require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../spec_helper") describe Braintree::Dispute do let(:attributes) do { :id => "open_dispute", :amount => "31.00", :amount_disputed => "500.00", :amount_won => "0.00", :chargeback_protection_level => nil, :created_at => Time.utc(2009, 3, 9, 10, 50, 39), :processor_comments => "forwarded comments", :date_opened => "2009-03-09", :date_won => "2009-04-15", :original_dispute_id => "original_dispute_id", :received_date => "2009-03-09", :reply_by_date => nil, :updated_at => Time.utc(2009, 3, 9, 10, 50, 39), :pre_dispute_program => Braintree::Dispute::PreDisputeProgram::None, :evidence => [ { comment: nil, created_at: Time.utc(2009, 3, 10, 12, 5, 20), id: "evidence1", sent_to_processor_at: nil, url: "url_of_file_evidence", }, { comment: "text evidence", created_at: Time.utc(2009, 3, 10, 12, 5, 21), id: "evidence2", sent_to_processor_at: "2009-03-13", url: nil, } ], :status_history => [ { :effective_date => "2009-03-09", :status => "open", :timestamp => Time.utc(2009, 3, 9, 10, 50, 39), } ], :transaction => { :amount => "31.00", :id => "open_disputed_transaction", :created_at => Time.utc(2009, 2, 9, 12, 59, 59), :installment_count => nil, :order_id => nil, :purchase_order_number => "po", :payment_instrument_subtype => "Visa", }, :paypal_messages => [ { :message => "message", :sender => "seller", :sent_at => Time.utc(2009, 3, 9, 10, 50, 39), } ] } end [ :accept, :finalize, :find ].each do |method_name| describe "self.#{method_name}" do it "raises an exception if the id is blank" do expect do Braintree::Dispute.public_send(method_name, " ") raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "raises an exception if the id is nil" do expect do Braintree::Dispute.public_send(method_name, nil) raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "does not raise an exception if the id is a fixnum" do Braintree::Http.stub(:new).and_return double.as_null_object Braintree::Dispute.stub(:_new).and_return nil Braintree::ErrorResult.stub(:new).and_return nil expect do Braintree::Dispute.public_send(method_name, 8675309) end.to_not raise_error end end end describe "self.add_file_evidence" do it "raises an exception if the dispute_id is blank" do expect do Braintree::Dispute.add_file_evidence(" ", "doc_upload_id") raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "raises an exception if the dispute_id is nil" do expect do Braintree::Dispute.add_file_evidence(nil, "doc_upload_id") raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "raises an exception if the dispute_id contains invalid characters" do expect do Braintree::Dispute.add_file_evidence("@#$%", "doc_upload_id") raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "does not raise an exception if the dispute_id is a fixnum" do Braintree::Http.stub(:new).and_return double.as_null_object Braintree::Dispute.stub(:_new).and_return nil expect do Braintree::Dispute.add_file_evidence(8675309, "doc_upload_id") end.to_not raise_error end it "raises an exception if the document_upload_id is blank" do expect do Braintree::Dispute.add_file_evidence("dispute_id", " ") raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "raises an exception if the document_upload_id is nil" do expect do Braintree::Dispute.add_file_evidence("dispute_id", nil) raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "raises an exception if the document_upload_id contains invalid characters" do expect do Braintree::Dispute.add_file_evidence("dispute_id", "@#$%") raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "does not raise an exception if the document_upload_id is a fixnum" do Braintree::Http.stub(:new).and_return double.as_null_object Braintree::Dispute.stub(:_new).and_return nil expect do Braintree::Dispute.add_file_evidence("dispute_id", 8675309) end.to_not raise_error end describe "with optional params" do it "does not raise an exception if the optional parameters are valid" do Braintree::Http.stub(:new).and_return double.as_null_object expect do Braintree::Dispute.add_file_evidence("dispute_id", {category: "GENERAL", document_id: "document_id"}) end.to_not raise_error end it "raises an exception if the optional params contain invalid keys" do expect do Braintree::Dispute.add_file_evidence("dispute_id", {random_param: ""}) raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "raises an exception if the param tag is not a string" do Braintree::Http.stub(:new).and_return double.as_null_object expect do Braintree::Dispute.add_file_evidence("dispute_id", {category: 3, document_id: "document_id"}) raise_error(ArgumentError) end end end describe "self.add_text_evidence" do it "raises an exception if the id is blank" do expect do Braintree::Dispute.add_text_evidence(" ", "text evidence") raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "raises