require 'test_helper' class SecureTest < Zena::Unit::TestCase def create_simple_note(opts={}) login(opts[:login] || :ant) # create new node attrs = { :name => 'hello', :parent_id => nodes_id(:cleanWater) }.merge(opts[:node] || {}) node = secure!(Note) { Note.create(attrs) } ref = secure!(Node) { Node.find_by_id(attrs[:parent_id])} [node, ref] end context 'A class path (kpath)' do should 'represent the class hierarchy' do assert_equal 'N', Node.kpath assert_equal 'NP', Page.kpath assert_equal 'U', PagerDummy.ksel assert_equal 'NU', PagerDummy.kpath assert_equal 'NUS', SubPagerDummy.kpath end end context 'A visitor not in any access groups of a node' do setup do login(:anon) end should 'raise an exception when trying to find the node with secure! read scope' do assert_raise(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) { secure!(Node) { nodes(:secret) }} end should 'raise an exception when trying to find the node with secure! write scope' do assert_raise(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) { secure_write!(Node) { nodes(:secret) }} end should 'raise an exception when trying to find the node with secure! drive scope' do assert_raise(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) { secure_drive!(Node) { nodes(:secret) }} end should 'receive nil when calling secure read' do node = nil assert_nothing_raised { node = secure(Node) { nodes(:secret) }} assert_nil node end should 'receive nil when calling secure write' do node = nil assert_nothing_raised { node = secure_write(Node) { nodes(:secret) }} assert_nil node end should 'receive nil when calling secure drive' do node = nil assert_nothing_raised { node = secure_drive(Node) { nodes(:secret) }} assert_nil node end should 'receive 0 when counting nodes with any secure scope' do assert_equal 0, secure!(Node) { Node.count(:conditions => ['id = ?', nodes_id(:secret)])} assert_equal 0, secure(Node) { Node.count(:conditions => ['id = ?', nodes_id(:secret)])} assert_equal 0, secure_write!(Node) { Node.count(:conditions => ['id = ?', nodes_id(:secret)])} assert_equal 0, secure_write(Node) { Node.count(:conditions => ['id = ?', nodes_id(:secret)])} assert_equal 0, secure_drive!(Node) { Node.count(:conditions => ['id = ?', nodes_id(:secret)])} assert_equal 0, secure_drive(Node) { Node.count(:conditions => ['id = ?', nodes_id(:secret)])} end context 'loaded without secure' do setup do @node = nodes(:secret) @visitor.visit(@node) end should 'receive false when asking can_read?' do assert !@node.can_read? end should 'receive false when asking can_write?' do assert !@node.can_write? end should 'receive false when asking can_drive?' do assert !@node.can_drive? end end end # A visitor not in any access groups context 'A visitor counting nodes' do setup do login(:ant) end should 'only see nodes where she is a member of the read group when using secure' do # 'strange' not seen assert_equal 4, secure!(Node) { Node.count(:conditions => ['parent_id = ?', nodes_id(:collections)])} assert_equal 4, secure(Node) { Node.count(:conditions => ['parent_id = ?', nodes_id(:collections)])} end should 'only see nodes where she is a member of the write group when using secure_write' do assert_equal 4, secure_write!(Node) { Node.count(:conditions => ['parent_id = ?', nodes_id(:collections)])} assert_equal 4, secure_write(Node) { Node.count(:conditions => ['parent_id = ?', nodes_id(:collections)])} end should 'only see nodes where she is a member of the drive group when using secure_drive' do assert_equal 1, secure_drive!