, like database-services, object-brokers, app-services, or name-services.0T" ruby[["timeliness-0.3.3u;[" 1.4.0i"timelinessU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.3u: Time %"-Date/time parsing for the control freak.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Adam Meehan"PFast date/time parser with customisable formats, timezone and I18n support.0T" ruby[["uservoice-0.3.1u;;[" 1.4.0i"uservoiceU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.1u: Time $")Uservoice for your Rails applicationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["2.1: @name" rails:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["2.1; "actionpack; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["2.1; "activesupport; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.2; " ezcrypto; @=;F00["Alexander Greim"ZThis adds Uservoice support to your Rails application including single sign-on.0T" ruby[["timelog4r-0.1.2u;p[" 1.4.0i"timelog4rU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time S"TimelogAPI for ruby.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0; "hoe; @);F00["saronpasu"TimelogAPI for ruby.0T" ruby[["oauth2-server-0.1.4u;[" 1.4.0i"oauth2-serverU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time D"U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.0: @name"ruby-hmac:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.4; "oauth2-core; @3;F00["Alexander Flatter"0T" ruby[["tesco-0.4.1u;#[" 1.4.0i" tescoU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.1u: Time "CAn extremely straightforward library for the Tesco Grocery APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["JP Hastings-Spital"KSearch the Tesco Groceries API, through a very object oriented library0T" ruby[["komodo-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i" komodoU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time Ŭ"=Komodo helps you autoscale delayed_job workers on HerokuU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 2.1.2: @name"delayed_job:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.14.6; " heroku; @);F00["Nicholas Bruning"Komodo is a simple wrapper that allows you to scale on-demand the number of delayed_job workers on Heroku, based on the length of your queue.0T" ruby[["$comfortable_mexican_sofa-1.0.43u;[" 1.4.0i"comfortable_mexican_sofaU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.43u: Time e"5ComfortableMexicanSofa is a Rails Engine CMS gemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.6: @name"active_link_to:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.3; " rails; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.8; "paperclip; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "sqlite3-ruby; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.6; "active_link_to; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.8; "paperclip; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "mime-types; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.3; " rails; @e;F00["Oleg Khabarov"The Working Group Inc"0T" ruby[["esearchy-0.2.1u;1[" 1.4.0i" esearchyU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time d"5A library to search for emails in search enginesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.9: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.1; " spidr; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.3; "FreedomCoder-rubyzip; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.5; "pdf-reader; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.1; " socksify; @G;F00["Matias P. Brutti"0T" ruby[["darkhelmet-sinatra-0.10.1u;[" 1.4.0i"darkhelmet-sinatraU:Gem::Version[" 0.10.1u: Time m",Classy web-development dressed in a DSLU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0.3["=U;[" 0.3.0; "rack-test; @.;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.0; " rack; @8;F00["Blake Mizerany"Ryan Tomayko"Simon Rozet",Classy web-development dressed in a DSL0T" ruby[["options-2.3.0u;@[" 1.4.0i" optionsU:Gem::Version[" 2.3.0u: Time " optionsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" fattr:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Ara T. Howard"'description: options kicks the ass0T" ruby[["verbs-2.0.9u;4[" 1.4.0i" verbsU:Gem::Version[" 2.0.9u: Time $"%English verb conjugation in RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.1: @name" andand:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.4; "activesupport; @);F00["Andy Rossmeissl"Conjugates most common english verbs for all persons in all tenses and all standard aspects (with active diathesis and indicative mood). Standard and exceptional spelling rules are obeyed.0T" ruby[["simple-fluther-0.2.5u;[" 1.4.0i"simple-flutherU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.5u: Time "IModified version of original fluther gem for integrating into Rails.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"em-http-request:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Justin Chen"4Ruby interface to the Fluther discussion system0T" ruby[["xiacc-0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" xiaccU:Gem::Version["0.1u: Time \"A Compiler-CompilerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Nate Smith"0T" ruby[["torque-vpc-toolkit-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"torque-vpc-toolkitU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time e"&Rake tasks to submit Torque jobs.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["2.0; "chef-vpc-toolkit; @);F00["Dan Prince"0Rake tasks to submit, and poll Torque jobs.0T" ruby[["sprint-1.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" sprintU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.0u: Time ei">Make dealing with execution of external processes easier.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">U;[" 2.10.2: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.3; "hoe; @);F00["Craig Walker">Make dealing with execution of external processes easier.0T" ruby[["gravatarify-2.2.2u;[" 1.4.0i"gravatarifyU:Gem::Version[" 2.2.2u: Time ũ"3Awesome gravatar support for Ruby (and Rails).U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.10.2: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.10.5; "rr; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.5; "activesupport; @3;F00["Lukas Westermann"Awesome gravatar support for Ruby (and Rails) - with unique options like Proc's for default images, support for gravatar.com's multiple host names, ability to define reusable styles and much more...0T" ruby[["darkofabijan-webrat-0.6.1u;[" 1.4.0i"darkofabijan-webratU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.1u: Time ek"1Ruby Acceptance Testing for Web applicationsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.0: @name" nokogiri:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.0; " rack; @);F00["Bryan Helmkamp"Webrat lets you quickly write expressive and robust acceptance tests for a Ruby web application. It supports simulating a browser inside a Ruby process to avoid the performance hit and browser dependency of Selenium or Watir, but the same API can also be used to drive real Selenium tests when necessary (eg. for testing AJAX interactions). Most Ruby web frameworks and testing frameworks are supported.0T" ruby[["mwilden-metric_fu-;[" 1.4.0i"mwilden-metric_fuU:Gem::Version[" Time $f"AA fistful of code metrics, with awesome templates and graphsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.0: @name"mojombo-chronic:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["; "relevance-rcov; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.1; " flay; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.0; " flog; @=;F00[ "Jake Scruggs"Sean Soper"Andre Arko"Petrik de Heus"Grant McInnes"Nick Quaranto"Édouard Brière"ZCode metrics from Flog, Flay, RCov, Saikuro, Churn, Reek, Roodi and Rails' stats task0T" ruby[["innate-2011.01u;[" 1.4.0i" innateU:Gem::Version[" 2011.01u: Time E"-Powerful web-framework wrapper for Rack.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.0: @name" rack:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.2.0; " json; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.3; "rack-test; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.0; " bacon; @=;F00[" Michael 'manveru' Fellinger"6Simple, straight-forward base for web-frameworks.0T" ruby[["rack-codehighlighter-0.4.7u;[" 1.4.0i"rack-codehighlighterU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.7u: Time D"+Rack Middleware for Code Highlighting.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.0: @name"rack-test:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.1; " nokogiri; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; " rack; @3;F00["Wlodek Bzyl"+Rack Middleware for Code Highlighting.0T" ruby[["pg_serializer-0.1.2u; [" 1.4.0i"pg_serializerU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time "1Converts hashes to XML for Psigate API callsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.1: @name" jeweler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " builder; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @=;F00["Simon Chiu"1Converts hashes to XML for Psigate API calls0T" ruby[["tfe-cloudfiles-1.4.7u;[" 1.4.0i"tfe-cloudfilesU:Gem::Version[" 1.4.7u: Time d"*A Ruby API into Rackspace Cloud FilesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.16: @name"mime-types:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["H. Wade Minter"Rackspace Hosting"Todd Eichel"5A Ruby version of the Rackspace Cloud Files API.0T" ruby[["test-belt-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"test-beltU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time "EA gem for using testing tools I like - my Ruby testing toolbelt.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 2.11: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.9.0; "leftright; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.4.0; "kelredd-useful; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.0; " bundler; @=;F00["Kelly D. Redding"This is my Ruby testing "tool belt". It packages up the most common testing tools and paradigms I use. It is opinionated and custom to how I like to test.0T" ruby[["stripper-2.0.3u;c[" 1.4.0i" stripperU:Gem::Version[" 2.0.3u: Time U"[Remove leading and trailing blanks from attribute values in your Ruby on Rails models.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Simon Harris"vStripper is a Ruby on Rails plugin that removes leading and trailing blanks from attribute values in your models.0T" ruby[["gtk2go-0.0.0u;J[" 1.4.0i" gtk2goU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.0u: Time " Gtk2GOU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["10: @name"gtk2applib:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["carlosjhr64@gmail.com"%A 9X9 version of the game of GO.0T" ruby[["forest-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i" forestU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time D"8A simple collection class to aggregate tree objectsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rubytree:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Makoto Inoue"A simple collection class to aggregate tree objects. It takes [Adjacency List](http://sqlsummit.com/AdjacencyList.htm) as input, shows some stats and the top x biggest trees.0T" ruby[["hydrogen_bondifier-0.0.3u;Q[" 1.4.0i"hydrogen_bondifierU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time ū"%finds hydrogen bonds using pymolU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"spec-more:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["John T. Prince"uses pymol0T" ruby[["standup-0.3.17u;[" 1.4.0i" standupU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.17u: Time E"eStandup is an application deployment and infrastructure management tool for Rails and Amazon EC2U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0.5: @name" aws-s3:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.0; " i18n; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.2; " highline; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["2.0; " net-ssh; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["3.0; "activesupport; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["2.0; "settingslogic; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0.9; "amazon-ec2; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.16; " trollop; @e;F00["Ilia Ablamonov"Artem Orlov"Cloud Castle Inc."0T" ruby[["ssh-config-0.1.2u;0[" 1.4.0i"ssh-configU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time "9Ssh-Config - tool for managing your .ssh/config fileU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["David Brady"dSsh-Config, a tool that lets you quickly add, update, remove, and copy ssh config file entries.0T" ruby[["spira-0.0.11u;[" 1.4.0i" spiraU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.11u: Time d"SA framework for using the information in RDF.rb repositories as model objects.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.3: @name" yard:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.2; " rdf-spec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.0; " promise; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.0; "rdf-isomorphic; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.3; "rdf; @Q;F00["Ben Lavender"\Spira is a framework for using the information in RDF.rb repositories as model objects.0T" ruby[["scaffy-0.5.1u;%[" 1.4.0i" scaffyU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.1u: Time $"3Opinionated scaffolding generator for rails 3.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Alastair Brunton"^Scaffy generates usable scaffolding for a model with tests, layout, namespacing and haml.0T" ruby[[" progress_bar_snapshot-0.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i"progress_bar_snapshotU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time $"*Generates png images of progress barsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Xiaoke Zhang"TGenerats png images of progress bars, useful for web pages or use in pdf files.0T" ruby[["editalign-1.1.1u;>[" 1.4.0i"editalignU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.1u: Time N"GEditAlign calculates dynamic programming alignments between arraysU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["W.P. McNeill"dThis module performs edit alignments between arrays. It returns alignments and edit distances.0T" ruby[["tmdb_party-0.8.0u;[" 1.4.0i"tmdb_partyU:Gem::Version[" 0.8.0u: Time "_Simple ruby wrapper to themoviedb.org (http://api.themoviedb.org/2.0/docs/) using HTTPartyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.1; " httparty; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " fakeweb; @3;F00["John Duff"Jon Maddox"0T" ruby[["statistics-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"statisticsU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time D">An ActiveRecord gem that makes it easier to do reporting.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Alexandru Catighera"0T" ruby[[""sinatra_fake_webservice-0.9.1u;[" 1.4.0i"sinatra_fake_webserviceU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.1u: Time e"}use a sinatra application in your Rails test environment to fake a remote web service that needs more magic than FakewebU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " sinatra; @);F00["Elad Meidar"FakeWeb allows you to fake a response from a specific url, this gem intends to give developers the option to allow several responses from the same url based on parameters (ex: WSDL)0T" ruby[["RailsTop-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i" RailsTopU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time "4Get your gems and plugins list for RubyClub topU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Voloshin Ruslan"0T" ruby[["cornell_ldap-1.4.0u;x[" 1.4.0i"cornell_ldapU:Gem::Version[" 1.4.0u: Time $"bToolkit for accessing information about people through the Cornell University LDAP directory.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.1; " net-ldap; @);F00["Ari Epstein"Using ActiveLdap, this library provides an easy interface for communicating with the Cornell University LDAP directory. Use of this directory is restricted to purposes authorized by the university.0T" ruby[["ukrainian-2.6.0u;[" 1.4.0i"ukrainianU:Gem::Version[" 2.6.0u: Time E"2Ukrainian language support for Ruby and RailsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" i18n:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "thoughtbot-shoulda; @);F00["romanvbabenko"2Ukrainian language support for Ruby and Rails0T" ruby[["has_markup-0.1.5u;4[" 1.4.0i"has_markupU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.5u: Time "PManage markup close to home... right in the model! Caching, validation, etcU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Josh Nichols"PManage markup close to home... right in the model! Caching, validation, etc0T" ruby[["fathom-0.3.0u;i[" 1.4.0i" fathomU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time "Decision Support in RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" David"HCollecting some decision support tools in a decoupled Ruby library.0T" ruby[["kizapi-0.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i" kizapiU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time "Gruby-kizapi is a wrapper library for kizAPI provided by kizasi.jp.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Keita Yamaguchi"0T" ruby[["firebrigade_api-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"firebrigade_apiU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time "API for FirebrigadeU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.7: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.0; " rc-rest; @);F00["Eric Hodel"http://seattlerb.rubyforge.org/firebrigade_api == DESCRIPTION An API wrapper for http://firebrigade.seattlerb.org == FEATURES/PROBLEMS0T" ruby[["beezwax-0.7.0u;_[" 1.4.0i" beezwaxU:Gem::Version[" 0.7.0u: Time Ů"Btrieve API wrapper.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.3: @name"ffi:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Patrick Lardin"6Access Btrieve database files through a ruby API.0T" ruby[["raxus-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" raxusU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time " Easy file sharing with rackU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.4: @name" rubyzip:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.0; " thin; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.0; " rack; @3;F00[" sebcioz" Easy file sharing with rack0T" ruby[["lab419-config-0.1u;2[" 1.4.0i"lab419-configU:Gem::Version["0.1u: Time Ē"[Create configuration file readers or DSLs with a highly adaptable configuration readerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Robert Dober"BLab419, Labrador for Ruby1.9, Configuration File and DSL Tool0T" ruby[["castanaut-1.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"castanautU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.0u: Time %"*Castanaut - automate your screencastsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Joseph Pearson"ACastanaut lets you write executable scripts for screencasts.0T" ruby[["display_name-0.1.1u;"[" 1.4.0i"display_nameU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "5Specify which method to use to display an objectU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Javier Martín"NThe automatic "to_s" and (for some form builders, for example) "display_name" methods display useful information about the record, but not the prettiest one when you want to show it to the end user. This gem allows you to easily display the object in a pretty way0T" ruby[["opentox-ruby-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"opentox-rubyU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time "*Ruby wrapper for the OpenTox REST APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["1: @name"dm-validations:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "sinatra-respond_to; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "emk-sinatra-url-for; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "sinatra-static-assets; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " sinatra; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "google-spreadsheet-ruby; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["3; " haml; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "spreadsheet; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rubyzip; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "yajl-ruby; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " jeweler; @~;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1; "dm-mysql-adapter; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " nokogiri; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " tmail; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rack-contrib; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1; "dm-migrations; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1; " dm-types; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1; "dm-timestamps; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1; "dm-serializer; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rest-client; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rack; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rack-flash; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1; " dm-core; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rjb; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rinruby; @ ;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "roo; @;F00[ "Christoph Helma"Martin Guetlein"Andreas Maunz"Micha Rautenberg"David Vorgrimmler"CRuby wrapper for the OpenTox REST API (http://www.opentox.org)0T" ruby[["recordx-parser-0.1.3u;#[" 1.4.0i"recordx-parserU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time "recordx-parserU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"rexleparser:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["0T" ruby[["amp-0.5.3u;[" 1.4.0i"ampU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.3u: Time ">Version Control in Ruby. Mercurial Compatible. Big Ideas.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.1: @name" rtfm:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.2; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.0; " minitest; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.0; " yard; @=;F00["Michael Edgar"Ari Brown"0T" ruby[["mysql-xml-0.1.1u;y[" 1.4.0i"mysql-xmlU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "DProvides a simple, fast way of parsing XML dumps of MySQL data.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Andrew Cholakian"Provides a simple, fast way of parsing XML dumps of MySQL data, uses the REXML stream parser making it suitable for use on datasets of arbitrary length.0T" ruby[["inaction_mailer-0.6u;.[" 1.4.0i"inaction_mailerU:Gem::Version["0.6u: Time f"NAn ActionMailer delivery mechanism to save mails as files in a directory.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" Tom Lea"NAn ActionMailer delivery mechanism to save mails as files in a directory.0T" ruby[["sniff-0.5.3u;:[" 1.4.0i" sniffU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.3u: Time e"1Test support for Brighter Planet carbon gemsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.0.4: @name" bueller:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rocco; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rdoc; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.3.1; " earth; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.3.0; "sqlite3-ruby; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.9.4; " cucumber; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.0.0; " rspec; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.0; "activesupport; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " emitter; @~;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.0.4; "fast_timestamp; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.1.5; "common_name; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " sandbox; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.3.9; "aaronh-chronic; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.0; "activerecord; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " bundler; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " timecop; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.0.8; "timeframe; @;F00["Derek Kastner"?Provides development and test environment for emitter gems0T" ruby[[" rails-settings-cached-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"rails-settings-cachedU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time "This is imporved from rails-settings, added caching. Settings is a plugin that makes managing a table of global key, value pairs easy. Think of it like a global Hash stored in you database, that uses simple ActiveRecord like methods for manipulation. Keep track of any global setting that you dont want to hard code into your rails app. You can store any kind of object. Strings, numbers, arrays, or any object. Ported to Rails 3!U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.0: @name" rails:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[ " Squeegy"Georg Ledermann" 100hz"Jason Lee"0T" ruby[["plantwatchdog-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"plantwatchdogU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time E"'Plantwatchdog monitors your plant.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 0.6.4: @name" patir:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.3; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.3.5; "activerecord; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.9.4; " sinatra; @=;F00["Plantwatchdog team"A watchdog for your technical plant, e.g. a photovoltaic generator. The plant watchdog listens to data loggers, which continuously upload measurements of plant parameters. Based on that data the watchdog creates reports about the operational status.0T" ruby[["gem-prune-2.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i"gem-pruneU:Gem::Version[" 2.2.1u: Time Ĩ"!Identify and remove old gemsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" parka:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rr; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2.0.0.beta.19; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @=;F00["David Dollar "!Identify and remove old gems0T" ruby[["vio-0.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i"vioU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time Db"$Vectored I/O extension for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["#Lourens Naudé (methodmissing)">Vectored I/O extension for Ruby MRI (1.8.{6,7} and 1.9.2)0T" ruby[["#machinist_activeresource-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"machinist_activeresourceU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time ")ActiveResource Adapter for MachinistU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.6: @name"machinist:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @);F00["Mathieu Fosse")ActiveResource Adapter for Machinist0T" ruby[["walrat-0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" walratU:Gem::Version["0.1u: Time "&Object-oriented templating systemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 1.3.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Wincent Colaiuta" Walrat is a Parsing Expression Grammar (PEG) parser generator that creates integrated lexers, "packrat" parsers, and Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) builders. 0T" ruby[["vip-0.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"vipU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.0u: Time ģ"[Gives your app IP whitelist access control (and not those chumps not on the vIP list).U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" rchin"#longer description of your gem0T" ruby[["thaold-bullet-2.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"thaold-bulletU:Gem::Version[" 2.0.2u: Time "AA rails plugin to kill N+1 queries and unused eager loading.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0: @name"uniform_notifier:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Richard Huang"AA rails plugin to kill N+1 queries and unused eager loading.0T" ruby[["should_be_faster-0.0.3u;T[" 1.4.0i"should_be_fasterU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time "8provides rspec matcher to do simple benchmark testsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["David Turnbull"0T" ruby[["shingara-blather-0.4.14u;;[" 1.4.0i"shingara-blatherU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.14u: Time "!Simpler XMPP built for speedU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.7.1: @name" minitest:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.0; "activesupport; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.0; " nokogiri; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.12.6; "eventmachine; @=;F00["Jeff Smick"Cyril Mougel"EAn XMPP DSL for Ruby written on top of EventMachine and Nokogiri0T" ruby[["ruby-maven-0.8.pre.3u; [" 1.4.0i"ruby-mavenU:Gem::Version["0.8.pre.3u: Time ħ"maven support for rubygemsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[00["mkristian"Nmaven support for rubygems based on maven 3.0. it allows to use xyz.gemspec file as pom file or the usual pom.xml files. with a rails3 application with a Gemfile (suitable for jruby) you can run jetty as development server. this gem is a stripped polyglot-maven which includes only the jruby part. the executable runs only with jruby.0T" ruby[["!hashrocket-netrecorder-0.2.1u;G[" 1.4.0i"hashrocket-netrecorderU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time E"ARecord network responses for easy stubbing of external callsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" cucumber:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " echoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " fakeweb; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @=;F00["Chris Young"Josh Graham"Jim Remsik"ARecord network responses for easy stubbing of external calls0T" ruby[["auth-hmac-1.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"auth-hmacU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.1u: Time c"7A gem providing HMAC based authentication for HTTPU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.12.2: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Sean Geoghegan" ascarter"7A gem providing HMAC based authentication for HTTP0T" ruby[["na_str-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" na_strU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time " na_strU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Ara T. Howard"0T" ruby[["rubyacl-1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" rubyaclU:Gem::Version["1.0u: Time da"Library for handling ACL'sU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["David Powers"lRubyACL provides a set of classes and interfaces for handling authentication via almost any type of ACL0T" ruby[["rspec_scenarios-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"rspec_scenariosU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time "*simple test scenario loader for rspecU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.8: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.8; " rspec; @);F00["(mccraig mccraig of the clan mccraig"Xloads test scenarios and makes them available as instance variables to spec methods0T" ruby[["pickle-mongoid-0.1.7u;[" 1.4.0i"pickle-mongoidU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.7u: Time D"&ianwhite's pickle mongoid adapterU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.3.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.0; " pickle; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["2.0.0.beta.20; " mongoid; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " bundler; @=;F00["Marcin Ciunelis"0T" ruby[["mongoid_text_search-0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"mongoid_text_searchU:Gem::Version["0.1u: Time ")Simple full text search for Mongoid.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["<=U;["2.0.0.beta.20: @name" mongoid:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Steve Randy Tantra"lThis gem is used in addition to Mongoid gem (up to version 2.0.0.beta.20), to provide simple full text search function. It takes one or many string or array of strings fields. The strings will be cleaned up and transform into array so they can be indexed. Searching later on will simply partially matches the input keywords with the indexed keywords in the arrays.0T" ruby[["eeepub-0.6.1u;[" 1.4.0i" eeepubU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.1u: Time "ePub generatorU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" builder:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rr; @3;F00[" jugyo"%EeePub is a Ruby ePub generator.0T" ruby[["ghcloud-0.1.0u;k[" 1.4.0i" ghcloudU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "Gghcloud uploads a file to a github repo returning a short url linkU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.6.1: @name" bitly:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.5.2; "parseconfig; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.9.9; " mocha; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.4.0; " rspec; @=;F00["Will Mernagh"uSend a file to your dedicated public github repo and have a short url returned that points to the uploaded file0T" ruby[["merb-resque-mailer-0.4u;\[" 1.4.0i"merb-resque-mailerU:Gem::Version["0.4u: Time "AMerb plugin for putting mail delivery jobs onto Resque queueU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" resque:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Marcin Kulik"0T" ruby[["zurb-awesome-buttons-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"zurb-awesome-buttonsU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "zpackaging for styles from http://www.zurb.com/article/266/super-awesome-buttons-with-css3-and-rgba, with some helpersU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Matt Briggs"0T" ruby[["drnic-github-0.3.10u;[" 1.4.0i"drnic-githubU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.10u: Time h"VThe official `github` command line helper for simplifying your GitHub experience.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.1: @name" highline:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; "text-format; @);F00["Chris Wanstrath"Kevin Ballard"Scott Chacon"VThe official `github` command line helper for simplifying your GitHub experience.0T" ruby[["handy-generators-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"handy-generatorsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time ĝ"(Application and Scaffold generatorsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"subdomain-fu:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "authlogic; @);F00[" jordinl"Application and Scaffold generators. With admin in a subdomain (using subdomain-fu), authentication (using authlogic) and users0T" ruby[["m2r-0.0.3u;r[" 1.4.0i"m2rU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time "5Mongrel2 interface and handler library for JRubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ffi; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " ffi-rzmq; @3;F00["Colin Curtin"Pradeep Elankumaran"A Mongrel2 interface and handler library for JRuby, and hopefully other Ruby implementations in the future. Works with Rack, so it works with Rails! (Rails installation guide forthcoming.)0T" ruby[["whitelist_mail_proxy-0.4.2u;[" 1.4.0i"whitelist_mail_proxyU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.2u: Time "BA thin proxy for Mail and ActionMailer to enable whitelistingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Matthew Rudy Jacobs"0T" ruby[["integrity-0.1.11u;k[" 1.4.0i"integrityU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.11u: Time D["3The easy and fun Continuous Integration serverU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"do_sqlite3:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rr; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " builder; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "uuidtools; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.9.11; "data_mapper; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "sinatra-authorization; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0; " haml; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " sinatra; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "bcrypt-ruby; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mocha; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " webrat; @~;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "jeremymcanally-pending; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " thor; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "dm-sweatshop; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " json; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "foca-storyteller; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "jeremymcanally-matchy; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ParseTree; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "jeremymcanally-context; @;F00["Nicolás Sanguinetti"Simon Rozet"IYour Friendly Continuous Integration server. Easy, fun and painless!0T" ruby[["bc-htmlful-0.0.9u;[" 1.4.0i"bc-htmlfulU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.9u: Time D"Form dynamic fieldsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Duarte Henriques"Vasco Andrade e Silva"Form dynamic fields0T" ruby[["ja_test_gem-0.0.1u;%[" 1.4.0i"ja_test_gemU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "this gems is just a testU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jon Allured"ti wanted a gem where i could try a couple things out because i'm new to gem development, so that's what this is0T" ruby[["hellotxt-1.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i" hellotxtU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.4u: Time e"HelloTxt (http://hellotxtU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.1: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.0; "bones-git; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.5.1; " bones; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.9; " rcov; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.0; "bones-rspec; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.9; " mocha; @Q;F00["Kevin Williams"HelloTxt (http://hellotxt.com) is a simple service that makes updating your social networks a snap, and this is it's Ruby library.0T" ruby[["SgfParser-0.9.0u;[" 1.4.0i"SgfParserU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.0u: Time ď"*A library for working with SGF files.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Aldric Giacomoni"PSGFParser is a library that parses and saves SGF (Smart Game Format) files.0T" ruby[["gettext_activerecord-2.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"gettext_activerecordU:Gem::Version[" 2.1.0u: Time i"CLocalization support for ActiveRecord by Ruby-GetText-Package.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.0: @name" gettext:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.2; "activerecord; @);F00["Masao Mutoh"CLocalization support for ActiveRecord by Ruby-GetText-Package.0T" ruby[["easy_nils-0.0.2u;z[" 1.4.0i"easy_nilsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time ď"DAbridge compound conditional statements to a single expression.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.6: @name"meta_programming:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jeff Patmon"Simpler nil handling.0T" ruby[["peaty-0.3.0u;x[" 1.4.0i" peatyU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time %"'Pivotal Tracker API ImplementationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["1.5.0.pre6: @name" jeweler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rest-client; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.1.2; " builder; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;["; " nokogiri; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.7.8; "yajl-ruby; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.1; "activesupport; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "yajl-ruby; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.1; "activesupport; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.5.0.pre6; " jeweler; @~;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rails_code_qa; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "yajl-ruby; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.0.1; "xml_to_json; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.1.0; " rspec; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "nokogiri-happymapper; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rails_code_qa; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " nokogiri; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " builder; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.1.0; " rspec; @;F00["Matt Todd"4Just another Pivotal Tracker API Implementation0T" ruby[["mailit-2011.01.27u;[" 1.4.0i" mailitU:Gem::Version["2011.01.27u: Time e"#The simple way to create mailsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" Michael 'manveru' Fellinger"0T" ruby[["webri-1.2.1u;7[" 1.4.0i" webriU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.1u: Time ď"Ruby Docs that *POP*!U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["(Thomas Sawyer "wWebRI is an RDoc template system with a number of built-in templates. It also includes a Webrick-based RI browser.0T" ruby[["serialist-1.6.0u; [" 1.4.0i"serialistU:Gem::Version[" 1.6.0u: Time "DSerialize any data, set and fetch it like any column attributesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Benoit Bénézech"DSerialize any data, set and fetch it like any column attributes0T" ruby[["Cselenium-webdriver-rails-support-via-monkeypatch.gemspec-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"=selenium-webdriver-rails-support-via-monkeypatch.gemspecU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time $"hQuick monkeypatch to add support for Rails to selenium-webdriver (0.0.28) ... should be fixed soon!U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" remi"hQuick monkeypatch to add support for Rails to selenium-webdriver (0.0.28) ... should be fixed soon!0T" ruby[["rescik-0.6.0u;[" 1.4.0i" rescikU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.0u: Time %"&REST API docummentation generatorU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Ignacy Moryc"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Miao Jiang"+simple and quick package for ruby-gtk20T" ruby[["debugprint-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"debugprintU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time d\"KEasy debug() and info() methods for Kernel that use $VERBOSE and $INFOU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Ben Giddings"0T" ruby[["pool-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i" poolU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time DZ"6Pool is a generalized object pool implementation.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" trans "- George Moschovitis""- Trans "Pool is a generalized object pool implementation. Implemented as a thread safe stack. Exclusive locking is needed both for push and pop.0T" ruby[["kuler-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" kulerU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "^Kuler is a fun little webapp that allows you to discover, explore, and share color themesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.3: @name"rubyforge:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.0; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.9.8; " mocha; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.4.1; " nokogiri; @=;F00["Ben Bleything"Kuler is a fun little webapp that allows you to discover, explore, and share color themes. This is a Ruby library to access the Kuler service. To use Kuler, you'll need an API key, which you can obtain from Adobe at http://kuler.adobe.com/api0T" ruby[["osmlib-base-0.1.4u;P[" 1.4.0i"osmlib-baseU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time R"2Library for basic OpenStreetMap data handlingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jochen Topf"Basic support for OpenStreetMap data model (Nodes, Ways, Relations and Tags). Parsing of OSM XML files. Access to OpenStreetMap API.0T" ruby[["ingamer_raws-2.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"ingamer_rawsU:Gem::Version[" 2.0.2u: Time ģ"CInterface classes for the Amazon EC2, SQS, and S3 Web ServicesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.6: @name"ingamer_rhc:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["RightScale" Inc."/Slight repackaging of RightScale right_aws0T" ruby[["acts_as_acts_as-0.0.6u;[" 1.4.0i"acts_as_acts_asU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.6u: Time "(Testing harness for acts_as pluginsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" phinze"nGenerate temporary tables and models, specify defined and required methods, all sorts of fun stuff!0T" ruby[["bixbite-0.1.3u;![" 1.4.0i" bixbiteU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time ";A project initializer for dynamic to static publishingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.1: @name"yui-compressor:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.1; " highline; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.5; "closure-compiler; @3;F00["Richard Herrera"Lenny Burdette"FBixbite is a project initializer for dynamic to static publishing0T" ruby[["unify-0.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i" unifyU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.0u: Time eh"does the right thingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Wesley Beary"simple web frameworkings0T" ruby[["syncache-1.0.0u;? [" 1.4.0i" syncacheU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time Đ"7SynCache is a thread-safe time-limited cache with flexible replacement policy and ability to wrap generation of expensive cache entries in synchronized blocks. SynCache was used in the Samizdat open publishing engine since 2005, and now it's released as a stand-alone module ready for use in other applications.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Dmitry Borodaenko"David Czarnecki"RSynCache::Cache stores cached objects in a Hash that is protected by an advanced two-level locking mechanism. Two-level locking ensures that: * Multiple threads can add and fetch objects in parallel without stepping on each other's toes. * While one thread is working on a cache entry, other threads can access the rest of the cache with no waiting on the global lock, no race conditions nor deadlock or livelock situations. * While one thread is performing a long and resource-intensive operation, other threads that request the same data with fetch_or_add() method will be put on hold, and as soon as the first thread completes the operation, the result will be returned to all threads. Without this feature, a steady stream of requests with less time between them than it takes to complete one request can easily bury a server under an avalanche of threads all wasting resources on the same expensive operation. When number of cache entries exceeds the size limit, the least recently accessed entries are replaced with new data. This replacement strategy is controlled by the SynCache::CacheEntry class and can be changed by overriding its replacement_index() method. Cache entries are automatically invalidated when their ttl (time to live) is exceeded. Entries can be explicitly invalidated by flush() method. The method can use === operator to compare cache keys against flush base (so that base can be e.g. a Regexp), and invalidates all entries when invoked without the base parameter. The flush_delay initialization option allows to limit cache's flush rate. When this option is set, SynCache will make sure that at least this many seconds (it can also be a fraction) pass between two flushes. When extra flushes are requested, invalidation of flushed entries is postponed until earliest time when next flush is allowed. 0T" ruby[["shield-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i" shieldU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time E";Generic authentication protocol for rack applications.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"rack-test:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " cutest; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " sinatra; @3;F00["Michel Martens"Damian Janowski"Cyril David" Provides all the protocol you need in order to do authentication on your rack application. The implementation specifics can be found in http://github.com/cyx/shield-contrib 0T" ruby[["refuge-0.1.4u;[" 1.4.0i" refugeU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time $"8Sandboxing toolchain for the D Programming LanguageU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.5: @name" log4r:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" Christopher Nicholson-Sauls"A tool for creating and managing sandboxed D Progamming Language projects, including automated builds and package based tool/library availability.0T" ruby[["protected_parent-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"protected_parentU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time %"NProtect a parent record from deletion when it has specified child recordsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.1: @name" jeweler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">U;[" 1.2.3; " rspec; @Q;F00["Tim Harvey"Dmitry Lihachev"fStops the deletion of an ActiveRecord object when members of a specified child association exist.0T" ruby[["plugin-loader-0.4.0u;i[" 1.4.0i"plugin-loaderU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.0u: Time "6Library for creating extensible ruby applicationsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " dbus; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " escape; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " gettext; @=;F00["David Green"plugin-loader can be used to extend a program written in ruby by using plugins. Plugins can be written in ruby or can be external resources.0T" ruby[["gyruby-0.1.3u;[" 1.4.0i" gyrubyU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time "LA ruby binding for the Gyration FiireChief remote control for LinuxMCE.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Martin Kihlgren"0T" ruby[["twitter-text-1.3.1u;j[" 1.4.0i"twitter-textU:Gem::Version[" 1.3.1u: Time ""Twitter text handling libraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"actionpack:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "simplecov; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " nokogiri; @G;F00[ "Matt Sanford"Patrick Ewing"Ben Cherry"Britt Selvitelle"Raffi Krikorian"2A gem that provides text handling for Twitter0T" ruby[["samgranieri-haml-2.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i"samgranieri-hamlU:Gem::Version[" 2.3.0u: Time g"jAn elegant, structured XHTML/XML templating engine. Comes with Sass, a similar CSS templating engine.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.3: @name" yard:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.9; " maruku; @);F00["Nathan Weizenbaum"Hampton Catlin"Sam Granieri" Haml (HTML Abstraction Markup Language) is a layer on top of XHTML or XML that's designed to express the structure of XHTML or XML documents in a non-repetitive, elegant, easy way, using indentation rather than closing tags and allowing Ruby to be embedded with ease. It was originally envisioned as a plugin for Ruby on Rails, but it can function as a stand-alone templating engine. 0T" ruby[["nexus_parser-1.1.3u; [" 1.4.0i"nexus_parserU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.3u: Time $"AA Nexus file format (phylogenetic inference) parser in Ruby.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["mjy"?A full featured and extensible Nexus file parser in Ruby. 0T" ruby[["seo_meta_builder-0.1.1u;Z[" 1.4.0i"seo_meta_builderU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "GManage easily your meta titles and descriptions with Ruby On RailsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Guillaume Luccisano"rSeo Meta Builder is a plugin for Ruby on Rails that lets you easily manage your meta titles and descriptions.0T" ruby[["resumator-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"resumatorU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time Ĕ"5Programmatically create and maintain your resumeU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Joshua Priddle"5Programmatically create and maintain your resume0T" ruby[["e-meter-gom-daemon-0.2.2u;5[" 1.4.0i"e-meter-gom-daemonU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.2u: Time %"e-meter GOM sensor daemonU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["art+com/dirk luesebrink"p Periodically polling the t-gallery e-meter and updating its GOM sensor node accordingly. 0T" ruby[["beer-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" beerU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "'Formulas and Tools for HomebrewingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Caleb Phillips"0T" ruby[["paper_trail-1.6.4u;[" 1.4.0i"paper_trailU:Gem::Version[" 1.6.4u: Time e"JTrack changes to your models' data. Good for auditing or versioning.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 0.8.7: @name" rake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.0; " bundler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2.3; "activesupport; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.10.3; " shoulda; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.2; "sqlite3-ruby; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["2.3; "activerecord; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["2.3; "actionpack; @[;F00["Andy Stewart"JTrack changes to your models' data. Good for auditing or versioning.0T" ruby[["map_fields-1.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"map_fieldsU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.3u: Time "ZRails plugin to allow a user to map the fields of a CSV to an expected list of fieldsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Andrew Timberlake"0T" ruby[["servolux-0.9.6u;7[" 1.4.0i" servoluxU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.6u: Time E"Serv-O-Lux is a collection of Ruby classes that are useful for daemon and process management, and for writing your own Ruby services.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.0: @name"bones-rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.3; " logging; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.2; "bones-git; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.5.4; " bones; @=;F00["Tim Pease"Serv-O-Lux is a collection of Ruby classes that are useful for daemon and process management, and for writing your own Ruby services. The code is well documented and tested. It works with Ruby and JRuby supporing both 1.8 and 1.9 interpreters.0T" ruby[["ruote-redis-2.1.11u;A[" 1.4.0i"ruote-redisU:Gem::Version[" 2.1.11u: Time ģ"5Redis storage for ruote (a ruby workflow engine)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.5: @name" redis:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " jeweler; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.11; " ruote; @G;F00["John Mettraux"5Redis storage for ruote (a ruby workflow engine)0T" ruby[["rubypost-0.0.7u;}[" 1.4.0i" rubypostU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.7u: Time "3Ruby wrapper for the MetaPost drawing languageU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Robby McKilliam" rubypost is a wrapper for the metapost plotting language. It's primary focus is making graphs from ruby data that are suitable for inclusion in Latex documents. 0T" ruby[["network-facade-0.4u;@[" 1.4.0i"network-facadeU:Gem::Version["0.4u: Time "#Object-oriented network facadeU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0: @name"xmlobject:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Florent Solt"0T" ruby[["bingoint-0.1.0u; [" 1.4.0i" bingointU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time %l"=Convert Integers into their Bingo equivalent. No really.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Alex Neill"=Convert Integers into their Bingo equivalent. No really.0T" ruby[["glennr-recaptcha-0.2.4u;[" 1.4.0i"glennr-recaptchaU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.4u: Time n""Helpers for the reCAPTCHA APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jason L. Perry"Glenn Roberts"4This plugin adds helpers for the reCAPTCHA API 0T" ruby[["sinatra-jsonp-0.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i"sinatra-jsonpU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time d"$JSONP output helper for SinatraU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["1.4: @name"json_pure:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.0; " sinatra; @);F00["Serg Podtynnyi"$JSONP output helper for Sinatra0T" ruby[["rubigen-1.5.6u;T[" 1.4.0i" rubigenU:Gem::Version[" 1.5.6u: Time %"A framework to allow Ruby applications to generate file/folder stubs (like the `rails` command does for Ruby on Rails, and the 'script/generate' command within a Rails application during development).U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" i18n:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.8.0; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " hoe-git; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.10.3; " shoulda; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.8; " mocha; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.5; "activesupport; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "hoe; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " newgem; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.2; " cucumber; @o;F00["Dr Nic Williams"Jeremy Kemper"A framework to allow Ruby applications to generate file/folder stubs (like the `rails` command does for Ruby on Rails, and the 'script/generate' command within a Rails application during development).0T" ruby[["mongo-find_replace-0.18.3u;S[" 1.4.0i"mongo-find_replaceU:Gem::Version[" 0.18.3u: Time e"NRuby driver for the MongoDB implementing find_replace mongo 1.3.0 featureU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jim Menard"Mike Dirolf"]A Ruby driver for MongoDB. For more information about Mongo, see http://www.mongodb.org.0T" ruby[["beet-0.6.9u;D[" 1.4.0i" beetU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.9u: Time $"2A gem to help with easily generating projectsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.14.0: @name" thor:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jack Dempsey"0T" ruby[["stylish-0.1.4u;[" 1.4.0i" stylishU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time $O"Write CSS with RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Benedict Eastaugh"9A Ruby library for generating cascading stylesheets.0T" ruby[["smpdtfmt-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" smpdtfmtU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time D"=formatting a Time to the japanese time string using ICU.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["winebarrel"0T" ruby[["rublique-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i" rubliqueU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time e"Rublique monitors object lifetimes across various code sections, outputting a logfile of object deltas which can be used to generate CSV files of object use over timeU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.0: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Tony Arcieri"0T" ruby[["rawline-0.3.1u; [" 1.4.0i" rawlineU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.1u: Time H"SA library for defining custom key bindings and perform line editing operationsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.0: @name" highline:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Fabio Cevasco"RawLine can be used to define custom key bindings, perform common line editing operations, manage command history and define custom command completion rules.0T" ruby[["cloby-0.0.1u;$[" 1.4.0i" clobyU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time %"FClojure-based transactional semantics for Ruby instance variablesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Charles Oliver Nutter"FClojure-based transactional semantics for Ruby instance variables0T" ruby[["!universe-rails-testing-0.1.1u;/[" 1.4.0i"universe-rails-testingU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time e"'gem install universe-rails-testingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"populator:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "factory_girl; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "universe-rack-testing; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rspec-rails; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "object_daddy; @G;F00["Konstantin Haase"0T" ruby[["sitefuel-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" sitefuelU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time E"OA lightweight framework for processing, optimizing, and deploying websitesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["2.2: @name" haml:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.0; " cssmin; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0.8; " hpricot; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.0; " jsmin; @=;F00["wkm"SiteFuel is a Ruby program and lightweight API for processing the source code behind your static and dynamic websites. SiteFuel can remove comments and unneeded whitespace from your CSS, HTML, and JavaScript files (as well as fragments in RHTML and PHP) files. It can also losslessly compress your PNG and JPEG images. SiteFuel can also deploy your website from SVN or GIT. Support for more formats and repositories is planned for future versions. 0T" ruby[["riscos-0.1.5u;J[" 1.4.0i" riscosU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.5u: Time dT"]Provides a common easy to use interface to talk to Cisco Pix, ASA, FWSM and Cisco CSSes.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Paul Voccio"^Provides a common easy to use interface to talk to Cisco Pix, ASA, FWSM and Cisco CSSes. 0T" ruby[["giraffe-0.0.1u;c[" 1.4.0i" giraffeU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "Rails template graphingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"ruby-graphviz:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Richard Livsey"1Generate graphs of your Rails app's partials0T" ruby[["sundae-0.9.2u;][" 1.4.0i" sundaeU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.2u: Time O"DMix collections of files while maintaining complete separation.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"configatron:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.12.2; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.12.2; "hoe; @3;F00["Don"Mix collections of files while maintaining complete separation. Synchronize any combination of your documents and configuration settings between all of your computers.0T" ruby[["resque-loner-0.1.3u;[" 1.4.0i"resque-lonerU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time E"Adds unique jobs to resqueU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["1.0: @name" resque:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @);F00["Jannis Hermanns"Makes sure that for special jobs, there can be only one job with the same workload in one queue. Example: class CacheSweeper < Resque::Plugins::Loner::UniqueJob @queue = :cache_sweeps def self.perform(article_id) # Cache Me If You Can... end end 0T" ruby[["quilted-harvested-0.3.3u;[" 1.4.0i"quilted-harvestedU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.3u: Time "BA Ruby Wrapper for the Harvest API http://www.getharvest.com/U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" cucumber:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " fakeweb; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " builder; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ruby-debug; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " httparty; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "happymapper; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @[;F00["Zach Moazeni" Michelle Moon Lee (updated)"Harvested wraps the Harvest API concisely without the use of Rails dependencies. More information about the Harvest API can be found on their website (http://www.getharvest.com/api). For support hit up the Mailing List (http://groups.google.com/group/harvested)0T" ruby[["postful-0.3.1u;g[" 1.4.0i" postfulU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.1u: Time C"Postful Web-to-Mail ClientU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.2: @name" builder:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" Postful"Inc"6Postful client for mailing letters and postcards.0T" ruby[["colorant-0.1.3u;[" 1.4.0i" colorantU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time E"1Easily extract the colors of any image file!U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"color_namer:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " trollop; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " aruba; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.3; " bundler; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " cucumber; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "simplecov; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @[;F00["Josep M. Bach"Josep Jaume Rey"Oriol Gual"1Easily extract the colors of any image file!0T" ruby[["word_scoop-2.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"word_scoopU:Gem::Version[" 2.0.1u: Time ";WordScoop is a library that searching keyword in text.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.3: @name" newgem:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0; "hoe; @);F00["Tsukasa OISHI";WordScoop is a library that searching keyword in text.0T" ruby[["processr-0.9.6u;[" 1.4.0i" processrU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.6u: Time "%A simple text processing libraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Josh Nesbitt"Processr is a simple text processing and concatenation library. It takes a number of input strings (or files) and outputs a single string (or file) containing the result. Text can be passed through filters to modify the output.0T" ruby[[" logtrend-0.9.20101209201344u;[" 1.4.0i" logtrendU:Gem::Version["0.9.20101209201344u: Time %"xlogtrend - an event-driven log parser that watches logs in realtime, categorized traffic, and generates rrd graphs.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"eventmachine-tail:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rrd-ffi; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "eventmachine; @3;F00["Michael Gorsuch"logtrend is an HTTP log parser built on top of event machine, generating rrd graphs of usage matching patterns you define.0T" ruby[["hola2-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" hola2U:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time d" Hola!U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Andy Holman"A simple hello world gem0T" ruby[["heckle-1.4.3u; [" 1.4.0i" heckleU:Gem::Version[" 1.4.3u: Time V"0Heckle is unit test sadism(tm) at it's coreU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.6; "ruby2ruby; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0; "ParseTree; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.0; "hoe; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.5.2; " ZenTest; @G;F00["Ryan Davis"Eric Hodel"Kevin Clark"Heckle is unit test sadism(tm) at it's core. Heckle is a mutation tester. It modifies your code and runs your tests to make sure they fail. The idea is that if code can be changed and your tests don't notice, either that code isn't being covered or it doesn't do anything. It's like hiring a white-hat hacker to try to break into your server and making sure you detect it. You learn the most by trying to break things and watching the outcome in an act of unit test sadism.0T" ruby[["preheat-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i" preheatU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time "Keep your Rails.cache warmU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Tom Hallett"Keep your Rails.cache warm0T" ruby[["ankusa-0.0.8u;[" 1.4.0i" ankusaU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.8u: Time "NText classifier in Ruby that uses Hadoop's HBase or Cassandra for storageU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0: @name"fast-stemmer:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Brian Muller"4Text classifier with HBase or Cassandra storage0T" ruby[["concatenative-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"concatenativeU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time DN".A Ruby DSL for concatenative programming.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Fabio Cevasco"Concatenative can be used to program in Ruby using a concatenative syntax through ordinary arrays. Because of its high-level implementation, it is not nearly as fast as standard Ruby code.0T" ruby[["gio2-0.90.7u;w[" 1.4.0i" gio2U:Gem::Version[" 0.90.7u: Time %",Ruby/GIO2 is a Ruby binding of gio-2.x.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.90.7: @name" glib2:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["!The Ruby-GNOME2 Proejct Team",Ruby/GIO2 is a Ruby binding of gio-2.x.0T" ruby[["table_form_builder-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"table_form_builderU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time ")Table-based form builder for Rails 3U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Matthew Daubert"0T" ruby[["subwayrb-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" subwayrbU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time De"Subway classU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Daniel Roux"Testing gemcutter0T" ruby[["stonepath-0.6.3u;[" 1.4.0i"stonepathU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.3u: Time %"4Stonepath: stateful workflow modeling for railsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.2: @name"sentient_user:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.2.0; " aasm; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.0; "activerecord; @3;F00["David Bock")Stateful workflow modeling for Rails0T" ruby[["radiant-autotest-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"radiant-autotestU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time $X"-Autotest mappings for Radiant extensionsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.9.0; " ZenTest; @);F00["Josh French"+Autotest runner for Radiant extensions0T" ruby[["logworm_client_amqp-0.8.8u;`[" 1.4.0i"logworm_client_amqpU:Gem::Version[" 0.8.8u: Time "logworm client utilitiesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"ruby-hmac:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.3; " json; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.3; " json; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.9; "logworm_amqp; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.9; "logworm_amqp; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ruby-hmac; @Q;F00[" Pomelo"LLC"logworm client utilities0T" ruby[["bells-0.0.4u;v[" 1.4.0i" bellsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time D"-A collection of recipes for Capistrano 2U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.1: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Pat Nakajima"6== FEATURES/PROBLEMS: Currently contains recipes for: * Apache * Ruby on Rails * Mint * PHP * SSH keys * Aptitude package manager * Subversion * Ruby Gems In development: * (all of the above recipes) * MySQL * (more to come...) == SYNOPSIS: To view the additional tasks that bells brings, run: $ cap bells0T" ruby[["titlecase-0.1.1u;m[" 1.4.0i"titlecaseU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time f"6String methods to properly title case a headline.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Samuel Souder"titlecase is a set of methods on the Ruby String class to add title casing support as seen on Daring Fireball .0T" ruby[["midilib-2.0.0u;:[" 1.4.0i" midilibU:Gem::Version[" 2.0.0u: Time d"-MIDI file and event manipulation libraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jim Menard"~midilib is a pure Ruby MIDI library useful for reading and writing standard MIDI files and manipulating MIDI event data. 0T" ruby[["yammer4r-0.1.5u;@[" 1.4.0i" yammer4rU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.5u: Time o"Yammer access for rubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.7: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.5; " oauth; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.3; " mash; @3;F00["Jim Patterson"Jason Stewart"Peter Moran"Yammer4R provides an object based API to query or update your Yammer account via pure Ruby. It hides the ugly HTTP/REST code from your code.0T" ruby[["rdfobjects-pho-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"rdfobjects-phoU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time " RDFObjects/Pho integration.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"rdfobjects:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rdfobjects-changeset; @);F00["Ross Singer"5A bridge to more easily use RDFObjects with Pho.0T" ruby[["editable-image-0.25u;[" 1.4.0i"editable-imageU:Gem::Version[" 0.25u: Time D "5Simplified interface to web-based image editors.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.15: @name"mime-types:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["TJ Stankus"5Simplified interface to web-based image editors.0T" ruby[["jwagener-nokogiri-1.4.1u;c[" 1.4.0i"jwagener-nokogiriU:Gem::Version[" 1.4.1u: Time $";Nokogiri (鋸) is an HTML, XML, SAX, and Reader parserU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.5.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " racc; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.0; "gemcutter; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rake-compiler; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.3; "rubyforge; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rexical; @Q;F00["Aaron Patterson"Mike Dalessio"Nokogiri (鋸) is an HTML, XML, SAX, and Reader parser. Among Nokogiri's many features is the ability to search documents via XPath or CSS3 selectors. XML is like violence - if it doesn’t solve your problems, you are not using enough of it.0T" ruby[["cotta-1.0.0u; [" 1.4.0i" cottaU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time V"6A project for a better file operation API in RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Shane Duan"Ia lightweight, simple and sensible API to file operation and testing0T" ruby[["relative-1.0.3u;L[" 1.4.0i" relativeU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.3u: Time %"The relative library enhances Ruby's core and standard libraries to support naming, opening, and reading files relative to the Ruby file currently being interpreted (the contents of the __ FILE __ identifier)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.5.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.3; "rubyforge; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.0; "gemcutter; @3;F00["DesigningPatterns"The relative library enhances Ruby's core and standard libraries to support naming, opening, and reading files relative to the Ruby file currently being interpreted (the contents of the __ FILE __ identifier). This functionality is especially useful in embedded Ruby (eruby, erb, erubis, etc.) where absolute paths or paths relative to the interpreter's current working directory are problematic (due to file system structures and working directories varying across platforms and web servers).0T" ruby[["rack-mlog-0.0.0u;h[" 1.4.0i"rack-mlogU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.0u: Time "IA rack middleware to log each HTTP request onto a MongoDB collectionU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mongo; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.1; " jeweler; @G;F00["Kyle Fuller"IA rack middleware to log each HTTP request onto a MongoDB collection0T" ruby[["icmp4em-0.0.2u;>[" 1.4.0i" icmp4emU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time dL"@Asynchronous implementation of ICMP ping using EventMachineU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"eventmachine:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jake Douglas"Asynchronous implementation of ICMP ping using EventMachine. Can be used to ping many hosts at once in a non-blocking fashion, with callbacks for success, timeout, and host failure/recovery based on specified threshold numbers.0T" ruby[["piggly-1.2.1u;c[" 1.4.0i" pigglyU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.1u: Time Ď" PL/pgSQL code coverage toolU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" treetop:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Kyle Putnam"7PostgreSQL PL/pgSQL stored procedure code coverage0T" ruby[["picolena-0.2.2u;[" 1.4.0i" picolenaU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.2u: Time E"^Picolena is a lightweight ferret-powered documents search engine written in Ruby on railsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.4; " rubigen; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.1; "paginator; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.12; " rspec; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.12; "rspec-rails; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.2.2; " rails; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.1; " rubyzip; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.7; " haml; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.11.5; " ferret; @y;F00["Eric Duminil"^Picolena is a lightweight ferret-powered documents search engine written in Ruby on rails0T" ruby[["cassandra-model-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"cassandra-modelU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time ""Minimal models for Cassandra.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"cassandra:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @);F00[" Tien Le"Cassandra-model allows you to map ColumnFamily/SuperColumnFamily in Cassandra to Ruby objects. It was designed to be fast and simple.0T" ruby[["bayes_motel-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"bayes_motelU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "#Bayesian classification engineU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Mike Perham"Whttp://www.mikeperham.com/2010/04/28/bayes_motel-bayesian-classification-for-ruby/0T" ruby[["genki-newrelic_rpm-2.10.1u;[" 1.4.0i"genki-newrelic_rpmU:Gem::Version[" 2.10.1u: Time eh"0New Relic Ruby Performance Monitoring AgentU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Bill Kayser"0New Relic Ruby Performance Monitoring Agent0T" ruby[["fdv-actionwebservice-2.3.8u;[" 1.4.0i"fdv-actionwebserviceU:Gem::Version[" 2.3.8u: Time d")Web service support for Action Pack.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 2.3.8: @name"actionpack:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.3.8; "activerecord; @);F00["Leon Breedt"Kent Sibilev"BAdds WSDL/SOAP and XML-RPC web service support to Action Pack0T" ruby[["magic-0.2.6u;[" 1.4.0i" magicU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.6u: Time ";Determine file type and encoding using "magic" numbersU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.3: @name"ffi:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["2.0; "test-unit; @);F00["Jakub Kuźma""Ruby FFI bindings to libmagic0T" ruby[["stuzo-recipes-0.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i"stuzo-recipesU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time k"MTasty Capistrano and Rake recipes for use in php projects at Stuzo GroupU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jesse McPherson"MTasty Capistrano and Rake recipes for use in php projects at Stuzo Group0T" ruby[["rbabel-0.2u;R[" 1.4.0i" rbabelU:Gem::Version["0.2u: Time "#Automatic language translationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" hpricot:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Sharon Rosner"#Automatic language translation0T" ruby[["belly-0.5.7u;,[" 1.4.0i" bellyU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.7u: Time D"FClient app for the incredible new belly web service, coming soon.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" cucumber:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rest-client; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " trollop; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @=;F00["Matt Wynne"FClient app for the incredible new belly web service, coming soon.0T" ruby[["h5-min-0.2.2u;[" 1.4.0i" h5-minU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.2u: Time e"Minify HTML5U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 4.1.0; "htmlentities; @3;F00["Run Paint Run Run"3Trivial command-line minifier for HTML5 markup0T" ruby[["mini_token-1.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"mini_tokenU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.0u: Time "Simple token generatorU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.1: @name"sqlite3-ruby:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.16.0; " sequel; @);F00["Antonio Roberto Silva":Generate simple tokens for short url and other things0T" ruby[["async_observer-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"async_observerU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "Async ObserverU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Kristján Pétursson"TAsync Observer is a Rails plugin that provides deep integration with Beanstalk.0T" ruby[["collective-data-0.0.6u;[" 1.4.0i"collective-dataU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.6u: Time $"KThis gem allows access to the data portal of CollectiveData from ruby.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" cucumber:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Keith Gaddis"KThis gem allows access to the data portal of CollectiveData from ruby.0T" ruby[["stylist-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i" stylistU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time "7Powerful stylesheet management for your Rails app.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["2.3: @name" rails:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @);F00["Tisho Georgiev"Stylist provides powerful stylesheet management for your Rails app. You can organize your CSS files by media, add, remove or prepend stylesheets in the stylesheets stack from your controllers and views, and process them using Less or Sass. And as if that wasn't awesome enough, you can even minify them using YUI Compressor and bundle them into completely incomprehensible, but bandwidth-friendly mega-stylesheets.0T" ruby[["spk-anemone-0.4.0u;o[" 1.4.0i"spk-anemoneU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.0u: Time $"!Anemone web-spider frameworkU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.2: @name" robots:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.1; " nokogiri; @);F00["Chris Kite"0T" ruby[["shin-faraday-0.4.7u;[" 1.4.0i"shin-faradayU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.7u: Time d"!HTTP/REST API client libraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.1: @name"addressable:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.1; " rack; @);F00[" rick"Cyril Mougel";HTTP/REST API client library with pluggable components0T" ruby[[""gotime-cassandra_object-0.7.4u;[" 1.4.0i"gotime-cassandra_objectU:Gem::Version[" 0.7.4u: Time "Cassandra ActiveModelU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.1; " jeweler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["3; "activemodel; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "cassandra; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " nokogiri; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["3; "activesupport; @e;F00["Michael Koziarski" grantr"Cassandra ActiveModel0T" ruby[["to_html_fraction-0.2.0u;x[" 1.4.0i"to_html_fractionU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time D"0Convert fractional floats to html fractionsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Torey Heinz"0Convert fractional floats to html fractions0T" ruby[["terminal-table-1.4.2u; [" 1.4.0i"terminal-tableU:Gem::Version[" 1.4.2u: Time Ł"8Simple, feature rich ascii table generation libraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["TJ Holowaychuk"8Simple, feature rich ascii table generation library0T" ruby[["svg-graph-1.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"svg-graphU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time Dc"Gem version of SVG:::GraphU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.3: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Sean Russell"Claudio Bustos"Gem version of SVG:::Graph. SVG:::Graph is a pure Ruby library for generating charts, which are a type of graph where the values of one axis are not scalar. SVG::Graph has a verry similar API to the Perl library SVG::TT::Graph, and the resulting charts also look the same. This isn't surprising, because SVG::Graph started as a loose port of SVG::TT::Graph, although the internal code no longer resembles the Perl original at all.0T" ruby[["render_component-3.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i"render_componentU:Gem::Version[" 3.0.4u: Time %"Drender actions in other controllers for their rendered responseU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0: @name" bundler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.0; " railties; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.2; " jeweler; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @G;F00["David Heinemeier Hansson"jComponents allow you to call other actions for their rendered response while executing another action0T" ruby[["content_engine-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"content_engineU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time e"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"rdiscount:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "formtastic; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "will_paginate; @=;F00["Taylor Luk"$Extracted from shop2, site-rest0T" ruby[["i18n_yaml_sorter-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"i18n_yaml_sorterU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time e"gA I18n YAML deep sorter that will keep your locales organized and not screw up your text formatingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Bernardo de Pádua" Allows you to deep sort YAML files that are mainly composed of nested hashes and string values. Great to sort your rails I18n YAML files. You can easily add it to a textmate bundle, rake task, or just use the included regular comand line tool. 0T" ruby[["kissgen-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i" kissgenU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time % "A Simple Code GeneratorU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Lance Carlson"A Simple Code Generator0T" ruby[["weather-underground-1.0.0u;e[" 1.4.0i"weather-undergroundU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time ʼn"=Modules for interacting with Weather Underground websiteU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.0: @name"gemcutter:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.5.0; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.3; "rubyforge; @3;F00["Sean Dague"Modules for interacting with Weather Underground website. Right now the focus is on the data upload for their personal weather station reporting interface.0T" ruby[["use0mk-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i" use0mkU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "8Ruby interface for the 0.mk URL shortening service.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Stojan Dimitrovski"8Ruby interface for the 0.mk URL shortening service.0T" ruby[["tworgy-rails-ext-0.1.7u;[" 1.4.0i"tworgy-rails-extU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.7u: Time g"-Rails extentions found to be quite handyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Mat Holroyd"0T" ruby[["term-extract-0.5.1u;[" 1.4.0i"term-extractU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.1u: Time "+Provides term extraction functionalityU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.2; " jeweler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rbtagger; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @G;F00[" rattle"0T" ruby[["rbpar-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i" rbparU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time %"/A program for managing pargraph formattingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Ismo Puustinen"0T" ruby[["powcloud-sprinkle-0.3.4u;0[" 1.4.0i"powcloud-sprinkleU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.4u: Time ".Ruby DSL based software provisioning toolU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.5.5: @name"capistrano:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.2; "activesupport; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.0; " highline; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @=;F00["Marcus Crafter"Powcloud Team".Ruby DSL based software provisioning tool0T" ruby[["openid_mongodb_store-0.2.3u;[" 1.4.0i"openid_mongodb_storeU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.3u: Time $"An adaptor for storing OpenID nonces and associations with Mongo. Uses 10gen's Mongo Ruby library so should work with MongoMapper, Mongoid, and others.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" yard:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.3; " mongo; @);F00["Sam Schenkman-Moore"0Like the ActiveRecord Store, but for Mongo.0T" ruby[["as3-1.0.4.preu;e[" 1.4.0i"as3U:Gem::Version["1.0.4.preu: Time d"6Project Generator for an ActionScript 3.0 projectU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mocha; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["3.5.0.pre; " flex3sdk; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["10.1.2.pre; "flashplayer; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.0.11.pre; " sprout; @G;F00["Luke Bayes"@This is the project generator for ActionScript 3.0 projects0T" ruby[["wildcard-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" wildcardU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time %"EA ruby library to expand wildcard string like shell command lineU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" maiha"EA ruby library to expand wildcard string like shell command line0T" ruby[["utf8proc-1.1.5u;[" 1.4.0i" utf8procU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.5u: Time e"$UTF-8 Unicode string processingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" Public Software Group e. V." Berlin" Germany"0T" ruby[["savon-xaop-;O[" 1.4.0i"savon-xaopU:Gem::Version[" Time ")Heavy metal Ruby SOAP client libraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.4: @name" crack:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.7; " mocha; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.2; " builder; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.8; " rspec; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.1; "ntlm-http; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.7; " fakeweb; @Q;F00["Daniel Harrington"0T" ruby[["naver-0.3.2u;[" 1.4.0i" naverU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.2u: Time e-"Ruby Gem for Naver OpenAPIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.2: @name"libxml-ruby:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.2; "libxml-ruby; @);F00["Hyunwoo Park"Ruby Gem for Naver OpenAPI0T" ruby[["opendsl-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i" opendslU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time %"The ultimate DSL.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Thomas Sawyer"-OpenDSL is like the ultimate DSL system.0T" ruby[["hobofields-1.1.0.pre3u;[" 1.4.0i"hobofieldsU:Gem::Version["1.1.0.pre3u: Time "7Rich field types and migration generator for RailsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.2.2["=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Matthias Hennemeyer"3Add explicit dependencies to your Rails tests.0T" ruby[["spree_auth-0.40.2u;[" 1.4.0i"spree_authU:Gem::Version[" 0.40.2u: Time %"KProvides authentication and authorization services for use with Spree.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 0.40.2: @name"spree_core:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.3.3; " cancan; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.2.rc; " devise; @3;F00["Sean Schofield""Required dependancy for Spree0T" ruby[["sheller-0.0.5u;{[" 1.4.0i" shellerU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time "4Simplified, unified interface to shell commandsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.4: @name" POpen4:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Duncan Beevers"4Simplified, unified interface to shell commands0T" ruby[["(ryandotsmith-asf-soap-adapter-1.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i""ryandotsmith-asf-soap-adapterU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.3u: Time "~ASF-Soap-Adapter is an improved version of the ActiveSalesforce (ASF) Adapter with support Chatter and general wrapper object.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 0.4.4: @name" oauth:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.2; " hpricot; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.4; " builder; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.8.4; " facets; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.0; "rforce-raygao; @G;F00["Ryan Smith"Doug Chasman"Luigi Montanez"Senthil Nayagam"Justin Ball"Jesse Hallett"Andrew Freeberg"Blaine Schanfeldt"Matte Edens"Raymond Gao"yASF-Soap-Adapter is an improved version of ActiveSalesforce (ASF) is a Rails connection adapter that provides direct access to Salesforce.com hosted data and metadata via the ActiveRecord model layer. Objects, fields, and relationships are all auto surfaced as active record attributes and rels. It has been patched to V20 of the Web Services API and has support Chatter model.0T" ruby[["roll-1.2.0u;n[" 1.4.0i" rollU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.0u: Time "(Ruby Object-Oriented Library LedgerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Thomas Sawyer"Roll is a library manager for Ruby. Code repositories can be made visible to Ruby just by setting an environment variable. Rolls effectively trivializes Ruby package management.0T" ruby[["acts_as_interface-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"acts_as_interfaceU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "NEasily define abstract methods and callbacks for superclasses and modulesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.4: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.4; "activesupport; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.2; " jeweler; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @Q;F00["Philippe Huibonhoa"NEasily define abstract methods and callbacks for superclasses and modules0T" ruby[["zoomit-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i" zoomitU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time ".API wrapper for the Live Labs zoom.it APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rcov:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.5.0.pre3; " jeweler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["2.0.0.beta.22; " rspec; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.5; " webmock; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.1; " httparty; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.0; " hashie; @[;F00["Tobias Matthies".API wrapper for the Live Labs zoom.it API0T" ruby[["merb-builder-0.9.8u;[" 1.4.0i"merb-builderU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.8u: Time $".Merb plugin that provides Builder supportU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.8: @name"merb-core:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0; " builder; @);F00["Jonathan Younger".Merb plugin that provides Builder support0T" ruby[[" cgi_multipart_eof_fix-2.5.0u;[" 1.4.0i"cgi_multipart_eof_fixU:Gem::Version[" 2.5.0u: Time D"5Fix an exploitable bug in CGI multipart parsing.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Evan Weaver"5Fix an exploitable bug in CGI multipart parsing.0T" ruby[["labilerecord-0.0.11u; [" 1.4.0i"labilerecordU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.11u: Time P"J* Simple data access for dynamic data sets through postgres with rubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0: @name" newgem:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.0; "pg; @3;F00["Alan Da Costa"J* Simple data access for dynamic data sets through postgres with ruby0T" ruby[["star_searcher-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"star_searcherU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "'Simple Ruby client for Star SearchU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" httparty:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "thoughtbot-shoulda; @);F00["Jon Maddox"NSimple Ruby Client for Star Search - http://github.com/maddox/star-search0T" ruby[["site_map-0.3.5u;n[" 1.4.0i" site_mapU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.5u: Time d"SSiteMap provides a way to model out your site's views in a hierarchal fashion.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.10.2: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Collin Redding"0T" ruby[["attr-chain-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"attr-chainU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time T"Dattr_chain for chainable, single method attribute (get|setters)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Ben Schwarz"0T" ruby[["authentasaurus-0.8.6u;[" 1.4.0i"authentasaurusU:Gem::Version[" 0.8.6u: Time E"VRestful dynamic group/permission based authentication and authorization for RailsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[ "Omar Mekky"Kareem Diaa"Ramy Aboul Naga"Khaled Gomaa"tSimple and easy dynamic restful group/permission based authentication and authorization engine plugin for Rails0T" ruby[["cuke-patterns-0.1.6u;V[" 1.4.0i"cuke-patternsU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.6u: Time ŭ"^Makes cucumber step definitions more focused, understandable, searchable and awesomeable.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Brendan Baldwin"^Makes cucumber step definitions more focused, understandable, searchable and awesomeable.0T" ruby[["parallel-forkmanager-1.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"parallel-forkmanagerU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.0u: Time "/A simple parallel processing fork manager.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Nathan Patwardhan"0T" ruby[["!tm_syntax_highlighting-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"tm_syntax_highlightingU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time %k"/a gem to get syntaxhilight via ultravioletU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"ultraviolet:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Seivan Heidari"/a gem to get syntaxhilight via ultraviolet0T" ruby[["*sprout-as3mapprlib-src-library-0.85.1u;[[" 1.4.0i"#sprout-as3mapprlib-src-libraryU:Gem::Version[" 0.85.1u: Time g"Mappr is a service and application that combines images from Flickr with geolocational information. The Mappr ActionScript 3.0 API gives you access to Mappr's geo-tagged image data.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["0T" ruby[["abstract_auth-0.1.3u;r[" 1.4.0i"abstract_authU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time "A gem to safely provide external application resources with a coherent and configurable API to a host application's authentication procedures.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.1.1: @name"module_ext:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.8.7; " rake; @);F00["Ryan Cook"A gem to safely provide external application resources with a coherent and configurable API to a host application's authentication procedures.0T" ruby[["wpxml_parser-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"wpxml_parserU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time ĝ"*Convenient WordPress XML dump parser.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" nokogiri:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Maxim Chernyak"Convenient parser that provides a clean way to interact with wordpress's XML dump file in your ruby scripts, to make it easy to migrate away from WordPress anywhere else.0T" ruby[["uploadable_file-0.0.1u; [" 1.4.0i"uploadable_fileU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "SSimple wrapper around a Tempfile that adds content_type and original file nameU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.11.3: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.16; "mime-types; @);F00["Nick Zalabak"dUseful for file attachment (paperclip, attachment_fu, etc) outside your standard web frameworks0T" ruby[["sherb-1.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" sherbU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time e"-Unix Shell (SH) with Embedded Ruby (ERB)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Andrew Snow"-Unix Shell (SH) with Embedded Ruby (ERB)0T" ruby[["bvh-1.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"bvhU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time D"JA library for loading, modifying and saving BVH motion capture files.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["*Colin MacKenzie IV (sinisterchipmunk)"JA library for loading, modifying and saving BVH motion capture files.0T" ruby[["almaz-revelation-0.0.5u;[" 1.4.0i"almaz-revelationU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time Ę"Almaz is watching!U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" sinatra:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " timecop; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " json; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " redis; @=;F00[ "James Pozdena"Max Ogden"Andrew Kurtz"Dan Herrera"1Almaz is a ruby rack middleware redis logger0T" ruby[["immortalize-0.2.4u;[" 1.4.0i"immortalizeU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.4u: Time "-Restarts a specified process if it dies.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["BehindLogic"5Watch a specific process, restart it if it dies.0T" ruby[["gotempr-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" gotemprU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "gotempr-0.0.1U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Kit Plummer"3GoTemp! interface library for simple Ruby use.0T" ruby[["make_flagable-0.1.0u;![" 1.4.0i"make_flagableU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time g"HA Rails Plugin to add flagging functionality to any model you like.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" kgalli"HA Rails Plugin to add flagging functionality to any model you like.0T" ruby[["warnr-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i" warnrU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time "DNon-fatal rails 3 validations (ie, warnings rather than errors)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Daniel Heath"Ernr builds on the power of Rails 3 validations. It lets you use validations to identify situations which are warnings rather than errors. It also lets you define a callback on the model which is executed after save if there are any warnings. 0T" ruby[["vapir-firefox-1.7.2u;[" 1.4.0i"vapir-firefoxU:Gem::Version[" 1.7.2u: Time "7Library for automating the Firefox browser in RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.7.2; "vapir-common; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " json; @3;F00[" Ethan" Vapir-Firefox is a library to programatically drive the Firefox browser over the JSSH Firefox extension, exposing a simple-to-use and powerful API to make automated testing a simple and joyous affair. Forked from the Watir library. 0T" ruby[["cucumber2rspec-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"cucumber2rspecU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "'Convert Cucumber features to RSpecU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.2: @name"ruby2ruby:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.3; "ParseTree; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.11; " cucumber; @3;F00[" remi"'Convert Cucumber features to RSpec0T" ruby[["$google_static_maps_helper-1.3.5u;[" 1.4.0i"google_static_maps_helperU:Gem::Version[" 1.3.5u: Time "JThis gem provides a simple interface to the Google Static Maps V2 APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Thorbjørn Hermansen"KThis gem provides a simple interface to the Google Static Maps V2 API.0T" ruby[["noaa-0.2.4u;Y[" 1.4.0i" noaaU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.4u: Time "NRuby API for National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration weather dataU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.16: @name"mcmire-context:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.0; "jnunemaker-matchy; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.0; " geokit; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.7; " nokogiri; @=;F00["Mat Brown"NRuby API for National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration weather data0T" ruby[["tlb-testunit-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"tlb-testunitU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "tlb-testunit-0.1.1U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.1; " open4; @);F00["Janmejay Singh" Pavan KS"0TLB ruby implementation base, which provides support for load balancing tests written in test::unit. TLB_rb test suite is not bundled, please check http://github.com/test-load-balancer/tlb_rb for tests. Detailed configuration documentation can be found at https://github.com/test-load-balancer/tlb/wiki. 0T" ruby[["stub_factory-0.0.1u;h[" 1.4.0i"stub_factoryU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time ğ"'Simple stubbed factories for RspecU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["James Conroy-Finn"'Simple stubbed factories for Rspec0T" ruby[["sinatra_app_gen-0.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i"sinatra_app_genU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time d"TCreates a new Sinatra / Sequel or MongoMapper / RSpec / Cucumber / Bundler app.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.6: @name" aruba:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.9; " bundler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rubigen; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " jeweler; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0a; " rspec; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.2; " cucumber; @Q;F00["Jonathan Tron"Joseph Halter"Our default app template0T" ruby[["hoe-seattlerb-1.2.4u;r[" 1.4.0i"hoe-seattlerbU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.4u: Time E"Hoe plugins providing tasks used by seattle.rb including minitest, perforce, and email providing full front-to-back release/annouce automation.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0: @name" minitest:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.8.0; "hoe; @);F00["Ryan Davis"Hoe plugins providing tasks used by seattle.rb including minitest, perforce, and email providing full front-to-back release/annouce automation.0T" ruby[["wri-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"wriU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "Web-base RI browserU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" Trans "Webrick-based RI browser.0T" ruby[["startat-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" startatU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time ["8StartAt is a simple class for future code executionU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.2: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.2; "hoe; @);F00["Keith Watson"#StartAt is a simple class for future code execution. It is designed to execute a block of code at a specific point in time in the future. StartAt works by spawning a new thread, determining how long it must wait (in seconds) until the future date and time is reached, calling sleep with the exact number of seconds to wait, and then executing the code block. StartAt was derived from a script written to post schedule information to Twitter for a symposium. The schedule robot posted event details exactly five minutes in advance of the event.0T" ruby[["sproutcore-1.5.0.pre.3u;[" 1.4.0i"sproutcoreU:Gem::Version["1.5.0.pre.3u: Time E"WSproutCore is a platform for building native look-and-feel applications on the webU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.14.3: @name" thor:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.9.15; " extlib; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.6.6; " erubis; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.10.5; " compass; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.1; "BlueCloth; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.6.0; "gemcutter; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.4.0; " rspec; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.2.21; " less; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.12.10; "eventmachine; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.2.1; " rack; @~;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.2.7; " thin; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.4.6; "json_pure; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.24; " haml; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 4.2.3; " RedCloth; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.12.0; "chunky_png; @;F00[" Strobe" Inc." Apple Inc. and contributors"SproutCore is a platform for building native look-and-feel applications on the web. This Ruby library includes a copy of the SproutCore JavaScript framework as well as a Ruby-based build system called Abbot.0T" ruby[["perseus_match-0.0.7u;[" 1.4.0i"perseus_matchU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.7u: Time F"7Fuzzy string matching based on linguistic analysisU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.1: @name" unicode:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.0; "ruby-nuggets; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ruby-backports; @3;F00["Jens Wille"7Fuzzy string matching based on linguistic analysis0T" ruby[["cronedit-0.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i" croneditU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time e"3CronEdit is a Ruby editor library for crontab.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Viktor Zigo"0T" ruby[["mc-openid-0.0.4u;o[" 1.4.0i"mc-openidU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time %" summaryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 1.2.0: @name"ruby-openid-apps-discovery:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[ "Luis Flores"Juan Esparza"Rudy Sombillo"Sergio Figueroa"description0T" ruby[["bbcode-0.0.5u;[" 1.4.0i" bbcodeU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time M"A tool to beautify code.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["eiffel qiu"A tool to beautify code.0T" ruby[["flag_promotions-1.0.1u;|[" 1.4.0i"flag_promotionsU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time e"0This is a fake gem test aka flag_promotionsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.40.0: @name"spree_core:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Thomas Chan"/How does spree extension works. Now i know0T" ruby[["wakoopa-trample-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"wakoopa-trampleU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time n"YA fork of giraffesoft-trample with added functionality for sleeping between requestsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"rr:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "sevenwire-rest-client; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " jeweler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " log4r; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " thor; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @[;F00["James Golick"Wouter Broekhof"0T" ruby[["speccle-0.0.1u;n[" 1.4.0i" speccleU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time H"jwrapper for spec that colorizes iTerm window background to reflect spec pass/pend/fail (Mac OSX only)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["David Brady"tSpeccle - wrapper for spec that colorizes iTerm window background to reflect spec pass/pend/fail (Mac OSX only)0T" ruby[["rwdmovies-0.95u; [" 1.4.0i"rwdmoviesU:Gem::Version[" 0.95u: Time M"Drwdmovies application is a movie database using RubyWebDialogs.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Drwdmovies application is a movie database using RubyWebDialogs.0T" ruby[["pg_typecast-0.1.2u;v[" 1.4.0i"pg_typecastU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time "1Extensions to pg gem supporting typecasting.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.0: @name"pg:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Bharanee Rathna"1Extensions to pg gem supporting typecasting.0T" ruby[["dhun-0.8.2u;[" 1.4.0i" dhunU:Gem::Version[" 0.8.2u: Time ĕ"%Minimalist music player for OS XU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.12.10: @name"eventmachine:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.10.11; " riot; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.3; " growl; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.13; "ruby-mp3info; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.12.0; " thor; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.10; " daemons; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.0; "json_pure; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.10.5; "rr; @e;F00["Deepak Jois"0T" ruby[["cloudfiles-1.4.11u;[" 1.4.0i"cloudfilesU:Gem::Version[" 1.4.11u: Time "*A Ruby API into Rackspace Cloud FilesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.16: @name"mime-types:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.9.8; " mocha; @);F00["H. Wade Minter"Rackspace Hosting"5A Ruby version of the Rackspace Cloud Files API.0T" ruby[["google_analytics-1.1.5u;r[" 1.4.0i"google_analyticsU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.5u: Time DQ"N[Rails] Easily enable Google Analytics support in your Rails application.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "actionpack; @);F00["Graeme Mathieson"Rubaidh Ltd"By default this gem will output google analytics code forevery page automatically, if it's configured correctly.This is done by adding: Rubaidh::GoogleAnalytics.tracker_id = 'UA-12345-67' 0T" ruby[["bz2-0.2.2u;[" 1.4.0i"bz2U:Gem::Version[" 0.2.2u: Time ."U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.1: @name" newgem:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.1; " newgem; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0; "hoe; @=;F00["Tony Doan"0T" ruby[["usernamecheck-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"usernamecheckU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time el"8Checks username availability on many populer sites.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Elijah Miller"8Checks username availability on many populer sites.0T" ruby[["thumbshooter-0.1.5u;[" 1.4.0i"thumbshooterU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.5u: Time "*Generator for thumbshots of websites.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["2: @name" rmagick:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Julian Kornberger"FThumbshooter creates thumbshots of websites using webkit and qt4.0T" ruby[["ronary-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i" ronaryU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time %"5a simple conary proxy that masks poor exit codesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.1: @name" open4:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Mitch Williams"ta simple conary proxy that masks poor exit codes. See http://docs.rpath.com for more information about conary.0T" ruby[["rainpress-1.0u;p[" 1.4.0i"rainpressU:Gem::Version["1.0u: Time A"A CSS compressorU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" echoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " echoe; @);F00["Uwe L. Korn"Jeff Smick"A CSS compressor0T" ruby[[")auth_logic_user_session_helper-3.0.0u;O[" 1.4.0i"#auth_logic_user_session_helperU:Gem::Version[" 3.0.0u: Time "TConvenience methods for use with AuthLogic and Rails. :current_user, user? etc.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Brent Greeff"SConvenience methods for use with AuthLogic and Rails. :current_user, user? etc0T" ruby[["apiary-0.0.5u;[" 1.4.0i" apiaryU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time "5Convert your existing class into an EM-based APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"http_router:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " callsite; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " thin; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.0.0; " minitest; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.2.0; "parameters_extra; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "em-http-request; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "thin_async; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rack; @o;F00["Joshua Hull"6Convert your existing class into an EM-based API.0T" ruby[["haml_scaffold-1.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"haml_scaffoldU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.0u: Time $X"0Rails scaffolding with Haml rather than ERBU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.1: @name" newgem:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.1; " newgem; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.0; " mocha; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0; "hoe; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0; "hoe; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.6; " haml; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.2.2; "will_paginate; @[;F00["Norman Clarke"QRails scaffolding with Haml rather than ERB, and various other improvements.0T" ruby[["baretest-0.4.1u;[" 1.4.0i" baretestU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.1u: Time "A testframework that doesn’t stand in your way or forces you to learn a new language. Two methods is all that is required to know. If you need it, it provides you with all kinds of features to support you writing your tests.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Stefan Rusterholz"Baretest is a Testframework that tries to stay out of your way, but support you when you want it. In order to do so it has a load of features:0T" ruby[["ts-delayed-delta-1.1.1u;N[" 1.4.0i"ts-delayed-deltaU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.1u: Time "%Thinking Sphinx - Delayed DeltasU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " cucumber; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.6; "thinking-sphinx; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.4; "delayed_job; @G;F00["Pat Allan"=Manage delta indexes via Delayed Job for Thinking Sphinx0T" ruby[["freelancer-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"freelancerU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time $"Freelancer APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 4.2.1: @name"htmlentities:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.8; " mocha; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.1; "json_mapper; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.8; " fakeweb; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.0; " jeweler; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.10.3; " shoulda; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.2; "mcmire-matchy; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.0; " oauth; @e;F00["Trond Arve Nordheim"6Ruby gem implementation of the Freelancer.com API0T" ruby[["formatted_attributes-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"formatted_attributesU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time Ĩ"6Add formatted methods for ActiveRecord attributesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"ruby-debug19:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "activerecord; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "sqlite3-ruby; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "actionpack; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0; " rspec; @G;F00["Nando Vieira"Sometimes you need to expose a helper method that will convert its value before saving it to the database. This gem will add `formatted_` suffix to the attributes you specify.0T" ruby[["minitar-0.5.3u;[" 1.4.0i" minitarU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.3u: Time ";Provides POSIX tarchive management from Ruby programs.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Austin Ziegler"Mauricio Fernandez"Antoine Toulme"Archive::Tar::Minitar is a pure-Ruby library and command-line utility that provides the ability to deal with POSIX tar(1) archive files. The implementation is based heavily on Mauricio Ferna'ndez's implementation in rpa-base, but has been reorganised to promote reuse in other projects.0T" ruby[["on_irc-2.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i" on_ircU:Gem::Version[" 2.1.1u: Time e"8An event driven IRC library with an easy to use DSLU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"eventmachine:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Scott Olson"8An event driven IRC library with an easy to use DSL0T" ruby[["as3gettext-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"as3gettextU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "gettext for actionscriptU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0: @name" builder:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0; " gettext; @);F00["Yuichi Tateno"gettext for actionscript0T" ruby[[" warp-thinking-sphinx-1.3.16u;L[" 1.4.0i"warp-thinking-sphinxU:Gem::Version[" 1.3.16u: Time D"&ActiveRecord/Rails Sphinx libraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.15.6: @name"activerecord:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.10; " riddle; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.6; "after_commit; @3;F00["Pat Allan"A concise and easy-to-use Ruby library that connects ActiveRecord to the Sphinx search daemon, managing configuration, indexing and searching.0T" ruby[["stickler-2.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i" sticklerU:Gem::Version[" 2.0.2u: Time "LStickler is a tool to organize and maintain an internal gem repository.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 3.4.6: @name" bones:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.1; "resourceful; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.4.3; " logging; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.5.4; "rack-test; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.4.6; " bones; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " sinatra; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.2.4; "bones-extras; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.1.2; "addressable; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.16.2; " trollop; @o;F00["Jeremy Hinegardner"Stickler is a tool to organize and maintain an internal gem repository. Primarily, you would want to use Stickler if: 1. You have proprietary gems that you want to have available via a gem server so you may +gem install+ them. 2. You would like to have a local mirror of third party gems from either http://rubygems.org or some other gem server. 3. You want both (1) and (2) in the same server. 0T" ruby[["appengine-mapreduce-0.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i"appengine-mapreduceU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time "5AppEngine-MapReduce Wrappers and Tools for JRubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.19: @name"appengine-apis:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Paul Nikitochkin"!Create Map Tasks with JRuby.0T" ruby[["#dark-capistrano-recipes-0.6.17u;[" 1.4.0i"dark-capistrano-recipesU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.17u: Time ū""Darkside's Capistrano recipesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.1: @name"capistrano-ext:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.5.9; "capistrano; @);F00["Phil Misiowiec"Leonardo Bighetti"8Extend the Capistrano gem with these useful recipes0T" ruby[["mm-referenced-tree-0.1.2u;t[" 1.4.0i"mm-referenced-treeU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time "VYet another tree plugin for MongoMapper, built with an array of reference numbersU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Richard Livsey"0T" ruby[["mogli-0.0.25u;o[" 1.4.0i" mogliU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.25u: Time e" Open Graph Library for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.3: @name" httparty:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Mike Mangino"=Simple library for accessing the facebook Open Graph API0T" ruby[["commandant-0.2.3u;[" 1.4.0i"commandantU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.3u: Time "FA simple library for writing commands with subcommands (like git)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @);F00["Rein Henrichs"0T" ruby[["auto_excerpt-0.7.1u;[" 1.4.0i"auto_excerptU:Gem::Version[" 0.7.1u: Time ".Create excerpts from html formatted text.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @);F00["Kabari Hendrick"RCreate excerpts from html formatted text. HTML tags are automatically closed.0T" ruby[["eager_record-0.1.3u;[" 1.4.0i"eager_recordU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time "CAutomatic association preloading for ActiveRecord collections.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Mat Brown"EagerRecord extends ActiveRecord to automate association preloading. Each time a collection of more than one record is loaded from the database, each record remembers the collection that it is part of; then when one of those records has an association accessed, EagerRecord triggers a preload_associations for all the records in the originating collection. Never worry about that :include option again!0T" ruby[["shenandoah-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"shenandoahU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time k"QA javascript test framework for buildr, rails, and other ruby-built projectsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 0.5.2: @name"archive-tar-minitar:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.0.12; "xml-simple; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.7.0; " Antwrap; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.1.6; "rjb; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.0.3; "rubyforge; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.1.2; " builder; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.9.1; " rubyzip; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.12.2; "hoe; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.5.0; " highline; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.0.2; " net-sftp; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.0.11; " net-ssh; @~;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.8.4; " rake; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.0; " braid; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; "rspec_hpricot_matchers; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.1; " hpricot; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.0; "rack-test; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.2.4; " rspec; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " compass; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.0; " rails; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.9; " haml; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.2; " sinatra; @;F00["Rhett Sutphin"0T" ruby[["rubber-generate-0.0.9u;[" 1.4.0i"rubber-generateU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.9u: Time d"CTemplate language for generating Ruby bindings for C librariesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Geoff Youngs"- rubber-c-binder allows a rubyish means of generating bindings for C libraries, including (but not limited to) GObject based libraries. It allows C code to be written in the context of a ruby style class/method layout and eases type checking and conversion between Ruby & C datatypes. 0T" ruby[["levene-0.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i" leveneU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time "SA light wrapper around RForce to make working with Salesforce a little easier.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.6.0: @name" minitest:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.3; "activemodel; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.3; "activesupport; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.6.0; " rforce; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.8.0; "hoe; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.4; " nokogiri; @Q;F00["Robert Rasmussen"SA light wrapper around RForce to make working with Salesforce a little easier.0T" ruby[["clever_duration-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"clever_durationU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "(Human format time duration parsing.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Ilya Sabanin"JA tiny Ruby lib for parsing human format of time duration to numbers.0T" ruby[["ssh_guard-0.0.4u;h[" 1.4.0i"ssh_guardU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time %"guardian angel for sshU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" sequel:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.1.0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "sqlite3-ruby; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.1; " jeweler; @Q;F00["Jelle Helsen"=It protects your server from ssh password guessing bots.0T" ruby[["!sprout-melomel-library-0.6.4u;[" 1.4.0i"sprout-melomel-libraryU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.4u: Time "HMelomel: External ActionScript Interface. Use with project Sprouts.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Nikita Dudnik"0T" ruby[["objects_extensions-0.4.0u;[" 1.4.0i"objects_extensionsU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.0u: Time D"/Some convenient methods to String and HashU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 4.2.3; " RedCloth; @);F00[" jduarte"Convenience Methods0T" ruby[["libvirt-0.2.0u;<[" 1.4.0i" libvirtU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time "EA ruby client library providing an interface to libvirt via FFI.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.4.0: @name" protest:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.9.8; " mocha; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.6.3; "ffi; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.4.3; " nokogiri; @=;F00["Mitchell Hashimoto"EA ruby client library providing an interface to libvirt via FFI.0T" ruby[["treesl-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" treeslU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time e"TreeSL is a DSL parserU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jacob Rothstein" TreeSL parses flexible DSLs0T" ruby[["skippy-authlogic-2.1.3u;t[" 1.4.0i"skippy-authlogicU:Gem::Version[" 2.1.3u: Time i"CA clean, simple, and unobtrusive ruby authentication solution.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" Ben Johnson of Binary Logic"0T" ruby[["anstaendig-0.1.4u;[" 1.4.0i"anstaendigU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time d"2Rip clips from TV station media center sites.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" @name" nokogiri:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["henning mueller"]anstaendig is a extendable script to rip movie clips from TV station media center sites.0T" ruby[["stop_forum_spam-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"stop_forum_spamU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time %"-API Wrapper for http://stopforumspam.comU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Lake Denman"OSmall api wrapper for getting and posting data to http://stopforumspam.com0T" ruby[["cappy-monit-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"cappy-monitU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time d"ZCapistrano tasks for monitoring, controlling and configuring a remote monit instance.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0: @name"capistrano:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Joshua Sierles"0This library extends Capistrano to configure and control a *monit* daemon running on application servers. It replaces some of the standard tasks with monit versions and includes tasks and helpers to create monit configuration files. See below for instructions on downloading and configuring monit itself.0T" ruby[["oasis-0.5.4u;[" 1.4.0i" oasisU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.4u: Time "4a collection of enhancements for rails engines.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.10.2: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Derek Perez"Chris Eppstein"Ua collection of enhancements for rails engines. Designed to work with Rails 2.3.0T" ruby[["vmc-0.0.8u;[" 1.4.0i"vmcU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.8u: Time "UA gem that provides command line access to the VMware Cloud Application PlatformU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 4.7.4: @name"arrayfields:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.6.1; " highline; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.0.1; " rubyzip2; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.2.0; " fattr; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.4.6; "json_pure; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 4.3.0; " main; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.16; "mime-types; @[;F00["Ezra Zygmuntowicz"UA gem that provides command line access to the VMware Cloud Application Platform0T" ruby[["vault-0.1.0u;|[" 1.4.0i" vaultU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time đ"$Provides a very lightweight ODMU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["1.3: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;["3.0.0.beta.3; "activemodel; @);F00["Nicolás Sanguinetti"0T" ruby[["!norwegian-county-names-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"norwegian-county-namesU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time ek"/Rails select helper for Norwegian CountiesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Amund Sivertsen"(The summary pretty much sums it up.0T" ruby[["roles-spec-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"roles-specU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time ū"RSpec matchers for rolesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.1: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.2.0; "require_all; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.1; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.2; "rails-app-spec; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.9; "code-spec; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.1; "rails3_artifactor; @Q;F00["Kristian Mandrup"FSpec that your User model files apply role strategies as expected0T" ruby[["remixr-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" remixrU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time \"&wrapper for the BestBuy Remix apiU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 0.4.3: @name" httparty:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mocha; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "jeremymcanally-matchy; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "thoughtbot-shoulda; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " fakeweb; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mocha; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "thoughtbot-shoulda; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.0.3; " mash; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " fakeweb; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "jeremymcanally-matchy; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mash; @~;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mash; @;F00["Wynn Netherland"Jim Mulholland"&wrapper for the BestBuy Remix api0T" ruby[["rcrossword-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"rcrosswordU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "+Generating crossword puzzles with rubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Thomas Preymesser"+Generating crossword puzzles with ruby0T" ruby[["presenter-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"presenterU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "3Simplifies usage of Presenter pattern in RailsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Vladimir Bobes Tuzinsky"3Simplifies usage of Presenter pattern in Rails0T" ruby[["graphkit-;[" 1.4.0i" graphkitU:Gem::Version[" Time $"BGraph object with intuitive combining and plotting functions.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Edmund Highcock""A GraphKit is a device independent intelligent data container that allows the easy sharing, combining and plotting of graphic data representations. Easily created from data, they can be output in a variety of formats using packages such as gnuplot. *** Currently broken: fix on its way ****0T" ruby[["deep_attributes-0.