an exception if the id is nil" do expect do Braintree::Dispute.add_text_evidence(nil, "text evidence") raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "raises an exception if the id contains invalid characters" do expect do Braintree::Dispute.add_text_evidence("@#$%", "text evidence") raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "does not raise an exception if the id is a fixnum" do Braintree::Http.stub(:new).and_return double.as_null_object Braintree::Dispute.stub(:_new).and_return nil expect do Braintree::Dispute.add_text_evidence(8675309, "text evidence") end.to_not raise_error end it "raises an exception if the content is blank" do expect do Braintree::Dispute.add_text_evidence("dispute_id", " ") raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "raises an exception if the content is nil" do expect do Braintree::Dispute.add_text_evidence("dispute_id", nil) raise_error(ArgumentError) end describe "with optional params" do it "does not raise an exception if the optional parameters are valid" do Braintree::Http.stub(:new).and_return double.as_null_object expect do Braintree::Dispute.add_text_evidence("dispute_id", {content: "a", category: "", sequence_number: 3}) end.to_not raise_error end it "raises an exception if the optional params contain invalid keys" do expect do Braintree::Dispute.add_text_evidence("dispute_id", {random_param: ""}) raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "raises an exception if sequence_number is provided and not an integer" do expect do Braintree::Dispute.add_text_evidence("dispute_id", {sequence_number: "abc"}) raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "raises an exception if the param tag is not a string" do expect do Braintree::Dispute.add_text_evidence("dispute_id", {tag: 3}) raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "raises an exception if the param category is not a string" do expect do Braintree::Dispute.add_text_evidence("dispute_id", {category: 3}) raise_error(ArgumentError) end end end describe "self.remove_evidence" do it "raises an exception if the dispute_id is blank" do expect do Braintree::Dispute.remove_evidence(" ") raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "raises an exception if the dispute_id is nil" do expect do Braintree::Dispute.remove_evidence(nil) raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "raises an exception if the content is blank" do expect do Braintree::Dispute.remove_evidence("dispute_id", " ") raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "raises an exception if the content is nil" do expect do Braintree::Dispute.remove_evidence("dispute_id", nil) raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "raises an exception if the dispute_id contains invalid characters" do expect do Braintree::Dispute.remove_evidence("@#$%", "evidence_id") raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "raises an exception if the evidence_id contains invalid characters" do expect do Braintree::Dispute.remove_evidence("dispute_id", "@#$%") raise_error(ArgumentError) end end describe "initialize" do it "converts string amount_dispute and amount_won" do dispute = Braintree::Dispute._new(attributes) dispute.amount_disputed.should == 500.0 dispute.amount_won.should == 0.0 end it "returns 'Effortless Chargeback Protection tool' when initial chargeback_protection_level is effortless" do attributes.merge!(:chargeback_protection_level => Braintree::Dispute::ChargebackProtectionLevel::Effortless) dispute = Braintree::Dispute._new(attributes) expect(dispute.chargeback_protection_level).to eq(Braintree::Dispute::ChargebackProtectionLevel::Effortless) expect(dispute.protection_level).to eq(Braintree::Dispute::ProtectionLevel::EffortlessCBP) end it "returns 'Chargeback Protection tool' when initial chargeback_protection_level is standard" do attributes.merge!(:chargeback_protection_level => Braintree::Dispute::ChargebackProtectionLevel::Standard) dispute = Braintree::Dispute._new(attributes) expect(dispute.chargeback_protection_level).to eq(Braintree::Dispute::ChargebackProtectionLevel::Standard) expect(dispute.protection_level).to eq(Braintree::Dispute::ProtectionLevel::StandardCBP) end it "returns 'No Protection' when initial chargeback_protection_level is nil" do dispute = Braintree::Dispute._new(attributes) expect(dispute.chargeback_protection_level).to eq(nil) expect(dispute.protection_level).to eq(Braintree::Dispute::ProtectionLevel::NoProtection) end it "returns 'No Protection' when initial chargeback_protection_level is empty" do attributes.merge!(:chargeback_protection_level => "") dispute = Braintree::Dispute._new(attributes) expect(dispute.chargeback_protection_level).to eq("") expect(dispute.protection_level).to eq(Braintree::Dispute::ProtectionLevel::NoProtection) end it "returns 'No Protection' when initial chargeback_protection_level is not_protected" do attributes.merge!