(Node) { Node.count(:conditions => ['parent_id = ?', nodes_id(:collections)])} assert_equal 1, secure_drive(Node) { Node.count(:conditions => ['parent_id = ?', nodes_id(:collections)])} end should 'see redactions if she is a member of the write group' do assert_equal 7, secure(Node) { Node.count(:conditions => ['parent_id = ?', nodes_id(:cleanWater)])} end should 'not see the node even if she is the owner' do # 'proposition' in secret not seen assert_equal 1, secure(Node) { Node.count(:conditions => ['parent_id = ?', nodes_id(:secret)])} end end # A visitor counting nodes context 'A visitor only in the read group' do setup do login(:anon) end should 'not see a node that is not published yet' do assert_nil secure(Node) { nodes(:crocodiles) } end should 'see published nodes' do assert node = secure(Node) { nodes(:cleanWater) } end context 'trying to see a future publication' do setup do set_date(:status, :days => 1, :fld => 'publish_from') end should 'see nothing' do assert_nil secure(Node) { nodes(:status) } end end end # A visitor only in the read group context 'A visitor only in the write group' do setup do login(:ant) ids = [:bananas, :crocodiles].map {|r| nodes_id(r)}.join(',') Node.connection.execute "UPDATE nodes SET rgroup_id = #{groups_id(:managers)}, wgroup_id = #{groups_id(:workers)}, dgroup_id = #{groups_id(:managers)} WHERE id IN (#{ids})" end should 'see a node that is not published yet' do assert secure(Node) { nodes(:crocodiles) } end should 'see published nodes' do assert secure(Node) { nodes(:bananas) } end context 'that is a user' do should 'be allowed to write redactions' do node = secure(Node) { nodes(:bananas) } assert node.can_write? assert node.update_attributes(:v_title => 'max havelaar') node = secure(Node) { nodes(:bananas) } # reload assert_equal 'max havelaar', node.version.title end end context 'that is not a user' do setup do visitor.status = User::Status[:commentator] end should 'not be allowed to write redactions' do node = secure(Node) { nodes(:bananas) } assert !node.can_write? assert !node.update_attributes(:v_title => 'max havelaar') end should 'see a node that is not published yet' do assert secure(Node) { nodes(:crocodiles) } end end context 'trying to see a future publication' do setup do set_date(:bananas, :days => 1, :fld => 'publish_from') end should 'see it' do assert secure(Node) { nodes(:bananas) } end end end # A visitor only in the write group context 'A visitor only in the drive group' do setup do login(:ant) ids = [:bananas, :crocodiles].map {|r| nodes_id(r)}.join(',') Node.connection.execute "UPDATE nodes SET rgroup_id = #{groups_id(:managers)}, wgroup_id = #{groups_id(:managers)}, dgroup_id = #{groups_id(:workers)} WHERE id IN (#{ids})" end should 'not see a node that is not published yet' do assert_nil secure(Node) { nodes(:crocodiles) } end should 'not see published nodes' do assert_nil secure(Node) { nodes(:bananas) } end end # A visitor only in the drive group context 'A visitor in the read and drive groups' do setup do login(:ant) ids = [:bananas, :crocodiles].map {|r| nodes_id(r)}.join(',') Node.connection.execute "UPDATE nodes SET rgroup_id = #{groups_id(:workers)}, wgroup_id = #{groups_id(:managers)}, dgroup_id = #{groups_id(:workers)} WHERE id IN (#{ids})" end should 'not be allowed to write' do node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:bananas) } assert !node.can_write? assert !node.update_attributes(:v_title => 'Banana republic') assert_equal 'You do not have the rights to edit.', node.errors[:base] end should 'not be allowed to create sub-nodes' do node = secure!(Node) { Node.create(defaults.merge(:parent_id => nodes_id(:bananas))) } assert node.new_record? assert_equal 'You do not have the rights to edit.', node.errors[:base] end should 'be allowed to drive' do node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:bananas) } assert node.can_drive? assert node.update_attributes(:name => 'NamWa') end end # A visitor in the read and drive groups def defaults { :name => 'hello', :parent_id => nodes_id(:zena) } end context 'A visitor in the read and write groups' do setup do login(:ant) end context 'without secure' do should 'not be allowed to build new children' do node = assert ! assert_equal 'record not secured', node.errors[:base] end should 'not be allowed to create new children' do node = Node.create(defaults) assert node.new_record? assert_equal 'record not secured', node.errors[:base] end end should 'be allowed to build children nodes' do node = secure(Node) { } assert_difference('Node.count', 1) do assert_difference('Version.count', 1) do assert end end end should 'be allowed to create child nodes' do assert_difference('Node.count', 1) do assert_difference('Version.count', 1) do assert