require 'pact/mock_service/cli/custom_thor'
require 'webrick/https'
require 'rack/handler/webrick'
require 'fileutils'
require 'pact/mock_service/server/wait_for_server_up'
require 'pact/mock_service/cli/pidfile'
require 'socket'

module Pact
  module StubService
    class CLI < Pact::MockService::CLI::CustomThor

      desc 'PACT_URI ...', "Start a stub service with the given pact file(s)."
      long_desc <<-DOC
        Start a stub service with the given pact file(s). Pact URIs may be local file paths or HTTP.
        Include any basic auth details in the URL using the format https://USERNAME:PASSWORD@URI.
        Where multiple matching interactions are found, the interactions will be sorted by
        response status, and the first one will be returned. This may lead to some non-deterministic
        behaviour. If you are having problems with this, please raise it on the pact-dev google group,
        and we can discuss some potential enhancements.
        Note that only versions 1 and 2 of the pact specification are currently fully supported.
        Pacts using the v3 format may be used, however, any matching features added in v4 will
        currently be ignored.

      method_option :port, aliases: "-p", desc: "Port on which to run the service"
      method_option :host, aliases: "-h", desc: "Host on which to bind the service", default: 'localhost'
      method_option :log, aliases: "-l", desc: "File to which to log output"
      method_option :cors, aliases: "-o", desc: "Support browser security in tests by responding to OPTIONS requests and adding CORS headers to mocked responses"
      method_option :ssl, desc: "Use a self-signed SSL cert to run the service over HTTPS", type: :boolean, default: false
      method_option :sslcert, desc: "Specify the path to the SSL cert to use when running the service over HTTPS"
      method_option :sslkey, desc: "Specify the path to the SSL key to use when running the service over HTTPS"
      method_option :stub_pactfile_paths, hide: true
      method_option :monkeypatch, hide: true

      def service(*pactfiles)
        raise"Please provide an existing pact file to load") if pactfiles.empty?
        require 'pact/mock_service/run'
        options.stub_pactfile_paths = pactfiles
        opts =
        opts[:stub_pactfile_paths] = pactfiles
        opts[:pactfile_write_mode] = 'none'

      desc 'version', "Show the pact-stub-service gem version"

      def version
        require 'pact/mock_service/version.rb'
        puts Pact::MockService::VERSION

      default_task :service