Module | RIO::IF::YAML | lib/rio/if/yaml.rb |
Calls YAML.load.
Loads a single YAML object from the stream referenced by the Rio
See yaml and RIO::Doc::INTRO
Reject documents from a YAML file. Calls skiprows. See yaml and RIO::Doc::INTRO
Rio uses the YAML class from the Ruby standard library to provide support for reading and writing YAML files. Normally using (skip)records is identical to (skip)lines because while records only selects and does not specify the record-type, lines is the default.
The YAML extension distingishes between items selected using Rio#records, Rio#rows and Rio#lines. Rio returns objects loaded via YAML#load when records is used; returns the YAML text as a String when rows is used; and returns lines as Strings as normal when lines is used. records is the default. In yaml-mode, (skip)records can be called as (skip)objects and (skip)rows can be called as (skip)documents
To read a single YAML document, Rio provides getobj and load For example, consider the following partial ‘database.yml’ from the rails distribution:
development: adapter: mysql database: rails_development test: adapter: mysql database: rails_test
To get the object represented in the yaml file:
rio('database.yml').yaml.load ==>{"development"=>{"adapter"=>"mysql", "database"=>"rails_development"}, "test"=>{"adapter"=>"mysql", "database"=>"rails_test"}}
Or one could read parts of the file like so:
rio('database.yml').yaml.getobj['development']['database'] ==>"rails_development"
Single objects can be written using putobj and putobj! which is aliased to dump
anobject = { 'production' => { 'adapter' => 'mysql', 'database' => 'rails_production', } } rio('afile.yaml').yaml.dump(anobject)
The YAML extension changes the way the grande copy operators interpret their argument. Rio#< (copy-from) and Rio#<< (append-from) treat an array as an array of objects which are converted using their to_yaml method before writing.
rio('afile.yaml').yaml < [obj1, obj2, obj3]
Because of this, copying an ::Array must be done like this:
rio('afile.yaml').yaml < [anarray]
If their argument is a Rio or ::IO it is iterate through as normal, with each record converted using its to_yaml method.
For all other objects, the result of their to_yaml operator is simply written.
rio('afile.yaml').yaml < anobject
Rio#> (copy-to) and Rio#>> (append-to) will fill an array with with all selected YAML documents in the Rio. For non-arrays, the yaml text is copied. (This may change if a useful reasonable alternative can be found) rio(‘afile.yaml’).yaml > anarray # load all YAML documents from ‘afile.yaml‘
Single objects can be written using Rio#putrec (aliased to Rio#putobj and Rio#dump)
Single objects can be loaded using Rio#getrec (aliase to Rio#getobj and Rio#load)
anobject = rio('afile.yaml').yaml.getobj
Note that other than this redefinition of what a record is and how the copy operators interpret their argument, a Rio in yaml-mode is just like any other Rio. And all the things you can do with any Rio come for free. They can be iterated over using each and read into an array using #[] just like any other Rio. All the selection criteria are identical also.
Get the first three objects into an array:
array_of_objects = rio('afile.yaml').yaml[0..2]
Iterate over only YAML documents that are a kind_of ::Hash use:
rio('afile.yaml').yaml(::Hash) {|ahash| ...}
This takes advantage of the fact that the default for matching records is ===
Selecting records using a Proc can be used as normal:
anarray = rio('afile.yaml').yaml(proc{|anobject| ...}).to_a
One could even use the copy operator to convert a CSV file to a YAML representation of the same data:
rio('afile.yaml').yaml < rio('afile.csv').csv
Copyright © 2005 Christopher Kleckner. All rights reserved.