node = secure(Node) { Node.create(defaults) } assert !node.new_record? end end end should 'not be allowed to create child nodes with custom rights' do node = secure(Node) { Node.create(defaults.merge(:inherit => 0, :wgroup_id => groups_id(:public))) } assert node.new_record? assert node.errors[:inherit] assert node.errors[:wgroup_id] end context 'creating a new node' do setup do @node = secure(Node) { Node.create(defaults) } end should 'become owner of node and version' do assert_equal, @node.user_id assert_equal, @node.version.user_id end should 'see a draft' do assert @node.draft? end end end # A visitor in the read and write groups context 'A visitor in the drive group' do setup do login(:tiger) end should 'be allowed to move node' do node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:projects) } node.parent_id = nodes_id(:collections) assert end should 'not be allowed to move published node in a parent when she does not have drive rights' do login(:ant) node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:bird_jpg) } assert !node.update_attributes(:parent_id => nodes_id(:cleanWater)) assert_equal 'invalid reference', node.errors[:parent_id] end should 'not be allowed to move published node out of a parent in which she does not have drive rights' do login(:ant) node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:talk) } assert !node.update_attributes(:parent_id => nodes_id(:wiki)) assert_equal 'invalid reference', node.errors[:parent_id] end should 'not be allowed to set nil parent' do login(:ant) node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:talk) } assert !node.update_attributes(:parent_id => nil) assert_equal 'invalid reference', node.errors[:parent_id] end should 'not be allowed to set bad parent' do login(:ant) node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:talk) } assert !node.update_attributes(:parent_id => nodes_id(:secret)) assert_equal 'invalid reference', node.errors[:parent_id] end should 'not be allowed to create circular references' do # status is a child of projects/cleanWater node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:projects) } assert !node.update_attributes(:parent_id => nodes_id(:status)) assert_equal 'circular reference', node.errors[:parent_id] end should 'not be allowed to insert into an existing circular reference' do Node.connection.execute "UPDATE nodes SET parent_id = #{nodes_id(:cleanWater)} WHERE id=#{nodes_id(:projects)}" node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:status) } assert !node.update_attributes(:parent_id => nodes_id(:projects)) assert_equal 'circular reference', node.errors[:parent_id] end should 'be allowed to change groups even if she has no rights in the parent' do login(:ant) # does not have any rights on talk's parent node (secret) node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:talk) } node.update_attributes(:dgroup_id => groups_id(:public)) end should 'be allowed to create with custom groups' do node = secure!(Node) { Node.create(defaults.merge(:inherit => 0, :rgroup_id => groups_id(:managers))) } assert !node.new_record? assert_equal groups_id(:managers), node.rgroup_id end should 'be allowed to create with custom groups without setting inherit' do node = secure!(Node) { Node.create(defaults.merge(:rgroup_id => groups_id(:managers))) } assert !node.new_record? assert_equal groups_id(:managers), node.rgroup_id end should 'not be allowed create with bad groups' do node = secure!(Node) { Node.create(defaults.merge(:inherit => 0, :rgroup_id => groups_id(:admin))) } assert node.new_record? assert_equal 'unknown group', node.errors[:rgroup_id] end should 'not be allowed to create with a bad inheritance mode' do node = secure!