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"deep_attributesU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.0u: Time "DMaking the Best out of Document Oriented Databases' FlexibilityU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["2.0.0.beta.20: @name" mongoid:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ruby-debug; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.3.0; " rspec; @3;F00["Robert Dober"Deep Attributes allows to treat complex attributes as such. Right now the only way to access these attributes is via Mongoid, but in theory this should be database layer agnostic0T" ruby[["from-here-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"from-hereU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time S"0Shorten your file inclusions with from-hereU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Bryce Kerley"0T" ruby[["merb_virtuozzo-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"merb_virtuozzoU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time *",Merb plugin for working with Virtuozzo.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["3.0: @name" echoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["3.0; " echoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["0.7; "virtuozzo; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.0; " merb; @=;F00["James Thompson",Merb plugin for working with Virtuozzo.0T" ruby[["appstats-0.0.14u;[" 1.4.0i" appstatsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.14u: Time "FProvide usage statistics about how your application is being usedU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" net-scp:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.0; " rails; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " daemons; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " ZenTest; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "standalone_migrations; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mysql; @[;F00["Andrew Forward"FProvide usage statistics about how your application is being used0T" ruby[["tkregreplace-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"tkregreplaceU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time %j"lTK program which visualizes and caries out regular expression matches and or replacements on text filesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Gary Watson"0T" ruby[["(brianjlandau-chronic_duration-0.9.3u;[" 1.4.0i""brianjlandau-chronic_durationU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.3u: Time $"4A Ruby natural language parser for elapsed timeU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" hpoydar"brianjlandau"DA simple Ruby natural language parser for elapsed time. (For example, 4 hours and 30 minutes, 6 minutes 4 seconds, 3 days, etc.) Returns all results in seconds. Will return an integer unless you get tricky and need a float. (4 minutes and 13.47 seconds, for example.) The reverse can also be performed via the output method.0T" ruby[["malloc-1.4.0u;~[" 1.4.0i" mallocU:Gem::Version[" 1.4.0u: Time "=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jan Wedekind"1This Ruby extension defines the class Hornetseye::Malloc. Hornetseye::Malloc#new allows you to allocate memory, using Hornetseye::Malloc#+ one can do pointer manipulation, and Hornetseye::Malloc#read and Hornetseye::Malloc#write provide reading Ruby strings from memory and writing Ruby strings to memory.0T" ruby[["cancan-1.5.1u;Y[" 1.4.0i" cancanU:Gem::Version[" 1.5.1u: Time "-Simple authorization solution for Rails.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.10.11: @name"rr:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.1.4; "supermodel; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.1.0; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.0; " rails; @=;F00["Ryan Bates"|Simple authorization solution for Rails which is decoupled from user roles. All permissions are stored in a single location.0T" ruby[["pdf-writer-1.1.8u;[" 1.4.0i"pdf-writerU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.8u: Time  "/A pure Ruby PDF document creation library.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["1.3: @name"transaction-simple:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.0; " color; @);F00["Austin Ziegler"hThis library provides the ability to create PDF documents using only native Ruby libraries. There are several demo programs available in the demo/ directory. The canonical documentation for PDF::Writer is "manual.pdf", which can be generated using bin/techbook (just "techbook" for RubyGem users) and the manual file "manual.pwd".0T" ruby[["vidibus-inheritance-0.3.15u;j[" 1.4.0i"vidibus-inheritanceU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.15u: Time "%Provides inheritance for models.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"vidibus-uuid:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "vidibus-core_extensions; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2.0.0.beta.20; " mongoid; @3;F00["Andre Pankratz"This gem allows inheritance of objects for Rails 3 with Mongoid. It will update all attributes and embedded documents of inheritors when ancestor gets changed.0T" ruby[["dynamic_methods-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"dynamic_methodsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "Jdynamics_methods is a simple gem to easily define ... dynamic methodsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0: @name" bundler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.0; "activesupport; @);F00["Marian Theisen"Jdynamics_methods is a simple gem to easily define ... dynamic methods0T" ruby[["fools-0.0.5u;[" 1.4.0i" foolsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time e"The Fools for CARPS.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.0: @name" carps:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.2; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4; "rubyforge; @3;F00["John Morrice"+The Fools is an example mod for CARPS.0T" ruby[["$splendeo-nifty-generators-0.3.2u;+[" 1.4.0i"splendeo-nifty-generatorsU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.2u: Time "4A collection of useful Rails generator scripts.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Ryan Bates"Enrique Garcia Cota"AA fork of ryanb's nifty-generators, with i18n and blueprint.0T" ruby[["sandwich-0.0.20u;[" 1.4.0i" sandwichU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.20u: Time d"Cucumber helpersU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" capybara:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "machinist; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " cucumber; @G;F00["David Leal"Yup, cucumber helpers0T" ruby[["sa-i_can_daemonize-0.8.0u;4[" 1.4.0i"sa-i_can_daemonizeU:Gem::Version[" 0.8.0u: Time j"EICanDaemonize makes it dead simple to create daemons of your ownU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Adam Pisoni"Amos Elliston"EICanDaemonize makes it dead simple to create daemons of your own0T" ruby[["ontomde-java-2.0.5u;![" 1.4.0i"ontomde-javaU:Gem::Version[" 2.0.5u: Time N"%OntoMDE Java5 language cartridgeU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 2.0.5: @name"ontomde-uml2:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Orange-labs BIZZ/CIL/SAM"ontomde-java is a full-featured UML2 to Java5 code generator library. A sample raw UML2 source model is available here: http://ontomde.rubyforge.org/website/demo/java5/index.html. This model is included in a running demonstration available from this page: http://ontomde.rubyforge.org/website/demonstration.html == FEATURES/PROBLEMS: Managed class modifiers * interface implements * single class inheritance * attribute * association * method * inner class0T" ruby[["herbalist-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"herbalistU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time E"9Herbalist is a natural language measurements parser.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.1: @name"numerizer:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "jeremymcanally-context; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.2; "alchemist; @3;F00[" jduff"Herbalist is a natural language measurements parser. It is built on top of the Alchemist[http://github.com/toastyapps/alchemist] gem and draws heavily from the Chronic[http://github.com/evaryont/chronic].0T" ruby[["%webget_ruby_spreadsheeting-1.0.6u;[" 1.4.0i"webget_ruby_spreadsheetingU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.6u: Time D"QWebGet Ruby Gem: Spreadsheeting import export helpers, to parse and prettifyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" WebGet"0T" ruby[["tripwire-1.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i" tripwireU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.1u: Time D"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Brendan Baldwin"Matthew Fallshaw"Sven Schwyn":Similar to rstakeout and autotest except more options0T" ruby[["+radiant-group_children-extension-0.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i"%radiant-group_children-extensionU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time "-Group Children Extension for Radiant CMSU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.1: @name" radiant:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Benny Degezelle"DAdds the ability to iterate over a page's children per n items.0T" ruby[["ironnails-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"ironnailsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time E"@IronNails brings rails like development to IronRuby and WPFU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 0.9.2: @name" bundler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.11.8; " thor; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.1; "uuidtools; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.5; "activesupport; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @G;F00["Ivan Porto Carrero"IronNails is a framework inspired by the Rails and rucola frameworks. It offers a rails-like way of developing applications with IronRuby and Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF).0T" ruby[["ar_after_transaction-0.1.1u;t[" 1.4.0i"ar_after_transactionU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "LExecute irreversible actions only when transactions are not rolled backU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"activerecord:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Michael Grosser"0T" ruby[["hijacker-0.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i" hijackerU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time %"_Spy on your ruby objects and send their activity to a hijacker server anywhere through DRbU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" trollop:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.1.0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "guard-rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " guard; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "simplecov; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.7; " bundler; @Q;F00["Josep M. Bach"_Spy on your ruby objects and send their activity to a hijacker server anywhere through DRb0T" ruby[["basset-2.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" bassetU:Gem::Version[" 2.0.1u: Time dc"OA wonderful hound that finds patterns in your data using machine learning.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" Paul Dix"0T" ruby[["acts_as_reportable-1.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"acts_as_reportableU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.1u: Time $"*ActiveRecord support for Ruby ReportsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.6.0: @name" ruport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Michael Milner"Facts_as_reportable provides ActiveRecord support for Ruby Reports0T" ruby[["fb_adapter-0.6.0u;[" 1.4.0i"fb_adapterU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.0u: Time ""ActiveRecord Firebird AdapterU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Brent Rowland"0T" ruby[["sinatra-api-docs-0.1.1u;[[" 1.4.0i"sinatra-api-docsU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "6Create documentation for an API built in Sinatra.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["1.0: @name" sinatra:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2.0.0.beta.5; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.4.3; "json_pure; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.8.7; " rake; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.12; " haml; @G;F00["David Dollar"6Create documentation for an API built in Sinatra.0T" ruby[["rong-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i" rongU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time d"1Ruby-based client-server Pong implementationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["2.0.0.beta.19: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.2.0; "rong-elements; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.2.0; "rong-server; @3;F00["Matt Yoho"Rong is a Ruby implementation of Pong that consists of a server module for managing games, a client module for for interfacing with the server, and hopefully a few client implementations for playing some rad Pong, brah.0T" ruby[["periodic-1.2.2u;&[" 1.4.0i" periodicU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.2u: Time ġ"HNatural language parser and output formating for durations in Ruby.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Chris Kalafarski"HNatural language parser and output formating for durations in Ruby.0T" ruby[["random-0.2.1u;"[" 1.4.0i" randomU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time "Stand-alone random number generator (RNG) class allowing multiple, active RNG's at the same time (which is not possible with Ruby's rand/srand).U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Robert Feldt"A Mersenne-Twister random number generator (RNG) packed up as a class. This allows multiple RNG streams to be active at the same time (which Ruby's normal rand/srand does not allow). The Mersenne-Twister is implemented with fast C code for speed.0T" ruby[["postalmethods-1.1.4u;[" 1.4.0i"postalmethodsU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.4u: Time $"4API wrapper library for the postal methods api.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.1; " newgem; @);F00["James Cox" Joe Fair"4API wrapper library for the postal methods api.0T" ruby[["$langalex-authlogic_oauth2-1.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"langalex-authlogic_oauth2U:Gem::Version[" 1.1.0u: Time "Authlogic OAuth2 is an extension of the Authlogic library to add OAuth2 support. OAuth2 can be used to allow users to login with their Facebook credentials.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"authlogic:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " oauth2; @);F00["Andrew Hite"Authlogic OAuth2 is an extension of the Authlogic library to add OAuth2 support. OAuth2 can be used to allow users to login with their Facebook credentials.0T" ruby[["typhoauth-;[" 1.4.0i"typhoauthU:Gem::Version[" Time $f"#OAuth Core Ruby implementationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rack:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.3; " newgem; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "actionpack; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0; "hoe; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.1; "ruby-hmac; @G;F00[ "Bill Kocik"Pelle Braendgaard"Blaine Cook"Larry Halff"Jesse Clark"Jon Crosby"Seth Fitzsimmons"Matt Sanford"BOAuth Core Ruby implementation with Typhoeus::Request support0T" ruby[["sparky-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" sparkyU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time %j"=What do you call a dog with no back legs and metal nuts?U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jason Campbell"`Light it up sparky! Random text (lorem ipsum), numbers, and names that at least look real..0T" ruby[["Gooby-0.9.1u;[" 1.4.0i" GoobyU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.1u: Time %"Google APIs + Ruby = GoobyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Chris Joakim"0T" ruby[["au3-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"au3U:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time "7A binding to the AutoItX3 Windows automation tool.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["2.0: @name"test-unit:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.4; "win32-api; @);F00["Marvin Gülker"Steven Heidel"} au3 is a gem that provides Ruby bindings to the AutoIt Windows automation tool by using it's DLL interface AutoItX. 0T" ruby[["acts_as_scaffold-0.1.4u; [" 1.4.0i"acts_as_scaffoldU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time D"(Simple scaffold solution for Rails.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Michael Koper"JSimple add the standard scaffold functions to models and controllers.0T" ruby[["twittery-0.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i" twitteryU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time "|Twittery is a lightweight Ruby class that interfaces with Twitter's API to make interacting with Twitter simple as possible.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Chris Ledet"0T" ruby[[" rails3_plugin_toolbox-0.3.4u;f[" 1.4.0i"rails3_plugin_toolboxU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.4u: Time "5Toolbox to facilitate Rails 3 plugin developmentU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.0: @name"require_all:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.0.rc; " rails; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["2.0.0.beta.19; " rspec; @3;F00["Kristian Mandrup"Provides a more intuitive DSL for Rails 3 plugin configuration and a specialized RSpec 2 matcher. Makes it much easier to develop Rails 3 plugins!0T" ruby[["puggernaut-0.1.5u;[" 1.4.0i"puggernautU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.5u: Time "JSimple server push implementation using eventmachine and long pollingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.12.10: @name"eventmachine:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Winton Welsh"JSimple server push implementation using eventmachine and long polling0T" ruby[["zendesk-api-0.3.3u;[" 1.4.0i"zendesk-apiU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.3u: Time E"7RubyGem wrapper for REST API to http://zendesk.comU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.8: @name" crack:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["2.3; "activesupport; @);F00["Peter Ericson"7RubyGem wrapper for REST API to http://zendesk.com0T" ruby[["spectralfilter-0.0.2u;Z[" 1.4.0i"spectralfilterU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time "DFiltering Datasets via Highpass, Lowpass, Bandpass or BandblockU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"gsl:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Ralf Mueller"0T" ruby[["tiny_science-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"tiny_scienceU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "$A Tiny Science Library for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Ian Bentley"$A Tiny Science Library for Ruby0T" ruby[[""sequel_sexy_validations-0.2.7u;[" 1.4.0i"sequel_sexy_validationsU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.7u: Time ũ" Sexy validations for SequelU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.1: @name"sexy_validations:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @);F00["Corin Langosch"=Sequel plugin which provides sexy validations for model.0T" ruby[["curl-multi-0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"curl-multiU:Gem::Version["0.2u: Time D"2Ruby bindings for the libcurl multi interfaceU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.2: @name" curb:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.6.2; "RubyInline; @);F00["Kristjan Petursson"Keith Rarick"2Ruby bindings for the libcurl multi interface0T" ruby[["methodcache-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"methodcacheU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time E"5like memoizable etc but more production orientedU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" yard:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " minitest; @);F00["Joe Edelman"5like memoizable etc but more production oriented0T" ruby[["almodovar-0.5.6u;e[" 1.4.0i"almodovarU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.6u: Time "BeBanjo API clientU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 0.5.3: @name"resourceful:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " steak; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " nokogiri; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.3.0; "activesupport; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.3.0; " rspec; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.3.0; " webmock; @[;F00["BeBanjo S.L."0T" ruby[["puppet7-0.2.0.beta4u;[" 1.4.0i" puppet7U:Gem::Version["0.2.0.beta4u: Time "=selenium page object library to support BDD with rspec2.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["1.2: @name"selenium-client:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.4; " nokogiri; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["2.2; " rspec; @3;F00["Yunsang Choi" Puppet7 is page object library for selenium web testing. it's integrated RSpec2. You can write ui test code first, and then define page objects later. When undefined page object makes error, Puppet7 treats it pending result of rspec (yellow). 0T" ruby[["deploy_tracking-0.3.4u;[" 1.4.0i"deploy_trackingU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.4u: Time $"Keep a deploy log fileU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jan De Poorter - Openminds"0T" ruby[["p4ruby-1.0.9u;[[" 1.4.0i" p4rubyU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.9u: Time g"'Ruby interface to the Perforce APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["6Perforce Software (ruby gem by James M. Lawrence)"0T" ruby[["swint-0.6u;[" 1.4.0i" swintU:Gem::Version["0.6u: Time %"Aa console client for the swarm intelligence programming gameU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Philipp Hofmann"Aa console client for the swarm intelligence programming game0T" ruby[["sunspot_plus-0.2.2u;[" 1.4.0i"sunspot_plusU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.2u: Time %",Extensions for outoftime's sunspot gem.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 1.3.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " sunspot; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "delayed_job; @=;F00["Louis Gillies"A library of extensions for outoftime's sunspot gem for solr indexing server. Using the session adapter design pattern to add support for: 1) delayed_job to move indexing commits out of process. 0T" ruby[["ronn-0.7.3u;[" 1.4.0i" ronnU:Gem::Version[" 0.7.3u: Time "Builds manualsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.8: @name"rdiscount:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.2; " hpricot; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.0; " mustache; @3;F00["Ryan Tomayko"Builds manuals0T" ruby[[" request-log-analyzer-1.9.10u;2[" 1.4.0i"request-log-analyzerU:Gem::Version[" 1.9.10u: Time E"qA command line tool to analyze request logs for Apache, Rails, Merb, MySQL and other web application serversU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"activerecord:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "sqlite3-ruby; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2.0; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @=;F00["Willem van Bergen"Bart ten Brinke" Request log analyzer's purpose is to find out how your web application is being used, how it performs and to focus your optimization efforts. This tool will parse all requests in the application's log file and aggregate the information. Once it is finished parsing the log file(s), it will show the requests that take op most server time using various metrics. It can also insert all parsed request information into a database so you can roll your own analysis. It supports Rails-, Merb- and Rack-based applications logs, Apache and Amazon S3 access logs and MySQL slow query logs out of the box, but file formats of other applications can easily be supported by supplying an easy to write log file format definition. 0T" ruby[["content_type-2.1.4u;k[" 1.4.0i"content_typeU:Gem::Version[" 2.1.4u: Time "Alibmagic bindings to quickly determine content type of filesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["David Turnbull" Provides ContentType#content_type, File#content_type, File::content_type and String#content_type methods to determine mime type 0T" ruby[["cloud_service-0.0.0u;>[" 1.4.0i"cloud_serviceU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.0u: Time e".A Rails engine to create a cloud service.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.1: @name" jeweler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.1.0; " rspec; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " cucumber; @G;F00["Umair Siddique".A Rails engine to create a cloud service.0T" ruby[["$Empact-trackless_triggers-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"Empact-trackless_triggersU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time $"4Adds support for MySQL triggers in ActiveRecordU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Aaron Patterson"Christian Eager"4Adds support for MySQL triggers in ActiveRecord0T" ruby[["permit-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i" permitU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time č"7A flexible authorization plugin for Ruby on Rails.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Steve Valaitis"0T" ruby[["wtc-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"wtcU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time ".Write git commits using whatthecommit.comU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Red Davis".Write git commits using whatthecommit.com0T" ruby[["text-table-1.2.2u;,[" 1.4.0i"text-tableU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.2u: Time "=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" jeweler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @);F00["Aaron Tinio"Allows you to easily create and format plain text tables, useful when working with the terminal or when you want to quickly print formatted tables to a dot-matrix printer.0T" ruby[["dm-is-schemaless-0.10.2u;[" 1.4.0i"dm-is-schemalessU:Gem::Version[" 0.10.2u: Time e"BAn implementation of friendfeed's schemaless store for rbdms'U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" yard:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " dm-types; @);F00["brianthecoder"~A plugin that allows you to easily treat an rdbms like a schemaless store, perfect for something like heroku *wink, wink*0T" ruby[["typedeploy-0.1.1u;h[" 1.4.0i"typedeployU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time Ĝ"NManage and deploy your Typekit kits from the comfort of your own project.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Matt Colyer"A rubygem which provides several rake tasks to allow you to interact with the Typekit API directly from your project directory.0T" ruby[["endeve-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" endeveU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time d"9Integrates Endeve invoice system in your applicationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0["=U;[" 1.5.0: @name"rest-client:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0["=U;[" 0.3.0; "happymapper; @.;F00["Daniel Hernández Aguiar"RAn easy interface to the Endeve invoice service. By Daniel Hernández Aguiar.0T" ruby[["cloudkit-jruby-0.11.2u;[" 1.4.0i"cloudkit-jrubyU:Gem::Version[" 0.11.2u: Time " An Open Web JSON Appliance.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["1.1: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.0; " rack; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2.1; "ruby-openid; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["0.3; " oauth; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.0.1; " uuid; @G;F00["Jon Crosby" An Open Web JSON Appliance.0T" ruby[["wtf-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"wtfU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time k"EConverts between World Time Format and standard dates and times.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Wyatt Greene" The WTF gem provides a Ruby class to convert between standard time and World Time Format. For more information, visit http://www.worldtimeformat.com 0T" ruby[["tap-1.4.0u;[" 1.4.0i"tapU:Gem::Version[" 1.4.0u: Time %"6A configurable, distributable workflow framework.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.7.0: @name" tap-test:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.7.0; "configurable; @);F00["Simon Chiang"0T" ruby[["merb-cache-1.1.3u;[" 1.4.0i"merb-cacheU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.3u: Time D"GMerb plugin that provides caching (page, action, fragment, object)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.1.3: @name"merb-core:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @);F00["Ben Burkert"&Merb plugin for supporting assets0T" ruby[["dutchfaker-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"dutchfakerU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time D"+Creates fake Dutch names and addressesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0; "hoe; @);F00["Onno van Zinderen"+Creates fake Dutch names and addresses0T" ruby[["cplusplus-1.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"cplusplusU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time #"!Generators for c++ projects.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.7.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.7.0; "hoe; @);F00["Matt Pruitt"!Generators for c++ projects.0T" ruby[["who_is_it-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"who_is_itU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "auto tag social peopleU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" nokogiri:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "mechanize; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @3;F00["David A. Cuadrado"auto tag social people0T" ruby[["valdemaximus-xx-0.7.0u;[" 1.4.0i"valdemaximus-xxU:Gem::Version[" 0.7.0u: Time %n"(Extensions of standard ruby objectsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Tom Johnson"(Extensions of standard ruby objects0T" ruby[["rcsvreader-0.1.3u;[" 1.4.0i"rcsvreaderU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time Č"fYet another CSV parser with CSV header validation, based on CCSV (http://github.com/fauna/ccsv/).U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;["0.1: @name" ccsv:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Daniel Quirino Oliveira"0T" ruby[["rails-i18n-updater-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"rails-i18n-updaterU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time d"bRails plugin to automatically fetch and update Rails core translations in a Rails applicationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rails:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "activesupport; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mocha; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "actionpack; @=;F00["Andreas Neuhaus"tThis Rails plugin provides the rake task i18n:update to download the latest core translations to vendor/rails-locales. On application start, the plugin automatically prepends downloaded core translations to the I18n load_path. So the downloaded core translations are automatically used in your application, but you can still override the defaults in your own locale files.0T" ruby[["affine-0.2.3u;[" 1.4.0i" affineU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.3u: Time V""Simple affine cipher for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Bryce Kerley"0T" ruby[["anchor_for-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"anchor_forU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "HTML anchor rails helperU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Maurizio Casimirri"HTML anchor rails helper0T" ruby[["handlersocket-0.0.2u;p[" 1.4.0i"handlersocketU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time "0libhsclient(HandlerSocket) binding for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" miyucy"0libhsclient(HandlerSocket) binding for Ruby0T" ruby[["wireless_model-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"wireless_modelU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "MUse models indifferently through either active record or active resourceU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["3.0.0.beta2; "activesupport; @);F00["Phil Smith"MUse models indifferently through either active record or active resource0T" ruby[["winner-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" winnerU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time " i am waiting to upload thisU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" i am waiting to upload this0T" ruby[["#validatable-active_model-0.1.0u;X[" 1.4.0i"validatable-active_modelU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time Ĥ"*ActiveModel Interface for validatableU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 2.0.1: @name"durran-validatable:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " bourne; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.3.8; "activesupport; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.0.0.rc; " rspec; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ruby-debug; @G;F00["Brian Cardarella"*ActiveModel Interface for validatable0T" ruby[["sprite-0.1.7u;[" 1.4.0i" spriteU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.7u: Time n",generate your css sprites automagicallyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jacques Crocker"Gsprite is a rails/merb plugin that generates sprites for css, sass0T" ruby[["spex-0.7.2u;[" 1.4.0i" spexU:Gem::Version[" 0.7.2u: Time "#A test harness for executablesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" colored:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " facter; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " diff-lcs; @3;F00["Bruce Williams"\An easy-to-use test harness that runs assertions before and after and executable is run0T" ruby[["sinatra-css-0.1.5u;+[" 1.4.0i"sinatra-cssU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.5u: Time $":A Sinatra Extension that makes working with CSS easy.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["1.0: @name" sinatra:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.0; "sinatra-tags; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.6; "sinatra-tests; @=;F00[" kematzy":A Sinatra Extension that makes working with CSS easy.0T" ruby[["right-popen-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"right-popenU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time "9Provides a platform-independent popen implementationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.12.8["=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" bundler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Marcin Bunsch"Pipejump API Ruby client0T" ruby[["guard-shell-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"guard-shellU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time D")Guard gem for running shell commandsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 2.0.0.rc: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.2; " bundler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.0; " guard; @3;F00["Joshua Hawxwell"TGuard::Shell automatically runs shell commands when watched files are modified.0T" ruby[["yami-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" yamiU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time i"Yaml persisted configU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["softprops"Yaml persisted config0T" ruby[["tilecache-0.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i"tilecacheU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time D"HAn implementation of TileCache from MetaCarta, written in pure RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Pascal Ehlert"0T" ruby[["post_commit-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"post_commitU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time E"RPost commit allows you to notify several services with simple and elegant DSLU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Nando Vieira"aFive services are supported for now: Basecamp, Campfire, FriendFeed, LightHouse and Twitter.0T" ruby[["gemmer-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" gemmerU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "Simple rake tasks for gemsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Thomas Kadauke"0T" ruby[["navigasmic-0.5.5u;[" 1.4.0i"navigasmicU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.5u: Time e""Semantic navigation for RailsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jeremy Jackson"dSemantic navigation; a semantic way to build beautifully simple navigation structures in Rails.0T" ruby[["depager-0.2.3u;[" 1.4.0i" depagerU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.3u: Time *"(A self extensible parser generator.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" maita"(A self extensible parser generator.0T" ruby[["rspec_multi_matchers-1.0.6u;p[" 1.4.0i"rspec_multi_matchersU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.6u: Time "better collection testingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.2: @name" newgem:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.3; "hoe; @);F00["Greg Weber"0T" ruby[["active_api-0.2.1u;m[" 1.4.0i"active_apiU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time El"An api layer for rubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.2: @name" nokogiri:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.2; "activesupport; @);F00["Jeff Dean"0T" ruby[["rbuilder-0.0.6u;a[" 1.4.0i" rbuilderU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.6u: Time d "JA Ruby auto build tool like build-o-matic for running on a desktop pcU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.5: @name" mocha:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Rob Westgeest"0T" ruby[["mack-paths-;[" 1.4.0i"mack-pathsU:Gem::Version[" Time "(Common paths for Mack applications.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Mark Bates"(Common paths for Mack applications.0T" ruby[["dm-adjust-1.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"dm-adjustU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2u: Time "NDataMapper plugin providing methods to increment and decrement propertiesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.2: @name" dm-core:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.3; " rspec; @);F00["Sindre Aarsaether"NDataMapper plugin providing methods to increment and decrement properties0T" ruby[["e9-yui-compressor-0.9.2u;[" 1.4.0i"e9-yui-compressorU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.2u: Time f",JavaScript and CSS minification libraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Sam Stephenson"PA Ruby interface to YUI Compressor for minifying JavaScript and CSS assets.0T" ruby[["interactive_editor-0.0.6u;[" 1.4.0i"interactive_editorU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.6u: Time " Interactive editing in irb.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.1: @name" spoon:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jan Berkel"YUse vim (or any other text editor) from inside irb to quickly test & write new code.0T" ruby[["collecta-rb-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"collecta-rbU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time Eh"LA ruby library based on Blather for working with the Collecta XMPP api.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" minitest:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " blather; @3;F00["Jeff Smick"LA ruby library based on Blather for working with the Collecta XMPP api.0T" ruby[["timeline-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" timelineU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time e"ITimeline is a tool for generating timelines off of git repositories.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Matt Duncan" Timeline is a command line tool for generating timeline data off of git repositories. It is inspired by Jacob Kristhammar and Rickard Böttcher's work on Tornado - http://groups.google.com/group/python-tornado/browse_thread/thread/94b45e815ac992ac 0T" ruby[["sinatra-block-html-0.0.4u;M[" 1.4.0i"sinatra-block-htmlU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time Dd"sinatra-block-htmlU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.3: @name"block-html:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jun Kikuchi"sinatra-block-html0T" ruby[["common_project_tasks-0.3.2u;[" 1.4.0i"common_project_tasksU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.2u: Time Ŭ"3Rails gem/plugin to load common project tasks.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.3: @name" rake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" Wes Hays"John Dell"3Rails gem/plugin to load common project tasks.0T" ruby[["jjp-openx-1.1.6u;K[" 1.4.0i"jjp-openxU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.6u: Time D"HA Ruby interface to the OpenX XML-RPC API with more OpenX APIs usedU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[ "Aaron Patterson"Andy Smith"TouchLocal Plc" DoppioJP"@A Ruby interface to the OpenX XML-RPC API. Used touchlocal 1.1.2 version as base for adding more API calls to OpenX API from http://developer.openx.org/api/ . It also works with v2 of OpenX API, especially that it now can pass localTZ to the OpenX API which will give back the correct statistics for the local time zone.0T" ruby[["idiomag-0.1.0u;Y[" 1.4.0i" idiomagU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time e." wrapper for the idiomag apiU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.2: @name" httparty:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jonathan Rudenberg" wrapper for the idiomag api0T" ruby[["evma_xmlpushparser-0.0.1u;*[" 1.4.0i"evma_xmlpushparserU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "!EventMachine XML Push ParserU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Francis Cianfrocca"gThis is a Ruby extension which wraps the xmlParseChunk functionality of the Gnome libxml2 library.0T" ruby[["textfilter-0.1.1u;^[" 1.4.0i"textfilterU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time m"@ActiveRecord/Rails filter text fields before assigning themU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"activerecord:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Michael Grosser"0T" ruby[["acts_as_searchable-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"acts_as_searchableU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "oacts_as_searchable adds fulltext searching capabilities based on Hyper Estraier to an ActiveRecord module.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Patrick Lenz"0T" ruby[["kb-configurator-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"kb-configuratorU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time m",Fatten your models with key/value pairsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Brennan Dunn",Fatten your models with key/value pairs0T" ruby[["necktie-1.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" necktieU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.0u: Time "Dress to impressU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Assaf Arkin".Configure your servers using Ruby and Git0T" ruby[["mongo_mapper_ext-0.2.2u;|[" 1.4.0i"mongo_mapper_extU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.2u: Time ĥ"Extensions for MongoMapperU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 1.1.1: @name" bson_ext:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.8.6; "mongo_mapper; @);F00["Alexey Petrushin"0T" ruby[["yamo-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" yamoU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time El"YAML Model ObjectsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.1: @name" kwalify:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @);F00[" Kenneth Vestergaard Schmidt"]Classes for loading schema-validated YAML, and creating nice Ruby-objects with accessors0T" ruby[["relevant-twitter-0.0.5u;[" 1.4.0i"relevant-twitterU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time " Twitter widget for RelevantU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 2.0.0.rc: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.0.7; "relevant-widget; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.9.10; " twitter; @3;F00["Jared Pace"Rob Sanheim"Radiate your tweets0T" ruby[["miguelbaldi-ri_cal-0.1u;Q[" 1.4.0i"miguelbaldi-ri_calU:Gem::Version["0.1u: Time dc"3A new Ruby implementation of RFC2445 iCalendarU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"ruby-prof:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.3; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.2; " newgem; @3;F00["author=Rick DeNatale"A new Ruby implementation of RFC2445 iCalendar. The existing Ruby iCalendar libraries (e.g. icalendar, vpim) provide for parsing and generating icalendar files, but do not support important things like enumerating occurrences of repeating events. This is a clean-slate implementation of RFC2445. A Google group for discussion of this library has been set up http://groups.google.com/group/rical_gem0T" ruby[["taz-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"tazU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "(Interface to the Radium Taz serviceU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 0.5.3: @name" yard:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.10.11; "rr; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.3.0; " rspec; @3;F00["Adam Hawkins")Push your test suite into the cloud.0T" ruby[["sqweeze-0.0.9u;[" 1.4.0i" sqweezeU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.9u: Time d"/A command line web-asset optimisation toolU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.2: @name"closure-compiler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0["=U;[" 0.9.1; "yui-compressor; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0["=U;[" 0.8.2; " hpricot; @8;F00["Andrea Fiore"/A command line web-asset optimisation tool0T" ruby[["safety_net-1.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"safety_netU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time l"+Backup/restore a mysql table in rails.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Rusty Burchfield"xBackup/restore a mysql table in rails. Great for crazy data migrations where you want to keep a copy of the table.0T" ruby[["ruby-net-nntp-1.0.0u;'[" 1.4.0i"ruby-net-nntpU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time d"nThe Net::NNTP library provides a simple communication layer for the NNTP (Network News Transfer Protocol)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" tmail:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " log4r; @);F00["Anton 'tony' Bangratz"oThe Net::NNTP library provides a simple communication layer for the NNTP (Network News Transfer Protocol).0T" ruby[["methodhash-0.5.0u;[" 1.4.0i"methodhashU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.0u: Time %"methodhashU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Fredrik Johansson"WA Hash for automatic storage of values obtained from a method defined by the user.0T" ruby[["billomat-rb-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"billomat-rbU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time "ARuby library for interacting with the RESTfull billomat api.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.2: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.2; "activeresource; @);F00["Ronald Becher"JA neat ruby library for interacting with the RESTfull API of billomat0T" ruby[["organize-1.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i" organizeU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.1u: Time e""Organize your Mac filesystem.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["0.2: @name" fakefs:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.0; " bundler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["0.2; " optitron; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2.4; " rspec; @=;F00["Alexander Kern"CCreates directories and links to manage your Mac consistently.0T" ruby[["rbbt-marq-3.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"rbbt-marqU:Gem::Version[" 3.0.1u: Time D"MicroArray Rank QueryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" DRbServe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "png; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "simpleconsole; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " DBcache; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rbbt; @Q;F00["Miguel Vazquez"Find microarray experiments with similar or opposite signature to a given query. A SOAP interface and a merb portal can be found in rbbt-marq-www.0T" ruby[["playpen-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i" playpenU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time "9Playpen wraps OS X sandbox api with a loving embraceU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.2: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4; "rubyforge; @);F00["Aaron Patterson"Evan Phoenix"Playpen wraps OS X sandbox api with a loving embrace. Playpen provides the same API that the Sandbox class in MacRuby provides.0T" ruby[["piecemeal-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"piecemealU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time E")Dont install this, its a placeholderU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Cory ODaniel")Dont install this, its a placeholder0T" ruby[["ffi-expat-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"ffi-expatU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time ē"!FFI based wrapper for expat.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"ffi:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Luc Heinrich"Tffi-expat provides a very thin wrapper around expat using the Ruby FFI library.0T" ruby[["openlogic-turn-0.8.2u;[" 1.4.0i"openlogic-turnU:Gem::Version[" 0.8.2u: Time "BTest::Unit Reporter (New) -- new output format for Test::UnitU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.2: @name" ansi:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "bones-git; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.4.7; " bones; @3;F00["Tim Pease"3TURN is a new way to view Test::Unit results. With longer running tests, it can be very frustrating to see a failure (....F...) and then have to wait till all the tests finish before you can see what the exact failure was. TURN displays each test on a separate line with failures being displayed immediately instead of at the end of the tests. If you have the 'ansi' gem installed, then TURN output will be displayed in wonderful technicolor (but only if your terminal supports ANSI color codes). Well, the only colors are green and red, but that is still color.0T" ruby[["drifter-rails-0.1.2u;9[" 1.4.0i"drifter-railsU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time "(Distance queries for ActiveRecord 3U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" mysql:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ruby-debug; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yaml; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.1.2; " drifter; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "pg; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.0; "activerecord; @Q;F00["Ahmed Adam"0T" ruby[["s3sync-1.2.5u;[" 1.4.0i" s3syncU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.5u: Time "3rsync-like client for backing up to Amazons S3U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["0T" ruby[["tf_idf-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i" tf_idfU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time ŀ"=A TF-IDF in ruby - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tf–idfU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" reddavis"=A TF-IDF in ruby - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tf–idf0T" ruby[["ruby-internal-0.7.2u;F[" 1.4.0i"ruby-internalU:Gem::Version[" 0.7.2u: Time m"MA library that provides acccess to the internals of the ruby interpreterU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Paul Brannan"bRuby-Internal is Ruby module that provides direct access to Ruby's internal data structures. 0T" ruby[["process_watcher-0.4u;W[" 1.4.0i"process_watcherU:Gem::Version["0.4u: Time "5Cross platform interface to running subprocessesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["1.3: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Graham Hughes"Raphael Simon"ProcessWatcher is a cross platform interface for running subprocesses safely. Unlike backticks or popen in Ruby 1.8, it will not invoke a shell. Unlike system, it will permits capturing the output. Unlike rolling it by hand, it runs on Windows. 0T" ruby[["cyaml-0.0.29u;`[" 1.4.0i" cyamlU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.29u: Time "&the yaml framework as compass gemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.10.5: @name" compass:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Michael Gerber"&the yaml framework as compass gem0T" ruby[["flattendb-0.0.6u;[" 1.4.0i"flattendbU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.6u: Time ʼn""Flatten relational databases.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" highline:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "libxml-ruby; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ruby-nuggets; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " builder; @=;F00["Jens Wille""Flatten relational databases.0T" ruby[["jm81-dm-address-0.5.0u;[" 1.4.0i"jm81-dm-addressU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.0u: Time $"5Add address related fields to a DataMapper modelU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0: @name" dm-core:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; "dm-migrations; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; "dm-validations; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; "dm-timestamps; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " dm-types; @G;F00["Jared Morgan"Add address fields to a DataMapper model. This includes optional validations, and additional DM types for ZipCode and PhoneNumber. 0T" ruby[["hellhound-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"hellhoundU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time "CAn authentication system based in third oauth party providers.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" yard:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @);F00["Pedro Del Gallego"0T" ruby[["timer.rb-0.3u;[" 1.4.0i" timer.rbU:Gem::Version["0.3u: Time Ŭ"Command-line timerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Federico Builes"mUse: $ timer [duration] As in: $ timer 2h $ timer 2m $ timer 2h 3m $ timer 0.5h 0T" ruby[["test-unit-ext-0.5.0u;[" 1.4.0i"test-unit-extU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.0u: Time "1TestUnitExt extends the standard Test::Unit.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Kouhei Sutou"/TestUnitExt provides some useful features:0T" ruby[["swearjar-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i" swearjarU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time d"ZPut another nickel in the swearjar. Simple profanity detection with content analysis.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.11: @name"fuzzyhash:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.3; " dirge; @);F00["Joshua Hull"ZPut another nickel in the swearjar. Simple profanity detection with content analysis.0T" ruby[["etvnet_seek-0.6.1u;][" 1.4.0i"etvnet_seekU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.1u: Time ń"0Accessing etvnet service from command line.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.1; " nokogiri; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.3; "libxml-ruby; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.1; " highline; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.0; "json_pure; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "googlecharts; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " roodi; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " reek; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "metric_fu; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.7; " mocha; @y;F00["Alexander Shvets"@Command line tool for getting mms urls from etvnet service.0T" ruby[["filezor-1.3.6u;[" 1.4.0i" filezorU:Gem::Version[" 1.3.6u: Time "pure ruby file syncU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" trollop:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " sinatra; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " jeweler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " trollop; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rest-client; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.3; "rest-client; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "gemcutter; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rack-test; @y;F00["Kyle Maxwell"pure ruby file sync0T" ruby[["diff4all-0.0.1u;/[" 1.4.0i" diff4allU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "diff for allU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.1: @name" diff2xml:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" xoinu"diff for all0T" ruby[["tenacity-0.3.0u;_[" 1.4.0i" tenacityU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time "wA database client independent way of specifying simple relationships between models backed by different databases.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["1.0.0.beta: @name"couchrest_model:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.9.9; " rcov; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.2; "datamapper; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.0; "activerecord; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.3.1; "sqlite3-ruby; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["2.3; "activesupport; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2.0.0.beta; " mongoid; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.2; "dm-sqlite-adapter; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.1.3; " bson_ext; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.11.3; " shoulda; @~;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.19.0; " sequel; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.8.7; " rake; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.6.4; " yard; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; "couchrest; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.8.6; "mongo_mapper; @;F00["John Wood"Tenacity provides a database client independent way of specifying simple relationships between models backed by different databases.0T" ruby[["sidestate-0.2.3u;[" 1.4.0i"sidestateU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.3u: Time "9AASM Extention for storing state in a separate modelU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" yard:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.4; " timecop; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.5; " aasm; @=;F00["Pat Allan"#Track state history using AASM0T" ruby[["sauberia-db2s3-;u[" 1.4.0i"sauberia-db2s3U:Gem::Version[" Time "Summarize your gemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.7: @name"s3:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Xavier Shay"Idb2s3 provides rake tasks for backing up and restoring your DB to S30T" ruby[["rufus-lru-1.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"rufus-lruU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.3u: Time "ILruHash class, a Hash with a max size, controlled by a LRU mechanismU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" yard:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["John Mettraux"Q LruHash class, a Hash with a max size, controlled by a LRU mechanism 0T" ruby[["rspec-i18n-1.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i"rspec-i18nU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.1u: Time ĕ"+The internacionalization gem for RspecU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.2; " cucumber; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.2; "terminal-table; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.2; "terminal-table; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.7; " aruba; @Q;F00["Tomas D'Stefano"HA internacionalization tool written in Ruby for the Rspec Framework0T" ruby[["lilu-0.1.3u; [" 1.4.0i" liluU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time ";View subsystem that allows to keep pure HTML for viewsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Yurii Rashkovskii";View subsystem that allows to keep pure HTML for views0T" ruby[["boxcar_api-1.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"boxcar_apiU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2u: Time "RA simple way to send notifications to yourself, or your users through Boxcar.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" httparty:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " httparty; @);F00["Jonathan George"RA simple way to send notifications to yourself, or your users through Boxcar.0T" ruby[["split_tester-0.4u;7[" 1.4.0i"split_testerU:Gem::Version["0.4u: Time %"7Provides A/B split testing functionality for RailsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jeremy Hubert"kSplit Tester provides support for A/B Split testing your pages with integration into Google Analytics.0T" ruby[["refinerycms-i18n-;[" 1.4.0i"refinerycms-i18nU:Gem::Version[" Time E"!i18n logic for Refinery CMS.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.8: @name"refinerycms:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.3; "routing-filter; @);F00["Resolve Digital"=i18n logic extracted from RefineryCMS, for Refinery CMS.0T" ruby[["nbudin-castronaut-0.7.5u; [" 1.4.0i"nbudin-castronautU:Gem::Version[" 0.7.5u: Time "0Nat Budin's experimental fork of CastronautU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Relevance" Inc."Nat Budin"0Nat Budin's experimental fork of Castronaut0T" ruby[["(bbrowning-deltacloud-client-;[" 1.4.0i" bbrowning-deltacloud-clientU:Gem::Version[" Time "Deltacloud REST ClientU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["1.5.0.beta.2: @name" nokogiri:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.2; "rest-client; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0; " rspec; @3;F00[" Red Hat" Inc."#Deltacloud REST Client for API0T" ruby[["fluentmigrator-0.9.0u;x[" 1.4.0i"fluentmigratorU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.0u: Time ":FluentMigrator - Fluent Migrations framework for .netU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[ "Sean Chambers"Nate Kohari"Troy Goode"Justin Etheridge"stevehodkiss"Josh Coffman"Many others"QFluent Migrator is a migration framework for .net much like Ruby Migrations.0T" ruby[["guard-sass-0.0.6u; [" 1.4.0i"guard-sassU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.6u: Time ŭ"Guard gem for SassU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 2.0.0.rc: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.2; " bundler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.0; " haml; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.1; " guard; @=;F00["Joshua Hawxwell"@Guard::Sass automatically rebuilds sass (like sass --watch)0T" ruby[["sinatra-rest-addons-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"sinatra-rest-addonsU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time ŀ"QA set of helpers and extensions for sinatra apps that expose REST resources.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" contest:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.0; " sinatra; @);F00["Cyril Rohr"QA set of helpers and extensions for sinatra apps that expose REST resources.0T" ruby[["secret_mail-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"secret_mailU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "0Maintan a database of secret mail adresses.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Rune Myrland"]The secret mail address is mapped to a sender address and a forwarding address or action0T" ruby[["rubycue-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" rubycueU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time D"Ruby cuesheet track parserU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Blake Smith")Basic ruby parser for song cuesheets0T" ruby[["lessmsi-;[" 1.4.0i" lessmsiU:Gem::Version[" Time "4LessMSI - Easily extract the contents of an MSIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Scott Willeke"LessMSI is a utility with a graphical user interface and a command line interface that can be used to view and extract the contents of an MSI file. For Windows. Usage on the command line: lessmsi [/x []] 0T" ruby[["ffi-pcap-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i" ffi-pcapU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time D"FFI bindings for libpcapU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.9: @name" ffi_dry:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.0; "ffi; @);F00["Postmodern" Dakrone"Eric Monti"3Bindings to libpcap via FFI interface in Ruby.0T" ruby[["funnel-0.1.8u;[" 1.4.0i" funnelU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.8u: Time o"6A realtime resource-centric application frameworkU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.12.4: @name"eventmachine:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Dan Simpson"6A realtime resource-centric application framework0T" ruby[["rope-0.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i" ropeU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.0u: Time E"6Pure Ruby implementation of a Rope data structureU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Andy Lindeman"A Rope is a convenient data structure for manipulating large amounts of text. This implementation is inspired by http://www.rubyquiz.com/quiz137.html and https://rubygems.org/gems/cord0T" ruby[["ratch-1.1.0u;2[" 1.4.0i" ratchU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.0u: Time *"4Ratch is a Ruby-based batch scripting language.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" clio:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " folio; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " facets; @3;F00[" trans "Ratch is a Ruby-based batch scripting language. It's a DSL over regular RUby to make the life of the batch script writter easier.0T" ruby[["minigems-0.9.8u;[" 1.4.0i" minigemsU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.8u: Time &"1Lighweight drop-in replacement for rubygems.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Fabien Franzen"1Lighweight drop-in replacement for rubygems.0T" ruby[["number_to_words-1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"number_to_wordsU:Gem::Version["1.1u: Time \"8Gem for Ruby on Rails to describe a number in wordsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Ivan Torres"8Gem for Ruby on Rails to describe a number in words0T" ruby[["jugyo-simplenote-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"jugyo-simplenoteU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time D"/Simple wrapper for the SimpleNote HTTP APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"vcr:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " fakeweb; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.6.0; " httparty; @=;F00["Simon Jefford"@Uses HTTParty to present a nice Ruby wrapper for SimpleNote0T" ruby[["fabulator-grammar-0.0.6u;[" 1.4.0i"fabulator-grammarU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.6u: Time "$Grammar extension to Fabulator.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.9: @name"fabulator:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["James Smith"IThe grammar Fabulator extension provides regular expression support.0T" ruby[["rspec_w3c_matchers-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"rspec_w3c_matchersU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time E"lRspec 2.0 matchers that detect and report detailed error and warning responses from w3c_validators GEM.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.1: @name"w3c_validators:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.0; " rspec; @);F00[" Takaltoo" add description0T" ruby[[""pg_fuzzy_string_matcher-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"pg_fuzzy_string_matcherU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time $"wThe pg_fuzzy_string_matcher gem provides several functions to determine similarities and distance between strings.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Alejandro Juarez"mThe pg_fuzzy_string_matcher gem uses the set of functions of contrib/fuzzystringmatching for PostgreSQL.0T" ruby[["project_scout-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"project_scoutU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time e"=scan directories to find the root directory of a projectU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0: @name" bundler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.1; " jeweler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.0; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " autotest; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.3.0; " rspec; @Q;F00["Rick Lee-Morlang"=scan directories to find the root directory of a project0T" ruby[[" enumerated_attribute-0.2.16u;[" 1.4.0i"enumerated_attributeU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.16u: Time d"^Add enumerated attributes to your models and expose them in drop-down lists in your viewsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.1: @name"meta_programming:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jeff Patmon"1Enumerated model attributes and view helpers0T" ruby[["efax-1.3.3u;[" 1.4.0i" efaxU:Gem::Version[" 1.3.3u: Time ":Ruby library for accessing the eFax Developer serviceU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0.9: @name" mocha:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.1; " hpricot; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2; "test-unit; @3;F00["Szymon Nowak"Pawel Kozlowski"Dr Nic Williams"0T" ruby[["(engineyard-serverside-adapter-1.4.0u;k[" 1.4.0i""engineyard-serverside-adapterU:Gem::Version[" 1.4.0u: Time E"2Adapter for speaking to engineyard-serversideU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0: @name" bundler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.3.0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "json_pure; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.0.4; " escape; @G;F00["WA separate adapter for speaking the CLI language of the engineyard-serverside gem.0T" ruby[["micetrap-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i" micetrapU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time %"aCatch evil hackers on the fly by placing open-port traps emulating fake vulnerable services!U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" trollop:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "guard-rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.3.0; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " guard; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.7; " bundler; @G;F00["Josep M. Bach"aCatch evil hackers on the fly by placing open-port traps emulating fake vulnerable services!0T" ruby[["rwdziprwdwschedule-1.06u;.[" 1.4.0i"rwdziprwdwscheduleU:Gem::Version[" 1.06u: Time &"Irwdschedule is scheduling software for rwdtinker and RubyWebDialogs.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Steven Gibson"Irwdschedule is scheduling software for rwdtinker and RubyWebDialogs.0T" ruby[["bbpush-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" bbpushU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time ŭ"_A simple server-side Blackberry push notification client that works with BIS applications.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Nicholas Brochu"BBPush is a simple server-side Blackberry push notification client that works with any BIS applications, regardless of it is in development or in production. All you need to use it are the Blackberry PINS of the devices you want to reach and a few configuration properties that you can get from the BB app developer. The library makes it trivial to send push notifications, be it for one PIN, multiple PINs or even all devices that have your app installed.0T" ruby[["igor-0.0.1u;J[" 1.4.0i" igorU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time ".Ugly but effective message queue workers.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.3.2: @name"angry_hash:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.14.3; " thor; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.7.8; "yajl-ruby; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.6.7; " amqp; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.1.0; "lachie-tapp; @G;F00["Lachie Cox"7A rack inspired approach to message queue workers.0T" ruby[["blackwinter-wirble-;[" 1.4.0i"blackwinter-wirbleU:Gem::Version[" Time $"/Handful of common Irb features, made easy.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Paul Duncan"Jens Wille"/Handful of common Irb features, made easy.0T" ruby[["html_me-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" html_meU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "#Ruby HTML converter for SyntaxU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0: @name" syntax:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Uses Syntax to convert Ruby code to html, but embeds colors into span tags, for those times when you don't control the embedded stylesheet0T" ruby[["azul-0.0.1u;p[" 1.4.0i" azulU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "azul ruby bindingsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.1: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4; "rubyforge; @);F00["Raeez Lorgat"azul ruby bindings0T" ruby[["howkast-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" howkastU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rcov:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.2; " jeweler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " cucumber; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.3.0; " rspec; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.6.0; " yard; @Q;F00["Juris Galang" This gem implements Ruby bindings for the [Howcast](http://howcast.com) API Howcast empowers people with engaging, useful how-to information wherever, whenever they need to know how. 0T" ruby[["temple-0.1.7u;h[" 1.4.0i" templeU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.7u: Time E"+Template compilation framework in RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" bacon:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " tilt; @);F00["Magnus Holm"0T" ruby[["simple_settings-0.0.2u;m[" 1.4.0i"simple_settingsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time Ů"/Simple lib to manage settings in your appsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"sqlite3-ruby:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.3.0; "rspec-rails; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.3.0; "simple_form; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.3; " rails; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.24; " haml; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.0; " capybara; @Q;F00["Progralab"Jérémie Horhant"0T" ruby[["rldap-0.0.4u;+[" 1.4.0i" rldapU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time e"Ruby LDAP wrapperU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0: @name" bundler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Henrik Hodne"0T" ruby[["active_workbench-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"active_workbenchU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time %"QThis gem generates ActiveRecord Model files from a MySQL Workbench .mwb fileU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">U;[" 2.3.5: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">U;[" 2.0.0; " rubyzip2; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">U;[" 1.2.3; " nokogiri; @3;F00["Sergiy Volkov"Active Workbench gem generates ActiveRecord Model files from a MySQL Workbench .mwb file. ActiveRecord’s associations will be added to models by analyzing foreign keys in MySQL Workbench EER Model.0T" ruby[["jgre-rfeedparser-0.9.961u;[" 1.4.0i"jgre-rfeedparserU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.961u: Time "%Parse RSS and Atom feeds in RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.10: @name"htmltools:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.1; " rchardet; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 4.0.0; "htmlentities; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.2; " mongrel; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.4; "addressable; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">U;["0.6; " hpricot; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.2; " nokogiri; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.0; "character-encodings; @e;F00["Jeff Hodges"0T" ruby[["lazylist-0.3.2u;@[" 1.4.0i" lazylistU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.2u: Time ["*Implementation of lazy lists for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["0.2: @name" dslkit:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Florian Frank"0T" ruby[["multi_column_search-1.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"multi_column_searchU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2u: Time "0Quick and dirty multi column LIKE searches.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jack Russell Software"0Quick and dirty multi column LIKE searches.0T" ruby[["as3gettext-oneup-0.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i"as3gettext-oneupU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time "gettext for as3U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0; " gettext; @);F00["Yuichi Tateno"Toshiyuki Hirooka"gettext for as30T" ruby[["rt_capistrano-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"rt_capistranoU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "6Simple Capistrano deployment on (mt) Media TempleU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "capistrano; @);F00["Andrew Porter"PUse native capistrano tasks with Media Temple's (gs) Grid-Service accounts.0T" ruby[["rstake-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" rstakeU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "#Watch a directory for changes.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.3: @name" growl:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Rico Sta. Cruz" Sinefunc" Iinc."eWatches a list of files for changes, and executes a given command when any changes are detected.0T" ruby[["i18n-one_sky-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"i18n-one_skyU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time E"OI18n extensions using OneSky -- the community-powered translation service.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.0.1: @name" one_sky:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.14.4; " thor; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.5.0; " i18n; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.2.0; " rspec; @G;F00["Junjun Olympia"A set of I18n extensions that use OneSky. At its most basic, this allows you to easily submit translation requests to the OneSky service and download available translations as Simple backend YAML files.0T" ruby[["pixel-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i" pixelU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time "IRuby extension for calculating the new dimensions of a resized imageU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Nathaniel Jones"Quickly calculate the new dimensions of a resized image by giving it the original dimensions, and how many pixels wide or tall you need your new image to be0T" ruby[["decision_tree-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"decision_treeU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "AID3-based implementation of the M.L. Decision Tree algorithmU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Ilya Grigorik"AID3-based implementation of the M.L. Decision Tree algorithm0T" ruby[["groupme-trails-;[" 1.4.0i"groupme-trailsU:Gem::Version[" Time "@Makes developing twilio applications (even) easier in railsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4: @name"rubyforge:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.1; "hoe; @);F00["Hemant Bhanoo"|Makes developing twilio applications (even) easier in rails. Support for SMS, twiml MimeType alias, functional test helpers.0T" ruby[["tcl-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"tclU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time k"Tcl bindings for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Sam Stephenson"'A minimal Ruby interface to libtcl0T" ruby[["ruby-serialport-0.7.0u;3[" 1.4.0i"ruby-serialportU:Gem::Version[" 0.7.0u: Time EA"[Ruby/SerialPort is a Ruby library that provides a class for using RS-232 serial ports.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" echoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " echoe; @);F00[ "Guillaume Pierronnet"Alan Stern"Daniel E. Shipton"Jonas Bähr"[Ruby/SerialPort is a Ruby library that provides a class for using RS-232 serial ports.0T" ruby[["provizioning-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"provizioningU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time "/Server provisioning tool based on SprinkleU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" season"Victor Castell"GServer provisioning tools, recipes and templates based on Sprinkle0T" ruby[["pg_migrations-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"pg_migrationsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time _"VAdds migration helpers to allow for postgres-specific stuff like real constraintsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.2: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Myles Carrick"VAdds migration helpers to allow for postgres-specific stuff like real constraints0T" ruby[["epiabstractions-;[" 1.4.0i"epiabstractionsU:Gem::Version[" Time $"EPiAbstractionsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" @name"castle.core:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;["; "pagetypebuilder; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;["; "castle.dynamicproxy2; @3;F00["Joel Abrahamsson"EPiAbstractions provides facades for many of the classes in EPiServers products which enable its users to decouple their code from the concrete implementations and thereby gaining the ability to unit test code that otherwise would depend on the concrete implementations.0T" ruby[["vruby-2004.08.07u;w[" 1.4.0i" vrubyU:Gem::Version["2004.08.07u: Time d""BVRuby is a set of vr* series of ruby scripts which wrap swin.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["2004.03.14: @name" swin:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["%"VisualuRuby" is a GUI library on MS Windows for Ruby. The project has two part, one is "swin" which is about ruby extension library, the other is "vruby" : a set of vr* series of ruby scripts which wrap swin. The event handling style is like that of VisualBasic.0T" ruby[["springnote_client-0.0.5u;s[" 1.4.0i"springnote_clientU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time $"Springnote ClientU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.7.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.7.0; "hoe; @);F00["Bryan Kang"Springnote Client0T" ruby[["!provideal-plugin-utils-0.1.3u;[" 1.4.0i"provideal-plugin-utilsU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time "^A small collection of utilities to deal with assets bundled within Rails plugins/engines.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["René Sprotte"0T" ruby[["metafusion-thor-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"metafusion-thorU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time E,";Provides Thor extensions for any type of Ruby project.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Susan Potter"0T" ruby[["dm-is-tree-1.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"dm-is-treeU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2u: Time "PDataMapper plugin allowing the creation of tree structures from data modelsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["1.3: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.2; " dm-core; @);F00["Timothy Bennett"PDataMapper plugin allowing the creation of tree structures from data models0T" ruby[["art-decomp-0.4.0u;8[" 1.4.0i"art-decompU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.0u: Time ",art décomp: an FSM → FPGA decomposerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rcov:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " trollop; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " jeweler; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcapture; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " diff-lcs; @Q;F00["Piotr Szotkowski"0T" ruby[["described_routes-0.8.3u;9[" 1.4.0i"described_routesU:Gem::Version[" 0.8.3u: Time \"Features: * Dynamic, framework-neutral, client-friendly ResourceTemplate metadata describing the path/URI structures of your whole site or of specific resources * A link header-based discovery protocol, enabling clients to find ResourceTemplate metadata from the resources of any enabled controller * Easy integration with Rails * JSON, YAML and XML formats, also a bonus plain text report ATTENTION: 0.8.0 adds Rails integration via Rack middleware; the Rails controller and helpers are hereby deprecated!U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.0: @name"addressable:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.2; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.1; " newgem; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.7; "mynyml-rack-respond_to; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.5; "link_header; @G;F00["Mike Burrows"Features: * Dynamic, framework-neutral, client-friendly ResourceTemplate metadata describing the path/URI structures of your whole site or of specific resources * A link header-based discovery protocol, enabling clients to find ResourceTemplate metadata from the resources of any enabled controller * Easy integration with Rails * JSON, YAML and XML formats, also a bonus plain text report ATTENTION: 0.8.0 adds Rails integration via Rack middleware; the Rails controller and helpers are hereby deprecated!0T" ruby[["rbbt-sent-1.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"rbbt-sentU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2u: Time "Semantic Features in TextU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rbbt; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " simplews; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "progress-monitor; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " stemmer; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " ferret; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "simpleconsole; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " open4; @e;F00["Miguel Vazquez"QUse literature mining to find semantic features to describe clusers of genes0T" ruby[["%jason-o-matic-deep_test-;[" 1.4.0i"jason-o-matic-deep_testU:Gem::Version[" Time d%"/DeepTest runs tests in multiple processes.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.3: @name"jason-o-matic-drbfire:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["anonymous z"Dan Manges"David Vollbracht"/DeepTest runs tests in multiple processes.0T" ruby[["mod_spox-0.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i" mod_spoxU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time W"mod_spox IRC botU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" sequel:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ActionTimer; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " spockets; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ActionPool; @=;F00[" spox"%mod_spox is a Ruby based IRC bot0T" ruby[["vraptor-scaffold-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"vraptor-scaffoldU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time "VRaptor Scaffold.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 0.14.6: @name" thor:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 3.0.1; "activesupport; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.8.7; " rake; @3;F00["Rodolfo Liviero"WVRaptor scaffold extension to make it easier configuring new projects and plugins.0T" ruby[["right_flexiscale-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"right_flexiscaleU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time F"6Interface classes for the FlexiScale Web ServicesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.8: @name" soap4r:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["RightScale" Inc."+== DESCRIPTION: The RightScale GoGrid gem has been designed to provide a robust interface to Flexiscale‘s existing API. == FEATURES/PROBLEMS: * Full programmatic access to the Flexiscale API. * Complete error handling: all operations check for errors and report complete error information.0T" ruby[["flannel-0.2.14u;[" 1.4.0i" flannelU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.14u: Time %"8A soft comfortable worn in markup language for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" mocha:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " polyglot; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " treetop; @=;F00["Jamal Hansen"Flannel is a markup language that is not intended for your web app. It's for your local use, to write a blog entry in your text editor or a number of other uses.0T" ruby[["vos-0.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i"vosU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time %"\Tiny wrapper over Net::SSH/SFTP + small rake addon for cluster configuration managementU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Alexey Petrushin"0T" ruby[["'simple-spreadsheet-extractor-0.4.2u;[" 1.4.0i"!simple-spreadsheet-extractorU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.2u: Time E":Basic spreadsheet content extraction using Apache POIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 1.0.1: @name" open4:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.1.4; " POpen4; @);F00["Stuart Owen"Finn Bacall"]Takes a stream to a spreadsheet file and produces and XML representation of its contents0T" ruby[["speedpetal-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"speedpetalU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time H"$Fast thumbnail Image generator.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.3: @name" newgem:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0; "hoe; @);F00["Tsukasa OISHI"$Fast thumbnail Image generator.0T" ruby[["rackjour-0.1.8u;[" 1.4.0i" rackjourU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.8u: Time i">Distribute your rack apps across the network with bonjourU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["David Turnbull">Distribute your rack apps across the network with bonjour0T" ruby[["polyrex-calendar-0.1.10u;V[" 1.4.0i"polyrex-calendarU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.10u: Time "polyrex-calendarU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" nokogiri:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " polyrex; @);F00["0T" ruby[["maisonneuve-rtm-0.1.5u;N[" 1.4.0i"maisonneuve-rtmU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.5u: Time "Fork from Rufus RTM gemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.0: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["John Mettraux"Nicolas Maisonneuve"0T" ruby[["payment-1.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" paymentU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time De"[Payment is used to process credit cards and electronic cash through merchant accounts.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Lucas Carlson"  These functions tell you whether a credit card number is self-consistent using known algorithms for credit card numbers. All non-integer values are removed from the string before parsing so that you don't have to worry about the format of the string. 0T" ruby[["dashboard-0.0.0u;~[" 1.4.0i"dashboardU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.0u: Time i" Task aggregator and managerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " libdir; @);F00["David Dollar" Task aggregator and manager0T" ruby[["ts-resque-delta-0.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i"ts-resque-deltaU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time "$Thinking Sphinx - Resque DeltasU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" yard:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " cucumber; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.2; "database_cleaner; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.6; "thinking-sphinx; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.10.0; " resque; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.2.1; "resque-lock-timeout; @[;F00["Aaron Gibralter"8Manage delta indexes via Resque for Thinking Sphinx0T" ruby[["sinatra-settings-0.1.2u;Q[" 1.4.0i"sinatra-settingsU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time "SA Sinatra Extension that shows your app's settings and other debug informationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.6: @name"sinatra-tests:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.0; " sinatra; @3;F00[" kematzy"|Want an overview of all Sinatra settings (formerly options) in your app? This Sinatra Extension makes that dead simple.0T" ruby[["ruby-terminfo-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"ruby-terminfoU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time E"terminfo binding for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Tanaka Akira"terminfo binding for Ruby0T" ruby[["mongoid_wice_grid-4.0.0u;.[" 1.4.0i"mongoid_wice_gridU:Gem::Version[" 4.0.0u: Time "Rails Grid PluginU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Yuri Leikind"Aleksandr Furmanov"iA Rails grid plugin to create grids with sorting, pagination, and (automatically generated) filters 0T" ruby[["#exception_notification-;[" 1.4.0i"exception_notificationU:Gem::Version[" Time "SException notification by email for Rails apps - 2.3-stable compatible versionU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jamis Buck"Josh Peek"Tim Connor"0T" ruby[["mini_css-0.0.2u;f[" 1.4.0i" mini_cssU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time $"Minimise your CSS files using by compressing and combining them into one file. Reduce HTTP requests, file size, and save bandwidth.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["1.0: @name"rainpress:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Nathan Kleyn"Minimise your CSS files using by compressing and combining them into one file. Reduce HTTP requests, file size, and save bandwidth. See http://github.com/nathankleyn/mini_css for more information.0T" ruby[["zvent-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i" zventU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time "7Interface for the zvents API without all the mess.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.9: @name" tzinfo:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.2; " json; @);F00["Austin Fonacier"7Interface for the zvents API without all the mess.0T" ruby[["stresser-0.4.0u;[" 1.4.0i" stresserU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.0u: Time "7Wrapper around httperf for stresstesting your app.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" ruport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " gruff; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " trollop; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "OptionParser; @=;F00["Jannis Hermanns"Wrapper around httperf for stresstesting your app. Runs httperf multiple times with different concurrency levels and generates an executive summary™ in .csv"0T" ruby[["rcapture-1.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i" rcaptureU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.4u: Time ŀ"+Capture and modify method invocations.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Christoph Heindl"RCapture allows placing hooks on methods using a convenient interface. RCapture allows pre and post invocation capturing as well as modifying input and return arguments. RCapture can thus be used as a building block in aspect oriented programming.0T" ruby[["proc2json-0.0.1u;_[" 1.4.0i"proc2jsonU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time  "a dug up gemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0: @name"ruby2ruby:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0; " json; @);F00["raspberry lemon"0T" ruby[["cookbook-client-0.5.0u;[" 1.4.0i"cookbook-clientU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.0u: Time %i"`A command-line tool for interacting with the Cookbook Community Site, cookbooks.opscode.comU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"opscode-rest:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "mixlib-authentication; @);F00[" Opscode" Inc."0T" ruby[[""doubledrones-annotate-;[" 1.4.0i"doubledrones-annotateU:Gem::Version[" Time "WAnnotates Rails Models, routes, fixtures, and others based on the database schema.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[ "Cuong Tran"Alex Chaffee"Marcos Piccinini"Marcin Michałowski"Marcin Nowicki"WAnnotates Rails Models, routes, fixtures, and others based on the database schema.0T" ruby[["jquery_corpus-0.1.0u; [" 1.4.0i"jquery_corpusU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time %"=Manage jQuery and it's plugins for Rails 3 applications.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.3: @name" cucumber:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["2.0.0.beta.3; " rspec; @);F00["Tse-Ching Ho"{This gem will collect useful and popular jqeury plugins and provide a reliable way to manage it via rails 3 generator.0T" ruby[["avrubykit-0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"avrubykitU:Gem::Version["0.2u: Time "Ruby utility librariesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["SC"Ruby utility libraries0T" ruby[["(authlogic-connect-andrewacove-0.5.7u;+[" 1.4.0i""authlogic-connect-andrewacoveU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.7u: Time Ě"JPersonal fork of Authlogic Connect: Oauth and OpenID made dead simpleU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" oauth:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "authlogic; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " json; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.1; "rack-openid; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " oauth2; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ruby-openid; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.2; "activesupport; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.2; "activerecord; @e;F00["Lance Pollard"Andrew Cove"=Personal additions for Oauth and OpenID made dead simple0T" ruby[["nilify_blanks-1.0.0u;&[" 1.4.0i"nilify_blanksU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time "&Auto-convert blank fields to nil.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.0: @name"activerecord:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.0; "activesupport; @);F00["Ben Hughes"Often times you'll end up with empty strings where you really want nil at the database level. This plugin automatically converts blanks to nil and is configurable.0T" ruby[["bcdatabase-1.0.3u;M[" 1.4.0i"bcdatabaseU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.3u: Time e"HServer-central database configuration for rails and other ruby appsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["1.6: @name" highline:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.2; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["2.0; "activesupport; @3;F00["Rhett Sutphin"bcdatabase is a tool for storing passwords and other database configuration information outside of your application source tree.0T" ruby[[" testing_please_ignore-0.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"testing_please_ignoreU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.0u: Time EB">TODO: put a single line description of your project here.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 0.0.0: @name" inochi:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Your Name">TODO: put a single line description of your project here.0T" ruby[["aleksi-after_commit-1.0.8u;/[" 1.4.0i"aleksi-after_commitU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.8u: Time "+after_commit callback for ActiveRecordU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"activerecord:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "sqlite3-ruby; @);F00["Nick Muerdter"David Yip"Pat Allan" A Ruby on Rails plugin to add an after_commit callback. This can be used to trigger methods only after the entire transaction is complete. 0T" ruby[["i18n_generators-1.0.2u;;[" 1.4.0i"i18n_generatorsU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2u: Time "8Generates I18n locale files for Rails 3 and Rails 2U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Akira Matsuda"iA Rails generator plugin & gem that generates Rails I18n locale files for almost every known locale.0T" ruby[["trollop-1.16.2u;[" 1.4.0i" trollopU:Gem::Version[" 1.16.2u: Time Č"TTrollop is a commandline option parser for Ruby that just gets out of your way.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["William Morgan"'Trollop is a commandline option parser for Ruby that just gets out of your way. One line of code per option is all you need to write. For that, you get a nice automatically-generated help page, robust option parsing, command subcompletion, and sensible defaults for everything you don't specify.0T" ruby[["spiderz-0.1.1u;r[" 1.4.0i" spiderzU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time +"Scarily easy spideringU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.2: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.2; "hoe; @);F00["Jonah Fox"Scarily easy spidering0T" ruby[["json-monitor-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"json-monitorU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time o"Logs in Json to CouchDBU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Luis Mancilla Ávila"0T" ruby[["(activerecord-simpledb-adapter-0.2.1u;U[" 1.4.0i""activerecord-simpledb-adapterU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time ""ActiveRecord SimpleDB adapterU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 2.3.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.3; "activesupport; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.1.1; "uuidtools; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.3; " rails; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.3.0; "aws; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.3; "activerecord; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.2; " jeweler; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "aws; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "activerecord; @~;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "activesupport; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rails; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " thor; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;["0.2.0.prerails3.2; " genspec; @;F00["Ilia Ablamonov"Alex Gorkunov"Cloud Castle Inc."0T" ruby[["uwa_hello-1.1u;,[" 1.4.0i"uwa_helloU:Gem::Version["1.1u: Time "UWA HelloWorld widgetU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0: @name"uwa:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Florent Solt"0T" ruby[[" rmds-0.2u;h[" 1.4.0i" rmdsU:Gem::Version["0.2u: Time Ģ"*Ruby Multidimensional Scaling LibraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Christoph Heindl"Multidimensional scaling (MDS) is a set of related statistical techniques often used in information visualization for exploring similarities or dissimilarities in data.0T" ruby[["rails_app_config-0.0.2u; [" 1.4.0i"rails_app_configU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time "Fprovides an AppConfig for rails3 that reads config/app_config.ymlU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jacques Crocker"=Provides an easy to use Application Configuration object0T" ruby[["mimer_plus-0.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i"mimer_plusU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time "iFind the mime-type of a file using unix' `file` command. This does not look at file extension, ever.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Linus Oleander"Ariejan de Vroom"kFind the mime-type of a file using unix' `file` command. This does not look at file extension, ever...0T" ruby[["install_generator-0.0.2u;`[" 1.4.0i"install_generatorU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time "CGenerates a web-based installer for Ruby on Rails applicationsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["1.0: @name" rails:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Eugen Minciu"0T" ruby[["livedata-0.3.1u; [" 1.4.0i" livedataU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.1u: Time D"Handle live dataU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Mohammed Siddick. E"_Using the livedata plugin, we can implement application like chat, status monitoring, etc.0T" ruby[["extensional-1.3.1u;[" 1.4.0i"extensionalU:Gem::Version[" 1.3.1u: Time ģ"Collects Class instances.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" OHSU" The extensional gem adds the ability of a Class to collect its instances. An extensional class is an Enumerable whose each method iterates over its instances. An optional callback block enables associative access to instances by key. 0T" ruby[["msales-carmen-0.1.4u;[" 1.4.0i"msales-carmenU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time E"@A collection of geographis country and state names for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jim Benton"Maximilian Schulz"Urban Hafner"A collection of geographis country and state names for Ruby. Also includes replacements for Rails' country_select and state_select plugins.0T" ruby[["faded-1.0.0u;`[" 1.4.0i" fadedU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time "6Calculates your Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) levelU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.1: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.0; " chronic; @);F00["Chris Van Pelt"== FEATURES/PROBLEMS: * Pretty simple == SYNOPSIS: you = Faded::Person.new(:male, 175) you.drink("30 minutes ago", :manhattan) you.bac => 0.023 you.bac("15 minutes ago") => 0.017 == REQUIREMENTS:0T" ruby[["noodall-devise-0.1.7u;[" 1.4.0i"noodall-deviseU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.7u: Time ":Noodall Devise: User sign in and managent with deviseU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0: @name" bundler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.1.3; " devise; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.1.6; "mm-devise; @3;F00["^User sign in and managent with devise. Provides administration of users in the admin area0T" ruby[["honeypot-0.0.9u;,[" 1.4.0i" honeypotU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.9u: Time "*Track remote requests to catch fraud.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.5: @name"activerecord:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.0; " geokit; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.4; "fast_timestamp; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.5; "activesupport; @=;F00["Seamus Abshere"=Catch bad guys when they stick their hands in the honey.0T" ruby[["fmod-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i" fmodU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time d"%Unofficial FMOD binding for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" Darkleo"%Unofficial FMOD binding for Ruby0T" ruby[["automaton-0.0.1u;t[" 1.4.0i"automatonU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "YImplementation of automata, supporting visualization and regular language operationsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0: @name" rtex:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Tor Erik Linnerud"0T" ruby[["comma-heaven-0.5.3u; [" 1.4.0i"comma-heavenU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.3u: Time E"CSV exporter for RailsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "activerecord; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "actionpack; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "fastercsv; @=;F00["Silvano Stralla"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.0: @name" rake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["!MenTaLguY "0T" ruby[["protoform-0.1.2u;Z[" 1.4.0i"protoformU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time "?Generates a basic skeleton for a Mirah Android applicationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rcov:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.1; " jeweler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.5; " rubigen; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @G;F00["Nick Plante"?Generates a basic skeleton for a Mirah Android application0T" ruby[["ipinfodb-0.0.1u;^[" 1.4.0i" ipinfodbU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time %"&Free IP address geolocation toolsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["0.6: @name" httparty:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Tomasz Mazur"&Free IP address geolocation tools0T" ruby[["aua-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"auaU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time e"!aua = a user agent (parser).U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.4.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.9; "guard-rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.3; " growl; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.9; "rb-fsevent; @=;F00["Sebastian Munz"!aua = a user agent (parser).0T" ruby[["e4u-encode-0.0.1u;|[" 1.4.0i"e4u-encodeU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time e"Emoji Converter using E4UU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.4; "e4u; @);F00[" fistfvck"Emoji Converter using E4U0T" ruby[["cdn_fu-0.6u;[" 1.4.0i" cdn_fuU:Gem::Version["0.6u: Time h"WCDN Fu is a framework for making minification and deployment of static assets easyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0.8: @name" rake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.2; " aws-s3; @);F00["Curtis Spencer"CDN Fu is a framework for making listing, minification and deployment of static assets easy. It allows you to use it standalone on the command line for non Rails project and it can be used as a Rails plugin to add useful rake tasks and sensible defaults. 0T" ruby[["yeqs_jquery-0.0.8u;[" 1.4.0i"yeqs_jqueryU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.8u: Time $",Wrap all the jquery related components.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.0: @name" rails:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" Tower He" Yeqs Jquery wraps all the jquery related components. It provides a generator for each component. You can use these generators to generate the assets of the components quickly. 0T" ruby[["squeezy-0.0.1u;4[" 1.4.0i" squeezyU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time Ħ"1Asset compression service via YUI compressorU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"glassfish:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " sinatra; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @G;F00["Joshua Hull"1Asset compression service via YUI compressor0T" ruby[[""sprout-asunit3-library-4.0.21u;[" 1.4.0i"sprout-asunit3-libraryU:Gem::Version[" 4.0.21u: Time "aAsUnit3 is an ActionScript unit test framework for AIR, Flex 2/3 and ActionScript 3 projectsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Luke Bayes and Ali Mills"0T" ruby[["shattered_ruby-0.5.1u;[" 1.4.0i"shattered_rubyU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.1u: Time "LShattered: The main package tieing together controller, view, and modelU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0.5: @name"shattered_support:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0.5; "shattered_pack; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0.5; "shattered_ogrerb; @3;F00["Shattered is a Model View Control framework for creating 3d games. It uses Ogre, and the parts of rails (code and philosophy) to define a general use framework that is easy to work with.0T" ruby[["clbustos-rtf-0.4.2u;a[" 1.4.0i"clbustos-rtfU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.2u: Time "7Ruby library to create rich text format documents.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Peter Wood"Ruby RTF is a library that can be used to create rich text format (RTF) documents. RTF is a text based standard for laying out document content.0T" ruby[["colorful-logger-0.0.1u;M[" 1.4.0i"colorful-loggerU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time m"!Adds colors to Extlib loggerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" extlib:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["#Jakub Šťastný aka Botanicus"0T" ruby[["rmobio-1.1.34u;[[" 1.4.0i" rmobioU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.34u: Time "Rmobio APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.1: @name" builder:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0.6; " hpricot; @);F00["Mobio Networks"0T" ruby[["rdf-rdfa-;[" 1.4.0i" rdf-rdfaU:Gem::Version[" Time "RDFa reader for RDF.rb.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" yard:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.1; " rdf-spec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.1; "rdf-rdfxml; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rdf-isomorphic; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.0; "rdf; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.3; " nokogiri; @[;F00["Gregg Kellogg"N RDF::RDFa is an RDFa reader for Ruby using the RDF.rb library suite. 0T" ruby[["file_tee-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i" file_teeU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time D",This is file access utility like 'tee'.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Toshiyuki Suzumura",This is file access utility like 'tee'.0T" ruby[["cps-client-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"cps-clientU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time "7ruby api for the arp-client of cps-datensysteme.deU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.0: @name"#always_verify_ssl_certificates:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" jfqd"7ruby api for the arp-client of cps-datensysteme.de0T" ruby[["viddler-ruby-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"viddler-rubyU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "(An API wrapper for Viddler's v2 APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rest-client; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">U;[" 2.3.0; "activesupport; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @=;F00["Kyle Slattery"(An API wrapper for Viddler's v2 API0T" ruby[["test_benchmark-0.4.7u;Z[" 1.4.0i"test_benchmarkU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.7u: Time i"kRails plugin (and/or ruby gem) for benchmarking your test::units: a rework of the original by topfunkyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[ "Tim Connor"Geoffrey Grosenbach"Mike Gunderloy"Luke Francl"Marek de Heus"Vijay Aravamudhan"0T" ruby[["proxymock-0.0.10u;[" 1.4.0i"proxymockU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.10u: Time D",Adds a should_receive! method to rspec.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Brad Phelan"pAdds a should_receive! method to rspec that actually calls the method instead of behaving like a true mock 0T" ruby[["pesel-0.9.0u;[" 1.4.0i" peselU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.0u: Time "%PESEL validation and informationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Piotr Macuk"JPesel class to check PESEL number and get information about its owner0T" ruby[["ambethia-mousetrap-0.5.1u;A[" 1.4.0i"ambethia-mousetrapU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.1u: Time "%CheddarGetter API Client in RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.3; "factory_girl; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.2; " httparty; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.3; "activesupport; @=;F00[ "Jon Larkowski"Sandro Turriate"Wolfram Arnold"Corey Grusden"%CheddarGetter API Client in Ruby0T" ruby[["sinatra-memcache-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"sinatra-memcacheU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "ACache extension on Sinatra, updated for Sinatra 1.0 by felixU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" sinatra:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "memcache-client; @);F00[" gioext"0T" ruby[["simple_search-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"simple_searchU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "AAdd an easy-to-use search method to your ActiveRecord modelsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Ernie Miller"2This gem allows your models to be searchable.0T" ruby[["charlie-0.8.1u;[" 1.4.0i" charlieU:Gem::Version[" 0.8.1u: Time eE"+A genetic algorithms library for Ruby.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.3: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.3; "hoe; @);F00["Sander Land"#== DESCRIPTION: Charlie is a library for genetic algorithms (GA) and genetic programming (GP). == FEATURES: - Quickly develop GAs by combining several parts (genotype, selection, crossover, mutation) provided by the library. - Sensible defaults are provided with any genotype, so often you only need to define a fitness function. - Easily replace any of the parts by your own code. - Test different strategies in GA, and generate reports comparing them. Example report: http://charlie.rubyforge.org/example_report.html == INSTALL: * sudo gem install charlie == EXAMPLES: This example solves a TSP problem (also quiz #142): N=5 CITIES = (0...N).map{|i| (0...N).map{|j| [i,j] } }.inject{|a,b|a+b} class TSP < PermutationGenotype(CITIES.size) def fitness d=0 (genes + [genes[0]]).each_cons(2){|a,b| a,b=CITIES[a],CITIES[b] d += Math.sqrt( (a[0]-b[0])**2 + (a[1]-b[1])**2 ) } -d # lower distance -> higher fitness. end use EdgeRecombinationCrossover, InversionMutator end Population.new(TSP,20).evolve_on_console(50) This example finds a polynomial which approximates cos(x) class Cos < TreeGenotype([proc{3*rand-1.5},:x], [:-@], [:+,:*,:-]) def fitness -[0,0.33,0.66,1].map{|x| (eval_genes(:x=>x) - Math.cos(x)).abs }.max end use TournamentSelection(4) end Population.new(Cos).evolve_on_console(500)0T" ruby[["solrsan-0.0.10u;[[" 1.4.0i" solrsanU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.10u: Time "eLightweight wrapper for using Apache Solr within a Ruby application including Rails and Sinatra.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 1.0.0: @name" rsolr:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.3; "activemodel; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.3; "activesupport; @3;F00["Tommy Chheng"rsolrgen is a lightweight wrapper for using Apache Solr within a Ruby application including Rails and Sinatra.0T" ruby[["active_exchange-0.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i"active_exchangeU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time "(Foreign Exchange for your Rails appU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" pjammer")Foreign Exchange for your Rails app.0T" ruby[["ggenv-0.5u; [" 1.4.0i" ggenvU:Gem::Version["0.5u: Time DZ"9Environment variable manipulation using ruby arrays.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Gonzalo Garramuno"AEnvironment variable manipulation using a ruby array syntax.0T" ruby[["toggl-0.2.3u;*[" 1.4.0i" togglU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.3u: Time "Toggl api ruby gemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.1: @name" hirb:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.1.8; " crack; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.0; "chronic_duration; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.6.1; " httparty; @=;F00["Koen Van der Auwera"ZToggl provides a simple REST-style JSON API over standard HTTP - http://www.toggl.com0T" ruby[["rcaps-0.9.20u;[" 1.4.0i" rcapsU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.20u: Time $%"OA library for manipulating capabilities using the POSIX 1003.1e interfacesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Ben Walton"0T" ruby[["chuck-norris-0.1.1u;y[" 1.4.0i"chuck-norrisU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "Chuck NorrisU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Pavel Gorbokon (pahanix)">When Chuck Norris throws exceptions, it's across the room0T" ruby[["dm-aux_codes-1.0.9u;[" 1.4.0i"dm-aux_codesU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.9u: Time %"HDataMapper plugin for easily managing lots of enumeration-type dataU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" remi"HDataMapper plugin for easily managing lots of enumeration-type data0T" ruby[["ym4r-0.6.1u;[" 1.4.0i" ym4rU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.1u: Time "MHelping the use of Google Maps and Yahoo! Maps API's from Ruby and RailsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Guilhem Vellut"0T" ruby[["wysihat-engine-0.1.13u;[" 1.4.0i"wysihat-engineU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.13u: Time d"aA Rails engine to help integrate the 37signals WysiHat rich text editor to your application.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.1: @name"paperclip:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.1; "yui-compressor; @);F00["Jeff Kreeftmeijer"aA Rails engine to help integrate the 37signals WysiHat rich text editor to your application.0T" ruby[["tea-0.6.1u;[" 1.4.0i"teaU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.1u: Time f"0A simple game development library for Ruby.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rmagick:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rubysdl; @);F00["Tung Nguyen"Tea is a library for making simpler games from a simpler age. It's designed with these things in mind: - 0 is better than 1, and 1 is better than 2. - Simplicity beats speed. - Value and convenience can sometimes beat simplicity. - Procedural beats object-oriented in a dead-heat. 0T" ruby[["starling-0.10.1u;[" 1.4.0i" starlingU:Gem::Version[" 0.10.1u: Time e"GStarling is a lightweight, transactional, distributed queue serverU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.12.0: @name"eventmachine:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.7.0; "memcache-client; @);F00[ "Blaine Cook"Chris Wanstrath"Britt Selvitelle"Glenn Rempe"Abdul-Rahman Advany"Seth Fitzsimmons"Harm Aarts"Chris Gaffney"Starling is a light-weight, persistent queue server that speaks the memcached protocol. It was originally developed for Twitter's backend.0T" ruby[["phuby-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i" phubyU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time $"(Phuby wraps PHP in a loving embraceU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.0: @name"gemcutter:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.5.0; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.3; "rubyforge; @3;F00["Aaron Patterson"HPhuby wraps PHP in a loving embrace. Exposes a PHP runtime in ruby0T" ruby[["active_diigo-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"active_diigoU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time %"6Diigo Restful API wrapper; much like ActiveRecordU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 2.1.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " fakeweb; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " httparty; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.2; " jeweler; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " json; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.6.0; " yard; @e;F00["Bagwan Pankaj"9ActiveDiigo is a wrapper for Diigo API(version: v2).0T" ruby[["forkandreturn-0.2.1u;%[" 1.4.0i"forkandreturnU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time $"}Runs a block of code in a seperate process and collects the result later. Includes a lot of convenient methods on Enumerable.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.2: @name"threadlimiter:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Erik Veenstra"}Runs a block of code in a seperate process and collects the result later. Includes a lot of convenient methods on Enumerable.0T" ruby[["lockit-0.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i" lockitU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.0u: Time E"YA ruby implementation of LockIt: A Simple File-based Convention for Resource LockingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.1: @name" jeweler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @=;F00["Chris Beer"0T" ruby[["edavis10-cerberus-0.7.8u;[" 1.4.0i"edavis10-cerberusU:Gem::Version[" 0.7.8u: Time Ĝ"RCerberus is a Continuous Integration tool that could be easily run from Cron.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["2.0: @name"actionmailer:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2.0; "activesupport; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.3; " rake; @3;F00["Craig P Jolicoeur"Cerberus is a Continuous Integration software for Ruby projects. CI helps you keep your project in a good shape. Cerberus could be easily invoked from Cron (for Unix) or nnCron (for Windows) utilities.0T" ruby[["active_record_stash-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"active_record_stashU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "]allow attributes stored in serialized columns to be first class active record attributesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Stefan Penner"nprovide validations and form helper functionality to attributes stored in serialized ActiveRecord columns0T" ruby[["rubygems-desc-1.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"rubygems-descU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.0u: Time k".Rubygems plugin - Describe gem given nameU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" httparty:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "thoughtbot-shoulda; @);F00["Chad Fowler".Rubygems plugin - Describe gem given name0T" ruby[["nutils-0.6.2u;[" 1.4.0i" nutilsU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.2u: Time E"#A set of utilities for Nanoc3.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"sprockets:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.1; "yui-compressor; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "htmlbeautifier; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; "rjb; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rmagick; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.1.2; " nanoc3; @Q;F00["Arnau Siches"TNutils is a set of utilities like filters, data_sources and helpers for Nanoc3.0T" ruby[["cappruby-0.0.3u;][" 1.4.0i" capprubyU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time %" capprubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.6: @name" racc:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.5; " vienna; @);F00["Adam Beynon" cappruby0T" ruby[["wriggle-1.2.0u;[[" 1.4.0i" wriggleU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.0u: Time ŭ"$A simple directory crawler DSL.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 2.0.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Robert Speicher"$A simple directory crawler DSL.0T" ruby[["swirl-1.5.3u;[" 1.4.0i" swirlU:Gem::Version[" 1.5.3u: Time E"'A version agnostic EC2 ruby driverU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.4: @name" crack:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.2; " contest; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.2; "ruby-hmac; @3;F00["Blake Mizerany"'A version agnostic EC2 ruby driver0T" ruby[["josso-client-0.1.6u;P[" 1.4.0i"josso-clientU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.6u: Time "JOSSO client for RailsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0: @name" rails:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Peter C Peterson"JOSSO client for Rails.0T" ruby[["CacheGorilla-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"CacheGorillaU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time d"Let's say you've got a MongoDB server, being used as a key-value store for an app being served by three sticky-load-balanced web serversU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.19.5: @name"memcached:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4; "rubyforge; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.1; "hoe; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; " mongo; @=;F00["Tim Rosenblatt"Let's say you've got a MongoDB server, being used as a key-value store for an app being served by three sticky-load-balanced web servers. Running an instance of memcached will speed up repeated reads.0T" ruby[["amatch-0.2.5u;[" 1.4.0i" amatchU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.5u: Time $c"(Approximate String Matching libraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Florian Frank"Amatch is a library for approximate string matching and searching in strings. Several algorithms can be used to do this, and it's also possible to compute a similarity metric number between 0.0 and 1.0 for two given strings. 0T" ruby[["boned-0.3.2u;[" 1.4.0i" bonedU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.2u: Time "BHTTP server companion for Bone (remote environment variables)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.2: @name" bone:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " thin; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.0; " sinatra; @3;F00["Delano Mandelbaum"BHTTP server companion for Bone (remote environment variables)0T" ruby[["continents-0.0.4u;e[" 1.4.0i"continentsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time e"Continents and CountriesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Ravi Bhim"8Mapping from Continents to Countries and viceversa.0T" ruby[["rocker-0.0.10u;#[" 1.4.0i" rockerU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.10u: Time D"WThis gem is very fast C++ code for calculating AUCs on results of cross-validationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4; "rubyforge; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.8.3; " facets; @3;F00["John Woods"NThis gem is very fast C++ code for calculating AUCs on results of cross-validation. It is specific to the crossval database schema, which has not been released yet. Chances are you will not find this very useful unless you are the author. It is in gem form to ensure that each lab machine can compile its own arch-specific version.0T" ruby[["mapcache-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i" mapcacheU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "4Google Maps tile browser-downloader and managerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.1; " wxruby; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "httpclient; @3;F00["Valentine Bichkovsky"0T" ruby[["glebm-sanitize-;[" 1.4.0i"glebm-sanitizeU:Gem::Version[" Time D"$Whitelist-based HTML sanitizer.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.8.0: @name" rake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.4; "glebm-nokogiri; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.1.0; " bacon; @3;F00["Ryan Grove"0T" ruby[["class_attr-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"class_attrU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time "6attr_accessor for class level instance variables.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Joshua Hawxwell" Provides attr_accessor style methods for easily creating methods for working with class level instance variables. Allows you to set variables to be inheritable or not, and have default values. 0T" ruby[["db_reference-0.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i"db_referenceU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time e"#Loads files from db/reference/U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Cam Fowler"5 Used for creating a predefined set of models, similar to db:seed, but will not repopulate if entries already exist. Place references in 'db/reference/' References will be loaded in ascending order, so if an order is desired, prepend 000, 001, 002... etc to the filename. Run with: rake reference:load 0T" ruby[["mutter-0.5.3u;[" 1.4.0i" mutterU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.3u: Time e"the tiny CLI libraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["cloudhead"?the tiny command-line interface library with lots of style0T" ruby[["wool-0.5.1u; [" 1.4.0i" woolU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.1u: Time "(Analysis and Linting tool for Ruby.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" yard:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.4; "ruby2ruby; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.5; "ruby_parser; @=;F00["Michael Edgar"7Wool is an advanced static analysis tool for Ruby.0T" ruby[["winnie-0.0.5u;[" 1.4.0i" winnieU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time E"Winnie command line toolU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" fakefs:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " json; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rest-client; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.1.0; " rspec; @=;F00[" winnie"ACommand line tool which allows interacting with winnie's API0T" ruby[["sassy-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i" sassyU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time "Generate SCSS with Ruby.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["0.5: @name" i18n:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["3.0; "activesupport; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2.0; " rspec; @3;F00["Austin Schneider"Generate SCSS with Ruby.0T" ruby[["rdp-rubydoctest-1.0.1u;6[" 1.4.0i"rdp-rubydoctestU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time "@Ruby version of Python's doctest tool, but a bit different.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Duane Johnson"Tom Locke"Dr Nic Williams"@Ruby version of Python's doctest tool, but a bit different.0T" ruby[["cancer-0.1.0.a1u;[" 1.4.0i" cancerU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0.a1u: Time g")A Nokogiri based XMPP client libraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.3: @name"astro-ruby-sasl:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.0; "openssl-nonblock; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.3; " net-dns; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.3; " nokogiri; @=;F00["Simon Menke"*Building XMPP clients should be easy.0T" ruby[["dfect-2.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i" dfectU:Gem::Version[" 2.2.0u: Time "'Assertion testing library for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.0["=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Tim Matheson"9Integrates your rails app with Unfuddle API and Rack0T" ruby[["shellshot-0.4.3u;6[" 1.4.0i"shellshotU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.3u: Time $"?ruby proxy handling the complexities of system invocationsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "SystemTimer; @);F00["Petyo Ivanov" A small library dealing with the obscurities of shell commands, piping and timeouts. Most of the stuff comes from bad experience in http://beanstalkapp.com. 0T" ruby[["rocket-0.0.4u;;[" 1.4.0i" rocketU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time "2Event-oriented WebSockets server and toolkit.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 0.0.4: @name"rocket-core:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.0.4; "rocket-js; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.0.4; "rocket-server; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2.0; " rspec; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0.9; " mocha; @G;F00["Araneo Ltd."Chris Kowalik"Rocket is a very fast and reliable web socket server built upon em-websockets library. Rocket provides also JavaScript toolkit to serve up instructions to clients, and ruby library which handles events triggering. This Project was strongly inspired by awesome PusherApp.0T" ruby[["rack-accepts-0.0.1u;T[" 1.4.0i"rack-acceptsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "9Rack middleware to reject crappy http accept headersU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Andrew Nesbitt"}Rack middleware to reject crappy http accept headers, Returns '406 Not Acceptable' status when unsupported type is requested.0T" ruby[["ice_cube-0.6.6u;[" 1.4.0i" ice_cubeU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.6u: Time E"!Ruby Date Recurrence LibraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["John Crepezzi"xice_cube is a recurring date library for Ruby. It allows for quick, programatic expansion of recurring date rules.0T" ruby[["authlogic_vkontakte-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"authlogic_vkontakteU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Igor Petrov"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0["=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["carlosjhr64@gmail.com"Library files common to the Ruby-Gnome applications in http://ruby-gnome-apps.blogspot.com/. Makes writing ruby gtk2 apps faster. Will run on both Linux and Maemo. 