# encoding: utf-8 require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../spec_helper") require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/client_api/spec_helper") describe Braintree::Customer do describe "self.all" do it "gets more than a page of customers" do customers = Braintree::Customer.all customers.maximum_size.should > 100 customer_ids = customers.map {|c| c.id }.uniq.compact customer_ids.size.should == customers.maximum_size end end describe "self.delete" do it "deletes the customer with the given id" do create_result = Braintree::Customer.create( :first_name => "Joe", :last_name => "Cool" ) create_result.success?.should == true customer = create_result.customer delete_result = Braintree::Customer.delete(customer.id) delete_result.success?.should == true expect do Braintree::Customer.find(customer.id) end.to raise_error(Braintree::NotFoundError) end end describe "self.create" do it "returns a successful result if successful" do result = Braintree::Customer.create( :first_name => "Bill", :last_name => "Gates", :company => "Microsoft", :email => "bill@microsoft.com", :phone => "312.555.1234", :fax => "614.555.5678", :website => "www.microsoft.com" ) result.success?.should == true result.customer.id.should =~ /^\d{6}$/ result.customer.first_name.should == "Bill" result.customer.last_name.should == "Gates" result.customer.company.should == "Microsoft" result.customer.email.should == "bill@microsoft.com" result.customer.phone.should == "312.555.1234" result.customer.fax.should == "614.555.5678" result.customer.website.should == "www.microsoft.com" result.customer.created_at.between?(Time.now - 10, Time.now).should == true result.customer.updated_at.between?(Time.now - 10, Time.now).should == true end it "supports creation with a device session ID and (optional) fraud_merchant_id" do result = Braintree::Customer.create( :credit_card => { :number => Braintree::Test::CreditCardNumbers::MasterCard, :expiration_date => "05/2010", :cvv => "100", :device_session_id => "abc123", :fraud_merchant_id => "7" } ) result.should be_success end it "can create without any attributes" do result = Braintree::Customer.create result.success?.should == true end it "supports utf-8" do first_name = "Jos\303\251" last_name = "Mu\303\261oz" result = Braintree::Customer.create(:first_name => first_name, :last_name => last_name) result.success?.should == true if RUBY_VERSION =~ /^1.8/ result.customer.first_name.should == first_name result.customer.last_name.should == last_name found_customer = Braintree::Customer.find(result.customer.id) found_customer.first_name.should == first_name found_customer.last_name.should == last_name else result.customer.first_name.should == "José" result.customer.first_name.bytes.map {|b| b.to_s(8)}.should == ["112", "157", "163", "303", "251"] result.customer.last_name.should == "Muñoz" result.customer.last_name.bytes.map {|b| b.to_s(8)}.should == ["115", "165", "303", "261", "157", "172"] found_customer = Braintree::Customer.find(result.customer.id) found_customer.first_name.should == "José" found_customer.first_name.bytes.map {|b| b.to_s(8)}.should == ["112", "157", "163", "303", "251"] found_customer.last_name.should == "Muñoz" found_customer.last_name.bytes.map {|b| b.to_s(8)}.should == ["115", "165", "303", "261", "157", "172"] end end it "returns an error response if invalid" do result = Braintree::Customer.create( :email => "@invalid.com" ) result.success?.should == false result.errors.for(:customer).on(:email)[0].message.should == "Email is an invalid format." end it "can create a customer and a payment method at the same time" do result = Braintree::Customer.create( :first_name => "Mike", :last_name => "Jones", :credit_card => { :number => Braintree::Test::CreditCardNumbers::MasterCard, :expiration_date => "05/2010", :cvv => "100" } ) result.success?.should == true result.customer.first_name.should == "Mike" result.customer.last_name.should == "Jones" result.customer.credit_cards[0].bin.should == Braintree::Test::CreditCardNumbers::MasterCard[0, 6] result.customer.credit_cards[0].last_4.should == Braintree::Test::CreditCardNumbers::MasterCard[-4..-1] result.customer.credit_cards[0].expiration_date.should == "05/2010" result.customer.credit_cards[0].unique_number_identifier.should =~ /\A\w{32}\z/ end it "verifies the card if credit_card[options][verify_card]=true" do result = Braintree::Customer.create( :first_name => "Mike", :last_name => "Jones", :credit_card => { :number => Braintree::Test::CreditCardNumbers::FailsSandboxVerification::MasterCard, :expiration_date => "05/2010", :options => {:verify_card => true} } ) result.success?.should == false result.credit_card_verification.status.should == Braintree::Transaction::Status::ProcessorDeclined end it "fails on create if credit_card[options][fail_on_duplicate_payment_method]=true and there is a duplicated payment method" do customer = Braintree::Customer.create! Braintree::CreditCard.create( :customer_id => customer.id, :number => Braintree::Test::CreditCardNumbers::Visa, :expiration_date => "05/2015" ) result = Braintree::Customer.create( :first_name => "Mike", :last_name => "Jones", :credit_card => { :number => Braintree::Test::CreditCardNumbers::Visa, :expiration_date => "05/2015", :options => {:fail_on_duplicate_payment_method => true} } ) result.success?.should == false result.errors.for(:customer).for(:credit_card).on(:number)[0].message.should == "Duplicate card exists in the vault." end it "allows the user to specify the merchant account for verification" do result = Braintree::Customer.create( :first_name => "Mike", :last_name => "Jones", :credit_card => { :number => Braintree::Test::CreditCardNumbers::FailsSandboxVerification::MasterCard, :expiration_date => "05/2010", :options => { :verify_card => true, :verification_merchant_account_id => SpecHelper::NonDefaultMerchantAccountId } } ) result.success?.should == false result.credit_card_verification.status.should == Braintree::Transaction::Status::ProcessorDeclined end it "can create a customer, payment method, and billing address at the same time" do result = Braintree::Customer.create( :first_name => "Mike", :last_name => "Jones", :credit_card => { :number => Braintree::Test::CreditCardNumbers::MasterCard, :expiration_date => "05/2010", :billing_address => { :street_address => "1 E Main St", :extended_address => "Suite 3", :locality => "Chicago", :region => "Illinois", :postal_code => "60622", :country_name => "United States of America" } } ) result.success?.should == true result.customer.first_name.should == "Mike" result.customer.last_name.should == "Jones" result.customer.credit_cards[0].bin.should == Braintree::Test::CreditCardNumbers::MasterCard[0, 6] result.customer.credit_cards[0].last_4.should == Braintree::Test::CreditCardNumbers::MasterCard[-4..-1] result.customer.credit_cards[0].expiration_date.should == "05/2010" result.customer.credit_cards[0].billing_address.id.should == result.customer.addresses[0].id result.customer.addresses[0].id.should =~ /\w+/ result.customer.addresses[0].street_address.should == "1 E Main St" result.customer.addresses[0].extended_address.should == "Suite 3" result.customer.addresses[0].locality.should == "Chicago" result.customer.addresses[0].region.should == "Illinois" result.customer.addresses[0].postal_code.should == "60622" result.customer.addresses[0].country_name.should == "United States of America" end it "can use any country code" do result = Braintree::Customer.create( :first_name => "James", :last_name => "Conroy", :credit_card => { :number => Braintree::Test::CreditCardNumbers::MasterCard, :expiration_date => "05/2010", :billing_address => { :country_name => "Comoros", :country_code_alpha2 => "KM", :country_code_alpha3 => "COM", :country_code_numeric => "174" } } ) result.success?.should == true result.customer.addresses[0].country_name.should == "Comoros" result.customer.addresses[0].country_code_alpha2.should == "KM" result.customer.addresses[0].country_code_alpha3.should == "COM" result.customer.addresses[0].country_code_numeric.should == "174" end it "stores custom fields when valid" do result = Braintree::Customer.create( :first_name => "Bill", :last_name => "Gates", :custom_fields => { :store_me => "custom value" } ) result.success?.should == true result.customer.custom_fields[:store_me].should == "custom value" end it "returns empty hash for custom fields when blank" do result = Braintree::Customer.create( :first_name => "Bill", :last_name => "Gates", :custom_fields => { :store_me => "" } ) result.success?.should == true result.customer.custom_fields.should == {} end it "returns nested errors if credit card and/or billing address are invalid" do result = Braintree::Customer.create( :email => "invalid", :credit_card => { :number => "invalidnumber", :billing_address => { :country_name => "invalid" } } ) result.success?.should == false result.errors.for(:customer).on(:email)[0].message.should == "Email is an invalid format." result.errors.for(:customer).for(:credit_card).on(:number)[0].message.should == "Credit card number is invalid." result.errors.for(:customer).for(:credit_card).for(:billing_address).on(:country_name)[0].message.should == "Country name is not an accepted country." end it "returns errors if country codes are inconsistent" do result = Braintree::Customer.create( :first_name => "Olivia", :last_name => "Dupree", :credit_card => { :number => Braintree::Test::CreditCardNumbers::MasterCard, :expiration_date => "05/2010", :billing_address => { :country_name => "Comoros", :country_code_alpha2 => "US", :country_code_alpha3 => "COM", } } ) result.success?.should == false result.errors.for(:customer).for(:credit_card).for(:billing_address).on(:base).map {|e| e.code}.should include(Braintree::ErrorCodes::Address::InconsistentCountry) end