(Node) { Node.create(defaults.merge(:inherit => 3, :rgroup_id => groups_id(:public))) } assert node.new_record? assert_equal 'bad inheritance mode', node.errors[:inherit] end should 'not be allowed to set a bad inheritance mode' do node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:status) } assert !node.update_attributes(:inherit => 3) assert_equal 'bad inheritance mode', node.errors[:inherit] end should 'not be allowed to set a read group she is not in' do node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:status) } assert !node.update_attributes(:inherit => 0, :rgroup_id => groups_id(:admin)) assert_equal 'unknown group', node.errors[:rgroup_id] end should 'not be allowed to set a write group she is not in' do node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:status) } assert !node.update_attributes(:inherit => 0, :wgroup_id => groups_id(:admin)) assert_equal 'unknown group', node.errors[:wgroup_id] end should 'not be allowed to set a drive group she is not in' do node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:status) } assert !node.update_attributes(:inherit => 0, :dgroup_id => groups_id(:admin)) assert_equal 'unknown group', node.errors[:dgroup_id] end should 'not change group without explicitely changing inherit mode' do node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:status) } assert !node.update_attributes(:rgroup_id => groups_id(:managers)) assert_equal 'cannot be changed without changing inherit mode', node.errors[:rgroup_id] end should 'not be allowed to set nil on groups' do node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:status) } assert !node.update_attributes(:rgroup_id => nil, :inherit => 0) assert_equal 'unknown group', node.errors[:rgroup_id] end should 'not be allowed to set publish_from' do node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:lake) } old = node.publish_from assert node.update_attributes(:publish_from => assert_equal old, node.publish_from end should 'be allowed to remove empty node' do node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:lake) } assert node.empty? assert node.destroy end should 'not be allowed to remove node with children' do node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:wiki)} assert !node.empty? assert !node.destroy assert_equal 'cannot be removed (contains subpages or data)', node.errors[:base] end end # A visitor in the drive group context 'A visitor not in the drive group, not on a draft' do setup do login(:ant) @node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:status) } end should 'not be a draft' do assert !@node.draft? end should 'not be allowed to drive' do assert !@node.can_drive? end should 'not be allowed to change groups' do @node.dgroup_id = groups_id(:public) assert ! assert_equal 'You do not have the rights to do this.', @node.errors[:base] end should 'not be allowed to change name' do = 'slitherin' assert ! assert_equal 'You do not have the rights to do this.', @node.errors[:base] end should 'not be allowed to change dates' do @node.event_at = assert ! assert_equal 'You do not have the rights to do this.', @node.errors[:base] end should 'not be allowed to destroy' do assert !@node.destroy assert_equal 'You do not have the rights to do this.', @node.errors[:base] end end context 'A node readable by anonymous' do context 'that is not yet published' do setup do login(:ant) @node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:crocodiles) } end should 'not be public' do assert !@node.public? end end context 'that is published' do setup do login(:ant) @node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:status) } end should 'be public' do assert @node.public? end should 'not be public if publication date is not reached yet' do @node.publish_from = => 1) assert !@node.public? end end end context 'A draft' do setup do login(:ant) @node, ref = create_simple_note end should 'be a draft' do assert @node.draft? end should 'let owner drive' do assert @node.can_drive? end should 'not let owner publish' do assert !@node.can_publish? assert !@node.update_attributes(:v_status => Zena::Status[:pub]) assert_equal 'You do not have the rights to publish.', @node.errors[:base] end should 'should be in inherit mode' do assert_equal 1, @node.inherit end should 'not let owner change inherit mode' do @node[:inherit] = 0 assert ! assert_equal 'cannot be changed', @node.errors[:inherit] end should 'not let owner change groups' do assert !