{I" class:EFI"BundledAsset;�FI"logical_path;�FI"jquery_ujs.js;�TI" pathname;�FI"m/Users/wilbert/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p545/gems/jquery-rails-3.1.0/vendor/assets/javascripts/jquery_ujs.js;�TI"content_type;�FI"application/javascript;�FI" mtime;�Fl+�z,SI"length;�Fi�<I"digest;�F"%089a77e75c08f00779d8879d2e3a2738I"source;�FI"�<(function($, undefined) { /** * Unobtrusive scripting adapter for jQuery * https://github.com/rails/jquery-ujs * * Requires jQuery 1.7.0 or later. * * Released under the MIT license * */ // Cut down on the number of issues from people inadvertently including jquery_ujs twice // by detecting and raising an error when it happens. if ( $.rails !== undefined ) { $.error('jquery-ujs has already been loaded!'); } // Shorthand to make it a little easier to call public rails functions from within rails.js var rails; var $document = $(document); $.rails = rails = { // Link elements bound by jquery-ujs linkClickSelector: 'a[data-confirm], a[data-method], a[data-remote], a[data-disable-with]', // Button elements bound by jquery-ujs buttonClickSelector: 'button[data-remote]', // Select elements bound by jquery-ujs inputChangeSelector: 'select[data-remote], input[data-remote], textarea[data-remote]', // Form elements bound by jquery-ujs formSubmitSelector: 'form', // Form input elements bound by jquery-ujs formInputClickSelector: 'form input[type=submit], form input[type=image], form button[type=submit], form button:not([type])', // Form input elements disabled during form submission disableSelector: 'input[data-disable-with], button[data-disable-with], textarea[data-disable-with]', // Form input elements re-enabled after form submission enableSelector: 'input[data-disable-with]:disabled, button[data-disable-with]:disabled, textarea[data-disable-with]:disabled', // Form required input elements requiredInputSelector: 'input[name][required]:not([disabled]),textarea[name][required]:not([disabled])', // Form file input elements fileInputSelector: 'input[type=file]', // Link onClick disable selector with possible reenable after remote submission linkDisableSelector: 'a[data-disable-with]', // Make sure that every Ajax request sends the CSRF token CSRFProtection: function(xhr) { var token = $('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr('content'); if (token) xhr.setRequestHeader('X-CSRF-Token', token); }, // making sure that all forms have actual up-to-date token(cached forms contain old one) refreshCSRFTokens: function(){ var csrfToken = $('meta[name=csrf-token]').attr('content'); var csrfParam = $('meta[name=csrf-param]').attr('content'); $('form input[name="' + csrfParam + '"]').val(csrfToken); }, // Triggers an event on an element and returns false if the event result is false fire: function(obj, name, data) { var event = $.Event(name); obj.trigger(event, data); return event.result !== false; }, // Default confirm dialog, may be overridden with custom confirm dialog in $.rails.confirm confirm: function(message) { return confirm(message); }, // Default ajax function, may be overridden with custom function in $.rails.ajax ajax: function(options) { return $.ajax(options); }, // Default way to get an element's href. May be overridden at $.rails.href. href: function(element) { return element.attr('href'); }, // Submits "remote" forms and links with ajax handleRemote: function(element) { var method, url, data, elCrossDomain, crossDomain, withCredentials, dataType, options; if (rails.fire(element, 'ajax:before')) { elCrossDomain = element.data('cross-domain'); crossDomain = elCrossDomain === undefined ? null : elCrossDomain; withCredentials = element.data('with-credentials') || null; dataType = element.data('type') || ($.ajaxSettings && $.ajaxSettings.dataType); if (element.is('form')) { method = element.attr('method'); url = element.attr('action'); data = element.serializeArray(); // memoized value from clicked submit button var button = element.data('ujs:submit-button'); if (button) { data.push(button); element.data('ujs:submit-button', null); } } else if (element.is(rails.inputChangeSelector)) { method = element.data('method'); url = element.data('url'); data = element.serialize(); if (element.data('params')) data = data + "&" + element.data('params'); } else if (element.is(rails.buttonClickSelector)) { method = element.data('method') || 'get'; url = element.data('url'); data = element.serialize(); if (element.data('params')) data = data + "&" + element.data('params'); } else { method = element.data('method'); url = rails.href(element); data = element.data('params') || null; } options = { type: method || 'GET', data: data, dataType: