module CommonwealthVlrEngine module ControllerOverride extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do self.send(:include, CommonwealthVlrEngine::Finder) self.send(:include, CommonwealthVlrEngine::RenderConstraintsOverride) self.send(:helper, CommonwealthVlrEngine::RenderConstraintsOverride) # add BlacklightAdvancedSearch self.send(:include, BlacklightAdvancedSearch::Controller) # add BlacklightMaps self.send(:include, BlacklightMaps::ControllerOverride) before_filter :get_object_files, :only => [:show] before_filter :set_nav_context, :only => [:index] before_filter :mlt_search, :only => [:index] before_filter :add_institution_fields, :only => [:index, :facet] helper_method :has_volumes? # all the commonwealth-vlr-engine CatalogController config stuff goes here configure_blacklight do |config| #set default per-page config.default_per_page = 20 #blacklight-gallery stuff = true = [:index_header] = 'glyphicon-th-large' config.view.masonry.partials = [:index_header] config.view.slideshow.partials = [:index] # blacklight-maps stuff config.view.maps.geojson_field = 'subject_geojson_facet_ssim' config.view.maps.coordinates_field = 'subject_coordinates_geospatial' config.view.maps.placename_field = 'subject_geographic_ssim' config.view.maps.maxzoom = 13 config.view.maps.show_initial_zoom = 9 config.view.maps.facet_mode = 'geojson' # helper that returns thumbnail URLs config.index.thumbnail_method = :create_thumb_img_element # configuration for search results/index views config.index.partials = [:thumbnail, :index_header, :index] config.index.document_actions = nil # don't show bookmark control # solr field configuration for document/show views = 'title_info_primary_tsi' = 'active_fedora_model_suffix_ssi' # solr field for flagged/inappropriate content config.flagged_field = 'flagged_content_ssi' # advanced search configuration config.advanced_search = { qt: 'search', url_key: 'advanced', query_parser: 'dismax', form_solr_parameters: { 'facet.field' => ['genre_basic_ssim', 'collection_name_ssim'], 'facet.limit' => -1, # return all facet values 'facet.sort' => 'index' # sort by byte order of values } } # collection name field config.collection_field = 'collection_name_ssim' # institution name field config.institution_field = 'institution_name_ssim' # book stuff config.ocr_search_field = 'ocr_tsiv' config.page_num_field = 'page_num_label_ssi' config.default_solr_params = {:qt => 'search', :rows => 20} # solr field configuration for search results/index views config.index.title_field = 'title_info_primary_tsi' config.index.display_type_field = 'active_fedora_model_suffix_ssi' # solr fields that will be treated as facets by the blacklight application config.add_facet_field 'subject_facet_ssim', label: 'Topic', limit: 8, sort: 'count', collapse: false config.add_facet_field 'subject_geographic_ssim', label: 'Place', limit: 8, sort: 'count', collapse: false config.add_facet_field 'date_facet_ssim', label: 'Date', limit: 8, sort: 'index', collapse: false config.add_facet_field 'genre_basic_ssim', label: 'Format', limit: 8, sort: 'count', helper_method: :render_format, collapse: false config.add_facet_field 'collection_name_ssim', label: 'Collection', limit: 8, sort: 'count', collapse: false # link_to_facet fields (not in facets sidebar of search results) config.add_facet_field 'related_item_host_ssim', label: 'Collection', include_in_request: false # Collection (local) config.add_facet_field 'genre_specific_ssim', label: 'Genre', include_in_request: false config.add_facet_field 'related_item_series_ssim', label: 'Series', limit: 300, sort: 'index', include_in_request: false config.add_facet_field 'related_item_subseries_ssim', label: 'Subseries', include_in_request: false config.add_facet_field 'related_item_subsubseries_ssim', label: 'Sub-subseries', include_in_request: false config.add_facet_field 'institution_name_ssim', label: 'Institution', include_in_request: false config.add_facet_field 'name_facet_ssim', label: 'Name', include_in_request: false # facet for blacklight-maps catalog#index map view # have to use '-2' to get all values # because Blacklight::RequestBuilders#solr_facet_params adds '+1' to value config.add_facet_field 'subject_geojson_facet_ssim', limit: -2, label: 'Coordinates', show: false # solr fields to be displayed in the index (search results) view config.add_index_field 'genre_basic_ssim', label: 'Format', helper_method: :render_format_index config.add_index_field 'collection_name_ssim', label: 'Collection', helper_method: :index_collection_link config.add_index_field 'date_start_tsim', label: 'Date', helper_method: :index_date_value # "fielded" search configuration. Used by pulldown among other places. config.add_search_field('all_fields') do |field| field.label = 'All Fields' field.solr_parameters = { :'spellcheck.dictionary' => 