XML Security Library


Keys manager.


Processing some of the key data objects require additional information which is global across the application (or in the particular area of the application). For example, X509 certificates processing require a common list of trusted certificates to be available. XML Security Library keeps all the common information for key data processing in a a collection of key data stores called "keys manager".

Figure 1. The keys manager structure.

Keys manager has a special "keys store" which lists the keys known to the application. This "keys store" is used by XML Security Library to lookup keys by name, type and crypto algorithm (for example, during <dsig:KeyName/> processing). The XML Security Library provides default simple "flat list" based implementation of a default keys store. The application can replace it with any other keys store (for example, based on an SQL database).

Keys manager is the only object in XML Security Library which is supposed to be shared by many different operations. Usually keys manager is initialized once at the application startup and later is used by XML Security library routines in "read-only" mode. If application or crypto function need to modify any of the key data stores inside keys manager then proper synchronization must be implemented. In the same time, application can create a new keys manager each time it needs to perform XML signature, verification, encryption or decryption.