@import "compass/css3/shared"; // Enabling flexbox: setting an element to be a flex container @mixin display-flex() { @include experimental-value(display, box, -moz, -webkit, not -o, not -ms, not -khtml, not official); @include experimental-value(display, flexbox, not -moz, not -webkit, not -o, -ms, not -khtml, not official); @include experimental-value(display, flex, not -moz, -webkit, not -o, not -ms, not -khtml, official); } @mixin display-inline-flex() { @include experimental-value(display, inline-box, -moz, -webkit, not -o, not -ms, not -khtml, not official); @include experimental-value(display, inline-flexbox, not -moz, not -webkit, not -o, -ms, not -khtml, not official); @include experimental-value(display, inline-flex, not -moz, -webkit, not -o, not -ms, not -khtml, official); } // Axis alignment: specifying alignment of items along the main flexbox axis $default-justify-content: flex-start !default; @mixin justify-content( $justification: $default-justify-content ) { @include flex-property(justify-content, $justification, flex-pack, box-pack); } // Cross-axis alignment: specifying alignment of items along the cross-axis $default-align-items: stretch !default; @mixin align-items( $alignment: $default-align-items ) { @include flex-property(align-items, $alignment, flex-align, box-align); } // Individual cross-axis alignment: override to align individual items along the cross-axis $default-align-self: stretch !default; @mixin align-self( $alignment: $default-align-self ) { @include flex-property(align-self, $alignment, flex-item-align, null); } // Flex line alignment: specifying alignment of flex lines along the cross-axis $default-align-content: stretch !default; @mixin align-content( $alignment: $default-align-content ) { @include flex-property(align-items, $alignment, flex-line-pack, null); } // Display order: specifying the order of flex items $default-order: 1 !default; @mixin order( $order: $default-order ) { @include flex-property(order, $order, flex-order, box-ordinal-group); } // Flexibility: specifying how the size of items flex $default-flex: 1 !default; @mixin flex( $amount: $default-flex ) { @include flex-property(flex, $amount, flex, box-flex); } $default-flex-grow: $default-flex !default; @mixin flex-grow( $amount: $default-flex-grow ) { @include flex-property(flex-grow, $amount); } $default-flex-shrink: $default-flex !default; @mixin flex-shrink( $amount: $default-flex-shrink ) { @include flex-property(flex-shrink, $amount); } $default-flex-basis: $default-flex !default; @mixin flex-basis( $amount: $default-flex-basis ) { @include flex-property(flex-basis, $amount); } // Direction: specifying the direction of the main flexbox axis $default-flex-direction: row !default; @mixin flex-direction( $direction: $default-flex-direction ) { @include flex-property(flex-direction, $direction, flex-direction, box-orient); } // Wrapping: specifying if and how flex items wrap along the cross-axis $default-flex-wrap: nowrap !default; @mixin flex-wrap( $wrap: $default-flex-wrap ) { @include flex-property(flex-wrap, $wrap, flex-wrap, box-lines); } // Shorthand for flex-direction & flex-wrap $default-flex-flow: $default-flex-direction $default-flex-wrap !default; @mixin flex-flow( $flow: $default-flex-flow ) { @include flex-property(flex-flow, $flow, flex-flow, null); } @mixin flex-property($standard-property, $value, $mid-property: null, $old-property: null) { $standard-property: unquote($standard-property); $mid-property: unquote($mid-property); $old-property: unquote($old-property); $value: unquote($value); $standard-value: $value; $mid-value: flex-value($standard-property, $value, mid); $old-value: flex-value($standard-property, $value, old); // Safari, Firefox (buggy), iOS, Android browser, older WebKit browsers @if $old-property and $old-value { @if $standard-property == flex-direction and ($value == row-reverse or $value == column-reverse) { @include experimental(box-direction, reverse, -moz, -webkit, not -o, not -ms, not -khtml, not official); } @include experimental($old-property, $old-value, -moz, -webkit, not -o, not -ms, not -khtml, not official); } // IE 10 @if $mid-property and $mid-value { @include experimental($mid-property, $mid-value, not -moz, not -webkit, not -o, -ms, not -khtml, not official); } // Chrome 21+, Opera 12.1, Firefox 22+ @include experimental($standard-property, $standard-value, not -moz, -webkit, not -o, not -ms, not -khtml, official); } @function flex-value($property, $value, $syntax) { $new-value: $value; $warning: false; @if $property == justify-content { @if $value == flex-start { @if $syntax == old or $syntax == mid { $new-value: start; } } @else if $value == flex-end { @if $syntax == old or $syntax == mid { $new-value: end; } } @else if $value == space-between { @if $syntax == old { $warning: "\"#{$property}: #{$value}\" does not work in the old Firefox implementation"; } @if $syntax == old or $syntax == mid { $new-value: justify; } } @else if $value == space-around { @if $syntax == old { $new-value: null; } @else if $syntax == mid { $new-value: distribute; } } } @if $property == align-items { @if $value == flex-start { @if $syntax == old or $syntax == mid { $new-value: start; } } @else if $value == flex-end { @if $syntax == old or $syntax == mid { $new-value: end; } } } @if $property == align-self { @if $value == flex-start { @if $syntax == mid { $new-value: start; } } @else if $value == flex-end { @if $syntax == mid { $new-value: end; } } } @if $property == align-content { @if $value == flex-start { @if $syntax == mid { $new-value: start; } } @else if $value == flex-end { @if $syntax == mid { $new-value: end; } } @else if $value == space-between { @if $syntax == mid { $new-value: justify; } } @else if $value == space-around { @if $syntax == mid { $new-value: distribute; } } } @if $property == order { @if $syntax == old and $value < 1 { $warning: "\"#{$property}\" must be a positive integer in the \"#{$syntax}\" syntax"; $new-value: null; } } @if $property == flex { @if $syntax == old and type_of($value) != number { $warning: "\"#{$property}\" only accepts an integer in the \"#{$syntax}\" syntax"; $new-value: null; } } @if $property == flex-direction { @if $value == row or $value == row-reverse { @if $syntax == old { $new-value: horizontal; } } @else if $value == column or $value == column-reverse { @if $syntax == old { $new-value: vertical; } } } @if $property == flex-wrap { @if $value == nowrap { @if $syntax == old { $new-value: single; } } @else if $value == wrap { @if $syntax == old { $new-value: multiple; } } @else if $value == wrap-reverse { @if $syntax == old { $new-value: null; } } } @if $new-value == null or $warning { @warn if($warning, $warning, "\"#{$property}: #{$value}\" not supported in the \"" + $syntax + "\" syntax"); } @return $new-value; }