# NOTE: run bin/format-filters after changing this file opal_unsupported_filter "privacy" do fails "A method definition always resets the visibility to public for nested definitions at the toplevel" # Expected NoMethodError (/private/) but no exception was raised ("nested_method_in_toplevel_method" was returned) fails "A method definition always resets the visibility to public for nested definitions in Class.new" # Expected NoMethodError (/private/) but no exception was raised ("new_def" was returned) fails "BasicObject#initialize is a private instance method" # Expected BasicObject to have private instance method 'initialize' but it does not fails "BasicObject#method_missing is a private method" # Expected BasicObject to have private instance method 'method_missing' but it does not fails "BasicObject#singleton_method_added is a private method" # Expected BasicObject to have private instance method 'singleton_method_added' but it does not fails "BasicObject#singleton_method_removed is a private method" # Expected BasicObject to have private instance method 'singleton_method_removed' but it does not fails "BasicObject#singleton_method_undefined is a private method" # Expected BasicObject to have private instance method 'singleton_method_undefined' but it does not fails "Defining a 'respond_to_missing?' method sets the method's visibility to private" # Expected DefRespondToMissingPSpec to have private instance method 'respond_to_missing?' but it does not fails "Defining a method at the top-level defines it on Object with private visibility by default" # Expected Object to have private instance method 'some_toplevel_method' but it does not fails "Defining an 'initialize' method sets the method's visibility to private" # Expected DefInitializeSpec to have private instance method 'initialize' but it does not fails "Defining an 'initialize_clone' method sets the method's visibility to private" # Expected DefInitializeCloneSpec to have private instance method 'initialize_clone' but it does not fails "Defining an 'initialize_copy' method sets the method's visibility to private" # Expected DefInitializeCopySpec to have private instance method 'initialize_copy' but it does not fails "Defining an 'initialize_dup' method sets the method's visibility to private" # Expected DefInitializeDupSpec to have private instance method 'initialize_dup' but it does not fails "DelegateClass.instance_method raises a NameError for a private instance methods of the delegated class" # Expected NameError but no exception was raised (# in ./delegate.rb:360)> was returned) fails "DelegateClass.instance_methods does not include private methods" # Expected ["extra", "extra_private", "extra_protected", "__getobj__", "__setobj__", "pub", "priv", "prot", "to_json", "guard", "guard_not", "with_feature", "without_feature", "new_fd", "new_io", "should", "should_not", "version_is", "ruby_version_is", "kernel_version_is", "suppress_warning", "suppress_keyword_warning", "should_receive", "should_not_receive", "stub!", "mock", "mock_int", "mock_numeric", "evaluate", "before", "after", "describe", "it", "it_should_behave_like", "context", "specify", "it_behaves_like", "ruby_bug", "conflicts_with", "big_endian", "little_endian", "platform_is", "platform_is_not", "quarantine!", "not_supported_on", "as_superuser", "as_real_superuser", "as_user", "argf", "argv", "new_datetime", "with_timezone", "fixture", "flunk", "cp", "mkdir_p", "rm_r", "touch", "mock_to_path", "nan_value", "infinity_value", "bignum_value", "max_long", "min_long", "fixnum_max", "fixnum_min", "ruby_exe_options", "resolve_ruby_exe", "ruby_exe", "ruby_cmd", "opal_filter", "opal_unsupported_filter", "frozen_error_class", "pack_format", "unpack_format", "DelegateClass", "expect", "eq", "pretty_print", "pretty_print_cycle", "pretty_print_instance_variables", "pretty_print_inspect", "<=>", "method", "Array", "at_exit", "caller", "caller_locations", "class", "copy_instance_variables", "copy_singleton_methods", "clone", "define_singleton_method", "dup", "enum_for", "exit", "extend", "gets", "hash", "initialize_copy", "instance_of?", "instance_variable_defined?", "instance_variable_get", "instance_variable_set", "remove_instance_variable", "instance_variables", "Integer", "Float", "Hash", "is_a?", "itself", "lambda", "load", "loop", "nil?", "printf", "proc", "puts", "p", "print", "readline", "warn", "raise", "rand", "respond_to?", "require", "require_relative", "require_tree", "singleton_class", "sleep", "srand", "String", "tap", "to_proc", "catch", "throw", "open", "yield_self", "fail", "kind_of?", "object_id", "public_send", "send", "then", "to_enum", "format", "sprintf", "Complex", "Rational", "taint", "untaint", "tainted?", "private_methods", "private_instance_methods", "protected_instance_methods", "eval", "binding", "Pathname", "require_remote", "pretty_inspect", "pp", "opal_parse", "eval_js", "BigDecimal", "initialize", "method_missing", "respond_to_missing?", "target_respond_to?", "methods", "public_methods", "protected_methods", "==", "!=", "eql?", "!", "marshal_dump", "marshal_load", "initialize_clone", "initialize_dup", "freeze", "frozen?", "__raise__", "__send__", "__id__", "equal?", "instance_eval", "instance_exec", "singleton_method_added", "singleton_method_removed", "singleton_method_undefined", "__marshal__", "module_specs_public_method_on_object", "module_specs_private_method_on_object", "module_specs_protected_method_on_object", "module_specs_private_method_on_object_for_kernel_public", "module_specs_public_method_on_object_for_kernel_protected", "module_specs_public_method_on_object_for_kernel_private", "lang_send_rest_len", "example_instance_method_of_object", "defined_specs_method", "defined_specs_receiver", "main_public_method", "main_public_method2", "main_private_method", "main_private_method2", "toplevel_define_other_method", "some_toplevel_method", "public_toplevel_method", "be_close_to_matrix", "check_autoload", "shellsplit", "shellwords", "shellescape", "shelljoin", "=~", "!~", "===", "inspect", "to_s", "module_specs_public_method_on_kernel", "module_specs_alias_on_kernel"] not to include "priv" fails "DelegateClass.private_instance_methods includes private instance methods of the DelegateClass class" # Expected [] to include "extra_private" fails "DelegateClass.protected_instance_methods includes protected instance methods of the DelegateClass class" # Expected [] to include "extra_protected" fails "DelegateClass.protected_instance_methods includes the protected methods of the delegated class" # Expected [] to include "prot" fails "DelegateClass.public_instance_methods does not include private methods" # Expected ["extra", "extra_private", "extra_protected", "__getobj__", "__setobj__", "pub", "priv", "prot", "to_json", "guard", "guard_not", "with_feature", "without_feature", "new_fd", "new_io", "should", "should_not", "version_is", "ruby_version_is", "kernel_version_is", "suppress_warning", "suppress_keyword_warning", "should_receive", "should_not_receive", "stub!", "mock", "mock_int", "mock_numeric", "evaluate", "before", "after", "describe", "it", "it_should_behave_like", "context", "specify", "it_behaves_like", "ruby_bug", "conflicts_with", "big_endian", "little_endian", "platform_is", "platform_is_not", "quarantine!", "not_supported_on", "as_superuser", "as_real_superuser", "as_user", "argf", "argv", "new_datetime", "with_timezone", "fixture", "flunk", "cp", "mkdir_p", "rm_r", "touch", "mock_to_path", "nan_value", "infinity_value", "bignum_value", "max_long", "min_long", "fixnum_max", "fixnum_min", "ruby_exe_options", "resolve_ruby_exe", "ruby_exe", "ruby_cmd", "opal_filter", "opal_unsupported_filter", "frozen_error_class", "pack_format", "unpack_format", "DelegateClass", "expect", "eq", "pretty_print", "pretty_print_cycle", "pretty_print_instance_variables", "pretty_print_inspect", "<=>", "method", "Array", "at_exit", "caller", "caller_locations", "class", "copy_instance_variables", "copy_singleton_methods", "clone", "define_singleton_method", "dup", "enum_for", "exit", "extend", "gets", "hash", "initialize_copy", "instance_of?", "instance_variable_defined?", "instance_variable_get", "instance_variable_set", "remove_instance_variable", "instance_variables", "Integer", "Float", "Hash", "is_a?", "itself", "lambda", "load", "loop", "nil?", "printf", "proc", "puts", "p", "print", "readline", "warn", "raise", "rand", "respond_to?", "require", "require_relative", "require_tree", "singleton_class", "sleep", "srand", "String", "tap", "to_proc", "catch", "throw", "open", "yield_self", "fail", "kind_of?", "object_id", "public_send", "send", "then", "to_enum", "format", "sprintf", "Complex", "Rational", "taint", "untaint", "tainted?", "private_methods", "private_instance_methods", "protected_instance_methods", "eval", "binding", "Pathname", "require_remote", "pretty_inspect", "pp", "opal_parse", "eval_js", "BigDecimal", "initialize", "method_missing", "respond_to_missing?", "target_respond_to?", "methods", "public_methods", "protected_methods", "==", "!=", "eql?", "!", "marshal_dump", "marshal_load", "initialize_clone", "initialize_dup", "freeze", "frozen?", "__raise__", "__send__", "__id__", "equal?", "instance_eval", "instance_exec", "singleton_method_added", "singleton_method_removed", "singleton_method_undefined", "__marshal__", "module_specs_public_method_on_object", "module_specs_private_method_on_object", "module_specs_protected_method_on_object", "module_specs_private_method_on_object_for_kernel_public", "module_specs_public_method_on_object_for_kernel_protected", "module_specs_public_method_on_object_for_kernel_private", "lang_send_rest_len", "example_instance_method_of_object", "defined_specs_method", "defined_specs_receiver", "main_public_method", "main_public_method2", "main_private_method", "main_private_method2", "toplevel_define_other_method", "some_toplevel_method", "public_toplevel_method", "be_close_to_matrix", "check_autoload", "shellsplit", "shellwords", "shellescape", "shelljoin", "=~", "!~", "===", "inspect", "to_s", "module_specs_public_method_on_kernel", "module_specs_alias_on_kernel"] not to include "priv" fails "DelegateClass.public_instance_methods does not include the protected methods of the delegated class" # Expected ["extra", "extra_private", "extra_protected", "__getobj__", "__setobj__", "pub", "priv", "prot", "to_json", "guard", "guard_not", "with_feature", "without_feature", "new_fd", "new_io", "should", "should_not", "version_is", "ruby_version_is", "kernel_version_is", "suppress_warning", "suppress_keyword_warning", "should_receive", "should_not_receive", "stub!", "mock", "mock_int", "mock_numeric", "evaluate", "before", "after", "describe", "it", "it_should_behave_like", "context", "specify", "it_behaves_like", "ruby_bug", "conflicts_with", "big_endian", "little_endian", "platform_is", "platform_is_not", "quarantine!", "not_supported_on", "as_superuser", "as_real_superuser", "as_user", "argf", "argv", "new_datetime", "with_timezone", "fixture", "flunk", "cp", "mkdir_p", "rm_r", "touch", "mock_to_path", "nan_value", "infinity_value", "bignum_value", "max_long", "min_long", "fixnum_max", "fixnum_min", "ruby_exe_options", "resolve_ruby_exe", "ruby_exe", "ruby_cmd", "opal_filter", "opal_unsupported_filter", "frozen_error_class", "pack_format", "unpack_format", "DelegateClass", "expect", "eq", "pretty_print", "pretty_print_cycle", "pretty_print_instance_variables", "pretty_print_inspect", "<=>", "method", "Array", "at_exit", "caller", "caller_locations", "class", "copy_instance_variables", "copy_singleton_methods", "clone", "define_singleton_method", "dup", "enum_for", "exit", "extend", "gets", "hash", "initialize_copy", "instance_of?", "instance_variable_defined?", "instance_variable_get", "instance_variable_set", "remove_instance_variable", "instance_variables", "Integer", "Float", "Hash", "is_a?", "itself", "lambda", "load", "loop", "nil?", "printf", "proc", "puts", "p", "print", "readline", "warn", "raise", "rand", "respond_to?", "require", "require_relative", "require_tree", "singleton_class", "sleep", "srand", "String", "tap", "to_proc", "catch", "throw", "open", "yield_self", "fail", "kind_of?", "object_id", "public_send", "send", "then", "to_enum", "format", "sprintf", "Complex", "Rational", "taint", "untaint", "tainted?", "private_methods", "private_instance_methods", "protected_instance_methods", "eval", "binding", "Pathname", "require_remote", "pretty_inspect", "pp", "opal_parse", "eval_js", "BigDecimal", "initialize", "method_missing", "respond_to_missing?", "target_respond_to?", "methods", "public_methods", "protected_methods", "==", "!=", "eql?", "!", "marshal_dump", "marshal_load", "initialize_clone", "initialize_dup", "freeze", "frozen?", "__raise__", "__send__", "__id__", "equal?", "instance_eval", "instance_exec", "singleton_method_added", "singleton_method_removed", "singleton_method_undefined", "__marshal__", "module_specs_public_method_on_object", "module_specs_private_method_on_object", "module_specs_protected_method_on_object", "module_specs_private_method_on_object_for_kernel_public", "module_specs_public_method_on_object_for_kernel_protected", "module_specs_public_method_on_object_for_kernel_private", "lang_send_rest_len", "example_instance_method_of_object", "defined_specs_method", "defined_specs_receiver", "main_public_method", "main_public_method2", "main_private_method", "main_private_method2", "toplevel_define_other_method", "some_toplevel_method", "public_toplevel_method", "be_close_to_matrix", "check_autoload", "shellsplit", "shellwords", "shellescape", "shelljoin", "=~", "!~", "===", "inspect", "to_s", "module_specs_public_method_on_kernel", "module_specs_alias_on_kernel"] not to include "prot" fails "Delegator#method raises a NameError for a private methods of the delegate object" # Expected warning to match: /delegator does not forward private method #priv/ but got: "" fails "Delegator#method raises a NameError for protected methods of the delegate object" # Expected warning to match: /delegator does not forward private method #prot/ but got: "" fails "Delegator#method returns a method object for private methods of the Delegator class" # NameError: undefined method `extra_private' for class `DelegateSpecs::Simple' fails "Delegator#method returns a method object for protected methods of the Delegator class" # NameError: undefined method `extra_protected' for class `DelegateSpecs::Simple' fails "Delegator#method returns a method object for public methods of the Delegator class" # NameError: undefined method `extra' for class `DelegateSpecs::Simple' fails "Delegator#methods does not include private methods" # Expected ["singleton_method", "pub", "respond_to_missing?", "method_missing", "priv", "prot", "to_json", "guard", "guard_not", "with_feature", "without_feature", "new_fd", "new_io", "should", "should_not", "version_is", "ruby_version_is", "kernel_version_is", "suppress_warning", "suppress_keyword_warning", "should_receive", "should_not_receive", "stub!", "mock", "mock_int", "mock_numeric", "evaluate", "before", "after", "describe", "it", "it_should_behave_like", "context", "specify", "it_behaves_like", "ruby_bug", "conflicts_with", "big_endian", "little_endian", "platform_is", "platform_is_not", "quarantine!", "not_supported_on", "as_superuser", "as_real_superuser", "as_user", "argf", "argv", "new_datetime", "with_timezone", "fixture", "flunk", "cp", "mkdir_p", "rm_r", "touch", "mock_to_path", "nan_value", "infinity_value", "bignum_value", "max_long", "min_long", "fixnum_max", "fixnum_min", "ruby_exe_options", "resolve_ruby_exe", "ruby_exe", "ruby_cmd", "opal_filter", "opal_unsupported_filter", "frozen_error_class", "pack_format", "unpack_format", "DelegateClass", "module_specs_public_method_on_object", "module_specs_private_method_on_object", "module_specs_protected_method_on_object", "module_specs_private_method_on_object_for_kernel_public", "module_specs_public_method_on_object_for_kernel_protected", "module_specs_public_method_on_object_for_kernel_private", "lang_send_rest_len", "example_instance_method_of_object", "defined_specs_method", "defined_specs_receiver", "main_public_method", "main_public_method2", "main_private_method", "main_private_method2", "toplevel_define_other_method", "some_toplevel_method", "public_toplevel_method", "be_close_to_matrix", "shellsplit", "shellwords", "shellescape", "shelljoin", "expect", "eq", "pretty_print", "pretty_print_cycle", "pretty_print_instance_variables", "pretty_print_inspect", "=~", "!~", "===", "<=>", "method", "methods", "public_methods", "Array", "at_exit", "caller", "caller_locations", "class", "copy_instance_variables", "copy_singleton_methods", "clone", "initialize_clone", "define_singleton_method", "dup", "initialize_dup", "enum_for", "equal?", "exit", "extend", "freeze", "frozen?", "gets", "hash", "initialize_copy", "inspect", "instance_of?", "instance_variable_defined?", "instance_variable_get", "instance_variable_set", "remove_instance_variable", "instance_variables", "Integer", "Float", "Hash", "is_a?", "itself", "lambda", "load", "loop", "nil?", "printf", "proc", "puts", "p", "print", "readline", "warn", "raise", "rand", "respond_to?", "require", "require_relative", "require_tree", "singleton_class", "sleep", "srand", "String", "tap", "to_proc", "to_s", "catch", "throw", "open", "yield_self", "fail", "kind_of?", "object_id", "public_send", "send", "then", "to_enum", "format", "sprintf", "Complex", "Rational", "taint", "untaint", "tainted?", "private_methods", "protected_methods", "private_instance_methods", "protected_instance_methods", "eval", "binding", "Pathname", "require_remote", "pretty_inspect", "pp", "opal_parse", "eval_js", "BigDecimal", "module_specs_public_method_on_kernel", "module_specs_alias_on_kernel", "__send__", "__id__", "==", "!", "initialize", "eql?", "!=", "instance_eval", "instance_exec", "singleton_method_added", "singleton_method_removed", "singleton_method_undefined", "__marshal__"] not to include "priv" fails "Delegator#private_methods includes all private instance methods of the Delegate class" # Expected [] to include "extra_private" fails "Delegator#protected_methods includes protected instance methods of the Delegator class" # Expected [] to include "extra_protected" fails "Delegator#protected_methods includes protected methods of the delegate object" # Expected [] to include "prot" fails "Delegator#public_methods includes public instance methods of the Delegator class" # Expected ["pub", "respond_to_missing?", "method_missing", "priv", "prot", "to_json", "guard", "guard_not", "with_feature", "without_feature", "new_fd", "new_io", "should", "should_not", "version_is", "ruby_version_is", "kernel_version_is", "suppress_warning", "suppress_keyword_warning", "should_receive", "should_not_receive", "stub!", "mock", "mock_int", "mock_numeric", "evaluate", "before", "after", "describe", "it", "it_should_behave_like", "context", "specify", "it_behaves_like", "ruby_bug", "conflicts_with", "big_endian", "little_endian", "platform_is", "platform_is_not", "quarantine!", "not_supported_on", "as_superuser", "as_real_superuser", "as_user", "argf", "argv", "new_datetime", "with_timezone", "fixture", "flunk", "cp", "mkdir_p", "rm_r", "touch", "mock_to_path", "nan_value", "infinity_value", "bignum_value", "max_long", "min_long", "fixnum_max", "fixnum_min", "ruby_exe_options", "resolve_ruby_exe", "ruby_exe", "ruby_cmd", "opal_filter", "opal_unsupported_filter", "frozen_error_class", "pack_format", "unpack_format", "DelegateClass", "module_specs_public_method_on_object", "module_specs_private_method_on_object", "module_specs_protected_method_on_object", "module_specs_private_method_on_object_for_kernel_public", "module_specs_public_method_on_object_for_kernel_protected", "module_specs_public_method_on_object_for_kernel_private", "lang_send_rest_len", "expect", "eq", "pretty_print", "pretty_print_cycle", "pretty_print_instance_variables", "pretty_print_inspect", "=~", "!~", "===", "<=>", "method", "methods", "public_methods", "Array", "at_exit", "caller", "caller_locations", "class", "copy_instance_variables", "copy_singleton_methods", "clone", "initialize_clone", "define_singleton_method", "dup", "initialize_dup", "enum_for", "equal?", "exit", "extend", "freeze", "frozen?", "gets", "hash", "initialize_copy", "inspect", "instance_of?", "instance_variable_defined?", "instance_variable_get", "instance_variable_set", "remove_instance_variable", "instance_variables", "Integer", "Float", "Hash", "is_a?", "itself", "lambda", "load", "loop", "nil?", "printf", "proc", "puts", "p", "print", "readline", "warn", "raise", "rand", "respond_to?", "require", "require_relative", "require_tree", "singleton_class", "sleep", "srand", "String", "tap", "to_proc", "to_s", "catch", "throw", "open", "yield_self", "fail", "kind_of?", "object_id", "public_send", "send", "then", "to_enum", "format", "sprintf", "Complex", "Rational", "taint", "untaint", "tainted?", "private_methods", "protected_methods", "private_instance_methods", "protected_instance_methods", "eval", "binding", "Pathname", "require_remote", "pretty_inspect", "pp", "opal_parse", "eval_js", "BigDecimal", "module_specs_public_method_on_kernel", "module_specs_alias_on_kernel", "__send__", "__id__", "==", "!", "initialize", "eql?", "!