# ******************************************************************************* # OpenStudio(R), Copyright (c) Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC. # See also https://openstudio.net/license # ******************************************************************************* # see the URL below for information on how to write OpenStuido measures # http://openstudio.nrel.gov/openstudio-measure-writing-guide # start the measure class TariffSelectionGeneric < OpenStudio::Measure::EnergyPlusMeasure # define the name that a user will see, this method may be deprecated as # the display name in PAT comes from the name field in measure.xml def name return ' Tariff Selection-Generic' end # human readable description def description return 'This measure will add pre defined tariffs from IDF files in the resrouce directory for this measure.' end # human readable description of modeling approach def modeler_description return 'The measure works by cloning objects in from an external file into the current IDF file. Change functionality by changing the resource files. This measure may also adjust the simulation timestep.' end # define the arguments that the user will input def arguments(workspace) args = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgumentVector.new # possible tariffs meters = {} # list files in resources directory and bin by meter of tariff object tariff_files = Dir.entries("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/resources") tariff_files.each do |tar| next if !tar.include?('.idf') # load the idf file containing the electric tariff tar_path = OpenStudio::Path.new("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/resources/#{tar}") tar_file = OpenStudio::IdfFile.load(tar_path) # in OpenStudio PAT in 1.1.0 and earlier all resource files are moved up a directory. # below is a temporary workaround for this before issuing an error. if tar_file.empty? tar_path = OpenStudio::Path.new("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/#{tar}") tar_file = OpenStudio::IdfFile.load(tar_path) end if tar_file.empty? puts "Unable to find the file #{tar}" else tar_file = tar_file.get # get the tariff object and the requested meter tariff_object = tar_file.getObjectsByType('UtilityCost:Tariff'.to_IddObjectType) if tariff_object.size > 1 puts "Only expected one tariff object in #{tar} but got #{tariff_object.size}" elsif tariff_object == 0 puts "Expected on tariff object in #{tar} but got #{tariff_object.size}" else tariff_name = tariff_object[0].getString(0).get tariff_meter = tariff_object[0].getString(1).get end # populate hash with tariff object meters[{ file_name: tar.gsub('.idf', ''), obj_name: tariff_name }] = tariff_meter end end # make an argument for each meter value found in the hash meters.values.uniq.each do |meter| choices = meters.select { |key, value| value == meter } # make a choice argument for tariff chs = [] chs_display = [] choices.each do |k, v| chs << k[:file_name] chs_display << k[:obj_name] end # TODO: - these will need to be unique names tar = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeChoiceArgument(meter, chs, chs_display, true) tar.setDisplayName("Select a Tariff for #{meter}.") tar.setDefaultValue(chs[0]) args << tar end return args end # define what happens when the measure is run def run(workspace, runner, user_arguments) super(workspace, runner, user_arguments) args = runner.getArgumentValues(arguments(workspace), user_arguments) args = Hash[args.collect{ |k, v| [k.to_s, v] }] if !args then return false end # reporting initial condition of model starting_tariffs = workspace.getObjectsByType('UtilityCost:Tariff'.to_IddObjectType) runner.registerInitialCondition("The model started with #{starting_tariffs.size} tariff objects.") # loop though args to make tariff for each one args.each do |k, v| # load the idf file containing the electric tariff tar_path = OpenStudio::Path.new("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/resources/#{v}.idf") tar_file = OpenStudio::IdfFile.load(tar_path) # in OpenStudio PAT in 1.1.0 and earlier all resource files are moved up a directory. # below is a temporary workaround for this before issuing an error. if tar_file.empty? tar_path = OpenStudio::Path.new("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/#{v}.idf") tar_file = OpenStudio::IdfFile.load(tar_path) end if tar_file.empty? runner.registerError("Unable to find the file #{v}.idf") return false else tar_file = tar_file.get end # add everything from the file workspace.addObjects(tar_file.objects) # let the user know what happened runner.registerInfo("added a #{k} tariff from #{v}.idf") end # set the simulation timestep to 15min (4 per hour) to match the demand window of the tariffs if !workspace.getObjectsByType('Timestep'.to_IddObjectType).empty? initial_timestep = workspace.getObjectsByType('Timestep'.to_IddObjectType)[0].getString(0) if initial_timestep.to_s != '4' workspace.getObjectsByType('Timestep'.to_IddObjectType)[0].setString(0, '4') runner.registerInfo("Changing the simulation timestep to 4 timesteps per hour from #{initial_timestep} per hour to match the demand window of the tariffs") end else # add a timestep object to the workspace new_object_string = " Timestep, 4; !- Number of Timesteps per Hour " idfObject = OpenStudio::IdfObject.load(new_object_string) object = idfObject.get wsObject = workspace.addObject(object) new_object = wsObject.get runner.registerInfo('No timestep object found. Added a new timestep object set to 4 timesteps per hour') end # report final condition of model finishing_tariffs = workspace.getObjectsByType('UtilityCost:Tariff'.to_IddObjectType) runner.registerFinalCondition("The model finished with #{finishing_tariffs.size} tariff objects.") return true end end # this allows the measure to be use by the application TariffSelectionGeneric.new.registerWithApplication