dataType, // stopping the "ajax:beforeSend" event will cancel the ajax request beforeSend: function(xhr, settings) { if (settings.dataType === undefined) { xhr.setRequestHeader('accept', '*/*;q=0.5, ' + settings.accepts.script); } return rails.fire(element, 'ajax:beforeSend', [xhr, settings]); }, success: function(data, status, xhr) { element.trigger('ajax:success', [data, status, xhr]); }, complete: function(xhr, status) { element.trigger('ajax:complete', [xhr, status]); }, error: function(xhr, status, error) { element.trigger('ajax:error', [xhr, status, error]); }, crossDomain: crossDomain }; // There is no withCredentials for IE6-8 when // "Enable native XMLHTTP support" is disabled if (withCredentials) { options.xhrFields = { withCredentials: withCredentials }; } // Only pass url to `ajax` options if not blank if (url) { options.url = url; } var jqxhr = rails.ajax(options); element.trigger('ajax:send', jqxhr); return jqxhr; } else { return false; } }, // Handles "data-method" on links such as: // <a href="/users/5" data-method="delete" rel="nofollow" data-confirm="Are you sure?">Delete</a> handleMethod: function(link) { var href = rails.href(link), method = link.data('method'), target = link.attr('target'), csrfToken = $('meta[name=csrf-token]').attr('content'), csrfParam = $('meta[name=csrf-param]').attr('content'), form = $('<form method="post" action="' + href + '"></form>'), metadataInput = '<input name="_method" value="' + method + '" type="hidden" />'; if (csrfParam !== undefined && csrfToken !== undefined) { metadataInput += '<input name="' + csrfParam + '" value="' + csrfToken + '" type="hidden" />'; } if (target) { form.attr('target', target); } form.hide().append(metadataInput).appendTo('body'); form.submit(); }, /* Disables form elements: - Caches element value in 'ujs:enable-with' data store - Replaces element text with value of 'data-disable-with' attribute - Sets disabled property to true */ disableFormElements: function(form) { form.find(rails.disableSelector).each(function() { var element = $(this), method = element.is('button') ? 'html' : 'val'; element.data('ujs:enable-with', element[method]()); element[method](element.data('disable-with')); element.prop('disabled', true); }); }, /* Re-enables disabled form elements: - Replaces element text with cached value from 'ujs:enable-with' data store (created in `disableFormElements`) - Sets disabled property to false */ enableFormElements: function(form) { form.find(rails.enableSelector).each(function() { var element = $(this), method = element.is('button') ? 'html' : 'val'; if (element.data('ujs:enable-with')) element[method](element.data('ujs:enable-with')); element.prop('disabled', false); }); }, /* For 'data-confirm' attribute: - Fires `confirm` event - Shows the confirmation dialog - Fires the `confirm:complete` event Returns `true` if no function stops the chain and user chose yes; `false` otherwise. Attaching a handler to the element's `confirm` event that returns a `falsy` value cancels the confirmation dialog. Attaching a handler to the element's `confirm:complete` event that returns a `falsy` value makes this function return false. The `confirm:complete` event is fired whether or not the user answered true or false to the dialog. */ allowAction: function(element) { var message = element.data('confirm'), answer = false, callback; if (!message) { return true; } if (rails.fire(element, 'confirm')) { answer = rails.confirm(message); callback = rails.fire(element, 'confirm:complete', [answer]); } return answer && callback; }, // Helper function which checks for blank inputs in a form that match the specified CSS selector blankInputs: function(form, specifiedSelector, nonBlank) { var inputs = $(), input, valueToCheck, selector = specifiedSelector || 'input,textarea', allInputs = form.find(selector); allInputs.each(function() { input = $(this); valueToCheck = input.is('input[type=checkbox],input[type=radio]') ? input.is(':checked') : input.val(); // If nonBlank and valueToCheck are both truthy, or nonBlank and valueToCheck are both falsey if (!valueToCheck === !nonBlank) { // Don't count unchecked required radio if other radio with same name is checked if (input.is('input[type=radio]') && allInputs.filter('input[type=radio]:checked[name="' + input.attr('name') + '"]').length) { return true; // Skip to next input } inputs = inputs.add(input); } }); return inputs.length ? inputs : false; }, // Helper function which checks for non-blank inputs in a form that match the specified CSS selector nonBlankInputs: function(form, specifiedSelector) { return rails.blankInputs(form, specifiedSelector, true); // true