it "returns an error if country code alpha2 is invalid" do result = Braintree::Customer.create( :first_name => "Melissa", :last_name => "Henderson", :credit_card => { :number => Braintree::Test::CreditCardNumbers::MasterCard, :expiration_date => "05/2010", :billing_address => { :country_code_alpha2 => "zz", } } ) result.success?.should == false result.errors.for(:customer).for(:credit_card).for(:billing_address).on(:country_code_alpha2).map {|e| e.code}.should include(Braintree::ErrorCodes::Address::CountryCodeAlpha2IsNotAccepted) end it "returns an error if country code alpha3 is invalid" do result = Braintree::Customer.create( :first_name => "Andrew", :last_name => "Patterson", :credit_card => { :number => Braintree::Test::CreditCardNumbers::MasterCard, :expiration_date => "05/3010", :billing_address => { :country_code_alpha3 => "zzz", } } ) result.success?.should == false result.errors.for(:customer).for(:credit_card).for(:billing_address).on(:country_code_alpha3).map {|e| e.code}.should include(Braintree::ErrorCodes::Address::CountryCodeAlpha3IsNotAccepted) end it "returns an error if country code numeric is invalid" do result = Braintree::Customer.create( :first_name => "Steve", :last_name => "Hamlin", :credit_card => { :number => Braintree::Test::CreditCardNumbers::MasterCard, :expiration_date => "05/3010", :billing_address => { :country_code_numeric => "zzz", } } ) result.success?.should == false result.errors.for(:customer).for(:credit_card).for(:billing_address).on(:country_code_numeric).map {|e| e.code}.should include(Braintree::ErrorCodes::Address::CountryCodeNumericIsNotAccepted) end it "returns errors if custom_fields are not registered" do result = Braintree::Customer.create( :first_name => "Jack", :last_name => "Kennedy", :custom_fields => { :spouse_name => "Jacqueline" } ) result.success?.should == false result.errors.for(:customer).on(:custom_fields)[0].message.should == "Custom field is invalid: spouse_name." end describe "venmo_sdk" do it "can create a customer with a venmo sdk payment method code" do result = Braintree::Customer.create( :first_name => "Steve", :last_name => "Hamlin", :credit_card => { :venmo_sdk_payment_method_code => Braintree::Test::VenmoSDK::VisaPaymentMethodCode } ) result.success?.should == true result.customer.credit_cards.first.bin.should == "400934" result.customer.credit_cards.first.last_4.should == "1881" end it "can create a customer with a venmo sdk session" do result = Braintree::Customer.create( :first_name => "Steve", :last_name => "Hamlin", :credit_card => { :number => Braintree::Test::CreditCardNumbers::MasterCard, :expiration_date => "05/2010", :options => { :venmo_sdk_session => Braintree::Test::VenmoSDK::Session } } ) result.success?.should == true result.customer.credit_cards.first.venmo_sdk?.should == true end end context "client API" do it "can create a customer with a payment method nonce" do nonce = nonce_for_new_payment_method( :credit_card => { :number => "4111111111111111", :expiration_month => "11", :expiration_year => "2099", }, :share => true ) result = Braintree::Customer.create( :credit_card => { :payment_method_nonce => nonce } ) result.success?.should == true result.customer.credit_cards.first.bin.should == "411111" result.customer.credit_cards.first.last_4.should == "1111" end end it "can create a customer with an apple pay payment method" do result = Braintree::Customer.create(:payment_method_nonce => Braintree::Test::Nonce::ApplePayVisa) result.success?.should == true result.customer.payment_methods.should_not be_empty result.customer.payment_methods.first.token.should_not be_nil end it "can create a customer with an unknown payment method" do result = Braintree::Customer.create(:payment_method_nonce => Braintree::Test::Nonce::AbstractTransactable) result.success?.should == true end end describe "self.create!" do it "returns the customer if successful" do customer = Braintree::Customer.create!( :first_name => "Jim", :last_name => "Smith" ) customer.id.should =~ /\d+/ customer.first_name.should == "Jim" customer.last_name.should == "Smith" end it "can create without any attributes" do customer = Braintree::Customer.create! customer.id.should =~ /\d+/ end it "raises an exception if not successful" do expect do Braintree::Customer.create!(:email => "@foo.com") end.to raise_error(Braintree::ValidationsFailed) end end describe "self.credit" do it "creates a credit transaction for given customer id, returning a result object" do customer = Braintree::Customer.create!( :credit_card => { :number => Braintree::Test::CreditCardNumbers::Visa, :expiration_date => "05/2010" } ) result = Braintree::Customer.credit(customer.id, :amount => "100.00") result.success?.should == true result.transaction.amount.should == BigDecimal.new("100.00") result.transaction.type.should == "credit" result.transaction.customer_details.id.should == customer.id result.transaction.credit_card_details.token.should == customer.credit_cards[0].token result.transaction.credit_card_details.bin.should == Braintree::Test::CreditCardNumbers::Visa[0, 6] result.transaction.credit_card_details.last_4.should == Braintree::Test::CreditCardNumbers::Visa[-4..