'default' } end config.add_search_field('title') do |field| field.solr_parameters = { :'spellcheck.dictionary' => 'default' } field.solr_local_parameters = { qf: '$title_qf', pf: '$title_pf' } end config.add_search_field('subject') do |field| field.solr_parameters = { :'spellcheck.dictionary' => 'default' } field.qt = 'search' field.solr_local_parameters = { qf: '$subject_qf', pf: '$subject_pf' } end config.add_search_field('place') do |field| field.solr_parameters = { :'spellcheck.dictionary' => 'default' } field.solr_local_parameters = { qf: '$place_qf', pf: '$place_pf' } end config.add_search_field('creator') do |field| field.solr_parameters = { :'spellcheck.dictionary' => 'default' } field.solr_local_parameters = { qf: '$author_qf', pf: '$author_pf' } end # "sort results by" select (pulldown) config.add_sort_field 'score desc, title_info_primary_ssort asc', label: 'relevance' config.add_sort_field 'title_info_primary_ssort asc, date_start_dtsi asc', label: 'title' config.add_sort_field 'date_start_dtsi asc, title_info_primary_ssort asc', label: 'date (asc)' config.add_sort_field 'date_start_dtsi desc, title_info_primary_ssort asc', label: 'date (desc)' end # displays the MODS XML record. copied from blacklight-marc 'librarian_view' # for some reason won't work if not in the 'included' block def metadata_view @response, @document = fetch(params[:id]) respond_to do |format| format.html format.js { render :layout => false } end end # modify facet settings for Collections#show and Institutions#show def relation_base_blacklight_config # don't show collection facet blacklight_config.facet_fields['collection_name_ssim'].show = false blacklight_config.facet_fields['collection_name_ssim'].if = false # collapse remaining facets blacklight_config.facet_fields['subject_facet_ssim'].collapse = true blacklight_config.facet_fields['subject_geographic_ssim'].collapse = true blacklight_config.facet_fields['date_facet_ssim'].collapse = true blacklight_config.facet_fields['genre_basic_ssim'].collapse = true end end # displays values and pagination links for Format field def formats_facet @nav_li_active = 'explore' @page_title = t('blacklight.formats.page_title', :application_name => t('blacklight.application_name')) @facet = blacklight_config.facet_fields['genre_basic_ssim'] @response = get_facet_field_response(@facet.key, params) @display_facet = @response.aggregations[@facet.key] @pagination = facet_paginator(@facet, @display_facet) render :facet end # if this is 'more like this' search, solr id = params[:mlt_id] def mlt_search if params[:mlt_id] blacklight_config.search_builder_class = CommonwealthMltSearchBuilder end end # TODO: refactor how views access files/volumes/etc. def get_object_files @object_files = get_files(params[:id]) end def set_nav_context @nav_li_active = 'search' end # add institutions if configured def add_institution_fields if t('blacklight.home.browse.institutions.enabled') blacklight_config.add_facet_field 'physical_location_ssim', label: 'Institution', limit: 8, sort: 'count', collapse: false blacklight_config.add_index_field 'institution_name_ssim', label: 'Institution', helper_method: :index_institution_link end end # TODO: refactor how views access files/volumes/etc. # returns the child volumes for Book objects (if they exist) # needs to be in this module because CommonwealthVlrEngine::Finder methods aren't accessible in helpers/views def has_volumes?(document) case document[] when 'Book' volumes = get_volume_objects( else volumes = nil end volumes.presence end protected ## # When a user logs in, transfer any saved searches or bookmarks to the current_user def transfer_guest_user_actions_to_current_user return unless respond_to? :current_user and respond_to? :guest_user and current_user and guest_user current_user_searches = current_user.searches.pluck(:query_params) current_user_bookmarks = current_user.bookmarks.pluck(:document_id) guest_user.searches.reject { |s| current_user_searches.include?(s.query_params)}.each do |s| current_user.searches << s! end guest_user.bookmarks.reject { |b| current_user_bookmarks.include?(b.document_id)}.each do |b| current_user.bookmarks << b! end #Custom code to transfer over folders guest_user.folders.each do |folder| target_folder = current_user.folders.where(:title=>folder.title) if target_folder.blank? target_folder = current_user.folders.create({title: folder.title, description: folder.description, visibility: folder.visibility})! else target_folder = target_folder.first end folder.folder_items.each do |item_to_add| unless target_folder.has_folder_item(item_to_add.document_id) target_folder.folder_items.create(:document_id => item_to_add.document_id) and target_folder.touch! end end end # let guest_user know we've moved some bookmarks from under it guest_user.reload if guest_user.persisted? end end end