specifies nonBlank }, // Helper function, needed to provide consistent behavior in IE stopEverything: function(e) { $(e.target).trigger('ujs:everythingStopped'); e.stopImmediatePropagation(); return false; }, // replace element's html with the 'data-disable-with' after storing original html // and prevent clicking on it disableElement: function(element) { element.data('ujs:enable-with', element.html()); // store enabled state element.html(element.data('disable-with')); // set to disabled state element.bind('click.railsDisable', function(e) { // prevent further clicking return rails.stopEverything(e); }); }, // restore element to its original state which was disabled by 'disableElement' above enableElement: function(element) { if (element.data('ujs:enable-with') !== undefined) { element.html(element.data('ujs:enable-with')); // set to old enabled state element.removeData('ujs:enable-with'); // clean up cache } element.unbind('click.railsDisable'); // enable element } }; if (rails.fire($document, 'rails:attachBindings')) { $.ajaxPrefilter(function(options, originalOptions, xhr){ if ( !options.crossDomain ) { rails.CSRFProtection(xhr); }}); $document.delegate(rails.linkDisableSelector, 'ajax:complete', function() { rails.enableElement($(this)); }); $document.delegate(rails.linkClickSelector, 'click.rails', function(e) { var link = $(this), method = link.data('method'), data = link.data('params'), metaClick = e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey; if (!rails.allowAction(link)) return rails.stopEverything(e); if (!metaClick && link.is(rails.linkDisableSelector)) rails.disableElement(link); if (link.data('remote') !== undefined) { if (metaClick && (!method || method === 'GET') && !data) { return true; } var handleRemote = rails.handleRemote(link); // response from rails.handleRemote() will either be false or a deferred object promise. if (handleRemote === false) { rails.enableElement(link); } else { handleRemote.error( function() { rails.enableElement(link); } ); } return false; } else if (link.data('method')) { rails.handleMethod(link); return false; } }); $document.delegate(rails.buttonClickSelector, 'click.rails', function(e) { var button = $(this); if (!rails.allowAction(button)) return rails.stopEverything(e); rails.handleRemote(button); return false; }); $document.delegate(rails.inputChangeSelector, 'change.rails', function(e) { var link = $(this); if (!rails.allowAction(link)) return rails.stopEverything(e); rails.handleRemote(link); return false; }); $document.delegate(rails.formSubmitSelector, 'submit.rails', function(e) { var form = $(this), remote = form.data('remote') !== undefined, blankRequiredInputs = rails.blankInputs(form, rails.requiredInputSelector), nonBlankFileInputs = rails.nonBlankInputs(form, rails.fileInputSelector); if (!rails.allowAction(form)) return rails.stopEverything(e); // skip other logic when required values are missing or file upload is present if (blankRequiredInputs && form.attr("novalidate") == undefined && rails.fire(form, 'ajax:aborted:required', [blankRequiredInputs])) { return rails.stopEverything(e); } if (remote) { if (nonBlankFileInputs) { // slight timeout so that the submit button gets properly serialized // (make it easy for event handler to serialize form without disabled values) setTimeout(function(){ rails.disableFormElements(form); }, 13); var aborted = rails.fire(form, 'ajax:aborted:file', [nonBlankFileInputs]); // re-enable form elements if event bindings return false (canceling normal form submission) if (!aborted) { setTimeout(function(){ rails.enableFormElements(form); }, 13); } return aborted; } rails.handleRemote(form); return false; } else { // slight timeout so that the submit button gets properly serialized setTimeout(function(){ rails.disableFormElements(form); }, 13); } }); $document.delegate(rails.formInputClickSelector, 'click.rails', function(event) { var button = $(this); if (!rails.allowAction(button)) return rails.stopEverything(event); // register the pressed submit button var name = button.attr('name'), data = name ? {name:name, value:button.val()} : null; button.closest('form').data('ujs:submit-button', data); }); $document.delegate(rails.formSubmitSelector, 'ajax:beforeSend.rails', function(event) { if (this == event.target) rails.disableFormElements($(this)); }); $document.delegate(rails.formSubmitSelector, 'ajax:complete.rails', function(event) { if (this == event.target) rails.enableFormElements($(this)); }); $(function(){ rails.refreshCSRFTokens(); }); } })( jQuery ); ;�TI"required_assets_digest;�F"%8eb8afdf7bd1d99605ae0edf44b3576eI" _version;�F"%9bd74cab6f8cd17bb7b52df6002861bd