# elastic-apm ## Elastic APM agent for ♦️Ruby [![Jenkins](https://img.shields.io/jenkins/s/https/apm-ci.elastic.co/job/elastic+apm-agent-ruby+master.svg)](https://apm-ci.elastic.co/job/elastic+apm-agent-ruby+master/) [![Gem](https://img.shields.io/gem/v/elastic-apm.svg)](https://rubygems.org/gems/elastic-apm) The official Rubygem for [Elastic][] [APM][]. **🚧 NB:** The current version of the agent is `1.0.0.beta1`. This means we're really close to `1.0.0`. The API is stable and the only remaining thing to do is testing. Thank you if you've already been testing the agent! To test the prerelease: ```sh gem install elastic-apm --pre ``` or in your `Gemfile`: ```ruby gem 'elastic-apm', '~> 1.0.0.beta1' ``` 💡 We'd love to get feedback and information about you setup – please answer this [☑ short survey](https://goo.gl/forms/LQktvn4rkLWBNSWy1). --- ## Documentation [Full documentation at Elasti.co](https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/apm/agent/ruby/index.html).
--- ## Getting help If you find a bug, please [report an issue](https://github.com/elastic/apm-agent-ruby/issues). For any other assistance, please open or add to a topic on the [APM discuss forum](https://discuss.elastic.co/c/apm). ## License Apache 2.0 [Elastic]: https://elastic.co [APM]: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/apm/server/index.html