Feature: transform In order to maintain modularity within step definitions As a step definition editor I want to register a regex to capture and tranform step definition arguments. Background: Given a standard Cucumber project directory structure And a file named "features/step_definitions/steps.rb" with: """ Then /^I should transform ('\d+' to an Integer)$/ do |integer| integer.should be_kind_of(Integer) end Then /^I should transform ('\w+' to a Symbol)$/ do |symbol| symbol.should be_kind_of(Symbol) end Then /^I should transform ('\d+' to a Float)$/ do |float| float.should be_kind_of(Float) end Then /^I should transform ('\w+' to an Array)$/ do |array| array.should be_kind_of(Array) end Then /^I should transform ('\w+' to Nil)$/ do |string| string.should be_nil end Then /^I should not transform ('\d+') to an Integer$/ do |string| string.should be_kind_of(String) end """ And a file named "features/support/env.rb" with: """ Transform /^'\d+' to an Integer$/ do |step_arg| /'(\d+)' to an Integer/.match(step_arg).captures[0].to_i end Transform /^'(\d+)' to a Float$/ do |integer_string| Transform("'#{integer_string}' to an Integer").to_f end Transform(/^('\w+') to Nil$/) {|str| nil } Transform(/^('\w+') to a Symbol$/) {|str| str.to_sym } module MyHelpers def fetch_array @array end end World(MyHelpers) Before do @array = [] end Transform(/^('\w+') to an Array$/) {|str| fetch_array } """ Scenario: run a specific scenario with a registered transform Given a file named "features/transform_sample.feature" with: """ Feature: Step argument transformations Scenario: transform with matches Then I should transform '10' to an Integer Scenario: transform with matches that capture Then I should transform 'abc' to a Symbol Scenario: transform with matches that reuse transforms Then I should transform '10' to a Float Scenario: transform with matches that use current world Then I should transform 'abc' to an Array Scenario: transform with matches that return nil Then I should transform 'nil' to Nil Scenario: transform without matches Then I should not transform '10' to an Integer """ When I run cucumber -s features Then it should pass with """ Feature: Step argument transformations Scenario: transform with matches Then I should transform '10' to an Integer Scenario: transform with matches that capture Then I should transform 'abc' to a Symbol Scenario: transform with matches that reuse transforms Then I should transform '10' to a Float Scenario: transform with matches that use current world Then I should transform 'abc' to an Array Scenario: transform with matches that return nil Then I should transform 'nil' to Nil Scenario: transform without matches Then I should not transform '10' to an Integer 6 scenarios (6 passed) 6 steps (6 passed) """ Scenario: run a table scenario with an unrelated registered transform Given a file named "features/transform_sample.feature" with: """ Feature: Step argument transformations Scenario: A table Then I should check the following table: | letter | letter_plus_a | | r | ra | | m | ma | | p | pa | """ And a file named "features/support/table.rb" with: """ Transform /^table:number,number_plus_a$/ do |table| :not_what_you_were_expecting end Then "I should check the following table:" do |table| table.hashes.each do |hash| hash['letter_plus_a'].should == (hash['letter'] + 'a') end end """ When I run cucumber -s features Then it should pass with """ Feature: Step argument transformations Scenario: A table Then I should check the following table: | letter | letter_plus_a | | r | ra | | m | ma | | p | pa | 1 scenario (1 passed) 1 step (1 passed) """ Scenario: run a table scenario with an related registered transform not using table Given a file named "features/transform_sample.feature" with: """ Feature: Step argument transformations Scenario: A table Then I should check the following table: | letter | letter_plus_a | | r | ra | | m | ma | | p | pa | """ And a file named "features/support/table.rb" with: """ Transform /^table:letter,letter_plus_a$/ do |table| 1 end Then "I should check the following table:" do |columns| columns.should == 1 end """ When I run cucumber -s features Then it should pass with """ Feature: Step argument transformations Scenario: A table Then I should check the following table: | letter | letter_plus_a | | r | ra | | m | ma | | p | pa | 1 scenario (1 passed) 1 step (1 passed) """ Scenario: run a table scenario with an related registered transform using table Given a file named "features/transform_sample.feature" with: """ Feature: Step argument transformations Scenario: A table Then I should check the following table: | letter | letter_plus_a | | r | ra | | m | ma | | p | pa | """ And a file named "features/support/table.rb" with: """ Transform /^table:letter,letter_plus_a$/ do |table| table.rows.map { |row| row.join(',') } end Then "I should check the following table:" do |rows_in_table| rows_in_table.should == ['r,ra','m,ma','p,pa'] end """ When I run cucumber -b -s features Then it should pass with """ Feature: Step argument transformations Scenario: A table Then I should check the following table: | letter | letter_plus_a | | r | ra | | m | ma | | p | pa | 1 scenario (1 passed) 1 step (1 passed) """