class Query def initialize(klass) @klass = klass end def criteria @criteria ||= { :conditions => {} } end def where(args) criteria[:conditions].merge!(args) self end def limit(limit) # If > 1000, set chunking, because large queries over 1000 need it with Parse chunk(1000) if limit > 1000 criteria[:limit] = limit self end def include_object(parent) criteria[:include] = parent self end def order(attr) orders = attr.split(" ") if orders.count > 1 criteria[:order] = orders.last.downcase == "desc" ? "-#{orders.first}" : "#{orders.first}" else criteria[:order] = orders.first end self end def skip(skip) criteria[:skip] = skip self end def count(count=1) criteria[:count] = count all end # Divides the query into multiple chunks if you're running into RestClient::BadRequest errors. def chunk(count=100) criteria[:chunk] = count self end def near(klass, geo_point, options) if geo_point.is_a? Array geo_point = :latitude => geo_point[0], :longitude => geo_point[1] end query = { "$nearSphere" => geo_point.to_pointer } if options[:maxDistanceInMiles] query["$maxDistanceInMiles"] = options[:maxDistanceInMiles] elsif options[:maxDistanceInRadians] query["$maxDistanceInRadians"] = options[:maxDistanceInRadians] elsif options[:maxDistanceInKilometers] query["$maxDistanceInKilometers"] = options[:maxDistanceInKilometers] end criteria[:conditions].merge!({ klass => query }) self end def within_box(klass, geo_point_south, geo_point_north) if geo_point_south.is_a? Array geo_point_south = :latitude => geo_point_south[0], :longitude => geo_point_south[1] end if geo_point_north.is_a? Array geo_point_north = :latitude => geo_point_north[0], :longitude => geo_point_north[1] end query = { "$within" => { "$box" => [geo_point_south.to_pointer, geo_point_north.to_pointer]}} criteria[:conditions].merge!({ klass => query }) self end def execute params = {} params.merge!({:where => criteria[:conditions].to_json}) if criteria[:conditions] params.merge!({:limit => criteria[:limit].to_json}) if criteria[:limit] params.merge!({:skip => criteria[:skip].to_json}) if criteria[:skip] params.merge!({:count => criteria[:count].to_json}) if criteria[:count] params.merge!({:include => criteria[:include]}) if criteria[:include] params.merge!({:order => criteria[:order]}) if criteria[:order] return chunk_results(params) if criteria[:chunk] resp = @klass.resource.get(:params => params) if criteria[:count] == 1 results = JSON.parse(resp)['count'] return results.to_i else results = JSON.parse(resp)['results'] return {|r|, false)} end end def chunk_results(params={}) criteria[:limit] ||= 100 start_row = criteria[:skip].to_i end_row = [criteria[:limit].to_i - start_row - 1, 1].max result = [] # Start at start_row, go to end_row, get results in chunks (start_row..end_row).each_slice(criteria[:chunk].to_i) do |slice| params[:skip] = slice.first params[:limit] = slice.length # Either the chunk size or the end of the limited results resp = @klass.resource.get(:params => params) results = JSON.parse(resp)['results'] result = result + {|r|, false)} break if results.length < params[:limit] # Got back fewer than we asked for, so exit. end result end def first limit(1) execute.first end def all execute end def method_missing(meth, *args, &block) method_name = method_name.to_s if method_name.start_with?("find_by_") attrib = method_name.gsub(/^find_by_/,"") finder_name = "find_all_by_#{attrib}" define_singleton_method(finder_name) do |target_value| where({attrib.to_sym => target_value}).first end send(finder_name, args[0]) elsif method_name.start_with?("find_all_by_") attrib = method_name.gsub(/^find_all_by_/,"") finder_name = "find_all_by_#{attrib}" define_singleton_method(finder_name) do |target_value| where({attrib.to_sym => target_value}).all end send(finder_name, args[0]) end if Array.method_defined?(meth) all.send(meth, *args, &block) else super end end def respond_to?(meth) if Array.method_defined?(meth) true else super end end end