module Automigration class Migrator mattr_reader :system_tables mattr_reader :migrations_path mattr_reader :models_load_path mattr_reader :models_to_ignore @@system_tables = [] @@migrations_path = nil @@models_load_path = [] @@models_to_ignore = [] def self.set_system_tables(tables) @@system_tables = tables end def self.set_migrations_path(path) @@migrations_path = path end def self.set_models_load_path(paths) @@models_load_path = paths end def self.set_models_to_ignore(models) @@models_to_ignore = models end def self.all_tables sql = "SELECT tablename FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname = 'public';" ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(sql).map do |row| row["tablename"] end end def self.get_models do |path| Dir[File.expand_path("**/*.rb", path)].map do |model_file| model_name = model_file.sub(path.to_s + '/', '').sub(/.rb$/, '') next if @@models_to_ignore.include?(model_name) model = model_name.camelize.constantize if model && model.is_a?(Class) && model.superclass == ActiveRecord::Base model end end end.flatten.compact end def initialize(options = {}) options.assert_valid_keys(:skip_output, :models) @models = options[:models] || self.class.get_models @options = options end def update_schema! log "Models: " +', ') # update tables tables = ['schema_migrations'] @models.each do |model| update_model_schema(model) tables << model.table_name # update globalize2 tables if model.respond_to?(:translated_attribute_names) translated_model = translated_model(model) update_model_schema(translated_model) tables << translated_model.table_name end end #remove unused tables (self.class.all_tables - tables - @@system_tables).each do |table| con.drop_table(table) log "Remove table '#{table}'", :red end # clean migration table if con.table_exists?('schema_migrations') and @@migrations_path sql = "SELECT version FROM schema_migrations;" migrations_in_db = con.execute(sql).map{|row| row['version']} current_migrations = Dir[File.expand_path("*.rb", @@migrations_path)].map do |m_file| File.basename(m_file) =~ /(\d{14})/ $1 end (migrations_in_db - current_migrations).each do |m| log "Clean migration '#{m}'", :red sql = "DELETE FROM schema_migrations WHERE version = '#{m}';" con.execute(sql) end end end private def translated_model(model) do |out| out.set_table_name((model.model_name.underscore + '_translation').pluralize) out.has_fields do |f| f.integer "#{model.table_name.singularize}_id" f.string :locale model.translated_attribute_names.each do |attr_name| model.fields_keeper.db_columns_for_field(attr_name).each do |column| f.send column.type, end end end end end def update_model_schema(model) # 0. Create table if need unless con.table_exists?(model.table_name) con.create_table(model.table_name) {} log "Create table #{model.table_name}", :green model.reset_column_information end unless model.fields_keeper.auto_migrable? log "#{model.to_s} skipped", :yellow else log "process #{model.to_s} ..." auto_columns = model.fields_keeper.db_columns auto_columns_names ={|c|} auto_columns_hash = Hash[{|c| [, c]}] # 1. update columns (model.column_names & auto_columns_names).each do |name| model_column = Fields::Sys::DbColumn.from_activerecord_column(model.columns_hash[name]) auto_column = auto_columns_hash[name] unless model_column.the_same?(auto_column) begin con.change_column(model.table_name, name, auto_column.type, auto_column.to_options) log "Update column #{name} of #{model.table_name} " + "to :#{auto_column.type} type and options #{auto_column.to_options.inspect}", :yellow rescue con.remove_column(model.table_name, name) con.add_column(model.table_name, name, auto_column.type, auto_column.to_options) log "recreate column #{name} in #{model.table_name}", :yellow end end end # 2. add new columns (auto_columns_names - model.column_names).each do |name| auto_column = auto_columns_hash[name] con.add_column(model.table_name, name, auto_column.type, auto_column.to_options) log "Add column #{name} to #{model.table_name}", :green model.reset_column_information if auto_column.options[:default].present? model.update_all("#{name} = '#{auto_column.options[:default]}'") log "Update default value for #{model.count} models", :green end end # 3. remove obsoleted columns not_to_del = ['id'] + model.fields_keeper.migration_attrs (model.column_names - auto_columns_names - not_to_del).each do |name| con.remove_column(model.table_name, name) log "Remove column #{name} from #{model.table_name}", :red end model.reset_column_information end end def con ActiveRecord::Base.connection end def log(msg, color = nil) puts "[auto] " + colored(msg, color) unless @options[:skip_output] end def colored(msg, color) if [:red, :green, :yellow].include? color ANSI.send(color){msg} else msg end end end end