0T" ruby[["laterpaper-0.1.0u;0[" 1.4.0i"laterpaperU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time E")Library for using the Instapaper APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.4.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.4.0; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.2; " jeweler; @G;F00["Jay Shepherd")Library for using the Instapaper API0T" ruby[["em-http-request-0.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i"em-http-requestU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time "2EventMachine based, async HTTP Request clientU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.12.9: @name"eventmachine:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0; "addressable; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "em-websocket; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rack; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.2.0.pre2; " mongrel; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "escape_utils; @e;F00["Ilya Grigorik"2EventMachine based, async HTTP Request client0T" ruby[["yamlconfig-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"yamlconfigU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time "@YAML file based configuration object with an EASY interfaceU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Christopher Maujean"0T" ruby[["resque-throttle-0.2.19u;[" 1.4.0i"resque-throttleU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.19u: Time E"{resque-throttle is an extension to the resque queue system that restricts the frequency in which certain jobs are run.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.6.0; " resque; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.8; " mocha; @3;F00["Scott J. Tamosunas"resque-throttle is an extension to the resque queue system that restricts the frequency in which certain jobs are run. Add more description here.0T" ruby[["port-a-query-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"port-a-queryU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time d""SQL query portability helpersU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Adam Crownoble";Simple helper for generating portable SQL expressions.0T" ruby[["getafreelancer-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"getafreelancerU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time $f".API Wrapper for http://getafreelancer.comU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"mhennemeyer-matchy:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "thoughtbot-shoulda; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.5; " httparty; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " fakeweb; @=;F00["Mark Turner".API Wrapper for http://getafreelancer.com0T" ruby[["geokit-cache-1.0.4u;G[" 1.4.0i"geokit-cacheU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.4u: Time d"Geokit caching supportU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; ")Pr0d1r2-active_record_connectionless; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "%Pr0d1r2-active_record_geocodable; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "htmlentities; @=;F00["Marcin Nowicki"KCaching support in database for locations geocoded by andre/geokit-gem0T" ruby[[""musicbrainz_automatcher-0.1.1u;F[" 1.4.0i"musicbrainz_automatcherU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time $"Vmusicbrainz_automatcher matches artists/tracks names to MusicBrainz intelligentlyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["2.3: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mocha; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["0.5; " rbrainz; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.1; " Text; @G;F00["Patrick Sinclair"0T" ruby[["trustcommerce-0.5.3u;[" 1.4.0i"trustcommerceU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.3u: Time "'TrustCommerce Subscription LibraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Zack Chandler"'TrustCommerce Subscription Library0T" ruby[["tree_dehugger-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"tree_dehuggerU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "qThe dehugger, a play on debugger, is meant for displaying a visual representation of the makeup of an objectU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.1: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4; "rubyforge; @);F00["Chad W Pry"The dehugger, a play on debugger, is meant for displaying a visual representation of the makeup of an object. Given a few options, the public methods can display visually or return a hash value of the underlying contents. The main contents that are displayed are listed below. By default, all values are displayed or returned. Options are also listed below to turn on and off pieces of the returned hash tree. Object |- Constants |- Modules |- Instances |- Superclass0T" ruby[["simple_view-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"simple_viewU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time Ŭ"renderer systemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Yohan Barukh">renderer system based on ERB, BUILDER, IO, Java POI (xls)0T" ruby[["ryw-facebooker2-0.0.5.x3u;[" 1.4.0i"ryw-facebooker2U:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5.x3u: Time Ğ"RFacebook Connect integration library for ruby and rails (for Rspec2 + Rails3)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.12: @name" mogli:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ruby-hmac; @);F00["Ryan Walker"RFacebook Connect integration library for ruby and rails (for Rspec2 + Rails3)0T" ruby[["rwebthumb-0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"rwebthumbU:Gem::Version["0.1u: Time o"Crwebthumb provides a ruby interface for the webthumb.bluga.netU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Filippo Camillo"Crwebthumb provides a ruby interface for the webthumb.bluga.net0T" ruby[["cap-taffy-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"cap-taffyU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time E"xCapistrano recipes for deploying databases (managing database.yml, importing/exporting/transfering databases, etc.)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" taps:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "capistrano; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.5.1; " bones; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mocha; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " heroku; @G;F00["Henry Hsu"GCapistrano recipes for deploying databases and other common tasks.0T" ruby[["artex-2.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i" artexU:Gem::Version[" 2.1.1u: Time D"8LaTeX preprocessor for PDF generation; Rails pluginU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" Shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " echoe; @);F00["Bruce Williams"Wiebe Cazemier"Julian Fischer"8LaTeX preprocessor for PDF generation; Rails plugin0T" ruby[["cadence-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i" cadenceU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time $"%Interval/period callback libraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Matt Todd"J Track counts and compute rate of iteration. Set up callbacks for various intervals such as every n increments or every n ticks. computer = Cadence::Computer.new do |c| c.every 5 do p [:completed_processing, n] end end computer.start do |c| 1.upto(100) do |n| c.next # do magic here end end Mostly intended for providing intermitent feedback of the progress of tasks that will run for lengthy periods of time. Rudimentary support for time-based callbacks is possible through #ticks. 0T" ruby[["pending-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i" pendingU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time j"~pending lets you define a block of test code that is currently "pending" functionality, similar to RSpec's pending methodU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jeremy McAnally"pending lets you define a block of test code that is currently "pending" functionality, similar to RSpec's pending method.0T" ruby[["dm-fluiddb-adapter-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"dm-fluiddb-adapterU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time i"%A DataMapper adapter for FluidDBU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" typhoeus:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "memcached; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " dm-core; @=;F00["Jordan Curzon"This is a DataMapper adapter for FluidDB (www.fluidinfo.com) It makes heavy use of memcache and uses Typhoeus to parallelize fetching tag values. TyphoeusClient can also be used independently to make low-level requests.0T" ruby[["time_crisis-0.3.5u;[" 1.4.0i"time_crisisU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.5u: Time o"%date and time related extensionsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Travis Tilley"%date and time related extensions0T" ruby[["has_tracking-0.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i"has_trackingU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time "Package tracking for BringU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["1.0: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.3; " curb; @);F00["Erlend Finvåg"DAdds quick and dirty package tracking for Bring (Posten Norway)0T" ruby[["database_validation-0.0.5u;[" 1.4.0i"database_validationU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time e"3Automatic Rails validations from your databaseU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["John Crepezzi"VAutomatically pull validations out of your database and apply them to your models0T" ruby[["Ruboid-0.0.2u;x[" 1.4.0i" RuboidU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time d"Ruby Boid LibraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Guilhem Vellut"Ruboid is a ruby implementation of Craig Reynolds' Boid alogrithm (http://www.red3d.com/cwr/boids/), which realistically simulates the behaviour of a flock of creatures with a small set of simple rules.0T" ruby[["csspool-2.0.0u;$[" 1.4.0i" csspoolU:Gem::Version[" 2.0.0u: Time X"CSSPool is a CSS parserU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"ffi:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.2; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.2; "hoe; @3;F00["Aaron Patterson"John Barnette"CSSPool is a CSS parser. CSSPool provides a SAC interface for parsing CSS as well as a document oriented interface for parsing CSS.0T" ruby[["textractor-0.1.4u;[" 1.4.0i"textractorU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time Ĩ"Nsimple wrapper around CLI for extracting text from PDF and Word documentsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0: @name" bundler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.3.0; " rspec; @);F00["Michael Guterl"Nsimple wrapper around CLI for extracting text from PDF and Word documents0T" ruby[["soda-1.0.5u;[" 1.4.0i" sodaU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.5u: Time %"=SODA is an XML based testing framework leveraging Watir.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 1.7.1: @name"firewatir:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "libxml-ruby; @);F00["Trampus Richmond"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mocha; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.0; "activesupport; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " redgreen; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " cucumber; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "relevance-rcov; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.0; "activeresource; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "httpclient; @e;F00["Michael Schubert"Stephen Chu"Chris O'Meara"* This gem provides two executable binaries to interact with Mingle (http://mingle.thoughtworks.com/mingle-agile-project-management) through its API. It also has sample interactive Rake task on how to facilitate easy card movements when a card enters/exits the development queue. * mtx is a binary that facilities transition changes for use on rake tasks * minglr is a more interactive tool that provides a quick interface for many common uses0T" ruby[["winprofile-0.0.3u;~[" 1.4.0i"winprofileU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time "Manage Windows ProfilesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Miguel Armas"QThis Gem allows you to manage Windows roving profiles stored on your servers0T" ruby[["headless-0.1.0u;L[" 1.4.0i" headlessU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "$Ruby headless display interfaceU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Leonid Shevtsov" Headless is a Ruby interface for Xvfb. It allows you to create a headless display straight from Ruby code, hiding some low-level action. 0T" ruby[["opsb-bourne-1.0u;C[" 1.4.0i"opsb-bourneU:Gem::Version["1.0u: Time "Adds test spies to mocha.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 0.9.8: @name" mocha:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @);F00["Joe Ferris"Extends mocha to allow detailed tracking and querying of stub and mock invocations. Allows test spies using the have_received rspec matcher and assert_received for Test::Unit. Extracted from the jferris-mocha fork.0T" ruby[["git-bundlecompare-1.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i"git-bundlecompareU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.4u: Time "=Open the GitHub compare view for updates in Gemfile.lockU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" launchy:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @);F00["Martin Schuerrer"sAfter running bundle update, git-bundlecompare opens the GitHub compare view for each changed git repository. 0T" ruby[["woot-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" wootU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time eh"Scapes woot.com sitesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"tweetstream:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " fakeweb; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " nokogiri; @=;F00["Sean Huber"Scapes woot.com sites0T" ruby[["glennr-heroku_san-0.1.1u;6[" 1.4.0i"glennr-heroku_sanU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time d"?A bunch of useful Rake tasks for managing your Heroku appsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Elijah Miller"Glenn Roberts"LManage multiple Heroku instances/apps for a single Rails app using Rake0T" ruby[["methodfinalizer-0.7.0u;j[" 1.4.0i"methodfinalizerU:Gem::Version[" 0.7.0u: Time $K"q'methodfinalizer' is a gem that allows you to declare final class and instance methods in your ruby program.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.10.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.2.2; "ruby2ruby; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.10.0; "hoe; @3;F00["Wilfrido T. Nuqui Jr."q'methodfinalizer' is a gem that allows you to declare final class and instance methods in your ruby program.0T" ruby[["axeml-0.0.7u;[" 1.4.0i" axemlU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.7u: Time $"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " nokogiri; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.8; "activesupport; @3;F00["Moritz Heidkamp"DAxeML is a notation for Nokogiri XML documents inspired by SXML0T" ruby[["filesystem-0.1.0u;&[" 1.4.0i"filesystemU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time F"RFileSystem is a test-obsessed library for mocking out the entire file system.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0: @name"extensions:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["FileSystem is a test-obsessed library for mocking out the entire file system. It provides mock objects that clone the functionality of File, FileUtils, Dir, and other in-Ruby file-access libraries.0T" ruby[["isono-0.1.0u;D[" 1.4.0i" isonoU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time %" Messageing and agent fabricU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" bacon:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.7; " amqp; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " log4r; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.12.10; "eventmachine; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; "statemachine; @Q;F00["axsh Ltd."Masahiro Fujiwara"0T" ruby[["brdinheiro-lite-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"brdinheiro-liteU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time $"Ubrdinheiro-lite é uma versão simplificada da gem brdinheiro do Brazilian RailsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[ "Marcos Tapajós"Celestino Gomes"Andre Kupkosvki"Vinícius Teles"Rafael Souza"Ubrdinheiro-lite é uma versão simplificada da gem brdinheiro do Brazilian Rails0T" ruby[["signupto-1.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i" signuptoU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2u: Time ":Core connectivity to the signupto SMS gateway serviceU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Tim Perrett":Core connectivity to the signupto SMS gateway service0T" ruby[["log4r-color-1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"log4r-colorU:Gem::Version["1.2u: Time "&Log4r, logging framework for rubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" colorize:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " scribe; @);F00["Colby Gutierrez-Kraybill"'Kristian Mandrup (color outputter)".See also: http://logging.apache.org/log4j0T" ruby[["async-rack-0.5.0u;[" 1.4.0i"async-rackU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.0u: Time "LMakes middleware that ships with Rack bullet-proof for async responses.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["1.1: @name" rack:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0; " rspec; @);F00["Konstantin Haase"LMakes middleware that ships with Rack bullet-proof for async responses.0T" ruby[["medea-0.6.6u; [" 1.4.0i" medeaU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.6u: Time E"5Simple wrapper for persisting objects to JasonDBU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"uuidtools:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " json; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rest-client; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @=;F00["Michael Jensen"5Simple wrapper for persisting objects to JasonDB0T" ruby[["rangehash-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"rangehashU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time ů"GSimple class which uses Ranges (and Fixnums) as keys in for a hashU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4: @name"rubyforge:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.5.0; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.1; "gemcutter; @3;F00["Mark Simpson"Simple class which uses Ranges (and Fixnums) as keys in for a hash. Then look ups can be done with FixNum and if the FixNum is included in one of the hashes that value is returned.0T" ruby[["namxam-authlogic-;z[" 1.4.0i"namxam-authlogicU:Gem::Version[" Time E"GFork of the latest authlogic code (should be working with rails3).U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" Ben Johnson of Binary Logic"0T" ruby[["kitchensink-0.2.2u;[" 1.4.0i"kitchensinkU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.2u: Time "description of gemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["FIXME full name"description of gem0T" ruby[["hypersonic-1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"hypersonicU:Gem::Version["1.0u: Time D"Bhypersonic is a Ruby adapter for the Hypersonic Java databaseU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jared Richardson"0T" ruby[["ovh-rb-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i" ovh-rbU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "7OvhRb helps you to use the OVH SOAPI in a ruby wayU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Aurélien AMILIN"0T" ruby[["mhs-rvideo-0.9.7u;[" 1.4.0i"mhs-rvideoU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.7u: Time $".Inspect and process video or audio files.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.3: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["%Jonathan Dahl (Slantwise Design)".Inspect and process video or audio files.0T" ruby[["mixico-0.1.4u;$[" 1.4.0i" mixicoU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time "0mixin hijinks — enable and disable mixinsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["why the lucky stiff"Konstantin Haase"John Mair (banisterfiend)"0mixin hijinks — enable and disable mixins0T" ruby[["bridge-0.1.4u;[" 1.4.0i" bridgeU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time ġ"Contract bridge utilitiesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0: @name" bundler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jakub Kuźma"Wojciech Wnętrzak"\Useful contract bridge utilities - deal generator, id to deal and deal to id conversion0T" ruby[["ansi2html-5.3.2u;d[" 1.4.0i"ansi2htmlU:Gem::Version[" 5.3.2u: Time "ansi2html-5.3.2U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 2.3.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Aslak Hellesøy";Convert ANSI escape sequences to styleable HTML markup0T" ruby[["rack-sprockets-1.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i"rack-sprocketsU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.4u: Time "6Sprockets javascript preprocessing for Rack apps.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0.4: @name" rack:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.1; "yui-compressor; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.3; "rack-test; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.0; " webrat; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; "sprockets; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.4; " sinatra; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.10.0; " shoulda; @[;F00["Kelly Redding"0T" ruby[["image-file-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"image-fileU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time %"image-file-0.1.2U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Kenta Murata"'A library for handling image files0T" ruby[["ginger-1.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i" gingerU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.1u: Time $"?Run rake tasks multiple times with different gem versions.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @);F00["Pat Allan"?Run rake tasks multiple times with different gem versions.0T" ruby[["apetag-1.1.4u;3[" 1.4.0i" apetagU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.4u: Time "APEv2 Tag Reader/WriterU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0: @name" cicphash:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jeremy Evans"0T" ruby[["bones-3.6.4u;r[" 1.4.0i" bonesU:Gem::Version[" 3.6.4u: Time "RMr Bones is a handy tool that creates new Ruby projects from a code skeleton.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.3.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.1.2; "little-plugger; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.7.0; "loquacious; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.8.7; " rake; @=;F00["Tim Pease"kMr Bones is a handy tool that creates new Ruby projects from a code skeleton. The skeleton contains some starter code and a collection of rake tasks to ease the management and deployment of your source code. Several Mr Bones plugins are available for creating git repositories, creating GitHub projects, running various test suites and source code analysis tools.0T" ruby[["tiddlywiki_cp-0.5.3u;[" 1.4.0i"tiddlywiki_cpU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.3u: Time  "*copy tiddlers to files and vice versaU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Loic Dachary"*copy tiddlers to files and vice versa0T" ruby[["puppet-pip-0.0.2u;s[" 1.4.0i"puppet-pipU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time "0Puppet provider of Python packages via pip.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" puppet:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Richard Crowley"0Puppet provider of Python packages via pip.0T" ruby[["namespaces-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"namespacesU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time Ġ"4Get lexical context of self as array of modulesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Aleksandr Furmanov"4Get lexical context of self as array of modules0T" ruby[["ctioga2-0.1u;c[" 1.4.0i" ctioga2U:Gem::Version["0.1u: Time "/ctioga2 - the polymorphic plotting programU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.13: @name" tioga:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["3Vincent Fourmond "0T" ruby[[" yard-dm-is-predefined-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"yard-dm-is-predefinedU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time D"9A plugin for YARD for parsing dm-predefined methods.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.0: @name" yard:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.3.0; " rspec; @);F00["postmodern"Oyard-dm-predefined is a plugin for YARD for parsing dm-predefined methods.0T" ruby[["tickle-0.1.7u;`[" 1.4.0i" tickleU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.7u: Time D"1natural language parser for recurring eventsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.3: @name" chronic:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.10.3; " shoulda; @);F00["Joshua Lippiner"Tickle is a date/time helper gem to help parse natural language into a recurring pattern. Tickle is designed to be a compliment of Chronic and can interpret things such as "every 2 days, every Sunday, Sundays, Weekly, etc.0T" ruby[["rack-campaign-0.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i"rack-campaignU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time ĕ"kA Rack middleware/app for re-writing a simple URL into a Google analytics-tracked URL for ad campaignsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rack:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Billy Gray"kA Rack middleware/app for re-writing a simple URL into a Google analytics-tracked URL for ad campaigns0T" ruby[["putsinator-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"putsinatorU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time "(Assassinate extraneous test output.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Toby Tripp"9Add File:Line to any 'puts' call made within a test.0T" ruby[["$compass-squaregrid-plugin-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"compass-squaregrid-pluginU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time %"jThe Square Grid System is a simple grid system for designers and developers http://thesquaregrid.com/U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.10.0: @name" compass:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["David Rice"jThe Square Grid System is a simple grid system for designers and developers http://thesquaregrid.com/0T" ruby[["meta-utils-0.2.0u;W[" 1.4.0i"meta-utilsU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time e"#Utilities for meta programmingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Niclas Nilsson"#Utilities for meta programming0T" ruby[[" cinch-downforeveryone-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"cinch-downforeveryoneU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "@Check if a website is up, using downforeveryoneorjustme.comU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"mechanize:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.0; " cinch; @);F00["Dominik Honnef"@Check if a website is up, using downforeveryoneorjustme.com0T" ruby[["mobgpsd-0.0.1u;~[" 1.4.0i" mobgpsdU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time d",Use your mobile as GPS device on the pcU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Marcos Piccinini">Turns your smartphone in a gpsd device (think wardriving)0T" ruby[["bleak_house-7.2u;[" 1.4.0i"bleak_houseU:Gem::Version["7.2u: Time Ej"(A library for finding memory leaks.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Evan Weaver"(A library for finding memory leaks.0T" ruby[["naglfar-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" naglfarU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time ",The most useless, but irreplaceable gemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Dimitri Krassovski"xThis gem does nothing but declare the Naglfar class. But you do want a Naglfar in case of the Ragnarök, don't you?0T" ruby[["permoid-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" permoidU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time d"Permalinkd for MongoidU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Damien MATHIEU"*Add permalinks to your mongoid models0T" ruby[["outdent-0.2.0u;s[" 1.4.0i" outdentU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time d";Write heredocs without the unwanted extra indentation.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["2.4: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["David James"+Unindent strings, especially heredocs.0T" ruby[["wxm-0.3.1u;[" 1.4.0i"wxmU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.1u: Time " 0.3.1 hiU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["0T" ruby[["git-trac-0.1.1u;y[" 1.4.0i" git-tracU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "=Interact with trac from a git repository pulled from svnU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.8: @name"mechanize:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" Tim Pope"$git-trac takes the repetition out of working with trac and git-svn. Easily download a patch, apply it at the right point in time, turn it into a commit with useful metadata, and check it out into a branch, all in one command. Created for (but not limited to) work on the Ruby on Rails core.0T" ruby[["ytag-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" ytagU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time %"Tagging library for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.5: @name"rcl:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.4; "rex; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 4.0.0; "htmlentities; @3;F00["Ramsey Dow"0T" ruby[["vlad-unicorn-2.0.0u;/[" 1.4.0i"vlad-unicornU:Gem::Version[" 2.0.0u: Time D"(Unicorn app server support for VladU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["2.0: @name" vlad:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4; "rubyforge; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.1; "hoe; @3;F00["Kevin R. Bullock"Unicorn app server support for Vlad. Adds support for vlad:start_app and vlad:stop_app using Unicorn[http://unicorn.bogomips.org/].0T" ruby[["tulios-brcobranca-3.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"tulios-brcobrancaU:Gem::Version[" 3.0.0u: Time "Gem que permite trabalhar com bloquetos de cobrança para bancos brasileiros. Fork de http://github.com/kivanio/brcobrancaU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.0: @name"activemodel:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.7; " rghost; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0.8; "rghost_barcode; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.3.0; " rspec; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.3; "parseline; @Q;F00["Kivanio Barbosa"tGem para emissão de bloquetos de cobrança de bancos brasileiros. Fork de http://github.com/kivanio/brcobranca0T" ruby[["tableasy-0.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i" tableasyU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time d"Rails tables builder gemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" mocha:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "blueprints; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "activesupport; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "actionpack; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @G;F00["Andrius Chamentauskas"Rails tables builder gem that makes creating tables painless. Includes ability to write custom column formatters or even customize row completely. Includes library of predefined column formatters. Also has ability to generate "totals" row.0T" ruby[["rvm-completion-0.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i"rvm-completionU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time d"-bash completion for Ruby Version ManagerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Christoph Olszowka"ebash completion for Ruby Version Manager including installed rubies and gemsets for current ruby0T" ruby[["qtrefmovie-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"qtrefmovieU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time $"DSimple code for generating QuickTime Reference Movies from RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jonathan Block"cQTRefMovie is a simple tool for generating QuickTime Reference Movie files from a Ruby script.0T" ruby[["dynamic_image-0.9.4u;[" 1.4.0i"dynamic_imageU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.4u: Time d"bDynamicImage is a rails plugin providing transparent uploading and processing of image files.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 2.12.2: @name" rmagick:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " vector2d; @);F00["Inge Jørgensen"0T" ruby[[" microformat_generator-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"microformat_generatorU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "/The author was too lazy to write a summaryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.1: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Geoffrey Grosenbach"?Templates for using Microformats in your HAML-powered app.0T" ruby[["jeremyw-paper_trail-1.2.14u; [" 1.4.0i"jeremyw-paper_trailU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.14u: Time Dd"JTrack changes to your models' data. Good for auditing or versioning.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Andy Stewart"Jeremy Weiskotten" Joe Lind"0T" ruby[["collection-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"collectionU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time D"6A Ruby API for the Unveil.js collection interfaceU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Michael Aufreiter"0T" ruby[["hierclust-0.1.5u;[" 1.4.0i"hierclustU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.5u: Time "9performs hierarchical clustering on geometric pointsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Brandt Kurowski"9performs hierarchical clustering on geometric points0T" ruby[["google-client_login-1.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"google-client_loginU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.2u: Time f"&Google ClientLogin authenticationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" mocha:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @);F00["Jason L Perry"KA simple library for authenticating against the Google ClientLogin API0T" ruby[["moebius-0.1u;`[" 1.4.0i" moebiusU:Gem::Version["0.1u: Time d"!Convert cb[zr] files to pdfsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" prawn:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Will Leinweber"Alexandre Girard"!Convert cb[zr] files to pdfs0T" ruby[["sparql-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" sparqlU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "SPARQL library for Ruby.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.4: @name" treetop:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Pius Uzamere"~sparql is a Ruby library for parsing SPARQL queries. Implements the formal grammar of SPARQL as a parsing expression grammar.0T" ruby[["s3_logger-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"s3_loggerU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time e"/simple logging to S3 using the easy_s3 gemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" easy_s3:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jon Allured"^aims to simplify the task of logging by making some assumptions and using the easy_s3 gem0T" ruby[["rme2day-1.0.2u; [" 1.4.0i" rme2dayU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2u: Time d"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" ikspres"ME2DAY(http://me2day.net) open-api library == FEATURES/PROBLEMS: * read/write posts * read/write comments for posts * read/write user info == SYNOPSIS: With this library, you can to this.0T" ruby[["guerrilla_rotate-0.1.0u;o[" 1.4.0i"guerrilla_rotateU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "A/B Testing made simpleU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jason King"GuerrillaRotate ============== This plugin lets you have multiple view pages for the one action, so that you can rotate through different views in order to test which one is the most effective. This is known as A/B testing, split testing or side-by-side testing. It will automatically switch between the different views for different web requests (uses .rand so is pseudo random, not round-robin or anything). The particular view is sticky for a (rails) session, so that once that view has been chosen for that visitor they will see the same, consistent view each time. It integrates automagically into [Rubaidh::GoogleAnalytics](http://github.com/rubaidh/google_analytics) by setting the override_trackpageview to the name of the unique view file (instead of the action-based URL) so you can track it easily in Google Analytics. Without that you'll want to track it by putting different tracking codes in each of your view templates. Example ------- So, in your views you will create some new templates with something (can be anything including nothing) between the template name and the first part of the extension. So you might have the following files for the products/index action: app/views/products/index.html.erb app/views/products/index_alt.html.erb app/views/products/index_new.html.erb Then all you need to do is tell your controller to rotate for that action: ### app/controllers/products_controller.rb class ProductsController < ApplicationController guerrilla_rotate :index, :show # etc.. end NB: guerrilla_rotate is also aliased as guerilla_rotate for the alternative spelling and typos. Copyright © 2009 Jason King, released under the MIT license 0T" ruby[["astaire-0.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i" astaireU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time "5The basic Sinatra DSL inside of ActionControllerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["3.0.0.beta2: @name"actionpack:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Carl Lerche"Allows the use of get, post, put, and delete to define actions and then allows the controller constant to be used as a rack application.0T" ruby[["grimsock-webrat-;E[" 1.4.0i"grimsock-webratU:Gem::Version[" Time Ę"%webrat fork with couple of fixesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.0: @name" nokogiri:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.3; "rack-test; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.0; " rack; @3;F00["Bryan Helmkamp"Webrat lets you quickly write expressive and robust acceptance tests for a Ruby web application. It supports simulating a browser inside a Ruby process to avoid the performance hit and browser dependency of Selenium or Watir, but the same API can also be used to drive real Selenium tests when necessary (eg. for testing AJAX interactions). Most Ruby web frameworks and testing frameworks are supported.0T" ruby[["ParseTreeReloaded-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"ParseTreeReloadedU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "-ParseTree based on RubyInlineAcceleratedU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.1: @name"RubyInlineAcceleration:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Richard Musiol"ParseTreeReloaded is a reimplementation of ParseTree using RubyInlineAcceleration. The goal is to provide full compatibility to ParseTree while making it easier to build and extend.0T" ruby[["imasquerade-0.1.5u;D[" 1.4.0i"imasqueradeU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.5u: Time %"_iMasquerade is a Ruby class that takes an iTunes Podcast URL and outputs the XML feed URL.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.4.4; " nokogiri; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.7.10; " curb; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.2; " jeweler; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.4.4; " nokogiri; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.7.10; " curb; @e;F00["Ryan Lovelett"eiMasquerade is a Ruby project that allows for the retrieval of the original XML feed used by iTunes to create a specific podcast feed. As the name suggests, the class works by masquerading as iTunes, thereby retrieving the same XML used internal to iTunes. Once this iTunes XML is retrieved it is parsed for the source feed url and is subsequently returned.0T" ruby[["geokit-1.5.0u;_[" 1.4.0i" geokitU:Gem::Version[" 1.5.0u: Time b"MGeokit provides geocoding and distance calculation in an easy-to-use APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.12.2: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Andre Lewis"0T" ruby[["maxminder-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"maxminderU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time "2Simple (non-bloated) Ruby library for MaxMindU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Adam Cooke"0T" ruby[["lockbox_middleware-1.5.1u;M[" 1.4.0i"lockbox_middlewareU:Gem::Version[" 1.5.1u: Time "KRack middleware for the LockBox centralized API authorization service.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"dnclabs-httparty:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rack; @);F00[ "Chris Gill"Nathan Woodhull"Brian Cardarella"Wes Morgan"Dave Steinberg"uRack middleware for the LockBox centralized API authorization service. Brought to you by the DNC Innovation Lab.0T" ruby[["petfinder-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"petfinderU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time ",Ruby gem wrapper for the Petfinder API.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.5.0: @name" httparty:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.3.2; "happymapper; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.0.pre; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.2.5; " fakeweb; @=;F00["Eric Hutzelman"1REST client for the Petfinder published API.0T" ruby[["switchvox-0.1.0u;'[" 1.4.0i"switchvoxU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time Ď"BRuby Gem for interacting with Digium's Switchvox PBX via JSONU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4: @name"rubyforge:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.0; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " json; @3;F00["Carl Hicks"rRuby Gem for interacting with Digium's Switchvox PBX via JSON. There wasn't a gem out there, so I wrote one.0T" ruby[["stemmable-0.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"stemmableU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.0u: Time De"/Placeholder for a gem to be migrated laterU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Kyle Maxwell"0T" ruby[["ruby-traileraddict-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"ruby-traileraddictU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time D"/A simple API wrapper for TrailerAddict.comU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" hpricot:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " webmock; @);F00["Aaron Gough"/A simple API wrapper for TrailerAddict.com0T" ruby[["rbpig-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i" rbpigU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time e"'Pig queries execution ruby bindingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.0: @name" mandy:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" Jae Lee"tSimple lib for executing Pig queries, supports textfile based hive table loader with automatic schema discovery0T" ruby[["bcat-0.5.2u;[" 1.4.0i" bcatU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.2u: Time "lConcatenate input from standard input, or one or more files, and write progressive output to a browser.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Eric T Meyers"&n-dimensional table interpolation0T" ruby[["freegenie-em-spec-0.2.3u;[" 1.4.0i"freegenie-em-specU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.3u: Time "CSimple BDD API for testing asynchronous Ruby/EventMachine codeU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0: @name" bundler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Aman Gupta"Fabrizio Regini"CSimple BDD API for testing asynchronous Ruby/EventMachine code0T" ruby[["wakame-0.5.1u;T[" 1.4.0i" wakameU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.1u: Time "BA distributed service framework on top of Cloud environments.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 0.6.5: @name" amqp:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.6; " open4; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 3.7.0; " sequel; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.5; " rubigen; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.1.0; " rack; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.0; " jeweler; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.2.5; "sqlite3-ruby; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.3.2; "ruby-hmac; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.12.10; "eventmachine; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.7; " rake; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.2; " log4r; @~;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.5; " thin; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.3; "json_pure; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.10; " daemons; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0; "right_aws; @;F00["axsh co.,Ltd."Masahiro Fujiwara"0T" ruby[["three-usage-0.0.2u;][" 1.4.0i"three-usageU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time DK">Simple scraper to downloading remaining usage from 3 (AU)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.0: @name"mechanize:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0; " newgem; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0; " newgem; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0; "hoe; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0; "hoe; @G;F00["Alan Harper">Simple scraper to downloading remaining usage from 3 (AU)0T" ruby[["rubyquartz-0.1.3u;[" 1.4.0i"rubyquartzU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time "hRuby Quartz is a bridge that allows Ruby programs to access the Mac OS X Quartz graphics libraries.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Timothy J. Wood" Ruby Quartz is a bridge that allows Ruby programs to access the Mac OS X Quartz graphics libraries. Ruby Quartz is licensied under a BSD license, see the COPYRIGHT file for more information. More information on the project home page: http://rubyquartz.rubyforge.org.0T" ruby[["riot_rails_macros-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"riot_rails_macrosU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time %n"?Collection of Riot macros to be used within Rails projectsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" Vladimír Bobeš Tužinský"Collection of Riot macros to be used within Rails projects. This is meant to be an alternative to http://github.com/thumblemonks/riot_rails for those who like and/or are used to Shoulda DSL.0T" ruby[["bijou-0.1.0u;v[" 1.4.0i" bijouU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "/Bijou is a web templating system for Ruby.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Todd Lucas"Bijou is a web templating system in the style of Perl's HTML::Mason project. It is a flexible system that allows HTML to be mixed with Ruby code, and to allow page fragments to be shared and combined in a number of ways. It is written in pure Ruby with minimal dependencies and is designed to be run in a number of configurations, including as a CGI script, using the lightweight WEBrick server, or stand-alone via the stdio console.0T" ruby[["cached-models-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"cached-modelsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time &"/Transparent caching policy for your modelsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">U;[" 2.1.0: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">U;[" 2.1.0; "activerecord; @);F00["Luca Guidi"uCachedModels provides to your ActiveRecord models a transparent approach to use ActiveSupport caching mechanism.0T" ruby[["papermill-2.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"papermillU:Gem::Version[" 2.1.1u: Time "-Paperclip Swfupload UploadHelper wrapperU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"mime-types:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;["; "paperclip; @);F00["Benoit Bénézech"-Paperclip Swfupload UploadHelper wrapper0T" ruby[["future-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" futureU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "async libraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" cho45"async library0T" ruby[["cloudcrypt-0.0.7u;[" 1.4.0i"cloudcryptU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.7u: Time "Bencrypt and decrypt files using public and private encryptionU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 0.2.8: @name" excon:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.3.30; "fog; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rubyzip; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " trollop; @=;F00["Rodrigo Estebanez"You can't encrypt a file bigger than the private key. You first have to generate a random key and a random vector initialization to encrypt the file using a symmetrical algorithom. Later you use the private key to encrypt the random key and the random vector0T" ruby[["party_resource-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"party_resourceU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time $",Simple REST interface for ruby objects.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.2: @name" httparty:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.5; "activesupport; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " webmock; @G;F00["Tristan Harris"Steve Tooke"vparty_resource is a framework for building ruby objects which interact with a REST api. Built on top of HTTParty.0T" ruby[["sitemaps-0.6.0u;N[" 1.4.0i" sitemapsU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.0u: Time a"HSetup a config yaml file. I will download & compress your sitemaps!U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.2; " builder; @);F00["kazuyoshi tlacaelel" Sitemaps provides an executable that will take a configuration yaml file. When runned it will download and gzip-compress your sitemaps ready for production! 0T" ruby[["shway-3.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" shwayU:Gem::Version[" 3.0.1u: Time ["GProvides powerful UI programming with dynamic css and presenters..U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Ryan Owens"GProvides powerful UI programming with dynamic css and presenters..0T" ruby[["screcipes-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"screcipesU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time Ŭ">screcipes wraps common capistrano setup for screenconceptU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.7: @name" bundler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[">screcipes wraps common capistrano setup for screenconcept0T" ruby[["ruby-openal-0.2u;_[" 1.4.0i"ruby-openalU:Gem::Version["0.2u: Time "eruby-openal is a OpenAL Ruby binding. with ruby-openal, you can write sound effects in 3d space.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Yun"Jonghyouk"eruby-openal is a OpenAL Ruby binding. with ruby-openal, you can write sound effects in 3d space.0T" ruby[["pirj-pony-0.3u;C[" 1.4.0i"pirj-ponyU:Gem::Version["0.3u: Time dg"YSend email in one command: Pony.mail(:to => 'someone@example.com', :body => 'hello')U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Adam Wiggins"YSend email in one command: Pony.mail(:to => 'someone@example.com', :body => 'hello')0T" ruby[["define-0.0.6u;[" 1.4.0i" defineU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.6u: Time D"2A simple CLI to Google's define:word utility.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.2: @name" nokogiri:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.8; " colorize; @);F00["Trevor Hartman"TA simple CLI to Google's definitions search. Syntax is define word [or phrase].0T" ruby[["icu_name-0.1.0u;1[" 1.4.0i" icu_nameU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "+Canonicalises and matches person namesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.0: @name" i18n:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.3; "activesupport; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.7; " bundler; @=;F00[" Mark Orr"[Canonicalises and matches person names with Latin1 characters and first and last names0T" ruby[["wparser-0.1.3u;[" 1.4.0i" wparserU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time %"Mhttp://wiki.github.com/iori/wparser/ This package is Wiki Format ParserU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.8.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" iori"[http://wiki.github.com/iori/wparser/ This package is Wiki Format Parser. Wiki => html0T" ruby[["ver-command_t-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"ver-command_tU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time "2ver adaptation of the CommandT plugin for vimU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Simon Hafner"0T" ruby[["circuit_b-1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"circuit_bU:Gem::Version["1.1u: Time e" Distributed circuit breakerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.10.3: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.4; " timecop; @);F00["Aleksey Gureiev"bClassic circuit breaker to protect resources from being accessed over and over while in pain.0T" ruby[["slugged-0.4.0u;[" 1.4.0i" sluggedU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.0u: Time "VSuper simple slugs for ActiveRecord 3.0 and higher, with support for slug historyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" uuid:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.0; "activesupport; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.0; "activerecord; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "reversible_data; @G;F00["Darcy Laycock"VSuper simple slugs for ActiveRecord 3.0 and higher, with support for slug history0T" ruby[["ryanwood-mousetrap-0.5.7u;Y[" 1.4.0i"ryanwood-mousetrapU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.7u: Time d"%CheddarGetter API Client in RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.3: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.2; " httparty; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.3; "factory_girl; @=;F00[ "Jon Larkowski"Sandro Turriate"Wolfram Arnold"Corey Grusden"Cameron Cox"Ryan Wood"%CheddarGetter API Client in Ruby0T" ruby[["has_schedule-1.1.0u;R[" 1.4.0i"has_scheduleU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.0u: Time "6Adds schedule serialization for use with ice_cubeU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" ice_cube:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.2; " jeweler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @G;F00["Ryan Schlesinger";Exposes an ice_cube schedule object and serializes it.0T" ruby[["Empact-rpx_now-0.7.0u;R[" 1.4.0i"Empact-rpx_nowU:Gem::Version[" 0.7.0u: Time %"3Helper to simplify RPX Now user login/creationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"json_pure:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Michael Grosser"0T" ruby[[" merged_default_scopes-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"merged_default_scopesU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time "the name says it allU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["2.0.0.beta.8: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["David Chelimsky"Brian Tatnall"Xmodify behavior of ActiveRecord::Base::default_scope to merge rather than overwrite0T" ruby[["is_reviewable-0.1.1u;w[" 1.4.0i"is_reviewableU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time Eh"oRails: Make an ActiveRecord resource ratable/reviewable (rate + text), without the usual extra code-smell.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jonas Grimfelt"oRails: Make an ActiveRecord resource ratable/reviewable (rate + text), without the usual extra code-smell.0T" ruby[["luka-astrails-safe-0.2.11u;H[" 1.4.0i"luka-astrails-safeU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.11u: Time E"1astrails-safe with email and dropbox supportU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"cloudfiles:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " aws-s3; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " dropbox; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " net-sftp; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " pony; @G;F00["Astrails Ltd." Luka"2astrails-safe with email and dropbox support 0T" ruby[["ft2-ruby-0.1.3u;[" 1.4.0i" ft2-rubyU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time d" Ruby libraries to FreeType2U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Paul Duncan"0T" ruby[["domainerator-0.1.1u;q[" 1.4.0i"domaineratorU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "'Domain name generator and verifierU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Herbert G. Fischer" Domainerator is a Ruby program that composes words and TLDs into domain names and checks them agains DNS servers to see if they are free to be registered. 0T" ruby[["orientdb-0.0.16u;[" 1.4.0i" orientdbU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.16u: Time %"JRuby wrapper for OrientDBU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["2.4: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "awesome_print; @);F00["Adrian Madrid"+Simple JRuby wrapper for the OrientDB.0T" ruby[["Pr0d1r2-geokit-;[" 1.4.0i"Pr0d1r2-geokitU:Gem::Version[" Time k" noneU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["AAndre Lewis and Bill Eisenhauer and Pr0d1r2 (Marcin Nowicki)"4Geokit Gem modified to have support for caching0T" ruby[["portablecontacts-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"portablecontactsU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time Dd"&Portable Contacts client for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.6; " oauth; @3;F00["Pelle Braendgaard"8A client library for the portable contacts standard0T" ruby[["pixie-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" pixieU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "!one-line summary of your gemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rcov:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.2; " jeweler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @=;F00["Pixie Team"#longer description of your gem0T" ruby[[" mason-0u;[" 1.4.0i" masonU:Gem::Version["0u: Time $"builds thingsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["0T" ruby[["n_gram-0.0.1u;E[" 1.4.0i" n_gramU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time ŀ"A simple NGram generatorU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" reddavis"A simple NGram generator0T" ruby[["xhr-ifconfig-1.2.3u;_[" 1.4.0i"xhr-ifconfigU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.3u: Time ".Ruby wrapper around the ifconfig command.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Daniel Hobe"Alex Peuchert"This is a Ruby wrapper around the ifconfig command. The goal is to make getting any information that ifconfig provides easy to access.0T" ruby[["simple-measures-1.0.0u;&[" 1.4.0i"simple-measuresU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time "ASimpleMeasures - simple unit conversions for everyday thingsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Colin Harris"LSimpleMeasures is an easy and extensible measurement conversion library0T" ruby[["rote-0.3.6u;[" 1.4.0i" roteU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.6u: Time h"-Adds template-based doc support to Rake.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">U;["0.6: @name" rake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">U;["3.0; " RedCloth; @);F00["Ross Bamford"Rote is a set of Rake task libraries and utilities that enable easy rendering of textual documentation formats (like HTML) for websites and offline documentation.0T" ruby[["retry-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" retryU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time " easily retry blocks of codeU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Haakon Sorensen" easily retry blocks of code0T" ruby[["buildr-jaxb-xjc-0.0.1u;2[" 1.4.0i"buildr-jaxb-xjcU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "9Buildr extension to execute the XJC binding compilerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Mark Petrovic"Peter Donald"QThis is a buildr extension that tasks to execute the XJC binding compiler. 0T" ruby[["friendfeed-0.1.14u;M[" 1.4.0i"friendfeedU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.14u: Time "9A Ruby library to provide access to FriendFeed API'sU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; "mechanize; @);F00["Akinori MUSHA"This is a Ruby library to provide access to FriendFeed API's. It implements official API's as well as unofficial API's to allow manipulating friends, groups and services for your personal purposes. 0T" ruby[["cpf_faker-1.2.0u; [" 1.4.0i"cpf_fakerU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.0u: Time E"CGenerate fake brasilian CPF and CNPJ numbers for test purposesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" br-cnpj:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " br-cpf; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.1; " jeweler; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "clipboard; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.1.0; " rspec; @[;F00["Bernardo de Pádua"Generates brazilian CPF and CNPJ numbers for use in testing. Great to be used alongside Faker and won't clutter your namespace. 0T" ruby[[""sprout-developer-bundle-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"sprout-developer-bundleU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time g"7Project and Code Generators for Sprout developmentU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.189: @name" sprout:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Pattern Park"7Project and Code Generators for Sprout development0T" ruby[["gist-2.0.0u;z[" 1.4.0i" gistU:Gem::Version[" 2.0.0u: Time Ĩ"'Creates Gists from STDIN or files.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Chris Wanstrath"André Arko" Creates Gists (pastes) on gist.github.com from standard input or arbitrary files. Can link to your GitHub account, create private gists, and enable syntax highlighting. 0T" ruby[[""active_merchant_payline-0.3.0u;8[" 1.4.0i"active_merchant_paylineU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time "5A plugin for Payline support in Active Merchant.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.1.31; " typhoeus; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.9.0; "activemerchant; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " builder; @=;F00["Ludovic Galabru"5A plugin for Payline support in Active Merchant.0T" ruby[["Onion-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i" OnionU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time N"BOnion, or Array Onion, allows peeling an array like an onion.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Ian Trudel"Onion, or Array Onion, allows peeling an array like an onion.It shreds one layer after another, from the outer inwards the inner nested array, according to the given depth. Infinite depth (or greater than current nested array depth) is equivalent to Array#flatten.0T" ruby[["cucumber_rails3_gen-0.1.2u;`[" 1.4.0i"cucumber_rails3_genU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time " Cucumber Rails 3 generatorsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Kristian Mandrup" Cucumber Rails 3 generators0T" ruby[["xapian-1.0.15u;[" 1.4.0i" xapianU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.15u: Time g"xapian bindings for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Tom Adams"xapian bindings for Ruby0T" ruby[["sinatra_warden-0.3.2u;[" 1.4.0i"sinatra_wardenU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.2u: Time "8authentication system for using warden with sinatraU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"bcrypt-ruby:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.10.0; "do_sqlite3; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " haml; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.0; " warden; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.1.1; "rack-flash; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "dm-sqlite-adapter; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.4; " yard; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "dm-migrations; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.5.0; "rack-test; @~;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.0; " dm-core; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; " sinatra; @;F00["Justin Smestad"Daniel Neighman"vbasic helpers and authentication methods for using warden with sinatra also providing some hooks into Rack::Flash0T" ruby[["captain-0.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i" captainU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time d":Builds an Ubuntu installation CD just as you like it.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" redgreen:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " cucumber; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoe; @=;F00["Matthew Todd"Builds an Ubuntu installation CD just as you like it. Pulls in just the packages you request, allows bundling of arbitrary files, and provides hooks into common preseeding options. 0T" ruby[["attest-0.2.0u;P[" 1.4.0i" attestU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time "[An inline unit testing/spec framework that doesn't force you to follow arbitrary rulesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" mocha:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " fakefs; @);F00["Alan Skorkin"Attest allows you to define spec-like tests inline (within the same file as your actual code) which means almost non-existant overheads to putting some tests around your code. It also tries to not be too prescriptive regarding the 'right' way to test. You want to test private methods - go ahead, access unexposed instance variables - no worries, pending and disabled tests are first class citizens. Don't like the output format, use a different one or write your own. Infact you don't even have to define you tests inline if you prefer the 'traditional' way, separate directory and all. You should be allowed to test your code the way you want to, not the way someone else says you have to!0T" ruby[["(bbenezech-acts-as-taggable-on-0.0.4u;j[" 1.4.0i""bbenezech-acts-as-taggable-onU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time "Based on ActsAsTaggableOnU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"acts_as_list:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Benoit Bénézech"Based on ActsAsTaggableOn0T" ruby[["pixii-0.1.6u;2[" 1.4.0i" pixiiU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.6u: Time $]"!I believe in you, Peter Pan.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.3: @name" mash:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Chris Lloyd"0T" ruby[["amzwish-0.0.0u;u[" 1.4.0i" amzwishU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.0u: Time $":Get at Amazon wishlists combines scraping and the apiU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rest-client; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " nokogiri; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " nokogiri; @=;F00["Chris Tinning"Since you can no longer access wishlists through the Amazon api this gem aims to address this by combining some screen scraping with api calls.0T" ruby[["bfts-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i" bftsU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time ŧ"&Big "Formal" Test SuiteU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0: @name" miniunit:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.2; "hoe; @);F00["Ryan Davis"BFTS is a branch of rubicon with the intent of auditing all of rubicon against the latest version of 1.8.x, stripping all the cruft, and getting everything up to date again. rubicon is dead and the authors have shown no interest in getting things moving again. BFTS hopes to fix that.0T" ruby[["sankey-0.0.1u;^[" 1.4.0i" sankeyU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time E"Sankey diagrams generatorU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rmagick:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jan Stępień"2A small tool which generates Sankey diagrams.0T" ruby[["acts_as_taggable-2.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"acts_as_taggableU:Gem::Version[" 2.0.2u: Time "_An acts-as Mixin for easy applying and searching tags/folksnomies on Active Record objectsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["#Demetrius Nunes,Dirk Elmendorf"0T" ruby[["sqlite3-ironruby-0.1.1u;#[" 1.4.0i"sqlite3-ironrubyU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "|SQLite3/IronRuby is a module to allow Ruby scripts running on the IronRuby interpreter to interface with a SQLite3 database.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["James Thompson"0T" ruby[["ruby_ucp-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i" ruby_ucpU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time "EMI/UCP protocol libraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Sergio Freire"ARuby library implementation of EMI/UCP protocol v4.6 for SMS0T" ruby[["rosetta-0.1.1u;x[" 1.4.0i" rosettaU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time ")A translator engine for Rails 3 appsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 1.3.1: @name"sqlite3-ruby:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " paginate; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.0.1; "rspec-rails; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ruby-debug19; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.0; " rails; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " ya2yaml; @Q;F00["Nando Vieira"Tino Gomes")A translator engine for Rails 3 apps0T" ruby[["command_test-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"command_testU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time $"ETest your ruby programs run commands exactly the way you expect.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 1.3.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.8.5; " cucumber; @);F00["George Ogata"0T" ruby[["cellophane-0.1.3u;#[" 1.4.0i"cellophaneU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time "$A thin wrapper around Cucumber.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Phillip Koebbe"iCellophane is a thin wrapper around Cucumber, making it easier to be creative when running features.0T" ruby[["twiliolib-2.0.7u;[" 1.4.0i"twiliolibU:Gem::Version[" 2.0.7u: Time $"JA Ruby gem for communicating with the Twilio API and generating TwiMLU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.2: @name" builder:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" Twilio"JA Ruby gem for communicating with the Twilio API and generating TwiML0T" ruby[["settlers-0.3.1u;[" 1.4.0i" settlersU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.1u: Time "SRobb Thomas' JSettlers game, wrapped up in a Ruby script with Bonjour support.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.6.2: @name" shoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.1.0; "optparse-defaults; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.2; " highline; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.3.1; " dnssd; @=;F00["Matthew Todd"0T" ruby[["self-defense-0.1.3u;[" 1.4.0i"self-defenseU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time Ę"self-defenseU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["0T" ruby[["we5-pickler-0.1.3u;[" 1.4.0i"we5-picklerU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time i"(PIvotal traCKer Liaison to cucumbERU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.3: @name" cucumber:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0; "activesupport; @);F00[" Tim Pope"5Synchronize between Cucumber and Pivotal Tracker0T" ruby[["short_stack-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"short_stackU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time ĕ"'A short sinatra like pancake stackU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.2: @name"rack-rescue:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " wrapt; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["0.3; " pancake; @=;F00["Daniel Neighman"'A short sinatra like pancake stack0T" ruby[["axml-0.0.7u;[" 1.4.0i" axmlU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.7u: Time H"KAXML - Provides a simple, minimalistic DOM for working with data stored in an XML document. The API is very similar to LibXML, differing slightly in the handling of text nodes. It is designed with very large documents in mind: nodes are represented in memory efficient Struct objects and it works with either XMLParser or LibXML!U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["John Prince"0T" ruby[["tanning_bed-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"tanning_bedU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "#Tanning Bed is Solr for modelsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.1: @name"tanning_bed_solr:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.4.0; " bones; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.8; "solr-ruby; @3;F00["Rob Kaufman"Tanning Bed is Solr for models. Tanning Bed provides a Ruby interface for the Solr (http://lucene.apache.org/solr/) search engine to use in you're models not matter whether they are Datamapper, Active Record, Couchrest or just general Ruby classes.0T" ruby[["sofa-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" sofaU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time j"'A Ruby library for the TVRage API.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" yard:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " httparty; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " fakeweb; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mocha; @G;F00["Henry Hsu".A simple Ruby library for the TVRage API.0T" ruby[["aws-2.4.2u;[" 1.4.0i"awsU:Gem::Version[" 2.4.2u: Time "XAWS Ruby Library for interfacing with Amazon Web Services. By http://www.appoxy.comU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"uuidtools:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "http_connection; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "xml-simple; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "activesupport; @=;F00["Travis Reeder"Chad Arimura"RightScale"AWS Ruby Library for interfacing with Amazon Web Services including EC2, S3, SQS, SimpleDB and most of their other services as well. By http://www.appoxy.com0T" ruby[["af-oauth-;|[" 1.4.0i" af-oauthU:Gem::Version[" Time P"#OAuth Core Ruby implementationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rack:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "actionpack; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0; "hoe; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.3; " newgem; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.1; "ruby-hmac; @G;F00[ "Pelle Braendgaard"Blaine Cook"Larry Halff"Jesse Clark"Jon Crosby"Seth Fitzsimmons"Matt Sanford"#OAuth Core Ruby implementation0T" ruby[["snogmetrics-0.1.6u;[" 1.4.0i"snogmetricsU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.6u: Time "2SNOGmetrics is a KISSmetrics helper for RailsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" yard:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rails; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "BlueCloth; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.8.7; " rake; @[;F00["Theo Hultberg"fSNOGmetrics gives you the best of both worlds: access to KISSmetrics' JavaScript API through Ruby0T" ruby[["foreman-0.11.0u;P[" 1.4.0i" foremanU:Gem::Version[" 0.11.0u: Time e">Process manager for applications with multiple componentsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " parka; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.5; "term-ansicolor; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.13.6; " thor; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.2.1; " fakefs; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.1; " json; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.2; "rr; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " ronn; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.0.0; " rspec; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.9.8; " rcov; @y;F00["David Dollar ">Process manager for applications with multiple components0T" ruby[["zuora-client-1.0.2u;p[" 1.4.0i"zuora-clientU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2u: Time $"Zuora ClientU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.6: @name"json_pure:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.9; " savon; @);F00[" Cloocher"A client for Zuora0T" ruby[["spe_cuke-0.3.1u;[" 1.4.0i" spe_cukeU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.1u: Time "9Provides common interface for rake spec or bin/spec.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["1.0.0.rc.5: @name" bundler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["MOROHASHI Kyosuke"RAn abstraction command for testing frameworks and invokation methods of them.0T" ruby[["omniture_client-0.1.3u;[" 1.4.0i"omniture_clientU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time "NA gem for implementing Omniture for web apps that use Rails, Sinatra, etcU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Alexandru Catighera"0T" ruby[["capybara-envjs-0.4.0u;[" 1.4.0i"capybara-envjsU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.0u: Time "Capybara driver for envjsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.7: @name" envjs:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2.0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.4; "rack-test; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.4.0; " capybara; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.0; " sinatra; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.0; " bundler; @Q;F00["Steven Parkes"capybara-envjs is a Capybara driver for the envjs gem. It is similar to Capybara's rack-test driver in that it runs tests against your rack application directly but fully supports javascript in your application.0T" ruby[["linkedin-0.1.7u;[" 1.4.0i" linkedinU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.7u: Time "&Ruby wrapper for the LinkedIn APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.3.5: @name" oauth:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.1.3; " roxml; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.5; " fakeweb; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.1.4; " crack; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.10.1; "thoughtbot-shoulda; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.4.0; "jnunemaker-matchy; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.9.4; " mocha; @[;F00["Wynn Netherland"&Ruby wrapper for the LinkedIn API0T" ruby[["wizard-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" wizardU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time ħ"-Projects generator and recipes compiler.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["2.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["0.9; " mocha; @);F00["Kriss 'nu7hatch' Kowalik"! Projects generator... 0T" ruby[["sem4r-0.1.3u;[" 1.4.0i" sem4rU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time E"KLibrary to access google adwords api. Works with ruby 1.9 and ruby 1.8U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " nokogiri; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " builder; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " highline; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " bundler; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " jeweler; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "httpclient; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " nokogiri; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " builder; @~;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " differ; @;F00[" Sem4r" Sem4r is a library to access google adwords api. It will works with ruby 1.9 and ruby 1.8 without soap4r. It uses a high level model instead of a low level api. You think about clients, campaigns, keywords and not about operations, operands, selectors, service calls. This is a ALPHA version don't use in production. If you are interested in this project let me now: install it and update periodically, so the gemcutter download counter go up. Or subscribe to my feed at sem4r.com. Or watch the project on github. Or simply drop me a line in email. However I will know there is someone out of here. 0T" ruby[["rails-mobile-0.9.1u;[" 1.4.0i"rails-mobileU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.1u: Time "zRails mobile is a Rails plug-in that adds mobile device recognition and dynamic controller/action switching to Rails.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"mobilesrepo:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Reza Alavi"0T" ruby[["hierarchy-1.0.5u;[" 1.4.0i"hierarchyU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.5u: Time e"0Use PostgreSQL LTREE type with ActiveRecordU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" jeweler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "pg; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " RedCloth; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.2; " rails; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @Q;F00["Tim Morgan"dAdds ActiveRecord support for hierarchial data structures using PostgreSQL's LTREE column type.0T" ruby[["imine-0.1.3u;Z[" 1.4.0i" imineU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time E."7Parses an iTunes XML file and provides useful dataU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.3: @name"term-ansicolor:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.2; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.2; "hoe; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.3; " nokogiri; @=;F00["Brandon Caplan"rParses an iTunes XML file and provides useful data. Also includes a command-line tool that presents the data.0T" ruby[["dsf-ruby-0.0.0u;U[" 1.4.0i" dsf-rubyU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.0u: Time Ĥ"Private ruby gem.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Daniel da Silva Ferreira"My private ruby gem.0T" ruby[["vss-0.1.3u;[" 1.4.0i"vssU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time e"&Simple vector space search engineU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0["=U;[" 1.0.1; " stemmer; @);F00["Mark Dodwell"&Simple vector space search engine0T" ruby[["solrizer-0.3.2u;[" 1.4.0i" solrizerU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.2u: Time "QA utility for building solr indexes, usually from Fedora repository content.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" nokogiri:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;["0; " nokogiri; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ruby-debug; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "om; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ruby-debug-base; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " jeweler; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "solr-ruby; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mocha; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "mediashelf-loggable; @y;F00["Matt Zumwalt"Use solrizer to populate solr indexes from Fedora repository content or from other sources. You can run solrizer from within your apps, using the provided rake tasks, or as a JMS listener0T" ruby[[" rwdziprwdwanimatedgifs-0.82u;@[" 1.4.0i"rwdziprwdwanimatedgifsU:Gem::Version[" 0.82u: Time $"Prwdanimatedgifs is for showing graphics under rwdtinker and RubyWebDialogs.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Steven Gibson"Prwdanimatedgifs is for showing graphics under rwdtinker and RubyWebDialogs.0T" ruby[["degrade-0.1.0u; [" 1.4.0i" degradeU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time $"VKeep track of error rates using redis. Degrade functionality if they're too high.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 0.1.0: @name" redis:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.0.0; " bourne; @3;F00["James Golick"VKeep track of error rates using redis. Degrade functionality if they're too high.0T" ruby[["big_door-0.0.2u;j[" 1.4.0i" big_doorU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time E"AClient library for the BigDoor REST API (http://bigdoor.com)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.10: @name" cucumber:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2.0; "addressable; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.0; " json; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2.4; " rspec; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.8.0; "hoe; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2.0; "uuidtools; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.0; "rest-client; @[;F00["Alex L. Demidov"Client library for the BigDoor REST API (http://bigdoor.com). This package provides both low-level procedural (BigDoor::Client) and object-oriented (BigDoor::Resource object hierarchy) interfaces to BigDoor REST API.0T" ruby[["construct-0.1.6u;[" 1.4.0i"constructU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.6u: Time "?Extensible, persistent, structured configuration for Ruby.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Kyle Kingsbury"0T" ruby[["responder_controller-0.4.0u;[" 1.4.0i"responder_controllerU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.0u: Time e":like resources_controller, but for rails 3 respondersU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["3.0.0.beta3; "activesupport; @);F00["Phil Smith"@Responders make crud controllers tiny, this wraps the rest.0T" ruby[["bare-ruby-aws-0.1u;r[" 1.4.0i"bare-ruby-awsU:Gem::Version["0.1u: Time Ě"BBasic Ruby interface to search Amazon Associates Web ServicesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Scott Williams" A Fork of the Ruby/AWS library that removes operations other than item-search and allows a config file location to be specified. Ruby/AWS is a Ruby language library that allows the programmer to retrieve information from Amazon via the Product Advertising API. In addition to the original amazon.com site, amazon.co.uk, amazon.de, amazon.fr, amazon.ca and amazon.co.jp are also supported. 0T" ruby[["moserp-s3sync-;[" 1.4.0i"moserp-s3syncU:Gem::Version[" Time d"3rsync-like client for backing up to Amazons S3U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["0T" ruby[["miby-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i" mibyU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time e"mixi navigator for rubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" garin"0T" ruby[["teambox-things-sync-0.1.3u;[" 1.4.0i"teambox-things-syncU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time "7Simple ruby app for Teambox and Things.app syncingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 0.2.0: @name"teambox-client:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["2.0.0.beta.20; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.2.4; "things-client; @3;F00["Arkadiusz Holko"0T" ruby[["jpzwarte-foreigner-0.2.2u;[" 1.4.0i"jpzwarte-foreignerU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.2u: Time g"&Foreign keys for Rails migrationsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Matthew Higgins"Jeroen Zwartepoorte"&Foreign keys for Rails migrations0T" ruby[["faraday-panda-1.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"faraday-pandaU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.0u: Time d"Panda ClientU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["1.2: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.4.6; "shin-faraday; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.2; "ruby-hmac; @3;F00["New Bamboo"Panda Client0T" ruby[["ventouse-0.1.6u;i[" 1.4.0i" ventouseU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.6u: Time d\"%Various usefull ruby/rails shit.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.2: @name" rails:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Ilia Ablamonov"Artem Orlov"$Various usefull ruby/rails shit0T" ruby[["tarpipe-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i" tarpipeU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time d")Ruby bindings to the tarpipe.com APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.3: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0.1; "shared-mime-info; @);F00["Ruben Fonseca")Ruby bindings to the tarpipe.com API0T" ruby[["rubygems-checkcert-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"rubygems-checkcertU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time %"=Gem command to display the certificate of a gem, if any.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4: @name"rubyforge:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.6.0; " minitest; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.0; "hoe; @3;F00["Ryan Davis"=Gem command to display the certificate of a gem, if any.0T" ruby[["ruby-informix-0.7.3u;[" 1.4.0i"ruby-informixU:Gem::Version[" 0.7.3u: Time E""Ruby library for IBM InformixU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[""Gerardo Santana Gomez Garrido"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["1.1: @name" rack:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.3; "rack-test; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.0; " rack; @=;F00["Bart Teeuwisse" Rack::FlashSession converts a session query parameter to a cookie if the request's user agent is flash. http://github.com/bartt/rack-flash-session 0T" ruby[["strip_control_chars-2.1u;[" 1.4.0i"strip_control_charsU:Gem::Version["2.1u: Time $"Qa small ActiveRecord plugin that removes ASCII control chars from attributesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.0: @name"activerecord:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["James Healy"Qa small ActiveRecord plugin that removes ASCII control chars from attributes0T" ruby[["$refinerycms-brushart_logo-0.1.4u;[" 1.4.0i"refinerycms-brushart_logoU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time E"+Brushart Logo engine for Refinery CMS.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jacob Swanner"+Brushart Logo engine for Refinery CMS.0T" ruby[["micronaut-0.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i"micronautU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time D]".An excellent replacement for the wheel...U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Chad Humphries".An excellent replacement for the wheel...0T" ruby[["noid-0.4.0u;P[" 1.4.0i" noidU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.0u: Time "Nice Opaque IdentifierU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0: @name" bundler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.1; " jeweler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "backports; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " anvl; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " json; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @[;F00["Chris Beer"0T" ruby[["ec2manage-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"ec2manageU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time d".A command-line manager for EC2 instances.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 1.4.3: @name"json_pure:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 4.0.3; "commander; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.0.0; "right_aws; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mocha; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @G;F00["Mat Schaffer"ec2manage is a command line tool for managing EC2 instances. It's main goal is to provide the same style of control as the Amazon EC2 API Tools but with additional structure and metadata make administrative decisions easier. 0T" ruby[["word2html-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"word2htmlU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time h"BConvert fancy characters from Word documents to HTML entitiesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Craig R Webster"BConvert fancy characters from Word documents to HTML entities0T" ruby[["anthill_smpp-0.5.0u;[" 1.4.0i"anthill_smppU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.0u: Time T"The AntHill SMPP is a powerful networking library which implements SMPP protocol (v3.4 and 5.0) and supply different fail-over and scaling functionality for it based on AntHill library.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Artem Rufanov"The AntHill is a powerful networking library which implements SMPP protocol (v3.4 and 5.0) and supply different fail-over and scaling functionality for it based on AntHill library.0T" ruby[["git-fogbugz-0.1.4u;[[" 1.4.0i"git-fogbugzU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time j"Log git pushes to fogbugzU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0: @name" grit:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Roy W. Black"*Git integretion with a FogBugz server0T" ruby[["gravitext-devtools-1.0.1u;X[" 1.4.0i"gravitext-devtoolsU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time $".A collection of development support toolsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["1.1: @name" rainbow:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.2.2; "rjack-tarpit; @);F00["David Kellum"A collection of development support tools. gt-manifest:: Maintain manifest from git ls-files minus exclusions. gt-cleanws:: Cleanup whitespace in files. gt-header:: Add and maintain file license headers.0T" ruby[["m3uzi-0.1.4u;[" 1.4.0i" m3uziU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time %"3Read and write M3U files with (relative) ease.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Brandon Arbini"Justin Greer"3Read and write M3U files with (relative) ease.0T" ruby[["shining-2.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i" shiningU:Gem::Version[" 2.0.0u: Time "-HTML + CSS + Javascript = awesome presosU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 0.8.7: @name" rake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 4.2.0; " jspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.9; "json_pure; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.9.9; " heroku; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.0; " stringex; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.0; " jeweler; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.3.0; " rspec; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0.9; " rack; @e;F00["Julio Cesar Ody"-HTML + CSS + Javascript = awesome presos0T" ruby[["has_images-0.2.3u;_[" 1.4.0i"has_imagesU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.3u: Time "EHasImages adds images and galleries to your ActiveRecord models.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["2.3: @name"paperclip:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Dennis Meise"0T" ruby[["nodewrap-0.5.0u;[" 1.4.0i" nodewrapU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.0u: Time "UA library that provides acccess to ruby's internal node tree, among other thingsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Paul Brannan"Nodewrap is Ruby module that provides direct access to Ruby's internal node structure. Originally this started as a proof-of-concept to allow Node objects to be dumped and loaded using Ruby's builtin marshalling mechanism. Methods to dump and load classes and modules are were also added, and with a little work, nodewrap can be used to dump entire class hierarchies from one Ruby process and load them into another.0T" ruby[["%noctivityinc-classifier191-1.3.6u;[" 1.4.0i"noctivityinc-classifier191U:Gem::Version[" 1.3.6u: Time "A general classifier module to allow Bayesian and other types of classifications that works with ruby 1.9.1. and fixes various bugs.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.1: @name"ruby-stemmer:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.2.2; "activesupport; @);F00[",Yury Korolev (patch by Joshua Lippiner)"A general classifier module to allow Bayesian and other types of classifications that works with ruby 1.9.1. and fixes various bugs0T" ruby[["zlib-crc32_combine-1.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"zlib-crc32_combineU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time "@Add Zlib's crc32_combine and adler32_combine to Ruby's ZlibU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.6.2: @name"ffi:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["W. Andrew Loe III"Aaron Patterson"@Add Zlib's crc32_combine and adler32_combine to Ruby's Zlib0T" ruby[["expiration-date-1.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"expiration-dateU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.0u: Time $"Eauto-expiring / auto-refreshing attributes for your ruby classesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Tim Pease"Really simple caching by attaching an expiration date to attributes. The ExpirationDate module adss two methods to a class -- expiring_attr and expiring_class_attr. These two methods are used to declare attributes in the instance and in the class, respectively, that will expire after some period of seconds have elapsed. The attribute is re-initialized from the given block after it has expired. This is a very simple form of caching.0T" ruby[["xrvg-0.0.82u;[" 1.4.0i" xrvgU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.82u: Time ,"!Ruby vector graphics libraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Julien Léonard"0T" ruby[["skkhub-0.0.0u;.[" 1.4.0i" skkhubU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.0u: Time m"SKK serverU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["OHASHI Hideya"SKK server0T" ruby[["pgexplain-0.1.5u; [" 1.4.0i"pgexplainU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.5u: Time "QOutputs "Explain" or "Explain Analyze" in your developement application log.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.0: @name"pg:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Ramon Salvadó"Marcus Wyatt"The Rails gem shows the output, in your application logs, of applying "Explain" or "Explain Analyze" to the select queries of your rails application.0T" ruby[["hash_graph-0.4.0u;[" 1.4.0i"hash_graphU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.0u: Time e"Msimple Hash based directed and undirected graph implementations for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.10.5; "rr; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @3;F00["(mccraig mccraig of the clan mccraig"FHash based directed and undirected graph implementations for Ruby0T" ruby[["tpitale-shoulda-2.11.0u;[" 1.4.0i"tpitale-shouldaU:Gem::Version[" 2.11.0u: Time e".Making tests easy on the fingers and eyesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Tammer Saleh"0T" ruby[["smashing-layout-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"smashing-layoutU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "CA Sass recreatation of Smashing Magazine's layout (circa 2009)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.10.4: @name" compass:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Adam Stacoviak"cA Sass experiment to recreate Smashing Magazine's layout (circa 2009) turned Compass extension0T" ruby[["rubyvis-0.5.0u;[" 1.4.0i" rubyvisU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.0u: Time "bRuby port of Protovis[http://vis.stanford.edu/protovis/], a Javascript visualization toolkit.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" haml:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " coderay; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.8.0; "hoe; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " nokogiri; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["2.0; " rspec; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " RedCloth; @Q;F00["Claudio Bustos"bRuby port of Protovis[http://vis.stanford.edu/protovis/], a Javascript visualization toolkit.0T" ruby[["pyrat-chronic-0.3.1u;j[" 1.4.0i"pyrat-chronicU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.1u: Time i"9A natural language date parser with timezone supportU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Tom Preston-Werner"Alastair Brunton"|Chronic is a natural language date/time parser written in pure Ruby. This version has support for Norwegian days and months.0T" ruby[["countries-0.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i"countriesU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time e"HGives you a country object full of all sorts of useful information.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.0: @name"currencies:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @3;F00[" hexorx"All sorts of useful information about every country packaged as pretty little country objects. It includes data from ISO 3166 (countries and subdivisions), ISO 4217 (currency), and E.164 (phone numbers). As a bonus it even adds a country_select helper to rails projects.0T" ruby[["#sprout-tweener-library-1.26.63u;I[" 1.4.0i"sprout-tweener-libraryU:Gem::Version[" 1.26.63u: Time g"Tweener (caurina.transitions.Tweener) is a Class used to create tweenings and other transitions via ActionScript code for projects built on the Flash platform.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["zisforzeh"0T" ruby[["%sequel_postgresql_triggers-1.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"sequel_postgresql_triggersU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2u: Time DT"LDatabase enforced timestamps, immutable columns, and counter/sum cachesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jeremy Evans"0T" ruby[[""apache-config-generator-0.2.7u;[" 1.4.0i"apache-config-generatorU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.7u: Time ">A Ruby DSL for programmatically generating Apache configsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0: @name" bundler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " autotest; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rainbow; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " reek; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.0.0; " rspec; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mocha; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " nokogiri; @[;F00["John Bintz">A Ruby DSL for programmatically generating Apache configs0T" ruby[["artii-1.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" artiiU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time "/A little Figlet-based ASCII art generator.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Mike Tierney"\A Figlet-based ASCII art generator, useful for command-line based ASCII Art Generation.0T" ruby[["one_time_assignment-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"one_time_assignmentU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time E"9Restrict ActiveRecord fields to one assignment only.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"activerecord:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @);F00["Thomas Maurer"0T" ruby[["jadof-0.1.6u;E[" 1.4.0i" jadofU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.6u: Time %"&Just A Directory Of Files (JADOF)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.0: @name"indifferent-variable-hash:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" remi"0T" ruby[["mason-server-0.0.5u;[" 1.4.0i"mason-serverU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time d"builds thingsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["1.0: @name" sinatra:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.2; " dm-core; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.0; " open4; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.2; "dm-aggregates; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.2; "dm-migrations; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.4.6; " json; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.2; "dm-postgres-adapter; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.2; "dm-timestamps; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.2; "dm-validations; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.10.0; " resque; @y;F00["0T" ruby[["*statsample-bivariate-extension-0.16.1u;[" 1.4.0i"#statsample-bivariate-extensionU:Gem::Version[" 0.16.1u: Time Ů"_Provides advanced bivariate statistics: * Tetrachoric correlation * Polychoric correlationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.8.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Claudio Bustos"_Provides advanced bivariate statistics: * Tetrachoric correlation * Polychoric correlation0T" ruby[["lazysvn-0.1.3u;p[" 1.4.0i" lazysvnU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time "Subversion for lazy peopleU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.0: @name" lazytest:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.1; "lazytools; @);F00["Marc Rene Arns"0T" ruby[["bicrypt-1.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" bicryptU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.0u: Time D")Simple two-way encyrption/decryptionU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"qed:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " syckle; @);F00["Thomas Sawyer"0Simple two-way encryption/decryption class.0T" ruby[["generate_vhosts-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"generate_vhostsU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time ";Generate vhosts for all rack apps in a given directoryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Matt House"0T" ruby[["virtualmonkey-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"virtualmonkeyU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time " testing cluster deploymentsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" jeweler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " json; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " trollop; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " gemedit; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rest_connection; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "fog; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ruby-debug; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " highline; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "right_popen; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @~;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "eventmachine; @;F00["Jeremy Deininger")monkey see, monkey do, monkey repeat0T" ruby[["rubyzilla-awt-0.1.3u;[" 1.4.0i"rubyzilla-awtU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time D"Ruby API for bugzillaU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Matt Pruitt"Adam Thorsen";Rubyzilla is a Ruby API for interfacing with bugzilla.0T" ruby[["google-search-1.0.2u;?[" 1.4.0i"google-searchU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2u: Time ["Google Search APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["TJ Holowaychuk"Google Search API0T" ruby[["entasis-0.2.0u;4[" 1.4.0i" entasisU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time D")A few neat methods for a basic classU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Ingemar Edsborn"wEntasis provides a few very useful instance methods for Struct based classes. Handy for models without a database.0T" ruby[["honkster-bundler-1.1.preu;![" 1.4.0i"honkster-bundlerU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.preu: Time Ħ";The best way to manage your application's dependenciesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 2.0.0.rc: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " ronn; @);F00["Carl Lerche"Yehuda Katz"André Arko"Bundler manages an application's dependencies through its entire life, across many machines, systematically and repeatably0T" ruby[["$thoughtafter-simple-rss-;[" 1.4.0i"thoughtafter-simple-rssU:Gem::Version[" Time "A simple, flexible, extensible, and liberal RSS and Atom reader for Ruby. It is designed to be backwards compatible with the standard RSS parser, but will never do RSS generation.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Lucas Carlson"A simple, flexible, extensible, and liberal RSS and Atom reader for Ruby. It is designed to be backwards compatible with the standard RSS parser, but will never do RSS generation.0T" ruby[["re_template-;$[" 1.4.0i"re_templateU:Gem::Version[" Time I"8Simple, Regular Expression powered template engine.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["0.0: @name"autoloader:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.4; " nokogiri; @);F00["David Masover"Intelligently handles HTML input, and is meant to safely handle untrusted templates and substitution variables. Basically, it's designed for mail merge.0T" ruby[["colorblind-1.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"colorblindU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time "TColorblind extends ActiveSupport logger with trendy colorschemes from the 90's!U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.0: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;["1.5.0.pre3; " jeweler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.0; "activesupport; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.0.0; " rspec; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "simplecov; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.5.0.pre3; " jeweler; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.0.2; " bundler; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["2.0.0.beta.22; " rspec; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @o;F00["Oriol Gual"Josep M. Bach"Josep Jaume Rey"TColorblind extends ActiveSupport logger with trendy colorschemes from the 90's!0T" ruby[["palidanx-koala-0.9.0u;[" 1.4.0i"palidanx-koalaU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.0u: Time "A lightweight, flexible library for Facebook with support for the Graph API, the old REST API, realtime updates, and OAuth validation.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[ "Alex Koppel"Chris Baclig"Rafi Jacoby"Context Optional"qKoala is a lightweight, flexible Ruby SDK for Facebook. It allows read/write access to the social graph via the Graph API and the older REST API, as well as support for realtime updates and OAuth and Facebook Connect authentication. Koala is fully tested and supports Net::HTTP and Typhoeus connections out of the box and can accept custom modules for other services.0T" ruby[["migration-spec-0.1.6u;[" 1.4.0i"migration-specU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.6u: Time ":RSpec 2 matchers to assist specs for Rails migrationsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.0; "generator-spec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.2.0; "require_all; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0; " rspec; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.3.0; "rails-app-spec; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.3.0; "rails3_assist; @Q;F00["Kristian Mandrup"\Migration RSpec 2 matchers to spec migration files, fx as generated by a Thor generator0T" ruby[["paddle-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i" paddleU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time "WPaddle is an RDoc plugin that emits documentation suitable for use as an epub bookU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.3: @name"rubyforge:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.5.0; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.0; "gemcutter; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.5.3; " rdoc; @=;F00["Aaron Patterson"Paddle is an RDoc plugin that emits documentation suitable for use as an epub book. The epub book can then be imported to iBooks for reading on iPad!0T" ruby[["xargs-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" xargsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time $"=Module to emulate the 'xargs' utility from a unix systemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Erik Hollensbe"0T" ruby[["asunit4-4.2.2.preu;[" 1.4.0i" asunit4U:Gem::Version["4.2.2.preu: Time "CThe fastest and most flexible ActionScript unit test frameworkU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[00["Luke Bayes"Ali Mills"Robert Penner"AsUnit is the only ActionScript unit test framework that support every development and runtime environment that is currently available. This includes Flex 2, 3, 4, AIR 1 and 2, Flash Lite, and of course the Flash Authoring tool0T" ruby[["mkdtemp-1.2u;[" 1.4.0i" mkdtempU:Gem::Version["1.2u: Time "-Secure creation of temporary directoriesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["2.0.0.beta: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Wincent Colaiuta" mkdtemp is a C extension that wraps the Standard C Library function of the same name to make secure creation of temporary directories easily available from within Ruby. 0T" ruby[["hostgitrb-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"hostgitrbU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time D"8Simple Git repository hosting using SSH Public KeysU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"mg:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Raoul Felix"M HostGitRb allows you to share your Git repositories with other users using SSH Public keys as authentication. You only need one shell account, which makes this great to use in a shared hosting environment, and users won't be able to do anything else other than push/pull to the repositories you define. 0T" ruby[["papervision3d-2.1.921u;[" 1.4.0i"papervision3dU:Gem::Version[" 2.1.921u: Time "Papervision3D ActionScript 3 source wrapped in a Sprout::Specification for implementation into a sprout project and Gem::Specification for distribution as a gem.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["1.0.26.pre: @name" sprout:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["0T" ruby[["yob-roxml-3.1.6u;[" 1.4.0i"yob-roxmlU:Gem::Version[" 3.1.6u: Time "0Non-maintainer maintenance release of ROXMLU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.2.2: @name"activerecord:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.4; "sqlite3-ruby; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.0; "activesupport; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.3; " nokogiri; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @G;F00[ "Ben Woosley"Zak Mandhro"Anders Engstrom"Russ Olsen"ROXML is a Ruby library designed to make it easier for Ruby developers to work with XML. Using simple annotations, it enables Ruby classes to be mapped to XML. ROXML takes care of the marshalling and unmarshalling of mapped attributes so that developers can focus on building first-class Ruby classes. As a result, ROXML simplifies the development of RESTful applications, Web Services, and XML-RPC. 0T" ruby[["symphony_api-0.5.1u;[" 1.4.0i"symphony_apiU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.1u: Time E,".Symphony OS Content Management suite, APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.1: @name"symphony_ostoolbox:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.1; "symphony_core; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.1; " daemons; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.1; "symphony_cookbook; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.1; "symphony_agent; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.1; "symphony_infrastructure; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.2; "hoe; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.1; "restfulite; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.1; "symphony_imaging; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.2; "hoe; @y;F00["Stephen F Norledge".Symphony OS Content Management suite, API0T" ruby[["sbn-0.9.0u;[" 1.4.0i"sbnU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.0u: Time "$Simple Bayesian Network LibraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Carl Youngblood"0T" ruby[["assembla-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i" assemblaU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time D"$Command line access to assemblaU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.1: @name" hpricot:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Ignacy Moryc"kThis gem provides access to assembla tickets. It supports listing, creating and modyfing functionality0T" ruby[["wayne_uniquify-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"wayne_uniquifyU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "/Generate a unique token with Active RecordU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Eifion Bedford"trial run at gemcutter0T" ruby[["todotask-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i" todotaskU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time $"+A Rake task for generating a ToDo listU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Daniel Schierbeck"0T" ruby[["sun_time-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" sun_timeU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time Z"NCalculate the time of sunrise and sunset for location on a specific date.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.2: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.2; "hoe; @);F00["Carl-Johan Kihlbom"NCalculate the time of sunrise and sunset for location on a specific date.0T" ruby[["rspec-isolation-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"rspec-isolationU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "4Make rspec examples run in separated processes.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.2: @name" bundler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0; " rspec; @);F00[" Kevin Fu"bMake rspec examples run in separated processes. Especially used in framework development.0T" ruby[["airbrush-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i" airbrushU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time '"description of gemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.3: @name" starling:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.2; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.9; " daemons; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.2; "activesupport; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.8; "ruby2ruby; @G;F00["FIXME full name"description of gem0T" ruby[["gemedit-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i" gemeditU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time e"=A utility to view a gem's source in your favorite editorU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 2.3.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.3.2; " aruba; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @3;F00["Lee Marlow">A utility to view a gem's source in your favorite editor 0T" ruby[["mcnamara-0.3u;([" 1.4.0i" mcnamaraU:Gem::Version["0.3u: Time %k"FRack middleware to serve up browser version/platform specific cssU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Kristan "Krispy" Uccello"FRack middleware to serve up browser version/platform specific css0T" ruby[["superfeedr-ruby-0.5.0u;A[" 1.4.0i"superfeedr-rubyU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.0u: Time E"#Ruby Client for the SuperfeedrU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" skates:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["julien Genestoux"0T" ruby[["crunch-0.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i" crunchU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.0u: Time Ē"0An asynchronous, opinionated MongoDB driverU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["1.0: @name" bson_ext:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.2; "rev; @=;F00["Stephen Eley"Crunch is an alternative MongoDB driver with an emphasis on high concurrency, atomic update operations, and document integrity. It uses the Rev event library for non-blocking writes and reads. Its API is more limited than the official Mongo Ruby driver, but simpler and more Rubyish.0T" ruby[["mongrel-manager-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"mongrel-managerU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time d",Manage multiple local mongrel instancesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" hirb:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " trollop; @);F00["Jon Moses",Manage multiple local mongrel instances0T" ruby[["meta_controller-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"meta_controllerU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time ^"-Define your controllers with an easy DSLU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Simon Menke"-Define your controllers with an easy DSL0T" ruby[["3benhutton-remarkable_activerecord-4.0.0.alpha6u;[" 1.4.0i"&benhutton-remarkable_activerecordU:Gem::Version["4.0.0.alpha6u: Time "ZRemarkable ActiveRecord: collection of matchers and macros with I18n for ActiveRecordU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["4.0.0.alpha4: @name"remarkable:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["4.0.0.alpha4; "remarkable_activemodel; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0; " rspec; @3;F00[ "Ho-Sheng Hsiao"Carlos Brando"José Valim"Diego Carrion"ZRemarkable ActiveRecord: collection of matchers and macros with I18n for ActiveRecord0T" ruby[["constraint-0.2u;^[" 1.4.0i"constraintU:Gem::Version["0.2u: Time U"5Ensure that objects comply with some constraintsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Thomas Link"This library provides a way to define constrained classes in order to ensure that its instances always satisfy some specified set of constraints.0T" ruby[["sequencerrb-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"sequencerrbU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time "1Simple library for sequencing procs/lambdas.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Michiel Kalkman"pSimple library for sequencing procs/lambdas. Mainly useful for managing sequential asynchronous operations.0T" ruby[["ringcentral-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"ringcentralU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time "TA Ruby library for interacting with the RingCentral RingOut API and FaxOut API.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.6.0: @name"rest-client:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "thoughtbot-shoulda; @);F00["Todd Eichel"TA Ruby library for interacting with the RingCentral RingOut API and FaxOut API.0T" ruby[[")activerecord-sqlserver-adapter-3.0.9u;[" 1.4.0i"#activerecord-sqlserver-adapterU:Gem::Version[" 3.0.9u: Time %"7SQL Server 2005 and 2008 Adapter For ActiveRecord.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 2.0.7: @name" arel:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.3; "activerecord; @);F00[ "Ken Collins"Murray Steele"Shawn Balestracci"Joe Rafaniello" Tom Ward"6SQL Server 2005 and 2008 Adapter For ActiveRecord0T" ruby[["twitterdispatch-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"twitterdispatchU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time L"`A simple Twitter API wrapper that gets out of your way and lets you access things directly.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Michael Bleigh"0T" ruby[[" tie-0.1u;o[" 1.4.0i"tieU:Gem::Version["0.1u: Time ".Merging template file and parameter filesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.2: @name" choice:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.1; " rake; @);F00["Andrew Chen"0T" ruby[["xtendr-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" xtendrU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time ņ"8FFI binding for accessing extended file attributes.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" yard:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Louis J. Scoras"TXtendr provides access to extended file system attributes. Ruby 1.9 compatible.0T" ruby[["url_shortener-0.0.6u;[" 1.4.0i"url_shortenerU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.6u: Time Ek"EUrl Shortener is a Ruby library / gem and API wrapper for bit.lyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 0.1.4: @name" hashie:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.4.5; " httparty; @);F00["Nasir Jamal"Url Shortener is a Ruby library / gem and API wrapper for bit.ly to shorten/expand the urls and retrieve other information about them.0T" ruby[["scxml-0.1.0u;F[" 1.4.0i" scxmlU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time e"1Fast, lightweight access to simple xml data.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0: @name" builder:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Simon Chiang"0T" ruby[["rzotero-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i" rzoteroU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time č"%A Ruby client for the Zotero APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.0: @name" nokogiri:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.8; " fakeweb; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @3;F00["Wayne Graham"UrZotero provides a simple and extensible library for working with the Zotero API0T" ruby[["rbroccoli-1.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"rbroccoliU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.0u: Time Ğ"6Interface for the Bro Intrusion Detection System.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Seth Hall"0T" ruby[["sbt-0.7.3u;[" 1.4.0i"sbtU:Gem::Version[" 0.7.3u: Time ń" FIX (describe your package)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.0: @name"gemcutter:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.5.0; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.3; "rubyforge; @3;F00["Anonymous" FIX (describe your package)0T" ruby[["rutema_web-1.0.4u;O[" 1.4.0i"rutema_webU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.4u: Time Ď".rutema_web is the web frontend for rutemaU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4; "rubyforge; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.0.0; " sinatra; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.6.1; " ruport; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.0.9; " rutema; @G;F00["Vassilis Rizopoulos"0== DESCRIPTION: rutema_web is the web frontend for rutema. It can be used as a viewer for database files created with the rutema ActiveRecord reporter. It also provides you with some basic statistics about the tests in your database in the form of diagrams of debatable aesthetics but undoubtable value! == FEATURES/PROBLEMS: == SYNOPSIS: rutema_web config.yaml and browse to http://localhost:7000 for the glorious view == REQUIREMENTS: * rutema (http://patir.rubyforge.org/rutema) * sinatra (http://www.sinatrarb.com/) * ruport (http://rubyreports.org/)0T" ruby[["ruby-debug-ide19-0.4.12u;[" 1.4.0i"ruby-debug-ide19U:Gem::Version[" 0.4.12u: Time $d""IDE interface for ruby-debug.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.11.20: @name"ruby-debug-base19:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Markus Barchfeld"Martin Krauskopf"Mark Moseley"RAn interface which glues ruby-debug to IDEs like Eclipse (RDT) and NetBeans. 0T" ruby[["rubish-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" rubishU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "Ruby Interactive ShellU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Howard Yeh"Ruby Interactive Shell0T" ruby[["rockit-0.7.2u;[" 1.4.0i" rockitU:Gem::Version[" 0.7.2u: Time E"ERockit is the Ruby Object-oriented Compiler construction toolKITU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Robert Feldt"Rockit is a potent parser generator and gives you AST's (Abstract Syntax Tree's) which you can pattern match and pretty-print. Rockit does not distinghuish between lexing and parsing so the generated parsers are scanner-/lexer-less. The vision is to extend Rockit with more advanced compiler-related abilities including back-ends and code generation. However, currently the focus is on parsing and AST-related tasks such as transformation.0T" ruby[["muck-oauth-0.2.4u;[" 1.4.0i"muck-oauthU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.4u: Time D"OAuth for muckU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"muck-engine:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.9.5; " twitter; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " agree2; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " overlord; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.1.2; " linkedin; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.6; " oauth; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "fireeagle; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.0; "portablecontacts; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.3.14; "oauth-plugin; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "muck-users; @~;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "babelphish; @;F00["Justin Ball"{A simple wrapper for the oauth and oauth-plugin gems so that it is faster to include oauth in muck based applications.0T" ruby[["acts_as_comparable-1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"acts_as_comparableU:Gem::Version["1.2u: Time "6Adds ActiveRecord model comparison functionality.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.14.1: @name"activerecord:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Mark Van Holstyn"Zach Dennis"6Adds ActiveRecord model comparison functionality.0T" ruby[["euler-1.1.0u;H[" 1.4.0i" eulerU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.0u: Time de"9A small library to help solve Projet Euler problems.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Mike Skalnik"Nick Kezhaya"rA gem that provides a small library to help in removing the repetativeness of solving Project Euler problems.0T" ruby[["gsolr-0.12.4u;[" 1.4.0i" gsolrU:Gem::Version[" 0.12.4u: Time ũ"Generic Solr ClientU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "streamly_ffi; @3;F00["Scott Gonyea"OThis is a generic solr client, capable of talking to Solr, as well as Riak0T" ruby[["jdbc-mysql-5.1.13u;[" 1.4.0i"jdbc-mysqlU:Gem::Version[" 5.1.13u: Time %"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4: @name"rubyforge:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Nick Sieger"$Ola Bini and JRuby contributors"JInstall this gem and require 'mysql' within JRuby to load the driver.0T" ruby[["encoding-dot-com-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"encoding-dot-comU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time %n",A ruby wrapper for the encoding.com APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " nokogiri; @);F00["Roland Swingler"Alan Kennedy"Levent Ali",A ruby wrapper for the encoding.com API0T" ruby[["jazrb-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i" jazrbU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time E"4Env.js support for running Jasmine JS BDD specsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" nokogiri:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ragaskar-jsdoc_helper; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "smparkes-eventmachine; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.0; " envjs; @=;F00["Steven Parkes"Jazrb provides support for running specs based on the Jasmine JS BDD using the env.js JavaScript browser environment. Includes support for running under autotest via the autojaz command.0T" ruby[["subversion-1.6.11u;[" 1.4.0i"subversionU:Gem::Version[" 1.6.11u: Time d"&The Ruby bindings for Subversion.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Kouhei Sutou"Joe Swatosh"&The Ruby bindings for Subversion.0T" ruby[["seedsv-1.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" seedsvU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time ":Seed your database with data from csv files with easeU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.3: @name"fastercsv:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "thoughtbot-shoulda; @);F00["Adrian Cuadros":Seed your database with data from csv files with ease0T" ruby[["&iab-FinancialProductBuilder-0.1.8u;;[" 1.4.0i" iab-FinancialProductBuilderU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.8u: Time K"nFinancialProductBuilder is a series of scripts (and GUI) that allows new financial products to be definedU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.2: @name" diff-lcs:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.15; "mime-types; @);F00["Gary Mawdsley"nFinancialProductBuilder is a series of scripts (and GUI) that allows new financial products to be defined0T" ruby[["optimus-ep-0.8.1u;[" 1.4.0i"optimus-epU:Gem::Version[" 0.8.1u: Time $">Utilities to process behavioral data generated by E-PrimeU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.0; " rparsec; @);F00["Nate Vack">Utilities to process behavioral data generated by E-Prime0T" ruby[["spree_contact_form-3.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"spree_contact_formU:Gem::Version[" 3.0.3u: Time ",Adds a contact form for your spree siteU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.30.1: @name"spree_core:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Josh Nussbaum"Add a contact form for your spree website, you can setup topics and when the user submits the form, it is emailed to the site admin0T" ruby[["revenc-0.1.3u;[" 1.4.0i" revencU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time ":Wrapper for EncFS reverse mounting and folder syncingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.5.1: @name"configatron:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0.6; " cucumber; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.4; "term-ansicolor; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.6.5; "rdiscount; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.1; " yard; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.3; " mutagem; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.0; " aruba; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.7; " rake; @y;F00["Robert Wahler"qReverse Mount, unmount, and copy/synchronize encrypted files to untrusted destinations using EncFS and rsync0T" ruby[["representations-0.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i"representationsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time i"\Changes syntax of rails helpers and form builders to object oriented and model specificU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Łukasz Piestrzeniewicz"Adam Sokolnicki"kRails helpers, including form builders are great to allow rapid development of applications and views. They are procedural in nature and have hard time to adapt to complex models. They also live in a single namespace making it difficult to find which helpers apply to which models. Resource representations change syntax to object oriented and model specific.0T" ruby[["aggravatar-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"aggravatarU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time b",Helper method for generating Gravatars.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" yard:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @);F00["Adam Tanner"JYou give it an email. It gives you a Gravatar. What more do you want?0T" ruby[["buildr-bnd-0.0.6u;[" 1.4.0i"buildr-bndU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.6u: Time d":Buildr extension for packaging OSGi bundles using bndU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Peter Donald"GThis is a buildr extension for packaging OSGi bundles using Bnd. 0T" ruby[["dirty_callbacks-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"dirty_callbacksU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time \" TODOU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["James Golick"0T" ruby[["deepopenstruct-0.1.2u;$[" 1.4.0i"deepopenstructU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time "lA simple library for creating easy-to-use data structures from complex sets of nested Hashes and ArraysU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Aaron Gough"DeepOpenStruct is a simple library for creating easy-to-use data structures from complex sets of nested Hashes and Arrays. It is particularly suitable for creating easy-to-use data structures from YAML files, and as such is a useful tool for creating simple reflective API wrappers.0T" ruby[["analytica-0.0.21u;[" 1.4.0i"analyticaU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.21u: Time Ğ"RAnalytica implements simple data analysis and graph plotting over ruby arraysU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.1: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4; "rubyforge; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "typestrict; @3;F00["Raeez Lorgat"*Data Analysis wrapper for ruby arrays0T" ruby[["cucumber-farmer-1.