= drbman Support for running ruby tasks via drb (druby) on multiple cores and/or systems. Drbman provides: * the infrastructure for pushing drb servers to remote systems, * checking that gems are installed on remote systems, * starting and stopping the remote drb server(s) * cleaning up the remote system by stopping and removing drb servers == Usage An article on using drbman is available at: http://royw.wordpress.com/2009/07/15/a-manager-for-drb/ In a nut shell, write your drb server object then add: require 'drbman_server' class YourServer include DrbmanServer ... end DrbmanServer.start_service(YourServer) Next in your client app set up: choices[:hosts], choices[:dirs], choices[:run], choices[:gems] Then create a Drbman instance and use it: Drbman.new(@logger, choices) do |drbman| loop do drbman.get_object do |your_drb_server| your_drb_server.your_method end end end == Installation sudo gem install royw-drbman --source http://gems.github.com == Notes drbman uses yard comments so you can generate yard documents using: rake yardoc == Copyright Copyright (c) 2009 Roy Wright. See LICENSE for details.