=", "instance_eval", "instance_exec", "singleton_method_added", "singleton_method_removed", "singleton_method_undefined"] to include "extra" fails "Enumerator#initialize is a private method" # Expected Enumerator to have private instance method 'initialize' but it does not fails "Enumerator::Chain#initialize is a private method" # Expected Enumerator::Chain to have private instance method 'initialize' but it does not fails "Enumerator::Generator#initialize is a private method" # Expected Enumerator::Generator to have private instance method 'initialize' but it does not fails "Enumerator::Lazy#initialize is a private method" # Expected Enumerator::Lazy to have private instance method 'initialize' but it does not fails "Enumerator::Yielder#initialize is a private method" # Expected Enumerator::Yielder to have private instance method 'initialize' but it does not fails "Kernel#Pathname is a private instance method" # Expected Kernel to have private instance method 'Pathname' but it does not fails "Kernel#block_given? is a private method" # Expected Kernel to have private instance method 'block_given?' but it does not fails "Kernel#eval is a private method" # Expected Kernel to have private instance method 'eval' but it does not fails "Kernel#initialize_clone is a private instance method" # Expected Kernel to have private instance method 'initialize_clone' but it does not fails "Kernel#initialize_dup is a private instance method" # Expected Kernel to have private instance method 'initialize_dup' but it does not fails "Kernel#local_variables is a private method" # Expected Kernel to have private instance method 'local_variables' but it does not fails "Kernel#p is a private method" # Expected Kernel to have private instance method 'p' but it does not fails "Kernel#print is a private method" # Expected Kernel to have private instance method 'print' but it does not fails "Kernel#printf is a private method" # Expected Kernel to have private instance method 'printf' but it does not fails "Kernel#private_methods returns a list of the names of privately accessible methods in the object and its ancestors and mixed-in modules" # Expected [] to include "shichi" fails "Kernel#private_methods returns a list of the names of privately accessible methods in the object" # Expected [] to include "shichi" fails "Kernel#private_methods returns private methods mixed in to the metaclass" # Expected [] to include "shoo" fails "Kernel#private_methods when not passed an argument returns a unique list for a class including a module" # Expected [] == ["pri"] to be truthy but was false fails "Kernel#private_methods when not passed an argument returns a unique list for a subclass of a class that includes a module" # Expected [] == ["pri"] to be truthy but was false fails "Kernel#private_methods when not passed an argument returns a unique list for an object extended by a module" # Expected [] == ["pri"] to be truthy but was false fails "Kernel#private_methods when passed false returns a list of private methods in without its ancestors" # Expected [] == ["ds_pri", "fs_pri"] to be truthy but was false fails "Kernel#private_methods when passed nil returns a list of private methods in without its ancestors" # Expected [] == ["ds_pri", "fs_pri"] to be truthy but was false fails "Kernel#private_methods when passed true returns a unique list for a class including a module" # Expected [] == ["pri"] to be truthy but was false fails "Kernel#private_methods when passed true returns a unique list for a subclass of a class that includes a module" # Expected [] == ["pri"] to be truthy but was false fails "Kernel#private_methods when passed true returns a unique list for an object extended by a module" # Expected [] == ["pri"] to be truthy but was false fails "Kernel#protected_methods returns a list of the names of protected methods accessible in the object and from its ancestors and mixed-in modules" # Expected [] to include "juu_ichi" fails "Kernel#protected_methods returns a list of the names of protected methods accessible in the object" # Expected [] to include "juu_ichi" fails "Kernel#protected_methods returns methods mixed in to the metaclass" # Expected [] to include "nopeeking" fails "Kernel#protected_methods when not passed an argument returns a unique list for a class including a module" # Expected [] == ["pro"] to be truthy but was false fails "Kernel#protected_methods when not passed an argument returns a unique list for a subclass of a class that includes a module" # Expected [] == ["pro"] to be truthy but was false fails "Kernel#protected_methods when not passed an argument returns a unique list for an object extended by a module" # Expected [] == ["pro"] to be truthy but was false fails "Kernel#protected_methods when passed false returns a list of protected methods in without its ancestors" # Expected [] == ["ds_pro", "fs_pro"] to be truthy but was false fails "Kernel#protected_methods when passed nil returns a list of protected methods in without its ancestors" # Expected [] == ["ds_pro", "fs_pro"] to be truthy but was false fails "Kernel#protected_methods when passed true returns a unique list for a class including a module" # Expected [] == ["pro"] to be truthy but was false fails "Kernel#protected_methods when passed true returns a unique list for a subclass of a class that includes a module" # Expected [] == ["pro"] to be truthy but was false fails "Kernel#protected_methods when passed true returns a unique list for an object extended by a module" # Expected [] == ["pro"] to be truthy but was false fails "Kernel#public_send called from own public method raises a NoMethodError if the method is private" # Expected NoMethodError but got: RuntimeError (Should not called) fails "Kernel#public_send called from own public method raises a NoMethodError if the method is protected" # Expected NoMethodError but got: RuntimeError (Should not called) fails "Kernel#public_send raises a NoMethodError if the method is protected" # Expected NoMethodError but no exception was raised ("done" was returned) fails "Kernel#public_send raises a NoMethodError if the named method is an alias of a private method" # Expected NoMethodError but no exception was raised ("done2" was returned) fails "Kernel#public_send raises a NoMethodError if the named method is an alias of a protected method" # Expected NoMethodError but no exception was raised ("done2" was returned) fails "Kernel#public_send raises a NoMethodError if the named method is private" # Expected NoMethodError but no exception was raised ("done2" was returned) fails "Kernel#puts is a private method" # NoMethodError: undefined method `tmp' for # @tty=true>> fails "Kernel#respond_to? does not change method visibility when finding private method" # Expected true == false to be truthy but was false fails "Kernel#respond_to? returns false even if obj responds to the given private method (include_private = false)" # Expected true == false to be truthy but was false fails "Kernel#respond_to? returns false if obj responds to the given private method" # Expected true == false to be truthy but was false fails "Kernel#respond_to? returns false if obj responds to the given protected method (include_private = false)" # Expected true == false to be truthy but was false fails "Kernel#respond_to? returns false if obj responds to the given protected method" # Expected true == false to be truthy but was false fails "Kernel#respond_to_missing? is a private method" # Expected Kernel to have private instance method 'respond_to_missing?' but it does not fails "Kernel#respond_to_missing? is called when obj responds to the given private method, include_private = false" # Mock '#' expected to receive respond_to_missing?