#!/usr/bin/env ruby #--- # Author : Romain GEORGES # type : gem component library # obj : Carioca::Services Module #--- module Carioca # namespace Services for Registry AND buitlins module Services # class method returning full path in Carioca gem for builtin services files according to installed gem path. # @note do not use directly for generale purpose (expert/hacks only) # @param [String] _name the name of a service # @return [String,false] the full path filename orfalse if not found def Services::search_builtins(_name) if Gem::Specification.respond_to?(:find_by_name) begin spec = Gem::Specification.find_by_name('carioca') rescue LoadError spec = nil end else spec = Gem.searcher.find('carioca') end if spec then if Gem::Specification.respond_to?(:find_by_name) res = spec.lib_dirs_glob.split('/') else res = Gem.searcher.lib_dirs_for(spec).split('/') end res.pop services_path = res.join('/').concat('/lib/carioca/services') else services_path = "./lib/carioca/services" end _file ="#{services_path}/#{_name}.rb" if ( File::exist? _file or File::exist? "lib/#{_file}" ) then return _file else return false end end # class method returning the path of a file in gem if exist or false # @note do not use directly for generale purpose (expert/hacks only) # @return [String|FalseClass] the full path of a service file def Services::search_file_in_gem(_gem,_file) if Gem::Specification.respond_to?(:find_by_name) begin spec = Gem::Specification.find_by_name(_gem) rescue LoadError spec = nil end else spec = Gem.searcher.find(_gem) end if spec then if Gem::Specification.respond_to?(:find_by_name) res = spec.lib_dirs_glob.split('/') else res = Gem.searcher.lib_dirs_for(spec).split('/') end res.pop services_path = res.join('/').concat("/#{_file}") return services_path if File::exist?(services_path) return false else return false end end # class method returning the [Carioca::Services::Registry]@list complement for builtins service found for a carioca gem version # @note do not use directly for generale purpose (expert/hacks only) # @return [Hash] the [Carioca::Services::Registry]@list complement def Services::discover_builtins if Gem::Specification.respond_to?(:find_by_name) begin spec = Gem::Specification.find_by_name('carioca') rescue LoadError spec = nil end else spec = Gem.searcher.find('carioca') end if spec then if Gem::Specification.respond_to?(:find_by_name) res = spec.lib_dirs_glob.split('/') else res = Gem.searcher.lib_dirs_for(spec).split('/') end res.pop services_path = res.join('/').concat('/lib/carioca/services') else services_path = "./lib/carioca/services" end map = Dir["#{services_path}/*"] map.delete_if { |item| not File::file?(item) } map.delete_if { |item| File::basename(item) == 'logger.rb' } res = {} map.each do |file| Services::validate_service(file,res) end return res end def Services::validate_service(file,res) init_options = {} if open(file).grep(/^# \$BUILTIN/).size > 0 then service = open(file).grep(/# \$SERVICE/).first.split[2] resource = open(file).grep(/# \$RESOURCE/).first.split[2] desc = open(file).grep(/# \$DESCRIPTION/).first desc = desc.split(' ') desc.shift(2) description= desc.join(' ') open(file).grep(/# \$INIT_OPTIONS/).each do |opt| prev = opt.split init_options[prev[2].to_sym] = prev[4] end distributed = (open(file).grep(/# \$DISTRIBUTED/))? true : false req = open(file).grep(/# \$REQUIRES/) if req.empty? then requires = [] else requires = req.split requires.shift end end unless service.nil? or resource.nil? or description.nil? then res[resource] = { :service => service, :type => :builtin, :description => description, :resource => resource} res[resource][:init_options] = init_options unless init_options.empty? end end end end