require 'spec_helper' module Omnibus describe Compressor::DMG do let(:project) do do |project|'project') project.homepage('') project.install_dir('/opt/project') project.build_version('1.2.3') project.build_iteration('2') project.maintainer('Chef Software') end end subject { } let(:project_root) { "#{tmp_path}/project/root" } let(:package_dir) { "#{tmp_path}/package/dir" } let(:staging_dir) { "#{tmp_path}/staging/dir" } before do allow(project).to receive(:packager) .and_return( Config.project_root(project_root) Config.package_dir(package_dir) allow(subject).to receive(:staging_dir) .and_return(staging_dir) create_directory(staging_dir) allow(subject).to receive(:shellout!) end describe '#window_bounds' do it 'is a DSL method' do expect(subject).to have_exposed_method(:window_bounds) end it 'has a default value' do expect(subject.window_bounds).to eq('100, 100, 750, 600') end end describe '#pkg_position' do it 'is a DSL method' do expect(subject).to have_exposed_method(:pkg_position) end it 'has a default value' do expect(subject.pkg_position).to eq('535, 50') end end describe '#id' do it 'is :dmg' do expect( eq(:dmg) end end describe '#resources_dir' do it 'is nested inside the staging_dir' do expect(subject.resources_dir).to eq("#{staging_dir}/Resources") end end describe '#clean_disks' do it 'logs a message' do allow(subject).to receive(:shellout!) .and_return(double(Mixlib::ShellOut, stdout: '')) output = capture_logging { subject.clean_disks } expect(output).to include('Cleaning previously mounted disks') end end describe '#create_writable_dmg' do it 'logs a message' do output = capture_logging { subject.create_writable_dmg } expect(output).to include('Creating writable dmg') end it 'runs the hdiutil command' do expect(subject).to receive(:shellout!) .with <<-EOH.gsub(/^ {12}/, '') hdiutil create \\ -srcfolder "#{staging_dir}/Resources" \\ -volname "Project" \\ -fs HFS+ \\ -fsargs "-c c=64,a=16,e=16" \\ -format UDRW \\ -size 512000k \\ "#{staging_dir}/project-writable.dmg" EOH subject.create_writable_dmg end end describe '#attach_dmg' do before do allow(subject).to receive(:shellout!) .and_return(shellout) end let(:shellout) { double(Mixlib::ShellOut, stdout: "hello\n") } it 'logs a message' do output = capture_logging { subject.attach_dmg } expect(output).to include('Attaching dmg as disk') end it 'runs the hdiutil command' do expect(subject).to receive(:shellout!) .with <<-EOH.gsub(/^ {12}/, '') hdiutil attach \\ -readwrite \\ -noverify \\ -noautoopen \\ "#{staging_dir}/project-writable.dmg" | egrep '^/dev/' | sed 1q | awk '{print $1}' EOH subject.attach_dmg end it 'returns the stripped stdout' do expect(subject.attach_dmg).to eq('hello') end end describe '#set_volume_icon' do it 'logs a message' do output = capture_logging { subject.set_volume_icon } expect(output).to include('Setting volume icon') end it 'runs the sips commands' do icon = subject.resource_path('icon.png') expect(subject).to receive(:shellout!) .with <<-EOH.gsub(/^ {12}/, '') # Generate the icns mkdir tmp.iconset sips -z 16 16 #{icon} --out tmp.iconset/icon_16x16.png sips -z 32 32 #{icon} --out tmp.iconset/icon_16x16@2x.png sips -z 32 32 #{icon} --out tmp.iconset/icon_32x32.png sips -z 64 64 #{icon} --out tmp.iconset/icon_32x32@2x.png sips -z 128 128 #{icon} --out tmp.iconset/icon_128x128.png sips -z 256 256 #{icon} --out tmp.iconset/icon_128x128@2x.png sips -z 256 256 #{icon} --out tmp.iconset/icon_256x256.png sips -z 512 512 #{icon} --out tmp.iconset/icon_256x256@2x.png sips -z 512 512 #{icon} --out tmp.iconset/icon_512x512.png sips -z 1024 1024 #{icon} --out tmp.iconset/icon_512x512@2x.png iconutil -c icns tmp.iconset # Copy it over cp tmp.icns "/Volumes/Project/.VolumeIcon.icns" # Source the icon SetFile -a C "/Volumes/Project" EOH subject.set_volume_icon