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"cucumber-farmerU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.3u: Time Ĩ"yA library of cucumber step definitions, which allow you to use a human to assert conditions during acceptance tests.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.6.2: @name"ci_reporter:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["0.6; " cucumber; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.4.0; " jeweler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.5.0; "rack-test; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.6.1; "mattscilipoti-rdialog; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.10; " shoulda; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.0; " sinatra; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " webrat; @o;F00["Matt Scilipoti"A library of cucumber step definitions, which allow you to use a human to assert conditions during acceptance tests. Some requirements are simple for a human to confirm, but are very difficult to assert using automation. Farmer allows us to include human confirmation into our normal testing flow. For example, we needed to verify that certain portions of an image were 'blacked out'. 0T" ruby[["serenity-odt-0.2.1u;`[" 1.4.0i"serenity-odtU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time D"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.1: @name" rubyzip:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @);F00["Tomas Kramar" Embedded ruby for OpenOffice Text Document (.odt) files. You provide an .odt template with ruby code in a special markup and the data, and Serenity generates the document. Very similar to .erb files. 0T" ruby[["placeholder-0.0.6u;l[" 1.4.0i"placeholderU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.6u: Time "-Easy image placeholders via Placehold.itU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Matt Darby"-Easy image placeholders via Placehold.it0T" ruby[["yapra-0.1.3u;^[" 1.4.0i" yapraU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time el"(Yet another pragger implementation.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.6: @name"mechanize:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" yuanying"(Yet another pragger implementation.0T" ruby[["temporal-0.4.1u;[" 1.4.0i" temporalU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.1u: Time e",A natural language date and time parserU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.7: @name" rake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0; " rspec; @3;F00["Clive Crous"zThis project is still in early development. Only the mathematical side is complete. eg: Time.now + 3.years + 2.months0T" ruby[["filbunke-1.6.0u;[" 1.4.0i" filbunkeU:Gem::Version[" 1.6.0u: Time %"Filbunke clientU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.1: @name" open4:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.0; " typhoeus; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.7; " json; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "thoughtbot-shoulda; @=;F00["Wouter de Bie" Filbunke client and library0T" ruby[["OpenAgent-0.5.3u;[" 1.4.0i"OpenAgentU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.3u: Time "-OpenAgent is a SIF Agent Development KitU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Christopher Whiteley"4OpenAgent - SIF ADK.(SIF Agent Development Kit)0T" ruby[["erberize-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" erberizeU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time e"Fun with erbU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Fun with erb0T" ruby[["litc-1.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i" litcU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.3u: Time "7A tiny ruby module for Amazon EC2 intance metadataU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Brian Kaney"7A tiny ruby module for Amazon EC2 intance metadata0T" ruby[[""layout_mollio_generator-0.9.0u;G[" 1.4.0i"layout_mollio_generatorU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.0u: Time "description of gemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.6: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" lukhnos"description of gem0T" ruby[["#webrick-high-performance-1.0.0u; [" 1.4.0i"webrick-high-performanceU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time "&A high-performance WEBrick serverU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.0: @name"socket_sendfile:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; "socket_accept_filter; @);F00["Eric Hodel"yA high-performance WEBrick server that takes advantage of sendfile(2) and fork(2) to serve static files really fast.0T" ruby[["snap-0.1.4u;[" 1.4.0i" snapU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time "?Directory listings faster than you can say 'onomatopoeia'.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.5: @name" launchy:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.1; "rack-test; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.4; " sinatra; @3;F00["Nick Stielau"7A ultility to make HTML directory listings a snap!0T" ruby[["webget_ruby_vital-1.0.2u;m[" 1.4.0i"webget_ruby_vitalU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2u: Time %"IWebGet Ruby Gem: Vital class for debugging, logging, profiling, etc.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.7.2: @name"webget_ruby_ramp:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" WebGet"0T" ruby[["sortable-0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" sortableU:Gem::Version["0.1u: Time b"6Sortable provides a DSL for defining sort order on any Ruby object To use it, you just call the sortable method and pass it a list of methods and/or blocks; when you call sort on a collection of these objects, each method/block is evaluated in turn, and the first that provides a non-zero sort value is used.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.3: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Ben Scofield"6Sortable provides a DSL for defining sort order on any Ruby object To use it, you just call the sortable method and pass it a list of methods and/or blocks; when you call sort on a collection of these objects, each method/block is evaluated in turn, and the first that provides a non-zero sort value is used.0T" ruby[["rhash-0.0.7u;[" 1.4.0i" rhashU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.7u: Time "An ordenable hash.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Rodrigo Mello Nardi"iRHash is an ordenable hash, that is, its method 'sort' returns a Hash and the object remains sorted.0T" ruby[["piglop-prawn-;[" 1.4.0i"piglop-prawnU:Gem::Version[" Time "-A fast and nimble PDF generator for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.1: @name"pdf-reader:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Gregory Brown"@ Prawn is a fast, tiny, and nimble PDF generator for Ruby 0T" ruby[["git-confident-0.0.7u;[" 1.4.0i"git-confidentU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.7u: Time $"+Automate computer configuration backupU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.7: @name" rake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.5; "git; @);F00["Joe Yates"Provides git-confident0T" ruby[["upc-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"upcU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time $#"Da (very) small library for working with Universal Product CodesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["James Healy"Da (very) small library for working with Universal Product Codes0T" ruby[["stockr-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i" stockrU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time e"!Keep track of all your stuffU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"multipart-post:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.1.0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " sinatra; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.1; " jeweler; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " eletro; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " redis; @e;F00["Marcos Piccinini"4Help keep track of stuff (good for electronics)0T" ruby[["priest-0.0.7u;d[" 1.4.0i" priestU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.7u: Time a",Priest, the command line tool for monk.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.7: @name"dependencies:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.11; " thor; @);F00["Konstantin Haase"Priest is a more advanced replacement for the monk command line tool. Monk is a glue framework for web development. It means that instead of installing all the tools you need for your projects, you can rely on a git repository and a list of dependencies, and Monk will care of the rest. By default, it ships with a Sinatra application that includes Contest, Stories, Webrat, Ohm and some other niceties, along with a structure and helpful documentation to get your hands wet in no time.0T" ruby[["notifo-0.1.0u;I[" 1.4.0i" notifoU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time Ċ"AA library for using the Notifo iPhone notifications service.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.4.5; " httparty; @);F00["Jonathan Markwell"A library for using Notifo. Notifo is a way for users to receive mobile notifications for anything, more at http://notifo.com. This gem uses John Nunemaker's awesome HTTParty.0T" ruby[["thunk-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" thunkU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "ZAn API for talking to thunk.us, a (soon to be) generally awesome notification serviceU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.1: @name"gemcutter:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.5.0; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.2.0; "json_pure; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.5.0; " minitest; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.2.8; " fakeweb; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.9.8; " mocha; @Q;F00["Eleven Eleven"John Barnette"An API for talking to thunk.us, a (soon to be) generally awesome notification service. Thunk lets you share and change simple state.0T" ruby[["scrubber-0.1.0u;h[" 1.4.0i" scrubberU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time %"%A DSL for scrubbing private dataU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Dan Pickett"3Obfuscate your private data using a simple dsl0T" ruby[["mrpunkin-flickr_fu-0.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i"mrpunkin-flickr_fuU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time dR"9Provides a ruby interface to flickr via the REST apiU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0: @name"xml-magic:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0; "mime-types; @);F00["Ben Wyrosdick"Maciej Bilas"9Provides a ruby interface to flickr via the REST api0T" ruby[["mologue-0.0.1u;U[" 1.4.0i" mologueU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "mologue-0.0.1U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" thor:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.0.0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " aruba; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.0; " rails; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " cucumber; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @Q;F00["Mark Dillon"=Generate a Rails 3 starter app with all the right stuff.0T" ruby[["gdiff-0.0.3u;[[" 1.4.0i" gdiffU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time "sThe Generic Diff Format (GDIFF) can be used to efficiently describe the differences between two arbirary filesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Brian Schroeder"OThe Generic Diff Format (GDIFF) can be used to efficiently describe the differences between two arbirary files. The format does not make any assumptions about the type or contents of the files, and thus can be used to describe the differences between text files as well as binary files. The GDIFF format is itself a binary file format.0T" ruby[["ebs_snapshot_cleanup-0.5.0u;[" 1.4.0i"ebs_snapshot_cleanupU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.0u: Time D"3Command-line utility to clean up EBS snapshotsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"aws_credentials:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.9.12; "amazon-ec2; @);F00["Ben Koski"3Command-line utility to clean up EBS snapshots0T" ruby[["broham-0.0.15u;[" 1.4.0i" brohamU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.15u: Time "Broham: A simple, global, highly-available, none-too-bright service registry. Broham always knows where his bros are, bro.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" yard:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @);F00["Philip (flip) Kromer"Bro! Broham always knows where his bros are, bro. Using broham, a newly-created cloud machine can annouce its availability for a certain role ("nfs_server" or "db_slave-2"), allowing any other interested nodes to discover its public_ip, private_ip, etc. See also: http://j.mp/amongbros0T" ruby[["fast_hash_ring-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"fast_hash_ringU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time j";A Ruby C Extension based on the pure Ruby HashRing gemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" Flinn"0T" ruby[["version_sorter-1.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"version_sorterU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.0u: Time e"$Fast sorting of version stringsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Chris Wanstrath"K. Adam Christensen"$Fast sorting of version strings0T" ruby[["treasury_bond_yield-0.1u;7[" 1.4.0i"treasury_bond_yieldU:Gem::Version["0.1u: Time "MRuby utility to pull US treasury bond yields from www.treas.gov website.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Craig Davidson"MRuby utility to pull US treasury bond yields from www.treas.gov website.0T" ruby[["thepub-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i" thepubU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time ";Extraction of Repub's epub module and associated testsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" nokogiri:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "thoughtbot-shoulda; @);F00["Dmitri Goutnik"Invisible Llama"William Melody";Extraction of Repub's epub module and associated tests0T" ruby[["fake_mechanize-0.0.2u;`[" 1.4.0i"fake_mechanizeU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time g"?toolset for offline unit tests on mechanize, like httpmockU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"mechanize:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Fabien Jakimowicz"0T" ruby[["czak-authlogic-oid-1.0.5u;[" 1.4.0i"czak-authlogic-oidU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.5u: Time m">Extension of the Authlogic library to add OpenID support.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"authlogic:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.3; "hoe; @);F00[" Ben Johnson of Binary Logic">Extension of the Authlogic library to add OpenID support.0T" ruby[["tit-1.1.2u;~[" 1.4.0i"titU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.2u: Time %""stupid fucking twitter clientU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" oauth:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " nokogiri; @);F00["Leif Walsh"$a stupid fucking twitter client0T" ruby[["simply_versioned-; [" 1.4.0i"simply_versionedU:Gem::Version[" Time "[SimplyVersioned is a simple, non-invasive, approach to versioning ActiveRecord models.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Matt Mower"Jérôme Lipowicz"0T" ruby[["mvn-plugin-config-0.0.6u;F[" 1.4.0i"mvn-plugin-configU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.6u: Time d"5Opens list of maven plugins in browser's window.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" vegas:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " haml; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " launchy; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " nokogiri; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " jeweler; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " sinatra; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " jeweler; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "gemcutter; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rubyzip; @o;F00["Alexander Shvets"oOpens list of maven plugins in browser's window with the ability to see configuration for each of plugins.0T" ruby[["medie-1.0.0u;-[" 1.4.0i" medieU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time "VA gem that allows you register media types and unmarshal/marshal data accordinglyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.2: @name" jeweler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "json_pure; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.3.0; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "methodize; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "activesupport; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.0; "actionpack; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @e;F00["Guilherme Silveira"VA gem that allows you register media types and unmarshal/marshal data accordingly0T" ruby[["drogus-blue-ridge-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"drogus-blue-ridgeU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time %m"5JavaScript BDD Gem (using Screw.Unit and env.js)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rubigen:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @3;F00["Piotr Sarnacki"5JavaScript BDD Gem (using Screw.Unit and env.js)0T" ruby[["rails_zombie-1.0.0u;A[" 1.4.0i"rails_zombieU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time "TAuto define and assign controller (nested) instances variables from (nested) idU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Philippe Cantin"TAuto define and assign controller (nested) instances variables from (nested) id0T" ruby[["all-your-base-0.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i"all-your-baseU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time df"2Numeric base conversions greater than base 36U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Rusty Burchfield";Provides numeric base conversions greater than base 360T" ruby[["object_struct-0.0.9u;[" 1.4.0i"object_structU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.9u: Time d"5Structs, with methods. Deep and lazy conversion.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " lazy; @);F00[" Quid" Inc."]An extension of Ruby's core OpenStruct, providing deep objectification and lazy loading.0T" ruby[[",blackwinter-autotest-notification-2.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"&blackwinter-autotest-notificationU:Gem::Version[" 2.2.0u: Time "|This gem set the autotest to send messages to software as Growl, LibNotify, and Snarl, displaying a window with the results.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 4.2.9: @name" autotest:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.3; "hoe; @);F00["Carlos Brando"Rodrigo Urubatan"Alexandre da Silva"Carlos Júnior"Davis Zanetti Cabral"Marcos Tapajós"Thiago Pradi"Ozéias Sant'ana"Samuel Flores"Diego Carrion"Ernesto Nakamura"|This gem set the autotest to send messages to software as Growl, LibNotify, and Snarl, displaying a window with the results.0T" ruby[["group_cache_key-0.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i"group_cache_keyU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time g"3adds a cache_key method to ActiveRecord arraysU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.0: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.0; "activerecord; @);F00[" Jim Gay"3adds a cache_key method to ActiveRecord arrays0T" ruby[["pony-express-0.7.0u;[" 1.4.0i"pony-expressU:Gem::Version[" 0.7.0u: Time ĥ""A fast and lightweight mailerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Bharanee Rathna"UA fast and lightweight mailer for ruby that uses libmimetic for generating mails0T" ruby[["allgems-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" allgemsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time h" Tools to document the worldU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rdoc:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " hanna; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " sdoc; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " sequel; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " haml; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ActionTimer; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " nokogiri; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ActionPool; @e;F00[" spox"UAllGems is a tool to provide comprehensive gem documentation for an entire index0T" ruby[["hello-ruby-station-0.3.0u;6[" 1.4.0i"hello-ruby-stationU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time c"Greets youU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" sinatra:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Yutaka HARA"Greets you0T" ruby[["xmlelements-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"xmlelementsU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time l"Strange Xml-Api.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Michael Ehrmann"Christian Koestlin"A really easy xml-api.0T" ruby[["sys-uptime-0.5.3u;[" 1.4.0i"sys-uptimeU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.3u: Time P"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Daniel J. Berger" The sys-uptime library is a simple interface for gathering uptime information. You can retrieve data in seconds, minutes, days, hours, or all of the above. 0T" ruby[["simple_importer-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"simple_importerU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time f"'Simple api for importing from csv.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Justin Marney"9Provides a simple dsl for creating csv import tasks.0T" ruby[["pubsubhubbub-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"pubsubhubbubU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time $".Asynchronous PubSubHubbub client for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.5: @name"em-http-request:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.12.9; "eventmachine; @);F00["Ilya Grigorik".Asynchronous PubSubHubbub client for Ruby0T" ruby[["mutle-webrat-0.7.2.beta.1u;V[" 1.4.0i"mutle-webratU:Gem::Version["0.7.2.beta.1u: Time "1Ruby Acceptance Testing for Web applicationsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.0: @name" nokogiri:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.0; " rack; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.3; "rack-test; @3;F00["Bryan Helmkamp"Webrat lets you quickly write expressive and robust acceptance tests for a Ruby web application. It supports simulating a browser inside a Ruby process to avoid the performance hit and browser dependency of Selenium or Watir, but the same API can also be used to drive real Selenium tests when necessary (eg. for testing AJAX interactions). Most Ruby web frameworks and testing frameworks are supported.0T" ruby[["orm_adapter-0.0.4u;r[" 1.4.0i"orm_adapterU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time "orm_adapter provides a single point of entry for using basic features of popular ruby ORMs. Its target audience is gem authors who want to support many ruby ORMs.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.0: @name"activerecord:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["2.0.0.beta.20; " mongoid; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.5; "git; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.5; " bson_ext; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.0; " yard; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.7; " rake; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.0; "datamapper; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.4.0; " rspec; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.0; "dm-active_model; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.0; "dm-sqlite-adapter; @~;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.2; "sqlite3-ruby; @;F00["Ian White"Jose Valim"KProvides a single point of entry for using basic features of ruby ORMs0T" ruby[["monkeywatch-0.1.7u;[" 1.4.0i"monkeywatchU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.7u: Time "This package provides a simple gtk2 GUI application that monitors the syslog and gives the user real-time notification of events in the syslogU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"ruby-libnotify:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.0; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4; "rubyforge; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.0; "hoe; @=;F00[" jacquesl"This package provides a simple gtk2 GUI application that monitors the syslog and gives the user real-time notification of events in the syslog. The actual handlers for specific messages are implemented as mixed-in plugins. Two plugins currently exist, one to monitor arpwatch and one to monitor psad. These two plugins notify the user of possible port-scan and arpspoofing attacks being launched against the user.0T" ruby[["patir-0.6.4u;[" 1.4.0i" patirU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.4u: Time `"\patir (Project Automation Tools in Ruby) provides libraries for use in automation toolsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" systemu:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.3; "hoe; @);F00["Vassilis Rizopoulos"h== FEATURES/PROBLEMS: * Configuration library for creating Ruby configuration files * Command library abstracting the execution of commands == SYNOPSIS: patir is the library of common functionality used in the patir projects. This includes a class that allows you to build configuration files in Ruby and a library for command abstraction. == REQUIREMENTS:0T" ruby[["checkmate-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"checkmateU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "@Ruby framework to run maintenance checks on remote servers.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.10.5; "rr; @3;F00["Peter MacRobert"* Define your maintenance checks, e.g. disk usage, mysql status, etc. Then run these checks on multiple servers using rake, and have the results emailed back to you. Set up a cron job to run the rake task on a regular period, and BANG! You've got simple and effective server monitoring. 0T" ruby[["batch_insert-0.2u; [" 1.4.0i"batch_insertU:Gem::Version["0.2u: Time %"AExtends ActiveRecord to provide batch insertion capabilitiesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Shaun Mangelsdorf"FAdds batch insertion capabilities to ActiveRecord model classes. 0T" ruby[["activeldap-1.2.2u;[" 1.4.0i"activeldapU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.2u: Time d"0ActiveLdap is a object-oriented API to LDAPU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 2.1.0: @name" gettext:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.3.8; "activerecord; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.1; "hoe; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4; "rubyforge; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.1.0; "gettext_activerecord; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.0.5; " locale; @Q;F00["Will Drewry"Kouhei Sutou"C 'ActiveLdap' is a ruby extension library which provides a clean objected oriented interface to the Ruby/LDAP library. It was inspired by ActiveRecord. This is not nearly as clean or as flexible as ActiveRecord, but it is still trivial to define new objects and manipulate them with minimal difficulty. 0T" ruby[["xpcomcore-rubygem-0.6.4u;[" 1.4.0i"xpcomcore-rubygemU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.4u: Time g"2Gem to allow for using XPCOMCore via RubyGemsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0; "uuidtools; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " cmdparse; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " plist; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " iniparse; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "sys-uname; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.2.1; " jeweler; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " colored; @e;F00[" ggironda"2Gem to allow for using XPCOMCore via RubyGems0T" ruby[["snailgun-1.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i" snailgunU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.1u: Time "%Command-line startup acceleratorU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Brian Candler"cSnailgun accelerates the startup of Ruby applications which require large numbers of libraries0T" ruby[["pk-merb_facebooker-0.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i"pk-merb_facebookerU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time d"8Merb plugin that makes facebooker work with merb...U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.50: @name"facebooker:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.1; "merb-helpers; @);F00["Chris Van Pelt"Pavel Kunc"8Merb plugin that makes facebooker work with merb...0T" ruby[["chef-0.9.12u;[" 1.4.0i" chefU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.12u: Time Ħ"|A systems integration framework, built to bring the benefits of configuration management to your entire infrastructure.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.0: @name" bunny:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " moneta; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.4["=U;[" 0.5.7; " ohai; @B;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "uuidtools; @L;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " erubis; @V;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " extlib; @`;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.0; "mixlib-cli; @j;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.0; "mixlib-authentication; @t;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.2; "mixlib-config; @~;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.4["<=U;[" 1.4.6; " json; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.0; "mixlib-log; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " highline; @;F00["Adam Jacob"|A systems integration framework, built to bring the benefits of configuration management to your entire infrastructure.0T" ruby[["chrysalis-0.1.1u;~[" 1.4.0i"chrysalisU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "5Simple dependency management with Ruby and Rake.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.3: @name" rake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.3; " gratr; @);F00["Jared Hanson"0T" ruby[["mkrf-0.2.3u;[" 1.4.0i" mkrfU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.3u: Time "5Generate Rakefiles to Build C Extensions to RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Kevin Clark"QThis proposed replacement to mkmf generates Rakefiles to build C Extensions.0T" ruby[["array-statistics-0.1.1u;"[" 1.4.0i"array-statisticsU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time '"Iarray-statistics adds statistical operations to the ruby Array classU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.2: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.2; "hoe; @);F00["Bruce Goodwin"array-statistics adds statistical operations to the ruby Array class. array-statistics supercedes the old gem "array_statistics"0T" ruby[["omg_kitties-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"omg_kittiesU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time ."RA frivolous way to exit a Ruby script, because `exit` is just too damn boringU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Cody Brimhall"omg_kitties enables an innovative new way to exit any and all Ruby scripts. Intstead of typing the boring old `exit`, you can now achieve the same effect in a more semantically-loaded way by typing `omg! kitties!`0T" ruby[["win32-shortcut-0.2.3u;r[" 1.4.0i"win32-shortcutU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.3u: Time \">An interface for creating or modifying Windows shortcuts.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Daniel J. Berger" The win32-shortcut library provides an interface for creating new Windows shortcuts or querying information about existing shortcuts. 0T" ruby[["+ramdiv-mongo_mapper_acts_as_tree-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"%ramdiv-mongo_mapper_acts_as_treeU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time Ĥ"&ActsAsTree plugin for MongoMapperU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.10.2: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.8; "mongo_mapper; @);F00["Jakob Vidmar"@Port of the old, venerable ActsAsTree with a bit of a twist0T" ruby[["layercake-0.2.1u;.[" 1.4.0i"layercakeU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time D"[Support for multiple cache stores in rails, typically memory and/or file and memcachedU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Peter Haza";LayerCake is a simple gem that allows you to specify more than one cache store in rails. It is built on the idea that memory store is the most efficient store with no network or file overhead, but serves multi-process or multi-server architectures, hence a fallback like filestore or memcached store is necessary.0T" ruby[["dm-active_model-1.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"dm-active_modelU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.3u: Time Ħ"+active_model compliance for datamapperU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.2: @name" dm-core:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.3; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.2.3; "test-unit; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.0; "activemodel; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.2; "dm-validations; @G;F00["Martin Gamsjaeger (snusnu)"TA datamapper plugin for active_model compliance and thus rails 3 compatibility.0T" ruby[["analytico-0.3.3u;[" 1.4.0i"analyticoU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.3u: Time E"Ruby client for AnalyticoU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.7.7: @name"yajl-ruby:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.6.0; "rest-client; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "activesupport; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">U;[" 1.0.0; " rack; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;["0; " i18n; @[;F00["Mauricio Gomes"NRuby client for the Analytico impression and app metric tracking service.0T" ruby[["gem-open-0.1.3u;V[" 1.4.0i" gem-openU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time "bOpen gems on your favorite editor by running a specific gem command like `gem open nokogiri`.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Nando Vieira"bOpen gems on your favorite editor by running a specific gem command like `gem open nokogiri`.0T" ruby[["*senotrusov-ruby-applied-toolkit-1.0.5u;V[" 1.4.0i"$senotrusov-ruby-applied-toolkitU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.5u: Time "%Helpers for my ruby applicationsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rails:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Stanislav Senotrusov"0T" ruby[["ri18n-0.0.4u;,[" 1.4.0i" ri18nU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time "CRuby application internationalization and localization libraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Denis Mertz"[ Ri18n is an internationalization and localization library for Ruby applications. 0T" ruby[["rediscover-0.0.2u;X[" 1.4.0i"rediscoverU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time %"Redis GUIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.2: @name" redis:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.1; " wxruby; @);F00["Chris Kite"0T" ruby[["%rack-accept-header-updater-1.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"rack-accept-header-updaterU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.1u: Time l"{A Rack middleware for automatically removing file extensions from URIs, and update the Accept HTTP Header accordingly.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Cyril Rohr"{A Rack middleware for automatically removing file extensions from URIs, and update the Accept HTTP Header accordingly.0T" ruby[["tanning_bed_solr-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"tanning_bed_solrU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time $"LThis is the solr binary packaged up for easy inclusion with Tanning BedU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 3.4.0: @name" bones:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Rob Kaufman"LThis is the solr binary packaged up for easy inclusion with Tanning Bed0T" ruby[["sortablecolumns-3.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"sortablecolumnsU:Gem::Version[" 3.0.3u: Time "#Sortable HTML tables for RailsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.3: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.3; "actionpack; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.3; "activerecord; @3;F00["Bryan Donovan"#Sortable HTML tables for Rails0T" ruby[["rrdiff-0.9.0u;[" 1.4.0i" rrdiffU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.0u: Time Ń"4Ruby bindings to librsync which provides rdiff.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Abhi Yerra"4Ruby bindings to librsync which provides rdiff.0T" ruby[["revent-0.6.3u;f[" 1.4.0i" reventU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.3u: Time DI"RPC based on EventMachineU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" crypt:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "eventmachine; @);F00["Ngoc DAO Thanh"0T" ruby[["Splice-0.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i" SpliceU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.0u: Time $a"GUI libraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.0: @name"ffi:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" Radoslav"0T" ruby[["amazon-fps-ruby-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"amazon-fps-rubyU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time DL"7Ruby Gem for Amazon Flexible Payment Service (FPS)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.8: @name" soap4r:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.0; " wss4r; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.2; "hoe; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.2; "hoe; @=;F00["Josh Peck"Provides a simple wrapper around the Amazon FPS SOAP web service. == FEATURES/PROBLEMS: Supports all features in the WSDL from Amazon: https://fps.amazonaws.com/doc/2008-09-17/AmazonFPS.wsdl0T" ruby[["devver-ultraviolet-0.10.5u;[" 1.4.0i"devver-ultravioletU:Gem::Version[" 0.10.5u: Time "ultravioletU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" textpow:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " plist; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "oniguruma; @3;F00[" spox"Ruby syntax highlighting0T" ruby[["baseline-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" baselineU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time " FIX MEU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["John Mair (banisterfiend)" FIX ME0T" ruby[["cgialt-1.0.0u;y[" 1.4.0i" cgialtU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time )",an alternative of 'cgi.rb' in pure RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["makoto kuwata"CGIAlt is an alternative library of 'cgi.rb'. It is compatible with and faster than 'cgi.rb'. It is able to install with CGIExt (which is re-implementation of cgi.rb in C extension).0T" ruby[["notify-0.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i" notifyU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time ",A function to notify on cross platform.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" jugyo"BThe "notify" provides a function to notify on cross platform.0T" ruby[["irgat-0.0.6u;<[" 1.4.0i" irgatU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.6u: Time ,"3Intuitive Ruby for Gnoxys Administration ToolsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.4: @name" termios:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["; " tmail; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.2; "hoe; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.2; "hoe; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4; " net-ssh; @G;F00[" Gnoxys"3Intuitive Ruby for Gnoxys Administration Tools0T" ruby[["gnarly-0.0.6u;[" 1.4.0i" gnarlyU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.6u: Time ħ".Super simple web framework on top of RackU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"query_string_parser:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Kim Dalsgaard"aSuper simple DSL style web framework on top of Rack. Makes real HTTP'ish REST services easy.0T" ruby[["test_timer-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"test_timerU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time d"@A Test::Unit hack to print the time each test takes to run.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.1: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Geoffrey Grosenbach"@A Test::Unit hack to print the time each test takes to run.0T" ruby[["ruby-fedora-1.0.5u;,[" 1.4.0i"ruby-fedoraU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.5u: Time Z"U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.0; "multipart-post; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0; "hoe; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.11; "xml-simple; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.1; " newgem; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.12; " rspec; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.15; "mime-types; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.4; " mocha; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.1; " newgem; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.12; " rspec; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.4; " mocha; @~;F00["MediaShelf"0T" ruby[["gir_ffi-0.0.5u;[" 1.4.0i" gir_ffiU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time "CRuby-FFI-based binding of the GObject Introspection RepositoryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 2.11.3: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.2; "rr; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.4; "ffi; @3;F00["Matijs van Zuijlen"CRuby-FFI-based binding of the GObject Introspection Repository0T" ruby[["banner_module-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"banner_moduleU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time d"Ramdom bannersU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Eduardo Cauli"Ramdom banners0T" ruby[["SparqlTransmission-1.1u; [" 1.4.0i"SparqlTransmissionU:Gem::Version["1.1u: Time "kSparqlTransmission handles SPARQL queries over distant end-point and format the results in a ruby hashU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Michael Sokol"0T" ruby[[""simplificator-ruby-kiva-0.2.0u;o[" 1.4.0i"simplificator-ruby-kivaU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time d"(a ruby wrapper for the kiva.org apiU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["simplificator"(a ruby wrapper for the kiva.org api0T" ruby[["shattered_pack-0.5.1u;[" 1.4.0i"shattered_packU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.1u: Time "iShattered Pack: The combination of model/view/controllers and the domain specific language for each.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Shattered Pack uses Ogre and Ruby to create an accessible interface to create 3d games using shattered and the power of Ruby. See http://www.shatteredruby.com for more.0T" ruby[["river-3.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i" riverU:Gem::Version[" 3.0.0u: Time d"Talk to AmazonU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rails:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " httparty; @3;F00["Justin Ball"Joel Duffin"&Code to interact with the AWS API0T" ruby[["revo-lockdown-1.7.1u;[" 1.4.0i"revo-lockdownU:Gem::Version[" 1.7.1u: Time ģ"'Authorization system for Rails 2.xU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Andrew Stone"Revo Pty. Ltd."aRestrict access to your controller actions. Supports basic model level restrictions as well0T" ruby[["raptget-0.1.2u;![" 1.4.0i" raptgetU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time e"EA gem providing a ruby interface to the apt-get package manager.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Joel Bryan Juliano"EA gem providing a ruby interface to the apt-get package manager.0T" ruby[["r18n-desktop-0.4.9u;[" 1.4.0i"r18n-desktopU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.9u: Time "=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 0.4.9: @name"r18n-core:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Andrey "A.I." Sitnik" A i18n tool to translate your desktop application in several languages. It is just a wrapper for R18n core library. It has nice Ruby-style syntax, filters, flexible locales, custom loaders, translation support for any classes, time and number localization, several user language support, agnostic core package with out-of-box support for Rails, Sinatra, Merb and desktop applications. 0T" ruby[["activetiger-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"activetigerU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time e"2ruby integration with Tiger Payment SolutionsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.4; "adamwiggins-rest-client; @);F00["Drew Olson"nActiveTiger allows you to simply add payment processing to your application using Tiger Payment Solutions0T" ruby[["eedb-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i" eedbU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time %":Migrating your EE DB to and from a server is now easyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" bacon:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Nathan Herald"|Migrates your EE DB to and from a server with rollback capabilities and find and replace to change paths automagically.0T" ruby[["caboodle-0.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i" caboodleU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time "Web mashups the simple wayU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"feed-normalizer:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rack-geo; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "youtube-g; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " maruku; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.10.2; " compass; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.4; " sleepy; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "tumblr-rb; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.2; " weary; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.0; " nokogiri; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.1; "sinatra-advanced-routes; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.0; "compass-susy-plugin; @~;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.0; "sinatra-compass; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.0; " hashie; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.12; " haml; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.0; " sinatra; @;F00["Stef Lewandowski"Caboodle is a Rack and Sinatra-based framework for creating websites which combine information from various online services. There are Kits for many of the larger services, which provide a way to retrieve and display photos, videos, blog posts, status updates and so on. Caboodle normalises the display of all of these discrete Kits so that you can create a website which looks seamless but is made up of a variety of things from a variety of sources.0T" ruby[["gotime-moneta-0.6.2u;[" 1.4.0i"gotime-monetaU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.2u: Time ĥ"AA unified interface to key/value stores (with redis updates)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Yehuda Katz"AA unified interface to key/value stores (with redis updates)0T" ruby[["upr-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"uprU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time i"Upload Progress for RackU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" moneta:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rack; @);F00["upr hackers"Xupr is Rack middleware that allows browser-side upload progress monitoring. It is based on (and should be client-side compatible with) several upload progress modules including ones used by leading web servers. It allows any Moneta backing store in addition to DRb. There is also a packaged example for using an ActiveRecord model for Rails.0T" ruby[["trellis-0.1.1u;G[" 1.4.0i" trellisU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "$A component based web frameworkU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.2: @name"rack-contrib:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.2; "rack-cache; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.5.0; "hoe; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.1; "directory_watcher; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.3; "rack-test; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.1; " radius; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.1; "paginator; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.1; " nokogiri; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.2; " builder; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.0; " rack; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.2.17; " haml; @~;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.0; "extensions; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.0; "gemcutter; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0.5; " markaby; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.8.1; " facets; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.2; " log4r; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.5; "bluecloth; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 4.2.2; " RedCloth; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.2; " newgem; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.12.10; "eventmachine; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; "advisable; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.5; " erubis; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.3; "rubyforge; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @;F00["Brian Sam-Bodden"$A component based web framework0T" ruby[["is_alias-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i" is_aliasU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time $"PThis gem makes it easy to add simple active record attribute check methods.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Daniel Spangenberg"VA rails plugin to make simple aliases for boolean fields in active record models.0T" ruby[["gold-record-0.2.2u;8[" 1.4.0i"gold-recordU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.2u: Time m"5Unobtrusive binary UUID support for ActiveRecordU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0: @name"uuidtools:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.4; "activerecord; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.4; "activesupport; @3;F00["Randy Reddig"vUnobtrusive binary UUID support for ActiveRecord. Supports migrations, reflections, assocations and SchemaDumper.0T" ruby[["win32-process-0.6.5u;[" 1.4.0i"win32-processU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.5u: Time e">Adds and redefines several Process methods for MS WindowsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"sys-proctable:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.2; "windows-pr; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.1; "test-unit; @3;F00["Daniel Berger"Park Heesob" The win32-process library implements several Process methods that are either unimplemented or dysfunctional in some way in the default Ruby implementation. Examples include Process.kill, Process.waitpid, Process.create and an experimental Process.fork method. 0T" ruby[["sdp-0.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i"sdpU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time "OParse and create SDP (Session Description Protocol) text based on RFC4566.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.6.0: @name" yard:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.1.0; "ore; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " parslet; @=;F00["sloveless"This gem allows for parsing SDP (Session Description Protocol) information in to a Ruby object, making it easy to read and work with that data. It also allows for easily creating SDP objects that can be converted to text using #to_s.0T" ruby[["roleful-0.0.4u;=[" 1.4.0i" rolefulU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time d'"+Generic roles for you and your objectsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" metaid:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Pat Nakajima"0T" ruby[["rackson-five-0.3.1u;"[" 1.4.0i"rackson-fiveU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.1u: Time "NAdd some Jackson 5 love to your rack based website. It's as easy as 1-2-3U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Adam Holt"AEmbeds Jackson Five members into your rack based application0T" ruby[["habits-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i" habitsU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "A habit tracker.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Antti Hakala"rA habit tracker. Tracks habits in weekly cycles.Each habit has a day or days associated with it.Habits expects activity on the habit on those days. If no activity is registered, habit goes first into yellow zone (e.g. 20 hours before deadline) and then into red zone (e.g. 6 hours). And finally into missed state.Transfer into each state can be used to trigger commands.0T" ruby[["migratory-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"migratoryU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time g"CRails migration extender for default values and adding indexesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Matthew Mongeau"CRails migration extender for default values and adding indexes0T" ruby[["geo_settings-0.30.0.betau;X[" 1.4.0i"geo_settingsU:Gem::Version["0.30.0.betau: Time "-Restrict orders to local area for spree.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.7.0: @name" slim:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.0; " geokit; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0.30.0.beta2; "spree_core; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.7.8; "yajl-ruby; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.6.1; " httparty; @G;F00["Peter Zlatnar"-Restrict orders to local area for spree.0T" ruby[["mylescarrick-aasm-2.1.5u;![" 1.4.0i"mylescarrick-aasmU:Gem::Version[" 2.1.5u: Time ")State machine mixin for Ruby objectsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" sdoc:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @3;F00["Scott Barron"Scott Petersen"Travis Tilley"dAASM is a continuation of the acts as state machine rails plugin, built for plain Ruby objects.0T" ruby[["equipment-1.5.104u;|[" 1.4.0i"equipmentU:Gem::Version[" 1.5.104u: Time ŧ"Equipment (for Camping)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["1.5: @name" camping:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jonas Pfenniger"IEquipment is a set of extensions you can use with your Camping apps.0T" ruby[["pallet-ops-0.0.1u;H[" 1.4.0i"pallet-opsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time ũ"A gem for using palletU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 3.5.1: @name" bones:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Hugo Duncan"A gem for using pallet0T" ruby[["cache_proxy-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"cache_proxyU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time $"UA mixin that provides better encapsulation and control when using cache in RailsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.8; " mocha; @);F00["Lucas Húngaro"UA mixin that provides better encapsulation and control when using cache in Rails0T" ruby[["rmarc-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i" rmarcU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time m"GRMARC is a library for working with MARC and MARC XML data in RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Bas Peters"0T" ruby[["fast_xor-1.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" fast_xorU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.0u: Time "Fast String XOR operatorU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 2.0.1: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rake-compiler; @3;F00["Steve Sloan"PProvides a C-optimized method for in-place XORing of two (or three) strings0T" ruby[["ghart_admin_scaffold-0.3.0u;A[" 1.4.0i"ghart_admin_scaffoldU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time $"(Admin-namespaced scaffold generatorU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;["3.0.0.beta3: @name" rails:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["0T" ruby[["thwart-0.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i" thwartU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time "PA simple, powerful, and developer friendly authorization plugin. Still WIP.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["2.0.0.beta.20: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.rc1; "activesupport; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " i18n; @3;F00["Harry Brundage"Implements a robust Role Based Access System where Actors are granted permission to preform Actions by playing any number of Roles. All defined programatically in one place using a super easy DSL.0T" ruby[["bysykkel-0.4.2u;$[" 1.4.0i" bysykkelU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.2u: Time d"'Oslo City Bike (Bysykkel) Ruby APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.31: @name" typhoeus:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.1; " nokogiri; @3;F00["!Espen Antonsen & Rune Botten"oQuery the Oslo City Bike availability API at clearchannel.no with Ruby. Not affilliated with ClearChannel.0T" ruby[["amazon_sdb-0.6.7u;[" 1.4.0i"amazon_sdbU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.7u: Time E"+A ruby wrapper to Amazon's sdb serviceU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0.6; " hpricot; @);F00["Jacob Harris"+A ruby wrapper to Amazon's sdb service0T" ruby[["xcode-0.1.3u;[" 1.4.0i" xcodeU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time "'Rake tasks to deploy xcode projectU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"net-github-upload:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.2; " jeweler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " plist; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rake-gem-ghost; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "keychain_services; @G;F00["Ivan Kuchin"0T" ruby[["validates_timeliness-3.0.5u;[" 1.4.0i"validates_timelinessU:Gem::Version[" 3.0.5u: Time "JDate and time validation plugin for Rails which allows custom formatsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.3.2: @name"timeliness:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Adam Meehan"JDate and time validation plugin for Rails which allows custom formats0T" ruby[["validates_captcha-0.9.8u;V[" 1.4.0i"validates_captchaU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.8u: Time E"MCaptcha verification for Rails using ActiveRecord's validation mechanismU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 2.3.2: @name"actionpack:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.3.2; "activerecord; @);F00["Martin Andert"A captcha verification approach for Rails apps, directly integrated into ActiveRecord’s validation mechanism and providing helpers for ActionController and ActionView.0T" ruby[["colour-0.4u;a[" 1.4.0i" colourU:Gem::Version["0.4u: Time %B"A library to convert between various representation of colour (RGB, CMYK and HSV), as well as generate swatches based on some colour theoryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.2.0: @name" bones:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.2.0; " bones; @);F00["Wes Devauld"A library to convert between various representation of colour (RGB, CMYK and HSV), as well as generate swatches based on some colour theory0T" ruby[["ar_oo_select-0.5.0u;[" 1.4.0i"ar_oo_selectU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.0u: Time Ł"A little gem that lets you execute lower-level ActiveRecord queries and access the resulting rows like you would by calling `find_by_sql`U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"mocha-protest-integration:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.9.8; "mcmire-mocha; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mash; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " facets; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "mcmire-openhash; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["U;[" 0.2.4; "mcmire-protest; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.4.1; "mcmire-matchy; @e;F00["Elliot Winkler"A little gem that lets you execute lower-level ActiveRecord queries and access the resulting rows like you would by calling `find_by_sql`0T" ruby[["nerdy-0.3.0.preu;5[" 1.4.0i" nerdyU:Gem::Version["0.3.0.preu: Time "Blog Engine for NerdsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 1.1.0: @name" sinatra:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.0.2; " dm-core; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.1; "unidecoder; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.0; " maruku; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.pre2; "will_paginate; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.0.2; "dm-validations; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.0.2; "dm-migrations; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.0; " haml; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.0.2; " dm-tags; @o;F00["Sergey Tikhomirov"GSmall blogging engine written in Ruby using Sinatra and Datamapper0T" ruby[["=ActionMailer-Base-to-use-an-absolute-path-template-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"7ActionMailer-Base-to-use-an-absolute-path-templateU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time E"8ActionMailer::Base to use an absolute path templateU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Marcin Michalowski"nSee https://rails.lighthouseapp.com/projects/8994/tickets/2338-actionmailer-mailer-views-and-content-type0T" ruby[["double_trouble-0.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i"double_troubleU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time "%Adds nonces to your Rails' formsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" mocha:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["3.0; " rails; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2.0; "test-unit; @3;F00["Jakub Kuźma"%Adds nonces to your Rails' forms0T" ruby[["rpack-0.0.5u;[" 1.4.0i" rpackU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time "Simple Rails packagerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rubyzip:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.10; "activesupport; @);F00["Eustaquio 'TaQ' Rangel"Rails packager0T" ruby[["faker-medical-0.1.3u;[" 1.4.0i"faker-medicalU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time "(Faker Extension for Medical NumbersU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Tom & Russell"TThis gem is an extension of the Faker Gem to generate SSN, DEA, and NPI Numbers0T" ruby[["StreetAddress-1.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"StreetAddressU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time "[Ruby port of the perl module Geo::StreetAddress::US to parse one line street addressesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Derrek Long" Parses one line addresses and returns a normalized address object. This is a near direct port of the of the perl module Geo::StreetAddress::US originally written by Schuyler D. Erle. For more information see http://search.cpan.org/~sderle/Geo-StreetAddress-US-0.99/0T" ruby[["method_lister-0.3.2u;[" 1.4.0i"method_listerU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.2u: Time "7Pretty method listers and finders, for use in IRB.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Matthew O'Connor"0T" ruby[["photo_mini_fb-0.1.4u;[" 1.4.0i"photo_mini_fbU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time E"Tiny facebook libraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Travis Reeder"Aaron Hurley"Tiny facebook library0T" ruby[["googl-0.4.0u;[" 1.4.0i" googlU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.0u: Time e")Wrapper for Google URL Shortener APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 2.3.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.6.2; " webmock; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.2; " jeweler; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.1; " httparty; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.1; " httparty; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @[;F00["Jesus Lopes"/Small library for Google URL Shortener API0T" ruby[["h13ronim-capybara-;[" 1.4.0i"h13ronim-capybaraU:Gem::Version[" Time "sCapybara aims to simplify the process of integration testing Rack applications, such as Rails, Sinatra or MerbU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.3: @name"selenium-webdriver:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.2; "rack-test; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.5.0; "hoe; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.4; " culerity; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.4; " sinatra; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; " rack; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.3; " nokogiri; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.16; "mime-types; @o;F00["Jonas Nicklas"]Capybara aims to simplify the process of integration testing Rack applications, such as Rails, Sinatra or Merb. It is inspired by and aims to replace Webrat as a DSL for interacting with a webapplication. It is agnostic about the driver running your tests and currently comes bundled with rack-test, Culerity, Celerity and Selenium support built in.0T" ruby[["firering-1.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i" fireringU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.3u: Time "RCampfire API interface powered by eventmachine em-http-request and yajl-ruby.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.10: @name"em-http-request:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.6; "yajl-ruby; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.12.10; "eventmachine; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; " sinatra; @G;F00["Emmanuel Oga"RCampfire API interface powered by eventmachine em-http-request and yajl-ruby.0T" ruby[["relayrace-1.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"relayraceU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2u: Time "1RelayrAce talks to Canakit USB relay boards.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"ruby-serialport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "SystemTimer; @);F00["Mat Trudel"1RelayrAce talks to Canakit USB relay boards.0T" ruby[[" rdp-win32screenshot-;[" 1.4.0i"rdp-win32screenshotU:Gem::Version[" Time d"-Capture Screenshots on Windows with RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rmagick:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "os; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ffi; @=;F00["Jarmo Pertman"Aslak Hellesøy"-Capture Screenshots on Windows with Ruby0T" ruby[["rdf-xml-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i" rdf-xmlU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time $"$An RDF.rb plugin for XML files.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.1: @name" nokogiri:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.1; "rdf; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0; " rspec; @3;F00["Alex Serebryakov"$An RDF.rb plugin for XML files.0T" ruby[["contextsetup-0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"contextsetupU:Gem::Version["0.1u: Time D"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["XConTeXt setup library is a helper library to use the cont-??.xml files for ConTeXt.0T" ruby[["manipulator-1.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"manipulatorU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.0u: Time E"!manipulate your photos on s3U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"aws_credentials:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " aws-s3; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mocha; @=;F00["Jacqui Maher"Ben Koski"EA library to allow photo manipulation on S3 images using RMagick0T" ruby[["acts_as_human_name-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"acts_as_human_nameU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time "'Easy way to display people's namesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Dave Christiansen"0T" ruby[["test-unit-mock-0.30u;w[" 1.4.0i"test-unit-mockU:Gem::Version[" 0.30u: Time $'"aTest::Unit::Mock is a class for conveniently building mock objects in Test::Unit test cases.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.0: @name"algorithm-diff:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["0T" ruby[["statarray-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"statarrayU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time $"PStatArray is a simple way of calculating statistics about an array of data.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Dan Cutting"0T" ruby[["&rspec_validation_expectations-0.5u;Z[" 1.4.0i""rspec_validation_expectationsU:Gem::Version["0.5u: Time "BAdds expectations for testing ActiveRecord model validations.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 2.3.5: @name"activerecord:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.3.5; "validation_reflection; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.3.5; "activesupport; @3;F00["Matthew Bass"rAdds several handy expectations for testing ActiveRecord model validations, similar to what Shoulda provides.0T" ruby[["dynamic_reports-0.0.4u;"[" 1.4.0i"dynamic_reportsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time $X":Dynamic Ruby Reporting Engine with support for ChartsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Wayne E. Seguin"Joshua Lippiner";Dynamic Ruby Reporting Engine with support for Charts.0T" ruby[[""mongrel_upload_progress-0.2.2u;[" 1.4.0i"mongrel_upload_progressU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.2u: Time D"*The mongrel_upload_progress gempluginU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" @name" mongrel:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.1; "gem_plugin; @);F00["The Mongrel team"*The mongrel_upload_progress gemplugin0T" ruby[["gabriel-0.0.3u;![" 1.4.0i" gabrielU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time "Bash completion for godU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Enrico Bianco"sgabriel helps you communicate with god by giving you bash completions for commands, options, tasks, and groups0T" ruby[["trace-util-adv-0.3.1u;W[" 1.4.0i"trace-util-advU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.1u: Time j"8adds advancing tracing capability to your ruby codeU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"require-magic:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @);F00["Kristian Mandrup" Configure tracing using context sensitive filters, appenders, output templates in a completely non-intrusive fashion. Tracing can even be applied runtime as a response when certain conditions occur0T" ruby[["arel_operators-0.1.0u;P[" 1.4.0i"arel_operatorsU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time d"*Operators (|, &, -) for ActiveRecord.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.0: @name"activerecord:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Maurício Szabo"0T" ruby[["jrmey-mysqlplus-0.1.4u; [" 1.4.0i"jrmey-mysqlplusU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time "@Enhanced Ruby MySQL driver with Ruby 1.9 encoding awarenessU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Muhammad A. Ali"Jeremy Suriel"Enhanced Ruby MySQL driver0T" ruby[["!xaviershay-dm-rails-;[" 1.4.0i"xaviershay-dm-railsU:Gem::Version[" Time " Use DataMapper with Rails 3U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["3.0.0.beta1: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.10.2; " dm-core; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["0.4; "dm-active_model; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["3.0.0.beta1; "actionpack; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["3.0.0.beta1; " railties; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["0.5; " yard; @Q;F00["Martin Gamsjaeger (snusnu)" Dan Kubb"&Integrate DataMapper with Rails 30T" ruby[["gem_best_practice-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"gem_best_practiceU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "pIf you ever wondered how to create a Gem and what best practice should be applied, this project is for you.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.0.8: @name" asin:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Peter Schröder"5A Gem that shows best practice for Gem creation.0T" ruby[["chunky_png-1.0.0.beta2u;[" 1.4.0i"chunky_pngU:Gem::Version["1.0.0.beta2u: Time "FPure ruby library for read/write, chunk-level access to PNG filesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2.2; " rspec; @);F00["Willem van Bergen" This pure Ruby library can read and write PNG images without depending on an external image library, like RMagick. It tries to be memory efficient and reasonably fast. It supports reading and writing all PNG variants that are defined in the specification, with one limitation: only 8-bit color depth is supported. It supports all transparency, interlacing and filtering options the PNG specifications allows. It can also read and write textual metadata from PNG files. Low-level read/write access to PNG chunks is also possible. This library supports simple drawing on the image canvas and simple operations like alpha composition and cropping. Finally, it can import from and export to RMagick for interoperability. Also, have a look at OilyPNG at http://github.com/wvanbergen/oily_png. OilyPNG is a drop in mixin module that implements some of the ChunkyPNG algorithms in C, which provides a massive speed boost to encoding and decoding. 0T" ruby[["iq-color-0.9.4u;[" 1.4.0i" iq-colorU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.4u: Time E"7A series of classes for handling color conversion.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @);F00["Jamie Hill"rIQ::Color provides simple classes for representing colour values and the conversion to and from CSS3 strings.0T" ruby[["mongo_odm-0.2.5u;[" 1.4.0i"mongo_odmU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.5u: Time e"Nmongo_odm is a flexible persistence module for any Ruby class to MongoDB.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.2.0: @name" bson_ext:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.3.24; " tzinfo; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.2; " jeweler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.3; "activemodel; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.6.4; " yard; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.2.0; " mongo; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.2; " jeweler; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.9.9; " rcov; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["0.7; " watchr; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.3; "activesupport; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.4.0; " rspec; @~;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.2.0; " bson_ext; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.3.24; " tzinfo; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.3; "activesupport; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.3; "activemodel; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.2.0; " mongo; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["0.7; " watchr; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.9.9; " rcov; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.4.0; " rspec; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.6.4; " yard; @;F00["Carlos Paramio"Nmongo_odm is a flexible persistence module for any Ruby class to MongoDB.0T" ruby[["hookify-;[" 1.4.0i" hookifyU:Gem::Version[" Time " Hookify: Git Hooks for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Lance Pollard"David Crockett"Git Hooks for Ruby0T" ruby[["clamsy-0.0.5u;f[" 1.4.0i" clamsyU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time D"'Clamsy makes PDF generation simpleU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 0.9.4: @name" rubyzip:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.0; " bacon; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;["; " rghost; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.12.10; "eventmachine; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.4.1; " nokogiri; @G;F00["NgTzeYang"YRuby wrapper for generating a single pdf for multiple contexts from an odt template.0T" ruby[["yesradio-0.1.3u;[" 1.4.0i" yesradioU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time c"FRuby library for Yes.com radio Web Services (http://api.yes.com).U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" cucumber:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.2; " nokogiri; @);F00["Claudio Baccigalupo"|YesRadio makes available as a ruby gem the method exposed by Yes.com API to retrieve songs broadcast by thousands of radios.0T" ruby[["units-1.0.1u;$[" 1.4.0i" unitsU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time `"JA general way to add units and conversion ability to numbers in Ruby.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Lucas Carlson"JA general way to add units and conversion ability to numbers in Ruby.0T" ruby[["test_benchmarker-1.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i"test_benchmarkerU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.1u: Time $T"3A tool for benchmarking ruby Test::Unit tests.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Myron Marston"3A tool for benchmarking ruby Test::Unit tests.0T" ruby[["roxo-0.1.12u;[" 1.4.0i" roxoU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.12u: Time d"/A simpler way to interact with XML in RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "libxml-ruby; @);F00["Burke Libbey"SROXO is a simple library for dealing with small XML documents with a nice API.0T" ruby[["aux_codes-1.0.6u;[" 1.4.0i"aux_codesU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.6u: Time "JActiveRecord plugin for easily managing lots of enumeration-type dataU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" remi"JActiveRecord plugin for easily managing lots of enumeration-type data0T" ruby[["natwest-0.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i" natwestU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time $"/Rudimentary API for Natwest Online BankingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " highline; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @3;F00["Run Paint Run Run"UView balance and recent transactions of a Natwest account from the command line.0T" ruby[["lrjew-1.3u;[" 1.4.0i" lrjewU:Gem::Version["1.3u: Time "An LRU simulatorU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Steve Jenson"Nick Kallen"An LRU simulator0T" ruby[["mysql2psql-0.1.0u;=[" 1.4.0i"mysql2psqlU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time D"5Tool for converting mysql database to postgresqlU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 0.9.0: @name"pg:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.8.1; " mysql; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.1; "test-unit; @3;F00["#Max Lapshin "#Anton Ageev "*Samuel Tribehou "2Marco Nenciarini "0James Nobis "quel "#Holger Amann ",Maxim Dobriakov "(Michael Kimsal "&Jacob Coby "%Neszt Tibor ",Miroslav Kratochvil ".Paul Gallagher "It can create postgresql dump from mysql database or directly load data from mysql to postgresql (at about 100 000 records per minute). Translates most data types and indexes.0T" ruby[["ruote-couch-2.1.11u;7[" 1.4.0i"ruote-couchU:Gem::Version[" 2.1.11u: Time ģ""CouchDB storage for ruote 2.1U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.11: @name" ruote:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " jeweler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.23; "rufus-jig; @G;F00["John Mettraux"9CouchDB storage for ruote 2.1 (ruby workflow engine)0T" ruby[["fazscore-0.0.0u;J[" 1.4.0i" fazscoreU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.0u: Time ",Floating Average Z-Score implementationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0: @name" bundler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.2; " jeweler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @=;F00[" Rob Lee"|TAn implementation of a Floating Average Z-Score algorithmic method for use in identifying trends with historical data.0T" ruby[["#jonrowe-database_cleaner-0.5.2u;[[" 1.4.0i"jonrowe-database_cleanerU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.2u: Time "YStrategies for cleaning databases. Can be used to ensure a clean state for testing.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Ben Mabey" Jon Rowe"YStrategies for cleaning databases. Can be used to ensure a clean state for testing.0T" ruby[["bakkuappu-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"bakkuappuU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time ŭ"9Safe reliable streaming S3 backups of your heroku dbU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.1; " jeweler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.14.6; " heroku; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.0; "activesupport; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">U;[" 0.3.25; "fog; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @[;F00["Timothy Cardenas"FAll of the heroku automated backup solutions for s3 either are outdated or sadly very unreliable. This gem makes NO use of the tmp folder on heroku as doing so opens up the possibility of corrupted backups should heroku decide to clear it when you are backing up. It also scales to larger databases as solutions using heroku's tmp folders don't have any clue how large that directory is or when backups will fail because of size limitations. Instead of downloading the whole backup in one big download and storing to tmp we instead use Net:Http and its lower level interfaces to get data and send data in ordered chunks using Amazon's multipart upload rest api.0T" ruby[["has_many_friends-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"has_many_friendsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time $"Friendships.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Brian Haberer"@Simple Models for managing simple friendship relationships.0T" ruby[["zero_generators-0.0.1u;R[" 1.4.0i"zero_generatorsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "3Coletânea de geradores de código para Rails.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0: @name"json_pure:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.1; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4; "rubyforge; @3;F00[ "Chad Fowler"Patrick Ewing"Mike Mangino"Shane Vitarana"Corey Innis"Mike Mangino"Facebooker is a Ruby wrapper over the Facebook[http://facebook.com] {REST API}[http://wiki.developers.facebook.com/index.php/API]. Its goals are: * Idiomatic Ruby * No dependencies outside of the Ruby standard library (This is true with Rails 2.1. Previous Rails versions require the JSON gem) * Concrete classes and methods modeling the Facebook data, so it's easy for a Rubyist to understand what's available * Well tested0T" ruby[["mac_bacon-1.1.21u;[" 1.4.0i"mac_baconU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.21u: Time %"$a small RSpec clone for MacRubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Eloy Durán"Bacon is a small RSpec clone weighing less than 350 LoC but nevertheless providing all essential features. This MacBacon fork differs with regular Bacon in that it operates properly in a NSRunloop based environment. I.e. MacRuby/Objective-C. https://github.com/alloy/MacBacon 0T" ruby[["weather_report-0.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i"weather_reportU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time DZ"Connect to the BBC Backstage (http://backstage.bbc.co.uk) weather API and get weather observations and forecasts for thousands of cities worldwideU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0: @name" newgem:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0; "hoe; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0; " newgem; @=;F00["Charles Cordingley"Connect to the BBC Backstage (http://backstage.bbc.co.uk) weather API and get weather observations and forecasts for thousands of cities worldwide. No login is required to the BBC for use.0T" ruby[["ruport-1.6.3u;[" 1.4.0i" ruportU:Gem::Version[" 1.6.3u: Time m"@A generalized Ruby report generation and templating engine.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"fastercsv:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.1.8; "pdf-writer; @);F00["Gregory Brown"Mike Milner"Andrew France" Ruby Reports is a software library that aims to make the task of reporting less tedious and painful. It provides tools for data acquisition, database interaction, formatting, and parsing/munging. 0T" ruby[["memcache-client-1.8.5u; [" 1.4.0i"memcache-clientU:Gem::Version[" 1.8.5u: Time ",A Ruby library for accessing memcached.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Eric Hodel"Robert Cottrell"Mike Perham",A Ruby library for accessing memcached.0T" ruby[["fdlcap-0.4.17u;-[" 1.4.0i" fdlcapU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.17u: Time "Ia set of capistrano recipies we use regularly at Factory Design LabsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.1: @name"auto_tagger:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.1; " eycap; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.5.10; "capistrano; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.1; "capistrano-ext; @=;F00["Factory Design Labs"Gabe Varela"Jay Zeschin"0T" ruby[["geek_painter-0.2.0u;_[" 1.4.0i"geek_painterU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time Ě"\A very simple DSL to generate a colored shell prompt string to use in *nix OS terminalsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Rafael Magana"A very simple DSL to generate a colored shell prompt string to use in *nix OS terminals. it might be used to generate a valid string to be used as a prompt or to generated strings that represent colored text on a terminal.0T" ruby[["sheldond_fgs-1.2.3u;[" 1.4.0i"sheldond_fgsU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.3u: Time f"_factory_girl provides a framework and DSL for defining and using model instance factories.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Joe Ferris"Roderick van Domburg"factory_girl provides a framework and DSL for defining and using factories - less error-prone, more explicit, and all-around easier to work with than fixtures.0T" ruby[["rwdziprwdwmovies-0.98u;[" 1.4.0i"rwdziprwdwmoviesU:Gem::Version[" 0.98u: Time $"Brwdmovies is movie database for rwdtinker and RubyWebDialogs.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Steven Gibson"Brwdmovies is movie database for rwdtinker and RubyWebDialogs.0T" ruby[["raindrops-0.4.1u;[" 1.4.0i"raindropsU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.1u: Time D"0real-time stats for preforking Rack serversU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["raindrops hackers" Raindrops is a real time stats package to show statistics for Rack HTTP servers. It is designed for preforking servers such as Rainbows! and Unicorn, but should support any Rack HTTP server under Ruby 1.9, 1.8 and possibly Rubinius (untested) on platforms supporting POSIX shared memory.0T" ruby[["rack-oauth-0.1.5u;[" 1.4.0i"rack-oauthU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.5u: Time Eh",Rack Middleware for OAuth AuthorizationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" oauth:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rack; @);F00[" remi",Rack Middleware for OAuth Authorization0T" ruby[["bloomfilter-rb-2.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"bloomfilter-rbU:Gem::Version[" 2.0.0u: Time ".Counting Bloom Filter implemented in RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.1: @name" redis:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @3;F00["Ilya Grigorik"Tatsuya Mori".Counting Bloom Filter implemented in Ruby0T" ruby[["arboreal-0.1.1u;W[" 1.4.0i" arborealU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "/Efficient tree structures for ActiveRecordU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.0: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.0; "activerecord; @);F00["Mike Williams"Arboreal is yet another extension to ActiveRecord to support tree-shaped data structures. Internally, Arboreal maintains a computed "ancestry_string" column, which caches the path from the root of a tree to each node, allowing efficient retrieval of both ancestors and descendants. Arboreal surfaces relationships within the tree like "children", "ancestors", "descendants", and "siblings" as scopes, so that additional filtering/pagination can be performed. 0T" ruby[["%tristandunn-acts_as_markup-1.3.4u;[" 1.4.0i"tristandunn-acts_as_markupU:Gem::Version[" 1.3.4u: Time "Represent ActiveRecord Markdown, Textile, Wiki text, RDoc columns as Markdown, Textile Wikitext, RDoc objects using various external libraries to convert to HTMLU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 2.3.2: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["4.2; " RedCloth; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.5; " wikitext; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2.5; " bones; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.3.2; "activerecord; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.3; "rdiscount; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2.0; "thoughtbot-shoulda; @[;F00["Brian Landau"Represent ActiveRecord Markdown, Textile, Wiki text, RDoc columns as Markdown, Textile Wikitext, RDoc objects using various external libraries to convert to HTML.0T" ruby[["sm-transcript-1.0.0u;L[" 1.4.0i"sm-transcriptU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time ū"&Convert word lists to transcriptsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Peter Wilkins"$Id: README.txt 204 2010-11-30 02:20:04Z pwilkins $ sm-transcript reads results of SLS processing and produces transcripts for the SpokenMedia browser. For each file in the source folder whose extension matches the source type, a file of destination type is created in the destination folder. All of these parameters have default values. Note: Examples of the commands you enter in the terminal are for *nix. The command prompt in the examples is: felix$ If you are a Windows user, make the usual adjustments. Requirements: sm-transcript is written in Ruby and packaged as a RubyGem. Since Ruby is not a compiled language, you will need to have Ruby installed on your machine to run sm-transcript. You can determine if Ruby is installed by typing "ruby -v" at a terminal prompt. It should return the version of Ruby that is installed. If Ruby is not installed on your machine, navigate to http://www.ruby-lang.org/ and follow the installation instructions. sm-transcript was developed using Ruby 1.8. Other Ruby versions have not been tested as of this release. Installation: You can get sm-transcript as either a RubyGem or as source from svn. The preferred way to install this package is as a Rubygem. You can download and install the gem with this command: felix$ sudo gem install [--verbose] sm-transcript This command downloads the most recent version of the gem from rubygems.org and makes it active. Previous versions of the gem remain installed, but are deactivated. You must use "sudo" to properly install the gem. If you execute "gem install" (omitting the "sudo") the gem is installed in your home gem repository and it isn't in your path without additional configuration. Note: You need sudo privileges to run the command as written. If you can't sudo, then you can install it locally and will need some additional configuration. Contact me (or your local Ruby wizard) for assistance. The executable is now in your path. You can cleanly uninstall the gem with this command: felix$ sudo gem uninstall sm-transcript If you have access to our svn repository, you are welcome to check out the code. Be warned that the trunk tip is not necessarily stable. It changes frequently as enhancements (and bug fixes) are added. (note that the 'smb_transcript' in the command line below is not a typo.) svn co svn+ssh://svn.mit.edu/oeit-tsa/SMB/smb_transcript/trunk sm_transcript build the gem by running this command from the directory you installed the source. This is what it looks like on my machine: felix$ rake gem The gem will be built and put in ./pkg You can now use the gem installation instructions above. Using the App: Run with no command line parameters, the app reads *.wrd files out of ./results and writes *.t1.html files to ./transcripts. These directories are relative to where sm_transcript is called. Note: destination files are overwritten without a warning prompt. If you want to preserve an existing output file, rename it before running the app again. For example, run the app by navigating to the bin folder and enter projects/sm_transcript/bin felix$ sm_transcript This command run from this folder will read *.wrd files from bin/results and write *-t1.html to bin/transcripts. Usage: sm_transcript [options] --srcdir PATH Read files from this folder (Default: ./results) --destdir PATH Write files to this folder (Default: ./transcripts) --srctype wrd | seg | txt | ttml | srt Kind of file to process (Default: wrd) --desttype html | ttml | datajs | json Kind of file to output (Default: html) -h, --help Show this message There is a serious gotch'a in specifying the srctype parameter: it must match the case of the file extension that you're processing. This means that if the srt files that you are processing have the extension .SRT, then you must specify the srctype as "SRT". Pretty lame, I know. I will update the gem with a fix shortly. My apologies until then. Troubleshooting: sm-transcript requires additional gems to operate. The RubyGem installation should install dependencies automatically, but when it doesn't, you get an error that includes ... no such file to load -- builder (LoadError) in the first few lines when you run sm-transcript, the problem is a missing dependent gem. (the error above indicates that the Builder gem is missing.) Try installing the missing gem. For the error above, the command looks like this on my computer: felix$ sudo gem install builder See "Required Gems" below for more information. A warning message such as: "WARNING: Nokogiri was built against LibXML version 2.7.6, but has dynamically loaded 2.7.7"" may be safely ignored. If you continue to have trouble, feel free to contact me. Upgrading: You can easily upgrade by simply executing the same command you used to install the gem. Running install again will add the newer version and make it active. By default the most recent version is used, but older versions are still available, simply inactive. If are using svn, you should already know what to do. Required Gems: builder - create structured data, such as XML extensions - added for the 'require_relative' command. (To get this command in Ruby 1.8 you need to install this gem, for Ruby 1.9 the command is already part of the core.) htmlentities - html parsing json - create JSON structured data nokogiri - xml parsing library optparse - option parsing of command line ostruct - open data structures ppcommand - pp is a pretty printer. It is used only for debugging rake - make for Ruby rubygems - support for gems (shouldn't be needed for Ruby 1.9) shoulda - enhancement for Test::Unit This command installs gems on OSX and Linux: felix$ sudo gem install I recommend running the following command to update to latest version of rubygems before loading new gems. felix$ sudo gem update --system Unit Tests: You may run all unit tests by navigating to the test folder and running rake with no parameters (the default rake task runs all tests). On my computer, it looks like this: projects/sm_transcript/test felix$ rake Release Notes: Initial Version - runs under Ruby 1.8.x. version 0.0.4 - fixes bug when processing .WRD files with CRLF line endings. version 0.0.5 - removed due to posting error version 0.0.6 - added srctype of ttml and desttype of json, fixed bug where beginning time of word was actually for previous word. version 0.0.7 - added srt as srctype version 0.0.8 - fixed bug that dropped last phrase from transcripts version 1.0.0 - declared this version 1.0.0 to conform more closely with gem numbering conventions. All tests run successfully. To Do: - specify individual files for processing rather than folders - fix bug in srt processing: can't read Creole srt content. - allow user to modify the "t1" file extension for addition languages of the same transcript. - update code to run under Ruby 1.9 0T" ruby[["shopstyle-0.5u;e[" 1.4.0i"shopstyleU:Gem::Version["0.5u: Time ")A simple clent for the ShopStyle APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" patron:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jesse Farmer"/A Ruby implementation of the ShopStyle API0T" ruby[["!lottay-paypal_adaptive-0.0.5u;[" 1.4.0i"lottay-paypal_adaptiveU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time "initial importU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "jsonschema; @);F00["Tommy Chheng"Ross Hale"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[ "Cuong Tran"Alex Chaffee"Marcos Piccinini"Masatoshi Iwasaki"`Rename an executable file from 'annotate' to 'annotate-rails' to avoid conflict with gdlib20T" ruby[["unity-2.0.414.0.20100814u;[" 1.4.0i" unityU:Gem::Version["2.0.414.0.20100814u: Time ĝ"MMicrosoft Patterns & Practices Unity is a Dependency Injection containerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" @name"commonservicelocator:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["#Microsoft Patterns & Practices"7Unity is a Dependency Injection container for .NET0T" ruby[["%textgoeshere-daemon-kit-;[" 1.4.0i"textgoeshere-daemon-kitU:Gem::Version[" Time "4Build of opinionated framework for Ruby daemonsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" cucumber:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.12.10; "eventmachine; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @3;F00["kenneth.kalmer@gmail.com"daemon-kit aims to simplify creating Ruby daemons by providing a sound application skeleton (through a generator), task specific generators (jabber bot, etc) and robust environment management code.0T" ruby[["minitest-deluxe-;F[" 1.4.0i"minitest-deluxeU:Gem::Version[" Time Eh"Pminitest is a small and fast replacement for ruby's huge and slow test/unitU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Ryan Davis"Matt Lyon"Kminitest/unit is a small and fast replacement for ruby's huge and slow test/unit. This is meant to be clean and easy to use both as a regular test writer and for language implementors that need a minimal set of methods to bootstrap a working unit test suite. mini/spec is a functionally complete spec engine. mini/mock, by Steven Baker, is a beautifully tiny mock object framework. (This package was called miniunit once upon a time) -- (this gem as maintained by Matt Lyon contains patches and extensions to minitest/spec that will apparently never make it upstream. Go Open Source!)0T" ruby[["blasphemy-0.1.0u;N[" 1.4.0i"blasphemyU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "BA different Lorem Ipsum generator, lightweight and extensibleU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Tomasz Stachewicz"Surprise everyone by stubbing placeholder texts with something more original than boring "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet". Embrace and extend, creating own wordlists for hilarious (or blasphemous or whatever you like) generated texts.0T" ruby[["vagrant-0.7.1u;2[" 1.4.0i" vagrantU:Gem::Version[" 0.7.1u: Time "?Build and distribute virtualized development environments.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 0.5.2: @name"archive-tar-minitar:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.1.0; " net-ssh; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ruby-debug; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.8.3; "virtualbox; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mocha; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.14.6; " thor; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.5.0; " i18n; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.4; " net-scp; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.0.6; " mario; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.4.6; " json; @~;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.6.6; " erubis; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.2; " contest; @;F00["Mitchell Hashimoto"John Bender"ZVagrant is a tool for building and distributing virtualized development environments.0T" ruby[["underscore-0.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"underscoreU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.0u: Time g"does the right thingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Wesley Beary"simple web frameworkings0T" ruby[["bad_ass_extensions-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"bad_ass_extensionsU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time "/Some bad ass extensions I use all the timeU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rcov:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.2; " jeweler; @=;F00["Jason Amster"/Some bad ass extensions I use all the time0T" ruby[["vitae-0.2.0u;q[" 1.4.0i" vitaeU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time e"'A structured CV publishing system.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.1.0: @name" sinatra:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.5.0; " pdfkit; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.4.0; " nokogiri; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.0; " haml; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.14.0; " thor; @G;F00["Arthur Gunn"lVitae is to CVs what rubygems is to ruby code. Still very under development. Semi-usable at this point.0T" ruby[["rails_backup-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"rails_backupU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time ,"RAutomatically backup your rails database and other files to a git repository.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.0: @name" bones:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.0; " bones; @);F00["Matt Pruitt"0T" ruby[["quo_vadis-1.0.2u;X[" 1.4.0i"quo_vadisU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2u: Time e"9Simple username/password authentication for Rails 3.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"sqlite3-ruby:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.1.4; "bcrypt-ruby; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " launchy; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.0; " capybara; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["3.0; " rails; @G;F00["Andy Stewart"9Simple username/password authentication for Rails 3.0T" ruby[["google_url_shortner-1.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"google_url_shortnerU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.1u: Time "=Client Ruby pour accèder à l'API Google URL Shortener.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.2: @name" jeweler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.1; " httparty; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.3.0; " fakeweb; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.3.0; " rspec; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rack_restrictor; @[;F00["Hassane Moustapha"=Client Ruby pour accèder à l'API Google URL Shortener.0T" ruby[["$namelessjon-twitter_oauth-0.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i"namelessjon-twitter_oauthU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time %k"Wtwitter_oauth is a Ruby library for talking to twitter using the new oauth method.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mocha; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.15; "mime-types; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.6; " oauth; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.5; "yajl-ruby; @G;F00["Jonathan Stott"Richard Taylor"EA fork of twitter_oauth library. With added yajl (and that's it)0T" ruby[["tokenize-1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" tokenizeU:Gem::Version["1.0u: Time k"LQuick Dirty Token generation by Nick Merwin (lemurheavy.com) 11.29.2009U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"activerecord:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.3; "hoe; @);F00["Nick Merwin"NQuick Dirty Token generation by Nick Merwin (lemurheavy.com) 11.29.20090T" ruby[["kinbote-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i" kinboteU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time d" KinboteU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" net-scp:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.0; " sinatra; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.13; " haml; @3;F00["Jay Boice" Kinbote0T" ruby[["looprun-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" looprunU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time Ħ"GSimple script to repeatedly execute shell commands after they exitU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 2.10.3: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.16.0; " trollop; @);F00["Christoph Olszowka"looprun is a simple script to repeatedly execute shell commands after they exit - for example to automatically restart your server0T" ruby[["email_vision-0.2.3u;[" 1.4.0i"email_visionU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.3u: Time "=Ruby SOAP Api Client for EmailVision / CampaignCommanderU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.2: @name" savon:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " savon; @);F00["Michael Grosser"0T" ruby[["yawn-1.1.0u;k[" 1.4.0i" yawnU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.0u: Time "forgettable http callsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "curl-multi; @);F00["Kyle Maxwell"async http0T" ruby[["test-mysqld-0.0.0u;Z[" 1.4.0i"test-mysqldU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.0u: Time %"port of Test::mysqldU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" miyucy"3port of Test::mysqld (mysqld runner for tests)0T" ruby[["roxy-0.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i" roxyU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time *"7A Ruby library for quickly creating proxy objects.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Ryan Daigle"7A Ruby library for quickly creating proxy objects.0T" ruby[["rcommons-0.8.0u;[" 1.4.0i" rcommonsU:Gem::Version[" 0.8.0u: Time )"9Common libraries for Ruby similar to Apache Commons.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.5: @name" log4r:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.4.4; " facets; @);F00["Yomei Komiya"0T" ruby[["guessmethod-0.2.1u;_[" 1.4.0i"guessmethodU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time "(an aggressive spell checker for irbU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0.7: @name" rake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Chris Shea"(an aggressive spell checker for irb0T" ruby[["cas_rest_client-1.3u;j[" 1.4.0i"cas_rest_clientU:Gem::Version["1.3u: Time "7Rest client for services using CAS authentication.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.2: @name"rest-client:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Antonio Marques"Roberto Klein"0T" ruby[["CompraFacil-1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"CompraFacilU:Gem::Version["1.0u: Time "1Plugin that implements CompraFacil Payments.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["0T" ruby[["alphabar-0.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i" alphabarU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time Ġ"-Provides a alphabar paginator and helperU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rails:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Eric Anderson" Provides a paginator object to allow you to easily split a recordset by letter and a helper to easily generate links to the other sets. 0T" ruby[["sort_order-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"sort_orderU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time "#Manipulate column sort orders.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Alex Neill"%Manipulate column sort orders...0T" ruby[["sfh-1.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"sfhU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2u: Time "SuperFastHash is a hash designed by Paul Hsieh (http://www.azillionmonkeys.com/qed/hash.html). This is just a gem for it.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0: @name"RubyInline:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.0; "hoe; @);F00["Jonathan Wilkins"== FEATURES/PROBLEMS: * No known issues, let me know if you find any. == SYNOPSIS: require 'sfh' text1 = "The quick brown fox" puts "Text '#{text1}': #{Sfh.hash(text1, text1.length)}" == REQUIREMENTS: RubyInline0T" ruby[["rjack-jets3t-;^[" 1.4.0i"rjack-jets3tU:Gem::Version[" Time "A gem packaging and initialization facade for the {JetS3t}[http://jets3t.s3.amazonaws.com/index.html] Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) client.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.8["=U;[" 0.9.18["U;[" 3.1.3; "rjack-httpclient-3; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.4.0; "rjack-commons-codec; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.2.3; "rjack-tarpit; @Q;F00["David Kellum"A gem packaging and initialization facade for the {JetS3t}[http://jets3t.s3.amazonaws.com/index.html] Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) client.0T" ruby[["rack_hoptoad-0.1.5u;[" 1.4.0i"rack_hoptoadU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.5u: Time $"8A gem that provides hoptoad notifications from rackU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rack:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.1; "toadhopper; @);F00["Corey Donohoe"8A gem that provides hoptoad notifications from rack0T" ruby[["nitrous-1.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i" nitrousU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.4u: Time $"/A half-baked integration testing frameworkU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Austin Taylor"Paul Nicholson"0T" ruby[["valentine-0.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i"valentineU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time E@"lValentine is a simple validation library for JSON and ordinary Hash based on an easy Hash based syntax.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.2: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.2; "hoe; @);F00["Mark Baran"lValentine is a simple validation library for JSON and ordinary Hash based on an easy Hash based syntax.0T" ruby[["url-0.2.0u;f[" 1.4.0i"urlU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time "A URL objectU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["2.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Tal Atlas"NA simple url object to allow for OO based manipulation and usage of a url0T" ruby[["db_structure-1.0.2u;j[" 1.4.0i"db_structureU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2u: Time P" [Rails] Database utilities.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.10.0: @name" rails:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Andreas Schwarz"Joe Hosteny"$Database utility for Rails apps0T" ruby[["jpmobile-terminfo-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"jpmobile-terminfoU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time "3Carrier terminal information List for jpmobileU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.0: @name" jeweler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Shin-ichiro OGAWA"3Carrier terminal information List for jpmobile0T" ruby[["drogus-authlogic-2.1.3u;t[" 1.4.0i"drogus-authlogicU:Gem::Version[" 2.1.3u: Time "CA clean, simple, and unobtrusive ruby authentication solution.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" Ben Johnson of Binary Logic"0T" ruby[["xmppbot-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i" xmppbotU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time -"hThis is a simple implementation on top of StropheRuby 'http://github.com/flamontagne/strophe_ruby/'U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.5; "strophe_ruby; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.0; " newgem; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.0; " newgem; @G;F00["François Lamontagne"This is a simple implementation on top of StropheRuby 'http://github.com/flamontagne/strophe_ruby/'. It's for those who want to build xmpp bots quickly. It features only the essential : - auto accept subscriptions - callback for received messages - callback for received presences - a method to send messages and presences - That's about it Warning : StropheRuby is quite experimental at the moment. It is definitely NOT ready for production!0T" ruby[["email_override-0.1.3u;,[" 1.4.0i"email_overrideU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time d"KIntercept ActionMailer email deliveries in non-production environmentsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["laserlemon"KIntercept ActionMailer email deliveries in non-production environments0T" ruby[["factory_seed-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"factory_seedU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "TSeed introduces an easy way to instantiate factories created with Factory Girl.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"factory_girl:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Nando Vieira"TSeed introduces an easy way to instantiate factories created with Factory Girl.0T" ruby[["xmlrpc-endpoint-0.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i"xmlrpc-endpointU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time %"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Will Koffel"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" RedCloth:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " hpricot; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " erubis; @3;F00["Todd A. Fisher"Sinatra Static Pages0T" ruby[["radar-delayed_job-1.7.1u;[" 1.4.0i"radar-delayed_jobU:Gem::Version[" 1.7.1u: Time e+"QDatabase-backed asynchronous priority queue system -- Extracted from ShopifyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Tobias Lütke"Delayed_job (or DJ) encapsulates the common pattern of asynchronously executing longer tasks in the background. It is a direct extraction from Shopify where the job table is responsible for a multitude of core tasks.0T" ruby[["gom-script-0.1.6u;[" 1.4.0i"gom-scriptU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.6u: Time %">connecting scripts and daemons with a remote GOM instanceU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" gom-core:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.1; " applix; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.7; " fakeweb; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mongrel; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " json; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rack; @[;F00["art+com/dirk luesebrink"# GOM is a schema-less object database in ruby with Resource Oriented API, server-side javascript, distributed HTTP notifications and some more. This gom-script script simplifies coding of clients and daemon which like to listen on state change event in the GOM. 0T" ruby[["dm-visualizer-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"dm-visualizerU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time d"dVisualizes the Models, Properties and Relationships defined in a DataMapper based Ruby project.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.10: @name"ruby-graphviz:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.10.2; " dm-core; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.5.3; " yard; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.3.0; " rspec; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.13.4; " thor; @G;F00["Postmodern"DataMapper Visualizer is both a library and a command-line utility for visualizing the Models, Properties and Relationships defined in a DataMapper based Ruby project.0T" ruby[["object-scraper-0.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i"object-scraperU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time E"4Recipe like object extraction from HTML sourcesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.2: @name" hpricot:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Enrico Genauck"zObject scraper is a thin wrapper for hpricot to enable recipe-like extraction of ruby objects from various web sites.0T" ruby[["moqueue-0.1.4u;[" 1.4.0i" moqueueU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time b";Mocktacular Companion to AMQP Library. Happy TATFTing!U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" amqp:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Daniel DeLeo";Mocktacular Companion to AMQP Library. Happy TATFTing!0T" ruby[[" sfl-2.0u;a[" 1.4.0i"sflU:Gem::Version["2.0u: Time e"Spawn For Ruby 1.8U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.4.0; " rspec; @);F00[" ujihisa"Spawn For Ruby 1.80T" ruby[["ruby_ex-;[" 1.4.0i" ruby_exU:Gem::Version[" Time "5RubyEx contains general purpose Ruby extensions.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.6.6: @name" core_ex:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.1; " highline; @);F00["Nicolas Desprès"Nicolas Pouillard"0T" ruby[["penctl-ruby-0.1.3u;I[" 1.4.0i"penctl-rubyU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time %l""Ruby implementation of penctlU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jannis Hermanns"With penctl-ruby you can add and remove servers to a pen server list and to change settings without the need to restart the pen balancer.0T" ruby[["%jswanner-carrierwave-0.5.0.beta3u;[" 1.4.0i"jswanner-carrierwaveU:Gem::Version["0.5.0.beta3u: Time d"Ruby file upload libraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" cucumber:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["3.0.0.beta4; "activesupport; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " timecop; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "dm-migrations; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " bson_ext; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "RubyInline; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " json; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " aws-s3; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["2.0.0.beta.6; " mongoid; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "mini_magick; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "image_science; @~;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rmagick; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " sequel; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "dm-sqlite-adapter; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "dm-validations; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " dm-core; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "sqlite3-ruby; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "aws; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["<=U;[" 2.0.0; " rspec; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["3.0.0.beta4; " rails; @;F00["Jonas Nicklas"kUpload files in your Ruby applications, map them to a range of ORMs, store them on different backends.0T" ruby[["kickstart-;[" 1.4.0i"kickstartU:Gem::Version[" Time "this project is intended to give the initial steps of the rails process a nice kick in the pants, allowing you to define the initial parameters of a project in a unified way.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Ryan Davis"3The author was too lazy to write a description0T" ruby[["job_central-1.5.4u;"[" 1.4.0i"job_centralU:Gem::Version[" 1.5.4u: Time "U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">U;[" 1.2.3: @name" nokogiri:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Michael Guterl"0T" ruby[["tfe-remotipart-0.2.1u;W[" 1.4.0i"tfe-remotipartU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time %"mRemotipart is a Ruby on Rails gem enabling remote multipart forms (AJAX style file uploads) with jQuery.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Greg Leppert"todd@toddeichel.com"Remotipart is a Ruby on Rails gem enabling remote multipart forms (AJAX style file uploads) with jQuery. This gem augments the native Rails jQuery remote form function enabling asynchronous file uploads with little to no modification to your application. It requires jQuery (http://jquery.com), the Rails jQuery driver (http://github.com/rails/jquery-ujs), and the jQuery Form plugin (http://jquery.malsup.com/form/). 0T" ruby[["sinmetrics-0.0.9u;[" 1.4.0i"sinmetricsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.9u: Time "%simple sinatra metrics extensionU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0: @name"dm-adjust:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; "dm-transactions; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; "dm-aggregates; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; "dm-validations; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.3.5; "activesupport; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; " dm-core; @Q;F00["Luke Petre"GA full-featured metrics extension for the sinatra webapp framework0T" ruby[["darkext-0.12.0u; [" 1.4.0i" darkextU:Gem::Version[" 0.12.0u: Time d]"(Just some useful Ruby functionalityU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Daniel Huckstep"PJust some useful Ruby functionality. No particular focus, except usefulness0T" ruby[["simple_enumerations-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"simple_enumerationsU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time e".Simple enumerations system for rails appsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Mariusz Pietrzyk"Provides simple and clean enumerations system for rails apps. Enumerations are defined in one file and stored in the database, as strings.0T" ruby[["ruby-opengl-0.60.1u;[" 1.4.0i"ruby-openglU:Gem::Version[" 0.60.1u: Time E"OpenGL Interface for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.0; " mkrf; @);F00[ "Alain Hoang"Jan Dvorak"Minh Thu Vo"James Adam"0T" ruby[["restarts-1.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i" restartsU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.3u: Time "3restarts.rb implements a new method Kernel#raise_condition which is similar to Kernel#raise for throwing exceptions, with the added feature of adding "restarts" next to the place where the exception is thrown so that they can be invoked from the exception handler somewhere higher up in the stack.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.7.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.7.0; "hoe; @);F00["Archit Baweja"3restarts.rb implements a new method Kernel#raise_condition which is similar to Kernel#raise for throwing exceptions, with the added feature of adding "restarts" next to the place where the exception is thrown so that they can be invoked from the exception handler somewhere higher up in the stack.0T" ruby[["redirect-0.3.2u; [" 1.4.0i" redirectU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.2u: Time EH"9Redirect is a simple Ruby redirect DSL build on RackU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.3: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.3; "hoe; @);F00["Petrik de Heus"Redirect is a simple Ruby redirect DSL build on Rack. It's like a simple Ruby mod_rewrite, so you can write and test your redirects in Ruby.0T" ruby[["rbankgiro-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"rbankgiroU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time l"%Parse Bankgiro transaction filesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Johan Eckerström"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["0T" ruby[["exception_notifier-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"exception_notifierU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time "3Exception notification by email for Rails appsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jamis Buck"Josh Peek"0T" ruby[["least_squares-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"least_squaresU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time "/Calulate the Least Squares Regression LineU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" yard:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0; " rspec; @);F00["Shane Emmons"wThis gem adds methods to the Math module to aid in calculating the Least Squares Regression Line given two arrays.0T" ruby[["unit_controller-0.1.0u;A[" 1.4.0i"unit_controllerU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "UUnitController assists with unit testing controllers by stubbing view rendering.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Dan Manges"UUnitController assists with unit testing controllers by stubbing view rendering.0T" ruby[["assetbuild-0.1.0u;c[" 1.4.0i"assetbuildU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "hEasily merge and compress multiple asset files together (currently supports CSS and coffee-script).U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jim Jeffers"hEasily merge and compress multiple asset files together (currently supports CSS and coffee-script).0T" ruby[["hike-0.4.0u;[" 1.4.0i" hikeU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.0u: Time "!Find files in a set of pathsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Sam Stephenson"8A Ruby library for finding files in a set of paths.0T" ruby[[" acts_as_runnable_code-1.0.2u;"[" 1.4.0i"acts_as_runnable_codeU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2u: Time $"Mark a class as containing a method which returns sandbox runnable code. Helps by building the sandbox and setting up the eval for you.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.1; "acts_as_wrapped_class; @);F00["David Stevenson"+See the example app using this gem: http://tictactoe.mapleton.net == FEATURES/PROBLEMS: * Run user uploaded code in the sandbox * Automatic use of wrapper classes inside the sandbox, and unwrapping return results == SYNOPSIS: require "sandbox" require "acts_as_runnable_code"0T" ruby[["iragsdale-rubydkim-0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"iragsdale-rubydkimU:Gem::Version["0.3u: Time da"3A gem for creating & verifying DKIM signaturesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" dnsruby:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Ian Ragsdale"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.3: @name" yard:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Daniel Gregoire".Remote server for Robot Framework in Ruby0T" ruby[["cgialib-0.0.3u;y[" 1.4.0i" cgialibU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time *"5Import the examples in Code Generation In ActionU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.0: @name" newgem:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0; "hoe; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.0; " newgem; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.11; " rspec; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.9; " cucumber; @Q;F00["David Ruan"5Import the examples in Code Generation In Action0T" ruby[["format_array-1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"format_arrayU:Gem::Version["1.2u: Time D"U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["0T" ruby[["vogue-0.2.0u;i[" 1.4.0i" vogueU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time "?Rails view inheritance, and handy form builder extensions.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"machinist:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Sean St. Quentin"Vogue is a handy Rails gem which gives you more mechanisms for reducing your view and controller code as much as possible. It acheives this by encouraging providing additional helper methods in FormBuilder for working with related data, and providing template inheritance. 0T" ruby[[",runtastic-tiny_mce_curblyadvimage-0.2.4u;[" 1.4.0i"&runtastic-tiny_mce_curblyadvimageU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.4u: Time d"(Curbly Advanced Images for Tiny MCEU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Steve Leung"(Curbly Advanced Images for Tiny MCE0T" ruby[["launchy-opensearch-1.2.1u;([" 1.4.0i"launchy-opensearchU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.1u: Time L"LaunchyOpenSearch is a Ruby library and commandline tool that allows to parse OpenSearch XML files and include them as search engines in the Weby plugin of the keystroke app launcher Launchy by editing Launchy's ini config file.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" facets:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " hpricot; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "user-choices; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "sys-uname; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.11.0; "hoe; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.11.0; "hoe; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "user-choices; @[;F00["Alexander E. Fischer"LaunchyOpenSearch is a Ruby library and commandline tool that allows to parse OpenSearch XML files and include them as search engines in the Weby plugin of the keystroke app launcher Launchy by editing Launchy's ini config file.0T" ruby[["tocolist-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" tocolistU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "Testing rubygems dot orgU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Bèr Kessels (berkes)"Testing rubygems dot org0T" ruby[["tinyscrobbler-0.3.3u;i[" 1.4.0i"tinyscrobblerU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.3u: Time "BA very lightweight last.fm scrobbler library written in ruby.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.13: @name"ruby-mp3info:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Rogério Vicente"0T" ruby[["test_declarative-0.0.5u;[" 1.4.0i"test_declarativeU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time %">Simply adds a declarative test method syntax to test/unitU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Sven Fuchs"?Simply adds a declarative test method syntax to test/unit.0T" ruby[[""superfeedr-sax-machine-0.0.23u;w[" 1.4.0i"superfeedr-sax-machineU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.23u: Time EC"*Declarative SAX Parsing with NokogiriU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0: @name" nokogiri:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[ " Paul Dix" astro" julien51"superfeedr"yakischloba"0T" ruby[["glennr-posterous-0.1.7u;W[" 1.4.0i"glennr-posterousU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.7u: Time %k"The Posterous gem provides posting to Posterous.com using your email, password, site id(if you have multiple sites) and your blog content. With this gem, you have access to add an entry on posterous by providing these options a title, body text, date, tags, set to autopost, set private, posted by source name and a posted by source link to Posterous. You can include no options or all options.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.3: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jordan Dobson"Glenn Roberts"The Posterous gem provides reading & posting from/to Posterous.com using your email, password, site id(if you have multiple sites) and your blog content.0T" ruby[["watircuke-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"watircukeU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time $"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.7: @name"safariwatir:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " cucumber; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.6.5; "commonwatir; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.6.5; "firewatir; @=;F00["Rich Downie"(Test Multiple Browsers with English0T" ruby[["posixtimer-0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"posixtimerU:Gem::Version["0.2u: Time %".A class that provides a definable timeoutU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Caleb Tennis"0T" ruby[["pg_search-0.1.1u;^[" 1.4.0i"pg_searchU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "cPgSearch builds ActiveRecord named scopes that take advantage of PostgreSQL's full text searchU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Case Commons"LLC"cPgSearch builds ActiveRecord named scopes that take advantage of PostgreSQL's full text search0T" ruby[["nmap-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" nmapU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time " nmapU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Ara T. Howard"0T" ruby[["docheck-1.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i" docheckU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.1u: Time "%Domain name availability checkerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.6.6; " whois; @);F00["Kunto Aji Kristianto"+ Domain name availability checker. 0T" ruby[["VvanGemert-ar_mailer-2.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"VvanGemert-ar_mailerU:Gem::Version[" 2.2.0u: Time "0A two-phase delivery agent for ActionMailerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Eric Hodel"Adam Meehan"Even delivering email to the local machine may take too long when you have to send hundreds of messages. ar_mailer allows you to store messages into the database for later delivery by a separate process, ar_sendmail.0T" ruby[["spanish-;[" 1.4.0i" spanishU:Gem::Version[" Time "ASpanish phonology, orthography and grammar library for Ruby.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.9: @name"phonology:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Norman Clarke"CA Spanish phonology, orthography and grammar library for Ruby.0T" ruby[["!foreign_key_migrations-0.3.0u;a[" 1.4.0i"foreign_key_migrationsU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time "1Adds foreign key migrations to ActiveRecord.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.15.0: @name"activerecord:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Clinton R. Nixon"0T" ruby[["steamcannon-aws-;X[" 1.4.0i"steamcannon-awsU:Gem::Version[" Time %"?AWS Ruby Library for interfacing with Amazon Web Services.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"http_connection:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "xml-simple; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "activesupport; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "uuidtools; @=;F00["Travis Reeder"Chad Arimura"RightScale"?AWS Ruby Library for interfacing with Amazon Web Services.0T" ruby[["rad-0.3.0u;g[" 1.4.0i"radU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time #"A framework for programming the Arduino physcial computing platform using Ruby. RAD converts Ruby scripts written using a set of Rails-like conventions and helpers into C source code which can be compiled and run on the Arduino microcontroller.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0: @name" RubyToC:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.7.0; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.7.0; "hoe; @3;F00["Greg Borenstein"A framework for programming the Arduino physcial computing platform using Ruby. RAD converts Ruby scripts written using a set of Rails-like conventions and helpers into C source code which can be compiled and run on the Arduino microcontroller.0T" ruby[["pickhost-cli-0.3.0u;M[" 1.4.0i"pickhost-cliU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time d"*Command line uploader for pickhost.euU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" @name"httpclient:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Ole Riesenberg"0T" ruby[["mysql_view_support-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"mysql_view_supportU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time "$Provides view support to rails.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" Tom Lea"0T" ruby[["!koi-reference-compiler-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"koi-reference-compilerU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time $"1The reference compiler for the Koi language.