require 'rails_compatibility' require 'rails_compatibility/unscope_where' require 'rails_compatibility/build_joins' require 'deep_pluck/data_combiner' module DeepPluck class Model # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # ● Initialize # ---------------------------------------------------------------- def initialize(relation, parent_association_key = nil, parent_model = nil, need_columns: []) if relation.is_a?(ActiveRecord::Base) @model = relation @relation = nil @klass = @model.class else @model = nil @relation = relation @klass = @relation.klass end @column_names = @klass.column_names @parent_association_key = parent_association_key @parent_model = parent_model @need_columns = [] @need_methods = [] @associations = {} need_columns.each { |column| add_need_column(column) } end # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # ● Reader # ---------------------------------------------------------------- def get_reflect(association_key) @klass.reflect_on_association(association_key.to_sym) || # add to_sym since rails 3 only support symbol fail(ActiveRecord::ConfigurationError, "ActiveRecord::ConfigurationError: Association named \ '#{association_key}' was not found on #{}; perhaps you misspelled it?" ) end def with_conditions(reflect, relation) options = reflect.options relation = relation.instance_exec(&reflect.scope) if reflect.respond_to?(:scope) and reflect.scope relation = relation.where(options[:conditions]) if options[:conditions] return relation end def get_join_table(reflect) options = reflect.options return options[:through] if options[:through] return (options[:join_table] || reflect.send(:derive_join_table)) if reflect.macro == :has_and_belongs_to_many return nil end def get_primary_key(reflect) return (reflect.belongs_to? ? reflect.klass : reflect.active_record).primary_key end def get_foreign_key(reflect, reverse: false, with_table_name: false) reflect = reflect.chain.last if reverse and (table_name = get_join_table(reflect)) # reverse = parent key = reflect.chain.last.foreign_key else key = (reflect.belongs_to? == reverse ? get_primary_key(reflect) : reflect.foreign_key) table_name = (reverse ? reflect.klass : reflect.active_record).table_name end return "#{table_name}.#{key}" if with_table_name return key.to_s # key may be symbol if specify foreign_key in association options end def get_association_scope(reflect) RailsCompatibility.unscope_where({}, reflect).send(:association_scope)) end def use_association_to_query?(reflect) reflect.through_reflection && reflect.chain.first.macro == :has_one end # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # ● Contruction OPs # ---------------------------------------------------------------- private def add_need_column(column) ? @need_columns << column : @need_methods << column end def add_association(hash) hash.each do |key, value| model = (@associations[key] ||=''), key, self)) model.add(value) end end public def add(args) return self if args == nil args = [args] if not args.is_a?(Array) args.each do |arg| case arg when Hash ; add_association(arg) else ; add_need_column(arg) end end return self end # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # ● Load # ---------------------------------------------------------------- private def do_query(parent, reflect, relation) parent_key = get_foreign_key(reflect) relation_key = get_foreign_key(reflect, reverse: true, with_table_name: true) ids ={|s| s[parent_key] } ids.uniq! ids.compact! relation = with_conditions(reflect, relation) query = { relation_key => ids } query[reflect.type] = reflect.active_record.to_s if reflect.type return get_association_scope(reflect).where(query) if use_association_to_query?(reflect) joins = if reflect.macro == :has_and_belongs_to_many RailsCompatibility.build_joins(reflect, relation)[0] else backtrace_possible_association(relation, get_join_table(reflect)) end return relation.joins(joins).where(query) end # Let city has_many :users, through: :schools # And the query is: City.deep_pluck('users' => :name) # We want to get the users data via `User.joins(:school).where(city_id: city_ids)` # But get_join_table(reflect) returns `:schools` not :school # No idea how to get the right association, so we try singularize or pluralize it. def backtrace_possible_association(relation, join_table) return join_table if relation.reflect_on_association(join_table) join_table.to_s.singularize.to_sym.tap{|s| return s if relation.reflect_on_association(s) } join_table.to_s.pluralize.to_sym.tap{|s| return s if relation.reflect_on_association(s) } return nil end def set_includes_data(parent, column_name, model) reflect = get_reflect(column_name) reverse = !reflect.belongs_to? foreign_key = get_foreign_key(reflect, reverse: reverse) primary_key = get_foreign_key(reflect, reverse: !reverse) children = model.load_data{|relation| do_query(parent, reflect, relation) } # reverse = false: Child.where(:id => parent.pluck(:child_id)) # reverse = true : Child.where(:parent_id => parent.pluck(:id)) return DataCombiner.combine_data( parent, children, primary_key, column_name, foreign_key, reverse, reflect.collection?, ) end def get_query_columns if @parent_model parent_reflect = @parent_model.get_reflect(@parent_association_key) prev_need_columns = @parent_model.get_foreign_key(parent_reflect, reverse: true, with_table_name: true) end next_need_columns ={|key, _| get_foreign_key(get_reflect(key), with_table_name: true) }.uniq return [*prev_need_columns, *next_need_columns, *@need_columns].uniq(&Helper::TO_KEY_PROC) end def pluck_values(columns, methods=[]) if methods.present? column_values = pluck_column_values(columns) method_values = pluck_method_values(methods) do |hash, index| hash.merge!(method_values[index]) end else pluck_column_values(columns) end end def pluck_column_values(columns) includes_values = @relation.includes_values @relation.includes_values = [] result = @relation.pluck_all(*columns) @relation.includes_values = includes_values return result end def pluck_method_values(methods) methods.present? ? @relation.as_json(only: [], methods: methods) : [] end def loaded_models return [@model] if @model return @relation if @relation.loaded end public def load_data columns = get_query_columns key_columns = @relation = yield(@relation) if block_given? # binding.pry @data = loaded_models ? loaded_models.as_json(root: false, only: key_columns, methods: @need_methods) : pluck_values(columns, @need_methods) if @data.size != 0 # for delete_extra_column_data! @extra_columns = key_columns - @associations.each do |key, model| set_includes_data(@data, key, model) end end return @data end def load_all load_data delete_extra_column_data! return @data end def delete_extra_column_data! return if @data.blank? @data.each{|s| s.except!(*@extra_columns) } @associations.each{|_, model| model.delete_extra_column_data! } end # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # ● Helper methods # ---------------------------------------------------------------- module Helper TO_KEY_PROC = proc{|s| Helper.column_to_key(s) } def self.column_to_key(key) # user_achievements.user_id => user_id key = key[/(\w+)[^\w]*\z/] key.gsub!(/[^\w]+/, '') return key end end end end