# frozen_string_literal: true SCRIPT_CORE_ROOT = Pathname.new(__dir__).join("../..") TEMPLATE_ROOT = File.expand_path("mruby", __dir__) DEFAULT_ENGINE_NAME = "mruby" namespace :script_core do namespace :engine do desc "Create a skeletal engine that can be customize at the path you specify" task :new do ARGV.each { |a| task(a.to_sym) {} } name = ARGV[1] || DEFAULT_ENGINE_NAME unless /\A[a-z_]+\Z/.match?(name) puts "Engine name can only be `a` to `z` and `_`." exit 1 end dest_dir = Rails.root.join(name) if File.exist?(dest_dir) puts "#{dest_dir} exists, you need to remove it first." exit 1 end FileUtils.cp_r TEMPLATE_ROOT, dest_dir end desc "Build engine executables" task :build do ARGV.each { |a| task(a.to_sym) {} } name = ARGV[1] || DEFAULT_ENGINE_NAME unless /\A[a-z_]+\Z/.match?(name) puts "Must provide a valid engine name." exit 1 end engine_root = Rails.root.join(name) unless Dir.exist?(engine_root) puts "Engine home `#{engine_root}` doesn't exists." puts "You should run `rake script_core:engine:new #{name}` to create it first." exit 1 end env_vars = "TARGET_DIR=#{engine_root}" gembox_file = engine_root.join("engine.gembox") if File.exist?(gembox_file) puts "Found customized gembox." env_vars += " MRUBY_ENGINE_GEMBOX_PATH=#{gembox_file}" end Dir.chdir(SCRIPT_CORE_ROOT.join("ext/enterprise_script_service")) do sh("#{env_vars} #{Rails.root.join('bin/bundle')} exec rake") end end desc "Compile engine lib" task :compile_lib do ARGV.each { |a| task(a.to_sym) {} } name = ARGV[1] || DEFAULT_ENGINE_NAME unless /\A[a-z_]+\Z/.match?(name) puts "Must provide a valid engine name." exit 1 end engine_root = Rails.root.join(name) unless Dir.exist?(engine_root) puts "Engine home `#{engine_root}` doesn't exists." puts "You should run `rake script_core:engine:new #{name}` to create it first." exit 1 end unless File.exist?(engine_root.join("bin/mrbc")) puts "Engine haven't built yet." puts "You should run `rake script_core:engine:build #{name}` first." exit 1 end lib_files = Dir["#{engine_root.join('lib')}/**/*.rb"] if lib_files.empty? puts "Empty lib, no need to compile" exit 0 end Dir.chdir(engine_root.join("bin")) do sh("./mrbc -o enterprise_script_service.mrb #{lib_files.join(' ')}") end end desc "Clean engine compiled files" task :clean do ARGV.each { |a| task(a.to_sym) {} } name = ARGV[1] || DEFAULT_ENGINE_NAME unless /\A[a-z_]+\Z/.match?(name) puts "Must provide a valid engine name." exit 1 end engine_root = Rails.root.join(name) unless Dir.exist?(engine_root) puts "Engine home `#{engine_root}` doesn't exists." exit 1 end FileUtils.remove_dir engine_root.join("bin") end end end