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Aaron Gough"1The reference compiler for the Koi language.0T" ruby[["#jakewendt-stringify_time-1.0.0u;_[" 1.4.0i"jakewendt-stringify_timeU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time $"!one-line summary of your gemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.3: @name" chronic:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" Jake"#longer description of your gem0T" ruby[["sendgmail-0.5.0u;o[" 1.4.0i"sendgmailU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.0u: Time Ů"-A library for sending a mail from Gmail.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" @name" tmail:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.1; " tlsmail; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.2; " jeweler; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.3.0; " rspec; @Q;F00[" HAMANAKA"Kei"-A library for sending a mail from Gmail.0T" ruby[["rae-1.5.0u;c[" 1.4.0i"raeU:Gem::Version[" 1.5.0u: Time "!library to access the rae.esU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0: @name"mechanize:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["David A. Cuadrado"Koldo Oteo"!library to access the rae.es0T" ruby[["#mysql_replication_status-0.1.3u;[" 1.4.0i"mysql_replication_statusU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time Df"BDeprecated. Gem has been renamed to mysql_replication_monitorU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.2: @name" multiple_connection_handler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" bmpercy"BDeprecated. Gem has been renamed to mysql_replication_monitor0T" ruby[["gridfs-rackdav-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"gridfs-rackdavU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "(GridFS resource adapter for RackDAVU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.1; "georgi-rack_dav; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0.1; " mongo; @3;F00["Mihael Konjević"hgridfs-rackdav enables you to use GridFS as backend for WebDAV collections with RackDAV application0T" ruby[["fraggle-0.1.1u;i[" 1.4.0i" fraggleU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time %"*A Ruby/EventMachine Client for DoozerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.1: @name" beefcake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Blake Mizerany"*A Ruby/EventMachine Client for Doozer0T" ruby[["copious-fedex-1.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"copious-fedexU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.0u: Time "cRetrieve shipping quotes, generate labels, and cancel shipments with the FedEx v8 web service.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[ "Joseph Jamarillo"Elliot Winkler"Laurence A. Lee"Matthew Boeh"cRetrieve shipping quotes, generate labels, and cancel shipments with the FedEx v8 web service.0T" ruby[["%jkaneacumen-will_paginate-2.3.12u;t[" 1.4.0i"jkaneacumen-will_paginateU:Gem::Version[" 2.3.12u: Time "Pagination for RailsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Mislav Marohnić" PJ Hyett"The will_paginate library provides a simple, yet powerful and extensible API for ActiveRecord pagination and rendering of pagination links in ActionView templates.0T" ruby[["syscmd-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i" syscmdU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time DN"%Wrapper for OS command executionU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Till Salzer"0T" ruby[[""step_definitions_viewer-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"step_definitions_viewerU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time E"4Shows step definitions nicely for rapid cuking.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 2.4.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.0.2; "terminal-display-colors; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.14.6; " thor; @3;F00["Rizwan Reza"0T" ruby[["statsample-sem-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"statsample-semU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time d"LStructural equation modeling (SEM) for statsample gem, usign ruby and RU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.1: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.13.1; "statsample; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4; "rubyforge; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.2.0; "rserve-client; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "dirty-memoize; @G;F00["Claudio Bustos"LStructural equation modeling (SEM) for statsample gem, usign ruby and R0T" ruby[["alertpay-0.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i" alertpayU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time d`"1Common interface to alertpay request params.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Stateless Systems"0T" ruby[["namespace-1.2u;M[" 1.4.0i"namespaceU:Gem::Version["1.2u: Time "Ruby namespaces experimentU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jonas Pfenniger"This module is an experiment to bring namespaces to ruby. Each imported file is loaded in it's own context,thus avoiding global namespace pollution0T" ruby[["i18n-js-0.1.6u;[" 1.4.0i" i18n-jsU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.6u: Time "SIt's a small library to provide the Rails I18n translations on the Javascript.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Nando Vieira"0T" ruby[["hiraku-rack-;/[" 1.4.0i"hiraku-rackU:Gem::Version[" Time de"'a modular Ruby webserver interfaceU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"memcache-client:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mongrel; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.0.0; "ruby-openid; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " thin; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "test-spec; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " fcgi; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " camping; @[;F00["KURODA Hiraku"Christian Neukirchen"This package is Hiraku's modified rack. Original description is bellow. Rack provides minimal, modular and adaptable interface for developing web applications in Ruby. By wrapping HTTP requests and responses in the simplest way possible, it unifies and distills the API for web servers, web frameworks, and software in between (the so-called middleware) into a single method call. Also see http://rack.rubyforge.org. 0T" ruby[["igraph-0.9.7u;_[" 1.4.0i" igraphU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.7u: Time ]"IGraph is a Ruby extension for interfacing with the C igraph library (http://cneurocvs.rmki.kfki.hu/igraph/). igraph is a library for creating and manipulating graphs with a particular emphasis on network analysis functions.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Alex Gutteridge"IGraph is a Ruby extension for interfacing with the C igraph library (http://cneurocvs.rmki.kfki.hu/igraph/). igraph is a library for creating and manipulating graphs with a particular emphasis on network analysis functions.0T" ruby[["mapper-1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" mapperU:Gem::Version["1.0u: Time "$A tiny geo coordinate converterU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["pachacamac" naema"bA tiny geo coordinate converter - basically for plotting latitude/longitude pairs to an image0T" ruby[["picky-generators-1.3.2u;[" 1.4.0i"picky-generatorsU:Gem::Version[" 1.3.2u: Time "1Generators for Picky the Ruby Search Engine.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.3.2; "picky-client; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.3.2; " picky; @3;F00["Florian Hanke"Generators for Picky.0T" ruby[["pabarcode-0.0.1u; [" 1.4.0i"pabarcodeU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time o":Helper classes for working with various barcode typesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Petros Amiridis":Helper classes for working with various barcode types0T" ruby[["css3-now-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i" css3-nowU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time ]"U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" remi"0T" ruby[["jasmine-fixtures-0.1.6u;[" 1.4.0i"jasmine-fixturesU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.6u: Time e"GJasmine Fixtures allow you to use real DOM to test your JavaScriptU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.0: @name" nokogiri:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.3; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.3; "rspec-rails; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; " jasmine; @=;F00[ "Roger Neel"Jonathan Barnes"JB Steadman"Andrew Cantino"Dump out DOM that you want to test. Use jasmine-fixtures to load that DOM into your Jasmine specs. See http://github.com/mavenlink/jasmine-fixtures for more.0T" ruby[["constants-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"constantsU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time %"aLibraries of constants. Includes libraries for elements, particles, and physical constants.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.10.8: @name"tap:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.10.8; "tap; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.3; "ruby-units; @3;F00["Simon Chiang"0T" ruby[["harbor-0.16.1u;h[" 1.4.0i" harborU:Gem::Version[" 0.16.1u: Time j"Harbor FrameworkU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" erubis:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " rack; @);F00["Wieck Media"Harbor Framework0T" ruby[["moneta-0.6.0u;[" 1.4.0i" monetaU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.0u: Time [",A unified interface to key/value storesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Yehuda Katz",A unified interface to key/value stores0T" ruby[["couch_photo-0.0.5u;[" 1.4.0i"couch_photoU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time E"4Mixin for CouchDB/couchrest_model image models.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["3.1: @name"mini_magick:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; "couchrest_model; @);F00["Matt Parker"KAutomatically create image variations on your CouchDB image documents.0T" ruby[["growl-logger-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"growl-loggerU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time DM"Logger using Growl.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" jugyo"MLogger using Growl. You can output logs as growl notification so easily!0T" ruby[["$fauxmachine-cheddargetter-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"fauxmachine-cheddargetterU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time o"+Ruby wrapper for the CheddarGetter APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" fakeweb:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " httparty; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @3;F00[" Atlantic Dominion Solutions"Fauxmachine LLC"+Ruby wrapper for the CheddarGetter API0T" ruby[["adg-whenever-0.2.2u;[" 1.4.0i"adg-wheneverU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.2u: Time dQ"WProvides clean ruby syntax for defining messy cron jobs and running them Whenever.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.3; " chronic; @);F00["Javan Makhmali"TJ Stankus"WProvides clean ruby syntax for defining messy cron jobs and running them Whenever.0T" ruby[[""will_paginate_renderers-0.0.1u;2[" 1.4.0i"will_paginate_renderersU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "9A collection of renderers for use with will_paginateU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 2.0.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["0.9; " mocha; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 3.0.pre2; "will_paginate; @=;F00["Robert Speicher":A collection of renderers for use with will_paginate.0T" ruby[["sqlanywhere-0.1.4u;[" 1.4.0i"sqlanywhereU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time $K""SQL Anywhere library for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Eric Farrar""SQL Anywhere Driver for Ruby0T" ruby[["sinatra-reloader-0.5.0u;V[" 1.4.0i"sinatra-reloaderU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.0u: Time "@Smart and fast code reloader for Sinatra (part of BigBand).U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.5.0: @name"sinatra-test-helper:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.5.0; "sinatra-advanced-routes; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.0; " sinatra; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0; " rspec; @=;F00["Konstantin Haase"@Smart and fast code reloader for Sinatra (part of BigBand).0T" ruby[["csvparser-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"csvparserU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "EAn enumerating, streaming CSV parser that has ORM-like features.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Erik Hollensbe"0T" ruby[["infusion_api-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"infusion_apiU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time "Infusionsoft API WrapperU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Matt Merrill"_Simple wrapper gem for the Infusionsoft XMLRPC API -- **NOT READY FOR PRODUCTION USE YET**0T" ruby[["is_contacted-0.1.3u;U[" 1.4.0i"is_contactedU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time "Contacted gemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Dieinzige"(Short description for contacted gem0T" ruby[["mock_turtle-0.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"mock_turtleU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.0u: Time "#It's turtles all the way down.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jeremy Weiskotten"hMock objects that respond to any method, which return mock objects that respond to any method, etc.0T" ruby[["cnuregexp-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"cnuregexpU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time "/The author was too lazy to write a summaryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["CashnetUSA"Brendan Baldwin"Ycnuregexp allows tags to be placed inside a regex which function as labels for the matches. The matches within the MatchData object can then be accessed like a hash with the tag name as the key. cnuregexp also provides a greedy match which will return an array of all matches rather than just the first match. cnuregexp can also extract various data from an xml tag with the Regexp.xml_tag method. It uses Regexps to get the tag name, the attributes and their values, the tag content, and any other relevant data from an xml string. Lastly, cnuregexp allows commonly used regular expressions to be stored in a config file(lib/cnuregexp_config.yml) and accessed with Regexp.regular_expression_name notation eg. Regexp.ssn, Regexp.email_address. cnuregexp comes preloaded with a few common regular expressions which are located in lib/cnuregexp_config.yml.0T" ruby[["wowr-0.4.0u;[" 1.4.0i" wowrU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.0u: Time "5An API wrapper for the World of Warcraft Armory.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0.6: @name" hpricot:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Ben Humphreys"gProvides Ruby interface for retrieving item, character, guild and arena team info from the armory.0T" ruby[["vimget-0.1.3u;w[" 1.4.0i" vimgetU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time "An vim script toolU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.0: @name" hpricot:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" Eddy Xu"Tvim-get is a automatatical manager tools which used to auto update vim scripts0T" ruby[["spqr-0.3.3u;[" 1.4.0i" spqrU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.3u: Time "PSPQR: {Schema Processor|Straightforward Publishing} for QMF agents in RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["William Benton"{SPQR makes it very simple to expose methods on Ruby objects over QMF. You must install ruby-qmf in order to use SPQR.0T" ruby[["csv2json-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i" csv2jsonU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time ".csv to .json converterU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " json; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "fastercsv; @3;F00["Antonin Hildebrand"Rafael Souza"+handy for converting xls files to json0T" ruby[["environmental-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"environmentalU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time el"1Deprecated. Use rack-environmental instead.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Wyatt Greene"1Deprecated. Use rack-environmental instead.0T" ruby[["depo-0.0.8u;h[" 1.4.0i" depoU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.8u: Time $"Rails & Dojo integrationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.5: @name" rails:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "kung_figure; @);F00[" niquola" smecsia"0T" ruby[["#billymeltdown-choctop-;e[" 1.4.0i"billymeltdown-choctopU:Gem::Version[" Time "|Build and deploy tools for Cocoa apps using Sparkle for distributions and upgrades; it’s like Hoe but for Cocoa appsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.2: @name" builder:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.0; "gemcutter; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.5.0; "hoe; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.3; "rubyforge; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "activesupport; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.2; " newgem; @Q;F00["Dr Nic Williams"Chris Bailey"Build and deploy tools for Cocoa apps using Sparkle for distributions and upgrades; it’s like Hoe but for Cocoa apps. Package up your OS X/Cocoa applications into Custom DMGs, generate Sparkle XML, and upload. Instead of hours, its only 30 seconds to release each new version of an application. Build and deploy tools for Cocoa apps using Sparkle for distributions and upgrades; it's like Hoe but for Cocoa apps. The main feature is a powerful rake task "rake appcast" which builds a release of your application, creates a DMG package, generates a Sparkle XML file, and posts the package and XML file to your remote host via rsync. All rake tasks: rake appcast # Create dmg, update appcast file, and upload to host rake build # Build Xcode Release rake dmg # Create the dmg file for appcasting rake feed # Create/update the appcast file rake upload # Upload the appcast file to the host0T" ruby[["wash_away_the_soap-0.2.0u;~[" 1.4.0i"wash_away_the_soapU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time "HParse WSDL/XSD files for clues how to implement or talk to servicesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["1.0: @name" bundler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["2.0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.4; " nokogiri; @3;F00["Michael Schubert" WashAwayTheSoap parses WSDL and XSD files and attempts to pretty-print the service structure so you can make sense of a legacy (or just poorly written) system. 0T" ruby[["RoadRunner-4.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"RoadRunnerU:Gem::Version[" 4.0.1u: Time e"RoadRunnerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Charles Cui"RoadRunner0T" ruby[["maintain-0.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i" maintainU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time e"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Flip Sasser"% Maintain is a simple state machine mixin for Ruby objects. It supports comparisons, bitmasks, and hooks that really work. It can be used for multiple attributes and will always do its best to stay out of your way and let your code drive the machine, and not vice versa. 0T" ruby[["title_helper-0.4.0u;[" 1.4.0i"title_helperU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.0u: Time d"yTitleHelper allows you to keep your attributes synced with your <h1> attributes, which is more SEO friendly.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Jan De Poorter"TitleHelper allows you to keep your <title> attributes synced with your <h1> attributes, which is more SEO friendly. This is 100% done in the view, which is different from some other plugins, who work with a title-method in the controllers.0T" ruby[�["systemu-1.2.0u;�[" 1.4.0i" systemuU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.0u: Time ����" systemuU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Ara T. Howard"�0T" ruby[�[" rak-1.0u;�[" 1.4.0i"rakU:Gem::Version["1.0u: Time dc����"5A grep replacement in Ruby, type "$rak pattern".U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 2.3.3: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Daniel Lucraft"NReplacement for grep. Recursively scans directories to match a given Ruby regular expression. Prints highlighted results. Based on the Perl tool 'ack' by Andy Lester. Examples with similar grep: $ rak pattern $ grep pattern $(find . | grep -v .svn) $ rak --ruby pattern $ grep pattern $(find . -name '*.rb' | grep -v .svn)0T" ruby[�["posterous-lacquer-0.2.5u;�q[" 1.4.0i"posterous-lacquerU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.5u: Time $����"'Rails drop in for Varnish support.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 1.3.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Garry Tan"Russ Smith"'Rails drop in for Varnish support.0T" ruby[�[")mongoid_query_string_interface-0.2.0u;�[" 1.4.0i"#mongoid_query_string_interfaceU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time %����"RAn interface for performing queries in MongoDB using query string parameters.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;�[" 2.0.0.rc: @name" mongoid:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 2.3.0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 1.4.6; " json; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 0.5.0; "database_cleaner; @=;F00["Vicente Mundim"Gives a method that can parse query string parameters into a set of criterias that Mongoid can use to perform actual queries in MongoDB databases for a given model.0T" ruby[�[" depq-0.4u;�[" 1.4.0i" depqU:Gem::Version["0.4u: Time k����"(Stable Double-Ended Priority Queue.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Tanaka Akira"'depq is a Double-Ended Priority Queue library. It is a data structure which can insert elements and delete elements with minimum and maximum priority. If there are elements which has same priority, the element inserted first is chosen. The priority can be changed after the element is inserted. 0T" ruby[�["getsource-0.1.0u;�[" 1.4.0i"getsourceU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time ħ����"EGet the source file path of the implementation of a given methodU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Dario Seminara"�0T" ruby[�["validates_constancy-1.0.1u;�[" 1.4.0i"validates_constancyU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time ����"[Rails] Adds a 'validates_constancy_of' validation to Active Record. It allows you to protect model attributes from being changed after a record is created.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;�[" 1.15.2: @name"activerecord:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Nils Jonsson"This RubyGem allows you to prevent particular database fields from being changed after an Active Record object is created. A validation error occurs on updates if an attribute of a model object is different from its value in the database.0T" ruby[�["summalyzer-0.1.21u;�[" 1.4.0i"summalyzerU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.21u: Time e����"gThis gem will analyze a piece of text and then produce a summary and some other information on it.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Jonathan Meaney"Summalyzer will analyze and summarize your text in order to produce summaries and glean other information hidden deep with yor text.0T" ruby[�["split_logger-1.0.1u;�[" 1.4.0i"split_loggerU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time b����"split_loggerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["markbates"-split_logger was developed by: markbates0T" ruby[�["sinatra-mongo-config-0.0.1u;�[" 1.4.0i"sinatra-mongo-configU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time ����"&A thin Mongo wrapper for Sinatra.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["1.0: @name" bson_ext:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["1.0; " mongo; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["1.0; " sinatra; @3;F00["Ethan Gunderson"GA simple wrapper for instantiating a MongoDB connection in Sinatra0T" ruby[�["decent_exposure-1.0.0u;�[" 1.4.0i"decent_exposureU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time ����"@A helper for creating declarative interfaces in controllersU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "actionpack; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 0.9.8; " mocha; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 2.3.0; " rspec; @=;F00["Stephen Caudill"Jon Larkowski" DecentExposure helps you program to an interface, rather than an implementation in your Rails controllers. The fact of the matter is that sharing state via instance variables in controllers promotes close coupling with views. DecentExposure gives you a declarative manner of exposing an interface to the state that controllers contain and thereby decreasing coupling and improving your testability and overall design. 0T" ruby[�["activerdf_rdflite-1.4.1u;�S[" 1.4.0i"activerdf_rdfliteU:Gem::Version[" 1.4.1u: Time $����">an RDF database for usage in ActiveRDF (based on sqlite3)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 1.2.1: @name"sqlite3-ruby:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 0.2.1; "gem_plugin; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">U;�[" 0.0.0; "uuidtools; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 1.6.4; "activerdf; @=;F00[""Eyal Oren <eyal.oren@deri.org">an RDF database for usage in ActiveRDF (based on sqlite3)0T" ruby[�["deps-0.1.0u;�[" 1.4.0i" depsU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time č����")A simple RubyGems dependency managerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Nando Vieira"�0T" ruby[�["squat-0.0.1u;�[" 1.4.0i" squatU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time ����" i am waiting to upload thisU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00[�" i am waiting to upload this0T" ruby[�["-ruby-ole-patched-for-home_run-;�.[" 1.4.0i""ruby-ole-patched-for-home_runU:Gem::Version[" Time D����"Ruby OLE library.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["0Charles Lowe (fixed for homerun by Alex Le)"MA library for easy read/write access to OLE compound documents for Ruby.0T" ruby[�["ruby-dtrace-0.3.0u;�/[" 1.4.0i"ruby-dtraceU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time %����"Ruby-DTrace is Ruby bindings for Dtrace, which allows you to add DTrace probes to your Ruby programs, and to write D-based programs with Ruby.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Chris Andrews"�0T" ruby[�["re2-0.1.1u;�y[" 1.4.0i"re2U:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time $����"Ruby bindings to re2.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name"rake-compiler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Paul Mucur"QRuby bindings to re2, "an efficient, principled regular expression library".0T" ruby[�["convertable_values-0.0.2u;�[" 1.4.0i"convertable_valuesU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time ũ����"sConvertable Values provides a simple unit conversion library and pattern for transparently storing base units.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name" rcov:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 1.5.1; " jeweler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " shoulda; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @=;F00["Stephen Blankenship"Convertable Values provides a simple unit conversion library and pattern for transparently storing base units. Example usage: You have a model that wants to store values with units (e.g., 200 lbs), but you want (or at least should want) to store all the values in a base unit (e.g., 90.718474 kilograms). This gem makes using this design pattern totally transparent.0T" ruby[�["!http_status_exceptions-0.3.0u;�[" 1.4.0i"http_status_exceptionsU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time %����"JA Rails plugin to use exceptions for generating HTTP status responsesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["3: @name"actionpack:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " rake; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�["2; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 1.2.1; " rack; @=;F00["Willem van Bergen"Jaap van der Meer"Jeff Pollard"rClean up your controller code by raising exceptions that generate responses with different HTTP status codes.0T" ruby[�["currency_updater-1.0.3u;�K[" 1.4.0i"currency_updaterU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.3u: Time e����"'Updating currency rates made easy.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;�[" 3.0.3: @name"actionpack:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 2.1.2; " builder; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 0.2.2; "iso_country_codes; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 0.7.8; "yajl-ruby; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 0.4.2; " i18n; @G;F00["Jan Riethmayer"'Updating currency rates made easy.0T" ruby[�["skema-0.2.0u;�[" 1.4.0i" skemaU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time ����")Command line template expansion toolU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Paolo Capriotti")Command line template expansion tool0T" ruby[�["/rails_inheritable_attributes_manager-0.3.1u;�[" 1.4.0i")rails_inheritable_attributes_managerU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.1u: Time ����"DManages inheritable attributes when super classes are re-openedU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 2.3.0: @name"activerecord:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 2.3.0; "actionpack; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;�[" 2.10.2; " shoulda; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;�[" 1.2.2; " redgreen; @=;F00["Ryan L. Bell"rEnhances Rails inheritable attributes to ensure that changes to super classes are passed on to the subclasses0T" ruby[�["dynarex-usersblog-0.2.5u;�*[" 1.4.0i"dynarex-usersblogU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.5u: Time ����"dynarex-usersblogU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name"dynarex-blog:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[�"�0T" ruby[�["check-taskr-1.1.3u;�&[" 1.4.0i"check-taskrU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.3u: Time ����"check taskrU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name"fastthread:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " haml; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " xmpp4r; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " sinatra; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " log4r; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " json; @Q;F00["crazycode"check taskr for sdo0T" ruby[�["viewtastic-0.1.3u;�[" 1.4.0i"viewtasticU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time ����"'Presenter plugin for Ruby on RailsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Istvan Hoka"�0T" ruby[�["tms-1.3.3u;�0[" 1.4.0i"tmsU:Gem::Version[" 1.3.3u: Time e����"Time Machine StatusU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name" xattr:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "rake-compiler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "rake-gem-ghost; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 1.5.1; " jeweler; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " colored; @G;F00["Ivan Kuchin"<View avaliable Time Machine backups and show their diff0T" ruby[�["svenaas-woulda-0.3.1u;�[" 1.4.0i"svenaas-wouldaU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.1u: Time ����"Vwoulda is a home for shoulda macros that don't belong in the main shoulda libraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 2.10.2: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Sean Hussey"Josh Nichols"No description yet.0T" ruby[�["simple-useragent-1.0.0u;�H[" 1.4.0i"simple-useragentU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time m����":provides a few utilities related to browser detectionU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Gal Steinitz" The useragent gem provides a few utilities related to browser detection. It has two main uses, described below: 1. The "somewhat less hacky CSS browser targetting" 2. Mobile / Desktop / iPhone / Blackberry detection 0T" ruby[�["google-analytics-0.1.0u;�[" 1.4.0i"google-analyticsU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time e����",Wrapper around the Google Analytics APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name" fakeweb:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " nokogiri; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " shoulda; @3;F00[" Dan Webb",Wrapper around the Google Analytics API0T" ruby[�["imaginator-0.1.5u;�F[" 1.4.0i"imaginatorU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.5u: Time N����".Image generator for LaTeX/Graphviz sourceU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 1.8.3: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Daniel Mendler"�0T" ruby[�["style-0.0.2u;�[" 1.4.0i" styleU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time ����"DTools for analyzing the surface characteristics of english textU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Caleb Phillips"�0T" ruby[�["rap-0.15.0u;�0[" 1.4.0i"rapU:Gem::Version[" 0.15.0u: Time l����"A rakish extension to tap.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 0.19.0: @name"tap:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Simon Chiang"�0T" ruby[�["rack-modernizr-0.0.2u;�z[" 1.4.0i"rack-modernizrU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time ũ����"^a Rack middleware that brings the power of the Modernizr javascript framework server-sideU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name"test-unit:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " rack; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 0.9.0; "test-spec; @3;F00["Marshall Yount"Rack::Modernizr is a Rack middleware that automagically includes the Modernizr javascript framework and exposes the results to your server-side scripts.0T" ruby[�["autowatchr-0.1.4u;�[" 1.4.0i"autowatchrU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time g����"4Provides some autotest-like behavior for watchrU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name" mocha:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " watchr; @);F00["Jeremy Stephens"WProvides some autotest-like behavior for watchr (http://github.com/mynyml/watchr).0T" ruby[�["faetr-0.0.5u;�t[" 1.4.0i" faetrU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time e����".Collection of nice Ruby object extensionsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Bodaniel Jeanes"Jack Chen".Collection of nice Ruby object extensions0T" ruby[�["socksify-a-1.1.4u;�[" 1.4.0i"socksify-aU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.4u: Time $����"7Redirect all TCPSockets through a SOCKS 4a/5 proxyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Andrey Kouznetsov"�0T" ruby[�["ptsync-0.0.1u;�[" 1.4.0i" ptsyncU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time ����"<Gem which sync your Pivotal Tracker account with ThingsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Bartlomiej Kozal"OGem which sync your Pivotal Tracker account with Things. Work in progress.0T" ruby[�["jacobat-htmldiff-0.0.2u;�3[" 1.4.0i"jacobat-htmldiffU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time E����"LHTML diffs of text (borrowed from a wiki software I no longer remember)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Nathan Herald"LHTML diffs of text (borrowed from a wiki software I no longer remember)0T" ruby[�["jquery-validator-0.3.0u;�[" 1.4.0i"jquery-validatorU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time E����".DRY up your rails validations with jqueryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" mixtli"lUses the model validation logic you have already defined to generate javascript validation using jquery0T" ruby[�["can_flag-1.0u;�[" 1.4.0i" can_flagU:Gem::Version["1.0u: Time $����";Rails plugin to allow users to flag content for reviewU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 2.0.0: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 2.0.0; "activerecord; @);F00["Courtenay Gasking"�0T" ruby[�["cohort_scope-0.1.3u;�5[" 1.4.0i"cohort_scopeU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time %����"|Provides cohorts (in the form of ActiveRecord scopes) that dynamically widen until they contain a certain number of records.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 2.10.3: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["3.0.0.beta4; "activesupport; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "sqlite3-ruby; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["3.0.0.beta4; "activerecord; @=;F00["Seamus Abshere"Andy Rossmeissl"Derek Kastner"Provides big_cohort, which widens by finding the constraint that eliminates the most records and removing it. Also provides strict_cohort, which widens by eliminating constraints in order.0T" ruby[�["osx_env-0.1.0u;�[" 1.4.0i" osx_envU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time ����"}A gem that provides an easy way to write out a shell file and an environment.plist file with your environment variables.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Clinton R. Nixon"}A gem that provides an easy way to write out a shell file and an environment.plist file with your environment variables.0T" ruby[�["UPnP-ConnectionManager-1.0u;�<[" 1.4.0i"UPnP-ConnectionManagerU:Gem::Version["1.0u: Time ����"=Stub implementation for a UPnP ConnectionManager serviceU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 1.7.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 1.1.0; " UPnP; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 1.7.0; "hoe; @3;F00["Eric Hodel"}Stub implementation for a UPnP ConnectionManager service. Currently has no implementation. Works great for a PlayStation 3.0T" ruby[�["sorcery-0.1.3u;�[" 1.4.0i" sorceryU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time ����"4Magical authentication for Rails 3 applicationsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;�[" 3.0.3: @name" rails:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " cucumber; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 1.5.2; " jeweler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 2.3.0; " rspec; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 0.6.0; " yard; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "sqlite3-ruby; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 0.3.8; "simplecov; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "rspec-rails; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "ruby-debug19; @y;F00["Noam Ben Ari"mProvides common authentication needs such as signing in/out, activating by email and resetting password.0T" ruby[�["simpleemail-1.0.2u;�[" 1.4.0i"simpleemailU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2u: Time %����"LThis package simplifies sending emails outside of the Rails environmentU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 0.3.0: @name"gemcutter:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 2.5.0; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 2.0.3; "rubyforge; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "actionmailer; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " relative; @G;F00["DesigningPatterns"lThis package simplifies sending emails outside of the Rails environment. It is a wrapper around the ActionMailer package. Support for smtp over tls is included if you are using Ruby 1.8.7 or above. The API provided is very bare, but can be easily extended. The email configuration is provided through a user-specified configuration file (identical to the ActionMailer configuration in environment.rb in Rails except for the added tls option). This package is most useful in the situation that a user has a number of scripts (outside of the Rails environment) that all send very basic emails (to, from, body, subject).0T" ruby[�["ruby-xml-mapper-1.0.8u;�[" 1.4.0i"ruby-xml-mapperU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.8u: Time k����"4Mapping XML to Ruby in handy declarative mannerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Stanislav Senotrusov"�0T" ruby[�["ruby-openid-2.1.8u;�[" 1.4.0i"ruby-openidU:Gem::Version[" 2.1.8u: Time Ě����";A library for consuming and serving OpenID identities.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00[" JanRain"Inc"�0T" ruby[�["revo-seed-fu-1.0.0u;�n[" 1.4.0i"revo-seed-fuU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time ����".Allows easier database seeding of tables.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["2.1: @name" rails:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Michael Bleigh"Revo Pty. Ltd."Seed Fu is an attempt to once and for all solve the problem of inserting and maintaining seed data in a database. It uses a variety of techniques gathered from various places around the web and combines them to create what is hopefully the most robust seed data system around.0T" ruby[�["rails_sql_views-0.8.0u;�[" 1.4.0i"rails_sql_viewsU:Gem::Version[" 0.8.0u: Time $����"2Library which adds SQL Views to ActiveRecord.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name"activerecord:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Anthony Eden"9Adds support for using SQL views within ActiveRecord0T" ruby[�["iq-acl-1.1.3u;�[" 1.4.0i" iq-aclU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.3u: Time $����"!Super simple access control.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " yard; @);F00["Jamie Hill"SonicIQ Ltd."HIQ::ACL provides a super simple way of implementing access control.0T" ruby[�["funfx-0.2.2u;�[" 1.4.0i" funfxU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.2u: Time -����" Functional testing for FlexU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 1.4.0: @name"fastercsv:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 1.8.2; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 1.8.2; "hoe; @3;F00["Peter Nicolai Motzfeldt"Aslak Hellesøy" Functional testing for Flex0T" ruby[�["thread-dump-0.0.5u;�[" 1.4.0i"thread-dumpU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time ����"MUtility which will cause thread dumps during ctrl-break of Ruby process.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["!Greg Fodor and Bryan Duxbury"�0T" ruby[�["rubyvor-0.1.4u;�M[" 1.4.0i" rubyvorU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time e����"BEfficient Voronoi diagrams and Delaunay trianglation for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 2.8.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 0.9.9; "libxml-ruby; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 1.6.0; " minitest; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 1.3.0; " GeoRuby; @=;F00["Brendan Ribera"PRubyVor provides efficient computation of Voronoi diagrams and Delaunay triangulation for a set of Ruby points. It is intended to function as a complemenet to GeoRuby. These structures can be used to compute a nearest-neighbor graph for a set of points. This graph can in turn be used for proximity-based clustering of the input points.0T" ruby[�["rlid-0.1.0u;�[" 1.4.0i" rlidU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time ����"$Language identification libraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Fela Winkelmolen"[Language identification library specialized in guessing the language of short strings.0T" ruby[�["lightning-0.3.2u;�[" 1.4.0i"lightningU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.2u: Time ����"Lightning is a commandline framework that generates shell functions which wrap around commands to autocomplete and translate full paths by their basenames.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Gabriel Horner"ILightning is a commandline framework that lets users wrap commands with shell functions that are able to refer to any filesystem path by its basename. To achieve this, a group of paths to be translated are defined with shell globs. These shell globs, known as a lightning _bolt_, are then applied to commands to produce functions. In addition to translating basenames to full paths, lightning _functions_ can autocomplete these basenames, resolve conflicts if they have the same name, leave any non-basename arguments untouched, and autocomplete directories above and below a basename.0T" ruby[�["simple_lockfile-1.1.1u;�[" 1.4.0i"simple_lockfileU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.1u: Time ����"'A simple Lock File implementation.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Josh Nesbitt"'A simple Lock File implementation.0T" ruby[�["rat-0.3.0u;�[" 1.4.0i"ratU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time e����")Ruby interface to Unix "at" command.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Ryan Koopmans"ORuby interface to Unix "at" command. (Not compatible with Windows' "at".)0T" ruby[�["%no_more_pending_migrations-1.0.0u;�[" 1.4.0i"no_more_pending_migrationsU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time ����"(Put `rake db:migrate` on auto-pilotU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Jesse Storimer"(Put `rake db:migrate` on auto-pilot0T" ruby[�[""DebianPackageDownloader-0.6.0u;�y[" 1.4.0i"DebianPackageDownloaderU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.0u: Time %.����"~Debian Package Downloader is (going to be when completed) a useful tool for embedded developers working on embedded linuxU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 1.8.2: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 1.8.2; "hoe; @);F00["Mathew Chasan"Debian Package Downloader is (going to be when completed) a useful tool for embedded developers working on embedded linux. When working on embedded linux it can be0T" ruby[�["mongoid_param-0.1.1u;�[" 1.4.0i"mongoid_paramU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time ����")Parameterize your models in one lineU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;�["2.0.0.beta4: @name" mongoid:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jason Coene"oAddon to Mongoid that allows you to easily generate and query against human readable (parameterized) id's!0T" ruby[�["shh-0.2.1u;�`[" 1.4.0i"shhU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time e����"9command line utility for managing secure informationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;�["2: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�["0; " i18n; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�["0.8; " rake; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�["3; "activesupport; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�["2; "uuidtools; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�["0; "shell_shock; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�["0; " splat; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�["0; "flat_hash; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�["0; " gemesis; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�["1.6; " highline; @y;F00["Mark Ryall"]A command line utility that manages accounts and passwords as individual encypted files 0T" ruby[�["ffi-udis86-0.1.2u;�W[" 1.4.0i"ffi-udis86U:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time E����"ARuby FFI bindings for udis86, a x86 and x86-64 disassembler.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;�[" 0.6.0: @name" yard:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 0.6.0["<=U;�[" 1.1.0; "ffi; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 0.3.0; "ore-tasks; @8;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 2.4.0; " rspec; @B;F00["Postmodern"Yffi-udis86 provides Ruby FFI bindings for the udis86, a x86 and x86-64 disassembler.0T" ruby[�["id_please-0.8.0u;�[" 1.4.0i"id_pleaseU:Gem::Version[" 0.8.0u: Time ����"!Access control gem for railsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "ruby-debug; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "thoughtbot-factory_girl; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "searchlogic; @=;F00["James Stuart"Access control gem0T" ruby[�["dmarkov-right_aws-1.10.0u;�s[" 1.4.0i"dmarkov-right_awsU:Gem::Version[" 1.10.0u: Time e����"QInterface classes for the Amazon EC2/EBS, SQS, S3, SDB, and ACF Web ServicesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 1.2.4: @name"right_http_connection:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["RightScale" Inc."== DESCRIPTION: The RightScale AWS gems have been designed to provide a robust, fast, and secure interface to Amazon EC2, EBS, S3, SQS, SDB, and CloudFront. These gems have been used in production by RightScale since late 2006 and are being maintained to track enhancements made by Amazon. The RightScale AWS gems comprise: - RightAws::Ec2 -- interface to Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) and the associated EBS (Elastic Block Store) - RightAws::S3 and RightAws::S3Interface -- interface to Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) - RightAws::Sqs and RightAws::SqsInterface -- interface to first-generation Amazon SQS (Simple Queue Service) (API version 2007-05-01) - RightAws::SqsGen2 and RightAws::SqsGen2Interface -- interface to second-generation Amazon SQS (Simple Queue Service) (API version 2008-01-01) - RightAws::SdbInterface and RightAws::ActiveSdb -- interface to Amazon SDB (SimpleDB) - RightAws::AcfInterface -- interface to Amazon CloudFront, a content distribution service == FEATURES:0T" ruby[�["consoleappsupport-0.6.2u;�o[" 1.4.0i"consoleappsupportU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.2u: Time f����"The ConsoleAppSupport module provides some commonly-desired behavior for command-line programs: currently command-line parsing; config file loading; and log4r integrationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 2.3.3: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " log4r; @3;F00[" benton"HThe ConsoleAppSupport module provides some commonly-desired behavior for command-line programs: currently command-line parsing; config file loading; and log4r integration. Its primary audience is Ruby coders who need to frequently and quickly write special-purpose scripts that are nevertheless flexible and self-documenting.0T" ruby[�["simplegeo-test-1.0.0u;�[" 1.4.0i"simplegeo-testU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time D����"A SimpleGeo Ruby ClientU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 1.2.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 0.4.0; " oauth; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 1.2.0; " fakeweb; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "json_pure; @=;F00["Andrew Mager"�0T" ruby[�[" merb-plugins-app-config-0.5u;�[" 1.4.0i"merb-plugins-app-configU:Gem::Version["0.5u: Time *����"NMerb plugin that provides easy to use Application Configurations via YAMLU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["1.0: @name"merb-assets:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["1.0; " merb; @);F00["Jacques Crocker"NMerb plugin that provides easy to use Application Configurations via YAML0T" ruby[�["super_crud-0.1.0u;�[" 1.4.0i"super_crudU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time %����"5Abstracts some helper model and controller logicU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["John Paul Narowski"HThis is a admin system abstraction to get you up and running faster0T" ruby[�[" ruport_json_formatter-1.0.1u;�[" 1.4.0i"ruport_json_formatterU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time D����"'Adds json output support to ruportU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " ruport; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " json; @3;F00["Doug Bryant"'Adds json output support to ruport0T" ruby[�["raw-0.49.0u;�[" 1.4.0i"rawU:Gem::Version[" 0.49.0u: Time %����" The best Ruby Web FrameworkU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0.5: @name"ruby-breakpoint:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 3.0.4; " RedCloth; @);F00["George K. Moschovitis"Raw provides everything you need to develop professional Web applications using Ruby and Javascript. Raw redefines Rapid Application Development by providing a clean, yet efficient API and a layer of domain specific languages implemented on top of Ruby. Raw is Web 2.0 ready, featuring excellent support for AJAX, XML, Syndication while staying standards compliant. Raw is part of the Nitro Mega Framework.0T" ruby[�["bot-away-1.2.0u;�[" 1.4.0i" bot-awayU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.0u: Time ĥ����"cUnobtrusively detects form submissions made by spambots, and silently drops those submissions.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 1.3.2: @name"rspec-rails:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 2.3.5; "actionpack; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 1.1.1; "sc-core-ext; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 1.4.0; " jeweler; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 1.3.0; " rspec; @G;F00["Colin MacKenzie IV"cUnobtrusively detects form submissions made by spambots, and silently drops those submissions.0T" ruby[�["flix4r-0.2.3u;�[" 1.4.0i" flix4rU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.3u: Time d����"Ha port of the google code project: http://code.google.com/p/flix4r/U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Brian Dunn"�0T" ruby[�["code-snippets-0.2.13u;�[" 1.4.0i"code-snippetsU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.13u: Time d����"code-snippetsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00[�"�0T" ruby[�["antonio-1.0.0u;�/[" 1.4.0i" antonioU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time ����"!Hide yo' kids, hide yo' wifeU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;�[" 1.5.1: @name" jeweler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " shoulda; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " rcov; @=;F00["Kacy Fortner"hThere's rapists out there. Use Antonio to quickly hide files and directories from the command line.0T" ruby[�["snipplr-0.0.9u;�[" 1.4.0i" snipplrU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.9u: Time ģ����"'Command line interface for snipplrU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;�["0.7: @name" optiflag:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Ronen Narkis"rSnipplr gem is intended to be used as command line api to publish delete and view code entires in snipplr.com0T" ruby[�["ruckus-0.6.0u;�_[" 1.4.0i" ruckusU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.0u: Time ����"%A DOM-Inspired Ruby Smart FuzzerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name" jeweler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" tduehr" tqbf"-Ruckus: A DOM-Inspired Ruby Smart Fuzzer0T" ruby[�["frenchrevcal-ruby-1.0.0u;�F[" 1.4.0i"frenchrevcal-rubyU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time ����"Tfrenchrevcal-ruby implements the French Revolutionary (or Republican) calendar.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Jonathan Badger"Tfrenchrevcal-ruby implements the French Revolutionary (or Republican) calendar.0T" ruby[�["jberkel-mysql-ruby-2.8.1u;�E[" 1.4.0i"jberkel-mysql-rubyU:Gem::Version[" 2.8.1u: Time #����"MySQL driver for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Masahiro TOMITA"This is the MySQL API module for Ruby. It provides the same functions for Ruby programs that the MySQL C API provides for C programs. 0T" ruby[�["rubycurl-1.7.3u;�[" 1.4.0i" rubycurlU:Gem::Version[" 1.7.3u: Time $b����"0Easy use of curl for getting html, xml, etcU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00[" arbarlow"0Easy use of curl for getting html, xml, etc0T" ruby[�["rest-client-1.6.1u;�[" 1.4.0i"rest-clientU:Gem::Version[" 1.6.1u: Time ����"[Simple REST client for Ruby, inspired by microframework syntax for specifying actions.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 1.16: @name"mime-types:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Adam Wiggins"Julien Kirch"A simple Simple HTTP and REST client for Ruby, inspired by the Sinatra microframework style of specifying actions: get, put, post, delete.0T" ruby[�["ray-0.0.1u;�[" 1.4.0i"rayU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time ����"7A library to write games (or to play with) in RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name" yard:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " jeweler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " psp_task; @=;F00["Mon ouïe"Written to play with Ruby0T" ruby[�["padrino-gen-0.9.20u;�K[" 1.4.0i"padrino-genU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.20u: Time e����"EGenerators for easily creating and building padrino applicationsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 1.0.2: @name" bundler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "git; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;�[" 0.9.20; "padrino-core; @3;F00[ "Padrino Team"Nathan Esquenazi"Davide D'Agostino"Arthur Chiu"VGenerators for easily creating and building padrino applications from the console0T" ruby[�["stylo-0.8.6u;�[" 1.4.0i" styloU:Gem::Version[" 0.8.6u: Time E����"=A javascript and css combining/minifying rack middlewareU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name" cucumber:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " bundler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "rack-test; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 2.1.0; " rspec; @=;F00["Mike Wagg"A rack middleware which does css and javascript combining and minification for sites hosted in readonly filesystem environments such as heroku.com0T" ruby[�["rack_dav-0.1.3u;�[" 1.4.0i" rack_davU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time ����"WebDAV handler for RackU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Matthias Georgi"WebDAV handler for Rack0T" ruby[�[" dm-persevere-adapter-0.72.0u;�[" 1.4.0i"dm-persevere-adapterU:Gem::Version[" 0.72.0u: Time d����"'A DataMapper Adapter for persevereU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;�["1.0: @name" dm-types:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "addressable; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " rake; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�["1.0; " dm-core; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "ruby-debug; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�["1.0; "dm-aggregates; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " rspec; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "dm-validations; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " jeweler; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "dm-migrations; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " yard; @~;F00["Ivan R. Judson"Ryan Heimbuch".The Yogo Data Management Development Team"'A DataMapper Adapter for persevere0T" ruby[�["rspider-0.8.4u;�[" 1.4.0i" rspiderU:Gem::Version[" 0.8.4u: Time !����"Web cralwerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00[" Renlu Xu"�0T" ruby[�["roles_mongoid-0.4.5u;�[" 1.4.0i"roles_mongoidU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.5u: Time E����"4Implementation of Roles generic API for MongoidU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 1.1.5: @name" bson:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 1.2.0; "require_all; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 0.3.5; "sugar-high; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�["2.0.0.rc.5; " mongoid; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 0.7.0; "generator-spec; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�["2.0.0.rc.5; " mongoid; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 2.4.0; " rspec; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 0.2.1; "logging_assist; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 0.3.6; "roles_generic; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 0.3.5; "sugar-high; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 0.3.6; "roles_generic; @~;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 1.1.5; " bson; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 3.0.3; "activesupport; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 1.2.0; "require_all; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 0.2.1; "logging_assist; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 0.3.1; "rails3_artifactor; @;F00["Kristian Mandrup"GMakes it easy to set a role strategy on your User model in Mongoid0T" ruby[�["protester-0.1.6u;�[" 1.4.0i"protesterU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.6u: Time D����"!your trusty, tireless testerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name" minitest:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " capybara; @);F00[" Jinzhu"!your trusty, tireless tester0T" ruby[�["ec2meta-0.1u;�[" 1.4.0i" ec2metaU:Gem::Version["0.1u: Time ����"+ec2 instance metadata wrapper for rubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Harry Vangberg"+ec2 instance metadata wrapper for ruby0T" ruby[�["#refinerycms-white_papers-1.0.1u;�[" 1.4.0i"refinerycms-white_papersU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time ����")White Papers engine for Refinery CMSU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["David Christiansen"7Ruby on Rails White Papers engine for Refinery CMS0T" ruby[�["rack-maintenance-0.3.0u;�[" 1.4.0i"rack-maintenanceU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time _����"'Detect and show a maintenance pageU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " yard; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["1.0; " rack; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " rspec; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " yard; @G;F00["David Dollar"'Detect and show a maintenance page0T" ruby[�["benofsky-yajl-ruby-0.7.7u;� [" 1.4.0i"benofsky-yajl-rubyU:Gem::Version[" 0.7.7u: Time ����"LRuby C bindings to the excellent Yajl JSON stream-based parser library.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Ben McRedmond"Brian Lopez"Lloyd Hilaiel"�0T" ruby[�["tradingrobotdsl-0.0.2u;�t[" 1.4.0i"tradingrobotdslU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time ����"<Domain specific language for automated trading (robots)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 1.3.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Timur Adigamov"This is an alpha test quality release. I specifically DO NOT recommend that it be used for live trading under any circumstances. It has not been tested. I am releasing it in the hopes that the many eyes of the community will help with enhancing it, so that we all will have a robust and reliable library to use. == FEATURES/PROBLEMS: * get quotes from opentick servers * simple average indicator realized :) * order placement (buy/sell) doesn't work == SYNOPSIS: robot do login 'test_opentick', '123123' history :duration => 300, :from => Time.now-10*24*3600, :to => Time.now query MSFT do if (avg MSFT, 9)/(avg MSFT, 25) - 1 > 0.5 puts "buy MSFT" end if (avg MSFT, 9)/(avg MSFT, 25) - 1 < - 0.5 puts "sell MSFT" end end # query end # robot0T" ruby[�["rzabbix-0.2u;�f[" 1.4.0i" rzabbixU:Gem::Version["0.2u: Time ����" Zabbix API client for Ruby.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Neer Friedman";A ruby API to access zabbix configuration via HTTP API0T" ruby[�["br-nanite-0.3.0u;�[" 1.4.0i"br-naniteU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time %n����"+self assembling fabric of ruby daemonsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 0.6.0: @name" amqp:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " extlib; @);F00["Ezra Zygmuntowicz"+self assembling fabric of ruby daemons0T" ruby[�["boots-0.0.0u;�[" 1.4.0i" bootsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.0u: Time n����"7require libraries and manage load paths succinctlyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" davidlee"Iallows you to avoid typing require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__))0T" ruby[�["pauldix-ruby-gmail-0.2.0u;�D[" 1.4.0i"pauldix-ruby-gmailU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time $����"DA Rubyesque interface to Gmail, with all the tools you'll need.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 2.2.1: @name" mail:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "shared-mime-info; @);F00["BehindLogic"A Rubyesque interface to Gmail, with all the tools you'll need. Search, read and send multipart emails; archive, mark as read/unread, delete emails; and manage labels.0T" ruby[�["yaestraier-0.0.15u;�[" 1.4.0i"yaestraierU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.15u: Time $����"5This gem is ruby bindings of yaestraier and qdbmU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 2.6.2: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 2.0.4; "rubyforge; @);F00["Takayuki YAMAGUCHI"|This gem is ruby bindings of yaestraier and qdbm. yaestraier is a forked version of a full-text search system hyperestraier.0T" ruby[�["turnstile-0.1.1u;�[" 1.4.0i"turnstileU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time $����"#Simple authorization for railsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Bruno Milare"#Simple authorization for rails0T" ruby[�["fxri-0.3.7u;�[" 1.4.0i" fxriU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.7u: Time d"����"EGraphical interface to the RI documentation, with search engine.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 1.2.0: @name" fxruby:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[�"pFxRi is an FXRuby interface to the RI documentation, with a search engine that allows for search-on-typing.0T" ruby[�["tod-1.0.0u;�[" 1.4.0i"todU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time ����"Supplies TimeOfDay classU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name" mocha:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " shoulda; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "test-unit; @3;F00["Jack Christensen"ZSupplies TimeOfDay class that includes parsing, strftime, comparison, and arithmetic.0T" ruby[�["selenium-rspec-dsl-1.0.2u;�;[" 1.4.0i"selenium-rspec-dslU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2u: Time d����"#A DSL using Selenium and RspecU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Scott Gillenwater"wA DSL using Selenium and Rspec that simplifies the creation, maintainability, and readablilty of automation tests.0T" ruby[�["palettes-0.1.0u;�[" 1.4.0i" palettesU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time %+����"EPalettes accesses the ColourLovers API through a Waves instance.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "cassandra; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " hoshi; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " waves; @=;F00[" ab5tract")Palettes is for making masterpieces.0T" ruby[�["hurricane-0.0.2u;�[" 1.4.0i"hurricaneU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time D����"DHurricane is a tiny tool to parser WordPress eXtended RSS file.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name" bacon:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Daniel Tamiosso"DHurricane is a tiny tool to parser WordPress eXtended RSS file.0T" ruby[�["toe-0.4.0u;�/[" 1.4.0i"toeU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.0u: Time D����"A tap development suiteU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 0.7.0: @name" tap-gen:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Simon Chiang"�0T" ruby[�["responders_backport-0.1.2u;�9[" 1.4.0i"responders_backportU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time ����"EBringing Rails 3 Responders to your obsolete Rails 2.3.x apps =)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["George Guimarães"José Valim"EBringing Rails 3 Responders to your obsolete Rails 2.3.x apps =)0T" ruby[�["Pulse-1.3.3u;�[" 1.4.0i" PulseU:Gem::Version[" 1.3.3u: Time ����"Extensible IRC libraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Mikkel Kroman"�0T" ruby[�["ABO-0.0.2u;�[" 1.4.0i"ABOU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time $����"$RUBY ABO banking format libraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Josef Šimánek"$RUBY ABO banking format library0T" ruby[�["sinatra-minify-0.2.3u;�[" 1.4.0i"sinatra-minifyU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.3u: Time $����""CSS/JS compressor for SinatraU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name"rack-test:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[ "Rico Sta. Cruz"Cyril David" Sinefunc" Inc."Csinatra-minify is an extension for Sinatra to compress assets.0T" ruby[�["gem-toolbox-0.0.2u;�[" 1.4.0i"gem-toolboxU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time ����"JAdds extra commands to RubyGems: open, doc, history, readme and visitU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;�[" 0.3.5: @name" launchy:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Gudleik Rasch"pGem-Toolbox is a RubyGems plugin that adds extra commands to RubyGems: open, doc, history, readme and visit0T" ruby[�["lipsum-1.2.0u;�[" 1.4.0i" lipsumU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.0u: Time e����")Get placeholder text from lipsum.comU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name" nokogiri:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Gregoire Lejeune"TThis class allow you to retrive "lorem ipsum" placeholder text from lipsum.com.0T" ruby[�["tog-0.5.4u;� [" 1.4.0i"togU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.4u: Time D_����"3extensible open source social network platformU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 2.3.2: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 2.3.2; "will_paginate; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 3.0.4; " RedCloth; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 0.9.1; " rubyzip; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 0.2.7; " oauth; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 1.3.2; " rubigen; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 1.0.3; " newgem; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 0.5.2; " desert; @e;F00["Aitor García"Alberto Molpeceres"Roberto Salicio"3extensible open source social network platform0T" ruby[�["%lperichon-devise_invitable-0.3.0u;�.[" 1.4.0i"lperichon-devise_invitableU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time D����"&An invitation strategy for deviseU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;�[" 1.1.0: @name" devise:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " webrat; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " mocha; @3;F00["Sergio Cambra"~It adds support for send invitations by email (it requires to be authenticated) and accept the invitation setting the password0T" ruby[�["git-trip-0.0.5u;�^[" 1.4.0i" git-tripU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time $����"Visualize git commit SHAsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 1.6.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Dale Campbell"0Visualize git commit SHAs. It's nerd acid!0T" ruby[�["caruby-core-1.4.2u;�[" 1.4.0i"caruby-coreU:Gem::Version[" 1.4.2u: Time ū����"(Ruby facade for caBIG applications.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name"dbi:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "uom; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "fastercsv; @3;F00[" OHSU"K caRuby is a JRuby facade for interaction with caBIG applications. 0T" ruby[�["%has_many_through_generator-0.4.0u;�~[" 1.4.0i"has_many_through_generatorU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.0u: Time d����"VHas Many Through is a rails generator for models with a many-to-many relationshipU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00[�"Generates two ActiveRecord models, a many-to-many model, and a *has_many :other_model, :through => :join_model* relationship between them0T" ruby[�["scambra-ar_mailer-2.1.7u;�y[" 1.4.0i"scambra-ar_mailerU:Gem::Version[" 2.1.7u: Time E����"0A two-phase delivery agent for ActionMailerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 0.9.8: @name" mocha:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 1.5.0; " minitest; @);F00["Eric Hodel"Adam Meehan"Sergio Cambra"Even delivering email to the local machine may take too long when you have to send hundreds of messages. ar_mailer allows you to store messages into the database for later delivery by a separate process, ar_sendmail.0T" ruby[�["poscvt-0.1u;�#[" 1.4.0i" poscvtU:Gem::Version["0.1u: Time Ė����"TPosition Converter is a ruby gem for converting between various position units.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Mathew Cucuzella"6Position Converter is a ruby gem to gonvert positions (latitude/longitude) between different units. This gem does not have any user interfaces, but there are several available, at least one for each of the major platforms; *nix, MacOS and MSW. It's best used as a desktop widget when woring with map programs.0T" ruby[�["coffee-haml-filter-0.4.0u;�[" 1.4.0i"coffee-haml-filterU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.0u: Time ����"(Haml filter for inline coffeescriptU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 1.3.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " yard; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " haml; @3;F00["Alan Harper"(Haml filter for inline coffeescript0T" ruby[�["celerity-0.8.7u;�[" 1.4.0i" celerityU:Gem::Version[" 0.8.7u: Time ����"cCelerity is a JRuby library for easy and fast functional test automation for web applications.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["1.0: @name" sinatra:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " yard; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 2.0.0; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " mongrel; @=;F00["Jari Bakken"T. Alexander Lystad"Knut Johannes Dahle"Celerity is a JRuby wrapper around HtmlUnit – a headless Java browser with JavaScript support. It provides a simple API for programmatic navigation through web applications. Celerity provides a superset of Watir's API.0T" ruby[�["InlineAttachment-0.3.0u;�![" 1.4.0i"InlineAttachmentU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time ����"|A package created from a Rails patch (ticket #2179) that automatically embedded images found in your ActionMailer templates.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Edmond Leung"�0T" ruby[�["chit-0.0.6u;�[" 1.4.0i" chitU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.6u: Time D����"FChit is A command line tool for cheat sheet utility based on git.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["1.0: @name"schacon-git:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 1.5.3; "hoe; @);F00[" Robin Lu"FChit is A command line tool for cheat sheet utility based on git.0T" ruby[�["#locomotive_carrierwave-;�u[" 1.4.0i"locomotive_carrierwaveU:Gem::Version[" Time d����"Ruby file upload libraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;�[" 0.3.7: @name"fog:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "RubyInline; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 3.0.0; " rails; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " cucumber; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "dm-sqlite-adapter; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;�["2.0.0.beta.17; " mongoid; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " bson_ext; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 1.3.0; " rspec; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " sequel; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " timecop; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " rmagick; @~;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "image_science; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " json; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "sqlite3-ruby; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�["3.0; "activesupport; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�["2.1; "mini_magick; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "dm-migrations; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " dm-core; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "dm-validations; @;F00["Jonas Nicklas"Didier Lafforgue"kUpload files in your Ruby applications, map them to a range of ORMs, store them on different backends.0T" ruby[�["booty-0.1.1u;�D[" 1.4.0i" bootyU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time ����"YBring 'er alongside. Tis be eh Ruby gem that converts english t' pirate speak. Arrr.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Michael Deering"YBring 'er alongside. Tis be eh Ruby gem that converts english t' pirate speak. Arrr.0T" ruby[�["goruby-0.2.0u;�[" 1.4.0i" gorubyU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time D����"*Gene Ontology (GO) interface for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "bio; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "array_pair; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " rsruby; @=;F00["Ben J Woodcroft"GoRuby makes it easy to interact with the Gene Ontology by using the infrastructure setup in R. By connecting to R using RSRuby, the database and methods can be interrogated. Plus, keeping the R library up to date is much simpler than having to keep a GO implementation up to date.0T" ruby[�["ratom-0.6.7u;�[" 1.4.0i" ratomU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.7u: Time ����")Atom Syndication and Publication APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 1.1.2; "libxml-ruby; @);F00["Peerworks"Sean Geoghegan"@A fast Atom Syndication and Publication API based on libxml0T" ruby[�["arguments-0.6u;�[" 1.4.0i"argumentsU:Gem::Version["0.6u: Time %����"SYou don't have to wait until Ruby 2.0 to get (named|keyword) arguments supportU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 2.5.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 2.0.2; "ruby_parser; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 3.0.3; "ParseTree; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 2.0.3; "rubyforge; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 0.3.0; "gemcutter; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;�[" 1.1.9; "ruby2ruby; @Q;F00["Macario Ortega"You don't have to wait until Ruby 2.0 to get (named|keyword) arguments support. Arguments has been tested with Ruby 1.8.6 and ruby 1.9.1 and eventually will work with JRuby (if someone is interested in contributing, I guess is possible since merb-action-args works with JRuby)0T" ruby[�["capmongrel-0.0.1u;�[" 1.4.0i"capmongrelU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time d����"/Plugin for capistrano to deploy to mongrelU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Alan Harper"/Plugin for capistrano to deploy to mongrel0T" ruby[�["fhlow-1.91.1u;�[" 1.4.0i" fhlowU:Gem::Version[" 1.91.1u: Time '����"tA working environment that speeds up and structures the design process of technology independent digital chips.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Simon Lasselsberger"�0T" ruby[�["ruby-github-0.0.3u;�[" 1.4.0i"ruby-githubU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time ����"IRuby-GitHub is a simple wrapper library for the evolving GitHub API.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 1.5.1: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 0.0.3; " mash; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " json; @3;F00["Michael Bleigh"IRuby-GitHub is a simple wrapper library for the evolving GitHub API.0T" ruby[�[" respond_with_backport-0.3.0u;�[" 1.4.0i"respond_with_backportU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time E����"3Backport of Rails 3 respond_with functionalityU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Tom Riley"3Backport of Rails 3 respond_with functionality0T" ruby[�["$mysql_replication_monitor-0.1.6u;�^[" 1.4.0i"mysql_replication_monitorU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.6u: Time $����"a helper class for monitoring replication between two mysql dbs. Rails environment only and depends on multiple_connection_handler.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name" multiple_connection_handler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Brian Percival"Connects to both master and slave and compares their status, allowing you to check whether the slave is running and whether slave is caught up to master 0T" ruby[�["milkfarm-onix-0.8.6u;�[" 1.4.0i"milkfarm-onixU:Gem::Version[" 0.8.6u: Time $����"KA convient mapping between ruby objects and the ONIX XML specificationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name" andand:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 3.1.6; "yob-roxml; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["1.4; " nokogiri; @3;F00["James Healy"KA convient mapping between ruby objects and the ONIX XML specification0T" ruby[�["itunes-0.3.0u;�-[" 1.4.0i" itunesU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time ����" iTunesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name" httparty:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Garrett Bjerkhoel"iTunes API0T" ruby[�["cricinfo-0.0.3u;�[" 1.4.0i" cricinfoU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time d����"AAn interface to cricinfo.com game data (current games only).U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 2.0.4: @name"rubyforge:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 2.6.1; "hoe; @);F00["Andrew S Williams"AAn interface to cricinfo.com game data (current games only).0T" ruby[�["1activerecord-sqlserver-adapter-schemas-1.0.2u;�[" 1.4.0i"+activerecord-sqlserver-adapter-schemasU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2u: Time $����";Adds schema support to activerecord-sqlserver-adapter.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name"#activerecord-sqlserver-adapter:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Airlite Plastics";Adds schema support to activerecord-sqlserver-adapter.0T" ruby[�["rwdziprwdweliza-0.05u;�[" 1.4.0i"rwdziprwdwelizaU:Gem::Version[" 0.05u: Time $����"Crwdeliza is linguistic tools for rwdtinker and RubyWebDialogs.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Steven Gibson"Crwdeliza is linguistic tools for rwdtinker and RubyWebDialogs.0T" ruby[�["range_operators-0.1.1u;�[" 1.4.0i"range_operatorsU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time ����"A gem that adds range methods to Ruby's Range and Array classes. (Range#+, Range#-, Array#rangify, Array#intersection, Array#missing)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00[" monocle"A gem that adds range methods to Ruby's Range and Array classes. (Range#+, Range#-, Array#rangify, Array#intersection, Array#missing)0T" ruby[�["echoe-4.3.1u;�0[" 1.4.0i" echoeU:Gem::Version[" 4.3.1u: Time $����"xA Rubygems packaging tool that provides Rake tasks for documentation, extension compiling, testing, and deployment.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name"rubyforge:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "gemcutter; @);F00["Evan Weaver"xA Rubygems packaging tool that provides Rake tasks for documentation, extension compiling, testing, and deployment.0T" ruby[�["resque-fairly-1.0.1u;�[" 1.4.0i"resque-fairlyU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time ����"%Fair queue processing for ResqueU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;�["1.0: @name" resque:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @);F00["Peter Williams"Normally resque processes queues in a fixed order. This can lead to jobs in queues at the end of the list not getting process for very long periods. resque-fairly provides a mechanism where by workers are distributed across the set of queues with pending jobs fairly. This results in a much more predictable mean time to handling for jobs in queues that are not the first in the list. 0T" ruby[�["bcrypt-ruby-2.1.4u;�C[" 1.4.0i"bcrypt-rubyU:Gem::Version[" 2.1.4u: Time ����"3OpenBSD's bcrypt() password hashing algorithm.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name"rake-compiler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " rspec; @);F00["Coda Hale" bcrypt() is a sophisticated and secure hash algorithm designed by The OpenBSD project for hashing passwords. bcrypt-ruby provides a simple, humane wrapper for safely handling passwords. 0T" ruby[�["gregwebs-oauth-;�[" 1.4.0i"gregwebs-oauthU:Gem::Version[" Time a����"#OAuth Core Ruby implementationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 1.2.3: @name" newgem:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 0.3.1; "ruby-hmac; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " rack; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 1.8.0; "hoe; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "actionpack; @G;F00[ "Pelle Braendgaard"Blaine Cook"Larry Halff"Jesse Clark"Jon Crosby"Seth Fitzsimmons"Matt Sanford"#OAuth Core Ruby implementation0T" ruby[�["account_scopper-0.2.0u;�B[" 1.4.0i"account_scopperU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time j����"uAccount Scopper: Automatically scope your ActiveRecord's model by account. Ideal for multi-account applications.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 2.3.4: @name"activerecord:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @);F00["Sebastien Grosjean"uAccount Scopper: Automatically scope your ActiveRecord's model by account. Ideal for multi-account applications.0T" ruby[�["stats_combiner-0.0.3u;�[" 1.4.0i"stats_combinerU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time ����"KStatsCombiner creates most-viewed story widgets from the Chartbeat APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name"chartbeat:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " sequel; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " hpricot; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " rspec; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " timecop; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " fakeweb; @Q;F00[" Al Shaw"GA tool to create most-viewed story widgets from the Chartbeat API.0T" ruby[�["pancake-0.3.0u;�6[" 1.4.0i" pancakeU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time d����"%Eat Pancake Stacks for BreakfastU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name" rake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "rack-accept-media-types; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�["1.1; " rack; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " json; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "rack-test; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " thor; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 0.2.3; " any_view; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;�[" 0.2.5; "http_router; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["3.0.0.beta4; "activesupport; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " wrapt; @y;F00["Daniel Neighman"%Eat Pancake Stacks for Breakfast0T" ruby[�["brfaker-0.1.0u;�e[" 1.4.0i" brfakerU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time ����"'Generate Brazilian faker documentsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 3.0.0: @name"activerecord:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " rcov; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " shoulda; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 1.5.1; " jeweler; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 3.0.2; "brcpfcnpj; @Q;F00["Rafael Felix"'Generate Brazilian faker documents0T" ruby[�["stemmer4r-0.6u;�E[" 1.4.0i"stemmer4rU:Gem::Version["0.6u: Time Q����"XStemmer4r is a Ruby extension that wraps the snowball stemmer library (libstemmer).U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Fabien POTENCIER"XStemmer4r is a Ruby extension that wraps the snowball stemmer library (libstemmer).0T" ruby[�["remotipart-0.2.1u;�>[" 1.4.0i"remotipartU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time ����"mRemotipart is a Ruby on Rails gem enabling remote multipart forms (AJAX style file uploads) with jQuery.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Greg Leppert"Remotipart is a Ruby on Rails gem enabling remote multipart forms (AJAX style file uploads) with jQuery. This gem augments the native Rails jQuery remote form function enabling asynchronous file uploads with little to no modification to your application. It requires jQuery (http://jquery.com), the Rails jQuery driver (http://github.com/rails/jquery-ujs), and the jQuery Form plugin (http://jquery.malsup.com/form/). 0T" ruby[�["new_base_60-1.0.3u;�d[" 1.4.0i"new_base_60U:Gem::Version[" 1.0.3u: Time ����""Handy Conversion Sexagesimal (base 60) for Short URLs Cuts out ambiguous characters like: * l : lowercase l (looks like a 1 : one) * I : capital I (looks like a 1 : one) * O : capital O (looks like a 0 : zero) Based on work done by Tantek Çelik : http://tantek.pbworks.com/New_base_60U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 2.6.1: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Shane Becker""Handy Conversion Sexagesimal (base 60) for Short URLs Cuts out ambiguous characters like: * l : lowercase l (looks like a 1 : one) * I : capital I (looks like a 1 : one) * O : capital O (looks like a 0 : zero) Based on work done by Tantek Çelik : http://tantek.pbworks.com/New_base_600T" ruby[�["%active_record_shards-2.0.0.beta2u;�[" 1.4.0i"active_record_shardsU:Gem::Version["2.0.0.beta2u: Time e����"0Simple database switching for ActiveRecord.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">U;�[" 1.3.10[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name" bundler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " mocha; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " shoulda; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " rake; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 2.3.5; "activerecord; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "ruby-debug; @Q;F00["Mick Staugaard"Eric Chapweske"5Easily run queries on shard and slave databases.0T" ruby[�["itunes-search-api-0.1.0u;�[" 1.4.0i"itunes-search-apiU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time d����",Ruby interface to the ITunes Search APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " webmock; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " httparty; @3;F00["Richard Livsey"�0T" ruby[�["sr_uniquify-0.1.1u;�[" 1.4.0i"sr_uniquifyU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time Ů����"/Generate a unique token with Active RecordU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Spencer Roach"/Generate a unique token with Active Record0T" ruby[�["shallow-0.1.1u;�[" 1.4.0i" shallowU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time $����"BA gem for creating cached response for expensive method callsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Jeremy Friesen"BA gem for creating cached response for expensive method calls0T" ruby[�["ruby-tables-0.1.5u;�i[" 1.4.0i"ruby-tablesU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.5u: Time Ņ����"Lua tables for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 1.2.2: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Nicholas Wright":The table data structure from lua implemented in Ruby0T" ruby[�["rcl-0.0.5u;�[" 1.4.0i"rclU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time ����"Ramsey's Common LibraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Ramsey Dow"�0T" ruby[�["casein-3.1.7u;�[" 1.4.0i" caseinU:Gem::Version[" 3.1.7u: Time ����"%A lightweight Ruby on Rails CMS.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;�[" 2.1.6: @name"authlogic:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 3.0.pre2; "will_paginate; @);F00["Russell Quinn"Spoiled Milk"ZCasein is an open source CMS for Ruby on Rails, originally developed by Spoiled Milk.0T" ruby[�["bodyparts-1.2.0u;�[" 1.4.0i"bodypartsU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.0u: Time Ė����"LSeparates new messages from included reply chains in the body of emailsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name" tmail:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " mail; @3;F00["Max Ogden"LSeparates new messages from included reply chains in the body of emails0T" ruby[�[" spree_inactive_taxons-1.0.0u;�4[" 1.4.0i"spree_inactive_taxonsU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time ����"Add gem summary hereU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 0.40.2: @name"spree_core:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[�"�0T" ruby[�["spammable-0.0.1u;�[" 1.4.0i"spammableU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time ����"BA gem to manage spam and abusive users in a Rails applicationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 1.0.0: @name" bundler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jimmy Cuadra"6Spammable is a Ruby gem to help manage spam and abusive users in a Rails application. It allows you to easily mark a model as potentially spammable or bannable. You can then easily mark a record as spam, which can automatically mark all records by the same user as spam, and optionally mark the user as banned.0T" ruby[�["schema-0.0.5u;�[" 1.4.0i" schemaU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time Ŭ����"Schemas for hashesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;�["2.2: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " yard; @);F00["Daniel Kirsch"4Deep type conversion through schemas for hashes0T" ruby[�["ruby-spreadsheet-0.6.5u;�[" 1.4.0i"ruby-spreadsheetU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.5u: Time e����"PThe Spreadsheet Library is designed to read and write Spreadsheet DocumentsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name" rcov:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">U;�["1.2; " ruby-ole; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " jeweler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " ruby-ole; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " bundler; @G;F00["Dmitry Lihachev"Masaomi Hatakeyama"Zeno R.R. Davatz"TAs of version 0.6.0, only Microsoft Excel compatible spreadsheets are supported0T" ruby[�["rack-headers-0.1.0u;�[" 1.4.0i"rack-headersU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time ej����"IRack middleware to output the state of your request/response headersU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Ryan Daigle"�0T" ruby[�["merb_r18n-0.2.2u;�)[" 1.4.0i"merb_r18nU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.2u: Time W����"XA plugin for the Merb framework that provides i18n support to translate your site.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;�[" 0.2.2: @name"r18n-core:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "merb-core; @);F00["Andrey "A.I." Sitnik"zA plugin for the Merb framework that provides i18n support to translate your site in several languages. It is just a wrap for R18n core library. It can format numbers and time to the rules of the user locale, has translation for common words, storage translation in YAML format with pluralization and procedures and has special support for countries with two official languages.0T" ruby[�["fork_manager-0.0.3u;�[" 1.4.0i"fork_managerU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time $����"6A class for managing parallel forking operations.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Dustin Spinhirne"�0T" ruby[�["warden_omniauth-0.1.0u;�[" 1.4.0i"warden_omniauthU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time ĥ����""A warden adapter for omniauthU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 1.0.0: @name" bundler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " omniauth; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0.9; " warden; @3;F00["Daniel Neighman""A warden adapter for omniauth0T" ruby[�[" simplecov-gem-adapter-1.0.0u;�[" 1.4.0i"simplecov-gem-adapterU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time ����"/SimpleCov adapter for a standard Ruby Gem.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name"simplecov:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Michael Edgar"For some reason, there's no adapter for a gem in SimpleCov, an excellent, simple Ruby 1.9 coverage tool. So this one defines one in about 8 lines of code.0T" ruby[�["ntimeline-0.1.0u;�[" 1.4.0i"ntimelineU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time ����"description of gemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Keita Yamaguchi"description of gem0T" ruby[�["httmultiparty-0.2u;�W[" 1.4.0i"httmultipartyU:Gem::Version["0.2u: Time %����"RHTTMultiParty is a thin wrapper around HTTParty to provide multipart uploads.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name" fakeweb:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 0.7.3; " httparty; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "multipart-post; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " rspec; @=;F00["Johannes Wagener"RHTTMultiParty is a thin wrapper around HTTParty to provide multipart uploads.0T" ruby[�["fucking_goddamn_new-0.0.1u;�[" 1.4.0i"fucking_goddamn_newU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time ����"Why the fuck notU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00[" BM5k"Swear in your code!0T" ruby[�["wheels_routes-0.0.1u;�[" 1.4.0i"wheels_routesU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time $����"2Adds routes specific to the wheels generator.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Tyler Gannon"ACall wheels_resources in routes.rb to get routes for wheels.0T" ruby[�["tor-0.1.2u;�[" 1.4.0i"torU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time $����"Onion routing for Ruby.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 0.5.8: @name" yard:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 1.3.0; " rspec; @);F00["Arto Bendiken"RTor.rb is a pure-Ruby library for interacting with the Tor anonymity network.0T" ruby[�["facade-1.0.5u;�][" 1.4.0i" facadeU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.5u: Time E����">An easy way to implement the facade pattern in your classU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Daniel J. Berger" The facade library allows you to mixin singleton methods from classes or modules as instance methods of the extending class. 0T" ruby[�["ast_ast-0.2.1u;�[" 1.4.0i" ast_astU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time ����"String -> Tokens (-> Tree)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["2.1: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Joshua Hawxwell"Easily convert strings into tokens. In the future you will be able to convert these into a tree as well, but this is far from finished. 0T" ruby[�["as3corelib-0.93.0u;�[" 1.4.0i"as3corelibU:Gem::Version[" 0.93.0u: Time $����"AS3Corelib ActionScript 3 source wrapped in a Sprout::Specification for implementation into a sprout project and Gem::Specification for distribution as a gem.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name" rake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["1.0.0.pre; " flashsdk; @);F00["Mike Chambers"Amos Lanka"An ActionScript 3 Library that contains a number of classes and utilities for working with ActionScript 3. These include classes for MD5 and SHA 1 hashing, Image encoders, and JSON serialization as well as general String, Number and Date APIs.0T" ruby[�["google_set-0.2.0u;�S[" 1.4.0i"google_setU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time ����"Simple API for Google SetsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Daniel Cadenas"Simple API for Google Sets0T" ruby[�["folio-0.4.0u;�*[" 1.4.0i" folioU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.0u: Time *����"5Folio is a better way to access the file system.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["%tigerops-community@rubyforge.org" 7rans <transfire@gmail.com>"5Folio is a better way to access the file system.0T" ruby[�["fake_arel-0.9.3u;�[" 1.4.0i"fake_arelU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.3u: Time E����"* Tired of waiting for Rails 3 and its new super-sweet query interface? Try fake_arel! * Fake_arel is a gem that will simulate the new Rails 3 query interface, using named_scopes and a couple small patches to ActiveRecordU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 2.6.2: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 2.3.5; "activerecord; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 2.0.4; "rubyforge; @3;F00["Grant Ammons"* Tired of waiting for Rails 3 and its new super-sweet query interface? Try fake_arel! * Fake_arel is a gem that will simulate the new Rails 3 query interface, using named_scopes and a couple small patches to ActiveRecord. * This should serve as a nice bridge between Rails 2 and Rails 3 apps, and can be removed once upgrading your app to rails 3, and everything (hopefully) should still work.0T" ruby[�["aperture-0.3.5u;�[" 1.4.0i" apertureU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.5u: Time %o����">Statistical analysis library for Aperture Photo LibrariesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 3.0.0: @name" plist:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 2.10.0; " shoulda; @);F00["Kyle Burckhard"{Parses out the files from a Aperture Photo Library to give useful figures and check consistancy of the Library itself.0T" ruby[�["template_streaming-0.0.11u;�[" 1.4.0i"template_streamingU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.11u: Time D����"6Rails plugin which enables progressive rendering.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["George Ogata"XAdds a #flush helper to Rails which flushes the output buffer to the client early. 0T" ruby[�[")jordan-brough-hoptoad_notifier-2.3.0u;�[" 1.4.0i"#jordan-brough-hoptoad_notifierU:Gem::Version[" 2.3.0u: Time D����"OSend your application errors to our hosted service and reclaim your inbox.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " nokogiri; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " shoulda; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "actionpack; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "jferris-mocha; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "activerecord; @Q;F00["thoughtbot"inc"Jordan Brough"�0T" ruby[�["has_enumeration-1.0.2u;�[" 1.4.0i"has_enumerationU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2u: Time E����":Support for symbol-based enumerations in ActiveRecordU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 2.3.8: @name"activerecord:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Greg Spurrier"eExtends ActiveRecord with the has_enumeration method allowing a symbolic enumeration to be stored in an ActiveRecord attribute. The enumeration is specified as a mapping between symbols and their underlying representation in the database. Predicates are provided for each symbol in the enumeration and the symbols may be used in finder methods. When using ActiveRecord 3, the symbols may also be used when interacting with the underlying Arel attribute for the enumeration. has_enumeration has been tested with Ruby 1.8.7, Ruby 1.9.2, JRuby 1.5.5, Rubinius 1.1.0, ActiveRecord 2.3.10, and ActiveRecord 3.0.3. 0T" ruby[�["legacy_data-0.2.1u;�[" 1.4.0i"legacy_dataU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time Ŭ����"9Create ActiveRecord models from an existing databaseU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;�[" 2.1.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 3.0.1; "activerecord; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 1.3.1; "sqlite3-ruby; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 0.8.7; " rake; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 0.9.1; "foreigner; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 3.0.1; "activesupport; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 3.0.1; " railties; @[;F00["Alex Rothenberg"9Create ActiveRecord models from an existing database0T" ruby[�[" nmea-0.4u;�[" 1.4.0i" nmeaU:Gem::Version["0.4u: Time DJ����"QTo use NMEA parser, you should somehow get data stream from your gps device.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Max Lapshin"�0T" ruby[�["han-converter-0.5.0u;�[" 1.4.0i"han-converterU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.0u: Time d����".Converts traditional / simplified ChineseU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Matt Aimonetti".Converts traditional / simplified Chinese0T" ruby[�["fresh_simplehttp-0.1.7u;�[" 1.4.0i"fresh_simplehttpU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.7u: Time Ď����")simple_http: Simple Http client lib.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Wilker Lucio"Psimple_http: Simple Http client lib. Use to do http requests without noise.0T" ruby[�["hello_world-0.0.2u;�[" 1.4.0i"hello_worldU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time ����".A gem that illustrates how to build a gemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Chris Young".A gem that illustrates how to build a gem0T" ruby[�["tinderbox-1.0.0u;�[" 1.4.0i"tinderboxU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time ����"=Tinderbox says, "I'm gonna light you on fire."U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 1.1.7: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 3.4.0; " ZenTest; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 1.0.0; "firebrigade_api; @=;F00["Eric Hodel"http://seattlerb.rubyforge.org/tinderbox == DESCRIPTION: Tinderbox tests projects and tries to make them break by running them on as many different platforms as possible. == FEATURES/PROBLEMS:0T" ruby[�[""markauskas-googlereader-0.1.3u;�[" 1.4.0i"markauskas-googlereaderU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time ň����"#Ruby wrapper for Google ReaderU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 1.2.0; " json; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 0.3.2; "markauskas-googlebase; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0.3; " atom; @=;F00["Tomas Markauskas"John Nunemaker"�0T" ruby[�["sprockets-1.0.2u;�([" 1.4.0i"sprocketsU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2u: Time G����"7JavaScript dependency management and concatenationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Sam Stephenson"\Sprockets is a Ruby library that preprocesses and concatenates JavaScript source files.0T" ruby[�["rubymurray-0.1.2u;�%[" 1.4.0i"rubymurrayU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time ����"%A Ruby port of Perl's Sub::CurryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Ross Bamford"lRuby Murray is a Ruby port of Perl's Sub::Curry, originally written for Ruby Quiz #64 (Port a library).0T" ruby[�["roman4r-0.1.1u;�[" 1.4.0i" roman4rU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time ����"/Transfer between arabic and roman numeralsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00[" samsam"/Transfer between arabic and roman numerals0T" ruby[�["bake.clj-0.3.2u;�+[" 1.4.0i" bake.cljU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.2u: Time ����")Build tools got you down? Get baked!U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Justin Balthrop"Lance Bradley"^Add equal parts clojure, ruby, love, and tenderness. Bake at 350 for 1 minute. Delicious.0T" ruby[�["hash-utils-0.4.1u;�[" 1.4.0i"hash-utilsU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.1u: Time E����"Adds some useful well known methods similar to appropriate Array methods to Hash and some useful methods known from Python to both of them. Also defines some utility method for other data types.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;�[" 1.5.2: @name" jeweler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @);F00["Martin Kozák"�0T" ruby[�["subdomain_routes-0.3.1u;�s[" 1.4.0i"subdomain_routesU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.1u: Time $e����"XA Rails library for incorporating subdomains into route generation and recognition.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 2.2.1: @name"actionpack:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Matthew Hollingworth" SubdomainRoutes add subdomain conditions to the Rails routing system. Routes may be restricted to one or many specified subdomains. An URL will be recognised only if the host subdomain matches the subdomain specified in the route. Route generation is also enhanced, so that the subdomain of a generated URL (or path) will be changed if the requested route has a different subdomain to that of the current request. Model-based subdomain routes can also be defined. 0T" ruby[�["ruby-regress-0.0.1u;�[" 1.4.0i"ruby-regressU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time ����"5CLI tool for computing correlation (Pearson's r)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 0.2.0: @name" wrong:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Trevor Fountain"gRuby implementation of Gary Perlman's `regress` tool from (the difficult to obtain) |STAT package.0T" ruby[�["!rspec-hpricot-matchers-0.0.3u;�[" 1.4.0i"rspec-hpricot-matchersU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time e����"@Replace have_tag to enable advanced selectors using HpricotU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name" hpricot:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Nando Vieira"QA http://github.com/pd/rspec_hpricot_matchers 'switch back to hpricot' port 0T" ruby[�["rightscale_api-0.4.0u;�k[" 1.4.0i"rightscale_apiU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.0u: Time e����"*A Ruby Wrapper for the RightScale APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name" httparty:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["David Michael"*A Ruby Wrapper for the RightScale API0T" ruby[�["refinerycms-news-1.0u;�[" 1.4.0i"refinerycms-newsU:Gem::Version["1.0u: Time ů����"/Ruby on Rails news engine for RefineryCMS.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;�[" 0.9.8: @name"refinerycms:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Resolve Digital"nA really straightforward open source Ruby on Rails news engine designed for integration with RefineryCMS.0T" ruby[�["feedzirra-0.0.24u;�[" 1.4.0i"feedzirraU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.24u: Time eF����"xA feed fetching and parsing library that treats the internet like Godzilla treats Japan: it dominates and eats all.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">U;�[" 0.0.0: @name" nokogiri:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " diff-lcs; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 0.0.12; "sax-machine; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 0.3.1; " loofah; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 2.1.2; " builder; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 0.2.3; " curb; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 2.3.8; "activesupport; @e;F00[" Paul Dix"�0T" ruby[�["mock-aws-s3-0.6.0u;�[" 1.4.0i"mock-aws-s3U:Gem::Version[" 0.6.0u: Time ����"OA Mock AWS::S3 so you can use it in your tests without hitting the networkU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Joshua Krall"PA Mock AWS::S3 so you can use it in your tests without hitting the network.0T" ruby[�["MeChallenge-1.0.1u;�1[" 1.4.0i"MeChallengeU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time E.����"uThis command line utility simulates n number of personal challenge combats in the PBM game Ware in Middle Earth.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 1.8.2: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 1.8.2; "hoe; @);F00["Chesley Coughlin"uThis command line utility simulates n number of personal challenge combats in the PBM game Ware in Middle Earth.0T" ruby[�["dormouse-0.0.1.a2u;�*[" 1.4.0i" dormouseU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1.a2u: Time D����"fActiveRecord models are so wise, we should use there wisdom instead of being stubborn and stupid.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">U;�[" 1.3.10[�00["Simon Menke"-Build CMS's in a snap using just models.0T" ruby[�[")activerecord-jdbcderby-adapter-1.1.1u;�][" 1.4.0i"#activerecord-jdbcderby-adapterU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.1u: Time ����"+Derby JDBC adapter for JRuby on Rails.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;�[" 1.1.1: @name"activerecord-jdbc-adapter:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 2.0.4; "rubyforge; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 10.6.0; "jdbc-derby; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 2.6.2; "hoe; @=;F00["Nick Sieger"$Ola Bini and JRuby contributors"7Install this gem to use Derby with JRuby on Rails.0T" ruby[�["wss4r-0.5u;�[" 1.4.0i" wss4rU:Gem::Version["0.5u: Time ����"Some descriptionU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Roland Schmitt"�0T" ruby[�["ruby_it-0.1.0u;�h[" 1.4.0i" ruby_itU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time E����":Executable and Object class to evaluate erb templatesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Morgan Prior" Comand Line Interface (CLI) and Object class can be used to evaluate erb template files file.rtxt will be turnealuated and written as file.txt 0T" ruby[�["rfeedparser_ictv-0.9.932u;�[" 1.4.0i"rfeedparser_ictvU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.932u: Time ����"%Parse RSS and Atom feeds in RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 1.0.1: @name" mongrel:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;�[" 4.0.0; "htmlentities; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 1.10; "htmltools; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0.2; "character-encodings; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;�["0.5; " hpricot; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 1.4.1; "activesupport; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["1.1; " rchardet; @[;F00["Jeff Hodges"�0T" ruby[�["mongrel-soap4r-0.0.1u;�[" 1.4.0i"mongrel-soap4rU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time ����"HHost SOAP web services using Mongrel as the underlying HTTP server.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Jared Hanson"�0T" ruby[�["chugalug-0.0.1u;�[" 1.4.0i" chugalugU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time ����"A wrapper around libcsv.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Josh Ferguson"A wrapper around libcsv.0T" ruby[�["more_validators-0.1.3u;�V[" 1.4.0i"more_validatorsU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time đ����":Rails gem/plugin that provides a series of validatorsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00[ "Rafael Barbolo"Ximon Eighteen" Dan Kubb"Thijs van der Vossen"QRails gem/plugin that implements a series of ActiveRecord validation helpers0T" ruby[�["cheap_skate-0.0.9u;�[" 1.4.0i"cheap_skateU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.9u: Time ����"(A very simple Solr emulator in RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name" ferret:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "fastercsv; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " sinatra; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " hpricot; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " json; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " uuid; @Q;F00["Ross Singer"{A Solr-like interface for situations where running a Java application server is not an option (such as shared web hosting).0T" ruby[�["js-get-0.1.7u;�[" 1.4.0i" js-getU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.7u: Time f����"#cli javascript library installU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 1.0.3; "rest-client; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 0.1.2; " crack; @3;F00["Tom Wilson"3command line interface to install js libraries0T" ruby[�["heroku_addon-0.0.0u;�%[" 1.4.0i"heroku_addonU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.0u: Time %����""Create your own Heroku addon.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;�[" 2.1.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " cucumber; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " rcov; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 1.5.1; " jeweler; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @G;F00["Umair Siddique""Create your own Heroku addon.0T" ruby[�["thorsson_cups-0.0.31u;�~[" 1.4.0i"thorsson_cupsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.31u: Time ����"-A lightweight Ruby library for printing.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Ivan Turkovic"Chris Mowforth" Ruby CUPS provides a wrapper for the Common UNIX Printing System, allowing rubyists to perform basic tasks like printer discovery, job submission & querying. 0T" ruby[�["rcv-0.0.5u;�[" 1.4.0i"rcvU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time D����"+RCV is a simple comic viewer for LinuxU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Kazuki Uchida"+RCV is a simple comic viewer for Linux0T" ruby[�["pkg-config-1.0.8u;�[" 1.4.0i"pkg-configU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.8u: Time ����"(A pkg-config implmenetation by RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 2.6.1: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 2.0.4; "rubyforge; @);F00["Kouhei Sutou"(A pkg-cofnig implementation by Ruby0T" ruby[�["fakefs-0.3.1u;�[" 1.4.0i" fakefsU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.1u: Time E����"-A fake filesystem. Use it in your tests.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00[ "Chris Wanstrath"Scott Taylor"Jeff Hodges"Pat Nakajima"-A fake filesystem. Use it in your tests.0T" ruby[�["unicodechars-0.0.2u;�[" 1.4.0i"unicodecharsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time ŧ����"description of gemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["yehudakatz"description of gem0T" ruby[�["squealer-2.2.2u;�C[" 1.4.0i" squealerU:Gem::Version[" 2.2.2u: Time ����"/Export document-oriented database to RDBMSU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 1.3.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 0.18.3; " mongo; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 0.10.2; "do_postgres; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 0.10.2; "data_objects; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 1.0.1; " bson_ext; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 0.10.2; " do_mysql; @Q;F00[ "Josh Graham"Durran Jordan"Matt Yoho"Bernerd Schaefer"A Ruby DSL for exporting MongoDB to MySQL or PostgreSQL. You don't need to install both, just one. Use EXPORT_DBMS=[mysql|postgres] environment variable to specify the appropriate adapter.0T" ruby[�["#hierarchical_page_titles-0.1.1u;�l[" 1.4.0i"hierarchical_page_titlesU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time ����"dA gem that provides controller and view methods to make displaying of window/page titles DRYer.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Elliot Winkler"dA gem that provides controller and view methods to make displaying of window/page titles DRYer.0T" ruby[�["fabulator-exhibit-0.0.7u;�[" 1.4.0i"fabulator-exhibitU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.7u: Time ����"AFabulator Extension providing Exhibit-style NoSQL databases.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 2.1.0: @name" uuid:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 0.0.9; "fabulator; @);F00["James Smith"JProvides language extensions to manage Exhibit-style NoSQL databases.0T" ruby[�["adv_accessor-0.1.0u;�[" 1.4.0i"adv_accessorU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time %����"adv_accessorU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;�[" 1.5.1: @name" jeweler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " fattr; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 2.2.0; " rspec; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "mharris_ext; @G;F00["Mike Harris"adv_accessor0T" ruby[�["qpid-0.1.2u;�4[" 1.4.0i" qpidU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time f����"oInterface to medical record search systems based on the QPID (Queriable Patient Inference Dossier) system.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" @name"httpclient:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 2.3.3; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 0.3.0; "happymapper; @3;F00["Tarik K. Alkasab"<The QPID (Queriable Patient Inference Dossier, developed at Massachusetts General Hospital) aggregates and permits semantic searching of electronic medical record systems. The Qpid gem provides a ruby interface to the web service which QPID-based systems offer for searching and accessing medical record information.0T" ruby[�["madcowley-jambase4r-1.1.3u;�[" 1.4.0i"madcowley-jambase4rU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.3u: Time ė����"Ruby JamBase API library.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Matt Payne"Matt Cowley"UA Ruby library use to access the JamBase API. Forked from Matt Payne's original.0T" ruby[�["merb_parts-0.9.14u;�[" 1.4.0i"merb_partsU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.14u: Time h����"0Merb plugin that provides Part Controllers.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 0.9.9: @name"merb-core:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @);F00["Daniel Neighman"0Merb plugin that provides Part Controllers.0T" ruby[�["mafti-0.0.1u;�[" 1.4.0i" maftiU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time h����"-Microsoft Access Formatted Text ImporterU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Paul Hinze"\Get the stupid 'formatted text' output from Microsoft Access imported to something sane0T" ruby[�["kindleclippings-1.2.2u;�[" 1.4.0i"kindleclippingsU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.2u: Time ����"GA gem to parse Kindle's "My Clippings.txt" file into ruby objects.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Georg Alexander Boe"GA gem to parse Kindle's "My Clippings.txt" file into ruby objects.0T" ruby[�["four_bites_aes-1.0.1u;�[" 1.4.0i"four_bites_aesU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time Em����"Obsfuscate your ID'sU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Mark Percival"JUseful for URL shortners and places where you don't want guessed ID's0T" ruby[�["jiji-1.2.8u;�[" 1.4.0i" jijiU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.8u: Time ń����"(open and free fx auto trade system.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;�[" 1.1.2: @name"ruby-json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;�[" 1.5.0; " highline; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;�[" 2.0.0; "uuidtools; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;�[" 1.3.0; " needle; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 0.1.1; "sbiclient; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 2.1.5; "httpclient; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;�[" 0.9.1; " rubyzip; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 0.1.9; "clickclient_scrap; @e;F00["Masaya Yamauchi"�0T" ruby[�["firstfm-0.0.1u;�:[" 1.4.0i" firstfmU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time %����"(A ruby wrapper for the Last.fm APIsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 2.3.12: @name"will_paginate:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 0.5.2; " httparty; @);F00["Aleksandr Lossenko"Firstfm is a ruby wrapper for the Last.fm APIs ( http://www.last.fm/api ). My main focus is to import events from Last.FM, but with time I will try to add support for all API methods.0T" ruby[�["integrity-nabaztag-0.1.0u;�[" 1.4.0i"integrity-nabaztagU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time $e����"&A Nabaztag notifier for integrityU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Daniel Morrison"&A Nabaztag notifier for integrity0T" ruby[�["mogo-resque-1.11.0u;�[" 1.4.0i"mogo-resqueU:Gem::Version[" 1.11.0u: Time D����".Resque is a Redis-backed queueing system.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;�[" 0.1.2: @name" vegas:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 0.9.2; " sinatra; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 0.8.0; "redis-namespace; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 1.4.6; " json; @=;F00["Chris Wanstrath" Resque is a Redis-backed Ruby library for creating background jobs, placing those jobs on multiple queues, and processing them later. Background jobs can be any Ruby class or module that responds to perform. Your existing classes can easily be converted to background jobs or you can create new classes specifically to do work. Or, you can do both. Resque is heavily inspired by DelayedJob (which rocks) and is comprised of three parts: * A Ruby library for creating, querying, and processing jobs * A Rake task for starting a worker which processes jobs * A Sinatra app for monitoring queues, jobs, and workers. 0T" ruby[�["lumix-0.0.1u;�[" 1.4.0i" lumixU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time D����"8A concordancer for corpus-based linuistic research.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name" sweet:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "jdbc-postgres; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " sequel; @3;F00["Michael Klaus"8A concordancer for corpus-based linuistic research.0T" ruby[�["gibbler-0.8.6u;�q[" 1.4.0i" gibblerU:Gem::Version[" 0.8.6u: Time ����".Gibbler: Git-like hashes for Ruby objectsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 0.4.0: @name" attic:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Delano Mandelbaum".Gibbler: Git-like hashes for Ruby objects0T" ruby[�["daikon-0.7.0u;�[" 1.4.0i" daikonU:Gem::Version[" 0.7.0u: Time ����"#daikon, a radishapp.com clientU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name" timecop:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " jeweler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 1.1.0; " daemons; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 0.3.8; " excon; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 1.4.6; "json_pure; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " bourne; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 2.1.1; " redis; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " cucumber; @o;F00["Nick Quaranto"#daikon, a radishapp.com client0T" ruby[�["sinatra-croon-0.2.1u;�[" 1.4.0i"sinatra-croonU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time Ĝ����"6Create documentation for an API built in Sinatra.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;�[" 3.0.12: @name" haml:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 0.7.1; " webrat; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�["1.0; " sinatra; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�["2.0.0.beta.5; " rspec; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 0.8.7; " rake; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 0.5.4; "rack-test; @Q;F00["David Dollar"6Create documentation for an API built in Sinatra.0T" ruby[�["runner-0.0.0u;�/[" 1.4.0i" runnerU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.0u: Time ����"Run commandsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["David Leal"Run commands0T" ruby[�["rdp-ruby-wmi-0.3.1u;� [" 1.4.0i"rdp-ruby-wmiU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.1u: Time m����"mruby-wmi is an ActiveRecord style interface for Microsoft's Windows Management Instrumentation provider.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Gordon Thiesfeld"ruby-wmi by Gordon Thiesfeld http://ruby-wmi.rubyforge.org/ gthiesfeld@gmail.com == DESCRIPTION: ruby-wmi is an ActiveRecord style interface for Microsoft's Windows Management Instrumentation provider. Many of the methods in WMI::Base are borrowed directly, or with some modification from ActiveRecord. http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveRecord/Base.html The major tool in this library is the #find method. For more information, see WMI::Base. There is also a WMI.sublasses method included for reflection. == SYNOPSIS: # The following code sample kills all processes of a given name # (in this case, Notepad), except the oldest. require 'ruby-wmi' procs = WMI::Win32_Process.find(:all, :conditions => { :name => 'Notepad.exe' } ) morituri = procs.sort_by{|p| p.CreationDate } #those who are about to die morituri.shift morituri.each{|p| p.terminate } == REQUIREMENTS: Windows 2000 or newer Ruby 1.8 == INSTALL: gem install ruby-wmi == LICENSE: (The MIT License) Copyright (c) 2007 Gordon Thiesfeld Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the 'Software'), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED 'AS IS', WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. 0T" ruby[�[" ranalytics-0.1.071029125738u;�[" 1.4.0i"ranalyticsU:Gem::Version["0.1.071029125738u: Time ����"$Ruby Google Analytics interfaceU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Mirek Rusin"�0T" ruby[�["can_has_fixtures-0.1.4u;�[" 1.4.0i"can_has_fixturesU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time D ����"%Library for generating fixtures.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00[�"�0T" ruby[�["numon-0.0.1u;�[" 1.4.0i" numonU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time ����"#A Ruby Object Mapper for MongoU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;�[" 0.9.8: @name" mocha:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;�[" 0.3.1; " timecop; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;�[" 2.10.2; " shoulda; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;�[" 0.4.0; "jnunemaker-matchy; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;�[" 0.19.1; " mongo; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;�[" 1.8.3; "jnunemaker-validatable; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;�["3.0.0.beta; "activesupport; @[;F00[" Nutheory"�0T" ruby[�["api-auth-0.9.0u;�[" 1.4.0i" api-authU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.0u: Time ����"-Simple HMAC authentication for your APIsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;�[" 1.6.0: @name"rest-client:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 2.3.2; "actionpack; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 2.3.2; "activeresource; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 0.7.7; " curb; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 2.4.0; " rspec; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 1.5.2; " jeweler; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 0.2.5; " amatch; @e;F00["Mauricio Gomes"GFull HMAC auth implementation for use in your gems and Rails apps.0T" ruby[�["rdf-json-0.3.0u;�<[" 1.4.0i" rdf-jsonU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time E����"!RDF/JSON support for RDF.rb.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 0.6.0: @name" yard:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 1.4.2; "json_pure; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 0.3.0; "rdf; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 0.3.0; " rdf-spec; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 2.1.0; " rspec; @G;F00["Arto Bendiken"9RDF.rb plugin for parsing/serializing RDF/JSON data.0T" ruby[�["quilt-0.0.4u;�[" 1.4.0i" quiltU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time ����"(a library for generating identicon.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00[" swdyh"(a library for generating identicon.0T" ruby[�["FarsiFu-0.1.0u;�[" 1.4.0i" FarsiFuU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time ����"WA library for converting numbers to Persian digits and spelling numbers in PersianU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Aziz Ashofte Bargi"�0T" ruby[�["droid-1.0.2preu;�[" 1.4.0i" droidU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2preu: Time ����"AMQP Wrapper LibraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">U;�[" 1.3.10[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 1.2.0: @name"json_pure:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 1.2.0; "rest-client; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 0.6.0; " bunny; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;�[" 0.6.7; " amqp; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "baconmocha; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 1.2.0; "SystemTimer; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;�[" 0.2.0; "eventmachine_httpserver; @[;F00["Ricardo Chimal"Jr."HEasy to use AMQP Library with constructs for typical usage patterns0T" ruby[�["pastr_it-1.0.2u;�[" 1.4.0i" pastr_itU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2u: Time M����"<A command line program to paste text to http://pastr.itU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name"httpclient:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[ "Jayson Vaughn"Michael Fellinger"Kevin Berry"TJ Vanderpoel"�0T" ruby[�["suprdate-1.0.0u;�T[" 1.4.0i" suprdateU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time ň����";Date value objects. An OO base for working with dates.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Ollie Saunders"Provides year, month, and day values objects for the purposes of traversal, iteration, comparison, conversion, and arithmetic. 0T" ruby[�["make-text-search-0.1.1u;�[" 1.4.0i"make-text-searchU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time ����"4Adapts the native Full Text Search of the RDBMSU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Ayose Cazorla"Some RDBMS (like PostgreSQL 8.3 and newer) implement full text search directly, so you don't need external tools. This Rails plugin gives that functionality in a generic way.0T" ruby[�["milk-0.1.1u;�[" 1.4.0i" milkU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time W����"Milk is a rack based content management system built for ease of use and simplicity. Milk tastes great with and without cookies.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 2.0.9: @name" haml:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 0.6.0; " maruku; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 1.0.0; " rack; @3;F00["Tim Caswell"�0T" ruby[�["keystorage-0.4.3u;� [" 1.4.0i"keystorageU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.3u: Time ����"$Simple password storage commandU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;�[" 1.5.2: @name" jeweler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " shoulda; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " rcov; @=;F00["Yoshihiro TAKAHARA":This is a command to store and manage your passwords.0T" ruby[�["information_card-0.1.0u;�[" 1.4.0i"information_cardU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time d����"/A library for processing information cardsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00[" Joe Poon"Jason Sallis"�0T" ruby[�["pg_dumper-0.0.2u;�[[" 1.4.0i"pg_dumperU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time ����"LAdds Rake tasks to easily dump postgresql database with or without dataU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00[" mikz"~Provides abstraction layer between pg_dump utility and ruby. Also adds rake task to easily dump database with or without data.0T" ruby[�["FakeWeb-1.1.2u;�[" 1.4.0i" FakeWebU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.2u: Time ����"@A test helper that makes it simple to test HTTP interactionU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">U;�[" 0.0.0: @name" rcov:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">U;�[" 0.0.0; " rake; @);F00["Blaine Cook"�0T" ruby[�["itunes-connect-0.12.1u;�M[" 1.4.0i"itunes-connectU:Gem::Version[" 0.12.1u: Time ����"$Get your iTunes Connect ReportsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name" fakeweb:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 1.0.0; "mechanize; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 1.0.1; " clip; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�["1.2; "sqlite3-ruby; @G;F00["Alex Vollmer"CProgrammatic and command-line access to iTunes Connect Reports0T" ruby[�["yahoo_jp_transit-0.1.2u;�8[" 1.4.0i"yahoo_jp_transitU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time ����"PScraping library for Yahoo! route information.(http://transit.yahoo.co.jp/)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["winebarrel"PScraping library for Yahoo! route information.(http://transit.yahoo.co.jp/)0T" ruby[�["werewolf-0.0.0u;�[" 1.4.0i" werewolfU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.0u: Time ����"�U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Jason L Perry"�0T" ruby[�["timekeeper-0.2.2u;�[" 1.4.0i"timekeeperU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.2u: Time d����",Timekeeper. Keeping track of your time.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;�[" 1.0.0; "rufus-tokyo; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 1.5.0; "fastercsv; @3;F00[" atog",Timekeeper. Keeping track of your time.0T" ruby[�["effigy-0.4.0u;�)[" 1.4.0i" effigyU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.0u: Time ċ����"QEffigy provides a view and template framework without a templating language.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name" nokogiri:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Joe Ferris"Define views in Ruby and templates in HTML. Avoid code interpolation or ugly templating languages. Use ids, class names, and semantic structures already present in your documents to produce content.0T" ruby[�["conflict-1.0.0u;�[" 1.4.0i" conflictU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time d����"XNotifies a developer of conflicts between his/her work and that of other developersU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Dennis Byrne"�0T" ruby[�["win32console-1.3.0u;�D[" 1.4.0i"win32consoleU:Gem::Version[" 1.3.0u: Time ʼn����"\Win32::Console allows controling the windows command line terminal thru an OO-interfaceU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 2.5.