**About** This gem provides high-level Ruby bindings to the [Stanford Core NLP package](http://nlp.stanford.edu/software/corenlp.shtml), a set natural language processing tools that features tokenization, part-of-speech tagging, lemmatization, and parsing for five languages (English, French, German, Arabic and Chinese), as well as named entity recognition and coreference resolution for English. **Installing** 1. Install the gem: `gem install stanford-core-nlp`. 2. Download the Stanford Core NLP JAR and model files. Two package are available with the necessary files: a package for [English only](http://louismullie.com/stanford-core-nlp-english.zip), or a package with models for [all languages](http://louismullie.com/stanford-core-nlp-all.zip). Place the contents of the extracted archive inside the /bin/ folder of the stanford-core-nlp gem (typically this is /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/stanford-core-nlp-0.x/bin/). **Configuration** After installing and requiring the gem (`require 'stanford-core-nlp'`), you may want to set some configuration options (this, however, is not necessary). Here are some examples: # Set an alternative path to look for the JAR files # Default is gem's bin folder. StanfordCoreNLP.jar_path = '/path/' # Pass some alternative arguments to the Java VM. # Default is ['-Xms512M', '-Xmx1024M']. StanfordCoreNLP.jvm_args = ['-option1', '-option2'] # Redirect VM output to log.txt StanfordCoreNLP.log_file = 'log.txt' # Use the model files for a different language than English. StanfordCoreNLP.use(:french) # Change a specific model file. StanfordCoreNLP.set_model('pos.model', 'english-left3words-distsim.tagger') **Using the gem** text = 'Angela Merkel met Nicolas Sarkozy on January 25th in ' + 'Berlin to discuss a new austerity package. Sarkozy ' + 'looked pleased, but Merkel was dismayed.' pipeline = StanfordCoreNLP.load(:tokenize, :ssplit, :pos, :lemma, :parse, :ner, :dcoref) text = StanfordCoreNLP::Text.new(text) pipeline.annotate(text) text.get(:sentences).each do |sentence| sentence.get(:tokens).each do |token| # Default annotations for all tokens puts token.get(:value).to_s puts token.get(:original_text).to_s puts token.get(:character_offset_begin).to_s puts token.get(:character_offset_end).to_s # POS returned by the tagger puts token.get(:part_of_speech).to_s # Lemma (base form of the token) puts token.get(:lemma).to_s # Named entity tag puts token.get(:named_entity_tag).to_s # Coreference puts token.get(:coref_cluster_id).to_s # Also of interest: coref, coref_chain, coref_cluster, coref_dest, coref_graph. end end > Note: You need to load the StanfordCoreNLP pipeline before using the StanfordCoreNLP::Text class. A good reference for names of annotations are the Stanford Javadocs for [CoreAnnotations](http://nlp.stanford.edu/nlp/javadoc/javanlp/edu/stanford/nlp/ling/CoreAnnotations.html), [CoreCorefAnnotations](http://nlp.stanford.edu/nlp/javadoc/javanlp/edu/stanford/nlp/dcoref/CorefCoreAnnotations.html), and [TreeCoreAnnotations](http://nlp.stanford.edu/nlp/javadoc/javanlp/edu/stanford/nlp/trees/TreeCoreAnnotations.html). For a full list of all possible annotations, see the 'config.rb' file inside the gem. The Ruby symbol (e.g. :named_entity_tag) corresponding to a Java annotation class follows the simple un-camel-casing convention, with 'Annotation' at the end removed. For example, the annotation NamedEntityTagAnnotation translates to :named_entity_tag, PartOfSpeechAnnotation to :part_of_speech, etc. **Loading specific classes** You may also want to load your own classes from the Stanford NLP to do more specific tasks. The gem provides an API to do this: # Default base class is edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline. StanfordCoreNLP.load_class('PTBTokenizerAnnotator') puts StanfordCoreNLP::PTBTokenizerAnnotator.inspect # => # # Here, we specify another base class. StanfordCoreNLP.load_class('MaxentTagger', 'edu.stanford.nlp.tagger') puts StanfordCoreNLP::MaxentTagger.inspect # => **Current known issues** The models included with the gem for the NER system are missing two files: "edu/stanford/nlp/models/dcoref/countries" and "edu/stanford/nlp/models/dcoref/statesandprovinces", which I couldn't find anywhere. I will be grateful if somebody could add/e-mail me these files. **Contributing** Feel free to fork the project and send me a pull request!