require 'set' require 'active_support' module LightForm TransformationError = MissingCollectionError = MissingParamError = module PropertyMethods def self.included(base) base.extend(ClassMethods) end module ClassMethods def config @config ||= {} end def properties(*prop_names) add_property = method(:_add_property) prop_names.each(&add_property) end def property(prop_name, options = {}, &block) _add_property(prop_name) _add_property_transform(prop_name, options) _add_property_validation(prop_name, options[:validates]) if options[:validates] _add_property_source(prop_name, &block) if block end private def _add_property_source(prop_name, &block) klass = klass.class_eval("def; \"#{ActiveSupport::Inflector.classify(prop_name)}\"; end") klass.class_eval(&block) _properties_sources[prop_name] = { class: klass } end def _properties_sources config[:properties_sources] ||= {} end def _properties_transform config[:properties_transform] ||= {} end def _properties config[:properties] ||= end def _add_property_transform(prop_name, options = {}) transformations = options.slice(:from, :transform_with, :with, :default, :model, :collection, :uniq, :required) return if transformations.empty? _properties_transform[prop_name] = transformations end def _add_property(prop_name) config[:errors_overriden] = true if prop_name == :errors send(:attr_accessor, prop_name) if _properties.add?(prop_name) end def _add_property_validation(prop_name, validation) validates(prop_name, validation) end end def _errors @_errors end def errors_overriden? self.class.config[:errors_overriden] == true end def valid? return [_check_validation, super].all? unless errors_overriden? @_errors = @errors @errors ||= stored_method = method(:errors) errors_method = -> { @errors } define_singleton_method(:errors) { } result, store, @_errors, @errors = [_check_validation, super].all?, @_errors, @errors, store define_singleton_method(:errors) { } result end private def _validation_errors(obj) obj.errors if obj.respond_to?(:valid?) && !obj.valid? end def _check_validation @errors ||= properties = _properties.delete(_properties_sources.keys) properties.each do |prop| public_send(prop).tap do |subject| items = subject.is_a?(Array) ? : _validation_errors(subject) @errors.add(prop, items) if items && !items.empty? # TODO resolve problem with [ nil, nil ] arrays of nil values end end _properties_sources.each do |prop, v| next unless v[:params] subject = v[:params].clone # Resolve problem with nil in array items = subject.is_a?(Array) ? : _validation_errors(v[:params]) @errors.add(prop, items) if items && !items.empty? end @errors.empty? end def _properties_sources @_properties_sources ||= self.class.config[:properties_sources] || {} end def _properties @_properties ||= self.class.config[:properties] || [] end def _prepare_params(value) return if value.nil? params = value.clone.symbolize_keys return params if _properties.empty? _prepare_sources(params) _prepare_params_keys_and_values!(params) params.extract!(*_properties) end def _prepare_params_keys_and_values!(params) properties_from = self.class.config[:properties_transform] || {} properties_from.clone.each do |key_to, hash| _update_key!(params, key_to, hash) fail(MissingParamError, key_to.to_s) if hash[:required] && !params.key?(key_to) set_default = (params[key_to].nil? || params[key_to].empty?) && hash[:default] _update_value_as_default!(params, key_to, hash) if set_default _transform_value!(params, key_to, hash) unless set_default _modelable_value!(params, key_to, hash) _collectionaize_value!(params, key_to, hash) end end def _update_key!(params, key, hash) params[key] = params.delete(hash[:from]) if hash[:from] end def _update_value_as_default!(params, key, hash) params[key] = hash[:default] end def _transform_value!(params, key, hash) transformation = hash[:with] || hash[:transform_with] return unless transformation trans_proc = transformation.is_a?(Symbol) ? method(transformation) : transformation params[key] =[key]) rescue => e raise TransformationError, "key #{key}: #{e.message}" end def _modelable_value!(params, key, hash) return unless hash[:model] _save_source_params(key, params[key]) params[key] = hash[:model].new(params[key]) end def _save_source_params(key, params) _properties_sources[key][:params] = params.clone if _properties_sources[key] end def _collectionaize_value!(params, key, hash) return unless hash[:collection] array = params[key] fail(MissingCollectionError, "on key: #{key}") unless array.is_a? Array array.uniq! if hash[:uniq] return params[key] = array if hash[:collection] == true _save_source_params(key, array.compact) params[key] = { |source| hash[:collection].new(source) } end def _prepare_sources(params) _properties_sources.each do |k, v| next unless params[k] params[k] = params[k].is_a?(Array) ? params[k].map { |s| v[:class].new(s) } : v[:class].new(params[k]) end end def attributes self.class.config[:properties]) end end end