AUTHOR = "manveru" EMAIL = "" DESCRIPTION = "Ramaze is a simple and modular web framework" HOMEPATH = '' BIN_FILES = %w( ramaze ) BASEDIR = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..')) NAME = "ramaze" VERS = Ramaze::VERSION COPYRIGHT = [ "# Copyright (c) #{} Michael Fellinger", "# All files in this distribution are subject to the terms of the Ruby license." ] CLEAN.include %w[ **/.*.sw? *.gem .config **/*~ **/{data.db,cache.yaml} *.yaml pkg rdoc ] RDOC_OPTS = %w[ --all --quiet --op rdoc --line-numbers --inline-source --main doc/README --opname index.html --title "Ramaze\ documentation" --exclude "^(_darcs|spec|examples|bin|pkg)/" --exclude "lib/proto" --include "doc" --accessor "trait" ] RDOC_FILES = %w[ lib doc doc/README doc/FAQ doc/CHANGELOG ] POST_INSTALL_MESSAGE = %{ #{'=' * 60} Thank you for installing Ramaze! You can now do following: * Create a new project using the `ramaze' command: ramaze --create yourproject #{'=' * 60} }.strip AUTHOR_MAP = { 'ahoward' => 'Ara T. Howard', '' => 'Ara T. Howard', '' => 'Martin Hilbig', '' => 'Clive Crous', '' => 'zenix', '' => 'Pistos', '' => 'Pistos', '' => 'Keita Yamaguchi', '' => 'Leo Borisenko', '' => 'Michael Fellinger', '' => 'Michael Fellinger', '' => 'Richard Outten', '' => 'Gabriele Renzi', '' => 'skaar', '' => 'Stephan Maka', } # * Browse and try the Examples in # #{File.join(Gem.path, 'gems', 'ramaze-' + VERS, 'examples')}