-1] result.transaction.credit_card_details.expiration_date.should == "05/2010" end end describe "self.credit!" do it "creates a credit transaction for given customer id, returning a result object" do customer = Braintree::Customer.create!( :credit_card => { :number => Braintree::Test::CreditCardNumbers::Visa, :expiration_date => "05/2010" } ) transaction = Braintree::Customer.credit!(customer.id, :amount => "100.00") transaction.amount.should == BigDecimal.new("100.00") transaction.type.should == "credit" transaction.customer_details.id.should == customer.id transaction.credit_card_details.token.should == customer.credit_cards[0].token transaction.credit_card_details.bin.should == Braintree::Test::CreditCardNumbers::Visa[0, 6] transaction.credit_card_details.last_4.should == Braintree::Test::CreditCardNumbers::Visa[-4..-1] transaction.credit_card_details.expiration_date.should == "05/2010" end end describe "self.sale" do it "creates a sale transaction for given customer id, returning a result object" do customer = Braintree::Customer.create!( :credit_card => { :number => Braintree::Test::CreditCardNumbers::Visa, :expiration_date => "05/2010" } ) result = Braintree::Customer.sale(customer.id, :amount => "100.00") result.success?.should == true result.transaction.amount.should == BigDecimal.new("100.00") result.transaction.type.should == "sale" result.transaction.customer_details.id.should == customer.id result.transaction.credit_card_details.token.should == customer.credit_cards[0].token result.transaction.credit_card_details.bin.should == Braintree::Test::CreditCardNumbers::Visa[0, 6] result.transaction.credit_card_details.last_4.should == Braintree::Test::CreditCardNumbers::Visa[-4..-1] result.transaction.credit_card_details.expiration_date.should == "05/2010" end end describe "self.sale!" do it "creates a sale transaction for given customer id, returning the transaction" do customer = Braintree::Customer.create!( :credit_card => { :number => Braintree::Test::CreditCardNumbers::Visa, :expiration_date => "05/2010" } ) transaction = Braintree::Customer.sale!(customer.id, :amount => "100.00") transaction.amount.should == BigDecimal.new("100.00") transaction.type.should == "sale" transaction.customer_details.id.should == customer.id transaction.credit_card_details.token.should == customer.credit_cards[0].token transaction.credit_card_details.bin.should == Braintree::Test::CreditCardNumbers::Visa[0, 6] transaction.credit_card_details.last_4.should == Braintree::Test::CreditCardNumbers::Visa[-4..-1] transaction.credit_card_details.expiration_date.should == "05/2010" end end describe "self.transactions" do it "finds transactions for the given customer id" do customer = Braintree::Customer.create!( :credit_card => { :number => Braintree::Test::CreditCardNumbers::Visa, :expiration_date => "05/2010" } ) transaction = customer.sale!(:amount => "100.00") collection = Braintree::Customer.transactions(customer.id) collection.first.should == transaction end end describe "sale" do it "creates a sale transaction using the customer, returning a result object" do customer = Braintree::Customer.create!( :credit_card => { :number => Braintree::Test::CreditCardNumbers::Visa, :expiration_date => "05/2010" } ) result = customer.sale( :amount => "100.00" ) result.success?.should == true result.transaction.amount.should == BigDecimal.new("100.00") result.transaction.type.should == "sale" result.transaction.customer_details.id.should == customer.id result.transaction.credit_card_details.token.should == customer.credit_cards[0].token result.transaction.credit_card_details.bin.should == Braintree::Test::CreditCardNumbers::Visa[0, 6] result.transaction.credit_card_details.last_4.should == Braintree::Test::CreditCardNumbers::Visa[-4..-1] result.transaction.credit_card_details.expiration_date.should == "05/2010" end end describe "sale!" do it "returns the created sale tranaction if valid" do customer = Braintree::Customer.create!( :credit_card => { :number => Braintree::Test::CreditCardNumbers::Visa, :expiration_date => "05/2010" } ) transaction = customer.sale!(:amount => "100.00") transaction.amount.should == BigDecimal.new("100.00") transaction.type.should == "sale" transaction.customer_details.id.should == customer.id transaction.credit_card_details.token.should == customer.credit_cards[0].token transaction.credit_card_details.bin.should == Braintree::Test::CreditCardNumbers::Visa[0, 6] transaction.credit_card_details.last_4.should == Braintree::Test::CreditCardNumbers::Visa[-4..-1] transaction.credit_card_details.expiration_date.should == "05/2010" end end describe "transactions" do it "finds transactions for the customer" do customer = Braintree::Customer.create!( :credit_card => { :number => Braintree::Test::CreditCardNumbers::Visa, :expiration_date => "05/2010" } ) transaction = customer.sale!(:amount => "100.00") collection = customer.transactions collection.first.should == transaction end end describe "credit" do it "creates a credit transaction using the customer, returning a result object" do customer = Braintree::Customer.create!( :credit_card => { :number => Braintree::Test::CreditCardNumbers::Visa, :expiration_date => "05/2010" } ) result = customer.credit( :amount => "100.00" ) result.success?.should == true result.transaction.amount.should == BigDecimal.new("100.00") result.transaction.type.should == "credit" result.transaction.customer_details.id.should == customer.id result.transaction.credit_card_details.token.should == customer.credit_cards[0].token result.transaction.credit_card_details.bin.should == Braintree::Test::CreditCardNumbers::Visa[0, 6] result.transaction.credit_card_details.last_4.should == Braintree::Test::CreditCardNumbers::Visa[-4..-1] result.transaction.credit_card_details.expiration_date.should == "05/2010" end end describe "credit!" do it "returns the created credit tranaction if valid" do customer = Braintree::Customer.create!( :credit_card => { :number => Braintree::Test::CreditCardNumbers::Visa, :expiration_date => "05/2010" } ) transaction = customer.credit!(:amount => "100.00") transaction.amount.should == BigDecimal.new("100.00") transaction.type.should == "credit" transaction.customer_details.id.should == customer.id transaction.credit_card_details.token.should == customer.credit_cards[0].token transaction.credit_card_details.bin.should == Braintree::Test::CreditCardNumbers::Visa[0, 6] transaction.credit_card_details.last_4.should == Braintree::Test::CreditCardNumbers::Visa[-4..-1] transaction.credit_card_details.expiration_date.should == "05/2010" end end describe "create_from_transparent_redirect" do it "returns a successful result if successful" do params = { :customer => { :first_name => "John", :last_name => "Doe", :company => "Doe Co", :email => "john@doe.com", :phone => "312.555.2323", :fax => "614.555.5656", :website => "www.johndoe.com" } } tr_data = Braintree::TransparentRedirect.create_customer_data({:redirect_url => "http://example.com"}.merge({})) query_string_response = SpecHelper.simulate_form_post_for_tr(tr_data, params, Braintree::Customer.create_customer_url) result = Braintree::Customer.create_from_transparent_redirect(query_string_response) result.success?.should == true customer = result.customer customer.first_name.should == "John" customer.last_name.should == "Doe" customer.company.should == "Doe Co" customer.email.should == "john@doe.com" customer.phone.should == "312.555.2323" customer.fax.should == "614.555.5656" customer.website.should == "www.johndoe.com" end it "can pass any attribute through tr_data" do customer_id = "customer_#{rand(1_000_000)}" tr_data_params = { :customer => { :id => customer_id, :first_name => "John", :last_name => "Doe", :company => "Doe Co", :email => "john@doe.com", :phone => "312.555.2323", :fax => "614.555.5656", :website => "www.johndoe.com" } } tr_data = Braintree::TransparentRedirect.create_customer_data({:redirect_url => "http://example.com"}.merge(tr_data_params)) query_string_response = SpecHelper.simulate_form_post_for_tr(tr_data, {}, Braintree::Customer.create_customer_url) result = Braintree::Customer.create_from_transparent_redirect(query_string_response) result.success?.should == true customer = result.customer customer.id.should == customer_id customer.first_name.should == "John" customer.last_name.should == "Doe" customer.company.should == "Doe Co" customer.email.should == "john@doe.com" customer.phone.should == "312.555.2323" customer.fax.should == "614.555.5656" customer.website.should == "www.johndoe.com" end end describe "delete" do it "deletes the customer" do result = Braintree::Customer.create( :first_name => "Joe", :last_name => "Cool" ) result.success?.should == true customer = result.customer customer.delete.success?.should == true expect do Braintree::Customer.find(customer.id) end.to raise_error(Braintree::NotFoundError) end end describe "self.find" do it "finds the customer with the given id" do result = Braintree::Customer.create( :first_name => "Joe", :last_name => "Cool" ) result.success?.should == true customer = Braintree::Customer.find(result.customer.id) customer.id.should == result.customer.id customer.first_name.should == "Joe" customer.last_name.should == "Cool" end it "returns associated subscriptions" do customer = Braintree::Customer.create.customer credit_card = Braintree::CreditCard.create( :customer_id => customer.id, :number => Braintree::Test::CreditCardNumbers::Visa, :expiration_date => "05/2012" ).credit_card subscription = Braintree::Subscription.create( :payment_method_token => credit_card.token, :plan_id => "integration_trialless_plan", :price => "1.00" ).subscription found_customer = Braintree::Customer.find(customer.id) found_customer.credit_cards.first.subscriptions.first.id.should == subscription.id found_customer.credit_cards.first.subscriptions.first.plan_id.should == "integration_trialless_plan" found_customer.credit_cards.first.subscriptions.first.payment_method_token.should == credit_card.token found_customer.credit_cards.first.subscriptions.first.price.should == BigDecimal.new("1.00") end it "returns associated ApplePayCards" do result = Braintree::Customer.create( :payment_method_nonce => Braintree::Test::Nonce::ApplePayAmEx ) result.success?.should == true found_customer = Braintree::Customer.find(result.customer.id) found_customer.apple_pay_cards.should_not be_nil apple_pay_card = found_customer.apple_pay_cards.first apple_pay_card.should be_a Braintree::ApplePayCard apple_pay_card.token.should_not be_nil apple_pay_card.expiration_year.should_not be_nil apple_pay_card.payment_instrument_name.should == "AmEx 41002" end it "works for a blank customer" do created_customer = Braintree::Customer.create! found_customer = Braintree::Customer.find(created_customer.id) found_customer.id.should == created_customer.id end it "raises an ArgumentError if customer_id is not a string" do expect do Braintree::Customer.find(Object.new) end.to raise_error(ArgumentError, "customer_id contains invalid characters") end it "raises an ArgumentError if customer_id is blank" do expect do Braintree::Customer.find("") end.to raise_error(ArgumentError, "customer_id contains invalid characters") end it "raises a NotFoundError exception if customer cannot be found" do expect do Braintree::Customer.find("invalid-id") end.to raise_error(Braintree::NotFoundError, 'customer with id "invalid-id" not found') end end describe "self.update" do it "updates the customer with the given id if successful" do customer = Braintree::Customer.create!( :first_name => "Joe", :last_name => "Cool" ) result = Braintree::Customer.update( customer.id, :first_name => "Mr. Joe", :last_name => "Super Cool", :custom_fields => { :store_me => "a value" } ) result.success?.should == true result.customer.id.should == customer.id result.customer.first_name.should == "Mr. Joe" result.customer.last_name.should == "Super Cool" result.customer.custom_fields[:store_me].should == "a value" end it "can use any country code" do customer = Braintree::Customer.create!( :first_name => "Alex", :last_name => "Matterson" ) result = Braintree::Customer.update( customer.id, :first_name => "Sammy", :last_name => "Banderton", :credit_card => { :number => Braintree::Test::CreditCardNumbers::MasterCard, :expiration_date => "05/2010", :billing_address => { :country_name => "Fiji", :country_code_alpha2 => "FJ", :country_code_alpha3 => "FJI", :country_code_numeric => "242" } } ) result.success?.should == true result.customer.addresses[0].country_name.should == "Fiji" result.customer.addresses[0].country_code_alpha2.should == "FJ" result.customer.addresses[0].country_code_alpha3.should == "FJI" result.customer.addresses[0].country_code_numeric.should == "242" end it "can update the customer, credit card, and billing address in one request" do customer = Braintree::Customer.create!( :first_name => "Joe", :credit_card => { :number => Braintree::Test::CreditCardNumbers::Visa, :expiration_date => "12/2009", :billing_address => { :first_name => "Joe", :postal_code => "60622" } } ) result = Braintree::Customer.update( customer.id, :first_name => "New Joe", :credit_card => { :cardholder_name => "New Joe Cardholder", :options => { :update_existing_token => customer.credit_cards.first.token }, :billing_address => { :last_name => "Cool", :postal_code => "60666", :options => { :update_existing => true } } } ) result.success?.should == true result.customer.id.should == customer.id result.customer.first_name.should == "New Joe" result.customer.credit_cards.size.should == 1 credit_card = result.customer.credit_cards.first credit_card.bin.should == Braintree::Test::CreditCardNumbers::Visa.slice(0, 6) credit_card.cardholder_name.should == "New Joe Cardholder" credit_card.billing_address.first_name.should == "Joe" credit_card.billing_address.last_name.should == "Cool" credit_card.billing_address.postal_code.should == "60666" end it "can update the nested billing address with billing_address_id" do customer = Braintree::Customer.create! address = Braintree::Address.create!( :customer_id => customer.id, :first_name => "John", :last_name => "Doe" ) customer = Braintree::Customer.update( customer.id, :credit_card => { :number => Braintree::Test::CreditCardNumbers::Visa, :expiration_date => "12/2009", :billing_address_id => address.id } ).customer billing_address = customer.credit_cards.first.billing_address billing_address.id.should == address.id billing_address.first_name.should == "John" billing_address.last_name.should == "Doe" end it "returns an error response if invalid" do customer = Braintree::Customer.create!