("private_method", false) exactly 1 times but received it 0 times fails "Kernel#respond_to_missing? is called when obj responds to the given protected method, include_private = false" # Expected true to be false fails "Kernel#singleton_methods when not passed an argument does not return private class methods for a class" # NoMethodError: undefined method `singleton_methods' for ReflectSpecs::A fails "Kernel#singleton_methods when not passed an argument does not return private inherited singleton methods for a class including a module" # NoMethodError: undefined method `singleton_methods' for ReflectSpecs::D fails "Kernel#singleton_methods when not passed an argument does not return private inherited singleton methods for a module including a module" # NoMethodError: undefined method `singleton_methods' for ReflectSpecs::N fails "Kernel#singleton_methods when not passed an argument does not return private inherited singleton methods for a subclass including a module" # NoMethodError: undefined method `singleton_methods' for ReflectSpecs::C fails "Kernel#singleton_methods when not passed an argument does not return private inherited singleton methods for a subclass of a class including a module" # NoMethodError: undefined method `singleton_methods' for ReflectSpecs::E fails "Kernel#singleton_methods when not passed an argument does not return private inherited singleton methods for a subclass of a class that includes a module, where the subclass also includes a module" # NoMethodError: undefined method `singleton_methods' for ReflectSpecs::F fails "Kernel#singleton_methods when not passed an argument does not return private inherited singleton methods for a subclass" # NoMethodError: undefined method `singleton_methods' for ReflectSpecs::B fails "Kernel#singleton_methods when not passed an argument does not return private module methods for a module" # NoMethodError: undefined method `singleton_methods' for ReflectSpecs::M fails "Kernel#singleton_methods when not passed an argument does not return private singleton methods for a class extended with a module" # NoMethodError: undefined method `singleton_methods' for ReflectSpecs::P fails "Kernel#singleton_methods when not passed an argument does not return private singleton methods for an object extended with a module" # NoMethodError: undefined method `singleton_methods' for # fails "Kernel#singleton_methods when not passed an argument does not return private singleton methods for an object extended with two modules" # NoMethodError: undefined method `singleton_methods' for # fails "Kernel#singleton_methods when passed false does not return private class methods for a class" # NoMethodError: undefined method `singleton_methods' for ReflectSpecs::A fails "Kernel#singleton_methods when passed false does not return private inherited singleton methods for a class including a module" # NoMethodError: undefined method `singleton_methods' for ReflectSpecs::D fails "Kernel#singleton_methods when passed false does not return private inherited singleton methods for a module including a module" # NoMethodError: undefined method `singleton_methods' for ReflectSpecs::N fails "Kernel#singleton_methods when passed false does not return private inherited singleton methods for a subclass including a module" # NoMethodError: undefined method `singleton_methods' for ReflectSpecs::C fails "Kernel#singleton_methods when passed false does not return private inherited singleton methods for a subclass of a class including a module" # NoMethodError: undefined method `singleton_methods' for ReflectSpecs::E fails "Kernel#singleton_methods when passed false does not return private inherited singleton methods for a subclass of a class that includes a module, where the subclass also includes a module" # NoMethodError: undefined method `singleton_methods' for ReflectSpecs::F fails "Kernel#singleton_methods when passed false does not return private inherited singleton methods for a subclass" # NoMethodError: undefined method `singleton_methods' for ReflectSpecs::B fails "Kernel#singleton_methods when passed false does not return private module methods for a module" # NoMethodError: undefined method `singleton_methods' for ReflectSpecs::M fails "Kernel#singleton_methods when passed false does not return private singleton methods for a class extended with a module" # NoMethodError: undefined method `singleton_methods' for ReflectSpecs::P fails "Kernel#singleton_methods when passed false does not return private singleton methods for an object extended with a module" # NoMethodError: undefined method `singleton_methods' for # fails "Kernel#singleton_methods when passed false does not return private singleton methods for an object extended with two modules" # NoMethodError: undefined method `singleton_methods' for # fails "Kernel#singleton_methods when passed true does not return private class methods for a class" # NoMethodError: undefined method `singleton_methods' for ReflectSpecs::A fails "Kernel#singleton_methods when passed true does not return private inherited singleton methods for a class including a module" # NoMethodError: undefined method `singleton_methods' for ReflectSpecs::D fails "Kernel#singleton_methods when passed true does not return private inherited singleton methods for a module including a module" # NoMethodError: undefined method `singleton_methods' for ReflectSpecs::N fails "Kernel#singleton_methods when passed true does not return private inherited singleton methods for a subclass including a module" # NoMethodError: undefined method `singleton_methods' for ReflectSpecs::C fails "Kernel#singleton_methods when passed true does not return private inherited singleton methods for a subclass of a class including a module" # NoMethodError: undefined method `singleton_methods' for ReflectSpecs::E fails "Kernel#singleton_methods when passed true does not return private inherited singleton methods for a subclass of a class that includes a module, where the subclass also includes a module" # NoMethodError: undefined method `singleton_methods' for ReflectSpecs::F fails "Kernel#singleton_methods when passed true does not return private inherited singleton methods for a subclass" # NoMethodError: undefined method `singleton_methods' for ReflectSpecs::B fails "Kernel#singleton_methods when passed true does not return private module methods for a module" # NoMethodError: undefined method `singleton_methods' for ReflectSpecs::M fails "Kernel#singleton_methods when passed true does not return private singleton methods for a class extended with a module" # NoMethodError: undefined method `singleton_methods' for ReflectSpecs::P fails "Kernel#singleton_methods when passed true does not return private singleton methods for an object extended with a module" # NoMethodError: undefined method `singleton_methods' for # fails "Kernel#singleton_methods when passed true does not return private singleton methods for an object extended with two modules" # NoMethodError: undefined method `singleton_methods' for # fails "Kernel.global_variables is a private method" # Expected Kernel to have private instance method 'global_variables' but it does not fails "Kernel.lambda is a private method" # Expected Kernel to have private instance method 'lambda' but it does not fails "Kernel.loop is a private method" # Expected Kernel to have private instance method 'loop' but it does not fails "Kernel.proc is a private method" # Expected Kernel to have private instance method 'proc' but it does not fails "Method#== missing methods calls respond_to_missing? with true to include private methods" # Mock '#' expected to receive respond_to_missing?("some_missing_method", true) exactly 1 times but received it 0 times fails "Method#eql? missing methods calls respond_to_missing? with true to include private methods" # Mock '#' expected to receive respond_to_missing?