require 'action_mailer' module Mole class EMole < ActionMailer::Base self.template_root = File.join( File.dirname(__FILE__), %w[.. .. templates] ) def setup #:nodoc: recipients ::Mole.emole_recipients from ::Mole.emole_from @host = `hostname` end # Setup aspect %w[perf exception feature].each do |asp| module_eval "def #{asp}_alerts_with_setup( context, user_name, opts={} ) setup; #{asp}_alerts_without_setup( context, user_name, opts) end #:nodoc:" end # send out feature alerts def feature_alerts( context, user_id, options={} ) Mole.logger.debug "Sending feature email from #{::Mole.emole_from} -- to #{::Mole.emole_recipients}" subject "[FEATURE] #{options[:feature]} -- #{@host} -- #{Mole.application} -- #{user_id}" body :application => Mole.application, :host_name => @host, :context =>, :feature => options[:feature], :args => dump_args( options ) end alias_method_chain :feature_alerts, :setup # send out mole performance alert def perf_alerts( context, user_id, options={} ) Mole.logger.debug "Sending perf email from #{::Mole.emole_from} -- to #{::Mole.emole_recipients}" subject "[PERF] #{@host} -- #{Mole.application} -- #{user_id}" body :application => ::Mole.application, :host_name => @host, :context =>, :feature => options[:feature], :elapsed_time => options[:elapsed_time] , :args => dump_args( options ) end alias_method_chain :perf_alerts, :setup # send out mole exception alerts def exception_alerts( context, user_id, options={} ) Mole.logger.debug "Sending perf email from #{::Mole.emole_from} -- to #{::Mole.emole_recipients}" subject "[EXCEPTION] #{@host} -- #{Mole.application} -- #{user_id}" body :application => Mole.application, :host_name => @host, :context =>, :feature => options[:feature], :boom => options[:boom], :trace => dump_stack( options[:boom] ), :args => dump_args( options ) end alias_method_chain :exception_alerts, :setup # dumps partial stack def dump_stack( boom ) buff = boom.backtrace[0...3].join( "\r" ) end # dumps arguments def dump_args( args ) return "N/A" unless args buff = [] args.keys.sort { |a,b| a.to_s <=> b.to_s}.each do |k| key = k.to_s.rjust(20) value = args[k].to_s.rjust(97,".") buff << "#{key} : #{value}" end buff.join( "\r" ) end end end