(:email => "valid@email.com") result = Braintree::Customer.update( customer.id, :email => "@invalid.com" ) result.success?.should == false result.errors.for(:customer).on(:email)[0].message.should == "Email is an invalid format." end end describe "self.update!" do it "returns the updated customer if successful" do customer = Braintree::Customer.create!( :first_name => "Joe", :last_name => "Cool" ) updated_customer = Braintree::Customer.update!( customer.id, :first_name => "Mr. Joe", :last_name => "Super Cool" ) updated_customer.first_name.should == "Mr. Joe" updated_customer.last_name.should == "Super Cool" updated_customer.updated_at.between?(Time.now - 60, Time.now).should == true end it "raises an error if unsuccessful" do customer = Braintree::Customer.create!(:email => "valid@email.com") expect do Braintree::Customer.update!(customer.id, :email => "@invalid.com") end.to raise_error(Braintree::ValidationsFailed) end end describe "update" do it "updates the customer" do customer = Braintree::Customer.create!( :first_name => "Joe", :last_name => "Cool" ) update_result = customer.update( :first_name => "Mr. Joe", :last_name => "Super Cool" ) update_result.success?.should == true update_result.customer.should == customer updated_customer = update_result.customer updated_customer.first_name.should == "Mr. Joe" updated_customer.last_name.should == "Super Cool" end it "returns an error response if invalid" do customer = Braintree::Customer.create!( :email => "valid@email.com" ) result = customer.update( :email => "@invalid.com" ) result.success?.should == false result.errors.for(:customer).on(:email)[0].message.should == "Email is an invalid format." end end describe "update!" do it "returns the customer and updates the customer if successful" do customer = Braintree::Customer.create!( :first_name => "Joe", :last_name => "Cool" ) customer.update!( :first_name => "Mr. Joe", :last_name => "Super Cool" ).should == customer customer.first_name.should == "Mr. Joe" customer.last_name.should == "Super Cool" customer.updated_at.between?(Time.now - 60, Time.now).should == true end it "raises an error if unsuccessful" do customer = Braintree::Customer.create!( :email => "valid@email.com" ) expect do customer.update!(:email => "@invalid.com") end.to raise_error(Braintree::ValidationsFailed) end end describe "update_from_transparent_redirect" do it "returns a successful result if successful" do result = Braintree::Customer.create( :first_name => "Old First", :last_name => "Old Last", :company => "Old Company", :email => "old@email.com", :phone => "000.111.2222", :fax => "000.222.3333", :website => "old.website.com" ) result.success?.should == true original_customer = result.customer params = { :customer => { :first_name => "New First", :last_name => "New Last", :company => "New Company", :email => "new@email.com", :phone => "888.111.2222", :fax => "999.222.3333", :website => "new.website.com" } } tr_data_params = { :customer_id => original_customer.id } tr_data = Braintree::TransparentRedirect.update_customer_data({:redirect_url => "http://example.com"}.merge(tr_data_params)) query_string_response = SpecHelper.simulate_form_post_for_tr(tr_data, params, Braintree::Customer.update_customer_url) result = Braintree::Customer.update_from_transparent_redirect(query_string_response) result.success?.should == true customer = result.customer customer.id.should == original_customer.id customer.first_name.should == "New First" customer.last_name.should == "New Last" customer.company.should == "New Company" customer.email.should == "new@email.com" customer.phone.should == "888.111.2222" customer.fax.should == "999.222.3333" customer.website.should == "new.website.com" end it "returns a successful result when updating an existing credit card" do result = Braintree::Customer.create( :first_name => "Old First", :last_name => "Old Last", :company => "Old Company", :email => "old@email.com", :phone => "000.111.2222", :fax => "000.222.3333", :website => "old.website.com", :credit_card => { :number => Braintree::Test::CreditCardNumbers::Visa, :expiration_date => "12/2009", :billing_address => { :first_name => "Joe", :postal_code => "60622" } } ) result.success?.should == true original_customer = result.customer tr_data_params = { :customer_id => original_customer.id, :customer => { :first_name => "New First", :last_name => "New Last", :company => "New Company", :email => "new@email.com", :phone => "888.111.2222", :fax => "999.222.3333", :website => "new.website.com", :credit_card => { :cardholder_name => "New Joe Cardholder", :options => { :update_existing_token => original_customer.credit_cards.first.token }, :billing_address => { :last_name => "Cool", :postal_code => "60666", :options => { :update_existing => true } } } } } tr_data = Braintree::TransparentRedirect.update_customer_data({:redirect_url => "http://example.com"}.merge(tr_data_params)) query_string_response = SpecHelper.simulate_form_post_for_tr(tr_data, {}, Braintree::Customer.update_customer_url) result = Braintree::Customer.update_from_transparent_redirect(query_string_response) result.success?.should == true customer = result.customer customer.id.should == original_customer.id customer.first_name.should == "New First" customer.last_name.should == "New Last" customer.company.should == "New Company" customer.email.should == "new@email.com" customer.phone.should == "888.111.2222" customer.fax.should == "999.222.3333" customer.website.should == "new.website.com" credit_card = customer.credit_cards.first credit_card.bin.should == Braintree::Test::CreditCardNumbers::Visa.slice(0, 6) credit_card.cardholder_name.should == "New Joe Cardholder" credit_card.billing_address.first_name.should == "Joe" credit_card.billing_address.last_name.should == "Cool" credit_card.billing_address.postal_code.should == "60666" end it "can pass any attribute through tr_data" do original_customer = Braintree::Customer.create!( :first_name => "Old First", :last_name => "Old Last", :company => "Old Company", :email => "old@email.com", :phone => "000.111.2222", :fax => "000.222.3333", :website => "old.website.com" ) new_customer_id = "customer_#{rand(1_000_000)}" tr_data_params = { :customer_id => original_customer.id, :customer => { :id => new_customer_id, :first_name => "New First", :last_name => "New Last", :company => "New Company", :email => "new@email.com", :phone => "888.111.2222", :fax => "999.222.3333", :website => "new.website.com" } } tr_data = Braintree::TransparentRedirect.update_customer_data({:redirect_url => "http://example.com"}.merge(tr_data_params)) query_string_response = SpecHelper.simulate_form_post_for_tr(tr_data, {}, Braintree::Customer.update_customer_url) result = Braintree::Customer.update_from_transparent_redirect(query_string_response) result.success?.should == true customer = result.customer customer.id.should == new_customer_id customer.first_name.should == "New First" customer.last_name.should == "New Last" customer.company.should == "New Company" customer.email.should == "new@email.com" customer.phone.should == "888.111.2222" customer.fax.should == "999.222.3333" customer.website.should == "new.website.com" end end describe "default_credit_card" do it "should return the default credit card for a given customer" do customer = Braintree::Customer.create!( :credit_card => { :number => Braintree::Test::CreditCardNumbers::Visa, :expiration_date => "12/2015", :options => { :make_default => false } } ) default_credit_card = Braintree::CreditCard.create!( :customer_id => customer.id, :number => Braintree::Test::CreditCardNumbers::MasterCard, :expiration_date => "11/2015", :options => { :make_default => true } ) customer = Braintree::Customer.find(customer.id) customer.default_credit_card.should == default_credit_card end end describe "paypal" do context "future" do it "creates a customer with a future paypal account" do result = Braintree::Customer.create( :payment_method_nonce => Braintree::Test::Nonce::PayPalFuturePayment ) result.should be_success end it "updates a customer with a future paypal account" do customer = Braintree::Customer.create!( :credit_card => { :number => Braintree::Test::CreditCardNumbers::Visa, :expiration_date => "12/2015", :options => { :make_default => true } } ) paypal_account_token = "PAYPAL_ACCOUNT_TOKEN_#{rand(36**3).to_s(36)}" nonce = nonce_for_paypal_account( :consent_code => "PAYPAL_CONSENT_CODE", :token => paypal_account_token, :options => { :make_default => true } ) result = Braintree::Customer.update( customer.id, :payment_method_nonce => nonce ) result.should be_success result.customer.default_payment_method.token.should == paypal_account_token end end context "onetime" do it "does not create a customer with a onetime paypal account" do result = Braintree::Customer.create( :payment_method_nonce => Braintree::Test::Nonce::PayPalOneTimePayment ) result.should_not be_success end it "does not update a customer with a onetime paypal account" do credit_card_token = rand(36**3).to_s(36) customer = Braintree::Customer.create!( :credit_card => { :token => credit_card_token, :number => Braintree::Test::CreditCardNumbers::Visa, :expiration_date => "12/2015", :options => { :make_default => true } } ) paypal_account_token = "PAYPAL_ACCOUNT_TOKEN_#{rand(36**3).to_s(36)}" nonce = nonce_for_paypal_account( :access_token => "PAYPAL_ACCESS_TOKEN", :token => paypal_account_token, :options => { :make_default => true } ) result = Braintree::Customer.update( customer.id, :payment_method_nonce => nonce ) result.should_not be_success customer.default_payment_method.token.should == credit_card_token end end end end