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 0.3.0; "gemcutter; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 0.7.0; "rake-compiler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 2.0.3; "rubyforge; @=;F00["Gonzalo Garramuno"Justin Bailey"Luis Lavena"Win32::Console allows controling the windows command line terminal thru an OO-interface. This allows you to query the terminal (find its size, characters, attributes, etc). The interface and functionality should be identical to Perl's counterpart. A port of Perl's Win32::Console and Win32::Console::ANSI modules. This gem packages Gonzalo Garramuno's Win32::Console project, and includes a compiled binary for speed. The Win32::Console project's home can be found at: http://rubyforge.org/projects/win32console0T" ruby[�["tidy-1.1.2u;�[" 1.4.0i" tidyU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.2u: Time I����"0Ruby interface to HTML Tidy Library ProjectU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Kevin Howe"�0T" ruby[�["ruby_diff-0.2u;�[" 1.4.0i"ruby_diffU:Gem::Version["0.2u: Time D$����"Ga higher level diff application for analyzing changes to ruby codeU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 1.7.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�["2.1; "ParseTree; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 1.7.0; "hoe; @3;F00["Adam Sanderson"�0T" ruby[�["rails_metrics-0.1u;�,[" 1.4.0i"rails_metricsU:Gem::Version["0.1u: Time Ņ����"LMetrics measurement for your app on top of ActiveSupport::NotificationsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["José Valim"LMetrics measurement for your app on top of ActiveSupport::Notifications0T" ruby[�["'radiant-fabulator-extension-0.0.10u;�[" 1.4.0i" radiant-fabulator-extensionU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.10u: Time ����"(Fabulator Extension for Radiant CMSU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 0.0.10: @name"fabulator:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["James Smith"`Creates a Fabulator page type allowing applications to be built using the fabulator engine.0T" ruby[�["cloudkey-0.0.1u;�t[" 1.4.0i" cloudkeyU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time ũ����" Bla blaU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;�[" 2.0.1: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 0.7.8; " curb; @);F00["Jean-Hadrien Chabran"Boubacar Diallo" bla bla0T" ruby[�["sme-configdb-0.1u;�[" 1.4.0i"sme-configdbU:Gem::Version["0.1u: Time ����"2A db API for the esmith dbs on the SME ServerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Michael P. Soulier"3A db API for the esmith dbs on the SME Server.0T" ruby[�["rcscript-0.1.1u;�[" 1.4.0i" rcscriptU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time %n����"]Primarily a command-line utility for downloading and executing Ruby Scripting Files(RSF)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00[�"�0T" ruby[�["media-path-0.2.preu;�[" 1.4.0i"media-pathU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.preu: Time %����"^MediaPath abstraction that provides easier interaction with paths and corresponding URLs.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">U;�[" 1.3.10[�00["#Jakub Šťastný aka Botanicus"�0T" ruby[�["extendmatrix-0.3.1u;�*[" 1.4.0i"extendmatrixU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.1u: Time ����"The project consists of some enhancements to the Ruby "Matrix" module and includes: LU and QR (Householder, Givens, Gram Schmidt, Hessenberg) decompositions, bidiagonalization, eigenvalue and eigenvector calculationsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 2.6.1: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 2.0.4; "rubyforge; @);F00["Cosmin Bonchis"The project consists of some enhancements to the Ruby "Matrix" module and includes: LU and QR (Householder, Givens, Gram Schmidt, Hessenberg) decompositions, bidiagonalization, eigenvalue and eigenvector calculations. Include some aditional code to obtains marginal for rows and columns. Original code from http://rubyforge.org/projects/matrix/ , done by Cosmin Bonchis as a Google Summer of Code 2007 project for Ruby Central Inc. Gem, github repository and current version manteined by Claudio Bustos.0T" ruby[�["abstraction-0.0.4u;�[" 1.4.0i"abstractionU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time %l����"Abstract classes for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Peter Jaros"Abstract classes for Ruby0T" ruby[�["sinatra-activerecord-0.1.2u;�[" 1.4.0i"sinatra-activerecordU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time b����"KExtends Sinatra with activerecord helpers for instant activerecord useU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 0.9.4: @name" sinatra:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Blake Mizerany"KExtends Sinatra with activerecord helpers for instant activerecord use0T" ruby[�["rpostf-0.1.1u;�[" 1.4.0i" rpostfU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time $����"1PostFinance (Swiss Post) Payment Gateway APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Phil Hofmann"Bgenerate PostFinance (Swiss Post) URLs and vaildate responses0T" ruby[�["recliner-0.0.1u;�[" 1.4.0i" reclinerU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time c����"CouchDB ORM for Ruby/RailsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Sam Pohlenz"URecliner is a CouchDB ORM for Ruby/Rails similar to ActiveRecord and DataMapper.0T" ruby[�["honkster-friendly-0.5.3u;�[" 1.4.0i"honkster-friendlyU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.3u: Time č����"NoSQL with MySQL in RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name" cucumber:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 3.7.0; " sequel; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "memcached; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "will_paginate; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "activesupport; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "jferris-mocha; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "json_pure; @e;F00["James Golick"�0T" ruby[�["netzke-communitypack-0.1.3u;�[" 1.4.0i"netzke-communitypackU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time ����"3Components for Netzke created by the communityU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 0.6.0: @name"netzke-basepack:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @);F00["Paul Spieker"eThe community pack for netzke contains components for Netzke which are provided by the community0T" ruby[�["wildsonet-hazelcast-0.0.5u;�[" 1.4.0i"wildsonet-hazelcastU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time %����"Hazelcast integrationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Marek Jelen"4Hazelcast integration and surrounding features.0T" ruby[�["rmre-0.0.2u;�[" 1.4.0i" rmreU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time ģ����"FThe easiest way to create ActiveRecord models for legacy databaseU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 3.0.0; "activerecord; @);F00["Bosko Ivanisevic"URmre creates ActiveRecord models for legacy database with all constraints found.0T" ruby[�["red-4.1.7u;�E[" 1.4.0i"redU:Gem::Version[" 4.1.7u: Time )����"�U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 1.8.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 1.0.6; " newgem; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 1.8.0; "hoe; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 1.0.6; " newgem; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 0.8.3; " rake; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 2.2.0; "ParseTree; @Q;F00["Jesse Sielaff"3Red writes like Ruby and runs like JavaScript.0T" ruby[�["iplogic-0.1.1u;�V[" 1.4.0i" iplogicU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time ����"(Because it's just a 32-bit integer.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;�["1.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jay Adkisson" An IPv4 swiss-army chainsaw0T" ruby[�["configfiles-0.4.0u;�{[" 1.4.0i"configfilesU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.0u: Time ����"tA simple library to specify the format of configuration files and the way to turn their data into Ruby objects.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name" facets:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Guido De Rosa"A simple library to specify the format of configuration files and the way to turn them into Ruby objects. Ruby1.9 centric. Uses some lazy evaluation. No write support: it's strongly sugested to use ERB or other templating systems for that.0T" ruby[�["buildr-as3-0.1.13u;�^[" 1.4.0i"buildr-as3U:Gem::Version[" 0.1.13u: Time e����">Buildr extension to allow ActionScript3/Flex development.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 1.4.4: @name" buildr:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " rcov; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 1.5.2; " jeweler; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " shoulda; @G;F00["Dominic Graefen"?Build like you code - now supporting ActionScript 3 & Flex0T" ruby[�["wcfrestcontrib-;�[" 1.4.0i"wcfrestcontribU:Gem::Version[" Time ġ����"Goodies for .NET WCF RestU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Mike O'Brien"aThe WCF REST Contrib library adds functionality to the current .NET WCF REST implementation.0T" ruby[�["tiny_fb_graph-0.1.1u;�[" 1.4.0i"tiny_fb_graphU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time ����",Tiny library for the Facebook Graph APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "rest-client; @);F00["Vinh CHUC"sTiny library for the Facebook Graph API. This library provides several things : methods to handle the OAuth base authentification : generating the login url, retrieving the access_token . And methods, based on the rest-client gem, that allow you to retrieve/post data/files from the Facebook Graph. These methods may raise a custom exception in the API encounters errors.0T" ruby[�["pg_query_analyzer-0.2u;�[" 1.4.0i"pg_query_analyzerU:Gem::Version["0.2u: Time ����"CProvides a PostgreSQL query analysis in your development logs.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Trevor Turk"CProvides a PostgreSQL query analysis in your development logs.0T" ruby[�["asset-resource-0.5.0u;�[" 1.4.0i"asset-resourceU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.0u: Time E����"GManage CSS/JS assets as dynamic resources rather than static filesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;�[" 1.6.1: @name"rest-client:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 0.9.8; " rcov; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 2.0.0; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 1.2.21; " less; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 3.0.23; " haml; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " rake; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�["0.6; " artifice; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 0.2.1; " fakefs; @e;F00["David Dollar"�0T" ruby[�["dnstraverse-0.0.1u;�L[" 1.4.0i"dnstraverseU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time dK����"#Complete DNS traversal checkerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 1.26: @name" dnsruby:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["James Ponder" DNSTraverse is a rubygem and command line program that allows you to traverse the DNS from the root exploring all possible ways of getting to the final destination domain name. The results are probabilities of which server will respond and what they will respond with.0T" ruby[�["dudemeister-uuid4r-0.1.3u;�k[" 1.4.0i"dudemeister-uuid4rU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time %����"BThis generates and parses UUID, based on OSSP uuid C library.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Daigo Moriwaki"Stefan Kaes"Ali Jelveh"k Contains make configuration changes since this thing is a bitch to compile correclty. This library generates and parses Universally Unique Identifier (UUID), based on OSSP uuid C library. So, libossp-uuid library is pre-required. OSSP uuid (http://www.ossp.org/pkg/lib/uuid/) is a ISO-C:1999 application programming interface (API) for the generation of DCE 1.1, ISO/IEC 11578:1996 and RFC 4122 compliant UUID. It supports DCE 1.1 variant UUIDs of version 1 (time and node based), version 3 (name based, MD5), version 4 (random number based) and version 5 (name based, SHA-1). 0T" ruby[�["bannermodule-0.1.4u;�[" 1.4.0i"bannermoduleU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time ����"Ramdom bannersU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Eduardo Cauli"Ramdom banners0T" ruby[�["%acts_as_audited_customized-1.3.2u;�U[" 1.4.0i"acts_as_audited_customizedU:Gem::Version[" 1.3.2u: Time ����"ActiveRecord extension that logs all changes to your models in an audits table additionally allowing you to specify which human model to use (if not 'User')U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["2.1: @name"activerecord:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "thoughtbot-shoulda; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "jnunemaker-matchy; @3;F00["Brandon Keepers"Pat George"�0T" ruby[�["ticketmaster-github-0.3.0u;�[" 1.4.0i"ticketmaster-githubU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time ����")The github provider for ticketmasterU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 0.3.0: @name" octopi:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @);F00["HybridGroup"IThis provides an interface with github through the ticketmaster gem.0T" ruby[�["ref-1.0.0u;�[" 1.4.0i"refU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time e����"GLibrary that implements weak, soft, and strong references in Ruby.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Brian Durand"Library that implements weak, soft, and strong references in Ruby that work across multiple runtimes (MRI, REE, YARV, Jruby, Rubinius, and IronRuby). Also includes implementation of maps/hashes that use references and a reference queue.0T" ruby[�["around-0.0.1u;��[" 1.4.0i" aroundU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time e����"kRedefine existing methods while calling their previous version by another name. No boilerplate needed.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Caio Chassot"�0T" ruby[�["!dsturnbull-carrierwave-0.4.9u;�[" 1.4.0i"dsturnbull-carrierwaveU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.9u: Time D����"fork of carrierwaveU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["David Turnbull"& Fork with some nice features 0T" ruby[�["zgomot-0.1.0u;�M[" 1.4.0i" zgomotU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time %����"4zgomot is a simple DSL for writting MIDI music.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 0.3.3: @name" midiator:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Troy Stribling"�0T" ruby[�["scorpion-0.0u;�[" 1.4.0i" scorpionU:Gem::Version["0.0u: Time g����"placeholderU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Tom Adams"Kexpect a release early November 2009 - until then, nothing to see here0T" ruby[�["schleyfox-grit-;�[" 1.4.0i"schleyfox-gritU:Gem::Version[" Time ����"Ruby Git bindings.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;�[" 1.15: @name"mime-types:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " mocha; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�["1.1; " diff-lcs; @3;F00["Tom Preston-Werner"Scott Chacon"jGrit is a Ruby library for extracting information from a git repository in an object oriented manner.0T" ruby[�["rwdshell-1.00u;�[" 1.4.0i" rwdshellU:Gem::Version[" 1.00u: Time DO����"jrwdshell is a GUI front end for operating system commands with rwdtinker and RubyWebDialogs features.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00[�"rwdshell is a GUI front end for operating system commands with rwdtinker and RubyWebDialogs features. Shell script runner, Ruby eval commands, calendar, mini calculator0T" ruby[�["reg-0.4.8u;�G[" 1.4.0i"regU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.8u: Time e����"2The reg pattern matching/replacement languageU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 0.2.3: @name" sequence:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Caleb Clausen"�0T" ruby[�["walrus-0.4u;�}[" 1.4.0i" walrusU:Gem::Version["0.4u: Time Ğ����"&Object-oriented templating systemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;�[" 1.3.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0.1; " wopen3; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["1.0; " mkdtemp; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " walrat; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " yard; @G;F00["Wincent Colaiuta"~ Walrus is an object-oriented templating system inspired by and similar to the Cheetah Python-powered template engine. 0T" ruby[�["the-perfect-gem-4.0.9u;�[" 1.4.0i"the-perfect-gemU:Gem::Version[" 4.0.9u: Time Ğ����"0the perfect gem (a testing gem for jeweler)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Josh Nichols"0the perfect gem (a testing gem for jeweler)0T" ruby[�["sproutbox-mousetrap-0.6.4u;�I[" 1.4.0i"sproutbox-mousetrapU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.4u: Time e����"%CheddarGetter API Client in RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 0.6.1: @name" httparty:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 2.3.3; "activesupport; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;�[" 1.2.3; "factory_girl; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["2.0.0.beta.20; " rspec; @=;F00[ "Jon Larkowski"Sandro Turriate"Wolfram Arnold"Corey Grusden"%CheddarGetter API Client in Ruby0T" ruby[�["qrz-callbook-0.0.1u;�[" 1.4.0i"qrz-callbookU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time E����"EA front end for the QRZ.COM Amateur Radio callsign database API.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name"xml-simple:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Brad McConahay"EA front end for the QRZ.COM Amateur Radio callsign database API.0T" ruby[�["aussiesms-1.0.1u;�m[" 1.4.0i"aussiesmsU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time $����",Send text messages via aussiesms.com.auU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" rodjek",Send text messages via aussiesms.com.au0T" ruby[�["extjs-mvc-0.4.0.ku;�[" 1.4.0i"extjs-mvcU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.0.ku: Time d����"OA Rails-like, full-stack MVC framework for the Ext JS javascript frameworkU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">U;�[" 1.3.10[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 0.13.4: @name" thor:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 0.1.1; " extjs; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "git; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " shoulda; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 0.1.6; " xmvc; @G;F00["Ed Spencer and Chris Scott"iA full-stack, Rails-like MVC for the Ext JS javascript framework (originally known as extmvc/extmvc)0T" ruby[�["terminal_color-0.0.1u;�[" 1.4.0i"terminal_colorU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time i����"Terminal colors.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Matthew Sadler"8A tiny Ruby library for colorizing terminal output.0T" ruby[�["super_finder-0.0.1u;�}[" 1.4.0i"super_finderU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time Č����"2TextMate's "cmd-T" functionality in a web appU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Didier Lafforgue"2TextMate's "cmd-T" functionality in a web app0T" ruby[�["'sinatra-authentication-dmeiz-0.3.2u;�[" 1.4.0i"!sinatra-authentication-dmeizU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.2u: Time $����".Simple authentication plugin for sinatra.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name"rack-flash:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "dm-validations; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "dm-migrations; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " dm-core; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " sinatra; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "rufus-tokyo; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " sinbook; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "dm-timestamps; @e;F00["Dan Hensgen".Simple authentication plugin for sinatra.0T" ruby[�["service_crud-0.0.5u;�[" 1.4.0i"service_crudU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time e����"DRY service crud.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["3.0: @name" rails:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Matt Parker"jA simple mixin for providing crud actions for a RESTful, ActiveResource style service (xml and json).0T" ruby[�["pimento-0.0.1u;�[" 1.4.0i" pimentoU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time d����"0Draw graphics using Mac OS X GUI ComponentsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "libxml-ruby; @);F00[" youpy"0Draw graphics using Mac OS X GUI Components0T" ruby[�["heist-0.3.2u;�[" 1.4.0i" heistU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.2u: Time ����"�U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 0.3.0: @name"gemcutter:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 2.5.0; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 2.0.3; "rubyforge; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " treetop; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " oyster; @G;F00["James Coglan"�0T" ruby[�["merbiful-release-0.2.10u;�[" 1.4.0i"merbiful-releaseU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.10u: Time _����"+Merb plugin that provides a simple CMSU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Martin Kihlgren"+Merb plugin that provides a simple CMS0T" ruby[�["andparcel-0.4.1u;�[" 1.4.0i"andparcelU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.1u: Time ę����"0Support for Android Parcel packaging systemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 1.15: @name" trollop:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 0.4.2; "rio; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 1.4.1; " nokogiri; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 1.2.3; " json; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " protest; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 0.9.4; " rubyzip; @Q;F00["Mark Murphy"hSupplies the parcel command for packaging, installing, and removing parcels from an Android project0T" ruby[�["lachie-tapp-1.2.0u;�[" 1.4.0i"lachie-tappU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.0u: Time ����"'tap { pp self } (lachie's verison)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Lachie Cox"tap { pp self }0T" ruby[�["hakon-lacquer-0.4.1u;�[" 1.4.0i"hakon-lacquerU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.1u: Time e����"'Rails drop in for Varnish support.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;�["0.4: @name" i18n:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " jeweler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " rake; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " yard; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�["2.0; " rspec; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�["3.0; "activesupport; @Q;F00[ "!Russ Smith (russ@bashme.org)"Ryan Johns"$Garry Tan (garry@posterous.com)"+Gabe da Silveira (gabe@websaviour.com)"Håkon Lerring"'Rails drop in for Varnish support.0T" ruby[�["directed-edge-0.2.1u;�[" 1.4.0i"directed-edgeU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time E����"3Bindings for the Directed Edge webservices APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name"rest-client:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Directed Edge"3Bindings for the Directed Edge webservices API0T" ruby[�["yahoo-local-0.1.4u;�[" 1.4.0i"yahoo-localU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time ����"1Ruby wrapper for the Yahoo! Local Search APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 0.5.0: @name" httparty:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Johnny Khai Nguyen"1Ruby wrapper for the Yahoo! Local Search API0T" ruby[�["ograph-0.2.0u;�[" 1.4.0i" ographU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time $����"ObjectGraph will output Graphviz dot files of your objects in memory. It will ferret out your instance variables and enumerate over your enumerables to give you a graph of your object and its relationships.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 1.2.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Aaron Patterson"ObjectGraph will output Graphviz dot files of your objects in memory. It will ferret out your instance variables and enumerate over your enumerables to give you a graph of your object and its relationships. For sample output and more sample code see: * http://flickr.com/photos/aaronp/tags/graphviz/ * http://tenderlovemaking.com/2007/06/17/graphing-ruby-objects/ * http://tenderlovemaking.com/2007/01/13/graphing-objects-in-memory-with-ruby/0T" ruby[�["$nhvalidator-;�([" 1.4.0i"nhvalidatorU:Gem::Version[" Time Ě����"'NHValidator - NHibernate ValidatorU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00[�"lNHibernate Validator is a powerful and extensible framework to validate objects using the .Net Platform0T" ruby[�["tkri-0.9.5u;�?[" 1.4.0i" tkriU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.5u: Time g����"3GUI front-end to FastRI's or RI's executables.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0.3: @name" fastri:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" Mooffie"�0T" ruby[�["sml-flickr-1.0.10u;�[" 1.4.0i"sml-flickrU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.10u: Time D!����"rAn insanely easy interface to the Flickr photo-sharing service. By Scott Raymond. Maintainer: Patrick PlattesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 1.0.7: @name"xml-simple:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Scott Raymond"Patrick Plattes"�0T" ruby[�["acts_as_oqgraph-0.1.6u;�6[" 1.4.0i"acts_as_oqgraphU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.6u: Time ����"7Use the Open Query Graph engine with Active RecordU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Stuart Coyle"fActs As OQGraph allows ActiveRecord models to use the fast ans powerful OQGraph engine for MYSQL.0T" ruby[�["curb-openuri-0.2.1u;�x[" 1.4.0i"curb-openuriU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time %����"0open-uri drop-in replacement that uses curbU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 0.1.4: @name" curb:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Roman Shterenzon"0open-uri drop-in replacement that uses curb0T" ruby[�["ogginfo-rb-0.0.4u;�[" 1.4.0i"ogginfo-rbU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time $e����"2A library for accessing metadata in Ogg filesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Aiden Nibali"�0T" ruby[�[" simple-navigation-ext-0.0.2u;�`[" 1.4.0i"simple-navigation-extU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time ����"simple-navigation-ext is an extension of andi schacke's library and add the feature to explicitly exclude urls from highlighting.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 2.0.1: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 2.3.2; "activesupport; @);F00[" Marco"simple-navigation-ext is an extension of andi schacke's library and add the feature to explicitly exclude urls from highlighting.0T" ruby[�["saucelabs-adapter-0.9.1u;�.[" 1.4.0i"saucelabs-adapterU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.1u: Time ����";Adapter for running Selenium tests using SauceLabs.comU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 2.3.0: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;�[" 1.3.0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 2.0.12; " net-ssh; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 1.4.3; " json; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 1.0.1; "net-ssh-gateway; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;�[" 1.5.2; " jeweler; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 0.12.9; " sauce; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 1.5.0; "rest-client; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;�[" 0.8.7; " rake; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 0.3.0; " lsof; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 1.2.17; "selenium-client; @~;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 0.12.9; " sauce; @;F00[ "Kelly Felkins"Chad Woolley"Sam Pierson"Nate Clark"ZThis gem augments Test::Unit and Polonium/Webrat to run Selenium tests in the cloud. 0T" ruby[�["resource_inclusion-0.0.1u;�[" 1.4.0i"resource_inclusionU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time e����"EA handy macro for including associated models in your REST APIs.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name"rspec-rails:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "sqlite3-ruby; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 3.0.1; " rails; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " jeweler; @=;F00["John-Mason P. Shackelford"Resource Inclusion allows one to specify once per controller associated resources to be included when a resource is serialized.0T" ruby[�["postbox-0.2.0u;�[" 1.4.0i" postboxU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time ����"&An asynchronous http push libraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 0.5.2; " httparty; @);F00["Andreas Wolff"sAsynchronous http push library. Designed to handle lots of messages without interrupting the application flow.0T" ruby[�["podcast-0.0.4u;�[" 1.4.0i" podcastU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time j����"#Create podcasts from MP3 filesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Ed Summers"�0T" ruby[�["backup2s3-0.2.2u;�[" 1.4.0i"backup2s3U:Gem::Version[" 0.2.2u: Time ����"VBackup2s3 is a gem that creates, deletes and restores db and application backups.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 0.6.2: @name" aws-s3:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Aric Walker"iBackup2s3 is a gem that performs database and application backups and stores this data on Amazon S3.0T" ruby[�["validations-0.0.2u;�K[" 1.4.0i"validationsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time ����"validation helpersU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Kyle Ginavan"validation helpers0T" ruby[�["document_tree-1.0.0u;�[" 1.4.0i"document_treeU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time $����"CTransforms a file system in a tree with content and meta data.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name" yard:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @);F00["Jaap van der Meer"�0T" ruby[�["engine-tune-0.4.1u;�_[" 1.4.0i"engine-tuneU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.1u: Time ����"dDetermine how well your engine will run under certain meteorological and geological conditions.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Theodore Mills"dDetermine how well your engine will run under certain meteorological and geological conditions.0T" ruby[�["ms_tools-0.4.0u;�[" 1.4.0i" ms_toolsU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.0u: Time ����">A collection of functions and tools I use in my projects.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;�[" 1.4.3: @name" nokogiri:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "thoughtbot-shoulda; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 1.2.1; " sanitize; @3;F00["Will Merrell"RA collection of functions and tools I use in my projects. Longer description.0T" ruby[�["walruz-0.0.11u;�[" 1.4.0i" walruzU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.11u: Time ����"Walruz is a gem that provides an easy yet powerful way to implement authorization policies in a system, relying on the composition of simple policies to create more complex ones.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name" yard:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " rspec; @);F00["Roman Gonzalez" Walruz provides an easy to use DSL to do composition of basic authorization policies to create more complex ones, and then register this composed policies on actions performed to the model begin accessed 0T" ruby[�["lesslateral-1.2.21u;�q[" 1.4.0i"lesslateralU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.21u: Time ����"LESS compilerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 0.4.2: @name" mutter:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 1.4.2; " treetop; @);F00["cloudhead"LESS is leaner CSS0T" ruby[�["digest-m4p-0.0.2u;�[" 1.4.0i"digest-m4pU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time $����"$iTunes specific digest encodingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Aaron Patterson"�0T" ruby[�["xmpp4em-0.2.0u;�[" 1.4.0i" xmpp4emU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time ����"1EventMachine based XMPP client and componentU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0.5: @name" xmpp4r:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 0.12.10; "eventmachine; @);F00["Aman Gupta"Kokorin Denis"<Simple XMPP client and component built on EventMachine.0T" ruby[�["tsung_stats_server-0.0.1u;�:[" 1.4.0i"tsung_stats_serverU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time [����"+A simple webserver serving tsung statsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;�["0.5: @name" markaby:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�["0.9; " rubyzip; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�["1; " inochi; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�["1; " inochi; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�["0.9; " sinatra; @G;F00["Florian Gilcher"+A simple webserver serving tsung stats0T" ruby[�["tatango-sms-0.1u;�[" 1.4.0i"tatango-smsU:Gem::Version["0.1u: Time &����"The Tatango Messaging Gateway provides a way for you to utilize our streamlined messaging pipeline to send out SMS messages to your usersU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 1.8.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 1.8.0; "hoe; @);F00["Amiel Martin"Adrian Pike"The Tatango Messaging Gateway provides a way for you to utilize our streamlined messaging pipeline to send out SMS messages to your users. SMS messages are advertisement-supported, so we can provide this service at zero cost to the developer.0T" ruby[�["slash-0.4.4u;�=[" 1.4.0i" slashU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.4u: Time %����"REST-clientU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;�[" 0.9.14: @name" extlib:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 1.2.8; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 2.1.1; "addressable; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 1.2.2; " json; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 2.1.1; " peanuts; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 0.1.22; " typhoeus; @Q;F00["Igor Gunko" REST-client 0T" ruby[�["attached-0.2.4u;�6[" 1.4.0i" attachedU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.4u: Time ����"AAn attachment library designed with cloud processors in mindU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name" guid:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "fog; @);F00["Kevin Sylvestre"Attached is a Ruby on Rails cloud attachment and processor library inspired by Paperclip. Attached lets users push files to the cloud, then perform remote processing on the files.0T" ruby[�["RubySpamAssassin-0.1.1u;�[" 1.4.0i"RubySpamAssassinU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time e����"SGem provides a direct ruby interface to spamd running on localhost or remotelyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name" rcov:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 1.5.2; " jeweler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " cucumber; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 2.3.0; " rspec; @G;F00["Kevin Poorman"This gem makes it easy for developers to hand a body of text to spam assassin and ask get it's spam score, spam report etc. Supports the full Spamc protocol.0T" ruby[�["logic-0.1.2u;�[" 1.4.0i" logicU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time d����")Taking the pain out of MC/DC testingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 0.2.9: @name" polyglot:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 1.4.2; " treetop; @);F00["Bryan Ash"OProduces truth table and MC/DC test case pairs from parsed logic statement0T" ruby[�["my_obfuscate-0.3.0u;� [" 1.4.0i"my_obfuscateU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time $e����"fStandalone Ruby code for the selective rewriting of MySQL dumps in order to protect user privacy.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[ "Andrew Cantino"Dave Willett"Mike Grafton"Mason Glaves"fStandalone Ruby code for the selective rewriting of MySQL dumps in order to protect user privacy.0T" ruby[�["webget_ruby_ramp-1.8.2u;�[" 1.4.0i"webget_ruby_rampU:Gem::Version[" 1.8.2u: Time ����"ZWebGet Ruby Gem: Ramp gem provides base extensions to ruby classes and rails classes.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00[" WebGet"�0T" ruby[�["titan-0.3.0u;�[" 1.4.0i" titanU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time e����">Helps you creating and managing daemon threads with Ruby.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name" thor:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 2.0.0; " rspec; @);F00["Stefan Sprenger">Helps you creating and managing daemon threads with Ruby.0T" ruby[�["qusion-0.1.6u;�[" 1.4.0i" qusionU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.6u: Time ����"5Makes AMQP work with Ruby on Rails with no fuss.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;�[" 1.0.0: @name" bundler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 1.3.0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;�[" 0.7.0; " amqp; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 0.9.4; " cucumber; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 1.5.1; " jeweler; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 0.8.7; " rake; @Q;F00["Dan DeLeo"Christopher R. Murphy"5Makes AMQP work with Ruby on Rails with no fuss.0T" ruby[�["lite_access_control-0.0.1u;�[" 1.4.0i"lite_access_controlU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time e����"Simple access controlU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Dmitry Penkin""Simple access control system 0T" ruby[�["terminitor-0.4.0u;�[" 1.4.0i"terminitorU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.0u: Time %����"&Outsource your workflow to SkynetU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name"rb-appscript:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 0.14.0; " thor; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 0.4.5; " github; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 1.0.0; "rr; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 0.12.0; " riot; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " fakefs; @[;F00["Arthur Chiu"Nathan Esquenazi"'Automate your development workflow0T" ruby[�["happygirl-1.2.0u;�[" 1.4.0i"happygirlU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.0u: Time ����"*Displays love message once on a whileU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 1.3.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Roman Kamyk"yHave you ever needed to express your love every minute? If your beloved use computer you can install her this application that will articulate your feeling every now and then (even when you are absent). Makes your girlfriend or wife happy, so it makes you happy :). Based on http://homepage.mac.com/khsu/HappyWife/HappyWife.html. It shows a love message every once in a while.0T" ruby[�["limores_hopstop-0.2.1u;�[" 1.4.0i"limores_hopstopU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time El����" Mashup with HopStop serviceU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Milan Burmaja"BThis gem uses few HopStop services for public transportation.0T" ruby[�["hobo_support-1.3.0.pre26u;�[" 1.4.0i"hobo_supportU:Gem::Version["1.3.0.pre26u: Time ����"/Core Ruby extensions from the Hobo projectU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">U;�[" 1.3.10[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 3.0.0: @name" rails:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "rubydoctest; @);F00["Tom Locke"/Core Ruby extensions from the Hobo project0T" ruby[�["less-expander-0.1.3u;�[" 1.4.0i"less-expanderU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time $����"cMonkey-patches the LessCSS library to expand CSS3 properties into browser-specific properties.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 1.2.21: @name" less:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jeremy Boles"cMonkey-patches the LessCSS library to expand CSS3 properties into browser-specific properties.0T" ruby[�["sweph4ruby-0.0.1u;�[" 1.4.0i"sweph4rubyU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time $]����"An astrology libraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Pedro Moreira Santos"�0T" ruby[�["%redmine_version_priorities-0.1.1u;�T[" 1.4.0i"redmine_version_prioritiesU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time ����"=A Redmine plugin that allows versions to be prioritized.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Eric Davis"uA Redmine plugin to prioritize versions to help users make a decision on which issues need to be worked on next.0T" ruby[�["asp_marketplace-0.2.0u;�"[" 1.4.0i"asp_marketplaceU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time T����"RThis gem provides a Rails interface to the Amazon Simple Pay payment service.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 1.8.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 1.3.0; " newgem; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 2.0.2; "activesupport; @3;F00["Charlie White"JRails ready gem for Marketplace Transactions using Amazon Simple Pay.0T" ruby[�["lperichon-contacts-1.0.8u;�[" 1.4.0i"lperichon-contactsU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.8u: Time ����"jFetch users' contact lists without asking them to provide their passwords, as painlessly as possible.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00[�"�0T" ruby[�["chrisrec-0.1.3u;�[" 1.4.0i" chrisrecU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time $����"'Extend Deprec with other recipies.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Chris Douglas"'Extend Deprec with other recipies.0T" ruby[�["harukaze-1.2.2u;�[" 1.4.0i" harukazeU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.2u: Time ����"0iPhone Ad Hoc / App Store builds made easy.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name"term-ansicolor:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Andrey Subbotin"kA tool to simplify building of your iPhone app for ad hoc distribution or submitting to the App Store.0T" ruby[�["database_loader-0.1.0u;�"[" 1.4.0i"database_loaderU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time %����"CLoad SQL views, materialized views, grants, etc. into databaseU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Edgars Beigarts"CLoad SQL views, materialized views, grants, etc. into database0T" ruby[�["!webget_ruby_dsl_reader-1.0.4u;�[" 1.4.0i"webget_ruby_dsl_readerU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.4u: Time %����"GWebGet Ruby Gem: Domain Specific Language Reader to parse DSL textU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 1.0.4: @name"webget_ruby_dsl_methods:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 1.0.4; "webget_ruby_dsl_error; @);F00[" WebGet"�0T" ruby[�["jruby-rack-1.0.6.rc1u;�9[" 1.4.0i"jruby-rackU:Gem::Version["1.0.6.rc1u: Time %����"2Rack adapter for JRuby and Servlet ContainersU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">U;�[" 1.3.10[�00["Nick Sieger"mJRuby-Rack is a combined Java and Ruby library that adapts the Java Servlet API to Rack. For JRuby only.0T" ruby[�["git_hooks-0.2.0u;�[" 1.4.0i"git_hooksU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time $����"<A small Gem to provide various Git-Hooks based on Grit.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0.5; " xmpp4r; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 2.0.0; " grit; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 0.9.8; " mocha; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["3.0.0.beta; "activesupport; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 0.7.1; " curb; @Q;F00["Dirk Breuer"}The goal is to provide a pluggable hook infrastructure, where you can easily use different hooks for different purposes.0T" ruby[�["hoe-mercurial-1.2.1u;�[" 1.4.0i"hoe-mercurialU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.1u: Time %����"MThis is a fork of the [hoe-hg](https://bitbucket.org/mml/hoe-hg) pluginU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;�["2.9: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 2.9.0; "hoe; @);F00["Michael Granger"dThis is a fork of the [hoe-hg](https://bitbucket.org/mml/hoe-hg) plugin. I forked it because I use quite a few additional Mercurial tasks for my development workflow than are provided by the original, and I thought they'd possibly be useful to someone else. I've offered to push my changes back up to the original, but I gave up waiting for a response.0T" ruby[�["dm-lucene-adapter-0.1.2u;�[" 1.4.0i"dm-lucene-adapterU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time e����""datamapper adapter for luceneU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;�[" 2.1.1: @name"addressable:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;�[" 0.10.2; " dm-core; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;�[" 0.9.14; " extlib; @3;F00["Kristian Meier";datamapper adapter for search index lucene from apache0T" ruby[�["cap-recipes-0.3.36u;�i[" 1.4.0i"cap-recipesU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.36u: Time dg����"JBattle-tested capistrano recipes for passenger, delayed_job, and moreU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Nathan Esquenazi"Battle-tested capistrano recipes for debian, passenger, apache, delayed_job, juggernaut, rubygems, backgroundrb, rails and more0T" ruby[�["fabric-0.4.4u;�[" 1.4.0i" fabricU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.4u: Time D����"DFabric is a small ruby app to perform tasks on servers via SSH.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;�[" 1.4.0: @name" jeweler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;�[" 2.0.15; " net-ssh; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;�[" 0.10.0; "data_objects; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;�[" 0.4.0; "database_cleaner; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;�[" 0.6.1; " cucumber; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;�[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " rake; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;�[" 0.10.2; " dm-core; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;�[" 0.10.0; "do_sqlite3; @o;F00["Sam Phillips"Fabric is a small ruby app to perform tasks on servers via SSH. Built around net/ssh and taking heavy inspiration from Capistrano, it currently focuses on managing remote users and their keys on clusters of servers. It does this without the need for a process/daemon/dependency or even ruby being installed on the remote host(s). In the future, it will allow you to create policies for server management and perform sysadmin tasks via a system of recipes.0T" ruby[�["css_tt-0.0.3u;�[" 1.4.0i" css_ttU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time d����"3Dead simple pure CSS based tooltips for Rails.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Tadas Tamosauskas"Alexander Dawson"Alex Hall"2Dead simple pure CSS based tooltips for Rails0T" ruby[�["apache_upload_merger-0.0.2u;�[" 1.4.0i"apache_upload_mergerU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time %����":Apache module providing upload merging functionality.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Jens Wille":Apache module providing upload merging functionality.0T" ruby[�["imap_archiver-0.0.8u;�+[" 1.4.0i"imap_archiverU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.8u: Time ����"7Tool to archive lots of messages in an imap serverU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;�[" 2.3.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "autotest-growl; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 2.3.8; "activesupport; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 0.8.7; " rake; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " mocha; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " i18n; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "autotest-growl; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " autotest; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " cucumber; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 1.5.1; " jeweler; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 1.5.1; " jeweler; @~;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 2.3.8; "activesupport; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " mocha; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " cucumber; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " autotest; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 2.3.0; " rspec; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 0.8.7; " rake; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " aruba; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " aruba; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " i18n; @;F00["Jelle Helsen"imap_archiver is a command line tool to archive messages on an imap server. You tell it what folders to archive and where to archive it. For every folder that is archived a series of folders (one for each month) is created inside the archive folder.0T" ruby[�[";selenium-webdriver-rails-support-via-monkeypatch-0.1.1u;�[" 1.4.0i"5selenium-webdriver-rails-support-via-monkeypatchU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time $����"hQuick monkeypatch to add support for Rails to selenium-webdriver (0.0.28) ... should be fixed soon!U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 0.0.28: @name"selenium-webdriver:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" remi"hQuick monkeypatch to add support for Rails to selenium-webdriver (0.0.28) ... should be fixed soon!0T" ruby[�["rjab-0.2.2u;�[" 1.4.0i" rjabU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.2u: Time Eh����"1A Ruby library for interacting with Jabbify.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 0.9.2: @name"rest-client:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Matt Puchlerz"zA Ruby library for interacting with Jabbify. Simplifies the process of delivering messages to Jabbify's Comet server.0T" ruby[�["gem_keychain-0.1.0u;� [" 1.4.0i"gem_keychainU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time d����";Stores ~/.gem/credentials safely in your OS X keychainU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Joshua Peek";Stores ~/.gem/credentials safely in your OS X keychain0T" ruby[�["simple-pages-0.1.0u;�[" 1.4.0i"simple-pagesU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time ����"dsimple-pages is a ruby library to easily render static pages in your Ruby on Rails application.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 1.2.8: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Andi Schacke"dsimple-pages is a ruby library to easily render static pages in your Ruby on Rails application.0T" ruby[�["rubytracer-0.1.0u;�[" 1.4.0i"rubytracerU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time ����")A simple pure ruby raytracer libraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;�[" 2.3.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " geom3d; @);F00["Nemo157 (Wim Looman)")A simple pure ruby raytracer library0T" ruby[�["ffi-zlib-0.2.0u;�}[" 1.4.0i" ffi-zlibU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time ē����" FFI based wrapper for zlib.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name"ffi:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Luc Heinrich"Rffi-zlib provides a very thin wrapper around zlib using the Ruby FFI library.0T" ruby[�["wolfram-0.1.1u;�^[" 1.4.0i" wolframU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time %����"Wolfram V2 API clientU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 1.4.3: @name" nokogiri:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " bacon-rr; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 1.1.0; " bacon; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "rr; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "bacon-bits; @G;F00["Gabriel Horner"Ian White"_Explore the vast world of computational knowledge available for free via Wolfram's v2 API.0T" ruby[�["!whenyouneedme-handsoap-1.1.4u;�1[" 1.4.0i"whenyouneedme-handsoapU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.4u: Time eh����"<Handsoap is a library for creating SOAP clients in RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Troels Knak-Nielsen"Jimmi Westerberg"<Handsoap is a library for creating SOAP clients in Ruby0T" ruby[�["rev-0.3.2u;�Z[" 1.4.0i"revU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.2u: Time k����"FRev is a Ruby binding to the libev high performance event libraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 0.1.3: @name" iobuffer:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Tony Arcieri"�0T" ruby[�[" em-http-oauth-request-0.1.0u;�l[" 1.4.0i"em-http-oauth-requestU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time m����":Allows em-http-request to be used for OAuth requests.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 0.3.6: @name" oauth:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 0.2.5; "em-http-request; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 2.4.0; "hoe; @3;F00["Draconis Software"Allows you to issue requests with the OAuth gem using em-http-request. The benefit to this is that you can issue asynchronous non-blocking OAuth requests.0T" ruby[�["win32rc-0.1.0u;�[" 1.4.0i" win32rcU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time D ����"9A Ruby library for modifying Windows Resource files.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Jared Hanson"�0T" ruby[�["mine-0.0.0u;�[" 1.4.0i" mineU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.0u: Time ů����" MineU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;�[" 2.3.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Luca Guidi" Mine0T" ruby[�["$application_configuration-1.5.3u;�[" 1.4.0i"application_configurationU:Gem::Version[" 1.5.3u: Time ����"7A simple system for configuring Ruby applications.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["markbates"7A simple system for configuring Ruby applications.0T" ruby[�["blackwinter-jekyll-0.5.7u;�[" 1.4.0i"blackwinter-jekyllU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.7u: Time ����";Jekyll is a simple, blog aware, static site generator.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 0.5.9: @name" maruku:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 1.1.1; "directory_watcher; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 0.9.6; " open4; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 4.2.1; " RedCloth; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 1.3.1; "classifier; @G;F00["Tom Preston-Werner"Jens Wille";Jekyll is a simple, blog aware, static site generator.0T" ruby[�["search_do-0.2.0u;�[" 1.4.0i"search_doU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time n����""AR: Hyperestraier integrationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["MOROHASHI Kyosuke"�0T" ruby[�["ruby-breakpoint-0.5.1u;�[" 1.4.0i"ruby-breakpointU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.1u: Time ����"Cruby-breakpoint lets you inspect and modify state at run time.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Florian Gross"ruby-breakpoint lets you inspect and modify state at run time. This allows you to diagnose bugs, patch applications and more all via IRB by simply doing a method call at the place you want to investigate.0T" ruby[�["rex-1.0.2u;�[" 1.4.0i"rexU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2u: Time T����"'Rex is a lexical scanner generatorU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 1.12.2: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Aaron Patterson"Rex is a lexical scanner generator. It is written in Ruby itself, and generates Ruby program. It is designed for use with Racc.0T" ruby[�["module-pluggable-0.0.1u;�[" 1.4.0i"module-pluggableU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time ����"�U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00[" cho45"�0T" ruby[�["eztexting-0.3.4u;�x[" 1.4.0i"eztextingU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.4u: Time ����"2A Gem to make using EZ Texting simple and funU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 0.6.0: @name" httparty:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["David Malin"2A Gem to make using EZ Texting simple and fun0T" ruby[�["jemini-2010.2.17u;�Q[" 1.4.0i" jeminiU:Gem::Version["2010.2.17u: Time %����"Jemini is a Ruby game engine that separates the game logic from reusable game features. Includes hardware accelerated graphics, physics, standalone distros, and more.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;�[" 1.3.9: @name" rawr:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Logan Barnett"David Koontz"Jay McGavren"pJemini is a game library designed to allow creation of reusable features. How many times has someone implemented the aiming on a first person shooter, or a minimap on a real time strategy? Jemini comes packaged with lots of behaviors out of the box, with the ability to easily author more. Jemini uses Phys2D and Slick for physics and graphics, with 3D on the roadmap.0T" ruby[�["render_component_vho-3.0.3u;�[" 1.4.0i"render_component_vhoU:Gem::Version[" 3.0.3u: Time %����"Drender actions in other controllers for their rendered responseU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;�[" 1.0.0: @name" bundler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " shoulda; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 1.5.2; " jeweler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " rcov; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 3.0.0; " railties; @G;F00["David Heinemeier Hansson"jComponents allow you to call other actions for their rendered response while executing another action0T" ruby[�["radiotagmap-0.0.8u;� [" 1.4.0i"radiotagmapU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.8u: Time ŀ����"@Ruby gem to map by U.S. state the music played on FM radiosU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 0.1.2: @name"claudiob-yesradio:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " cucumber; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 0.2.3; "scrobbler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 1.3.2; " nokogiri; @=;F00["Claudio Baccigalupo"Radiotagmap reads from Yes.com the songs that are currently playing in FM radios, then extracts the most played tag/genre in every U.S. state and returns a KML representation of this data, which can be plotted on a map using Google Maps or Google Earth.0T" ruby[�["-radiant-kramdown_filter-extension-1.0.12u;�[" 1.4.0i"&radiant-kramdown_filter-extensionU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.12u: Time ����"'kramdown extension for Radiant CMSU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;�[" 0.12.0: @name" kramdown:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" johnmuhl"{A kramdown filter extension for Radiant CMS. Visit http://kramdown.rubyforge.org/ for more information about kramdown.0T" ruby[�["eden-0.1.1u;�>[" 1.4.0i" edenU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time Ğ����"%A source-code formatter for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Jason Langenauer"A source-code formatter for Ruby, based on a robust lexical analyser, and a modular format for easy configuration and expansion. 0T" ruby[�["sprout-ruby-aws-1.2.0u;�\[" 1.4.0i"sprout-ruby-awsU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.0u: Time d����"LRuby libraries for working with Amazon Web Services ( Mechanical Turk )U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 1.5.1: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 1.2.7; " highline; @);F00["Bikash Poudel(Sprout)"Libraries for Amazon Web Services (ruby-aws) is a set of libraries and tools designed to make it easier for you to build solutions leveraging Amazon Web Services like Amazon Mechanical Turk. The goals of the libraries are: * To abstract you from the "muck" of using web services * To simplify using the various Amazon Web Service APIs * To allow you to focus more on solving the business problem and less on managing technical details0T" ruby[�["read_later-0.1.2u;� [" 1.4.0i"read_laterU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time ����"VGenerates a Read Later button from a URL for saving to Instapaper or Readability.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Bryan Woods"7Read Later buttons for Instapaper and Readability.0T" ruby[�["heroku-rails-0.3.0u;� [" 1.4.0i"heroku-railsU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time ����"8Deployment and configuration tools for Heroku/RailsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;�["2.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 1.11.0; " heroku; @);F00["Elijah Miller"Glenn Roberts"Jacques Crocker"Manage multiple Heroku instances/apps for a single Rails app using Rake. It's the Capistrano for Heroku, without the suck.0T" ruby[�["cucumber-java-0.0.2u;�[" 1.4.0i"cucumber-javaU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time dN����"Cucumber for JavaU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 1.11.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 0.3.0; " cucumber; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 1.11.0; "hoe; @3;F00["Aslak Hellesøy"Cucumber for Java0T" ruby[�["gallerize-0.2u;�[" 1.4.0i"gallerizeU:Gem::Version["0.2u: Time ����"<Create an HTML photo gallery from a directory of imagesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 1.1.0: @name"naturalsort:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 1.16.2; " trollop; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 2.13.1; " rmagick; @3;F00["Nick Chapman"�0T" ruby[�[""ar-resque-counter-cache-2.0.0u;�[" 1.4.0i"ar-resque-counter-cacheU:Gem::Version[" 2.0.0u: Time E����"iIncrement ActiveRecord's counter cache column asynchronously using Resque (and resque-lock-timeout).U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;�[" 1.3.3: @name"sqlite3-ruby:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 3.0.0; "activerecord; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 2.4.0; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 1.10.0; " resque; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 0.2.1; "resque-lock-timeout; @G;F00["Aaron Gibralter"iIncrement ActiveRecord's counter cache column asynchronously using Resque (and resque-lock-timeout).0T" ruby[�["can_write-0.4u;�[" 1.4.0i"can_writeU:Gem::Version["0.4u: Time ����"+Set permissions for folders and files.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Pavel Evstigneev"=Tool for setting permission on files of web after deploy0T" ruby[�["wpdoc-0.2.17u;�w[" 1.4.0i" wpdocU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.17u: Time ����",rdoc html with javascript search index.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 2.4.2: @name" rdoc:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 1.1.3; " json; @);F00["Volodya Kolesnikov"�0T" ruby[�["track_history-0.0.11u;�[" 1.4.0i"track_historyU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.11u: Time ����"Smart model auditingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name" mysql:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " rspec; @);F00["John Crepezzi"%Smart, performant model auditing0T" ruby[�["slo-0.0.2u;�[" 1.4.0i"sloU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time $����"eThis software organizes emails, web pages, schedules, or other data by using search and labelingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name" mail-ja:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "activesupport; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 2.6.2; "hoe; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "yaestraier; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " ri_cal; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " tzinfo; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 2.0.4; "rubyforge; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "mime-types; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " i18n; @o;F00["Takayuki YAMAGUCHI"This software organizes emails, web pages, schedules, or other data by using search and labeling. The interfaces are command line or emacs.0T" ruby[�[" dougmcbride-fleximage-1.0.3u;�[" 1.4.0i"dougmcbride-fleximageU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.3u: Time m����"yRails plugin for uploading images as resources, with support for resizing, text stamping, and other special effects.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name" aws-s3:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " rmagick; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;�[" 2.2.2; " rails; @3;F00["Alex Wayne"Andrew White"JJ Buckley"Jason Lee"Joshua Abbott"Koji Ando"Kouhei Sutou"Lasse Jansen"Loïc Guitaut"Martin Vielsmaier" Squeegy" Vannoy"Doug McBride"^Fleximage is a Rails plugin that tries to make image uploading and rendering super easy. 0T" ruby[�["multi_methods.rb-1.0.1u;�t[" 1.4.0i"multi_methods.rbU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time ����"General dispatch for rubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Paul Santa Clara"Supports general dispatch using clojure style multi-methods. This can be used for anything from basic function overloading to a function dispatch based on arbitrary complexity. 0T" ruby[�["win32-dir-0.3.7u;� [" 1.4.0i"win32-dirU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.7u: Time d����">Extra constants and methods for the Dir class on Windows.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 2.0.6: @name"test-unit:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 1.0.9; "windows-pr; @);F00["Daniel J. Berger"Park Heesob"f The win32-dir library provides extra methods and constants for the builtin Dir class. The constants provide a convenient way to identify certain directories across all versions of Windows. Some methods have been added, such as the ability to create junctions. Others have been modified to provide a more consistent result for MS Windows. 0T" ruby[�[" webget_ruby_commander-1.0.2u;�h[" 1.4.0i"webget_ruby_commanderU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2u: Time ����"KWebGet Ruby Gem: Provides Ruby Kernel#commander sugar for Open4::spawnU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 0.9.6: @name" open4:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" WebGet"�0T" ruby[�["subtrigger-0.3.1u;�[" 1.4.0i"subtriggerU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.1u: Time $����"?Create post-commit triggers for Subversion commit messagesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name" pony:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " jeweler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "thoughtbot-shoulda; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " mocha; @=;F00["Arjan van der Gaag"This gem allows you to create simple Ruby triggers for Subversion commit messages, responding to keywords in your log messages to send e-mails, deploy sites or do whatever you need.0T" ruby[�["Bangkok-0.1.0u;�S[" 1.4.0i" BangkokU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time %K����"FChess game file reader and player; can turn games into MIDI filesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 0.8.4: @name" midilib:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jim Menard"Bangkok can read chess game descriptions and re-play the games. Notice of events (moves, captures, checks, etc.) are sent to a listener. Bangkok comes with a listener that generates a MIDI file. In other words, the chess game is turned into music.0T" ruby[�["RedCloth-4.2.4.pre3u;�7[" 1.4.0i" RedClothU:Gem::Version["4.2.4.pre3u: Time Ū����"RedCloth-4.2.4.pre3U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">U;�[" 1.3.10[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;�[" 0.7.1: @name"rake-compiler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�["2.1; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 0.8.7; " rake; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " diff-lcs; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "rvm; @G;F00["Jason Garber"why the lucky stiff" Ola Bini"Textile parser for Ruby.0T" ruby[�["claire_client-0.0.4u;�:[" 1.4.0i"claire_clientU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time $����""A ruby client for St. Claire.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 2.3.5: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 0.2.0; " hashie; @3;F00["Matheus E. Muller"This gem is a Ruby client for the St. Claire Media Server, which power power Canção Nova's reach of video and streamming web services.0T" ruby[�["storesapp-rb-0.2.9u;�[" 1.4.0i"storesapp-rbU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.9u: Time ����"StoresApp EngineU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 0.7.6: @name"dragonfly:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 3.0.0; " rails; @);F00["Next Feature"Adam Lindsay"PA wrapper for the StoresApp API. See http://api.storesapp.com for details.0T" ruby[�["rwiki-0.2.4u;�[" 1.4.0i" rwikiU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.4u: Time ����"Yet another personal wikiU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name"test-unit:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " sinatra; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "rack-test; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "rspec-core; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " RedCloth; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "json_pure; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " jasmine; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " thin; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " jeweler; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " capybara; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "cucumber-rails; @~;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "capistrano; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " cucumber; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " coderay; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " rspec; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "fuzzy_file_finder; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " shoulda; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "rspec-expectations; @;F00["Łukasz Bandzarewicz"!Personal wiki based on ExtJS0T" ruby[�["compass-wordpress-0.1.4u;�[" 1.4.0i"compass-wordpressU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time Em����"@Compass extenstion for creating WordPress themes using SassU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;�[" 0.8.17: @name" compass:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Wynn Netherland"Adam Stacoviak"HHelps you create generic WordPress themes and Thematic child themes0T" ruby[�["google-refine-0.0.1u;�[" 1.4.0i"google-refineU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time ����"@Client library for interacting with Google Refine instancesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 1.4.6: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["; "httpclient; @);F00["Max Ogden"@Client library for interacting with Google Refine instances0T" ruby[�["fat_model_auth-3.0.0u;� [" 1.4.0i"fat_model_authU:Gem::Version[" 3.0.0u: Time ����"9Clean resource based Authorisation plugin for Rails.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Brent Greeff"9Clean resource based Authorisation plugin for Rails.0T" ruby[�["rpv_core-0.2u;�a[" 1.4.0i" rpv_coreU:Gem::Version["0.2u: Time Ę����"BA simple framework for implementing the Passive View pattern.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Martin Vielsmaier"A simple, modular framework for implementing the Passive View pattern. This pattern descended from the Model View Presenter pattern.0T" ruby[�["robot_enumerable-0.1.0u;�[" 1.4.0i"robot_enumerableU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time ����"3useful additions to the Array and Hash classesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Mike Judge"robot_enumerable is a collection useful additions to the Array and Hash classes like #dupes?, #dupes_by, #uniq_by, #bump_to_front, and others. 0T" ruby[�["rjack-jdom-;�[" 1.4.0i"rjack-jdomU:Gem::Version[" Time $����"2A gem packaging of JDOM[http://www.jdom.org/]U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;�[" 1.2.2: @name"rjack-tarpit:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["David Kellum"A gem packaging of JDOM[http://www.jdom.org/]. This product includes software developed by the {JDOM Project}[http://www.jdom.org/], see license below.0T" ruby[�["git_editor-0.2.0u;�[" 1.4.0i"git_editorU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time E����"'An editor for using git on WindowsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00[" erinata"Egit_editor is an editor for using git on Windows. It provide syntax highlighting during config editing, interactive rebasing and committing. You can install it as a gem or you can choose the standalone version if you are not using ruby. Please refer to the github page for more details. https://github.com/erinata/git_editor0T" ruby[�["hornairs-scrobbler-0.2.3u;�[" 1.4.0i"hornairs-scrobblerU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.3u: Time ����"<A ruby library for accessing the last.fm v2 webservicesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 1.4.2: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "libxml-ruby; @);F00[ "John Nunemaker"Jonathan Rudenberg"Uwe L. Korn"Harry Brundage"<A ruby library for accessing the last.fm v2 webservices0T" ruby[�["hipe-githelper-0.0.1u;�[" 1.4.0i"hipe-githelperU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time El����"'little convenience methods for gitU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 0.0.1: @name"hipe-gorillagrammar:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 1.1.0; " bacon; @);F00["Mark Meves"-command-line convenience methods for git0T" ruby[�["high_voltage-0.9.3u;�E[" 1.4.0i"high_voltageU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.3u: Time ů����",Simple static page rendering controllerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00[ "Dan Croak"Matt Jankowski"Tammer Saleh"Nick Quaranto"Tristan Dunn"Chad Pytel"Joe Ferris"3Fire in the disco. Fire in the ... taco bell.0T" ruby[�["brbackup-0.1.1u;�,[" 1.4.0i" brbackupU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time ����"brbackup summaryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 2.1.2: @name" builder:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Tung Nguyen"�0T" ruby[�["ruby-libnio-0.3.0u;�[" 1.4.0i"ruby-libnioU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time E����"Jhelps you write applications that can send notifications to Notify.ioU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 0.4.5: @name" httparty:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Hunter Gillane"Jhelps you write applications that can send notifications to Notify.io0T" ruby[�["pivotal-tracker-0.3.1u;�[" 1.4.0i"pivotal-trackerU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.1u: Time ����"-Ruby wrapper for the Pivotal Tracker APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;�[" @name" nokogiri:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 0.9.26; " bundler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 1.6.0; "rest-client; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " jeweler; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " builder; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " rspec; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 1.3.0; "stale_fish; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 0.3.2; "happymapper; @e;F00["Justin Smestad"Josh Nichols"Terence Lee"�0T" ruby[�["change_class-1.0.1u;�[" 1.4.0i"change_classU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time V����"(Lets you set the class of an objectU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 2.3.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 2.3.0; "hoe; @);F00["Ryan Davis"?Lets you set the class of an object. Use at your own risk.0T" ruby[�["compass-slickmap-0.4.0u;�[" 1.4.0i"compass-slickmapU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.0u: Time ����";An implementation of SlickmapCSS sitemap in SCSS/Sass3U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 0.10: @name" compass:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["3.0; " haml; @);F00["Thomas Reynolds"�0T" ruby[�["net-http-server-0.1.0u;�[" 1.4.0i"net-http-serverU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time E����"A pure Ruby HTTP ServerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;�[" 0.3.0: @name"ore-tasks:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 2.4.0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�["1.0; " parslet; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 0.6.0; " yard; @=;F00["Postmodern"-A Rack compatible pure Ruby HTTP Server.0T" ruby[�["logit-1.0.4u;�%[" 1.4.0i" logitU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.4u: Time %����"KEasily add custom logging abilities to your Ruby or Rails application.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Scott Sayles"KEasily add custom logging abilities to your Ruby or Rails application.0T" ruby[�["xisbn-0.0.4u;�[" 1.4.0i" xisbnU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time d����"3look up related isbns with OCLCs xisbn serviceU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Ed Summers"�0T" ruby[�["social_cleaner-0.0.4u;�R[" 1.4.0i"social_cleanerU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time $����"Social CleanerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;�[" 0.9.12: @name" twitter:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Michaël Rigart"#Cleans up your social messages0T" ruby[�["ruby-state-machine-1.0.2u;�[" 1.4.0i"ruby-state-machineU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2u: Time D����" FIX (describe your package)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 2.6.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 2.0.4; "rubyforge; @);F00["stevenmiers" FIX (describe your package)0T" ruby[�["rgd-0.4.2u;�[" 1.4.0i"rgdU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.2u: Time ����"libgd binding for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00[" oCameLo"libgd binding for Ruby0T" ruby[�["rdf-isomorphic-0.3.4u;�E[" 1.4.0i"rdf-isomorphicU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.4u: Time e����"CRDF.rb plugin for graph bijections and isomorphic equivalence.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 0.2.0: @name" rdf-spec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 2.1.0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 0.2.3; "rdf; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 0.5.3; " yard; @=;F00["Ben Lavender"Arto Bendiken"CRDF.rb plugin for graph bijections and isomorphic equivalence.0T" ruby[�["joshua_son_of_nun-1.0u;�T[" 1.4.0i"joshua_son_of_nunU:Gem::Version["1.0u: Time +����"(Battleship Player:joshua_son_of_nunU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Steve Iannopollo"(using scary WWF wrestler voice) Just like the walls of Jericho, the same will happen to all battleship opponents of Joshua, son of Nun!!0T" ruby[�["fast-aes-0.1.1u;�[" 1.4.0i" fast-aesU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time $����"?Fast AES implementation in C. Works with Ruby 1.8 and 1.9U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Nate Wiger"@Fast AES implementation in C. Works with Ruby 1.8 and 1.9.0T" ruby[�["leech-0.1.0u;�[" 1.4.0i" leechU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time d����">Simple TCP client/server framework with commands handlingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Kriss Kowalik"Leech is simple TCP client/server framework. Server is similar to rack. It allows to define own handlers for received text commands. 0T" ruby[�["geera-1.3.0u;�,[" 1.4.0i" geeraU:Gem::Version[" 1.3.0u: Time Ģ����"@Geera is a command line tool for dealing with Jira tickets.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 2.0.4: @name"rubyforge:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 0.3.0; " jira4r; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " flexmock; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 2.6.0; "hoe; @=;F00["Aaron Patterson"@Geera is a command line tool for dealing with Jira tickets.0T" ruby[�["matenia-tumblr-api-0.1.6u;�[" 1.4.0i"matenia-tumblr-apiU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.6u: Time d����"/Tumblr API wrapper - maintained by mateniaU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " httparty; @);F00["Jeff Kreeftmeijer"Matenia Rossides"�0T" ruby[�["moviesort-0.1.7u;�_[" 1.4.0i"moviesortU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.7u: Time ����"JSmall command-line utility for sorting downloaded TV shows and moviesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name" trollop:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Luke Redpath"�0T" ruby[�["kosmeek_test_tools-0.0.1u;�[" 1.4.0i"kosmeek_test_toolsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time E����""Sharing Tests among platformsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Robert Dober"�0T" ruby[�["vrtx-0.0.3u;�[" 1.4.0i" vrtxU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time Db����")Command line utility for Vortex CMS.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 0.0.5: @name"davclient:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["3.5; " ZenTest; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0.6; " hpricot; @3;F00["Thomas Flemming"xClient library and command line tool for managing content on webservers with WebDAV and the open source Vortex CMS.0T" ruby[�["smparkes-johnson-;�6[" 1.4.0i"smparkes-johnsonU:Gem::Version[" Time ł����"6Johnson wraps JavaScript in a loving Ruby embraceU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;�["0.6: @name"rake-compiler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 2.4.0; "hoe; @);F00[ "John Barnette"Aaron Patterson"Yehuda Katz"Matthew Draper"Johnson wraps JavaScript in a loving Ruby embrace. It embeds the Mozilla SpiderMonkey JavaScript runtime as a C extension.0T" ruby[�["rcov_notifier-0.2.2u;�[" 1.4.0i"rcov_notifierU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.2u: Time D����"%Get RCov notifications via GrowlU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " nokogiri; @);F00["Chinmay Garde"5Get RCov notifications via Growl. More on GitHub0T" ruby[�["geoip_server-1.1.1u;�*[" 1.4.0i"geoip_serverU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.1u: Time ����";Query the MaxMind GeoIP data records via a web serviceU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 1.0.0: @name" sinatra:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "active_support; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " geoip; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " shoulda; @=;F00["Jack Danger Canty";Query the MaxMind GeoIP data records via a web service0T" ruby[�["dnode-0.0.1u;�[" 1.4.0i" dnodeU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time ����"JAsynchronous remote method calls with transparently wrapped callbacksU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["James Halliday" With DNode you can tie together servers written in ruby, node.js, and perl. DNode is similar to DRb, but is asynchronous and transforms callbacks embedded in deeply nested structures. 0T" ruby[�["yahoo_site_explorer-0.0.2u;�[" 1.4.0i"yahoo_site_explorerU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time $U����"8Ruby interface to the Yahoo! Site Explorer REST APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;�[" 1.2.2: @name" fakeweb:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 0.11.0; " jeweler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 0.1.1; " relax; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 1.2.2; " fakeweb; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 0.11.0; " jeweler; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 2.10.1; "thoughtbot-shoulda; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 0.9.5; " mocha; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 0.9.5; " mocha; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 2.10.1; "thoughtbot-shoulda; @o;F00["Nathaniel Bibler"�0T" ruby[�["who-needs-wp-0.7.0u;�[" 1.4.0i"who-needs-wpU:Gem::Version[" 0.7.0u: Time ����"NWho needs Wordpress? A static website generator based on Markdown and GitU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 2.2.20: @name" haml:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 1.5.8; "rdiscount; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 2.0.21; " net-ssh; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 0.6.0; " kramdown; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 0.9.2; " coderay; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 0.1.4; " choice; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 0.8.4; " twitter; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 2.0.4; " net-sftp; @e;F00["Owen Griffin"!A static web site generator.0T" ruby[�["rakeable-0.0.1u;�[" 1.4.0i" rakeableU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time $$����".Rakeable enables using maven through rakeU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Takeshi Akima"�0T" ruby[�["pullr-0.1.3u;�[" 1.4.0i" pullrU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time D����"HA Ruby library for quickly pulling down or updating any Repository.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;�[" 1.4.0: @name" jeweler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 0.8.7; " rake; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 2.1.1; "addressable; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 1.3.0; " rspec; @=;F00["Postmodern"Pullr is a Ruby library for quickly pulling down or updating any Repository. Pullr currently supports Git, Mercurial (Hg), SubVersion (SVN) and Rsync. Pullr provides a command-line utility and an API which can be used by other frameworks.0T" ruby[�["pivotal_git_scripts-1.1.0u;�1[" 1.4.0i"pivotal_git_scriptsU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.0u: Time ����"/Developer git workflow convenience scriptsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Pivotal Labs"eThese scripts are helpers for managing developer workflow when using git repos hosted on GitHub.0T" ruby[�["syslog2logan-;�[" 1.4.0i"syslog2loganU:Gem::Version[" Time E����"Syslog-ServerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name"robustserver:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " select; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " sbdb; @3;F00["Denis Knauf"ESyslog-Server which logs to Berkeley Databases (No SyslogDaemon)0T" ruby[�["stack-0.0.9u;� [" 1.4.0i" stackU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.9u: Time Eh����""Simple static site generator.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 0.0.3: @name" mash:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 1.9.0; " liquid; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 1.0.0; " less; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 4.2.1; " RedCloth; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 0.5.9; " maruku; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 1.2.0; "directory_watcher; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "thoughtbot-shoulda; @[;F00[" sixones"Generates a static site from template files with YAML and Liquid. Stack supports template transformation through Markdown, Textile and Less CSS.0T" ruby[�["rocket-server-0.0.4u;��[" 1.4.0i"rocket-serverU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time ����"DFast and extensible web socket server built upon em-websockets.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;�["2.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 0.1.1; "konfigurator; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["1.4; " json; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 0.12; "eventmachine; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0.9; " mocha; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 0.1.4; "em-websocket; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�["1.1; " daemons; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0.2; " optitron; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�["1.4; " logging; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;�[" 0.0.4; "rocket-core; @y;F00["Araneo Ltd."Chris Kowalik"This is a fast web socket server built on awesome EventMachine with em-websockets help. It provides easy to use, event-oriented middleware for your web-socket powered applications.0T" ruby[�["mint-0.1.5u;�f[" 1.4.0i" mintU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.5u: Time E����"YClean, simple library for maintaining and styling documents without a word processorU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name" tilt:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["David Jacobs"�0T" ruby[�[" tsm-0.9u;�[" 1.4.0i"tsmU:Gem::Version["0.9u: Time ě����"AWrapper for TSM client and administrative command interfacesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Sarah Collison"�0T" ruby[�["tabletastic-0.2.1u;�[" 1.4.0i"tabletasticU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time ����"2A smarter table builder for Rails collectionsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 3.0.0; "activesupport; @);F00["Joshua Davey"w A table builder for active record collections that produces semantically rich and accessible table markup 0T" ruby[�["sinatra-haml-0.1.1u;�[" 1.4.0i"sinatra-hamlU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time ����" A Haml renderer for SinatraU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 1.4.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">U;�[" 0.1.7; " sinatra; @);F00["kevin smith" A Haml renderer for Sinatra0T" ruby[�["proj4rb-0.3.1u;�[" 1.4.0i" proj4rbU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.1u: Time o����"BRuby bindings for the Proj.4 Carthographic Projection libraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Guilhem Vellut" Proj4rb is a ruby binding for the Proj.4 Carthographic Projection library, that supports conversions between a very large number of geographic coordinate systems and datums. 0T" ruby[�["inherited_resources-1.2.1u;�[" 1.4.0i"inherited_resourcesU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.1u: Time e����"Inherited Resources speeds up development by making your controllers inherit all restful actions so you just have to focus on what is important.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;�[" 0.5.0: @name"has_scope:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 0.6.0; "responders; @);F00["José Valim"Inherited Resources speeds up development by making your controllers inherit all restful actions so you just have to focus on what is important.0T" ruby[�[" capistrano-rightscale-0.3.0u;�[" 1.4.0i"capistrano-rightscaleU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time %����"RAn extension for capistrano for integrating roles with RightScale server tagsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 2.1.0: @name"capistrano:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "rightscale-api; @);F00["Lachlan Donald"RAn extension for capistrano for integrating roles with RightScale server tags0T" ruby[�["tk_as_gem-0.1.0u;�v[" 1.4.0i"tk_as_gemU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time e����"7the tk extension extracted from core and gem-ifiedU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " sane; @);F00["Roger Pack"�0T" ruby[�["selective_binding-1.0.0u;�[" 1.4.0i"selective_bindingU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time D����"GBindings with selective mappings to object methods and attributes.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 2.6.2: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 2.0.4; "rubyforge; @);F00["Jeremie Castagna"�0T" ruby[�["redgreen-1.2.2u;�[" 1.4.0i" redgreenU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.2u: Time $����"<redgreen is an expanded version of Pat Eyler's RedGreenU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00[""Chris Wanstrath and Pat Eyler"redgreen is an expanded version of Pat Eyler's RedGreen. It will install a 'rg' file in your bin directory. Use that as you would use 'ruby' when running a test.0T" ruby[�["gravatar-ultimate-1.0.2u;�Y[" 1.4.0i"gravatar-ultimateU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2u: Time ğ����"bA gem for interfacing with the entire Gravatar API: not just images, but the XML-RPC API too!U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 1.3.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 1.2.0; "sc-core-ext; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 1.2.8; " fakeweb; @3;F00["Colin MacKenzie IV"bThe Ultimate Gravatar Gem! This gem is used to interface with the entire Gravatar API: it's not just for generating image URLs, but for connecting to and communicating with the XML-RPC API too! Additionally, it can be used to download the Gravatar image data itself, rather than just a URL to that data. This saves you the extra step of having to do so.0T" ruby[�["rgl-0.4.0u;�[" 1.4.0i"rglU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.0u: Time d����"Ruby Graph LibraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name" rake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0.5; " stream; @);F00["Horst Duchene"RGL is a framework for graph data structures and algorithms. The design of the library is much influenced by the Boost Graph Library (BGL) which is written in C++ heavily using its template mechanism. RGL currently contains a core set of algorithm patterns: * Breadth First Search * Depth First Search The algorithm patterns by themselves do not compute any meaningful quantities over graphs, they are merely building blocks for constructing graph algorithms. The graph algorithms in RGL currently include: * Topological Sort * Connected Components * Strongly Connected Components * Transitive Closure * Transitive Reduction * Graph Condensation * Search cycles (contributed by Shawn Garbett)0T" ruby[�["polepin-0.0.4u;�P[" 1.4.0i" polepinU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time e����"'Simple reporting for simple peopleU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 0.4.0: @name" capybara:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;�[" 3.0.3; " rails; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 3.0.pre2; "will_paginate; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;�[" 2.4.1; "rspec-rails; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "sqlite3-ruby; @G;F00["Matt Jankowski"6I represent queens she was raised out in brooklyn0T" ruby[�["kodekopelli-0.8.0u;�[" 1.4.0i"kodekopelliU:Gem::Version[" 0.8.0u: Time Db����"aMaking code generation rock since 2003. Do it well. Do it once. Let Kodekopelli do the rest.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Rich Wertz"�0T" ruby[�["blossom-0.0.9u;�/[" 1.4.0i" blossomU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.9u: Time ����"=Quick-start web development with Haml, Sass and Compass.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;�[" 0.2.0: @name"rack-strip-www:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 3.0.0; " haml; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 0.0.1; " hassle; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 0.10.0; " compass; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 1.0.0; " sinatra; @G;F00["Daniel Brockman"�0T" ruby[�["packable-1.3.2u;�[" 1.4.0i" packableU:Gem::Version[" 1.3.2u: Time ^����"1Extensive packing and unpacking capabilitiesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name"backports:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Marc-André Lafortune"If you need to do read and write binary data, there is of course <Array::pack and String::unpack The packable library makes (un)packing nicer, smarter and more powerful.0T" ruby[�["flickraw-cached-20100707.1u;�D[" 1.4.0i"flickraw-cachedU:Gem::Version["20100707.1u: Time Ę����"Cached version of FlickrawU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name" flickraw:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Mael Clerambault"�0T" ruby[�["garlic-0.1.10u;�#[" 1.4.0i" garlicU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.10u: Time d����"ETest your project across multiple versions of rails/dependenciesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Ian White"PCI tool to test your project across multiple versions of rails/dependencies0T" ruby[�["max_mind-1.0.0u;�&[" 1.4.0i" max_mindU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time f����"FRuby library for interacting with the MaxMind GeoIP Web Services.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00[" PJ Kelly"Nate Clark"FRuby library for interacting with the MaxMind GeoIP Web Services.0T" ruby[�["webget_commander-1.0.1u;�h[" 1.4.0i"webget_commanderU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time dg����"PWebGet commander gemp provides Ruby Kernel#commander sugar for Open4::spawnU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 0.9.6: @name" open4:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" WebGet"�0T" ruby[�["minx-0.1.0u;�n[" 1.4.0i" minxU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time ń����"&Massive and pervasive concurrencyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Daniel Schierbeck"8An implementation of the CSP concurrency primitives0T" ruby[�["nbudin-version_fu-1.0.0u;�[" 1.4.0i"nbudin-version_fuU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time ����"XGemified version of the version_fu plugin, tracking changes from revo and jmckible.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Jordan McKible"version_fu is a ActveRecord versioning gem that takes advantage of the new dirty attribute checking available in Rails 2.1. Previous solutions like Rick Olson's acts_as_versioned are no long compatible with Rails.0T" ruby[�["watch-paths-1.2.0u;�[" 1.4.0i"watch-pathsU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.0u: Time ����"FScan a set of pathnames for file changes according to check sums.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 1.3.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" Bil Kleb"FScan a set of pathnames for file changes according to check sums.0T" ruby[�["trith-0.0.4u;�[" 1.4.0i" trithU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time $����"8An experimental concatenative programming language.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;�[" 0.2.0: @name"rdf:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 1.17.1; "backports; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 0.1.1; " promise; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 0.0.4; "sxp; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 1.3.0; " rspec; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 1.3.5; " buildr; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 0.5.6; " yard; @[;F00["Arto Bendiken"uAn experimental concatenative programming language founded on the unholy trinity of Forth, Lisp and RDF triples.0T" ruby[�["rb_webcam-0.3.0u;�[" 1.4.0i"rb_webcamU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time ����"ECrossplatform video capture library for Ruby (Powered by OpenCV)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0.3: @name" nice-ffi:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @);F00["TyounanMOTI"ECrossplatform video capture library for Ruby (Powered by OpenCV)0T" ruby[�["rails_logger-1.1.4u;�<[" 1.4.0i"rails_loggerU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.4u: Time Y����".rails_logger is a justlogging API wrapperU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Robert Beekman"vJustlogging is a webservice that allows you to log just about anything. This is the ruby gem for API interaction.0T" ruby[�["pwnash-mongo_mapper-0.7.6u;�[" 1.4.0i"pwnash-mongo_mapperU:Gem::Version[" 0.7.6u: Time $����"#A Ruby Object Mapper for MongoU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;�[" 1.8.4: @name"jnunemaker-validatable:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;�[" 0.3.1; " timecop; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 2.3.4; "activesupport; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;�[" 2.10.2; " shoulda; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;�[" 0.9.8; " mocha; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 1.2.3; " json; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;�[" 0.4.0; "jnunemaker-matchy; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;�[" 0.1.3; " plucky; @e;F00["John Nunemaker"�0T" ruby[�["object_proxy-1.1.3u;�5[" 1.4.0i"object_proxyU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.3u: Time ����"KAn even lighter-weight version of BlankSlate for wrapping Ruby objectsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Jack Danger Canty"OTiny class that defers nearly all method calls to an object of your choice0T" ruby[�["manifesto-0.6.0u;�[" 1.4.0i"manifestoU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.0u: Time ����"SManifesto is a Ruby library that dynamically generates an HTML5 cache manifestU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["John Topley"Nasir Jamal"SDynamically generates an HTML5 cache manifest from the contents of a directory0T" ruby[�["undertaker-0.1.0u;�|[" 1.4.0i"undertakerU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time d����"2Periodic HTTP status checker, stored in RedisU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 1.4.2: @name"terminal-table:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 0.10.0; "redis-namespace; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "thoughtbot-shoulda; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 1.4.6; " json; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " yard; @G;F00["Waine Kerr"VSmall utility who checks HTTP status of websites, and store the results in Redis.0T" ruby[�["tyrantmanager-1.6.0u;�b[" 1.4.0i"tyrantmanagerU:Gem::Version[" 1.6.0u: Time $����"<A command line tool for managing Tokyo Tyrant instancesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;�[" 1.0.1: @name"rufus-tokyo:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 1.4.3; " logging; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 0.8.3; " rake; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 1.6.4; "loquacious; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 4.2.0; " main; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 1.1.0; "configuration; @Q;F00["Jeremy Hinegardner"A command line tool for managing Tokyo Tyrant instances. It allows for the creation, starting, stopping, listing, stating of many tokyo tyrant instances all on the same machine. The commands can be applied to a single or multiple instances.0T" ruby[�["simplesync-0.0.2u;�[" 1.4.0i"simplesyncU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time ����"6QuickSync: an interface to synchronization logic.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Daniel Parker"6QuickSync: an interface to synchronization logic.0T" ruby[�["asset_copier_generator-0.5u;� [" 1.4.0i"asset_copier_generatorU:Gem::Version["0.5u: Time '����".Intelligent asset management for plugins.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Matthew Bass"=Provides intelligent asset management for Rails plugins.0T" ruby[�["indofaker-0.0.5u;�X[" 1.4.0i"indofakerU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time ����"?Indonesian Faker, cause "good" fakes are important here :)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;�[" 0.3.1: @name" faker:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Nugroho Herucahyono"Indonesian Faker, cause "good" fakes are important here :). see http://faker.rubyforge.org/ http://www.rubyinside.com/faker-quick-fake-data-generation-in-ruby-665.html http://railscasts.com/episodes/126-populating-a-databasehttp://faker.rubyforge.org/0T" ruby[�["to_xml-0.1.1u;�[" 1.4.0i" to_xmlU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time ����"=AnyObject.to_xml - useful for adding XML support to APIsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 0.8.7: @name" rake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @);F00["Clive Crous"=AnyObject.to_xml - useful for adding XML support to APIs0T" ruby[�["tagtreescanner-0.8.1u;�e[" 1.4.0i"tagtreescannerU:Gem::Version[" 0.8.1u: Time %����"bMeta library for creating classes that turn custom text markup into XML-like tag hierarchies.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 1.3.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Gavin Kistner"The TagTreeScanner class provides a generic framework for creating a nested hierarchy of tags and text (like XML or HTML) by parsing text. An example use (and the reason it was written) is to convert a wiki markup syntax into HTML.0T" ruby[�["sinatra-security-0.2.1u;�[" 1.4.0i"sinatra-securityU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time $����"%Sinatra authentication extensionU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Cyril David"&For use with Sinatra + Monk + OHM0T" ruby[�["sidepop-;�z[" 1.4.0i" sidepopU:Gem::Version[" Time ����"hSidePOP - Email access for .NET. An easier way for your services and applications to receive email.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;�[" 1.2.10: @name" log4net:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" Rob "FerventCoder" Reynolds"Tim Hibbard"SidePOP allows you to retrieve email very easily from a POP3 account. SidePOP is one DLL (with a dependency on log4net) and a simple configuration that allows you to enhance your applications by giving them the gift of receiving email. SidePOP has an easy configuration - it's the same settings you need to set up email on your phone or in a mail client to check your email. Then all you do is subscribe to the events and you are good. It can't get much harder than that. 0T" ruby[�["russian-reversal-1.0.6u;�[" 1.4.0i"russian-reversalU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.6u: Time e����"QTakes simple English sentences and provides the Russian Reversal verb phraseU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name"linguistics:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; "linkparser; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " nokogiri; @3;F00[" Pistos"QTakes simple English sentences and provides the Russian Reversal verb phrase0T" ruby[�["fp-growth-1.0.0u;�[" 1.4.0i"fp-growthU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time X����"?Implementation of the fp-growth frequent pattern algorithmU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Stefan Achatz"This is an implementation of the fp-growth frequent pattern mining algorithm as stated in the paper Mining Frequent Patterns without Candidate Generation: A Frequent-Pattern Tree Approach Han et al, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 8, 53-87, 2004 0T" ruby[�["dateranger-0.3.0u;�[" 1.4.0i"daterangerU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time % ����"description of gemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["FIXME full name"description of gem0T" ruby[�["grandpa-0.0.2u;�[" 1.4.0i" grandpaU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time D����"-Ruby graphical MVC application frameworkU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name" gosu:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Ari Russo"^Grandpa is an MVC framework for Ruby which is built on the Gosu game development library.0T" ruby[�["bacuview-1.5u;�[" 1.4.0i" bacuviewU:Gem::Version["1.5u: Time e����"5A web app for monitoring a Bacula backup system.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">U;�[" 0.0.0: @name" rails:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["John Kodis"iBacuview is a web application that provides a view into the current state of a Bacula backup system.0T" ruby[�["shuck-0.0.6u;�\[" 1.4.0i" shuckU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.6u: Time e����"9Shuck is a phony S3 engine with minimal dependenciesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�["0: @name"right_aws:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " thor; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " aws-s3; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�["0; " builder; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;�[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @G;F00["Curtis Spencer"OUse Shuck to test basic S3 functionality without actually connecting to S30T" ruby[�["'friendly_id_datamapper-3.1.0.beta1u;�P[" 1.4.0i"friendly_id_datamapperU:Gem::Version["3.1.0.beta1u: Time ����"(A DataMapper adapter for FriendlyIdU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">U;�[" 1.3.10[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;�[" 3.1.0: @name"friendly_id:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 1.0.0; "dm-transactions; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 1.0.0; "dm-validations; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;�[" 1.0.0; " dm-core; @=;F00["Norman Clarke"Alex Coles"?An adapter for using DataMapper::Resource with FriendlyId.0T" ruby[�["composite-0.3.0u;�[" 1.4.0i"compositeU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time ����"Gmetaprogramming module to (de)compose a base class into/from partsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["Martin J. Du"rst"�0T" ruby[�["ackbar-0.1.1u;�[" 1.4.0i" ackbarU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time e����"#ActiveRecord KirbyBase AdapterU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;�[" 2.5.2: @name"KirbyBase:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;�[" 1.13.2; "activerecord; @);F00["Assaph Mehr"KAn adapter for Rails::ActiveRecord ORM to the KirbyBase pure-ruby DBMS0T" ruby[�["amazon-mws-0.1.0u;�[" 1.4.0i"amazon-mwsU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time g����"*A Ruby Wrapper for the Amazon MWS APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[�00["David Michael"*A Ruby Wrapper for the Amazon MWS API0T" ruby[�["inline_attachment-0.4.5u;�? [" 1.4.0i"inline_attachmentU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.5u: Time e����"OMakes image_tag in an ActionMailer template embed the images in the emailsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;�["0U;[[[">=U;�["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;�[" 1.15: @name"mime-types:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jason King" Inline Attachment ================= This package adds full support for embedding inline images into your HTML emails through ActionMailer. Installation ------------ ### As a Gem ### To perform a system wide installation: gem source -a http://gems.github.com gem install JasonKing-inline_attachment To use inline_attachment in your project, add the following line to your project's config/environment.rb: config.gem 'JasonKing-inline_attachment', :lib => 'inline_attachment' ### As a Rails Plugin ### Use this to install as a plugin in a Ruby on Rails app: $ script/plugin install git://github.com/JasonKing/inline_attachment.git ### As a Rails Plugin (using git submodules) ### Use this if you prefer the idea of being able to easily switch between using edge or a tagged version: $ git submodule add git://github.com/JasonKing/inline_attachment.git vendor/plugins/inline_attachment Usage ----- I've rewritten most of Edmond's great work in this version. I now override path_to_image instead of `image_tag` because a big reason for all the Rails2 breakages was because `image_tag` was basically reproduced in previous versions, so broke when that method changed. Now we override the very simple path_to_image, and most importantly we really just add our own stuff for ActionMailer templates, and resort to the existing code for everything else. I've also integrated in with the new implicit multipart stuff. So now, there is so little code required! #### notifier.rb class Notifier < ActionMailer::Base def signup recipients %q{"Testing IA" <testing@handle.it>} from %q{"Mr Tester" <tester@handle.it>} subject "Here's a funky test" end end Oh yeah baby! Read it and weep! So how's this work? Well, you'll need your templates named properly - see the _Multipart email_ section of the ActionMailer::Base docs. #### signup.text.plain.erb Your username is: <%= @username %> #### signup.text.html.erb <html><head><title>Signup Notification <%= image_tag "logo.png" %>

Your username is: <%=h @username %> That's it! InlineAttachment will look for `#{RAILS_ROOT}/public/images/logo.png` and will do the right thing and embed it inline into the HTML version of the email. ActionMailer will do the right thing and offer the recipient both the `text/plain` and `text/html` parts as alternatives. **Note the filenames include the (unusual) major.minor MIME type, look above at the filenames closely.** Note, that you should still be able to use this in the 0.3.0 way if you have code that uses that. But there were a lot of alternatives, and the examples in here didn't show a crucial step of shuffling the parts around to be sure that the image parts came after the html. You can also do the old _manual_ method if you want. Contributors ------------ * Jason King (JasonKing) * Matt Griffin (betamatt) - file:// and chaining cleanup * Logan Raarup (logandk) - pluginified * Jeffrey Damick (jdamick) - bugfix 0T" ruby[["encryptor-1.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"encryptorU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.1u: Time ";A simple wrapper for the standard ruby OpenSSL libraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Sean Huber";A simple wrapper for the standard ruby OpenSSL library0T" ruby[["tinman-0.5.0u;[" 1.4.0i" tinmanU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.0u: Time D"%toto with textile (via RedCloth)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" RedCloth:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rack; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "thoughtbot-shoulda; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " builder; @=;F00["clooudhead codesponge"%toto with textile (via RedCloth)0T" ruby[["dynamic_registrar-0.0.1u;v[" 1.4.0i"dynamic_registrarU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time E"(Registration for dynamic invocationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.4.9: @name"parallel_tests:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.6.3; " yard; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 4.4.2; " ZenTest; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.0.0.rc4; " cover_me; @=;F00["Justin Lynn (justinlynn)"3Crowd Technologies"Inc. (Sponsor)"YNamespaced and versioned registration of callbacks for dynamic invocation by clients0T" ruby[[" gdbm-1.2u;![" 1.4.0i" gdbmU:Gem::Version["1.2u: Time d"qProvides access to gdbm through Ruby-FFI, particularly for JRuby and other alternative Ruby implementations.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Justin Collins"This library provides a gdbm library compatible with the MRI standard library, but using Ruby-FFI rather than a C extension. This allows gdbm to easily be used from alternative Ruby implementations, such as JRuby. It can also be used with MRI, if there is some kind of need for that.0T" ruby[["acts-as-taggable-on-2.0.6u;[" 1.4.0i"acts-as-taggable-onU:Gem::Version[" 2.0.6u: Time D"nActsAsTaggableOn is a tagging plugin for Rails that provides multiple tagging contexts on a single model.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Michael Bleigh"With ActsAsTaggableOn, you could tag a single model on several contexts, such as skills, interests, and awards. It also provides other advanced functionality.0T" ruby[["rrbayes-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i" rrbayesU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time D"Rrbayes: Ruby Redis BayesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0: @name" redis:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " riot; @);F00["hungryblank"DImplementation of a naive Bayes classifier with a Redis backend0T" ruby[["mocha-0.9.11u;[" 1.4.0i" mochaU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.11u: Time e"!Mocking and stubbing libraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["James Mead" Mocking and stubbing library with JMock/SchMock syntax, which allows mocking and stubbing of methods on real (non-mock) classes. 0T" ruby[["configurer-0.4.2u;[" 1.4.0i"configurerU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.2u: Time "1a new take on ruby cross-class configurationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Joe Edelman"0T" ruby[["friend_collection-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"friend_collectionU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time $"9A way to pull all of a given users friends/followersU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Matt Swasey"9A way to pull all of a given users friends/followers0T" ruby[["cmd_line_test-0.1.6u;[" 1.4.0i"cmd_line_testU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.6u: Time "LExtends Shoulda or Test::Unit with macros for testing command line appsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Aleksandr Furmanov"LExtends Shoulda or Test::Unit with macros for testing command line apps0T" ruby[["yubikey-1.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i" yubikeyU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.1u: Time l"OA library to verify, decode, decrypt and parse Yubikey one-time passwords.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" crypt19:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jonathan Rudenberg"OA library to verify, decode, decrypt and parse Yubikey one-time passwords.0T" ruby[["tar2rubyscript-0.4.8u;[" 1.4.0i"tar2rubyscriptU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.8u: Time ".A Tool for Distributing Ruby ApplicationsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["0T" ruby[["foolabs-delocalize-0.2.1u;A[" 1.4.0i"foolabs-delocalizeU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time "+Localized date/time and number parsingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Clemens Kofler"Marcin Raczkowski" Fernando Migliorini Luizão"HDelocalize is a tool for parsing localized dates/times and numbers.0T" ruby[["fd-bertrpc-1.3.1u;][" 1.4.0i"fd-bertrpcU:Gem::Version[" 1.3.1u: Time "/BERTRPC is a Ruby BERT-RPC client library.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.0["=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"backports:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Konstantin Haase"0Making ruby extension frameworks pluggable.0T" ruby[["backs3-0.0.5u;[" 1.4.0i" backs3U:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time e"/A simple backup and restore program for S3U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.3: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.1; " aws-s3; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.2; "activesupport; @3;F00["Jeremy Wells""S3 backup and restore program0T" ruby[["wordlist-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" wordlistU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time _">A Ruby library for generating and working with word-listsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.12: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.3; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.9; " spidr; @3;F00["Postmodern"BA Ruby library for generating and working with word-lists. Wordlist allows one to efficiently generate unique word-lists from arbitrary text or other sources, such as website content. Wordlist can also quickly enumerate through words within an existing word-list, applying multiple mutation rules to each word in the list.0T" ruby[["we5-browsercms-3.1.0u;-[" 1.4.0i"we5-browsercmsU:Gem::Version[" 3.1.0u: Time "pBrowserCMS is a general purpose, open source Web Content Management System (CMS), written in Ruby on Rails.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["BrowserMedia"%Web Content Management in Rails.0T" ruby[["quantitymanager-0.9.2u;[" 1.4.0i"quantitymanagerU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.2u: Time d"(Unit of measure, quantity frameworkU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Alexander A. Portnov"0T" ruby[["autobundle-1.0.0.pre2u;[" 1.4.0i"autobundleU:Gem::Version["1.0.0.pre2u: Time "FRubyGems plugin to bundle up in the warmth of the nearest GemfileU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[00["Jeremy Kemper"0T" ruby[["browsercms-3.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"browsercmsU:Gem::Version[" 3.1.2u: Time ė"BrowserCMS is a general purpose, open source Web Content Management System (CMS) written in Ruby on Rails. Designed for web developers who want to create great looking websites while using standard Rails tools for customizing it.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["BrowserMedia"5General purpose Web Content Management in Rails.0T" ruby[["barista-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i" baristaU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time "RSimple, transparent coffeescript integration for Rails and Rack applications.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["1.0: @name" jeweler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.1.1; "coffee-script; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2.1; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.0; "rr; @=;F00["Darcy Laycock"Barista provides simple, integrated support for CoffeeScript in Rack and Rails applications. Much like Compass does for Sass, It also provides Frameworks (bundleable code which can be shared via Gems). Lastly, it also provides a Rack Application (which can be used to server compiled code), a around_filter-style precompiler (as Rack middleware) and simple helpers for rails and Haml. For more details, please see the the README file bundled with it.0T" ruby[["smart_tuple-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"smart_tupleU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time ".A Simple Yet Smart SQL Conditions BuilderU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Alex Fortuna".A Simple Yet Smart SQL Conditions Builder0T" ruby[["sappy-0.1.7u;[" 1.4.0i" sappyU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.7u: Time $"Wrapping that shit!U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" nokogiri:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; " rack; @);F00["Dylan Egan"Tim Carey-Smith"%A wrapper for the SiteUptime API0T" ruby[["ruby_gntp-0.3.4u;[" 1.4.0i"ruby_gntpU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.4u: Time %"HRuby library for GNTP(Growl Notification Transport Protocol) clientU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" snaka"David Hayward (spidah)"0T" ruby[["i18n_label-0.1.0u;A[" 1.4.0i"i18n_labelU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time f"-Adds translated form labels to Rails 2.2U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"actionpack:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" Sunteya"0T" ruby[["BankValUK-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"BankValUKU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time ">Handles calls to Unified Softwares BankValUK web servicesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Alec Evans"Unified Software"Handles calls to Unified Softwares BankValUK web services including BankValPlus2 which validates UK bank accounts and returns EISCD data, and getBranchDetails2 which validates UK sort codes and returns EISCD data.0T" ruby[["namespaced_htmldoc-0.2.3u;[" 1.4.0i"namespaced_htmldocU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.3u: Time "QWrapper around HTMLDOC, a PDF generation utility, namespaced to HTMLDocPDF::U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Craig R Webster"Jeff Emminger"Wrapper around HTMLDOC, a PDF generation utility, namespaced to HTMLDocPDF:: to avoid collisions with other gems using the PDF:: namespace0T" ruby[["#warnold-selenium-client-1.2.19u;[" 1.4.0i"warnold-selenium-clientU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.19u: Time d"@Official Ruby Client for Selenium RC, modified by W. ArnoldU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[ " OpenQA"Philippe Hanrigou"Joshua Krall"Wolfram Arnold"0T" ruby[["rails-doorman-0.1.0u;e[" 1.4.0i"rails-doormanU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time l"'Ruby on Rails authorization pluginU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" cucumber:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.4.0; " yard; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">U;["0; " grancher; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.2; " rails; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; "rspec-rails; @Q;F00["Jeremy Burks"'Ruby on Rails authorization plugin0T" ruby[["authlogic_radius-0.0.5u;[" 1.4.0i"authlogic_radiusU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time D">Extension of the Authlogic library adding RADIUS support.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.3: @name"radiustar:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["2.0; "authlogic; @);F00["Brad Langhorst"KThis is a simple gem to allow authentication against a RADIUS server. 0T" ruby[["open4-1.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" open4U:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time Df" open4U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Ara T. Howard"7manage child processes and their io handles easily0T" ruby[["geert-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" geertU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time j"1Geert's a Enterprise Entity Relation TrackerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "matthuhiggins-foreigner; @);F00["Iain Hecker"IFind foreign keys in ActiveRecord and create a migration to add them0T" ruby[["spree_faq-3.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"spree_faqU:Gem::Version[" 3.0.3u: Time "-Adds an easy faq page to your spree siteU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.30.1: @name"spree_core:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Josh Nussbaum"With this gem you get an faq page and the management tools to make it very easy to update your faq and reduce the demand on your sites customer service0T" ruby[["agnostic-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i" agnosticU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time Df"9An abstract framework for framework agnostic pluginsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Genki Takiuchi"9An abstract framework for framework agnostic plugins0T" ruby[["open5-0.2u;w[" 1.4.0i" open5U:Gem::Version["0.2u: Time ":open5(cmd, *option) #=> stdin, stdout, stderr, threadU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" open4:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" ujihisa":open5(cmd, *option) #=> stdin, stdout, stderr, thread0T" ruby[["belongs_to_city-0.7.1u;E[" 1.4.0i"belongs_to_cityU:Gem::Version[" 0.7.1u: Time "HEases integrating a city database structure with any model in railsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"fastercsv:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "thoughtbot-shoulda; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "searchlogic; @3;F00["Adrian Cuadros"rCreates the basic structure to enable City structure integration with any model and eases autocomplete search0T" ruby[["chef_knives-0.7.1u;[" 1.4.0i"chef_knivesU:Gem::Version[" 0.7.1u: Time e",Chef addons to become a cooking master!U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "json_pure; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "couchrest; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ip; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.3; "hoe; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0.7; " chef; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rest-client; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " choice; @e;F00["Sergio Rubio"[Unofficial Chef Server scripts and related stuff. http://wiki.opscode.com/display/chef0T" ruby[["dbd-adonet-0.3.2u;x[" 1.4.0i"dbd-adonetU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.2u: Time %"1A DBD implementation for .NET based drivers.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 0.4.3: @name"dbi:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Ivan Porto Carrero"1A DBD implementation for .NET based drivers.0T" ruby[["stratus-1.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" stratusU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time "GInterface classes for the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.10: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.6.1; "rest-client; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.12; "xml-simple; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.6; " rcov; @G;F00["Serverworks Co.,Ltd."GInterface classes for the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)0T" ruby[["scroauth-0.0.3u;z[" 1.4.0i" scroauthU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time d"Authenticated scrosU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.0: @name"rest-client:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.4.3; " json; @);F00["Corey Donohoe"Authenticated scros0T" ruby[["ruby-ogg-0.0.1u;A[" 1.4.0i" ruby-oggU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time j")A library for reading Ogg bitstreamsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0: @name" bindata:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Aiden Nibali"0T" ruby[["gynzy-rspec-rails-1.2.9u;[" 1.4.0i"gynzy-rspec-railsU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.9u: Time h"4Behaviour Driven Development for Ruby on Rails.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jeroen Knoops"4Behaviour Driven Development for Ruby on Rails.0T" ruby[["Blitz3D-0.1.2u;5[" 1.4.0i" Blitz3DU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time _"RubyBlitz3DGem is a still-maintained version of RubyBlitz3D, which also has a few additional features and is compatible with the Ruby 1.9 branch.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Daniel Stefan Holcik"0T" ruby[["(zendesk_remote_authentication-0.9.0u;{[" 1.4.0i""zendesk_remote_authenticationU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.0u: Time ""Zendesk Remote AuthenticationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["James Wachira")Allow users to authenticate remotely0T" ruby[["typogrify-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"typogrifyU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time d"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;["0.2: @name"rubypants:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.2; "hoe; @);F00["Ben Schwarz"Thanks to Pat Allan & his regex-fu, Anthony Kolber (http://aestheticallyloyal.com/) for showing me Typogrify. Square Circle Triangle (http://sct.com.au/) because I mashed it together on a Friday afternoon at work :) == FEATURES/PROBLEMS: * Multiple adjacent caps are wrapped in <span class="caps"> (Gives you a handle on small caps) * Single and double quotes are wrapped in a class name matching their entity name in HTML * Ampersands wrapped in <span class="amp"> * Runs smarty pants (Which writes HTML entities so that you don't have to) * No more widows in your headlines * Extends the string class == USAGE:0T" ruby[["simplehttp-0.1.3u;[" 1.4.0i"simplehttpU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time "")simple_http: Simple Http client lib.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["DWrapper around net/http to provide quick and dirty http access.0T" ruby[["rack-legacy-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"rack-legacyU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time ".Rack-based handler for legacy CGI and PHPU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rack:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " flexmock; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " nokogiri; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "mechanize; @=;F00["Eric Anderson"7 Rack legacy is a rack handler to help your run legacy code side-by-side on your rack server. Currently CGI and PHP is supported. Although this can be done with an Apache setup this is overkill for development environments. PHP support is enabled by running through the php-cgi executable. 0T" ruby[["cloudkit-0.11.2u;[" 1.4.0i" cloudkitU:Gem::Version[" 0.11.2u: Time d" An Open Web JSON Appliance.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["0.3: @name" oauth:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.0.1; " uuid; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.1; " json; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.0; " rack; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2.1; "ruby-openid; @G;F00["Jon Crosby" An Open Web JSON Appliance.0T" ruby[["libraries-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"librariesU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time E"/Common Libraries and Ruby/Rails extensionsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["On-Site.com"/Common Libraries and Ruby/Rails extensions0T" ruby[["overridable-0.3.2u;[" 1.4.0i"overridableU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.2u: Time k"+Override methods without method alias.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.0: @name" yard:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.10.0; " riot; @);F00["梁智敏(Gimi Liang)"Overridable is a pure ruby library which helps you to make your methods which are defined in classes to be able to be overrided by mixed-in modules.0T" ruby[["feedbuilder-0.0.6u; [" 1.4.0i"feedbuilderU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.6u: Time Ů"&An easier way to build Atom feedsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["2.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " ratom; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["3.0; "activesupport; @3;F00["Brian Moseley"jA utility that simplifies the process of building Atom feeds from collections of well-behaved objects0T" ruby[["constant_contact-1.3.3u;[" 1.4.0i"constant_contactU:Gem::Version[" 1.3.3u: Time "9ActiveResource wrapper for the Constant Contact API.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" mocha:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "activeresource; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "activesupport; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " fakeweb; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.1.2; " builder; @Q;F00[ " Tim Case"Ed Hickey"Nathan Hyde"Idris Mokhtarzada"QThis is a very ActiveResource-like ruby wrapper to the Constant Contact API.0T" ruby[["zemax-2.3.4.bui2u;y[" 1.4.0i" zemaxU:Gem::Version["2.3.4.bui2u: Time d"Describe package zemaxU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " cucumber; @);F00[" arvicco"Describe package zemax0T" ruby[["spekmachine-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"spekmachineU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time "Stateful specsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 0.7.5: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Michiel de Mare"spekmachine is a modification of RSpec, (http://rspec.rubyforge.org/) which uses a state machine to test all transitions. It uses the Chinese Postman algorithm to find the shortest way through all transitions.0T" ruby[["mochi-0.1.0u;|[" 1.4.0i" mochiU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time d".Mochi api for Rails3 (www.mochimedia.com)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"happymapper:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[""Damian Nurzynski (dnurzynski)"-Mochi api for Rails (www.mochimedia.com)0T" ruby[[""caring-aws-sdb-0.3.2.caring.1u;[" 1.4.0i"caring-aws-sdbU:Gem::Version["0.3.2.caring.1u: Time Dd"Amazon SDB APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "uuidtools; @);F00["Tim Dysinger"David Dollar"Amazon SDB API0T" ruby[["djinn-0.1.5u;o[" 1.4.0i" djinnU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.5u: Time ".Helper for creating simple custom daemonsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.11.1: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Craig Paterson".Helper for creating simple custom daemons0T" ruby[["remote_i18n-0.1.0u;1[" 1.4.0i"remote_i18nU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "#I18n for Javascript with RailsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0: @name" bundler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.2; " jeweler; @);F00["Julien Guimont"RemoteI18n helps developer export translated messages from a Rails server to a Javascript/HTML client application. More and more we need to use templates in javascript to create new HTML segments, but when you are building an I18n application you need to make sure that those segments contains the right language. This is what this project is for. For now it bundle the Rails translations into different javascript file ready for consumption.0T" ruby[["lazibi-0.1.15u;Y[" 1.4.0i" lazibiU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.15u: Time "#Python like indenting for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.4: @name" coderay:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.0; " rcov; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.5; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.4; " webgen; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.2; "activesupport; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.3; " rake; @Q;F00[" Jinjing"#Python like indenting for Ruby0T" ruby[["coordinate-converter-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"coordinate-converterU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time $"-Converting UTM to Latitude and LongitudeU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Kim Joar Bekkelund"-Converting UTM to Latitude and Longitude0T" ruby[["tub-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"tubU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "rMake a Thin backend that can serve Rack, then easily be upgraded to a completely different EM-based protocol.