("some_missing_method", true) exactly 1 times but received it 0 times fails "Module#alias_method aliasing special methods keeps initialize private when aliasing" # Expected false to be true fails "Module#alias_method aliasing special methods keeps initialize_clone private when aliasing" # Expected false to be true fails "Module#alias_method aliasing special methods keeps initialize_copy private when aliasing" # Expected false to be true fails "Module#alias_method aliasing special methods keeps initialize_dup private when aliasing" # Expected false to be true fails "Module#alias_method aliasing special methods keeps respond_to_missing? private when aliasing" # Expected false to be true fails "Module#append_features is a private method" # Expected Module to have private instance method 'append_features' but it does not fails "Module#define_method when given an UnboundMethod sets the new method's visibility to the current frame's visibility" # Expected NoMethodError but no exception was raised ("piggy" was returned) fails "Module#define_method when name is :initialize given an UnboundMethod sets the visibility to private when method is named :initialize" # Expected # to have private instance method 'initialize' but it does not fails "Module#define_method when name is :initialize passed a block sets visibility to private when method name is :initialize" # Expected # to have private instance method 'initialize' but it does not fails "Module#define_method when name is not a special private name given an UnboundMethod and called from the target module sets the visibility of the method to the current visibility" # Expected # to have private instance method 'baz' but it does not fails "Module#define_method when name is not a special private name passed a block and called from the target module sets the visibility of the method to the current visibility" # Expected # to have private instance method 'baz' but it does not fails "Module#extend_object is a private method" # Expected Module to have private instance method 'extend_object' but it does not fails "Module#extended is private in its default implementation" # Expected [] to include "extended" fails "Module#included is private in its default implementation" # Expected Module to have private instance method 'included' but it does not fails "Module#instance_methods makes a private Object instance method public in Kernel" # Expected ["=~", "!~", "===", "<=>", "method", "methods", "public_methods", "Array", "at_exit", "caller", "caller_locations", "class", "copy_instance_variables", "copy_singleton_methods", "clone", "initialize_clone", "define_singleton_method", "dup", "initialize_dup", "enum_for", "equal?", "exit", "extend", "freeze", "frozen?", "gets", "hash", "initialize_copy", "inspect", "instance_of?", "instance_variable_defined?", "instance_variable_get", "instance_variable_set", "remove_instance_variable", "instance_variables", "Integer", "Float", "Hash", "is_a?", "itself", "lambda", "load", "loop", "nil?", "printf", "proc", "puts", "p", "print", "readline", "warn", "raise", "rand", "respond_to?", "respond_to_missing?", "require", "require_relative", "require_tree", "singleton_class", "sleep", "srand", "String", "tap", "to_proc", "to_s", "catch", "throw", "open", "yield_self", "fail", "kind_of?", "object_id", "public_send", "send", "then", "to_enum", "format", "sprintf", "Complex", "Rational", "taint", "untaint", "tainted?", "private_methods", "protected_methods", "private_instance_methods", "protected_instance_methods", "eval", "binding", "Pathname", "require_remote", "pretty_inspect", "pp", "opal_parse", "eval_js", "BigDecimal", "module_specs_public_method_on_kernel", "module_specs_alias_on_kernel"] to include "module_specs_private_method_on_object_for_kernel_public" fails "Module#method_added is a private instance method" # Expected Module to have private instance method 'method_added' but it does not fails "Module#method_removed is a private instance method" # Expected Module to have private instance method 'method_removed' but it does not fails "Module#method_undefined is a private instance method" # Expected Module to have private instance method 'method_undefined' but it does not fails "Module#module_function is a private method" # Expected Module to have private instance method 'module_function' but it does not fails "Module#module_function with specific method names can make accessible private methods" # Exception: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'displayName') fails "Module#module_function with specific method names makes the instance methods private" # Expected true == false to be truthy but was false fails "Module#prepend_features is a private method" # Expected Module to have private instance method 'prepend_features' but it does not fails "Module#prepended is a private method" # Expected Module to have private instance method 'prepended' but it does not fails "Module#private is a private method" # Expected Module to have private instance method 'private' but it does not fails "Module#private makes a public Object instance method private in Kernel" # Expected Kernel to have private instance method 'module_specs_public_method_on_object_for_kernel_private' but it does not fails "Module#private makes a public Object instance method private in a new module" # Expected # to have private instance method 'module_specs_public_method_on_object' but it does not fails "Module#private makes the target method uncallable from other types" # Expected NoMethodError but no exception was raised (true was returned) fails "Module#private only makes the method private in the class it is called on" # Expected NameError but no exception was raised (2 was returned) fails "Module#private raises a NameError when given an undefined name" # Expected NameError but no exception was raised ("undefined" was returned) fails "Module#private without arguments affects evaled method definitions when itself is outside the eval" # Expected # to have private instance method 'test1' but it does not fails "Module#private without arguments affects normally if itself and following method definitions are inside a eval" # Expected # to have private instance method 'test1' but it does not fails "Module#private without arguments affects normally if itself and method definitions are inside a module_eval" # Expected # to have private instance method 'test1' but it does not fails "Module#private without arguments continues setting visibility if the body encounters other visibility setters with arguments" # Expected # to have private instance method 'test2' but it does not fails "Module#private without arguments sets visibility to following method definitions" # Expected # to have private instance method 'test1' but it does not fails "Module#private without arguments stops setting visibility if the body encounters other visibility setters without arguments" # Expected # to have protected instance method 'test1' but it does not fails "Module#private without arguments within a closure sets the visibility outside the closure" # Expected # to have private instance method 'test1' but it does not fails "Module#private_class_method accepts more than one method at a time" # Expected NoMethodError but no exception was raised (nil was returned) fails "Module#private_class_method makes a class method private" # Expected NoMethodError but no exception was raised ("foo" was returned) fails "Module#private_class_method makes an existing class method private up the inheritance tree" # Expected NoMethodError but no exception was raised (nil was returned) fails "Module#private_class_method makes an existing class method private" # Expected NoMethodError but no exception was raised (nil was returned) fails "Module#private_class_method raises a NameError if class method doesn't exist" # Expected NameError but no exception was raised ("no_method_here" was returned) fails "Module#private_class_method raises a NameError when the given name is an instance method" # Expected NameError but no exception was raised (# was returned) fails "Module#private_class_method raises a NameError when the given name is not a method" # Expected NameError but no exception was raised (# was returned) fails "Module#private_constant accepts multiple names" # Expected NameError but no exception was raised (true was returned) fails "Module#private_constant accepts strings as constant names" # Expected NameError but no exception was raised (true was returned) fails "Module#private_constant can only be passed constant names defined in the target (self) module" # Expected NameError but no exception was raised (nil was returned) fails "Module#private_constant marked constants NameError by #private_constant has :receiver and :name attributes" # Expected NameError but no exception was raised (true was returned) fails "Module#private_constant marked constants NameError by #private_constant has the defined class as the :name attribute" # Expected NameError but no exception was raised (true was returned) fails "Module#private_constant marked constants in Object cannot be accessed using ::Const form" # Expected NameError but no exception was raised (true was returned) fails "Module#private_constant marked constants in Object is not defined? using ::Const form" # Expected "constant" == nil to be truthy but was false fails "Module#private_constant marked constants in a class cannot be accessed from outside the class" # Expected NameError but no exception was raised (true was returned) fails "Module#private_constant marked constants in a class cannot be reopened as a class" # Expected NameError but no exception was raised (nil was returned) fails "Module#private_constant marked constants in a class cannot be reopened as a module" # Expected NameError but no exception was raised (nil was returned) fails "Module#private_constant marked constants in a class is not defined? with A::B form" # Expected "constant" == nil to be truthy but was false fails "Module#private_constant marked constants in a module cannot be accessed from outside the module" # Expected NameError but no exception was raised (true was returned) fails "Module#private_constant marked constants in a module cannot be reopened as a class from scope where constant would be private" # Expected NameError but no exception was raised (nil was returned) fails "Module#private_constant marked constants in a module cannot be reopened as a module from scope where constant would be private" # Expected NameError but no exception was raised (nil was returned) fails "Module#private_constant marked constants in a module is not defined? with A::B form" # Expected "constant" == nil to be truthy but was false fails "Module#private_constant marked constants remain private even when updated" # Expected warning to match: /already initialized constant/ but got: "" fails "Module#private_instance_methods returns a list of private methods in module and its ancestors" # Expected ModuleSpecs::CountsMixin to have private instance method 'private_3' but it does not fails "Module#private_instance_methods when not passed an argument returns a unique list for a class including a module" # Expected [] == ["pri"] to be truthy but was false fails "Module#private_instance_methods when not passed an argument returns a unique list for a subclass" # Expected [] == ["pri"] to be truthy but was false fails "Module#private_instance_methods when passed false as a parameter, should return only methods defined in that module" # Expected ModuleSpecs::CountsMixin to have private instance method 'private_3' but it does not fails "Module#private_instance_methods when passed true returns a unique list for a class including a module" # Expected [] == ["pri"] to be truthy but was false fails "Module#private_instance_methods when passed true returns a unique list for a subclass" # Expected [] == ["pri"] to be truthy but was false fails "Module#private_method_defined? accepts symbols for the method name" # Expected false == true to be truthy but was false fails "Module#private_method_defined? calls #to_str to convert an Object" # Expected false == true to be truthy but was false fails "Module#private_method_defined? raises a TypeError if passed an object that defines #to_sym" # Expected TypeError but no exception was raised (false was returned) fails "Module#private_method_defined? raises a TypeError if passed an object that does not defined #to_str" # Expected TypeError but no exception was raised (false was returned) fails "Module#private_method_defined? raises a TypeError if passed false" # Expected TypeError but no exception was raised (false was returned) fails "Module#private_method_defined? raises a TypeError if passed nil" # Expected TypeError but no exception was raised (false was returned) fails "Module#private_method_defined? returns true if the named private method is defined by module or its ancestors" # Expected false == true to be truthy but was false fails "Module#protected is a private method" # Expected Module to have private instance method 'protected' but it does not fails "Module#protected makes a public Object instance method protected in Kernel" # Expected Kernel to have protected instance method 'module_specs_public_method_on_object_for_kernel_protected' but it does not fails "Module#protected makes a public Object instance method protected in a new module" # Expected # to have protected instance method 'module_specs_public_method_on_object' but it does not fails "Module#protected makes an existing class method protected" # Expected NoMethodError but no exception was raised (5 was returned) fails "Module#protected raises a NameError when given an undefined name" # Expected NameError but no exception was raised ("undefined" was returned) fails "Module#protected without arguments affects evaled method definitions when itself is outside the eval" # Expected # to have protected instance method 'test1' but it does not fails "Module#protected without arguments affects normally if itself and following method definitions are inside a eval" # Expected # to have protected instance method 'test1' but it does not fails "Module#protected without arguments affects normally if itself and method definitions are inside a module_eval" # Expected # to have protected instance method 'test1' but it does not fails "Module#protected without arguments continues setting visibility if the body encounters other visibility setters with arguments" # Expected # to have protected instance method 'test2' but it does not fails "Module#protected without arguments sets visibility to following method definitions" # Expected # to have protected instance method 'test1' but it does not fails "Module#protected without arguments stops setting visibility if the body encounters other visibility setters without arguments" # Expected # to have private instance method 'test1' but it does not fails "Module#protected without arguments within a closure sets the visibility outside the