@node.update_attributes(:rgroup_id => groups_id(:workers)) assert_equal 'cannot be changed', @node.errors[:rgroup_id] end should 'be freely moved around by owner' do @node.parent_id = nodes_id(:status) assert assert_equal nodes_id(:status), @node.parent_id end should 'let owner remove version and destroy itself' do assert @node.can_remove? assert @node.remove assert_difference('Node.count', -1) do assert @node.destroy_version end end end # A draft context 'A draft with children' do setup do node_ids = [:wiki,:bird_jpg,:flower_jpg].map{|k| nodes_id(k)}.join(',') login(:ant) Version.connection.execute "UPDATE versions SET status = #{Zena::Status[:red]}, user_id=#{users_id(:ant)} WHERE node_id IN (#{node_ids})" Node.connection.execute "UPDATE nodes SET publish_from = NULL WHERE id IN (#{node_ids})" @node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:wiki) } end should 'be freely moved around by owner' do @node.parent_id = nodes_id(:status) assert assert_equal nodes_id(:status), @node.parent_id end should 'not be freely moved around by owner if it contains publications' do Node.connection.execute "UPDATE nodes SET publish_from = '2009-9-26 20:26' WHERE id IN (#{nodes_id(:bird_jpg)})" @node.parent_id = nodes_id(:status) assert @node.send(:published_in_heirs_was_true?) assert ! assert_equal 'invalid reference', @node.errors[:parent_id] end should 'not be freely moved around by owner if it contains deeply nested publications' do Node.connection.execute "UPDATE nodes SET parent_id = #{nodes_id(:bird_jpg)} WHERE id IN (#{nodes_id(:status)})" @node.parent_id = nodes_id(:status) assert @node.send(:published_in_heirs_was_true?) assert ! assert_equal 'invalid reference', @node.errors[:parent_id] end end # A draft with children context 'A node with children' do setup do login(:tiger) @node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:cleanWater) } end should 'update inheriting children groups on group change' do assert @node.update_attributes(:inherit => 0, :rgroup_id => groups_id(:workers)) assert_equal groups_id(:workers), @node.rgroup_id # children assert_equal groups_id(:workers), nodes(:status).rgroup_id assert_equal groups_id(:workers), nodes(:water_pdf).rgroup_id # grandchildren assert_equal groups_id(:workers), nodes(:lake_jpg).rgroup_id # not inherited assert_equal groups_id(:managers), nodes(:bananas).rgroup_id end should 'update inheriting children groups on parent change' do assert @node.update_attributes(:parent_id => nodes_id(:wiki)) assert_equal groups_id(:public), @node.rgroup_id # children assert_equal groups_id(:public), nodes(:status).rgroup_id assert_equal groups_id(:public), nodes(:water_pdf).rgroup_id # grandchildren assert_equal groups_id(:public), nodes(:lake_jpg).rgroup_id assert_equal groups_id(:public), nodes(:lake_jpg).wgroup_id assert_equal groups_id(:public), nodes(:lake_jpg).dgroup_id # not inherited assert_equal groups_id(:managers), nodes(:bananas).rgroup_id end should 'update inheriting children skin on skin change' do assert @node.update_attributes(:inherit => 0, :skin => 'wikiSkin') assert_equal 'wikiSkin', # children assert_equal 'wikiSkin', nodes(:status).skin assert_equal 'wikiSkin', nodes(:water_pdf).skin # grandchildren assert_equal 'wikiSkin', nodes(:lake_jpg).skin # not inherited assert_equal 'default', nodes(:bananas).skin end should 'update inheriting children skin on parent change' do assert @node.update_attributes(:parent_id => nodes_id(:wiki)) assert_equal 'wikiSkin', # children assert_equal 'wikiSkin', nodes(:status).skin assert_equal 'wikiSkin', nodes(:water_pdf).skin # grandchildren assert_equal 'wikiSkin', nodes(:lake_jpg).skin # not inherited assert_equal 'default', nodes(:bananas).skin end end # A node with children context 'Changing node owner' do should 'not be allowed if visitor is not an admin' do login(:tiger) node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:status) } assert !node.update_attributes(:user_id => users_id(:tiger)) assert_equal 'Only admins can change owners', node.errors[:user_id] end context 'by an admin' do setup do login(:lion) end should 'not be allowed if new user is not valid' do node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:status) } assert !node.update_attributes(:user_id => users_id(:whale)) # not in site assert_equal 'unknown user', node.errors[:user_id] end should 'be allowed if new user is valid' do node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:status) } assert node.update_attributes(:user_id => users_id(:tiger)) # not in site assert_equal users_id(:tiger), node.user_id end end end # Changing node owner context 'Finding users' do setup do login(:ant) end context 'with secure!' do should 'raise an exception for users not in the same site' do assert_raise(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) { secure!