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " thin; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " autotest; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @=;F00["Tim Shadel"The HTTP spec details a way to use HTTP/1.1 as a platform for transitioning to newer protocols by starting the conversation with HTTP/1.1. There are no restrictions on what that protocol can be.0T" ruby[["sprout-as3-bundle-1.0.37u;.[" 1.4.0i"sprout-as3-bundleU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.37u: Time Ď"?Project and Code Generators for ActionScript 3 DevelopmentU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.215: @name" sprout:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.2.6; "sprout-asunit3-library; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 10.22.0; "sprout-flashplayer-bundle; @3;F00["Pattern Park"DCode Generation and Rake Tasks for ActionScript 3.0 Development0T" ruby[[""google-spreadsheet-ruby-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"google-spreadsheet-rubyU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time "8This is a library to read/write Google Spreadsheet.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" @name" nokogiri:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.6; " oauth; @);F00["Hiroshi Ichikawa"8This is a library to read/write Google Spreadsheet.0T" ruby[["a_b_plugin-0.1.0u;I[" 1.4.0i"a_b_pluginU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time ej"/Talk to a_b from your Rails or Sinatra appU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 0.4.5: @name" httparty:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Winton Welsh"0T" ruby[["simple-mmap-1.1.4u;p[" 1.4.0i"simple-mmapU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.4u: Time E";A simplistic interface for reading memory mapped filesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 0.7.0: @name"rake-compiler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Johan Sørensen"Pieter Noordhuis"0T" ruby[["fastreader-1.0.8u;[" 1.4.0i"fastreaderU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.8u: Time D""A terminal-based feed reader.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0: @name"activerecord:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.0; " highline; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.2; "sqlite3-ruby; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.6.0; "hoe; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0.6; " hpricot; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0; "activesupport; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.1; "feed-normalizer; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.1; "simple-rss; @e;F00["Daniel Choi"1A light and fast terminal-based feed reader.0T" ruby[["http-request-1.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"http-requestU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.3u: Time e"+Simple HTTP client built with Net/HTTPU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Peter Kieltyka"+Simple HTTP client built with Net/HTTP0T" ruby[["marionette-0.0.14u;[" 1.4.0i"marionetteU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.14u: Time ".0MQ connection between puppet and master.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" daemons:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " ffi-rzmq; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " facter; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " bundler; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "zmq; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ffi; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " puppet; @[;F00[" Dan Lee"Marionette connects a puppet node to its master and executes puppet runs on demand. Marionette uses fast and lightweight 0MQ messaging system.0T" ruby[["wakeonlan-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"wakeonlanU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time $h",A Wake On LAN (WOL) client and library.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["3.1: @name" echoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["0.8; " rake; @);F00["Jens Hilligsoe"E WakeOnLAN is a WOL client and library written in pure Ruby. 0T" ruby[["has_money-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"has_moneyU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "OParsing the various ways people enter dollar amounts so you don't have to.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Greg Bell"Sam Vincent"Howard Yeh"qParsing the various ways people enter dollar amounts so you don't have to. Store values in cents as integer.0T" ruby[["ruby-libvirt-0.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i"ruby-libvirtU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time "Ruby bindings for LIBVIRTU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["David Lutterkort"Chris Lalancette"$Provides bindings for libvirt. 0T" ruby[["honey-do-0.7.0u;[" 1.4.0i" honey-doU:Gem::Version[" 0.7.0u: Time EE">collection driven, commandless form handling for SeleniumU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.1: @name" Selenium:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Tim Camper">collection driven, commandless form handling for Selenium0T" ruby[["googlebase-0.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i"googlebaseU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time C"MBase class which handles authentication and requests for google servicesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0; "hoe; @);F00[" John"MBase class which handles authentication and requests for google services0T" ruby[["mongo_session_store-2.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"mongo_session_storeU:Gem::Version[" 2.0.0u: Time "FRails session store class implemented for MongoMapper and MongoidU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.2: @name"mongo_mapper-rails3:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2.0; " mongoid; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["3.0; "actionpack; @3;F00["Nicolas Mérouze"Tony Pitale"Chris Brickley"0T" ruby[["/missing_controller_helpers_generator-1.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i")missing_controller_helpers_generatorU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time $")missing_controller_helpers_generatorU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["markbates"Emissing_controller_helpers_generator was developed by: markbates0T" ruby[["dm-transactions-1.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"dm-transactionsU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2u: Time "+Adds transaction support to datamapperU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["1.3: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.2; " dm-core; @);F00["Dirkjan Bussink (dbussink)"Dan Kubb (dkubb)"GMakes transaction support available for adapters that support them0T" ruby[["css-spriter-0.9.2u;[" 1.4.0i"css-spriterU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.2u: Time "#pure ruby PNG spriting libraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" aberant"tjennings"|Css Spriter is a pure ruby PNG spriting library. It can be used standalone or as a Rails plugin, see the readme for details.0T" ruby[["universe-devtools-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"universe-devtoolsU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time e""gem install universe-devtoolsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[(o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rocco:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rip; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " sdoc; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " memprof; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rake-compiler; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " hirb; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " cheat; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " jeweler; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " github; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "universe-testing; @~;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " showoff; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "universe-core; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "yard-rspec; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " whenever; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rubygems-test; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " ripl; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rdoc; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " octopi; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " newgem; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "metric_fu; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "livereload; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "jsonpretty; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " htty; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "hanna-nouveau; @ ;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " hanna; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "hammertime; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " ghost; @(;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " faraday; @2;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " churn; @<;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " bcat; @F;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " bond; @P;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "hoe; @Z;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "gem-release; @d;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " gem-open; @n;F00["Konstantin Haase"0T" ruby[["$testability-driver-runner-1.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"testability-driver-runnerU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.3u: Time "#Testability Driver test runnerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" zippy:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.5; "sqlite3-ruby; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.5; " rails; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "testability-driver; @=;F00["Testability Driver team"#Testability Driver test runner0T" ruby[["ric-0.11.10u;[" 1.4.0i"ricU:Gem::Version[" 0.11.10u: Time "My first gem with various utilities (colors and tests now). My name is Riccardo, hence 'ric' (ok I admit it, this was just ot prove Im able to build a sentence with hence!)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Riccardo Carlesso"My first gem with various utilities (colors and tests now). My name is Riccardo, hence 'ric' (ok I admit it, this was just ot prove Im able to build a sentence with hence!)0T" ruby[["restful_adhearsion-0.1.3u;[" 1.4.0i"restful_adhearsionU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time č"4Ruby Library for the Adhearsion RESTful RPC APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.2: @name"rest-client:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.3; " json; @);F00["Jason Goecke"Jay Phillips"Ludovic Gasc">Ruby library for consuming the Adhearsion RESTful RPC API0T" ruby[["i18n_screwdriver-0.5.0u;[" 1.4.0i"i18n_screwdriverU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.0u: Time Ū"/make translating with rails i18n fun againU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.1; " jeweler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.0; "actionpack; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.0; "actionpack; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @[;F00["Tobias Miesel"0T" ruby[["xmlstreamin-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"xmlstreaminU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "XMLStreaminU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Peter Goodeve"0T" ruby[["tagalus-0.5.0u;[" 1.4.0i" tagalusU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.0u: Time dK"uThis module encapsulates the API for tagal.us, a site which helps users define tags on twitter or other websitesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.11.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.11.0; "hoe; @);F00["Michael J. Edgar"This module encapsulates the API for tagal.us, a site which helps users define tags on twitter or other websites. The basic elements are tags, definitions, and comments - and these 3 objects can be written and read to/from tagal.us using this gem. There's just 6 useful methods - 3 that read, and 3 that write. This module uses the Carboni.ca XML base, which means you can set which XML parser it will use - simply use Tagalus.parser = :nokogiri # can be :nokogiri, :hpricot, :rexml, or :libxml to change the parser.0T" ruby[["simpletimer-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"simpletimerU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time "Simple Ruby TimerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Ganesh Gunasegaran"Simple Ruby Timer0T" ruby[["seedling-0.0.5u;q[" 1.4.0i" seedlingU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time S"pA lightweight tool to create new ruby library trees, with helpers to make gemming and maintaining a breeze.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Kevin Berry"pA lightweight tool to create new ruby library trees, with helpers to make gemming and maintaining a breeze.0T" ruby[["rubysdl-2.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i" rubysdlU:Gem::Version[" 2.1.1u: Time El"1The simple ruby extension library to use SDLU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Ohbayashi Ippei" Ruby/SDL is an extension library to use SDL(Simple DirectMedia Layer). This library enables you to control audio, keyboard, mouse, joystick, 3D hardware via OpenGL, and 2D video framebuffer. Ruby/SDL is used by games and visual demos. 0T" ruby[["ruby-rapleaf-0.2.2u;[" 1.4.0i"ruby-rapleafU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.2u: Time $"Rapleaf's goal is to make the internet safe and transparent, by allowing you to evaluate your web footprint across a variety of user-generated sitesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.11: @name"xml-simple:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.2; " builder; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.7.0; "hoe; @3;F00["Glenn Rempe"Sam Stokes"Justin Ip"Rapleaf's goal is to make the internet safe and transparent, by allowing you to evaluate your web footprint across a variety of user-generated sites. See http://www.rapleaf.com for more information.0T" ruby[["rid-1.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i"ridU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.4u: Time "&Rest in development meta package.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rid-dd:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rid-push; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rid-export; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rid-init; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rid-core; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rid-fn; @Q;F00["Johannes J. Schmidt"Rid is a toolkit to relax in web development. Based on CouchDB you get a distributed, high scaling web application infrastructure with Rid. This is the Rid meta package.0T" ruby[[" nanoc-filesystem-i18n-0.1.0u;N[" 1.4.0i"nanoc-filesystem-i18nU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time $"0I18n filesystem based data source for nanocU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" i18n:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " minitest; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.1.2; " nanoc; @=;F00["Yann Lugrin"sI18n filesystem based data source for nanoc. Compatible with nanoc 3 and default filesystem based data source.0T" ruby[["gem_template-0.1.0u;,[" 1.4.0i"gem_templateU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 0.2.3: @name"active_wrapper:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.2.6; " require; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.3.0; " lilypad; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.2.17; " haml; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.1.1; "rack-flash; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.9.4; " sinatra; @Q;F00["Winton Welsh"0T" ruby[["gyoku-0.3.1u;[" 1.4.0i" gyokuU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.1u: Time %" Converts Ruby Hashes to XMLU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 2.4.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.2; " builder; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " autotest; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.9.9; " mocha; @=;F00["Daniel Harrington"&Gyoku converts Ruby Hashes to XML0T" ruby[[" mixlib-authentication-1.1.4u;~[" 1.4.0i"mixlib-authenticationU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.4u: Time "/Mixes in simple per-request authenticationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"mixlib-log:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" Opscode" Inc."/Mixes in simple per-request authentication0T" ruby[["foreigner-0.9.1u;[" 1.4.0i"foreignerU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.1u: Time "Foreign keys for RailsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Matthew Higgins"MAdds helpers to migrations and correctly dumps foreign keys to schema.rb0T" ruby[["uniform_notifier-1.0.1u;][" 1.4.0i"uniform_notifierU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time ŭ"ouniform notifier for rails logger, customized logger, javascript alert, javascript console, growl and xmppU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;["3.0: @name"ruby-growl:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.3.0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;["0.5; " xmpp4r; @3;F00["Richard Huang"ouniform notifier for rails logger, customized logger, javascript alert, javascript console, growl and xmpp0T" ruby[["provisional-repoman-2.1.3u;[" 1.4.0i"provisional-repomanU:Gem::Version[" 2.1.3u: Time Q"%Repo Man methods for ProvisionalU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.5: @name"provisional:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Mark Cornick"AThis gem provides Repo Man-specific methods for Provisional.0T" ruby[["eventful-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i" eventfulU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time $V"U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "methodphitamine; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0; "hoe; @3;F00["James Coglan"0T" ruby[["mongo_mapper-rails3-0.7.2u;O[" 1.4.0i"mongo_mapper-rails3U:Gem::Version[" 0.7.2u: Time ċ"#A Ruby Object Mapper for MongoU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["2.0.0.beta1: @name" mongoid:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jacques Crocker"0T" ruby[["&masterview_plugin_generator-0.3.4u;+[" 1.4.0i" masterview_plugin_generatorU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.4u: Time D"~A (x)html friendly template engine for rails with the power of layouts, and partials. MasterView Plugin Generator for GEMU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jeff Barczewski"0T" ruby[["faviconduit-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"faviconduitU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time Ħ"!download a webpage's faviconU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" nokogiri:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "addressable; @);F00["Kevin Swope"!download a webpage's favicon0T" ruby[["Bauble-0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" BaubleU:Gem::Version["0.1u: Time " A simple sub-module system.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" unclebob"0T" ruby[["insults-0.3u;[" 1.4.0i" insultsU:Gem::Version["0.3u: Time j":Insults will insult you when it feels you deserve it.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Delano Mandelbaum":Insults will insult you when it feels you deserve it.0T" ruby[["rbbt-sent-www-1.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"rbbt-sent-wwwU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2u: Time j"SENT online interfaceU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rmail:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " markaby; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rand; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " RedCloth; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rbbt; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "xml-simple; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " simplews; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " merb; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " MARQ; @o;F00["Miguel Vazquez"DThis package contains a SOAP web server and a merb application.0T" ruby[["extractsbmtags-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"extractsbmtagsU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time f"4Extract social bookmark service's tags from RSSU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" drawnboy"ExtractSbmTags is RSS::RDF::Item class adds on. This method is return array of tags using social bookmark service. This method currently supports below services. - del.icio.us : http://del.icio.us - Hatena Bookmark : http://b.hatena.ne.jp - MM/Memo : http://1470.net/mm/0T" ruby[["deployer-0.1.7u;&[" 1.4.0i" deployerU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.7u: Time "gDeployer is gem that enhances Capistrano to simplify the deployment of Ruby on Rails applications.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.1: @name"OptionParser:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.5.13; "capistrano; @);F00["Michael van Rooijen"gDeployer is gem that enhances Capistrano to simplify the deployment of Ruby on Rails applications.0T" ruby[["image_size-1.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"image_sizeU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2u: Time ŭ"'Measure image size using pure RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.1: @name" jeweler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rake-gem-ghost; @);F00["Keisuke Minami"Ivan Kuchin"iMeasure following file dimensions: PCX, PSD, XPM, TIFF, XBM, PGM, PBM, PPM, BMP, JPEG, PNG, GIF, SWF0T" ruby[["typhoeus_curly-0.1.14u;[" 1.4.0i"typhoeus_curlyU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.14u: Time DX"cA fork of Typhoeus project with additional libcurl features exposed, like NTLM authentication.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">U;[" 0.9.0: @name" rack:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" Paul Dix"Oleg 'morhekil' Ivanov"0T" ruby[["rclconf-1.0.0u;U[" 1.4.0i" rclconfU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time "arclconf is a pure Ruby library which is available for the configurtion of a Ruby applicationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.8.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Masaomi Hatakeyama"Zeno R.R. Davatz"rclconf is a pure Ruby library which is available for the configurtion of a Ruby application. rclconf manages yaml type of configuration files and has useful functions to utilize commandline options.0T" ruby[["oai_talia-0.0.16u;n[" 1.4.0i"oai_taliaU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.16u: Time Ġ"kA ruby library for working with the Open Archive Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0: @name" builder:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Ed Summers"Daniel Hahn"A ruby library for working with the Open Archive Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH). Fork of the original version by Ed Summers, aims for best standards compatibility (test with http://re.cs.uct.ac.za/)0T" ruby[["!cdmwebs-shoulda-addons-0.2.2u;M[" 1.4.0i"cdmwebs-shoulda-addonsU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.2u: Time h"6Neat addons for Shoulda, because Shoulda is neat.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Mathias Meyer"vSome awesome addons for Shoulda to benchmark tests, or to get nicer output than just a dot, because what the dot?0T" ruby[["mediawikiapi_client-0.2u; [" 1.4.0i"mediawikiapi_clientU:Gem::Version["0.2u: Time D"7Ruby client for interfacing with the MediaWiki APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Roy Nicholson"7Ruby client for interfacing with the MediaWiki API0T" ruby[["hatenabm-0.1.2u;?[" 1.4.0i" hatenabmU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time e"-Hatena Bookmark AtomAPI Binding for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" drawnboy"~Hatena Bookmark is a social bookmark service in Japan. (http://b.hatena.ne.jp) GET/POST/EDIT/DELETE Bookmark via this script.0T" ruby[["aasm-2.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i" aasmU:Gem::Version[" 2.2.0u: Time ")State machine mixin for Ruby objectsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" sdoc:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @3;F00["Scott Barron"Scott Petersen"Travis Tilley"dAASM is a continuation of the acts as state machine rails plugin, built for plain Ruby objects.0T" ruby[["mongomapper-search-0.0.1u;K[" 1.4.0i"mongomapper-searchU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time l"DEasily integreate mongo mapper with enterprise search like solrU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.3.11; "will_paginate; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.9.6; " rsolr; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.5.8; "mongo_mapper; @=;F00["Fernando Meyer"DEasily integreate mongo mapper with enterprise search like solr0T" ruby[["uddi4r-0.9u;[" 1.4.0i" uddi4rU:Gem::Version["0.9u: Time E"UDDI for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["1.2: @name" roxml:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Zak Mandhro"Uddi4r is a Ruby library designed to make it easier for Ruby developers to work with XML. Using simple annotations, it enables Ruby classes to be mapped to XML. ROXML takes care of the marshalling and unmarshalling of mapped attributes so that developers can focus on building first-class Ruby classes. As a result, ROXML simplifies the development of RESTful applications, Web Services, and XML-RPC.0T" ruby[["sortable_list-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"sortable_listU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time ",A simple helper to make sortable tablesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">U;["3: @name" rails:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Eric Anderson"G Provides a simple helper to assist in making sortable tables. 0T" ruby[["resque-timeframe-0.2.0u; [" 1.4.0i"resque-timeframeU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time d"Bigtable adapterU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0: @name"resque-scheduler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0; " resque; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0; " resque; @3;F00["Dmitry Larkin"iresque-timeframe is an extension to resque queue system that allow the execution at configured time.0T" ruby[["eim_xml-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i" eim_xmlU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time "Easy IMplemented XMLU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["KURODA Hiraku"0T" ruby[["truncate_purge-0.2.3u;[" 1.4.0i"truncate_purgeU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.3u: Time E"JReplaces db:test:purge with task that clears but doesn't drop schema'U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["0.6: @name"database_cleaner:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" opsb"JReplaces db:test:purge with task that clears but doesn't drop schema'0T" ruby[["timemaster-0.1.0u;;[" 1.4.0i"timemasterU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time ė";A way to easily store time based data scalably in riakU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" hashie:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "activesupport; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "riak-client; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @=;F00["brianthecoder"UCreates buckets for a given resolution and will create all the appropriate links0T" ruby[["snmp-1.0.3u;'[" 1.4.0i" snmpU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.3u: Time d"LA Ruby implementation of SNMP (the Simple Network Management Protocol).U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Dave Halliday"LA Ruby implementation of SNMP (the Simple Network Management Protocol).0T" ruby[["remotebackup-0.51.1u;;[" 1.4.0i"remotebackupU:Gem::Version[" 0.51.1u: Time e,"@remote ssh backup is backup files on remote server with sshU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.0: @name" newgem:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.0; " newgem; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0; "hoe; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.1; " net-scp; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4; " net-ssh; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0; "hoe; @Q;F00["takeshi morita"remote ssh backup is backup files on remote server with ssh. It's not required any program on remote server.Only download files which changed size or mday. And you can restore not only last version but also past version.0T" ruby[[""apple_push_notification-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"apple_push_notificationU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time Ei".Rails plugin for Apple Push NotificationsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Sam Soffes".Rails plugin for Apple Push Notifications0T" ruby[["time_interval-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"time_intervalU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time D"%Calculates time interval subsetsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" tadman"=Useful for dividing up linear time into nested intervals0T" ruby[["cinesync-1.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i" cinesyncU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2u: Time "GLibrary for scripting the cineSync collaborative video review toolU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["1.0: @name" bacon:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.1; " andand; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["2.3; "activesupport; @3;F00["Jonathon Mah"Rising Sun Research" This gem provides a Ruby interface to the cineSync session file format, which is used by cineSync's scripting system. Use it to integrate cineSync into your workflow. 0T" ruby[["Build2Spec-0.1.0u;%[" 1.4.0i"Build2SpecU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time d"=Rapidly produce code skeletons from rspec specificationsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Judson Lester"Any automated testing should save you effort. Use the work you did writing your specs first to produce the skeleton of new projects or even just new features. Makes BDD discipline effortless to maintain.0T" ruby[["honstats-0.0.7u;[" 1.4.0i" honstatsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.7u: Time ["|HonStats is a Ruby Gem for extracting player statistics and other information from the Heroes of Newerth master server.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Lloyd Pick"{HonStats is a Ruby library for extracting player statistics and other information from the Heroes of Newerth master server.0T" ruby[["merb_whenever-0.5.0u;[" 1.4.0i"merb_wheneverU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.0u: Time k"BClean ruby syntax for defining and deploying messy cron jobs.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.3: @name" chronic:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Javan Makhmali"Roberto Thais"]Clean ruby syntax for defining and deploying messy cron jobs. Modified for use with merb0T" ruby[["ril-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"rilU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time $["!provides IRC support to rubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Joey Kinsella",Ril is a inheritence based IRC library.0T" ruby[["pretty_diff-0.8.1u;I[" 1.4.0i"pretty_diffU:Gem::Version[" 0.8.1u: Time E"CLibrary for converting unified diff format into HTML listings.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Ilya Sabanin"PrettyDiff is a highly customizable library for creating fully featured HTML listings out of unified diff format strings. Include copy/paste-safe line numbers and built-in syntax highlighting.0T" ruby[["!esi_attribute_language-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"esi_attribute_languageU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time %k"ESI Attribute LanguageU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Joshua Hull"ESI Attribute Language0T" ruby[["geo_pack-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" geo_packU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "Geo related services"U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 0.2.3: @name"geoplanet:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.5.0; " geokit; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "thoughtbot-shoulda; @3;F00["Efficiency 2.0"Geo related services"0T" ruby[["youtube_it-1.2.10u;[" 1.4.0i"youtube_itU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.10u: Time E"5The most complete Ruby wrapper for youtube api'sU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.4: @name" oauth:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " builder; @);F00[" chebyte"kylejginavan"HUpload, delete, update, comment on youtube videos all from one gem.0T" ruby[["sexp_path-0.4.0u;[" 1.4.0i"sexp_pathU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.0u: Time e"/Pattern matching for S-Expressions (sexp).U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["2.1: @name"ParseTree:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["3.0; "sexp_processor; @);F00["Adam Sanderson"e Allows you to do example based pattern matching and queries against S Expressions (sexp). 0T" ruby[["motiro-0.6.11u;Q[" 1.4.0i" motiroU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.11u: Time "!Simple project tracking toolU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.1: @name"sqlite3-ruby:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.2; " diff-lcs; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.2.0; "rails-app-installer; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.0.2; " rails; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.6; " daemons; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.1; " flexmock; @Q;F00["Thiago Arrais"0T" ruby[["farsifu-0.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i" farsifuU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time e"ia toolbox for developing ruby applications in Persian (Farsi) language, see readme file for featuresU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 2.1.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @);F00["Allen A. Bargi"ia toolbox for developing ruby applications in Persian (Farsi) language, see readme file for features0T" ruby[["autoweb-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i" autowebU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time Ĝ"Gem for the restU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" dazuiba"2Automate the Internet. baidu music downloader0T" ruby[["!le1t0-parsley-ruby-;G[" 1.4.0i"le1t0-parsley-rubyU:Gem::Version[" Time $"Ruby binding for parsleyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" Le1t0"XML/HTML Parser0T" ruby[["watirgrid-0.0.8.preu;[" 1.4.0i"watirgridU:Gem::Version["0.0.8.preu: Time D"FWatirGrid: Web Application Testing in Ruby across a grid network.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Tim Koopmans"PWatirGrid allows for distributed testing across a grid network using Watir.0T" ruby[["drmap-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i" drmapU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time E*"3drmap distributed Ruby blocks across processesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.2: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.2; "hoe; @);F00["Marc Chung"3drmap distributed Ruby blocks across processes0T" ruby[["movie_searcher-0.1.3u;[" 1.4.0i"movie_searcherU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time E">IMDB client using the IMDB API that their iPhone app usesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"autotest-growl:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "mimer_plus; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "levenshteinish; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "autotest-standalone; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " httparty; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " autotest; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "autotest-fsevent; @e;F00["Linus Oleander"Jon Maddox"IMDB client using the IMDB API that their iPhone app uses. It can also figure out what movie you are looking for just by looking at the release name of the movie0T" ruby[["update_cadabra-1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"update_cadabraU:Gem::Version["1.2u: Time Đ"}auto-update rvm( + rubygems & gems), rubygems (+ gems), macports (+ ports), homebrew formulas, textmate bundles -- pain-free!U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Diego Plentz"}auto-update rvm( + rubygems & gems), rubygems (+ gems), macports (+ ports), homebrew formulas, textmate bundles -- pain-free!0T" ruby[["tasty-1.0.0u; [" 1.4.0i" tastyU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time e"2Ruby library for interacting with del.icio.usU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rcov:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.1; " jeweler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " httparty; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @=;F00["David Czarnecki"2Ruby library for interacting with del.icio.us0T" ruby[["spree_core-0.40.2u;n[" 1.4.0i"spree_coreU:Gem::Version[" 0.40.2u: Time %"9Core e-commerce functionality for the Spree project.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 1.9.0: @name"activemerchant:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 3.0.0; "rd_searchlogic; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 3.0.3; " rails; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.1.2; "acts_as_list; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 3.0.pre2; "will_paginate; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.2.2; "jquery-rails; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.5.1; " highline; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.4.4; "rd_awesome_nested_set; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.0.3; " stringex; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.9.4; "state_machine; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.3.8; "paperclip; @~;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.9.4; " faker; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rd_resource_controller; @;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.1.0; "rd_unobtrusive_date_picker; @;F00["Sean Schofield""Required dependancy for Spree0T" ruby[["rio-0.4.2u;[" 1.4.0i"rioU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.2u: Time e("Rio - Ruby I/O FacilitatorU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Christopher Kleckner"0T" ruby[["#radiant-mobile-extension-0.1.4u;[" 1.4.0i"radiant-mobile-extensionU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time E"%Mobile Extension for Radiant CMSU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" spanner"BAn easy, flexible, cache-friendly mobile version of your site0T" ruby[["quickbooks-1.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"quickbooksU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2u: Time "8The only comprehensive Ruby interface to QuickbooksU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.3: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["BehindLogic"The only comprehensive Ruby interface to Quickbooks. THIS IS A DEMO VERSION. Visit behindlogic.com for the full version, which works with all versions of QuickBooks.0T" ruby[["dedupe-0.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i" dedupeU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.0u: Time D"8ActiveModel validation against duplicating records.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.0: @name"activemodel:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.0; "activesupport; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;["2.0.0.beta.19; " mongoid; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.5.0.pre3; " jeweler; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["2.0.0.beta.19; " rspec; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.0.9; " bson_ext; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.0; "activerecord; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.3.1; "sqlite3-ruby; @y;F00["Brent Hargrave"8ActiveModel validation against duplicating records.0T" ruby[["DerGuteMoritz-rforce-0.4.2u;[" 1.4.0i"DerGuteMoritz-rforceU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.2u: Time %"4A simple, usable binding to the SalesForce API.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["1.3: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " oauth; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.4.4; " nokogiri; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0; " builder; @=;F00[ " Ian Dees"Logan (henriquez)"Aaron Qian"Moritz Heidkamp"Rather than enforcing adherence to the sforce.com schema, RForce assumes you are familiar with the API. Ruby method names become SOAP method names. Nested Ruby hashes become nested XML elements.0T" ruby[["amazon-associates-0.7.0u;k[" 1.4.0i"amazon-associatesU:Gem::Version[" 0.7.0u: Time d"UGeneric Amazon Associates Web Service (Formerly ECS) REST API. Supports ECS 4.0.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "thoughtbot-shoulda; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "will_paginate; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mocha; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.1.6; " roxml; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.0; "activemodel; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.4; "activesupport; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ruby-hmac; @e;F00["Ben Woosley"Dan Pickett"Herryanto Siatono"aamazon-associates offers object-oriented access to the Amazon Associates API, built on ROXML0T" ruby[["kloutbg-1.2.2u;[" 1.4.0i" kloutbgU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.2u: Time " Kloutbg - Twitter AnalyticsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.1: @name" httparty:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " typhoeus; @);F00["Jason Torres"Brad Gilreath"Eddy Parris"uKloutbg - Fork of Jason Torres and updated to recent Klout API. No testing. Now using httparty like Eddy Parris.0T" ruby[["acts_as_paranoid-0.3.1u;[" 1.4.0i"acts_as_paranoidU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.1u: Time n"]acts_as_paranoid keeps models from actually being deleted by setting a deleted_at field.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Rick Olson"0T" ruby[["rip-0.0.5u;[" 1.4.0i"ripU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time ]"&Rip: Ruby's Intelligent PackagingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Chris Wanstrath"&Rip: Ruby's Intelligent Packaging0T" ruby[["refinerycms-search-0.9.8u;[" 1.4.0i"refinerycms-searchU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.8u: Time ģ"+Extra search handling for Refinery CMSU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.8: @name"refinerycms:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Resolve Digital"YProvides extra functionality for searching your frontend website using Refinery CMS.0T" ruby[["r2mp3-0.2.2u;[" 1.4.0i" r2mp3U:Gem::Version[" 0.2.2u: Time $""4A library for converting any audio files to mp3U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.6.7: @name"ruby-mp3info:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Warachet Samtalee"WThis library intends to add ability to convert all audio files on the earth to mp30T" ruby[["i2p-0.1.5u;[" 1.4.0i"i2pU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.5u: Time "#Anonymous networking for Ruby.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.8: @name" yard:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0; " rspec; @);F00["Arto Bendiken"MI2P.rb is a Ruby library for interacting with the I2P anonymity network.0T" ruby[["bcms_s3-0.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i" bcms_s3U:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time "This is a browsercms (browsercms.org) module to allow the facility to have attachments stored on Amazon S3. Also there is the option to change caching to suit heroku and/or use 'www' as the prefix for the non-cms site. Based on original work by Neil MiddletonU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Anthony Underwood"0T" ruby[["$nbudin-google4r-checkout-1.0.11u; [" 1.4.0i"nbudin-google4r-checkoutU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.11u: Time Eh"vNat Budin's branch of the Ruby library to access the Google Checkout service and implement notification handlers.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.7.1: @name" money:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Tony Chan"vNat Budin's branch of the Ruby library to access the Google Checkout service and implement notification handlers.0T" ruby[["training_wheels-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"training_wheelsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time ""A Gosu gem to help teach kidsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0: @name" bundler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.7.23; " gosu; @);F00["Josh Kleinpeter">For now this gem helps kindergarteners learn sight words.0T" ruby[["rested-0.3.6u;[" 1.4.0i" restedU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.6u: Time "/Ruby library for working with RESTful APIsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" @name"httpclient:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.2; " json; @);F00["Chetan Sarva"KRuby library built on top of httpclient for working with RESTful APIs.0T" ruby[["atco-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i" atcoU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time ņ"ISimple and opinionated library for parsing ATCO-CIF files with Ruby.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["David Rice"ISimple and opinionated library for parsing ATCO-CIF files with Ruby.0T" ruby[["merb-auth-1.1.1u;X[" 1.4.0i"merb-authU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.1u: Time ĕ"NThe official authentication plugin for merb. Setup for the default stackU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["1.1: @name"merb-core:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.1.1; "merb-auth-more; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.1.1; "merb-auth-slice-password; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.1.1; "merb-auth-core; @=;F00["Daniel Neighman"5Merb plugin that provides authentication support0T" ruby[["achoo-0.4.2u;[" 1.4.0i" achooU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.2u: Time D"Achievo CLI.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" ri_cal:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; "mechanize; @);F00["Kjell-Magne Øierud"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.23: @name" net-ssh:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.4; " rainbow; @);F00["Pavel Evstigneev"+Super-fast and simple rails deployment0T" ruby[["proxy-object-1.0.0u;K[" 1.4.0i"proxy-objectU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time i"Add proxy methods easilyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["David Dollar"Add proxy methods easily0T" ruby[["punkt-segmenter-0.9.1u;[" 1.4.0i"punkt-segmenterU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.1u: Time D"@Ruby port of the NLTK Punkt sentence segmentation algorithmU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0: @name"unicode_utils:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ruby-debug19; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " cover_me; @3;F00["Luis Cipriani"0T" ruby[["harvestr-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" harvestrU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time j" wrapper for the Harvest apiU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 1.2.5: @name" fakeweb:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mash; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.0.3; " mash; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "jeremymcanally-matchy; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mocha; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "thoughtbot-shoulda; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.4.3; " httparty; @[;F00["Wynn Netherland"Jim Mulholland"Jason Derrett"0T" ruby[["moretext-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" moretextU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "!Generate random chinese textU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Francis Chong"!Generate random chinese text0T" ruby[["tissues-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" tissuesU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "things.app + github issuesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.2: @name"things-client:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.8; " octopi; @);F00["Zach Holman"GTissues hooks up the GitHub Issues for your project to Things.app.0T" ruby[["retryable-1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"retryableU:Gem::Version["1.2u: Time ej"9Kernel#retryable, allow for retrying of code blocks.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Carlo Zottmann" Chu Yeow"9Kernel#retryable, allow for retrying of code blocks.0T" ruby[["%foolabs-rack-flash-session-1.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"foolabs-rack-flash-sessionU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2u: Time D"kRack::FlashSession converts a session query parameter to a cookie if the request's user agent is flashU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.0; " rack; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.3; "rack-test; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.1; " rack; @=;F00["Bart Teeuwisse" Rack::FlashSession converts a session query parameter to a cookie if the request's user agent is flash. http://github.com/bartt/rack-flash-session 0T" ruby[["strawberry-0.6.3u;[" 1.4.0i"strawberryU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.3u: Time "&Tree-Oriented Table Data Storage.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.0: @name"oklahoma_mixer:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.10.2; " shoulda; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.1; " uuid; @3;F00["Dmitry A. Ustalov"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" jeweler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " cucumber; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["3.0; "activerecord; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["3.0; " rails; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.1.2; " builder; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @[;F00["Paul Campbell"Configurable is a Rails 3 engine that allows you to set up config variables in a config file, specifying default values for all environments. These variables can then be set on a per-app basis using a user facing configuration screen. 0T" ruby[["$alphasights-business_time-0.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i"alphasights-business_timeU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time d";Support for doing time math in business hours and daysU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @);F00[" bokmann"Have you ever wanted to do things like "6.business_days.from_now" and have weekends and holidays taken into account? Now you can.0T" ruby[["jruby-ldap-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"jruby-ldapU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time $"Port of Ruby/LDAP to JRubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" Ola Bini"3The author was too lazy to write a description0T" ruby[["zillow4r-0.1.1u;d[" 1.4.0i" zillow4rU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "-Simple ruby interface for the Zillow APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" nokogiri:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.1; " jeweler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mocha; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @G;F00["Jeff Ching"bSimple ruby interface for the Zillow API. See http://www.zillow.com/howto/api/APIOverview.htm0T" ruby[["utility_belt-1.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"utility_beltU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.0u: Time "*A grab-bag of IRB power user madness.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.0: @name" aws-s3:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.0; " Platform; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.2; " wirble; @3;F00["Giles Bowkett"0T" ruby[[" twist-0u;[" 1.4.0i" twistU:Gem::Version["0u: Time e"1Twist - Log your system activity to Twitter.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Evan Weaver"1Twist - Log your system activity to Twitter.0T" ruby[["#secobarbital-cookiejar-;[" 1.4.0i"secobarbital-cookiejarU:Gem::Version[" Time "$Client-side HTTP Cookie libraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 2.2.2: @name"addressable:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["David Waite"Seggy Umboh"FAllows for parsing and returning cookies in Ruby HTTP client code0T" ruby[["convertr-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i" convertrU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time ":Useful utility for converting video files with ffmpegU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"factory_girl:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.0; "activerecord; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mocha; @=;F00["Ilya Lityuga"Alexander Svetkin"Convertr works with database and handles converting tasks. It fetches files from remote sources and converts them to appropriate formats with ffmpeg0T" ruby[["#accepts-flattened-values-0.1.3u;Z[" 1.4.0i"accepts-flattened-valuesU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time "Uaccepts-flattened-values is an ActiveRecord mixin to flatten a habtm assocation.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "activerecord; @);F00["Samuel Kadolph"accepts-flattened-values is mixin for ActiveRecord that flattens single values from a has_many or has_and_belongs_to_many assocation into a string and vice versa.0T" ruby[["typesafe-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i" typesafeU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time eh"=provides Object#must_be_kind_of for typesafe developmentU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " cucumber; @);F00["Till Salzer"zSimplifies typesafe development by providing the additional methods Object#must_by_kind_of ad Object#must_be_a.0T" ruby[["to_csv-0.2.2u;[" 1.4.0i" to_csvU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.2u: Time " yet another ruby to csv dslU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["3.0.0.beta4: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "fastercsv; @3;F00["Stefan Penner"?yet another ruby to csv dsl, still at the having fun stage0T" ruby[["rake-builder-0.0.12u;[" 1.4.0i"rake-builderU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.12u: Time "Rake for C/C++ ProjectsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.7: @name" rake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Joe Yates"oProvides Rake:Builder, a specific rake TaskLib for building C, C++, Objective-C and Objective-C++ projects0T" ruby[["jaysus-0.1.4u;,[" 1.4.0i" jaysusU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time E":A Ruby library for managing local / remote JSON storeU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rcov:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.6.1; "rest-client; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.0.0; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.0; "activesupport; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.0; "activemodel; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.2; " jeweler; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ruby-debug; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.3.0; " fakeweb; @o;F00["Paul Campbell"4Persist remote JSON APIs locally and vice versa0T" ruby[["bcms_feeds-1.0.8u;v[" 1.4.0i"bcms_feedsU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.8u: Time "Feeds in BrowserCMSU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"simple-rss:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jon Leighton"JA BrowserCMS module which fetches, caches and displays RSS/Atom feeds0T" ruby[["activecouch-0.1.0u;K[" 1.4.0i"activecouchU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "#Ruby-based wrapper for CouchDBU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.2: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["!Arun Thampi & Cheah Chu Yeow"0T" ruby[[" kandadaboggu-vote_fu-0.0.15u;[[" 1.4.0i"kandadaboggu-vote_fuU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.15u: Time "CEnhanced vote_fu with numerical voting and total vote caching.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[ "Peter Jackson"Cosmin Radoi"Bence Nagy"Rob Maddox"Kandada Boggu"CEnhanced vote_fu with numerical voting and total vote caching.0T" ruby[["yahoo-se-1.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" yahoo-seU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.0u: Time %-"Yahoo! Site Explorer GemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @);F00["Lance Carlson".Ruby gem for the Yahoo! Site Explorer API0T" ruby[["closecall-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"closecallU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time $Z"FCloseCall is a mixin that allows programs to make slight spellingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" trans ""Derek Lewis "CloseCall is a mixin that allows programs to make slight spelling and/or arity mistakes on method calls and the program will still work.0T" ruby[["arspy-0.0.8u;[" 1.4.0i" arspyU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.8u: Time "Rails console command line tool for browsing and inspecting the structure, associations and data of an ActiveRecord data model.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.4: @name"awesome_print:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jeff Patmon"Active Record Spy0T" ruby[["laco-ruby-gmail-0.2.0u;P[" 1.4.0i"laco-ruby-gmailU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time %"DA Rubyesque interface to Gmail, with all the tools you'll need.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0.1: @name" mime:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " jeweler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.2.1; " mail; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.2.1; " mail; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "shared-mime-info; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mime; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "shared-mime-info; @[;F00["BehindLogic"Ladislav Martincik"A Rubyesque interface to Gmail, with all the tools you'll need. Search, read and send multipart emails; archive, mark as read/unread, delete emails; and manage labels.0T" ruby[["underpants-0.0.0u;2[" 1.4.0i"underpantsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.0u: Time "PUnderpants will be released on August 19th. This is just a gem placeholder.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Kisko Labs"PUnderpants will be released on August 19th. This is just a gem placeholder.0T" ruby[["sinatra-example-1.0u;%[" 1.4.0i"sinatra-exampleU:Gem::Version["1.0u: Time d"8A base Sinatra application, with Cucumber and RSpecU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" sinatra:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " haml; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rack; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "cucumber-sinatra; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " capybara; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shotgun; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " cucumber; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @e;F00[" Jon Wood"}This is a simple example I built while playing with Sinatra and Cucumber a bit, so that I could get to a good starting point.0T" ruby[["jsbeauty-0.0.1u;H[" 1.4.0i" jsbeautyU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time %"%JS beautifier based on V8 engineU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0: @name" bundler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.2; " jeweler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.3.0; " rspec; @=;F00["David A. Cuadrado"uread more details on http://www.sencha.com/blog/2010/10/21/make-a-javascript-formatter-with-v8-and-jsbeautifier/0T" ruby[["frost-0.1.6u;[" 1.4.0i" frostU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.6u: Time "Static website generatorU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.6.5: @name"rdiscount:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.7; " rake; @);F00[" Hashmal"YFrost is a tool that generates static websites based on text files and ruby scripts.0T" ruby[["pdf_utils-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"pdf_utilsU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time D"FPdfUtils abstracts a lot of well working UNIX tools for PDF filesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Lukas Rieder"Andreas Korth" Requires xpdf, pdftk, swftools/pdf2swf and imagemagick. You can check their functionality by running `$ rake check_system_dependencies´. 0T" ruby[["net-ntp-2.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i" net-ntpU:Gem::Version[" 2.0.0u: Time %"NTP client for ruby.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jerome Waibel"Nathan Sutton"Brandon Arbini"This project was a rubyfied version of perl's Net::NTP module, (C) 2004 by James G. Willmore. It provides a method to query an NTP server as specified in RFC1305 and RFC2030. Updated and re-released in 2010 by Zencoder.0T" ruby[["khayyam-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" khayyamU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time ."oA gem for easily moving data and definititions, such as vocabulary words and definitions to and from filesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.2: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.2; "hoe; @);F00["Jamal Hansen"oA gem for easily moving data and definititions, such as vocabulary words and definitions to and from files0T" ruby[["github_repo-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"github_repoU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "2Github API v2 wrapper for common github tasksU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Kristian Mandrup"tGithub API v2 wrapper for common github tasks. Builds on Octopi gem where possible but works at a higher level.0T" ruby[["what_methods-1.0.1u;9[" 1.4.0i"what_methodsU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time $"PDetermine what methods can be called on an object that return a given valueU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Dr Nic Williams"PDetermine what methods can be called on an object that return a given value0T" ruby[["toadhopper-1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"toadhopperU:Gem::Version["1.1u: Time "(Post error notifications to HoptoadU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"test-unit:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " fakeweb; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @3;F00[ "Tim Lucas"Samuel Tesla"Corey Donohoe"Andre Arko"Theo Hultberg"/A base library for Hoptoad error reporting0T" ruby[["gem-dependent-0.1.5u;[" 1.4.0i"gem-dependentU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.5u: Time "'See which gems depend on your gemsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Michael Grosser"0T" ruby[["#lsdr-authlogic-connect-;A[" 1.4.0i"lsdr-authlogic-connectU:Gem::Version[" Time $"@Authlogic Connect: Let your app use all of Oauth and OpenIDU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 2.3.5: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.4.3; " json; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.4.0; " oauth; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.0.8; " oauth2; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.1.3; "authlogic; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.3.5; "activerecord; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.0.3; "rack-openid; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.1.7; "ruby-openid; @e;F00["Lance Pollard"cauthlogic-connect fork to solve a few nagging issues, while an update is not (business-)viable0T" ruby[["activerdf_net7-1.7.2u;Z[" 1.4.0i"activerdf_net7U:Gem::Version[" 1.7.2u: Time D"nOffers object-oriented access to RDF (with adapters to several datastores). Version of the Talia project.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.1: @name"gem_plugin:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.1; " grit; @);F00["Eyal Oren"The Talia Team"Offers object-oriented access to RDF (with adapters to several datastores). Version of the Talia project. THIS IS NOT THE OFFICIAL VERSION.0T" ruby[["butterfly_net-0.0.5u;A[" 1.4.0i"butterfly_netU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time %"@IRB and Rails console history captured as Test::Unit tests.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Chris Smith"kIRB and Rails console history captured as Test::Unit tests. (RSpec and others hopefully soon to come.)0T" ruby[["goose-0.6.0u;[" 1.4.0i" gooseU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.0u: Time d"2Top Gun navigation for your Rails applicationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Bruce Williams";Flexible, simple support for multiple navigation views0T" ruby[["delete_softly-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"delete_softlyU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time ">Add soft delete functionality to your ActiveRecord modelsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"meta_where:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Benjamin ter Kuile">Add soft delete functionality to your ActiveRecord models0T" ruby[["html5_layout-0.0.3u;*[" 1.4.0i"html5_layoutU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time "CRails layout generator based upon the HTML5 Boilerplate LayoutU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.2: @name" bundler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.0.1; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.9.4; " cucumber; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.1; " rails; @=;F00["Millisami"7Generates HTML5 Boilerplate layout for Rails 3 app0T" ruby[["notprawn-layout-0.1.0u;G[" 1.4.0i"notprawn-layoutU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time d"UAn extension to Prawn that provides table support and other layout functionalityU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Gregory Brown"X An extension to Prawn that provides table support and other layout functionality 0T" ruby[["libmemcached_store-0.2.2u;M[" 1.4.0i"libmemcached_storeU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.2u: Time "2ActiveSupport::Cache wrapper for libmemcachedU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"memcached:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jeffrey Hardy"An ActiveSupport cache store that uses the C-based libmemcached client through Evan Weaver's Ruby/SWIG wrapper, memcached. libmemcached is fast, lightweight, and supports consistent hashing, non-blocking IO, and graceful server failover.0T" ruby[["timecop-0.3.5u;@[" 1.4.0i" timecopU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.5u: Time "A gem providing "time travel" and "time freezing" capabilities, making it dead simple to test time-dependent code. It provides a unified method to mock Time.now, Date.today, and DateTime.now in a single call.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["John Trupiano"A gem providing "time travel" and "time freezing" capabilities, making it dead simple to test time-dependent code. It provides a unified method to mock Time.now, Date.today, and DateTime.now in a single call.0T" ruby[["tilt-liquid-yield-0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"tilt-liquid-yieldU:Gem::Version["0.3u: Time l"tilt-liquid-yieldU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" tilt:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " bacon; @);F00["Bryan Goines"Ctilt-liquid-yield - a patch to enable yield support for Liquid0T" ruby[["cfruby-1.01u;[" 1.4.0i" cfrubyU:Gem::Version[" 1.01u: Time "YA collection of modules, classes, and tools for system maintenance and configurationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[ "David Powers"Pjotr Prins"Kelley Reynolds"Kevin Way"|Cfruby provides a large array of helpful modules, classes, and tools for simple, powerful, cross platform system maintenance0T" ruby[["chords-0.4.3u;[" 1.4.0i" chordsU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.3u: Time "1Chord generator for guitar-like instruments.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Antti Hakala"YChords is a chord generator for guitar-like instruments. Handy for special tunings. 0T" ruby[["http-log-parser-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"http-log-parserU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time Ď"+A package for parsing web server logs.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Torsten Curdt"HTTP log file parser0T" ruby[["confu-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" confuU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time d"DYet another *fu - this time for rails configuration made easierU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.0: @name" rails:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @);F00["Petyo Ivanov"Krasimir Angelov"DYet another *fu - this time for rails configuration made easier0T" ruby[["babel-0.1.4u;v[" 1.4.0i" babelU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time "-Lorem ipsum generator on methamphetamineU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.4: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["adocca Entertainment AB"2Ryan Davis is too lazy to write a description0T" ruby[[""capcode-render-mustache-0.1.0u;w[" 1.4.0i"capcode-render-mustacheU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time ŀ"*Capcode plugin to render via MustacheU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" mustache:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Gregoire Lejeune"*Capcode plugin to render via Mustache0T" ruby[[""lwe-acts-as-taggable-on-1.0.7u;[" 1.4.0i"lwe-acts-as-taggable-onU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.7u: Time i"nActsAsTaggableOn is a tagging plugin for Rails that provides multiple tagging contexts on a single model.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Michael Bleigh"With ActsAsTaggableOn, you could tag a single model on several contexts, such as skills, interests, and awards. It also provides other advanced functionality.0T" ruby[["lyrics-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i" lyricsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time " lib and cli to fetch lyricsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @);F00["David A. Cuadrado" lib and cli to fetch lyrics0T" ruby[["xapit-0.2.7u;[" 1.4.0i" xapitU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.7u: Time X"IRuby library for interacting with Xapian, a full text search engine.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Ryan Bates"IRuby library for interacting with Xapian, a full text search engine.0T" ruby[["win32-clipboard-0.5.2u;3[" 1.4.0i"win32-clipboardU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.2u: Time Y"9A library for interacting with the Windows clipboardU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.3: @name"windows-pr:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Daniel J. Berger"Park Heesob" The win32-clipboard library provides an interface for interacting with the Windows clipboard. It supports the ability to read and write text, images, files, and Windows metafiles. 0T" ruby[["ruby-fann-1.1.3u;[" 1.4.0i"ruby-fannU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.3u: Time "=Bindings to use FANN from within ruby/rails environment.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.5.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.0; "gemcutter; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4; "rubyforge; @3;F00["Steven Miers"=Bindings to use FANN from within ruby/rails environment.0T" ruby[["autotest-4.4.6u;o[" 1.4.0i" autotestU:Gem::Version[" 4.4.6u: Time %"`This is a stub gem to fix the confusion caused by autotest being part of the ZenTest suite.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4: @name"rubyforge:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.0; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.6.0; " minitest; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 4.4.1; " ZenTest; @=;F00["Ryan Davis"`This is a stub gem to fix the confusion caused by autotest being part of the ZenTest suite.0T" ruby[["console-0.3u;[" 1.4.0i" consoleU:Gem::Version["0.3u: Time E"RConsole is a helper for properly handling super-ASCII strings on the console.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["William Morgan" Console is a helper class for displaying super-ASCII strings on the console. Console is needed when you want to mix two-column (e.g. Chinese) and single-column (e.g. ASCII) characters and know how much horizontal realestate the result takes on the screen. This is generally necessary when you want to have internationalization support in a console-based program. Console currently provides utility methods for determining the display width of a string, and for taking a substring based on display position and display width.0T" ruby[["kete-feedzirra-;[" 1.4.0i"kete-feedzirraU:Gem::Version[" Time D\"xA feed fetching and parsing library that treats the internet like Godzilla treats Japan: it dominates and eats all.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0; " nokogiri; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.12; "sax-machine; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.2; " builder; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.1; " loofah; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.3; " curb; @Q;F00[" Paul Dix"0T" ruby[["bio-kb-illumina-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"bio-kb-illuminaU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time E"+GeneExpression IlluminaHumanAnnotationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0: @name" bundler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.1; "bio; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.3; "activerecord; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.1; " jeweler; @Q;F00["Raoul J.P. Bonnal"wProvide access to the IlluminaHumanAnnotations. Database comes form Bioconductor's package lumiHumanIDMapping0T" ruby[["SuperCaller-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"SuperCallerU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time " A Kernel#caller enhancementU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.2: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.1; "ruby2ruby; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2.0; "ParseTree; @3;F00["Eric Hodel"jSuperCaller adds a beefed-up version of Kernel#caller and a beefed up version of Exception#backtrace.0T" ruby[["acts_as_nice_url-2.0.1u;h[" 1.4.0i"acts_as_nice_urlU:Gem::Version[" 2.0.1u: Time F"GA Ruby on Rails extension to generate pretty URLs from models dataU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.2.0: @name"activerecord:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Nicolas Cavigneaux"This Ruby on Rails acts_as extension provides the capabilities for creating a nice url based on an attribute of the current object. You can set / unset the object id in front of the URL and choose the object attribute to use to generate the URL.0T" ruby[["!paperclip-cloudfiles-;=[" 1.4.0i"paperclip-cloudfilesU:Gem::Version[" Time "WFile attachments as attributes for ActiveRecord with Rackspace Cloud Files supportU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "appraisal; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " aws-s3; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mocha; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "sqlite3-ruby; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "activerecord; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.9; "cloudfiles; @e;F00["Jon Yurek"H. Wade Minter"OEasy upload management for ActiveRecord with Rackspace Cloud Files support0T" ruby[["page_glimpse-0.0.5u;[" 1.4.0i"page_glimpseU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time T"3A Ruby library for the PageGlimpse.com serviceU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.9.5: @name" mocha:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.10.1; "thoughtbot-shoulda; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.10.1; "thoughtbot-shoulda; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.9.5; " mocha; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.1.1; " relax; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.2.2; " fakeweb; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.1.6; " json; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.2.2; " fakeweb; @e;F00["Nathaniel Bibler"0T" ruby[["fugu-0.8.0u;[" 1.4.0i" fuguU:Gem::Version[" 0.8.0u: Time "%Magically puff or shrink stringsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" cucumber:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @);F00["Erik Kastner"'Puff: host0{9-10} to host09 host100T" ruby[["stage-0.4.5u;[" 1.4.0i" stageU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.5u: Time "Code template generator for Rails and Merb that DRYs up view code with partials and utilizes helpers as presenters to reduce ruby code in your view.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Andrew Stone"Code template generator for Rails and Merb that DRYs up view code with partials and utilizes helpers as presenters to reduce ruby code in your view.0T" ruby[["spox-ultraviolet-0.10.5u;B[" 1.4.0i"spox-ultravioletU:Gem::Version[" 0.10.5u: Time d"ultravioletU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"spox-textpow:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" spox"Ruby syntax highlighting0T" ruby[["pics-0.1.1u;b[" 1.4.0i" picsU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "(Tool to manage your pictures files.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.14.6: @name" thor:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Aurélien Malisart"'Tool to manage your pictures files0T" ruby[["maildir-queue-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"maildir-queueU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time e"/A simple queue API with a maildir backend.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"ktheory-fakefs:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rack-test; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " sinatra; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " json; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " maildir; @[;F00["Aaron Suggs"IA simple queue API with a maildir backend. Also includes an HTTP API0T" ruby[["opensocial-0.0.4u;e[" 1.4.0i"opensocialU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time DL"Provides wrapper functionality and authentication for REST and RPC HTTP requests to OpenSocial-compliant endpoints, along with validation of incoming signed makeRequest calls.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.0: @name" rails:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.2; " mocha; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.2; " oauth; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.3; " json; @=;F00["Dan Holevoet"0T" ruby[["awesomecrawler-0.1.3u;S[" 1.4.0i"awesomecrawlerU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time "A little website crawler.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" anemone:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Antoine Lenoir"A little website crawler.0T" ruby[["zerobearing-hashie-0.1.9u;[" 1.4.0i"zerobearing-hashieU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.9u: Time "-Your friendly neighborhood hash toolkit.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Michael Bleigh"Hashie is a small collection of tools that make hashes more powerful. Currently includes Mash (Mocking Hash) and Dash (Discrete Hash).0T" ruby[["thoughtless-moneta-;[" 1.4.0i"thoughtless-monetaU:Gem::Version[" Time ",A unified interface to key/value storesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Yehuda Katz",A unified interface to key/value stores0T" ruby[["therubyrhino-1.72.7u;[" 1.4.0i"therubyrhinoU:Gem::Version[" 1.72.7u: Time E"6Embed the Rhino JavaScript interpreter into JRubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Charles Lowell"}Call javascript code and manipulate javascript objects from ruby. Call ruby code and manipulate ruby objects from javascript.0T" ruby[["sqlconsole-0.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"sqlconsoleU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.0u: Time $"Dadds dbconsole like functionality within standard rails consoleU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.1: @name"awesome_print:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Brian Burridge"This gem eliminates the need to switch back and forth between dbconsole and console. Within console you can simply type 'sql "select * from users"'0T" ruby[["ruby-plsql-spec-0.2.1u;g[" 1.4.0i"ruby-plsql-specU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time ">Oracle PL/SQL unit testing framework using Ruby and RSpecU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.4: @name"ruby-plsql:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.1; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.14.2; " thor; @3;F00["Raimonds Simanovskis"ruby-plsql-spec is Oracle PL/SQL unit testing framework which is built using Ruby programming language, ruby-plsql library and RSpec testing framework. 0T" ruby[["riot-rack-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"riot-rackU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time l"?Zero friction, convention based testing for your rack appsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"rack-test:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " riot; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rack; @3;F00[" brianc"PBuilt on top the riot test framework, adds rack specific helpers and macros0T" ruby[["rat-hole-0.1.11u;[" 1.4.0i" rat-holeU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.11u: Time "Rack compliant http proxyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.1: @name" rack:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Michael Hale"David Bogus"Nathaniel Talbott"Rat Hole is a handy library for creating a rack compliant http proxy that allows you to modify the request from the user and the response from the server.0T" ruby[["merb-ext-direct-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"merb-ext-directU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time A" FIX (describe your package)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.3; " newgem; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0; "hoe; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.3; " newgem; @=;F00["Chris Scott" FIX (describe your package)0T" ruby[[" super-ebs-pruner-9000-1.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"super-ebs-pruner-9000U:Gem::Version[" 1.0.3u: Time " Thins EBS volume snapshots.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 2.3.5: @name"active_support:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.10.0; "right_aws; @);F00["W. Andrew Loe III" Thins EBS volume snapshots.0T" ruby[["rubigraph-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"rubigraphU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time d"Aa Ruby wrap for Ubigraph (http://www.ubietylab.net/ubigraph)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.3: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" mootoh"a Ruby wrap for Ubigraph (http://www.ubietylab.net/ubigraph). see http://www.ubietylab.net/ubigraph/content/Docs/index.html to get complete description about API.0T" ruby[["rail_stat_generator-2.0.0u;Q[" 1.4.0i"rail_stat_generatorU:Gem::Version[" 2.0.0u: Time d&"lRailStat is a real-time web site statistics package which uses Ruby on Rails web application framework.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Luben Manolov"Nick Penkov"Jeff Casimir"%RailStat generator creates a real-time web site statistics system. Features: - Page views paths on each session - Number of total hits / unique hits - Operating system and browser - Countries and languages - Referrers and search strings - Flash / JavaVM / Javascript / ScreenWidth / ColorDepth0T" ruby[["nickel-silver-server-0.0.4u; [" 1.4.0i"nickel-silver-serverU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time D "6A Ruby implementation of a LocoNetOverTCP server.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Tobin Richard"6A Ruby implementation of a LocoNetOverTCP server.0T" ruby[["disqusable-0.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"disqusableU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.0u: Time dd"$Gem for interfacing with DISQUSU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " httparty; @);F00["Robert Rouse"$Gem for interfacing with DISQUS0T" ruby[["$xmlblog-acts_as_versioned-0.6.5u;M[" 1.4.0i"xmlblog-acts_as_versionedU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.5u: Time Z"4ActiveRecord plugin for versioning your models.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" xmlblog"metaskills"technoweenie"aActiveRecord plugin for versioning your models. Based on an old version of metaskills' fork.0T" ruby[["source_proc-0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"source_procU:Gem::Version["0.1u: Time "7Proc objects that can give back their source code.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" @name"call_stack:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Samuel Lebeau"SourceProc objects are created with a source string and binding and delegate calls to the corresponding Proc object letting you access to the original source code.0T" ruby[["crypt-fog-1.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"crypt-fogU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time $"crypt-fog is a simple encryption mechanism, but slightly better than Rot13. It's primary goal is to provide a reasonable amount of obfuscation without having to resort to public/private key exchanges, etc.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Daniel J. Berger"A simple encryption scheme0T" ruby[["monitor-0.1.3u;[" 1.4.0i" monitorU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time f"Dmonitor is a ruby gem to monitor method call stacks in browser.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" sinatra:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " unroller; @);F00["Richard Huang"Dmonitor is a ruby gem to monitor method call stacks in browser.0T" ruby[["booleanize-0.5u;Q[" 1.4.0i"booleanizeU:Gem::Version["0.5u: Time d"^A Rails plugin that adds some new methods for boolean attributes in Active Record models.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Cássio Marques"^A Rails plugin that adds some new methods for boolean attributes in Active Record models.0T" ruby[["ritex-1.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" ritexU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time ")WebTeX to MathML conversion library.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["William Morgan"Ritex converts expressions from WebTeX into MathML. WebTeX is an adaptation of TeX math syntax for web display. Ritex makes inserting math into HTML pages easy. It supports most TeX math syntax as well as macros. 0T" ruby[["rforce-0.7u;P[" 1.4.0i" rforceU:Gem::Version["0.7u: Time ">RForce is a simple, usable binding to the Salesforce API.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["1.1: @name"hoe-gemspec2:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["3.0; " builder; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["0.4; " oauth; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.3; " rspec; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.8.0; "hoe; @G;F00[" Ian Dees">RForce is a simple, usable binding to the Salesforce API.0T" ruby[["googlekeywords-0.4.0u;T[" 1.4.0i"googlekeywordsU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.0u: Time Em"google keywords gemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Henry Mai"(Wrapper for the google keywords api0T" ruby[["parka-0.5.0u;[" 1.4.0i" parkaU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.0u: Time "&Simple gem building using bundlerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" thor:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2.0.0.beta.19; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " crack; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rest-client; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " parka; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @[;F00["David Dollar "&Simple gem building using bundler0T" ruby[["record_cache-0.9.10u;[" 1.4.0i"record_cacheU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.10u: Time $"OActive Record caching and indexing in memcache. An alternative to cache_fuU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0: @name"after_commit:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.0; "deferrable; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0; "activerecord; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; " memcache; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.4; "cache_version; @G;F00["Justin Balthrop"3Active Record caching and indexing in memcache0T" ruby[["spy-0.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"spyU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.0u: Time Ė"Spy your gems.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Ludo van den Boom"*Spy on your gems. Setting up project.0T" ruby[["snmpscan-0.1u;*[" 1.4.0i" snmpscanU:Gem::Version["0.1u: Time $"A fast SNMP scannerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0: @name" snmp:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Marco Ceresa"0T" ruby[["battleship_tournament-1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"battleship_tournamentU:Gem::Version["1.1u: Time ,"Battleship tournament.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.2: @name"uss_monte_carlo:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.0; "joshua_son_of_nun; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.0; " cobra; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.0; "sergeant_simple; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.0; "commodore_cox; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.2; "ensign_erratic; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.0; "l2p; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.0; "rear_admiral_randy; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.7; " alpha; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.0; "ssoroka_takes_the_win; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.0; "sonic_death_monkey; @~;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.3; "white_horseman; @;F00["Micah Martin"\This gem provides the infrastructure needed to participate in the Battleship Tournament0T" ruby[["ninja-deploy-1.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"ninja-deployU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.0u: Time E"&Common shared deployment recipes.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @);F00["Ninja Loss"8Common shared deployment recipes for your pleasure.0T" ruby[["haproxy-0.0.1u;y[" 1.4.0i" haproxyU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "YHAProxy interface for reading statistics or managing servers (requires HAProxy 1.4+)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Leandro López (inkel)"This gem is intended for use as a HAProxy interface when you need to read statistics or if you like to manage proxies thru Ruby0T" ruby[["dm-is-reflective-0.9.0u;i[" 1.4.0i"dm-is-reflectiveU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.0u: Time "EDataMapper plugin that helps you manipulate an existing databaseU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0: @name"dm-migrations:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; "dm-postgres-adapter; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; "dm-do-adapter; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.4.7; " bones; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; "dm-mysql-adapter; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; "dm-sqlite-adapter; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; " dm-core; @[;F00["%Lin Jen-Shin (aka godfat 真常)" DataMapper plugin that helps you manipulate an existing database. It creates mappings between existing columns and model's properties.0T" ruby[["pomodoro-1.0.1u;R[" 1.4.0i" pomodoroU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time "FTurns off certain sites in conjunction with pomodoro timekeeping.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"noprocrast:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " thin; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " sinatra; @3;F00["Steve Klabnik"I can never get work done because the internet makes it too easy to waste time. This turns off access to sites, but lets you on every so often, too.0T" ruby[[" enforce_schema_rules-0.0.15u;[" 1.4.0i"enforce_schema_rulesU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.15u: Time E"HAn ActiveRecord plugin to automatically enforce database contraintsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"activerecord:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[ "Josh Starcher"David Easley"Michael Schuerig"Eric Anderson" A macro-style method that will automatically read the database contraints (null requirements, string length, etc) and enforce those at the model level to keep validation more DRY. Provides many options to customize how automatic it is and what columns it affects. 0T" ruby[["djatoka-0.0.11u;"[" 1.4.0i" djatokaU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.11u: Time "5Djatoka image server helpers for Ruby and Rails.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 2.1.2: @name"addressable:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " fakeweb; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " hashie; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " trollop; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " json; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " curb; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " hanna; @e;F00["Jason Ronallo"The djatoka library provides some simple methods for creation of the OpenURLs needed to communicate with the Djatoka image server.0T" ruby[["i18n_sync-0.0.5u;[" 1.4.0i"i18n_syncU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time ";Syncs all locale yml/rb files based on a "master" one.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Marcos Piccinini"AGem to sync all locale yml/rb files based on a "master" one.0T" ruby[["newcocoa-0.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i" newcocoaU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time "1Generate new Ruby/Cocoa Application skelton.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" cho45"1Generate new Ruby/Cocoa Application skelton.0T" ruby[["gitable-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i" gitableU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time Ŭ",Addressable::URI for Git. Gitable::URI.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "addressable; @3;F00["Martin Emde"jAddressable::URI for Git URIs with special handling for scp-style URIs that Addressable doesn't like.0T" ruby[["auto_reload-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"auto_reloadU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time e"3auto reloads changed files in your irb sessionU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["James Tippett"arequire this gem to enable rails-style reloading of all changed files loaded by your project0T" ruby[["simpleflow-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"simpleflowU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time D"Simple workflow executionU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" neyric"Simpleflow has a simple engine that executes modules in a loop. The workflows are declarative, which means that you can static-check them and safely run user workflows. Modules are created easily in ruby so you can quickly write wrappers around libraires.0T" ruby[["rdelicious-1.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"rdeliciousU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2u: Time "#Delicious API wrapper for rubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Alexandre Girard"#Delicious API wrapper for ruby0T" ruby[["bind-zone-parser-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"bind-zone-parserU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time $"BIND Zone file parserU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @);F00["Geoff Garside"=Helps with parsing records and data from BIND Zone files0T" ruby[["mongo_tagger-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"mongo_taggerU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time %"2MongoTagger, a tagging plugin for MongoMapperU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 0.6.10: @name"mongo_mapper:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.10.2; " shoulda; @);F00["Adam Holt"2MongoTagger, a tagging plugin for MongoMapper0T" ruby[["#mysql_schema_bulk_change-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"mysql_schema_bulk_changeU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time g"bThis extension to the MysqlAdapter in ActiveRecord enables bulk updates to schema definitionsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.2; "activerecord; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0; " newgem; @3;F00["Jacob Kjeldahl"This extension to the MysqlAdapter in ActiveRecord enables bulk updates to schema definitions. Pr. default when calling connection#add_column the change will be executed a once, but Mysql allows for multiple changes to be executed in one SQL statement (http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/alter-table.html). The advantage of this is that it takes a lot less time, especially if the table is large.0T" ruby[["ruby-debug-base-0.10.4u;_[" 1.4.0i"ruby-debug-baseU:Gem::Version[" 0.10.4u: Time d"(Fast Ruby debugger - core componentU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0.3: @name"linecache:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Kent Sibilev"ruby-debug is a fast implementation of the standard Ruby debugger debug.rb. It is implemented by utilizing a new Ruby C API hook. The core component provides support that front-ends can build on. It provides breakpoint handling, bindings for stack frames among other things. 0T" ruby[["rtm-tmcl-0.1.0u;x[" 1.4.0i" rtm-tmclU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "$Ruby Topic Maps: TMCL ValidatorU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.0: @name"rtm-javatmapi:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Uta Schulze"Christian Hass",The TMCL Validator for Ruby Topic Maps.0T" ruby[["roles_for_dm-0.1.0u;O[" 1.4.0i"roles_for_dmU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time D"GFaciliatates adding a role strategy to your Data Mapper user modelU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["1.0: @name"dm-migrations:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["2.0.0.beta.19; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.0; " dm-core; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.0; " dm-types; @=;F00["Kristian Mandrup"GFaciliatates adding a role strategy to your Data Mapper user model0T" ruby[["fusion_tables-0.2.2u;[" 1.4.0i"fusion_tablesU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.2u: Time $"%Google Fusion Tables API wrapperU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.2; " gdata_19; @);F00["Simon Tokumine"Tom Verbeure"\A simple Google Fusion Tables API wrapper. Supports bulk inserts and most API functions0T" ruby[["hbase-driver-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"hbase-driverU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time "HBase Ruby DriverU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Alexey Petrushin"Dmitry Larkin"0T" ruby[["tztime-0.1.0u;[[" 1.4.0i" tztimeU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time D "ETime zone localization with compatibility for Rails/ActiveRecordU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.8: @name" tzinfo:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jeremy Larkin"0T" ruby[["stella-;[" 1.4.0i" stellaU:Gem::Version[" Time "4Blame Stella for breaking your web application!U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.9: @name" drydock:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.1; " gibbler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.15; " benelux; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " nokogiri; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.3; " sysinfo; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.3; " storable; @Q;F00["Delano Mandelbaum"4Blame Stella for breaking your web application!0T" ruby[["neverblock-; [" 1.4.0i"neverblockU:Gem::Version[" Time e"0Utilities for non-blocking stack componentsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.12.2: @name"eventmachine:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[ "Muhammad A. Ali"Ahmed Sobhi"Osama Brekaa"Nicholas Silva"NeverBlock is a collection of classes and modules that help you write evented non-blocking applications in a seemingly blocking mannner.0T" ruby[["akamai_bookmarklet-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"akamai_bookmarkletU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time "NQuick and dirty sinatra app to enable bookmarklet purging of akamai reposU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" akamai:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " sinatra; @);F00["Jay Zeschin"NQuick and dirty sinatra app to enable bookmarklet purging of akamai repos0T" ruby[["memory_test_fix-0.2.0u;F[" 1.4.0i"memory_test_fixU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time "BMakes SQLite3 memory tests possible by preloading the schema.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[ "Chris Roos"Geoffrey Grosenbach"Kakutani Shintaro"#Erik Hanson and Matt Scilipoti"Matijs van Zuijlen"Greg Weber"0T" ruby[["widgetz-0.0.2u;&[" 1.4.0i" widgetzU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time " widgetzU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0: @name"attributes:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Ara T. Howard"0T" ruby[["rwdlanguage-0.01u;9[" 1.4.0i"rwdlanguageU:Gem::Version[" 0.01u: Time '"RRwdLanguage is an application to research words and meanings using RwdTinker.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Steven Gibson"RRwdLanguage is an application to research words and meanings using RwdTinker.0T" ruby[["nofxx-annotate-3.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"nofxx-annotateU:Gem::Version[" 3.0.1u: Time "/Annotates Rails Models, routes, and othersU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Cuong Tran"Marcos Piccinini"0T" ruby[["document_file-0.0.7u;[" 1.4.0i"document_fileU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.7u: Time d"@Document file is an object mapper for plain text documents.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.0: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Ralph von der Heyden" Document file is an object mapper for plain text documents. The documents look like the ones used in jekyll (http://github.com/mojombo/jekyll). They consist of a preambel written in YAML (also called YAML front matter), and some content in the format you prefer, e.g. Textile. This enables you to write documents in your favorite editor and access the content and metadata of these in your Ruby scripts. 0T" ruby[["shooting_star-3.2.7u;[" 1.4.0i"shooting_starU:Gem::Version[" 3.2.7u: Time "Our goal is development of practical comet server which will be achieving over 100,000 simultaneous connections per host. On this purpose, we abandon portability and use system calls depending on particular OS such as epoll and kqueue.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.7.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " json; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.7.0; "hoe; @3;F00["Genki Takiuchi"MOur goal is development of practical comet server which will be achieving over 100,000 simultaneous connections per host. On this purpose, we abandon portability and use system calls depending on particular OS such as epoll and kqueue. == FEATURES/PROBLEMS: * Comet server * Comet client implementation (Rails plugin) == SYNOPSYS:0T" ruby[["pummel-0.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i" pummelU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time "Auto-tumble your RSS feed!U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" sinatra:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " riot; @3;F00["Colin Shea"cGiven an RSS feed, make a tumblr-like site out of it. Uses Sinatra & Rack, inspired by Dumble.0T" ruby[["buckshot-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" buckshotU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time $"2Helper for switching between shotgun and thinU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.2.1: @name" fakefs:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.10.11; "rr; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.9.8; " rcov; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.8.7; " rake; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2.0.0.beta.19; " rspec; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " parka; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shotgun; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " thin; @e;F00["David Dollar "2Helper for switching between shotgun and thin0T" ruby[["diffrenderer-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"diffrendererU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time h"NTakes two pieces of source text/html and creates a neato html diff outputU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" robl"0T" ruby[["patron-0.4.11u;[" 1.4.0i" patronU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.11u: Time "Patron HTTP ClientU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 2.3.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.9.9; " rcov; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.7.5; "rake-compiler; @=;F00["Phillip Toland".Ruby HTTP client library based on libcurl0T" ruby[["googlecalendar-1.1.0u;{[" 1.4.0i"googlecalendarU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.0u: Time DQ"description of gemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0; "hoe; @);F00["Benjamin Francisoud"description of gem0T" ruby[["console_editor-0.0.5u;x[" 1.4.0i"console_editorU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time D"(Interactive editing in the console.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.1: @name" spoon:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Aaron Vegh";Use vim (or any other text editor) from a console app.0T" ruby[["twt-0.2.7u;[" 1.4.0i"twtU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.7u: Time $" A no-fluff CLI for Twitter.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.9: @name" twitter:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Paolo Bosetti (@P4010)"twt is a command line interface (CLI) Twitter client. Now you can monitor your followers and queue your posts when you're not online!'0T" ruby[["tokyomessenger-0.5u;[" 1.4.0i"tokyomessengerU:Gem::Version["0.5u: Time n"hA C based TokyoTyrant Ruby adapter that doesn't require TokyoCabinet or TokyoTyrant to be installedU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.1: @name"fast_hash_ring:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Matt Bauer"0T" ruby[["metacarta-geoparser-1.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"metacarta-geoparserU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2u: Time e"$MetaCarta GeoParser API LibraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0: @name" rc-rest:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.4; "hoe; @);F00["Eric Hodel"LMap addresses to latitude and longitude with MetaCarta's GeoParser API.0T" ruby[["broom-0.3.1u;[" 1.4.0i" broomU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.1u: Time "Simple file picker-upperU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Daniel Johnston"> A small module for watching a directory for new files. 0T" ruby[["#delayed_job_mongo_mapper-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"delayed_job_mongo_mapperU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time "(MongoMapper backend for delayed_jobU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.8.6: @name"mongo_mapper:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.1.1; "delayed_job; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["2.0; " rspec; @3;F00["Andrew Timberlake"0T" ruby[["jira-0.1.0u;-[" 1.4.0i" jiraU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time l"?A command line interface to the JIRA issue tracking systemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.7: @name" fakeweb:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.3; "rest-client; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.12; "xml-simple; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @=;F00[" chrislo"?A command line interface to the JIRA issue tracking system0T" ruby[["Ruby-MemCache-0.0.1u;j[" 1.4.0i"Ruby-MemCacheU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time )"YThis is a client library for memcached, a high-performance distributed memory cache.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0: @name"io-reactor:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["0T" ruby[[" till-2.1u;[" 1.4.0i" tillU:Gem::Version["2.1u: Time %j" K.I.S.S. Project TemplatingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" tilt:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " facets; @);F00["Thomas Sawyer"XTill is a simple project-oriented erb-based template system using POM for metadata.0T" ruby[["shoutcast_status-0.1.1u;x[" 1.4.0i"shoutcast_statusU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time D"-Get station info from a Shoutcast serverU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" mocha:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " johnson; @);F00["Paul Battley"0T" ruby[["bones-git-1.2.3u;[" 1.4.0i"bones-gitU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.3u: Time "]The git package for Mr Bones provides tasks to incorporate git actions into gem release.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 3.6.4: @name" bones:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.6.4; " bones; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.2.5; "git; @3;F00["Tim Pease"The git package for Mr Bones provides tasks to incorporate git actions into gem release. It also provides some extensions to the Mr Bones "create" command that allow you to initialize a git repository and to create a new GitHub project.0T" ruby[["classroom-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"classroomU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time d"/ClassRoom is a 'class server' based on DRbU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Peter Cooper"0T" ruby[["feedtools-cache-yaml-0.0.2u;a[" 1.4.0i"feedtools-cache-yamlU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time "$YAML cache plugin for FeedToolsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.2: @name"feedtools:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" date"$YAML cache plugin for FeedTools0T" ruby[["rspec_hpricot_matchers-1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"rspec_hpricot_matchersU:Gem::Version["1.0u: Time D "=Implementation of have_tag() rspec matcher using HpricotU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Kyle Hargraves"#rspec_hpricot_matchers provides an implementation of rspec_on_rails' have_tag() matcher which does not depend on Rails' assert_select. Using Hpricot instead, the matcher is available to non-Rails projects, and enjoys the full flexibility of Hpricot's advanced CSS and XPath selector support.0T" ruby[["configtoolkit-2.3.1u;[" 1.4.0i"configtoolkitU:Gem::Version[" 2.3.1u: Time "This package makes sourcing information from (parsing) configuration files robust and easy! It: * Allows programmers to specify the type of data that should be loaded from a configuration fileU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0: @name" relative:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.3; "rubyforge; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.5.0; "hoe; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; "assertions; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.0; "gemcutter; @G;F00["DesigningPatterns"Are you tired of writing custom code to parse and represent every new configuration file utilized in your programs? The Config Toolkit generates configuration classes and can populate them robustly by parsing different formats of configuration files.0T" ruby[["gema-0.0.bu;[" 1.4.0i" gemaU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.bu: Time "Just my first built gem.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[00["Marcos Piazera"GIt actually does nothing, just have a class method (Gema.version).0T" ruby[["trace_viewer-0.0.3u;j[" 1.4.0i"trace_viewerU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time d"\Launches your web browser to view the functions of a stack trace in chronological orderU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.3.7: @name" launchy:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.9.5; " coderay; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.8.4; " redparse; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " haml; @=;F00["Charles Grimes"\Launches your web browser to view the functions of a stack trace in chronological order0T" ruby[["eload_select-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"eload_selectU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time $"Eager Loader Select Supporter forces :select to play nice with :include when eagerly loading ActiveRecord data with associations.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.0: @name" rails:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Blythe Dunham"0T" ruby[["license_generator-0.0.1u;+[" 1.4.0i"license_generatorU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time ń"7Choose the license and generate required documentsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.2: @name" rubigen:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.5.0; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.0; "gemcutter; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.3; "rubyforge; @=;F00["Alban Peignier"7Choose the license and generate required documents0T" ruby[["hdcloud-0.1.0u;3[" 1.4.0i" hdcloudU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time d"3A wrapper for interfacing with the HDCloud APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" mocha:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " fakeweb; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " httparty; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @=;F00["Jacqui Maher"`An easy-to-use rubygem for managing jobs, profiles and stores in HDCloud (www.hdcloud.com).0T" ruby[["games_radar-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"games_radarU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time "MGamesRadar is an API wrapper for the games website http://gamesradar.comU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" nokogiri:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Nando Vieira"MGamesRadar is an API wrapper for the games website http://gamesradar.com0T" ruby[["symphony_agent-0.5.1u;&[" 1.4.0i"symphony_agentU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.1u: Time E,"5Symphony OS Content Management suite, Node AgentU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.1: @name" daemons:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.2; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.2; "hoe; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.1; "symphony_core; @=;F00["Stephen F Norledge"5Symphony OS Content Management suite, Node Agent0T" ruby[["pastejour-1.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i"pastejourU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.1u: Time Ğ")Broadcast standard out using BonjourU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.1: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.1; " dnssd; @);F00["John Barnette"Evan Phoenix"wBroadcast standard out using Bonjour. Pipe output to other people. Pastejour is like pbcopy, but over the network!0T" ruby[["pasrb-;[" 1.4.0i" pasrbU:Gem::Version[" Time "0PokerAffiliateSupport api querying via rubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"xml-simple:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "mechanize; @);F00[" Markiz"0PokerAffiliateSupport api querying via ruby0T" ruby[["datalink-socket-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"datalink-socketU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time "Datalink SocketU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jean-Michel Esnault"Datalink Socket0T" ruby[["chopmo-ofx-0.3.0u;Q[" 1.4.0i"chopmo-ofxU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time "jA simple OFX (Open Financial Exchange) parser built on top of Nokogiri. Currently supports OFX 1.0.2.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " nokogiri; @);F00["Nando Vieira"A simple OFX (Open Financial Exchange) parser built on top of Nokogiri. Currently supports OFX 1.0.2. Usage: OFX("sample.ofx") do |ofx| p ofx end 0T" ruby[["engtagger-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"engtaggerU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "MEnglish Part-of-Speech Tagger Library; a Ruby port of Lingua::EN::TaggerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" hpricot:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.1; "hoe; @);F00["Yoichiro Hasebe";A Ruby port of Perl Lingua::EN::Tagger, a probability based, corpus-trained tagger that assigns POS tags to English text based on a lookup dictionary and a set of probability values. The tagger assigns appropriate tags based on conditional probabilities--it examines the preceding tag to determine the appropriate tag for the current word. Unknown words are classified according to word morphology or can be set to be treated as nouns or other parts of speech. The tagger also extracts as many nouns and noun phrases as it can, using a set of regular expressions.0T" ruby[[""sga_fields_synchronizer-0.1.3u;[" 1.4.0i"sga_fields_synchronizerU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time "6A synchronizer for most frequently edited columnsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" tim.teng"I A synchronizer for most frequently edited columns based on yml file0T" ruby[["rkv-0.2.0u;6[" 1.4.0i"rkvU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time e"CRuby Key Value - an adapter on top of various key-value storesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Miron Cuperman"dRuby Key Value - an adapter on top of various key-value stores, supporting Cassandra and others0T" ruby[["popshops-1.0.2u;H[" 1.4.0i" popshopsU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2u: Time ę",Ruby gem for accessing the popshops APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.8: @name" hashie:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.3; " httparty; @);F00["Matt Mueller"Trey Bean"The popshops gem provides convenient methods to access all of the popshops.com API features. It uses hashie to return results that can be used in a more ruby-esque manner than with a plain hash.0T" ruby[[")jakewendt-calnet_authenticated-0.5.1u;[" 1.4.0i"#jakewendt-calnet_authenticatedU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.1u: Time ū"!one-line summary of your gemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.2.1: @name"rubycas-client:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.2; " ucb_ldap; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2; " rails; @3;F00["George 'Jake' Wendt"#longer description of your gem0T" ruby[["glib2-0.90.7u;|[" 1.4.0i" glib2U:Gem::Version[" 0.90.7u: Time %".Ruby/GLib2 is a Ruby binding of GLib-2.x.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"pkg-config:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["!The Ruby-GNOME2 Proejct Team".Ruby/GLib2 is a Ruby binding of GLib-2.x.0T" ruby[["devise-jdguyot-1.2.rcu;[" 1.4.0i"devise-jdguyotU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.rcu: Time ";Flexible authentication solution for Rails with WardenU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 2.1.2: @name"bcrypt-ruby:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.0.3; "orm_adapter; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.3; " warden; @3;F00["José Valim"Carlos Antônio";Flexible authentication solution for Rails with Warden0T" ruby[["moneybook-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"moneybookU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time %"#keep track of money in a groupU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rcov:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " andand; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " highline; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "terminal-table; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.2; " jeweler; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @[;F00["luca cioria"#keep track of money in a group0T" ruby[["ruby-satisfaction-0.6.3u;9[" 1.4.0i"ruby-satisfactionU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.3u: Time ŭ"!Get Satisfaction ruby clientU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.5: @name" oauth:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.1; "gemcutter; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2.3; "activesupport; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.3; " fakeweb; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2.2; " rspec; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.0; "memcache-client; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.0.2; "rr; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.6; " json; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.2; " nokogiri; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.10.4; "ruby-debug; @~;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.4; " open_gem; @;F00["Get Satisfaction"Ruby client for using Get Satisfaction's RESTful API. Get Satisfaction is a simple way to build online communities that enable productive conversations between companies and their customers. More than 46,000 companies use Get Satisfaction to provide a more social support experience, build better products, increase SEO and improve customer loyalty. Get Satisfaction communities are available at http://getsatisfaction.com.0T" ruby[["redhillonrails_core-1.1.2u;N[" 1.4.0i"redhillonrails_coreU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.2u: Time %"dAdds support in ActiveRecord for foreign_keys, complex indexes and other database-related stuffU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["1.3: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "pg; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mysql; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.5; " jeweler; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mysql2; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "activerecord; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.3.1; "sqlite3-ruby; @[;F00["Michał Łomnicki"Adds support in ActiveRecord for foreign_keys, complex indexes and other database-related stuff. Easily create foreign_keys, complex indexes and views.0T" ruby[["rack_clicky-1.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"rack_clickyU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2u: Time d"(Clicky Analytics for your Rack AppsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Mark Turner"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.1: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["David Bacher"Mark Probert"rubyrrdtool provides ruby bindings for RRD functions (via librrd), with functionality comparable to the native perl bindings. See examples/minmax.rb or the unit tests in the test directory for scripts that exercise the rrdtool functions.0T" ruby[["scoped-search-0.7.1u;[" 1.4.0i"scoped-searchU:Gem::Version[" 0.7.1u: Time "REasily implement search forms and column ordering based on your models scopesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["slainer68"Easily implement search forms and column ordering based on your models scopes. For Rails 3, compatible with ActiveRecord and Mongoid.0T" ruby[["devise-spec-0.1.3u;Z[" 1.4.0i"devise-specU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time " Spec your devise User filesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.2.5: @name"code-spec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.2.0; "require_all; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.3.0; "rails-app-spec; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.3.0; "rails3_artifactor; @G;F00["Kristian Mandrup"7RSpec matchers to help spec your devise User files0T" ruby[[" calendar_date_select-1.16.2u;[" 1.4.0i"calendar_date_selectU:Gem::Version[" 1.16.2u: Time "#Calendar date picker for railsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[ "Shih-gian Lee"!Enrique Garcia Cota (kikito)"Tim Charper"Lars E. Hoeg"#Calendar date picker for rails0T" ruby[["xhtmldiff-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"xhtmldiffU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time &"XHTMLDiff is a tool and library for taking valid XHTML documents as input, and generating redlined valid XHTML text highlighting the changes between them as output.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.1: @name" diff-lcs:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["0T" ruby[[" acts_as_wrapped_class-1.0.1u;*[" 1.4.0i"acts_as_wrapped_classU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time $"oautomatically generate wrapper classes which restrict access to methods and constants in the wrapped classU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["David Stevenson"== FEATURES/PROBLEMS: * Wrappers do not dispatch const_missing yet, so constants are not accessible yet. == SYNOPSIS: class Something acts_as_wrapped_class :methods => [:safe_method] # SomethingWrapper is now defined def safe_method # allowed to access this method through SomethingWrapper Something.new end def unsafe_method # not allowed to access this method through SomethingWrapper end end0T" ruby[["peekaboo-0.4.0u;[" 1.4.0i" peekabooU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.0u: Time ";Beautiful "mixin" magic for tracing Ruby method calls.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 1.0.3: @name" bundler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Sonny Ruben Garcia"Allows you to log method call information ( input arguments, class/method name, and return value ) without being overly intrusive.0T" ruby[["tilt-1.2.2u;k[" 1.4.0i" tiltU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.2u: Time %"8Generic interface to multiple Ruby template enginesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" nokogiri:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " radius; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.2.11; " haml; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " markaby; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " contest; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rdiscount; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " erubis; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "coffee-script; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " liquid; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " builder; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " less; @~;F00["Ryan Tomayko"8Generic interface to multiple Ruby template engines0T" ruby[["(sprout-jukeboxapi-src-library-0.0.7u;[" 1.4.0i""sprout-jukeboxapi-src-libraryU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.7u: Time "JukeboxAPI as a GemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Lennart Melzer"0T" ruby[["noprocast-0.1.4u;[" 1.4.0i"noprocastU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time e"3Give procastination a swift kick in the balls.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Rob Watson"BBlock access to addictive websites in one command-line swoop.0T" ruby[[" AdministratedScaffold-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"AdministratedScaffoldU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "XA scaffold generator that creates a public and administrative controller and views.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Michael Bleigh"0T" ruby[["maksar-tmdb_party-0.4.2u;[" 1.4.0i"maksar-tmdb_partyU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.2u: Time ŀ"_Simple ruby wrapper to themoviedb.org (http://api.themoviedb.org/2.0/docs/) using HTTPartyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" context:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " fakeweb; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.3; " httparty; @3;F00["John Duff"Jon Maddox"Alexander Shestakov"0T" ruby[["gemi-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i" gemiU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "#gem command for multiple rubysU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.2: @name" cucumber:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "kagemusha; @);F00["Yutaka HARA" gemi runs 'gem install' for each your rubys. Example: without gemi: $ gem install foo bar $ gem-1.9 install foo bar with gemi: $ gemi foo bar 0T" ruby[[""formtastic-rails3-1.0.0.beta3u;[" 1.4.0i"formtastic-rails3U:Gem::Version["1.0.0.beta3u: Time $"fA Rails form builder plugin/gem with semantically rich and accessible markup, patched for rails 3U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.6: @name"rspec-rails:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; "rspec_tag_matchers; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["3.0.0beta3; "activesupport; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["3.0.0beta3; "actionpack; @=;F00["Rodrigo Alvarez"fA Rails form builder plugin/gem with semantically rich and accessible markup, patched for rails 30T" ruby[["betabuilder-0.4.0u;[" 1.4.0i"betabuilderU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.0u: Time "EA set of Rake tasks and utilities for managing iOS ad-hoc buildsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 2.0.0: @name"CFPropertyList:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.6.1; "rest-client; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.4.6; " json; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.3.1; " uuid; @=;F00["Luke Redpath"0T" ruby[["ms-uniprot-0.2.0u;&[" 1.4.0i"ms-uniprotU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time $S"ms-uniprotU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.17.0: @name"tap:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Simon Chiang"0T" ruby[["rubizon-0.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i" rubizonU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time ",A Ruby interface to Amazon Web ServicesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.4.0: @name"ruby-hmac:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.4.0; "ruby-hmac; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.1; " jeweler; @Q;F00["Randy McLaughlin"OA Ruby interface to Amazon Web Services. Rubizon separates creating a properly-formed, signed URL for making an AWS request from the transport mechanism used. In its initial implementation, Rubizon simply builds and signs URLs. Further development may include adapters to various transport mechanisms and interpretation of results. 0T" ruby[["'mattscilipoti_cucumber-rails-0.2.4u;[" 1.4.0i"!mattscilipoti_cucumber-railsU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.4u: Time %".Cucumber Generators and Runtime for RailsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.2: @name" cucumber:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Dennis Blöte"Aslak Hellesøy"Rob Holland".Cucumber Generators and Runtime for Rails0T" ruby[["tannins-0.6u;^[" 1.4.0i" tanninsU:Gem::Version["0.6u: Time j"Variables: user group use_nginx application mongrel_servers precedence server_name ssl_required forced_prefix database_adapter database_username database_password database_host # optional database_socket # optionalU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.5: @name"mongrel_cluster:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.6; "amazon-ec2; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.5.1; " bones; @3;F00["Rob Kaufman"#Chris Petersen and Ryan Felton"Variables: user group use_nginx application mongrel_servers precedence server_name ssl_required forced_prefix database_adapter database_username database_password database_host # optional database_socket # optional0T" ruby[["rlsm-1.8.1u;[" 1.4.0i" rlsmU:Gem::Version[" 1.8.1u: Time $"GLibrary for investigating regular languages and syntactic monoids.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" minitest:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "thoughtbot-shoulda; @);F00["Gunther Diemant"see README0T" ruby[["gemk-1.3.1u;[" 1.4.0i" gemkU:Gem::Version[" 1.3.1u: Time ń" FIX (describe your package)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.3: @name"rubyforge:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.5.0; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.0; "gemcutter; @3;F00[" full name" FIX (describe your package)0T" ruby[["coryodaniel-milton-0.3.7u;m[" 1.4.0i"coryodaniel-miltonU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.7u: Time ď"jRails file and upload handling plugin built for extensibility. Supports Amazon S3 and resizes images.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Ben Alavi"jRails file and upload handling plugin built for extensibility. Supports Amazon S3 and resizes images.0T" ruby[["echo_base-0.1.3u;[" 1.4.0i"echo_baseU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time $":A starting point for fast prototyping of Rails 3 appsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["seenmyfate"5Generates everything you need to get moving fast0T" ruby[["schema_generator-1.0.3u;S[" 1.4.0i"schema_generatorU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.3u: Time $"The rails schema generator generates complete SQL schemas from a collection of rails migrations. It currently produces one schema file each for MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Scott Laird"0T" ruby[["redistat-0.0.8u;[" 1.4.0i" redistatU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.8u: Time "LA Redis-backed statistics storage and querying library written in Ruby.