require 'rubygems' require 'yaml' begin gem "activesupport", "= 2.3.5" require 'active_support' rescue Gem::LoadError => e puts e.inspect end require 'yui/compressor' this = File.dirname(__FILE__) require File.join(this, "ext.rb") class Compressible KEYS = { :css => :stylesheet, :stylesheet => :css, :js => :javascript, :javascript => :js } class << self attr_reader :config def configure(value = nil) raise "invalid config" unless (value.is_a?(String) || value.is_a?(Hash)) @config = value.is_a?(String) ? YAML.load_file(value) : value @config.recursively_symbolize_keys! @config = defaults.merge(@config) # normalize everything to an array [:js, :css].each do |type| @config[type] = [@config[type]] unless @config[type].is_a?(Array) end @config end def defaults { :js => [], :css => [], :stylesheet_path => defined?(Rails) ? "#{Rails.root}/public/stylesheets" : nil, :javascript_path => defined?(Rails) ? "#{Rails.root}/public/javascripts" : nil } end def config @config ||= defaults end def add_to_config(type, key, value) item = find_or_create(type, key) item[:paths] = value.collect {|i| asset_name(i)} item end def find_or_create(type, key) result = config[type].detect {|i| i[:to].to_s == key.to_s} unless result result = {:to => key.to_s} config[type] << result end result end def reset @config = defaults end def uncached_stylesheet_paths(*keys) uncached_paths_for(:css, *keys) end def uncached_javascript_paths(*keys) uncached_paths_for(:js, *keys) end def uncached_paths_for(type, *keys) returning [] do |result| config[type].each do |item| keys.each do |key| result.concat(item[:paths]) if item[:to] == key.to_s end end end end # called if you gave it a config def compress(value = nil) configure(value) if value raise "set config to yaml file or run 'Compressible.js' or 'Compressible.css' manually" unless @config [:js, :css].each do |k| config[k].each do |item| compress_from_hash(k, item) end end end def compress_from_hash(k, v) args = v.dup.delete(:paths) + [v] self.send(k, *args) end def javascripts(hash) hash.each do |to, paths| paths << {:to => to} javascript(*paths) end end alias_method :add_javascripts, :javascripts def stylesheets(hash) hash.each do |to, paths| paths << {:to => to} stylesheet(*paths) end end alias_method :add_stylesheets, :stylesheets def javascript(*paths) options = paths.extract_options! to = asset_name(options[:to]) raise "Please define a name for the cached javascript using ':to => :my_name'" unless to munge = options.has_key?(:munge) ? options[:munge] : true add_to_config(:js, to, paths) compressor = => munge) result = paths.collect do |path| puts "Compressing #{path}..." compressor.compress(read(:javascript, path)) end.join("\n\n") write(:javascript, to, result) if to result end alias_method :add_javascript, :javascript alias_method :js, :javascript def stylesheet(*paths) options = paths.extract_options! to = asset_name(options[:to]) add_to_config(:css, to, paths) compressor = result = paths.collect do |path| puts "Compressing #{path}..." compressor.compress(read(:stylesheet, path)) end.join("\n\n") write(:stylesheet, to, result) if to result end alias_method :add_stylesheet, :stylesheet alias_method :css, :stylesheet def stylesheets_for(*keys) assets_for(:stylesheet, *keys) end def javascripts_for(*keys) assets_for(:javascript, *keys) end def assets_for(type, *keys) options = keys.extract_options! environment = defined?(Rails) ? Rails.env.to_s : (options[:current] || "production") environment = environment.to_s cache_environments = options[:environments] || "production" cache_environments = [cache_environments] unless cache_environments.is_a?(Array) cache_environments = cache_environments.collect(&:to_s) assets = cache_environments.include?(environment) ? keys : send("uncached_#{type.to_s}_paths", *keys) assets end def read(type, from), from)) end def write(type, to, result), to), "w") {|f| f.puts result} end def asset_name(path) result = path.to_s.split(".") if result.last =~ /(js|css)/ result = result[0..-2].join(".") else result = result.join(".") end result end # ultimately should return global path def path_for(type, file) key = "#{type.to_s}_path".to_sym if config && config[key] path = File.join(config[key], file.to_s) elsif defined?(Rails) path = File.join(Rails.root.to_s, "public/#{type.to_s.pluralize}", file.to_s) else path = file.to_s end path << ".#{KEYS[type].to_s}" unless path.split(".").last == KEYS[type].to_s path end end end Dir["#{this}/compressible/*"].each { |c| require c }