(:chargeback_protection_level => Braintree::Dispute::ChargebackProtectionLevel::NotProtected) dispute = Braintree::Dispute._new(attributes) expect(dispute.chargeback_protection_level).to eq(Braintree::Dispute::ChargebackProtectionLevel::NotProtected) expect(dispute.protection_level).to eq(Braintree::Dispute::ProtectionLevel::NoProtection) end [ :reply_by_date, :amount, :date_opened, :date_won, :status_history, ].each do |field| it "handles nil #{field}" do attributes.delete(field) dispute = Braintree::Dispute._new(attributes) dispute.send(field).should == nil end end it "converts date_opened, date_won, reply_by_date, received_date from String to Date" do dispute = Braintree::Dispute._new(attributes.merge(:reply_by_date => "2009-03-14")) dispute.date_opened.should ==, 3, 9) dispute.date_won.should ==, 4, 15) dispute.received_date.should ==, 3, 9) dispute.reply_by_date.should ==, 3, 14) end it "converts transaction hash into a Dispute::TransactionDetails object first" do dispute = Braintree::Dispute._new(attributes) == "open_disputed_transaction" dispute.transaction_details.amount.should == 31.00 end it "converts transaction hash into a Dispute::Transaction object" do dispute = Braintree::Dispute._new(attributes) dispute.transaction.amount.should == 31.00 == "open_disputed_transaction" dispute.transaction.created_at.should == Time.utc(2009, 2, 9, 12, 59, 59) dispute.transaction.installment_count.should == nil dispute.transaction.order_id.should == nil dispute.transaction.purchase_order_number.should == "po" dispute.transaction.payment_instrument_subtype.should == "Visa" end it "converts status_history hash into an array of Dispute::StatusHistory objects" do dispute = Braintree::Dispute._new(attributes) dispute.status_history.length.should == 1 status_history_1 = dispute.status_history.first status_history_1.status.should == Braintree::Dispute::Status::Open status_history_1.timestamp.should == Time.utc(2009, 3, 9, 10, 50, 39) end it "converts evidence hash into an array of Dispute::Evidence objects" do dispute = Braintree::Dispute._new(attributes) dispute.evidence.length.should ==2 evidence1 = dispute.evidence.first evidence1.comment.should == nil evidence1.created_at.should == Time.utc(2009, 3, 10, 12, 5, 20) == "evidence1" evidence1.sent_to_processor_at.should == nil evidence1.url.should == "url_of_file_evidence" evidence2 = dispute.evidence.last evidence2.comment.should == "text evidence" evidence2.created_at.should == Time.utc(2009, 3, 10, 12, 5, 21) == "evidence2" evidence2.sent_to_processor_at.should ==, 3, 13) evidence2.url.should == nil end it "converts paypal_messages hash into an array of Dispute::PayPalMessage objects" do dispute = Braintree::Dispute._new(attributes) dispute.paypal_messages.length.should == 1 paypal_message_1 = dispute.paypal_messages.first paypal_message_1.message.should == "message" paypal_message_1.sender.should == "seller" paypal_message_1.sent_at.should == Time.utc(2009, 3, 9, 10, 50, 39) end it "handles nil evidence" do attributes.delete(:evidence) dispute = Braintree::Dispute._new(attributes) dispute.evidence.should == nil end it "handles nil paypal_messages" do attributes.delete(:paypal_messages) dispute = Braintree::Dispute._new(attributes) dispute.paypal_messages.should == nil end it "sets the older webhook fields for backwards compatibility" do dispute = Braintree::Dispute._new(attributes) dispute.amount.should == 31.00 dispute.date_opened.should ==, 3, 9) dispute.date_won.should ==, 4, 15) end it "returns pre_dispute_program value" do attributes.merge!(:pre_dispute_program => Braintree::Dispute::PreDisputeProgram::VisaRdr) dispute = Braintree::Dispute._new(attributes) expect(dispute.pre_dispute_program).to eq(Braintree::Dispute::PreDisputeProgram::VisaRdr) end end describe "==" do it "returns true when given a dispute with the same id" do first = Braintree::Dispute._new(attributes) second = Braintree::Dispute._new(attributes) first.should == second second.should == first end it "returns false when given a dispute with a different id" do first = Braintree::Dispute._new(attributes) second = Braintree::Dispute._new(attributes.merge(:id => "1234")) first.should_not == second second.should_not == first end it "returns false when not given a dispute" do dispute = Braintree::Dispute._new(attributes) dispute.should_not == "not a dispute" end end describe "comments" do let(:dispute) { Braintree::Dispute._new(attributes) } it "#processor_comments" do expect(dispute.processor_comments).to eq(attributes[:processor_comments]) end end describe "new" do it "is protected" do expect do raise_error(NoMethodError, /protected method .new/) end end end