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      <h1><a href="../classes/MIME/Types.html">MIME::Types</a> Change Log</h1>
Unless explicitly stated differently are all changes produced by Austin
Ziegler &lt;mime-types@halostatue.ca&gt;.
<h2><a href="../classes/MIME/Types.html">MIME::Types</a> 1.15</h2>
<li>Removed lib/mime/type.rb to form a single <a
href="../classes/MIME/Types.html">MIME::Types</a> database source. It is
unlikely that one will ever need <a
href="../classes/MIME/Type.html">MIME::Type</a> without <a

<li>Re-synchronized the <a href="../classes/MIME.html">MIME</a> type list with
the sources, focusing primarily on the IANA list.

<li>Added more detailed source information for <a
href="../classes/MIME/Type.html">MIME::Type</a> objects.

<li>Changed <a href="../classes/MIME/Types.html">MIME::Types</a> from a module
to a class with a default instance. There should be no difference in usage.

<li>Removed MIME::Types::DATA_VERSION; it is now an attribute on the <a
href="../classes/MIME/Types.html">MIME::Types</a> instance.

<li>NOTE: Synchronization with the Perl version of <a
href="../classes/MIME/Types.html">MIME::Types</a> is no longer a priority
as of this release. The data format and information has changed.

<li>Removed MIME::Types.by_suffix and MIME::Types.by_mediatype.

<h2><a href="../classes/MIME/Types.html">MIME::Types</a> 1.13.1</h2>
<li>Fixed a problem with the installer running tests. This now works.

<li>Improved the implementation of MIME::Type.signature?

<li>Moved code around to use the class &lt;&lt; self idiom instead of always
prepending the module/class name.

<li>Added two new best-guess implementations of functions found in Perl&#8217;s
<a href="../classes/MIME/Types.html">MIME::Types</a> implementation (1.13).
Do not rely on these until the purpose and implementation is stabilised.

<li>Updated the <a href="../classes/MIME.html">MIME</a> list to reflect changes
noted by Ville Skytt� &lt;ville.skytta@iki.fi&gt;.

<li>Added a new constant to <a
href="../classes/MIME/Types.html">MIME::Types</a>, DATA_VERSION. This will
allow the Ruby version number to be updated separately from the Perl
version while keeping the <a href="../classes/MIME.html">MIME</a> Type list
version in sync.

<h2><a href="../classes/MIME/Types.html">MIME::Types</a> 1.13</h2>
  ! WARNING: This version changes the API of MIME::Types !
  ! WARNING: This version is compatible with Ruby 1.8 and higher ONLY !
<li>Removed dependency on InstallPackage; offering 1.13 as either .tar.gz or

<li>Split into two files, mime/type.rb and mime/types.rb. This will make
maintaining the list of changes easier.

<li>Changed the <a href="../classes/MIME/Type.html">MIME::Type</a> construction
API. Accepts only a single String argument (but does no named
type-checking) and yields self.

<li>Removed private methods init_extensions, init_encoding, and init_system and
replaced with extensions=, encoding=, and system=.

<li>Added default_encoding to return &#8216;quoted-printable&#8217; or
&#8216;base64&#8217; depending on the media type of the <a
href="../classes/MIME.html">MIME</a> type.

<li>Added raw_media_type and raw_sub_type to provide the non-simplified
versions of the media type and subtype.

<li>Alternative constructors <a
href="../classes/MIME/Type.html#M000017">MIME::Type.from_array</a>, <a
href="../classes/MIME/Type.html#M000018">MIME::Type.from_hash</a>, and <a
added to compensate for the removal of named type checking in the original

<li>Added to_str, to_a, and to_hash methods. The latter two will provide output
suitable for use in from_array and from_hash.

<li>Removed &quot;binary&quot; encoding and enforced the use of a valid
encoding string.

<li>Added system? returning true if the <a
href="../classes/MIME/Type.html">MIME::Type</a> is an OS-specific <a

<li>Added platform? returning true if the <a
href="../classes/MIME/Type.html">MIME::Type</a> is an OS-specific <a
href="../classes/MIME/Type.html">MIME::Type</a> for the current

<li>Added like? returning true if the simplified type matches the other value
is true.

<li>Added complete? returning true if the <a
href="../classes/MIME/Type.html">MIME::Type</a> specifies an extension

<li>Updated the <a href="../classes/MIME.html">MIME</a> type list to reflect
additions by Mark Overmeer for Perl&#8217;s <a
href="../classes/MIME/Types.html">MIME::Types</a> 1.12 and the official
IANA list as of 2004.04.06. A number of formerly &quot;registered&quot; <a
href="../classes/MIME.html">MIME</a> types are now no longer registered
(e.g., application/excel is now application/x-excel). This ensures that the
simplified type still works with applications, but does not report an
unregistered type as registered.

<li>Restored <a href="../classes/MIME.html">MIME</a> type list to Mark
Overmeer&#8217;s format to facilitate easy exchange between the two

<li>Added additional unit tests from Mark Overmeer&#8217;s 1.12 version.

<h2><a href="../classes/MIME/Types.html">MIME::Types</a> 1.07</h2>
<li>Changed version numbering to match Perl <a
href="../classes/MIME/Types.html">MIME::Types</a> 1.07.

<li>Re-synchronized with Mark Overmeer&#8217;s list in Perl PMIME::Types 1.07.

      - [NN Poster] updated the attributes for the PGP types.
<h2><a href="../classes/MIME/Types.html">MIME::Types</a> 1.005</h2>
<li>Changed to Phil Thomson&#8217;s InstallPackage.

<li>Added several types from Perl <a
href="../classes/MIME/Types.html">MIME::Types</a> 1.005.

<li>Cleaned up data format; some data formats will show up with proper data

<h2><a href="../classes/MIME/Types.html">MIME::Types</a> 1.004</h2>
<li>Updated to match Perl <a href="../classes/MIME/Types.html">MIME::Types</a>
1.004, links credited to Dan Puro. Adds new reference list to <a

<li>Removed InvalidType and replaced with TypeError.

<li>Changed instances of type to class.

<li>Cleaned up how simplified versions are created.

<h2><a href="../classes/MIME/Types.html">MIME::Types</a> 1.003</h2>
<li>Initial release based on Perl <a
href="../classes/MIME/Types.html">MIME::Types</a> 1.003.

#&#8212; # <a href="../classes/MIME/Types.html">MIME::Types</a> for Ruby #
# Copyright 2003 - 2006 Austin Ziegler. # Licensed under a MIT-style
licence. # # $Id: ChangeLog,v 1.3 2006/02/12 21:27:21 austin Exp $ #++ #
vim: sts=2 sw=2 ts=4 et ai tw=77




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