require 'rubygems' require 'parslet' # Parslet uses Object#tap, which is in ruby 1.8.7+, but not 1.8.6. # But it's easy enough to implement in pure ruby, let's monkey patch # it in if it's not there, so we'll still work with 1.8.6 unless Object.method_defined?(:tap) class Object def tap yield(self) return self end end end module ParsingNesting class Grammar < Parslet::Parser root :query # query is actually a list of expressions. rule :query do (spacing? >> (expression | paren_unit ) >> spacing?).repeat end rule :paren_list do (str('(') >> query >> str(')')).as(:list) end rule :paren_unit do (str('(') >> spacing? >> (expression ) >> spacing? >> str(')')) | paren_list end # Note well: It was tricky to parse the thing we want where you can # have a flat list with boolean operators, but where 'OR' takes precedence. # eg "A AND B OR C AND C" or "A OR B AND C OR D". Tricky to parse at all, # tricky to make precedence work. Important things that seem to make it work: # and_list comes BEFORE or_list in :expression. # and_list's operand can be an or_list, but NOT vice versa # There are others, it was an iterative process with testing. rule :expression do (and_list | or_list | unary_expression ) end rule :and_list do ((or_list | unary_expression | paren_unit) >> (spacing >> str("AND") >> spacing >> (or_list | unary_expression | paren_unit)).repeat(1)).as(:and_list) end rule :or_list do ((unary_expression | paren_unit) >> (spacing >> str("OR") >> spacing >> (unary_expression | paren_unit)).repeat(1)).as(:or_list) end rule :unary_expression do (str('+') >> (phrase | token)).as(:mandatory) | (str('-') >> (phrase | token)).as(:excluded) | (str('NOT') >> spacing? >> (unary_expression | paren_unit)).as(:not_expression) | (phrase | token) end rule :token do match['^ ")('].repeat(1).as(:token) end rule :phrase do match('"') >> match['^"'].repeat(1).as(:phrase) >> match('"') end rule :spacing do match[' '].repeat(1) end rule :spacing? do spacing.maybe end end end