Devise iOS Rails Backend ==================================== Gem that updates devise to work with external clients. Specially created to work with [devise for iOS][ios_devise]. It currently implements authentication only with a "simple token authentication". Requirements ============ | Name | Version | | :--: | :---: | | [Ruby][ruby] | 2.1.5 | | [Rails][rails] | 4.1.8 | | [Devise][devise] | | | [Simple Token Authentication][simple_token_authentication] | | | [Active Model Serializers][active_model_serializers] | | Setup ===== With a working devise environment, the only thing you need to do is: - add gem to the Gemfile `gem 'devise-ios-rails'` - run bundler to install the gem `bundle install` - setup devise like you would normally do ([check the installation guide][devise]) - in your routes change `devise_for ModelName` with `devise_ios_rails_for ModelName` (ModelName is usually User) - authentication is handled by user token which is generated for each user during the registration process. To make it work you need to run migration that adds `authentication_token` column to your Devise model. If your ModelName is `User` then the migration should look like this: ```ruby class AddUniqueTokenToUser < ActiveRecord::Migration def change add_column :users, :authentication_token, :string add_index :users, :authentication_token, unique: true end end ``` Don't forget about `rake db:migrate`. -To protect actions to only registered users, add `acts_as_token_authentication_handler_for User` in your controller: ```ruby class SecretSpacesController < ApplicationController acts_as_token_authentication_handler_for User end ``` - If you want to skip authentication for some actions add `skip_before_filter :authenticate_user_from_token!, only: [:action]` in your controller ```ruby class SecretSpacesController < ApplicationController acts_as_token_authentication_handler_for User skip_before_filter :authenticate_user_from_token!, only: [:new] end ``` Facebook ======== To sign in using Facebook include DeviseIosRails::Oauth in your model after the devise method: ```ruby class User < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_token_authenticatable devise :database_authenticatable, :registerable, :recoverable, :rememberable, :validatable include DeviseIosRails::OAuth end ``` Add required fields to the model (keep in mind that you might not get e-mail address from the provider): ```ruby class AddOauthToUsers < ActiveRecord::Migration def change add_column :users, :uid, :string add_column :users, :provider, :string add_column :users, :oauth_token, :string change_column :users, :email, :string, :null => true add_index :users, [:uid, :provider], unique: true end end ``` And update routes: ```ruby devise_scope :user do post 'auth/facebook', to: 'devise_ios_rails/oauth#facebook' end ``` Example app =========== - [Rails with devise and Simple Authentication Token authentication][rails_example_app] Testing ======= In order to run tests, first you need setup the gem locally. * clone the repo to your machine `git clone` * go inside gems directory `cd devise-ios-rails` and run bundle command `bundle install` * now you need to setup your environment variables. You can simply just copy over `.env.sample` to `.env`. It should look more or less like this: ``` DOMAIN_NAME='localhost:3000' DOMAIN_URL='http://localhost:3000' SECRET_KEY_BASE='a_very_long_string' DEFAULT_SENDER='' ``` then you can run your tests by typing `rspec`. Contribution ============ First, thank you for contributing! Here's a few guidelines to follow: - we follow [Ruby Style Guide][ruby_style_guides]. - you can use [rubocop][rubocop] which can be easily integrated with popular editors. ([our rubocop config][rubocop_config]) - write tests - make sure the entire test suite passes - make sure rubocop passes our config - open a pull request on GitHub - [squash your commits][squash_commits] after receiving feedback You can also read our blog post [announcing devise-iOS for simplified auth]( Copyright 2014-2015 © [Netguru][netguru_url], released under the New BSD License [ios_devise]: [ruby]: [rails]: [devise]: [simple_token_authentication]: [active_model_serializers]: [ruby_style_guides]: [rubocop]: [rubocop_config]: [squash_commits]: [netguru_url]: [rails_example_app]: