require 'helper' describe Githu3::Client do before do @client ="myvalidtoken") end describe "Getting my stuff..." do it "should be true if method exists" do defined?(Githu3::VERSION).should be_true end it 'should be oauthed as me...' do stub_get "/user", "me" == 'sbellity' end it 'should retreive rails org' do stub_get "/orgs/rails", "orgs/rails"'rails').login.should == 'rails' end it 'should retreive my orgs' do stub_get "/user/orgs", "orgs" @client.orgs.length.should == 2 @client.orgs.first.login.should == "nuvoli" end it 'should retrieve all my repos' do stub_get "/user/repos", "all_repos" @client.repos.length.should == 2 == "brm-ruby-logger" @client.repos.first.private.should == true end it 'should retrieve all my public repos' do stub_get "/user/repos?type=public", "public_repos" @client.repos(:type => "public").length.should == 5 @client.repos(:type => "public") == "futon4mongo" end it 'should tell me if i am following someone else...' do stub_request(:get, "#{Githu3::Client::BaseUrl}/user/following/billevans").to_return(:status => 204) @client.following?('billevans').should be_true end it 'should tell me if i am NOT following someone else...' do stub_request(:get, "#{Githu3::Client::BaseUrl}/user/following/mildesdavis").to_return(:status => 404) @client.following?('mildesdavis').should be_false end it "should list my followers" do stub_get "/user/followers", "users/followers" @client.followers.length.should == 13 end it "should list my following" do stub_get "/user/following", "users/following" @client.following.length.should == 30 end end end