(User) { users(:whale) }} end should 'be allowed for users in the same site' do assert user = secure!(User) { users(:tiger) } assert_equal users_id(:tiger), end end context 'with secure' do should 'receive nil for users not in the same site' do node = nil assert_nothing_raised { node = secure(User) { users(:whale) }} assert_nil node end should 'be allowed for users in the same site' do assert user = secure(User) { users(:tiger) } assert_equal users_id(:tiger), end end end # Finding users context 'Finding sites' do setup do login(:ant) end context 'with secure!' do should 'raise an exception for other sites' do assert_raise(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) { secure!(Site) { sites(:ocean) }} end should 'be allowed for current site' do assert site = secure!(Site) { sites(:zena) } assert_equal sites_id(:zena), end end context 'with secure' do should 'receive nil for other sites' do site = nil assert_nothing_raised { site = secure(Site) { sites(:ocean) }} assert_nil site end should 'be allowed for current site' do assert site = secure(Site) { sites(:zena) } assert_equal sites_id(:zena), end end end # Finding sites context 'Finding versions' do setup do login(:ant) end context 'with secure' do should 'only return versions where visitor can read or write' do versions = secure(Version) { Version.find(:all, :conditions => "title like 's%'")} # not ["Stranger in the night", "Secret"] assert_equal ["super ouverture", "Skins (layout themes)", "status title", "style", "Solenopsis Invicta"],{|v| v.title} end end context 'with secure_write' do should 'only return versions where visitor can write' do Node.connection.execute "UPDATE nodes SET wgroup_id = #{groups_id(:admin)} WHERE id = #{nodes_id(:status)}" versions = secure_write(Version) { Version.find(:all, :conditions => "title like 's%'")} # not ["Stranger in the night", "Secret", "status title"] assert_equal ["super ouverture", "Skins (layout themes)", "style", "Solenopsis Invicta"],{|v| v.title} end end context 'with secure_drive' do should 'only return versions where visitor can drive' do Node.connection.execute "UPDATE nodes SET dgroup_id = #{groups_id(:workers)} WHERE id = #{nodes_id(:status)}" versions = secure_drive(Version) { Version.find(:all, :conditions => "title like 's%'")} assert_equal 2, versions.count assert_equal ['Stranger in the night', 'status title'], {|v| v.title }.sort end end end # Finding versions context 'Using secure without returning Nodes' do should 'not raise any exception' do hash = nil assert_nothing_raised { hash = secure!(Node) { Hash[:a, 'a', :b, 'b'] } } assert_kind_of Hash, hash end end # Using secure without returning Nodes context 'Using clean_options to prepare queries' do should 'remove anything that might disturb ActiveRecord' do assert_equal Hash[:conditions => ['id = ?', 3], :order => 'name ASC'], Node.clean_options(:conditions => ['id = ?', 3], :funky => 'bad', :order => 'name ASC', :from => 'users') end end # Using clean_options to prepare queries context 'A visitor with admin status' do setup do login(:lion) @node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:status) } end should 'belong to all groups' do assert_equal secure(Group) { Group.count(:all) }, visitor.group_ids.count end should 'belong to all groups even if we remove all explicit belongings' do User.connection.execute "DELETE FROM groups_users WHERE user_id = #{users_id(:lion)}" login(:lion) assert_equal secure(Group) { Group.count(:all) }, visitor.group_ids.count end should 'be allowed to drive' do assert @node.update_attributes(:parent_id => nodes_id(:wiki)) end should 'be allowed to write' do assert @node.update_attributes(:v_title => 'Drosophila') end end # A visitor with admin status context 'A visitor with user status' do setup do login(:tiger) @node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:status) } end should 'be allowed to drive' do assert @node.update_attributes(:parent_id => nodes_id(:wiki)) end should 'be allowed to write' do assert @node.update_attributes(:v_title => 'Drosophila') end should 'be allowed to post comments' do assert_difference('Comment.count', 1) do @node.update_attributes(:m_title => 'changed icon', :m_text => 'new icon is "flower"') err @node comment = @node.comments.last assert_equal 'changed icon', comment.title assert_equal Zena::Status[:pub], comment.status end end end # A visitor with user status context 'A visitor with commentator status' do setup do User.connection.execute "UPDATE users SET status = #{User::Status[:commentator]} WHERE id = #{users_id(:tiger)} AND site_id = #{sites_id(:zena)}" login(:tiger) @node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:status) } end should 'not be allowed to drive' do assert !@node.update_attributes(:parent_id => nodes_id(:wiki)) assert_equal 'You do not have the rights to do this.', @node.errors[:base] end should 'not be allowed to write' do assert !@node.update_attributes(:v_title => 'Drosophila') assert_equal 'You do not have the rights to edit.', @node.errors[:base] end should 'be allowed to post comments' do assert_difference('Comment.count', 1) do assert @node.update_attributes(:m_title => 'changed icon', :m_text => 'new icon is "flower"') comment = @node.comments.last assert_equal 'changed icon', comment.title assert_equal Zena::Status[:pub], comment.status end end end # A visitor with commentator status context 'A visitor with moderated status' do setup do User.connection.execute "UPDATE users SET status = #{User::Status[:moderated]} WHERE id = #{users_id(:tiger)} AND site_id = #{sites_id(:zena)}" login(:tiger) @node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:status) } end should 'be a commentator' do visitor.commentator? end should 'have moderated comments' do visitor.moderated? end should 'not be allowed to drive' do assert !@node.update_attributes(:parent_id => nodes_id(:wiki)) assert_equal 'You do not have the rights to do this.', @node.errors[:base] end should 'not be allowed to write' do assert !@node.update_attributes(:v_title => 'Drosophila') assert_equal 'You do not have the rights to edit.', @node.errors[:base] end should 'be allowed to post moderated comments' do assert_difference('Comment.count', 1) do assert @node.update_attributes(:m_title => 'changed icon', :m_text => 'new icon is "flower"') comment = @node.discussion.comments(:with_prop => true).last assert_equal 'changed icon', comment.title assert_equal Zena::Status[:prop], comment.status end end end # A visitor with moderated status context 'A visitor with reader status' do setup do User.connection.execute "UPDATE users SET status = #{User::Status[:reader]} WHERE id = #{users_id(:tiger)} AND site_id = #{sites_id(:zena)}" login(:tiger) @node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:status) } end should 'not be allowed to drive' do assert !@node.update_attributes(:parent_id => nodes_id(:wiki)) assert_equal 'You do not have the rights to do this.', @node.errors[:base] end should 'not be allowed to write' do assert !@node.update_attributes(:v_title => 'Drosophila') assert_equal 'You do not have the rights to edit.', @node.errors[:base] end should 'not be allowed to post comments' do assert !@node.update_attributes(:m_title => 'changed icon', :m_text => 'new icon is "flower"') assert_equal 'You do not have the rights to post comments.', @node.errors[:base] end end # A visitor with reader status context 'A visitor with deleted status' do setup do User.connection.execute "UPDATE users SET status = #{User::Status[:deleted]} WHERE id = #{users_id(:tiger)} AND site_id = #{sites_id(:zena)}" end should 'not be able to login' do login(:tiger) assert_equal users(:anon), visitor end end # A visitor with deleted status end