end end describe '#prettify_dmg' do it 'logs a message' do output = capture_logging { subject.prettify_dmg } expect(output).to include('Making the dmg all pretty and stuff') end it 'renders the apple script template' do subject.prettify_dmg expect("#{staging_dir}/create_dmg.osascript").to be_a_file end it 'has the correct content' do subject.prettify_dmg contents ="#{staging_dir}/create_dmg.osascript") expect(contents).to include('tell application "Finder"') expect(contents).to include(' tell disk "Project"') expect(contents).to include(' open') expect(contents).to include(' set current view of container window to icon view') expect(contents).to include(' set toolbar visible of container window to false') expect(contents).to include(' set statusbar visible of container window to false') expect(contents).to include(' set the bounds of container window to {100, 100, 750, 600}') expect(contents).to include(' set theViewOptions to the icon view options of container window') expect(contents).to include(' set arrangement of theViewOptions to not arranged') expect(contents).to include(' set icon size of theViewOptions to 72') expect(contents).to include(' set background picture of theViewOptions to file ".support:background.png"') expect(contents).to include(' delay 5') expect(contents).to include(' set position of item "project-1.2.3-2.pkg" of container window to {535, 50}') expect(contents).to include(' update without registering applications') expect(contents).to include(' delay 5') expect(contents).to include(' end tell') expect(contents).to include('end tell') end it 'runs the apple script' do expect(subject).to receive(:shellout!) .with <<-EOH.gsub(/^ {12}/, '') osascript "#{staging_dir}/create_dmg.osascript" EOH subject.prettify_dmg end end describe '#compress_dmg' do it 'logs a message' do output = capture_logging { subject.compress_dmg } expect(output).to include('Compressing dmg') end it 'runs the magical command series' do device = '/dev/sda1' subject.instance_variable_set(:@device, device) expect(subject).to receive(:shellout!) .with <<-EOH.gsub(/^ {12}/, '') chmod -Rf go-w /Volumes/Project sync hdiutil detach "#{device}" hdiutil convert \\ "#{staging_dir}/project-writable.dmg" \\ -format UDZO \\ -imagekey \\ zlib-level=9 \\ -o "#{package_dir}/project-1.2.3-2.dmg" rm -rf "#{staging_dir}/project-writable.dmg" EOH subject.compress_dmg end end describe '#set_dmg_icon' do it 'logs a message' do output = capture_logging { subject.set_dmg_icon } expect(output).to include('Setting dmg icon') end it 'runs the sips commands' do icon = subject.resource_path('icon.png') expect(subject).to receive(:shellout!) .with <<-EOH.gsub(/^ {12}/, '') # Convert the png to an icon sips -i "#{icon}" # Extract the icon into its own resource DeRez -only icns "#{icon}" > tmp.rsrc # Append the icon reosurce to the DMG Rez -append tmp.rsrc -o "#{package_dir}/project-1.2.3-2.dmg" # Source the icon SetFile -a C "#{package_dir}/project-1.2.3-2.dmg" EOH subject.set_dmg_icon end end describe '#package_name' do it 'reflects the packager\'s unmodified package_name' do expect(subject.package_name).to eq('project-1.2.3-2.dmg') end it 'reflects the packager\'s modified package_name' do package_basename = 'projectsub-1.2.3-3' allow(project.packager).to receive(:package_name) .and_return("#{package_basename}.pkg") expect(subject.package_name).to eq("#{package_basename}.dmg") end end describe '#writable_dmg' do it 'is in the staging_dir' do expect(subject.writable_dmg).to include(staging_dir) end it 'is project-writable' do expect(subject.writable_dmg).to include('project-writable.dmg') end end describe '#volume_name' do it 'is the project friendly_name' do project.friendly_name('Friendly Bacon Bits') expect(subject.volume_name).to eq('Friendly Bacon Bits') end end end end