closure" # Expected # to have protected instance method 'test1' but it does not fails "Module#protected_instance_methods returns a list of protected methods in module and its ancestors" # Expected [] to include "protected_3" fails "Module#protected_instance_methods when not passed an argument returns a unique list for a class including a module" # Expected [] == ["pro"] to be truthy but was false fails "Module#protected_instance_methods when not passed an argument returns a unique list for a subclass" # Expected [] == ["pro"] to be truthy but was false fails "Module#protected_instance_methods when passed false as a parameter, should return only methods defined in that module" # Expected [] == ["protected_3"] to be truthy but was false fails "Module#protected_instance_methods when passed true returns a unique list for a class including a module" # Expected [] == ["pro"] to be truthy but was false fails "Module#protected_instance_methods when passed true returns a unique list for a subclass" # Expected [] == ["pro"] to be truthy but was false fails "Module#protected_method_defined? accepts symbols for the method name" # Expected false == true to be truthy but was false fails "Module#protected_method_defined? calls #to_str to convert an Object" # Expected false == true to be truthy but was false fails "Module#protected_method_defined? raises a TypeError if passed an object that defines #to_sym" # Expected TypeError but no exception was raised (false was returned) fails "Module#protected_method_defined? raises a TypeError if passed an object that does not defined #to_str" # Expected TypeError but no exception was raised (false was returned) fails "Module#protected_method_defined? raises a TypeError if passed false" # Expected TypeError but no exception was raised (false was returned) fails "Module#protected_method_defined? raises a TypeError if passed nil" # Expected TypeError but no exception was raised (false was returned) fails "Module#protected_method_defined? returns true if the named protected method is defined by module or its ancestors" # Expected false == true to be truthy but was false fails "Module#public is a private method" # Expected Module to have private instance method 'public' but it does not fails "Module#public makes a private Object instance method public in Kernel" # Expected Kernel to have public instance method 'module_specs_private_method_on_object_for_kernel_public' but it does not fails "Module#public makes a private Object instance method public in a new module" # Expected # to have public instance method 'module_specs_private_method_on_object' but it does not fails "Module#public raises a NameError when given an undefined name" # Expected NameError but no exception was raised ("undefined" was returned) fails "Module#public without arguments does not affect method definitions when itself is inside an eval and method definitions are outside" # Expected # to have protected instance method 'test1' but it does not fails "Module#public without arguments stops setting visibility if the body encounters other visibility setters without arguments" # Expected # to have protected instance method 'test1' but it does not fails "Module#public_class_method accepts more than one method at a time" # Expected NameError but no exception was raised (nil was returned) fails "Module#public_class_method makes an existing class method public up the inheritance tree" # Expected NoMethodError but no exception was raised (nil was returned) fails "Module#public_class_method makes an existing class method public" # Expected NoMethodError but no exception was raised (nil was returned) fails "Module#public_class_method raises a NameError if class method doesn't exist" # Expected NameError but no exception was raised ("no_method_here" was returned) fails "Module#public_class_method raises a NameError when the given name is an instance method" # Expected NameError but no exception was raised (# was returned) fails "Module#public_class_method raises a NameError when the given name is not a method" # Expected NameError but no exception was raised (# was returned) fails "Module#public_constant accepts multiple names" # ArgumentError: [.public_constant] wrong number of arguments (given 2, expected 1) fails "Module#public_constant can only be passed constant names defined in the target (self) module" # Expected NameError but no exception was raised (nil was returned) fails "Module#public_instance_method raises a NameError if the method is private" # Expected NameError but no exception was raised (# was returned) fails "Module#public_instance_method raises a NameError when given a protected method name" # Expected NameError but no exception was raised (# was returned) fails "Module#public_instance_method raises a TypeError when given a name is not Symbol or String" # Expected TypeError but got: NameError (undefined method `' for class `') fails "Module#public_instance_method when given a public method name accepts if the name is a Symbol or String" # Expected # == # to be truthy but was false fails "Module#public_instance_methods when passed false as a parameter, should return only methods defined in that module" # Expected ["public_3", "private_3", "protected_3"] == ["public_3"] to be truthy but was false fails "Module#public_method_defined? calls #to_str to convert an Object" # Expected false == true to be truthy but was false fails "Module#public_method_defined? raises a TypeError if passed an object that defines #to_sym" # Expected TypeError but no exception was raised (false was returned) fails "Module#public_method_defined? raises a TypeError if passed an object that does not defined #to_str" # Expected TypeError but no exception was raised (false was returned) fails "Module#public_method_defined? raises a TypeError if passed false" # Expected TypeError but no exception was raised (false was returned) fails "Module#public_method_defined? raises a TypeError if passed nil" # Expected TypeError but no exception was raised (false was returned) fails "Module#public_method_defined? returns false if method is not a public method" # Expected true == false to be truthy but was false fails "Module#remove_const is a private method" # Expected [] to include "remove_const" fails "NoMethodError#message for an protected method match /protected method/" # No behavior expectation was found in the example fails "NoMethodError#message for private method match /private method/" # No behavior expectation was found in the example fails "OpenStruct#initialize is private" # Expected OpenStruct to have private instance method 'initialize' but it does not fails "Rational#marshal_dump is a private method" # Expected Rational to have private instance method 'marshal_dump' but it does not fails "Redefining a singleton method does not inherit a previously set visibility" # Expected #> to have private instance method 'foo' but it does not fails "Regexp#initialize is a private method" # Expected Regexp to have private method 'initialize' but it does not fails "Set#flatten_merge is protected" # Expected Set to have protected instance method 'flatten_merge' but it does not fails "String#+@ returns mutable copy despite freeze-magic-comment in file" # NoMethodError: undefined method `tmp' for # fails "StringScanner#initialize is a private method" # Expected StringScanner to have private instance method 'initialize' but it does not end