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.0; " redis; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.8; " time_ext; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.3; " yard; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.0; "activesupport; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.0; " json; @Q;F00["Jim Myhrberg"LA Redis-backed statistics storage and querying library written in Ruby.0T" ruby[["*radiant-shop_packages-extension-0.0.5u;[" 1.4.0i"$radiant-shop_packages-extensionU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time E",Shop Packages Extension for Radiant CMSU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"radiant-shop-extension:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Dirk Kelly"VRadiantShop: Group up Products into packages, you can assign a price to a package0T" ruby[["binstruct-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"binstructU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time $L"jBinStruct is a small class for defining structures that can be used to parse / manipulate binary dataU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.12.1: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.12.1; "hoe; @);F00[" Ben Nagy"cBinStruct is a small class for defining structures that can be used to parse / manipulate binary data. It is similar in concept to BitStruct, but supports some things that are difficult to do with a pure pack / unpack approach. It is mainly designed to work with the Metafuzz fuzzing tools, but would possibly be useful to anyone working with binary data.0T" ruby[["backpack_journal-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"backpack_journalU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time Ū""CLI tool for Backpack journalU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.8.7: @name" rake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.14.6; " thor; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.6.1; "rest-client; @3;F00["John Barnette"Red Davis""CLI tool for Backpack journal0T" ruby[["$tanzeeb-rufus-scheduler-;[" 1.4.0i"tanzeeb-rufus-schedulerU:Gem::Version[" Time D"9job scheduler for Ruby (at, cron, in and every jobs)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" yard:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " jeweler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " tzinfo; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " bacon; @G;F00[ "John Mettraux"Tanzeeb Khalili"Matt Briggs"Sean Kirby" job scheduler for Ruby (at, cron, in and every jobs). By default uses a Ruby thread, if EventMachine is present, it will rely on it. This fork adds timezone support to cron schedules. 0T" ruby[["dguerri-radiustar-0.0.4u;U[" 1.4.0i"dguerri-radiustarU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time e"Ruby Radius LibraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 3.4.1: @name" bones:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" PJ Davis"Davide Guerri"Ruby Radius Library0T" ruby[["dada-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" dadaU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "?A library for interfacing with the Dada Entertainment API.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Edward Waller"0T" ruby[["&aws-s3-akhtaboot-;[" 1.4.0i"aws-s3-akhtabootU:Gem::Version[" Time $"BClient library for Amazon's Simple Storage Service's REST APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"xml-simple:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "mime-types; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " builder; @3;F00["Marwan Aljubeh"BClient library for Amazon's Simple Storage Service's REST API0T" ruby[["stellr-0.1.2u;k[" 1.4.0i" stellrU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time "7Stellr is a Ferret based standalone search server.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.7.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.7.0; "hoe; @);F00["Benjamin Krause"Jens Krämer"== FEATURES: * DRb frontend * easy to use client library (see below) * multi index search * Index rotation Stellr always keeps two versions of your index around - one is used in a multi threaded, read only way to handle incoming search requests, while the other one is written to when you index something. Using the switch function you may decide when to switch over searching from the old index to the new one. Then, changes will be synced, and searches will see the new or updated data from before the switch call. * Index synchronization Two kinds of synchronization methods are supported for now: rsync, using rsync two copy over the changes from one index to the other, and static, which will completely replace the old index with the new one. While the latter is suitable for indexes which you rebuild completely from time to time, the former is good for large indexes that are updated frequently or that are too large for frequent rebuilds. == SYNOPSIS: * start the server:0T" ruby[["rack-force_domain-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"rack-force_domainU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "-Force all visitors onto a single domain.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" Tom Lea"0T" ruby[["acts_as_nested_by-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"acts_as_nested_byU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time "UAdd a acts_as_nested_by :nesting_model class method to ActiveRecord::Base modelsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"activerecord:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "sqlite3-ruby; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @3;F00["Thomas Limp" The acts_as_nested_by class method add 3 instance methods to the model. nested_by_nesting_model=(flag) sets the nesting_model nested_by_nesting_model returns true if nested_by nesting_model nested_by_nesting_model? alias for nested_by_nesting_model 0T" ruby[[""acts_as_background_solr-0.5.1u;[" 1.4.0i"acts_as_background_solrU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.1u: Time "oExtends the functionality of the acts_as_solr plugin to provide for disconnected background job processingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Michael Bryzek"0T" ruby[["openx-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i" openxU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time EA"/A Ruby interface to the OpenX XML-RPC API.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.2: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.2; "hoe; @);F00["Aaron Patterson"/A Ruby interface to the OpenX XML-RPC API.0T" ruby[["bayon-0.1.4u;[" 1.4.0i" bayonU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time D"Ruby bindings for bayon.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["winebarrel"0T" ruby[["snippetem-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"snippetemU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time $c"-A DSL for creating snipmate.vim snippetsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Xavier Shay"0T" ruby[["rmb-3.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"rmbU:Gem::Version[" 3.0.3u: Time "XA Ruby client library for the Drop.io Rich Media Backbone (RMB) API (http://rmb.io)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" fakeweb:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "mime-types; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " diff-lcs; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " json; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.2.3; "test-unit; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.0.1; "multipart-post; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.6.1; " httparty; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.0.6; "orderedhash; @o;F00[ "Jake Good"Eric Skiff"Kunal Shah"Seth Thomas Rasmussen"Matthew Rathbone"Bryan Woods"|A Ruby client library for the Rich Media Backbone (RMB) API (http://rmb.io). Please send all feedback to backbone@dropio.com0T" ruby[["groupy-0.1.2u;A[" 1.4.0i" groupyU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time e""Categorise with nested groupsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Matthew Rudy Jacobs"0T" ruby[["liquid-inheritance-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"liquid-inheritanceU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time $M"5Adds Django style template inheritance to LiquidU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" Dan Webb"5Adds Django style template inheritance to Liquid0T" ruby[["paypal-business-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"paypal-businessU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time "HRuby-friendly paypal API. Works for both sandbox and live methods.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.6: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Andre Price"David Stevenson"HRuby-friendly paypal API. Works for both sandbox and live methods.0T" ruby[["model_mocker-1.1.3u;[" 1.4.0i"model_mockerU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.3u: Time $"1Declarative partial mocking for ActiveRecordU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.8: @name" mocha:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["2.3; "activerecord; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @3;F00["Matt Patterson"1Declarative partial mocking for ActiveRecord0T" ruby[["halcyon-0.5.4u;#[" 1.4.0i" halcyonU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.4u: Time d"" A JSON App Server FrameworkU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.5: @name"merb-core:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.5; " extlib; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.4; " rubigen; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.0; " rack; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.2; "json_pure; @G;F00["Matt Todd" A JSON App Server Framework0T" ruby[["outside-in-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"outside-inU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time "$Ruby SDK for the Outside.in APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Brian Moseley"0T" ruby[["testtesttesttest-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"testtesttesttestU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time "It's a test. Duh.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["0T" ruby[["shipsurance-0.1.3u;[" 1.4.0i"shipsuranceU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time l",Integration gem for the ShipSurance gemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Tim Matheson",Integration gem for the ShipSurance gem0T" ruby[["rear_admiral_randy-1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"rear_admiral_randyU:Gem::Version["1.0u: Time D(")Battleship Player:Rear Admiral RandyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Micah Martin"AA Player that positions ships and fires completely randomly.0T" ruby[["pasaporte-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"pasaporteU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time E"TDowngrades the OpenID providing business to the usual login-password stupidity.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" flexmock:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.3; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.3; "hoe; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "activerecord; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.0; "ruby-openid; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "camping>=1.5.180; @Q;F00["Julik Tarkhanov"/An OpenID server with a colored bar on top0T" ruby[["sru-0.0.7u;[" 1.4.0i"sruU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.7u: Time E"2a Ruby library for Search and Retrieve by URLU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Ed Summers"0T" ruby[["sassafras-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"sassafrasU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time %j" Sass color scheme generatorU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0; "color-tools; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @3;F00["T.J. VanSlyke" Sass color scheme generator0T" ruby[["flac2mp3-0.4.0u;([" 1.4.0i" flac2mp3U:Gem::Version[" 0.4.0u: Time b"converter for FLAC to MP3U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.1: @name"ruby-mp3info:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0.4; "flacinfo-rb; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.3; "hoe; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.0; " bacon; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.1; " facon; @G;F00["Yossef Mendelssohn"converter for FLAC to MP30T" ruby[["rjack-jms-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"rjack-jmsU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time ":Java Messaging Service utilities, with gem packaging.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.3.0: @name"rjack-tarpit:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.1.1; "rjack-jms-spec; @);F00["David Kellum":Java Messaging Service utilities, with gem packaging.0T" ruby[["get_pomo-0.6.0u;[" 1.4.0i" get_pomoU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.0u: Time ej"6Ruby/Gettext: A .po and .mo file parser/generatorU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Michael Grosser"0T" ruby[["machinery-0.9.3u;[" 1.4.0i"machineryU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.3u: Time $h"zMachinery to create object graphs and speed up tests. No fixtures, no funny magic, just easy and fast plain old ruby.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Lawrence Pit"0T" ruby[["oa-oauth-0.2.0.beta3u;n[" 1.4.0i" oa-oauthU:Gem::Version["0.2.0.beta3u: Time e"#OAuth strategies for OmniAuth.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.4.0: @name" oauth:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.0.2; "multi_json; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.4.2; " nokogiri; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.5.4; "rack-test; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.3.4; " webmock; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;["0.2.0.beta3; " oa-core; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.4.3; " json; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.1.1; " oauth2; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.0.8; "mg; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.3.0; " rspec; @~;F00["Michael Bleigh"#OAuth strategies for OmniAuth.0T" ruby[["$capcode-base-activerecord-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"capcode-base-activerecordU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time ŀ"8Capcode plugin to access databases via ActiveRecordU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"activerecord:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Gregoire Lejeune"8Capcode plugin to access databases via ActiveRecord0T" ruby[["interpolate-0.2.3u;[" 1.4.0i"interpolateU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.3u: Time dg"Description Library for generic Interpolation objects. Useful for such things as generating linear motion between points (or arrays of points), multi-channel color gradients, piecewise functions, or even just placing values within intervals.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.3: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Adam Collins"Description Library for generic Interpolation objects. Useful for such things as generating linear motion between points (or arrays of points), multi-channel color gradients, piecewise functions, or even just placing values within intervals. 0T" ruby[["tinymongo-0.1.9u;~[" 1.4.0i"tinymongoU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.9u: Time "Simple MongoDB wrapperU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.5: @name" mongo:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.4; " bson; @);F00["Peter Jihoon Kim"Simple MongoDB wrapper0T" ruby[["qft-0.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i"qftU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time "1CLI app for opening Firefox tabbed bookmarksU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["James Britt"1CLI app for opening Firefox tabbed bookmarks0T" ruby[["ActionPool-0.2.3u;T[" 1.4.0i"ActionPoolU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.3u: Time "Thread PoolU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["1.4: @name" splib:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" spox";The ActionPool is an easy to use thread pool for ruby.0T" ruby[["ftdi-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i" ftdiU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time n"Ruby bindings for libftdiU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jason Heiss"0T" ruby[["box2d-1.4.3u;[" 1.4.0i" box2dU:Gem::Version[" 1.4.3u: Time "-A Ruby wrapper for Box2d (by Erin Catto)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Remo Eichenberger"0T" ruby[["mimetype-fu-0.1.2u;~[" 1.4.0i"mimetype-fuU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time "0get the mimetype of a file directly in RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Josh French"get the mimetype of a file directly in Ruby NOTICE: I am So Awesome Man! I'm just forking this to put on gemcutter... the designated maintainer can have the namespace whenever0T" ruby[["rubyslim-0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" rubyslimU:Gem::Version["0.1u: Time Ę"Ruby SlimServer APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Luke Redpath"0T" ruby[["authorization-1.0.12u;[" 1.4.0i"authorizationU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.12u: Time ũ")Authoization plugin for authorizing.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Bill Katz"6Rails 3 compatible rails-authorization-plugin gem0T" ruby[["0sprout-as3syndicationlib-src-library-0.85.1u;~[" 1.4.0i")sprout-as3syndicationlib-src-libraryU:Gem::Version[" 0.85.1u: Time g"Use the syndication library to parse Atom and all versions of RSS easily. This library hides the differences between the formats so you can parse any type of feed without having to know what kind of feed it is.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["0T" ruby[["script_summoner-0.1u;A[" 1.4.0i"script_summonerU:Gem::Version["0.1u: Time "#Ruby script template generatorU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jan Aerts"script_summoner creates a template ruby script including command-line parsing and documentation based on a small configuration file.0T" ruby[["puppet-2.6.4u;}[" 1.4.0i" puppetU:Gem::Version[" 2.6.4u: Time %"7Puppet, an automated configuration management toolU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.5.1: @name" facter:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Puppet Labs"7Puppet, an automated configuration management tool0T" ruby[["ldapi-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" ldapiU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time ū"0Simple read-only JSON API to an LDAP serverU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " sinatra; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " json; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " net-ldap; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.1; " jeweler; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @[;F00["Jay Zeschin"]Simple read-only JSON API to an LDAP server. Written in Sinatra with net-ldap and json.0T" ruby[["goodies-0.0.2u; [" 1.4.0i" goodiesU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time e"-Developer tools to make your life easierU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Kerry R Wilson"M Developer tools to make your life easier. As seen on goodercode.com. 0T" ruby[["koombea-delayed_job-1.8.5u;[" 1.4.0i"koombea-delayed_jobU:Gem::Version[" 1.8.5u: Time m"QDatabase-backed asynchronous priority queue system -- Extracted from ShopifyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Andres Pena"Brandon Keepers"Tobias Lütke"Delayed_job (or DJ) encapsulates the common pattern of asynchronously executing longer tasks in the background. It is a direct extraction from Shopify where the job table is responsible for a multitude of core tasks.0T" ruby[["double_rainbow-1.0u;J[" 1.4.0i"double_rainbowU:Gem::Version["1.0u: Time "Rainbow. Rainbow.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rainbows:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Chad Cunningham"Rainbows. Twice as good.0T" ruby[["ivy4r-jars-1.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"ivy4r-jarsU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.0u: Time d"Contains all java jar dependencies for ivy4r[http://github.com/klaas1979/ivy4r/tree/master] to separate them from the ruby support for ivyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4: @name"rubyforge:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.0; "hoe; @);F00["Klaas Prause"Contains all java jar dependencies for ivy4r[http://github.com/klaas1979/ivy4r/tree/master] to separate them from the ruby support for ivy. The dependencies include the needed jars to use {Apache Ivy}[http://ant.apache.org/ivy/index.html] including Ant.0T" ruby[["tappie-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i" tappieU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time ħ"FSupports another clojure for tapping: acessing the object itself.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Guilherme Silveira"lAllows tapping without the extra syntax noise of the parameter. Fully compatible with ruby 1.8 and 1.9.0T" ruby[["auto-bidder-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"auto-bidderU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time D"8gem for automatically placing bids on auction sitesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.7: @name"safariwatir:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Chad Boyd"8gem for automatically placing bids on auction sites0T" ruby[["tvdbr-0.0.6u;[" 1.4.0i" tvdbrU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.6u: Time e"Use the TVDB API from RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " httparty; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " hashie; @3;F00[" Miso"Nathan Esquenazi"jUtilize the TVDB API from Ruby to fetch shows, track updates to the tvdb and sync your media database0T" ruby[["trample-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" trampleU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time T"nosummaryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["James Golick"0T" ruby[["rasta-0.1.10u;S[" 1.4.0i" rastaU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.10u: Time DW"Orasta-0.1.10: Ruby Spreadsheet Test Automation http://rasta.rubyforge.org/U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.12: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Hugh McGowan"Rasta is a keyword-driven test framework using spreadsheets to drive test automation. It is loosely based on FIT - tables define test parameters which call your test fixture. As the test runs, the spreadsheet is updated with test results.0T" ruby[["charguess-1.3u;[" 1.4.0i"charguessU:Gem::Version["1.3u: Time m"This gem builds and installs libcharguess and it's binding libcharguess-ruby * libcharguess: http://libcharguess.sourceforge.net/ * libcharguess-ruby: http://raa.ruby-lang.org/project/charguess/U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.1: @name" newgem:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0; "hoe; @);F00["Ernesto Jiménez"This gem builds and installs libcharguess and it's binding libcharguess-ruby * libcharguess: http://libcharguess.sourceforge.net/ * libcharguess-ruby: http://raa.ruby-lang.org/project/charguess/0T" ruby[["has_inherited-1.0.0u;1[" 1.4.0i"has_inheritedU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time %"BEasily share variables between Rails models with inheritance.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" bacon:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Mark Turner"The intention of this library is to make it easy to inherit particular variables between models in rails apps. We start with a parent model that will function as a pseudo-polymorphic association for children objects.0T" ruby[["$activerecord-jdbc-adapter-1.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"activerecord-jdbc-adapterU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.1u: Time "BJDBC adapter for ActiveRecord, for use within JRuby on Rails.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.2: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4; "rubyforge; @);F00["Nick Sieger"$Ola Bini and JRuby contributors"activerecord-jdbc-adapter is a database adapter for Rails' ActiveRecord component that can be used with JRuby[http://www.jruby.org/]. It allows use of virtually any JDBC-compliant database with your JRuby on Rails application.0T" ruby[["muck-profiles-3.1.1u;y[" 1.4.0i"muck-profilesU:Gem::Version[" 3.1.1u: Time "'Profile engine for the muck systemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"muck-solr:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "muck-shares; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " geokit; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "muck-raker; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "paperclip; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " sanitize; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " uploader; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "muck-engine; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "muck-users; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "muck-comments; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "muck-contents; @~;F00["Justin Ball"Joel Duffin"(Profile engine for the muck system.0T" ruby[["mongrel_console-0.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i"mongrel_consoleU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time D"7Provides a combined Mongrel and Rails IRB console.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.2: @name" mongrel:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.3; "gem_plugin; @);F00["Zed A. Shaw"7Provides a combined Mongrel and Rails IRB console.0T" ruby[["ms-fasta-0.4.1u;[" 1.4.0i" ms-fastaU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.1u: Time "=An mspire library for working with fasta formatted filesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.0: @name"spec-more:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["John T. Prince"0provides programmatic access to fasta files0T" ruby[["xrandrb-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i" xrandrbU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time "ERuby wrapper/enhancer for xrandr, the Linux CLI monitor manager.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["August Lilleaas"0T" ruby[["writeexcel-0.6.1u;o[" 1.4.0i"writeexcelU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.1u: Time %"1Write to a cross-platform Excel binary file.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Hideo NAKAMURA"Multiple worksheets can be added to a workbook and formatting can be applied to cells. Text, numbers, formulas, hyperlinks and images can be written to the cells.0T" ruby[["ruby-mbox-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"ruby-mboxU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time $")A simple library to read mbox files.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" meh.")A simple library to read mbox files.0T" ruby[["$ericperko-acts_as_audited-1.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"ericperko-acts_as_auditedU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.2u: Time d"SActiveRecord extension that logs all changes to your models in an audits tableU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["2.1: @name"activerecord:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "thoughtbot-shoulda; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "jnunemaker-matchy; @3;F00["Brandon Keepers"Eric Perko"0T" ruby[["MultiRails-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"MultiRailsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "CTesting tool to easily test agaist multiple versions of Rails.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Relevance"MultiRails was initially developed by members of Relevance while developing Streamlined against edge Rails. To see how Streamlined uses MultiRails, go to http://streamlinedframework.org. == FEATURES/PROBLEMS: * easily test plugins/extensions to Rails using a one line require from your test_helper.rb * rake tasks to test against a specific version of Rails, or all versions of Rails available locally as Gems == TODOs:0T" ruby[["epsilon-0.0.0u;V[" 1.4.0i" epsilonU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.0u: Time ")API to DREAMmail Real Time MessagingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.2: @name" builder:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[")API to DREAMmail Real Time Messaging0T" ruby[["rml-0.1.1u;?[" 1.4.0i"rmlU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time %A"RML: Ruby Markup LanguageU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Ivan Sidorov"RML: Ruby Markup Language. Pure ruby xhtml markup, but with one big difference. RML is aimed to provide valid and only valid xhtml 1.0 markup.0T" ruby[["erlbox-1.7.1u;g[" 1.4.0i" erlboxU:Gem::Version[" 1.7.1u: Time D"Erlang ToolboxU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.4: @name" rake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Phillip Toland"DRake tasks and helper scripts for building Erlang applications.0T" ruby[["miracle_generators-0.1.0u; [" 1.4.0i"miracle_generatorsU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time %"7Just another RESTful scaffold generator for Rails.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Mark Dodwell"7Just another RESTful scaffold generator for Rails.0T" ruby[["domain_name-0.3.1u;S[" 1.4.0i"domain_nameU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.1u: Time ē"7Domain Name parser based on the Public Suffix ListU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["0.9: @name" mocha:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["3.2; " echoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["0.8; " rake; @3;F00["Simone Carletti"Intelligent Domain Name parser based in the Public Suffic List. Domain Name can parse and decompose a domain name into top level domain, domain and subdomains. 0T" ruby[["is_paranoid_ext-0.0.6u;[" 1.4.0i"is_paranoid_extU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.6u: Time " HACKU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Alex Neill"0T" ruby[["apotomo-1.0.3u;~[" 1.4.0i" apotomoU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.3u: Time %"Web components for Rails.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["3.4: @name" cells:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.1.1; " onfire; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.1.3; " hooks; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["3.0; " rails; @G;F00["Nick Sutterer"Web component framework for Rails providing page widgets that trigger events and know when and how to update themselves with AJAX.0T" ruby[["holiday_jp-0.2.1u;Y[" 1.4.0i"holiday_jpU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time "Japanese Holidays.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.11.3: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Masaki KOMAGATA")Japanese Holidays from 1970 to 2050.0T" ruby[["ting-0.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i" tingU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time d"gA conversion library for Chinese transcription methods like Hanyu Pinyin, Bopomofo and Wade-Giles.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Arne Brasseur"Ting can convert between various systems for phonetically writing Mandarin Chinese. It can also handle various representation of tones, so it can be used to convert pinyin with numbers to pinyin with tones.0T" ruby[["textquery-0.1.7u;[" 1.4.0i"textqueryU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.7u: Time ":Evaluate any text against a collection of match rulesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" treetop:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Ilya Grigorik":Evaluate any text against a collection of match rules0T" ruby[["ruby-aes-unroll1-1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"ruby-aes-unroll1U:Gem::Version["1.1u: Time "Bruby-aes is an implementation of the Rijndael algorithm (AES)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Alex Boussinet"Bruby-aes is an implementation of the Rijndael algorithm (AES)0T" ruby[["risbn-0.4.2u;t[" 1.4.0i" risbnU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.2u: Time d"Utils to handle isbnsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" nokogiri:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @);F00["Emmanuel Oga"Utils to handle isbns0T" ruby[["haml2slim-0.4.3u;[" 1.4.0i"haml2slimU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.3u: Time Ů"Haml to Slim converter.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.3: @name" slim:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ruby_parser; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.0; " haml; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " nokogiri; @=;F00[" Fred Wu".Convert Haml templates to Slim templates.0T" ruby[["Blux-0.0.5u;[" 1.4.0i" BluxU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time Ĩ"An offline blog managerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.5: @name"atom-tools:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 4.2.3; " RedCloth; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.5; "atom-tools; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 4.2.3; " RedCloth; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.6; " json; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.1; "OptionParser; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.6; " json; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.1; "OptionParser; @e;F00["Louis Salin"An offline blog manager0T" ruby[["paginary-0.0.1.pre2u;[" 1.4.0i" paginaryU:Gem::Version["0.0.1.pre2u: Time e"%View-based pagination for Rails.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["3.0: @name" rails:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "sqlite3-ruby; @);F00["Rolf Timmermans"ZSimple, view-based pagination for Rails, built on top of Active Record 3 awesomeness.0T" ruby[["Shunt-0.2u;[" 1.4.0i" ShuntU:Gem::Version["0.2u: Time D"@A Ruby implementation of Dijkstra's Shunting Yard AlgorithmU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Tim Fletcher"0T" ruby[["transmission-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"transmissionU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time d"&Ruby bindings for libtransmissionU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Stefan Nuxoll"Kent Sibilev"&Ruby bindings for libtransmission0T" ruby[["rwget-0.5.3u;+[" 1.4.0i" rwgetU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.3u: Time f"5Ruby port of wget, emphasis on recursive/crawlerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0: @name" hpricot:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0; "igrigorik-bloomfilter; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.1; "fizx-robots; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">U;["0.9; "libxml-ruby; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0; " curb; @G;F00["Kyle Maxwell"0T" ruby[[" ruby_template_handler-1.0.0u;.[" 1.4.0i"ruby_template_handlerU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time "'Produce JSON views using pure-rubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.5: @name"actionpack:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.9.8; " mocha; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.11.1; " shoulda; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.5.3; " yard; @=;F00["Scott Fleckenstein"EA Rails view template handler that renders Ruby objects to JSON.0T" ruby[["ruby-aes-unroll2-1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"ruby-aes-unroll2U:Gem::Version["1.1u: Time "Bruby-aes is an implementation of the Rijndael algorithm (AES)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Alex Boussinet"Bruby-aes is an implementation of the Rijndael algorithm (AES)0T" ruby[["%mysmallidea-activemerchant-1.5.1u;[" 1.4.0i"mysmallidea-activemerchantU:Gem::Version[" 1.5.1u: Time $"CFramework and tools for dealing with credit card transactions.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.2: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0; " builder; @);F00["Tobias Luetke"LActive Merchant is a simple payment abstraction library used in and sponsored by Shopify. It is written by Tobias Luetke, Cody Fauser, and contributors. The aim of the project is to feel natural to Ruby users and to abstract as many parts as possible away from the user to offer a consistent interface across all supported gateways.0T" ruby[["engage-0.1.1u;M[" 1.4.0i" engageU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time E"#Quick setup for your ruby appsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["2.3: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " fakefs; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.0; " bundler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "simplecov; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.14; " thor; @G;F00["Lucas Mazza"WEngage is a CLI for rapid bootstrap for your ruby apps using Git, RVM and Bundler.0T" ruby[["timeunits-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"timeunitsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time "timeunitsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Ara T. Howard"0T" ruby[["sinatra-routes-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"sinatra-routesU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time $""Sinatra extension for routingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["1.0: @name" sinatra:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Dmitry Maksimov"CSinatra extension that helps organize routes in separate files0T" ruby[["ressbo-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i" ressboU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time "0Ruby Apple Address Book Interface and ToolsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.6: @name"activerecord:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rubyosa; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "sqlite3-ruby; @3;F00["Peter Jones"0T" ruby[["google_analytics_tools-0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"google_analytics_toolsU:Gem::Version["0.3u: Time d">A clean interface to generating the Google Analytics _gaqU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Scott Bauer">A clean interface to generating the Google Analytics _gaq0T" ruby[["nntp-1.0.0u;B[" 1.4.0i" nntpU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time "@Net::NNTP client library for Network News Transfer ProtocolU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[ "Balwinder Singh Dheeman"Albert Vernon"Bob Schafer"Mark Triggs"@Net::NNTP client library for Network News Transfer Protocol0T" ruby[["comradefy-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"comradefyU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "4Iп soviэт rцssia тнэ words wriтэ уoцU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" tjbladez")Waтcн уoцr laпgцagэ, comradэ0T" ruby[["ar_merge-0.1.3u;^[" 1.4.0i" ar_mergeU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time m"BMerge 2 ActiveRecords, preserving associations and attributesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"activerecord:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Michael Grosser"0T" ruby[["penny_sms_muncher-0.0.0u;)[" 1.4.0i"penny_sms_muncherU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.0u: Time "8A little bit of code to make PennySMS XML requests.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.3: @name"libxml-ruby:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.1; "addressable; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @3;F00[" chris A"Matthew Shanley"YA little bit of code to make PennySMS XML requests. But not JSON requests right now.0T" ruby[["rocco-0.5u;b[" 1.4.0i" roccoU:Gem::Version["0.5u: Time D"Docco in RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"rdiscount:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mustache; @);F00["Ryan Tomayko"Docco in Ruby0T" ruby[["pam-1.5.3u;[" 1.4.0i"pamU:Gem::Version[" 1.5.3u: Time ""Ruby bindings for pamU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Ruby bindings pam.0T" ruby[["thorero-haml-0.9.4u;[" 1.4.0i"thorero-hamlU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.4u: Time $"+Merb plugin that provides HAML supportU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.2: @name" haml:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.4; "merb-core; @);F00["Yehuda Katz"+Merb plugin that provides HAML support0T" ruby[["#techarch-newrelic_rpm-;[" 1.4.0i"techarch-newrelic_rpmU:Gem::Version[" Time h"0New Relic Ruby Performance Monitoring AgentU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Bill Kayser"Philippe F. Monnet"0New Relic Ruby Performance Monitoring Agent0T" ruby[["subset_sum-1.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"subset_sumU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time ";Simple Subset Sum Solver with C and Pure Ruby VersionsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jeremy Evans"0T" ruby[[" rlua-1.0u;a[" 1.4.0i" rluaU:Gem::Version["1.0u: Time D"Ruby to Lua bindings.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Peter Zotov" Fully functional, almost complete Ruby to Lua binding library that features seamless translation of most Lua and Ruby objects and calling code of each language from other one. 0T" ruby[["chub-0.0.0u;H[" 1.4.0i" chubU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.0u: Time "{Chub is both a client and server configuration hub for applications that need to share configuration items with each other.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.2: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4; "rubyforge; @);F00["Jeremie Castagna"{Chub is both a client and server configuration hub for applications that need to share configuration items with each other.0T" ruby[["BlueCloth-1.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"BlueClothU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time Y"BlueCloth is a Ruby implementation of Markdown, a text-to-HTML conversion tool for web writers. Markdown allows you to write using an easy-to-read, easy-to-write plain text format, then convert it to structurally valid XHTML (or HTML).U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Michael Granger"0T" ruby[["flyingv-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i" flyingvU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time d"$simple OpenKeyValue API wrapperU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Tomasz Stachewicz"ERuby wrapper for interacting with OpenKeyValue key-value storage0T" ruby[["yahoo-search-2.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"yahoo-searchU:Gem::Version[" 2.0.0u: Time "+A Ruby Yahoo Search API ImplementationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.4: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0; " yahoo; @);F00["Eric Hodel"David N. Welton"-An interface to Yahoo's Search services.0T" ruby[["sinatra-i18n-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"sinatra-i18nU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "'a barebones sinatra i18n extensionU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Cyril David">allows you to have config/locales/en.yml and the t helper0T" ruby[["rcomposite-0.3.1u;&[" 1.4.0i"rcompositeU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.1u: Time ]";An RMagick abstration layer for easy image compositingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0: @name" rmagick:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Corban Brook"RComposite is an RMagick abstraction library to easily manipulate and composite images through the use of a canvas, layers, layer masks, adjustment layers, fill layers, and layer sets (much like in Photoshop)0T" ruby[["qips-node-extras-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"qips-node-extrasU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "'Extra scripts for QIPS worker nodeU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.2: @name" erubis:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.0; " json; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.5.1; "rest-client; @3;F00["David Austin"Andrew Brader"0T" ruby[["html_truncator-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i"html_truncatorU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time e"DWants to truncate an HTML string properly? This gem is for you.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["1.4: @name" nokogiri:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2.4; " rspec; @);F00["Bruno Michel"DWants to truncate an HTML string properly? This gem is for you.0T" ruby[["iv-phonic-0.0.9u;[" 1.4.0i"iv-phonicU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.9u: Time e"!iv / phonic : ECMAScript ASTU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.8.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rake-compiler; @);F00["Constellation"*phonic is ruby binding for iv AST API0T" ruby[["openwferu-kotoba-0.9.9u;[" 1.4.0i"openwferu-kotobaU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.9u: Time "GTurning (big) integers into japanese sounding words and vice versaU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["John Mettraux"0T" ruby[["behaviors-1.99.99u;I[" 1.4.0i"behaviorsU:Gem::Version[" 1.99.99u: Time %l"Obehavior-driven unit test helper. DEPRECATED! Use rspec or shoulda insteadU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Atomic Object"dDEPRECATED! behaviors will no longer be maintained. We recommend switching to shoulda or rspec0T" ruby[["generate_from_diff-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"generate_from_diffU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time d"7Create a Rails 3 generator from git commit historyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Pat Shaughnessy"7Create a Rails 3 generator from git commit history0T" ruby[[" rms-0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"rmsU:Gem::Version["0.2u: Time d"A simple StateMachineU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Tassilo Schweyer"0T" ruby[["pivot-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i" pivotU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time Ņ"4Deliver PivotalTracker stories through CucumberU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Adam Hawkins"MMark features as deilvered on Pivotal Tracker after the feature passes..0T" ruby[["masterview_gem_pack-0.3.4u;Y[" 1.4.0i"masterview_gem_packU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.4u: Time "A (x)html friendly template engine for rails with the power of layouts, and partials. This gem package includes the other masterview gems for easy installationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.4: @name" masterview_plugin_generator:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.4; "masterview_generator; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.4; "masterview; @3;F00["Jeff Barczewski"0T" ruby[["chartbeat-0.2.2u;[" 1.4.0i"chartbeatU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.2u: Time d")A Ruby wrapper for the Chartbeat APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" fakeweb:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " crack; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rest-client; @=;F00[" Al Shaw")A Ruby wrapper for the Chartbeat API0T" ruby[["!table_setter_generator-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"table_setter_generatorU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time E"&A Rails Generator for TableSetterU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.5: @name" rails:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.2; "table_setter; @);F00["Jeff Larson"/Generate a hackable version of TableSetter0T" ruby[["rcov_stats-2.2.3u;y[" 1.4.0i"rcov_statsU:Gem::Version[" 2.2.3u: Time "Rcov Stats provides rcov extension, so you could select test files and test covered files for units and functionals tests.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.8.7: @name" rake:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.8.2; " hpricot; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.9.9; " rcov; @3;F00["Bartosz Knapik"Rcov Stats provides rcov extension, so you could select test files and test covered files for units and functionals tests.0T" ruby[["orientdb-ar-0.0.4u;@[" 1.4.0i"orientdb-arU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time E"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["2.4: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.3; "activemodel; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "awesome_print; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.0.15; " orientdb; @=;F00["Adrian Madrid"KActive Model wrappers to persist Ruby objects under OrientDB in JRuby.0T" ruby[["RbYAML-0.2.0u;[" 1.4.0i" RbYAMLU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time D"EA pure Ruby YAML parser and emitter, mostly supporting YAML 1.1.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" Ola Bini"0T" ruby[["better_caller-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"better_callerU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time n"&Symbolic call stack with bindingsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" bacon:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Tim Morgan"iA more programmer-friendly call stack complete with bindings for each level: no more string parsing!0T" ruby[["jack-ffi-0.0.3u;d[" 1.4.0i" jack-ffiU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time Ġ"JACK bindings via FFIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"ffi:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Marcin Lewandowski"9Jack Audio Connection Kit Bindings via FFI interface0T" ruby[["voir-0.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i" voirU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.0u: Time D"Web-based surveysU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["landlessness"]Create web-based surveys using web-based authoring tools then collect and view the data.0T" ruby[["string-to-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"string-toU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time E"This package installs method_missing handler to String class which handles to_xxxx_xxxx message to parse itself and convert into XxxxXxxx by sending parse message to XxxxXxxx class.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" takiuchi"This package installs method_missing handler to String class which handles to_xxxx_xxxx message to parse itself and convert into XxxxXxxx by sending parse message to XxxxXxxx class.0T" ruby[["(resque-access_worker_from_job-0.3.1u;s[" 1.4.0i""resque-access_worker_from_jobU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.1u: Time d"KResque plugin to allow jobs access to their calling worker at runtime.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" resque:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Kali Donovan"By allowing multiple jobs to share a single socket, which is persisted over the life of the worker, this plugin is an important building block for implementing a Resque-based service send background iPhone messages via the Apple Push Notification servers.0T" ruby[["path-paperclip-2.3.3u;[" 1.4.0i"path-paperclipU:Gem::Version[" 2.3.3u: Time ũ"4File attachments as attributes for ActiveRecordU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" aws-s3:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "sqlite3-ruby; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mocha; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "activesupport; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "activerecord; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.0; "mime-types; @[;F00["Jon Yurek",Easy upload management for ActiveRecord0T" ruby[["allegro4r-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"allegro4rU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time $N":Ruby binding for the Allegro game programming libraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jason Frey"PRuby binding for the Allegro game programming library as well as more stuff0T" ruby[["grueserve-0.0.1u;\[" 1.4.0i"grueserveU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "+A 2D tactical combat multiplayer game.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" @name"libxml-ruby:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Martin Kihlgren"Martin Kleman"0T" ruby[["#machine.specifications-;l[" 1.4.0i"machine.specificationsU:Gem::Version[" Time $";Machine.Specifications Context/Specification frameworkU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Aaron Jensen"Alexander Groß"~Machine.Specifications is a Context/Specification framework geared towards removing language noise and simplifying tests.0T" ruby[["control_tower-1.0u;D[" 1.4.0i"control_towerU:Gem::Version["1.0u: Time ")A Rack-based HTTP server for MacRubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 1.2.1: @name" rack:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["MacRuby Team" Control Tower is a Rack-based HTTP server designed to work with MacRuby. It can be used by calling to its Rack::Handler class, or by running the control_tower executable with a Rackup configuration file (see the control tower help for more details). 0T" ruby[["rock-queue-smpp-;[" 1.4.0i"rock-queue-smppU:Gem::Version[" Time %j".Fork of Rock-Queue to run an SMPP GatewayU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Grzegorz Kazulak"Matt Van Veenendaal".Fork of Rock-Queue to run an SMPP Gateway0T" ruby[["rfc-822-0.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i" rfc-822U:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time ";RFC822 compatible email validation and MX record checkU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Dimitrij Denissenko";RFC822 compatible email validation and MX record check0T" ruby[["redrum-0.4.2u;o[" 1.4.0i" redrumU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.2u: Time Ŭ"%Helps you create static websitesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.0: @name" haml:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Ömür Özkir";Create static websites with a little help from redrum!0T" ruby[["public_pages-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"public_pagesU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time Ĝ"&Simplest possible CMS for Rails 3U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["0T" ruby[["backup-2.4.4u;[" 1.4.0i" backupU:Gem::Version[" 2.4.4u: Time "ZBackup is a Ruby Gem that simplifies making backups for databases, files and folders.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.5: @name"activerecord:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.5; "sqlite3-ruby; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0.5; " pony; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.15; " net-ssh; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4; " net-sftp; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.4.6; "json_pure; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.2; " net-scp; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.7; "cloudfiles; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.2; " dropbox; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.9; " hirb; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.3.5; "fog; @~;F00["Michael van Rooijen"JBackup is a Ruby Gem written for Unix and Ruby on Rails (2 and 3) environments. It can be used both with and without the Ruby on Rails framework! This gem offers a quick and simple solution to backing up databases such as MySQL/PostgreSQL/SQLite and Files/Folders. All backups can be transferred to Amazon S3, Rackspace Cloud Files, Dropbox Web Service, any remote server you have access to (using either SCP, SFTP or regular FTP), or a Local server. Backup handles Compression, Archiving, Encryption (OpenSSL or GPG), Backup Cleaning (Cycling) and supports Email Notifications.0T" ruby[["flickrrb-1.01u;[" 1.4.0i" flickrrbU:Gem::Version[" 1.01u: Time $"Another Flickr Interface.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Henry Maddocks"1A simple interface to the Flickr public API.0T" ruby[["par-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"parU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "Paragraph reformatter.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Damian Janowski"Michel Martens"WPar is a lightweight binding for par, a handy Unix tool for formatting paragraphs.0T" ruby[["rightscale-api-0.4.1u;k[" 1.4.0i"rightscale-apiU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.1u: Time e"*A Ruby Wrapper for the RightScale APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" httparty:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["David Michael"*A Ruby Wrapper for the RightScale API0T" ruby[["lazytools-0.1.0u;6[" 1.4.0i"lazytoolsU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time %"Tools for lazy peopleU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.0: @name" lazytest:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Marc Rene Arns"0T" ruby[["pas-0.0.2u;D[" 1.4.0i"pasU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time $".Poker Affiliate Solutions API Wrapper GemU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 2.3.5: @name"activeresource:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.3.5; "activesupport; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.0.0; " rspec; @=;F00["Jose Fernandez"]This gem allows you to communicate with the PokerAffiliateSolutions.com REST API [Alpha]0T" ruby[["flutie-1.1.5u;[" 1.4.0i" flutieU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.5u: Time %"0Flutie adds default stylesheets to web appsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" haml:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[ "Chad Pytel"Kevin Burg"Matt Jankowski"Mike Burns"Fred Yates"6Flutie is a starting point for personal discovery0T" ruby[["paginate-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i" paginateU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time "zPaginate collections using SIZE+1 to determine if there is a next page. Includes ActiveRecord and ActionView support.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.0: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.0; "activerecord; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " nokogiri; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "test_notifier; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "sqlite3-ruby; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ruby-debug19; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.0; "actionpack; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.4.0; " rspec; @e;F00["Nando Vieira"zPaginate collections using SIZE+1 to determine if there is a next page. Includes ActiveRecord and ActionView support.0T" ruby[["kaiwren-patron-0.4.4u;[" 1.4.0i"kaiwren-patronU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.4u: Time l"Patron HTTP clientU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Phillip Toland".Ruby HTTP client library based on libcurl0T" ruby[["date_ext-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i" date_extU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time "Zdate extensions helps you work with weekdays, workdays, holidays, months, weeks, etc.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" hasclass"*Ruby classes for weekday, month, etc.0T" ruby[["vlad-hg-2.1.3u;[" 1.4.0i" vlad-hgU:Gem::Version[" 2.1.3u: Time Ū"Mercurial support for VladU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.1: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4; "rubyforge; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2.0; " vlad; @3;F00["Kevin R. Bullock"yMercurial support for Vlad. Using it is as simple as passing :scm => :mercurial to Vlad when loading it up.0T" ruby[["uwa_polaroid-0.1u;-[" 1.4.0i"uwa_polaroidU:Gem::Version["0.1u: Time $"UWA Polaroid widgetU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0: @name"uwa:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Florent Solt"0T" ruby[["rbx-tracer-0.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i"rbx-tracerU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time "*set_trace_func Rubinius 1.2 and aboveU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"rbx-require-relative:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["R. Bernstein"ZEmulates Ruby set_trace_func in Rubinus and contains related step-tracing features. 0T" ruby[["magicloader-0.10.0u;[" 1.4.0i"magicloaderU:Gem::Version[" 0.10.0u: Time $"(Painless code dependency managementU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.3.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Tony Arcieri"w Painless code dependency management. Think Bundler, but for managing file load ordering dependencies. 0T" ruby[["paste-0.3.1u;[" 1.4.0i" pasteU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.1u: Time $"%JS and CSS dependency managementU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"sprockets:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["3.0; "activesupport; @);F00["Alex Crichton"Asset Management for Rails0T" ruby[["pat-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"patU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time "/Ultra-simple UK postcode to geodata lookupU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" weary:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @);F00["steflewandowski"wAllows you to find geo-position for a UK postcode, as well as which local authority and ward the postcode resides.0T" ruby[["dm-s3-0.1.5u;[" 1.4.0i" dm-s3U:Gem::Version[" 0.1.5u: Time DY"TA simple gem that makes it easy to associate datamapper objects with s3 objectsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.2: @name" aws-s3:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.11; " dm-core; @);F00["Roberto Thais"0T" ruby[["template-inheritance-0.1u;`[" 1.4.0i"template-inheritanceU:Gem::Version["0.1u: Time $"U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" haml:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " tilt; @);F00["#Jakub Šťastný aka Botanicus"0T" ruby[["ribs-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i" ribsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time "":Ribs wraps Hibernate, to provide a good ORM for JRubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" Ola Bini":Ribs wraps Hibernate, to provide a good ORM for JRuby0T" ruby[["#red_cloth_formatters_plain-0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"red_cloth_formatters_plainU:Gem::Version["0.1u: Time ""Redcloth Plain Text FormatterU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" RedCloth:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @);F00["Joseph Halter"Jeff Zellman")Allows Redcloth to output plain text0T" ruby[["growlnotifier-1.0.2u; [" 1.4.0i"growlnotifierU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2u: Time *"uGrowl::Notifier is a OSX RubyCocoa class that allows your application to post notifications to the Growl daemon.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.7.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.7.0; "hoe; @);F00["Satoshi Nakagawa"Eloy Duran"AA ruby library which allows you to send Growl notifications.0T" ruby[["let-it-be-0.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i"let-it-beU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time "4Transition gem for migration to decent_exposureU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"decent_exposure:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Stephen Caudill"Jon Larkowski" LetItBe has been superceded. This gem is being released in order to transition users to decent_exposure. 0T" ruby[["bullshit-0.1.1u;5[" 1.4.0i" bullshitU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time %j"Benchmarking is BullshitU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.5: @name" dslkit:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Florian Frank"0T" ruby[["sudoku_solver-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"sudoku_solverU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time $""A pretty simple sudoku solverU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.0; "cellular_map; @);F00["Michel Belleville")A very simple sudoku problems solver0T" ruby[[" mack-asset_packager-;[" 1.4.0i"mack-asset_packagerU:Gem::Version[" Time eC"Asset PackagerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Darsono Sutedja"&Asset Packager for Mack Framework0T" ruby[["memento-0.3.1u;[" 1.4.0i" mementoU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.1u: Time "DUndo for Rails/ActiveRecord - covers destroy, update and createU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[",Yolk Sebastian Munz & Julia Soergel GbR"0T" ruby[["xapian-core-;[" 1.4.0i"xapian-coreU:Gem::Version[" Time E"8Xapian is a framework for fast full-text searching.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Samuel Williams"0T" ruby[["treequel-1.4.2u;X[" 1.4.0i" treequelU:Gem::Version[" 1.4.2u: Time E")Treequel is an LDAP toolkit for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 2.4.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.8.0; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.9.6; "ruby-termios; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.2.0; "hoe-mercurial; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.9.11; "ruby-ldap; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.2; " sysexits; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.1.1; "ruby-terminfo; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.3.1; "columnize; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.1.2; " diff-lcs; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.2; " hoe-yard; @y;F00["Michael Granger"Mahlon E. Smith"Treequel is an LDAP toolkit for Ruby. It is intended to allow quick, easy access to LDAP directories in a manner consistent with LDAP's hierarchical, free-form nature. It's inspired by and modeled after [Sequel](http://sequel.rubyforge.org/), a kick-ass database library.0T" ruby[["ruxster-0.0.1u;U[" 1.4.0i" ruxsterU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "-An Object Graph Mapper (OGM) for RexsterU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">U;[" 1.2.3: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.2.4; " json; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.3.6; " excon; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.2; " jeweler; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.3.0; " rspec; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.3.6; " excon; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.2.4; " json; @o;F00["Christopher Petersen"~An Object Graph Mapper (OGM) for mapping Ruby Objects onto graphs in a instance or Rexster, like CouchRest is for CouchDB0T" ruby[["birdgrinder-0.1.5u;_[" 1.4.0i"birdgrinderU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.5u: Time "$Evented Twitter Library of DoomU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.6: @name"em-http-request:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.5; "perennial; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.8; "yajl-ruby; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.6; "sutto-oauth; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.0; " moneta; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.12.10; "eventmachine; @Q;F00["Darcy Laycock"0T" ruby[["archipelago-0.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i"archipelagoU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time "6A set of tools for distributed computing in ruby.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.0: @name"archipelago_rbtree:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; "fastthread; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.0; " oneliner; @3;F00["Martin Kihlgren"0T" ruby[["#rails-schema-validations-0.9.4u; [" 1.4.0i"rails-schema-validationsU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.4u: Time %"7Automatically generate validations from the schemaU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Greg Weber"Igenerate validations from the schema - used in production with MySQL0T" ruby[["psyho_juicer-1.0.7u;<[" 1.4.0i"psyho_juicerU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.7u: Time Ğ"8Command line tool for CSS and JavaScript developersU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.2: @name" redgreen:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.10.2; " shoulda; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.8; " mocha; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " cmdparse; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rubyzip; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.1; " fakefs; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.1; " jeweler; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " nokogiri; @e;F00["Christian Johansen"Resolve dependencies, merge and minify CSS and JavaScript files with Juicer - the command line tool for frontend engineers0T" ruby[["BBenezech-papermill-0.5.5u;0[" 1.4.0i"BBenezech-papermillU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.5u: Time `"-Paperclip Swfupload UploadHelper wrapperU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.2: @name"paperclip:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.16; "mime-types; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; "rsl-stringex; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.2; "ryanb-acts-as-list; @=;F00["Benoit Bénézech"-Paperclip Swfupload UploadHelper wrapper0T" ruby[["0wolframarnold-google-spreadsheet-ruby-0.1.4u;[" 1.4.0i"*wolframarnold-google-spreadsheet-rubyU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time E"8This is a library to read/write Google Spreadsheet.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0.3: @name" hpricot:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.6; " oauth; @);F00["Hiroshi Ichikawa"Wolfram Arnold"8This is a library to read/write Google Spreadsheet.0T" ruby[["geminstaller-0.5.6u;[" 1.4.0i"geminstallerU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.6u: Time D"*See http://geminstaller.rubyforge.orgU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Chad Woolley";Automated Gem installation, activation, and much more!0T" ruby[["matchbox20-0.3.9u;[" 1.4.0i"matchbox20U:Gem::Version[" 0.3.9u: Time ".Rails plugin for Apple Push NotificationsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jake Marsh"Sam Soffes".Rails plugin for Apple Push Notifications0T" ruby[["socky-client-0.4.3u;[" 1.4.0i"socky-clientU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.3u: Time "4Socky is a WebSocket server and client for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2.0; " rspec; @);F00["Bernard Potocki"4Socky is a WebSocket server and client for Ruby0T" ruby[["safariwatir-0.4.0u;[" 1.4.0i"safariwatirU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.0u: Time "1Automated testing tool for web applications.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"rb-appscript:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rb-appscript; @);F00["Dave Hoover"WATIR stands for "Web Application Testing in Ruby". See WATIR project for more information. This is a Safari-version of the original IE-only WATIR.0T" ruby[["redis-objects-0.5.0u;[" 1.4.0i"redis-objectsU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.0u: Time "-Map Redis types directly to Ruby objectsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.1: @name" redis:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " bacon; @);F00["Nate Wiger"KMap Redis types directly to Ruby objects. Works with any class or ORM.0T" ruby[[""kuahyeow-sunspot_rails-0.10.7u;[" 1.4.0i"kuahyeow-sunspot_railsU:Gem::Version[" 0.10.7u: Time De":Rails integration for the Sunspot Solr search libraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["1.2: @name"rspec-rails:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.4; " escape; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.10; "ruby-debug; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.2; " rspec; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.10.0; "kuahyeow-sunspot; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.0; "technicalpickles-jeweler; @Q;F00[ "Mat Brown"Peer Allan"Michael Moen"Benjamin Krause"Adam Salter"Brandon Keepers":Rails integration for the Sunspot Solr search library0T" ruby[["vorhees-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i" vorheesU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time ʼn":An opinionated JSON socket server client and matchersU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["David Lee":An opinionated JSON socket server client and matchers0T" ruby[["sinatra-verbs-0.0.6u;[" 1.4.0i"sinatra-verbsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.6u: Time "ASinatra extension that allows you to add your own HTTP verbsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0: @name" sinatra:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Rafael Fernández López"ASinatra extension that allows you to add your own HTTP verbs0T" ruby[[" RubyPackager-;[[" 1.4.0i"RubyPackagerU:Gem::Version[" Time %"7Solution to release Ruby programs on any platform.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0.1: @name"rUtilAnts:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Muriel Salvan"Generate installable binary distributions of Ruby programs for many platforms (many OS, with or without Ruby installed on clients...). Fit to distribute extensible (plugins) Ruby programs also. Handles also libraries and uploads on websites (SF.net...).0T" ruby[["chameleon-0.2.0u;T[" 1.4.0i"chameleonU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.0u: Time "=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 3.0.3: @name" rails:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Elliott Draper"0T" ruby[["#scharfie-rails-footnotes-3.5.0u;[" 1.4.0i"scharfie-rails-footnotesU:Gem::Version[" 3.5.0u: Time i"!Textmate footnotes for railsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"thoughtbot-shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " mocha; @);F00[" Scharfie"!Textmate footnotes for rails0T" ruby[["reverse_geocoder-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"reverse_geocoderU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time l"MRuby gem containing production-quality reverse geocoding client service.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.3: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Bill Eisenhauer"ReverseGeocoder Gem0T" ruby[["newscrapi-0.0.11u;[" 1.4.0i"newscrapiU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.11u: Time D"bGem for those who want to screen scrap only the content part of web pages, blogs or articles.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rchardet:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.8; " mocha; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.10.2; "thoughtbot-shoulda; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.1; " nokogiri; @=;F00["Gyorgy Frivolt"If you want to cut only the content of pages, without any other part (like the menu, header, footer, commercials, etc.), you might find this gem very handy. A DSL is also defined for nifty definitions for your screen scrapping and sanitization.0T" ruby[[".mccraigmccraig-better_serialization-0.1.1u;y[" 1.4.0i"(mccraigmccraig-better_serializationU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time ę"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.8: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.1; "sqlite3-ruby; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.8; "activerecord; @3;F00["&http://github.com/crystalcommerce" http://github.com/rhburrows"%http://github.com/mccraigmccraig"Iserialize and deserialize activerecord attributes using json or zlib0T" ruby[["#mongrel_cluster_recovery-0.0.2u;7[" 1.4.0i"mongrel_cluster_recoveryU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time %-"RMongrel plugin that provides command for recovery multiple Mongrel processes.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.2: @name" mongrel:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.5; "mongrel_cluster; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.3; "gem_plugin; @3;F00[" leno.ig"RMongrel plugin that provides command for recovery multiple Mongrel processes.0T" ruby[["jamesgolick-webby-0.9.5u;9[" 1.4.0i"jamesgolick-webbyU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.5u: Time D"+static website creation and managementU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.4: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.6; " logging; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.8.3; " rake; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.2; " launchy; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.6.0; " hpricot; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.2; "directory_watcher; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.4.0; " bones; @[;F00["Tim Pease"*Webby* is a fantastic little website management system. It would be called a *content management system* if it were a bigger kid. But, it's just a runt with a special knack for transforming text. And that's really all it does - manages the legwork of turning text into something else, an *ASCII Alchemist* if you will. Webby works by combining the contents of a *page* with a *layout* to produce HTML. The layout contains everything common to all the pages - HTML headers, navigation menu, footer, etc. - and the page contains just the information for that page. You can use your favorite markup language to write your pages; Webby supports quite a few. Install Webby and try it out!0T" ruby[["schema_comments-0.1.4u;[" 1.4.0i"schema_commentsU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time "8schema_comments generates extra methods dynamicallyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["akimatter"Xschema_comments generates extra methods dynamically for attribute which has options0T" ruby[["roc-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"rocU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time ek"rocU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Fredrik Johansson"+Receiver operator characteristic (ROC)0T" ruby[["moneyrail-0.1.5u;[" 1.4.0i"moneyrailU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.5u: Time "-Household account book, written in RailsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" less:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.3.5; " rails; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.4; "ruby-station-runtime; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "sqlite3-ruby; @=;F00["Yutaka HARA"-Household account book, written in Rails0T" ruby[["mandy-0.5.10u;[" 1.4.0i" mandyU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.10u: Time d"Map/Reduce FrameworkU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Andy Kent"Paul Ingles"`Mandy is Ruby Map/Reduce Framework built onto of the Hadoop Distributed computing platform.0T" ruby[["espresso-0.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i" espressoU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time "1Rails extender to simplify rails developmentU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 2.3.5: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " redgreen; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " shoulda; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.5; "inherited_resources; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.3.5; "activerecord; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.3.5; "actionpack; @Q;F00["Alexander Semyonov"8Useful templates for controller and model functions0T" ruby[["gnetvibes-0.5u;F[" 1.4.0i"gnetvibesU:Gem::Version["0.5u: Time "0Netvibes integration with the Gnome DesktopU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0.5: @name" netvibes:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Florent Solt"0T" ruby[["thin-1.2.7u;[" 1.4.0i" thinU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.7u: Time %"A thin and fast web serverU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.9: @name" daemons:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.0; " rack; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.12.6; "eventmachine; @3;F00["Marc-Andre Cournoyer"A thin and fast web server0T" ruby[["simply_stated-0.0.5u;[" 1.4.0i"simply_statedU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.5u: Time "Yet another state machineU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"activerecord:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "thoughtbot-shoulda; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.3; "freighthopper; @3;F00["Jacob Rothstein".A simple auto-transitioning state machine0T" ruby[["quickconnect-1.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"quickconnectU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.0u: Time ū"BQuickly connect to Rails database based on application configU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Dan Walker"mQuickly connect to a Rails database by inspecting the database.yml of the current application directory.0T" ruby[["properties-0.1.0u;I[" 1.4.0i"propertiesU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time Đ"Ruby propertiesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Niclas Nilsson" Properties handling in Ruby0T" ruby[["ensured_schema-0.1.6u;[" 1.4.0i"ensured_schemaU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.6u: Time "?Ensures database schema always matches your schema.rb fileU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.9.8: @name" mocha:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.3.5; "activerecord; @);F00["Chris Conley"Smarter migrations0T" ruby[["classy_struct-0.3.2u;u[" 1.4.0i"classy_structU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.2u: Time d"2A better-performing alternative to OpenStructU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" amikula"2A better-performing alternative to OpenStruct0T" ruby[[" StatsCollect-;[" 1.4.0i"StatsCollectU:Gem::Version[" Time e"BCommand line tool gathering statistics from external sources.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Muriel Salvan"StatsCollect is a little framework gathering statistics from external sources (social networks, web sites...), stored in pluggable backends. It can be very easily extended thanks to its plugins (currently include Facebook, Myspace, Youtube, Google).0T" ruby[["viewfu-1.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" viewfuU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time "rails3 view helpersU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jacques Crocker"5Lots of little tidbits for tidying up your views0T" ruby[["rog-0.1.5u;[" 1.4.0i"rogU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.5u: Time "Static Ruby Blog Engine.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" @name" rote:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0; " syntax; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0; " rake; @3;F00["sRake is a Make-like program implemented in Ruby. Tasks and dependencies are specified in standard Ruby syntax.0T" ruby[["auth-assistant-0.4.0u;[" 1.4.0i"auth-assistantU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.0u: Time D"8Provides assistance for setting up an auth solutionU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.0; " devise; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.0; " cancan; @3;F00["Kristian Mandrup"`Provides assistance for setting up an auth solution using devise and cancan auth frameworks0T" ruby[["Ruby-IRC-1.0.13u;[" 1.4.0i" Ruby-IRCU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.13u: Time "An IRC Client libraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Chris Boyer"0T" ruby[["myownadverts-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"myownadvertsU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time %"yProvides a command-line tool 'myownadverts cmd [options]' to create/manage adverts hosted by http://myownadverts.comU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.2: @name"activeresource:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Dr Nic Williams"yProvides a command-line tool 'myownadverts cmd [options]' to create/manage adverts hosted by http://myownadverts.com0T" ruby[["strabo-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i" straboU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time "(Full text search utilities for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jon Morton"FSimplified tokenization, stemming, and term-frequency map indexes0T" ruby[["consistent_hashr-1.1.0u;f[" 1.4.0i"consistent_hashrU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.0u: Time $"(A ruby gem to do consistent hashingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00[" julien"/A simple gem to perform consistent hashing0T" ruby[["fedora-1.0.2u;$[" 1.4.0i" fedoraU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2u: Time i"JSet of capistrano recipies for automating creation of Fedora servers.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Adam Hawkins"JSet of capistrano recipies for automating creation of Fedora servers.0T" ruby[["magnoline-0.5u;N[" 1.4.0i"magnolineU:Gem::Version["0.5u: Time "1A command line interface to the Magnolia CMSU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0: @name"cooloptions:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Nicolas Modrzyk"0T" ruby[["fa_princely-1.2.7u;1[" 1.4.0i"fa_princelyU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.7u: Time D"EA simple Rails wrapper for the PrinceXML PDF generation library.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Michael Bleigh" fatangel"KA wrapper for the PrinceXML PDF generation library. Modded for Radiant0T" ruby[["git-commit-notifier-0.8.1u;U[" 1.4.0i"git-commit-notifierU:Gem::Version[" 0.8.1u: Time D")Sends git commit messages with diffsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" mocha:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " hpricot; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " diff-lcs; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " tamtam; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rspec-core; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rspec-expectations; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " faker; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "rr; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "metric_fu; @y;F00["Bodo Tasche"VThis git commit notifier sends html mails with nice diffs for every changed file.0T" ruby[["arrow-1.0.8u;[" 1.4.0i" arrowU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.8u: Time ")A mod_ruby web application frameworkU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.4: @name"formvalidator:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.1; "configurability; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.3; "pluginfactory; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.0; "ruby-cache; @=;F00["Martin Chase"Michael Granger"Arrow is a web application framework for mod_ruby. It was designed to make development of web applications under Apache easier and more fun without sacrificing the power of being able to access the native Apache API.0T" ruby[["dm-is-taggable-0.9.11u;[" 1.4.0i"dm-is-taggableU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.11u: Time Q"$Taggable of a DataMapper pluginU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.3: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 0.9.11; " dm-core; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.11; "dm-is-remixable; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.3; "hoe; @=;F00["Maxime Guilbot"$Taggable of a DataMapper plugin0T" ruby[["zabbixapi-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"zabbixapiU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "*Ruby module for work with zabbix api.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Eduard Snesarev"+Ruby module for work with zabbix api. 0T" ruby[["walruz-rails-0.0.10u;[" 1.4.0i"walruz-railsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.10u: Time e"LGem for easy integration between walruz and the Ruby on Rails frameworkU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Roman Gonzalez"0T" ruby[["syllables-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"syllablesU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time $"syllablesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["0T" ruby[["ride-0.4.8u;F[" 1.4.0i" rideU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.8u: Time C"PA Multi-User Console Interactive Development Environment Based On GNUScreenU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.0: @name" rubigen:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0; "hoe; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.0; " facets; @=;F00["TJ Vanderpoel"PA Multi-User Console Interactive Development Environment Based On GNUScreen0T" ruby[["rhizmail-0.1.5u;[" 1.4.0i" rhizmailU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.5u: Time "KRhizMail is a test-friendly library for sending out customized emails.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0: @name"text-format:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0; " mockfs; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0; "contxtlservice; @3;F00["Francis Hwang"RhizMail is a test-friendly library for sending out customized emails. This is the library we use day-to-day at http://rhizome.org, where we send out more than 100 customized emails a day0T" ruby[["rep.ajax.toolkit-0.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i"rep.ajax.toolkitU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time "Hyperstudio ajax toolsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.0: @name"repertoire-assets:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.2; "rep.jquery; @);F00["Christopher York"Hyperstudio ajax tools0T" ruby[["rbx-require-relative-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"rbx-require-relativeU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time d"-Ruby 1.9's require_relative for RubiniusU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["R. Bernstein"/ Ruby 1.9's require_relative for Rubinius 0T" ruby[[" ebay-1.1u;[" 1.4.0i" ebayU:Gem::Version["1.1u: Time "oeBay4R is a Ruby wrapper for eBay's Web Services SOAP API. Emphasis is on ease of use and small footprint.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Garry Dolley"0T" ruby[["gtk2dailybooth-0.3.3u;[" 1.4.0i"gtk2dailyboothU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.3u: Time e"Gtk2DailyBoothU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["0.8: @name" hpricot:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["10; "gtk2applib; @);F00["carlosjhr64@gmail.com"$A springboard to DailyBooth.com0T" ruby[["xcoderake-0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"xcoderakeU:Gem::Version["0.2u: Time "ARake build script for XCode projects to handle dependencies.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4: @name"rubyforge:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.1; "hoe; @);F00["Christian Hedin"ARake build script for XCode projects to handle dependencies.0T" ruby[["this-0.3.0u;E[" 1.4.0i" thisU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time "The Zen of RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Anil Wadghule"#'The Zen of Ruby' awesomeness!0T" ruby[["oa-more-0.2.0.beta3u;[" 1.4.0i" oa-moreU:Gem::Version["0.2.0.beta3u: Time e"(Additional strategies for OmniAuth.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">U;[" 1.3.10[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.4.3: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.3.0; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.5.4; "rack-test; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.3.4; " webmock; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.6.0; "rest-client; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;["0.2.0.beta3; " oa-core; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.0.8; "mg; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.0.2; "multi_json; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @o;F00["Michael Bleigh"(Additional strategies for OmniAuth.0T" ruby[["load_glob-1.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"load_globU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.1u: Time U"OLoad all files matching a given glob, resolving dependencies automagicallyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Tony Arcieri"0T" ruby[["#thinking-sphinx-allen-;[" 1.4.0i"thinking-sphinx-allenU:Gem::Version[" Time "&ActiveRecord/Rails Sphinx libraryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 0.3.1: @name" faker:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.15.6; "activerecord; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.2.0; " ginger; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.6; "after_commit; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.10; " riddle; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " cucumber; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 2.3.11; "will_paginate; @o;F00["Pat Allan"Allen Wei"A concise and easy-to-use Ruby library that connects ActiveRecord to the Sphinx search daemon, managing configuration, indexing and searching.0T" ruby[["shodan-0.3.1u;z[" 1.4.0i" shodanU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.1u: Time %"4A Ruby library to interact with the SHODAN API.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.4.6: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["John Matherly"7 A Ruby library to interact with the SHODAN API. 0T" ruby[["archivist-1.0.2u;h[" 1.4.0i"archivistU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2u: Time e">A rails 3 model archiving system based on acts_as_archiveU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.1: @name"activerecord:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "thoughtbot-shoulda; @);F00["Tyler Pickett"This is a functional replacement for acts_as_archive in rails 3 applications, the only functionality that is not duplicated is the migration from acts_as_paranoid0T" ruby[["archive-tar-minitar-0.5.2u;[" 1.4.0i"archive-tar-minitarU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.2u: Time E";Provides POSIX tarchive management from Ruby programs.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Austin Ziegler"Mauricio Ferna'ndez"Archive::Tar::Minitar is a pure-Ruby library and command-line utility that provides the ability to deal with POSIX tar(1) archive files. The implementation is based heavily on Mauricio Ferna'ndez's implementation in rpa-base, but has been reorganised to promote reuse in other projects.0T" ruby[["treebis-0.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i" treebisU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.3u: Time Ė"cminimal single-file rake-like task DSL for wrapping common filesystem tasks like copying filesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.2.3: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Chip Malice"Treebis is a minimal, general scripting/task utility written in ruby that wraps common actions for moving, copying and altering filetrees. It is geared towards things like generators. It is comparable to a shell script that does a lot of mkdir, mv, cp commands etc. 0T" ruby[["rack-assets-0.9.1u;[" 1.4.0i"rack-assetsU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.1u: Time a"DLibrary to manage css and js assets in any rack-based frameworkU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Ravil Bayramgalin"0T" ruby[["breakout_parser-0.0.20u;F[" 1.4.0i"breakout_parserU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.20u: Time "BreakoutParserU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Andrey "Zed" Zaikin"BreakoutParser0T" ruby[["configlet-2.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"configletU:Gem::Version[" 2.1.1u: Time %"6A stupid simple wrapper for environment variablesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.2: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["John Barnette"A stupid simple wrapper for environment variables. This doesn't deserve to be released as a gem, but I'm using it in two different projects. Seriously, go find a real configuration library and use it instead.0T" ruby[["bakker-1.1.0u;\[" 1.4.0i" bakkerU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.0u: Time L"}Bakker is a Ruby library and commandline tool to help with simple task of renaming or copying files for quick backup purposesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"sys-uname:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.11.0; "hoe; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.11.0; "hoe; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "user-choices; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "user-choices; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "sys-uname; @e;F00["Alexander E. Fischer"ZBakker is a Ruby library and commandline tool to help with simple task of renaming or copying files for quick backup purposes. For instance by creating a copy of a list of files while adding .bak to the copies filenames. Bakker gives you control over the extension to be added to or removed from the file and whether it should be moved or copied.0T" ruby[["dm-timestamps-1.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"dm-timestampsU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.2u: Time "-DataMapper plugin for magical timestampsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["1.3: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.2; " dm-core; @);F00["Foy Savas"-DataMapper plugin for magical timestamps0T" ruby[["compass-cssfault-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"compass-cssfaultU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time ń"-A plugin for Compass tailored for myselfU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Choan Gálvez"9Easily create reusable layouts with Sass and Compass0T" ruby[["rrdsimple-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"rrdsimpleU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time D"4A simple round robin database pattern via RedisU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.3; " redis; @);F00["Edgar Gonzalez"4A simple round robin database pattern via Redis0T" ruby[[" ron-0.4u;[" 1.4.0i"ronU:Gem::Version["0.4u: Time "IMPORTANT: ron -- the opposite of roff -- is now known as "ronn". Ownership of the "ron" gem will be handed over to the Ruby Object Notation (Ron) project in the not-too-distant future. If you came here looking for "ron" -- the opposite of roff --, see the "ronn" gem instead: http://rubygems.org/gems/ronn If you came here looking for Ron (Ruby Object Notation), see the "Ron" gem instead: http://rubygems.org/gems/RonU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0.4: @name" ronn:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Ryan Tomayko":ron -- the opposite of roff -- is now known as 'ronn'0T" ruby[["echo-0.0.0u;/[" 1.4.0i" echoU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.0u: Time f".An API test proxy that learns and repeatsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " cucumber; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " yard; @3;F00["Stephen Eley"Echo is a test double for API interactions that learns from the real API. In its simplest use case, it extends Net::HTTP and tracks every HTTP call to a registered domain. If it hasn't seen that call, it stores both the request and the response. On subsequent calls it returns the stored response. Explicit scenario start/end markers are also supported for more complex multiple-step interactions.0T" ruby[[""mataki-subdomain_routes-0.3.3u;[" 1.4.0i"mataki-subdomain_routesU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.3u: Time "XA Rails library for incorporating subdomains into route generation and recognition.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 2.3.9: @name"actionpack:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Matthew Hollingworth"Akihiro Matsumura" SubdomainRoutes add subdomain conditions to the Rails routing system. Routes may be restricted to one or many specified subdomains. An URL will be recognised only if the host subdomain matches the subdomain specified in the route. Route generation is also enhanced, so that the subdomain of a generated URL (or path) will be changed if the requested route has a different subdomain to that of the current request. Model-based subdomain routes can also be defined. 0T" ruby[["numero-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i" numeroU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time "3Numero: Phone number validation for Ruby/RailsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Joshua Priddle"8 Numero: Phone number validation for Ruby/Rails 0T" ruby[["roo-1.9.3u;[" 1.4.0i"rooU:Gem::Version[" 1.9.3u: Time e"=Roo can access the contents of various spreadsheet filesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 3.2.1: @name" bones:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Thomas Preymesser"{Roo can access the contents of various spreadsheet files. It can handle * Openoffice * Excel * Google spreadsheets * Excelx0T" ruby[["filterable_table-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"filterable_tableU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "ASimple client-side JavaScript to filter a table as you type.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" Bantik"ASimple client-side JavaScript to filter a table as you type.0T" ruby[["googlevoiceapi-0.1.4u;*[" 1.4.0i"googlevoiceapiU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time $"3Ruby library for interacting with Google VoiceU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"htmlentities:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "mechanize; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rake; @=;F00["Tim Gourley"NUses Mechanize to screen-scrape Google Voice since there is no public API0T" ruby[[""kelredd-sinatra-helpers-0.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i"kelredd-sinatra-helpersU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time "Ca ruby gem with a bunch of helpers to make Sinatra more usefulU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.0: @name" webrat:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.10.2; " shoulda; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.3; "kelredd-useful; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.0.6; "leftright; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.4; " sinatra; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.3; "rack-test; @Q;F00["Kelly Redding"0T" ruby[["ontomde-uml2-kbjava-1.0.6u;[" 1.4.0i"ontomde-uml2-kbjavaU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.6u: Time  "2OntoMDE Protege 2000 java data-test cartridgeU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 1.0.6: @name"ontomde-uml2-java:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.0.6; "ontomde-uml2-kb; @);F00["Stephane (Pierre) Carrie"Iontomde-uml2-kbjava is a library to generate tests data as java code and java junit from Protégé 2000 data project generated with ontomde-uml2-kb. ontomde-uml2-kbjava should be used through ontomde-java-frontend command line utility. == FEATURES/PROBLEMS: * generator assumes JPA persistence is used. == SYNOPSIS:0T" ruby[["fume-0.5.3u;w[" 1.4.0i" fumeU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.3u: Time "a simple rails scaffold.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.1; " cancan; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.8; "formtastic; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.4.12; "searchlogic; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.3; "authlogic; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.3.5; "actionpack; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.0; "gem_loader; @[;F00[" Sunteya"0T" ruby[["youtube-g-0.5.0u;@[" 1.4.0i"youtube-gU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.0u: Time @">An object-oriented Ruby wrapper for the YouTube GData APIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[ "Shane Vitarana"Walter Korman"Aman Gupta"Filip H.F. Slagter">An object-oriented Ruby wrapper for the YouTube GData API0T" ruby[["svc-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"svcU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time %"HA ruby command line tool for starting and stopping launchd servicesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" thor:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " json; @);F00["Jamie Murai"HA ruby command line tool for starting and stopping launchd services0T" ruby[["brewbygems-0.4.0u;[" 1.4.0i"brewbygemsU:Gem::Version[" 0.4.0u: Time "1Makes sure RubyGems plays nice with HomebrewU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;["1.0: @name" bundler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["André Arko"YAdds RubyGems post-install and post-uninstall hooks to update Homebrew bin/ symlinks0T" ruby[["karl-growl-1.0.6u;[" 1.4.0i"karl-growlU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.6u: Time $Z"growlnotify bindingsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["TJ Holowaychuk"Karl O'Keeffe"growlnotify bindings0T" ruby[["branston-0.6.1u;2[" 1.4.0i" branstonU:Gem::Version[" 0.6.1u: Time "DAn experiment in turning agile user stories into cucumber filesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 0.4.4: @name" cucumber:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "thoughtbot-shoulda; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.5; " rails; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.15; "calendar_date_select; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.3; " webrat; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.0; "googlecharts; @Q;F00[""dave.hrycyszyn@headlondon.com"dan@dangarland.co.uk"steve.laing@gmail.com"An agile user story tracker that generates gherkin files and step definitions for use with the cucumber testing framework.0T" ruby[["sinatra-mongomatic-0.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"sinatra-mongomaticU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.0u: Time "%Sinatra extension for MongomaticU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.3.0: @name"mongomatic:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jordan West";Easily include Mongomatic in your Sinatra applications0T" ruby[["fsxtrader-1.0.0u;R[" 1.4.0i"fsxtraderU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time "FSX Trader is a ruby client app that can be used to automatically make trades for you on the Fantasy Stock Exchange app on Facebook (powered by Hedgestop).U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.1; "cooloptions; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.10; "mechanize; @3;F00["Shanti A. Braford"$== FEATURES/PROBLEMS: * Order types supported: buy, short, sell and cover * Pulls real-time stock quotes from Yahoo! Finance == SYNOPSIS: Fantasy Stock Exchange app on Facebook (by HedgeStop.com): http://apps.facebook.com/hedgestop/ As of this writing, the Fantasy Stock Exchange application on Facebook does not allow one to place stop-limit orders or otherwise automatically trigger a buy/sell or cover/short order based upon specified prices. FSX Trader, when combined with a periodic cron job, can make these trades for you. Simply configure your trades in the '~/.fsx_trader.yml' file and they will happen automatically whenever FSX Trader is run AND conditions for making a trade (as specified via the config file) have been met. Note: fsxtrader of course depends upon the external HTML form variables of the FSX App and Facebook login page. If these variables have changed, fsxtrader be temporarily broken until the gem can be updated. A programmatic API into FSX would be ideal, but is currently not yet offered by HedgeStop. == REQUIREMENTS:0T" ruby[["imap-feeder-0.2.2u;[" 1.4.0i"imap-feederU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.2u: Time *"JImap-feeder pushes entries from RSS and Atom feeds to an IMAP server.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["1.1: @name"simple-rss:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0.5; " hpricot; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0; "hoe; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.2; " tidy; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.1; "htmlentities; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.2; "actionmailer; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.8.0; "hoe; @[;F00["Mirko Stocker"JImap-feeder pushes entries from RSS and Atom feeds to an IMAP server.0T" ruby[["help_spot-0.0.4u;[" 1.4.0i"help_spotU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.4u: Time "API wrapper for HelpSpotU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" fakeweb:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.1.8; " hashie; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;[" 1.3.0; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.5.0; " httparty; @=;F00["Jesse Newland"API wrapper for HelpSpot0T" ruby[["mongrel_config-0.3.1u;[" 1.4.0i"mongrel_configU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.1u: Time D"FMongrel plugin that gives you web based config tool using CampingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.2.3: @name"gem_plugin:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.5; " camping; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.0.2; " mongrel; @3;F00["Zed A. Shaw"FMongrel plugin that gives you web based config tool using Camping0T" ruby[["userapi-ruby-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"userapi-rubyU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time $"7Ruby Gem for interacting with VKontakte.Ru UserAPIU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.8; " fakeweb; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.6.1; " httparty; @3;F00["Max Riveiro"UserAPI is an application programming interface (API), which enables anyone to create social networks and other projects based on Vkontakte data storage. And I have a little problem - there is no Ruby Gem to work with this API. So this Gem will realize some features of UserAPI0T" ruby[["tweak-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i" tweakU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time ",basic selector namespace implementationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.4.9: @name" remix:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.0; "object2module; @);F00["John Mair (banisterfiend)",basic selector namespace implementation0T" ruby[["dirs-ruby2lolz-0.1.2u;[" 1.4.0i"dirs-ruby2lolzU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time ek"*Ruby to Lolcode translator, kthnxbai.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Ilya Grigorik"*Ruby to Lolcode translator, kthnxbai.0T" ruby[["foreign-fqdn-routing-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"foreign-fqdn-routingU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time Em"=Adds domain, subdomain and fqdn routing support to RailsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Brian Mulloy"Joe Scharf"William Melody"0T" ruby[["maptastic-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"maptasticU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time "DSimple and unobtrusive map integration plugin for Ruby on RailsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 3.0.0.rc: @name" rails:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 4.3.2; " autotest; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["2.0.0.beta.18; " rspec; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.12; " hanna; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["2.0.0.beta.18; "rspec-rails; @G;F00["Benedikt Deicke"The maptastic plugin for Ruby on Rails provides simple and unobtrusive helper methods and javascript libraries to integrate maps in web applications.0T" ruby[["gembuilder-1.2.2u; [" 1.4.0i"gembuilderU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.2u: Time $"3Create a binary gem, for the current platform.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.6.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.4; "rubyforge; @);F00["Patrick Hurley"Take a gem file that builds an extension and create a binary gem (useful for production servers without a build chain, Amazon EC2, etc).0T" ruby[["filter_io-0.1.6u;\[" 1.4.0i"filter_ioU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.6u: Time %">Filter IO streams with a block. Ruby's FilterInputStream.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jason Weathered"0T" ruby[["ap_dates-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i" ap_datesU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time ũ"Plugin for AP-style datesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Michael D. Ivey"0T" ruby[["algorithm-diff-0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"algorithm-diffU:Gem::Version["0.1u: Time $'"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["0T" ruby[["tmail_metas-0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"tmail_metasU:Gem::Version["0.1u: Time e"=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Rob Hurring"0T" ruby[["proxeze-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i" proxezeU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time "lA basic proxy/delegate framework for Ruby that will allow you to wrap any object with a proxy instance.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0: @name" bundler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.2; " jeweler; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "jruby-openssl; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ruby-debug19; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ruby-debug; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @e;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.4.0; " rspec; @o;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "ruby-debug; @y;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.4.0; " rspec; @~;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.2; " jeweler; @;F00["Jason Rogers"A basic proxy/delegate framework for Ruby that will allow you to wrap any object with a proxy instance. For more information about the Proxy and Delegate patterns, check out http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proxy_pattern and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delegation_pattern respectively.0T" ruby[["simple_table-0.0.16u;[" 1.4.0i"simple_tableU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.16u: Time e"[summary]U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.0: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "gem_patching; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 3.0.0; "actionpack; @3;F00["Sven Fuchs"Raphaela Wrede"[description]0T" ruby[["rbbt-text-0.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i"rbbt-textU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time "AText mining tools for the Ruby Bioinformatics Toolkit (rbbt)U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"rbbt-util:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " stemmer; @);F00["Miguel Vazquez"|Text mining tools: named entity recognition and normalization, document classification, bag-of-words, dictionaries, etc0T" ruby[["piwik_analytics-0.9u;e[" 1.4.0i"piwik_analyticsU:Gem::Version["0.9u: Time "N[Rails] Easily enable Google Analytics support in your Rails application.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"activesupport:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "actionpack; @);F00["Fabian Becker"By default this gem will output piwik analytics code forevery page automatically, if it's configured correctly.This is done by adding: PiwikAnalytics.IdSite = 1 PiwikAnalytics.URL = 0T" ruby[["dmap-ng-0.2.6u;[" 1.4.0i" dmap-ngU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.6u: Time D"RAn improved DMAP gem that allows easy building and parsing of DMAP structuresU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Jack Chen"RAn improved DMAP gem that allows easy building and parsing of DMAP structures0T" ruby[["community-0.1.5u;[" 1.4.0i"communityU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.5u: Time E"A Rails 3 Forum GeneratorU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" Gitt"A Rails 3 Forum Generator0T" ruby[["memcache-lock-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"memcache-lockU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time de"3Memcache key lock, extracted from cache-money.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.7.4: @name"memcache-client:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @);F00["James Golick"3Memcache key lock, extracted from cache-money.0T" ruby[["passenger_debugger-0.1.3u;[" 1.4.0i"passenger_debuggerU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.3u: Time %l"+Remote Debugging for Phusion PassengerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Christopher Redinger"0T" ruby[["xamplr-gen-1.9.12u;[" 1.4.0i"xamplr-genU:Gem::Version[" 1.9.12u: Time D".This is the xampl code generator for RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.0: @name"xamplr-pp:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " cucumber; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.9.14; " xamplr; @3;F00["Bob Hutchison"/This is the xampl code generator for Ruby.0T" ruby[[" wkhtmltopdf_for_rails-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"wkhtmltopdf_for_railsU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time ",Provides WKHTMLTOPDF for ruby on rails.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Alexey Osipenko",Provides WKHTMLTOPDF for ruby on rails.0T" ruby[["vxml-tools-1.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"vxml-toolsU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time "'Tools for the VXML implementation.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Mohammed Siddick.E"/Contain vxml library and Rails generators.0T" ruby[["myna_bird-0.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i"myna_birdU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time ">Transform email addresses into account names for your appU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Brendan Schwartz"VGiven an email address, MynaBird generates a name suitable for use in a host name0T" ruby[["capistrano-gity-0.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i"capistrano-gityU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time "+Git helpers for capistrano deploymentsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Skroutz.gr Team"0T" ruby[["goobalize3-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i"goobalize3U:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time "CAuto translate with Google Translate the Globalize3 attributesU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"globalize3:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Enrico Pilotto"CAuto translate with Google Translate the Globalize3 attributes0T" ruby[["wt-commit-0.0.2u;,[" 1.4.0i"wt-commitU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time "Bwhatthecommit.com commit message fetcher and git autocommiterU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" httparty:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.7; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " hpricot; @3;F00["Antek Piechnik"swhatthecommit.com commit message fetcher and git autocommiter. For when you hate your coworkers/collaborators.0T" ruby[["ultrasphinx-1.11u;[" 1.4.0i"ultrasphinxU:Gem::Version[" 1.11u: Time Ej"PRuby on Rails configurator and client to the Sphinx fulltext search engine.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" chronic:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["PRuby on Rails configurator and client to the Sphinx fulltext search engine.0T" ruby[["tiny_mce-0.1.4u;_[" 1.4.0i" tiny_mceU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.4u: Time D"0TinyMCE editor for your rails applications.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[ "Blake Watters"Kieran Pilkington"Sergio Cambra"Alexander Semyonov"Marian Theisen"VGem that allows easy implementation of the TinyMCE editor into your applications.0T" ruby[["resque-lock-0.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"resque-lockU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.1u: Time $"UA Resque plugin for ensuring only one instance of your job is running at a time.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Chris Wanstrath"A Resque plugin. If you want only one instance of your job running at a time, extend it with this module. For example: class UpdateNetworkGraph extend Resque::Jobs::Locked def self.perform(repo_id) heavy_lifting end end 0T" ruby[["rbbcode-0.1.8u;][" 1.4.0i" rbbcodeU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.8u: Time "Ruby BB Code parserU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.3: @name"sanitize-url:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0; " rspec; @);F00["Jarrett Colby"RbbCode is a customizable Ruby library for parsing BB Code. RbbCode validates and cleans input. It supports customizable schemas so you can set rules about what tags are allowed where. The default rules are designed to ensure valid HTML output.0T" ruby[[")radiant-reader_group-extension-1.1.1u;[" 1.4.0i"#radiant-reader_group-extensionU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.1u: Time E"3Group-based access control for the radiant CMSU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 0.9.0: @name" radiant:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "radiant-reader-extension; @);F00[" spanner"5Adds group-based page access control to radiant.0T" ruby[["compass-validator-3.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i"compass-validatorU:Gem::Version[" 3.0.0u: Time "?A CSS Validator that is used by the Compass CSS Framework.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Chris Eppstein"0T" ruby[["async_methods-1.0.3u;[" 1.4.0i"async_methodsU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.3u: Time "yGem that adds asynchronous method calls for all methods on every object to aid in throughput on I/O bound processes.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" jeweler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0; " rspec; @);F00["Brian Durand"Gem that adds asynchronous method calls for all methods on every object to aid in throughput on I/O bound processes. This is intended to improve throughput on I/O bound processes like making several HTTP calls in row.0T" ruby[["foreverman-dhaka-2.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i"foreverman-dhakaU:Gem::Version[" 2.2.1u: Time m".An LALR1 parser generator written in RubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Mushfeq Khan"0T" ruby[["ec2_tools-0.3.2u;[" 1.4.0i"ec2_toolsU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.2u: Time "ec2 manage commandsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.1: @name" jeweler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; "amazon-ec2; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 2.1.0; " rspec; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.0.0; " bundler; @G;F00["Yamada Masaki"ec2 manage commands0T" ruby[["ticketmaster-trac-0.2.4u;[" 1.4.0i"ticketmaster-tracU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.4u: Time "#Ticketmaster Provider for TracU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" trac4r:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " nokogiri; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.2; "activeresource; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.1.2; "addressable; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.2; "activesupport; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @Q;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.0; "ticketmaster; @[;F00["Rafael George"6Allows ticketmaster to interact with Your System.0T" ruby[["rubyrep-1.1.2u; [" 1.4.0i" rubyrepU:Gem::Version[" 1.1.2u: Time $"DAsynchronous master-master replication of relational databases.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.4.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.5; "activerecord; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.5; "activesupport; @3;F00["Arndt Lehmann"DAsynchronous master-master replication of relational databases.0T" ruby[["activetokyocabinet-0.2.1u;y[" 1.4.0i"activetokyocabinetU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time d"XActiveTokyoCabinet is a library for using Tokyo(Cabinet|Tyrant) under ActiveRecord.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name"activerecord:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["winebarrel"0T" ruby[["jdbc-wrapper-0.4u;[" 1.4.0i"jdbc-wrapperU:Gem::Version["0.4u: Time "#A basic JDBC wrapper for JRubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Larry Myers"0T" ruby[["asdf-0.5.0u;[" 1.4.0i" asdfU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.0u: Time "6Make the current directory available on port 9292U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 1.2.1: @name" rack:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["1.0.0.rc.5; " bundler; @);F00["Yehuda Katz"cUse Rack::Directory to rackup the current directory on port 9292 for availability in a browser0T" ruby[["trigger-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" triggerU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time "]Trigger is a library for declaring and handling before and after events on method calls.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">U;[" 0.0.0: @name" metaid:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Michel Martens"YA simple library for declaring and handling before and after events on method calls.0T" ruby[["swing4rb-0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" swing4rbU:Gem::Version["0.1u: Time D"%Declarative style Swing GUI API.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" TobyHo"%Declarative style Swing GUI API.0T" ruby[["fuubar-cucumber-0.0.9u;[" 1.4.0i"fuubar-cucumberU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.9u: Time ŭ"5the instafailing Cucumber progress bar formatterU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" bundler:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " cucumber; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rcov; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 1.5.1; " jeweler; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;[" 0.0.9; "ruby-progressbar; @G;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " rspec; @Q;F00["Marcin Ciunelis"5the instafailing Cucumber progress bar formatter0T" ruby[["easel_helpers-0.3.0u;[" 1.4.0i"easel_helpersU:Gem::Version[" 0.3.0u: Time ^"!Fusionary Rails View HelpersU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0["=U;[" 0.8.1: @name" hpricot:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0["=U;[" 2.1.0; "actionview; @.;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0["=U;[" 2.1.0; "activesupport; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0["=U;[" 2.1.0; "actionview; @L;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0["=U;[" 0.8.1; " hpricot; @[;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0["=U;[" 2.1.0; "activesupport; @j;F00["Joshua Clayton"!Fusionary Rails View Helpers0T" ruby[["!glebm-activemerchant-;*[" 1.4.0i"glebm-activemerchantU:Gem::Version[" Time "CFramework and tools for dealing with credit card transactions.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0: @name" builder:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.2; "activesupport; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0; "braintree; @3;F00["Tobias Luetke"LActive Merchant is a simple payment abstraction library used in and sponsored by Shopify. It is written by Tobias Luetke, Cody Fauser, and contributors. The aim of the project is to feel natural to Ruby users and to abstract as many parts as possible away from the user to offer a consistent interface across all supported gateways.0T" ruby[[" ExpressionInterpreter-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"ExpressionInterpreterU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time d"$A simple expression interpreterU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Sjors Grijpink"0T" ruby[["simple_logger-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"simple_loggerU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time "+Easy class- and instance-level loggingU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Mike Subelsky"Including this module equips your object with class- and instance-level references to a logger that uses intelligent defaults. If no logger is present, we look for the Rails default logger (Rails.logger). If all else fails, the code instantiates a new logger pointed at STDOUT.0T" ruby[["showtime-0.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i" showtimeU:Gem::Version[" 0.2.1u: Time "Simple Sinatra generatorU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["~>U;[" 0.14.4: @name" thor:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["1.0; " bundler; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[["~>U;["2.1; " rspec; @3;F00["Lucas Mazza"2Application generator for simple Sinatra apps0T" ruby[["rwikibot-2.0.0u;[" 1.4.0i" rwikibotU:Gem::Version[" 2.0.0u: Time /"+A library for creating MediaWiki bots.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Eddie Roger"0T" ruby[["rack-evil_robot-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"rack-evil_robotU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time Ĝ"YDetect robots that are ignoring your robots.txt file and give them the middle fingerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" rack:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Shane Wolf"YDetect robots that are ignoring your robots.txt file and give them the middle finger0T" ruby[["hotcocoa-0.5.1u;6[" 1.4.0i" hotcocoaU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.1u: Time %"'Cococa mapping library for MacRubyU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Richard Kilmer"{HotCocoa is a Cocoa mapping library for MacRuby. It simplifies the use of complex Cocoa classes using DSL techniques.0T" ruby[["cheat-1.3.0u;9[" 1.4.0i" cheatU:Gem::Version[" 1.3.0u: Time "8cheat prints cheat sheets from cheat.errtheblog.comU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Chris Wanstrath"o cheat prints cheat sheets from cheat.errtheblog.com, a wiki-like repository of programming knowledge. 0T" ruby[["cablegator-1.0.0u;9[" 1.4.0i"cablegatorU:Gem::Version[" 1.0.0u: Time "4Downloads Wikileaks Cables to current directoryU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" httparty:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " twitter; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " nokogiri; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " oauth; @=;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " launchy; @G;F00[" csquared"4Downloads Wikileaks Cables to current directory0T" ruby[["rdf-spec-ruby19-0.1.6u;R[" 1.4.0i"rdf-spec-ruby19U:Gem::Version[" 0.1.6u: Time ":RSpec extensions for RDF.rb + Ruby 1.9 compatibility.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[ o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0: @name" rspec:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.5.3; " yard; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.1.6; "rdf-ruby19; @3;Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.3.0; " rspec; @=;F00["Arto Bendiken"Ben Lavender"TRDF.rb plugin that provides RSpec matchers and shared examples for RDF objects.0T" ruby[["easy_mplayer-1.2.1u;[" 1.4.0i"easy_mplayerU:Gem::Version[" 1.2.1u: Time E"*Wrapper to launch and control MPlayerU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.8.0: @name" facets:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.2; "color_debug_messages; @);F00["Brent Sanders"]A wrapper to manage mplayer, that supports callbacks to easily support event-driven GUIs0T" ruby[["mixi-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i" mixiU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time D"@mixi library is a library for using mixi from ruby scripts.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[["=U;[" 0.5.3: @name"mechanize:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[["=U;["0.4; " hpricot; @);F00[" tkawachi"0T" ruby[["xapor-0.1.6u;[" 1.4.0i" xaporU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.6u: Time "#Rails plugin for Xapian searchU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.1.0: @name"xapian-fu:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.2.9; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;["0; " cucumber; @3;F00["David Workman"FRails plugin for Xapian search, built on XapianFu and DelayedJob.0T" ruby[["abtain_billing-1.03u;[" 1.4.0i"abtain_billingU:Gem::Version[" 1.03u: Time h"ePayment Framework focused on Authorize.net CIM for dealing with stored credit card transactions.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.0: @name" builder:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.3.2; "activesupport; @);F00["Dan Quellhorst"0T" ruby[["oauth-simple-0.0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"oauth-simpleU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.1u: Time N" Simple OAuth implementationU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.12.2: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.12.2; "hoe; @);F00["Marius Mathiesen" Simple OAuth implementation0T" ruby[["ip_address-0.1u;[" 1.4.0i"ip_addressU:Gem::Version["0.1u: Time E"Work with IP addresses.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00[" katmagic"&Easily manipulate IPv4 addresses.0T" ruby[["http_parser.rb-0.5.1u;5[" 1.4.0i"http_parser.rbU:Gem::Version[" 0.5.1u: Time %"7Simple callback-based HTTP request/response parserU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.4.6: @name" json:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 2.0.1; " rspec; @);Fo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 0.7.5; "rake-compiler; @3;F00["Marc-Andre Cournoyer"Aman Gupta"fRuby bindings to http://github.com/ry/http-parser and http://github.com/a2800276/http-parser.java0T" ruby[["filesize-0.0.2u;[" 1.4.0i" filesizeU:Gem::Version[" 0.0.2u: Time $["filesize is a small class for handling filesizes with both the SI and binary prefixes, allowing conversion from any size to any other size.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Dominik Honnef"filesize is a small class for handling filesizes with both the SI and binary prefixes, allowing conversion from any size to any other size.0T" ruby[["tweet-button-0.1.0u;[" 1.4.0i"tweet-buttonU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time ")Generate new Twitter 'Tweet buttons'U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Jeremy McAnally"/Generate Tweet buttons for your Rails apps0T" ruby[["svp-0.1.2u;y[" 1.4.0i"svpU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.2u: Time $"vSVN facade for Perforce. Supports offline diff, status, revert. Doesn't require a permanent client configuration.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Simon Harris"vSVN facade for Perforce. Supports offline diff, status, revert. Doesn't require a permanent client configuration.0T" ruby[["olgen-god-0.9.2u;$[" 1.4.0i"olgen-godU:Gem::Version[" 0.9.2u: Time e"Like god, but olgen!U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[00["Tom Preston-Werner"Eugen Martin"dFork of God - God is an easy to configure, easy to extend monitoring framework written in Ruby.0T" ruby[["pdf-labels-2.0.1u;b[" 1.4.0i"pdf-labelsU:Gem::Version[" 2.0.1u: Time "Easy label creation in Ruby through PDF::Writer and using templates from gLabels. Contains the library pdf_labels, the Rails engine LabelPageEngine and an example application FileClerk.U:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;[" 1.7.0: @name"hoe:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseFo; ; ; ; U;[[[">=U;[" 1.7.0; "hoe; @);F00["Rob Kaufman"[== DESCRIPTION: Welcome to the PDF-Labels project. Our aim is to make creating labels programmatically easy in Ruby. This Library builds on top of "PDF::Writer":http://ruby-pdf.rubyforge.org/ and uses the templates from "gLabels":http://glabels.sourceforge.org. What this means is easy, clean Ruby code to create many common label types without measuring the labels yourself! All of this in pure Ruby (we use the XML templates from gLabels, we do NOT have a dependancy on gLabels, nor on Gnome) == FEATURES/PROBLEMS: * Works with all gLabels supported templates for rectangular labels * Does not yet work for CD labels (circles) == SYNOPSIS: p = PDFLabelPage.new("Avery 8160") # label is 2 x 10 #Some examples of adding labels p.add_label() # should add to col 1, row 1 p.add_label(:position => 1) # should add col 1, row 2 p.add_label(:text => "Positoin 15", :position => 15) # should add col 2, row 1 p.add_label(:text => 'No Margin', :position => 5, :use_margin => false) #this doesn't use a margin p.add_label(:position => 9, :text => "X Offset = 4, Y Offset = -6", :offset_x => 4, :offset_y => -6) p.add_label(:text => "Centered", :position => 26, :justification => :center) # should add col 2, row 15 p.add_label(:text => "[Right justified]", :justification => :right, :position => 28)# col 2, row 14, right justified. p.add_label(:position => 29) # should add col 2, row 15 p.add_label(:position => 8, :text => "This was added last and has a BIG font", :font_size => 18)0T" ruby[["has_named_bootstraps-0.1.0u;A[" 1.4.0i"has_named_bootstrapsU:Gem::Version[" 0.1.0u: Time D"5Load boostrapped database records into constantsU:Gem::Requirement[[[">=U;["0U;[[[">=U;["00[o:Gem::Dependency : @type: runtime:@requirementU;[[[">=U;["0: @name" shoulda:@version_requirements@:@prereleaseF00["Phil Darnowsky"has_named_bootstraps is a simple way to load bootstrapped records into class-level constants, and generate a list in another constant of all such bootstraps. This is handy for generating